• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 4,601 Views, 124 Comments

Before the Dawn - SilverMuse

When two unlikely ponies, Luna and Sombra, meet beneath the silver moon, will their love be everlasting, or will the darkness lurking in the Crystal Empire succeed in destroying them?

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Chapter 22: Calm before the Storm

Chapter 22: Calm before the Storm

The days felt cold and unending for Sombra as he sat upon his crystal throne. He had scarcely left the throne room since the fight with Luna, no matter how Quill or the other unicorns tried to urge him from his seclusion. He would go so far as to step out onto the balcony and stare down at all of his tethered subjects. Some had finally agreed to serve him, and so he’d freed them of their bonds. Others, like Ambersong, were still so resistant that they walked along with the chains binding them together.

Sombra regretted nothing.

He had his power and his kingdom. He had either the respect or fear of his subjects. No one could stand against him, not with the Nightmist at his side.

And yet, he did not have Luna.

You would have had her if you had not let her slip free,” the Nightmist told him.

Sombra wrinkled his nose in disgust. “It was a pitiful act of mercy on my behalf. She broke free of my hold and appealed to my weaker nature. It will not happen again.”

Oh?” the Nightmist sneered. “And what shall you do if she comes to stop you a second time? Will you let her usurp you or undermine you as she did when she arrived days ago? The unicorns will not follow you if you show such weakness.”

Sombra flicked his ears back. “If she comes again, I’ll kill her.”

He waited, expecting to hear the Nightmist laugh and to feel his heart lurch, but nothing happened. He just felt a stony determination that had not been there before. Sombra leaned forward, listening, but all he heard was silence.

You’re ready,” the Nightmist told him at last with a hint of pride in its voice.

Sombra raised his head and took a deep breath. Ready indeed. He would lead his kingdom with or without Luna. And he would leave no room for neighsayers or betrayers.

He stepped down from his throne and walked calmly out onto the balcony where Quill stood overlooking the ponies, as always. When she was not at his side, she was with the unicorns, giving them orders or acting as an enforcing presence. The mare jumped at the sight of him and hurried to his side.

“My Lord?” she asked.

Sombra smiled coldly at her and glanced down at the unicorns as they watched over the enslaved ponies. “Are you loyal to me, Quill?”

“What? Of course I am.”

“When I walked into the cave, and the unicorns bowed, did they do so because they respected me, or because you told them to?” He inclined his head towards her. “You said you were behind all of this deception, not Mystic Topaz. So, do they follow you or me?”

Quill’s mouth opened and closed a few times. She stared down at the unicorns and flushed. “I...used the spell with the help of the Nightmist to control them, so they are linked to me, my Lord. But I am your humble servant, and so are they.”

“How amusing,” Sombra purred. “You said the same words to Queen Gemfyre when you joined her, didn’t you? How long will it take before you try to replace me as well?”

“What?!” Quill gasped. “Never! My King..my...my Sovereign! Nothing gives me greater pleasure than working at your side.”

“I thought your dark magic was what gave you pleasure,” Sombra retorted. When Quill’s eyes widened and her face paled a little, he laughed. “Your eyes speak more truth than your pretty words. I’ll not let my kingdom fall because of the likes of you.”

Quill took a step back. There was fear in her eyes but anger as well. “I have given you everything you have asked for. I could rule at your side as a Queen...lend you all the dark magic you could ever hope to use. Together, we can bring down the alicorns.”

“But you are not my Queen,” Sombra replied tersely. “And I doubt you are my loyal servant.” Before Quill could reply, he sent his magic to her, the same spell he had used to try to ensnare Luna’s mind. The power twisted around her, and Quill cried out in fright and despair. She struggled, but she was nowhere the caliber that Luna was. She could not resist, and in moments, she fell to the ground with a red hue to her eyes.

“Rise,” Sombra said stiffly.

Quill did as he asked and stared blankly at him. Sombra glanced down at the unicorns who had all turned. Their eyes were no longer on Quill, but rather on him instead. If he controlled Quill, then he controlled the unicorns as well.

“Very good,” he said and gave her a mocking pat on her cheek. He strode to the edge of the balcony and lifted his horn to create a blinding flash of purple light. The ponies froze and slowly turned to look up at him. The chained ones took the moment to sit down; even Ambersong looked ready to collapse.

“Hear me!” he shouted to them. “I am Sombra, King of the Crystal Empire. From this day forth, you shall serve me and only me. I will be your protector from outside threats, but I will also be your punisher should you think to disobey me. All those who try to defect from the Empire will be met with resistance and severe consequences. Is this understood?”

The ponies shifted anxiously and looked at each other. Sombra savored the misery in their eyes. How could they even think to rebel?

But then one voice called out, a voice that belonged to his once dear friend. “What of the crystal heart, dear King?” Ambersong asked with weary anger.

Sombra snorted. “You will never see the heart again. It is no longer part of the Empire, and it will never more require your love and hope.”

“As if we have any left!” Ambersong called. “Is this what you want, my Lord? To subject us to this life?” He gestured to his chained companions. “Where is your compassion? A good King tries to help his servants prosper, not collapse.”

“Silence!” Sombra roared. “I have spoken, and it will be done. Any who oppose me will not live to regret it.”

Ambersong laughed dryly. “Then let me be the first to fall, because I will not serve a tyrant.”

Sombra waited, but no other pony spoke up to support his once-friend. Ambersong looked around, but when he realized that no pony would come to his defense, he dropped his head in defeat.

Sombra smirked.

“Apparently they do not share in your conviction, Ambersong. I will not waste my power by destroying you; let the silence of your peers do that instead.” He shook his head and stepped inside the palace while the ponies went back to their business. He strode to the throne, climbed it, and sat down slowly. Torches glowed around him and the crystals reflected the same darkness that consumed his soul.

Sombra lifted his horn and thought of all of the spells that he had learned in the caves. There was one he knew he could use to stop anyone from truly taking his kingdom and subjects from him. It would drain some of his power, but he doubted the Princesses would risk attacking so soon. There had been no sign of them since Luna’s departure, but they would come one day, and he would ensure that they would never steal his kingdom away.

He concentrated and started to send waves of dark magic to the ceiling of the palace. That darkness shot from the top and started to ripple across the Crystal Empire, binding its fate to him.

“Come, Princesses,” he growled into the silence. “Your demise awaits.”


The days passed in an unconscious whirl of colors. Luna slept the day and night away, allowing both body and heart to mend. Many of her dreams were vacant, but sometimes, she was visited by the warm glow of her mother, and the cool, soothing words of her father. They rested with her in her night world, comforting her as she lamented over what had happened, and what could have been. Sometimes Celestia was there as well, but Luna knew it was all just a dream. Her parents were gone, and Celestia could not dream walk as Luna did. Though her sister had the power to raise the moon, entering the dreams of ponies was Luna’s task alone.

Luna rested her dream head wearily against her father’s shoulder as he nuzzled her mane. He was curled up around her, his majestic wing draped over her side. Her mother hovered above her, standing as a guardian against the nightmares that threatened to engulf her.

Luna swallowed hard. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Yes you do, child,” her father said and lipped her ear. “I know it pains your heart to realize what must be done, but you know what the next step should be.”

Luna sighed and closed her eyes. “I love him.”

“The one you love is gone,” her mother replied gently. Luna opened her eyes to watch her settle down on the ground just in front of her. She settled her fiery wings along her back and shook her sunlit mane out of her eyes. “He came back for a glimmer of a moment to free you, but that is all. When the Nightmist takes someone...it is up to the soul to fight it. Sometimes outside forces can intercede, but I do not think they can in Sombra’s case. He’s too far gone from you, Daughter.”

Luna shuddered. “What of the Elements of Harmony? Could they chase the darkness away?”

“Perhaps,” her father replied. “But you told us that Sombra did not mean to bring disharmony to Equestria; he wanted only to be accepted by the ponies, and he wanted to free the crystal ponies of the dictator Gemfyre.” He sighed. “While his actions are cruel to us, the Elements may not see him as a complete threat to harmony, and therefore they may not come to you and Celestia. If you should fail to stop him, those Elements may fall into his hooves, and then there will be disharmony throughout all of Equestria. This is a battle you may have to fight on your own.”

“No,” her mother interjected. “Not alone. Celestia will be with you.”

“This is my fault,” Luna argued. “I should be the one to fix it. I’m...I’m strong enough.”

Her father sighed. “My little one, it is not strength that matters. You may have the power, yes, but if your heart cannot allow you to make the final strike, then you will lose. There is no shame in asking your sister for help. She loves you, and she will not think less of you.”

Her mother nodded in agreement. “What your father says is true. Many times, he and I had to put aside pride and work together to defeat our enemies. You must do the same with your sister. You stood together to fight Discord, did you not? You know how to fight as one. Be brave, little Lulu.”

Luna cracked a sad smile. “No one has called me that in many years…” She nuzzled her mother’s nose and pulled back with a soft whimper. “I’m scared. The Nightmist was able to claim Sombra. What if it tries to do the same thing to me when I fight him? I felt...I felt its cold touch when I fought Sombra in the palace.”

Her parents exchanged somber looks before her mother brushed some strands of mane out of her daughter’s face. “Your heart is pure and gentle, and your will is strong. If ever it should claim you, you can fight it, Luna. And you must rely on your sister to help you. You may not be able to free yourself alone, but together, you’ll be strong enough. Listen to your heart.”

Luna listened, and though she knew the truth of what had to happen, it still pained her. It would be her greatest test, she felt. With Discord, at least she had not loved him. She’d fought for the good of Equestria with little care of what might befall him. She would have to take the same attitude with Sombra.

“Thank you,” she told her parents and looked up at them. “I...I will be ready.”

“We know,” her parents said together. “And we love you.”

Luna reluctantly bid them farewell and forced herself to wake. She’d come around a few times since the fight, long enough to get food, drink, and notice that Celestia was frequently at her side. Luna had been too weak to raise and lower the moon, which had only leant power to her nightmares about Celestia taking her position as Princess of the night.

“Luna?” Celestia whispered to her. The sun Princess was curled up on Luna’s side in place of their father. A book about magic spells lay sprawled before her sister.

“I’m here,” Luna replied and shifted. She glanced at her splayed right wing. It looked healed, but it still ached. “How long have I slept?”

“For nearly a week,” Celestia replied and nuzzled her. “We were worried. When I found you, you were so injured. I brought you and the crystal...Gemfyre, back to Canterlot. We’ve been nursing you ever since.”

“I felt your presence,” Luna said. “Mother and Father spoke with me too. It...helped.” She took a breath. “Sombra is lost to me, Sister. Any hope I had of rescuing him has fled. There is no reasoning with him, but I had to try, you must understand.”

“I do,” Celestia replied and draped a wing around her shoulders. “I just wish you had not endured his wrath alone. I did not think he was so strong.”

“It’s not just his magic, Tia,” Luna muttered and turned slightly so she could look up at her sister. “It’s the Nightmist, that’s what makes him so powerful. It was that magic that injured me, not so much him. I managed to get the amulet away from him; it will bring us no harm.”

Celestia looked surprised. “How?”

“I....” Luna hesitated. What should she say? Should she tell Celestia she had briefly taken his offer to be his Queen only because she feared what her sister might do to her one day? “I tricked him to take it off,” she said instead.

Celestia did not look like she believed her, but she nodded all the same. “That was clever of you. The darkness has spread; we will need to act soon.”

“I know.” Luna rested her head on her folded hooves. “We have the unicorns to contend with as well. Quill is very strong, and while the unicorns’ magic is miniscule compared to hers, they could be a great threat to us, even more so to our guards.” She was quiet for a moment. “I think...we should speak to Mystic Topaz.”

“Why? He remembers nothing.”

“He believes he doesn’t,” Luna replied and lifted her head. “But...Quill gave me more information than I think she let on. She wore a red necklace around her throat; the other unicorns did as well, even though they had offered up their larger gems to fuel the amulet.” She slowly rose and stretched out her wings. They folded a bit awkwardly at her sides, stiff from disuse. “Come.”

“Are you strong enough?”

The question hit Luna the wrong way, and she looked sharply at Celestia. “I am stronger than you think, Sister.”

Celestia paused. “That’s not what I meant, Luna. You were terribly injured; I wanted to make sure you could stand.”

Luna fell quiet for a moment and blushed. “Forgive me. Yes, I can walk.” Luna moved slowly to the door but just before she reached it, she turned to face her sister. “Tia...”


“Would...you ever replace me as Princess of the night?”

Celestia stared at her blankly for a moment. “Why on Equestria would you think such a thing? Of course I wouldn’t!”

“Even though you can raise both the sun and the moon, you...wouldn’t take my powers from me?”

Celestia’s shoulders fell and her eyes filled with sorrow. “Luna, I would never do that. Yes, I can raise both, but it strains my power to do so. You are meant to be the moon Princess, just like Father, and I the sun Princess, like Mother. No, I would never do that to you, not unless your power threatened Equestria, which it would never do. You’re too kindhearted for that, Luna.”

A wave of relief washed over Luna. She almost let a few tears drop, but she fought her emotions and merely nodded. “Thank you for telling me and for being honest.”

“Of course. Don’t ever let such dark thoughts cloud your mind. Come to me if ever you have such fears again.”

“I will, Tia.”

They walked together through the quiet halls of the castle, and it was only then that Luna realized it was just nearing dawn. The others would still be asleep. Luna led them down through the spiral staircase and into another building. This one had yet another stairwell that would bring them into the crystal prison below Canterlot where they locked away the criminals, though Mystic Topaz was currently the only one.

Luna glanced sideways at Celestia as they walked. “How are Agate Shield and Nebula?”

“In mourning,” Celestia replied. “I showed them the crystal and poor Agate Shield dissolved in tears. Nebula is trying to console him. I have the crystal in a glass case in the throne room so they can see it any time they walk in. It seems only fitting that Gemfyre should remain at our sides...”

“I’m going to miss her,” Luna murmured, her throat constricting.

“As am I.”

They would have to do their mourning later, however; they had more pressing issues.

They descended the final stairs and came to rest in front of a door blocking their way. Celestia stepped forward and pressed her horn into a slot, causing a golden stream of light to build around the door. With a quiet hiss, it opened, and Celestia stepped back, letting Luna go first.

Luna moved inside and tried not to shiver at the sight of all the crystals. It reminded her too much of the caves, as well as Sombra’s palace. They walked along until they came to a prison where Mystic Topaz was being kept. The white unicorn was curled up on a pallet. A tray of food had been left for him but had not yet been retrieved, though the contents had been consumed. His quarters weren’t the most delightful, but there was a warm bed with a blanket, as well as some books for him to read.

Luna opened the cell first and stepped towards him. The creak of the barred door woke him, and he blinked blurrily until he realized who was there. In an instant, he bowed deeply to them.


Luna held up a hoof. “Sit. I have questions for you.”

The stallion looked a little hesitant, but he did as she asked. “I will answer what I can, but as I told you both, I’m afraid I do not remember very much from my captivity to the Nightmist.”

“I understand,” Luna replied as she sat down across from him. “I want you to think back to the last thing you remember before your capture, and the first thing that you recall seeing when you came out of the trance.”

Mystic Topaz sighed, exasperated, but he nodded nonetheless. “I was with my sister, and we were in the crystal caves, as I said. We walked into a room, and I felt pain. That was also the first thing I felt when the Princess,” he gestured to Celestia, “rolled me over. There is...” He frowned for a moment then closed his eyes.

“What is it?” Luna asked.

“No...that’s not true,” he murmured. “I felt pain when Sombra attacked me, but only after that strange red helm was knocked off of my head.” He rubbed his head lightly, thinking. “Yes. My head felt rattled after he removed it, and that’s when I started coming back to my senses.”

Luna nodded slowly. “Do you remember feeling anything on your head when you were attacked by the Nightmist?”

“I....” Mystic Topaz thought for a moment. “Yes...there was a pressure on my brow, and I thought I saw something red fall on Moonstone’s neck before my memory fled.”

Luna felt a flicker of hope. “When the unicorns attacked me, they all wore red necklaces, though only five had the power to capture me. Could those necklaces be linked? Could they be like...collars, working together to control the ponies?”

“I suppose that’s reasonable to assume,” Mystic Topaz said in surprise. “If Quill, as Princess Celestia told me, is responsible, then her power is stronger than most unicorns. She could have easily bound us to the crystals so she could control us.”

Luna looked at Celestia. “If we destroy the crystals, we may free them. When we go, I can focus on breaking that hold.”

“And I will face Sombra?” Celestia asked.

Luna swallowed. “In the beginning, yes. He’ll...he’ll expect me to go after him, not you. I will join you once the unicorns are free and no longer a threat.” She turned back to Mystic Topaz and saw the worry in his eyes. “We will free your sister. If I can help it, I will not hurt any of them, save for Quill if it means keeping her out of the fight.”

Mystic Topaz sighed in relief. “That is all I ask, my Princesses. Thank you.”

Celestia nodded and smiled. “In light of this helpful information, once Luna and I return to Canterlot, we will issue your freedom. You have been of great help to us, and I do not want to keep someone who was a victim as a captive.”

Tears of relief filled the stallion’s eyes. “Thank you so much. I...I won’t disappoint you. If ever you need to call upon me for help, then please do so.”

“You may remain in Canterlot if you like,” Celestia offered. “I’m sure you can find work here as well.”

“Thank you.” Mystic Topaz bowed as low as he could go until Luna and Celestia bade him to rise.

“Rest, for now,” Luna told him. “Food and drink will be brought to you.”

With that, the two Princesses left the crystal caves and walked back up the long stairs to their castle. Luna went to fetch a brief bite to eat. Her stomach felt raw, as did her throat, and she kept glancing outside at the black-touched sky. The sooner they left, the better. She wanted to wish Agate Shield and Nebula farewell, but she was sure the Prince would once again demand that he be allowed to go with them. Luna did not want him to be put under a second time, nor did she want to fight with him.

Luna put her food aside and walked slowly out onto the balcony, her right wing still aching a little, though she felt much stronger than she had for days. She stood, staring at the obsidian haze that crossed the sky of Equestria. Time was short, and the ponies in the Empire had suffered long enough waiting for their Princess’ salvation. No talking would solve this issue, nor would her love.

She breathed in the early morning air and stared at the black streaks spreading across the lightening night sky.

“Luna?” Celestia’s soft voice reached her.

Luna looked over her shoulder. “I know, Tia.”