• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 9,131 Views, 130 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friends of Harmony - indigohue

A new world, new people, new places, and new evil that plans on taking over the world. It is up to Sora and friends to band together and stop the evil from taking over Equestria.

  • ...

I Just Can't Wait

I Just Can't Wait

"I can't believe that just happened !" Sora excitedly said.

"Which part, the duel, the Empire coming back, Sombra, Vanitas, your new clothes, new powers, or the one month of fun that we can have until we go to the Empire," Pinkie asked.

"Actually, that sounds like a normal day to me," Sora said. "I meant the part where she said that I could become the King!"

"Really Sora, do you think that you're King material?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be," Sora said. "I have 'kingly' features." The girls each let out a low groan in disagreement. "Wow, so much for being optimistic."

"I think that you would make a great king Sora," Fluttershy said.

"Thanks Fluttershy ," Sora with a grateful smile on his face. "King Sora does have a nice ring to it."

"Sora, do you even know the first thing about becoming King of Equestria," Twilight said.

"Uh oh, I can feel a lecture coming on," Sora said to Fluttershy as they continued walking through the main area of Canterlot.

"First, you would have to handle all matters involving the countryside, making sure relationships with other countries are fine, and keeping Equestria afloat," Twilight sounded off. "There wouldn't be any time for fun and games. A responsible person becomes the king through years of studying, training, and many other things.....not just a promise from royalty."

"Geez Twilight, why are you so hooked on about this 'King' stuff," Rainbow said.

"Because she's worried that she'll have to listen to Sora without having a say so of her own," Ed added with a sly remark.

"No, I'm not!" Twilight immediately blurted out. "I'm just making sure that if there were to be a king, they would know what responsibility comes with it."

"Well, when I'm king, all that boring stuff will have to go," Sora said.

"Not while I'm around," Twilight said.

"Well, in that case your exiled," Sora said.

"Nice try, but only royalty can do something like that," Twilight said as she bopped Sora on the forehead with her finger.

"Well, Celestia did say there's a chance for him to be king," Fluttershy added.

"Yeah, so there's a 'chance' you'll have to do what I tell you," Sora said slyly said.

"A very slim chance, and with that kind of attitude, you're not shaping up to be a good king," Twilight said to Sora. Sora looked at Twilight with an uninterested face as he continued walking through Canterlot.

"Heh, not the way I see it," Sora said as he jumped towards Twilight.

I'm gonna be a mighty King
So enemies beware!

Well, I've never seen a King or beast
with just so spiky hair.

I'm gonna be the main event
like king was before.
I'm brushing up I'm looking down.
I'm working on my roar!

Well, isn't than just an
uninspiring thing?"

Oh I just can't wait to be king!

You have a long way to go
Sora if you think.....

No one saying do this

Okay now when I said that

No one saying be there

Fluttershy, why are you-

No one saying stop that

Will you just hear me out please

No one saying see here....

I don't even say that!

Sora and Fluttershy started exploring the different shops around Canterlot to see what they had to offer.

Free to run around all day

Well that's not definitely out

Free to do it all my way

As Sora and Fluttershy continued walking down Canterlot's main area, Twilight caught back up to them with a concerned look on her face.

I think it's time that you and I arranged a heart to heart

King's don't need advice
from little bookworms for a start

If this is where the monarchy
is headed count me out
Out of service
Out of Canterlot
I wouldn't hang about!

As Twilight said this, she saw that Sora had ran off into another direction trying to see more of Canterlot like some kind of sugar hyper kid.

This guy is getting
wildly out of wing...

Oh I just can't wait
To be King!

As Sora explored through Canterlot, having the time of his life, the citizens all started to take note of his antics. What they kept hearing over and over again in their heads was that he kept saying something about being king.They couldn't help but feel intrigued over what Sora was going on about. Sora saw this, and decided to take this to the next level.

Everybody look left
Everybody look right
Everywhere you look I'm..
Standing in the spotlight!

Not yet!

Let every creature go for broke and sing
Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing
It's gonna be King Sora's finest fling

Oh I just can't wait to be King!
Oh I just can't wait.......
To be King!

"Oh man, that was way more awesome than I thought it would be," Sora said. "Fluttershy, you never told me that Canterlot would be this much fun."

"That's not all that Canterlot has to offer," Fluttershy said.

"Are you serious, all of these different shops, people and places, what could possibly beat that," Sora said as he turned to face Fluttershy.

Excuse me my good man, but I don't think that I've ever seen you around Canterlot before.

Sora turned around to identify the unknown voice that sounded off near him. What stood in front of him was a tall man with wavy blue hair, blue eyes, and wearing a black suit with a purple bowtie. He immediately greeted the man with a courageous tone. "Yeah, you can say that I'm kind of new here. The name's Sora."

The man greeted Sora with a firm handshake. "Good meeting you Sora. Allow me to tell you my name."

"Go ahead," Sora said.

As the man was beginning to tell Sora his name, a certain someone was already calling the man's name from afar.

"Fancy Pants is that you," Rarity said as she began walking towards the group.

"Rarity!" Fancy Pants exclaimed. "It's so good to see you again."

"And the same to you," Rarity said. "I see you've already met Sora."

"Of course, I should have known that he was a friend of yours," Fancy said. "You only surround yourself with the ones who stand out from the crowd, and that's how more people should be."

"I couldn't agree more," Rarity said. "So what brings you out here on this fine day?"

"Well I was just going on a lovely stroll through the marketplace, until I heard someone singing," Fancy Pants said. "I follow the singing, and saw that it was your friend here. I just came to say that performance of yours really brightened my afternoon. In fact, how would you, Rarity, and all of your charming friends like to come to my garden party that I'm hosting tonight?"

"A garden party?" Sora asked. "I've never been to a garden party. I don't know if I-"

"We'll be there!" Rarity interrupted.

"We will?" Sora said.

"Brilliant," Fancy stated. "I know i don't need to remind you Rarity, but for Sora's first invitation, I must say that the attire is of a high class standard."

"Of course Fancy Pants, We'll be ready by tonight," Rarity said.

"Splendid, and this should be one to remember because the princess is coming as well," Fancy said as he started to continue his walk. "So, you wouldn't want to miss this one."

"We'll see you tonight," Rarity said as she waved Fancy goodbye. As soon as Fancy Pants turned the corner, Rarity was overcome with giddy and excitement. "I can't believe our luck! Invited to yet another garden party! This will be fantastic!"

"There they are," Rainbow shouted as the rest of the group caught up. "Why is Rarity looking like that?"

"We were just invited to a garden party," Fluttershy said.

"Pass," Rainbow said.

"I second that," AJ said.

"I would like to go to another one, you know, to make up for the last one," Twilight sheepishly said.

"You had me at 'party'," Pinkie calmly said.

"What about you three," Rainbow asked Riku, Ed, and Roxas.

"I've never been so I guess I'll go just to see what it's like," Ed said.

"I'll go too," Riku said.

"I'm not really much of a party guy," Roxas said.

"Afraid of a little crowd," Sunset teasingly asked.

"I just fought the Princess of the Night in front of an entire stadium of people," Roxas said.

"But you can't go to a garden party with not nearly as many people at that," Sunset said with a leer.

"Ok then, I'll go to the garden party," Roxas reluctantly said.

"Sometimes it's just too easy," Sunset quietly said.

"Alright everyone, it's time to get fabulous ," Rarity said with a pinch of wit. " Luckily, I brought my Fall line dress wardrobe because being in Canterlot, you should always expect a soiree. Everyone, to the castle!"

"So, I guess we're going to a party?" Sora said.

"Everyone follow me, I know everyone's exact outfit," Rarity said as she lead the group.

"Let's see what she has in mind," Sunset said with a lighthearted tone.

It didn't take the group long to make it back to the wing of the castle that they were staying in, and as soon as they made it, Rarity went to work, deciding on which outfit out of her line would be best suit every one of her friends. "Gentlemen, I would kindly ask you to leave the room please."

"But we just got here," Sora whined.

"Sora, it's ladies first," Rarity said with a poised tone.

"But, I can see the changing rooms inside," Sora said.

"We're probably going to have go with the latter Rarity if we want to have our outfits before the party starts," Twilight said.

"Oh,fine," Rarity said with a sigh as she let the guys in. "But, I'll have you know that this is entirely unprofessional."

"I still can't believe that we're going to a party," Sora said. "That's never really been on my list besides fighting monsters and traveling to different worlds."

"Well, you know what they say, there's always room for something new," Rarity said. "But don't worry, I'll have each and everyone one of you dressed in nothing but the finest of chic." Rarity used her magic to teleport a measuring tape to her hand and quickly went to work on getting all of the guys's measurements. "Perfect, I know exactly what everyone needs. "Girls, go the dressing rooms and you'll find your dresses, and Sora, you'll get dressed after the girls finished."

"No problem," Sora said as the guys waited for their turns.

"You're a real laid back person aren't you," Edward said to Sora.

"You can say that," Sora said as he put his hands behind his head.

"So what are the plans to stop this Vanitas guy," Ed said to the group.

"I don't even want to think about that guy," Roxas said. "Even hearing his name makes me want to go find him right now and just finish all of this."

"How do you think I feel," Ed barked back. "If it wasn't for that guy, I would still be home, and my brother wouldn't be lost somwhere in this world."

"And even when someone else is pulling the strings according to what the Princesses told us," Riku added. "We still can't hide the fact that Vanitas is a threat."

"We just have to focus more and really bite down on these problems," Ed said.

"I think you guys are missing the point," Sora said.

As the guys continued debating over what they should do next, Riku had peered over to his left and saw that Spike was standing there not saying a word. "........Hey, your name's Spike right?"

"Uh, yeah," Spike said in a questionable tone.

"What do you think we should do," Riku asked. Everyone looked towards Spike waiting to see what he was going to say.

"You're asking me," Spike said as he pointed to himself. Riku nodded to Spike, confirming his answer. "Well....I think we should just keep doing what we're and not try to change anything. There have been some fights we know, but we've always managed to stop them without anyone getting badly hurt. Just keep doing what we're doing even if we don't know what that actually is."

"Couldn't have said it better myself," Sora said. "Just keep doing what we've been doing. Everything's is going to be just fine."

"How do you know that," Ed said.

"I don't," Sora said with a smile.

Before Ed could say anything else, Rarity had called the guys's attention. "*sing-song* Oh booooyyyssss....."

The guys turned around towards the closed curtain leading to the changing room as it began to open. The girls were all standing there in an assortment of different dresses. Rarity was dressed in a short trimmed baby blue one strap dress with white heels adorned with a diamond on the front, and a diamond beret in her hair. Fluttershy had on a teal dress with two pink and white butterflies embroidered onto the waist of the dress, and going around the dress were yellow frills which complimented her entire wardrobe, along with a butterfly shaped beret in her pink hair. Twilight was wearing a bright purple short dress with a pattern of ruffles at the skirt. Three stars were the finishing touches for the dress as it would stand out with the dresses purple scheme. Pinkie's dress was a little more tricky than the others, for it was simple with its primary colors of blue, yellow, purple, and pink, but she somehow was able to pull it off as a high class outfit. What made her dress especially original were the yellow bow around her waist and the small blue top hat on her head.

All the guys were awestruck when the girls came out with their dresses on looking stunning as ever.

"Ummmm....wow, that's um, those are uhh...yeah woaaah," Sora stunningly said.

"Sora said it all," Ed said not taking an eye off the girls.

"Wow, you girls look amazing!" Spike said. All the guys just nodded in agreement.

"Wait, aren't you missing someone," Roxas asked.

"You're right, *ahem* oh Sunset we're waiting on you," Rarity sang. After a few seconds of waiting, Sunset finally walked out of the room, and what she had on blew everyone away. A strapless dress that started with purple and gently kept shading down to a purplish red color around the waist, which then went even further down and at the bottom of the dress was a beautiful reddish orange that loosely resembled the color of a sunset. Frills in the dress had gently sectioned off each of the different colors, and it couldn't have worked any better. Sunset, with her hair in a ponytail and a silver bracelet around her arm, clearly was dressed to impress.

"Well, how do I look," Sunset innocently asked.

"*Claps hands together* I'm done," Sora said as he began to walk to the changing room.

"Who are you trying to impress?!" Roxas said with a defensive tone as the rest of the guys had no words to say.

"No one, I just wanted to look the part," Sunset nonchalantly said.

"Yeah, right," Roxas skeptically said.

"Why, Roxas, do you feel worried that I might get attention from other people," Sunset slyly said.

Roxas folded his arms together as he looked to the side. "Not at all."

"Roxas, are you blushing?!" Pinkie Pie loudly pointed out.

"What, no, why would I- I'm gonna go change!" Roxas said as he went to the changing room.

"I laid your clothes out for you," Rarity said as the guys went into the changing room. "And I think that you'll like the styles that I picked for each one of you!"

As a few minutes went by, the guys were already signaling that they had finished changing."

"Alright, we're about to walk out," Sora said.

"That didn't take long," Twilight said. As the boys walked out of the changing room, the girls were taken in surprise. Sora came out in a slim fit all black suit that looked as if it was made just for him. Roxas was dressed in a Navy blue blazer with slim fit slacks to match and under the blazer was a light grey sweater, a white button down that matched wonderfully with his solid black tie, and a pair of loafers that matched the color of his sweater. Riku was dressed in a black suit as well, but instead of a black tie, his was a nice royal blue that stood out from the suit. Edward's attire consisted of a black suit as well, but considering his lax mindset, his white button down shit was untucked, and to top off the entire outfit was a red tie that was tied just right so that it wouldn't be too long or too short. He had also decided to undo his trademark braid and rather leave it in a regular pony tail which was considerably long in surprise to most of the girls. And, for Spike, his outfit would be the most original out of the entire bunch. Spike was dressed in a blue leisure suit, with a yellow shirt and a pair of black sleek looking boots. His green hair really gave the outfit an extra sense of authenticity to the entire outfit.

"Wow guys, I didn't know that you could look that fancy!" Pinkie said. "Especially you Spike. Your outfit reminds me of something. Something......nostalgic. Starts with an 'S'? Oh, well whatever, hey Rarity will there be music at this party?"

"Of course Pinkie there will be music," Rarity said with a chuckle.

"Will there be bebop?" Pinkie said with wide eyes.

"Maybe?" Rarity nervously said.

"There will be bebop tonight," Pinkie Pie said with a stern tone.

"Ooooook, well, you five look fabulous wouldn't you agree girls," Rarity asked as she peered over to her friends her were all pretty much in a daze themselves. "Girls!" As Rarity called for their attention, they quickly snapped out of their daze and began nervously rambling and play with their hair. "Honestly, girls, have control."

"Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I feel like I'm ready to go the party," Sora said.

"As do I," Rarity agreed. "Twilight, would you do the honors?"

"Oh, yeah, no problem," Twilight said as she began to surround everyone with her magic, and in the blink of an eye, they all vanished as they were all teleported to the garden party. "Gets better every time."

"Ow," Roxas said.

"You ok Roxas," Sunset asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just got a headache all of a sudden," Roxas said. "And everything feels......tense. I don't know what that means but-"

"Rarity!" Fancy Pants shouted as he approached. "You've made it, and I must say that those dresses are lovely on all of you ladies. And gentlemen, you clean up well."

"Yeah, well, it comes with the package," Spike said with full confidence.

"*chuckles* I see, well then, the party is just getting started, you all enjoy yourselves," Fancy said as he walked away from the group.

"Well, everyone, I will be with my peers if you need me," Rarity said as she walked off.

"I guess that just leaves us then-" Twilight stopped as she noticed that more of their friends were missing. ".....Where's Pinkie?"

"She said something about, 'let the bebop ring! and ran over to the band," Ed said.

"When did she say that," Twilight asked. "Where's Sora, Fluttershy, Roxas, and Sunset?"

"Fluttershy wanted to go see the animals in the rest of the garden, Sora went with her, and Roxas and Sunset pretty much followed them," Ed said. "And before you ask, Spike went chasing after Rarity."

".....Ok, hard to imagine that happening in 5 seconds but ok, there's still you, me, and Riku," Twilight said.

Riku felt something grab his hand furiously, and he was getting ready to summon his keyblade until he turned around and saw who it was. "Luna?"

"Come with me," Luna said as she easily dragged Riku away from Twilight and Roxas. "Excuse us Twilight and sister's subordinate."

"I'm no subordinate, lady!" Ed shot back in anger. "Great, now I'm alone with........oh no." Ed worriedly turned around and saw Twilight with a sneer on her face.

"Soooo now that we have time, how about telling me a little more about that magic of yours," Twilight quickly asked.

"It's. Not. Magic!" Edward said with an agitated tone.

"Sure looks like magic to me," Twilight said.

"Alright you, I'm going to break the laws of transmutation down to a t right here and right now!" Ed said.

"Good, let's get started," Twilight said with a smile on her face.