• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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The Return of Sombra-The Truth (Edited)

Green to start music and red to stop music


The farm mare gasped as her eyes snapped open , the sound of her name luring her from the dream like coma she had been in. The mare would quickly try to gain her bearings, finding nothing else but the darkness and void around her. Despite the darkness however, she could clearly see her own hooves in front of her face.

“Where in tarnation am I?” She questioned out loud, more to herself then to anypony in particular as dread began to build within her chest. “Ah didn’t...I didn’t bite the big one...Did I?”


She gasped as she jumped to her hooves, looking for the source of the sudden voice. “What the..?! Where are ya?! Show yourself right now, varmint!”

Applejack wasn’t greeted with another answer, at least not one that she been expecting. An illuminated stairway slowly began to appear before her, each step a different color then the next. To her, each step looked like that of a stained glass window she would see at the Canterlot Castle. The mare hesitantly stepped upon the surface of it, finding the surface to be quite sturdy. With renewed determination, the mare ascended the platforms.

It wasn’t long before the mare could see something glimmering in the distance. She squinted her eyes at the object, tilting her head slightly as she stared upon it. It looked as though it was some kind of pillar. Happy to find something other than the darkness of the void, the farm mare picked up her pace, doing so to reach the top and at least find some simpalance of where she was.

Just as Applejack reached the very top, her world suddenly grew pink. The farm mare had little warning when she had rammed into the pink party pony herself, the pair of ponies tumbling along the ground before coming to a stop with the Applejack face down against the glass like pavement and Pinkie Pie sitting pretty in a daze on top of her friend.

Pinkie was the first to recover, the pink mare gasping loudly before pulling her orange friend into a crushing hug “AJ! I was so worried about you! When I found myself in this dark void I was all scared and alone and frightened but then I heard this voice and then some pretty stairs appeared and I followed them all the way up here and then I found Sora and then you came and ran into me and now we’re here!”

Applejack just laughed lightly. “It’s good ta see you too Pinkie.”

“Yeah,” the pink one continued. “And look! We both have our Elements on too! Which is weird because I was sure we left them in Canterlot!”

Applejack looked down to find that she did indeed have her Element on. “Well ah’ll be… You’re right Sugarcube. Must have been so out of sorts that ah never noticed it was on me.” The farm mare tried to gently push the mare off of her, but was stopped by Pinkie’s hoof.

“Oh yeah,” she said with a sheepish smile. “There’s something I forgot to mention. I told you that Sora was here as well but…well…I’m gonna need you to not freak out on me, okay?”

Applejack grew worried at her friend’s words. “What do ya mean Pinkie Pie? Did something happen to Sora? Is he alright?!”

“Applejack he’s fine.” Pinkie Pie assured her. “It's just...It's something you need to see for yourself.” The pink pony helped her friend to her hooves before moving out of the orange mare’s line of sight. When she had did Applejack’s eyes would widen at what was in front of her.

The creature in front of her was tall and lanky, standing upon its hind hooves, almost like Twilight’s assistant Spike does. Black clothing that was very familiar was donned upon the creature, the jacket more so familiar to her then anything else. She was drawn to the face of the one in front of her. It was rather flat, not in an ugly way mind you, but it definitely wasn’t that of a pony or any other equestrian she had known. A spiky brown mop of a mane sat upon the top of their head, the only piece of hair she could see upon them since their peach was not covered in any.

The creature stood awkwardly always from the mare, looking away from both them almost out of shame from some slight it had done.

“W-Wha...what the hey am I looking at Pinkie?” Applejack finally asked as she, keeping her eyes locked on the creature with trepidation.

“Applejack…Don’t you know who that is?” The pink one asked her friend in a concerned voice.

“No. No, ah don’t. I’ve never seen that…whatever it is before in my life,” she said, looking back towards it.

Pinkie shook her head. “It’s a he Applejack, and you do know him.” She stepped away so that the mare could look at the being again. When her eyes locked on to his deep blue ones, the creature would give the mare an awkward, familer, stupid, smile.

“S-Sora?” She spoke the name, barely above a whisper.

“Hey AJ,” Sora said with a sheepish grin, giving her a wave with his strange Spike-like hand. “It’s good to see you’re okay.”

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

The Return of Sombra-The Truth


Applejack could barely utter a coherent word as she looked upon the one that she was told was her friend Sora. Of course what could she say? This thing that was a pony not too long ago turns out to be some kind of tall hairless monkey like creature. After gathering her thoughts for a long time the mare settled with one word that summed up everything she wanted.


“OH! I want to know too! I bet it’s supercoolawasommazing!” Pinkie Pie squeed with glee, bouncing around Sora as she did so. The act of which seemed to cause Sora to actually put him at ease, the farm mare noticing Sora relax his shoulders considerably.

“It’s...well...It’s kind of hard to explain I guess.” He told them, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. “But well...I guess you could say that this is how I usually look.”

“Wait, you mean that you ain’t actually a pony?” Applejack said in a low tone. At Sora’s nod, her gaze formed into a scowl. “Y’all mean to tell me y’all been lying to my friends this entire time?” Sora flinched as if stuck, and Applejack’s frown deepened. “If that true, then what else have you been lying to us about?” she accused.

“I haven’t lie to you guys!” Sora tried to defend himself. “I mean I have I guess about me being a pony but everything else is the truth.”

“And how am ah suppose to believe ya?” The mare asked, rather harshly.

“I…” Sora began but then stopped. “I mean it's...It's going to take a while for me to explain everything.”

“Well ah ain’t budging till ya do, so get to talking,” she said with a huff.

May hap save such tales for another time fair Applejack?

Both the girls and Sora jumped at the sudden voice, Applejack being the first to speak out. “What the hay! Who’s there?! Come out and show yourself ya varmint and stop playing games with me. Ah’m not in the mood!”

“I don’t Applejack.” Pinkie mused with a smile. “I think games can do a pony good no matter who you are.”

The farm mare huffed harshly as she faced her friend. “Will you cut it out Pinkie! We got enough on our plate as it is with your shenanigans!”

Sora frowned as he put himself in front of the pink mare. “Hey come on Applejack! She’s only trying to lighten the mood! There's no need to snap at her!”

“Like you have a right ta say anything after all the lying ya did to us!” The farm mare accused, pointing a hoof at the boy.

“Least I’m not the one yelling at my friends when they did nothing wrong!” Sora had countered, causing Applejack to pull back like she had been struck.

“Ah...ah mean…” The farm mare began to stutter, backing away slightly from Sora and Pinkie. She knows she's angry about being lied to by Sora but getting this angry about it...This wasn’t like her. She's the element of honesty. Not the element of accusations.

Taking a deep breath and releasing it soon after, Applejack looked back towards the two. “This is just...Ah mean...It's a lot to take in right now...where we are and everything. Ah don’t even know if we are...d...dead. Ah’m worried about Applebloom and Twilight and everypony else. Not ta mention throwing this-” She gestured towards Sora. “On me.”


A bright light began to shine from above, causing the trio to all look up in response towards it. There, descending from on high, was that of beautiful pegasus mare, her body covered in the purest of silk any of the three had ever seen before. Draped across her head was that of a white covering, almost as if it were a crown. Her sharp lavender eyes seemed to sparkle as her smile gently grew upon reaching the floor. The mare’s shimmering orange coat glistened even in the foe-darkness.

Beside her, the largest stallion Sora and the others had ever seen, landed upon all four of his hooves with a resounding thud. Applejack half feared that he glass pillar underneath them would brake upon his very weight. The large smiling pony before them released a mighty gruff laugh as he dusted himself, a mighty hoof raising to touch his bearded face.

“It is good to finally have a voice again...after all these years. And it is a pleasure to meet all of you, Pinkie Pie. Applejack. Sora.” The mare bowed deeply, her voice having an accent that neither Pinkie, Applejack or Sora could place. They all knew, however, it sounded ancient.

Applejack raised an eyebrow at the pair of ponies before her, something familiar about one of them etching at the back of her mind. “H-How do ya’ll know our names? Wait! Before that. Who the hey are you?”

“Very good questions, little lass.’ The stallion’s voice boomed, despite him talking in a calm tone. His accent was just as strange to them as the mare’s was, despite it being very different from hers. “And one that we can only answer in a grand and epic tale. One I do believe that the three of you would want to hear.”

Pinkie bounced high in the sky as she squealed with glee. “Oh! I love story time!” The pink party mare pulled a lawn chair and a bag of popcorn from out of nowhere and proceeded to chow down as she sat on the edge of her seat, awaiting the story she had been promised.

The beautiful mare giggled softly as she watched with gentle glee of her own. “I do see you’ve come prepared, pink one.”

“If it finally gets me the answers ah’m looking for then to this whole crazy mess then ah guess ah got no choice but to listen then,” Applejack said as she sat on her haunches.

Sora, for his part, remained silent, his arms crossing over his chest as he too listened with wrapped attention..

The beautiful mare gently cleared her throat before she began to speak. “Our world wasn’t always as peaceful as yours is now. The ones you known of as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were but little ones under the tutelage of a dear friend of ours. It was during this time of turmoil that the Pony of Shadow would appear, running throughout our world, covering our land in never ending darkness and with it, he would bring the creatures known as shadows to terrorize the land of ponies.

It was only after the discovery that we could fell the beast with light that we had at least somewhat of a fighting chance against the might of his darkness. It was the light of our magic that kept the monsters you known as Heartless at bay for a time, but even that could not protect us for long. When all was hopeless and we believed that our end would come, a being unlike anything we had seen came to our aid. In a way, he looked just like the boy standing by your side. A boy who came to our aid in our time of need.”

The mare paused to look towards Applejack and Sora. The farm mare would look towards the Keybarer who, in turn, would look away from the mare, rubbing the back of his head with an all too apparent expression of gentle sadness. She felt a tinge of pain as he refused to meet her gaze. Still...she believed she at least deserved a bit of ire. She knew she had been harsher than she knew was necessary.

“This being,” The beautiful mare continued, “ that had come to our aid, used a blade unlike any other, and fought against the never-ending might of the Pony of Shadow’s Heartlesses. By fighting he was able to do what non use could do. He was able to push them back. He fought, and he fought, and he never stopped fighting. He fought against monsters bigger than castles and beasts that were unimaginable. He did so without wanting anything in return. It was then that we had realized what this creature had given us when we had fallen into despair, Something that I too wished to give to others.” She said the last part, pointing to both herself the stallion beside her.

“And...that was?” Applejack asked.

The mare smiled, “Hope.”

The mare shook her head softly. “But as with all living beings, he too grew tired due to the constant fighting. No matter how powerful you may be he was still just a creature like you or me. One who needed rest but could never find it for long. We had tried to imitate his weapon, so that he wasn't the only one that was fighting, imbuing light within our own arms, but that was met with limited success.”

“It was then that an Idea was formed.” The stallion spoke up, smiling brightly.

“Indeed.” The mare said as she smiled at her friend. “With the help of the Key Warrior, we were able to create a rather amazing solution to our problem. It was with his weapon of light and our natural magic that we were able to create a weapon to defend ourselves against the darkness. The power of light the weapon emanated was measurable to that of the Key Warriors own blade, if only by a little. But with the power being too much to handle, we split it into six crystals. We were happy that the weapon was made, and though we had a way to beat the darkness back, there was no pony throughout our lands that could use them.

That is…until six ponies, all from different parts of the world came together. They had heard of our plans and believed in their hearts that they could use the weapons. They said that the weapons were calling to them. Ponies had called them crazy, but they persisted, saying ‘what have we got to lose?’

“The weapon,” Sora interrupted . “You’re talking about the Elements of Harmony right? And the six ponies...I bet you and him are two of them right?”

“What?!” Applejack gasped as she twirled around toward the boy. “But… that can’t be true.”

“Ah, but it is true, fair Applejack.” The beautiful pony mused as she placed a hoof on her chest. “My friend...Rockhoof here, and myself, Somnambula, joined with four others to become the Pillars of Harmony. Strength was the Element that Rockhoof bore, Applejack, the one that is now called the Element of Honesty. I, myself, wielded Hope, which is the one that young Pinkie Pie now uses as Laughter. It was through our friendship to each other and the rest of the elements that we were able to use the power given to us by the Key Warrior, and with this power, we were able to subdue the darkness causing it to retreat. Though there were still remnants of his influence that remained, we were able to pick up the pieces and start anew with our lives, with the Elements protecting us.”

“Rockhoof! The Rockhoof?! I knew ya looked familiar.” The farm mare’s eyes widened at the mention of the stallion’s name. “You mean the Rockhoof?”

Pinkie gasped. “Wait...you know this pony AJ?”

The farm mare blushed deeply, recognizing that she kinda spurted all of that out. “W-Well not really know per say. He's a legend me and Applebloom used to read together. The strongest pony in all the land and the son of a farmer to boot.”

The large stallion’s laughter resounded throughout the void. “It’s good to see that pony still look up me at the very least. It seems my successor was chosen wisely indeed.”

Though Applejack would beam softly at the praise, her smile would falter soon after, her head lowering in deep thought before addressing the supposed original element of honesty and laughter. “But…If that's the case, why are both of you here...in this...void?”

That...Is something that we do not have time to answer right now dear Applejack.” Somnambula told her with a shake of her head. “You have more pressing things to worry about after all.”

“Ah…OH YEAH…” Pinkie Pie said. “We were fighting that mean ol king of darkness! His name is King Sombra. Or at least we were fighting him. Before you guys made us all dive into this dark place and all that we were beating him fair and square and until he was all like, ‘Use ultimate the Cheatcode, GO’ and turned into a big monster type thingy! I was like ‘Ohs Nos!’ and AJ was like ‘Darn-tooting’ and Sora was like ‘Don’t worry Fluttershy! I’m coming for ya!’”

Sora couldn’t stop the blush that formed on his face at the last part. “W-Wait a second! I never said that. All i did was...I mean...I was protecting her that's all.” Sora really didn’t know why he was trying to defend himself but the fact that he was couldn’t stop bothering him. The boy shook his head before turning towards the pair of ponies in front of them. “What happened to us after that though? I really don’t know.”

Applejack gulped. “We…ah…didn’t die, did we?”

Somnambula giggled gently behind a hoof. “Do not worry, the three of you are not dead yet.” They all sighed with relief but the mare continued. “That isn’t to say that you won’t be in about twelve seconds.”

“What!?” Sora and the girl’s gasped.

“In this dream state, while time is slowed to a crawl, everything that is happening is happening as we speak.” Rockhoof explained. “You three, the element of Kindness, and those poor fillies will be blown away by the dark one’s attack.

Sora and the girls all took in the information in different ways, but they all agreed that the situation was not looking good for them.

Applejack was the first to speak for the group, lowering her hat over her eyes. “Then we’re as good as dead… aren’t we?”

Somnambula shook her head sadly. “That is something only you and Pinkie Pie can truly decide Applejack.”

“What do ya mean?” the farm mare questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Rockhoof turned towards the boy. “The keyblade wielder's power is the key to winning, but it can not do it alone.”

“H-Huh?” Sora tilted his head at the statement.

“Remember? A keyblade wielder is the one that helped forged the Elements of Harmony.” Somnambula explained. “It stands to reason that the elements themselves would react to one, even if it wasn’t the original.”

Sora cupped his chin in thought. “You’re saying that we can use the Keyblade and the Elements of Harmony together? How does that even work?”

“That, gentle key, is something that only you and your friends can figure out.” Somnambula said sadly. “We can only tell you what we know.”

Applejack pawed at the dangling Element around her neck before, ruminating over the information she and the others had been given. It took a long while before the mare turned to address Sora, a frown upon her face. “Did ya know about any of this...like...at all?”

Sora shook his head, somewhat surprised that Applejack was talking to him normally. “No. This is the first I've heard of a story like this.”

“Then tell me. if the one in the story didn’t lie about who they were, why did you?”

Sora ran his hand through his spiky hair, trying to come up with a good reason. “Well…the princess did turn me into a pony before I came here. In all accounts...I really am a pony.”

“Doesn’t excuse the fact that you lied to us all this time,” Applejack said. “Did she say you couldn’t tell us?”


“Then why didn’t ya?”

Sora looked away. “I was…afraid.”

She paused before softening her tone. “That we wouldn't accept ya?”

Sora was caught off guard with Applejack’s question. “I…ah…how...?”

“It's a gut feeling.” Applejack stated matter-of-factly.

“Oh…” Sora scratched his cheek and looked away.

“So…Did you think we wouldn’t understand?” Applejack inquired.

“Well, yeah. That was part it,” he said, looking at her.

“And the other part?”

“It’s a Guardens of Light’s duty to protect the World’s order, so I’m told anyway. We’re not really allowed to reveal who we really are or that we can travel between worlds, unless forced to do so.”

Applejack’s shoulders sagged slightly as she asked the next question. “Was everything about you a lie then. Your life and all that?”

“No!” Sora told her with a look of sincere pain. “I lived with my friends back on Destiny Islands. This necklace was given to me by my best friend. And...Oh! I’m...afraid of ghosts.”

The last part couldn’t stop the smile that played at the corners Applejack’s lips, though she tried to force it down with a look of total indifference as best she could. “Afraid of ghosts? Ah don’t think ya ever told us about that one.”

“Oh...I didn’t...ah…” Sora rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. “Can...the two of you forget about that one then?”

Pinkie wrapped a hoof around the poor boy’s shoulders as she drew him into a side ways hug. “Oh my poor poor little hero...There is no way mama Pinkie is gonna forget such a perfectly delicious detail.”

Sora groaned as he slumped over in defeat. “Drat…”

Applejack cleared her throat, her frown once again returning. “Despite all that Sora...Ya lied ta us from the get go...and I’m not really sure what to think of all of this or how ta really feel about it. This is just...So much.”

"I mean...what do you want me to say Applejack?" The boy argued. "To go against what Master Yen-Sid told me personally. He's been at this longer then I've have. Besides, what else was I suppose to do. Just come out and say that I'm a human from another world?"

"No! Ah mean...ah don't know. ah just..." Applejack lowered her head unable to find the words she wanted to say.

“You know what!?” Pinkie Pie yelled out. “We’re wasting time!” She turned her to the farm mare , puffing out her chest as she did so, “Don’t worry Applejack. I got this.” Pinkie Pie bounced towards the boy, pulling him by the ear down to her level when she was near him. “I’ve only got what thing to ask you, bucko!”

Sora yelped as he felt his ear tugged. “W-What?”

“Did you enjoy my party or not?” she asked, squinting her eyes.

The Keyblade Wielder stared at the mare for a good long while before smiling brightly. “Yeah, I really did Pinkie. The best I’ve ever been to in my life.”

Pinkie held her gaze in a neutral expression before smiling brightly. “Whelp! He’s alright in my book!”

“What?!” Applejack exclaimed, furrowing her eyebrows. “What kind of question is that?!”

“Well it’s the ultimate question, really. Duh! Nopony evil would ever admit to liking a party thrown by me. Therefore he’s a good guy in my book.” Applejack slapped a hoof to her face at the comment Pinkie had made, to which she giggled. “Besides, Sure he lied about what he was, but he never lied about who he was with his actions.” She zipped back towards him, nuzzling Sora’s cheek gently. “And that’s somepony who does all he can to protect what he holds dear, even if it was just friends he met a few days ago. So please don’t let one little lie stop you from being friends with him. And he seems really, really sorry he lied too! See?” Pinkie went behind his back and placed both hooves to the side of his face, pulling his cheeks down into a ‘sad’ expression.

“I never said I would stop being friends with him Pinkie,” Applejack exclaimed as she looked down, her anger dissipating slightly. She released a heavy sigh before looking back up at the pair, giving both a sincere smile. “But from now on, ah expect nothing the truth out of you when we get back, and you’re gonna tell the girls as well. No use hiding it from them now.” She leaned into him, patting his shoulder. “Side’s, you’ve done too much for us to lose ya as a friend anyhow. Ya did risk your life to save Twilight and Fluttershy. Heck, you even saved my life as well. You may not be a pony, Sora but… well… you’re still our friend. And Friends forgive each other...right?”

Haha...Yeah...Friends do.” Sora said with a gentle smile of his own. "I'm sorry about lying to you AJ. To all you girls."

"Well...apology accepted sugarcube. And...Sora for being so...ya know."

Sora smirked as he placed his hands behind his head. "Hey no biggie."

Pinkie Pie in-between the two of them, pulling both into a bone crushing hug of happiness. “YAY! Were friends again!”

“Indeed you are,” Somnambula said softly as her visage began to flicker, both hers and Rockhoof’s body slowly becoming more and more transparent. “Hold on to the friendships in your heart. In the dark, it will always be your light.”

Gentle light began to surround Sora and his friends as the three pulled away, but they would pay it no mind as Applejack and Pinkie Pie’s focus was upon the boy summoning his keyblade within his hand. Raising the blade into the sky, energy began to flow from the point of the key, just as light began to shimmer with the elements of Laughter and Honestly.

“Do ya know what cha even doing there?” Applejack asked with a raised eyebrow and a good natured tone.

Sora shook his head in response, keeping his gaze trained on the sky above. “Kinda thought I would just wing it, ya know?” A beam of light blasted towards the ground and an overwhelming sense of power began to flow through each of their bodies. “Besides, with my friends by my side, I know we can win. We’re gonna protect our friends, and Defeat the pony of Shadows; King Sombra, Once and for all!” The light intensified, showering them with its radiance until they were completely engulfed by it.

Before they left, Somnambula’s voice could be heard in the distance. “I never said Sombra was the one you needed to defeat, Key Warrior.”


Sombra shot forth a ball of darkness from his maw, the threatening blast hurling towards the ponies with reckless abandon, only for the death orb to be cut in half in one fluid motion by a blinding light the monster had never seen before. As the light slowly began to subside, a familiar figure could be seen, which caused Sombra’s eyes to glow with heated rage.

Sora stood before the transformed stallion, their caramel fur and chocolate brown mane flowing with the wind as the dust subsided. But something had changed about it. The young stallion, instead of his usual black attire, was donned within a jacket as red as the purest of roses, a fleur-de-lis on each sleeve glowing warm light. In fact, every bit of his outfit seemed to radiate with power unseen before, sparks emanating from them as if overflowing with strength.

His new appearance was the least of the monster’s concern however. For as the stallion stood on his hind hooves, his forehooves bore two terrifying objects within them. Two keyblades, one for each hoof, could be seen releasing a power of light all of their own.

The stallion looked between both of his blades, admiring the detailed work upon them. One was golden and brown, an apple slice replacing the teeth of a regular key. On the chain hung Applejack’s Element of Honesty. Within the other hoof was a wild looking pink colored keyblade, a curved edge with spikes surrounding Pinkie Pie’s cutie mark. At the end of the chain of the keyblade rested Pinkie’s Element of Laughter.

“Woah...It's been a while since I’ve used this form.”

“S-Sora,” she said in a quiet voice, raising a hoof to touch his arm. The stallion looked back at her, his face shifting from concerned gaze to a kind smile.

“Sorry Shy, gonna be busy for a while,” he said softly. “And I have a lot to tell you and the rest of the girls when I’m finished here. But for now, just trust me when I say, I’ll protect you… all of you.” He turned back to face the monster that had nearly destroyed them. He held both keyblades tightly with his forehooves and began to expertly spin them within his grasp. When he was done, he positioned himself in a fighting-like stance before addressing the mare behind him.

“Think you can fly away from here?” he asked.

She proceeded to nod, but then remembered that he was not looking her way. “Um… I-I can fly alright… I think.”

“Good. Then get the fillies to safety. I’ll finish this up as quickly as I can.” With his command ringing in her ears, she flapped her wings and flew as quickly as she could towards the little mares. When he did not sense her behind himself anymore, the stallion addressed the monster formerly known as Sombra.

“Okay Sombra, I hope you’re prepared.” He smiled brightly. “Cause I can honestly say... I’M READY TO PARTY!!”

Author's Note:

Shardina (c) of Renee-Moonveil
Archery (c) of Scootaloocuteness


Keyblades by xilenobody143

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