• Published 18th Aug 2013
  • 4,012 Views, 404 Comments

Sombra. Saga of Hatred - HiddenUnderACouch

Some names are respected. Some are ignored. Some are loved. There is only one name in the whole world of Equestria that became the synonym for cruelty. This name is Sombra, and this is his story.

  • ...

Blood in your eyes

Author's Note:

Sorry the update took so long. I hope you enjoy this one!

The knocks on the door felt relieving to Krystal, enough for her to let out a loud and long sigh. What had taken him so long? She had been waiting for almost half an hour, putting the makeup on and washing it away, again and again, trying to come up with a perfect combination that would appeal to Sombra.

She had also cleaned up the house — herself! Caring about keeping her relationships with Sombra a secret from her parents, she ordered all the servants that worked in the giant mansion to take some days off without any penalty. They were more than happy and Krystal was left all alone with all the chores. Make up the beds, clean the floors, wash the dishes — all of this was not fit for her noble hooves, but it was a worthy sacrifice to make. She could endure the whole day of physical work if it meant getting what she wanted.

Besides, she was quite pleased with what she had done with the place. The floors were clean and tidy, the rug was fluffy and a bit spiny, and the portraits of her family were dusted off and shone due to a recent polish. Krystal was ready for him.

Why have I done it, she found herself asking yet again. Just for him? Because I love him? Yes, she answered to herself for the hundredth time. She wasn't herself after what happened in the garden and many doubts had crossed her mind since then. She had changed her view on the morals and the meaning of pleasure. Her body was still shuddering from the feelings she had experienced, even through the veil of the alcohol.

"I'm coming!" she cried happily and hurried up to open the door. Everything inside her was burning with eagerness and shame. She tried to fight this appetence, tried to suppress it, but couldn't. So, just a night before she invited Sombra, she completely succumbed to it.

"Just a few seconds... And there we go!" Krystal sung, opening the door.

Her happiness and joy over her coltfriend's arrival was quickly replaced by confusion and shock.

"The... stairs didn't seem that long. Well, at least the door’s open," Sombra said as his horn flickered, releasing a small bolt that almost singed Krystal's hoof.

"Wha- what the Abyss?" Krystal's eyes widened as she looked at Sombra, inspecting him.

Swollen eyes, horn, constantly flickering, increased activity, and—

"You're the Queen of Butterflies? You look nothing like a butterfly! Or a queen..."

—ravings. Yes, Krystal's suspicion was correct; Sombra was heavily intoxicated. Though this didn't seem like any alcohol intoxication Krystal had ever seen. This was something... entirely different.

"Sombra! What... what..." Krystal started choking from anger and frustration. He had lied to her! He really did for the first time!

"Woo-hoo," the stallion uttered something unpronounceable and started turning around in circles. He slowly and carefully put hoof behind hoof as if afraid to fall. "And there's more! Much less things that there was in the first place."

"What the..." Krystal muttered, still unable to process everything. She quickly closed the door behind Sombra, completely cutting him off from any chance of escape. "What the actual fuck?!"

That was the first swear word she had said for many years. She remembered the time she suddenly uttered a cuss word when she was about six years old. She had to stay in her room for over a month, only leaving when she had to go to school or visit a teacher. Now, her hooves were untied.

"Butterflies led me here. I can see one," Sombra stated lamely, pointing into thin air and slowly moving his hoof down until he was finally pointing at Krystal's right hoof. She tried moving it left and right and the stoned stallion followed her every move.

"I'm going to have to sedate you somehow." Krystal sighed. Sombra's horn flickered in resonance to her voice. "What the Abyss? You stupid idiot, why did you... Argh!"

"A butterfly," Sombra replied, continuing to point at her hoof. Krystal tried to face -hoof with it, but the second she raised her limb, Sombra dashed forwards and engulfed it with his mouth. He closed his eyes, and made strange movements with his tongue and lips as if he were sucking.

"Butrert...fly," the stallion muttered, gently scratching her skin with his teeth.

"You inept cretin!" Krystal growled, pushing him away. "How could you do this?!"

Everything inside her was boiling with fury and anger, her cheeks turned red, and she bared her teeth. In reply, Sombra started to sing some lullaby. Krystal couldn't make out the words; he was far too intoxicated to be understood.

"Sombra, I promise, when you get over this, I'll beat you so hard you'll never think about doing Dust ever again! Not even a thought will cross your brain, you hear me?" she boomed like a raging thunderstorm, her eyes wide open. "Do you know what might happen to you now? Do you know what side effects that drug has? Do you want to remain an addict for the rest of your life? Do you really want to die that badly?!"

She looked away when Sombra assumed an expression that seemed like he was missing a brain. He stuck out his tongue, bared his sharp teeth and tried to lick his nose, while concentrating his sight on the tip of his tongue.

"Do you have any self respect, or do I have to shove it into you every time? First tobacco, now this! I knew this wouldn't end well, I knew it! I should have acted earlier, harsher. We wouldn’t have to deal with this if I had!" She sighed loudly, letting her frustration out through her lungs. Her heart was pounding and she started to feel a little nauseous. She should sedate Sombra and go to bed.

And she expected a nice evening. Yeah, sure. With Sombra, you couldn't expect anything. He would always find a way to ruin your plans. Always.

"So, what do we do? Ugh, just let me fetch some ropes or something. That should work," Krystal said and turned away to make her way deeper into the house to find something wherewith she could bind Sombra lest he hurt himself.

Suddenly, she felt magical streams form around her and intensify. The room suddenly became darker; the curtains closed themselves; the candles on the candelabra turned dim.

"Where are you going?" Sombra pronounced clearly, as though he were completely lucid.

"What... What is the meaning of this? What is happening?" Krystal asked quietly, turning around slowly. She almost jumped when she saw Sombra's face. His eyes were wide open, filled with blood and his mouth was distorted in a wicked smile.

"I adore thee, fair maiden. Thy face is fairer than all the starts, and thus, I have come to claim thine innocence..." he mumbled, quoting Atris from "Runaway From Fate", smiling and reeling from side to side. His horn was engulfed by darkened energies, blocking off any escape route with powerful force fields.

He was quoting a scene of Atris' downfall, where he succumbed to his desires and fell into the trap of a beautiful mare, who turned out to be thief. Though, it seemed that, in this situation, it was Krystal who should be worried now.

Magic enhancements, of course! Sombra was using some powerful magic right now — more powerful than anything Krystal had ever used, at least. She backed away, not knowing what to do, where to go. She was completely at his mercy.

What kind of insanities and sick fantasies were going through Sombra’s mind? And how many were going were unleashed, triggered by the drug? Knowing Sombra and his special way of thinking, it filled Krystal's heart with horror at what he could do to her, unable to control himself.

"Sombra... wait just a second, please. Stop for a second and think about what you are doing. Just stop and think for a second!" Krystal tried to keep firm her voice, but it shook, trembled. Her face became pale with fear, and her hooves shook uncontrollably.

"Oh, no-no-no-no-no... I don't want any tea, thank you. Don’t hide your wings, Queen of Butterflies! Your disguise fools me not!" Sombra shouted in reply. These were his own now; she hadn't seen anything like this in the book.

"Sombra... Sombra, what are you do—" She couldn't finish her sentence as magical field wrapped her around the neck. It tightened up with every passing second, choking the mare as she fell to her knees.

"Krghh...khh..." she coughed, losing strength. Sombra approached her slowly, tightening the magical grip with every step he took.

"Unsatisfactory results, my dear. I'm not impressed, Queen — not at all. Big blue birds were right — you're not as powerful as the butterflies told me," he rambled, and, in no time, he towered over Krystal.

"Do you feel the chill running up your spine, my little slave? Oooh, I bet you do!" Sombra said, quietly, mysteriously, his blood-filled eyes looking straight into Krystal's soul. "Now, we shall stay alone in my cell, in the Third Circle of Abyss, in the grasp of the Dark Emperor. Can you imagine it? Breaking you over and over and over again shall bring me such pleasure!"

Suddenly, he turned around and made a scared expression.

"But mayhap this is not a right thing to do? Why would we imprison a queen and then vio...vio... ravage her kingdom? And her kin, too? Why kill them all, I ask? Why? Do you have an answer?" he mumbled in a weak, trembling voice somewhat similar to... Iron Wheel's.

Sombra turned back to Krystal, reverting back to his evil side.

"I like her. That's all the answers I need. Now, let me feast!" He growled the last words, baring his teeth. Krystal's horn lit up as she tried to fight back his dark magic.

"Do not even bother. It won't work. I know..." he said, when suddenly his grip became weaker. The dark flame, dancing at the tip of his horn became smaller, showing that he was weakened.

A light of hope lit up in Krystal's soul. She might have a chance, still. It seemed that the real Sombra was still fighting inside this monstrosity born by drugs. Krystal just had to fight back until the drug would wear off.

One final push and she was free of the bind that he had tied around her neck. The dark thread dissipated into the mist and Sombra growled from irritation.

"How dare you disobey your master?!" he boomed. "I shall punish you for that!"

Krystal quickly dashed to the right, avoiding him, and tried to reach the door, leading out of the entrance hall, but her escape was quickly prevented by a force field.

"I need to taste you!" Sombra roared at the top of his lungs so loudly Krystal felt pain in her ears. "Every breath you take, they all belong to me!"

He gazed at Krystal, madness dancing in his eyes, and rushed towards her, his horn aflame with dark magic. Saliva started dripping from his mouth, gathered on his lips; he looked like a rabid animal.

Krystal wanted to dodge, but he was faster. In a second, he had tackled her down and pinned to the ground. Several drops of his saliva fell on her cheeks as she struggled to get out.

Sombra pushed his forehooves on her chest and looked her in the eyes like a savage that was about to tear into his injured and bleeding prey. He grinned, lowering his muzzle to hers.

"Fold your wings, butterfly, or I shall tear them away," he whispered into her ear. "No need to fight back — I'm in complete control."

He licked her skin, from chest to cheek, slowly, playfully, enjoying every second of it. He tasted the scent, he felt the taste, and now, only a little drop of blood was needed to turn him from a savage into a perfect predator.

Krystal couldn't pronounce a thing, fear shackled her limbs and her voice. She wanted a scream, but there was nopony in the house except herself and Sombra. Her horn flickered when she tried to use magic and lift something heavy, aiming to knock her drugged coltfriend out, but the dark magic that siphoned the magical streams around her as Sombra continued to cast spells. It made her feel nauseous and weak and she couldn't cast anything.

"Keep still now! Just keep still and the cutting won't hurt!" Sombra gargled as if there was something in his throat before cackling maniacally. "Keep still! The best part is still ahead!"

The blood in his eyes started pouring out, probably his capillaries being unable to sustain the pressure of his pumping heart, which the drug had caused to beat at extreme levels. These tears of blood ran down his face, dropping down.

"Sombra... please... wake up!" Krystal uttered, hoping to get to the real Sombra inside this walking corpse, but he was deafened by the sound of his cackle.

He laughed again before he turned dead-serious. Before a small drop of blood could fall, he caught it with his tongue. Then, his horn lit up, and Krystal realized that something bad was about to happen. Something horrible. Something terrifying.

"Oh, and there it is!" Sombra shouted, levitating a small knife towards himself. "I've been looking for you everywhere! Didn't you know it's time for breakfast?!"

He caught the blade with his teeth and looked at Krystal. Her heart stopped and her face became pale-white. She couldn't move even a muscle, bound by fear of the unknown. What could this sick drug make him do? How could this get any worse?

"Let the feast begin!" Sombra growled and made a small cut on his right hoof. Then another cut just below it. The pain enthralled him as he continued to cut slowly, enjoying every moment.

As the drops of blood were falling onto Krystal, her fear changed. She somehow lost her fear of getting hurt and felt afraid for Sombra, who might hurt himself badly. He couldn't control himself. How long would it be before he’d cut an artery?

"Ouuch... lots of red, yes!" Sombra giggled like an idiot, watching his wounds bleed. "He-he-he-he".

His horn started getting dimmer and the heavy, dark influence in the magical streams lessened rapidly. Snatching this opportunity, Krystal used a simple levitation spell to wrap a vase in a bright field of energy.

"Let us get more re—"

"Hey, Sombra!" Sombra turned his attention from his woulds to her before he could cut once more. "Catch!"

The vase struck him right in the temple — and it did the job. He fell over, unconscious. The knife fell into a small puddle of blood on the floor, the red stains thereon a reminder of the horrors of the past minutes.

Krystal rose up, trying her best to swipe away the blood and saliva that had gotten onto her and sighed with a little bit of relief. Sombra was unconscious and the room brightened up once the chaotic magic that Sombra had oozed had dissipated entirely.

She looked around, looking for a blanket or some cloth. She needed to bandage his wound before he’d bleed to death as well as make a compress for his eyes to prevent him from losing his eyesight.

What a horrible evening. But it was over... at least for now.

"How are you feeling?" Krystal asked, squeezing a towel in the pelvis, filled with brew, made out of daisies and several other flowers. It had a distinct smell of freshly cut grass.

"It hurts, like, a lot," Sombra replied, slowly moving his healthy hoof towards the bandage on his face that covered its upper part. "It hurts a lot. Very much, I mean."

"The rambling still persist? No obsessive thoughts?" the mare said, approaching her unfortunate love. The towel dripped with the brew, filling the nostrils with its sharp and yet tasty smell.

"No, I'm not rambling... I'm not rambling," he repeated, running his hooves over the bandage. It was fulvous from blood, though some parts were still wet. "I just... feel a little cloudy. Everything seems so frail and fading... it's like nothing is real!"

"Alright... I think we're on the right track," Krystal said, sighing afterwards. "Could you help me a little? We need to change the bandage."

"Yes, of course," Sombra helped Krystal to slowly remove the bandage. It got stuck on his face quite hard since he lost quite a lot of blood because of bleeding of his eye, and he even had to bite his lip as the bandage came off suddenly.

"There we go!" Krystal said, trying not to look as Sombra's eyes were still a horrible mess. The only things normal about them were the pupils, while the white was completely filled with blood. Sombra blinked a few times, trying to clear away his sight from the red stains.

Krystal started carefully bandaging the wet towel around his face, while keeping a close look on his horn. Who knew, maybe the full effects of the drug hadn't kicked in still. While she was working, Sombra let out a long sigh.

"I know it sounds weird... But please, forgive me. I am stupid," he said. "I knew I shouldn't have used that drug, but I still did... And look what catastrophe has happened because of me!"

Krystal stopped for a moment.

She wanted to berate him for almost killing her, but a small thought flashed in her head: would he, when under the influence of drugs, try to kill her? Had he even been trying to kill her? He had had a perfect opportunity, he had towered right above her with a knife ready, and yet he had started cutting his hoof instead. Maybe it had been the effect of the drug — a temporary madness that made him do things beyond the logic of any living being. Or maybe he had managed to keep control at least in some way.

"Just a catastrophe?" she said bitterly. "Is that what it was to you?"

"What would you call it then?" Sombra suddenly replied. This answer surprised Krystal, leaving her breathless. She couldn't think of a way to retort. He was actually correct in his choice of words.

"I've done... a horrible mistake, Krystal. And I am not talking about the... use of the drug," he said, his voice trembled slightly. "I'm talking about... myself."

"What are you trying to say?" Krystal asked, still looking at him warily.

"I'm a colossal failure! I mean, I can't do anything right! I'm a complete loser when it comes to basic things. Even... erghm... you know... stuff," he said quietly, and Krystal looked at him questioningly.

"So, you took that drug for a reason? Clarify, please, what was so important to you to break the promise you gave to me?"

"Well, you see... I did for you... I thought you were dissatisfied with my performance... And I couldn't think of any other way to help myself. I'm... dammit!" he cussed, his cheeks blooming with blush. "I thought it would solve my personal... problems."

"Sombra," Krystal took a deep breath and gently rubbed his chest. "You can entrust your secret to me. I'm your pony, after all."

The encouragement calmed Sombra down and, after sighing, he spat it all out in the most evasive way possible.

"I view my abilities as a stallion to be not of the level high enough for you to enjoy. So I used the drug to enhance my abilities," he quickly muttered. Krystal gave him a long and questioning look. She clearly hadn't understood what he meant.

The staredown continued for a few minutes before a barely noticeable smile appeared on her face. A quiet giggle reached Sombra's ears before Krystal burst into laughter.

He ogled her with a look of misunderstanding. Krystal continued to laugh, tears filling her eyes, and she even felt pain in her stomach.

"What? Se-seriously? That's all?!" She laughed further. "It's... sad and funny... at the same time!"

Sombra could clearly see now: she was crying and laughing at the same time. She leaned on Sombra, hugging him, her body shaking and trembling from laughter. Feeling the guilt curling inside him like a ball, he gently responded in kind. Krystal's tears fell on his skin, and she burrowed her muzzle in his fur.

"You're an idiot. You're such an idiot," Krystal exclaimed. "Such. A. Fool!"

Slowly, Krystal started to calm down, though her shoulders still twitched a little.

"Sombra, such things are of no value to me. I love you regardless of whether you're a Kasanova or not. I love you anyway," she said, looking at him and touching his cheek, careful not to disturb the towel on his face. "But what you did has hurt me greatly, you know that? You broke a promise."

"I know, dear... But... may I have another chance, maybe?" he pleaded and she snuggled closer to him.

"Yes... But, remember: if you think you have issues, you should talk to me first! Do not attempt to solve anything on your own. You're very bad at that," she stated. "Now, for your own protection, I decree you have no privacy from now on. If you think you have problems concerning anything, you talk to me. Got it?"

"Ehm... is that really necessary?" Sombra wondered, and, after receiving a harsh poke in the belly, he quickly nodded. "Okay, okay. As you say."

After he agreed, Krystal gave him a gentle and loving kiss on the lips.

"You're forgiven, for now," Krystal said, relieving his soul of the burden of the guilt. "But if this happens again..."

"It won't, Krystal. My mother be my witness," Sombra swore, and Krystal closed her eyes, knowing that he would keep his word. He would never mention his mother if he wasn't serious.

"Thank you, sweetheart. Thank you," Sombra said, hugging his Krystal harder and thanking her for giving him another chance. He just hoped he would not waste it.

"Get well as soon as you can. We have a whole week ahead of us."

A whole week! This was phenomenal. Sombra got to spend a whole week with her. What more he could dream of?