On the road to Saddle Aribia

by Strictheadmare

First published

Trixie invites Starlight and Twilight to see perform in saddle Aribia.

Trixie invites Starlight Glimmer and Twilight sparkle to see her perform in saddle Aribia. But when they get there some unexpected things happen. Will Trixie be able to put on a great show with Starlight and Twilights help or well her life as a performer be over.

Getting ready

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One beautiful Saturday morning in Twilight's castle. Starlight Glimmer was fast asleep in her bed when her alarm clock went off really loud.

Starlight woke up and check her alarm clock.

"Oh no it’s 6am already! Twilight and I have to meet Trixie at her wagon at 4pm. I better get packing." Starlight said as she used her magic to open her drawer and levitated her clothes into her suitcase once all her clothes and stuff were in her suitcase she use her magic to close it.

"Well now that that's done time for breakfast." Starlight said as she levitated her suitcase downstairs into the living room. Then she walked right into the kitchen and was surprise to find Twilight already in the kitchen table sitting down with her cup of coffee and a stack of pancakes on the other side of the table there was also a cup of coffee and a stack of pancakes for Starlight.

"Morning Starlight!" Twilight greeted

"Morning Twilight!" she greeted back.

Then Starlight sat down at the table with Twilight and levitated her fork and took a bite out of the pancakes.

"Yumm, these are the best pancakes I've ever tasted in my life. When did did you learn to make pancakes that taste so good Twilight?" Starlight ask.

Twilight made a mischievous face and said. "Well, I may have been staking Spike and his cookbook and the way he makes his pancakes and I may have also added a few other ingredients in the pancakes."

"Devious Twilight." Starlight said as she took another big bite of the pancakes. "I bet your pancakes are the best in all of Equestria Twilight."

Twilight grinned and said while laughing. "Oh I’m sure Spike's pancakes are much better than mine Starlight."

After they finish their breakfast They levitated their plates into the sink.

"We’ve still got some time till we have to meet Trixie. What do you say we go down to the castle library and studied some new spells Twilight." Starlight said.

"That’s a great idea Starlight! We can learn new spells and read books." Twilight said.

Then they trotted down the hall to the library and into the castle library. Starlight uses her magic to open the castle library door.

And then they start searching for new books into the library.

"How about this one Twilight?" Starlight asked but Twilight said nothing back.

Starlight turned around and saw that Twilight was reorganizing her shelves of books in alphabetical order.

"Oh why am I not surprised." Starlight said giggling.

"I can’t imagine why you would be." Twilight said. "I love love love to reorganize my books it’s one of my favorite things to do in the entire world with the exception of hanging out with my friends."

"I know it is but, don’t you think these books are organized enough?" Starlight asked.

"Of course not Starlight. These books are far from being perfectly organized and I will not stop till every book is properly in the right spot." Twilight said.

"Oh boy. It’s gonna be a long day." Starlight said annoyed.


"7 hours later done finally." Starlight said relieved and then asked. "I thought we were never gonna be done organizing these books?"

"Well they don’t call me bookworm for nothing." Twilight said with a smile as she left to go eat some lunch.

"You better hurry Twilight!" Starlight said. "We're suppose to meet Trixie by her wagon in a half an hour. So that she can take us with her to Saddle Arabia."

"Relax Starlight." Twilight said. "I'll be done in no time."

"You say that for everything Twilight and yet you still take forever with everything you do." Starlight said "I just don’t know when to believe you anymore Twilight."

"Trust me Starlight, I’ll be back in no time." Twilight said as she left.

25 minutes later

Were suppose to be at Trixie's Wagon in 5 minutes and just like I predicted, Twilight isn’t ready. I better go check on her. Starlight thought as she went to the dining room. But when she got there, Twilight wasn’t there.

"Twilight! Hello? You there?" Starlight called.

Twilight didn’t answer.

"Where could she be?" Starlight wondered.

As she left the dining room and then went to Twilight's room.

Inside there stood Twilight, with her suit case packed and everything

"Wow Twilight Sparkle, I’m impressed." Starlight said very impressed.

"Told you I’d be ready on time Starlight." Twilight said then asked. "Where’s your stuff?

"I already put them all downstairs by the castle door." Starlight said. "Now come on we don’t wanna be late."

Starlight and Twilight walked down to the castle doors.

"The only way we’ll make it is if we teleport there." Starlight said.

"Well that’s no problem for both of us." Twilight said "We’re both really good at magic especially teleportation."

"Yep." Starlight said as she teleported both her and Twilight to Trixie's wagon. "And we’re here and with 10 seconds to spare."

Starlight and Twilight knock on Trixie's wagon door.

"Trixie! It’s Starlight and Twilight!" They both called.

"We’re here and ready to go with you to see you perform in Saddle Arabia." Starlight said.

"Oh my gosh. Is that Starlight and Twilight?" Trixie said as she looked out the window, and oh my gosh it is. "Starlight. Twilight. I’m so happy you guys are here. And I’m so happy you guys could come with me to Saddle Arabia to see me perform."

"Wouldn’t miss it for all eternity." Starlight said "Right Twilight?"

"Of course we may not had the best introduction with each other but ever since you and Starlight became friends. We’ve really grown as friends and I’m proud to go to saddle Arabia with you and Starlight." Twilight said.

"Yep that is true." Trixie said. "Come on we don’t wanna be late."

As Trixie grabs her suitcase and bags and headed out the door.

"Allow me." Twilight said as she uses her magic to levitate Trixie's bags into the wagon carrier.

"Thank you so much Princess Twilight." Trixie said.

"Anything for a friend of Starlight's." Twilight said.

"Now before we go would you two like some snacks or beverages?" Trixie asked.

"Yes, please Trixie." Twilight and Starlight said.

As Trixie passes out the snacks and lemonade.

"Alright buckle up everypony." Trixie said "Cause here we go on the road to friendship."

On the road to Saddle Aribia song

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As Starlight, Trixie and Twilight headed off on the road to Saddle Aribia. Trixie decided that she wanted to sing a song.
“How about we lighten things up by singing a song girls Trixie Said”
“Sounds amazing Trixie Said Starlight”

“Sounds great Trixie Said Twilight”

“Then here we go. “Trixie I’m off on the road to Saddle Arabia with my two bests friends
in the world.”
“”Starlight But road trips are a great way the three of us can bond.”

“Twilight you both have come so far I’m so proud of both of you.”

“Starlight and Twilight “We’re off on the road to Saddle Aribia, To see The Great and
powerful Trixie perform”

“Trixie “In summer, Winter, Spring and fall we’re friends through out the year. “

“Starlight Together there’s nothing we can’t achieve.”

“Twilight “We May of not started out the best way but ever since then we’ve come along way.”

“Starlight “From being a dictator to saving
equestria and being Twilights star student”

“Trixie “From being a showoff to learning to be better. And from wanting power to making 2 great friends.”

“Twilight “From wanting nothing to do with friends or friendship to becoming the princess of friendship. Abd becoming a teacher.”

“Starlight “So now oh we’re off on the road to Saddle Aribia it I’ll be a great adventure.”

“Twilight “Well learn lots of new things and see some great action. And maybe even find some new books.”

“Trixie “I’m gonna show them that I’m a great performer and then my dreams will come true.”

“Starlight “Your gonna show them just what you can do”

“Twilight “Oh we’re off on the road to Saddle Aribia To see the great and powerful Trixie perform.”
“Trixie “I know that I can do it. “

“Starlight and Twilight “We know that you do it.”

“Trixie “Everypony will see me not as just a street performer and then I’ll no longer look like an outcast to most ponies.”

“Starlight “To see you perform the greatest tricks in the world with all the magic I’ve taught you”
“Trixie “I’m gonna show them that that I’m the greatest performer in the world”

“Starlight “Your gonna show them that your the greatest performer in the world.”

“Twilight “Your gonna show everypony the real you.”

“Trixie “Oh we’re off on the road to Saddle Aribia.”

“Starlight “Yea we’re off on the road to Saddle Arabia.”

“Twilight “Yes we’re off on the road to Saddle Aribia.”

“All “ Saddle Arabia ,Saddle, Aribia Saddle Aribia! we’re off to Saddle Aribia.”

At Red Robin

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As Trixie, Starlight and Twilight continued to travel in Trixies wagon to Saddle Aribia. They saw a fast food place near buy and decided to stop to get something to eat.

“Look girls they have a Red Robin here Said Starlight what do you say we catch a bite to eat there. I mean all we’ve had today is a couple of snacks and beverages”

“I agree with Starlight Trixie said Twilight it is almost 10pm and we haven’t eaten anything all day. Why don’t we stop for the day and find a nearby hotel to stay out for the night.”

“Except you had lunch Twilight and I didn’t said Starlight.
“ Only a little something it was so tiny it was barely even a meal Starlight Twilight said.”

“Alright I guess we can stop at Red Robin I’ll admit I’m getting a little hungry to Said Trixie”.

“Yes finally I can’t wait to eat some food I’m starving Said Starlight.

“Me to said Twilight.”

“Alright let’s head in to Red Robin Said Trixie.”As she parked the wagon in the Red Robin parking lot.
“Wow who knew that there would be so many people here said Trixie”

“It’s Red Robin there always busy what do you expect Said Twilight.”

“Well I knew they were busy but I didn’t think they were that busy Trixie said”
“Hello welcome to Red Robin how many ponies are there today Said Maud pie”

“Maud you work at Red Robin? Starlight asked.

“Yes I just started working here a week ago Starlight maud said.”

“Wow that’s awesome maud I always thought you do something with rocks your life guess I was wrong congratulations Starlight said”
“Well I still do like rocks but lately I’ve been getting bored with them.”
“Wait you got bored with rocks how is that possible? You love rocks pinkie even tells me that sometimes you even sleep with your rocks Twilight said.”
“I use to sleep with my rocks but not anymore maud said”
“Am I missing something here Starlight said”

“No just the fact that I’m growing out of liking rocks Starlight said Maud.”
Ah okay Said Starlight.”

“That’s when Trixies spoke for the first time at Red Robin anyway maud it’s really nice to see you but I was wondering how long it’s gonna take for us to be seated Said Trixie.”

“Maud look at Trixie and said it’s nice to see you too Trixie and to answer your question about the wait the estimated time is one hour.”

“Oh that’s just great Twilight said.”

“Yea I’m really starving and am about to eat the whole restaurant Starlight said”
“Well we could use magic to kick someone out of their table Said Twilight with an evil grin”

“No don’t you dare Twilight that’s just wrong we’re not the only ponies hungry you know you’ll just have to wait patiently Twilight said Trixie.”
“Fine Starlight and Twilight said together well wait.”
“You have no choice Trixie said.”

“Sadly we don’t Said Starlight.”
“Hey how come your not hungry Trixie Surely the snacks that we had in the wagon weren’t enough to fill you up Twilight said.”
Trixie looked at Twilight and said. “Well Twilight it’s because I had a very big breakfast and a very big lunch so to be honest I’m not all that hungry. “I mean I am hungry but not as hungry as you two are.”
“Well that makes a lot of sense Twilight said.”

“You know Twilight if we hadn’t spend 7 hours reshelving and reorganizing all the books in the library we would of had time for a nice lunch to said Starlight.”

“Reorganizing my books is way more important to me than eating Starlight.”
“ Plus the reason it took 7 hours is because it took forever to find the history of the crystal empire book.”
However I discovered spike had stolen it and kept it under his bed oh boy will that dragon be in big trouble when we get back Twilight said.”
“Well he is the hero of the crystal empire Twilight Starlight said.”
plus there’s a big statue of him right in the center of the crystal empire.”
“I know that but what does that have to do with him stealing that book.”
“Well it’s obvious Twilight isint it Spike is a hero of the crystal empire and he wanted to feel like a hero in the castle to so he took the book to remind himself of how he saved the empire.”
“I guess that’s true but still he should of ask me before he grabbed it.”
You know how I feel about people stealing my books without my permission.”
“Starlight look at Twilight sternly “But Twilight don’t you see he wasent trying to steal his book. He wanted to borrow your book because it makes him feel happy.”
Before Twilight could say anything Maud called to them and said “Girls follow me.”
Trixie, Starlight and Twilight all followed Maud to their table.
“Your server will be here soon Maud said as she left the table and went back to the front desk.
Three min later their server showed up at their table.
“Hello Starlight, Twilight and Trixie Can I get you guys something to drink? Sunburst said.
Starlight, Twilight and Trixie looked up.
“Sunburst Starlight said what are you doing here?
“I work here Starlight Sunburst said.”
Its great to see you Starlight it’s great to see all of you again.
How have you all been?
Pretty good Sunburst thanks how about you? Said Trixie.”
“That’s good I’m doing good as well Trixie said Sunburst.”
Sunburst then look out Starlight and Twilight who faces were not happy. Is everything okay with those two? Sunburst asked.
“Oh there fine Sunburst there just in a really bad mood because there really hungry Trixie said.”
Well in that case let’s get started what would you guys like to drink?
“Ice tea please said Trixie.”
“Sprite please said Starlight.”
Lemonade please Said Twilight.”
Sunburst smiled as he use his magic to levitate a pen and scribble down all the beverage orders.
And would you like some ice in your lemonade Twilight? Sunburst asked.
“Yes please Twilight said.”
“Alright now that I’ve got your beverages orders down what do you say I bring you girls a basket of fries”
That would be perfect thank you so much Sunburst Starlight Said.”

“Of course anything for you Starlight Sunburst
said. “I’ll be right back with those beverages and fries Said Sunburst.”
“Thanks again Sunburst Starlight said.”

A min later Sunburst came back with the
beverages and basket of fries. “There you go girls enjoy Said Sunburst.”
Twilight and Starlight both had devoured both the beverage and basket of fries in 30 sec.
“Geez calm down you two Trixie said.”
“You’ve both have already eaten all your fries and I haven’t even touched 2 of them yet Said Trixie.”
“We’re hungry Starlight and Twilight said.”
Yea but it’s rude manners to eat like that Trixie said this isn’t a troph.
“We’re sorry Trixie we were just really hungry and we still are but that seem to tie us down a little Starlight said.”
“Well that’s good at least said Trixie.”
About 2 min later Sunburst came back with his pen and notepad.
Alright what are you all having tonight? Asked sunburst.
I will like the Gourmet hamburger please well done with no Mayonnaise, pickles, Tomatoes or onions. Extra bacon please Said Starlight.”
And what would you like for your side? Ask sunburst.
“Fries please Said Starlight.”
Sunburst wrote down Starlights order on his notepad and for you Twilight?
“I will also take A Gourmet burger please well done with no Mayonnaise, pickles, Tomatoes, Onions and especially no cheese! Said Twilight.”
And what would you like for your side?
“Fries please said Twilight.”
Sunburst wrote down Twilights order on his notepad. And how about you Trixie?
“I would like to have the fish and chips please with extra tarter sauce Said Trixie.”
“And for the side I’ll take a side salad please Trixie said.”
Sunburst wrote down Trixies order on his notepad.
“Alright food should be here shortlty said Sunburst.”
Thanks the three of them said.”
“Your very welcome Said Sunburst.”
Then he left to the kitchen again. “Seems like it cleared out a lot here now Twilight said.”
Well it is almost midnight Twilight said Trixie.”
“Most people are sleeping right now probably.”
“Yea it feels good to have some peace and quiet in here finally said Starlight.”
“I couldn’t agree more said Twilight.”
20 min later Sunburst came back with their food.
Alright I have a Gourmet burger another Gourmet burger and fish and chips
“Everything is correct said Trixie.”
“Alright then you girls enjoy Sunburst said as he left to go serve another pony who just walked in.
This time Starlight and Twilight slowed down when eating.
This is delicious Twilight said as she took a bite out of her hamburger.”
“Everything here’s good said Starlight.”
After they finish eating Sunburst came back.
How was the food? Sunburst asked.
“It was fantastic said Starlight.”
“I’m glad you girls enjoy it said Sunburst.”
“Well let me bring out the desert menus for you Sunburst said.”
30 sec later he came back with a desert menu.
Here you go Said sunburst.”
Thanks Sunburst said Twilight.”
Your very welcome Said Sunburst.”
Then Starlight, Twilight and Trixie looked through the desert menu ooh this looks good said Starlight.”
“ Triple layered chocolate cheese cake.”
Yea but I don’t like cheese Said Twilight.”
“Then how about You get the chocolate lava cake with ice cream said Trixie.”
“Okay Said Twilight.”
A few sec later Sunburst reappeared. Alright girls have we decided what we want for desert?
Yes we have I would like the Triple layered chocolate cheese cake please said Starlight.”
And for you Twilight and Trixie?
I would like the chocolate lava cake with vanilla ice cream please said Twilight.”
“And I’ll take a pepper mine shake said Trixie.”
Sunburst wrote down all there desert orders on his notepads.
“Should be ready in 10 min said Sunburst.” As he left to go serve another pony again.
10 min later Sunburst came back with their deserts.
“Everything looks so delicious Twilight said.”
After they were done with desert they left a tip for Sunbust but then they started arguing over who should tip Sunburst and how much of a tip should he get.
“I think we should give him a $50 tip Said Trixie, he’s the best server I’ve ever have.”
“Yea but who pays that much for a tip Said Starlight.” I think he should get $10.
“No no no $10 is way to much how about $3 said Twilight.”
Starlight and Trixie looked at Twilight funny.
“Are you out of your mind Twilight Sunburst is awesome and he deserves way more than $3 said Starlight angrily.”
“Yea giving him only $3 is basically saying you weren’t the best server said Trixie.
“I’m sure he won’t mine said Twilight.”
I’m not risking that chance Twilight, how about each of us gives him $5 that seems like a reasonable price dosent it.
“I guess said Trixie.”
“Works for me said Twilight.”
Then the three of them got out 3 $5 bill and left them on the table for Sunburst.
“Good luck with your performance Trixie said Sunburst and maud.”
“Thanks equestrias counting on me and I won’t let them down said Trixie.”
Then Starlight, Twilight and Trixie said goodbye to Maud and Sunburst and headed out the door. When they got outside they realize the wagon had been stolen.
“What happened to my wagon? Trixie Asked
“Someone must of stolen the wagon Said Starlight.”
“What no how could someone steal my wagon it’s like my baby to me said Trixie.”
“Wait your wagon was stolen I cannot believe that actually happen said Twilight.”
“One thing we know for sure Is we got a mission to solve and it won’t be easy Starlight said.”