• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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Expected Surprises (Edited)

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

by steel soul

Expected Surprises

Green to start music and red to stop.

It would soon be noon as the trio that was Twilight, Spike and Sora all decided to return to the lavender mare’s library and wait for the upcoming Welcome to Ponyville party, bidding Rarity a good bye until then.

Though they had all agreed to the same destination, they all had their own reasons for wanting to return.

Twilight’s reason, with Sora’s permission of course, had been to study the strange object that was known as the Keyblade. Without wasting another moment as soon as she stepped though the door, she had immediately set to work using both magical and non-magical tests to ascertain its make, properties, and overall essence. She needed to know what it was. Why something like this was never in any of the history books. It was clearly a weapon of great power, and giving a pony the power to teleport an object to them, rather they can use magic or not, was quite amazing in its own right and it was not something that she could honestly pass up studying. If she was able to figure it out… Oh the possibilities.

Sora’s reason was simple, yet proved to be, at least to him, the most difficult.

He needed to put on some clothes.

Being a boy of seventeen years of age, he knew he would be able to dress himself. Being a boy pony of seventeen years of age with hooves instead of fingers and thumbs to work with, could prove more of a challenge. Despite this he figured that if he was going to be in this pony world for a while, he would need to learn how to dress himself and, he hoped, learn how to get by without fingers. So, under the guise of needing some rest, the ponyfied Keybearer was allowed to return to the room he had awoken in and set to work equipping and removing his attire.

As for the dragon Spike, after doing his chores for the day, the drake had decided to catch some Z's on a nearby couch. He was a baby dragon after all and baby dragons need their sleep. Besides, he figured he would need all the energy he could muster if he was to fully enjoy the Pinkie’s Welcome to Ponyville Party.

After several successful attempts at putting on and removing his clothing, Sora made his way down to the lower level, fully dressed and ready for anything. He was very proud of himself for finding such a creative way getting them on too, even with the handicap of having no fingers.

The clip-clop of his hooves alerted Twilight of the stallion’s presence and she couldn’t help but smile lightly, looking the once human boy over with an appreciative gaze. “Rarity did an amazing job on your outfit Sora. Hard to believe that I could hardly recognize it before, tattered as it was.”

The keybearer smiled as he blushed slightly. “Thanks Twilight. I really need to thank Rarity again for helping me out on this one.” His gaze would scan over the room they were within. Aside from the few chairs, the whole area seemed to be surrounded by bookcases full of books, which made sense because of where he was. He would turn towards his keyblade, noting the impressive amount of books, notes, and test tubes surrounding it. “What's all this stuff anyway?” He asked, bending down to gently tap one of the glass jars.

Twilight released a frustrated sigh. “Normally it is magic compounds that would tell me the make and material of metals, a lot good those did though. The enigmatic nature of this clearly impossible object won't be giving me its secrets anytime soon.” Her horn began to glow and she used her magic to levitate a pile of her notes towards him. “According to THIS, your Keyblade contains magic I have never seen before in Equestira, and yet it clearly is one hunderd percent magic.” She shoved another piece of paper in his face. “And THIS! The material it’s made from! There is no such material like it in all of Equestria! It looks like simple metal, but it's so much more than that!”

Sora, not really able to make heads or tails of the notes he was looking at, could only respond with “Is that so?”

“Yes it's so!” She returned the research back to the table (In alphabetical order mind you) before turning back to Sora. “Are you sure that you don’t know anything else about your Keyblade? I mean... it is YOUR keyblade right? You have to know something”

"Of course its mine.” Sora told her, waving a hoof. “But besides the fact that I know that it's connected to my heart, I never really thought about where it came from and all that. I just use it and that's that.

Twilight sighed frustratingly, clearly not happy with his answer but she figured as much. She didn’t take Sora as someone who listened diligently in class, not that she would ever tell him that outright. Her ears would suddenly perk up at the sound of her clock chiming six times, clueing her in on what time it was. She figured that they still had at least two hours left until they needed to be at the party. Well and hour and a half at least. She had to account for the time it took to get to where they needed to go after all. She wanted to study the keyblade more but without anything to start from, that would just prove more stressful than useful. It was even worse when the owner of said keyblade knew as much about as she did. Scratch that, she more than likely knew more than he ever did.

"Wait!" Twilight exclaimed, looking towards Sora as an idea hit her. "How about you tell me how you got it and from there I can maybe have something to work off of."

"How I got it?" He thought for a moment before smiling. "Well... I guess I can do that." plus it's not messing with the world order when you are talking about yourself.

Twilight squealed happily as she poofed a scroll and a feather into her magic. “Ok! Then let's start from the beginning. Where were you when you received your keyblade?”

Sora looked upwards as he tapped his chin in thought. “Well...It was a dark and stormy night...”

"Really?" Twilight deadpanned. "You’re gonna start off with that type of cliché?"

Sora blinked before he gave the lavender mare a sheepish smile. "Well it was dark and stormy. I can’t help it if that's how it happened." Twilight sighed before motioning him to continue. "Ok... So it was a dark and stormy night; four years ago from today. I could see from my house that Destiny Island was about to get hit bad."

“Destiny Island?" Twilight interrupted. "I never heard of it. Is that where you lived?”

Sora shook his head. "No... It’s an island that sits not too far from my village in the middle of the ocean."

Twilight’s eyes brightened and she quickly zipped in front of him, her muzzle nearly touching his. “The ocean?! You’ve actually seen the ocean?!”

Sora smirked as he held up his head high in a rare instance of pride. “Yep! I’m an islander though and through. Born and raiss-Hey!”

Before the stallion could protest, a very excited Twilight teleported them both to sit at her nearby table. It was an odd feeling. Being teleported. It honestly reminded him of when he went into the computer world not too long ago. Still it was very disorientating and he was left dazed for a few moments. When he recovered he could see the lavender unicorn staring across the table at him, quill and parchment working furiously at what he told her so far. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she smiled brightly at the stallion.

“Tell. Me. Everything.”

The boy couldn’t stop the smile from leaving his muzzle. "Hehe... sure..." Backing away slightly to give himself some room, the stallion began to speak again. "Well The island seemed to be in for it pretty bad and I feared for the raft that me and my friends were building was gonna get washed away. I left my house and took a boat to make sure that it was ok."

"Wait... If you had a boat, why did you need a raft?"

Sora was about to answer but then stopped himself. "I... Ah... I really don't know... We were planning on using it to travel around the world..."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "But a raft would not be very good for travelling long distances, especially in the ocean."

The young colt pawed at the ground, looking somewhat foolish as he really began to think about how silly he and his friends were way back when. "Well if you put it that way..." He shook his head. "In any case, we never really got a chance to test it out anyway."

"Why not?"

Sora looked away, out towards the nearby window where he could see the clear blue sky, "Because that's where things got interesting..."


A hooded figure watched from their vantage point within an alleyway, a soft growl escaping their lips. "Was it the mare that dispatched the one I sent in?"

With a flourish of its cape it turned to make its way down the darkening streets. "If I cannot get HER, then I gotta change my plans a bit..."



Late in the evening...

Twilight led Sora through the darkening streets of Ponyville with Spike riding upon her back. She was happy to see her assistant and the stallion in deep conversation. Spike had woken up not too long ago after Twilight and Sora had started their conversation about his adventures and Spike was totally hooked on to the story. Though quite a bit about what he talked about made her very skeptical.

Really! Her mind screamed. How can a single pony take on and defeat a hydra, all by himself?! Me and my friends barely came out of it alive… and we were running from it!

Despite not believing a bit of the story, she could see that Spike seemed to be greatly interested in his tale. Truth be told it also served to pass the time as they trotted down the dusty road of Ponyville and before they knew it the trio hand made it to their destination.

“With time to spare!” Twilight was quick to point out.

The dim light of a bright moon served as the only source of illumination for the three of them. Sora could vaguely make out the appearance of trees, and, from what he could tell, there were a lot of them. From what he could tell, they seemed to have some kind of fruit in them.

Twilight gently nudged the young stallion with her flank, gaining back his attention. “This is Sweet Apple Acres. An apple farm ran by the Apple family. One of my best friends is in charge of the place.”

“An apple farm?” He squinted his eyes. Sure enough he could make out the vague shapes of the fruit in the trees now that he was told what they were. “Wow. Never seen an apple farm before.”

“Really?” Spike eyebrow rose. “They don’t have em’ on… what was it called… Destiny Island?”

Sora shook his head. “Nope. The only fruit on the island were coconuts and Paopu fruit.” When he had gotten a questioning look from the baby dragon he added, “It's a star shaped fruit me and my friends would always eat.”

Spike shrugged, seemingly satisfied with the answer.

Twilight guided them towards a giant red barn nearby. Well Sora was guessing it was red. Most barns were where he came from. As they approached the first thing he noticed was the complete lack of light coming from any of the windows. He also noticed that he couldn’t even hear a sound. Not a word, peep, or whisper. It was very strange to say the least.

“Twilight…” He tried to keep his voice even, despite the sense of foreboding he was beginning to feel. “You sure this is the place where the party is supposed to be? It's a bit dark in here.”

Twilight ignored the statement, giving the stallion a sly smile. Moving past him, she opened the door wide enough to enter, leaving Sora in the elements of the night. A look of apprehension came across his features as he slowly but surely followed after the lavender unicorn, if only to make sure that she was ok.

“Twilight!” His voice was just barely above a whisper. “Twilight! Where are you!?” A random flash of light beaming down upon the stallion caused him to stop in his tracks. It took time for his eyes to adjust to the sudden disturbance and when they did he found, to his surprise, a familiar pink pony standing on what he assumed was the other end of the barn. Her curly mane had been wrapped in a light blue cloth, fruit of many kinds balanced expertly on top of her head. What really surprised Sora was the fact that she was standing on her hind legs, a similar colored cloth wrapped snugly around her hips, only showing off one of her legs in a manner that made Sora want to avert his eyes due to modesty.

He looked toward her face which wasn’t smiling in the slightest, which seemed odd to Sora, due to her doing nothing but smile when he first met the mare. Instead her muzzle was in the air and her eyes closed, resembling how a fancy person would look when walking down a street in comics he read.

Her name was about to escape his lips, but before it could, she suddenly raised both of her forehooves and clopped them together twice. In that same instant, as if on cue, a stream of spotlights appeared behind her, revealing a previously hidden band, each member dressed in some kind of tropical attire. Music suddenly played as Pinkie looked Sora’s way, her face once again lit by a nice bright smile.

And then… She started to sing.

My name is Pinkamena, But Please call me Pinkie Pie,

Its what my friends do call me, so why don’t you give a try,

As she started on the next verse she began to walk, yes, she was walking due to her standing on her hind legs, slowly towards Sora. Her forehooves were placed on her hips completely overemphasizing her steps. Once again, it made Sora’s face light up like a Christmas Tree.

This party is just for yo~ou! A welcome to Ponyville!

I hope you enjoy your party! Cause I-I-I Know I will!

Pinkie had quickly closed the distance between herself in Sora. The boy in question could clearly see a look of complete happiness upon her face. For some reason he just knew that she was and that she was enjoying herself to the fullest, a real party pony as it were.

When she was just a few feet away from him she raised her hooves high in the air, causing the light to cast the darkness into submission, revealing a whole gaggle of ponies that were previously hidden by the darkness. They all had bright smiles on their features as well, each one welcoming Sora with open hooves. Said stallion smiled back, completely embarrassed but not stopping himself from enjoying everything as Pinkie’s voice once again rang in his ears.

Pinkie Party!

Pinkie Party!

In here it's better! Not at all wetter, just look and see!

We threw this party just for you, So that we can welcome you to

Where it is better, again not wetter,


The pink mare gripped him by his fore hooves and began to twirl him about. The boy couldn't help but laugh as he joined in on the song as well.

I hope you don't mind me saying, this is quite a nice surprise!

I’ve never party so ha~rd, In my entire life!

Pinkie smiled brighter As she picked up the next verse.

I'm really glad you love it! I made it with you in mind!

Come on, lets go party-Hardy! Go on and shake that grove behind!

Both Sora and Pinkie began to sing once again, this time together.

Pinkie Party!

Pinkie Party!

In here its better! Not at all wetter, just look and see!

We threw this party just for you, So that we can welcome you to

Where it is better, again not wetter,


As the last note was played she happily wrapped her hooves around the stallion in a welcoming embrace, causing everypony to cheer happily.

Well… Everypony except one very familiar white unicorn who instead gritted her teeth in a very unlady like manner.

The scent of bubblegum once again assaulted his scenes before she pulled away, a bright smile still on her bubbly face. “So, Sora! Did ya like the song? Did ya?! Huh!? Huh!? Did ya?” Her smile was bright and welcoming, soothing even.

Sora smiled as well as he looked into her bright blue eyes. Fishing for compliments huh? Kinda adorable. “You kidding Pinkie. That was amazing… and also vaguely familiar for some reason.”

“Really? That’s weird! I started making up the song the first time I saw you. Maybe you were thinking about it at the same time I was.”

Sora raised an eyebrow but smiled none the less. “Hehe...That doesn’t make since Pinkie, but thanks all the same for the party. It looks awesomeQ”

This answer gained Sora a happy “Dawww!” and another tight hug, must to his chargein.


Sora, Pinkie, Twilight and Spike (The latter two just entering into the conversation) turned to find an irritated Rarity staring indignantly at Pinkie.

“Pinkie… Dear… Could you please release Sora so that you don’t ruffle his clothes too much. I would like to see them in their full glory if you do not mind.”

Pinkie obliged after giving Sora one more quick squeeze for good measure. Letting the stallion go, the pink party pony bounced away mentioning something about checking in on the other guests. The ponies that were left in her wake watched her bounced off, disappearing into the crowd.

Rarity shook her head before looking apologetically towards Sora. “So, sorry about that dear. Pinkie is always happy to meet new ponies. Sometimes though she can be a little… ah… how should put it…”

“Its okay, Rarity. She's pretty fun to hang around.” Sora said with a smile.

Rarity smiled kindly at the stallion’s words. “I’m glad to hear it. Still, while I have your attattion,” The white unicorn began to circle the caramel stallion, her eye for detail taking in every inch of his pegasus frame. “Oh my, I’ve always believed that a pony can make the outfit and here you are, the living example of that saying.” She made her way around to his flank, slowing down just a tad to admire his… Cutiemark.

She fought the blush appearing on her cheeks as she came back to his side. “It’s such a perfect fit. It’s like it was made just for you.”

Sora raised a hoof to rub the back of his head, blushing brightly at the praise. “Heh...Thanks. Don’t know too much about fashion myself but if you say it looks good, Miss Rarity, then I'll take your word for it.”

Three clicks of her tongue and the shake of her head warned him that he may have done something wrong. His ears folded back as he looked worriedly towards the mare. Thankfully a white hoof fell on his shoulders gently dispelling his worries.

“Sora, darling” The silkiness in her voice returned, a soothing sound that graced all ears that were in the vicinity of it. “You can just call me Rarity.” She purred. "We are friends after all, you and I."

Sora’s really didn’t know how to react to this interaction. He settled on blushing brightly and dipping his head once in a nod. “Oh… uh… O-Ok Rarity…”

Twilight’s quick thinking of grabbing the little dragon by the tail with her magic saved Sora a lifetime of burns he may have received from his little interaction with the white mare..

“Now then darling, I do believe I have a present for you.” Rarity produced, using the blue hue of her magic, a silver crown attached to a simple chain. “I do hope you like it darling. I polished it using a special formula I created to give my jewelry that extra bit of sheen.”

Sora furrowed his brow as he looked upon the floating necklace which inadvertently caused Rarity to shrink back a little.

Her voice was slightly shaky as she spoke. “Y-You don’t like it do you?” She raised a forehoof toward her brow, and cried… whined? He really couldn’t quite place it. “Oh I knew I should have just attached a new chain to it, but I just thought that you might-“


His voice wasn’t loud but it still cut her off and snapped her attention towards the caramel stallion. She was surprised to see that the frown had instantly turned into a bright smile.

“It looks like brand new. I love it.” He moved closer to the floating object, seeing himself reflected in the silver pool of the crown. “You really didn’t have to do that for me though,” His sky blue eyes turned to stare into her ocean blue ones, the smile on his muzzle, while simple, was devilishly charming to the white mare. “But I am happy you did. If there is any way to repay you…”

Rarity, raised a hoof, stopping him from speaking. “Oh, Nonono, Darling, I was happy to do it. Besides you’ve helped me more than you know.” Before Sora could even question what she was talking about music started blasting all about them causing the three ponies and the dragon to look around in confusion. Ponies all about them began, what Sora believed, to dance all around them.

“Wow.” Twilight mused loud enough so that she could be heard. “Pinkie really went all out for this welcoming party. So-” She paused finding the spot Sora just occupied only to find it unexpectedly empty. Neither Rarity nor Spike had noticed that they were down one pony. “Hey! Where did Sora go?”

Both the white unicorn and the baby dragon turned in unison to the place they last saw the caramel stallion.

“Huh? B-but… he didn’t even grab his necklace. Where could he- PINKIE!! YOU BRING THAT STALLION BACK HERE RIGHT NOW” Rarity chased after the pink pony who was busily swinging Sora around in a circle by his forehooves.


The crisp night air cooled Sora’s tired body. Between Rarity’s undivided attention and Pinkie Pie’s… Pinkieness(?), most of his energy for the day had been spent. He was having a blast of a time at the welcoming party but he did feel he needed to get at least a little time to himself, mostly to think. He slipped out at the first chance he was given, making his way to an apple tree nearby the barn. With tired limbs, he rested himself under the canopy of leaves letting his mind wander a little.

He really needed to get some answers to some rather difficult questions he had let slip his mind. What was that door? Why did it really lead him here to this world full of ponies. For that matter why was he a pony? He knew that it wasn’t his clothes that changed him, so what did?

A headache made him cringe slightly. He really hated thinking about the hard stuff when he was alone. He was never really the thinking type if he was being honest.

Sora sighed deeply and closed his eyes, letting the soft scent of apples lure him into a state of contentment. Mayhap he could fall asleep right here, just for a-


Sora’s eyes snapped open to find a bright pair of amber ones staring up at him. He couldn’t help but reel back in surprise, effectively hitting his head against the trunk of the tree he was under. Adding insult to injury, several apples strategically dropped onto his noggin causing the stallion to sit in a semi-slurred daze.

“Haha...Smooth mister.” A slightly tomboyish voice whistled.

“Yeah. Smooth.” Another voice, this one rather high and squeaky, agreed.

Sora shook the daze from his head, forcing his mind into full wakefulness. When he was done he found three little ponies, one orange, one yellow, and the last white, staring up at him.

“Ah… Hey there…” His voice was very unsure about the current predicament, that was for certain. “Can I help you?”

The orange filly with the magenta mane smiled deviously. “Well...I don’t know about myself, but I’m sure that you can help Ap--“

She was unable to finish her sentence due to getting smacked away by the yellow filly’s abnormally strong rump. With a bright and innocent smile, the earth pony filly would carrying on as though she did nothing wrong. “Heh, heh. Don’t mind her. She always says silly things. My names Applebloom by the way. This here is Sweetie Belle.” She pointed a hoof at herself and the white filly respectively. “And over yonder is Scootaloo.” Named filly was currently preoccupied with prying herself from a hole in an apple tree. “We're just here ta welcome ya ta Ponyville.”

“Oh! Well my name is Sora.” The stallion replied with a kind smile. “And thanks. I’m really am enjoying myself so far. Everyone seems to be so nice.”

Sora looked between the three fillies stopping on Applebloom. Her cheeks seemed to light up extremely at such an action. Without thinking Applebloom yelped.

“I...ah... really like your mane!”

Sweetie Belle’s hoof met her face.

The stallion cocked his head to the side before speaking again, giving the filly a smile. “Haha...Thanks. I usually wake up to it looking like this” Silence followed soon after, as all three ponies just looked between each other. It was only being broken by Sora as he slowly stood back up, patting the dust off his hunches. “Anyway, much as I would like to stay and chat, I don't think that I should be out of the-” A piercing scream filled the night air, causing the stallion and the fillies to stare in the direction it originated with wide eyes and pinprick pupils.

Author's Note:


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