• Published 29th Nov 2014
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Pokémon - The Equestrian Chronicles: Land of Equestria Saga - StrangeBehavior

One unforeseen event triggers the start of an epic story, and the birth of an adventure unlike any other... Are you ready for battles between gods?

  • ...

Chapter 5: A Clash Between Dragons...(Tweaked)

-[Ever Grande City - Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire]-
Apple Bloom screamed as she hung on tightly to Rosa's Arcanine, as the Legendary Pokémon sped around Sweet Apple Acres for the third time, looking for Sean, who was not at his usual sleeping spot.

Rosa was wearing goggles as she looked, and said, "Hmm...He's not here either..."
They were coming up to the front of the barn, Rosa patted Arcanine's neck, giving the FIRE Type the signal. Arcanine nodded, and slowed to a stop in front of the barn doors, where Big Mac was walking towards.

Rosa spoke to the red stallion, "Big Mac, I'm going to look for Sensei Sean outside the farm, he's nowhere in Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Bloom and I will look for him in Ponyville. Mind letting Applejack know for me?"

Big Mac nodded and said, "Eeyup..."

Rosa smiled as she nodded, she first said to Apple Bloom, "Hold on tightly, OK..."
Then, said to her Arcanine, "Alright Arcanine, to Ponyville..."

Arcanine then sprinted to Ponyville, not as fast as he was moments ago, and after Arcanine carrying his trainer and the little filly past the farm's gate, Big Mac headed inside the house to inform Applejack...

-[Pallet Town - Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver]-
Ponyville went about their daily business, though they stopped to see a massive orange dog-like creature speed down the streets, it was one of these 'Pokémon' creatures Princess Twilight and the other Elements of Harmony say they were called.

Rosa thought she would visit Twilight's home first, to ask for her help and to see if Sean was there. She had Arcanine stop at the Golden Oak's Library and gently put a trembling Apple Bloom down on the ground. Rosa politely knocked on the door, and a drowsy Spike answered it.

Spike asked lazily, "*Yawn* Who is it...?"
Rosa thought the baby dragon was adorable and answered, "Come on Spike, it's me, Rosa...I'm here with Apple Bloom, and we're trying to find Sensei Sean, is he here?"

Then, Twilight's voice said, "Hey Spike...Who's at the door?"
Twilight headed over to the door, and said, "Oh, Rosa...What are you doing here?"

Rosa said, "Me and Apple Bloom are looking for Sensei Sean...He isn't anywhere at Sweet Apple Acres, and I was wondering if he is here?"
Twilight thought for a moment, then remembered, "Yes, he was here earlier, but I was still asleep when Sean was here, Professor Oakido told me."

And then, Professor Oak walked up to the door, and said, "Why good morning Rosa...I still find it hard to believe that these 'pegasus' creatures have full control of the weather here, hence the very 'good morning'. I take it you're here looking for Hashimoto?"
Rosa perked up a little and replied, "Yes, do you know where he is, Professor?"

Professor Oak looked at Ponyville, and pointed, "Down that way, to...uh...Fluttershy's house? Yes, yes, Fluttershy's house, down that way."
Rosa bowed in the traditional Japanese manner and said to the Pokémon Professor, albeit crudely, "ありがとう."

Apple Bloom was excited to ride Arcanine again, and was put on by Rosa as she told Arcanine to head for Fluttershy's.
Twilight chuckled a little and said to Professor Oak, "Alright Professor, now may we continue your explanation about Evolution Stones...?"

Professor Oak chuckled himself as he said, "Certainly, but only if you tell me all about these, 'Elements of Harmony', you talked about last night..."

-[Hurry Along 2 - Pokémon Black and White]-
Within seven minutes, Rosa arrived at Fluttershy's cottage, and with her was Apple Bloom and her two friends from school. Apple Bloom's friends were a unicorn filly named Sweetie Bell (Rarity's little sister) and a pegasus filly named Scootaloo.

The three fillies called themselves, to Rosa, a cute little group called, the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders'. They go about doing all kinds of things to earn their Cutie Marks, to find their special talent.

Scootaloo was already spit-balling ideas for how they can get their cutie marks involving Pokémon, Rosa quietly giggled at the energy these three young ponies gave off, they were much like herself when she was in the Pokémon Training Academy.

She saw Steven Stone, Brendan, and a now awake Korrina walk towards her, Rosa thought, then said, "Mr. Tsuwabaki, Yūki, Ms. Cornélia! Over here!"
The three trainers noticed Rosa waving at them, then she, her Arcanine, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders headed over to them.
Steven had a hunch, and asked the American trainer, "You're here looking for Hashimoto, Rosa-san?"

Rosa nodded a yes, then Korrina said, "He's at that waterfall over there, with that...uh...pegasus named Fluttershy..."

Rosa and the CMC were then led by Brendan to the waterfall they were talking about is...

-[Cave of Origin - Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire]-
Rosa saw Sean was underneath a waterfall, but blushed a bright red when she saw that her mentor was in nothing but his underwear, as he was in a meditative posture.

As Rosa got closer, she heard Fluttershy say to the trainer, "...please Sean, you'll catch a cold if you stay under that waterfall without any clothes on..."

Sean was silent, until he said, "This helps me achieve a stronger mental focus, Fluttershy-san. I do this thing whenever I sense my mind getting unfocused, and when I need to clear my mind from doubt...I do, however, appreciate your concern..."

Fluttershy continued egging on, trying to be more assertive to the trainer refusing to leave his pose. Rosa chuckled as she knew Fluttershy was fighting a battle the pegasus lost before it even began, she knew, because she did the same thing multiple times in the past during her training under Sean.

Sean's Metagross came up and said, ~"Sean was deeply troubled by a dream he had last night, and only had an hour's worth of sleep. He talked to Professor Oakido about it, then he decided to meditate to clear his thoughts...He's been under that waterfall since 4:00 AM in the morning..."~

Rosa gasped and started to worry about her teacher/friend, because that can easily make Sean catch a cold or a small flu, if he was under that waterfall as long as his Metagross says.

About two hours later, everyone gathered at the waterfall (Twilight and her friends, and the Pokémon Trainers) and then saw Fluttershy, finally give up on getting Sean out of meditating under the waterfall.

Fluttershy angrily uttered, "Why is Sean being so stubborn about getting out of the waterfall. I tried to be nice..."
Steven said to Fluttershy, "Meditation is a form of spiritual training to focus one's mind, Fluttershy-san. It is also used to help the one meditating to calm any troubles one has in his mind and heart..."

Fluttershy softened a little, then Rosa continued, "...And they say that meditating in water or under a waterfall helps cleanse one's soul of impurities a person carries."

Fluttershy sighed in understanding, then Sean got up from his posture, Korrina guessed, "I think he's done meditating..."

Sean swam over to the others and grabbed a towel to dry himself off with the help of his Charizard using a restrained Heat Wave attack.

Twilight asked Sean as he put on his pants, "Hey Sean...Is the thing troubling you...about your grandfather?"
Sean stopped, like the wrong chord was plucked, he got up and resumed dressing as he said, "Maybe a little...but it was something else entirely that was troubling me and...I..."

He yawned from the lack of sleep he had last night, and continued, "...Nevermind, it is my personal problem, and I have to be the one to face it, or else it will linger long after I pass away...So, I appreciate you all offering to help me, but when it comes to personal demons, though you can get help from others...In the end it is you and you alone, who has to put them to rest...So you can finally get closure and move on with your life..."

The ponies never thought about dealing with problems the way Sean described, and it made them all think about all the personal demons they had to face. They saw Sean's face, and it was clear now, that he was filled with sadness and it made them fill with pity and concern.

Spike gagged grossly, making Twilight say, "Oh come on Spike, I know that what Sean just said was depressing, but that doesn't mean that you had to be..."
Spike then belched green flames, and from the embers, a scroll formed, and was quickly snatched up by Sean's Staraptor.
The Predator Pokémon landed in front of Twilight and presented the scroll in front of the alicorn.

Twilight said nervously to the NORMAL/FLYING Type, "T-thank you...Staraptor..."
The giant bird-of-prey screeched, "STAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR!" as Twilight used her magic to take the scroll from Staraptor's beak.

Twilight recognized that it was from Princess Celestia, and read it.
"Hmm..." She thought as she read the scroll.
Pinkie Pie jumped as she said, "Well Twilight? What does it say?"
The wild Gengar the party pony befriended, agreed as it said, "Geeennnn-Gaaaaarrrrrr!"

Twilight jolted as she said, "O-oh, sorry...he-he-hee...Its a letter from Princess Celestia, for you Pokémon Trainers..."
Korrina replied, "Well what does the scroll say? If you haven't noticed, we don't read your language..."
Sean glared at the young Gym Leader, and said, "Though Cornélia-san came off a bit as RUDE...She is right, we don't know how to read your alphabet..."

"Well..." Twilight began, but noticed something was off with the wild Gengar, "Hey...What's going on with that Gengar?"
The wild Gengar was tickling and hugging Pinkie Pie, who was laughing nonstop at her friend's playfulness.

Sean was wide eyed and wore a big grin on his face, as he answered, "Well, it seems that wild Gengar has taken a particularly strong liking to Pinkie Pie, and in such a short while too..."

Rosa and May gasped with excitement, as May asked, "Does...that...mean...?"
Pinkie Pie snapped out of it as she asked, "What? Does it mean, what? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell Me-e-e-e!!!"

Steven and Professor Oak caught on as Steven confirmed, "It means, Pinkie, that Gengar wants you to be his Pokémon Trainer..."

Everypony all shouted in unison, "WHAT?!"
Professor Oak explained, "Well, when a wild pokemon gets affectionate enough by the actions of a person, or in this case, pony...It develops a bond with the pony to a degree that can only be found in a pokemon and its trainer. So Gengar wants to stay with you Pinkie because of your friendship with him..."

-[Friends Theme "a New Meeting" - Pokémon X and Y]-
Pinkie asked the Shadow Pokémon, "D-do you really want to be with little old me?!"
The wild Gengar made a peace sign with its fingers and replied confidently while winking, "Gennnn!"

~"He said yes..."~ Sean's Metagross said telepathically.
Rosa had to say with surprise, "Wow Pinkie, you managed to befriend a pokemon you only met a few days ago, and have already formed a strong bond with it? I am impressed..."

Pinkie then hugged her new Gengar tightly as she said, "Yay! A new playmate for me! Oh, we are going to do so many fun things together...!"
Professor Oak said to the Earth Pony, "Yes, you most certainly will, but first, you would have to catch Gengar in a Poké Ball, and be a registered Pokémon Trainer, before you do all that..."

Pinkie let go of her Gengar, and said, "Huh...Well how do I become a Pokémon Trainer...and where am I going to find a Poké Ball..."
Sean looked in his backpack and said, "Huh...I didn't notice before, but I have an empty Poké Ball here Pinkie can use, and Professor..."

The elderly man asked, "Yes?"
Sean asked, "You can actually register a new trainer, correct?"

Professor Oak thought for a moment, then said, "Why, yes I can, provided that...I...have..."
He patted himself, and rummaged through his pockets until he said, "Ah! Here it is..."

He then pulled out a brand-new Pokédex, like freshly polished brand new, and said, "I knew I had an empty Pokédex in my pockets. This will do, until we can create a Trainer Card for Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie recieved the Pokédex...

Pinkie hopped in front of the human scientist, and said, "Great! What do I do?"
Professor Oak placed Pinkie's hoof on to a little port, and it scanned Pinkie's hoof-print and a computerized voice said, {"Fingerprint Scan Complete...Registering user...Designation?"}
Pinkie, somehow, knew the Pokédex was asking her name and said, "Pinkamena Diane Pie, but my friends call me Pinkie Pie..."
The Pokédex spoke again, {"Registering, Pinkie Pie, registration complete...You are now a registered Pokémon Trainer, move to the nearest Pokémon Center to be registered in the Trainer Database..."}
Professor Oak explained that for now, Pinkie can skip that last part, and she was given the empty Poké Ball by Sean.

She asked, "Now what?"
Sean answered, "Now tap or throw the Poké Ball, have that button touch the pokemon you want to capture it. Gengar will comply and let itself be captured, or else the Poké Ball will fail and break..."

Pinkie held out the Poké Ball, then Gengar quickly touch the button, then it glowed and turned into red energy, and went inside the Poké Ball. It wriggled a couple times, until it made a loud *DOONG* sound and a couple stars popped out of the button.

Rosa said, "Congrats Pinkie-san, when a Poké Ball does that, it means you caught Gengar successfully...Now he belongs to you..."
Pinkie shouted, "Yahoo! Can I name it?"

Sean said, "Yeah, Gengar is your Pokémon now. So your obligated to name him if you feel like it..."
Pinkie sent out her Gengar as she got more and more excited, "Ooo! I know the perfect name, Ghostie!"
Gengar gave a deadpanned face, which May and Spike commented at the same time, "I don't think he likes that name..."

Pinkie thought out loud, "Hmm...How about, Haunty Haunterson?"
Pinkie's Gengar thought about it, and said in a pleased tone, "Gennnn-garrrr!"

Pinkie Pie squeed in delight and hugged her new Gengar, Haunty...

Pinkie obtained a Gengar!

Sean then said, "Considering that Pinkie-san has a new Pokémon partner, chances are practically guaranteed that the rest of you will meet your own Partner Pokémon...And, I guess I can give this for you to borrow Pinkie..."

-[Obtained a TM - Pokémon X and Y]-
The trainer handed Pinkie a strange, circular device that resembled a smaller, purple vinyl disk.
Pinkie obtained TM 30 Shadow Ball.
Pinkie looked at it and said, "O-o-o-o...What is it?"

Rosa answered, "That is a Technical Machine, or TM for short...It can teach a move to any eligible Pokémon that can learn that one move, in the past, TMs could only be used once, but now they can be used multiple times..."

Sean continued, "And this is TM #30, Shadow Ball...It is the staple GHOST Type attack, and Haunty can learn Shadow Ball through this item. There are a large number of TMs that contain all kinds of moves, of various Pokémon Types, and many vary in different regions and countries. They're very handy when you need to have a Pokémon of yours learn a specific move."

Twilight was amazed at the appearance of the TM, but said, "Wait, we're getting sidetracked, this is an urgent letter from Celestia!"
Sean smacked his face, remembering that and cursing himself for getting so distracted, and said, "Okay Twilight-san, what does Celestia-hime need us Pokémon Trainers to do...?"

-[Magnet Train - Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver]-
Two hours later...

Steven, Professor Oak, Spike, and Korrina waved bye to the group as they boarded a train heading for Canterlot. Then, Sean, Rosa, Brendan, May, and the Mane Six boarded another train that will take them near Ghastly Gorge. Sean had his Torterra stay behind to look after the Cutie Mark Crusaders and to keep them out of trouble, as they went crusading for their Cutie Marks.

"TOOT TOOT! Next stop, Ghastly Gorge!" Sean shouted out the window, as the train started to move, and it chuffed out of Ponyville station.

-[The Battle Subway - Pokémon Black and White]-
"So we are heading to Ghastly Gorge to solve a problem with a really greedy and nasty dragon causing trouble?" Applejack asked Twilight as the train was heading to their destination.

Twilight was silent as Sean answered for her, "Yes we are, Apple-san...From what we were told, this dragon was stealing treasure all over Equestria and stirring up all sorts of trouble to folks."

Pinkie Pie and her Gengar, Haunty, were quietly sitting down as Brendan and Rosa tried to explain to the Earth Pony how a TM is used, and how she uses it to teach Haunty the move, Shadow Ball. Twilight was actually focused on how a TM works, and wasn't paying attention to the conversation Sean and Applejack were having about the letter Celestia sent them.

May waved her hand in front of the alicorn's face, saying, "Hello...? Earth to Princess Twilight Sparkle...? Are you here?"
Twilight snapped out of her thoughts and said, "O-oh...Sorry, my mind was...somewhere else..."

May asked in a sly tone, "You were curious about the mechanics of TMs and Poké Balls, right....?"
Twilight rubbed the back of her head and blushed, admitting that May nailed it on the head, for some reason, that made Sean look at his backpack, and start rummaging through it.

Rarity noticed and asked, "Sean dear, why are you digging through that dusty bag of yours?"
Sean answered, "I just realized that I only had that one Poké Ball that I gave to Pinkie-san..."

May and Applejack asked sarcastically, "Yeah...so...?"
Sean's answer made everyone in the rail-car look at him, "...I remember I had more empty Poké Balls than that on me back at Kyushu...So, I'm checking through all my stuff to see if anything else is missing..."

Everyone now realized what was really going on, and then Sean continued, "Haruka-chan, Yūki-kun, Rosa-chan...I suggest that you guys do the same...Check your bags to see if anything is missing..."

May, Brendan, and Rosa started to do the same, and with the insistence of Rarity and Twilight, organized all their belongings...

Sean had pulled out numerous items from his backpack, like (but not all of them);
A carrier case that had all his TMs and HMs...
A couple clothes he knew was there...
Several medicines and Items for Pokémon...
A small black-and-grey device...
A large number of Pokémon Berries...
A decorated Silver bell and a metallic-like feather...
A collapsible Bicycle...
A metal object that had yellow circles on it...
A pair of Shoes that had roller skates attached...
A rabbit-sized grey rock covered in circular depressions...
And, a case that contains a gold-colored card with Sean's picture and eight decorative pins...

Rosa had more or less, the same, except she had;
A black, grey, and yellow, triangular spike as big as a railroad spike...
A couple empty Poké Balls...
A round lump of pure gold as big as a apple...
Several special gems for Pokémon to use...
And, a strange looking mirror...

May had the same kinds of items Rosa had, (more or less) with her, except for a headband-like machine with two antennae with two milky yellow orbs at the end...

Brendan was the same as May, except for;
A machine he uses to make Pokéblocks...
And a couple jars, filled with sweet honey...

The Mane Six were fascinated, confused, and a little grossed out (by Sean's dusty rock, and what looked like a dismembered beak) by some of these items the Pokémon Trainers had...

Sean said aloud, "I knew it...We are missing some things, and I have a couple things I know for certain I left at my home...Like the Silver Wing and Tidal Bell..."
Rarity levitated Sean's dusty rock and said, "Well it is obvious that this wasn't meant to be in your bag, Sean dear...I'll dispose of it for you..."

Sean saw Rarity and saw what she held, and immediately said, "WAIT! That I do remember I put in my backpack intentionally! I had it in there when we were transported to Equestria...Careful with it, please..."
Rarity complied, and levitated the ugly rock to Sean, making Twilight ask, "Sean, what is so special about that rock? It looks like any rock, if you ask me...?"

The others agreed, until Sean said, "This is no ordinary rock girls, this rock is actually more valuable than that Big Nugget of Rosa-chan's..."
This made Applejack and Rainbow Dash ask flat-out, "What are you talking about...? It's a rock...Nothing more...!"

Pinkie looked at it and said with a gasp, "Gaahhhhhoooo! I've never seen a rock like this before...And I grew up on a rock farm with a family of rock experts..."
Sean chuckled as everyone now was a little curious, and added, "I wouldn't expect you to know Pinkie-san...Because, this is a meteorite, a rock from outer reaches of space..."

Everyone gasped, they had heard of meteors, but had never seen one, until now. This really excited Twilight, she always wanted to see these extremely rare meteors she thought were just old legends in her world...

Twilight said, "A-amazing! A REAL METEOR! C-c-can I please see it, please??? I've never seen a real meteor before..."
Sean laughed as he said, "Sure Twilight-san. But, I would like it to be in one piece please. I don't know why, I just get a feeling that I should keep it intact for something important..."

Then, they heard the train's breaks screech as the train started to slow down.
Twilight knew what that must mean, and said in a serious tone, "Sounds like we're here..."

-[Mt. Horn - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky]-
After packing all their stuff, Sean, Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy got off the stopped train first, to help everyone else get off, especially Brendan, because of his arm in a cast.
Twilight levitated Rarity and May down, who (with the help of Sean's Metagross) carefully carried Brendan from the train and placed him on the ground.
Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy lifted Applejack down from the rail-car, while Pinkie was levitated down by Haunty using Psychic.

Rosa was a little hesitant at first, but relented and was levitated by Twilight, and was caught by her mentor when Twilight lost focus for a brief moment.

Sean asked Rosa, "You okay?"
Rosa was a little embarrassed, but managed to say, "Mm...Mm-hmm...I'll be fine...S-sensei..."

Rosa's face was blushing a bright red as Sean gently put the American trainer down on her feet.
Rarity noticed the expression on Rosa's face and wondered, I wonder, could Rosa have some sort of crush on Sean?

Rosa was actually blushing because her fall made it where, by accident, Sean caught her under her armpits, where his thumbs were touching her chest. Lately, it seemed, Rosa had become more and more sensitive about being touched anywhere besides her arms and head, it was a clear sign that Rosa was getting the really nity-gritty, time-frame of puberty. Sean already past that point a couple years ago, but (sadly) didn't understand why Rosa's face looked as red as his Red Gyarados.

He placed his hand on Rosa's forehead, making the young lady flinch in surprise. He then placed his own forehead against her's, everyone noticed and were getting the thought, that Sean is going to kiss his student on the lips.

Sean said, not noticing Rosa's face getting redder, "Alright...You're not having a fever, but your temperature is slightly warmer than it should be..."
Everyone fell over in disappointment, all that build up for that?! Sean just checking if Rosa was getting sick, of all things?!

Pinkie, being Pinkie, shouted, "Oh, COME ON!!!"
Everyone tried to shush her as Sean took his head away from Rosa's and looked over at the group huddled together (trying to keep Pinkie's mouth shut), he asked, "What are you talking about, Pinkie-san? I had to be sure Rosa-chan was not getting sick, because we cannot afford to get sick in Equestria..."

That, alone, made everyone stop and look at the Kansai trainer, as Twilight asked, "Why is that so, Sean? Giving the similarities that our world and yours have from what you've told us about it, the sicknesses should be the same..."

Sean scratched his head as he continued, "Even though that might be true, you have to consider this; Even IF the diseases are the same, they could have drastically different effects...I'm especially concerned about diseases your world has exclusively, like the Feather-Flu or Cutie Pox. Those diseases that exist in your world, are virtually unknown in ours, so we have no idea how they would effect pokemon or humans for that matter, they could just get us really sick, or they could be potentially lethal and kill us..."

That made everyone gulp in nervousness, that thought never crossed some of their minds.

Sean continued, "...And even if they simply give us the Flu, we don't have enough medical supplies or even one who is an expert in Medical care, to help remedy those sicknesses for the simple reason that a sickness that is easy to cure in your world, has no effect due to the minute differences two versions of the same disease has on two kinds of creatures from different worlds, via different dimensions. It is because of small stuff like that, can become a enormous problem if simply brushed aside, that is how and why even the tiniest problem, can suddenly become a big problem. That was why you guys saw me behaving like, as you put it, a 'germaphobe' earlier, with me washing my hands constantly and being careful about where I am. You simply cannot brush that off, like dust..."

Twilight spoke up after a minute of (eerie) silence, "When you put it like that...We really shouldn't brush off even the slightest hint of sickness, or else..."
She shuddered at the thought of how many things can go seriously wrong, as Rarity spoke, "I really should have had that thought cross my mind, since I always pay attention to little details..."

Sean turned back to Rosa, who was quite nervous, and said to his student, "Even if your slightly higher temperature is nothing Rosa, we cannot ignore it. So when we get back to Ponyville, or head to Canterlot as Princess Celestia said we should do if we find more trainers, I need you to wash your clothes and take a warm shower to kill off germs that could present a problem in the future. Do you understand, Rosa-chan?"

Rosa was slightly touched by the genuine concern her teacher was showing to her (heck, those last few sentences made Sean sound like her own father to Rosa), and simply replied, "H-hai...S-se-sensei..."

~"Not to ruin your heated discussion on the possibility of trans-dimensional diseases...But, I would like to point out that our target is approximately 15 degrees southeast, and nearly 40 clicks from our present location..."~ Sean's Metagross spoke telepathically in its Poké Ball, alerting everyone on why they're here in the first place.

Looking down the direction the Iron Leg Pokémon pointed out, they saw Ghastly Gorge, and then saw the form of a dragon fly into the canyon.

"Well..." Rainbow Dash spoke up, "Let's get on down there, and teach that dragon what's up..."

Inside Ghastly Gorge, twenty minutes later...

-[Mt. Pyre Interior - Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire]-
"So...you guys could only use the 'Elements of Harmony' with the power of friendship...?"

Sean had asked Twilight as they walked through Ghastly Gorge's bottom, "Yes, because Princess Celestia said that only with the power friendship gives, can we do anything..."

Sean pondered for a minute, then said aloud, "That reminds me of something, Friendship is unnecessary..."

Everyone gasped, thinking he wasn't respecting the value of friendship, but Sean raised his hand, and continued saying, "...like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival. a quote by C. S. Lewis, X/XX/19XX..."

Rosa asked, "What was that, sensei? And why did you mention C. S. Lewis? He's an author from a long time ago, what does what you said and that author have to put them in the...?"

She was interrupted as Sean explained, "It is a quote I read a while back, what it means is this; While friendship isn't as important to us, in a way food and water is, it holds value because it establishes bonds that are necessary in a spiritual sense. In short, people, or ponies in this case, don't need friendship to live, but it is important for us, as a socially driven species, that gives meaning to our time alive, here, with our loved ones."

Twilight took that meaning to heart, wanting to write about it some time in the future, and could only say, "Wow, who knew...your cultures must value friendship like us..."

Sean nervously scratched his hat as he said, "Uh...W-well...not really...but friendship is important between a pokemon and its trainer...So important, in fact, that some Pokémon can only evolve if they have a high enough friendship value with their trainer..."

That hit the ponies like a ton of bricks, as they all exclaimed, "REALLY?!"

Sean smirked as he added, "Yes, really...For many Pokémon, they have different evolution paths, depending on the Pokémon itself. To name a few examples; There are some Pokémon that can only evolve in the day or night time, there are some that can evolve in certain locations, and a few who can only evolve if they know a certain move. There are many more, some of which we have yet to discover even, but as our knowledge of Pokémon grow with the answers we find, the more questions and mysteries start to appear..."

-[A Mysterious Figure - DragonBall Z]-
Sean swiftly turned around and unsheathed his katana (Japanese sword) at an unseen speed, making Rainbow Dash flinch and scream for a second when the blade nearly scratched her nose. Everyone turned around and saw a small boulder just hit the ground, then saw the silhouette of something big, just a few feet from where the fallen stone lies.

The Mane Six panicked when the silhouette looked like a...
"D-d-d-d-drag-g-g-gon!" Fluttershy uttered meekly.

"No, Dragonite...That is a Dragonite..." Sean said as the dust cleared, revealing a small, tanish-orange dragon with small wings, it looked cartoonish by its appearance.

Pinkie gasped as she said, "Wait a minute! Isn't Dragonblitz a Dragonite? But why is this Dragonite all orange when Rosa's is...Ohh!!!"
Rosa said, "Yes, Dragonblitz is a Shiny Pokémon, Pinkie. This is what a Dragonite looks like normally, I know because Sensei raises quite a few of them, being an honorary member of some clan of DRAGON Type users from the Kansai Region..."

"And, this Dragonite clearly had a trainer, but..." Sean spoke as he eyed the Dragon Pokémon.

Fluttershy asked with concern, "Was it treated poorly?"
Sean replied, "No...It was treated exceptionally well, the issue was; Its trainer seems to have released it for some reason, or..."

Everyone was a little worried when Sean looked down sadly, then continued, "...Or, its trainer passed away before...It could be..."
Everyone noticed Sean shed a tear, and Twilight asked, "Sean? Is this Dragonite...your grandfather's Pokémon...or...could it bring memories about him...?"

Sean replied, "The second...I don't know who this Dragonite belonged to...but, it seemed this Pokémon was greatly loved when he or she was alive..."
The Wild Dragonite smiled as it cried out, "Drrraaaaagggggggg-oooooonnnnnnn!"

Fluttershy squeaked when the Dragonite grabbed the shy pegasus and nuzzled her in a tender way.
Pinkie exclaimed, "Aww...Fluttershy found her Partner Pokémon palsy-walsy..."

Fluttershy looked shocked at Pinkie's comment, but looked back at the Dragon Pokémon, and petted its nose tenderly. She thought that Dragonite might be a great partner for her, and smiled at that.

"If that's true, Pinkie..." Rosa commented, "Then Fluttershy would have a powerful, and trustworthy Pokémon to have as a friend. Dragonite does seem to like your friendly attitude and the aura you're giving off..."

Fluttershy noticed Dragonite looking down the canyon, and asked, "Dragonite? what's wrong?"
Sean looked down the canyon and saw what the Wild Dragonite was seeing, as he said, "Everyone, that dragon we came here for...we're here..."

-[Strange House - Pokémon Black 2 and White 2]-
Everyone saw the walls of the gorge had various claw marks and burns over them. Then, they heard it snoring loudly, the dragon that the trainers and ponies came for. As they turned around a bend, they beheld a gigantic grey dragon, sleeping on a pile of gold, silver, jewels, and all sorts of treasures it stole from all over Equestria.

Sean whistled as he said, "Wow, if only Wataru-sama was here, he would flip his lid right now..."
Fluttershy heard the teenager and asked, "Um...Who's Wataru? Is he someone you know, Sean?"

The dragon woke up and growled at everyone, with all the Pokémon out at the moment taking a battle stance.
Pinkie shouted, "Haunty! Use Shadow Ball!"
The party pony was trying to mimic how Pokémon Trainers battle, but Gengar looked back at his new trainer, confused.

Pinkie snorted a chuckle as she said, "Oh right...I forgot I haven't used that TM thingie on you yet...He-he-he, silly me..."
Gengar face palmed his face saying, "Geennn-gggaaaarrr..."

The dragon lunged at the intruders, but was knocked back by a Garchomp that used Giga Impact.
The Mane Six assumed that Sean sent out his Garchomp, but noticed that the fin on its back had no cut or notch, Twilight noted that this was possibly a female Garchomp.

-[Champion Cynthia - Pokémon Diamond & Pearl]-
Sean looked at the Mach Pokémon that saved them closely, and exclaimed, "I-I know that Garchomp! I know who's it is..."

Then a woman's voice spoke up, "You would know it Hashimoto-kun...After all, you did win the Sinnoh Regionals Championships against me and my Garchomp..."

Everyone turned around to see a young woman wearing a black outfit, and one of her noticeable features was shin-length, blonde hair. Sean smirked widely as he saw this Garchomp's trainer. She was one of the toughest trainers he ever faced, and is a very good friend of his...

Sean spoke, "How you doing, Shinora-sama (Cynthia)..."

-[Deep Within Team Galactic HQ - Pokèmon Diamond & Pearl]-
Several bounty hunter ponies (well over 10) cornered the most wanted human in Equestria, Cyrus.

"We got you now, Akagi…" one of them said cockily…
Another said, "That bounty on your head is as good as ours. I'm getting my drinks on tonight, baby…!"

Cyrus said nothing, but he was surprisingly calm, despite his predicament. It was unsettling for some of them, and did notify those who didn't notice.
The leader of the group said in a Brooklyn-like accent, "What yah' smiling about, freak? I oughta' smack that grin off of you's ugly mug."

That made the ex-leader of Team Galactic speak calmly, "Funny, you call me a freak, when in my eyes, you're the freaks…And your willing to put a wanted man in jail, just for the money, and not for the good of your race, correct? Greed compels you to do things that, supposedly, make your hearts fill with a sense of accomplishment for doing a good deed…? It seems this world too, is filled with people who have that ugly thing called a spirit…"

The leader of the pony gang said, with the other bounty hunters getting that they have just been insulted, "What you's saying, punk? We are ugly huh? So we're freaks, huh? That's it! Come on guys, let's bust him up REALS good!"

"YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!" the other ponies shouted as they charged at the human.

Cyrus raised his left hand up to his face, and snapped his fingers.

It was too late for any of the bounty hunters to realize it, as Cyrus' Weavile swiftly took each of them down by using Brick Break. They all screamed in pain as the attack knocked them all to the ground. The Sharp Claw Pokémon looked down on its opponents with a grin on its face, as its master walked to the bounty hunter leader.

The leader coughed as he opened his eyes to the tall human, who then placed his foot on his head, then said, "If you or your cronies don't want to die, I suggest you carefully weigh your options…pony…"

The leader did so, and came to only one option…
"Whatever you say…"
Cyrus smirked wickedly as the leader finished, "Boss…"

The other bounty hunters, followed suit, addressing Cyrus as their new leader…

-[Supporting Me - Sonic Adventure 2]-
The Mane Six, except Pinkie, rummaged through the stolen treasure, while the trainers, and the Wild Dragonite, distracted the grey dragon. Celestia informed them that an important artifact was stolen by this dragon last night, so they looked through trying to find the artifact.

"Haunty! Use Shadow Punch!" the party pony shouted to her Gengar.
Haunty nodded and launched a ghost-like fist from his fist, and the attack collided with the dragon's face. Sean's Sylveon used the FAIRY Type move, Moonblast, and launched the blue and pink orb at the dragon's chest. Rosa's Gigalith and Brendan's Sceptile fired their Solarbeam attacks at the massive reptile.

Cynthia's Garchomp fired a Flamethrower when the grey dragon breathed fire at the trainers and the pokemon. The two fire attacks collided and cancelled each other out, the dragon was slightly confused that these puny creatures were putting up a heck of a fight.

He turned his attention to his treasure, and was furious to see five ponies digging through, and roared, "THAT...IS...MY...TREASURE!!!"
Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow turned quickly to see the dragon charging right at them with an arm poised back, only for the wild Dragonite to fly over to them and prepared to shield them from the dragon's attack...

Fluttershy shouted, "No! Dragonite!"
The kind DRAGON/FLYING-Type pokemon was slashed across the chest, leaving horrific gouges on its body, shielding them from what would be an attack that no pony would survive. The Dragonite fell on the hard ground on its back, rendered unconscious from the force alone, and is in dire need of help.

The dragon continued its assault, only to be tackled to the ground by three figures, they were Pokémon Sean and Rosa recognized immediately...

Rosa tearfully said, "Bernard! It's you!"
Bernard was a dog-like Pokémon called a Stoutland, as Bernard woofed that he found his trainer and ran up to her.

"Aerodactyl! Heracross! You two are here as well!" Sean said enthusiastically.
Aerodactyl was a greyish-lavender that resembled both a wyvern and a prehistoric pterosaur, it had a large jaw filled with sharp teeth.
Heracross was a BUG/FIGHTING-Type Pokémon that resembled a giant beetle with a massive horn on its head, the horn's shape meant that Heracross was a male.

Sean squinted, and noticed something was riding on the back of his Aerodactyl as it landed, he was happy to see who they were…

They were;
A small human-like Pokémon with long, green hair that resembled a musical scale, and the Pokémon itself resembled a pop-star.
A young girl dressed in a blackish-grey dress of sorts, and had long purple hair, she had a little wood Pokemon known as a Phantump floating beside her.
A large yellow tarantula-like Pokemon that only had six limbs, and a similar, but much smaller Pokémon on its large abdomen, and it seemed to cackle electricity as it cried out, "T-t-t-t-Tula-ah-ah!"
And, a regular looking Eevee, with a cute little bow tied around its neck.

The Eevee was Rosa's as it hopped into its trainer's arms.
While the tarantula was Sean's Galvantula, the tiny Pokèmon riding on Sean's Galvantula, a Joltik, was Rosa's, and it leapt on its trainer's shoulder.
The humanoid pokemon was Sean's rare and precious, Meloetta, a Mythical Pokémon gifted with a beautiful singing voice…

Sean smiled at the trainer that rode his Aerodactyl, as he said, "Thanks a lot for finding these guys, now go take cover while we deal with this grumpy gecko here!"

The dragon regained his composure, at the sound of one of these humans calling it a gecko, as the girl (a Hex Maniac) replied in a noticeable accent, "Oui Sean, whatever you say…Come on Phantump…"
"Buuuwhyyyyyyytttttttrrrrrrooohhh!" the little GHOST/GRASS Type complied.

Brendan and May noticed two things about the Hex Maniac trainer, one was that she spoke in a French accent, the other is that she and Sean seem to know each other quite well.
May thought, Hmm…She must be from France, and must have known Hashimoto-senpai while he traveled there…

The battle went on for over an hour, but they had no luck in finding the stolen relic. The dragon was particularly surprised that Sean's Heracross blocked one of his attacks with the horn on its head, then threw it at a wall. Then, Sean and Rosa sent out their Charizard and Samurott respectfully, then with Brendan's Sceptile, fired a Blast Burn, Hydro Cannon, Frenzy Plant combo that toppled the dragon, but he regained his footing to endure the attack.

Sean panted as he said while brushing off the dust on his clothes, "Wow, who knew Equestrian Dragons were so tough…I don't think, we can beat him alone…"

-[Battle! (Suicune) - Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire]-
Then, out of the blue, a gigantic torrent of fire struck the dragon's back, it was like a super-charged Flamethrower attack from Sean's Charizard or May's Blaziken. The attack was powerful enough to knock the dragon off his feet and cause it to scream in pain, where all previous fire attacks were mildly irritating at best.

Then, a large quadruped Pokémon jumped down Ghastly Gorge, its landing caused the ground to tremble with a thud. Everyone then saw a large Pokémon like Suicune, but it was much hairier and brown. It had a red and yellow crest on its face and gray protrusions that made the Pokemon look like it had a mustache. The Pokémon also had two pairs of grey, jagged plates that stick out of its back, along with a flowing mane on its back that resembles volcanic ash. This Pokémon was, by far, more intimidating than Suicune, and it had a good reason why it resembled Suicune. For this Pokémon before them was none other than the Legendary Pokémon, Entei, a member of a trio of Legendary Pokémon that Suicune also belonged to.

Twilight and the other ponies saw Entei, and felt very intimidated by its very fierce appearance.
Rainbow Dash asked Brendan, "Who's that? He looks like that Suicune guy, vaguely…"
Brendan answered loud enough for everyone to hear, "T-that's Entei! The Volcano Pokémon! I…I've always wanted to see it up close…"

Everyone looked at Entei, and agreed that the name fitted the Pokémon like a glove, the name sounded proud, powerful, and even, commanding.

The dragon got up and saw the legendary beast glare at him, the glare was enough to make the much larger reptile shiver in fear. Entei roared ferociously, it made the legend sound like a gigantic monster, and the walls of the canyon amplified its already powerful voice. The roar made poor little Fluttershy scream with fright as she sat next to the unconscious Dragonite that saved her and her friends.

The dragon roared back, but it didn't have the same kind of force that Entei's had, as he then said, "You stay away from me! This is my treasure!"
His eyes then caught something gold in Rosa's bag, and he greedily lunged for it, Rosa saw and screamed as she crouched down with her arms over her head. Sean tried to get to her as fast as he could, but someone else beat him to the punch…

Rosa opened her eyes and saw she was on the back of the Legendary Entei, he got to her before the dragon could try to take Rosa's Big gold Nugget. Entei jumped with incredible agility and power on the walls, then glowing claws appeared on the beast's paws, it was the attack Crush Claw, the attack collided with the dragon and left the reptile stunned as Entei landed in front of Sean.

Sean lifted Rosa off the legendary's back and said, "Thank you Entei, old friend…" to which the FIRE-Type lightly bowed out of respect.
This confused the ponies, but quickly forgot when as the dragon charged again, Entei roared and charged back, its body was cloaked in ferocious flames.
Applejack asked as the two were closing the distance, "What kind of attack is that?!"
May replied, "That's Flare Blitz, a very powerful, but risky FIRE Type move, Apple-chan…"

As Entei got closer, the heat from the attack melted the ground and walls of Ghastly Gorge, and when Entei's charge met the dragon's, an intense explosion was set off, releasing tremors that could be felt all the way to Ponyville and much of the surrounding area…

Everyone shielded their eyes and felt the shockwaves and intense heat from the attack, out of the smoke came a slightly scratched Entei sliding out. The dragon was launched into a spiral high in the air, with a massive burn mark on his chest, when he realigned himself in the air, he looked at the Volcano Pokémon.

The dragon panicked and flew away as fast as he could, saying, "No treasure is worth this much trouble, I'm getting the hell out of here!"

-[Great Fairy Fountain - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time]-
As the dragon fled, Entei walked over to Fluttershy and the Wild Dragonite, its presence made the timid pegasus squeak in fright and close her eyes tightly. But, when she opened them, Entei's eyes, though still looking intimidating, had a look of concern to the badly hurt Dragonite, who stopped breathing.

Fluttershy backed away when Entei lowered its head to the dying DRAGON Type, it opened its fanged mouth, and then a sphere of blue flames formed. It launched the fire ball and coated the Dragonite in blue flames, that when everyone gathered, noticed the flames gave off no heat, then saw the massive gouges on Dragonite's body magically disappear. When the wound healed, Dragonite coughed as he gasped for air, everyone sighed with relief.

They turned to Entei (who was judging their worth like Suicune did), as Fluttershy said, "Th-thank you…E-Entei…For saving us…"
Entei said nothing, all it did was lightly bow in respect, then ninja-jumped out of Ghastly Gorge and ran as fast as the wind, far into Equestria.

-[Cianwood City - Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver]-
Twilight was amazed, that this Entei, was powerful enough to fend off and actually hurt a fully-grown dragon, and make it flee in absolute terror. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie excitedly chattered about how overly epic that fight was between Entei and the dragon, and Entei was clearly the stronger one of the two.

"Merci…I got to see the Legendary Entei in person…" The Hex Maniac said in a spacey kind of way.
Rosa, who jealously tapped her finger on her arm, asked Sean, "Sensei…Who is this…?"

Sean looked at Rosa's face, she was upset obviously, and answered as he chuckled, "Oh, where are my manners…Everyone, this is Carrie-san, she's a friend of mine I made in France. She helped me out with that whole problem with Team Flare and taught me on how to read French…"
Carrie bowed as she said, "Bonjour, this is my cute little partner, Phantump…"
The Stump Pokémon responded as Sean said, "Alright, time for more introductions, Shinora-sama, this is…"

Voice 1
Voice 2
Voice 3

"...*sigh*...It seems that things are beginning to spiral out of control..."

-[The True Purpose of Sorcerers - Doctor Strange Motion Picture Soundtrack]-
"...*chuckles lightly*...Apparently so..."

"You know the damage is spreading like when you drop a stone into a stagnant pool of water..."
"That is true, but we do have to make sure that it doesn't spread any further in any way we can."

"Shouldn't his daughter be the one to fix the damage, not only was she the cause of it, but she also regulates the very fabric of space..."
"I'm sorry to say that she is with her siblings, hunting some kind of power-hungry aggressor."

"Even so...there is the possibility that the distortions might free some of the worst people imaginable to other worlds...or worse, it might free..."
"The monsters...?"

"There is that possibility...for now, I need you to go to Equestria, and find a way to fix the damage from that end, and alert its deity if you must..."
"As you wish it sir..."
"...And you, head to the worlds closest to the epicenter, and see if there are any wormholes opened, and if so, close them. Should any of the wicked find these wormholes to use for their advantage...destroy them without question...do the same branching further out from them, I'll send assistance to help in your endeavors, since many of these worlds contain horrible souls and monsters of fear..."

"As you command master! Heading out at once..."
"*sigh* Now I have to babysit a bunch of children...this isn't the kind of job the Angel of Death should do..."

"Hey, at least you have the easy job, mine is to seek out and terminate any tears on top of preventing and/or killing any evil doers from taking advantage of the portals. You have it easy since on these worlds, you have a...less-than-favorable reputation upon them, Shinigami...
"Like you're one to talk...in those same worlds, you only exist as ones and zeroes on a video game, Arceus...*sigh*...being a divine being is rough, even for the man who knows all, sees all, and can do anything. Trying not to break the rules he created..."

"I agree..."

-[Supreme Kai's Theme - DragonBall Z]-
After introductions were made, everyone was having a little chat, while Sean inspected the walls Entei melted, cause something caught his eye.
Brendan and May noticed that while Carrie was indeed a Hex Maniac, she didn't have those…eyes…that the ones they met had. Her eyes were normal, and were, admittedly, a beautiful color of dark purple.
Rarity loved Carrie's outfit, it had a flare to its style, and was made with a fine fabric that she pestered the Parisian to tell her where she got it.

Twilight said to everyone, "Alright, let's get this pile of stolen treasure to Canterlot, and return it as soon as we find that stolen artifact in it."
Sean said in response, "You go on without me, there's…something…embedded in the wall here, I'll meet you in Canterlot as soon as I get it out."

Cynthia added, "I think I'll do the same, I'll help Hashimoto-kun out with this as well, because I saw something that caught my eye as well…"

Twilight also decided to stay after helping put in the gold the dragon stole on the train, everyone else left for Canterlot on the train to wait for them there. Sean put on a helmet and grabbed a pickax as he said, "Now to start digging…Hi-Hoo!"

After half an hour of digging (while whistling a familiar Disney tune), Sean managed to pull out what was embedded in the wall; two very small, rainbow-colored stones that are the same as the one in his black bracelet.
Sean was surprised and puzzled as he said, "Hmm…Two Key Stones…here? They seemed to have been displaced by space by the look of the earth around where they were…"

Twilight walked up and asked, "What are those? They look like those stones you, Yūki, and Haruka have. Are they important?"
Cynthia then picked up what caught her eye, an ancient tablet, written in a mysterious language with gold…
She asked Twilight, "Hey Twilight-hime…I found this tablet under some rubble…does it look important?"

-[Shopping - Pokémon X and Y]-
Twilight nodded as she got a good look at it. Then, they heard a man's voice say, "Sacrë bleû, I'm still lost in this canyon. I really want to find-…"
The man stepped around a corner, he stopped talking as he saw a familiar face. He looked to be a Pokémon Professor, like Professor Oak, and the way he talked, meant he is from France as well.

The Pokémon Professor said, "Mousiour Sean! Oh how I am glad to have found you, along with a Mademoiselle and a young equine…"

Sean chuckled as he said, "Good to see your unharmed, Professor Platane (Professor Augustine Sycamore)…"

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Another chapter down the road, another chapter in the dust...
Whooo! I'm on a roll, and I figure now's a good time to say; Feel free to send me your OCs, I believe the story is far enough in for me to make trainer cameos of you guys...

And, who knows, if I like your character enough, I'll see if I can include him/her as a support, minor, recurring, or even, a main character...

To point one thing out, Carrie the Hex Maniac is a real Pokémon Trainer from X and Y…Though she has a Litwic and a Solosis when you battle her in the games…

I'll let you all in on a secret, this story, though pretty straightforward, is littered with references and also clues in that it is much bigger than it is…
To try to understand how this story fits in the bigger picture (and to test your knowledge), translate this, along with anything that is put in a different language;
It's a clue to figure out how this story fits in 'the bigger picture' try to look back and really look hard for clues I put in and don't realize it myself…

Leave in the comments, from now on, how you think these translations are sounded and what they mean. Use Google Translate as a last resort if your truly smart...

Until next time...