The Legend of Twilight: A New Beginning

by HarryBuilder

First published

To protect this World, Twilight must Unleash the true Dragon with in her.

When Twilight Sparkle, a young alicorn, leaves her home to find the truth about her past, she finds a shocking discovery - the fate of the world rests in her hooves. In a race against time, Twilight must discover her hidden potential, Alongside new friends and unlock the incredible powers that slumber deep within her in order to confront a terrible Darkness from the Shadows.

Story written by me and Dinoman.


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“Once upon a time, In The Year Of The Alicorn, in a world known as Equestria…”

Walking inside a dark place, a shadowy figure of a pony came marching up to something and then lighting up its horn, it sent a beam of light magic onto what looked like a door and it opened all by itself, revealing a room behind it.

“I, like the others, awaited the birth of the purple Alicorn of whom the prophecies foretold…,”

The room was revealed to be a nursery and entering it, a tall white Alicorn mare with lovely violet eyes, a pink mane and tail blowing in a non-existence wind, wearing golden regalia with cut amethyst crystal on her collar and crown, and her cutie mark of a golden sun, walked inside and looks around the place, making sure nothing was harmed or destroyed.

“But, The Dark Master, heard the prophecies as well. I should have hidden a little foal long before… But I… I thought we were ready, I thought she was safe…,”

The white Alicorn walked across the nursery with her head down in concern and in fright. But as she walked, she turned her attention to a crib in the back center of the room and approached it. Inside the crib, lies a little filly with a lovely purple coat and a dark purple mane with a pink and purple streaks wrapped in a bundle sleeping peacefully.

The white Alicorn approaches the filly and watched her sleep with a light smile on her face.

“... Oh, how I was wrong,”

Suddenly, the room started shaking, catching the Alicorn in surprise as she looked up and saw the roof above her starting to crumble and shake. Then she turned to her right and saw another Alicorn entering except this one’s a stallion with a pale yellow coat, electric yellow and cyan striped mane and tail blowback into spiky style, and his wings matched his coat with the outer feathers resembling bolts of lightning.

“Save the young one! The Dark Armies Have Come!” The Stallion said in urgency.

The white Alicorn looked around the place, wondering what to do, while rubble kept falling down around her. She then turns her attention to the filly, who was crying and awakened from the sound, to her, it sounded like a very loud thunderstorm. Fearing for the little filly’s life, the white Alicorn quickly picked her up from the crib and ran to a nearby bookshelf, where she quickly used her magic on the top to reveal a secret passageway and ran through.

The Alicorn ran through a secret hole and flew as far away as she could until she came across a forest with a river and flew down for a landing.

When she landed, she approaches the river and sees that it’s flowing downstream, which means it might take the filly somewhere safe. The Alicorn looked around and spotted an abandoned basket that would act like a floating device as she lightly placed the filly on it and gently pushes the basket into the river as the current did the rest and carried the filly away.

“May the Ancestors look after you.” She said to the young filly before whispering to herself, “May They Look After Us All,” the white Alicorn then watched the filly being floated away and bowed her head in silence.

Then she took to the air and flew back as quickly as she could to finish what needed to be done. When she returned, she used the secret cave connected to the passageway and flew through it. But as she exited the passage back to the nursery, she stopped and had a look of shock on her face…

The Basket, holding the filly, continues going down the river as it drifts further and further away from where the filly came and to somewhere unknown…

Harrybuilder and Dinoman Fimfiction Present

As the Basket drifts along with the river current, it passes a few things in its travel. It passes a couple of Dragons standing on two boulders on either both side of the river and saw the basket floating right pass them…

An MLP:FIM AU Production

Then the basket passes a mixed herd of Caribou and White-Tailed Deer who are taking a drink at the river as some of them took notice and others were too busy drinking to realize or see it.

The basket kept on floating along with the river until it almost reaches its destination…

The Legend Of Twilight: A New Beginning

Soon, the river led the basket out of the forest and into some kind of town. In this town, there are Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi all living together in peace and harmony...

Starring: Tara Strong

The basket continues drifting in the river as it passes a few ponies of the place. Some Earth Ponies were crossing a bridge over the river as some noticed the basket floating underneath them, making them quite confused and curious…

Cathy Weseluck

A flock of Pegasi were flying above the basket, probably doing some flying laps, as some of them noticed the basket floating in the river pass them. The basket kept on floating and floating as it passes a few more Ponies, some minding their business and others becoming quite puzzle about where the basket came from and what’s inside.

And Nicole Oliver as Princess Celestia

The river then lets the basket rest and stop on the shore of the river.

“Eventually, the basket came to rest in a town called Ponyville. Where a family of Unicorns gathered around wondering what magnificent creature could possibly be inside. But they didn’t have to wait for long…,”

As the basket settles down, said family of Unicorns came around and saw the basket, themselves. One is a blue unicorn stallion with a darker blue mane and the other is a light gray mare with a striped purple and white curled mane. These two unicorns headed on over to the basket and looked inside to see the filly still wrapped in a bundle, sleeping.

The filly began to wake and open her eyes as she saw the Unicorn couple looking at her and began to coo happily at them. The Unicorns smiled at her, seeing as how cute and innocent she was. But then they saw the filly moving something inside the bundle until it unwrapped and revealed something that surprised them…

Chapter 1: Hide and Seek

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Chapter 1: Hide and Seek

"What they found in the basket surprised them at first. But has finally amazed and astonished them…,"

Counting by a large oak tree, is an Alicorn mare with a purple coat, a dark purple mane and tail with pink and purple streaks, and a cutie mark of small white stars circling a bigger magenta star. The purple Alicorn is right now counting with her eyes covered as if she was playing a game with someone.

"...Eight…Nine…Ten! Ready or not, here I come," She said as she uncovered her eyes and starts seeking.

"The Filly was revealed to be an Alicorn, who they have decided to eventually adopt and raise as one of their own. They named her Twilight and she grew up alongside Spike, a Dragon who was hatched and adopted on the same day. The two were almost like siblings from birth…,"

Twilight and Spike, a light mulberry winged Dragon with a light spring budish gray underbelly and light lime green ear fronds, were playing around with each other playing hide and seek and tag. Yet, Spike dodges Twilight and Twilight misses.

"...And a more oddly-match, yet compatible pair of siblings Equestria has never seen,"

"You'll never catch me this time, Purple girl," Spike teased, flying off to hide.

"Oh, yes I will, Spike. Don't forget that I'm really good at seeking," Twilight said as she started looking around for her adopted Dragon Brother, unaware he was flying stealthy behind her.

"As for Twilight. She, like all of us, accepted the world into which she was born. Believing she belongs here and being one of them. A purple winged, horned one of them, true, but one of them, nonetheless…,"

Twilight looked around the area to find where Spike had hidden. Of course, it wasn't long until she noticed a familiar tail of a familiar color peeking out from behind the tree. Now knowing where he was hiding, a knowing smirk appeared on Twilight's face as she approached the tree and found Spike hiding behind.

"Nice try, but I see you my little scaly fire-breathing friend," Twilight smirked.

"Okay, so you've found me. But let's see if you could catch me, Smart Girl," Spike challenged as he started flying off, starting the game of tag.

"Yeah, you better run, because here I come," Twilight chuckled as she chased after the young dragon.

Twilight and Spike ran, and flew in Spike's case, around Ponyville until Spike came to a stop as Twilight caught up to him.

"What's the matter, Twilight, can't fly? Oh, that's right you walk everywhere. That's too bad," Spike taunted with a faux-sympathetic smile.

Twilight made a short laugh and smiled, "Oh, you're toast when I catch you," Twilight promised.

"Well, come and try to get me, twinkle hooves!" Spike taunted, shaking his tail at her as he started flying off again.

Twilight then took charge and ran after the little dragon until they came across a flower stand with different kinds of flowers. But one appears to be moving all on its own and has its eyes on Spike for some reason.

"Must be tough to lose all the time, Twi-Aaah!" Spike tried to say before he found himself snatched up by the plant and swallowed.

"Alright, let me out of here, you overgrown Flytrap!" Spike demanded, his voice mumbled inside of the plant, "Um, Twilight, seriously, lend me a hoof here, will ya, sis?".

"Gee, Spike. I don't know. Trapweed's gotta eat too, you know," Twilight said with a teasing grin.

"Twilight, Whack It! Do something. I'm your buddy and my wings are getting moldy," Spike begged.

"Oh, alright," Twilight rolled her eyes as she charged at the Trapweed with her horn and gave it a few good whacks.

The Trapweed made a gurgling noise and spat out Spike and sunk into the ground to recover…

Spike collided on Twilight's chest, covered in plant slime and fell onto the ground.

"Boy, now I smell as funny as you," Spike joked at Twilight, before he stood up, "Haha, and that's a pretty bad funny, see ya later, Twi," Spike chuckled as he started flying away again.

"Typical gratitude from a dragon," Twilight commented with a raised brow.

Then Twilight regave chase for Spike again but however they ran a little far from Ponyville and came across a mysterious forest. Spike stopped near the entrance of the forest as Twilight caught up.

"Hey, wait a minute, that's cheating, Spike! Mom and Dad said we're not allowed in the Everfree Forest," Twilight reminded Spike of one of their parent's rules.

"Oh, please. Excuses, excuses," Spike scoffs, looking at his claws "Either catch up or give up, Sparky," Spike said as he flew into the Everfree Forest.

Twilight shook her head and ran into the forest herself to find Spike and bring him back before he might get hurt.

As she entered the Everfree Forest, Twilight looked around to see which way Spike has gone to and where he might be.

"Now, where could've that little gecko gone to now?" Twilight asked herself.

Twilight then stopped and listened until she heard a familiar voice ahead of her.

"Hey, has anyone seen a purple winged unicorn thing around here? I've seem to have lost mine," It said, Twilight sighed and shook her head.

Chapter 2: Twilight's First Fight

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Chapter 2: Twilight's First Fight

After following Spike's voice, Twilight soon found him in a small clearing in the forest.

"Huh, I knew I found you around here somewhere, Spike," Twilight said with a knowing smirk.

"Hey, come on. You were just lucky that's all," Spike defended with a shrug.

"Yeah, right." Twilight snorted with an eye roll, "Now come on, let's back home before it gets dark," as she spoke she didn't noticed that they were being watched.

"I guess you're right, besides this is getting kinda a little boring-" Was all Spike could say before he was jumped by an ape-like creature and stuffed in a cage "Wha-AHHH!" he yelped.

Twilight saw what happened with her eyes widened in surprise. "SPIKE!" Twilight shouted in vain, chasing the creature that kidnapped her dragon brother. The creature then leaped up onto one of the branches above her with two more that looked just like it, only smaller.

The leader of the three, turned to face Twilight below them.

"And I thought all youz guys was gone," He taunted as he held up Spike in the cage.

"You miserable coward, let me go!" the little dragon demanded.

"You heard him, let him go, now!" Twilight also demanded in an angry tone.

The leader just laughed and turned to his subordinates, "Grrr. Haha, haha. Don't let her get away!"

His two flunkies jumped down from the tree and approach Twilight as the purple Alicorn looked at them with a glare.

"If I'm gonna have to fight to have Spike back, fine. Bring it on," Twilight challenged as she stood her ground.

The first Ape Creature approached Twilight and took charge. But then Twilight made her first move and kicks him away from her with her hind legs, right towards the base of the tree and was knocked out. The second one was next, and he too charged towards Twilight, but the Alicorn dodges out of his way and very quickly, she wrapped her magic around the creature's leg and spun him around very fast before tossing him away towards the first Ape Creature, who was recovering until the second one crashed into him as they both had stars in their eyes.

Seeing is how she defeated two of his flunkies, the leader makes some grunting and hooting sounds, calling in three more recruits who appeared from the trees around Twilight and came down to handle the job.

"Oh, of course there'd be more of you," Twilight groaned, but still didn't back down and was ready for round two.

She ran towards the first one and rammed him onto the ground with her horn. The second creature attempted to attack Twilight from behind, but sensing he was behind her, Twilight flipped herself around and tossed the creature away from her and into the bushes.

As Twilight was busy fighting the third, the leader pulled out what looked like a stick of dynamite and lit it up. Spike saw what he was up to when he noticed him aiming at Twilight with a smirk.

"Twilight, Look Out!" Spike yelled as the leader threw the dynamite.

Twilight heard Spike and looked to see a stick of dynamite coming towards her. Thinking quickly, Twilight managed to catch the dynamite with her magic.

"Here's a gift for you!" She said, quickly throwing the explosive at the last Ape-creature before she kicked him away from her.

The last Ape Creature on the ground looked at the dynamite lighting up until it stopped, and the Ape Creature had a dumbfounded look on his face before the dynamite blew up and sent him flying away into the air.

"Hahaha, you really think you could beat her, did you?" Spike taunted the leader, "Why don't you go down there and fight like a…thing…whatever you are. You pathetic flee-picker!". This caused the Ape Leader to jump down in annoyance and placed the cage on the ground.

"Nnaggh! I've had about enough of you!" He said as he raised a foot, ready to stomp on the little Dragon.

"Spike, Look Out!" Twilight shouted in vain, watching her Dragon Brother about to get crushed until she got really mad as her horn began to lit up really bright and then…

"NOOOOOAAAAAAAAHHH!" She screamed as a huge beam of powerful purple magic erupted from her horn! The magic laser shot out of Twilight's horn and landed on the Ape Leader's foot, and close to Spike, causing him to yelp and retreat as all the Ape Creatures began to run and scatter.

"Whoa! Twilight, what was that?!" Spike asked in surprise, that was far different from Twilight's usual magic.

After recovering, the Ape leader regained his senses and ordered his henchmen, "Take care of her. I gotta report to Slash,".

His three remaining henchmen did as they were instructed and surrounded Twilight while the Ape leader ran off to go report to this Slash. As much as Twilight wanted to go after him, she had to deal with his hooligans first and free Spike from his prison.

After seeing her magic is quite powerful than it usually is, Twilight used it to her advantage. When the three remaining Ape creatures began charging towards her in unison, Twilight used her magic once more and froze them in their tracks. With a determined smirk, Twilight then tossed them into the air, far away from her and Spike.

"And stay away!" Twilight called out to them with a satisfied smile, Twilight approached Spike, still caged.

"Get me outta here, Twilight! I think my wings are cinged!" Spike pleaded.

Twilight used her magic, except it wasn't the new powerful one but her normal magic, and got Spike out of the cage.

"You okay?" Twilight asked, hugging Spike in relief.

Spike hugged her back and replied, "Yeah, I'm fine. But you nearly fried me sis," He frowned as Twilight chuckled sheepishly. He then put on a more curious face, "What was that just now?".

"I don't know. I just got mad when I saw that guy was about to crush you and then suddenly my magic felt stronger than ever," Twilight tried to explain, as she was just as confused.

"Hmmm, maybe we should head home and tell Mom and Dad. Maybe they might know what's going on," Spike suggested.

"Yeah, come on, Spike, Let's get out of this forest," Twilight said as Spike hopped onto her back and the two ran out of the Everfree Forest and back home to Ponyville.

Chapter 3: Twilight Leaves Ponyville

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Chapter 3: Twilight Leaves Ponyville

After Twilight and Spike got back to Ponyville, they told their parents what happened to them. They told them they went to the Everfree Forest and Twilight was fighting off the threats. Then Spike told them the most amazing and bizarre discovery he has been amazed by…

"She had Crazy Magic! So I was just about ready to blow the top off that cage and teach that jerk a lesson. But then Twilight let out a powerful beam of magic…No joke. Totally different magic, from the horn," Spike explained with surprise and confusion, pointing to Twilight's horn.

"I-I'm sorry Spike, I was just trying to help you," Twilight apologized, assuring the Dragon that she wasn't trying to hurt him.

"Ha, some help Twi, you nearly zapped me into oblivion, sis," Spike retorted before turning to their parents, "Mom, Dad, you should've seen her. She came blasting out unreal magic! Alright? I tell you, it was crazy!" Spike explained further.

Night Light, the blue Unicorn Stallion, and Twilight Velvet, the light gray Unicorn mare, looked at each other in silent as Velvet nodded, noting to her husband that they had something to say.

"Oh of course, You don't believe me!" Spike retorted before turning to Twilight, "Twi, tell them," He asked Twilight to back him up.

"It's true, guys. I swear. I just got really mad, my horn lit up, and then whoosh… Crazy Magic Central," Twilight explained in her honest opinion.

"It's not that, Twilight. We believe you both. It's just that, your mother and I knew this day would come," Night Light explained, rubbing the back of his head.

"Day?" Spike asked, being confused.

"What day?" Twilight added, raising a brow.

"The day when we would have to tell you the truth, Twilight," Velvet replied as she began to explain…

"So that was the night that Twilight learned that she wasn't born to the family she was raised in nor was her birthplace in Ponyville after all. But in fact, an exile from an unknown distant land,"

"So…you mean…I'm…I'm not your real daughter?" Twilight asked as she and Spike looked at the two unicorn in worry, the mare sadden she wasn't Night Light's and Velvet's real daughter.

"You are our real daughter, Twilight and we've loved you since we first saw you," Velvet assured while Night Light nodded, making Twilight smile a bit, "It's just that you came from somewhere else. Far away where wars rage on and on, and the innocents seem to always pay the prize," Velvet explained as Twilight's expression changed to thought as she knew what she needed to do…

"It wasn't long after that night, that Twilight has decided to venture forth to Canterlot to find answers in her search to find her real home,"

As Twilight began to set forth for Canterlot, Spike flew in front of her…

"So I guess this is goodbye, huh? I mean, you're leaving home to go on a quest to find where you belong, and leaving the Spikester behind without a care eh?" Spike questioned her, feeling upset that Twilight is leaving and onward to find her true home.

"Don't worry, Spike. I'm just going to Canterlot to see if there's anything that can lead me to some answers," Twilight explained to him with a sad smile, "This might be your home Spike, but I just found out that my home is out there somewhere and I'm gonna find it. Besides, I'm not leaving you behind, I'm just leaving you where you belong," Twilight assured the young dragon.

"I know. It's just…You're more than just my sister. You're my best friend," Spike said as he hugged Twilight and the Alicorn hugged him back. Spike then pulled back and crossed his arms, frowning "So I thought I belonged with you but I guess I was wrong. You know what, you're right and I'm wrong, so you go off and do what you want and I'll just stay here,". With that Spike flew off and Twilight sighed sadly.

Night Light and Velvet came forward holding a saddlebag full of stuff that Twilight might need on her trip. Night Light placed the saddlebag over Twilight and made sure it was secure. "Don't worry sweetie, you know how hot headed he can get, he'll be fine," Night Light assured her.

"We've packed a few things you might need and you're ready to go," Velvet told her.

Twilight lowered her head in sadness, not believing she's leaving the town she grew up in and the family that raised her as well. Night Light and Velvet noticed their daughter's forlorn expression and decided to comfort her.

"Now, now, Twilight. Keep your head up, your nose clean, and use that special magic of yours wisely." Night Light said, trying to cheer Twilight up. "Remember all gifts come with a price,".

"But most importantly, Twilight. Be yourself. It's all any of us can do, okay?" Velvet assured, lifting Twilight's head lightly by chin to make eye contact.

Twilight nodded and hugged her parents one more time before setting out on her quest…

"So hard as it was, Twilight left the only family and home she'd ever known and began her trek to where she did not know…,"

Twilight walked her way to Canterlot with her head down in sadness, wishing she stayed in Ponyville, but she knew that if she wanted to find out where she came from, she needed to get to Canterlot for answers. But while Twilight was walking, she was unaware that more of the Ape Creatures from earlier were climbing and hiding in the trees above her.

Twilight raised her head, thinking she saw something, she looked up and shrugged and continued on her way. But then Twilight got the strange feeling she was being watched again by someone and when she turned to see who it was, the stranger dove into the bushes, creating a rustle.

Twilight stopped by the sound of that and looked around her, "Hello? Who's there?" She called, unaware that the Ape Creatures were hopping from tree to tree above and around her, almost taunting her with their hoots, hollers, and laughter. Twilight was getting nervous and scared about what was happening around her. Suddenly, a spooky howl was heard and Twilight's eyes widened in fright, "I'm outta here!" She said as she knew this place wasn't a safe place to stay.

So Twilight ran out of the forest as fast as she could and made it to a clearing. She looked around, making sure she wasn't followed or if there were any more sounds trying to spook her. But yet, Twilight was still feeling unsure about her quest and most of all…alone.

"Oh, I wish somepony was with me right now," Twilight said to herself, wishing she chooses to bring some company. "Now, to find the quickest way to Canterlot!".

When Twilight was about to continue on her way, she heard a familiar voice calling to her.

"Hey, Twilight! Wait for me!" It called to her, as the mare perked up.

Twilight looked behind herself and saw Spike flying out of the forest and towards her, wearing a backpack of his own.

"Spike? What are you doing so far from home?" Twilight asked, seeing her Dragon Brother come all the way out here by himself.

"Well, Me, Mom, and Dad were talking about this whole belonging thing. And we've decided that I should go with you. Because us siblings and best friends have to stick together, right?" Spike explained with a smile and gave Twilight a light elbow bump on the chest, "Even if one of them is a bit of a bookworm,".

Twilight smirked, "Bookworm, huh? Well at least I've never been turned into a pet in a cage," She shot back, reminding Spike how he was crammed in a cage.

"Oh please cage, shmage," Spike waved off as he jerked a thumb behind him, " Are we going to Canterlot or what?" He smirked, as he pointed to a hill with what looks like a castle on it in the distance.

"Let's go, Spike," Twilight chuckled as she and Spike walked the rest of the way to their destination…


Chapter 4: We Were At War

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Chapter 4: We Were At War

After trekking through the forest and fighting off some more trapweeds, monsters and more of those ape-creatures, Twilight and Spike finally had Canterlot in sight and started making their way towards the Royal Castle. At least they were until the sound of flapping wings was heard as suddenly out of nowhere a large black shadow flew over them and a loud monster horse-like whinny was heard! The sound caused Twilight and Spike to freeze in surprise and terror, and slowly look at each other before doing the smartest thing in this situation.

"WHAAAAAHHH!" Spike screamed as he and Twilight ran as fast as they could in fright to get away from the sound.

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!" Twilight screamed as she ran while Spike flew around in sporadic circles.

"Deep breaths Spike old boy! Think of your happy place!" Spike said to himself as he and Twilight ducked for cover.

Once they were sure they were safe and the sound was gone, Twilight and Spike hid behind a building and took a breather from what just happened. "What in Equestria was that?" Twilight asked, still frightened from the sound.

Spike made a nervous laugh, "I don't know. But I'm going this way, to the castle and far from it," He said, pointing to the castle before the two ran towards the castle…

"Which brings us to the moment when Twilight's Journey really began. When she and I finally met again, for the very first time. Oh, it's a long story…,"

After Twilight and Spike have arrived in the castle, they soon found Celestia, a tall white Alicorn mare with lovely violet eyes, a colorful mane and tail blowing in a non-existence wind, wearing golden regalia with cut amethyst crystal on her collar and crown, and her cutie mark of a golden sun, and her sister Luna, a short cornflower blue Alicorn mare with a lighter blue mane and teal colored eyes, silver glitter slippers and a black tiara on her head with a matching black chest plate with a white crescent moon that matched her cutie mark, and a crescent moon atop a black splodge that was meant to act as the black night sky.

Having never seen the royal sisters in person, Twilight and Spike were aghast at their appearance, "And I thought you're a weird looking pony, holy moly," Spike commented to Twilight as she looked at the two alicorns before them.

Celestia and Luna were shocked and surprised by what they saw in front of them.

"You're, you're alive," Celestia breathed out in shock, before her expression turned to sorrow, "But it's too late…too late," Celestia said, bowing her head down and shaking it in defeat.

Twilight was confused from what Celestia said, "Too late? Too late for what, Celestia? What's going on? Do you know me? Where do I come from? Wh-What are you? What are we? WHAT AM I?!" Twilight asked, frantically wanting some answers.

"You mean you don't know?" Luna asked the purple mare.

"Does it sound like she knows?" Spike asked sarcastically.

"You're one of us, my little pony, an alicorn," Celestia told them, "When you were just a little filly, it was our job to protect you,".

"…It was all of our job to protect all of you," Luna added quietly.

"All of our? Are there others like us?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"Others? There were," Celestia answered, "There were 8 of us…Guardians that is. And we all have only one job, to ensure that everycreature were safe from all harm and protect the new generation of Alicorns,".

"It was the Year Of The Alicorn after all and our very survival depended on that generation," Luna went on before hers and Celestia's expression turned to sadness.

"But now our Temple and Nursery are now gone…Overrun by…," Celestia said with her eyes closed.

"Wait, Temple? What Temple? Can you show us? Can we see it? Where I came from? I mean…," Twilight asked, wondering if the two princesses can take her and Spike to this temple.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we can't. Who knows what occupies the Temple now or what states it's in or if it even exists anymore. You don't understand after they came for you…," Celestia explained, shaking her head in fear.

"They?" Twilight raised a brow, "Who's they? And why did they come for me?" She asked, wondering why and who was coming for her.

"Because there was a prophecy that spoke of an Alicorn Warrior. An Alicorn said to unite all creatures of Equestria together as one. But is only born once every ten generations…," Luna replied as she and Celestia showed Twilight and Spike the picture of an Alicorn resembling Twilight standing at the balcony of a castle overlooking the land and the horizon.

"You," Luna pointed to a shocked Twilight

"Whooaaa, hold on, so Twilight is the Alicorn Warrior? Ehehe, I think you got your ponies mixed up because that's a bit of a stretch," Spike laughed it off, expressing his skepticism.

"Twilight is it?" Celestia said as she looked at the young alicorn, "Well, Twilight, I will assure you that Luna and I are telling you the truth,".

"You see, when The Dark Armies heard that you were the Alicorn Warrior, they attacked the temple one night attempting to destroy you and killing the rest of us. They nearly succeeded and laid siege in the other parts of Equestria," Luna explained the story to Twilight and Spike who had their eyes widened from all the actions.

"We were at war…," Luna and Celestia said in unison as a flashback of their story begins...

( Flashback Begins )

The flashback shows a map of ancient Equestria with red X's that show enemy territory. These territories show an army of Warrior Alicorns in their suits of armor ready for battle. In front of the army are, Celestia and Luna, who are standing right next to the flag with a symbol of the elements looking at their enemies with anger and determination. On the other side of the battlefield was the Dark Army made up of Ape-like creatures, led by a tall lanky looking one holding a staff.

"For many years, we fought all over Equestria to free the other kingdoms from the forces of the Dark Master who was determined to prevent these prophecies from coming true," Luna said explaining the story.

The two armies collided and the war began. Celestia, and Luna were using their magic to blast every dark creature away from them while the other Alicorn Guardians used their elemental powers such as Fire, Air, Water, Nature, Electricity, and Earth to burn, wash, blow, tangle, electrify, and crush any enemy before them.

"The other Guardians, Luna and I lead our small but valiant forces against our ruthless and devious foes. But as we begin to turn the tides…," Celestia narrated.

( Back at the Present )

"...Slash came," Luna said with a hint of anger and defeat in her voice.

"Slash?" Twilight asked, raising a brow.

"Yes Slash," Celestia said as she remembered the horrifying appearance of the stallion who ended all of their hopes…

(Back in The Flashback)

"Slash was…is a monstrous, horrific, ferocious, black Alicorn Stallion who fills the skies with terror and an unstoppable force of nature," Celestia explained while describing Slash's magic.

In the flashback, Slash's appearance was masked in shadows as his eyes glowed yellow and his horn sparked with dark magic.

( Back at the Present )

"Okay, you had me at ferocious, listen. Sounds like that giant thing that was chasing us, Twilight," Spike told his sister in fear.

"Yes, he still searches for us…," Luna said as she continues telling the story as the flashback continues...

( Back In The Flashback )

"And years ago, Celestia and I watched as Slash plucked our brothers and sisters from the battlefields. Like so many ripe grapes from a vine," Luna said.

In the flashback, the two Alicorn Princesses found themselves chained and surrounded by their enemies as they watched their friends being carried away from the battlefields in their own chains by Slash as he blew fire into the battlefields.

"Without them, all cost is lost…," Celestia said.

( Back In The Present )

"Only we managed to escape," Celestia took over, recalling, how she and her sister were the only ones to slip free of the Dark Army.

"Not that it matters, Slash now rules almost all of Equestria, this place is one of the very that is left untouched by his tyranny…," Luna replied with a look of hopelessness.

"And Luna and I just remain here in Canterlot all alone, wondering what might have happened to our guardian brothers and sisters, what else we might have done, and what if we're the last Alicorns to be alive," Celestia said as she and Luna felt loneliness, fear, sadness, guilt, and loss of hope for failing their friends and family many years ago.

"Wow, now that sounds fun, I wanna hang out with these two," Spike commented after hearing the story.

"Yeah, but Celestia why have you and Luna given up? I just found out that I'm an Alicorn Warrior and you tell me all is lost? That I have no family or home left? I've come way too far to give up now. I wanna see where I come from!" Twilight said, shaking her head.

Spike got in front of her and waved his claws, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Twilight, weren't you not listening to them! They were talking about evil Alicorns, War, and horrible…This all points to really nasty stuff, alright. Are we even in the same page, here?" He said, telling her that what she was thinking was crazy.

"The young dragon is right, Twilight. It's not as simple as that. It's true the prophecies spoke of the Alicorn Warrior destined to put a stamp upon this age…," Celestia said.

"...But the prophecy didn't foretell the devastation that surrounds us now," Luna finished, telling her that what she was about to face would be very difficult.

Twilight however was unmoved, "Maybe you're right. But I'm willing to try. I want to take the first step,".

"So, you're actually gonna go along with these crazy mares?" Spike asked, hoping Twilight was joking.

"Very well, Twilight. We'll go, you deserve to see your beginning…," Celestia said as she stood up.

"...Before it all ends," Luna finished as the royal sister stepped off their thrones.

"Am I the only dragon sane here?!" Spike asked as Twilight followed the two older alicorns, "They're telling us we're doomed here, and that's when I go 'AH! Maybe we should go back to Ponyville with the flowers and the fun stuff'," Spike complained as he and Twilight followed the royal sisters through a secret passageway in the throne room.

Their destination, the hidden Temple of the Alicorns.