• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 9,131 Views, 130 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friends of Harmony - indigohue

A new world, new people, new places, and new evil that plans on taking over the world. It is up to Sora and friends to band together and stop the evil from taking over Equestria.

  • ...

Who's it For?

Who's it For?

Light began to shine into the guest room through the curtains that hung in front of an open window. The beams of light that entered gave the room a certain glow telling whoever was in it that it was clearly morning. In the room, sleeping in her guest bed was Twilight. After the night that she had, or rather everyone had, sleeping in a little late would probably be the best thing right now. Right?


Out of nowhere, an earth shattering explosion roared out in the vicinity of Twilight's room, and it made her fall out of the bed.

"Ugh, what in Equestria was that," Twilight shockingly said as she peered out of her window to see what was going on. As soon as Twilight looked, she got her answer as she saw Sora, Roxas, Ed, and Riku in the garden practicing their moves.

"Are you serious, I thought they would take a break considering last night," Twilight said as she used her magic to teleport down to the guys. "Guys, guys, don't you think the training can wait until everyone is out of their beds?"

"Sorry about that Twilight, we're just trying to get as much time as training as we can," Sora said.

"What could you guys be doing that causes an explosion that loud to wake someone out of there sleep," Twilight asked.

"Don't blame us, look at Ed over there," Roxas said as he pointed towards Edward.

"What, me, how is this my fault," Ed asked with a surprised look. Roxas tapped Twilight on the shoulder and gestured towards the ground. What Twilight saw made her eyes go wide as dinner plates.

"You guys made a crater in the garden!," Twilight shouted.

"Oh, come on, it's a training marker," Ed calmly said.

"......I repeat, there's a giant hole in the middle of the castle garden!" Twilight yelled.

"it's not that bad," Ed said as he looked at the crater and he knew in his mind that it was definitely that bad.

".......Really," Twilight said with a deadpanned expression as she pointed to the crater again.

".......I'm pretty sure the gardeners could fill the hole," Ed said with a convincing tone.

As Twilight continued to lecture the group about the hole, the boys could feel their attention slipping away. Riku happened to glance to his right towards one of the castle doors and noticed how it was slightly cracked open. He focused his attention more on the door and noticed a
pair of green eyes peeking through the door. As soon as Riku made contact, the door quickly closed back. Riku had a questionable look on his face from what he had seen, but he had a good guess about who it could be peering through the door.

"Hey, shouldn't the chefs have breakfast cooked by now," Riku asked the rest of the group.

"Oh, yeah, it is breakfast time," Ed said as he started walking away from the group. "I'd love to stay and continue this conversation, but training really works up an appetite."

"The chefs must make some great food if Ed's excited about it," Sora said.

"You don't even know the half of it," Riku said as the rest of the guys started walking back inside the castle.

Twilight saw how the four guys were ultimately ignoring her. "Those guys never listen.......but on the other hand, Riku isn't wrong about the royal chefs........hey guys wait up!"

It takes Riku and the others a few minutes of walking until they reach the dining room where the rest of their friends were already sitting preparing to eat.

"There you are," PInkie exclaimed. "We've been waiting on you guys for-ever."

"We've only been here for 10 minutes," Fluttershy said.

"Really, I guess my sense of time is off when I'm HUNGRY," Pinkie said as she slammed her hands on the table.

"Yeah, what took ya," Rainbow said.

"Why don't you ask these four," Twilight said. They put a crater in the castle garden!"

"Hey, remember, we didn't do anything," Roxas said. "It was actually just Ed."

"Stop throwing me under the bus!" Ed yelled at Roxas. "Can we just please get to breakfast already?"

"Actually, we still can't serve the food yet," said the top chef. He was a stocky short man with short brown hair and a nice beard to match.

"Whadya mean you can't serve it yet," Rainbow asked.

"We're still missing a certain young assistant," the chef said.

"He's right, Spike hasn't shown up yet," Rarity said.

"He- Hey everyone, sorry about the wait I.....woke up late," Spike said as he ran into the dining hall.

"But aren't the bedrooms through the other hall," Riku asked. "You came through the hall that leads outside."

"Oh, let's not worry about the details," Spike nervously chuckled. "Hey chef, so what's for breakfast?"

*30 minutes later*
After everyone finished eating their breakfast, the guys were walking back to the garden to spar some more. As the guys began to start back training, Riku decided to tread away from the group and began walking towards the door on the side of the garden. He quietly put his hand on the door and immediately pushed it open, revealing Spike who was standing behind it.

"Oh, was this the door you were talking about," Spike said with a nervous chuckle.

"So, you're spying on us through the side door because," Riku asked.

"*sigh* I don't know, I guess... it's just cool how you guys have all of these powers and everything, and you know, it's cool having other people to look up to" Spike said.

"What about Twilight and the others, they were here before we were," Riku said.

"I know that, but I can only relate so much to them," Spike said. With you guys around, I haven't felt that out of place, and I actually got to do something cool and awesome! Fighting those heartless was the most coolest thing ever! I felt like I could help, I felt needed. But, I understand if you don't want me to watch your training. I'll just head back-"

"Spike," Riku said as he stopped Spike in his sentence. "Head to the edge of the garden in five minutes, right next to the river. I'll meet you there."

"Spike's eyes went wide from Riku's statement. Riku started to walk back outside as he motioned Spike to walk ahead to his destination.
"So, what do you guys want to practice next," Sora said. "This Master Form is really calling my name."

"Please, I bet Incursio could run circles around your Master Form anyday," Roxas said.

"Hmph, doesn't even matter really, you guys can rely on your transformations all you want, my alchemy will always be the best," Ed smugly said.

"Says the guy who put a crater in the ground," Roxas jokingly said. "What's next, a hole in the castle?"

"Why you little-" Ed said as lighting started appearing from his hands, but before he could continue, Riku had returned to the rest of the group.

"Hey guys, I'm going to go do some practicing by myself for a little while," Riku said as he began to walk away. "I'll see you later."

"There he goes being the 'cool guy' again," Sora said putting his hands behind his head.

"Sounds like someone's a little jealous," Roxas said with a smirk.

"Am not!" Sora said in a defensive tone.

"You really shouldn't lie to the person that's basically the parallel of you," Roxas said.

"Ugh, whatever, let's just train already," Sora said as he summoned his keyblade.

As Spike continued walking through the castle garden, he began noticing that he had been seeing the same trail that he had already been taking to reach the outskirts. ".......*sigh* Are you serious, don't tell me that I've been walking around in a circle this whole time. All Riku said was go to the edge of the garden in five minutes, now I'm stuck in this maze of a garden."

As Spike continued walking through the garden, he began hearing the sound of running water coming closer and closer. "Wait, did I just make it to the river?" Spike began to sprint through the rest of the garden as he followed the sound of the river. "Alright, this should be the last turn." Spike had finally made it to the edge of the garden where the river was located, and as he began to have a since of joy from his find, it was quickly stripped away as he saw a ball of dark magic quickly flying towards him. Spike stood there in fear, but out of reaction, put both of his hands in front of him, and closed his eyes as he braced himself for the attack. Spike thought that he was going to get hit by it, but instead he was surprised to see that the dark magic had disappeared. "

"Wha-what just happened," Spike said out loud.

"Maybe you should open your eyes and see for yourself," Riku said to Spike.

"Riku?" Spike said as he opened his eyes. "What was that all about, That could have ended way more serious!"

"It could have, luckily something came to help you," Riku said as he pointed to Spike's right hand.

Spike looked down and noticed that the keyblade that he summoned against the heartless had reappeared again. "Woah, it's back!"

"The keyblade has chosen you to be its wielder Spike," Riku said in a stern manner. "What makes this better is that you have my very first keyblade. Riku held his hand open, and in a flash the keyblade flashed from Spike's hand into Riku's.

"How did you do th-" Spike said as he was cut off by Riku.

"You will learn how to become one with your keyblade Spike," Riku said. The fact that it chose you is both a blessing and a curse. You're a beacon of light to alot of people out there who can't fight against the darkness, but you also attract heartless and monsters that want nothing more but to see you gone from existence. This task has been placed on you Spike, to become a keyblade warrior, like Sora, Roxas, and me......are you up for it?"

Spike slowly bowed his head in thought about everything that Riku had told him, and he finally gathered his answer. "These heartless attacked my friends. They attacked the people who I call my family. The people who are close to me....I'd do anything to protect them."

Riku grinned at the knightly words that Spike shared and nodded his head in agreement. "Well then, let's begin your first lesson on mastering control of the keyblade." Riku threw the keyblade towards the highest tree and impaled it in the bark. "I want you to bring that keyblade back here."

"That's it, I can climb that tree no problem," Spike said as he cracked his knuckles.

"You're not going to climb to get it, you're going to summon it," Riku said.

"What, how am I gonna do that," Spike asked.

"You did it twice already, you can do it a third," Riku said.

"........Ok, I'll try," Spike nervously said as he lifted his hand to try and summon the keyblade back. A few seconds passed and Spike was quickly beginning to doubt himself on if he could actually bring the keyblade back down to him. He started thinking if he was actually fit enough to be a keyblade warrior.

".......Maybe I just wasn't meant for this," Spike murmured.

"That's your problem," Riku said. "You doubt yourself so quickly Spike. If you stop to realize that you actually have power right at your fingertips. That keyblade is waiting for you, and it's not going to come to a weak minded warrior."

"I want you to think about the things that make you want to become a keyblader Spike." Riku said as he kneeled down to Spike's level. "What is it that you want to protect?"

As Spike pondered Riku's question, his train of thought was broken by someone that was humming close by. As Spike listened even harder, he noticed that whoever was humming was doing it in a melody.

"I know that song," Spike said as he ran towards the music. Riku quickly followed the boy, trying to keep him focused on training, but when he finally caught up to Spike, he noticed who was humming the tune.

There, a few feet away from Spike who was hiding behind a bush, was Rarity humming the tune that Spike had mentioned as she sat under a blooming cherry tree drawing fashion designs in her sketch book. Riku felt himself staring at Rarity, and quickly looked down towards Spike and noticed how awestruck he was. Spike released a calm sigh as he continued to look at Rarity, who didn't even notice that anyone else was in her vicinity.

"Come on Spike," Riku said as he put his hand on Spike's shoulder. Spike nods and they both head back to their training ground. Spike looked up at the keyblade with determination in his eyes.

".....Who's it for Spike," Riku asked him. "Who do you want to protect?"

Spike raised his hand up again to continue where he left off. This time, something different was happening. Spike seemed calmer and more determined. Energy started to flow around Spike as hair and clothes were moving as if the energy was gently dancing through him. Spike's aura kept growing stronger and stronger until a bright flash suddenly appeared. It took Spike a few seconds for his eyes to adjust from the sudden bright light, but Riku already knew what had happened.

"Conratulations Spike," Riku said with a smile on his face. "That's the first lesson done."

Spike looked at his right hand, and saw that the keyblade was there in his possession. A jolt of happiness just shot right through Spike as he recognized his accomplishment. "ALRIGHT! I did it, I summoned the keyblade!"


Riku and Spike's attention was turned towards a loud scream that seemed as if it was close in their vicinity.

"That scream, it came from the same direction where...." Riku paused as he looked back at Spike.

".....We need to find Rarity," Spike said as he started running towards the direction of the scream.

As the two keybladers start getting closer to where Rarity was, they began noticing that there were other beings in the same direction as them.

"Rarity, are you ok-" Spike stopped himself from saying anything else as he saw a neoshadow heartless holding an unconscious Rarity in its arms.

*This being is made of a pure heart.....*

*It shall belong to me......*

"How,how did you just say that," Spike shockingly asked the heartless. "It didn't even make a sound, but it spoke."

*Sombra shall rule all and shroud the world in darkness.....*

*Starting with this heart of pure generosity....*

The neoshadow began raising its needle like claws in the air, as it was ready to pierce through Rarity's heart.

"No.....let go of her," Spike said as he shook in rage. "I said...LET HER GO!" Spike began sprinting towards the neoshadow seeing nothing but rage in his eyes.

"Spike no, wait!" Riku said as he tried to keep Spike from fighting the heartless by itself, but it was too late.

Spike ran full force towards the neoshadow seemingly blinded by rage. The neoshadow sensed Spike's rage and began showing its claws to the young keyblader. Before Spike could get any closer, he threw his keyblade with all the force he could give. The neoshadow saw this and evaded the attack....which is exactly what Spike wanted. Spike planted his feet to the ground, his spliced green eyes started to faintly glow, and ran right behind the neoshadow in a burst of speed. Spike caught his keyblade with the backhand grip and quickly stabbed the heartless through its back.

Rarity, with barely enough energy to open her eyes, could only see a glimpse of what was happening. All that she could see was the neoshadow with a keyblade sticking out of its chest, but she could not see who it was wielding the keyblade. Then she heard a familiar voice call her name.

"Rarity, just hold on, I promise you'll be safe," Spike said as he pierced the keyblade deeper into the heartless.

"Sp-Spike....." Rarity said as she fell unconscious in the arms of the heartless.

*A keyblade wielder.........you will soon be devoured by the darkness as well.* The neoshadow dug its claws into the ground as it slowly melted to nothing but a black shadow. The shadows began to multiply all around Riku, Spike, and Rarity.

"Alright Spike," Riku said. "We might be in serious danger, what I want you to do is take Rarity and run back to the cas-"

"No," Spike interrupted. "You take Rarity, make sure she's safe....I'll deal with them."

Riku looked at Spike in surprise of his statement "Spike, are you sure about-" Riku would have finished if he hadn't noticed the determination in the eyes of the dragon-boy. "......Alright, I'm counting on you." Riku quickly grabbed Rarity as he ran back to the castle with her in his arms.

There was moment of silence as Spike stood in a circle surrounded by neoshadows. He took a deep breath, and slowly released it, calming himself down a bit. Spike switched his blade back into forehand as he was ready to face against the heartless horde.

The neoshadows quickly dispersed, running in all different directions trying to confuse Spike. Spike's eyes kept darting back from one to another. One heartless jumped at Spike with the intent to kill. Spike ducked and with one slice, cut the heartless in half.

"No more," Spike said as he targeted another heartless. "I won't be a burden anymore." Another neoshadow tried attacking from behind Spike. Spike quickly used his free hand to swipe his claws at heartless causing it to stumble. Spike then jammed his claws into the chest of the heartless, then kicked it back more as he stabbed it, dealing the final blow.

The heartless started to realize the attacking one by one would not work, so they began to swarm Spike. Spike's eyes began to glow green as he gritted his fangs. The rest of the heartless began to attack, but they were barely able to land any attack. Spike began evading each swipe of the Neoshadows' claws, each attack getting closer to him than the last. One was able to stagger Spike as it struck him on his side, tearing through his clothes, and leaving a few cut marks. Then right after, another neoshadow jumped over the other heartless and hit Spike on his chest, sending him back a few steps. Spikes stopped for a second and quickly regained himself. Spike dusted himself as he began his next attack.

"Alright, I've seen him fight plenty of times before, I can do it," Spike said as he started to posture himself. He spread his legs out evenly apart, put his keyblade hand in the air in a twisted grip, and his left hand in front of him as he gestured the heartless to attack. One by one, the heartless started to swarm Spike again. Spike took a deep breath and held it in until the swarm was close enough to him, and at the right moment, he released a field of green fire aimed directly at the heartless. The fire began to burn the heartless as it slowly chipped away at the bodies of the dark beings.

"One....more...time," Spike said as he felt the fatigue on his body start to slow him down. He began running towards the weakened Heartless and started striking them down one at a time. The heartless couldn't do a thing as the fire left them incapacitated, so they were forced to watch their final moments. After Spike had defeated the rest of the swarm, only one more remained, the neoshadow that had taken Rarity.

*This hidden potential was in you this whole time......*

"Yeah, I guess all it took was a little push," Spike said as green fire started to appear out of his mouth.

*Don't think this is the last that you'll see of me keyblade wielder.......as long as there darkness in people's hearts, we will be infinite...*

"Whatever, then I guess you wouldn't mind be incinerated," Spike said to the last neoshadow. Spike threw his keyblade into the chest of the heartless. As the heartless struggled to take it out, Spike had already walked back up to it and grabbed its hilt. His eyes began glowing, and in an instant, green fire appeared around the edge of the keyblade. The fire began to spread to the neoshadow until it was nothing but fire.

*I'll be back......for your heart as well.....*

Spike slowly brought his keyblade back down to his side as his battle was over. "Hey....I did it, I actually did it." He began to hear a faint call coming from the castle.

"Spike! Spiiiike!!"

He looked back and noticed that it was Twilight calling out to him with tears in her eyes. "Hey...it's Twilight...I'm over here..." Spike's keyblade flashed away as his unconscious body fell back onto the ground.

Author's Note:

.......It's been a minute. Birthday yet again. I think now I write this story still not just because of MLP, but because this story has branched out so far from what it was, and I like that. It's my creation. This past year has brought a lot of new experiences to me, and I was 19, going 20 it feels weird.....2 decades......I'm a kid, but not a kid.....I'll continue to live my life and strive for my dreams. Music,writing,photography,filming, whatever, just as long as I stay positive.

Thank yall so much. I was gone, but hopefully people would still like to continue reading these chapters of my imagination unto reality. Have a great day, and a great life.