• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 9,128 Views, 130 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friends of Harmony - indigohue

A new world, new people, new places, and new evil that plans on taking over the world. It is up to Sora and friends to band together and stop the evil from taking over Equestria.

  • ...

Can You Feel the Love Tonight?

Can You Feel the Love Tonight?

Oh hey, another month, another holiday, and this holiday is something special. For this is the holiday, where everywhere you go, there is romance in the atmosphere. Now come on, you must know what I'm talking about now. I'm talking about......wait for it...

"Happy Heart's and Hooves Day!" Applebloom, Scootaloo, and SweetieBelle yelled. Sora and Roxas looked at the three girls with surprised expressions over what they had said.

"Um, thanks girls, but we don't what Hearts and Hooves Day is," Sora said.

The three girls simultaniously gasped as they were all flabbergasted at Sora's comment.

"How can you not know what Hearts and Hooves Day is?!" SweetieBelle asked. I mean, come on, you've been living in Ponyville enough to at least hear about it, and not judging from the fact that it's like, the greatest holiday of all time!" "A holiday where people all over Equestria celebrate love and friendship to other people, or if you're lucky, to your very special somebody."

"Very special somebody?" Sora and Roxas asked.

"I know Sweetiebelle has somebody in mind," Scootaloo teasingly said.

"Someone with brown hair who spends all his time playing video games," Applebloom said as she joined in on the teasing.

"You girls, come on," Sweetiebelle said as she started blushing.

"First name starts with a B, and ends with an N?" Scootaloo said. "Sounds familiar doesn't it Applebloom?

"It sure does, I wonder if she got him a gift?" Applebloom said.

"Got who a gift Applebloom," Scootaloo asked.

"Oh, you know," Applebloom said. "Button Mash!"

Sweetiebelle's face went instantly red as she heard his name, and she quickly covered her face with her hands so that no one would see her so embarrassed. "You guys are the worst."

"Oh relax Sweetiebelle, we're just teasing," Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, we understand how you feel," Applebloom said.

"And you're not going the rest of the day without spending it with him, and we'll make sure of it," Scootaloo said.

"Thanks girls, you really are the best friends anyone could ever ask for," Sweetiebelle said as she and the rest of her friends gave each other a group hug. Sora and Roxas just stood there in the background watching all of this take place in front of them while they still didn't know what was going on.

"So, do you have any idea on what's going on," Roxas said to Sora.

"Not...really," Sora said as he scratched at his head. Suddenly, a harsh pain went through Sora's body as he started to shake for a few seconds.

Roxas looked over to Sora in a worried expression. "Hey, Sora are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Sora said as darkness started to appear out of his hands. Sora saw this and quickly forced the darkness back inside of him.

"Wha- what was all that about," Roxas quietly said so that he wouldn't grab the girls' attention.

"Well, you know that time when we fought Vanitas, and......" Sora paused.

"You let your darkness overtake you and became your anti form," Roxas said as he finished Sora's statement.

"Yeah," Sora said. "Lately it's just been happening at random." I went to Twilight's to see what she thought about it, and she told me that it was happening because there was something in me that wanted to keep it down more than it demanded. She said that something in me was trying too hide it."

"But why would you try to hide, I mean everybody saw you transform so...." Roxas said.

"....Not everybody," Sora said.

Roxas started to think about it, as he remembered that there were only two people that didn't see him in that form, and he knew who she was. "Fluttershy?" "So what?"

"Sorry if I can't take it as lightly as you Roxas, but don't you remember that night when we swore to protect the one that we care about?" Sora said.

"Yeah I remember," Roxas said.

"Well, Fluttershy was the one I was thinking about when I said it, and knowing that I let the darkness take over my entire body, I can't let her know something like that is inside of me," Sora worriedly said.

"I'm pretty sure that Fluttershy wouldn't look at you differently Sora," Roxas said.

"I don't know," Sora quietly said.

"Please Sora, Fluttershy is a one of a kind person, and pressuring yourself with keeping the darkness down deeper than you can is not doing anything good for you," Roxas said.

"I'll figure out some way to handle it, don't you worry," Sora said.

Roxas looked at him with an bored expression. "So instead of telling Fluttershy about this whole situation, which may I remind you is the reason why the darkness is trying to take over your body at a whim in the first place, you would rather keep it hidden from the only person that doesn't know about it, and what could ultimately keep the anti form from trying to come out?"

"Yeah, exactly," Sora casually said.

"Sora?" Roxas said.


"I see why you weren't able to go to school," Roxas mockingly said.

"Hey, you try getting to school from an island in the middle of nowhere, it's harder than it looks," Sora stated.

"Not the reason I was talking about when I said you couldn't go to school, but whatever floats your boat," Roxas calmly said.

Sora started to get little annoyed at Roxas's comebacks, and he was about to say something that probably wasn't going to help his side of the argument in the first place, but before he could, Scootaloo had called out to the both of them as the cmc started getting closer to the two keybladers.

"So now do you understand what Heart's and Hooves Day is all about?" Scootaloo said.

"Not really," Sora said with a nervous chuckle.

"Are you serious, you didn't have a holiday like this back in your home?" Applebloom said.

"I've never heard of something like that where I'm from, but to be honest, we probably wouldn't celebrate something like that," Roxas said.

"Maybe, from what I remember, we never really celebrated a holiday about love either," Sora said. "But I did go to this place called Wonderland one time where everything was pink and kind of heart- shaped, but I doubt that they did that to represent love and friendship."

"Oh, wow, that is sad," Scootaloo said. She then started to push the two keybladers forcing them to walk in the direction that she was going towards. "It looks like we have to show you two what Hearts and Hooves Day is all about instead of telling you about it."

"Ok...so where are we going?" Sora asked.

"Duh, we're going to Ponyville," Sweetiebelle said. "The Hearts and Hooves Day Festival that Ponyville is having tonight."

"Hearts and Hooves Day Festival?" Roxas asked.

"You guys sure ask a lot of questions," Scootaloo said. "Just wait until we get to Ponyville then you'll understand."

Sora and Roxas looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders as they saw no way out of this with the three girls behind them, and I guess they could say that this is better than knocking apples off a tree.


Well, looks like Sora and Roxas are on their way to Ponyville to see what Hearts and Hooves Day is really all about. But, I wonder, what is everybody else doing for this holiday?

All around Ponyville, you could tell that romance was in the air. The colors of red, pink, and white filled the air as people were celebrating the festival. The sun was set at just the right place, and that wasn't the only thing that made it so noticeable. Everywhere you turned, there were couples together showing their own signs of affection for one another, whether it was having a date in the middle of Town's Square, or just spending this wonderful day together with each other. But, even though there were couples showing their love for each other, there were also groups of friends who were spending their time together admiring the wonderful feeling they got from this holiday while exploring the holiday themed through Ponyville, and out of all the groups of friends, there was one person that just couldn't keep it in to how much she loved Hearts and Hooves Day!

"Oh, I absolutely adore Hearts and Hooves Day!" Rarity shouted in glee as her eyes filled with wonder from all of the festivities surrounding her way. "The decor, the colors, the emotions, it's all so ideal!"

As Rarity fawned over the entire ordeal of the holiday the rest of the girls were following right behind her as they were all in the middle of Ponyville checking out the entire set up for the festival, and they noticed that there were little shops and kiosks set up around the village for Hearts and Hooves Day. But, all that they really kept focusing on was Rarity and how she found everything about this festival and holiday amazing.

"So, I take it that this is Rarity's favorite holiday?" Sunset asked.

"You can say that," Twilight said.

"I don't see why she gets so happy over it," Rainbow said. "Every year it's the same thing: Rarity gets all mushy, she finds a guy that she obsesses over, doesn't get him, and she cries about it." "It's getting kind of, been there done that."

"Rainbow Dash, you shouldn't talk about a friend like that," Twilight sternly said.

"But it's true," Rainbow pointed out. "Prince Blueblood, Trenderhoof, and who knows who else."

"Even if that's true, you can't really blame her," Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, I mean, a time of the year where love and friendship is everywhere you go, it's easy to get infatuated with it," Sunset agreed. "A time where people share their feelings for each other through gifts, words, and maybe there's a chance of you finding or special somebody, there's no wonder why she's acting like this, it all just screams Rarity."

"Speaking of special somebodies..." Pinkie slyly said as she looked over to Sunset.

"What is it Pinkie," Sunset said.

"Soooo, what are the plans for you and Roxas tonight?" Pinkie asked.

Sunset was immediately surprised by Pinkie's out of nowhere question. Everyone else was a little bit shocked and but at the same time curious to what Sunset was going to say.

"What are you talking about Pinkie, and why the sudden question," Sunset said as she looked off for she was starting to get a little faint blush on her face.

"What I'm talking about is that you two are always in a good mood when you're together, you playfully annoy each other, and he was your date for the Rainbow Falls Fair," Pinkie Pie pointed out. "And, you have your hair in a ponytail, you're wearing a sweater instead of your jacket, and I can tell that you have on just a faint touch of makeup."

"Maybe I just wanted to change my look," Sunset quietly said.

"So I just assumed that you were going to spend the Hearts and Hooves Festival with your boyfriend or something like that," Pinkie playfully said. Sunset stopped in her tracks at that word, 'boyfriend', as Pinkie moved over to Fluttershy who looked a little different as well.

"What about you Fluttershy, you've changed your look today," Pinkie said as she noticed that Fluttershy's hair was braided at the very end, which complimented the light green sweater that she had on, along with teal blue skirt that matched her eyes.

"Oh, you know, it's nothing really, I just wanted to try something new?" Fluttershy said as she tried to sneak her way out of this conversation.

"Really?" Pinkie Pie believably said.

"Ummmmm...yes?" Fluttershy said.

"Okay, I believe you," Pinkie said as she turned back around. "Oh, hey look, there's Sora!"

"Really, where, I hope he likes my new look, I spent hours trying to figure out the perfect braid and......" Fluttershy paused and immediately as her friends just heard her say that. "Did I just say that out loud?"

"Yes, yes you did," Pinkie said with a grin on her face. "And, to answer your question, yes, I'm extra doubly sure that Sora will love your new look."

"You think so," Fluttershy said.

"I know so," Pinkie said.

"Boyfriend!?" Sunset said as came back into reality. "Roxas isn't my boyfriend, what gave you that idea?"

All her other friends looked at her with skeptical expressions on their faces.

"Really?" Rainbow said.

Pinkie chuckled, turned around, and shrugged her shoulders. "Just a hunch I had. It wasn't anything too crucial I guess." Pinkie went back to skipping alongside everyone else as the entire conversation made Sunset unsure of herself of what she thought of Roxas. but, her thought was quickly put to rest as somebody had appeared in her way, trying to get her attention, and it was none other than.....

"Trixie?" Sunset said with confusion.

"Hello, Sunset Shimmer," Trixie said. "I was just passing by, admiring all the decor, and Trixie happened to hear something about Roxas not being your boyfriend, nor is he with you at the festival?"

".......No," Sunset annoyingly said knowing just what Trixie was trying to do.

"So, that means anyone can ask him out of this entire village then correct?' Trixie asked, already knowing the answer.

Sunset, starting to get a little angry as little sparks of fire started to flicker out of her body, regretfully answered Trixie's question. "Technically, but I don't think that Roxas would pick anyone besides-" Sunset said as she was cut off by Trixie.

"Oh, look, speak of Hades and he shall appear," Trixie as she looked off towards the entrance of Ponyville.

Sunset looked over and saw Roxas, Sora, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and SweetieBbelle all walking into the festival. "Roxas, he came to the festival?!"

"It appears he has, excuse me Sunset Shimmer, but I have 'business' to take care of," Trixie mockingly said as she started walking towards Roxas and the others.

"Business,huh?" Sunset angrily said as she started charging her magic to teleport herself closer to Roxas. "Well, we'll see about that."


As Sora and the rest of the group walked inside Ponyville, Roxas and him both noticed that it was extremely more decorated than the last time they saw it.

"Woah, all of these decorations are for Hearts and Hooves Day?" Sora asked.

"Yep, now look around you," SweetieBelle said. "You see how everyone is all coupled up or together in some way?"

"Yeahhhhh," Sora said in an obvious tone.

"Well, during Hearts and Hooves Day, they're someone's very special somebody that they asked to be spend the Hearts and Hooves Day with." SweetieBelle said. "And being somebody else's special somebody may lead to other more romantic things in the future, at least that's what Rarity told me,"

"Oh, okay well that makes sense....I guess," Sora said.

"Soooooooo, who's gonna be your very special somebodies you two?" SweetieBelle curiously asked the two keybladers.

"I don't think I'd have one if you ask me," Sora said. The girls looked at him in shock at his words.

"Really?!" The three girls said.

"Yeah, that whole special somebody thing seems kind of trivial to me," Roxas said. As the girls were still in a state of shock from both of the guys' answers, Sora started gazing around all of the festivities until he spotted a familiar looking girl with long pink hair.

"Is that Fluttershy," Sora asked. "HEY, FLUTTERSHY, OVER HERE!"

Fluttershy and the looked back as she saw Sora waving his hand back and forth to get her attention. As Fluttershy saw Sora, she immediately started to smile his way. "Hey girls look, Sora and everyone else are here."

As the rest of the girls turned around, they all noticed the rest of their friends trying to get their attention.

"It is Sora, and I think he wants us to come to him," Twilight said.

"Geez Twilight, do you think," Rainbow sarcastically said.

"No need to be sarcastic Rainbow," Twilight said.

As Fluttershy started walking towards Sora, she abruptly stopped because she saw something that had threw her for a loop. She saw Sunset teleport right in front of Roxas and the rest of the group. What confused her even more was that Trixie was right behind Sunset looking pretty annoyed for some reason. "That doesn't look good."

As Sora caught Fluttershy's attention, he felt a sudden pain in his hand again. "What, how could I forgot about that, and why did it have to happen now? This is not good, Fluttershy's coming this way. I'll just have to control for little while longer until I can figure out a way to stop it. Now on the other hand, when did Sunset get here?"

Sunset had teleported herself in front of Roxas who was standing there surprised to see Sunset in front of him.

"Oh, hey Sunset," Roxas said.

"Roxas I need to talk to you," Sunset demanded.

"Okay, what is it?" Roxas said.

Sunset looked up towards Roxas and all the confidence in her body started to leave her body as she tried asking Roxas to the festival in front of Sora, SweetieBelle, Scootaloo, Applebloom, and pretty much everyone else around the main area at this time.

"I......I was just wondering....if you wanted to that is."

"*GASP* Oh my Celestia, Sunset's asking Roxas to the Festival!" SweetieBelle said in excitement. "This is great, you have a special somebody now!"

"Wow, no wonder they hang out a lot," Applebloom said.

"Yep he's definitely her very special somebody," Scootaloo said. "That's what you were going to say right Sunset?"

Sunset, who was dying from embarrassment, started to hesitate as she couldn't figure what she wanted, so she just blurted something out. "He's not my very special somebody! That's not what I was going to say at all!" Sunset then realized what she said. "Did I really just say that out loud?"

"Yes, yes you did," Roxas said.

"Ummm, wow, that was something," Rainbow said.

"Roxas wait, that's not what I meant to say," Sunset said as she tried to sort everything out, but before she could say anything else, Trixie got in her as she started talking to Roxas.

"My, my, that was something," Trixie said. "I don't know what that was about, but if you don't have a very special somebody, I'd be willing to fill that void."

Everyone stared at the conversation that was going on as they all waited in anticipation.

Roxas looked around and noticed that all his friends were watching the entire situation. "Sure, I don't see why not."

Everyone's jaw dropped at his response.

"Wasn't expecting that," Sora said.

"Oh, No," Twilight said.

"Oh, dear," Rarity said.

"Oh, my," Fluttershy stated.

Rainbow and Applejack clenched their teeth at the whole situation, and Fluttershy and the rest of the girls were speechless. Sunset just stood there not saying a word.

"Wonderful," Trixie said as she grabbed Roxas's hands. "Come on, lets go spend Hearts and Hooves Day together."

As the two went off together Roxas looked back towards Sunset one more time and wondered if he had overreacted to the whole thing.

Fire started to spark around Sunset's body as she was visibly angry at what just happened. "Really, did that really just happen?"

"So, why did you insult Roxas to his face," Sora asked.

"It's not like I tried to do that, I-I just got nervous, I don't know why he makes me so nervous," Sunset sadly said.

"It'll be alright Sunset, I'm pretty sure everything will figure itself out sooner or later," Pinkie Pie said. "But the only way that'll happen is if you stop bottling up your feelings."

"Yeah, I know, thanks Pinkie," Sunset said.

"Well, Since everyone's here, how about we-" Twilight started to say but was stopped as she saw Fluttershy over to where Sora was. "Nevermind."

"Hey Fluttershy," Sora said as he noticed Fluttershy's new everything. "I'm liking the new look."

"Really?" Fluttershy said with a grin on her face. "You honestly like it?"

"Cross my heart and hope to fly," Sora started.

"Stick a cupcake in my eye," Fluttershy finished. "How did you know that rhyme?"

"Pinkie taught it to me," Sora calmly said.

"Oh, that makes sense," Fluttershy said.

Sora started to laugh, but when started the darkness was trying to escape again, and as he tried to keep it hidden even more from Fluttershy, the harder it was for him to stay focused on it.

"Sora, are you okay?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

"Yeah,yeah, I'm fine, sorry about that,so, you ready to go," Sora said.

"Go?" Fluttershy nervously said for she an idea to what Sora was referring to.

"Y'now, the festival, I've never been, and I really want to see what it's about," Sora said as he reached out to grab her hand. Fluttershy couldn't do a thing but have a look of wander on her face as her and Sora were leaving the rest of the group.

"*sigh* that girl had hearts in her eyes," Pinkie said. "It's so-"

"Terrible," Rainbow blurted out.

"Terrible how could it be terrible?" Pinkie asked.

I can see what's happening


And they don't have a clue


They'll fall in love
And here's the bottom line..
There's nothing we can do


The sweet caress of twilight
There's magic everywhere
And with all this Romantic atmosphere...
Disasters in the air

(Well, I don't think that at all Rainbow
because I mean, you know....)

Fluttershy and Sora started walking through the festival together as they started going to each kiosk and store.

Can't you feel the love tonight
That peace the evening brings....
The world for once
in perfect harmony
With all its living things....

Fluttershy and Sora then went to a boat ride where they were able to go around and see the natural beauty surrounding Ponyville. As Sora looked at Fluttershy's merriment through the whole thing, the darkness in him was mentally and physically gnawing at him, and he knew that it was all his doing.

So many things to tell her
But how to make her see
The darkness in myself
She'd turn away from me.....

Fluttershy briefly looked at Sora and saw that he wasn't his normal self.

He's holding back
He's hiding
But what
I can't decide
Why won't he be the hero I know he is
The hero I see inside.....

Sora looked at Fluttershy as she looked at him, which caused him to bring a smile on his face. Sora stood up in the boat, summoned his keyblade, and started using his ice spell in the air. Then, he used little firebolts to shatter the ice into little crystal shards that illuminated in the moonlit sky.

Can't you feel the love tonight
That peace the evening brings....
The world for once
in perfect harmony
With all its living things....

Sora led Fluttershy off the boat and onto the ground with the night breeze blowing through the hair as Sora proceeded to fall onto the soft grass plain like grass with Fluttershy following him. Sora started to laugh as he had was enjoying this time with Fluttershy, and Fluttershy couldn't bottle in her emotions any more, so she kissed him on the cheek. Sora eyes went wide as he looked down and saw a blushing Fluttershy lying on his chest with a small on her face. Sora had genuine smile on his face as he saw this, and he closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment.

Can't you feel the love tonight
You needn't look too far
Stealing through the night's uncertainties
Love is where they are

And if she falls in love tonight
It can be assumed...

Their carefree days
with us are history

And then their love
Will Bloom.....

Pinkie started bawling her eyes out as Rainbow unwillingly held onto her. "It's just so romantic, Rainbow!"

"Oh, give me a break." Rainbow said.


Sunset was in Ponyville sulking in a chair as all she could think about was Roxas spending his day with Trixie. "I can't believe I let that happen. What am I going to do now?"

"I say, excuse me but, I couldn't help but notice that you are all alone on Hearts and Hooves Day?"

Sunset looked up and a tall man with brown skin, blonde hair, and glasses was looming over her. He had on a button down, plum vest, blue pants, and brown loafers. "Um, who are you?"

"I'm known as Trenderhoof around Manehatten, but you can just call me Trend for short."

Sunset looked at him with a questionable facial expression. "Uh-uh."

"I noticed that you were by yourself and as a gentleman I just couldn't leave a beautiful woman like you alone on Hearts and Hooves Day," Trenderhoof said. "How would you like to go visit some of the shops and watch me write a few stories about this festival?"

"Actually I think I'd rather...," Sunset stopped herself in midsentence and looked back towards Roxas and Trixie, and noticed how Roxas was looking back towards her, but then he quickly turned away. Sunset had a little devious smile on her face as she got up from her chair and grabbed Trenderhoof's hand. ".....Go with you after all." Sunset turned towards Roxas one last time, and she gave him a half smile as she flicked her hair while she went the opposite way.

"What's she doing with that guy?" Roxas quietly said.

"Um, excuse me, Trixie is over here," Trixie said.

"Does she really think that's gonna work?" Roxas said. "I can't believe this. What else can go wrong?"

As soon as he said this, a loud explosion could be heard from outside of the festival. Everyone turned around and saw a dark cloud start to loom over Ponyville. Roxas saw this and knew what was going on. "Sora, I knew this would happen."

"Hey, what's going on," Trixie asked.

Roxas immediately summoned his keyblades as he turned towards Trixie. "Trixie look, right now I need you to help everyone else, and make sure that no one freaks out by this."

"Where are you going," Trixie said.

"I have to save Hearts and Hooves Day for everyone," Roxas said. "Huh, I would have never thought that I would say something like that in a situation like this."

As Roxas started running towards where the darkness was coming from, he saw Sunset with Trenderhoof, as he was getting closer to the darkness. "Ugh, are you serious right now?"

Sunset was looking at the darkness as Trenderhoof was getting closer and closer to it. "Hey, are you sure that this is a good idea?"

"Of course, this is the article of the century," Trenderhoof stated.

Sunset was just looking at the darkness as it started to spread around Ponyville.

"Sunset, Sunset!" Roxas said as he ran towards her.

"Roxas?" Sunset said.

"Sunset, I need your help, Sora's darkness is taking over and I can't do this alo-......wait why are still with this guy," Roxas said as Sunset turned the other cheek to him. "What, are you serious? If you haven't noticed Sunset, but darkness is spreading over Ponyville, and if it isn't stopped, there's going to be heartless upon heartless invading Ponyville, so can you please stop with this jealousy thing?"

"Me, being jealous, I'm not the one being jealous, and this is all your fault anyway," Sunset said.

"What are you talking about?" Roxas said.

"You went with Trixie to the festival and not me, are you serious," Sunset said.

"You were the one who didn't want to go with me to the festival in the first place," Roxas debated.

"I was nervous okay, I didn't meant it at all, I wanted to go with you to the festival since the beginning," Sunset said.

"I wanted to go with you since the beginning," Roxas said.

"Do you mean that?" Sunset asked.

"Yes, Sunset, I wouldn't lie to you, and I wouldn't do anything to hurt you," Roxas said.

Sunset and Roxas both started to understand each other as they exchanged words and they realized how they each felt, and Sunset started to smile at Roxas.

"What?" Roxas said.

"You finally shared your feelings," Sunset said. "That's a Hearts and Hooves Day gift in itself."

"You're really something else Sunset," Roxas said.

Sunset went towards Roxas and started hugging him. "I know."

"Yeah, I don't mean to interrupt this whole scene, but Ponyville is still under darkness right now," Rainbow said.

"Rainbow?" Sunset said. Sunset looked to her side and saw that all of her friends were watching the entire the scene. "When did you get here?"

"Thank Trixie," Twilight said. "She brought us here."

".......Trixie," Sunset annoyingly said.

"No need to thank Trixie, I am the greatest." Trixie said.

"Anyway, the darkness," Rainbow said.

"Right!" Roxas said as summoned his keyblades and looked towards Sunset. "I need you to shoot your magic at me."

"Are you sure about that?" Sunset asked.

"Trust me I'll be fine," Roxas said. Sunset charged a line of magic as she shot it towards Roxas, and Roxas crossed his keyblades together and caused the beam of magic to aim at the spreading darkness. Roxas made the magic beam reflect in different ways to eradicate the darkness even faster. Roxas then used his keyblades to absorb the magic and he placed it in the ground. Roxas put his hand in the air and he snapped his fingers which caused the magic that was inside the keyblades to explode out in a flash of light. After the light started to fade, everything seemed to be back to normal. The darkness was gone, and the only thing left from it was Sora on the ground in a daze.

"What did I tell you what would happen if you kept the darkness compressed like that," Roxas said.

"I know, I know, I messed up," Sora said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Sora, what was that?" Fluttershy asked.

"Fluttershy, I'm so sorry about this," Sora said. Sora started to tell Fluttershy about what happened with Vanitas when she was passed out.

"So, after all of that happened, you just kept the darkness in from me only, and because of that, that's why it exploded like that?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, basically," Sora said.

"But why were you keeping it a secret from me?" Fluttershy asked.

"I just didn't want you thinking of me differently because of it," Sora said. "I really care about you Fluttershy, and I want to protect you no matter what, even if it's from myself."

Fluttershy looked up at Sora and put her hands around his face, and as she kept getting closer to him, she thumped Sora in the face.

"OW, what was that for," Sora asked as he put his hand around the area she thumped.

"That's for not trusting me enough to tell me the truth," Fluttershy said.

"I'm sorry Fluttershy," Sora said.

Fluttershy then caressed him. "This is for protecting me."

Sora saw Fluttershy and how she was smiling while she was with him, and this made him glad to be in Ponyville right now.

"Happy Hearts and Hooves Day," Roxas said. "Oh, and I like your new look Sunset."

"Finally, you realized," Sunset said.

"No, I recognized when I first saw you, you just started yelling at me first," Roxas said.

"Roxas.....thank you," Sunset said as she walked towards Roxas.

"No problem," Roxas said.


"I can't believe that through this entire day, no one wanted to be my special somebody," Rarity said as she walked back inside her boutique. As she turned on the lights, she saw SweetieBelle and Button Mash together playing on two droid boys. "SweetieBelle, have you two been playing in the dark all night?"

"Huh, uh yeah yeah, I just uh, had to defeat the Paladin Dragon before I got the skeleton key," SweetieBelle murmured.

"Pardon?" Rarity questionably asked.

"I think she meant to say that you have a gift for you over there," Button Mash said.

Rarity looked over to her chair and saw a present sitting there. "Hmm, I wonder what that is." "It's from Spikey Wikey."

She opened up the present and she saw a note in the box. She picked it up and started to read it.

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day Rarity
It took me a while to get the diamonds so I'm sorry that I couldn't give it to you in person
But I hope you enjoy the gift!
- Spike

She looked down in the box and was ecstatic, because inside the box was a diamond necklace. "Awwwwwwwww, Spikey Wikey!"

"What's going on with her," Button Mash said as he started playing with his droid boy.

"She just got a diamond necklace from Spike," SweetieBelle said.

" A diamond necklace, I would've just gotten you a toy train," Button Mash bluntly said.

".....I don't think this relationship is going to work," SweetieBelle said with a serious tone.

"I'm just kidding SweetieBelle," ButtonMash said as he laughed nervously. "Come on, you know I was just kidding."

"Good, because for my birthday I would like a ruby necklace," SweetieBelle said.

"And..... there goes my allowance," Button said dreadfully.

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day !

Author's Note:

Valentines Day, the day for love and romance. And I will be spending it alone :( BAELESS. Such a tragedy. Welp Ed Edd n Eddy Hanky Panky Hullabaloo here I come. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day everyone!