• Published 18th Aug 2013
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Sombra. Saga of Hatred - HiddenUnderACouch

Some names are respected. Some are ignored. Some are loved. There is only one name in the whole world of Equestria that became the synonym for cruelty. This name is Sombra, and this is his story.

  • ...

Land of Dreams

This was it, the beautiful day.

Sombra walked quickly through the park, making his way to Krystal's mansion. So weird. Not long ago, he had walked to a mansion to destroy it. Now, yet another mansion awaited his arrival, but for another reason — hopefully, a much more pleasant one.

The pouch filled with the much needed drug was dangling on his side, the strap painfully rubbing his skin. The strap of guilt, however, rubbed his soul even worse. He couldn't let go of the feeling that something would go wrong, that he should stop and throw the drug away, but he didn’t. He had already paid much money therefor and he was worried that he would let Krystal down.

Maybe she just invited him over to show him the interior and decorations. Maybe she had purely clear and innocent intentions and it was Sombra who was so perverted and corrupted by this life of freedom that he could think of nothing more than stealing the poor girl's innocence yet again.

She had informed him that her parents would be gone for a long time and that they would be all alone in there. Sombra felt torn inside, between the hope of it being just a friendly invitation, and the beastly desire for her.

The thought of entering Krystal's house for the first time terrified him a bit. He was afraid to see something weird, something out of the ordinary. Her house seemed like an unexplored cosmos, and he was a lonely traveller venturing whither nopony had gone before.

The bright spring day seemed to be shining with light that reflected on the crystals everywhere, yet another proof that Krystal had something serious on her mind. She told Sombra to come at this day; they’d skip school and their morning jogs. The unicorn loved the attitude of his maturing marefriend — she started to realize the pointlessness of these rules and was slipping from these shackles slowly and steadily.

Sombra inhaled, feeling the fresh air seeping into his lungs. Everything would be fine. Whatever Krystal had in mind, he wouldn't disappoint her. He, her champion, would always make her happy, no matter what.

Though, it wouldn't hurt to make sure. Or should he abstain from using the drug? He couldn't decide. The matter at hoof was far too important for him to fail at. He had to make the right decision.

Sombra weighed his options. Krystal obviously had to remain unaware of the fact that he’d used a drug. So, if she wanted what Sombra hoped she wanted, then he would be in a tight spot. If not, then, well, a boring tea party. He just couldn't make the final decision. Too much was at stake right now. Though, if he thought about it, he couldn't say exactly what.

Doubts, doubts, so many doubts — he couldn't stand it. Doubts lay in the past, he had to throw them away. No more doubts, only the strength of resolve and the undying love for his pony. And his resolve was telling him one thing.

"Now, or never!" Sombra told himself, pulling away from the set path as he looked for a quiet and secluded place. He found it in the form of the small field hidden behind bushes. This didn't look like a popular spot for picnics, so Sombra quickly took off the strap and placed it on the ground. As far as he knew, the drug would react properly if inhaled it, so he wrapped the bag filled with Dust with his magical aura and emptied it all over the strap.

The dust sparkled in the sun like snow would. Red, blue, green — the particles looked like they were each part of a different gem. Sombra wasn't aware that the sun could have such an effect on the dust. However, he hadn't bought it as decoration.

He carefully scrapped the Dust together, forming a line of roughly three centimetres. At one point, Sombra wondered if it would be enough. Mayhap the dealer had ripped him? He’d said it’d be all he had at the time. He calmed himself with the thought that he had never tried it before, so, how the Abyss should he know how much was needed? The dealer was the pro here, thus he had probably given him enough and even more, perhaps.

Sombra took a deep breath and leaned closer to the drug. His nostrils already felt kind of tickly, tempting him to sneeze, but this urge was quickly suppressed.

The particles of the drug tickled Sombra's nostrils as he inhaled. Just as he reached the end of the line, he leaned backwards in preparation to sneeze, but a sudden headache prevented it. The pain was so sudden that the unicorn gasped, grabbed his head and closed his eyes in an attempt to alleviate the pain. It came in sudden spasms, like thunderous strikes with a great hammer right onto his skull. His eyes started to water and his limbs became numb.

"Ah, shit!" Sombra couldn't hold back from swearing as the mind boggling pain filled his skull and hammered on his brain over and over until he fell to the ground.

Suddenly... he felt relief. The pain left, though the ground felt a bit shaky. Sombra got up, struggling, fighting against the unexpected weakness that had taken over his body and opened his eyes.

His breakfast started crawling up his stomach when he saw the disturbing picture. The world... had changed. It was not Crystal City, not anymore. The skies were crimson red, with black clouds crawling through this nightmare. The trees were curved and rotten, twisted and sick, as it seemed that some kind of fungus was growing on their surface like tumours. This strange excrescence looked like it’d be... flesh.

Sombra felt sick when he looked around. The ground was moving and shifting under his hooves, so soft and warm. It smelled of rot.

Loud groans and screams of agony and pain reached his ears.

Where am I? Am I dreaming? Is this a nightmare? It feels far too real to be a nightmare. The smells, the visuals — it is all far too real.

Sombra cast his gaze heavenwards, hoping against hope that the crimson sky would relieve the sickness. He wished he hadn’t.

In the sky, far away from the ground, a thing, which was difficult to describe in a mortal language without descending into insane ramble, was hanging. Enormous tentacles, each longer and wider than the city itself, were slowly spreading from the formless, disgusting main body, which consisted of hunks of rotting meat, blobs of goo and wide open eyes that stared onto the ground below. As Sombra examined the abomination, he saw that the monster had thousands upon thousands of mouths, each hiding billions of razor sharp teeth. The mouths were grinning as if expecting a feast soon. Long filthy tongues that dripped gore would sometimes escape these maws and swipe at the air, spilling disgusting liquid.

The main body of the monster was bigger than the moon itself and it seemed as if it was getting closer. Fear clenched Sombra's heart. He was no coward, but a sight such as this was enough to make him shiver. And yet, he could not stop staring at the formless eldritch horror.

"Heeeey... Sombraaa..." A soft, gentle whisper reached his ears. Fighting the strange fear that made him stare on the monster, he turned to the voice only to come face to face with a butterfly. It had blue wings, with green speckles in special places. It looked so fragile and beautiful, almost as if it was made of glass.

"Follow me," it whispered once again in the same voice as before.

"Who... are you? Where am I?" Sombra asked, but the strange butterfly didn't say anything and just started flying away. "Hey, wait!"

Sombra ran after it, his limbs finally ceding control back to him. There was nowhither else to go — he’d either follow the butterfly or stay to behold the monstrosity. He ran, the rotten and burnt sticks swiping at his face like claws. Sombra felt the roots of the corrupted trees trying to coil around his hooves to stop him, to choke him, but he still ran, ignoring the pain. The fear and the butterfly were giving him power.

The butterfly didn't slow down as it flew towards the light and Sombra tried to keep up. At last, the dark, deserted forest started to change to a more acceptable landscape. The trees changed to brighter colour, the ground became less soft but firmer instead. The smell of rot and death started to dissipate.

Sombra closed his eyes for a second, trying to gather his strength, and when he opened his eyes again, his surroundings had completely changed. The skies were not only bright and clear, they were sparkling with every colour. Blue, pink, violet, orange, green, red — the sky was like a picture of a chest full of different gems from a fairy tale book. The colours twisted, constantly changed, making the sky painful to look at.

Sombra reverted his gaze back to the ground and saw that he stood amidst some trees on a grassy field. They seemed to be made out of glass, each and every single one of them. Sombra tried to move and noticed that the grass was solidified liquid; the instant it touched Sombra's hoof, it splashed apart.

The world didn't make sense, but the explanation was waiting just up ahead. Hundreds and thousands of butterflies were gathering in one big cloud, the sound of their flapping wings filling the air. Sombra noticed something through the tiny gapes in this colorful defence.

"There, there, my darlings. No need to get so touchy," a familiar soft gentle voice reached Sombra's ears. "Tee-hee... no, stop! Stop!"

"What... Blanket?" Just as these words fell from Sombra's mouth, the barrier of butterflies flew away, only a few staying behind to please Blanket.

She was lying on her back, rocking left and right, giggling, as the pretty insects landed on her belly and wings, tickling her.

"Oh, whom did you lead to me, my darlings?" Blanket cooed, noticing Sombra. The butterflies flew away, leaving their mistress alone.

"None other than Sombra himself! How are you doing, my darling?" she playfully sang. "You look troubled."

"Of course I look troubled. First, Krystal invited me over and I'm on my way, and the second after, I'm in some kind of Abyss-like damnation with giant tentacle-demons and ground made of gore!" Sombra lost his temper, getting sick of constant headache and the nonsense he just saw. "Now, you're here! Will you now explain what the Emperor is going on?"

"Oh, oh, so angry. I like it when you're angry. It gives you that heat that I love to see in a stallion!" Blanket responded, coming closer. "You know that kind of heat when I touch your cheek and it burns my hoof like hot coal?"

"Cut it out, Blanket! Where am I and what the Abyss happened to me?" Sombra growled. Serveral butterflies around them shuddered as if hurt by his anger.

"And I thought you had grown up! No, no, my little, pretty foalie Sombra stays the same — silly and funny!" Blanket tittered tauntingly. "My pony, you're in my world now. Welcome to the Land of Dreams wherein many adventures await — sexual and not."

"Land of... Dreams?"

"Aye, love," Blanket cooed. "Did you come hither for me? To give your lonely, blooming Blanket a bit of stallion care?"

"Actually, I wasn't even going hither. I just... eh... suffer... narcolepsy," he lied. He couldn't tell his inner 'perfect mare' that he thought he had problems.

"Nu-hu-huh! Don't forget: you sleep with me. I know your secrets," Blanket spoke with reproach. "Love, you don't have any problems, you're just untrained. It's not every day you get to have sex while being drunk."

Sombra shook his head, trying not to think of things Blanket might become aware of. It was scary to imagine that somepony might know him better than he did.

"Do you have any grasp of the concept of privacy?"

"No, should I?" She blushed. "Or are you shy of me peeping on you?"

She stood at the tips of her hooves, pursed her lips and jumped a little, taunting Sombra like a little filly. "Do I make the mighty alpha stallion shy by peeping at what he does when nopony's looking?"

"Cut. That. Out!" Sombra groused. "How old are you?"

"I'm very young, as young as you want me to be. If, one day, you become perverted enough, I may take the form of a little, innocent filly, which just so happens to wander into the wrong part of town. And then you come and satisfy my hatching desire, even before it is born. How kind of you!" Blanket cooed as she approached Sombra and gently licked his cheek.

The frustrated unicorn pushed her away, getting sick of all of these games. He was somehow pulled into the Land of Dreams, and it seemed that Blanket was responsible therefor.

"Listen, Blanket, I didn't come hither for you. I need to get to Krystal as fast as possible. I'm afraid that whatever I have seen back there would try to hurt her," Sombra said coldly. "And if I can be pulled into this place, that means, she can be as well."

"Woo, sounds exciting. A big adventure: Krystal and Sombra versus the giant demon in the skies. How cool!" Blanket mused. "I'd certainly read such a novel. Does it have sex scenes?"

"Blanket!" Sombra shouted. "I need your damn help and you keep taunting me! I have to admit: my mind is sick if it came up with you!"

"Ho-ho-ho! Alright, lovercolt, I'll help you. To leave this world, you need to reach the Queen of Butterflies," Blanket said, sitting down on the grass. "But... you better take this."

She raised her hoof and a small butterfly flew out and started circling around the stallion.

"It's dangerous to go alone."

"Ha-ha, funny," Sombra grumbled. "Will this butterfly lead me to the Queen?"

"Yes. Just follow her. And remember: if you are tired or just want some caresses, you may always come back to me."

"Don't count on it," Sombra replied and started following the butterfly as it led him further.

"Oh, my, you can be so boring at times," Blanket cried out after him as he ran. "Now, if you excuse me, I want to have my whiskey on the moon, if you don't mind!"

She flapped her fluffy wings, shattering the liquid grass, and took off into the skies. The clouds, made of cotton candy and sugar lumps, obscured the view for her, so she simply made them rain hot chocolate with a simple magical spell. After dodging a few more sugary clouds, she reached the moon. Its cheesy surface was soft and quite hot, surprisingly. Blanket quickly made herself comfortable on the surface of the moon, materialized a bottle of whiskey near herself and opened it. The sound of the bottle popping out the bung made several clouds near her shatter into dust and fall down on the ground in a sugary rain.

"Run, run, Sombra. I hope you find your way to your heartache... Ah," Blanket said, pouring whiskey into a rainbow coloured glass that had literally grown out of the moon’s cheesy surface. "Typical stallion, just one night and he needs me no longer."


The butterfly flew swiftly, without stop, without break. It swung its fragile wings, putting them in danger of being shattered by the wind, but it still flew ahead. Sombra tried to keep up, boosting himself with encouraging thoughts and occasional pushes with magic. He had to reach this mysterious Queen of Butterflies, whoever she was.

It seemed so strange. He was perfectly okay just half an hour ago, and now, he was running through fields of liquid grass, following a butterfly made out of glass. Was that Dust the portal to the other world? He didn't know. He was far too concerned about Krystal's well-being. He was scared that she might get hurt in this world.

"Sweet Emperor, watch where you're going!" The pony angrily growled at Sombra as he rudely pushed her away. She wanted to give the brat a hateful glance, but the second she managed to look into his eyes, everything was clear.

The white of Sombra's eye was completely red with blood and his pupils seemed sparkly and muddy, like colourful puddles surrounded by crimson ground. His horn was constantly sparkling and flickering with energy, letting out small lightning bolts that would leave small marks on whatever they hit. One of these struck the pony on the flank, leaving a small part of scorched coat, which she immediately swiped off.

"Stoned dipshit!" she screamed at Sombra as he continued running into an unknown direction. A stallion looked at her with surprise while she got up and pointed towards Sombra.

"Stoned dipshit," she repeated in a calmer tone, dusting herself off before proudly walked away.

"Yes, I see. Disgusting," the stallion replied in a cold voice, prompting a nod from the mare.

Finally, Sombra reached the entrance to the Queen's castle. The gates were made of diamonds, into which the funny, winking faces were constantly smiling and laughing at everything around them like trapped reflections.

"Alright, I'm here... Now, how do I open this thing?" Sombra asked himself a question and immediately got an answer. Something soft and soothing touched his backside, which turned out to be Blanket's mane.

"Easy. I'll open it for you. I'm the master of unlocking, you see," she cooed, slowly rubbing her head against Sombra's rear.

"Blanket... stop that. Please," Sombra asked coldly and an offended Blanket carelessly trotted away from him towards the door.

"Ha!" She harrumphed and approached the door, her horn glowing brightly. The door started shaking before it cracked and fell apart. Suddenly, the magical essence on Blanket's horn dissipated and everything stopped.

"You know... have you ever thought about this: do you even need Krystal?" she mused playfully. "There are many other good mares out there. Why do you have to be so sticky to this one?"

"What?" Sombra deadpanned; he could practically feel his anger rising at the apparition.

"I mean, why her? She's not even that pretty," Blanket continued. Her words were like needles that were being thrust into his soul. "Why have only one when you could have all?"

"Shut. Your. Mouth!” Sombra whispered hatefully. "I know you're just a fragment of my imagination, so, consider yourself lucky. Otherwise, I would have just crushed you into a puddle for saying something like that."

He approached the door, trying to buck it open.

"She's my destiny, my fate. She's the only pony who actually needs me."

Those words provoked... laughter from Blanket.

"Really? You really think you're such a saint? So, you sniffed a pile of drug because of her," Blanket's words shook Sombra to the core and he stopped.

"Y-yes," he replied unsurely.

"Clarify, please. You did it for her, or to satisfy your bestial desire?" Blanket questioned. "You see, I do not think that Krystal really needs you to be addicted."

"I-I... Damn you!" Sombra snapped, kicking the door so hard it finally turned into diamond dust.

Even Blanket was scared by his loud shout, standing quietly near him, looking quite pale. Sombra sighed heavily and lowered his head.

"No more lectures, Blanket. I don't want to be lectured by my sexual fantasy," he growled. "Just get me to the Queen."

"Oh, yes... I see," Blanket replied, looking melancholy for a split second. Then, she reverted back to her sultry smile.

"Well, maybe you at least consider the possibility of a 'trio'?" She asked, prompting a questioning gaze from Sombra. "Ménage a trois?"

"What's that?"

"A threesome,” Blanket looked quite bored while saying that as if she was explaining something simple. "You know, you, I and Krystal get together for one big, fun night?"

Sombra stared into the ground for a second. His eyes suddenly widened and he backed away.

"No, no. I think I'll... pass."

"Aw. Seems, you're still a little too young. That's sad. We would make such a fine company. Just imagine: I'm on top, she's beneath, and you're in the middle."

"I'll go now. Bye!" Sombra said and quickly followed the flickering pavement towards a big mansion wherein the Queen resided.

Blanket smiled. Of course he liked the idea. He just couldn't put two and two together and figure out how that would work out. Poor boy! Well, he'd have plenty of ménage a trois in his time, Blanket was sure of that. Though, how he’d treat his marefriend worried her greatly.

For the first time, Blanket was worried about a pony she had never met and would never meet at all, unlike her creator.

He will find his way, no doubt.