• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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Pancakes and Sunshine

Author's Note:

So...I just noticed i forgot this chapter somehow some way so sorry for people having to read this. Anyway. Enjoy

I'll keep this up for a while before taking it off after a day or so

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

Pancakes and Sunshine

Canterlot Castle
An hour or so earlier...

Despite having awoken before the brake of dawn, Sora stayed trapped between the soft satin sheets upon his bed, trying to process the whirlwind of information that had been thrown at him the night before. He couldn't believe it—his human form lost to him? It seemed surreal, almost impossible. But the events of the previous night, the encounter with Celestia and her explanation, he couldn't doubt someone who held such sorrow in her heart...in her voice.

He shifted uncomfortably in the soft, unfamiliar bedding of the guest room. The room itself was luxurious, fit for a prince or princess, but that only added to the weight of his situation. What was he supposed to do now? What was his mother going to say...his friends...Donald...Goofy...Riku and... He paused as he turned his body to lay on his side as he pondered further. Beyond that though, what does that mean for what he has to do? To be sure he wasn't not going to continue to help Celestia rid her world of Darkness. He may have lost his human form but that doesn’t stop him from doing what's right.

And then...there was...her...


He couldn't help but feel even more conflicted than he had been before as his thoughts flew back to the shy timid and…he can honestly say cute mare. Fluttershy loved him, that much he knew, even when she found out that he wasn't born a pony she confessed to him. Sure he was on the verge of death at the time but she held true to it, even if she is conflicted herself for other reasons.

But what about him now?

Do I...love her? Heck do I even like her? Is this pony body making me like her? Were any of my feelings real...or not?

Sora sighed softly as he shifted in the bed, his mind swirling with questions and doubts. He couldn't deny the connection he felt with Fluttershy, the warmth that blossomed in his chest whenever he thought of her, even now. But was that because he was a pony now?

Before the stallion could ponder further, a knock upon his door caused him to sit up. He blinked before opening his mouth to say something, stopping only when the words were on the tip of his tongue.

Maybe...they will go away?

"Sora. Don't think I don't hear you moving around in there."

He groaned.

Of course it was Rainbow Dash.

Knowing the blue pegasus wouldn't let him off easy if he didn’t say something he mustered his brain to make him talk.

"Hey, Dash...ah...what's up?" The stallion called out, sitting up in his bed.

"You're not opening the door for me, that's what's up." The mare answered with a huff. "What's the deal? You know it's me so open up already."

Sora sighed softly before looking away from the door. He didn't want to be rude but... "Hey Dash?" He hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "Listen...do you mind if I have some time to myself right now."

Rainbow Dash's hoof paused mid-air, hovering just outside Sora's door. She blinked, taken aback by his request, before planting it firmly on the ground, a sound clearly heard by the stallion as he flinched at the noise it made. "Whoa, hold on a sec, Sora," she said, her voice tinged with concern. "Are you trying to run away from talking about what Celestia told you last night?"

The stallion winced again.. "No, it's not that, Dash," he replied, turning back towards the door to face her voice. "It's just... I need some time to myself. Honest. Besides, it..." He lowered his head, not quite knowing what to say or how to say it. Shaking his head he spoke again. "I promised to tell you...but I need more time okay?"

It was quite for a long while before he heard something thud against the door. He didn’t know what it was, but was sure it was some part of the Rainbow maned pony outside of it.

"Okay...fine.” Her voice rang out, not defeated but nearly so. “Just...if you come up with some stupid half backed plan on disappearing on us then I'm hauling your sorry flank back to Canterlot and telling the princess to lock you away in the dungeon."

Sora couldn't help but chuckle softly at Rainbow Dash's threat. Least he knew she was okay with it. "I got ya. No running away for me, okay?"

Rainbow grumbled softly. "Good. Then I better catch you outside your room later, okay Spiky?"

Sora nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "You got it, Dash. I'll be out there."

With that, Rainbow Dash trotted away down the hallway, leaving Sora alone in his thoughts once again. He took a moment to collect himself before allowing his back to hit the bed once more. Talking to his friend actually did lighten his mood a bit, enough for him to even think that he might have a bit of a restful nap compared to last night's fretful sleep. Closing his eyes, he was about to drift off for an early morning nap when another knock came to his door.

The stallion sighed as he opened his eyes, sitting up once again. "Did you forget something, Dash?"

"Oh...Ummm...I do not think she did. At least not that I can see around me."

The stallion blinked at the voice that definitely wasn't the rainbow maned mare. Slipping from his bed. He quickly opened the door to find Princess Celestia, smiling softly at him, her usual adornments absent from her being.

"Good morning, Sora," The princess mused gently, "May I come in?"

He hesitated for only a moment. He had wanted some time to himself...But he knew he couldn't keep Celestia waiting outside his door. With a nod, he stepped aside, allowing her to enter the room proper. Doing so he found a food tray floating listlessly in behind her with pancakes of all things. He blinked at the floating food being placed upon his table before catching the mare's gaze upon him.

"I...ah...Morning...ah...Tia," Sora greeted, stepping towards the table, raising an eyebrow. "This looks good. Is it all for you?"

"Do you think that I'm that fat Sora?" The princess asked with a raised eyebrow of her own. An action that caused the poor stallion to immediately regret his words.

"No, no, I didn't mean that! I just meant...uh..." He rubbed the back of his head, an apologetic smile forming on his face. T-Then does that mean all of this is for…?" He trailed, scratching his cheek.

"Hmm...Hahaha..." Celestia's melodious laugh filled the room before she turned back to the stallion, a mischievous smile on her face. "I was only teasing, Sora. And yes, this breakfast is indeed for the both of us. I thought it would be nice for us to share a meal..." She paused before looking away, her expression now more cautious. "I-If you would have me of course. If you wish to be alone then..."

Sora quickly shook his head, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "No, no! I don't mind Tia. Looks too good not to share it. Sides, I could eat something." Pulling out the nearby chair, he slipped into it, the princess following after him with her own.

"Okay...then...Allow me." Slowly but surely, the princess of the sun began to work, her magic passing out portions of the pancakes and fruits between them. The aroma of fresh pancakes and syrup filled the air, making Sora's stomach growl in anticipation, and remind him just how hungry he actually was. The fruits gave off a sweet and tangy scent, while the scrambled eggs had a rich and savory smell.

With plates made, the princess, without hesitation, began to dig in, a soft hmm of satisfaction escaping her as she chewed and swallowed the first bite. "It has been a while since I've eaten with somepony in such a casual way. With you hear, I thought it might be a nice change of pace to do so with somepony I don't have to put on airs around."

"Really?" The stallion asked, picking up a nearby fork stabbing it into the fluffy flat cake. As he took a bite of the pancakes, He was met with a burst of sweetness and warmth in his mouth. He turned towards the mare, his eyes sparkling softly, "Thish ish delishioush, Prinshessh!" Sora complimented with a grin.

"Hehe...thank you, Sora." The mare mused softly, stiffening a laugh. "But do chew and swallow before talking. The food isn't going anywhere and neither am I after all."

The stallion nodded sheepishly, taking another bite of his pancakes and savoring the delicious flavor before swallowing. "Sorry about that," he said with a sheepish grin. "I guess I got a little too excited."

Celestia smiled fondly at him, her gaze softening with affection. "No need to apologize, Sora. I'm just happy to see you enjoying my cooking."

"Back to what I was asking before though. Do you eat alone most of the time? What about Luna?"

Celestia's smile faltered slightly at the mention of Luna, but she quickly regained her composure. "Luna and I do share meals together occasionally, but our schedules often keep us apart," she explained, her tone tinged with a hint of sadness. "As rulers of Equestria, we have many responsibilities to attend to, and sometimes that means dining alone." She sighed. "I don't even get to share the funny face pancakes with my little sister like I use to back in the day."

"I guess that would suck..." The keyblade wielder said sympathetically, taking another bite of his pancakes. "But hey, guess that just means more for me and you while I'm here right?"

Celestia nodded. "hehe...indeed." The two fell into a comfortable silence as they began to eat properly, both mare and stallion just, enjoying the food before them

As they continued to eat, Sora, despite himself, couldn't help but notice the tiny, almost imperceptible lines of exhaustion etched across Celestia's face. She had always carried herself with grace and confidence, but now there was a weariness in her eyes that hadn't been there before. At least, since the times he had met her.

Even her playful tone from before was more lack luster then he thought it could ever be. And he pretty much he knew all too well why.

Sitting back he looked at the princess for a long while, an action that did not go unnoticed by the tall white mare. She lifted her head up ever so slowly, before looking away, swallowing the food she had in her maw. "So...ah...Sleep well?"

"Enough I guess." He shrugged. "What about you, Tia?"

"I managed," she replied with a faint smile, though the weariness in her voice betrayed her words. "A rulers work is never done after all."

"I see..." Sora knew he was a bit of an idiot in most things, but he knew when a friend needed someone to talk to and Celestia looked no different. He folded his hooves across his chest, "So...Gonna tell me the real reason you're here?"

Princess Celestia's smile faded, and she sighed softly. "You're quite perceptive today, Sora," she admitted. "Or maybe I'm losing my touch..."

"I have my moments...especially when I know my friends are hurting." Much to the stallion's surprise, the squeak she made at his words was quite adorable.

"You...ah...Call me friend still?" Her tone felt hopeful, even if it was tinged in worry.

"That never changed as far as I'm concerned." He told the mare with a wink. "I mean...sure...everything was a lot to take in last night, and...I honestly don't know what I will do when this is all over and the Heartless are gone." He looked down at himself. "I mean...Donald and Goofy are a duck and a dog so going around as a pony doesn't sound like the worst thing in the world. I can manage that." He sighed. "I am kinda worried what mom will say when she sees me though, let alone Riku and Kairi."

"If you are that concerned...I can come with you when you return home to explain things." She said softly. "I mean it is partly my fault you are stuck like this. Maybe...I could turn some of her ire towards me."

"Knowing how my mom is? She'll be pissed for about a week and lecture you every day." Sora laughed. "I mean, you may be a thousand year old mare but my mom is way scarier then you might ever be."

"If it is the price I have to pay then I shall surely pay it," she said playfully. "Besides, it's the least I can do after all you've done to help protect Equestria and its inhabitants. And don’t worry, a little motherly rath is something I'm kind of used to honestly. You should see Twilight's mom."

The stallion smiled brightly. "Haha...I'll take your word for it. Also...good to see you smile again, Tia. You look better when you are happy.

The princess giggled softly. "I could...hehe...I could say the same to you, Sora. A smile better suits somepony as kind as you."

He blushed as he rubbed the back of his head, "Then...I guess we both needed a little reminder of that...huh?"

"True...still, leaving it at just pancakes, last nights apology and sacrificing myself to you're mother's rage doesn't quite sit well with me." She leaned forward. "So I came with a gift. Or more like...a wish."

The stallion’s curiosity piqued as he leaned in closer, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "A wish? What kind of wish?" he asked, his voice filled with wonder.

"You can ask me for anything and I'll do my best to give it to you. It's the least I can do for everything. For what you done for us and what you had to sacrifice because of my mistakes."

Sora hesitated for a moment, his mind racing with possibilities. He had never been given a wish before, and the thought of having something granted to him felt both exhilarating and overwhelming. But in that moment, as he looked into Princess Celestia's kind, weary eyes, he knew exactly what he wanted to ask for.

"I...Its not really a wish but...I do have something I want...if that's okay?"

Princess Celestia nodded, her eyes filled with curiosity. "Of course, Sora," she replied, her voice gentle and encouraging. "You can ask me anything."

"I..." He paused, leaning back in his chair and looking down. "I need some advice..."

"Advice?" She asked, with a tilt of her head. "Well if it is something I am knowledgeable in then I am happy to lend it to you." She smiled softly as she leaned forwards, her hooves resting upon the table before her. "What seems to be the trouble?"

"I...well..." he sighed. "I honestly don't know where to start." He looked towards the mare. "But...I guess I can go with...ah..." He paused as he rubbed the back of his head once again. "If...Grogar came to you the same way he did me...what would you have done?"

Princess Celestia's expression softened as she listened to his question, her gaze thoughtful as she considered his words. She took a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking.

"That...is a tough question to answer," she began gently, "What you had faced with Grogar was an incredibly difficult situation, and the decision you had to make was undoubtedly a challenging one." She paused. "If I were in your position, faced with the threat of my friends' safety and the weight of such a heavy burden, I can't say I would have done what you did, Grogar is a dangerous foe, one that should not be taken lightly. If there was even a sliver of a chance to destroy him…I would have taken it…." Before Sora could speak, she raised a hoof. "And yet...knowing that…I know you acted with the best intentions and with the safety of your friends at heart. With that in mind, I can honestly say you did nothing wrong."

"I..." The stallion shook his head, "I mean...you might be right but...I still feel like I could have done more..."

Princess Celestia reached across the table and placed a comforting hoof on The keyblade Wielder’s shoulder. "It's natural to feel that way in hindsight, especially when you care so deeply about your friends. But I want you to remember that you are only one person, and you can't always bear the weight of the world on your shoulders alone, even if you try your hardest to do so." She squeezed his shoulder gently. "You did what you thought was right in that moment, and that's all anyone can ask of you."

"I..." Sora closed his eyes and gently laughed. "I understand...Tia. And Thanks. Guess I just...I needed that."

"Always happy to help Sora." She smiled. "Though...I somehow feel that isn't the only question you needed answered."

The stallion balked before looking away. "Ah...I mean...I guess not. But...Didn't want to bother you with it if I could help it..."

It was Celestia's turn to laugh. "Which means this one is a bit more personal, is it?"

"It...is..." He took a deep breath, his expression serious as he met Celestia's gaze. "It's about Fluttershy," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "There's so much going on right now and...I... I'm not sure how to handle my feelings for her in the midst of all of this."

Princess Celestia leaned back in her chair, a knowing smile playing at her lips. "Ah, young love," she said, her voice filled with warmth and understanding. "These feelings can be quite perplexing, can't they?"

Sora nodded, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. "I…Don’t know…maybe," he replied, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. "I mean, Fluttershy is amazing. She's kind, gentle, and she has this incredible way of connecting with animals and making them feel safe. In all of our walks together, I’ve watched her talk to a bear. Tell off a badger…and I saw her pet a snake like she would a puppy...Pretty sure it was a viper too." He shook his head, getting back on topic, "But...Even if I feel that way, I don't know if I can even trust my own feelings...because...well...of how I got to Equestia in the first place..."

"Oh...I see now." the concerned look she had when he had began softened. "I guess It would be natural to question the origin of your feelings, especially in a situation as unique as yours," she replied, her tone gentle and reassuring. "But tell me, Sora, why do you feel that your feelings for Fluttershy may not be genuine?"

"I don't...I don't know. Because I...Maybe the magic did something to my brain..." He said softly looking away from her. "N-Not that I'm blaming you are anything its just..." He paused, looking away form the mare. "Sorry..."

Princess Celestia shook her head gently, her expression softening with empathy as she listened to his concerns. "Sora, you have every right to doubt yourself, especially in a situation as unusual as this," she said, her voice filled with understanding. "But I want you to know that I never tampered with your mind or your feelings. Using magic to influence someone's emotions is forbidden for a reason, and I would never violate that trust."

She reached out a hoof and placed it gently on Sora's, offering him a reassuring squeeze. "Everything you've felt, from the moment you met Fluttershy to now, is entirely of your own volition," she continued, her tone gentle and sincere. "Your feelings are genuine and valid, regardless of the circumstances that led to them."

The stallion stared down at their hooves, processing Celestia's words. His mind swirled with conflicting emotions, now more then ever. Every second that he had spent with Fluttershy replayed in his mind and...they were all his feelings, even if he was still unsure about him and the timid mare.

Sora wanted to smile but he couldn't help but look away. "I...I don't even know if I love her like she does me. I've never had someone love me like this before. I've...I never..."

"You don't have to love her back like she loves you, Sora." Princess Celestia answered. "Love is not a transaction, where you give back exactly what you receive. It's a journey of discovery, filled with ups and downs, and it may take time for your own feelings to catch up. I'm sure it took Fluttershy a long while to come up with her own decision about you, and she looks like the kind of mare to wait for your answer, no matter what it may be."

"I guess you're right," The keyblade wielder murmured, looking down. "Love is...complicated, huh?"

"I wish it wasn't so...but if it wasn't then I wouldn't wish to have it in my life at all." She chuckled softy. "I...ahaha...I hope that made sense. Kinda was just winging it for that saying."

He couldn't help but chuckle at Celestia's playful remark, feeling a weight lifted from his shoulders. "I think I get the jest of it," He sighs again before smiling. "There's a lot I have to think about now...but that's something I think I have to do on my own. Still, thanks for the help, Tia."

"It's not a problem at all, Sora. Remember, you're never truly alone in your struggles. Your friends are always there for you, and...me being one of them...so am I," Princess Celestia reassured him with a warm smile. She slipped from the table, picking up the dirty plates from between them with her magic. "I'll leave you to your thinking now though...it was nice...talking to you Sora. As it always is. Thank you for indulging me today."

The mare, with barely a sound. Pop out of existence, right before his eyes, almost as if she was never there to begin with. The stallion sat alone at the table, his thoughts swirling with newfound clarity. "Not sure if I'll ever be ready when I see her still...but..." He trailed off before looking towards the blue of the sky out the nearby window, the cool morning air blowing ever so softly.

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