• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 4,616 Views, 124 Comments

Before the Dawn - SilverMuse

When two unlikely ponies, Luna and Sombra, meet beneath the silver moon, will their love be everlasting, or will the darkness lurking in the Crystal Empire succeed in destroying them?

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Chapter 12: Birth of an Heir

Chapter 12: Birth of an Heir

Luna sat beside her sister at the dinner table while they, Agate Shield, and Nebula feasted on dandelion and walnut salad, roasted caramelized apples, and a simmering goblet of lavender tea. Celestia had awoken her shortly before sunset so that they could eat together and actually spend some time discussing the affairs of Equestria. It had taken two full goblets of tea to wake Luna enough to listen and contribute to her sister’s discussion.

The days were starting to blur for her, along with the nights. She spent so much time with Sombra, teaching him about magic or just being with him, that she sometimes forgot what day it was. She had been scolded more than once for not helping other ponies with nightmares, but Luna had just politely reminded Celestia that, as the Princess of the sun, she could not judge who had peaceful dream and who did not.

Luna yawned again and nibbled on one of the caramelized apples.

Agate Shield set his goblet down and sighed. “I wish we had heard something from my mother by now.”

“I would not worry yourself overtly much,” Celestia told him gently. “We asked her to only inform us if the Empire had come under attack again. Perhaps Luna’s spell did indeed chase the unicorns off.”

“I wish it was so simple,” Nebula commented as she reached for another slice of apple. “If they were not discouraged when three alicorns and the population of the Empire stood up to them, I hardly think that they will stop so easily. They could have been biding their time, waiting until you and Luna departed to attack again.”

Luna swallowed her apple piece. “They already tried to separate us once,” she commented. “It would stand to reason that they may try to defeat Gemfyre while Celestia and I are away.”

Celestia sent her a look. “I agree, but the crystal heart should defend the Empire long enough until we can return.”

“Or so we hope,” Nebula replied. She folded her hoof daintily over the other. “The ponies cannot simply use their will to activate the crystal. They must hope and joy in their hearts, and after the most recent attack on Luna and Sombra, I know many were left afraid. The shield may not be as strong as it was just before the coronation. And, if the unicorns were able to sneak past the borders once, they could do so again.”

“Surprisingly,” Agate Shield grumbled as he pushed his plate away, “this is not encouraging me very much.”

Nebula’s gaze softened, and she patted her husband’s side. “Forgive me. I’m certain word would have reached us by now if there was danger. Your mother is powerful, we both know this. She will stand up against them, and if she feels she cannot defeat them, then she will call on the Princesses.” She leaned over to nuzzle him. “Have faith in her—oh!” She grunted and placed a hoof on her belly.

Agate Shield stiffened. “Nebula? What is it?”

“I…” Nebula blinked. “I think…I think it may be time.”

“Time?” Agate Shield asked then seemed to notice the way she was staring at her belly. “Time!” he shrieked suddenly and leapt to his hooves.

Luna jumped as well, and Celestia rose as Nebula leaned carefully onto her side. Celestia walked calmly around her while poor Agate Shield pranced, terrified, in place.

“Agate, help me get your wife to a comfortable room,” Celestia instructed soothingly as she supported Nebula and managed to get her back to her hooves.

Agate Shield bounced a couple more times before Luna nudged him in the shoulder. He practically tripped over his hooves as he ran to his wife and began to support her as well. They hobbled out into the hall, and when Luna reached it, she noticed three guards and a familiar unicorn approaching them.

“Quill?” Luna asked in surprise.

The tan pony was nearly breathless, her head hanging low between her front hooves. Celestia paused long enough to acknowledge her, but Nebula’s groan urged her onward.

“Luna?” Celestia questioned.

“I can take care of things, Sister,” Luna assured her. “Help Nebula.”

Celestia nodded and walked away with the anxious Agate Shield at her side.

Luna turned back to Quill and motioned to the guards to help the panting mare into the Great Hall where they had been feasting. Luna walked inside and poured some tea and water before pushing the drinks to the edge of the table. Quill gratefully gulped down the water and took a soothing sip of the warm tea.

“Thank you, Princess,” Quill rasped. “I have been running since early afternoon to reach the castle.”

“Sit,” Luna instructed gently and pulled out a cushion with her magic.

Quill flopped down gratefully and pulled the satchel from her back. She rummaged around and sent a scroll to Luna with a flick of her white power. “From the Queen.”

Luna looked over the scroll and found a wax seal over the opening. It was in the shape of a gem surrounded by fire, Gemfyre’s insignia. She broke it and unrolled it with her magic.

Dearest Celestia and Luna,

I fear that I bring you grave news. The Empire has come under attack again. It was at peace for several days after your departure, but my perimeter guards have been rendered unconscious more than once. I fear that one of my crystal ponies may be working from the inside and helping those who linger just beyond our protective wall.

They most frequently attack at night, when my subjects are fast asleep, and I am weary after a long day. I do not think the night lends them strength, but I fear what may happen if they manage to break through the crystal shield.

I know that this is a heavy thing to ask, but could Princess Luna come to stay at the Empire for just a few days? She was able to strike them down in the crystal caves, and I think that, should they realize Luna and I are guarding the Empire, it may deter them from beating at our shields. I do not wish to draw Luna away from Canterlot, but I think she would be more effective since her powers are strongest at night.

I do hope this letter finds you well and that my son and daughter-in-law are adjusting well behind your magnificent walls. Quill will bring your reply. I thank you, dear Princesses.

Queen Gemfyre

Luna swallowed as she rolled the scroll back up. “When was this written?”

“Just this morning, Princess,” Quill said with a bowed head. “She hoped that I could bring a reply back by dawn.”

Luna stared at the parchment and closed her eyes. Gemfyre needed their help, and it seemed she felt Luna would be a better candidate than Celestia. She could not help but feel a little bit of satisfaction at that remark, but she pushed it from her mind to focus more on the seriousness of Gemfyre’s plea.

Celestia could better protect Nebula and Agate Shield, as well as their foal, in Canterlot. Luna could just as easily raise and set the moon in the Crystal Empire, and between her and Gemfyre, she felt confident that they could defend the ponies.

“I will give her my reply face-to-face,” Luna replied and nodded to Quill. “Rest your hooves for now, and I will discuss matters with my sister. We will leave shortly.”

Quill’s eyes brightened, and she heaved a sigh of relief. “Thank you, my Princess.”

Luna nodded and departed from the Great Hall. She did not want to disturb her sister while Nebula was having her foal, but as she approached the door, she heard quiet wailing from the other side. A smile split her muzzle, and she pushed the door lightly open.

Nebula lay on her side with a tiny colt against her much flatter stomach. Agate Shield stood proudly over his family, looking down at the little bundle of crying joy.

Luna approached slowly so as not to startle the family or the colt. The little one’s coat was a cool shade of purple and had violet, blue, and white streaked in his mane. Tiny wings flapped against his sides. He waved his hooves and kicked his back legs until Nebula nuzzled him and draped a warm blanket around him. Only then did he settle and start to coo against his mother.

“He’s handsome,” Luna whispered so as not to disturb him.

Nebula and Agate Shield both smiled proudly before the mare nudged her husband playfully. “He looks so much like you. Look at that violet coat.”

“He has the white of your mane, and the purple is so light, it could almost be pink. I bet he has your eyes,” Agate Shield commented.

Luna sat down beside the family and watched the foal. So young....so innocent. She hoped he stayed that way for a long time. “What is his name?”

Nebula and Agate Shield exchanged looks before the former spoke. “Had we had a filly, we would have named her Cadance, but with a colt...”

“We want to name him after my mother and give him a name that represents the Crystal Empire, so we will call him Safyre.”

Luna grinned widely. “A strong name. I think your mother will be proud and honored to know she is his namesake.” She was reluctant to disrupt the happiness, but she knew that the Empire may not have long if she did not depart. “Quill has brought news from the Crystal Empire.”

The smiles fell from Nebula’s and Agate Shield’s faces at Luna’s tone. The Prince stepped around his wife, his expression grim. “What has happened?”

“It seems that the unicorns have tried to assault the Empire again,” Luna explained. “Guards have been defeated, and Gemfyre says they keep attacking at night when she is not at her strongest.” She glanced at Celestia. “She has asked if I might come help her defend the Empire, since I was able to repel their attacks before.”

Nebula and Agate Shield started murmuring to each other while Celestia watched her with wary eyes. The sun Princess cleared her throat and cast a sideways glance at the whispering parents.

“Excuse us for a moment,” she told them, then motioned for Luna to follow her onto the balcony where they could speak more in private. Luna did not like the look on her sister’s face, but she followed nonetheless and stepped out into the coming night.

“I do not like this,” Celestia said dryly.

“Neither do I,” Luna replied. “They are growing bolder, and if they break through that shield, then the Empire will be in grave danger.”

“That is not what I meant,” Celestia replied tersely. “I mean, I do not like that she is requesting that you alone go to protect the ponies.” She shook her head. “I do not want us to be apart.”

Luna was quiet for a moment. “Are you upset because you think we should not be separated, or because she asked for my presence rather than yours?”

Celestia blinked. “Why would you ask such a thing? Obviously sending you there would be more reasonable since their attacks come at night, but Luna, when the three of us fought, we could barely stand our ground.”

Luna sighed. “Which we discussed, and we both reasoned we were weakened by the transformation attempt, and we were unprepared. I was stronger when I fought them the second time, and I won, Celestia. I have faith in my skills, especially with Gemfyre at my side.”

Celestia licked her muzzle and stalked towards the edge of the balcony. The wind blew at her pink mane and tail, hiding her sun cutie mark for a brief moment. “Has Sombra spoken of these attacks?”

Luna was a little startled by the question. “No....he’s been...quieter at night. Perhaps the assault has made him weary as well.”


Luna narrowed her eyes. “What are you implying?”

“I just find it strange that Quill suddenly shows up at our door, speaking of attacks, while Sombra has said nothing to you.” She glanced at Luna. “Gemfyre said she feared there may be traitors amongst her ponies. I just...want you to be careful.”

Luna’s mouth dropped. “You think he is purposefully keeping this news from me? Celestia, he may be a unicorn, but that does not mean that he’s sided with them! He protected us when they attacked, and they tried to fight him, too, when we were in the crystal cave!”

“He was the one who brought you there in the first place,” Celestia reminded her sister. “He said he frequented those caves, and yet he never noticed the unicorns?”

Luna ground her teeth with rage. “Enough. I will not have this discussion with you, Tia. If Gemfyre needs my help, then I will give it, despite your misgivings.”

“Luna,” Celestia tried, but Luna brushed past her angrily. By the time she reached the room, she allowed her temper to calm, so as not to upset Nebula, Agate Shield, and Safyre. The parents looked up sharply, eager for news.

Luna lifted her head. “I will depart this evening for the Crystal Empire. I will help your mother protect the land, and when all is at peace, we will bring you home.” She glanced at Safyre briefly. “Do you wish me to tell your mother of your son?”

“Yes,” Agate Shield said instantly. “That way she realizes the importance of repelling these invaders. The sooner they are defeated, the sooner she will see her grandcolt.”

“I understand,” Luna replied softly. She tipped her head and made to depart. If they left now, after she raised the moon, then she would have plenty of strength to help her in her journey back to the Empire. Maybe she would even seek out Sombra in his dreams before she arrived.

She walked into the hall, and just before she reached the room that held Quill, a hoof touched her back. She turned and found Celestia standing behind her.

“Be safe, little sister,” Celestia said and quickly lowered her head to nuzzle Luna’s cheek.

The affection was unexpected but not unwelcome. Luna returned the gesture then stood on her hind hooves to give her sister a tight hug. “I will. I am sorry we fought....I know the situation has left us both stressed and uneasy. I value your advice, but you have to trust me, too.”

“I know,” Celestia said into her shoulder. “I think I sometimes forget that you are no longer a little filly and that you have grown into a very strong and wise Princess.” She sighed and kissed Luna’s cheek quickly. “Safe travel. Take guards with you, just in case.”

“I’ll take my night pegasi,” Luna told her. “They are quieter of wing than yours, and they can carry Quill so she does not have to run all the way back to the Empire.”

“A wise decision,” Celestia replied.

Luna smiled and finally released her sister. They shared a final look, and Luna saw the fear and worry in her sister’s eyes. Luna felt more confident, but only because she had defeated those monsters once before.

She collected Quill and walked outside with Celestia’s guards. As the moon floated into the sky, she called on the night pegasi, swift stallions and mares with webbed wings, much like bats, for silent flight.

Luna never heard them come.

One moment the sky was blank, and the next, the pegasi descended upon her and Quill, their bodies clad in purple-hued armor. Their golden serpentine eyes gazed upon their Princess. They bowed politely until Luna ordered them to rise.

A chariot was quickly strapped to two of their backs, one that was large enough to carry both Quill and Luna. She would most likely spend part of the journey flying; she wasn’t fond of chariots when she already had wings of her own. Three more pegasi were set to accompany them.

If we have any more, we may attract unwanted attention, she reasoned.

“Shall we depart, Princess?” one of the guards asked in a low, gravelly voice.

Luna nodded and stepped in the chariot. She could contact Sombra while they flew then she could join the other pegasi once she was finished.

“To the Crystal Empire,” she ordered.

They left on silent wings and without any flourish. Luna settled down beside Quill and looked at the other unicorn who had a glimmer of fear in her eyes. “Are you afraid of heights?” Luna asked. When Quill nodded, Luna touched her back. “Rest for now, then. You will feel better if you sleep. I will wake you upon our arrival.”

“Thank you,” Quill said and folded her legs quickly. She settled near Luna’s hooves and uttered a weary sigh.

Luna swallowed and sat down slowly. She closed her eyes and sent her ethereal body to fly towards Sombra’s dreams.