• Published 18th Aug 2013
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Sombra. Saga of Hatred - HiddenUnderACouch

Some names are respected. Some are ignored. Some are loved. There is only one name in the whole world of Equestria that became the synonym for cruelty. This name is Sombra, and this is his story.

  • ...

Matvey's Prize

"Are you sure you're alright?" Iron Wheel asked, looking at his friend. Sombra didn't even look at him, opting to remain silent instead. Before the idiot could say something else, Sombra nudged him slightly and gestured for him to stay quiet.

"Oh, well, whatever... You just don't look that good," Iron stated and focused his attention on the street before him. He still needed to pick a target worthy of being mugged.

They were adults now, so the trick with the lost foal didn't work anymore. They had to rely on their strength, speed and agility instead. Now, it was a straight run and grab. Since Iron Wheel was smaller than Sombra, he was usually the one who would snatch the purse and run. Sombra kept watch for any pursuers.

Iron Wheel looked at his friend once more and paled before the change that had happened to him since the end of spring. He used to be much livelier. Now he just stood, a silent mountain, without dropping a word. His eyes were swollen and had circles thereunder; he had had little to no sleep, clearly. His liveliness, his aggression — all of it was gone, swept away by something, leaving only void behind.

"That broad," Sombra pointed at a mare, though, he wasn’t looking at her, but her purse instead. "Come on, quick!"

Iron Wheel dashed to the mare, still consumed by his inner thoughts. Sombra's sudden change had something to do with his break-up with Krystal.

It wasn't that hard to figure out. He could always see them meet each other, or at least exchange a smile or two. Now, they seemed to completely ignore each other, as though they had never even met. Sombra had stopped inviting him for the morning jogs with her, as he had stopped approaching her; they ceased all interaction between each other.

What could possibly drive apart such a strong couple? Iron Wheel was scared to imagine. Probably some divine force.

Before the mare could even react, Iron Wheel put his hoof through the strap and pulled as hard as he could. Just as always, it snapped, and the bag was his now.

"Help! Thief!" the mare screamed, but it was far too late, Iron Wheel hoofed it as quickly as he could. Little did he know that luck was about to turn away from the young thieves.

"Stop right there!" a guard, which was seen so rarely in these parts of the city, usually keeping to their safe, warm and rich quarters, shouted, and quickly followed Iron Wheel. His armour was rattling like a beast that barked and the colt's eyes shrank to the size of a peanut.

In a moment's notice, he struck the ground and rushed forward as if he was running from a hungry dragon bent on peeling the flesh off his bones. Though, by the amount of clopping he heard from behind, his comparison wasn't too far from the truth.

Iron Wheel suddenly changed directions, dashing left into an alley. The guard, even though surely encumbered by his armor, dashed just as quickly, never falling behind. He was determined to catch the thief and appeal to the mare as well as accomplishing his duty.

"Stop, you thief! You can't run away!" the guard shouted and Iron Wheel gulped as he ran.

Where is Sombra? He's supposed to help me by now by putting up a magic barrier or push the guard away. At least something to prevent me from getting caught!

"You won't break the law on my wat—" he managed to say before Sombra smacked him on the back of the head with a brick. The loud clacking sound pierced the air and Iron Wheel's ears as the guard plummeted down into the ground, digging his face into a muddy puddle.

Sombra appeared from behind a pile of rubbish, his horn aflame with energies, holding the brick afloat. The instant the light disappeared, the brick fell into two big pieces and hit the ground.

The impact had left a deep dent in the guard's helmet and, judging by the extensive nose bleed, he had probably broken his nose when he fell. But the most horrifying thing about all of this was that he wasn't moving. Even his chest wasn't going up and down.

"Is he... dead?" Iron Wheel uttered, gasping for air, tired from all the running. "Did you kill him?"

"No," Sombra finally spoke after so much time of silence. "He's out cold, but not dead."

With those words, he delivered an angry, brutal blow into the unconscious guard's stomach. For a second, he regained conscience to spew out a small amount of blood and then closed his eyes again.

"Now, he's not likely to get up without help. Stupid idiot," Sombra snarled, leaving the poor stallion behind. Iron gulped, knowing well that he picked his side right: being with Sombra was much better than trying to fare against him.

"Ugh... was that necessary?" Iron Wheel asked, coming up to Sombra, passing him the loot. Sombra wrapped the purse in his grey aura and opened it up.

"Two hundred gold coins. Pretty good. Better than anything we got today, at least," he said, thinking of the pitiful amount of money they had found in the purses thus far. Thirty coins, forty, or sometimes even fifty — that one was their proudest achievement.

"Nice catch... Though, I hope nopony will find out about that guard," Iron Wheel added, trotting near his friend.

"Nopony will care. It's the bad side of town. He wasn't even supposed to be here," Sombra replied, continuing on. Whatever Iron Wheel tried to ask him further, he ignored it.

Iron Wheel turned silent for a brief moment, then sighed heavily.

"You know... you seemed happier before... when you were still dating Krystal," he said. "What happened between you two? You used to be so happy."

Iron Wheel stopped and covered his face, expecting an angry push or even a punch by the enraged unicorn, but nothing happened. He opened his eyes and noticed that Sombra had stopped and sat down on the ground, lowering his eyes.

"It's not easy to explain... But I did something that I shouldn't have. And now, she'll never forgive me."

Iron Wheel stopped for a second, looking at Sombra with surprise. He didn't expect him to reply, too. This was something inconceivable: Sombra, being... sad?

"This is some adult shit that — let's face it — you'll never encounter," Sombra said, looking at his friend, a sudden giggle escaping his mouth and brightening his face, but then immediately dissipating. "Never ask me something like this again, okay? I don't want to talk about her. At all."

"Okay, if you say so... But I wish you two were together again," Iron Wheel said and Sombra nodded thereto. "If only I could do something about it..."

Sombra looked at him sideways with interest. If he could do something about it? Something about that phrase seemed important, but he had to rephrase it for it to sound correct. Maybe it was not Iron Wheel who had to stop being a lazy ass and do something about the situation.

"Iron Wheel, you're... smarter than you look!" Sombra shouted, calming down to stab his friend with that remark, and raised his right hoof. "I think I know what to do. Stupid me! C'mon, give me a hoofbump!"

Iron Wheel opened his eyes widely, his mouth shining with a smile.

"What? Me? A hoofbump? Cool!" Iron Wheel shouted and quickly gave Sombra said hoofbump. He didn't know why he deserved it, but he was glad he did.

"Now, I have to go. Meet you later!" Sombra exclaimed and rushed away, running to the unknown direction. How stupid of him that he couldn't figure what to do. Time to set things right.


Sombra ran quickly, rushing through the streets, ignoring anypony he might have knocked down or hurt. He was finally inspired to do something. Finally, he understood what he had to do.

All these months, he had been suffering from loneliness, from the pain, but now, it would all be over. He would just come to Krystal, knock on her door, and then he would say sorry. He would beg for her forgiveness, do anything to earn it, and then leave with her. Together, they would raise the child. Together.

The fashionable roof of her mansion finally showed itself on the horizon, and Sombra knew he was close. He was just a few hundred metres away from his love and his future.

All the months he had spent looking like a complete wreck, doing nothing but steal and look for a way to release stress. He got into fights, tried robbery, and even thought about getting back into smoking, but abandoned it all in favour of stealing with his friend. Finally, it paid off and Iron's brain came up with an idea his own, much more intelligent head couldn't conceive: apologize. Just swallow his pride, and apologize.

Though, what should he say? How would he start his speech? Maybe a simple hello would suffice. And then what? Follow up with an apology? Or add some flavour text? Or maybe some interactions?

He was scared and excited at the same time. He couldn't wait to settle down this dispute, apologize to Krystal and be happy with her once more. Everything would come back to normal.

Sombra opened the metal gates leading to the yard and walked past the trees and bushes. If he had strayed just a few inches away, he would have reached the site of their spicy picnic. Her breath had felt so hot at that moment... These memories were so precious and warm, Sombra fondled them every night, only to wake up with a frustrated face, knowing that it was all past.

His heart skipped a beat when he approached the front door. Deep inside, he felt guilt eating away at his soul and the annoying voice of fear in his mind whispered: "Run away! Escape! She won't forgive you!"

She might not forgive me, Sombra thought, but at least, I'll let her know that what I said was wrong. His soul ached when he thought about how much she had to have cried. He could feel her pain. And he knew just how hard it would be to get Krystal back, but he prayed for a positive outcome.

Sombra knocked on the door a few times. After the last knock was silenced, he knocked once again, harder this time. The door was closed, but he knew Krystal was at home; the light in her window was a clear indicator.

"Krystal... It's me! Please, open the door!" he shouted when he realized that knocks wouldn't help. "I've got something to tell you... Please?"

He waited for a few minutes, expecting her to come open the door, but that didn't happen. Fear struck Sombra's heart, grasped it tight and made cold sweat run down his face. What if she would not open? What if she had done something to herself?

No, it was alright. The light in her room shone bright, she was probably there. So, Sombra decided to take a more direct approach. His horn lit up, wrapping himself in grey energies, and he lifted himself into the air.

He had never tried doing this before. It felt so weird to float above the ground like a bird. Though, in his case, it was more like a rock that was thrown into the air against its will. Even though Sombra tried to keep himself steady, he kept leaning left and right, sometimes whirling like a hurricane, and other times slamming into the walls of Krystal's mansion. During one such slam, he was unfortunate to ram his face into the wall. The collision with the hard material was felt immediately as Sombra lost concentration and started to fall. Thankfully, he managed to grab onto the windowsill.

"This looked so much easier in the book!" he grumbled, knowing that in A Runaway From Fate, Atris had tried such a trick. Sombra was glad the outcome was different in his where. Instead of breaking several of his ribs to end up in a hospital wherein he would meet his next spouse, he only got a few bruises.

After regaining control of his magic, Sombra flew into the air once more and finally carried himself to the window of Krystal's room. It was just as tidy as ever, with the poor pony lying in bed, facing away from the window.

She looked so weak and defenceless alone, Sombra immediately got the desire to hug her, keep her warm. But, the wound he dealt to her had to be treated first.

"Krystal, it's me. Please, let me in," he said after knocking on the window to draw her attention. Her frail shoulders flinched a bit — she’d definitely noticed him — but she didn't react. It was unreal to realize that this fragile girl was carrying a kid; her belly must be huge already.

The child... Sombra was still unsure about it. He wasn't ready to become a father... But he wouldn't abandon Krystal. He had been wrong all the time, and if he had to abandon his ideals, his freedom, for her... he would.

"Well... okay, I can stay outside, if you want. It's a bit chilly, you know, but I can take it," Sombra tried joking, but seeing Krystal indifference, he changed the positive attitude for a serious one.

"Look, Krystal, I'm really sorry for what I have said. I know I should have realized earlier, but... what can we do now?" he started speaking. "I've made a terrible mistake... such a terrible mistake. I was blinded by my own pride, I was afraid to lose my freedom, the freedom that has gotten so dear to my heart. Freedom of movement, freedom of choice..."

Freedom of choice? And what would he choose? Drugs? Sex? Life of debauchery and decay? Would he become just like his father: free of any responsibility, living his life for himself? No, if this was freedom, he didn't want it.

"I'm ready to throw away my freedom; I don't need it. I want you instead. Please, Krystal, listen to me, for I speak from the bottom of my heart: if you still value me as a pony worthy of forgiveness, and wish to trust me once more, open the window and let me in," he implored, his voice shaking from sadness and guilt, guilt that he hadn't felt for so long.

Krystal remained motionless and, as minutes passed, Sombra's faith shrunk and withered. Was the wound too deep to be cured?

"I- I understand why you wouldn't want to. I caused you great pain; I can't even imagine how great it is. You may hate me, but I still love you and you alone," Sombra said, putting his hoof on the window, holding back the pathetic tears that veiled his eyes. He didn’t want to think about how he’d look like if he’d cry now.

"If you ever change your mind, I'll be waiting for you in the summer house wherein you’ve protected me from the cold. I'll wait for you there from seven till nine PM every day."

He finally finished his speech and slowly descended down to the ground, uttering a silent goodbye. It didn't go as he wanted it to... but now she knew that he regretted what he had done. Hopefully, she'd think about it and forgive him. He'd wait for her to do so.

With the mix of dark thoughts and hope, he walked away. The first steps were made. Now, he just had to pray and hope on Krystal's mercy. His future was entirely in her hooves.

He left her mansion slowly, stopping every time he felt the need to look around and remember. Funny. Just a few years back, he would be scared to enter this house. Now, it seemed more welcoming than his own. He wished he could live here with his beloved, in quietness and calmness, away from the slums.

But for now, he had to hurry home. He needed to eat heartily. Tomorrow, he would be waiting for a long time.


Krystal heard all of it. Even though she didn't react, she heard all of it. She listened, and her eyes were filled with tears of joy. She had been right: he came back! Her heart hadn’t lied. Sombra did love her, after all.

Not that Krystal was going to immediately let him know that she wanted to forgive him so much. She suffered so much throughout these months, without support, without help. Every night, she had had the buzzing desire to end her life, but she’d driven away those thoughts and prayed for better future.

She stayed true to her promise to the unborn child, even abandoning her family’s wine cellars for a while, so the kid wouldn't get affected. She’d pretty much lived the life of a saint, but now she felt the strong desire to celebrate since the weeks of sadness, waiting, and pain were over.

If she hadn't valued her dignity, she would have opened the door right away. But, as the experience of reading countless of romance novels taught her: forgiving your loved one instantly was no way to go. He had been taught a lesson; he probably was worried so much when she didn't open, when she didn't react to his attempts at asking forgiveness.

Krystal jumped off her bed, landing on all four of her hooves, her limbs felt a bit shaky from her own weight. She really shouldn't have abandoned morning jogs. In addition to her own fat backside, she was now carrying a little colt or filly's not so fat backside inside herself, and it didn't help her problems weight problems.

"After this, I'm definitely going on a diet," Krystal promised to herself, poking her big belly. Thankfully, it wasn't big enough to clearly distinguish her, a fatty, from a pregnant mare, but Krystal was still worried about several servants who knew exactly how a mother looked like. But most of all, she was scared of her parents, scared of how they would react. How they would punish her...

She drove away these thoughts; mother and father were still away on the diplomatic mission in some Emperor-forgotten parts of the Empire, so she was safe for now. She had more important things — in her opinion — to take care of: she needed to dress up and go to that summer house.

When she helped Sombra out, she was trying to be a Samaritan, tried to show herself as a very good, nice and kind filly. Little did she know that she would be saving the love of her life.

She still had some time before seven PM, so, she put on some warm clothes, since the autumn was gaining power, before she went out the door to restore two lives to their former glory. It was time for their star to shine once more.

"My mistress, where are you going?" the servant asked, his puzzled expression showing on Krystal's room doorstep.

"Oh, just a few trots around the park, nothing more. I'll be quick, do not worry," Krystal informed, looking in the drawer, deciding what scarf to put on.

"Don't leave just yet. I have a surprise for you. Come with me!" the servant informed, his excited tone making Krystal wonder what had possibly happened to make him so excited.

"A surprise? Well, then, let's see your surprise," muttered Krystal and followed the pony. Though a bit irritated that she would have to receive to some silly present instead of fixing her life, she still might as well make Sombra think about his words a little longer.

The servant led her to the hall at the entrance, whence Krystal heard voices and the sounds of moving furniture. She also felt some magical reverberation; somepony was definitely using levitation.

The servant opened the door to her and stepped away, letting his mistress pass. Krystal entered the hall and the smell of fresh fruits and travel bags greeted her nose. She closed her eyes and sniffed the air, filling her lungs with the smell of oranges and apples and a weak aroma of wine.

However, the sight of joy turned into a not-so-pleasant sight when she opened her eyes and saw who had brought these treats.

"I can't believe we're finally home. Sweet Emperor, what a trip!" Lazarus exclaimed, unpacking the fruits from the travel bag. "I think I ate more dust than usually. Stupid stagecoach and that brainless imbecile of a driver... Ugh!"

Celene was there, too, looking through the closet to see if her dresses were in order. After making sure they were alright, she approached the table and poured herself some water in a cup.

"Look on the bright side: at least we got out earlier from your ridiculous mission. Else we would have had to travel through winter," she tried to calm her husband down, pouring him some water as well.

"Yes, Celene is right: be grateful, Lazarus, for the providence granted you an early vacation," Matvey said, looking around this new environment. He was wearing an elegant suit with soft collar and painted sleeves, which went from his hooves and up to his ankles.

"I'd say the trip wasn't so bad. At least we got here without meeting any bandits."

"Oh my, don't remind me of that! Bandits, the scum of the world. I wish every mare, which ever gave birth to a future bandit, would see what their spawn is doing at the time. Urgh, disgusting!" Lazarus replied and, turning away from his guest, finally noticed his daughter, whose face had paled significantly over the last few seconds.

"Oh, Krystal, am I glad to see you!" he exclaimed, smiling. After dropping a few measuring glances, his expression changed to a puzzled one.

"Huh... you've been cuddling the chocolate, sweetie?" he asked and Krystal turned as red as a ripe tomato.

"Yes! Yes, I was," she gasped, her mind all over the place. Nightmares were coming true: up was down, down was up, she was pregnant, Matvey and her parents were here. She was doomed.

"I hope that's alright... I really do," Lazarus mused, looking sideways at Matvey, who sneered.

"Oh, it's okay, really. The filly was hungry, what's wrong with that?" He laughed. "Besides, I bought her some sweets as well."

He looked back and coughed loudly. Out of the shadows came his servant, a stalwart light-coloured crystal pony, carrying a big basket.

"Caramel, pies, cupcakes — everything the lady desires," Matvey's predator smile sent a shiver down Krystal's spine. "Or do you prefer vegetarian? I think not."

He nodded at her, noting her figure and belly, and Krystal gritted her teeth. At least they didn't notice; her pregnancy wasn't obvious yet, but she was still in trouble. She had to get out of her house as fast as she could. She had to run away, get to Sombra and come up with a plan, a plan to save them both.

"No, thank you, I'm not hungry. I'm terribly sorry but I have to go to my room. Right now," she said, her voice slipping away into a worried tone. Her mother immediately noticed that and looked at Lazarus with worry and doubt. He replied with an assuring look and approached Krystal.

"I'll escort you, dear. We have something to discuss, anyway," he said, smiling and nodding to Matvey to follow them. A cramp ran down Krystal's back, but she clenched her teeth and proceeded.

Her heart pounded like a wardrum, her cheeks quickly covered with cold sweat, and her vision became blurry. She couldn't have even imagined that this could have happened; all she had prayed for was that she would be able to slip out of her house at night, unnoticed, and then meet Sombra at the appointed time.

Before Krystal could close the door, Lazarus used his magic to block it and stuck his head in the little passage that was formed.

"Hold on, dear! I told you I've got something important to talk about," he said, and Krystal backed away, gulping nervously. To relieve her, Lazarus smiled gently and gave her a pat on the head.

"Don't worry. There's nothing to be scared of. Every pony your age has to go through this," he assured before clearing his throat. "Sorry for my rudeness, I haven't even introduced you to our guest of honour: Lord Matvey III, one of the richest and most powerful nobles of Crystal Empire."

"We've already met, Lazarus; no need for introductions," Matvey grinned. "Let me explain the situation myself."

He slowly trotted past Lazarus and approached Krystal, and unnerving smile on his face.

"You see, after we have met, I couldn't get you out of my head. It's like you burned some parts of my soul, leaving scars. I realized that I can't live anymore without you," he confessed, extending his right forehoof. "And I've come here today to announce my feelings to you."

He kneeled down before her, bowing his head.

"I love you, Krystal, and at this very moment, I propose to you."

Krystal closed her eyes. This was what she had always been afraid of. This was bad, really bad.

"But that's not the point right now. You see, I and Matvey have agreed upon one thing... It's called the Meet Off," Lazarus said, sweating a little. "It's an ancient sacred tradition among the nobility of the Empire."

Spoke the father slowly, his voice trembling; he was clearly nervous. While he explained, Matvey took a sweet stroll across Krystal's room, looking around nonchalantly.

"The groom and the bride meet in a place of their choosing, and then, they have the whole day to... get to know each other better, like, very close."

"Stop beating around the bush, just tell her the truth!" Matvey said in a strict voice. "This 'meeting very close' is fornication, Krystal, and I think you already know what that involves."

It was amazing how open and merciless Matvey was about the fact that Lazarus had sold Krystal to him. She turned to her father, eyes filled with horror, and he turned away, just turned away.

"I'll make it worth your while, dear Krystal. You won't have to ever think about need any more; you'll live in my mansion, surrounded by dozens of servants, which will tend to your every need. I shall make you a queen, my little queen," his words poured like honey, every mare would fall into his possession at the first notes of something like that. But to Krystal, they were poison, acid.

"I... I need to think," she uttered, looking at her father with the same look she had given Sombra when he’d left her. The difference between Sombra and Lazarus was that, while Sombra was very, very close to her, he wasn't her family, the family that raised her. Lazarus was. And he’d just betrayed her.

"Well, you have the right to think — up to three months. Maximum," Matvey said and smiled. "Let us leave now. I'll see you later... sugar."

He said the last words with a bit of tenderness, fake tenderness. Krystal saw them both leave her room, her father not even turning around, trying to keep up with his guest.

After they left, Krystal quickly locked the door and rushed to her bed; she wanted to wrap herself in the blanket and thus make them think she was saddened and in despair... while she’d come up with a plan of escape.

Thank you, romance novels.