• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 4,605 Views, 124 Comments

Before the Dawn - SilverMuse

When two unlikely ponies, Luna and Sombra, meet beneath the silver moon, will their love be everlasting, or will the darkness lurking in the Crystal Empire succeed in destroying them?

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Chapter 5: The Rebellion

Chapter 5: The Rebellion

“How in Equestria did those…those…unicorns possess a magic that could lay us low?” Queen Gemfyre raged as she paced the length of the palace’s Great Hall. A healer pony rushed back and forth to see to the Queen, but Gemfyre evaded the mare’s every attempt to mend her. “I have faced powerful unicorns before, but none like them. It was as if they possessed a conjoined magic that was influenced by an artifact of sorts.”

The unicorn scribe, Quill, tried to keep up with her Queen’s tirade. Her quill raced across the parchment, but when Gemfyre gave pause, the tan unicorn panted and wiped sweat from her brow.

Luna sat calmly on a plush chair while the healer, Rose Quartz, tended to her side with herbs. Celestia had offered to use magic to heal her sister, but Luna decided that they should conserve their power should the unicorns return. She glanced sideways at Sombra who stood just behind her, well out of the way of the enraged Queen and the worried Princesses.

Prince Agate Shield sat beside his wife, his wings pressed hard against his flanks. Thankfully, he had sustained no damage when the transformation had been interrupted, for which they were all grateful. Princess Nebula looked shaken, but the healers had assured them that both she and her unborn foal were in good condition.

Celestia stood near Gemfyre, looking stoic, but Luna knew her sister better than that; Celestia too was barely restraining her own anger and shock at the audacity of the unicorns.

“We should have made this a private affair,” Gemfyre went on to say as she stopped near a window looking out across the Crystal Empire. “Only crystal ponies should have been allowed to attend.”

“Had this been a simple coronation, I would agree,” Celestia replied as she watched the Queen. “However, the ascension of an alicorn is something that ponies clamber to see. What is done is done, Gemfyre. All survived, and while some damage has been done, it is not irreparable.”

Gemfyre snorted, unconvinced. “They must have been biding their time, waiting for a chance to strike us all.”

“It was their folly,” Celestia replied. “Had they attacked us one at a time, perhaps they would have succeeded in their plans, but together, we were too strong.”

“No, we weren’t,” Luna interjected. She leaned forward and tossed some of her mane out of her face. “They had nearly subdued Gemfyre before Sombra encouraged the other ponies, both of the Crystal Empire, and not, to come to our aid. Only then did this Mystic Topaz disappear. Had it not been for Sombra, we might have fallen to their attack.”

Celestia and Gemfyre looked first to her then to Sombra who took another timid step back. Luna shifted almost defensively in front of him. Why Celestia and Gemfyre seemed to hold such misgivings towards Sombra, she could not say, nor did she care. The truth remained clear; he had helped save them all.

“He deserves our thanks,” Celestia finally said and strode towards the still trembling pony. She lowered her horn and touched the tip of his. “Without your strength and devotion to us, we might very well have met an untimely end.”

Sombra swallowed hard, his eyes darting to Luna. He bowed his head almost to the ground. “In truth, it was Luna who showed—”

Princess Luna,” Gemfyre reminded him harshly.

Sombra gulped. “It was Princess Luna who showed me how to use the magic. Had it not been for her, I may have fled like the other ponies. Pegasi might stand a chance against unicorns, but earth ponies...I was surprised even a hoofful decided to stay and fight.”

“Indeed,” Celestia replied as she backed away and rejoined Gemfyre. “I assume the attack was directed more towards you and your family rather than Luna and myself. Canterlot has not received the threats that you have, and since it occurred during Agate Shield’s coronation...somepony must not favor your family, Gemfyre.”

“But why?” Agate Shield asked. He draped his front leg around his wife and held her close. Nebula just looked tired and afraid. “What have we done to warrant such disrespect?”

Celestia shook her head. “It may not be what you have done, but rather, what your predecessors, we alicorns have done, to stir the emotions of the unicorns.” She settled down near Luna and fixed Gemfyre with a firm look. “Somehow, my friend, I fear that you have not told us everything about these threats that have reached your Empire. Is this the first you have been accosted?”

Gemfyre set her jaw grimly and glanced at her son. “Physically, yes, but we have been threatened on more than on occasion.” Gemfyre finally stopped pacing and allowed the little healer to look over her wounds, which were already beginning to heal. “There’s been unrest in the Crystal Empire for some time now. I didn’t sense it until about a year ago, but it was such a deep unrest, I knew it had not grown overnight. There were whispers between ponies about how strong you and Luna had become. With the creation of the Elements of Harmony, ponies began to fear that you two had grown too powerful.”

Luna blinked in surprise and looked over at Celestia. “But...the Elements were created to protect the ponies of Equestria,” she argued. “And we were not the ones to create them, we just harnessed their magic.”

“I know, Luna,” Gemfyre replied with a raised hoof. “But others do not feel the same way. You and Celestia were able to vanquish Discord for the good of Equestria, but it also made you seem more like, dare I say, Gods to our subjects. Some approved of the use of the power, some did not. Ponies here started to speak out against the alicorns. They say, if we are so powerful to lock away a demon like Discord, what is to stop us from doing the same to the earth ponies, unicorns, or the pegasi? Does our magic hold no bounds?”

Luna tried not to snort. Honestly, all she and her sister desired was peace. Discord had been an anomaly, and he had done so much damage that of course she and Celestia had stepped in to fight back. Why would ponies scorn them for this?

She glanced sideways at Sombra and saw the way he quivered before the alicorns.

Luna frowned. “Are they so afraid of us?” she asked, her eyes remaining on Sombra. He glanced up at her briefly, offered a timid smile, then bowed his head once more.

Gemfyre shrugged. “Some, yes, others, no. I had thought the crystal ponies were content as they were, but I suppose I was wrong. A rebellion has built up, one that threatens our existence and the peace we have striven to spread across Equestria.” She flexed her wings and sighed. “The ones who spoke up a year ago also whispered of a way that they could defeat the alicorns. A new magic had been created by...somepony, though I cannot say who. Perhaps by this Mystic Topaz. It was a magic that could drain us, potentially weaken us to the point of defeat, as we saw today.”

Luna shuddered at the memory. “It was a terrible feeling. It was as if someone had latched onto my magic and started draining it out of my body. I felt so tired...weak.” She sighed. “I could not say where the magic originated. All of the unicorns who attacked us used red magic.” She thought for a moment. “All of them also wore ruby necklaces that glowed with their attacks. Five unicorns had much more impressive gems that were attached to golden chains.” She rubbed her cheek. “Then…that Mystic Topaz pony had another necklace, though it did not glow as the others did.

“Their eyes were also red,” Celestia added, a lilt to her voice. “Could they have bonded their magic to make them stronger?”

“Perhaps,” Gemfyre replied. She eyed Luna. “They could have used those necklaces as a focal point.”

Luna thought of the unicorns, the way they had worked together and cast their magic upon the alicorns. They’d attacked in groups of five or six, usually five if she remembered correctly, and if their concentration broke, so did their power. Her eyebrows lifted and she felt a chill pass through her. “It was like they were using the Elements of Harmony.”

Celestia and Gemfyre looked at her in surprise.

“What do you mean?” Gemfyre inquired.

“Think about it,” Luna said and rose to her hooves. This time, she began to pace the length of the room. “They all shared the same magic, a magic that was able to weaken the alicorns. No power alone should have been able to do that so easily. They worked in groups to bind their magic together, just as Celestia and I have done with the Elements of Harmony. We embody five elements to create a sixth; what if they embody a different kind of quality and emotion? What if hate fuels their magic and makes it stronger?”

Quill scribbled this information down quickly while Celestia and Gemfyre exchanged troubled looks.

Celestia closed her eyes and bit her lip. “But, they would need a powerful unicorn to cast such a spell. Starswirl the Bearded and Clover the Clever started the ceremony for the Elements of Harmony, but many ponies had to work as one to create them. If there was such a strong unicorn out there, surely we would know about him or her by now.”

“We do know of him now,” Luna stressed. “They said that those who wish to stand against the alicorns should speak to Mystic Topaz. That must be the leader, the one who has created this dark magic.” Luna glanced around and flicked her ears back. “The question remains then, what are we going to do about this without destroying ourselves or threatening the lives of the ponies of Equestria?”

No answer was forthcoming and the alicorns sat and looked at each other. Agate Shield eventually encouraged Nebula to go to bed with the aid of three guards, but he remained in the room with his mother. Luna tried to find a solution, but nothing came to her. Eventually, the late afternoon wore into evening, and Luna and Celestia excused themselves to tend to the sun and moon.

Luna walked beside her sister as they went to the balcony. Celestia still seemed calm and unconcerned about the attack, but Luna could see the weight that had suddenly fallen upon her elder sister’s shoulders. “We’ll find the culprits,” Luna tried to assure her.

“I know,” Celestia murmured and walked out onto the balcony, the wind washing over them and cooling their tempers and nerves. “I just fear the damage that may be done to Equestria and her ponies before we can stop this rebellion from overthrowing us.” She lifted her horn and caught the sun in its golden glow. While Celestia lowered the sun, Luna looked out across the ponies of the Empire.

There had been so much peace and joy last night, and even today, the air had been full of festivities. It was hard to believe that something so terrible could have happened during a coronation that should have been a happy time for Agate Shield and his family. She glanced at the weak blue shield that still hovered over the Empire. The attack had left many ponies afraid, and so the crystal heart struggled to maintain the protective barrier.

“What will we do about the Prince?” Luna asked.

Celestia finished lowering the sun before she replied. “I think that his ascension to an alicorn will have to wait until we nullify this threat.” Celestia glanced at her. “I will not risk another attack, and I know that Gemfyre does not wish to leave an Empire so filled with turmoil to her son. We will wait and be patient.” She closed her eyes. “When we do change him, however, I think it would be better if we brought him to the twilight realm so that we do not risk another attack. He could have died today had you not maintained the spell on him.”

It was not a favorable solution, but Luna understood the wisdom in her sister’s words. She flared her wings and gazed into the darkness. With a breath, she called forth the moon and helped it rise slowly into the sky. It was harder than last night, mostly because she had already expended much of her magic today. The silver moon, now in the shape of a crescent, shined down upon the ponies. Once the moon was in place, Luna began to dot the sky with stars, creating familiar patterns and constellations that aided travelers in finding their way safely home.

“Will we return to Canterlot soon?” Luna asked as she finished the ursa major.

Celestia sighed. “I wish to remain here for a time...just to ensure that Gemfyre and her son are safe, but yes, we will have to return to Canterlot soon. If the threat has grown here, then I fear that Canterlot may come under siege next.” Her eyes lit up momentarily, and she sucked in a breath. “In fact, I think I now know what must be done about the Prince.”

Luna blinked and threw a splatter of stars into the sky. “What do you mean?”


Luna released a final burst of dotted lights before she scurried after her sister and followed her to the Great Hall. They were about to enter when she noticed Sombra walking towards the stairs.

“Sombra!” Luna called.

The stallion paused and looked back up at her with worried eyes.

Luna trotted over to his side. “Where are you going?”

“Back home,” Sombra explained. “The Queen has dismissed me, and I need to make certain that Blue Belle and Ambersong are safe.”

Luna frowned. She had hoped that he would stay in the palace. “Stay here, a moment,” she pleaded. “Let me hear what my sister has to say, and then I will guide you home.”

“That really is not necessary, Princess,” Sombra insisted, though Luna could hear a hopeful tone in his voice.

Luna just smiled. “It is the least I can do to thank you for helping us today. That way, I can also see if your friends require aid. Please...just a moment.”

Before Sombra could argue, Luna hurried into the Great Hall. She shut the door behind her and perched back on her seat. Celestia launched into her plan to Gemfyre while Quill scribbled down every single note.

“With the attack that occurred today, I think that it would be wise if Agate Shield and his wife were to travel to Canterlot with me and Luna, at least until we find the source of this threat. Agate could have been seriously hurt during the ceremony when Luna and I tried to change him, and I fear that if these unicorns have it in their mind to prevent any other alicorns from arising, they will target Agate, and possibly even Nebula, again.”

The color drained from Agate Shield’s face, and even Gemfyre looked frightened. She glanced sharply at her son then back to Celestia. “The shields here should protect him...” she started to argue, but Celestia shook her head.

“They were not strong enough to repel the unicorns from rising up against us. Canterlot has a shield around the entire land, and an extra one around the castle.” She reached out a hoof and touched Gemfyre’s shoulder. “I do not mean to take your son from you, but in his best interest, and Nebula’s, I think they would be safer there, especially until after their foal is born.”

Gemfyre lowered her head and shut her eyes tightly. Luna could see the conflict on the alicorn’s old face before she finally sighed and nodded. “Your idea is sound. I think...Agate Shield and Nebula will be safe with you.”

“Very good,” Celestia replied. “When Luna and I return to Canterlot, we will take them with us.”

Luna felt a slight jab of worry at the thought of leaving, but she would not argue with her sister, not now. They had to think about the Prince’s safety. She looked at Agate Shield and cocked her head. “Are you agreeable to this?”

Though Agate Shield hesitated, he eventually nodded in agreement.

“It is settled then,” Celestia said and yawned. “For now, the guards are on high alert, and I think that we could all do with some sleep.”

Luna tried not to roll her eyes. Yes, all of them except for her since she would have to keep watch over the moon. She slid from her seat and flexed her wings. “I am going to see Sombra home, and then I will return to the palace.”

“What?” Celestia asked in surprise. “Luna, you should remain here where it is safe.”

Luna gave her sister a look. “He helped us, Celestia. The least I can do is walk him home and make certain his friends were not injured since they too fought to protect us. I will be careful. I am sure that if an evil unicorn were to attack me, you would see the magic from the palace anyway.”

She did not mean for the last remark to have such a bite, but it was enough to make Celestia nod. Luna left her sister and walked through the halls. For a moment, she thought Sombra had left without her, but she found his dark form sitting in the shadows near an open window. He watched the moon, his mane fluttering lightly behind him as a breeze swept into the hall.

Luna gave pause for a moment and just stared at him. Of all the ponies that could have come to her rescue, it had been the one who knew so little about magic. His horn had only just been replaced, and yet he had still risked his life for them.

For me...a quiet voice insisted.

Luna shoved the thought aside and strode towards Sombra on quiet steps. “Sombra?” she asked.

He turned quickly and looked up at her, his eyes glinting soft green in the moonlight. “Princess?”

“Luna,” she reminded him again. She nodded towards the door, and Sombra fell into step beside her. They had barely left the palace when three guards came down upon them, insisting that Luna go inside. “I will return momentarily,” she argued with them, her annoyance rising. “Stand guard over my sister, the Queen, and the Prince. If I need aid, I will call.”

Though they continued to argue, Luna walked between the guards and allowed Sombra to guide her to his home. They strode past many fine crystal houses until they reached smaller, slightly dilapidated ones.

Sombra grew a little more unsettled the closer they drew to his home. “It...it is not very fanciful, not like the palace.”

Luna looked at him in surprise. Why was he worrying? His home was his home; she had no reason to judge him. “I’m certain it is quite lovely,” she told him and looked up when they stopped beside a rather small, blue crystal home.

Sombra opened the door for her and ushered her inside. Luna stepped within and noticed that candles and lanterns had been lit all around the room. It was a very small house, but homely in her opinion. A table stood in the center with a vase filled with crystal flowers. There were small paintings on the wall and books lining shelves. Instruments sat in a corner, some covered by cloth as if to protect them from dust.

“It’s very nice,” Luna told him with a smile then looked up when she heard the pounding of hooves.

“Sombra?! Is that you?!” a female voice called. The blue pegasus that had battled the unicorns came tearing into the room. She barreled into Sombra who had just closed the door and wrapped her right wing around him while her left remained limp. “You’re back! Are you okay? Did you get hurt?” She looked Sombra over fervently until he gripped her front legs and held her out.

“I’m well, Blue Belle, calm down. This is—” he started to say, but Blue Belle started bouncing up and down on her hooves.

“Did you see me? Did you see me?! I flew! Well....actually, I fell on them, but I flew first and then knocked those silly unicorns right off of their hooves! Did you see?”

“Yes,” Sombra said patiently. “I saw. That was very brave of you. Now, this is—” he gestured to Luna, but Blue Belle interrupted again.

“Where did you go?” she asked, hopping around him and looking him over. “Ambersong and I got worried, but he said that we would have heard if you were hurt and—WHOA!” Blue Belle jumped backwards when she saw Luna and crashed into the table, sending the vase toppling.

Luna quickly caught it with her magic and steadied both the vase and the table.

Blue Belle’s mouth dropped. “Is that...are you? Whoa! WHOA! Ambersongggggg!” she shrieked and tore out of the room.

Luna blinked and Sombra slapped a hoof to his face.

“Is....she always like that?” Luna whispered as she set the vase back on the table.

Sombra snorted. “Usually she’s worse.”

In short order, Blue Belle returned, dragging a very protesting red pony after her.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Belle. Why would the Princess,....sweet Celestia!” the stallion gaped once Blue Belle released him. He stared at Luna then quickly bowed his head. “Your highness!”

“Your majesty!” Blue Belle added and bowed so quickly, she smacked her forehead against the table. She sprang back with a yelp and rubbed her forehead with her hoof. “Owww.”

Luna winced in sympathy. “It is a pleasure to meet you both. Please, call me Luna.”

The red pony gulped. “My name is Ambersong, and this is our friend, Blue Belle.”

Luna nodded and glanced at Blue Belle briefly. She noticed the way the pegasus kept her left wing tucked against her protectively while the right fluttered as she tried to soothe her aching head. Luna approached her and reached out to touch her wing. “Were you hurt during the fight?”

“Huh? Oh...yes.” Blue Belle glanced miserably at the appendage as she tried to stretch it. She only succeeded in making it flop at her side. “I twisted my wing when I knocked one of those unicorns over.”

“Here, let me see,” Luna said gently. She touched her horn to Blue Belle’s injury and let a little magic slip into it. There was no break, fortunately, but the wing was sprained. With a tiny flash, Luna mended the muscles and sat back with a smile. An extra spurt of magic also caused the pain in the pegasus’ forehead to ebb. “There, that should feel better.”

“Oh my,” Blue Belle gasped and touched her face then her wing. “It’s fixed!” she cried and started to prance about the room again.

Luna couldn’t help but laugh. “I am glad that you approve. I came to bring Sombra back to you and to offer my personal thanks for standing up to those unicorns today.”

Blue Belle stopped in mid hop, which caused her to drop to her stomach in the floor with a loud, “Oof!”

Ambersong blinked. “Well...it was our pleasure, Princess. We could not allow those ruffians to hurt you.”

Luna chuckled. “Thank you. Were you hurt at all?” she asked of Ambersong.

He quickly shook his head. “No. They fled quickly after we started to fight. I think my flugelhorn damaged unicorns more than my hooves did,” he laughed.

Luna smiled at the two ponies. Sombra certainly did have some pleasant friends. No wonder they stayed so close; Blue Belle alone obviously worried about Sombra. She glanced briefly between them, but could sense nothing further than friendship.

I should not be so happy about that, she reasoned, but she was.

Ambersong let his eyes drift to Sombra, and he fixed his friend with a look. “I want to add that what you did was incredibly stupid.”

Sombra flushed. “I was only--”

“Let me finish,” Ambersong interjected. “It was very stupid, but brave, and I’m glad at least somepony rallied the others together.” He grinned at Luna. “I don’t know what you did, Princess, but this one,” he motioned to Sombra, “never would have brought so much attention to himself a week ago. His devotion to you and the other alicorns must be very strong.”

“Strong, indeed,” Luna commented lightly.

Sombra’s cheeks grew redder and redder. “Perhaps we should allow the Princess to return to the palace to be with her sister.”

Luna was a little surprised at his sudden desire to get rid of her, but she did not protest. She tipped her head to Blue Belle and Ambersong. “It was a pleasure.”

“Don’t be a stranger!” Blue Belle called and waved her hoof.

Sombra held the door open and let Luna go out first before he followed and shut it a bit loudly behind him. He huffed out a sigh, smiling meekly. “Forgive them. They are a little overly excited.”

“I thought they were quite lovely,” Luna said and turned to him. Sombra was taller than she was, but she swore every time they were together, he bowed his head and body so low that he only seemed to reach her height.

Luna pursed her muzzle and leaned forward to nudge him. “Walk with me?” she asked.

Sombra nodded quickly, and they moved through the streets and out to the fields. Luna knew that she shouldn’t risk walking away from the guards and the palace like this, but Sombra had already proven to be a formidable enemy to the unicorns, so, should their foe return, she did not doubt that she and Sombra could fight them off together.

“I hope we never see those unicorns again,” Sombra said at length. “The audacity they had to attack you....It made me so angry....so afraid.”

“I was afraid, too,” Luna told him softly. “I was even more afraid when I saw you jump into the fray.”

Sombra looked surprised. “You were? But why? It is my duty to protect my Princess.”

Luna tried not to grin too largely. “Your Princess?” she asked.

Sombra flushed. “Our...our Princesses, I mean. I...I mean no disrespect. I only meant—”

“Sombra, hush,” Luna giggled and brushed her wing along his side. “You do not need to be so skittish around me. I’m not going to hurt you or scold you for saying the wrong thing.”

“That’s not what I’m frightened of,” Sombra murmured and bit his lower lip. “I don’t want to disappoint you.”

“How could you?” Luna asked him. “You saved royalty, Sombra, and you helped protect the Empire. You are a much braver and stronger stallion than you might think yourself to be.”

“I hope you’re right, Luna,” Sombra replied. “I....feel like I was never destined for great things but...I want to be useful. I want to be strong. I want to be...well, wanted.”

“I know how you feel,” Luna told him to which Sombra gave a sardonic laugh.

“How? You are beloved by all ponies, Luna. They bow to you and sing your praises. Even Ambersong has come up with songs about you and your beauty.”

Luna tilted her head and continued walking. “Just because the ponies sing my praise does not mean that they love me or want me. One can be in a crowded room and still feel alone, Sombra. They crowd and flock around my sister during the day, yet turn their backs on me at night. Oh, I know well that that is their time to sleep, but sometimes I feel that my sister’s glory shadows my own, and that, well...would they remember me or mourn if I were to disappear?”

Sombra looked at her in shock. “Of course they would! How would they not notice if the stars and moon vanished from the sky?”

“Tia could do it,” Luna replied, her heart aching at the thought. They stopped out in the fields, and Luna nodded up to the sky. “When I was just a filly, and my sister was learning her duty, it was Tia who helped my parents with the sun, moon, and stars. Once I learned to raise the moon, and received my cutie mark, it was still Tia who ignited the night with the stars. I was too young to do it on my own, so, if I ever were to disappear, she could take my place.” She folded her legs and rested on the ground. “Who would miss me then?”

“I would,” Sombra said without hesitation.

Luna looked at him and let a tiny smile grace her muzzle. “You barely know me.”

“But I know your night,” Sombra insisted and pointed to the moon. “Every night, your moon comforts me. She greets me and reminds me that I am not alone, because you are watching over me. Every night the stars dance in the sky and make me feel part of this world. They smile upon me, as you have smiled upon me. Their beauty, grace...kindness...they reflect who you are, Luna, and what is in your heart.”

Luna laughed quietly. “And what do you know of my heart?”

“That it’s pure,” Sombra said and settled beside her. He dared to lean lightly against her, her wing the only thing keeping them apart. “That it’s a bright, brilliant heart, filled with hope, but there is also a tiny bit of darkness....sadness at being shut off from the world. My heart may not be as pure as yours, but I know that it too shines with light and hope for a better tomorrow.” He gave a playful smile. “If I may be so bold to say.”

Luna couldn’t help but chortle at his comment.

Hm, I suppose there is wisdom in his words. No one else has ever spoken to me like this before, but then again, no one save for Tia, at times, has ever spent the entire night with me.

“Thank you, Sombra,” she said. She sighed and turned her eyes to him. “I said last night that I would teach you magic. Do you feel prepared to learn a lesson tonight?”

“Tonight?” Sombra asked in surprise. “But, shouldn’t you be with the other alicorns?”

Luna waved a hoof. “I will meet with them in due time. I think it would be wiser if I helped you, however, should another attack come.”

Sombra nodded emphatically.

Luna turned around on the ground until she was facing him. She leaned forward until their horns connected. “I want you to imagine that green ball that you sent flying at the unicorns. Show me how strong and big you can make it.”

Sombra looked a little nervous, but he closed his eyes and did as she asked. Luna felt his magic before she saw it, and she could tell that there was a great power within him, waiting to break free. The magic crept up his horn and settled on the tip, creating a tiny emerald beacon but no more. His face scrunched up in frustration, and he pushed harder, but all that came out was a tiny orb that danced on the tip of Luna’s horn.

“Breathe,” Luna told him. “Imagine how you felt when you attacked the unicorns. Draw on that emotion.”

“I was scared,” Sombra said. “And angry.”

Luna swallowed. Those were not exactly feelings that she wanted him to use, but if they would help him get started, then so be it. “Think of those emotions and draw from their strength.”

Sombra nodded and tried again. This time, the light flickered to life faster, and the orb grew until it was nearly the size of Luna’s hoof.

“Good, good, keep going,” she encouraged him.

Sombra began to sweat a little as he extended his magic. The orb started to swirl and spark around his horn, and Luna could feel it trying to mingle with her magic. She kept her power at bay, and watched as the orb lifted above Sombra and snarled to life. It flickered and burned, its light intense and beautiful.

“Look,” Luna encouraged him.

Sombra’s eyes fluttered open, and he looked up with a gasp to find the orb above him. “Oh...”

“Hold it,” Luna warned him as the light started to waver.

Sombra winced and kept fueling more magic into the orb. It remained steady.

“Very good. Now I want you to try to draw that magic back inside of you.”

“I’ll...try...” Sombra sucked in a breath and began to draw in the magic. The orb wavered at first then began to grow smaller and smaller, the fire ebbing until there was just barely a flicker. When the last flame settled on his horn, Sombra blinked an eye, and the light went out.

“Splendid!” Luna cried triumphantly. “You have more control over your magic than I thought. Again. Try again, Sombra.”

“May I ask the purpose of the lesson?” Sombra inquired respectfully.

Luna grinned. “Of course. One of the first things a unicorn must learn about his power is how to control it. It doesn’t matter if you can cause the moon to rise or the oceans to part; if you cannot control the magic, the power will consume you. We shall begin with the basics and help you learn how to make your magic stronger. At the same time, we will help you grow accustomed to the power so you know how to release it and draw it in without harming yourself or others.”

Sombra’s eyes lit up. “Well then, I think I will like this lesson.”

Luna chuckled. “I hope so. Now, try again.”

Sombra nodded and called on his magic a third time.

Luna watched him and aided him when it was needed. Each time Sombra used his power, it grew just a little stronger and bigger. Sombra was an apt student, stubborn and ready to prove his merit, not just to her, but to himself as well. He was a unicorn who had never been trained, but he had the heart of a warrior and a true magician.

The night flew past them quickly as they worked together. Sometimes Luna offered her magic when his grew unstable, but for the most part, she just let Sombra work his power by himself. As the evening waned, Luna’s eyes grew heavy, and Sombra started to slump forward.

“Enough,” Luna said at last and reached out to catch his bowing head with the tip of her nose. She lifted his chin until he blinked his eyes and focused on her. “You did well, Sombra, but now it is time for both of us to rest.”

Sombra yawned deeply and looked at the lightening sky. “I didn’t realize we had been working for so long.”

“I can teach you another lesson this evening if you’d like,” Luna offered.

“Of course!” Sombra cried, a bit more exuberantly than Luna expected. “I mean...I’d like that.”

Luna chuckled and rose to her hooves. When Sombra stood with her, she bumped her nose against his. “Until tonight.”

“Before the dawn,” Sombra replied with a wink.

Luna spread her wings, and as Sombra walk quickly to his home, Luna took to the sky and flew back to the crystal palace. Her heart felt so light and perfectly at peace. The worries of the day had faded and left her tired, but happy. She smiled to herself and looked towards the balcony.

Already she could see Celestia standing outside.

Already she could see the disapproval on her sister’s face.