
by Thule117

First published

In the name of the holy Seraphim, in the name of the Light, in the name of Equestria. I am fire. . .I am steel. . .I am death. . .I am DOOM!

Long ago, the Seraphim granted power to the Doom Slayer that he might conquer the forces of Hell. The Doom Slayer has won, Hell lies defeated, and now he returns to the Seraphim's holy realm. His mission is not over though, he has promises to fulfill, rewards to collect, and as always, evil to defeat. Let those who would harm this sacred land tremble, for the Guardian of Equestria, has returned!

(This story now has two sequels: Legion and the novella Doom Slayer.)

My Name is. . .

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"I cannot kill you, but I won't have you standing in our way."

Samuel Hayden's words were met with stony silence from the armored man currently suspended in the containment field before him, though he could feel the burning hateful stare coming from beneath the figures tinted visor. Turning away, Hayden began examining the remarkable artifact known as the Crucible. It pulsed with the unrefined energies of Hell, and the long blade like plane of energy it emitted was covered in the arcane symbols that made up Hell's alphabet. "Once I decipher the meaning of these markings I am certain we can find a way to restart production of Argent energy, and save huma-" Hayden was literally yanked from his thoughts when his left leg was pulled out from under him with incredible force. Falling to the ground, Hayden's vision was obscured by various readouts telling him that the left leg of his robotic body had suffered catastrophic damage, and was no longer functional. Looking back over his shoulder, Samuel Hayden was greeted with a terrifying sight. The Doom Slayer was standing over him bathed in blue light, and with sparks of electrical energy crawling across his body, as the containment field struggled to pull him back in. The armored figure dropped the ruined remains of Hayden's left leg before grabbing his right, crushing the ankle joint as he pulled Hayden along the floor.


Though Hayden's body was now mechanical, he still could feel fear, as the Doom Slayer grabbed the arm containing the Crucible. The reinforced metal limb deforming under the ancient warrior's unnaturally strong grip. Without a word, the Doom Slayer tore the robotic arm out of its socket in a shower of sparks.


The armored figure pulled the Crucible from the now useless mechanical arm. Casting aside the robotic limb, the Doom Slayer glanced down at Hayden's mangled form. His helmet visor was filled with warning symbols and the words 'UNCONTROLLED TIME SPACE ANOMALY DETECTED!', but the Doom Slayer ignored it, as he pulled his shotgun from behind his back, and leveled it at Hayden.


To Hayden's surprise, the armored figure actually hesitated for a moment. Then, shockingly, the figure uttered the first words Hayden had heard the Slayer speak since he awakened. His voice was surprisingly youthful, sounding as if it came from a man in his early twenties, but it had a hardened quality to it, that spoke of one who has experienced great hardship.

"If I did not, I would have died long ago from despair, the records of Hell told you my sole reason for fighting was blind rage, and vengeance. However, that is because demons are incapable of understanding why any creature would fight beyond either hate, or lust for power, as that is all they themselves fight for. So when they recorded my story they assumed I fought solely out of anger, and a desire for revenge. While it is true I did fight for revenge at one time, that is not the reason I fight now."

Hayden would have glared at the Slayer if he could have, but lacking a true face he settled for simply injecting as much venom as possible into his voice emitter.

"Then please tell me what you do fight for?!"

The Doom Slayer was about to reply, when his body was enveloped in an explosion of white light. . . .

The Doom Slayer awoke to the sound of bird's chirping, and insects buzzing, sounds he had not heard in centuries. Opening his eyes he stared in wonder at the sight of blue sky, and fluffy white clouds. Getting to his feet, the Slayer retrieved his shotgun from where it had fallen nearby, the Crucible still clutched firmly in his other hand. Surrounding him was a vast forest, whose massive trees swayed gently in the wind. The Doom Slayer felt an odd sense of familiarity, as if he'd been here once before. He mentally commanded his Armor to do a complete scan of the surrounding area. The scan revealed nothing interesting at first, carbon based life, oxygen nitrogen atmosphere, no radio, infrared, or ultrasonic communications detected, etc. Then the Doom Slayer's armor started giving him readouts on the more mystical aspects of his surroundings. There was no trace of any Hell energies, aside from the ones he himself was emitting, but there was a massive amount of Seraph energies. The Doom Slayer's eyes widened in shock, only one place he ever visited could have this level of Seraph energy. Turning around the Slayer's eyes widened even farther, and he fell to his knees, when he recognized the half ruined castle before him.

"It cannot be!"

Princess Twilight Sparkle stared at the friendship map with an expression of profound boredom on her face. She tried not to let it get to her, but sometimes being a Princess felt like the most mind numbing job in Equestria. Her apprentice and assistant were out of town, along with her other friends, and because of her near psychotic level of organization. All her various forms of royal paperwork were done for the foreseeable future. Yet, staring out the window, Twilight couldn't help but smile. It was a beautiful day in Ponyville, the sun was shining the birds were chirping, and ponies happily went about their daily lives.

"I'm tired of moping around, I'll just have to make some of my own excitement. I can have lunch in town, read my new book in the park, and then go to the spa for a few hours, it'll be perfect."

Giggling to herself Twilight turned away from the window, but turned back almost immediately, she had seen something out of the corner of her eye. Shielding her eyes with a raised hoof, she looked in the direction of the sun. Something was flying directly at Ponyville, no, a whole bunch of something's, squinting her eyes Twilight tried to make out what they were. They definitely weren't pegasi they were too large for that, and their movement pattern was different. They also couldn't be griffons, as they were coming from a different direction than Griffonstone, and no nearby towns even had this many griffons. Suddenly Twilight felt the color drain from her face, as she examined the incoming creatures via a small hoof telescope that she kept on a nearby table.

"Oh Celestia, no. . ." Twilight whispered to herself, as she saw the scaled hides, and massive bat wings of one of the most frightening creatures in the world. Leaning out the window Twilight magically amplified her voice as loud as she could. "EVERYPONY GET TO COVER DRAGONS!!!"

The Doom Slayer walked the forested path, following the indicators in his helmet telling him the way to the nearest high concentration of Seraph energy. His mind raced with questions, but after finding the ruined castle, he wondered if he would like the answers he sought. The Slayer had examined the castle thoroughly, and there was no mistaking the signs, a battle had been fought there. Readouts from his armor told the Doom Slayer that the castle had likely been abandoned for over a millennia, based on the estimated age of the damage. Still, the ruins had been disturbed recently, so it was likely that someone was making regular trips here. The Slayer needed to know what happened to the two original occupants, someone must know!

The Doom Slayer took a calming breath, he needed to stop imagining the worst, and focus on his surroundings, who knew what resided in this forest. Just as the Slayer finished his thought he heard the faint sounds of explosions, and screams. His armor registered a heat bloom about a mile from his current location. The Slayer started running, his thoughts focused, the trees rushed past him in a blur, as he streaked toward the sounds of destruction, it was time to go to work.

Twilight glared in anger at the dragon before her, highlighted by the burning buildings Garble's arrogant smirk was made all the more disgusting.

"Your royal highness Twilight Spackle, so nice to see you again." Garble drawled insincerely.

"That's 'Sparkle'." Twilight hissed through gritted teeth.

Garble's smirk widened.

"Did you just correct me?" He asked in an unsettlingly calm tone.

Twilight heard the citizens of Ponyville shift nervously behind her, as Garble slowly walked closer to her. Refusing to be cowed Twilight looked him right in the eye, even as he grabbed her by the throat bringing her face to face with a vicious jerk.

"YOUR NAME IS WHATEVER I SAY IT IS PONY!" Garble roared, spittle flying into Twilight's face.

Dropping her roughly to the ground, Garble's enraged expression turned to a calm smile.

"Now, what's your name?" he asked sweetly.

Twilight glared at Garble with undisguised contempt, she refused to play his game.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle Princess of Friendship, and you and your thug cronies are not welcome in my kingdom." Twilight spoke slowly and deliberately, refusing to give in to the fear she was feeling.

"Is that right?" Garble asked, as he shifted his gaze to one of the dragons he had brought with him.

Garble jerked his head toward a random house, the other dragon nodded in understanding just before spewing a jet of fire at the structure, instantly setting it ablaze. Garble smiled, as he watched the conflagration.

"I know some of you ponies are hiding in those houses, how many do you think I'd have to burn before we find them?" He asked with a sadistic smile.

Twilight's look of horror was all the answer Garble needed.

"Now, what is your name?" Garble asked sweetly, the cruel smile never leaving his features.

Twilight wanted to scream at Garble to go straight to Tartarus, but she held back. Garble had all the cards, and he knew it. Even if Twilight could immobilize him with magic, one of the fifteen other dragons with him could easily roast her, or worse yet, one of the ponies behind her, instantly. No matter how much it hurt her pride, Twilight would have to play along to protect her town.

"My name is Twilight Spackle." She hissed angrily.

Garble sneered, patting Twilight on the head as if she were a dog who just performed a trick.

"Good pony." He said in a mocking insincere tone, as Twilight resisted the urge to spit at him. "Now that we've established the pecking order around here, I have a question for you."

"What?" Twilight asked curtly.

Garble gave Twilight an unsettling smile.

"Where is my dear little buddy Spike?" He asked in a sickly sweet tone.

Twilight felt a stab of icy fear, as she looked up at Garble.

"Why do you want Spike?" She asked, trying to keep panic from entering her voice.

"Why?" Garble asked calmly, before his face became a twisted mask of rage. "Because he stole what was rightfully mine!" Garble's eyes were filled with insanity as he continued. "I should have been the Dragon Lord, but that was taken from me by that worthless weakling Spike! He's gonna pay for that, oh how he's going to pay!"

Twilight felt abject terror at the thought of what Garble would do if he ever got to Spike.

"Spike won that contest fair and square, it's not his fault you lost! You have no right to hurt him!" Twilight declared angrily.

Garble turned to Twilight raising his claws, intending to beat some respect into her, but then he was struck by a thought.

"You know what, you're right." Garble said calmly, lowering his arm.

Far from being relieved, Twilight felt her heart sink into a pit of dread and horror.

"What do you mean?" She asked, once again trying to keep her fear from entering her voice.

Garble gave Twilight a smile devoid of all reason.

"I shouldn't be hurting Spike. . . I should be hurting you!" Garble snarled, as he closed in on Twilight, his psychotic tone revealing just how unhinged he had become. "Spike stole everything from me, so I'll take everything from him!" Garble roared, grabbing Twilight's wings in his claws. "I'll start by taking these!" Twilight cried out in pain as Garble began to pull her wings away from her body. "Once I'm done with you I'm going to burn every stinking pony and building in this town to ash! Then I'll-"

Twilight wasn't certain what happened at first, there was a bang, something wet spattered her face, and Garble's grip went limp. As Garble fell to the ground, Twilight gasped. Half Garble's head had disappeared! Twilight could clearly see what was left of his brain and skull, and she gagged as she realized what must be on her face. The dragon next to Garble had an instant to process that his boss was dead, before his head exploded into fragments. Another "BANG!" directing the attention of the remaining fourteen dragons to the area behind them. Unfortunately, by the time they saw the threat, it was far too late.

A bipedal figure slammed into the dragon farthest from Twilight. The green scaled dragon just had time to scream, before the figure grabbed it by the horns, and ripped its head from its body with an almost casual twist. Twilight was stunned, the creature moved like a blur as it tossed the head away, and jumped to the next dragon. As Twilight watched, the figure bowled over the dragon with a bone shattering kick to the chest, then rode it's body to the ground. Pulling a strange metallic object from it's back, the creature pointed it at the head of the dragon it now stood on. There was a loud "BOOM!" and the dragon's head exploded into red mist, but the creature still wasn't done. With speed that rivaled Rainbow Dash on her best day, the figure whipped the weapon around to blow away another dragon with a second shot from the rod-like weapon.

One dragon, through reflex or deliberation, managed to spit fire at the figure. For a moment, Twilight thought it had worked, until the dragon who had unleashed the torrent of flame, was struck by a barrage of bright blue white blasts of energy in its sternum. The dragon would have screamed if it could have, but by the time the pain signals hit its brain, the beast's lungs had turned to blue vapor. The dragons stared in horror as the monster leapt out of the flames with no visible injury. Spreading their wings they decided to flee, rather than face the wrath of this bipedal monster, but one was to slow. This dragon, a white one with pink webbing on it's wings and frills, was grabbed by the figure, and hurled to the ground. Using the hapless dragon as a springboard, the creature jumped to catch the next dragon by the leg, but not before blowing away the first with a burst of deadly blue white energy to the face. Turning it's head to a steaming bloody stump in an instant. Pulling the dragon it had grabbed to the ground with its weight, the creature broke the dragon's leg with a sickening "CRUNCH!" before punching it through the poor firebreather's head with a practiced ease. Looking up, the creature saw the remaining dragons flying as fast as they could toward the horizon. With a faint "Crack" and flash of red light, the weapon the figure had been holding vanished, and was replaced with a massive object almost the size of its wielders torso. Taking careful aim, the bipedal destroyer waited for its targets to get to the proper distance, before it fired its new weapon, and a ball of crackling green energy shot from the end of the device. As it passed into the group of dragons, the ball struck them with what looked to be tendrils of green lightning, causing them to arch their backs in horrified agony, an instant before the green sphere exploded. Twilight could feel the force of the blast from where she was, despite the distance of at least a mile and a half, the brilliant green flash of the detonation blinding her for a few seconds. When she could see again, Twilight gaped in shock. . . nothing remained of the fleeing dragons, not even ash, now only the biped was left.

Twilight felt herself quaking with fear as the figure approached her. It wore a suit of armor that covered it from head to toe, and even obscured its face with a tinted visor. A strong smell of sulfur and burnt copper accompanied the figure, as it strode calmly toward Twilight. Twilight forced herself to her feet, if this was her end, she was determined to meet it with dignity. She found herself glad that none of her friends were in town, and that Spike and Starlight Glimmer were safely in Canterlot. The figure was now in front of her, Twilight wondered if it would hurt to die? She closed her eyes, she didn't want to see it coming, she heard the creature shift its weight, seconds ticked by like an eternity, what was it waiting for?

"Noble Seraph, I hope you and your fellows are uninjured?" Spoke a slightly distorted male voice.

Twilight opened her eyes, and nearly fell over in shock. The figure was. . . KNEELING!? On one knee the creature stood with it's weapon placed on the ground next to it, it's head bowed in subservience.

"S-s-seraph?" Twilight stuttered out with a squeak.

"Yes milady, you are a Seraph, are you not? One who bears the united power of the three ponies of Equestria?"

Twilight didn't even know how to respond, but the figure did not move, politely waiting for her to give him permission to rise.

"Please remove your helmet." Twilight wasn't sure where that request had come from, but it was the first thing to pop into her head.

"As you wish milady." The figure replied respectfully.

The figure reached up, gripping the sides of its headgear, and giving it a twist. There was a slight hiss as the pressure seal was broken, and the figure extricated its head from its protective covering. Twilight wasn't sure what she was expecting to see when the helmet was removed, but when she saw the creature's face, she gasped.

Long straight black hair cascaded around noble facial features, as eyes of icy blue stared at Twilight with calm composure. A light beard graced the lower cheeks and chin of the man's face.

"You're a human?" Twilight asked in a shocked whisper.

"Indeed milady, you know of my people?"

Twilight nodded.

"I know a little bit of you, it's a long story."

The man nodded, speaking again after a moment's hesitation.

"Milady forgive me, but I must ask, have you ever heard of either Seraphs Luna or Celestia?"

Twilight did a double take.

"How do you know Princess Luna and Celestia?"

The man's face lit up.

"Then they still live?!" He blurted out, before returning his gaze to the ground, as if feeling guilty for his outburst.

Twilight nodded.

"Well yes, why wouldn't they be alive?"

The man laughed, talking as if he hadn't heard Twilight's question.

"Oh thank the heavens, when I saw their castle in ruins I feared the worst. Please my lady, do you have a way to contact them?"

"Uh. . . well, yes of course, but who exactly are you?" Twilight asked bewildered.

The man raised his head, smiling as he replied.

"My name is Derran Grandel milady, but I am also known by the title of: Doom Slayer."

A New Friend

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Twilight stared at the armored human named Derran Grandel who now stood at perfect attention in the center of her throne room. She really didn't know what to make of him, other than what was obvious. He had manners that gave Rarity a run for her money, he apparently had a prior relationship with Celestia and Luna, and oh yeah: he was the most terrifying force of destruction Twilight had ever seen. He also seemed to regard her as an authority figure to whom he owed absolute fealty. Every request Twilight had, he obeyed to the letter, he also kept addressing her as "Seraph". Twilight was one of the smartest ponies in Equestria, and she just could not figure this guy out.

"Is something troubling you Seraph?"

Twilight almost jumped out of her throne. She had been so lost in thought trying to understand her strange visitor, she forgot he was in the room.

"Oh no nothing!" Twilight responded a little too loudly.

"Does my presence truly bother you that much?" He asked after a brief pause spent processing Twilight's reaction, and guessing at the cause.

"Oh no not at all! I just haven't had guests in a while and I'm a little out of practice." Twilight lied, as she put on a massive fake smile that made her look slightly unhinged.

The truth was Derran didn't so much "bother" as terrify her, not really surprising after she witnessed him kill sixteen dragons in less than thirty seconds. She still didn't understand how he did it, his speed and strength far exceeded that of any human she had encountered in her brief time among them. What's more, he had done it without the slightest hesitation, and though she was grateful for the rescue, it still disturbed her that any creature could take life with such ease. Still, she was the Princess of friendship, she should at least give him a chance, right?

"So, where are you from?" Twilight asked as nonchalantly as she could.

"I hail from the lost planet of D'nur, Kingdom of Kemed."

Twilight was about to ask how he knew Celestia and Luna when something struck her.

"Wait, what do you mean 'Lost' planet?"

Derran's jaw tightened almost imperceptibly.

"It was destroyed, more than that, I cannot say."

Twilight wanted to know more, but was too scared of angering her strange guest to press him for details. Twilight decided that it would be safer to change the subject.

"So how do you know the Princess's?"

Derran considered how to answer the question before responding.

"They saved my life, and quite possibly my soul, I owe them more than I could ever repay."

Twilight opened her mouth to ask for particulars, but was stopped when an official looking scroll popped into existence in front of her eyes. "Oh thank Celestia!" Twilight thought to herself as she broke the seal on the rolled paper.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

I write to inform your eminence that her royal highnesses, Lady Celestia, and Luna. Cannot be reached at this time, as they are on a diplomatic mission to Saddle Arabia. With regret, I must inform your highness that they will be unavailable for an indefinite period. Nevertheless, I promise to inform them of this development as soon as they return, and offer my deepest apologies for the delay.

Signed, Grand Chamberlain Silverhoof

Twilight felt her eye twitching as she finished the letter, of all the times the princesses could have chosen to leave, it had to be NOW?!! She considered writing a response demanding that the chamberlain forward the message immediately, but knew it would do no good. She remembered Silverhoof from her days as Celestia's student in Canterlot, and he was the most anal retentive quill pusher that ever lived. Silverhoof would rather jump out the highest window in Equestria than bother the Princess when she asked not to be disturbed. Even Celestia herself found him utterly exasperating at times, and once said that the only reason she didn't fire him, was because she would drown in paperwork otherwise. Twilight's irritation must have shown on her face, because Derran spoke up.

"Is something the matter Seraph?" He asked gently.

"Oh nothing, just that apparently Celestia, and Luna can't be reached thanks to the physical embodiment of tail backward bureaucracy. I mean it's not like it's anything important, just a dragon attack, and the appearance of the god of dea. . ." Twilight trailed off as she recalled who it was she was venting to. A few moments passed as Twilight stared worriedly at Derran, and wondered if her outburst had sealed her fate.

"You really are afraid of me aren't you?" Derran asked, and surprisingly, he sounded a little hurt.

Twilight instantly felt like a jerk, Derran had saved her life, and been nothing but kind to her. Yet here she was treating him like an unexploded bomb.

"I. . . I'm sorry Mr. Grandel, regardless of how you did it, you saved my life, and the lives of every pony in town, I should be thanking you, not treating you like a pariah."

Derran's expression softened.

"It is alright Seraph, I know your world is one that has little taste for war and violence, it is no surprise that my actions should disturb you."

"Is it alright if we start over? I really would like to be friends, if you'll give me another chance?" Twilight said sincerely.

Derran smiled.

"I would very much like that, I have not been in the presence of friends for some time, and I dearly miss it."

Twilight returned Derran's smile genuinely.

"Then why don't you call me Twilight, it's what all my friends call me."

"Very well, but only if you address me as Derran, agreed?"

Twilight nodded, glad to finally feel the tension leaving the room.

"Well now that that's settled, welcome to-"

Twilight was cut off by the throne room doors slamming open, revealing a panicked looking pony possessing a white coat, with black mane and tail.

"PRINCESS, DRAGON'S! THREE MORE COMING FROM THE SAME DIRECTION AS THE OTHERS!" He cried out before Twilight could even ask for an explanation.

Not missing a beat, Derran snapped his helmet into place, and pulled his weapon from his back.

"Just give the command Sera- Twilight, and I shall turn them into a crimson mist!" He snarled.

Twilight shook her head.

"If they were here to cause trouble they would have brought more than just three, but I would appreciate it if you came with me to meet them."

After a moment's hesitation, Derran nodded.

"If you believe it best." He said slowly, clearly uncertain, but unwilling to defy Twilight's judgment.

Derran fell into step beside Twilight, but did not holster his weapon, instead keeping it pointed at the ground, but ready for use. Twilight had some misgivings about taking Derran with her, but given his involvement it seemed best to have him on hand. Twilight and Derran headed toward the center of town, where the three dragons appeared to be heading. Twilight felt a small surge of relief when she recognized one of the trio. It was Dragon Lord Ember, who she had met briefly during the trial to determine the new leader of the dragon nation, the "Gauntlet of Fire". She was accompanied by two larger, older dragons, one grey scaled with red wings and frills, and the other green with black, and Twilight guessed them to be her retainers. It was doubtful they came to cause trouble. Still, Twilight was very glad to see that all the ponies were staying off the streets.

"Princess Twilight right?" Ember asked uncertainly, as Twilight approached.

"Yes that's me, what do you want?" Twilight asked, a bit more harshly than she meant to.

"We don't have much time, Garble is on his way here looking for Spike he-" Twilight cut Ember off before she got any farther.

"We know." Twilight declared, unable to keep a hint of anger from her voice, as she jerked her head at several nearby burned houses.

Ember took a moment to survey the damage with a pained look on her face before replying.

"Was anypony hurt?" She asked hesitantly.

Twilight shook her head.

"No, but if it hadn't been for Derran, there most certainly would have been." Twilight said, gesturing toward the Doom Slayer's imposing armored form.

Ember looked at Derran, feeling distinctly nervous as he regarded her through his helmet's tinted visor.

"What happened?" Ember asked uneasily.

Twilight was trying to think of the best way to explain, when Derran spoke.

"The wretch and his comrades attacked the town, and died at my hands like the cowards they were." He stated in a cold voice.

Twilight winced, clearly Derran didn't feel any need for diplomacy.

"Preposterous!" One of Embers Retainers, the large grey dragon with red wings and frills, barked out. "Garble had at least fifteen other dragons with him, all of them quite strong. There is simply no way a bunch of weakling ponies, and whatever you are, could have defeated them!"

Now it was Ember's turn to wince, as Twilight saw Derran's grip on his weapon visibly tighten.

"Perhaps you would like to see a demonstration of my abilities, I could present your hide to ladies Celestia, and Luna as a gift to mark our reunion?" Derran snarled.

"I'd like to see you try bite sized!" The dragon replied, flexing his claws.

"That's enough!" Twilight and Ember declared simultaneously.

"We're here to talk this out, not start a war!" Twilight stated, placing her hoof on Derran's arm for emphasis.

"Same goes for you Stormfang, knock it off!" Ember said glaring at her subordinate angrily.

Derran and Stormfang each deferred to their respective ladies, but it was clear that neither was happy about it. With some civility restored Twilight and Ember resumed talking. Though Derran, and Stormfang continued to glare at each other.

"Despite his poor choice of words, Derran is telling the truth. He stopped Garble and his friends from destroying Ponyville, but was forced to kill them to do it. I'm Sorry, I wish there had been another way, but Garble would have killed everypony if Derran hadn't acted."

Ember nodded.

"I understand, Garble actually tried to stage a coup not long after I became Dragon Lord, it was clear he was losing it. I should have locked him up, but I erred on the side of forgiveness. This is my fault. The dragon nation will pay for the damages, and whatever you deem appropriate as compensation."

Twilight was about to respond when Stormfang butted in again.

"What about us?! Garble and his group were members of the Dragon Nation, if the ponies did indeed kill them, a fact I still find quite hard to swallow, we should receive compensation as well!"

Ember was about to reprimand her subordinate, but Derran beat her to the punch. Just barely managing to restrain his anger at Stormfang's arrogant demand, his reply was slow, and deliberate.

"I was the one who disposed of those vermin, the ponies had nothing to do with it. If you desire compensation, then I offer you the opportunity to take it from me, if you have the stones to try."

Stormfang's eyes bulged with rage.

"Why you insolent little-"

Stormfang was cut off when his body was enveloped in a red aura, and he fell to the ground gasping.

"I said ENOUGH!" Ember roared. "The ponies owe us nothing Stormfang, and you know it! Garble's attack was unprovoked and could have caused a war! Now be silent, or I will see you banished to the farthest reaches of the frozen north!" As the red aura receded Stormfang rose unsteadily to his feet, grumbling under his breath, while Ember turned back to Twilight. "I apologize for Stormfang's outburst Princess Twilight, some of my fellow Dragons don't quite grasp the concept of diplomacy yet."

"I can relate." Twilight responded, giving Derran a stern glare. "But as to the offer, just paying for the damage is more than enough, it's not your fault that this happened."

Ember smiled, grateful for Twilight's understanding.

"We'll return in a few days with the repair fund's, hopefully we can talk more after things have a chance to cool down. Again, on behalf of the dragon nation, I wish to apologize for Garble's actions."

Twilight nodded.

"Thank you Dragon Lord Ember, hopefully in time we can put this behind us, and move toward better relations between our respective species."

Ember nodded, as she and her retainers spread their wings.

"I would very much like that Princess Twilight." Ember stated sincerely, as she and her two fellows took to the sky, flying back the way they came.

Twilight sighed, suddenly feeling exhausted from everything that had transpired.

"I need a cup of tea and a nap." She declared, her tone revealing how tired she felt.

Derran replaced his shotgun on his back before removing his helmet, showing a face etched with concern.

"Let us return to the castle, and I'll prepare some tea and a nice hot bath for you then." He stated.

Twilight looked at Derran with a slightly disbelieving expression.

"I can't do that, there's still way too much to do! I have to help with the repairs, make arrangements for sending the bodies of the dead dragons back to their homeland, and let's not forget I still have to explain you! I can't just relax in a bath during a crisis, I have to help my friends rebuild!"

Derran favored Twilight with a kindly smile.

"Then I suppose we best get to work hadn't we?"

"Wait, what do you mean we?" Twilight asked confused.

"You think me the kind of man to abandon a friend in her hour of need? I shall help you in whatever way I can."

Twilight sighed.

"Well unfortunately, the best way you can help is by returning to the castle, and staying there. Ponies are already on edge, and seeing you probably isn't going to improve matters."

Derran shook his head.

"With respect Twilight, your subjects will not be less frightened if I hide in the castle. Only by knowing something can you become comfortable with it, and your people will not know me unless they interact with me."

Twilight opened her mouth to protest, but realized Derran had a good point. If she hid him away, ponies would wonder why. They would begin to speculate, and possibly conclude that he wasn't allowed out because he was a danger to them. Twilight could best assuage these fears by showing that she, the Princess of Friendship, trusted this strange new visitor.

"Ok then, let's get everypony together, we've got a lot of work to do." Twilight declared.

Not the Killer You Were Expecting

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"You're pretty amazing mister."

The Doom Slayer, a.k.a Derran Grandel, paused in his work to look over at the pony who had spoken. She was quite young, her short dark purple mane and tail contrasting nicely with her orange coat. On her flank was a cutie mark shaped like a heraldic shield, with a wing superimposed with a bolt of lightning, all done in colors of red, lavender, and purple. Derran had been working to help clear away the remains of a partially burned and collapsed house. He was a little surprised. It had been slightly over a day since he had arrived, and so far most of the ponies had been too scared to approach him, let alone speak to him directly. That the first to do so was a child seemed an anomaly.

"To what are you referring little one?" Derran asked gently, pausing in his work to regard the filly.

The filly showed no fear as she responded.

"Well, you were able to beat all those dragons at once, I mean, I don't think even Princess Celestia, and Luna could do that." The filly's voice held a tinge of awe as she spoke, and Derran felt a faint sense of pride at her praise. "And your armour is so cool." She continued. "I wish I had an outfit like that!"

Derran smiled.

"What is your name little one?" He asked.

The filly beamed as she replied.

"My name is Scootaloo." She said proudly.

Derran nodded.

"And who are your two companions hiding in the bush over there?" He asked gesturing behind Scootaloo at a large Rhododendron.

Before Scootaloo could reply two more filly's emerged from the bush to stare at him in surprise.

"H-how did ya'll know we was in there?!" Asked one, a yellow filly with a brilliant red mane and tail. Her cutie mark was the same as Scootaloo's save for the central image being an apple superimposed with a heart.

"Yeah, your back was turned the whole time?!" Chimed in the other, this one white, with a pink and lavender mane. Who once again had the same shield shaped cutie mark with a slightly different image, this one a five pointed star with a musical note in it.

Derran chuckled.

"I could hear you breathing, smell the shampoo in your mane, I didn't need to see you to know you were there." The two fillies looked at him skeptically. "Don't believe me? Very well, you with the red mane; you use cherry blossom scented shampoo, and use a pine scented soap. Whereas you with the pink, and purple mane; use a lilac scented shampoo, with lavender scented soap, am I correct?"

The three fillies eyes widened in shock.

"How did you do that?!" Scootaloo asked, her eyes shining with wonder.

Derran shrugged.

"It's just a matter of being able to use your senses to full effect, I imagine you three could learn to do the same with a little practice."

The three fillies seemed suddenly intrigued.

"Really? Could ya'll teach us?!" Asked the red maned one, any fear she might have felt vanishing in place of eagerness.

Derran thought about it for a moment.

"I don't see why not, but first I need to finish helping rebuild the town, and I need to know your names."

The fillies beamed, and Derran smiled; it had been a very long time since he had seen such innocent faces.

"Mah name's Apple Bloom, this here is Sweetie Belle." The yellow coated filly stated.

"It's a pleasure to meet you mister." Sweetie Belle said with a polite bow.

"My name is Derran Grandel, and the pleasure is all mine." Derran responded with a bow of his own.

The three fillies smiled up at Derran for a moment before Apple Bloom gestured at the debris he had been moving.

"Do ya'll need some help?" She asked.

Derran smiled, and nodded.

"That would be much appreciated, but be cautious, some of these beams are ready to collapse, and there are still hot coals hidden under the ash. You girls can work on gathering the smaller detritus, and pouring water on anything that yet smoulders, while I shall handle the heavier lifting."

The girls nodded their understanding before fanning out around the structure to work in different areas. They made an effective team, as Derran removed the large bits of charred lumber the girls would move in pouring water over anything hot. Then the girls would remove the bits of smaller debris, as Derran started on another section. At one point he made them pause in their work to get some leather hoof coverings so they could walk in the ash without worrying about broken glass or jagged metal. As for Derran, his armor was impervious to anything as paltry as glass or errant nails, and the girls marveled as he moved giant pieces of wood and stone with no visible effort. Derran trusted the girls to be careful, but still made certain to keep all three in sight as he worked. They labored together for several hours the girls peppering Derran with questions the whole time.

"So what are you mister Grandel?" Scootaloo asked.

"A human, think of us as a highly evolved form of primate."

"Wait, like a monkey?" Apple Bloom asked perplexed.

"In a manner of speaking, we are closest in kinship to chimpanzees, but we walk on two feet, have more adroit brains, and use a much greater variety of tools."

"How did you get to Equestria?" Sweetie Belle inquired.

"I am not entirely certain, last time I was fortunate enough to be here I arrived through an anomaly in the veil of spacetime."

"Wait; you've been here before?" Scootaloo asked incredulously.

"Once. . .long ago."

"How did ya'll beat those dragons?" Apple Bloom queried.

"Strength, speed, and the judicious use of superior firepower."

"Can you use magic?" Sweetie Belle wondered.

"Yes, but only in a very limited manner, and not while wearing my armor."

"How come?" Scootaloo asked.

"This armor is powered by magic, and to function it feeds on the magic energy of it's user. Thus, were I to cast a spell while wearing it, it would cease to work properly, or the spell would fail; possibly both."

On and on the curious fillies went, asking Derran about every little thing, even his favorite color, "Green". Then Scootaloo noticed the Crucible, tightly locked in place on Derran's belt.

"Hey mister Grandel, what's that?" She asked innocently.

Derran paused to consider his answer, he dared not tell the three the truth.

"This is. . ." Derran knew it would only make the three curious if he refused to tell them anything, so he would need a plausible lie. "It is an old souvenir, from a long ago battle."

"What's it made from? It almost looks like it's alive." Sweetie Belle asked with a shudder, as just looking at it gave her the creeps.

Derran decided to feign ignorance.

"I am afraid I do not know, but see here, are you girls hungry?" Derran asked, changing the subject.The girls nodded. "Then why don't we all get something to eat and drink. You girls go wash up, and I shall meet you in the town center, Seraph Twilight said they set up a tent to serve food to those aiding in the repairs."

The girls nodded happily in agreement.

"Sound's great, we'll meet you by the fountain in the town square!" Sweetie Belle replied before she Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom ran off to wash the accumulated ash and charcoal dust from their coats.

Derran smiled until they were out of sight, before sighing with relief. "Thank the Seraphim they are only children, I must keep the Crucible's purpose a secret until I see ladies Luna, and Celestia. I mustn't take any chances, a pity I cannot simply store it with my weapons, but I dare not risk its transport through the Aether given its nature. . ." Derran shook his head, there was no point in worrying about it; as long as the Crucible stayed in his possession anyway. . .

"Ahh, I love open sky!" Rainbow Dash commented aloud as she shot through the clouds, the wind whipping past her.

Heading home from the most recent Wonderbolts performance in Fillydelphia. Rainbow was looking forward to returning home and regaling her friends with tales of her exploits. Granted before that she intended to take a nice hot bath, and a long nap to relax. Being a Wonderbolt was exciting, amazing, incredible, and fun, but it was also exhausting, not to mention hard work. Diving down past the clouds, Rainbow skimmed over the canopy of the Everfree Forest. The branches of the ancient trees grew so thick, and the forest was so vast, that it was like flying over an ocean of dark green leaves. Beyond the faintly undulating surface of the verdant sea Rainbow could see the tops of Ponyville town hall, Sugar Cube Corner, and of course, the crystalline castle that was home to her friend Twilight. Inhaling deeply Rainbow let out a happy sigh.

"Home at last!" She exclaimed doing a midair somersault, and putting on a burst of speed.

However as Rainbow got closer to town she slowed slightly, there was an odd scent on the wind. It was the smell of ash, and smoke, not terribly unusual in itself, many homes in Ponyville had wood stoves. What was surprising was smelling it in the middle of summer, especially when it was at least eighty degrees fahrenheit. Also suspicious was the fact that she could smell it so far from the town itself. Rainbow flew higher to get a better look at the town, and gasped. Even from this distance Rainbow could see that a good thirty or so buildings had been burned to the ground, and many others had sustained noticeable amounts of damage. Increasing her speed even further, Rainbow shot toward town like a bullet. Less than five minutes later Rainbow found herself hovering above the town square.

"Rainbow Dash!" Called a familiar voice.

Glancing down Rainbow gave an audible sigh of relief as she saw her unofficially adopted sister Scootaloo next to Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle.

"Scootaloo!" Rainbow called back as she landed next to the three. "Glad to see you're alright squirt." Rainbow commented, trying to minimise the worry in her voice, so as to show her concern without endangering her reputation as an unflappable daredevil. "What happened? Is everypony ok?"

"Yep, everypony's fine," Scootaloo confirmed, and Rainbow gave a second sigh of relief.

"So what did all this? It looks like a dragon declared war on Ponyville!" Rainbow exclaimed as she surveyed the ruins of several buildings.

"Actually," Spoke a familiar if slightly strained voice. "it was sixteen dragons."

Rainbow turned to see Twilight standing behind her. She looked exhausted, with circles under her eyes, her mane, and tail sticking out at odd angles, and her coat liberally dusted with ash.

"Wow Twilight you look awful, maybe you ought to sit down." Rainbow said a note of concern entering her voice. Suddenly her eyes widened as she absorbed what Twilight had just told her. "Wait did you say SIXTEEN?!"

Twilight nodded wearily.

"Yes, you remember the whole 'Gauntlet of Fire' fiasco, Rarity, Spike, and I told you about?" Rainbow nodded. "Well it turns out that Garble and his friends attempted a coup against Dragon Lord Ember. When they failed to seize power Garble lost it, and came here to get revenge on Spike." Rainbow Dash's eyes widened in shock before swiftly narrowing in anger.

"Those jerks! Where are they?! I swear I'm gonna buck them into next week!" She snarled outraged at the thought of Garble attacking her home, and friends over some infantile grudge. Twilight raised a hoof to forestall Rainbow's inevitable tirade.

"Trust me Rainbow they paid for what they did, and they won't ever bother anypony ever again." Rainbow whirled around as if expecting the offending dragons to be right behind her, as she continued her righteously indignant rant.

"Darn right they won't! Not after they get a taste of my patented Rainbow wind kick!" She declared angrily. Twilight opened her mouth to begin an explanation as to how pointless her friends threats were when she was interrupted.

"Well I for one am in no doubt that you would have taught them a fierce lesson should you have been here milady." Spoke a formal male voice.

"Ya got that riiiiiiii-" Rainbow trailed off as she saw the creature that had spoken, her bravado giving way to an acute fear. "I-I-I" For once in her life Rainbow was speechless as she beheld the towering figure of the Doom Slayer. Fortunately before she could panic, Twilight intervened.

"Rainbow Dash allow me to introduce Derran Grandel, the Doom Slayer. He's the one who defeated the Dragons, and quite possibly saved the lives of everypony here." Twilight explained, as Derran smiled warmly, and presented a platter covered in food, and drink to the still shell shocked Rainbow Dash.

"An honor to meet you lady Dash, would you care for some refreshment? We were just sitting down, and I happened to bring extra."

Rainbow stared at the proffered plate for a few seconds before snapping out of her stupor, immediately trying to play down her shock.

"Oh, uh sure sounds great, I haven't eaten with a uh. . . what are you again?" She asked as if she already knew but was simply having trouble remembering the words.

"A human." Derran stated with an amused smile.

"Yeah a human in a while." Rainbow stated as Derran's grin grew.

"Oh, so you have encountered my kind before?" The Doom Slayer asked, as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo started to snicker.

"Oh yeah." Rainbow replied her tone returned to it's usual confidence. "Loads of times." She declared, as she grabbed a sandwich from the platter in Derran's hand, and took a bite. Derran turned to give Twilight a knowing wink, and she had to suppress a smirk.

"Well then you must know the official human greeting." Derran stated calmly, causing Rainbow to choke on her second bite of sandwich.

"Uh, yeah. . . of course I do." She replied, suddenly sounding far less certain of herself.

"Excellent, would you care then to demonstrate it for lady Twilight, and the fillies? I'd do it myself, but I have been working all day and am rather weary." Derran said with a self depreciating smile. Rainbow swallowed nervously as she tried to come up with an excuse.

"Well, uh, you know I would but I um, I think I strained something on the way back from Fillydelphia, so. . ."

"Oh of course, I completely understand, perhaps some other time then?" Derran said sympathetically, even as he gave her a wink. Rainbow nodded, surprised that the dangerous looking creature was letting her off the hook so easily.

"Yeah, right. . .some other time." She replied gratefully. "So. . .are you a friend of Twilight's or. . .?"

"I am, though it is a rather recent acquaintance, and extenuating circumstances have prevented us from talking as much as I would like. Things have changed a great deal in the last millennia, for example; the tendency for ponies to exaggerate certain things." Derran said, his tone letting Rainbow know he wasn't completely done playing the game she started. "But let us talk of that later, I have not eaten Equestrian cooking in ages, and I cannot wait to experience it again." Derran declared gesturing at a group of tables that had been set up nearby, one of which was still empty.

As they walked toward their destination, Derran taking the lead, Rainbow noticed they were being watched intently. She took note of the nervous looks the other ponies gave the armored biped. However she also noticed expressions of awe, and even saw a few smiles scattered here and there. Reaching the table, Derran put down the platter he had been carrying waiting for the others to take their seats before sitting himself. Taking a bite out of a pastry Derran closed his eyes, smiling broadly as he let out a contented sigh.

"Even after all this time, still the best food I have ever had the pleasure of tasting."

The group ate in silence for a time, just enjoying the beautiful sunny weather as they dined. Rainbow however mostly just nibbled on the remains of her sandwich, as she stared at this, so called; Doom Slayer.

"So. . . how exactly did you manage to fight off sixteen dragons at once?" She asked, a hint of suspicion in her voice. Derran opened his mouth to reply, but before he could utter a single syllable Scootaloo spoke up.

"Isn't it amazing Dash?! Everypony is talking about it! Garble was gonna hurt Twilight and then BAM his head just exploded! Then this other dragon was like 'Wuh?' and then it's head was all like BANG! SPLAT! Then Derran tears the head off this other Dragon like it was no big deal! Then another dragon tried to breathe fire on him, and Derran is just like 'Nu uh' and he hits it with these glowy things that were like ZAT-ZAT-ZAT! And he walks out of the fire like 'No problem!' then-"

"I think she gets the point Scootaloo." Twilight said nervously, as she watch Rainbow's eyes widen in what she could only assume was a mix of horror, and shock.

"But that wasn't even the coolest thing!" Scootaloo said continuing her rapid fire description, oblivious to Twilight's discomfort, and Rainbow's reaction. "See a bunch of the dragons start flying away, and Derran just pulls this huge weapon out of nowhere, and it takes them all out in one shot!! Isn't that awesome!?" Rainbow turned to Twilight her expression unreadable.

"Is that true?" She asked, her tone dead serious.

"Well. . .yes, but Rainbow he didn't have a choice! Garble was completely insane, and-"

"That. . .is. . .AWESOME!!"

Twilight's face did a few contortions before settling on disbelief.

"What?" She deadpanned.

"That must have been the most EPIC fight in the history of forever, I wish I could have been here to see it!"

Twilight felt her eye start twitching as she clenched her jaw. However before she could say anything, Derran interrupted with a raised hand.

"Lady Dash, as much as I am flattered by your appreciation for my skill in battle, I urge you to consider that not everypony shares your point of view. Lady Twilight came within a hairsbreadth of death, a traumatic experience for anypony, and she was not the only one. Many ponies in town came close to meeting their end, and more than a few lost their homes and livelihood. Before speaking of the glory of battle, spare a thought for those who paid the price for that glory." He said evenly.

Twilight stared in shock at Derran, unable to believe what she just heard him say. It was eloquent, honest, and the last thing in Equestria she expected to hear from someone who went by the title: Doom Slayer. Instantly Twilight found herself reevaluating all the assumptions she had made about Derran. She knew he was polite, and well spoken, but this was almost. . . "Almost like something Celestia would say." Twilight thought to herself.

Rainbow seemed to deflate as she processed the Doom Slayer's words.

"I. . . I hadn't thought about it like that." She said quietly.

"Me neither." Scootaloo said sadly.

"I understand, I am certain neither of you meant any harm with your words, however, an apology would be wise." Derran replied sympathetically. Rainbow and Scootaloo nodded their understanding. While Twilight mentally shredded the personality profile she had built for Derran in her head.

"I-I'm sorry everypony, I was being a total jerk." Rainbow said addressing both Twilight, and the nearby tables that overheard the conversation.

"Me too, sorry for being so thoughtless." Scootaloo chimed in.

Derran nodded his approval.

"Well now that that's settled, I really must take my leave, and return to work." He stated as he gathered up the various dirty dishes and replaced them on the serving tray. After he finished clearing the table Derran turned to regard each of them in turn. "It was lovely to make your acquaintance Lady Dash, Milady Twilight always a pleasure, and girls I shall see you after I drop off this tray."

The five ponies stared at the retreating Doom Slayer until he was out of sight. After a moment Rainbow spoke.

"Ok I just wanna make sure we're all on the same page. This guy dresses like he's from Tartarus, talks like he went to charm school with Rarity, is powerful enough to kill sixteen dragons at once, and he just lectured me on being more considerate."

Twilight nodded.

"That about sums it up." She replied.

"And that makes sense to everypony?" Rainbow asked incredulous.

"Not even remotely." Twilight stated as she was forced to concede that when it came to Derran Grandel, all she knew was that she knew nothing.

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Derran gave a slight grunt as he tossed the charred support beam he had been carrying onto a large cart.

"That's the last one." He stated to the two ponies hitched to the cart stacked full with the scorched remnants of the last destroyed house in Ponyville.

"Thanks mister Grandel." Said the one on the right, an earth pony stallion with a light brown coat, rust red mane, and a wagon wheel cutie mark adorning his flank.

"Yeah, without you this would have taken at least three times longer." Chimed in the other, a pegasus mare with a sky blue coat, grey mane, and lumber saw cutie mark.

Derran gave a slight bow.

"It was my honor to be of assistance, you are certain you do not require any further aid?"

"Celestia, you must be made of iron! Working all day, hauling wood and stone, barely taking a break, and you still keep asking if you can do more! I wish my kids had half your work ethic." The pegasus mare declared.

"I'll say!" Agreed the stallion. "You've done more than enough today, and it's getting on toward sunset, get some rest, you've earned it and then some."

Derran gave a grateful smile, and inclined his head in thanks.

"Thank you for your kind words, but I will be fine. Safe travels, and I shall see you tomorrow."

The two ponies returned his smile and nodded before starting off. Turning away, and heading back toward the castle Derran heard the mare's voice speak his name, and the words: such a polite stallion. Smiling to himself Derran took off at a slow walk. It really hadn't taken long for the Ponyville populace to start becoming more comfortable with him. After seeing him working with Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Who it turned out were all sisters to Twilight's advisors, and seeing him eating lunch with the Princess of Friendship. Some of the ponies decided to try talking to him. After that, his unfailing politeness, kind hearted attitude, and seemingly inexhaustible work ethic, quickly endeared him to more than a few of them. By the end of his second day back in Equestria the community seemed far less apprehensive about him.

"Yo Derran!" Came a familiar voice from above.

"Greetings Lady Dash, something I can assist you with?" Derran responded with a glance skyward at the hovering pegasus.

Rainbow laughed, at Derran's formal tone.

"You really do need to learn how to loosen up a little when you talk Derran." She commented as she flew overhead, and landed next to him.

"Is there something the matter with my manner of speech?" Derran asked with a faint smile.

"Aw cmon you sound so stiff, and formal, you need to chillax a little. Like, try saying: 'catch you on the flip side RD'."

Derran shrugged.

"I shall catch you on the other side lady RD."

Rainbow smiled faintly, arching an eyebrow.

"Were you even trying?"

Derran smirked.

"Are you insinuating that I would not deign to put forth my best effort in imitating your irreverent manner of speech. Simply to achieve some minor sense of satisfaction in frustrating your efforts to teach me?"

"So 'no' then." Rainbow said grinning at Derran's melodramatic tone.

"Truly lady Dash, have I any need to change when you already understand me so well?" Derran asked theatrically.

Rainbow laughed out loud at that.

"You really are trickier than you look, aren't you?"

Derran simply smiled.

"Well anyway, Twilight asked me to come get you, she thought it might be cool for us to all have dinner together."

Deran nodded.

"Please tell milady Twilight that I would be honored, I shall be there shortly." He stated in his usual measured tone.

Rainbow gave a smirk.

"Care to make it a race?" She asked.

Derran took note of the challenge in her voice as he answered.

"How am I to outrun somepony who can fly?"

"It'd be a hoof race, no wings, so whaddya say?"

Derran smiled his eyes reflecting the determination he saw in Rainbow's.

"Very well, on the count of three?"

"Sure." Rainbow responded cooly. "One. . .two. . .THREE!"

Twilight looked over the list for the dinner she had prepared one last time, trying to make certain that nothing was out of place. She wished Spike was here. He was a much better cook than she was, but he and Starlight wouldn't be returning for at least a few more days. Consulting her checklist again Twilight recited it aloud.

"Bread? check. Soup? check. Main course? check. Dessert? check. Table is set, drinks are ready to pour, I think that's everything."

Twilight put aside the list and thought about how surreal her life had suddenly become. Certainly she and her friends had had strange things happen to them before, but at least they had usually been pretty straightforward. Derran was almost a complete enigma though, all she really knew for certain was that he seemed to be a genuinely nice guy, unless he saw you as an enemy. What little information he had given her about himself was either incredibly vague or useless due to lack of context. Twilight hoped that this dinner with Rainbow Dash, and her would create an opportunity to get the particulars of his background, including how he knew Celestia and Luna.

"I'm glad Rainbow agreed to join us, this would feel way to awkward with just Derran and I." Twilight said to herself as she set the table. Just as Twilight finished her task she heard muted conversation followed by a gentle knock at the door. "Come in." She called out. The door opened to reveal Derran, as well as a flushed, and faintly panting Rainbow Dash. Twilight's eyes widened when she saw how out of breath her friend appeared. "Dash what happened, are you ok?"

"Just overdid it a little, nothing I can't handle."Dash reassured, her breathing already returning to normal.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"Lady Dash, and myself had a friendly little hoof race on the way here." Derran explained.

"Yeah, and Twilight you should'a seen Derran here, I didn't think anypony could move that fast without wings!" Dash interjected.

"Wait," Twilight said incredulous. "you're saying. . ."

"He won." Rainbow admitted, her tone showing her admiration for her opponent despite having lost.

"It was a close race, and I happened to get lucky." Derran stated modestly.

"Pfft, yeah right, you totally left me in the dust!" Rainbow declared giving Derran a good natured shot in the arm.

"You honor me with your kind word's lady Dash." Derran stated giving a slight bow. Rainbow sighed, and shook her head.

"Now we just have to figure out how to get you to loosen up when you talk." She said with a smirk.

"I fear lady Dash, that this is a task even you, cannot accomplish." Derran replied with a smile, causing Rainbow to chuckle slightly.

"Well," Twilight said happily. "you two seem to be getting along well."

"What can I say? He really grows on you." Rainbow stated with a smile. Twilight nodded in agreement before turning to her other guest.

"Derran, why don't you clean up, and get out of that armor you're wearing? The room I gave you has a shower you can use, and I made sure there were plenty of towels."

"That does sound very pleasant milady, but I am afraid I have no other clothing." Derran responded.

"Don't worry, just wear whatever you have on under the armor." Twilight said shrugging.

"I apologize milady, I should have been clearer. I meant that I posses no clothing save for my armor."

Twilight's eyes widened, as her face reddened.

"So, under that armor, you're. . ."

"Severely underdressed." Derran affirmed with a slight trace of embarrassment.

"Wow Derran you're a lot wilder than I gave you credit for." Rainbow declared laughing, earning a look of mild disapproval from Twilight.

Twilight sat at the table with Rainbow. Derran had explained it would take at least ten minutes to remove, and re-don his armor, plus fifteen minutes for the shower. That gave her, and Rainbow about thirty five minutes to talk alone.

"So. . . what do you think?" Twilight asked.

"I think it might be interesting to see what our new friend look's like au natural." Rainbow replied salaciously.

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight cried out scandalized.

"Hey just sayin he's definitely caught my attention, besides it's not like we wear clothes much."

"That's hardly the point!" Twilight said disapprovingly.

"Oh c'mon, you can't say you're not just a little curious? Think of how jacked he must be under that armor to tear a dragon's head clean off! I bet he could give a mare a serious roll in the-"

"Ok, I get it, you're attracted, can we move on?!" Twilight interrupted annoyed, her cheeks burning at the lewd images her friend's words had conjured.

"Ok, ok, no need to get so uptight." Rainbow said with a wave her hoof. "Derran seems cool to me, and he treats you like, well. . .royalty. Honestly I'm more interested in why you seem so on edge with the guy?"

Twilight chewed her lower lip for a moment before responding.

"I don't know, it's just. . . I can't understand why if he knows Celestia and Luna I've never heard of him. I can't see him being their enemy, but if they were as close as he seemed to indicate, why didn't they tell me about him?" Rainbow shrugged as she absentmindedly balanced a spoon on her hoof.

"Did you try looking in the diary that we found in their old castle, maybe there's something in that?"

Twilight shook her head.

"That was the first place I looked for information, but there's nothing; unless. . ."

Rainbow glanced over at her friend suddenly curious.

"Unless what?"

Twilight glanced around conspiratorially, motioning Dash closer. Rainbow leaned in as Twilight lowered her voice.

"Not long after we found the book I read it cover to cover, and there was one thing that always confused me."

"What was it?" Rainbow asked still managing to keep the spoon on her hoof from falling.

"There's an area in the book from about twelve hundred years ago where I saw a large number of pages had been torn out."

Rainbow's eyes widened, and the spoon fell onto the table with a loud clatter.

"You never told us about that, how much time was missing?"

"About a year's worth, and when I asked Celestia about the missing pages, she, and Luna started acting really strange."

Rainbow leaned a bit closer not wanting to miss a word of the story.

"Wadd'ya mean 'strange'?"

Twilight glanced at the door leading toward Derran's room before replying.

"Well first they just froze, like I had just said something completely horrifying, then they tried to brush it off. They told me rats must have eaten out the pages, and that they weren't important anyway."

Rainbow shrugged.


Twilight shook her head.

"So?! Rainbow that was the first, and as far as I know, only time Celestia and Luna ever lied to me!"

Suddenly Rainbow looked skeptical.

"Ok, hold up, what makes you think they were lying?"

"Rainbow, the pages that were missing were torn out, rats don't do that. Second, all the book's in the castle of the two sisters are enchanted to be almost indestructible! The only way somepony could have torn out those pages, is if they did it with powerful magic!"

"So you think. . ." Rainbow said, putting the pieces together.

Twilight nodded.

"I think Celestia, and Luna took out those pages on purpose, and for some reason they don't want anypony to know."

Rainbow nodded slowly.

"Maybe. . . but maybe it was just something really embarrassing that they wanted to forget, what makes you think it had to do with Derran?"

Twilight shook her head.

"If it was just a single embarrassing event why remove almost a year's worth of entries?"

Rainbow shrugged.

"Maybe it was an accident."

"That might explain it, but there are a few other things that don't add up."

Rainbow arched an eyebrow.

"Like what?"

Twilight once more lowered her voice.

"Well for one thing, when Celestia was lying to me. . . Rainbow I've never seen her look so miserable. She and Luna both looked like they were struggling to hold back tears, and the pain in their eyes. . . it was horrifying."

Rainbow's eyes widened slightly, but she was still a little skeptical.

"Well, maybe they just really hated lying to you?" She offered, though even to her that explanation sounded incredibly weak.

"I don't think so, nopony get's that bent out of shape from one lie, not even Applejack, and she both hates lies, and is terrible at telling them. Plus there's one last thing. . ."

"What's that?" Rainbow asked thoroughly intrigued by this point.

"Here I'll show you." Twilight said, and in a flash of light the diary of the two sisters appeared between them. Twilight opened the ancient book to a pre-marked page. The page in question was directly after an area where a large number of pages had clearly been torn out close to the binding. However the very final page must have been slightly stronger than the others because a small strip of it remained intact. The hoof writing was neat, but the ink had been blurred by a drop of liquid having fallen on the page. Nevertheless it was still possible to read the two words written there.

He's gone

Rainbow stared at Twilight in shock.

"No way. . ."

Twilight nodded.

"Derran told us both that he came to Equestria once before, over a thousand years ago. The missing entries are also from over a thousand years ago. We also know Derran knew Luna, and Celestia, and that he left Equestria for some reason, again over a thousand years ago. Finally we find that the beginning of the last sentence in the missing journal entries is 'he's gone'."

Rainbow nodded.

"Ok, but what exactly does this tell us besides Derran probably wasn't lying about knowing Celestia and Luna?"

Twilight gave an exasperated sigh.

"Nothing, and that's the problem! We don't know anything, that's why I need you to help me get Derran to tell us about who he really is, and why he's here!" Twilight declared, sounding just a little hysterical.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow.

"So, why not just ask him?"

Suddenly Twilight looked nervous.

"Well it's just. . ."

"Just what?" Rainbow asked after a few moments of prolonged silence from her friend.

Twilight let out a heavy sigh.

"I. . . I don't know."

Now it was Rainbow's turn to sigh.

"Look Twilight, I know Derran is kind of strange, but well. . ." Rainbow paused to think of the right words. "Twilight I think that you're overanalyzing this. I know you have a lot of questions but if that's all you focus on you're gonna miss out on how awesome a guy Derran is."

Twilight balked at that.

"Rainbow we know nothing about him, and with his power we need answers!"

Rainbow shrugged.

"Do we? Honestly Twilight, since he got here Derran has been nothing but a kind, productive member of Ponyville, what more do we need to know?" Twilight opened her mouth to reply but Rainbow cut her off. "I'm not saying we stop looking for answers, I'm just saying we give Derran a chance to tell us at his own speed, and in his own way. Instead of interrogating him, let's just treat him like the friend he seems to be."

Twilight took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before replying.

"You're right Rainbow, I guess I'm still a little nervous after everything that has happened. The attack by Garble, Derran's arrival, Dragon Lord Ember showing up, the repairs, and until you got back, having to do everything without my closest friends. . . It was all so overwhelming that I just started getting desperate to bring some order to the chaos. Derran was the biggest unknown in the pile, and I guess on some level I thought that understanding him would give me more control over the situation."

Rainbow nodded.

"Hey I hear ya, remember how I reacted when I found out Tank was hibernating?"

Twilight laughed a little.

"Oh I remember; what did the head of Cloudsdale's weather factory say when he found out about what you did to the machines?"

Rainbow let out a raucous laugh.

"I think it was: 'If I ever see you near my factory again, I'll hit you with enough lightning to make you outshine the sun!'" Rainbow replied attempting a poor impression of the angry factory head's voice.

The two friends laughed together as they recalled the memory, and the image of the purple faced pegasus shouting himself hoarse at Rainbow. Wiping tears of mirth from their faces the two ponies glanced at the clock.

"Well Derran should be just about done by now, so I guess I'll start serving the soup. Rainbow would you grab the bread on the hutch over there, and put it in the center of the table please?" Twilight asked rising from her seat and turning to the kitchen. Rainbow nodded gliding over to the crystallyn hutch to retrieve the woven basket containing the bread. The bread was covered in a red piece of cloth to keep it warm, but as Rainbow grabbed it, a coal black object fell out onto the floor with a CLUNK!

"Uh Twilight?" Rainbow asked uncertainly.

"Yes?" She asked smiling.

"What is that?" Rainbow asked, hoping it wasn't what it looked like.

Glancing down Twilight smiled proudly.

"That's the bread I made, whaddya think?"

Servant of Equestria

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Derran looked at himself in the mirror, examining his body from a variety of angles. It wasn't ego that made him do this, rather it was a matter of practicality. His armor might protect him, but it didn't make him invincible, it also prevented him from checking himself for wounds that might not have been readily apparent. Most people would have asked how you could be injured and not know it, but the Doom Slayer knew that when your adrenalin was up you could easily sustain damage, and not realize it till much later. True Derran's armour kept him apprised of his general physical health, but it never hurt to go that extra mile to be sure.

Satisfied that he was whole, and hearty, Derran frowned at the length of his hair. It looked nice, but in battle an enemy could easily use it as a convenient hand hold, and dying as a result of vanity was hardly an appealing fate. Although, as he wore a helmet that completely encased his head, he saw no reason to worry about it just yet. Besides he wanted to look his best for the Princess, and Lady Dash, simply as a matter of being polite.

"I wonder what miladies Luna and Celestia will think?" Derran wondered aloud.

Luna, and Celestia. . . he wondered if they remembered him? He certainly had never forgotten them, nor would he. Still, he had been gone for almost twelve hundred years, even for immortals that was a long absence. His time with them had been all too brief, but while it had lasted it had been one of the happiest periods of his long existence. He would never hold it against the Princesses if they had forgotten. After all they had done for him he could never think ill of them.

"If they have moved on. . .then so be it, it will not change the vow I swore so long ago. Even if I am forgotten, even should they deny me what they promised, I will always be faithful." Derran affirmed to himself. However; if they did remember, if they did honor their promise. . . "It will not change my duty, it will only make it that much more important." Derran stated to his reflection as he began re-donning his armor. It was a bit more difficult this time, as he needed one hand free to grasp the Crucible. The vile artifact was far too important to risk losing, and though he now walked on holy ground, that was no excuse for lowering his guard completely. he had even gone so far as to carry it into the shower with him. Until he presented it to the Seraphim sisters, the Doom Slayer would leave nothing to chance.

Twilight felt like she was going to throw up. The dinner she had painstakingly made herself, was completely inedible. The bread was the flavor and texture of coal, the soup tasted like dirt, the vegetable stir fry was a color she wasn't even certain had a name, and the pie she had tried to bake had somehow exploded in the oven. Rainbow stared at the mess in the kitchen in shock.

"Run through it for me again, how did this happen?" Rainbow asked, not certain whether to be horrified or impressed by the scale of Twilight's failure as a cook. Twilight's answer came in a mechanical monotone that, combined with her blank expression, made Rainbow wonder if her friend had finally gone off the deep end.

"By the time I got back to the castle I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get everything done in time for when Derran returned. So I tweaked a few things to make it go faster." Twilight explained, with just enough emotion entering her voice to indicate how close she was to complete hysteria.

"Tweaked?! Twilight, the only thing I know how to cook is toast, and even I could have done this better! What in the name of Celestia did you do!?" Rainbow asked stunned.

"Well instead of baking the bread for two hours at 550 degrees I decided to bake it for one hour at 1100 degrees, I thought mathematically it would work out the same. Then I realized we were out of cooking oil. It was too late to go buy some more, and the market was damaged in Garble's attack anyway. So I substituted with the oil I use for my alchemy, and potion making, it's non toxic so I thought it would work for something as simple as stir fry. Then with the apple pie, I threw in a few spoonfuls of yeast to make the crust rise faster."

Rainbow stared at her friend in disbelief.

"And, the soup?" She asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

Twilight didn't even blink as she replied like an automaton.

"I think I just forgot to tell the spell to wash the dirt off the carrots and radishes, and they were fresh picked."

"Wait, what spell?" Rainbow asked a hint of accusation in her voice.

"I enchanted the pots, pans, and utensils to finish the cooking automatically while I took a shower." Twilight replied emotionlessly.

Rainbow stared at her friend, not quite certain what to say. However, before she could decide, a voice directly behind her let her know she was out of time.

"Miladies are you- by the Seraphim, what happened in here?!" Came the stunned voice of the Doom Slayer.

Twilight whipped around to see Derran standing there with an expression of shock. She felt a stab of fear as she considered the many possible reactions of the Doom Slayer. Would he be angry, disappointed, insulted? Twilight's mind flashed back to the last time she had tried to impress foreign dignitaries with a feast. Said dignitaries had come from Yakyakistan, and her screw ups had almost triggered a war. Derran might only be one individual, but with the power and weapons he possessed, he could easily turn her castle, maybe even all of Equestria, into a smouldering crater. However, once again, Twilight was surprised by the Doom Slayer's reaction.

"You know Milady if you were having trouble in the kitchen you could always have requested my assistance." Derran said with a chuckle.

All at once Twilight felt a crippling sense of shame. Derran wasn't going to hurt her, he wasn't even upset. Suddenly Twilight felt the emotional weight of the last few days hit her all in a single moment. She felt miserable about everything. About the state of her town, about the ruined dinner, but most of all: about how she, the so called "Princess of Friendship". Was treating perhaps the kindest sweetest stallion she'd ever met in her life. Twilight felt herself fall to her knees out of a combination of physical, and emotional exhaustion. Looking up and recalling her earlier discussion with Rainbow; Twilight realized what she needed to do.

"I-I'm sorry mister Grandel." Twilight said softly looking at the floor.

Derran knelt in front of Twilight out of concern, looking at her downturned head in surprise.

"My dear Lady Twilight, what could you possibly have to apologise for? You were kind enough to prepare dinner for me, and Lady Dash. Even after a long day of managing every detail of the town's reconstruction. You have been working the hardest of anypony, and I forbid you to deride yourself over a few burnt carrots."

Twilight shook her head.

"That's not it." She said miserably.

Derran's expression of surprise, and solicitude grew deeper.

"Then what troubles you Milady?"

Twilight actually felt tears coming to her eyes as she stared into Derran's. They were filled with nothing but kindness, and concern for her.

"I said I wanted to be your friend Derran, but instead of thinking of ways to get to know you, I've been thinking of ways to interrogate you. When I prepared all this I wasn't thinking about how to make you feel welcome, I was thinking about how to get information out of you! I'm the Princess of Friendship, I'm supposed to make friends with strangers, not smile to their face while plotting how to get what I want from them behind their backs!"

Twilight was stunned to suddenly feel Derran place a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"So that is what this is about?" He said with a relieved smile. "Milady I do not think you fully understand what your title means."

Twilight wiped tears from her eye's with the back of her hoof, before giving Derran a perplexed look.

"What do you mean?"

"Being the Princess of Friendship dosen't mean you instantly become it's avatar. Growth does not stop once you attain a certain rank, nor does it mean you have nothing left to learn. Quite frankly I would be genuinely concerned if you weren't at least a little suspicious of me. However even with those suspicions you trusted me enough to let me walk amongst your ponies unshackled, and unsupervised. Others might have at least had me with an escort at all times, or demanded I turn over my weapons, but you did neither. You gave me your trust, offered me a place to stay, and even cooked me dinner, that sounds like friendship to me."

"But-" Twilight tried to interject, but Derran cut her off.

"Milady never feel like you failed just because you were less than perfect. Perfection is a concept to which we may aspire, but should never hope to reach. Only the mad, and the deluded believe otherwise. A great conqueror said it best when he said 'I weep, for there are no more worlds to conquer.' do you understand what he meant by that Milady?" Twilight shook her head. "In a nutshell, should a man, or pony, ever become perfect, they might as well be dead. Think about it, what would be the point in going on? You would know all there is to know, you will have done all there is to do, and seen all there is to see, who in their right mind would want such an existence? Never apologize for not being perfect, only ever apologise for not trying."

Twilight nodded, she would have spoken if she could have, but Derran's words were so powerful they left her speechless. Instantly she felt all the fear, stress, and anxiety from the last few days vanish. She now saw Derran in a new light. As he helped her to her hooves she looked into his eyes, and felt a connection she hadn't before. She now had no doubt that Derran could be trusted, but it was more than just that. She couldn't quite put words to the feeling, but it made her blush deeply as Derran smiled broadly at her.

"Alright then, now that, that is out of the way, I insist that you two ladies head outside while I clean this up, and prepare dinner for you." Twilight opened her mouth to protest, but Derran forestalled her with an upraised hand. "Nu-bup-bup, not a word of argument, you two have had a very busy day, and deserve a chance to put your hooves up."

"You sure Derran? You haven't exactly been taking it easy yourself." Rainbow Dash commented uncertainly.

Deran gave Dash a confidant smirk.

"Milady Dash, to quote an old soldier 'I can rest when I'm dead.', now off with you, dinner shall be ready within the hour."

Dinner was a simple, but thoroughly delicious affair. The starter was a freshly tossed spring green salad, with sprigs of Dandelion and Rose petals, topped with a simple vinaigrette dressing. The main dish was a selection of oven baked vegetables brushed with butter, and then sprinkled with salt, pepper, and a few select herbs. Finally for dessert, Derran prepared vanilla ice cream with blackberries. Rainbow, and Twilight dug in immediately at Derran's insistence, and it was all they could do to keep from moaning in delight.

"Derran this is delicious! Where did you learn to cook?" Twilight asked between bites.

Derran inclined his head in recognition of the praise.

"When I was here a millennia ago I learned a few Equestrian recipes, but I was taught to cook by my mother. She said every respectable man must know how to read, write, and cook. She insisted that a real man must be a gentleman, and he must read at least one book every month to ensure his wits did not dim."

Twilight slowed her eating for a moment.

"She sounds like a very wise mare." She said.

Derran nodded slowly.

"She was." He said sadly. "However she passed on long ago."

Twilight nodded in sympathy, before gently changing the subject.

"So what do you like to read?"

Derran perked up as he responded.

"Anything, and everything, though I have particular fondness for tales of war, and romance. Stories of great heroes, fighting for justice and love against impossible odds."

"Isn't that kinda redundant though? I mean you live that life don't you?" Rainbow Dash asked perplexed.

Derran sighed.

"Lady Dash I may be a warrior, but I assure you; I'm no hero." He said softly.

"Waddya mean, a little over two days ago you slew a dragon, and rescued a Princess, how's that not heroic?" Dash replied with a wave of her hoof.

Derran looked up from his meal to regard Rainbow with a sad smile.

"I may perform heroic actions but that is not what I am."

"Well what else would you call yourself then?" Rainbow asked with a small laugh.

"An executioner." He responded simply.

Twilight, and Rainbow both stopped eating. They glanced at one another briefly before Twilight spoke.

"What do you mean?"

Derran took a deep breath as he considered how to respond.

"To be a Doom Slayer, is to be black and white. There is no grey in my world, you are either guilty, or you are innocent. The purpose of the Doom Slayer is to destroy the wicked, I show no mercy, and I feel no remorse. A Doom Slayer cannot be bought, he cannot be bargained with, and he cannot be dissuaded once his course of action is set. I leave it to a higher power than myself to establish the nature of evil, my only job is to find the evil, and see it destroyed."

Rainbow looked slightly nervous, while Twilight calmly asked the pertinent question.

"What is this higher power then?"

Derran looked at Twilight as though the answer should have been obvious.

"Why, the Seraphim of course."

Meeting Their Doom Slayer

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Rainbow watched the train from Manehattan as it pulled into Ponyville station with a loud metallic screech. A moment later the doors to the passenger cars opened, and Rainbow watched through clouds of steam as ponies disembarked. Hovering about twenty feet above the platform she kept her eyes searching for her targets. Swiftly locating a familiar brown stetson hat and elegantly styled purple mane Rainbow descended back to earth with a smile.

"Hey Applejack, Rarity, over here!" She called out, waving a hoof.

The two ponies smiled, and waved to their friend as they moved to greet her.

"Hey there Rainbow, it was mighty thoughtful of ya ta come meet us like this." Applejack said giving Rainbow a high hoof.

"Indeed darling, when did you get back from your performance in Fillydelphia?" Rarity asked with a smile and a toss of her mane.

Rainbow smiled as they started walking along the platform toward the baggage car.

"About two days ago, it was awesome! The city was amazing, and the stadium was packed every show!" She explained happily.

"Have y'all seen Twilight? Ah was worried she'da felt a mite left out, what with all of us gone." Applejack said with a little concern.

Rainbow smirked as her friends collected their bags, or in Rarity's case; several large trunks that she placed on a heavy duty luggage trolley.

"Oh trust me she's had plenty to keep her busy, what with our new visitor." Dash replied cryptically.

Applejack, and Rarity glanced questioningly at Rainbow.

"And what new visitor might that be darling? Ooh, did Trenderhoof come to visit me?!" Rarity squealed, causing Applejack to roll her eyes slightly.

"Nope." Rainbow said with a smirk.

"Oh, is it Rah-rah? Ah know she said she wanted to visit Ponyville again soon." Applejack asked excitedly.

Rainbow's smirk widened.

"If you mean Coloratura, then no."

"Is it Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart?" Rarity guessed.

"Hehe, nope, it's somepony, or should I say somebody completely new."

Applejack and Rarity looked at each other curiously before shrugging and looking back at Rainbow Dash.

"Well don't keep us in suspense darling what's their name?" Rarity asked, as Applejack nodded.

Rainbow giggled as though enjoying some private joke.

"Tell you what, why don't I introduce you to him, and you can ask him yourself." She said, smiling mischievously.

Applejack arched an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Why can't ya'll just tell us?"

Rarity nodded.

"Indeed darling, this seems a bit, melodramatic for my tastes." She said, causing Applejack to roll her eyes again.

Rainbow shook her head still smiling.

"Nope, no way I'm gonna ruin the surprise, but I will tell you a little about him. First though I need to tell you about the dragon attack a few days ago. . ."

Twilight stared across the table at her guest, not quite sure how to begin.

"So. . . where's your other retainer? His name was Stormfang right?"

Dragon lord Ember glanced up from the teacup she was drinking out of to nod.

"I left him back in the Dragonlands, he's one of the 'old guard' who think anybody, err, anypony who isn't a dragon is only good for food. I figured for what I wanted to discuss it was better if he wasn't here. Where's that armoured creature who was with you? Derran, was it?"

"He's out assisting with the repairs, he wanted to be here, but I figured you might not like him around because of, well. . ." Twilight trailed off.

Ember nodded.

"I appreciate the thought, though honestly I don't personally feel any anger toward him. He was only defending what was important to him, and you can hardly fault sompony for that. Besides, at that point Garble was little more than a rabid animal. I wish I could believe otherwise, but I don't think things could have ended any other way."

Twilight nodded sadly.

"You may be right, but I still wish there was something that we could have done to prevent it happening in the first place." She said with genuine regret.

"Actually, that's exactly what I hoped to talk to you about Princess Twilight." Ember stated with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked curiously.

Ember sighed as she rose from her seat, walking a short distance to gaze out an open window overlooking Ponyville.

"During the Gauntlet of Fire, your assistant Spike helped me see that there is great power in having friends, and allies. He also proved that having a strong mind, and heart, can be far more useful than any amount of muscle." Ember paused, and Twilight waited for her to continue. "Look at what knowledge, and friendship has done for you ponies." Ember exclaimed gesturing out the window. "Green fields, thriving towns, laughing children, art, music, festivals, and so much more! Meanwhile we dragon's have only barren wastes, pits of lava, and useless wealth. We have no songs, no celebrations, no cities, and our only joy comes at the expense of others, in truth; we have no civilization at all!"

Twilight nodded sympathetically.

"I take it you want to change that?"

Ember turned back to Twilight nodding.

"Yes, and I want to start by opening trade with Equestria. The dragon nation has an unimaginable amount of gold but nothing to spend it on, we just hoard it because it's pretty." Ember paused for a moment, before continuing with just a hint of reverence in her voice. "Your ponies have so many things that don't exist in the Dragonlands, tea, fruit, books, cloth. Things that I'm sure my subjects would want to buy if only they knew about them. So here's what I'm proposing, a grand festival, sponsored by the Dragon Lord, and the Princesses of Equestria. Your ponies could bring all the amazing things Equestria has to offer so my subjects can try them, while the Dragon Nation would finance the event. Hopefully it would help my subjects see the benefit of things like friendship simply by interacting with your ponies, what do you think?"

Twilight's face lit up.

"I think that sounds like a great idea! I'm sure Celestia, Luna, and Cadence will all want to participate. This will be an amazing opportunity for both our kingdoms!" She said clapping her hooves in excitement.

Ember smiled grateful for Twilight's enthusiasm.

"Thank you Princess, honestly after what happened I was afraid you wouldn't be interested."

Twilight smiled.

"I'm not really into holding grudges, and it wouldn't feel right to blame the entire Dragon Nation just because a few dragons happen to be jerks."

Ember nodded.

"The way of thinking in the Dragon Nation has started changing since I took power. Most dragons believed physical strength was the only trait that mattered. However after Spike, a dragon raised by ponies, won the Gauntlet of Fire. Some dragons have started wondering if there might be more to life than just physical power, and treasure."

"I take it you've been encouraging that line of thinking?" Twilight asked.

Ember smiled.

"I have. I want more for dragonkind than to be seen as ferocious destructive beasts. I want us to have a true society, a culture. I want dragons to build a civilization that will stand the test of time, and be constructed upon a foundation of wisdom, and friendship!" Ember declared, conviction in every word.

Twilight nodded slowly.

"A beautiful dream. . . one I would be honored to help make a reality." She said with a gentle smile.

Ember smiled broadly in return.

"Thank you Princess, you have no idea how much that means to me."

Twilight nodded, and was about to reply when she heard what sounded like a distant series of explosions. . .

Derran looked at his surroundings with a critical eye. Shortly after Twilight received word that the Dragon Lord had been sighted she had requested Derran leave the castle, despite his protests. In the end he had capitulated only because he was fairly certain that the dragon's leader truly had no wish for conflict. One thing Derran had always been good at was telling when someone was trying to hide their real motives. Ember had seemed genuinely distressed at the damage to the town during their first meeting, and when Derran had looked into her eyes he saw no signs of duplicity. Nevertheless, Derran had lingered out of sight near the castle to observe the dragon's arrival. He had gone only after noticing that Stormfang was absent from Ember's retinue, indicating she wanted to be as diplomatic as possible. He also noticed her second retainer was carrying a massive locked chest that gave off the sound of shifting coins with every step. As such, the Doom Slayer decided that at the very least he could trust the dragons to honor their word. While that didn't mean Derran would trust them completely, he would trust them for the moment.

Thus Derran had headed for town. In the end he decided it was all for the best. Ponyville was still in dire need of repair, and his strength would be most needed there, rather than standing idly by in the castle. He had intended to assist in rebuilding the houses, though he had never been much good at carpentry, but a problem had arisen almost immediately. Apparently there was not enough lumber, and while Ponyville had a small saw mill, somehow they had run out of logs to process into new boards.

"Forgive my ignorance, but how can you be out of logs when you live at the edge of a massive forest?" Derran had asked the boss of the mill. An older earth pony mare with an orange coat, short white mane, hatchet cutie mark and a no nonsense look about her.

"We don't get our wood from the forest, it's too dangerous. All our logs come by rail, but some quill necked moron screwed up the orders, and we won't get a new shipment for a week!" She said irritably.

"Apologies for being a bit harsh, but that is unacceptable. We cannot expect the displaced citizens to spend an entire week in tents while we accomplish nothing." Darran said curtly.

The mare nodded slowly.

"I hear ya, but there's nothing that can be done."

Derran looked over the mare's shoulder at the distant edge of the Everfree forest.

"Tell me," He began, a plan quickly taking shape in his head. "how many unicorns could you gather together on short notice?"

The boss mare glanced at the Doom Slayer in confusion.

"Why do you-" She began but Derran swiftly cut her off.

"Just answer the question please." he said politely but firmly.

The mare shrugged.

"I dunno, maybe about forty or so, but why-"

Derran continued, ignoring the mare's interrupted question.

"Would that be enough to lift trees of the appropriate size from the forest to the mill?"

The boss mare glanced up at Derran in shock, starting to guess his plan.

"Well yes, but you can't be suggesting-" She started as again the Doom Slayer interrupted.

"How big of a tree would you need?"

At this point the mare was starting to grow a little irritated.

"Look I wanna help these ponies too, but marching into that wood is suicide for anypony who-" Yet again she found herself interrupted.

"Suicide for anypony perhaps, but at the risk of sounding a touch arrogant; I am no pony. Now, if you would be so kind, please elaborate on the dimensions of the trees you require." Derran stated as he continued to work out the details in his head.

"At least 36 inches in diameter, and minimum of 100 feet tall." She said simply, deciding that arguing would be pointless.

"Very well, gather up every unicorn you can find, and tell them to wait, I shall return when I have enough trees." Derran said calmly.

"Hold on, how exactly are you planning to cut all the trees? I know you're strong, but I seriously doubt even you could just tear them out of the ground!" The mare demanded raising her voice slightly in exasperation.

Derran had simply smiled.

"What is your name madam?"

"Sawdust." She replied.

"Well miss Sawdust I can assure you I have no intention of trying to tear trees out of the ground. However I promise you I can get you the wood you need, I simply need a little time. Unless the idea of waiting for a week is a more preferable option, in which case I shall happily defer to your greater wisdom in the matter." Derran stated with a respectful bow.

Sawdust sighed.

"Well you've already performed one miracle, I guess I can believe you can pull off another. Alright, I'll get everypony ready, just don't get yourself killed."

Derran nodded.

"I shall be the very soul of caution miss Sawdust, and will return as soon as I can."

Thus Derran now found himself a short ways into the Everfree Forest searching for the trees he needed. Fortunately the forest was not quite as thick in the area he was exploring, allowing him to see a fair distance in all directions. It didn't take him long to find what he was looking for. After only a few minutes Derran located a large clump of oak trees of the proper size and shape. There was a flash of red light, and a faint crack as the Doom slayer summoned the perfect weapon for the job. The hum of the chainsaw in Derran's hands felt like the handshake of an old, treasured friend. Many were the foes who had been felled by the whirling metallic teeth of this terrible device. Yet now for the first time the Doom Slayer would use it for it's original intended purpose.

"And to think, I found you on a planet devoid of even a single tree." Derran mused as he started toward his first target.

"So, this stallion is strong, heroic, well mannered, educated, kind hearted, handsome, and he can cook?" Rarity asked skeptically.

"Yep." Rainbow nodded.

Rarity arched an eyebrow, clearly not believing a word of it.

"Darling if this is a prank it's not one of your better ones. No stallion in Equestria is that perfect."

AJ nodded in agreement.

"An ya'll don't seriously expect us ta believe that somepony could slay sixteen dragons by themselves?"

Rainbow gave them a superior looking smile.

"Oh? Care to bet on it?" She asked slyly.

Applejack gave a wry smile.

"What did ya'll have in mind?" She asked a challenge in her voice.

Rainbow smirked, this was going to be too sweet for words.

"How about if I win, you have to admit to the entire town that I'm the greatest athlete in Ponyville, and you can never take it back?"

Applejack gave Rainbow a suspicious look. The two of them had been competing against each other for the "best Ponyville athlete" title for years. Despite numerous competitions, and contests between them, neither had ever claimed a decisive victory, and both coveted the title with equal ferocity. If Rainbow was willing to risk losing her shot at it over this bet she had to be extremely confident in victory. Still the idea was absurd, nopony could be that powerful, could they? True she'd seen the cleared areas where the destroyed structures used to stand, but all that proved was that there had been a fire, this had to be a bluff.

"Ok, deal. If you can prove there's a stallion capable of slayin sixteen dragons at once, ah'll admit your Ponyville's best athlete."

Rainbow smiled triumphantly, as they spit on their hooves, and shook to seal the bet. After dropping off their belongings Rarity, and Applejack, returned to meet Rainbow Dash at the center of Ponyville to be introduced to this legendary stallion.

"Allright girls, just follow me." Rainbow declared.

"Why? Ah thought you'd be bringin' this hero ah yours here." Applejack asked curiously.

"Well I was, but turns out he went to run an errand, so we're gonna have to go to him." Rainbow said slightly embarrassed.

"I hope it's not to far, the train ride was exhausting, and I don't want to be running around all over Ponyville looking for this mythical stallion of yours." Rarity declared.

"Don't worry it's not too far, and trust me, this guy is worth the wait." Rainbow replied with a smirk.

Though skeptical Rarity, and Applejack were still curious about this strange new friend Rainbow had told them about. Applejack wanting to find out if there really was a pony capable of the incredible feats of strength, and skill Rainbow described. While Rarity was curious to find out if said pony was as refined, and gentlecoltly as Rainbow implied. In truth Rarity wondered if Rainbow had come across her secret stash of romance novels. If so, it would explain how she would be able to make up a personality as perfect as the one she claimed this stallion possessed. For about ten minutes they walked in silence, however when Rainbow lead them out of the town limits they spoke up.

"Uh, Rainbow darling, where exactly are you taking us?" Rarity asked nervously.

"Yeah, this here jus leads to the edge of the Everfree Forest." Applejack chimed in.

Rainbow turned back to give her friends a slightly condescending smile.

"Duh, where else do you expect to find the mightiest hero in Equestria? Somepony said they saw him head this way after talking to Sawdust. He probably got bored, and decided to go fight a Manticore or something."

Privately Rainbow knew that likely wasn't true, but she couldn't resist teasing her friends a little.

"Oh, no no no, there is absolutely no way I am going in there!" Rarity declared huffily.

"Me neither, least not this way." Applejack agreed.

Rainbow gave her two companions a look of exasperation.

"Oh come on we go into this forest like every other week, why is it such a big deal now?"

Applejack shook her head.

"Goin on one of the paths is one thing, those go around the most dangerous areas. You go in anywhere else, and who knows what ya'll might run into." She explained irritably.

Rainbow sighed.

"Ok fine, tell you what, I'll fly up and see if I can spot him, if I can't or if he's too far out then we'll wait for him back in town, deal?"

Applejack considered it for a moment before slowly nodding.

"Ah guess that'll be alright, but if this friend ah yours is more than a hunnred feet in, then forget it."

Rainbow smiled.

"Deal, just give me one sec." She said before shooting into the sky.

Flying over the forest, Rainbow scanned for any sign of the Doom Slayer, it didn't take her long to spot him. He was about eighty feet from the edge of the forest, and was holding a large, noisy object that buzzed as he used it to slice into the side of a tree in a spray of sawdust and wood chips. About five other cut trees lay near Derran in a small pile. Rainbow watched for a moment as the tree he was working on fell to the ground, the loud "CRACK" of breaking branches accompanying it's slow fall. Gliding back down to Rarity, and Applejack, Rainbow jerked her head toward the forest.

"He's about eighty feet in, and don't worry I didn't see any monsters, Poison Joke, or anything else like that."

Applejack glanced at the trees suspiciously.

"What was that sound we just heard?"

Rainbow shrugged.

"Looks like he's cutting down trees with some kind of machine, I've never seen anything like it before, but that's making the sound. So, ready to meet the hero of the century?" She asked with a devil may care grin.

"Ah suppose." Applejack said, suddenly feeling a bit nervous.

"Oh very well, but it had better be worth all this. . . dirt." Rarity said with a shudder.

Rainbow just smiled as she led the way, it didn't take long for them to find who they were looking for. Unfortunately, something else had found him first. . .

Hell to Pay, and Friends to Meet

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Rainbow stared in horror at the scene before her. There was the Doom Slayer, his back to her, Rarity, and Applejack, surrounded by dozens of snarling Timber Wolves. Nearly invisible when in the forest, it was small wonder that even Rainbow hadn't seen them during her flyover a moment ago. Rainbow had only briefly encountered the creatures herself, and only on one occasion. But that had been more than enough to cement their presence in her nightmares. They were elementals that only lived in the Everfree Forest. With bodies formed of living wood, they existed only to hunt, and kill, and were nearly impossible to destroy. While it was possible to break apart their physical bodies with a strong enough blow, they, like all elemental creatures, were actually composed of energy. Thusly even if you were to smash their body to smithereens it was only a matter of time before they returned. In fact as far as Rainbow knew, it was impossible to permanently kill them, and now a pack of almost fifty of them had Derran surrounded.

"What are we going to do?!" Rainbow whispered to herself. Derran may have defeated the dragons, but how could he win against an opponent that couldn't die? "We gotta help him!" She hissed getting ready to spring to her friend's aid.

"Lady Dash do not come any closer!" The Doom Slayer's commanding tone alone was enough to cause Rainbow to freeze in her tracks. "I appreciate your wish to help, but if you attempt to aid me you shall only get in my way." Rainbow's pride stung a little at that comment, and she was about to argue but Derran cut her off. "I mean no disrespect Lady Dash, but my fighting style is most effective when I fight alone. If you or your companions move from where you currently stand I may accidentally harm you. Please, if you truly wish to assist me, then stay where you are, and do not move!" Derran unlocked his helmet from his belt, placing it over his head, twisting to lock it in place, and seal the suit. Glaring at his enemy Derran mentally sent the chainsaw back into the extradimensional armory till next he needed it. Rainbow was certain he would call out the weapon Scootaloo had mentioned, the one capable of turning over ten dragons into vapor. She was shocked, and horrified, when he chose to charge them with only his fists.

The wolves, who had been waiting quietly up to that point, all moved as one. Snarling, and yapping they answered the Doom Slayer's charge with their own. Leaping over root's, and crashing through bushes the wolves hurtled toward the lone combatant who had the temerity to challenge them in their own realm. The two sides may not have been able to communicate, but they understood each other all the same, the winner would be the one who survived. Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity watched the fight begin as if it was happening in slow motion. For an eternity the Doom Slayer and the wolves moved toward one another. Every detail seemed infinitely sharp and crisp, the earth thrown into the air by the scrabbling claws of the wolves. The cloud of wood dust shaken from the Doom Slayer's armor as his boots struck the ground. Even the last sparkling dewdrops on the leaves of the trees and moss. With agonizing slowness the two sides moved inexorably toward each other, and time seemed to crawl at a snail's pace, then they met, and the battle became a blur. . .

Derran felt his armored fist collide with the lead wolf smashing it into a cloud of twigs, and leaves. Letting his momentum carry him forward, the Doom Slayer snapped his knee up into another of the creatures lower jaw. Sending its headless body crashing through several of it's kin. Derran didn't pause to see the result, as he turned left then right to deliver a hammerblow each to a pair of wolves that had turned to flank him. Another wolf leapt toward Derran from the front, only to be caught in mid air by the throat, and hurled into its fellows in one swift movement. Running into the breach he had created, Derran whipped around to face the direction he had been coming, his hand extended. With a crack of displaced air, a leaping wolf found itself muzzle to muzzle with the Doom Slayer's shotgun. Blowing away the surprise elemental, Derran quickly brought the weapon's buttstock to his shoulder. Pumping the forestock, the Doom Slayer shattered another of the monsters with a quick blast of buckshot, as he jumped backward. Rapidly cocking and firing the weapon, Derran never stopped moving as he continued to shatter wolf after wolf. Noticing a group of the monsters packed together, the Doom Slayer pressed a small button just above his index finger on the forestock, and pulled the trigger. A burning three inch long projectile struck the ground between the tightly clustered creatures, before exploding with a loud bang. Four of the wolves were blown into flaming wooden shards, while a fifth lost it's front legs, before being engulfed in flame with an unearthly scream.

Charging forward, Derran shoulder checked another wolf, and sent it hurtling into a tree where it was reduced to kindling. Then, stopping for an instant, Derran swatted another wolf from the air with his fist as it jumped toward him. The brief distraction seemed to be a lucky break for one of the creatures, as it leapt onto the Doom Slayer's back, to begin biting futilely at his armoured neck. Ignoring the unwelcome hitchhiker for the moment. Derran destroyed two wolves on either side of himself by conjuring his super shotgun to his left hand, and throwing his arms out to the side. Firing the two guns into the open jaws of his flankers, the Doom Slayer returned the super shotgun to the Aether, before cocking the regular one again. Finally granted a second of breathing room, Derran reached over his shoulder to grab the wolf clinging to his back by the scruff of it's neck. Pulling the frantically struggling beast over his right shoulder, the Doom Slayer hurled the offending creature to the ground, before unceremoniously stomping it's head into the dirt.

Rainbow was in awe. Never in her life had she seen a display of such power or skill. The wolves that had been so terrifying a moment ago, now seemed like ants before an unstoppable titan. The boom of the Doom Slayer's weapons filled the air, each blast marking the destruction of another foe. Rainbow felt fear, but it was nothing next to the sheer wonder she felt at this display of strength, and speed, married together in a beautiful dance of annihilation. The Doom Slayer knew no fear, he had no equal, he was death incarnate, and none would escape his judgment. . . it was the single coolest thing Rainbow had ever seen.

Applejack didn't know what to feel. Terror at the sight of a being who seemed the very avatar of war itself? Awe at seeing a level of physical might that defied mortal limits? Horror at the callous manner with which this entity took life without thought or care? Perhaps relief that this creature was an ally? She didn't know, she couldn't even begin to know. As she watched a question she had heard long ago flitted through her mind. "What do you fear more, death, or its herald?"

Rarity was afraid, more than she had ever been before. Such power, such fury, such unimaginable violence. Could this truly be the creature that Rainbow had brought them to meet? Surely not, this was no hero, he was a monster, a beast, an unholy creature from the darkest depths of Tartarus! As she watched him fight she felt sheer terror at the thought that this thing, had been in close proximity to her sister, and friends. Rarity trembled as she considered what destruction such a creature might wreak upon all she held dear. She wanted more than anything to run, but her limbs had been turned to lead by an all consuming terror. Then, her emotions reached a crescendo as she felt herself faint. . .

Derran charged forward, firing his shotgun as fast as he could, refusing to slow as he crashed through a wall of enemies, scattering them like bowling pins. However his movements were far from random. Every dodge, twist, and turn, had been a concerted effort to both move these foes away from the three mares hiding nearby, and set the enemy up for a decisive finishing blow. Unfortunately, just as the Doom Slayer was positioned to deliver that blow, a new complication arose. Another wolf, much larger than the others, had appeared seemingly from nowhere, and was now charging toward him. Before Derran could even wonder where it had come from, he received his answer. The wolves he had thought defeated, had begun to literally rise again, only now in a new and improved form. Before the Doom Slayer's eyes, the twigs, and leaves that made up the bodies of his fallen foes, began to glow a poisonous green. Rising from the forest floor, the glowing detritus began combining together like an unholy jigsaw puzzle. The creature that was formed as a result, was at least three times larger than the beasts that it had originally been, and Derran cursed mentally. He might have known this had been too easy. Still, as he watched two more of the creatures rise, he took note of something that implied a method by which victory might be achieved.

With less than fifteen of the smaller wolves remaining, Derran prepared to test his hypothesis. Taking aim at the charging figure of the closest giant canine, Derran fired an explosive shot straight at its center mass. With a hideous shriek, the creature was blown apart. Bursting into flames, as the heat of the projectile's detonation encountered the dry twigs and pitch that composed its being. Punching, kicking, and blasting the monster's lesser kin, the Doom Slayer watched the burning remains of his erstwhile foe. Unfortunately, just as his theory was confirmed, Derran discovered that despite his enemies savage appearance, they had some primitive understanding of tactics. A series of howls was all the warning the Doom Slayer got, before he was literally buried by enemy reinforcements. Scores of wolves, no doubt waiting nearby for the signal, jumped onto Derran from all directions, driving him down by sheer weight of numbers. Unable to see, and unwilling to risk the possibility of injuring the three mares nearby by firing blindly, the Doom Slayer decided on a risky strategy. Conjuring a syphon grenade into his left hand, he braced himself before hurling it to the ground at his feet. Gritting his teeth so as not to cry out, Derran dealt with the searing agony of having his lifeforce ripped out of his physical being, before being instantly forced back in. It was an experience akin to being flayed alive from the inside out, but it did the job admirably, as the majority of foes covering him turned to lifeless grey dust.

Rising from the ashes of his fallen enemies, the Doom Slayer banished his shotgun back to the armory, as he had no more need of it in this fight. Backing up slowly, Derran found himself ringed by the remaining wolves. Just as planned they were in the perfect position, it was time to end this. Jumping high into the air Derran angled his feet, before using his jump boots to push off of thin air into an elegant back flip. Landing atop the pile of cut logs he had made earlier, Derran thrust his open hands out before him. Two almost simultaneous cracking noises preceded the arrival of a heavy assault rifle in his right hand, and a plasma rifle in his left. Bringing them up to his sides Derran engaged the micro missiles for the assault rifle, before opening fire. Wolves exploded and burned en masse, as they were struck by a ceaseless barrage of missiles, and superheated plasma. Screams and howls filled the air, as the monsters died in droves, and the air became thick with smoke, and the smell of burning wood. Rotating in place atop his vantage point, the Doom Slayer spared none of his foes. Casually adjusting the aim of one weapon or the other to cut off any of the creatures trying to flee. One of the larger wolves, maddened by pain and rage, managed to hurl it's burning form through the deadly fusillade to jump at the Doom Slayer. This suicidal attempt at vengeance failed, as Derran disintegrated the unfortunate creature with a casual shot from the plasma rifle's underslung heat blast unit. Then suddenly, it was over. Here and there a few small fires burned, but other than that the only movement was of the gently swaying trees in the wind, the only sounds, the pops and hisses of burning wood. Jumping down from his perch Derran glanced over at Rainbow Dash, still sitting enraptured by his performance.

"Lady Dash" He said as calmly as if discussing the price of tea. "I think it would be best to put out these fires before they spread. Might I impose upon you to fetch us a storm cloud or two?"

Rainbow blinked a few times before registering that Derran had been addressing her.

"Oh, uh, no problem, right away Derran." She replied zipping off to gather the clouds she needed.

Derran dismissed his weapons, and was about to remove his helmet when some movement caught his eye. A partially intact Timber Wolf head opened its mouth to let out a miserable, agonized whine. Its body reduced to ash and cinders, it would never rise again. Derran regarded the creature's pain filled eyes for only a moment before raising his booted foot, and ending its existence for good.

Rarity woke to the smiling faces of Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack, and she felt relief flood through her body. She was home in Carousel Boutique lying on her couch.

"Ya'll right Rare?" Applejack asked smiling.

Rarity nodded before putting the back of her hoof to her forehead.

"Oh darling I just had the most dreadful dream. We had just gotten back from Manehattan, when Rainbow said she wanted to introduce us to some legendary stallion. Only when we met him he was some kind of monster! Oh it was awful, thank goodness it was only a nightmare." Rarity dropped her hoof with a relieved smile only to see her friends all looking at her with slightly different expressions. Rainbow looked like she had just been insulted, Applejack looked suddenly nervous, and Twilight looked sad, but sympathetic.

"Rarity. . ." Twilight began slowly.

"Yes darling?" Rarity asked, seemingly oblivious to her friends attitudes.

Before Twilight could say anything more, A figure came through the door to the kitchen. The figure walked on two legs, and wore a suit of armor unlike anything Rarity had ever seen. Kindly ice blue eyes, stared out from a face framed by long black hair, a light beard adorning its otherwise hairless features. Holding a tray of tea, he smiled gently at Rarity, who stared at him in horrified shock.

"Ah lady Rarity, I am relieved to see you are awake, would you care for some tea?"

Rarity blinked a few times, as she processed what the creature had just asked.

I. . . I'm sorry?" She asked, her aristocratic manners, and confusion momentarily overriding her fear.

Placing the tray on the table in front of the couch, the creature continued to smile.

"After we brought you here I thought you might like something to take the edge off. I'm afraid I made a rather poor first impression on you, please accept my apologies."

Rarity instantly felt her fear start to ebb away.

"Oh, uh, think nothing of it." She said, accepting a cup of tea from the creature's hand.

"Allow me to introduce myself properly, my name is Derran Grandel, and it is a pleasure to formally make your acquaintance." He said with a polite bow.

Feeling the last vestiges of apprehension vanish, Rarity smiled.

"The pleasure is all mine mister Grandel, and I too must apologize for my utterly uncouth behaviour toward you. I do hope you can forgive me."

Returning her smile Derran gave a polite nod.

"Of course milady, I know I can be a bit. . . off putting, at times. Your reaction was quite understandable."

If at that moment somepony had asked Rarity why Derran had frightened her so much a moment ago, she would honestly have been unable to answer.

"Well, that took a lot less time than I thought it would." Rainbow remarked.

Stormfang entered the cave in a foul mood. Glaring at the rough hewn rock walls he recalled the conversation between him, and the so-called Dragon Lord.

"You are staying here Stormfang." Ember declared calmly.

Stormfang stopped in the middle of his rant about how he intended to demand satisfaction from Princess Twilight's upstart pet for the insult to his draconic pride. Glaring at Ember, he had to struggle to resist bearing his fangs at her in challenge.

"Ember you can't be serious! My pride has been injured and I demand-" Ember cut him off with a look of pure anger.

"SILENCE!!" She roared. "First off, it's 'Dragon Lord' Ember, and second, I don't give a half eaten sapphire about your pride!"

"How can you say such a thing the dragon way is-" Stormfang was cut off again as he was enveloped in a red aura that made his body turn completely numb for an instant.

"ENOUGH, it may have escaped your notice Stormfang, but things have changed! I am in charge, and I am the one who decides what is and is not the 'dragon way'! I have tried time, and again, to explain how the changes I intend to bring will create a grand new future for us, but you are constantly refusing to listen! All you want is to keep things the way they were, full of destruction, hate, and greed! You see no strength in cooperation, or tolerance, even when the evidence is right in front of you, all you see is weakness, and capitulation to an enemy that is not even there!" Ember declared angrily.

"Your father-" Stormfang began before Ember silenced him with a glare.

"My father has already heard my proposal, and has given it his blessing. He may value strength but at least he is able to see that there is more than one kind of strength. I dislike using commands in place of persuasion, but I feel you are leaving me no choice. Thus I am ordering you to remain here, and await my return, am I understood?" She stated coldly.

Stormfang clenched his claws so tight they drew blood, just barely resisting the urge to tear Ember's throat out.

"Yes." He said through gritted teeth.

"Yes what?" Ember demanded sternly, wanting to make certain the point was driven home.

"Yes Dragon Lord Ember." Stormfang said, resisting the impulse for violence with a herculean effort of will.

Ember nodded as she stepped down from the stone slab that served as her throne, and spread her wings. With one last look of warning she jumped up and started flying toward Equestria, as Stormfang glared at her retreating form with undisguised hatred.

Stormfang had set out shortly after to a long forgotten cave at the edge of the dragon lands, the blood in his veins burning like acid at the injustice of it all. Now entering the cave Stormfang passed angrily through a cunningly crafted illusion made to look like just another side of the cave. Beyond the illusion the cave's dark grey walls became covered in a hard black resin leading to a large chamber lit with a sinister green glow. Stormfang hated this place, it smelled like a pony that had rolled around in smashed insects, and the glow that suffused the cave made his head hurt.

"Well, well, well," Spoke a sickly sweet voice. "Look who came to visit, my dear ally Stormfang, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Stormfang bristled at the sound of the voice as it's owner came into view, her insectile wings buzzing faintly.

"Don't take that tone with me bug, I am not your ally, I am your superior!" Stormfang snarled.

Queen Chrysalis gave a bow anypony else might have recognized as mocking.

"But of course most esteemed dragon Stormfang, forgive me, just a slip of the tongue. What can this humble Queen do for you?" She asked smoothly.

Deciding to ignore the changeling's disrespect for her betters, Stormfang glared down at her as he spoke.

"I want a report on your progress." He demanded.

Chrysalis gave the dragon a sly smile.

"Nearly everything is in place, assuming your dragons have retrieved everything I asked for?"

Stormfang gave a curt nod.

"They have, however there is a new problem."

Chrysalis's eyes flashed for an instant before returning to their previous state of mild interest.

"Oh really, and what would that be?" She asked calmly.

"That weakling princess you mentioned, the new one."

"Twilight Sparkle?" Chrysalis asked, and again her eyes flashed with rage for a split second, though her tone remained neutral.

"Yes that one, she has some kind of creature with her she claims can kill dragons." Stormfang stated skepticism heavy in his voice.

"And is there any truth to this?" Chrysalis asked, careful to act indifferent to this news.

Stormfang gave a derisive snort.

"Of course not, the creature was pitifully small, I doubt he could handle a strong breeze, let alone the unstoppable power of a dragon."

Chrysalis nodded, careful to avoid rolling her eyes.

"Are you certain? Remember the few servants I have left can't get anywhere near Ponyville without being spotted, thanks to that wretched ward Twilight put around the town. So you need to be sure. . ."

Stormfang glared at Chrysalis with utter contempt.

"Dragons are not flawed like your kind insect, we do not make mistakes!"

Chrysalis smiled and nodded.

"Of course what was I thinking, I'm sure you're right, but still, just to be safe, I'd like you to do something for me." She said in an offhand tone.

"What?" Stormfang demanded.

Chrysalis's horn glowed as she levitated something from a nearby rock serving as a table. It was an amulet, made of the same black resin that covered the caves walls and floors. Shaped like a disc about an inch and a half across, the center of the amulet held a faintly glowing green stone, that looked similar to an eye.

"Send one of your dragons to Ponyville under cover of night, and have them place this somewhere it will be found easily by one of the residents." She said.

Stormfang reached out to take the necklace.

"More of your weakling tricks? What does this one do?" He asked irritably.

Chrysalis smiled.

"It's called a 'Changeling Eye', and it will let me see through the eyes of anypony who wears it."

"What makes you think anyone will wear it at all?" Stormfang demanded.

"To ponies, the amulet appears as their ideal accessory, and once they put it on, they'll never want to take it off." Chrysalis explained.

Stormfang shook his head.

"Just like a bug to hide and scheme, instead of crushing your enemy with true power, but very well I will see to it. Now if you have nothing else to waste my time with I am leaving."

Chrysalis watched Stormfang go before letting her mask fall away.

"After I crush the princesses, I'm going to enjoy killing you." She whispered, a cold smile adorning her face.

Service and Honor

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Derran smiled, watching as scores of logs were levitated away by the combined efforts of several dozen unicorns. Nearby, Sawdust shook her head in amazement.

"I'd never have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, how in Equestria did you manage this in so short a time?" She asked, a hint of awe in her voice.

Derran gave a noncommittal shrug. After the fight against (and subsequent defeat of) the Timber Wolves, and the brief conversation with ladies Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack. He had worked all night in the Everfree Forest, cutting down trees and moving them into optimal position for retrieval. Fortunately Derran had no further troubles from the forest denizens, though he could feel them watching him as he toiled. Working tirelessly, he soon had all the lumber he needed. Derran then returned to the castle for just long enough to shower, and prepare breakfast for lady Twilight, and himself, despite the former's vehement objections, and requests that he take time to rest. Before heading out again immediately, to inform Sawdust of the situation, after which she had hastily gathered her workers and followed him to the logs piled just beyond the treeline.

"Hard work, and the right tool for the job." Was the only explanation Derran gave.

Sawdust arched an eyebrow "hard work" was a severe understatement. Everypony in town had heard the story of Derran's battle against the Timber Wolves. Thanks in no small part to Rainbow Dash telling the story to anypony who would listen. Even accounting for Rainbow's habit of embellishing things, the story was still hard to believe. However it had been vouched for by both Rarity, and Applejack, not to mention Princess Twilight. Add to that the unimaginable feat of gathering all the lumber they needed in the space of a single night, and now more than ever the Doom Slayer was the talk of the town.

"I can't tell if you're modest, or just don't realize how amazing you are." Sawdust said with a chuckle.

Derran shrugged.

"I am merely serving Equestria as best I can, I need no praise for that." He said simply.

Sawdust smirked.

"Well whether you want it or not; you've really started to gain a following in this town. Especially among the mares, and even a few stallions." She replied.

"How so?" Derran asked quizzically.

"You really need to ask? Equestria's always been a tolerant place, homosexual, and interspecies relationships are nothing new, and you're a one of a kind catch. A lot of the single ponies in town are already asking questions like: 'is he single?'. Heck if I were a decade, and a half younger, I might be one of them myself." Sawdust explained with a laugh.

Derran shrugged.

"Well ponies will talk I suppose, tell me do you think this will be enough lumber?" He asked, returning the conversation to business.

Sawdust nodded.

"Yep, this should easily cover us till the next shipment of logs comes in, which reminds me. . ." Sawdust grabbed a large pouch out of the saddle bag she was wearing, and tossed it to Derran.

"What's this?" Derran asked, catching the bag which made a jingling sound, like it was full of small bits of metal.

Sawdust gave him a grin.

"That's your pay for all this work, with a little extra for taking down those Timber Wolves for us." Sawdust explained.

Derran frowned.

"I did not do this for payment, I did it to help the ponies of this town." He stated.

Sawdust nodded her understanding.

"I know you did, heck everypony knows you did, but it wouldn't feel right having you do all this work for nothing."

Derran shook his head.

"I understand your reasoning, but I cannot accept this. If this money must go to somepony, let it go towards rebuilding the homes and livelihood of the ponies who suffered in the attack. What I did here was done in the name of Equestria and the Seraphim, accepting payment for it would be. . . well, it wouldn't be proper." Derran declared, handing the pouch back to Sawdust.

Sawdust accepted the pouch from the Doom Slayer with a nod. She could tell that no matter what she said Derran would never take the bits, even if he had earned them. Derran may have been mostly a mystery, but he clearly lived his life according to a set of rules, a code. Taking payment for helping would violate that code in some way. Sawdust may not have understood the rules the Doom Slayer lived by, but she would respect them, he had earned that much from her at least.

"Got it, I'll give it to the Princess to help pay for repairs, but know that if you ever need help, Ponyville sawmill is in your debt." Turning to her workers Sawdust could tell they had heard every word, but to make certain she called out. "Ain't that right ponies?!"

"AYE BOSS!!" Came the enthusiastic reply.

Derran nodded in thanks.

"I will remember that." He said with kind smile. "Now miss Sawdust, is there anything else I can assist you with?"

Sawdust shook her head.

"Naw, just leave the rest to us, and thank you for all your help."

Derran nodded.

"It was my honor." He replied before giving a small respectful bow, and walking away.

Sawdust watched the Doom Slayer go with a sad smile. She had never really cared about her age before, but at that moment she truly wished she was a decade or two younger.

"The honor was all mine." She whispered under her breath, before turning around to bark a few instructions to her workers.

Twilight watched as Derran enter her throne room, he walked half of the total distance before falling to his left knee his head bowed, while his right arm was placed diagonally across his chest so his fist was over his heart. His left arm was perfectly aligned with his bent right knee. While the hand, curled into a fist, had the knuckles pressed to the floor. The bow was performed with an air of great reverence, almost as if the Doom Slayer was praying to a goddess, instead of bowing to a princess.

"Milady the lumber situation has been resolved, and repairs are proceeding smoothly once more. I was told you wished to speak to me when I returned to town, I apologize for keeping you waiting." The Doom Slayer's voice was solemn, and respectful. Though in all honesty Twilight felt more than a little uncomfortable being given this level of formality, and deference. She had never liked the idea of anypony bowing to her, least of all somepony she saw as a friend.

"Uh. . . thanks Derran, but you know you don't need to bow to me right? We're friends, just greet me as you would anypony else." Twilight responded.

Derran raised his head, and smiled gently as he rose to his feet.

"Of course, forgive me lady Twilight, old habits are hard to break." He said, looking Twilight in the eye. "So, what can I do for you this fine day?" He asked his tone far more lighthearted, but still respectful.

"Well, it's a bit of an unusual request. . ." Twilight trailed off, clearly uncertain how to phrase what she wanted to say.

Derran smiled.

"I promise not to laugh, simply tell me what it is."

Twilight nodded, Derran's kindly tone reassuring her.

"Well last night I was talking with Rarity, and Applejack. Rarity's a fashion designer and I happened to mention your um, clothing situation. . ." Again Twilight trailed off, and Derran nodded for her to continue. "Well long story short, Rarity want's to make you some clothes, but she needs your measurements. . ."

Derran nodded.

"And you wished to know if I will consent to this." Derran guessed.

Twilight nodded.

"I know it means getting undressed in front of somepony you barely know, but Rarity is extremely professional she-" Derran halted Twilights rapidfire reassurances with an upraised hand.

"I am not opposed to the idea, but I have no way to pay her for her services, and I have already accepted more charity than I normally care to." Derran explained.

Twilight nodded, she had a feeling Derran wouldn't accept a handout, and had prepared for it.

"I told her you might say that, which brings me to Applejack's offer, she wondered if you might consider a job as a farm hand?"

Derran was impressed, despite knowing him for less than a week Twilight was already learning how he thought.

"Well I am in need of steady employment, and as it happens I used to be a farmer."

Twilight gave Derran a surprised look.

"I thought you were a soldier of some kind?"

Derran nodded.

"I was, for six years before I became a farmer, and prior to that I was trained as a politician and scholar, though that was my father's idea."

Twilight nodded intently, this was the first time Derran had volunteered any truly specific information about himself.

"Why did you become a soldier then?" Twilight asked.

Derran shrugged.

"I was young, and restless, I wanted to see the world, be a hero, maybe even meet my soulmate." He replied.

Twilight suddenly found herself twice as curious.

"And did you?"

"Did I see the world, did I become a hero, or did I meet my soulmate?" Derran asked with a small smile.

"All of them." Twilight responded.

Derran chuckled.

"Well in order: Yes, no, and yes. My unit was assigned all over Kemed, and while it was a small country I spent a fair bit of time guarding envoys to other kingdoms. So I saw a great deal of the world during those years. However to my disappointment I never got the chance to do much more than slay wild beasts and fight a few raiders. Then, during my fifth year campaigning, my unit happened to rescue a caravan of travelers from some bandits. One of their number was. . . well, she was a real beauty named Kira. After we escorted them back to the town we were based out of, I gathered my courage and asked her out. I'm still amazed she said yes, it was one of the happiest moments of my life. My unit was stationed in that town for several months, and eventually I asked Kira to marry me. My father, however, was very much against it."

Twilight looked confused.


Derran gave an embarrassed smile.

"Well believe it or not I'm a noble, the Grandel family were actually quite influential in Kemed. As the only son I was expected to marry a highborn woman, and inherit my father's position. He was ok with me running off and joining the army, but marrying a peasant? He said I had brought shame to the family name, and that if I didn't call off the marriage he would disown me."

Twilight gasped, reflecting that this almost sounded like the storyline of the trashy romance novels Rarity loved. Twilight herself had read a few in her time, including several that made her blush profusely when she thought about certain chapters.

"What did you do?" She asked.

Derran smirked.

"Well I told him to do what he liked, I had a nice pension from six years of service, and I told him that I'd rather harvest crops than play politics. I loved Kira with all my heart, and if my father couldn't accept that then I had no interest in ever associating with him again. Then I bid him good day, marched out of the house, and took my bride to the alter."

Well it wasn't exactly a heartrending struggle for love against epic odds, but then this was a real event not a storybook romance. However, something about Derran's words seemed to resonate in Twilight's mind, and suddenly her imagination seemed to go into overdrive. As for an instant, she saw herself in a wedding dress beside Derran crying tearfully as she said "I do". Then just as quickly she shook her head, wondering where in Equestria that thought had come from.

"So, uh, what happened after that?" Twilight asked, trying not to blush.

Derran smiled as he allowed the happy memories to come flooding back.

"I bought a nice piece of land as far from my old home as I could get, and lived the simple life of a farmer. Then about three years after that. . . I became a father." Twilight was stunned, and again an image of what it would have been like to be in Kira's shoes flashed through her mind. Cradling her newborn foal as Derran gazed down at her with loving- "What is wrong with me?" Twilight wondered banishing the images from her head, as Derran continued. "I had stayed in touch with my mother during those three years, she had supported me in my decision to defy my father's wishes, and had told him as much. Well, after she learned she had a granddaughter she gave my illustrious father a rather severe talking too. Told him he was being an arrogant ass, among other things, and that if he didn't patch things up with me, he'd not only lose his son, but also his wife." Twilight nodded as Derran gave a soft chuckle. "Well that finally did it, my father traveled all the way to my farm, and on his knees, begged me and Kira for forgiveness." Derran paused for a moment to shake his head. "Honestly my father was never a bad man, just stubborn, proud, and bound by tradition, but he said he was unable to keep it up anymore. He told us, that in truth, the day I stood up to him was the day he'd been most proud of me. To make a long story short, we forgave him, and finally became a family again, we named our daughter Terrisa, and for twelve years I was the happiest man on D'nur, but then. . ." Derran trailed off, and for an instant Twilight was all but certain she saw tears in his eyes.

"Then, what?" She asked gently.

Derran's face became a mask of stone, as he replied in a cold monotone.

"Then D'nur fell, and everything I loved was stolen from me. . ." He said clenching his gauntleted hands into fists.

Twilight shivered, though his face was a blank, and unmoving, Derran's rage was palpable.

"What happened?" Twilight asked her voice filled with apprehension.

Derran shook his head.

"I. . .I am sorry my lady, but I cannot say." He stated apologetically.

"But why?" Twilight asked feeling slightly hurt.

Derran looked straight into her eyes as he answered.

"Twilight, please understand, I have no wish to keep secrets from you, I trust you, and though we have not known each other long, I see you as a dear friend. However; long ago I swore a solemn oath to the Seraphim sisters, that I would never speak of the fall of D'nur. Or my battles since then, with anypony, until given leave to do so. I gave my word Twilight, and no matter how much I trust you, no matter how certain I am that you would keep the secret, I must honor my promise. Please; once Celestia, and Luna arrive I am certain they will allow me to explain, but until then I ask for your patience, please Twilight." Derran begged, and it was clear he was speaking from the heart.

Twilight was stunned at this revelation, "So that's why he's so secretive, it's not that he doesn't want to tell me, it's that he can't." Nodding Twilight spoke.

"You know I think that's the first time I've heard you address me informally on your own." She said with a smile, that after a moment Derran returned. "I understand Derran, I won't pester you about it anymore, and thank you for telling me about your family, it means a lot that you trust me with that information."

Derran nodded.

"Never doubt that you have my trust lady Twilight, or my friendship. Now by your leave, I shall go and get myself fitted for proper clothing." He said gratefully.

Twilight nodded but just as Derran started turning she stopped him.


Turning back Derran gave a small smile.

"Yes my lady?"

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but then seemed to have second thoughts and shook her head.

"It's nothing, nevermind." She said softly, giving Derran a sad smile.

Derran gave Twilight a searching look before slowly nodding.

"As you say milady." He replied with a slight bow before he turned and walked away. He could tell Twilight still wanted to ask him something, but decided not to press her. She would ask whatever it was in her own time.

The Ponies Hero

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Derran walked briskly through the streets of Ponyville toward his destination. As he passed, ponies paused whatever they were doing to wave, or call out a greeting. Derran returned their waves, and acknowledged their greetings with a polite nod and a smile. Never slowing his pace his finely tuned hearing allowed him to listen in on snatches of conversation as he passed.

"There he goes!"

". . . handsome."

". . .hero."

". . .heard he wouldn't take the money. . .."

". . .heart of gold."

". . . wish he were mine."

Derran allowed the praise to register in his mind, but took pride only in the knowledge that his efforts were helping the town. Derran himself sought no accolades, only the knowledge that he was aiding the community. Though that's not to say he didn't appreciate the recognition. As he walked through the streets the Doom Slayer noted the progress of the repairs. Thanks to the tireless efforts of the Ponyville Sawmill and dozens of volunteers, several frameworks for new houses had already been laid.

Derran marveled at the incredible speed with which the repairs were taking place, thanks to the combined efforts of the town. As it was, three house frames were nearly complete, and Derran saw that they were already preparing the bricks and stucco that would be used to create the walls. Derran smiled as he watched the various pegasi, earth ponies, and unicorns working together in harmony to restore the town.

Unity, along with a belief that personal goals were less important than the good of all, was the force that made Equestria strong, and peaceful. Human's always seemed so selfish in comparison, always fighting with one another over petty differences, and often refusing any attempt at compromise. True that wasn't universal, but sometimes it seemed that when the chips were down, humans would rather fight each other over scraps, then band together. Tolerance, unity, understanding, love, and friendship, these traits seemed ingrained into the ponies at birth.

Humans on the other hand, frequently struggled with these concepts. Humans often traded integrity for wealth, principles for power, and worst of all; basic decency for the illusion of safety. However in all fairness the difference could be attributed to the fact that Equestria had rulers who unequivocally put their subjects before themselves. Whenever the ponies stumbled or made mistakes, the Seraphim were there to help guide them if they needed it. . . It was one of the many reasons the Doom Slayer was proud to serve them.

Derran was broken out of his musings by the realization that he had arrived at his destination. Carousel Boutique was well named. As the entire structure did indeed resemble a carnival ride turned into a building. Opening the door the Doom Slayer saw Rarity organizing a large number of boxes in the center of the room. As the door opened a bell rang, and Rarity turned giving Derran a warm smile.

"Sir Derran so lovely to see you again darling, welcome to Carousel Boutique." She greeted happily.

Derran gave a polite bow before answering.

"Good day lady Rarity, thank you for your gracious invitation." He replied formally.

Rarity beamed at him.

"Oh think nothing of it darling, it's my pleasure." She replied with a slight giggle.

Derran nodded before gesturing at the small mountain of boxes.

"If I may ask milady, what is all this?"

Rarity's smile broadened, though they had only had a brief opportunity for conversation, she simply loved talking to Derran. His manners were perfect, and his refined speech was an absolute joy for her to listen to.

"Oh these? Well as you know a lot of ponies lost their possessions during that beastly dragon attack. So I thought it only fitting that I should donate a few garments to the needy." She explained.

Derran nodded his approval.

"Very generous of you milady." He said sincerely.

"Well from what I've heard you're no stranger to generosity yourself darling." Rarity replied with another giggle.

Derran shrugged.

"I do what is needed milady, nothing more." He stated.

Rarity sighed happily, after getting over the shock of their first meeting, she had swiftly learned that Rainbow Dash had not exaggerated in the slightest about Derran's personality. He was the very definition of the chivalrous knight.

"Well sir Derran, shall we get started?" Rarity asked, gesturing to the curtained off changing room.

Nodding, Derran entered the small room and pulled the curtain shut behind him. Now hidden from prying eyes, the Doom Slayer began the process of removing his armor. First to come off were the heavy outer plates on the chest, shoulders, arms, groin, and legs. After setting those aside, Derran mentally disengaged the rest of the suit. Trails of hellish red light traced along the outside of the suit's waist, forearms, lower legs, and back.

Once the light receded, seams were revealed where none had been previously, and the top half of the suit seemed to crack open from the back. Derran winced as the nero-link sensors lining the suits interior went offline, giving a momentary sensation of his skin suddenly being torn off. Removing his gauntlets and placing them on the ground, Derran pulled his arms out of the cuirass allowing it to fall to the floor. After taking a brief moment to adjust to the sensation of cool air on his skin, the Doom Slayer took a seat on a stool placed inside the changing room. Reaching down Derran removed his boots, first the left, then the right, before placing them off to the side. Finally he stood up again, and stepped out of the leggings. Grabbing a towel Rarity had thoughtfully placed on a nearby hook, Derran wrapped it securely around his waist, grabbed the crucible, and pulled back the curtain.

Rarity stared, she honestly couldn't help herself. She had assumed Derran to be in good shape, but the word "good" didn't even begin to describe it. His body was the pinnacle of human physical perfection, athletic build, perfectly muscled limbs, six pack abs, his body looked like it had been carved from marble by a master artist. In fact, the only imperfection that could be seen was dozens of pale jagged lines of varying sizes crisscrossing his body, so faint they were barely visible. Regardless, Rarity felt her face turning red as she drank in the sight of the Doom Slayer's godly form.

"Lady Rarity, are you well?" Derran asked gently with a concerned look, snapping Rarity out of her stupor.

Rarity's face grew redder still, as she realized she had been caught staring.

"Oh, oh yes darling, sorry I just, um, was. . . thinking what colors would suit you best!" Rarity explained, a little too loudly.

Derran gave Rarity a slightly skeptical look, but then shrugged.

"As you say milady." He said, deciding not to press the issue.

Shaking her head vigorously Rarity focused on the task at hoof, taking the necessary measurements, and trying not to start staring again. As she made her notations on Derran's physical dimensions, Rarity felt a fair bit of purely professional excitement. After all it wasn't every day you got to design clothing for a lifeform nopony had ever seen before, and she relished the challenge.

Already Rarity's mind flooded with ideas, and possibilities. In her head she started making a mental list of what fabric to use, how much would be needed, what colors would work best, and how it would all look once it was complete. Soon enough the measurements had all been taken, and Rarity had to try not to look disappointed as Derran re-entered the dressing room.

However as he turned, she noticed the strange object he had been holding firmly in his right hand. Till now she had been so preoccupied she hadn't really noticed it, but now it stuck out like a sore hoof. It was a horrific thing resembling the handle of a sword made of bone, and what appeared to be living flesh.

"Uh sir Derran, what is that?" Rarity asked, trying to keep her revulsion under control, as the thing seemed to radiate a sense of wrongness like a furnace radiates heat.

Derran froze for a barely perceptible moment before responding. He didn't think Rarity would be satisfied with the same answer he had given Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. So sighing heavily, Derran turned back to look Rarity in the eye.

"Forgive me milady, but I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to discuss it." He stated.

Rarity nodded, as she could tell from Derran's tone, that the matter was not up for debate. In a way Rarity was relieved, as she'd really rather not have noticed the object to begin with. Still, she couldn't stop herself from asking the next most obvious question.

"Why is that?" She asked, a trifle hesitantly.

Derran sighed heavily before replying.

"Because merely the knowledge of what this is, could endanger you. Please believe me when I tell you that the less you know about this object, the safer you shall be." He explained.

Nodding slowly, Rarity decided that it was best to take Derran's word for it.

As he walked away from Carousel Boutique, Derran took the moment to reflect on recent events. His arrival, the fight against the dragons, meeting a new seraphim, meeting new friends, helping rebuild the town, the fight against the Timber Wolves. . . It was hard to believe that less than a week ago he had been on another planet, in another dimension, fighting to stop a mad scientist from unleashing armageddon.

Staring down at the Crucible in his hand, Derran also realized that this was perhaps the first time he felt he could claim an actual victory. Most of the time he merely felt like he was only delaying the inevitable, or just scraping through by the skin of his teeth. He had never been able to truly enjoy winning a battle, because the war felt like it was never going to end. The closest he had come to feeling a sense of true victory, had been nearly twelve hundred years ago, when he first met Luna and Celestia. He longed to see them again, and to give them the news they no doubt most wished to hear, that Hell had lost, and the gates of Heaven were secured.

Reattaching the Crucible to his belt, Derran headed toward the construction sites. Repairs were progressing, but they weren't yet complete. There was still work to do, and now that he was finished with Rarity, Derran needed to get back to it. After being trapped in an eternal sleep for several hundred years, Derran relished the chance to do something positive with his strength. Arriving at the location he had passed on his way to the boutique, Derran headed toward a makeshift worktable covered in architectural plans. A pair of hardhat wearing earth ponies pointed at the blueprints as they discussed the finer points of the construction.

". . .the frame is almost ready, but only on three sides, and we need to make sure the floors are all level before we go any farther." Said the first pony, a grizzled middle aged stallion with a grey mane and tan coat, his flank adorned with a hammer and nail cutie mark.

"I told you pa I checked the floors myself and they're fine!" Spoke his assistant, and apparent daughter. A teenage mare with a short cut red mane, white coat, and a cutie mark displaying a level and protractor over a blue sheet of paper.

"Did you check em twice?" Asked the stallion archly.

Well. . .no, but-" She replied, before her father cut her off.

"But nothing Lilly, measure twice, cut once, you know that." The stallion admonished.

"But daaaad. . ." She began, at which point Derran decided to weigh in.

"Excuse me, please forgive the interruption, but I am inclined to agree with the gentlecolt." He stated calmly.

"See Lilly this stallion knows what's. . ." He trailed off as he looked up to see who had spoken. "Mr. Grandel!?" He said shocked." I-I'm so sorry I didn't realize you were coming by, what can I do for you?" He asked, apparently embarrassed he hadn't noticed Derran's approach.

Derran smiled warmly as he responded.

"Honestly I was going to ask you that very question, I was hoping to aid in the repair effort. That is, if you have a spot for me?" He explained.

The stallions face did a couple of contortions before settling on a thoughtful frown. However before he could answer, his daughter spoke up.

"Oh wow! Can he dad, please, pleeeeease!?" The young mare asked, shooting Derran looks of fangirl adoration.

The stallion gave his daughter a reproachful look, before returning his attention to Derran.

"In all honesty Mr. Grandel, we already have more than enough hooves to do the work. The only place we're short staffed is in the more technical parts of the construction, planning, drafting, adjusting blueprints, that sort of thing. Are you any good with that kind of work?" He asked.

Derran sighed, and shook his head.

"I am afraid not, architecture was never a skill I was trained in." He said apologetically.

The stallion shook his head.

"That's what I was afraid of. I don't wanna waste your time just giving you busy work, so I'm afraid I'll have to decline your offer. Besides, after all you've done for this town you deserve a break." He said sincerely, as his daughter's face fell.

Derran nodded.

"I understand, thank you for your time, and do let me know if you happen to change your mind." He replied with a smile, and a polite bow.

As he turned to leave however, the stallion spoke up.

"Mr. Grandel?" He asked.

"Yes?" Derran replied, turning back.

The stallion seemed to take a moment to find the right words before replying.

"Well just on a personal note, I wanted to say thank you. You may not have realized it but I was right behind the Princess during the dragon attack. Those monsters would have killed us all if you hadn't shown up, of that I have no doubt. You saved me and my family's lives that day, and that's something I'm never gonna forget, if you ever need anything from me and mine, you only have to ask." He said feelingly.

Derran smiled gratefully.

"I appreciate your words very much Mr. . ."

"Brown Stone." He stated with a small smile of his own.

"Mr. Brown Stone, and as it happens there is something I could use your help with." Derran stated.

"You just name it." Brown stone declared happily.

"I require assistance finding the Sweet Apple Acres farm, if you could point me in the proper direction I would be most grateful." Derran said with a smile.

Brown Stone's Daughter instantly spoke up.

"Ooh, ooh, I know the way! I can take him!" She practically shouted.

Brown Stone looked into his daughter's pleading eyes before letting out a sigh.

"Mr. Grandel this is my daughter Lilly, if you like she can show you the way to Sweet Apple Acres."

Derran gave a gentle smile.

"I would be honored." He said with a short bow.

"Yes!" Lilly shouted before grabbing Derran's hand with her hoof. "It's right this way Mr. Grandel." She said giddily.

"Lead the way milady." Derran said with a grateful smile.

Applejack wiped the sweat from her brow with the back of a hoof as she paused in her work. Glancing down the all but endless rows of fruit laden apple trees she sighed heavily. As much as she hated to admit it, the farm was getting just too big for a mere four ponies to manage.

Actually, because of Granny Smith's age, it was more like three and a half ponies these days. Not to mention that recently Applejack and Big Mac had added several more rows of trees to the equation. The idea had been to offset some of the loss of trees to the vampire fruit bats that had moved in a year or so ago. However they had severely overestimated how much of a loss the bats had actually caused. Now they were stuck with too many trees for not nearly enough ponies, Applejack almost wished there were more vampire fruit bats to redress the balance.

One positive of the increased number of trees was that they had the bits to hire some help. Unfortunately, they had not found anypony qualified, and were running themselves ragged trying to maintain all the trees. However, at Twilight's suggestion, Applejack had agreed to offer the job to somepony who at the very least was certainly strong enough for the job.

"So when d'ya think mister Derran's gonna get here sis?" Asked Apple Bloom eagerly.

Applejack looked down at her sister's enthusiastic face with mixed feelings. On the one hoof, Derran was the hero who saved all of Ponyville, including her sister, from a group of vicious dragons. On the other hoof, he was a force of unrelenting fury that could destroy all of Equestria if he so choose.

However, it was abundantly clear that Apple Bloom trusted him fully, and Big Mac, who had actually been in town during the dragon attack, said he'd be happy to have Derran on the farm. Granny Smith had also given a yes vote to the idea, saying that anypony who risked their life to save others must have a good heart. Applejack didn't doubt that Derran was a good stallion, she just felt like she needed more time to process everything. Nevertheless, she had told Twilight to extend the invitation to him, now she was just waiting to hear back.

"Ah'm not really sure sugarcube, he might not even show up today, heck, he might not take the job at all." Applejack replied.

Apple Bloom's face fell a little.

"So. . . you don't think he's coming?" She asked, trying to hide her disappointment.

Applejack smiled, ruffling her sister's mane affectionately.

"Now ah didn't say that, I'm jus sayin we have ta be patient. Sides ya'll know him better'n me, so really I should be askin you if you think he'll come." She said with a chuckle.

Apple Bloom smiled at that, before looking thoughtful.

"He'll come." She said with absolute certainty.

Applejack arched an eyebrow.

"Oh, What makes ya'll so sure?" She asked with a smile.

Apple Bloom Pointed a hoof.

"Cause he's right over there." She declared in a slightly smug tone.

Turning around, Applejack saw that her sister was right. Walking up the path was the man himself chatting with a pony she recognized as Lilly, the daughter of Mr. Brown Stone. As she watched, Derran said something to Lilly before giving a bow, to which she nodded vigorously then shot back down the path to Ponyville.

Continuing up the path on his own Applejack had to admit Derran cut an impressive figure. His stride was one of quiet confidence, his head held high, and gazing ahead as he moved forward with a gentle smile on his face. He seemed at once, at peace, and powerful. Like a warrior king, ready to bring order to chaos, either by wisdom or force. This image was only reinforced by the way the rows of trees seemed like pillars in a great temple. The light playing down through the canopy creating the image of one blessed by some form of divinity. Applejack almost felt like she should be bowing.

"Mister Grandel!" Apple Bloom shouted running toward the figure.

Derran gave a broad smile as he knelt to greet his young friend.

"Good day Apple Bloom, I trust you have been well?" Derran asked gently.

Apple Bloom nodded vigorously.

"Yep, are ya'll gonna work on the farm with us?" She asked excitedly.

Derran inclined his head.

"I am indeed, if your siblings find me a satisfactory candidate of course." He replied.

Applebloom practically jumped for joy.

"Well then c'mon an ah'll introduce ya to em." She said grabbing Derran's hand.

Crouching slightly, Derran allowed Apple Bloom to lead him by the hand toward her sister. Then, for just an instant, the image changed. . .

Derran was no longer being led forward by Apple Bloom, but by a young human girl of twelve in a light blue dress. She had fiery red hair like her mother, and piercing blue eyes like her father. She smiled up at him with a face full of freckles, the sun playing off her fair skin.

"Aren't you happy daddy?" She asked happily.

Then Derran blinked, and he once again found himself hand in hoof with Apple Bloom.

"I'm sorry what?" Derran asked, slightly confused.

"Ah said: aren't ya'll happy you're gonna be workin at Sweet Apple Acres?" Apple Bloom repeated.

"Oh, yes, it will be good to get back to working the land again." He said smiling.

Apple Bloom smiled back up at Derran, and he had to struggle to remember that the girl she so reminded him of, had died over a thousand years ago.

If You Hum A Few Bars. . .

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Among the orderly rows of trees surrounding Sweet Apple Acres Derran Grandel sat on a stump waiting for Applejack's next question. He supposed he should have expected some form of interview, he was applying for a job after all. But it still caught him a little off guard. Not that he expected to get the job automatically, it had simply been so long since he last applied for one that the process had been all but forgotten. The last time Derran had formally applied for work had been when he signed up for the military, and that had been nearly twelve hundred years ago.

Derran was actually rather impressed at Applejack's level of detail, she had started with basic questions about his previous experience with this type of work. However she had gradually begun to make more and more detailed inquiries, that he swiftly realized were designed to tell her his exact level of expertise on the topic of farming. She asked about ideal harvest times, how to tell what a crop's yield is likely to be, what soil was best for what kinds of crop, and so on. Finally after almost an hour, Applejack seemed to have everything she needed.

"Whelp, ah gotta say ahm impressed, y'all really know yer stuff, so why don't I introduce ya ta Granny Smith, she's the one who'll make the final decision." Applejack stated brushing herself off as she stood up.

Derran nodded.

"As you wish lady Applejack." Derran said as he rose, falling in step behind the orange mare.

Apple Bloom, who had remained quiet throughout the questioning, walked alongside Derran with a a smile on her face.

"Don't worry mister Grandel, ahm sure your gonna get the job!" She stated confidently, then lowering her voice she continued. "Mah sis ain't gonna admit it, but she was really impressed, she's got a good poker face but ah can always see past it." Apple Bloom explained in a conspiratorial whisper.

"Ah heard that Apple Bloom! Y'all should show more respect for your big sis." Applejack called over her shoulder in a tone of mock anger.

Apple Bloom just smirked, as Derran gave a soft chuckle at the lighthearted sibling banter. After a brief journey the trio emerged from the rows of apple trees to behold their destination. A huge red barn that seemed to have been combined with a house loomed massively before them, and Derran wondered how the trees had managed to hide the titanic structure from view. Beyond it on a hill was a smaller but equally tall structure that was either a second residence, or an oversized cider house. As they got closer a large stallion with a red coat, and orange colored mane, came through what Derran guessed to be the door to the barn's living area. Noticing the large cross section of an apple on his flank Derran assumed this to be another member of the Apple family. Applejack immediately made the introductions.

"Hey there Big Mac, I want y'all ta meet our new farm hand Derran Grandel, Derran this is Apple Bloom's and my older brother Big Macintosh." Applejack said, confirming Derran's suspicions, and telling him that apparently Applejack also felt that he was sure to be hired.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance Big Macintosh." Derran said with a smile as he extended his hand in greeting.

Big Mac gripped the proffered hand in his hoof while wearing an especially welcoming expression.

"Pleasures all mine mister Grandel, ya'll saved my life during the dragon attack so you've already made a good impression on me. Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, we're honored ta have ya workin with us." He said without even a trace of hesitation.

"I assure you the honor is mine, your family has an exemplary farm here, it is a privilege to be invited to work on it." Derran said with a slight bow, his tone heartfelt.

"Well thank you, that's mighty kind a ya. I'd love to stay and chat, but ahm already behind on mah chores so I gotta skedaddle." Big Mac said regretfully.

Derran nodded sympathetically.

"I understand completely, please don't let me keep you." He replied.

Big Mac nodded.

"Eeup." He said as he proceeded toward the fields.

Derran smiled at the departing stallion before turning to see Apple Bloom, and Applejack staring at him with open mouths.

"Miladies is something wrong?" Derran asked in concern.

"Ya'll musta made one heck of an impression on Big Mac, he never talks that much to anypony, not even us!" Apple Bloom said incredulously.

Twilight Sparkle stood staring off into space at the train station, Rarity at her side. They had come to greet her assistant/adopted child Spike, and her apprentice/housemate Starlight Glimmer. Primarily they came simply to welcome them home, but partly it was to prepare them for their inevitable meeting with Derran. After Rarity and Applejack's rather intense first meeting with him Twilight decided it would be best for everypony if introductions were not quite so. . . blunt.

Honestly though, Twilight kept finding herself lost in her thoughts. Her mind constantly wandering to the subject of Derran. And not her normal thoughts like, what the weather had been like on his home planet, or what the dominant D'nurean system of government was. Rather she kept dwelling on things like what kind of manestyle he might find attractive on a mare, or what humans did on dinner dates. She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice Rarity looking at her with a knowing expression.

"So darling. . . who's the lucky stallion?" She asked nonchalantly, a wide smirk plastered on her face.

Twilight's thoughts came to a screeching halt on hearing Rarity's question.

"I-I have no idea what you-" Twilight started to say, only to find herself cut off by Rarity's upraised hoof.

"Oh puleeze darling, don't even try to deny it, it's written all over your face." Rarity said with a roll of her eyes. Twilight's cheeks burned as she tried to come up with a plausible way to refute her friend's words. However Rarity continued before she could finish marshaling her thoughts. "You know if I had to guess. . ." Rarity drawled with a slightly evil looking smile. "I would put my money on somepony new to Ponyville. A certain, knight in shining armor type, who recently rescued a certain princess? Has a passion for scholarly pursuits, extremely well spoken, hard working, knows how to cook. . . handsome?" Rarity said with an ever widening smirk as Twilight's face grew redder and redder.

"OK!" Twilight shouted startling several other nearby ponies, whose irate glares only made her face blaze even brighter. "You've made your point." Twilight grumbled.

"Oh, and what point would that be darling?" Rarity asked with a false innocence, determined to draw the truth out of her friend. Twilight grumbled something inaudible in response as she avoided Rarity's gaze. "Sorry dear didn't quite catch that." Rarity said sweetly, a superior smirk creeping onto her features. Twilight mumbled a little bit louder, but still well below the threshold of understandable speech while staring pointedly at the ground. "A bit louder than that darling." Rarity said the smirk never leaving her face.

"OK FINE, I HAVE A CRUSH ON DERRAN ARE YOU HAPPY!?" Twilight shouted, drawing another round of glares.

Rarity smiled, and nodded.

"Quite. So, have you told him?" She asked examining a perfectly manicured hoof.

"No." Twilight deadpanned.

"Well I'd hurry up if I were you darling, you have a lot of competition if the local gossip is any indication." Rarity stated calmly, continuing to look at her hoof.

Twilight shook her head.

"Rarity, it's not that simple! He used to be married, he even had a daughter! It may have been a long time ago, but I can tell he hasn't forgotten! I don't want him to think I'm trying to take the place of his wife and child, or worse, trying to make him forget them!" She explained angrily.

Rarity instantly stopped looking at her manicure to give her friend an apologetic look.

"Oh goodness darling, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize." Rarity said, suddenly feeling extremely guilty.

Twilight nodded.

It's ok, just promise you won't tell anypony, Derran told me about his family in private conversation, and I don't want anypony to know unless I'm sure he's ok with it." Twilight said sadly.

"My lips are sealed darling." Rarity promised placing a reassuring hoof on her friend's shoulder as a loud whistle heralded the Canterlot train coming into the station.

Soon the platform was engulfed in steam temporarily obscuring the train from sight amid the screech of steel grinding against steel. A moment later the air cleared and a conductor hopped out of the first car. Loudly declaring that this was the green line from Canterlot arriving in Ponyville. The pronouncement was followed a moment later the train car doors flying open to reveal the crowds of ponies within. By good fortune Starlight, and Spike were some of the first passengers to disembark, and instantly spotted their friends waiting for them.

"Twilight!" Starlight called out on seeing her mentor and rushing over, before adding a hurried but sincere. "Hey Rarity."

"Rarity!" Spike called out enthusiastically on sighting his crush, then adding almost as an afterthought. "Oh hey Twilight, how's it going?"

Twilight, and Rarity smiled, and rolled their eyes good naturedly before responding.

"I'm glad to see you both, how was Canterlot?" Twilight asked.

Spike shrugged noncommittally.

"Eh it was alright. So Rarity, didja miss me?" He asked in what he no doubt thought was a suave tone of voice.

Rarity as always, seemed not to notice Spike's come on as she replied.

"Oh of course I missed you Spiky Wiky, we all did." She replied tousling his head spines affectionately.

Spike sighed as he chalked up another zero on the romance meter.

"So Starlight how was the conference on esoteric magic?" Twilight asked with a smile.

Starlight rolled her eyes in irritation.

"Honestly it was a complete bust, I already knew most of the spells they discussed, and the ones I didn't were either boring or useless. For example: one unicorn was obsessed with a spell that would turn your mane polkadot, but only when cast on a wednesday, after drinking a cup of darjeeling tea, and reciting the word 'wallaby' backward six times. He just wouldn't stop droning on about it, it was crazy!" She declared, sounding exhausted by the memory alone.

Twilight giggled slightly at her apprentice's story before replying.

"Funny you should mention crazy things, cause we've had quite a bit of that around town lately." She said with a mysterious smile.

Starlight gave Twilight a curious look.

"Oh, why, is Discord visiting or something?" She joked.

Twilight, and Rarity exchanged knowing glances.

"Oh no darling, this is far a far more exotic type of of crazy, and far less disruptive." Rarity said with a giggle.

Starlight arched an eyebrow.

"Do tell." She replied a bit suspiciously.

Twilight smiled.

"Alright let's get your bags, and we'll tell you all about it . . ."

Derran stood at perfect attention as the elderly green coated mare looked him over from head to toe. She scrutinized him closely as if searching for something nopony else could see.

"Whelp, y'all certainly look like ya kin handle the farm life, an Applejack says y'know plenty about the trade." Here she she jumped up to balanced on a chair on the tips of her back hooves, looking him in the eye like a drill instructor. "BUT!" She shouted with forehooves on her hips, and making everypony except Derran jump. "Ultimately it's up to me to decide whether y'all got what it takes to work on this here farm, we clear young'un?"

Derran nodded.

"Mam, yes mam!" Derran responded smartly not moving an inch.

Granny Smith nodded slowly.

"We'll seems like y'all know who's in charge right well enough." She said stroking her chin with a wrinkled hoof.

Derran gave a curt nodd.

"Mam, yes mam!" He intoned again.

Granny nodded.

"Alright, at ease then young'un." She commanded. Derran fell automatically into a perfect, at ease, position, eye's straight ahead, feet together, and hands clasped behind his back. Granny Smith nodded sharply before turning to face a slightly tense looking Apple Bloom, and Applejack with a warm smile. "I do'n suppose ya'll happened ta find a few more like this un lyin around where he was?"

Applejack gave an audible sigh of relief, as Apple Bloom whooped.

"Does that mean. . ." Apple Bloom asked a wide smile appearing on her face.

Granny Smith nodded.

"He's hired, welcome to the Sweet Apple Acres family mister Grandel! Ah got a feeling yer jus what this old place needs ta get it goin full steam ahead!" She exclaimed, slapping the still at ease Derran on the leg before crying out in pain and rubbing her now sore hoof.

"Mam, yes mam, I will give a full one hundred ten percent, mam!" Derran declared in a clipped tone like he was on a military parade ground.

Apple Bloom giggled at Derran's martial attitude, and Applejack had to turn away to hide her own chuckles. Granny Smith just gave Derran a slightly confused look.

"Huh, didn't reckon ya could give mor'n a hunnred percent of anythin, but if'n ye say so." She said scratching her head. "By the way why are y'all standin like that? This here ain't the army ya know." She said as if just noticing Derran's stance.

"Oh, uh, yes of course, forgive me venerable, old habits and such." Derran replied slightly confused, but deciding not to bother commenting on it as he fully relaxed his stance.

Suddenly Granny Smith glared at Derran.

"Jus who are you calling a vegetable young'un!?" She demanded.

Derran was nonplussed for an instant before the coin dropped.

"What? Oh no, I said 'Venerable' it's a term meaning 'respected elder' apologies I must not have spoken clearly." He explained.

"Oh." Granny Smith replied looking slightly embarrassed. "Well then thank you kindly Mr. Grandel. I'll let Applejack show you where yer'a gonna be workin, ya'll have a good day now."

"You as well venerable, my humble thanks for your time, and for granting me this opportunity. May the Seraphim keep you." Derran responded in a formal tone coupled with a deep bow.

"The who'll keep me where now?" Granny Smith asked scratching her head in confusion, as Apple Bloom, and Applejack burst out laughing.

"And that's the whole story." Twilight finished.

Starlight Glimmer, and Spike sat in the middle of the castle library. Staring open mouthed at Twilight and Rarity for several seconds before speaking.

"So. . .what exactly is he doing here?" Starlight asked, suspicion in her voice as her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Honestly I think coming here may have just been an accident, he hasn't really been too clear on that." Twilight replied with a shrug.

"He k-kills d-d-dragons?!" Spike stuttered in terror as he visibly shuddered.

"Oh don't worry Spiky Wiky, he only hurts evil dragons, like that beast Garble. I am one hundred percent certain you'll be good friends in no time." Rarity stated with a smile.

Spike felt a little better from his crush's reassurance, but privately resolved to stay close to Twilight.

"So if this Derran guy is from another reality, why does he take orders from you?" Starlight asked giving Twilight a searching look.

Twilight shrugged.

"I don't know, but when we first met he called me a 'Seraphim'. I thought it was his people's word for Alicorn at first, but I think there might be more to it than that." She replied.

"Are you sure he's even telling the truth? I mean for all we know he could be Queen Chrysalis in disguise plotting some elaborate revenge." Starlight exclaimed, recalling the Changeling queen with a shudder.

Twilight gave her apprentice an irritated look.

"Ok first off, if that were true he would have just let Garble roast me, second; have you forgotten the warding spell I put up? If Derran was a changeling he would have reverted to his true form the instant he set hoof in Ponyville!"

"you don't even know if that spell works Twilight, It's never been tested on a real changeling!" Starlight countered, a little surprised by how defensive Twilight sounded. "I guess you have a point about him saving you, but aside from an extremely flimsy theory involving an ancient diary, that anypony might have found in the last thousand years, you still have almost no proof he's telling the truth."

"I know he is!" Twilight said, her tone slightly harsher than she meant it to be.

Starlight gave her teacher an annoyed look.

"How could you possibly know that?!" She demanded.

"I just!" Twilight began before realizing she was all but shouting. "I just know Starlight." Twilight stated after taking a moment to calm down.

Starlight was about to say that, that was not reassuring in the least. When Rarity decided to intervene.

"Starlight Darling, with all due respect, you've never met Derran. He scared me half to death the first time I saw him, but I trust him. Just give him a chance dear, and I think you'll see why we're so certain of him." She suggested placatingly.

Starlight gave an exasperated sigh.

"Alright fine but I'm still gonna keep my eye out for anything suspicious." She said pointedly.

Rarity nodded happily.

"I'm sure you'll see soon enough that you have absolutely no need to worry." The fashionista unicorn declared with a smile.

"So. . . when do we get to meet him?" Starlight asked in a slightly strained voice.

"Right now." Twilight declared, swiftly rising to her hooves from her cushion. "I got a message from him just before we picked you up at the train station. He's at Sweet Apple Acres interviewing for a job."

"Or poisoning the town." Starlight muttered under her breath.

Twilight gave her apprentice a dirty look.

"He's probably done with the interview by now, so we'll head out to meet him. When we get there I expect everypony to be polite to our guest." Twilight stated bitingly, before spinning on her hoof and walking out the door.

"What's with her?" Spike asked, surprised at Twilight's behavior.

Rarity considered explaining that everypony get's a little testy when ponies disparage their crush, but instead settled on saying simply.

"Who knows." With a slightly nervous smile.

Applejack stared in amazement at the dozens of full apple baskets in front of her. In less than an hour Derran had filled over a fourth of their quota for that day, and he was still going strong. Darting from apple tree to apple tree in a blur of movement Derran seemed as swift on his hooves (or "feet" as humans called them.) as Rainbow dash was on her wings. Reaching a tree he struck it smartly with his fist, then was gone before the fruit had even fallen halfway to the baskets beneath. After performing the process about fifty times he shot back to the first tree, and without pausing he grabbed two large baskets of apples under his arms. Not stopping for an instant, he placed them in a nearby cart before returning for more. Once the cart was full Derran grabbed hold of the shafts, and all but sprinted down the hill to unload everything. Somehow managing the whole process without bruising or losing a single apple. Soon the only trouble was that Applejack, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom just couldn't keep pace. Derran seemed immune to exhaustion, and approached his work with the same furious spirit with which he fought his enemies.

"Alright Derran I think ya'll can stop for a spell." Applejack said, trying not to sound like she was begging, as her brother and sister collapsed nearby.

Derran gave Applejack a confused look.

"Are you certain lady Applejack? It hasn't even been an hour, and we've not even filled half the amount you specified." He said in mild confusion.

"What in Equestria does this fella run on, he's like a machine!?" Applejack wondered as she answered.

"Ah know, an believe me ya'll are doin an amazin job, but this pace really takes it outta ya." She explained with a smile slightly strained by exhaustion.

Instantly Derran felt guilty, he had been so concerned with putting his best foot forward he had forgotten to consider that not everypony had his immunity to fatigue.

"Forgive me my friends, I did not mean to be quite so intense in my efforts." Derran offered apologetically.

Applejack smiled, Derran really was a sweet guy, despite his talent for violence.

"Hey don apologize fer workin hard, jus maybe ease up a mite." She suggested with a smile.

Derran nodded.

"Of course milady, is there anything I can do for you while we rest?" He asked.

Applejack laughed.

"Ya'll really don' get the idea behind restin do ya?" She asked with a wide smile.

Derran shrugged.

"I will rest when I am no longer needed, not before." He replied with a good natured grin.

Applejack kept smiling as she shook her head.

"Ya'll know any good workin songs?" she half joked.

Derran thought for a moment before slowly nodding.

"Actually, I just might." He answered.

Applejack shot Derran a surprise look.

"Really?" She asked curiously, she hadn't pegged Derran as the singing type.

Derran nodded.

"I know a few old marching songs from my days as a soldier." He explained. "Shall I sing one?"

"Ooh, ooh I wanna hear one!" Apple Bloom cried out, as curiosity and excitement overrode her feelings of exhaustion.

Derran glanced at Applejack, who gave him a nod.

"Very well this song is known as-" Derran began before finding himself interrupted.

"DERRAN!" Called a familiar voice that Derran swiftly traced to a furiously waving figure down the orchards main path.

Derran returned the wave, motioning for Twilight, and the small group with her to come closer.

"Lady Twlight, lady Rarity, a pleasure to see you again." Derran said with a polite bow.

"Howdy Twi, hey Rarity, Spike, Starlight." Applejack said rising to greet her friend.

"Nice ta see y'all." Apple Bloom added.

"Eeup!" Big Mac offered after finally getting his breath back.

Derran glanced toward Starlight, and Spike.

"Forgive me I don't believe I've had the pleasure." He said with a warm smile.

Starlight, and Spike were momentarily tongue tied. Twilight, and Rarity had told them what to expect, but they doubted anything could have truly prepared them for this. Derran seemed to tower over them both, and his armor made him seem larger and more intimidating still. Fortunately Twilight had expected their reaction, and made the introductions.

"Derran Grandel, I'd like you to meet my student, Starlight Glimmer, and my number one assistant, Spike the Dragon."

Derran nodded extending his hand.

"An honor to meet you both." He said formally.

Starlight cautiously gripped Derran's hand, in her hoof, and allowed him to shake it finding his grip firm, but not uncomfortable.

"Nice to meet you." Starlight said slowly, carefully examining Derran's face for the slightest sign of dishonesty, and feeling mildly frustrated when she couldn't find any.

Releasing Starlight's hoof Derran turned to Spike who was trembling like a leaf, the Doom Slayer seemed a lot scarier that Twilight had described.

"N-n-nice to m-meet you, m-mister Grandel s-s-sir." Spike said extending a trembling claw.

Gently gripping the proffered limb Derran gave a reassuring smile.

"Be at ease young drake, you are a child of the Seraphim, and as such, need never fear me." He said inclining his head in a small bow.

Spike nodded, still uneasy, but somewhat reassured.

"I got your message from Lilly earlier, I hope we didn't interrupt anything." Twilight commented apologetically.

Derran shook his head.

"Not at all milady we were just taking a short rest."

"Mister Derran was gonna sing us a song!" Apple Bloom stated enthusiastically.

"Oh? I didn't know you could sing Derran." Twilight said giving her friend a fascinated look.

Derran gave a self depreciating smile.

"In all honesty milady I've only ever done it a few times, and there are far finer voices than mine. However I can carry a tune reasonably well, or at least; well enough that my audience can sit through to the end." He stated with a slight chuckle.

Twilight giggled as she replied.

"Would you mind if we listened in? I would really like to hear you sing."

Derran nodded.

"If lady Applejack has no objections? She isn't paying me to sing after all." He stated with a glance at his employer.

Applejack shook her head.

"Shoot no, I wanna hear this too, sides I'm still a mite tuckered from racin after y'all." She said with a laugh.

Smiling Derran inclined his head before heading to a small hillock where he could more easily ensure his audience would hear him.

"Alright, now as I was explaining, this is an old marching song from when I was a soldier called 'The Guardian's Prayer'. I must ask for your patience as it has been some time since I last sung it and I may be a bit rusty."

His audience watched in rapt attention as Darren took a deep breath, and began his song.

One of the amazing things about Equestria, and one of its greatest mysteries. Was the truly remarkable properties it had when it came to song. It was as if reality itself could alter to accompany the words and emotions of any who would raise their voice in glorious expression of the rhythmic arts. Ponies who had never sung in their lives, could somehow find the tune and lyrics to express themselves. What's more, even the poorest quality voice could somehow sound beautiful as long as the emotions behind it were true. But perhaps the most enchanting aspect of this property, was that even in the absence of any instruments, music could still somehow be heard. While so ephemeral it could almost be dismissed as a fantasy, the sound was nonetheless there.

When Derran began by humming the appropriate tune, his listeners heard it as a phantom organ, that soon transitioned into the music proper. Then Derran began the actual song, and all present were held enraptured.

As Derran's voice echoed throughout the orchard his listeners closed their eyes letting the lyrics wash over them. As they did they could almost see them. . . Thousands of human warriors clad in great suits of armor marching forth with Derran at their head. Unflinching, undoubting, and unafraid they walked forward bearing the banner of Equestria. In their mind's eye Derran's audience saw a great and terrible darkness on the horizon. Creatures of pure evil that while hazy and indistinct were nonetheless far more terrifying than any villain that Twilight and her friends had ever faced.

These imagined foes seemed to taint the very air with their presence and yet the humans were unmoved. Standing before this vile tide of impurity they set shields, readied weapons, and braced for battle. Behind them the listeners could see Equestria, beautiful and peaceful, yet helpless before the darkness that surged toward the wall of warriors. If the line broke, Equestria would surely die. . . But the line would not break, not now, not ever. The song seemed almost to proclaim it as law, that though these men might die, that which they fought for would survive, no matter what.

The song continued and the Apple's felt their exhaustion vanish replaced by a fierce determination and pride that filled their weary bodies with new strength. Meanwhile Rarity, and Twilight felt their eyes grow damp at the bravery of the warriors the song described. In their heads they saw the two sides of the vividly imagined conflict clash in a titanic struggle between light and dark. Each listener imagined something slightly different, but all were moved by the images the song conjured.

See the light in our eyes, doom slayers are marching on
with our weapons in hand for the kingdom and holy land
See the light in our eyes, doom slayers are marching on

See the light in our eyes, doom slayers are marching on

Mödrar våra som är i himlen helgade ditt namn
Att lägga till ditt rike händer din vilja
Som i himlen också på jorden, ge oss bröd idag
Och förlåt oss vår skuld

As the last verse of the song faded into silence the visions the song inspired slowly vanished and the ponies minds returned to the present time.

Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big Macintosh, cheered and stomped their hooves in the pony version of applause. Twilight, Rarity, Spike, and Starlight simply stared at Derran in awe.

"Land sakes Mr. Grandel that was amazing! Y'all have an incredible voice, heck y'all oughta be a rock star with pipes like that." Applejack declared with complete sincerity.

"That song was awesome! Hearin it made me feel like I can do anything!" Apple Bloom declared.

"Eeup!" Big Mac declared enthusiastically.

Derran gave a humble bow.

"I am pleased you all enjoyed my singing, honestly I'm surprised I managed to recall the proper tune, to say nothing of the words." He replied with a slightly embarrassed smile.

"Darling that was positively divine, your talent is truly too much for words to do justice!" Rarity gushed. "But what did that strange chant at the end mean?" She asked after a brief pause.

Derran smiled.

"Roughly translated it means: Our mothers, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, as it is in heaven on earth, give us today our daily bread and forgive us our guilt." He explained with a small smile.

Rarity grinned appreciatively.

"Oh how lovely, it sounds almost like a poem." She remarked clapping her hooves together in delighted excitement.

Derran gave a small chuckle.

"Something like that." He said with a faint smile.

As Derran, and the others spoke three figures remain silent. . .

Starlight watched Derran's every move, and word like a hawk. While she respected Twilight, and her other friends immensely she still felt they were being naive. Even if Derran had been gone for over a thousand years, it seemed almost inconceivable that no records existed of him. He was wholly alien to not just Equestria, but the entire dimension it resided in. So why were there no legends, or myths, or stories about him or at least something like him? Surely the scholars of the time would have wanted to record such a unique creature. Yet even Twilight, who had read almost every book ever printed on weird or mystical subjects, had never heard of him. Add to all that, that Derran claimed to know Celestia, and Luna, but nopony ever heard them mention him, and Starlight smelled a rat.

As Starlight brooded on Derran's loyalties, Spike found himself watching intently as Derran spoke with Rarity. Frankly, seeing his crush chatting away so amicably with the human bugged him. It wasn't as if he'd never seen Rarity with a stallion before, but somehow this felt different. Derran just seemed so. . . charming, he possessed a sort of unconscious appeal that Spike was at a loss to describe. Worst of all Spike didn't think Derran was doing it on purpose, he was just one of those rare stallions who could endear himself to somepony simply by being himself.

Rarity had had crushes, and even romantic obsessions before, but somehow Spike had always known they would never go anywhere. Like with Trenderhoof, Spike had somehow just. . . known, that he wasn't ever going to be interested in Rarity. Just like he somehow, knew prince Blueblood would disappoint her. But Derran? Spike could tell that all Derran would have to do is ask Rarity out one time, and he'd be hearing wedding bells inside a year.

With Spike and Starlight absorbed in their respective thoughts Twilight found herself enraptured in a conundrum of her own. As Rarity, and the Apples spoke with Derran, she proceeded to analyse the song she had just heard. Something about the lyrics bothered her. At first she thought it might be the fact that the lyrics strongly implied that "Seraphim" meant something along the lines of: goddess. That in and of itself warranted a conversation with Derran about the terms meaning, but it wasn't what was bothering her.

Going through the lines of the song Twilight had greater occasion than usual to bless her photographic memory. "In the name of light our enemies chastise? No that's pretty cut, and dry." Twilight thought placing a hoof on her chin. "Into battle facing the fire, seraph thy will be done? No that's not it, what is it, something about this song feels off but what could it-" And Suddenly, it all clicked. It was the chorus that was bothering her "Doom Slayers" were marching on, "Slayers" plural! Twilight's eyes widened as she stared in shock at Derran, it was an idea so crazy she could hardly credit it but. . .

"Could there be more than one Doom Slayer?!" Twilight whispered to herself.

Curiosity's Blessing, Suspicion's Curse

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Derran sat cross legged in the center of Sweet Apple Acres apple orchard. His eyes closed, his breathing silent, and his mind focused. Tuning himself into his environment, he could hear the shifting of every apple tree leaf as a faint breeze stirred them. He could Smell the feathers of a bird hiding in the tall grass nearby, and he could feel the vibrations in the earth as one of the fillies seated in front of him fidgeted.

"You must stay still Scootaloo." Derran said with a smile.

Scootaloo opened her eyes to glare at her friend.

"Oh come on mister Grandel, we've been at this for almost an hour. How much longer do we have to just sit here doing nothing." She demanded in irritation.

Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle opened their eyes to nod.

"Scootaloo's kinda got a point mister Grandel, what does this have to do with 'Using your senses to full effect.'?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Derran chuckled.

"Before you can find something you must know what it is you are looking for. Right now you are learning the natural sounds of your surroundings. Once you know these sounds, smells, and vibrations, inside and out, you will be able to instantly identify anything that may be out of place." He explained patiently.

Scootaloo gave an exasperated sigh.

"This is so boring though!" She declared.

Again Derran chuckled.

"Yes, I thought so to when I first started learning." He said with a laugh, as he opened his eyes.

Apple Bloom stared at him.

"Ya'll had ta learn this to?" She asked.

Derran smiled indulgently at his young students.

"Of course, did you think me born with such an ability?" He asked.

"Well. . .no, but ya'll jus make it look so easy." Apple Bloom replied.

Derran laughed out loud at that.

"I assure you, I had to train and hone my skills like anyone else, though my speed, strength, and endurance were enhanced by magic, that would have meant little without the knowledge of how to use it." He explained with a smile.

"Wait, so a spell is what made you so powerful?" Scootaloo asked with an excited gleam in her eye.

Derran shook his head at Scootaloo's comment. Reminding himself that however clever these girls might be, they were still children.

"No, my dear filly, the spell did not make me powerful, it merely added to what was already present, making me more efficient. I fought for many years without the aid of any such magic. My true power comes from the same thing as all warriors, experience, training, and incalculable amounts of hard work." Derran looked the three fillies right in the eye as he spoke. "Nothing worth doing has ever been achieved without effort girls, and many a man, and pony, has paid a heavy price for attempting to take an ill advised shortcut." Derran intoned gravely.

The girls nodded in understanding.

"Ah know exactly what ya'll mean, ah once tried to take a shortcut like that, an boy howdy did ah regret it." Apple Bloom replied, recalling the incident when she used a makeshift Hearts Desire potion to try to force her cutiemark.

Derran nodded sagely, as his ears alerted him to the sound of an apple shifting slightly in the tree above him.

"Hard work may not be the easiest, but the results. . ." Derran's hand snapped up to grab the freshly falling apple out of mid air, his eyes never straying from his student's own. "are difficult to disagree with." He finished, presenting the fruit to the three awestruck fillies before him.

Starlight Glimmer glared at the book in front of her titled "Advanced Mind Magic", as though it had just insulted her.

"Uhgh! Another dead end, I could swear I saw something useful in here somewhere!" She said irritably. "There has to be something in this library that can tell me how to get Derran to give us his real story!"

Starlight took a moment to rub her temples with her hooves, all this research was giving her a splitting headache. Ever since the other day when she had met the human Derran Grandel. Starlight had been trying to think of a way to get him to explain himself, one he couldn't lie his way out of. She had considered using the spell that had allowed her to control her friends during a disastrous attempt to fulfill a friendship assignment from Twilight, but decided against it almost immediately.

For one thing, it might not even work on a human brain, and for another, she was pretty sure Twilight would hit the roof if she ever found out Starlight used that spell again. She also couldn't ask Twilight or any of her other friends for help, as they were all completely convinced that Derran was incapable of any wrongdoing. She had at one point tried to broach the subject with Twilight. Suggesting a "Omisso Labrum" spell to loosen Derran's tongue a bit, it had not gone well.

Twilight had all but bitten Starlight's head off, saying that Derran was entitled to his secrets, and that Starlight needed to stop being paranoid. Spike seemed sympathetic to her argument, but suggested that ticking off a guy who could fight, and kill, almost a hundred Timber Wolves at once, may not be the best move. Honestly though, Starlight was convinced that Spike just didn't want to challenge Twilight on this, and she didn't blame him.

Ever since Starlight, and Spike got back from Canterlot Twilight had been different. Not, taken over by a changeling different, but still different. For one thing, she seemed a lot more devoted to her appearance, taking nearly an hour in the morning to do her mane, and even putting on makeup, something she almost never used. She was also reading some very strange books, with titles like: Love: a Beginners Guide, Stallions and How They Think, List's for Love, and one that made Starlights eyes bug out when she found it, titled: The Art of Seduction.

However the thing that most surprised Starlight, was Twilight's attitude whenever Derran was brought up. Whenever he was mentioned, Twilight would go into some sort of nerdy fangirl mode. Droning on endlessly about how amazing Derran was, how heroic, how polite, how sweet, how brilliant, she even went so far as to compile an alphabetical list of all Derran's most positive attributes. Starlight found out about that last one when Spike dropped it on his way to file it with a stack of other Derran related lists. Frankly, it was clear that Twilight was not capable of evaluating their human guest objectively, which meant Starlight was on her own.

Unfortunately that meant finding a method of learning what Derran might be hiding the old fashioned way. Starlight knew thousands of spells, but none that quite fit this situation. For one thing she needed a spell that would be subtle enough not to alert Derran to its effects. That was a huge problem, simply because Derran never seemed to completely lower his guard, unless he was with Twilight or the others. The spell also had to be strong enough to overcome any mental defenses Derran might possess, and overcome them in a way that he wouldn't consciously notice. Starlight flipped through another book briefly, before casting it aside.

"Celestia this is hopeless!" She hissed in frustration. "None of the books in this castle have anything close to what I-" Starlight's eyes snapped open in realization as she broke off mid-sentence. "None of the books in this castle. . ." She repeated slowly, as she stared out the window towards the Everfree Forest, a slightly sinister smile appearing on her face.

Derran smiled as he flitted from tree to tree, completely silent despite his armor. He was currently being hunted, and credit where it was due, his pursuers had remained quiet dogged since the chase began. They only ever caught glimpses of him, but that didn't diminish their enthusiasm in the slightest. As he crouched behind a particularly large, and gnarled golden delicious tree, he heard them speaking in hushed tones.

"Ah coulda sworn ah saw him come this way." Apple Bloom remarked.

"Me too, but he's so fast it's hard to tell." Scootaloo agreed.

"How can such a large stallion hide so well?" Sweetie Belle complained.

Derran smiled to himself. "Nothing like a good old fashioned game of Hunter/Killer to liven up a training session." He thought to himself, as he planned his next move. However at that moment his ears perked up, and his smile broadened, as he heard four sets of heavier hoofsteps approach.

"What are ya'll up to out here?" Applejack asked, as she and Rainbow Dash came into view of the three huddled fillies.

"Hey sis, hey Rainbow. We're training with Derran, he's teaching us how to uhh. . ." Apple Bloom began, trailing off as she tried to remember the Doom Slayer's exact words.

"Use our senses to fullest effect." Sweetie Belle quoted from near photographic memory.

"What's that mean?" Asked Rainbow Dash quizzically.

"It means lady Dash," Derran began as he appeared seemingly out of nowhere. "to be able to sense every aspect of your surrounding, so that you might pinpoint any stimuli that could indicate a threat." He finished.

Rainbow masked her surprise at Derran's sudden appearance, with a sly grin.

"Sounds like fun, can anypony play?" She asked, giving Derran the same challenging look he had seen during their last competition. He chuckled in response.

"I have no objections, what do you think girls?" Derran asked, glancing at Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, And Scootaloo.

"No way! You really want to train with us Rainbow?!" Asked Scootaloo, who was practically vibrating with excitement at the idea.

"You bet squirt, after all I still owe Derran here a rematch for our race the other day." Rainbow declared with a confidant smirk, her competitive spirit burning in her eyes as she stared at Derran.

"Ya'll wanna join too sis?" Apple Bloom asked, hopefully looking to her elder sister.

Applejack thought about it for a moment before slowly nodding.

"Ah suppose, all the chores are taken care of, an I ain't got nuthin better to do." Applejack stated with a smile.

Derran nodded, clearing his throat as he explained the rules.

"Very well then, this is a game used by most D'nuriean militaries for training. It is known as HK or 'Hunter Killer'. One individual is designated as the 'Killer'. All others being selected as the 'Hunters'. The killer's job is to evade the hunters while simultaneously looking for an opportunity to strike his pursuers down. The killer is caught, or a hunter slain, when they are struck by one or the other on a vital point. Typically paint is used to mark the target on striking, but since we didn't have any available we were forced to leave that bit out. The game ends, when the killer is caught, or the hunters eliminated."

Rainbow and Applejack nodded their understanding. Then Applejack was struck by a thought.

"Ya know ah think we got some paint left over in the barn, if'in ya wanna use that?" She suggested.

Derran nodded.

"That sounds like a superb idea lady Applejack. By the by, might you also happen to have some brushes, and perhaps a few bits of scrap wood?" He asked with a small smile.

"Ah think so, but what for?" Applejack asked, scratching her head with a hoof.

"Just an idea for making the game a bit more entertaining." Derran replied with a wink.

Starlight smiled to herself as she entered the castle of the two sisters. The ancient seat of Equestrian power had long ago fallen to ruin, yet its crumbling walls and moss covered stone floors still held a certain majesty, and the weight of ages. Starlight had made the excuse to Twilight that she was searching for a historically significant spell, which wasn't entirely untrue. Fortunately, her mentor had been absorbed in reading "A Compendium of Romantic Methodology", and therefore hadn't asked too many questions.

"Hopefully something here will give me what I need." Starlight muttered to herself, as she brushed aside some cobwebs from the door leading toward the proper hallway. Twilight and her friends occasionally came to the old ruins to tidy up the place, but the spiders here were tenacious beyond belief, and no amount of dusting had been able to dislodge them.

A few minutes later Starlight entered the massive library. It's stone shelves towered over her, each filled with the arcane lore of past centuries. Enchanted to withstand even the ravages of a millennia of neglect, many had not been opened in centuries. Starlight often wondered why Celestia had abandoned the castle rather than having it fixed. But on reflection, it wasn't hard to guess. This had been where she had lived with her sister for hundreds of years, and it was also the place she had been forced to banish that same sister. Living here would have forced her to relive all kinds of awful memories daily. Small wonder she chose to leave, rather than be constantly reminded of the most painful decision of her life.

Starlight considered that it wasn't far removed from her own reason for leaving the village she was born in after she lost contact with Sunburst. Starlight winced, as she considered for the millionth time all the painful details of her past. However shaking her head, she refocused on the task at hoof. Scanning the shelves of the ancient library Starlight examined the titles. Most of the books in this section seemed related to history, rather than magical applications.

Whatever filing system had existed for the library had been lost long ago, and despite frequent trips here Twilight had never attempted to reorganize them. However, after a few minutes of examination Starlight realized that the books were more or less organized alphabetically by subject, then by author. After that it was a simple matter for Starlight to locate the section on magic, and begin flipping through it. The first few books yielded nothing, then she she paused as her eyes settled on a truly ancient looking volume, oddly with no listed author. The book was a simple grey tome with a faded cloth binding, flecks of golden paint just barely spelling out the title "The Mists of Truth". Opening the musty book, Starlight's mouth curled into a triumphant smile after only a few minutes of reading. As she examined a spell that, with a little modification, would solve all her problems.

"Veritas De Domino. . ." Starlight whispered to herself. "The Truth of the Soul, sounds like just what the doctor ordered." She said with a smirk.

Rainbow Dash zipped through the trees as fast as she could while still maintaining control. In her teeth she clutched her new "weapon", a long dowel with a paintbrush lashed to one end. For the last few minutes she had been searching for her target, but so far had come up empty. Hovering in midair, Rainbow strained her eyes and ears for some sign of her quarry. However, despite her incredible propensity for noting fine details while flying, she couldn't find a single thing out of place, save for the sound of the rest of her team catching up.

"Any luck Rainbow?" Asked Scootaloo as she stepped off her scooter, her own mock spear held across her back by a piece of twine.

"Not yet, but don't worry, there's no way he can escape from 'Ponyville's Best Athlete' right Applejack?" Rainbow replied smugly as Applejack rolled her eyes in response. "Which reminds me. . . how's saturday afternoon work for you making good on our bet?"

Applejack smirked.

"Tell ya'll what, how bout double or nuthin? Whoever wins this here game gets the title, and a barrel 'o free cider all to themselves." She offered.

Rainbow didn't even have to think about it. The thought of a whole barrel of Sweet Apple Acres cider all to herself made it an easy sell.

"Awe yeah, you are so on!" She whooped, her mouth already watering.

Rainbow dropped to the ground, and spit on her hoof in preparation to shake on the deal, when something blasted by them in a blur of movement. Rainbow, and Applejack felt a sharp poke on each of their necks as the thing shot past. The blow wasn't enough to cause damage, just enough to knock them off balance.

"AFTER HIM!" Sweetie Belle shouted, as she and the Crusaders took off after their attacker.

Rainbow recovered from her stagger, and her hoof flew to where she had been hit, only to come away dry.

"What the? Why didn't he mark us? We left ourselves wide open?" Rainbow wondered aloud.

Applejack shrugged as she rubbed her own neck.

"Ah think that was jus to git us to pay attention, like a warning shot." She suggested after a moment's thought.

Instantly Rainbow's eyes narrowed.

"Wait. . .He took it EASY on us?! Of all the! Who does that guy think he is?!" She shouted indignantly.

Applejack gave her friend a look of mild reproach.

"Ah never said-" She started, only for Rainbow to cut her off.

"He wins one little race and he thinks I need a handicap!?" Rainbow fumed. "C'mon AJ let's show Derran Grandel just who he's dealing with!" Rainbow declared, the competitive fire in her eyes blazing to new heights, as she shot after Derran and the fillies. Applejack, knowing it was pointless to try and argue, just sighed and shook her head as she hurried to catch up.

Derran wove his way through the trees, attempting to break his pursuers line of sight. Looking over his shoulder he saw that the crusaders had spread out slightly to make it easier to spot him. "They learn quickly." He thought to himself. "Perhaps I ought to speed up a bi-" Derran's train of thought was interrupted by the sight of a multicolored blur rocketing over the fillies heads and streaking toward him. Derran just had time to roll out of the way of Rainbow Dash's attack before regaining his feet, and facing her.

"Impressive lady Dash, I must say you quite surpass me in the arena of raw speed." Derran commented, carefully controlling his voice to betray no surprise, and making sure to keep Rainbow Dash in the center of his field of vision.

"Flattery will get you nowhere pal." Rainbow stated smugly. "But feel free to keep talking."

Derran relaxed his stance, and to Rainbows surprise he bowed his head in apparent defeat.

"Well I'm afraid that this is where it ends then." He said, regret in his voice.

Rainbow gave Derran a look of disbelief.

"Wait, you're just giving up? I mean, I know my skills are pretty intimidating, but c'mon, you could at least try to go down swinging." She replied, scratching the side of her head in confusion.

Derran shrugged as he walked toward her, a resigned look on his face.

"Much though I would love to go out in a blaze of glory, I think it best to end it for you here." Derran said with a smile as he finished closing the distance.

"Wait say wha-" Rainbow began, only for Derran to lunge forward, and with the brush he had concealed in his right hand, place a streak of red paint across her throat. Rainbow blinked, staring in stupefied disbelief at Derran as he tucked the brush back into his belt. "But you surrendered!?" Rainbow declared angrily, to which Derran only continued to smile.

"I never said I was giving up milady. I simply said this is where it ends and let your ego twist it into what you wished to hear." Derran said with a smirk. As he slowly circled around a nearby apple tree, one gauntleted hand lightly brushing the bark.

Rainbow glared at Derran in outrage.

"That's cheating!" She yelled angrily.

"No, that is teaching, I did say that this was a training exercise did I not? Your lesson for today is twofold, first: Arrogance gets you killed. It is all well and good to take pride in your accomplishments, but never forget to temper it with humility. Lest your ego get the better of you." Derran explained with a small smile.

Rainbow wanted to protest, but had to concede that Derran had a point.

"Ok, what's the second lesson?" She asked huffily.

"All warfare is based on deception." Derran replied as his image flickered, and then vanished. Leaving a stunned Rainbow to stare at a strange metallic device where his feet once stood. Picking up the square object in her hoof, Rainbow tried to guess at what point Derran had made the switch.

"Note to self: never get into a prank war with Derran." Rainbow muttered, as she waited for Applejack and the others to catch up.

Starlight hummed happily to herself as she entered Twilight's castle. Learning a new spell always put her in a good mood, especially when she got to test it so soon after. She did feel a bit guilty about going behind Twilight's back like this, but c'mon it wasn't like she was going to hurt Derran right? She was just going to gather some information on him to make sure he wasn't dangerous.

"Really it's not that different from researching a potentially hazardous magical artifact." Starlight reassured herself. "I'll just pop into Derran's head, make sure he isn't hiding anything malicious, and then pop out. No harm done." She stated confidently.

"Pop out of where?" Came a familiar voice, causing Starlight to almost trip over her own hooves.

"AGH TWILIGHT!" Starlight shouted, whipping around to face her teacher. "Aaaaah, nothing! Just uh, I just was thinking of uh. . . getting some flowers from the Everfree Forest, that's all." Starlight lied, hoping against hope that Twilight wouldn't get suspicious.

"Oh really?" Twilight asked clearly skeptical. "And why would you need flowers from the Everfree, when there's a perfectly good flower shop in town?" She asked with a cocked eyebrow.

Starlight gulped.

"Uh, well, you see. . ." Starlight trailed off as she tried to think of a plausible excuse. Then suddenly her face lit up. "Actually I wanted to get them for you." She said, putting on her best, fake sincerity, act.

"For me?" Twilight asked in surprise, her skepticism turning to curiosity. Starlight nodded vehemently as she continued.

"Yes, I just thought since you seem so close to Derran that you might want to give him something nice, you know since he saved the town and everything." Starlight explained, putting her hoof around her teacher's neck in what she hoped was a chummy manner.

Twilight's ears turned red at Starlight's explanation.

"Derran, and I seem. . .close?" Twilight asked, her heart skipping a few beats, as the red of her ears suddenly moved to encompass her cheeks.

Starlight nodded, knowing she had Twilight exactly where she wanted her. Mentioning Derran always seemed to throw the alicorn off for some reason.

"Of course, I mean, you were one of the first ponies he made friends with after he got here, and you've been talking with him every night after dinner. Not to mention how protective he seems to be of you." Starlight said offhoofedly, ignoring the faint pangs of guilt she was feeling as she continued the deception.

"Y-you really think Derran is protective towards me?" Twilight squeaked, her entire face now the color of a cherry.

"Oh definitely, in fact if you two aren't careful ponies might start thinking that something's going on between you two." Starlight stated in a casual tone, she was laying it on a bit thick at this point, but hey as long as it worked. "Anyway, I did try the flower shop, but nothing there really seemed appropriate. Then I remembered that a while back I saw a whole bunch of Amantium Benedictio at the edge of the everfree forest."

Instantly Twilight's eyes got a look in them that usually only happened when she was in full "Freak Out" mode.

"YOU KNOW WHERE TO FIND LOVERS BLESSING?!!" She shouted, grabbing Starlight by the shoulders. Twilight's smile becoming almost deranged as she forced Starlight to lock gazes with her. Starlight's feeling of fearful surprise must have shown on her face, because Twilight released her immediately and cleared her throat before restating the question. "I mean: you saw a patch of Lovers Blessing?" She said in a far calmer tone, though there was no disguising the faint glimmer of mania still in her eyes.

"Um sure, buuut why are you so excited?" Starlight asked a little hesitantly.

"Oh, uh, well it's just. . . well I read this silly story that if you place Amantium Benedictio, commonly called 'Lovers Blessing', in the room of sompony you might possibly, kinda, sorta have a crush on. . . that they're supposed to fall in love with you. Haaa, ha, ha, silly right?" Twilight explained, in a tone that was supposed to convey that she didn't believe a word of it, but instead managed to do the opposite.

Suddenly Starlight's face fell, as a horrifying realization began to take shape in her mind.

"Uh, Twilight?" Starlight asked in a strained tone, as she desperately hoped she was wrong.

"Yuh huh?" Twilight said trying, and failing, to look composed.

"You're not. . . I mean you don't like like Derran, right?" Starlight asked, suddenly finding the wall to her right very interesting as she fought a sense of mounting dread.

Twilight might have laughed at Starlight's phrasing, but in her current state of mind all she could say was. . .

"Kinda." In a small voice that would have sounded more normal coming from Fluttershy.

Starlight struggled to control her expression, as in her head she started screaming. Both at herself for missing something so obvious, and just in general. Twilight's odd behavior made perfect sense now, no wonder she acted so weird about Derran, and no wonder she was so touchy about anypony questioning his motives. Starlight honestly couldn't believe that this possibility never occurred to her. Although in her defense, being the maniacal leader of a pseudo religious cult left very little time for romantic pursuits. After a long, very awkward pause, during which neither she nor Twilight said a word, Starlight forced herself to speak.

"Oh, uh, Oh." Was all she managed to say before taking a deep breath. "Uh Twilight, I mean. . . look it's great you found somepony you uh. . . have an interest in. But, um. . . well I mean, isn't Derran just a bit. . ."

"A bit what?" Twilight asked, in a voice that made the room feel instantly ten degrees colder.

"Uh, nothing!" Starlight stated with a nervous smile. "So, how about those Amantium Benedictio?" She asked, suddenly wondering what would be worse: having her plan discovered by Derran, or having it discovered by Twilight?

Apple Bloom's head whipped from right to left then back again. Placing her back to an ancient Cortland apple tree, she held her paint spear in front of her with both hooves. She was the last pony standing. After Rainbow Dash had been taken out, Scootaloo had been next. Determined to avenge her adoptive sibling, Scootaloo had rushed ahead of the group. A rock had been thrown under the wheel of her scooter, throwing her off it, only for the filly to be grabbed out of the air before she hit the ground by an armored blur. However when she was set down a short distance away, Scootaloo found a stripe of red across her throat perfectly matching Dash's.

Next had been Applejack, who was pulled up into a large Macintosh tree right before Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle's eyes. Jumping from the tree it left Applejack in, the blur landed with only a faint sound of shifting grass, before bolting behind a row of Red Delicious, and vanishing. Clambering down from the branch the entity had left her on, Applejack was quick to discover that she too now had a red line across her throat.

The rules stated that those eliminated must leave the field of play, so Applejack headed to the barn, leaving her sister, and Sweetie Belle alone to face their foe. No sooner had Applejack left however, than the blur shot by again, marking Sweetie Belle before they could even decide on which direction to go.

"And then there was one." Came the voice of Derran Grandel, seemingly from every direction at once.

Despite knowing that Derran would never hurt her, Apple Bloom had to admit to being a little afraid. The way Derran could seemingly vanish, then reappear, was especially unnerving. He moved so silently, and so fast, he seemed like a ghost, moving through solid objects and becoming invisible at will. Of course Apple Bloom knew that wasn't really what Derran was doing, he was just so good at this it just seemed that way. . .Right?

"Ah ain't givin up!" Apple Bloom shouted, hoping she sounded a lot tougher than she felt.

"An admirable sentiment, but how much conviction is behind it I wonder?" Derran replied, in a voice that despite it's calm tone, sent chills down Apple Bloom's spine. Apple Bloom opened her mouth to reply, when she heard a twig snap to her left, at the same time that she heard a rustling in the bushes ahead of her. "Which way? Left? Right? Or perhaps neither? What will you choose little lost filly?" Came Derran's voice, the last seven words sounding like they came from right next to her.

Apple Bloom was so startled she jumped three feet in the air before whirling around. Only to see nothing but the empty rows of trees stretching off into the distance. Trying to calm down, Apple Bloom forced herself to think. How could she find Derran when he seemed to be everywhere at once? Suddenly a thought occurred to her, if this was supposed to be training, then it meant she must already know what she needed to succeed, and she just needed to use it.

Placing her weapon on the ground Apple Bloom closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. Recalling what Derran had taught her she tried to pick out any sound's smells, or vibrations that didn't belong there. Letting her mind clear Apple Bloom smelled the scent of the grass, felt the sun on her coat, and heard the breeze coming through the trees. "C'mon ah jus gotta find what don't belong. . ." Then she heard it, the faint sound of breathing, and it was coming from. . .

Apple Bloom just had time to grab her weapon and roll out of the way. As Derran dropped from the tree above her, and swiped at where she had been sitting with his paint dagger. Coming up again she stabbed at his crouching form with her own weapon, only for Derran to catch the haft of her spear in his left hand. Pulling it from out of her stunned hooves, Derran swiftly reversed the weapon and with a few quick swipes placed a crude mustache on Apple Bloom's muzzle.

"Congratulations my dear Apple Bloom, you seem to have succeeded." Derran said with a smile.

Apple Bloom blinked a few times as she processed what Derran had just said.

"I wha? But I wasn't able to hit y'all!" Apple Bloom protested, wondering if Derran was making fun of her.

Derran chuckled.

"Yet you were the only one who thought to use the technique that I taught you." He said with a smile. "That was the point of the game after all, to give you an opportunity to use what you had learned."

Apple Bloom considered Derran's words for a moment before nodding slowly.

"I guess that makes sense, still wish ah coulda won though." Apple Bloom said with a small smile.

"What makes you believe you did not win?" Derran asked with a cocked eyebrow.

Apple Bloom smirked.

"Y'all only said ah succeeded y'all didn't say nuthin about me winin." She replied smugly.

Derran favored Apple Bloom with a proud smile.

"I suppose I didn't." He said with a chuckle.

Starlight walked through the streets of Ponyville cursing both herself, and her luck. Herself for unintentionally encouraging her mentor's crush on an alien super soldier. And her luck for for forcing her to spend almost three hours gathering a bouquet of flowers to cover up her intention to spy on said super soldier.

"Of course I had to choose a flower that's almost impossible to find this time of year." Starlight grumbled to herself as she headed back to the castle.

Honestly Starlight supposed she should count herself lucky that Twilight bought her excuse at all. She was positive it only worked because of Twilight's infatuation with Derran. Starlight still couldn't believe it took her so long to figure out that Twilight had a crush on him. Then again she had never really understood love in general. Starlight had however once heard that love both is, and makes you, blind, and that certainly seemed to be the case here.

Twilight was usually a very careful pony, not to mention hard to fool in general. So when she had vigorously defended Derran despite her obvious lack of concrete understanding of his motives, Starlight had been extremely surprised. However now it all made perfect sense, and it also reassured Starlight that she was indeed doing the right thing. Twilight's crush was obviously preventing her from taking the steps needed to ensure the safety of her fellow ponies. It would be irresponsible of Starlight to simply let it go, and ignore so great a possible threat right?

"Right." Starlight reassured herself.

As she neared the castle Starlight frowned, noticing that Derran was already there talking to Rainbow Dash, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"I still say it was a cheap shot." Rainbow said to Derran, with a good natured smirk.

Derran arched an eyebrow.

"So is pretending to have an injured wing in order to play off of a man's sympathy also a cheap shot then?" He asked with a small smile.

"Not if you don't fall for it." Rainbow replied cheekily.

"Milady Dash I am beginning to suspect that you believe any scenario in which you lose is a quote unquote Cheap Shot." Derran responded with a laugh.

Rainbow nodded.

"Exactly." She said unashamedly.

Derran burst out laughing.

"Lady Dash I can honestly say I have never met anypony with a viewpoint quite like yours." He said with a shake of his head.

"Hello I hope I'm not interrupting anything important." Starlight cut in, trying her hardest not to sound disingenuous.

"Not at all lady Starlight, we were simply discussing lady Dash's perspective on the rules of combat training." Derran stated lightheartedly, causing Rainbow to give Derran a look of mock annoyance before breaking into a smile.

"So I heard."Starlight said curtly, wondering how Derran could so effortlessly wrap ponies around his hoof.

"Are those Lovers Blessing flowers?" Sweetie Belle asked noticing the brilliant red blossoms poking out of Starlight's saddle bags.

Starlight nodded.

"Yes Twilight wanted some." Starlight explained.

"Why'd she want those?" Scootaloo inquired curiously.

"Haven't a clue." Starlight lied, more because she didn't want to say than for fear of blowing the surprise.

"Huh, Rarity is always saying how those are the best flowers to give-" Sweetie Belle began, stopping short as a look of dawning comprehension appeared on her face. "Oooooh, I know why Twilight wanted them. . ." She trailed off looking up at Derran with devilish smirk that he either didn't notice, or choose to ignore.

"What are y'all talkin about?" Apple Bloom asked giving Sweetie Belle a puzzled look.

"Yeah what's so special about those flowers?" Scootaloo chimed in.

Sweetie Belle motioned her friends closer before leaning over to whisper in their ears for a few seconds.

"Ooooh." The two said in unison as the same knowing smirks appeared on their faces as they glanced at the Doom Slayer.

"Anyway," Starlight interrupted before the fillies could say any more. "I have to go bring these to Twilight, also I think she wanted to see Derran, and we really shouldn't keep her waiting, so bye everypony!" Starlight declared dragging Derran into the castle with her magic before slamming the door in the faces of a confused Rainbow Dash, and three smirking fillies.

"Forgive me lady Starlight, but is something wrong?" Derran asked with a look of mild surprise. "That seemed a bit. . . abrupt, if I may be forgiven for saying so."

Starlight immediately put on the face of the dutifully eager student.

"I know but Twilight really wanted these flowers as soon as possible, and we don't want to keep the pri- er, seraphim of friendship waiting right?" She asked in a leading tone.

Derran arched an eyebrow.

"Of course not, but I doubt milady Twilight would admonish us for taking a few seconds to properly bid our friends farewell." Derran stated with a faint edge of suspicion.

Starlight gave a nervous laugh as she replied.

"Well you know Twilight, when she gets something in her head. . ." She offered, trying to sound calm.

Derran slowly nodded.

"I suppose. . ." He trailed off.

"Great! Just wait right here then, and I'll let you know when she's ready for you." Starlight said a bit too loudly.

"But I thought you just said-" Derran began, stopping as Starlight vanished in the light of a teleportation spell. "Milady Starlight certainly seems high strung today, perhaps I ought to prepare her some Chamomile tea? He commented to himself staring at the location she had been a moment before.

Starlight appeared in the castle library in a flash of magical energy only for Twilight to instantly drop the book she was reading and rush over to her.

"Did you get them?!" She cried out excitedly, looking like a foal on Hearth's Warming Eve. Starlight nodded and felt a faint surge of pride as she pulled the flowers from her bags with a slight flourish. Until she recalled who they were for anyway. "Oh Starlight you're the best student a princess could ever ask for!" Twilight shouted with an excited twirl before transferring the flowers from Starlight's levitation field to her own. "They're amazing." Twilight breathed as placed them in a nearby vase.

Starlight had to admit Twilight had a point. The flowers strongly resembled a long stemmed Crocus, save that they were a brilliant scarlet with veins of faintly glowing purple running through the petals. However what really made them stand out was the red flame-like aura surrounding each blooming flower. The aura danced in the mesmerising manner of a candle flame, with soft motes of blue light appearing and disappearing within it like tiny Fireflies. Looking at them It was easy to see how the flowers had earned their name.

"Is Derran back yet?" Asked a hopeful Twilight after a moment admiring the wondrous plants.

"Yes." Starlight said trying to disguise her irritation at the mention of the human's name. "He just got back from. . .something." She stated doing her best to act engaged.

"I bet he was out playing with the crusaders again." Twilight said with a giggle. "He's so good with fillies, isn't he?" She asked in a dreamy singsong voice as she adjusted the position of the flowers in the vase.

Starlight bit back a sharp rejoinder as she struggled to force a smile.

"He sure is." Starlight said through gritted teeth as she struggled not to gag.

"I wonder if maybe someday he'd be open to having another child?" Twilight said with an expression of a pony lost deep in their own little world as she walked out the door with the flowers in tow.

For some time Starlight stood there, her expression blank, and her eye twitching as she replayed Twilight's parting words in her head. Then abruptly she snapped out of her trance and screwed up her face in a look of angry determination.

"That's it." She hissed. "This ends tonight!"

Far from Starlight's angry declaration, in a forgotten cave, Queen Chrysalis frowned at the item her changeling servants had brought her. Sitting on an uncomfortable black resin coated pile of stone, the Queen was in a foul mood. She had just finished another meeting with Stormfang, and pretending to be a sycophantic lackey in the face of the dragon's arrogant posturing was almost beyond even her considerable patience. Nevertheless she was able to manage it, and convince him to be patient as she made a few "last minute adjustments" to the plan. Now she listened to a report by two of her few remaining drones, grateful that at least her unwitting ally had not been interested in the exact nature of her "adjustments".

"And you were able to get it without the zebra's knowledge?" She asked, in a tone that while calm, reminded her servant that there was only one acceptable answer.

"Yes my queen." He responded in a hissing voice. "She never suspected a thing."

"You are certain?" Chrysalis asked again, her tone shifting to one of almost motherly concern. Designed to fool her servants into thinking they might be granted mercy if they owned up to their failure. She wouldn't of course. But pretending to forgive her servants on occasion before quietly disposing of them, fostered the kind of honesty needed for her to maintain accurate reports from her subjects.

"Absolutely my queen, I posed as that clumsy mail mare and she let me right in after I pretended to crash into her cottage. All I had to do was fake a limp, and she invited me right in to receive medical treatment." He replied with a sneering smile.

"Well done, but how did you manage to prevent her noticing your injuries were fake?" Chrysalis inquired, as though merely curious. While silently swearing to herself, that if her servant had alerted the alchemist by botching his deception with such an imbecilic oversight, she would tear him limb from limb. . . slowly.

"I made sure the crash was just real enough to give me some convincing bruises." The drone replied proudly.

Chrysalis nodded, giving her servant a rare genuine smile.

"Very well done my child, rest assured, you shall be well rewarded in our future kingdom." She declared, actually pleased for the first time in several days. The first drone bowed deeply, as Chrysalis turned to the second. "And you? Was your mission to the Crystal Empire successful as well?" She asked with a false smile designed to make her appear less threatening.

The second drone nodded.

"It took some time, but we were able to duplicate the method by which princess Cad-" The drone was cut off in mid sentence by a green telekinetic aura lifting him off the ground and crushing him almost to the point of suffocation.

"NEVER SPEAK THAT NAME IN MY PRESENCE!!" Chrysalis roared, her eyes blazing with a hateful green light.

"Forgive me my queen!" The drone gasped out, as he struggled to remain conscious. "It was a simple slip of my unworthy tongue, please your wretched servant begs mercy!"

The drone's prayers were answered, as he was flung to the stone floor with enough force to crack the chitin plates that covered his right side. Though in considerable pain, the drone scrambled to his feet to finish his report, knowing all too well how any show of weakness was punished in the kingdom of Chrysalis.

"As I was saying my queen" He gasped out, as a few drops of green blood trickled from his injured side to the floor. "We duplicated the method of communication used by the. . . crystal princess, and her sister in law. The enchanted message has done its work, and she will soon be in Ponyville." The drone struggled not to cough as he continued. "We have also confirmed that the sun, and moon princesses will soon return to Canterlot." He managed to finish, as his legs buckled, and he crumpled to the floor of the cave.

"Where they will doubtlessly hear of the strange creature that arrived in Ponyville, and head there to greet it." Chrysalis let out a cruel laugh. "All my greatest enemies in one place! First I shall tear out their hearts, then when the time is right, I will destroy them utterly!" She declared, practically giggling with sadistic delight.

"My queen." The pitiful cry of her injured drone drew Chrysalis's gaze back to him. "Please help me." He begged.

Chrysalis expression switched, to become one that on another creature might have been called gentle.

"Of course my faithful servant. . ." She said, in a tone of loving concern.

"Oh thank you my queen, truly I am unworthy of your grace!" Chattered the drone in relief.

"Take my injured child to the next chamber where he can be. . .treated." Chrysalis said to the other drone in a kindly voice.

The drone bowed before whistling for two of his fellows to help him carry their injured broodmate. As this was being done, Chrysalis levitated the item her first drone had brought her up to her face.

"The Alicorn amulet. . ." She breathed with a cold, fang filled smile. "The final piece of the puzzle." She declared, as screams and chitters of agony echoed from the neighboring chamber, as her weak servant was torn apart, and devoured by his fellow drones. "And something only the strong are worthy to possess!" She said, slipping the amulet over her head. . .

Where Dreams Become Nightmares

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Derran stared at the vase on the table in front of him allowing his mind to lose itself in the flickering red aura and dancing motes of blue light generated by the flowers held within. Twilight had presented the magnificent blooms to him shortly after dinner, and he truly couldn't imagine a more wonderful gift. The sensation Derran got from watching the flowers was so very relaxing, and he found himself thinking fondly of the mare from whom he had received them. . .

"Suprise!" Twilight exclaimed, revealing the glowing flowers arranged perfectly within a vase of clear crystal.

For a moment Derran simply stared at the remarkable gift placed on the bedside table. Crocus like red flowers with veins of glowing purple, combined with the gently swaying flame-like red aura and winking pinpricks of blue light, all formed a truly hypnotic effect.

"Milady they are exquisite." Derran breathed out. "But what is it for, If I may ask?" He asked, turning to look at Twilight.

Twilight felt a blush creeping onto her cheeks as she met Derran's gaze.

"Well. . . I just, really wanted to show you how much Ponyville appreciates everything you've done for us, and. . . for me." Twilight replied shyly.

Derran gave a shrug of his armored shoulders.

"I am merely doing what is expected of a servant to the Seraphim." Derran explained solemnly, before giving Twilight a gentle smile. "But thank you milady, I truly am lucky to have somepony like you as a friend."

Twilight's smile seemed to falter for a moment before returning to its previous state.

"Well I'm. . . glad you like it." She said, turning and walking from the room.

As Derran watched Twilight leave he felt strange. He was momentarily assailed by the sensation that he was missing something. . . something important. Derran shrugged off the feeling, but it continued in the depths of his mind as he turned back toward the glowing flowers.

Derran no longer required sleep, though he could still choose to do so if he wished. However since arriving he had forgone such rest in favor of spending his nights in the library, reading up on the event's of the thousand years he was absent. He found reading helped quiet his mind by giving him something to focus on, whereas sleep seldom gave him such peace. The library was filled with books on every subject, art, history, magic, science, and a complete collection of enjoyable adventure novels written by somepony named A.K Yearling. Derran devoured one book after another, memorizing anything he found interesting or important.

However on this occasion he found all he wanted to do was be alone in his room with the flowers and his thoughts. Specifically he was thinking of how much Twilight had done for him since he got to Ponyville. She had graciously shared her home, fed him, introduced him to new friends, and given him her complete trust. She was kind, courteous, brilliant, gentle, and a host of other equally positive descriptive terms.

"Truly lady Twilight none can doubt your right to the mantle of Seraphim." Derran thought happily to himself. "Over a thousand years have passed, but the light of the Seraphs still burns as bright as the day I first encountered them."

Derran sighed at the thought, he tried not to let it show but he truly hoped he would see ladies Celestia, and Luna soon. He missed them dearly. Derran longed to see Celestia's playful smile, to hear Luna's angelic laughter. To see them again even for an instant would make all his battles up to this point well worth the effort. However, he couldn't complain too much. Having Twilight as a friend had made the waiting far more bearable, not to mention the crusaders, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity.

Spending time with the fillies had been a welcome reassurance that innocence still existed in the world, and aided greatly in washing away the pain of sorrows long past. Talking with Twilight, and hearing the stories of her adventures, had reminded Derran of how beautiful life could truly be, and he never tired of their conversations. He hadn't gotten to know Rarity, and Applejack as well as he would have liked, but their brief interactions thus far had been wonderful.

Rarity reminded him of his mother, proper at all times, but with a warmth that bespoke a truly kind heart. Applejack's down to earth nature and practicality evoked memories of Derran's neighbors during his time as a farmer on D'nur and made him feel like a part of the family. Rainbow was a welcome distraction, her drive and tenacity reminding him of himself in many ways, while her sense of humor and sometimes over the top ego never failed to make him laugh. For the first time in centuries Derran felt at ease, he felt at home.

"Home. . ."

Struck by a sudden impulse Derran removed the Crucible from his belt, and glared at the artifact with a look of focused anger mixed with cold satisfaction. Derran could feel the vile energies contained within struggling to break free, and as he held it he sensed a faint whisper in the back of his mind urging him to activate the item. That faint whisper clawed at Derran's subconscious promising him wealth, power, glory, and every other material desire, but in the end found no purchase in the armored walls of his mind.

"He who is loved is already rich, he who is humble is already glorious, he who is wise is already powerful, he who is all three posses's all that is worth having." Derran whispered with a calm certainty, before fastening the demonic object back in place, and returning his gaze to Twilight's gift.

Ignoring the burning sense of rage the crucible sent in response to being rebuffed, Derran allowed himself to surrender once more to the mystical dance of the flowers aura. Derran's mind wandered back to Twilight's smiling face, as the artifacts empathic threats, and screams of hate faded like so much background noise. "I truly must do something to repay lady Twilight for all her-UHHH!" Derran's words turned to a groan, and he lept to his feet as the room spun around him. "What. . .is. . ." Derran was unable to finish his sentence as he felt the ground rush up to meet him. . .

Starlight Glimmer smiled to herself as she tiphoofed away from Twilight's bedroom. Her mentor was sound asleep, as was Spike, nopony else was awake, save for herself and Derran. She was fairly certain Derran wouldn't be able to cause too much commotion after the spell took effect. But just to be safe she had erected a soundproofing barrier around Twilight, and Spike's rooms, triple checking the enchantments to insure they would not end before dawn.

"Now on to phase 2." Starlight whispered to herself confidently, as she silently made her way to her room.

Once safely back in her own room Starlight began her preparations, first locking, and warding the door with a force field, then doing the same to the window, and finally surrounding her bed in a dome of protective magic. Once more she triple checked everything with a meticulousness that even Twilight would have thought over the top.

"If Derran is hiding something I'll be completely safe, plus I can teleport Twilight, and Spike in with me if I need to." Starlight said with a smirk, satisfied that her preparations were flawless. "Now then Derran Grandel, time to take a little trip down memory lane. . ."

Fixing an image of Derran in her head Starlight began to channel her magic, first imagining an invisible thread linking her mind to his. The original "Truth of the Soul" spell was supposed to allow one pony to enter another willing pony's mind and experience their memories. However Starlight's improved version allowed it to work on anypony regardless of whether they were willing or not, provided they shared a common memory. In this case Starlight was using Twilight as the memory fooling Derran's mental defenses into letting her through.

As she poured energy into the link Starlight felt a peculiar sense of displacement as her consciousness left her body and was pulled into Derran's mind. Starlight felt a surge of pride as she realized the spell was working before everything suddenly went black. An instant later Starlight gasped.

Before her stood a pair of massive stone doors seemingly placed in the middle of a silent black void, through which swirled a faintly glowing red mist. The stone was grey but scorched black in places, and covered in cracks and jagged runes that glowed with an evil crimson light. Massive iron chains caked in rust fastened the doors shut, and in the center of the two doors was a circular lock, emblazoned with a single pulsing green rune. Starlight recalled she had seen the exact same rune on Derran's helmet and armor. Looking at the doors Starlight began to doubt the advisability of this course of action.

"This is what the entrance to Derran's mind looks like? It's huge, and I can feel how well protected it is, if I had tried to control him. . ." Starlight trailed off with a shudder.

For a moment Starlight considered turning back, however she just as quickly dismissed the idea. This door was a reflection of Derran, and if the mind it protected was even half as evil as this door looked, then she needed to know what was inside. Walking forward she pressed her hoof to the door, it felt oddly cool to the touch. For a moment nothing happened, and Starlight wondered if the spell had failed after all.

"Maybe the defenses are still too strong. I should probably just-" Starlight never got the opportunity to finish as she was thrown back by the doors violently flying open with a roar like an erupting volcano.

Starlight screamed as she was lifted off her hooves by burning hot wind with the strength of a hurricane, and a searing red light forced her to shut her eyes lest she be blinded. A sound like a billion billion screams of rage deafened her, and she felt herself tumbling through the air like a kite in a tornado.

Starlight felt herself become apoplectic with rage, then suicidal with grief, then insane with euphoria, then emotionless as a machine. She felt her mind begin to fracture from thousands of conflicting emotions, and strained her will to the limit to retain her sense of self. Pain, pleasure, numbness, she felt all of these and none of these for a time that could have been a single moment or a thousand millennia. Then, just as Starlight felt herself slipping into madness, she fell painfully onto a hard unyielding surface, the discomforts and emotions vanishing as if they had never been.

For awhile Starlight couldn't speak, see, hear, or even smell. She stumbled in the dark, trying to find her hoofing. Starlight winced in disgust as she felt herself step in something sticky and wet. Almost losing her balance, she was saved by a hard square object that she clung to gratefully, as she waited to get her senses and voice back.

First to return was her hearing, allowing her to perceive dozens of unfamiliar sounds. Metallic clicks, electronic beeps, the hiss of escaping gas, and the faint crackling roar of something burning far away. Starlight could only guess she was surrounded by machinery, and that she was inside a building of some kind. Then abruptly her sense of smell came back, and she nearly threw up. The stench was beyond awful! A foul mix of rotting flesh, sulphur, burnt copper, ozone, smoke, and other things best left unnamed, tainting the air. Starlight struggled to control her gag reflex, as she tried to breath through her mouth as much as possible.

"Celestia!" Starlight gasped. "What is that?! It's like being in a burning swamp filled with dead bodies!" She retched in disgust.

Then, slowly, Starlight's vision began to return, starting as a white light, it soon transitioned into an unfocused blur that gradually became sharper. Blinking rapidly Starlight saw she was holding onto a grey crate made of some kind of plastic, then she looked up, and surveyed the room she was in for the first time. The breath seized in Starlight's throat, her pupils dilated, and her body became numb. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't, her terror was simply too great.

In the flickering of the damaged overhead lighting, dented and torn metal walls smeared with blood resolved themselves. On the floor, Starlight beheld heaps of organs, and twisted human corpses. Symbols that made her head hurt to look at directly were etched here and there in fresh dripping crimson. On one wall, a human body burned beyond recognition was pinned in place by a jagged piece of steel, impaling it through the remains of its shattered chest.

Starlight took a horrified step back, only to slip in the sticky substance she had stepped in earlier. Which she now saw to be a pool of partly congealed blood, flowing from a human body that had been torn in half at the waist. Falling to the floor and staining one side of her coat red, Starlight came face to face with a severed human head. Veins and strips of flesh trailed from the stump of the neck, the face twisted in an expression of supreme agony, and fear. Then, as she looked into the head's one remaining eye, Starlight felt herself go nearly insane with terror. Because despite the fact that the head was clearly dead, that one eye twitched, to meet her with it's unholy gaze.

Starlight screamed like she never had before, a shriek of primal horror that echoed far beyond the walls of the room she now lay in. Springing to her bloodstained hooves Starlight continued to scream, as she ran at what her half delirious mind somehow surmised to be the door. It opened upward with a faint hiss at her approach, and Starlight ran down an empty metal corridor strewn with bodies both human and unrecognizable. She had no idea where she was running, all she knew is that she had to get out, she had to escape!

The corridor soon terminated at another door, and Starlight ran to it out of some wild delusion that it might be an egress from this nightmare. Gasping for breath Starlight skidded to a halt in front of the dented, and blood spattered door. Whatever was on the other side couldn't possibly be any worse than what was behind her. The door was slightly damaged and let out a faint metallic screech as it struggled to open in fits and starts. Sheer terror gripped Starlight at the thought that the door might not work, but it did, but with it's opening a new horror made itself known.

They might once have been humans; but now only bore a superficial resemblance to that. Twisted almost beyond recognition the shambling monstrosities bodies looked like they had been partially melted. Their limbs were mismatched, one or the other often being too long or too short. Their flesh had fused to the clothing they wore, on which it was just possible to make out a logo with the letters U.A.C on it. In some places the flesh had melted off completely revealing gleaming white bone and partly necrotised organs.

But worst of all were their faces. A gaping hole replaced the area where eyes should have been, making it look like the head was made of wax and somepony had shoved a large white hot metal rod into it. The lips had melted off showing just the teeth and gums, along with part of the jaw bone. Starlight could not believe it, these things should have been dead! Yet somehow, through a magic to foul to even comprehend, they lived.

The creatures stared sightlessly at Starlight for a moment, then the closest let out a tortured groan, and took a shuddering step toward her. Starlight shrieked before turning and running pell-mell back the way she came. Passing the storage area she had started in she sighted another door further down the corridor, hoping against hope that it led to safety she rushed toward it. She couldn't stand this anymore if she didn't find a way out of this monstrous pit soon she would surely go insane with fear! She had almost reached the door when, as if in slow motion, something dropped from a darkened air shaft into the corridor.

The creature landed with its back to Starlight yet she had no doubt it knew she was there. It to bore a humanoid shape but was clearly even less human than the shambling horrors she had left behind. Long sinewy arms covered in brownish orange skin that transitioned into purple in some spots, ended in hands with four powerful clawed fingers. The body looked emaciated but clearly possessed muscle, and the creature moved in a hunched over manner as it turned to face Starlight on a pair of disturbingly human-like legs ending in clawed tri-toed feet. Two slanted eyes of sickly yellow stared at her with a look of bestial malice, as a long pink tongue slithered out to caress razor sharp teeth.

Starlight felt her body go numb as she stared at the creature. It was more than just it's grotesque appearance. The creature seemed to radiate hopelessness, hatred, fear, and cruelty like the heat from a roaring bonfire. Starlight felt despair and horror assail her, sapping away her courage, tearing down her confidence, and in the space of a moment reducing her from a confidant young mare, to a shivering little foal.

Then as the creature took a step forward Starlight was jolted into movement by a surge of primal fear that told her that she had to run NOW! Turning around Starlight bolted toward the storage area she had first awakened in. If she could somehow get in and block the door she could undo the spell and escape from this nightmare. As she ran forward Starlight heard a strange crackling followed by a whooshing noise, and she screamed as a jolt of white hot agony lanced through her ear. A ball of red flaming energy shot by the side of Starlight's head to strike one of the zombies she had seen earlier right in its misshapen torso. Half blinded by pain, Starlight still saw the ball of flame burn right through the shuffling creature before melting a small section of the wall behind it to the consistency of butter.

Starlight just managed to slip through the automatic door before a second ball of blazing death shot through the area her body had been occupying a moment before. Starlight panicked for an instant when she realized she didn't know how to lock the door before noticing a pair of buttons to the side of the entryway marked lock, and unlock. Smashing her hoof onto the 'lock' button Starlight felt a surge of relief as a loud "Chunk!" was followed by an emotionless mechanical voice saying: "Storage area VX7-Gamma is now in emergency lock down, please be aware that a log of this event has been filed with security, thank you."

Starlight felt her whole body shaking uncontrollably from a combination of fear, and adrenalin. Taking a series of deep breaths she tried to marshal her thoughts. Touching her injured ear with a trembling hoof Starlight was relieved and amazed to find that the tip had just been singed a little. It had felt like her whole ear had been burned off. However her relief was short lived as her fear subsided enough for her mind to begin analysing the situation.

"Wait. . ." Starlight said aloud, as icy tendrils of fear encircled her heart. "The spell is only supposed to let me interact with the subjects memories as a passive observer. I'm supposed to be like a ghost, unable to affect anything or be affected, so how can those creatures even see me let alone cause me pain, unless. . . oh no, oh Celestia no!" Starlight cried out, panic threatening to overwhelm her as she realized the full implications of what she had done. "I must have screwed up the spell! I'm not just seeing Derran's memories. . . I'm physically reliving them somehow!" Starlight felt her mind reel at the enormity of her mistake, and the possible consequences, but forced herself to focus. "Ok. . . this isn't a problem, all I have to do is end the spell, then I'll wake up in my own bed back in the castle and forget this ever happened."

Starlight closed her eyes and focused, ordering the spell to reverse itself and shut down, only to be engulfed by horror when nothing happened. Fighting down her fear Starlight tried again, and once again nothing happened. "No, no no no no NO!" Starlight shouted in panic as she tried again, and again, and again. As Starlight frantically tried for the sixth time to end the spell, her efforts were disrupted by a loud bang and the sound of tearing metal.

Starlight turned to stare in horror at the storage room door, to see that the reinforced metal was glowing a cherry red, and parts of it had been raised up sharply as from an impact from the other side. Starlight felt her fear redouble as three clawed fingers punched through the softened metal and began tearing through it, leaving three jagged trailing rents. Beyond which she could just make out a pair of hungry yellow eyes.

Ignoring the urge to panic with a herculean effort of will, Starlight began frantically levitating the storage crates scattered around the room into a barricade. Deep down though Starlight knew she was merely buying time. After all if a reinforced metal door couldn't keep that monstrosity out then what chance did a few plastic crates have? That thought was only made worse when the creature punched through the door with one arm up to its elbow, flailing the limb around in a blind attempt to find its prey. Starlight slammed one of the crates against the questing appendage as hard as she could and the monster withdrew its arm with an angry screech that set Starlight's teeth on edge. The monster was not long deterred however, and the ear shattering sound of claws tearing through metal soon filled the small room.

Then abruptly the sound ceased, and was replaced by a series of dull thuds, like extremely heavy footsteps. Starlight heard the creature beyond the door chitter strangely as the footsteps closed in, shaking the room slightly with their tread. Starlight felt her blood run ice cold as the sound stopped directly outside the door.

For several moments the only sound was the hissing of escaping air, and the snaps of faulty electrical wiring. Then with an unholy roar something struck the door with enough force to send the crates piled against it flying around the room. Starlight just managed to stop one with her levitation before it crushed her skull into pulp, dropping it to the ground with a loud thud.

Her view of the door now unobstructed Starlight's eyes widened in horrified disbelief. The door had been half torn away from one side of its frame, and now curled inward on itself. Such had been the force of the blow, that it had bent out the upper part of the frame where the door would normally have withdrawn upward into the ceiling. However the frame had still fared better than the door itself which had torn along the now deformed arch like a giant piece of tinfoil.

Starlight just had time to wonder what creature could possibly possess such strength when a massive clawed hand grabbed hold of the remains of the door, ripping it away with a scream of tortured metal. The lights in the storage room had failed after she had fled earlier and it took a moment for Starlight's eyes to adjust to the contrast created by the lights in the hall. But when her eyes did adjust Starlight felt her heart stop.

The creature before her stood at least seven feet tall, its scaled hide, black like obsidian glass, covered a bulging musculature that left no doubt of its immense physical power. The monstrous thing stood on two thick legs that bent forward then back, then forward again, like a big cat's if they were to stand upright, terminating in massive paws not at all dissimilar from a dog or wolf. Arms as thick as saplings ended in two meaty four fingered fists attached to a pair of hunched shoulders, atop which sat a head the size of a prize winning watermelon. The head had no visible ears, or eyes, just a thick alabaster skull with an indentation suggesting a nose cavity beneath it, the creature bore no lips, showing its disturbingly human teeth off in an eternal hate filled grimace.

Starlight just managed to raise up a magical barrier as the creature let out a deafening roar before lunging at her. Raising its right fist overhead the monster brought it down on the mystical shield with an enraged bellow. Starlight gasped as she was forced to put every ounce of her power into the shield to keep it from collapsing. This creature's strength was comparable to that of the largest dragons, despite it being a mere fraction of their size!

Even though Starlight was giving this shield everything she had, that one blow sent a spiderweb of cracks across its domed surface. The cracks vanished just in time as the creature wound up for another strike. The second blow was even more powerful than the first, and Starlight felt her fear spike as she realized that she had burned through most of her reserves of magic.

As the monster roared out in unbridled fury Starlight felt tears start to leak from the corners of her eyes and down her face as she realized she was going to die. That might not have been a problem if the spell that brought her here had worked properly. But based on what she had experienced so far Starlight believed the spell to be psychosomatic. In other words: if she died in the memory, she died in real life. Starlight felt her life flashing before her eyes, all the things she had screwed up, all the things she had done wrong. . .

The giant creature raised both its fists over its head, and Starlight despaired. The monster clearly wasn't holding anything back this time, and Starlight doubted she could muster the strength to resist its blows. But then her more recent memories flooded into her mind, of the things she had learned, of the joys she had experienced. . . of the friends she would hurt if she gave up. Starlight felt her strength surge at that thought, she couldn't let it end here, she had to keep fighting! If she let herself die here she would be letting down all the ponies who had given her the wonderful life she had now.

"BRING IT ON!" Starlight shouted as the creature brought both fists down in a vicious double hammerblow.

The creature's fists once again covered the shield in cracks, but despite the strike's immense power, it held, and for a moment Starlight dared to hope. But then the monster howled in rage and began raining blow after blow down on the barrier. Starlight poured everything she had left into the spell, resisting one blow, then two, then three. . .

But in the end even the mightiest of mountains shall be ground to dust by an unceasing tempest, and so it was here. As the fourth blow finally caused the shield to shatter, falling in on itself in a form like glittering mist. Starlight fell to her knees her head exploding in pain with the spells destruction at the hands of the vile giant's monstrous strength.

Through a near blinding haze of agony Starlight could have sworn the monster wore a cruel smile on its lipless features as it raised its fists to end her, its smaller hissing subordinate gleefully standing behind it surrounded by the twisted forms of the zombies. Starlight closed her eyes and braced herself for the end, wishing that at the very least she could have seen her friends one last time.

Then as if in answer to Starlight's silent prayers a beam of brilliant blue white light blasted through the hallway beyond the door, blinding her with its radiance. In an instant the zombies and hissing monstrosity were turned to red mist, and gobbets of steaming meat. The shockwave of the beams passing knocked the ebon skinned giant off balance, allowing Starlight an unobstructed view of the doorway. A moment later, from her prone position on the floor, Starlight beheld a sight that filled her with terror and hope in equal measure.

There in the ruined doorway stood a figure, green plates scored by fresh claw marks covered his armoured form, spatters of blood and gore painting a chest, and limbs encased in supernatural metal, leather, and circuitry. In his hands was a large weapon that vaguely resembled a giant tuning fork glowing faintly blue. The figure's face couldn't be seen behind a tinted crescent visor that somewhat resembled a heart, but Starlight had no doubt who he was. The ebon monster seemed to know too, as to Starlight's utter shock, it took a step back from the figure in the door. For just an instant Starlight thought she saw an expression of fear on its hideously misshapen face. However if that fear had been real it was short lived.

With a roar of unholy fury the monster charged the Doom Slayer it's fists upraised. A sharp crack and red flash accompanied Derran switching out his weapons. Starlight's view was momentarily blocked by the ebon skinned horror eclipsing the doorway before it was sent staggering back a step with a loud boom. As the creature tried to rally Starlight caught a glimpse of its front, and she felt a sudden urge to vomit.

The creature's upper body was covered in blood that poured from a dozen or so small craters pockmarking its chest and stomach. Any other creature would have been dead or writhing on the ground screaming in pain. Yet this monster seemed only to grow angrier, rising to its feet with a roar that shook the walls. The creature only managed to take one step before the armoured figure of the Doom Slayer rushed forward. Dodging under the creature's massive fists The Slayer placed the muzzles of his double barreled weapon to the creature's blood slicked abs before pulling the trigger.

Starlight saw the monster's back explode in a cloud of blood and meat that splattered the entire back of the room. The creature fell, cut in half at the waist its torso collapsed forward on its grotesquely spasming legs. Starlight covered her mouth with her hoof as the smell of fresh spilled blood and offal assailed her. Struggling to hold down dinner she took a step forward, only to freeze in mind numbing terror as the bisected monstrosity moved.

Despite no longer having a lower body and with most of its organs spilling out of it, the thing struggled to drag itself toward the Doom Slayer. The creature stopped moving only after Derran grabbed it by the head and snapped its neck with a savage twist. Starlight was shaking from head to toe as the Doom Slayer straightened and turned toward her. He had to know this was all her fault, he probably only saved her because he wanted to kill her himself.

"Lady Starlight, are you alright, have you been injured?!" Starlight was stunned, despite the distortion caused by his helmet, there was no mistaking the concern in Derran's voice as he rushed to her side. Falling to one knee and placing his weapon to the side, he swiftly examined Starlight for injuries. "Thank the seraphs! When I heard your cries I feared the worst I-" Derran was cut off by Starlight wrapping her hooves around him before bursting into tears.

"I-I'm s-s-so s-s-s-soRRYYYHEheheee!" She wailed burying her face in Derran's chest plate neither noticing nor caring that he was covered in blood.

Starlight had never felt so miserable in her life. She had ignored her teacher and closest friends when they vouched for this stallion. Then out of paranoid fear she had lied to her mentor, and created a spell to invade Derran's privacy against his will. Then to top it all off she had dragged them both into this forsaken pit where they both might very well die, and when he saved her, she still assumed it was a trick. Derran asking her if she was alright felt like getting bucked in the gut by Applejack, and it was only made worse when he returned her hug.

"It's alright Starlight, it's ok." Derran said soothingly, running his hand over her mane to comfort her.

Starlight held tighter to Derran as she sobbed uncontrollably. Derran supposed he should have been angry with Starlight, but anger would serve no purpose other than to exacerbate their problems. More than that however Derran felt that no words, however harsh, could punish Starlight more than she already had been.

"I-i-it's n-n-not a-alright I-I-I-" Starlight's words dissolved into more sobs as she lost control again. Derran didn't move, simply holding and petting the distraught pony as she cried herself dry. Starlight didn't know how long they stayed like that, but after what felt like an eternity she finally managed to pull herself together. Wiping tears, and snot from her dishevelled features with the back of her hoof Starlight looked into Derran's helmet visor to see her own miserable face reflected in it.

"Feeling better milady?" Derran asked, and despite not being able to see his face, Starlight could tell he was smiling.

"Yeah. . . I do." Starlight replied, then taking a deep breath she continued. "Derran I am so so so sorry, this is all my fault and if we get out of here I swear I will accept any punishment you feel is appropriate." She said formally.

"Tell me how to get us out of here, and I shall consider the debt settled." Derran said gently, grabbing his weapon and rising to his feet. Nodding Starlight tried to think.

"Ok well, the spell is supposed to work by isolating memories into small scenes, like in a play." She explained surprised at how much calmer she felt after crying out most of her fear.

Derran nodded his understanding.

"So there is a beginning, and an end." He stated pensively.

Starlight nodded.

"Exactly, now I designed the spell to pause in between scenes and give you the option of leaving before transitioning into the next one. I meant it as a failsafe in case I couldn't end the spell once I was inside it. So in order to leave all we need to do is find the 'end' of this memory. Unfortunately I have no idea where that is." She elaborated, finding that focusing on the immediate problem helped keep her panic from rising.

"I believe I know where to find this memory's end." Derran said after a brief pause, in a tone tinged with something like regret. "I can get us there but milady you must do exactly as I command." Starlight nodded her agreement immediately as Derran assumed a pose of intense concentration. "Alright, first do you posses a spell that can protect you from extreme environments, specifically: sub zero temperatures, and areas with no breathable atmosphere?" Starlight nodded, suddenly feeling extremely grateful for reading: Havelock's Spells for Explorers.

"Yes but only for a limited time, about ten to fifteen minutes in conditions like a complete vacuum or temperatures below about negative fifty degrees." She explained.

"Good, and can you still produce a shield to protect yourself?" He asked as he began to plan out the coming battle in his head.

Again Starlight nodded.

"Yes, but I won't be able to take many hits before it collapses, at least not from any more of those." She said pointing at the monstrous nearby corpse while trying not to look directly at it. Derran slowly nodded his head in response.

"That is fine, I believe I should be able to keep that from being a problem, now let us depart." He declared, rising to his feet and heading to the destroyed door. "Follow closely milady, and be ready to shield yourself at a moment's notice." Derran stated as he leaned out to check the corridor.

Heading out into the hallway Starlight kept her eyes fixed firmly on the Doom Slayer's back, and pointedly refused to look at anything else. Derran was her anchor in this nightmarish pit, a single point of sanity in a sea of madness and terror. Derran's movements were steady and sure, his weapon held at the ready. His focus did not waver, despite everything, he was completely unafraid.

"How are you so calm?" Starlight asked struggling to keep her voice from shaking.

"I have been fighting these creatures for hundreds of years, I lost my fear of them long ago." Derran stated evenly.

Starlight nodded as they proceeded through another door and down a corridor littered with the corpses of monsters. Though she tried not to, Starlight caught glimpses of the bodies forms out of the corner of her eye. One was a grotesque pink thing lying in a pool of foul smelling blood spilling from its cut throat. Starlight thought It looked like a mutated combination of a bipedal dinosaur, a dog, and a pig. Another was identical to the ebon skinned brute that had nearly killed her, save that its head was missing. There were also several of those smaller orange humanoids in varying states of dismemberment as well as innumerable discorporated undead humans.

"What are they?" Starlight asked, more to distract herself than because she wanted to know.

"Evil made flesh." Derran stated with a slow hateful coldness before holding up a hand. "Stop. Wait here and put up your shield." He commanded.

Derran gave no explanation but Starlight obeyed regardless, feeling no desire to challenge the Doom Slayer's judgement. Through the cyan filter of her protective magic Starlight saw Derran advance on a trio of ovoid doors each with a glowing plate to the left of them. Heading to the center door Derran pressed his armored fingers to the screen. A small beep preceded the soft whirring of some unseen machine.

"You may wish to cover your ears milady." Derran stated calmly, standing to the side and aiming his twin barreled weapon at the still closed door with one hand while prepping a small metallic canister with the other. Starlight nodded holding her breath as the seconds ticked by, then the doors opened. The first thing Starlight noted as the reinforced metal slabs parted was that they were the outer doors of an elevator. The inner doors were made of a thick armored glass that allowed full view of the elevator car's interior, and the evils within.

They appeared to be a more combat oriented version of the shuffling undead humans Starlight had been accosted by earlier. Their bodies were twisted, their partly melted flesh fused with the armor they had died in. In addition to armor the creatures were far bulkier. Their muscled limbs hinting at far greater strength and mobility than their slow moving and emaciated brethren. One arm ended in a surprisingly human five fingered hand. Though like all the flesh on the creature's body, the skin looked partly melted, bereft of hair or natural wrinkles. However the creatures other arms were what held Starlight's attention. They ended in a hideous mix of metal and flesh sporting a trio of barrels that left no doubt as to their function.

All this was absorbed by Starlight's brain in the two seconds before the inner door of the elevator opened and the Doom Slayer struck. The boom of Derran's weapon was a thousand times louder in this confined space, and without the distraction provided by the fear of imminent death Starlight swiftly regretted not heeding the Doom Slayer's earlier advice. The first of the undead was torn to ribbons by the force of dozens of jagged tungsten pellets impacting at mach speeds, painting half the elevator interior a sickening crimson.

The other creature reacted with surprising speed, activating a force shield that manifested as a vertical plane of blue energy about a foot and a half wide, and a meter tall. However the effort was wasted, as a small object arced over the shield to land behind it with a clatter of metal against metal. The creature just had time to turn its head before it was sent hurtling out of the elevator as a broken dismembered mess by the grenade's detonation. Starlight only had a moment to consider the shredded corpses and smell of blood and cordite before the Doom Slayer motioned her forward.

"Quickly milady." Derran's tone was steady but there was an unmistakable note of urgency that spoke of concern. Starlight doubted the Doom Slayer feared for his own life, he clearly had that well taken care of. It was with some degree of shock that Starlight realized he must be worried about her. This was only confirmed by his next statement. "Make certain you keep behind me at all times, I can weather their attacks far better than you can." Starlight felt a sharp stab of guilt as she nodded and entered the elevator after Derran, doing her best to ignore the sight and smell of the dead monstrosity at their hooves.

Starlight watched as Derran pressed his hand to a rectangular plate within the elevator car, and felt a faint sense of vertigo as the doors shut and they began to descend. The journey to the bottom was made in silence giving Starlight plenty of time to consider all the ways she had misjudged Derran. She had violated his privacy, endangered his life, and generally treated him with at best mild antipathy, and at worst open contempt. As the elevator came to a halt, all Starlight could think about was how she could never apologise enough for this.

Switching out his super shotgun for his assault rifle, Derran exited the elevator car with all his senses tuned for signs of danger. There had been no enemies here last time, but he could not afford to be careless, not with Starlight in tow. Her safety was priority one, nothing else mattered save that she survive. Derran heard her moving behind him as he made his way through a short wide hallway toward a large ovoid door. As he approached Derran ordered Starlight to conjure her shield again and she obeyed without comment.

"Do not listen to the holograms." Derran stated jerking his head at the ghostly projections flanking them, their programming warped by hell energy; they now spoke on behalf of darker masters. Though on this occasion they did remind him of an important detail. "I also advise you to cast that spell that shields you from harsh environments. The area beyond is cold enough to kill in minutes if you are not protected." Starlight nodded casting the spell as ordered and making her coat shimmer as a skintight field of energy enveloped her.

The door opened automatically at the Doom Slayer's approach with a faint hiss, to reveal the massive room beyond. It was all as Derran remembered. The raised square platforms, the ledges like partly open corridors, the massive cylindrical machine dominating the center, it was identical to the original right down to the freezing temperatures.

Derran lead Starlight down a nearby corridor lined with frost covered glass on one side, and steel plates on the other. The corridor soon transitioned into an open ledge hemmed in by guardrails slick with ice. Turning left and heading through a large perfectly square room, Starlight nearly collided with Derran as he came to an abrupt halt. In front of them was a rectangular platform that appeared to act as a cargo lift. Derran pointed to an opening several meters above the lift separated from the chamber they stood in by a reddish orange energy field.

"There, that is our way out, can you teleport past that energy barrier?"

"I think so, but what are you going to be doing?" Starlight asked shivering slightly, as even with her mystical protections she still felt an uncomfortable chill.

"Unfortunately it is our only way forward. Past that barrier is a train meant to deliver supplies and personnel. The train is currently offline, and will not begin to move again until I destroy the machinery in this area." Derran explained, choosing to leave out Samuel Hayden and how he had disabled the train remotely. As an extra measure to prevent the Doom Slayer from leaving before he carried out the task. He also decided against mentioning Vega or what the purpose of all this was, he already disliked this memory, no point burdening another with its details if he didn't have too.

"Right." Starlight replied, sensing that there was more to it than what Derran was telling but deciding to ignore her urge to ask questions. Honestly Starlight didn't really feel like she wanted the answers regardless. Channeling her magic Starlight's vision was momentarily eclipsed by a flash of brilliant cyan light before she found herself looking down at the Doom Slayer from behind the faintly humming field of reddish energy.

Derran glanced up at Starlight for only an instant before jumping over a nearby guardrail to the floor of the chamber. Moving toward his first target Derran tried to ignore the nagging thought in his head that he was cursed. Was this a portent for the future? Was he destined to forever tread the path of doom with peace as a mere taunting memory? To find happiness only for it to be ripped away? Derran shook his head, as he banished his dark thoughts. Even if this was his fate, this fight had never been about him. . . In his mind he saw the faces of all the ponies he had met since his return, his thoughts lingering especially on the Smiling faces of Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Twilight.

"That's who this is about." Derran whispered to himself as he saw the first cooling conduit come into view, and as he took aim at it he felt his sadness burned away like an early morning mist by his reignited conviction. "I'm not here because I want to be." Derran said coldly as he pulled the trigger. "I'm here because they need me to be." He declared a tone of savage pride in his voice as the alarms started blaring. . .

Starlight struggled to fight down her fear as Derran vanished from sight. Despite knowing in her heart that he was not the stallion she had convinced herself he was. Starlight couldn't help thinking for an instant that Derran was abandoning her. But the thought was fleeting as her reason swiftly reasserted itself. Taking a deep breath Starlight wondered how she was ever going to be able to make this up to not just Derran, but Twilight. "She'll probably throw me out of the castle on my flank when she finds out about this, and even if she dosen't I might just do it myself." Starlight didn't know what this place was or what those horrible monsters that attacked her were, but she had her suspicions. "Was this the reason Derran left a thousand years ago? Did these creatures threaten Equestria somehow?" That seemed the most likely scenario, but if that was the case why keep it a secret?

Starlight jumped as she was broken out of her thoughts by the sound of a screaming alarm accompanied by the flashing red of dozens of emergency lights. However her surprise at the unexpected lightshow was soon replaced by a feeling of mind blasting terror, as from her vantage Starlight beheld a sight torn from the nightmares of only the most depraved of madponies. They arrived in bursts of red light by the dozens. Slavering horrors that exuded a miasma of terror, despair, and hatred. Some were near perfect copies of the creatures she had seen earlier. Emaciated undead lurched forward alongside their more robust armored brethren, while a pair of ebon skinned giants stalked forward nearby.

Others however were wholly new to Starlight, on a nearby platform appeared an unholy monstrosity that looked like a giant flayed human corpse fused with some kind of metal armor. As Starlight watched the creature rose into the air on a burst of flame from the chestplate it wore. While a pair of mechanical arms extended from its shoulders ending in what she could only assume to be weapons.

Starlight had no further time to examine the grotesque cyborg as a new horror appeared in the air above it. Starlight had to fight down the urge to vomit as a misshapen red orb of flesh and bone turned to stare at her with a single gangrenous green eye. Opening a mouth that seemed to make up most of its body the creature vomited forth a ball of corsucating energy that seemed niether wholly fire nor wholly electricity. Starlight screamed and dodged out of the way as the ball hurtled toward her, only to have it explode against the energy field sealing off the room.

As Starlight rose to her shaking hooves she felt her mind begin to unravel. She was going to die, they were all going to die, these creatures. . . they were unstoppable! She didn't need to fight them to know that, their mere number and presence was enough. She felt that same feeling of hopelessness from earlier return a hundredfold. These monsters were an inevitability, they were the end of all things, the death of hope! Starlight turned away from the scene seeking desperately for some form of escape and her eyes fell upon the solution. There at the end of the walkway she stood on was a vast chasm of ice. . . just one leap, and it would all be over. . .

"One leap. . ." Starlight whispered stumbling forward as if in a trance. Reaching the edge Starlight stared over the side, the bottom was hundreds of feet down interrupted only by the rail line of the train Derran had mentioned. Starlight felt a strange sense of detachment as she stared into the depths of the icy crevasse. "It will be quick. said a voice in Starlight's head. "At this height you won't even have time to feel it, and it has to be better than what those. . .things, will do, right?" Starlight slowly nodded her head, her mind unable to think of an argument against the voice through the dense numbing cloud obscuring her thoughts. "Right. . .much better. . ." Raising her right hoof Starlight prepared to step out into empty space, then she heard it: Gunfire, and the screams of monsters, calling her away from oblivion.

Derran surged forward the staccato chatter of his weapon drowning out the roar of the hell knight as its chest was pierced by a stream of fifty caliber AP rounds. Spinning to one side Derran grabbed hold of an imp who foolishly believed him too distracted to notice it. Pulling the imp toward him Derran interposed the hapless creature between him and a ball of psychic plasma from a nearby cacodemon, smiling as the imps body was disintegrated with an agonized howl. Switching targets Derran engaged the micro missiles to deliver a meal of explosive death straight to the floating horror's open maw.

A rain of blood and meat showered Derran in crimson as he reached the hell knight. He wasted no time as he jumped and struck the beast in the chest with a brutal flying back kick, sending the now senseless monster hurtling into a group of possessed, its chest shattered. Switching weapons Derran obliterated the tangle of demons with a casual shot from his rocket launcher, before summoning the super shotgun to his opposite hand to turn a flanking hellraiser's head into a cloud of bone and blood.

Derran felt the adrenalin overtake him as his fury rose, and he felt his persona alter. Derran, the educated noble whose kindness and gentle calm had so endeared him to the ponies of Equestria faded in favor of a new mindset. Calm became rage, nobility became savagery, education became instinct, Derran slept, and the Doom Slayer woke. . .

A mancubus jumped down from a nearby platform to block the Slayers path only to be met with a barrage of missiles and sent reeling. Its body alive, but marred with bloody craters. No opportunity was given for recovery as the Slayer pulled himself up the monsters bloated form to ram his shotgun into the beast's gurgling maw. The creatures single eye had an instant to register surprise before its head burst like a rotting melon hit with a sledgehammer. The Slayer spent no time admiring his work as he jumped to a nearby platform. Exchanging his shotgun and rocket launcher for something a little heavier, a trio of hell knights screamed as their legs were cut out from under them by a stream of lead from the Slayer's chaingun.

The slayer reveled in his bloody work as he dismissed his chain gun for the rail gun. Charging the weapon for a few seconds the Slayer grinned maniacally beneath his helmet before obliterating the three paraplegic hell knights with a lance of charged plasma. However this victory was not without cost, as a pair of cacodemons finally managed to strike their assailant with vomited spheres of blazing energy. The Slayer staggered back for an instant before charging another shot and splitting the nearest cacodemon almost in two with another searing beam of azure death. Switching out his weapon again the Slayer ran straight at the second floating ball of teeth and crimson clearing his path through a group of imps with a stream of blue white death from his plasma rifle.

Another ball of psychoactive bile struck the Slayer's chest, and searing pain surged through his body as the burning slime managed to eat a few small holes in his armor. The pain was ignored completely as the Slayer's armor repaired itself and he jumped high into the air. Using his boots at the apex of his leap the Slayer collided with the bobbing red monster that had dared to strike him. Grabbing hold of the thick bone spines growing out of the creature the Slayer placed the plasma rifle's muzzle to the abominations single green eye, before activating the heat blast unit. The monster didn't even have time to scream as its body exploded into ash. . .

Starlight stared at the battle from above. She didn't remember the short walk to get here from the edge of the chasm, nor did she recall why she had gone to the edge in the first place. All she knew was feeling a strange surge of hope at the sound of Derran's weapons and then finding herself here. The battle was terrible, and the creatures horrific. But as she watched the Doom Slayer tearing through the hordes of monsters with brutal abandon, Starlight felt a strange sense of calm. Yes these monsters had the power to destroy worlds, yes they could obliterate all she knew and loved, they could. . . but not while this guardian lived.

It was faint, but Starlight could tell. . . these creatures feared this human. Despite all their power, despite all the destruction and death they had left in their wake, they could never bring him down, and they were afraid. Starlight felt a sense of grim satisfaction as Derran slaughtered these monsters, had they been any other creature she might have been disturbed. But somehow she knew beyond any shadow of doubt, that these monsters truly deserved it. . .

The Slayer grabbed a possessed former security guard by his weapon arm breaking it with a simple upward strike. Before smashing his fist into its head with enough force to splatter it across the floor. The Slayer gritted his teeth as he felt the agonizing sensation of a plasma ball burning through his armor and into the exposed flesh beneath. It didn't matter, pain was irrelevant, for the sake of the seraphs and the light, only victory mattered. Staggering the second undead security guard with a blast from his standard shotgun, and blowing a ragged hole in its chest as he closed the distance between them. The Slayer reversed the direction of the vile creatures left knee with a savage kick, and as the creature collapsed with a screech of pain the Slayer brought his foot down on its skull silencing it for good. However in his haste he allowed his guard to slip.

A flash of red light, and a roar of pure hate was the only warning the Slayer received before he was sent skidding across the floor by a savage strike from behind to the side of his ribcage. Hitting the nearby wall and spitting blood from a punctured lung, the Slayer turned and stared into the glowing yellow eyes of one of Hell's fiercest soldiers: a Baron of Hell. Most would have hesitated at the sight of a foe nearly ten feet tall with arms and legs as thick as grown trees, but all the Slayer did was call out another weapon. With a buzzing roar the Slayer hefted the most brutal weapon in his sizable arsenal. It had been far too long since he'd let his precious chainsaw taste the blood of demons.

The baron let out another roar as it charged the Slayer its massive fists alight with balefire, a challenge the Slayer was more than happy to meet. The baron raised its fists high in the air intending to bring them down on the impudent insect that had dared challenge its supremacy. . . it was the last bad decision the beast would make. The Slayer's inhuman speed once more stood him in good stead, as he brought the whirling teeth of his weapon into contact with the demonic flesh of the creatures left leg. The baron's attack faltered as it it shrieked in agony. Hell forged muscle and bone being no defense against hardened terrestrial steel. The demon gave another roar as it fell, striking the metal floor hard enough to put a foot deep dent in it. The baron flailed impotently opening its mouth for another roar of defiance, that turned into an ignominious gurgle as the Slayer used the opportunity to widen the beasts smile in a spray of blood and gore.

The Slayer snapped his head around looking for a new target as his armor absorbed the dissipating hell energy from the baron and repaired some of the damage to his body. The Slayer hissed slightly as he felt the rib that had pierced his left lung withdraw, flesh and bone knitting, allowing him to breath normally once more.

Jumping up onto a nearby square platform the Slayer felt the adrenalin leave his body as he realized the battle was over. He alone stood amidst piles of the demonic dead, unbowed and undefeated. Dismissing his weapon the Slayer mindset began to recede, as Derran Grandel returned to the fore. Ignoring the pain that the adrenaline had formerly kept in check Derran headed back toward the cargo elevator.

Starlight watched Derran approach with a worried expression, the strange detachment she had felt during the battle had ended, and was now replaced by guilt. Derran was obviously hurt, he was limping slightly and during the battle he had taken a number of hits that would have killed a lesser stallion.

"I am fine." Derran stated calmly before Starlight could even open her mouth to ask.

"No you're not." She replied in a strained broken voice, tears coming to her eyes as she recalled all this was entirely her fault.

"I can fight, and honestly that is really all I am good for anyway." Derran joked. Starlight didn't know why, but for some reason hearing Derran acting so lighthearted about what were clearly serious injuries made her snap.

"JUST WHAT THE BUCK KIND OF MACHO MANTICORE SHIT IS THAT!!?" Starlight roared her face a mask of fury. "YOU THINK NO ONE WILL CARE IF YOU DIE?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH YOU MEAN TO TWILIGHT?! ARE YOU THAT OBLIVIOUS?!" Starlight shouted glaring straight into Derran's visor. Seemingly impassive in the face of Starlight's rage Derran gave a weary shrug before responding in a conciliatory tone.

"Apologies milady I didn't mean to offend, I was simply hoping to lighten the mood. I assure you I have no intention of dying here. Also I am well aware of the value lady Twilight places on me. The Seraphs are creatures of the light and love all their earthly servants as family. However as her servant I must place your life above my own, as I would for any citizen of Equestria, for that is what I swore an oath to do." Starlight stared at Derran in utter disbelief "Celestia he's more oblivious than I was." Shaking her head Starlight decided that this wasn't the time or place to have an awkward discussion.

"Look Derran I don't know what kind of oath you swore, and I don't care. As far as I'm concerned you're life is just as valuable as mine."

"It is not a matter of value it-"

"Up-bup-bup. Don't care." Starlight interrupted. "Here's whats going to happen: you are going to swear an new oath to me, got it?" Derran arched an eyebrow behind his helmet.

"What kind of oath?" He asked with a hint of suspicion.

"You're going to swear to me that you will live through this mess I got you into." Starlight stated firmly. Derran considered her demand for a moment before nodding.

"Very well." He said slowly. Falling to his left knee and bowing his head, Derran's right arm was placed diagonally across his chest so his fist was over his heart. His left arm perfectly aligned with his bent right knee. The left hand was curled into a fist, and had the knuckles pressed firmly to the ground. "I Derran Grandel, the Doom Slayer, do hereby swear to you lady Starlight Glimmer. That I shall survive this trial with life intact, this I swear under pain of eternal damnation." Derran's tone was solemn and Starlight could tell he wasn't doing this just to make her happy. Starlight nodded her acceptance of the Doom Slayer's words

"Thank you." She stated gratefully. "Now what's next?" Starlight asked, feeling more like her old self than she had since they had arrived, what now felt like a lifetime ago, in this pit.

"There is an ambush waiting up ahead, and the creatures are far more numerous than they were here, but I have a plan." Starlight gave Derran a hard look.

"This plan better not involve any heroic sacrifices." She said in a warning tone. Smiling Derran shook his head as he called a pair of items he had collected earlier from his armory.

"No milady, it involves these." He stated smiling as he held up a pair of glowing objects that he had called forth in a flash of red light.

The demons clashed again, the mancubi, and baron of hell roaring, one spewing burning death from its arms, the other hurling green balefire at the shrieking revenants that hovered nearby. The revenants responded in kind with barrages of hell energy infused missiles as they gibbered and screamed. The mancubi bellowed in pain as the burning projectiles detonated against its corpulent body doing little real damage but goading it to ever greater heights of fury. Nearby several mindless possessed bore slackjawed witness to the dispute. The sounds of battling demons echoing around the cavernous chamber almost covering up the crackling of electrical energy arcing along the unused UAC rail track power conduits.

One of the revenants gibbered madly as its arm was hit by a compressed ball of demonic bio-napalm sending it reeling for a moment. Somewhere in the tortured depths of what had once been a human mind, the creature wondered why its partner had not avenged it. But this momentary thought was soon buried under a combination of rage, and pain induced madness, till it realized that the mancubi and baron had also stopped firing to stare at something behind it. Turning around the skeletal horror fixed its eyes on a train heading through the gate, and then the figure atop it. Instantly the creatures cyber augmented brain screamed with warning signals, as targeting resolutions, optimal approaches, and other tactical data were forced into its lunacy ravaged brain.

Target Alpha One: Doom Slayer. . .
ROE: Terminate at all costs. . .
Target threat level: Maximum. . .

The Doom Slayer was moving toward the revenant standing atop the train, hands behind his back, and his head bowed as if in prayer. The revenant's partner moved forward to engage. But for some reason the first revenant waited. Long ago the revenant had been a man, and that man had been a UAC marine. Despite the surgical modifications done without anesthetic, despite the implanted neuro chip embedded in his brain that made him more machine than man, and despite the repeated exposure to the raw energy of hell that made him more demon than machine. The deep buried instinct of a trained soldier told the revenant something was wrong, just as the Doom Slayer revealed what he had hidden behind his back.

Suddenly new tactical data burned through the cyber enhanced neurons of the revenants brain. Most of the info was the same, but on seeing the glowing red vial that burned like a flame, and the green vial pulsing like a beating heart one thing was changed. The reading now said:

Target Alpha One: Doom Slayer. . .
ROE: Terminate at all costs. . .
Target threat level: Infinite. . .

As the Slayer crushed the vials of mystically empowered combat stims the revenant failed to notice the glowing pony levitating up into the most out of the way corner of the ceiling . . .

Starlight Glimmer had seen and done some terrible things in her life. She had run a pseudo religious cult based on the destruction of individuality. She had nearly destroyed Equestria over what now seemed an incredibly childish grudge, and she had come face to face with the Queen of all changelings. But until the moment she saw the full unbridled wrath of the Doom Slayer she had never really understood what "Terror" actually meant.

Watching from the location Derran had specified Starlight saw him approach the creatures below with the two vials, one in each hand. She saw the demons stop their battle and rush to engage him, the skeletal jetpack wearing one's firing missiles in a vain effort to stop what was coming. She saw Derran crush the vials and double over for a moment as scarlet flames, and green energy coursed over his armor. Starlight Glimmer saw. . . as a god of death was born.

The first revenant was torn from the sky by a leg and hurled into the second with enough force to punch a hole right through the metal wall where they landed in a fiery explosion. Jumping onto a maintenance platform the Slayer landed on a possessed, his foot folding the creature in on itself and reducing it to a red stain on the ground with a sickening crunch. Running forward the Slayer jumped to a suspended piece of equipment to grab the glowing yellow vial he knew would be there, and crush it. Smashing aside the few monsters that were foolish enough to attempt to stop him.

Demons teleported into the chamber en-mass as a surge of yellow lightning added itself to the aura of scarlet fire, and green light. Suddenly the Slayer seemed to vanish and appear next to a lumbering mancubus, moving so fast he was almost invisible. Grabbing the surprised creature by the arm the Slayer pulled it off its feet. Spinning it around like some kind of macabre carnival ride. The Slayer used the demon like a flail to send the surrounding monsters flying with the force of a wrecking ball. After a clearing his immediate surroundings the Slayer released his unwilling, impromptu weapon sending it into a nearby wall to explode like a rotten tomato thrown against a concrete building.

Then it seemed like the Slayer was everywhere at once. Here an imp was ripped in half, its organs scattered across the floor in a spray of blood. There a possessed security trooper was blown to pieces by a single punch, becoming a fountain of gore. A cybernetically modified mancubus was divested of its arm just before being impaled by it. A revenant was grabbed by both legs and torn in two like a demonic wishbone. Before what was left was used to hammer a hell knight into literal pulp. Another hell knight was struck in the groin only for the fist that delivered the blow to continue up tearing the monster in half.

Demons continued to teleport in; but this was no longer a matter of numbers, no army in existence had the numbers to oppose war incarnate. Demons appeared, and demons died. Whatever force compelled them may have been able to overcome their fear, but all that meant was the slayer could wait for them to come to him if he wanted. . . he didn't. Running so fast he almost could not be seen, striking with fists that could reduce mountains to rubble, and shrugging off blows that could obliterate a tank, he crushed his foes with almost laughable ease.

A mancubus died in a gout of blood and bile as a hell knight was hurled right through its torso. A cacodemon was struck with a kick that sent it bouncing around the chamber like a fleshy pinball full of broken bones and burst organs. Another hell knight was grabbed in a brutal bear hug and literally crushed in half. A baron of hell strode forward only to scream as its legs were broken by a pair of blindingly fast punches to its knees. Before its head was removed and thrown like a horned discus to decapitate a cyber mancubus behind it.

On the battle raged, demons being as meat thrown into a living grinder. Limbs were torn from torsos, organs flew like a hideous form of gory confetti, the bodies of demons used as weapons against their own kind. Until finally. . .mercifully. . .after what seemed an eternity of carnage, it ended. As the Slayer stood knee deep in the dead, the yellow, green, and red energies playing across and around his body vanished. Exploding outward in a massive shockwave, and disintegrating the surrounding corpses into dust. For a moment more the Slayer stood tall surveying the carnage he had wrought. Before falling with a pained gasp to one knee. . .

A surge of panic shot through Starlight as Derran fell to his hands and knees. Teleporting to Derran's side she could hear him gasping for breath.

"Derran! Oh Celestia are you ok?! What happened?!" Starlight asked frantic with worry. Derran's body shook as he managed to gasp out a reply.

"Didn't. . .want. . .to worry. . .you. . .milady." He said before he started coughing violently. Starlight's face became ashen as she realized what Derran had not told her.

"Those vials. . ." She whispered. Derran had told her they were a kind of combat stimulant and could make someone nearly invincible. However it only now occurred to Starlight that power of such magnitude must come with an equally high price. "You promised me. . ." Starlight said, her words coming out as a whimper as she started to cry. Then to her surprise Derran let out a choking laugh.

"Not. . . going to. . . kill me. . . just. . . takes a lot out of you." He said with a faint chuckle that Starlight couldn't help but smile at.

"You really are kind of oblivious aren't you? You should have told me, then I wouldn't be crying for no reason." She stated in mock anger, smiling as she dried her eyes. Derran appeared about to reply when a loud, CRACK! Echoed through the room.

Starlight felt a breeze as air was displaced by the arrival of something massive behind her. A smell of brimstone overpowering even the smells of blood and guts filling her nostrils, as the gore drenched steel plates beneath her feet trembled. Turning her head Starlight froze when she saw the red skinned behemoth standing behind her. Seconds ticked by like hours as the creature raised a massive fist burning with green balefire, and Starlight stared into a pair of glowing yellow, rage filled eyes.

A roar shook the chamber, and for a moment Starlight was certain it signaled her end as the giant's fist descended. Until she realized the sound had not come from her assailant. Starlight reflexively closed her eyes, and so didn't see exactly what happened next. All she knew was that an instant later the giant was dead, it's body splattered against the opposite wall as Derran stood over her panting, his body and arm extended in a punch. Starlight stared at him as he stood there trembling slightly.

"Forgive me milady. . .I seem to have. . .missed one." Derran huffed, and despite everything Starlight burst into laughter at the sheer insanity of them being in the bowels of tartarus and Derran taking the time to use such a cliched sounding line. Derran's voice soon joined in with her as they sat there surrounded by the corpses of demons, soaked in blood, yet just glad to be alive. After what felt like an eternity their laughter finally subsided.

Derran lead the way to a gigantic diagonal shaft lit by flashes of electrical energy from a series of massive conduits leading upward into darkness. Standing on a lift platform Derran activated a nearby console and the lift began to slowly rise up the shaft.

"So what is this place?" Starlight asked nervously. Derran didn't reply for a moment as he stared toward their slowly approaching destination.

"It is where I killed the closest thing I had to a friend in this abominable nightmare." Derran said slowly, Starlight stared at him in shock, and he continued. "This facility houses what is known as an AI, do you know what that is?" Starlight shook her head, she had never heard of such a thing. "It stands for: Artificial Intelligence. Simply put; it is a computer that has the ability to think for itself, to learn, comprehend, and possibly even feel like a human or pony. This one was created by an enemy of mine, and though he played a role in unleashing this horror, I think he came to understand he had made a mistake. A lesson his creator never learned. His name was VEGA, and he gave his life so I could complete my mission." Derran's voice was calm, and Starlight got the sense that he didn't really know how to feel about what he was saying. However she could tell from his posture that whatever had happened clearly weighed on him, and Starlight placed a comforting hoof on Derran's arm.

"Whatever happened, I know you would have saved him if you could have." She said in sympathetic confidence, as Starlight had no doubt of her statement's truth. Derran nodded his thanks though his posture did not change.

"When I was a soldier, my sergeant had a saying that went: The success of a war isn't measured in the number of lives lost, but in the number saved. I always wondered how he would see this war, and if he would deem it a failure or not." He commented in a tone weary with regret and sadness.

Starlight stared at Derran as if seeing him for the first time. Up to now he had seemed invincible, unassailable, and beyond even the concept of failure. It was only now that she understood the truth. That behind all the armour, weapons, muscle, and power, was an ordinary stallion. Derran might seem like a god, but he wasn't all powerful, he made mistakes, he had fears and worries, and like any mortal creature, he too could die. It was a humbling realization.

As they finally reached the top of the shaft Starlight saw a long walkway. Dark, except for flashes of electrical discharge from what seemed to be cooling systems, and the occasional small warning light. Without a word Derran started walking forward, Starlight in tow. The air was stuffy, and smelled of burnt metal, oil, and ozone. Moving slowly Starlight jumped at the sound of a pair of gigantic armoured doors parting before them. Beyond the doors Starlight gasped, there in a colossal domed room sat VEGA. It, or as Derran had said, he, was a gargantuan machine that resembled nothing so much as a metallic brain connected to the walls and surrounding equipment by a series of massive cables.

"Lady Starlight. . . meet VEGA." Derran said in a voice tinged with sadness, and despite knowing that this was still just a reconstructed memory Starlight couldn't help but sympathetically speak in a hushed tone.

"Hello VEGA." She said softly. There was of course no response, as they resumed moving forward, but it wouldn't have felt right not to say it. Stopping in front of a computer console Derran turned to Starlight.

"Wait here." Derran said in a subdued tone. Starlight nodded as Derran moved to a point where the walkway branched off to the left and right terminating at two spherical machines whose function Starlight could only guess. Taking the right path, and after hesitating for a moment. Derran grabbed hold of a handle in the center of the sphere, twisting it before pulling out a metallic cylinder covered in red lights and releasing a cloud of steam with an audible hiss. Tossing the cylinder aside, Derran then repeated the process with the sphere on the left.

Starlight gasped as the entire facility shook and a vortex of evil red light appeared in front of VEGA amid bolts of crimson lightning. Joining her at the console Derran pressed a button entitled "VEGA BACKUP" before removing a rectangular object from a slot to the side of the screen. The object disappeared in a flash of red light, sent to the extradimensional space where Derran's weapons were stored.

"Get ready milady, this is the end of the memory. Good luck, and I shall see you soon." Derran stated as he pressed his finger down on the icon that read: initiate core destruction. Blinded by a blast of red light Starlight focused all her will on ending the spell. She felt a rushing sensation and heard a muffled boom, then her eyes opened.

Starlight stared at the inside of her room for a moment, everything exactly as she left it. Dismissing the shield spells she placed around her bed Starlight felt a joyous surge of relief as her eyes started to well up. She moved swiftly throughout her room touching various objects to reassure herself that she was really back, and crying tears of pure unrestrained joy. Then she looked in the mirror, and froze. The tip of her left ear was an angry red where a blister had formed.

"Wow the spell really was psychosomatic, good thing all I got was this scratch or I. . ." Starlight stopped dead, the blood in her veins turning to ice as her thread of logic lead to the obvious conclusion. "Oh no." She breathed out making a beeline for the door, dismissing the ward she placed on it and throwing it wide. Running down the hall as fast as her hooves would take her Starlight saw the door to Derran's room was already ajar. Bursting in Starlight felt her guts turn to water.

Derran was kneeling next to the bed his hair plastered to his head by sweat, as blood trickled down his face from the corners of his eyes, mouth, and nose. His face was swollen, and covered in bruises, and as he turned to regard his visitor Starlight was horrified to see that all the blood vessels in his eyes had apparently ruptured, making the sclera an unnerving crimson. Struggling to rise Derran managed a pained smile.

"I promised you I would live milady, I never promised it would be pretty." He said his voice having a distinct rasping to it, the consequence of his parched and bloodied throat. Starlight was horrified, forgetting any thought of consequence she turned to leave.

"I'll go wake Twilight and Spike! Don't worry Derran you're going to be-" Starlight was interrupted before she could finish by a hacking cough.

"Stay your hooves, lady Twilight, and master Spike need not be troubled over this." Derran wheezed. Starlight turned to look at Derran with an expression of anger and disbelief.

"Excuse me?!" Starlight all but shouted. "HAVE YOU LOOKED AT YOURSELF?!" Derran shook his head as he held up a hand in protest.

"These wounds are temporary I assure you, one night's rest shall see me right." He coughed out. Starlight felt her anger rising as Derran struggled to get to his feet.

"BUCK THAT! THIS ISN'T A DEBATE I'M GETTING TWILIGHT AND THERE ISN'T A THING YOU CANAAAAHHH!" Starlight's rant became a scream as it felt like her head was split by an ax. The pain reached a crescendo as her vision blurred and the taste of copper filled her mouth. Falling to the ground the last thing she saw before losing consciousness was Derran crawling toward her.

Starlight awoke an uncertain length of time later to find herself back in her own bed. Slowly rising she looked blearily around the room for a moment before her eyes fixed on the panting figure collapsed next to her bed. It was Derran, streaks of blood still covering his face as he leaned on the bed frame for support. His breath came in gasps as he glanced up at Starlight with a concerned expression.

"Milady are you well?" He wheezed. Starlight looked down at Derran with tears in her eyes.

"No." She said slowly. "No I'm not alright. . ." Derran let out a pained grunt as he forced himself to his feet.

"What can I do to help?" He asked simply. In reply Starlight burst into tears.

"How can you even ask that?! How can you ask what you can do when you've already given EVERYTHING!?" Starlight shouted, looking at Derran through her tears as if ashamed to see him. "I SAW!" Starlight sobbed. "I SAW ALL OF IT!!" Derran's face turned to stone as he realized what had happened. "Y-Y-YOU WERE P-PROTECTING US! A-ALL THIS T-TIME! A-A-AND I T-TREATED Y-YOU LIKE A M-M-MONSTER!!" Starlight screamed in a voice filled with self loathing. "I-I-I DON'T D-DESERVE T-TO ASK F-FOR ANYTHING F-F-FROM Y-YOU!" Unable to speak anymore Starlight buried her face in her hooves as her body shook from an overwhelming sense of guilt and disgust with herself. It was made only worse as she felt the bed shift, and for the second time that night felt a pair of powerful arms encircle her as she cried her eyes out.

Shock and Awe

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Stepping out of the shower Derran wrapped a towel around his waist, and wiped condensation from the ovoid sink mirror with an open hand. Meeting his own ice blue gaze, Derran ran his hand across the light beard that graced his features.

"Hmm, I really must take care of that, it wouldn't do to be seen looking like a hobo by lady Twilight and her friends." Derran stated idely. He had just begun wondering where he might acquire a razor, when his thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pounding at the door. Stepping over to his right, Derran gripped the brass knob and gave a light tug, feeling a rush of cool air on his skin, as he looked into the panicking face of Starlight Glimmer.

"Ah, lady Starlight, to what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked, smiling as she looked at him with a shocked, goggle eyed expression.

"Y-you, you're healed?!" Starlight stated, unable to fathom how such a thing was remotely possible. Derran's face was devoid of the bruises, swelling, and burst blood vessels that had marred it not eight hours ago. His limp was gone, and the rest of his flawlessly athletic body showed no sign of damage, as he leaned casually against the opaque crystal door frame.

Magic was the obvious answer but quite frankly that still seemed impossible. For all the things you could do with magic, the one thing it was never any good for was healing. While it was possible to use magic to heal somepony, it was also incredibly dangerous. Screw up even a little, and the results could be life threatening. Nerve damage, rejection of the body's own organs, cancer, and worse, weren't just possible, they were common results. If Derran had used magic, it was like none she had ever encountered.

"Now do you see why I didn't want lady Twilight involved? She has enough on her plate without worrying about whether I've stubbed my toe or not." Derran said lightly. "Now if you don't mind I need to get dressed and prepare breakfast, milady Twilight will be awake in less than an hour, and I haven't even put the tea on yet. Speaking of, how do you feel about earl gray this morning?" Starlight stared at Derran in utter disbelief.

"So what?! You're just going to pretend that me almost killing you last night never happened?!" Starlight hissed desperate to keep from shouting. Derran shrugged, seemingly unconcerned.

"Why? Are you saying you want me to tell everypony?" He asked with an arched eyebrow. Starlight took a deep breath as she replied.

"After seeing your life story, I think you should be allowed to do whatever the buck you want about it." She said sincerely.

"Well in that case, I choose not to get my friend in trouble over something she's already been punished, and is sorry, for." Derran stated with a smirk, and Starlight found herself tearing up as she looked into his eyes. Despite everything, Derran intended to give her another chance, he didn't even ask for her silence regarding his past in exchange.

"Thank you." Starlight said gratefully, as she wrapped her hooves around Derran's chest. Derran just chuckled as he patted Starlight's head.

"Anytime milady, now if you don't mind. . ." Derran stated, clearing his throat as he gestured to his towel. Starlight blushed as she suddenly recalled that Derran was almost naked.

"Right, sorry." Starlight intoned, heading out the door and closing it gently behind her. Walking down the hall towards the dining room, Starlight considered what she had seen the night before.

Contrary to her own statement, she had not seen quite all of Derran's past, only intense flashes. However, what she had seen was crystal clear, and allowed her to easily connect disparate events in her mind. She had seen visions of the fall of Derran's home planet, she had seen the war of vengeance he had prosecuted in the wake of that tragedy. She had seen images of his time in Equestria eleven hundred years prior and the vows he swore there. Then she saw him leave to face the greatest enemy ever known to mortal life. She knew his triumphs, and his tragedies, his victories and his failures. She also knew many of his greatest secrets. . . and why she could divulge them to nopony. At least, not yet.

"So you'll be back in time to meet me, Spike, and Rarity at the train station this afternoon?" Twilight inquired as she spread raspberry preserves on a fresh scone. Trying at the same time not to blush, as Derran leaned over her seated form to place several slices of piping hot prench toast in front of her.

"Of course milady, my work shift at Sweet Apple Acres ends at four in the afternoon sharp." Derran reassured as he withdrew to serve Spike and Starlight. "I shall meet up with lady Rarity at four fifteen, and be there to escort you at no more than five fifteen at the absolute latest. Can I get anything else for anypony before I sit down?" Derran asked, glancing around the table with a smile. Twilight sighed inwardly, as she felt a flutter in her heart. Derran really was one of the most selfless ponies she had ever met.

"I think we're all good for now, this meal looks absolutely amazing." Twilight wasn't exaggerating: earl grey tea served with blueberry scones, several types of fruit jams and preserves, fresh squeezed orange juice, and the piece-de-resistance, prench toast with fresh sliced strawberries, a light drizzle of vanilla icing, and dusted with powdered sugar.

Since his arrival, Derran had insisted on cooking for Twilight at every opportunity, and now she couldn't imagine living without the meals he prepared. Every day she woke to a new culinary masterpiece presented by a handsome knight from another world who waited on her horn and hoof. Twilight had to admit, she felt extremely spoiled.

"Celestia this is amazing Derran!" Starlight declared loudly, as she savored the delicious meal. Her comment was made with utmost sincerity, the toast was light and fluffy, practically melting in her mouth, and had just a hint of nutmeg for an exotic extra kick. While the sweetness of the icing, and syrup, was complemented perfectly by the tang of the strawberries. "Why are you working on a farm? You should have your own chain of restaurants!" She declared. Derran chuckled as he dug into his own stack of toast slices.

"Much though I appreciate the praise lady Starlight, I am more than happy where I am. Besides I am a warrior, not a chef." He replied modestly.

"Coulda' fooled me." Starlight declared. Prior to her disastrous spell the night before, Starlight had flatly refused to eat anything Derran had prepared, claiming not to be hungry. Now she mentally kicked herself for missing out on Derran's immense culinary talent. Derran simply smiled and nodded his thanks as he ate.

Twilight grinned, grateful that Starlight finally seemed to be growing comfortable with Derran’s presence. Spike also seemed to have begun warming up to the Doom Slayer, or at least seemed to enjoy Derran’s cooking. As he wolfed down his stack of toast with extra syrup.

Twilight would have admonished Spike to eat more slowly, if she hadn’t also been stuffing her face at that moment. In fact the only one eating with any restraint was Derran himself, as he used his knife and fork to deftly slice off bite sized pieces of his toast. Bringing them to his lips with remarkable finesse, before placing them in his mouth, and carefully chewing for a few seconds before swallowing.

Twilight was always amazed at the dexterity of human fingers, but even more so by those belonging to Derran. Those same digits capable of so delicately manipulating utensils for dining, were capable of crushing bone into powder, or tearing flesh like cheap paper. Even encased in gauntlets of supernaturally empowered armor, Derran’s fingers were capable of incredibly precise movement. In the back of her mind Twilight found herself wondering just what else those marvelous appendages could do. . .

“Milady are you alright?” Derran asked, breaking Twilight out of her increasingly lecherous thoughts. Twilight nodded vigorously as she tried to hide her embarrassment.

“Never better!” She stated a little too loudly. “Why do you ask?!” She asked, laughing nervously. Derran frowned as he leaned toward Twilight, squinting slightly as he examined her face.

“Well it’s just that your face is rather flushed, are you certain you are well?” He asked in a voice etched with concern. Twilight quickly busied herself with her meal, refusing to make eye contact with Derran.

“Its nothing, just uh. . . got a bit too much sun yesterday, that’s all.” Twilight stated, desperately trying to suppress the intense blush overtaking her features. Derran however, frowned, as he rose from the table. Walking over to Twilight’s side. then before she could offer a word of protest, leaning down to place his chin against Twilight’s forehead just above her horn. Twilight felt her mind go blank.

“Hmmm, I do not believe you have a fever milady, but you seem slightly warmer than normal. Perhaps I should fetch a physician just to be safe.” Derran’s suggestion went unanswered, as Twilight’s mind tried to reboot itself. ”Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshhe’stouchinghisfacetomineanditfeelssogoodbutIhavenoideawhatIshoulddoandohCelestiaifhewasjustalittlelowerwe’dbekissingohmygoshohmygosh!” Withdrawing himself, Derran looked down at Twilight with even greater concern. As she now stood stock still, her eyes unblinking, and staring straight ahead like she was in some form of shock, her face even redder than it had been a moment ago.

“I’m fine.” Twilight stated, her voice coming out as an extraordinarily faint squeak. Derran raised an eyebrow as he looked down at her.

“Are you certain milady?” He asked hesitantly. Twilight nodded stiffly after a second or two. “Very well then, but let somepony know if you feel even the least bit ill. In fact, perhaps I should remain here for the day, just in case.” Shaking her head and smiling, Starlight cleared her throat.

“Don’t worry Derran I promise Twilight will be fine. Like she said, she just got a little too much sun.” Starlight stated with a knowing smirk toward her teacher. Derran seemed unconvinced, but slowly nodded.

“If you say so lady Starlight. . .” He said, heading back to his seat to finish his meal.

“So Derran, what does Applejack have you doing today anyway?” Starlight asked, trying to shift the subject away from Twilight’s brief catatonia. Swallowing another mouthful of food, Derran dabbed at his mouth with a cloth napkin before responding.

“I am not entirely certain, apparently we finished the week's apple harvest the other day, so I won't be in the orchard. Though lady Applejack did mention that she was considering having me plow some of the vegetable fields today.” Starlight gave Derran a confused look.

“Wait, you finished the week's harvest? You harvested a week's worth of apples, in only two and a half days?!” She asked in mild astonishment. Derran nodded.

“Indeed, lady Applejack claims the credit is mine, but I believe she underestimates what she and her siblings are capable of.” He stated with a mild shrug. Starlight shook her head, wondering if Derran was being humble, or oblivious. Finishing his meal Derran glanced at the nearby grandfather clock. Carved of oak and featuring a design of roses, and vines it read exactly ten minutes to six o'clock. "Oh dear, I seem to be running late. Master Spike, could I trouble you to take care of this morning's dishes?"

Spike was too busy chewing to respond with words, so he simply gave Derran an enthusiastic thumbs up. Nodding his thanks, Derran wiped what few crumbs there were on his face away, before heading toward the door. Reaching it, Derran turned and gave a small bow. "I bid you all good morning, and do not hesitate to call on me should you require assistance lady Twilight." Twilight nodded, having finally managed to get her blushing under control.

"Right, of course, have a great day Derran, and say hi to Applejack and her family for me." Twilight stated. Derran nodded.

"As you say milady, have a good day, and I shall see you later this afternoon." Derran replied, with a smile that had Twilight blushing all over again.

Derran approached Sweet Apple Acres in a fine humor, watching the morning dew on the grass sparkling like countless diamonds as the sun shone overhead. Having run the whole distance, he felt extremely grateful for his enhanced physiology that rendered him immune to exhaustion, letting him arrive slightly sooner than expected. Derran had no watch, but had long ago learned to tell accurate time in his head with a single glance at the sun. It was a useful trick, and on this occasion let him know he had arrived a full five minutes early to his new place of employment.

"Howdy mister Derran!" Came a voice that brought a gentle smile to the Doom Slayer's features.

"Good day Apple Bloom, and how does this morning find you?" He asked, stopping at the break in the farm's white painted border fence that abutted the main road. A well worn path lead from the break down toward the farm, rows of apple trees on one side, and several large unplowed fields on the other.

"Ah'm swell, how'r you doin?" The scarlet maned filly replied.

"I am quite well thank you, did you come here just to meet me?" Derran asked lightheartedly.

"Yep, jus thought ya'll might like some company." Apple Bloom responded, a wide smile adorning her features. Derran returned the filly's smile, feeling a sense of contented calm as he did so. Then staring down the long path to the farm, he was struck by an idea.

"That was very generous of you miss Apple Bloom, but I have only a few minutes before I am late. So why don't we make the journey a bit quicker?" Apple Bloom gave Derran a puzzled look as he knelt down next to her. "Alright miss Apple Bloom, just climb onto my back." Derran instructed. Apple Bloom hesitated for a moment, before giving a shrug and doing as asked, wrapping her front hooves around Derran's neck so she wouldn't fall off. "Very good, now make certain you hang on tight understood?" Apple Bloom nodded as Derran looped his arms around her back hooves for support.

"What'r we-WHOA!" Apple Bloom cried out, as the Doom Slayer took off like a shot. After taking a second to adjust, Apple Bloom found herself staring in awe as the trees passed by in a blur of motion. The sensation was exhilarating, as Derran left the path to weave through the rows of trees in the orchard. Apple Bloom felt a strong sensation of elated excitement as the Doom Slayer jumped onto a low hanging branch. Using the branch as a springboard Derran leapt to a still higher branch on another tree, repeating the process until they exploded from the foliage into open air. Apple Bloom screamed in delight as they burst through the canopy, granting them an amazing view of the near endless rows of trees from above.

Accompanied by Apple Bloom's joyous laughter, Derran plunged back down to the earth some forty feet below. Crashing through the canopy again amid a flurry of dislodged leaves, Derran didn't break a single branch with his passing as they landed. Striking the ground Derran absorbed the force of the impact with bent knees, before shooting off again as if he had never left the ground. Caroming from one tree to the next, Derran almost seemed not to touch the ground as his passenger shouted out her appreciation of his efforts.

"This is amazin!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, as she and Derran hurtled forward like a comet. "It's almost like we're flyin!" Derran let a small laugh escape his lips at the filly's comment.

"Well, if it is flying you desire. . ." Derran replied as he spotted another low hanging branch and once more climbed toward the sky. ". . . then so it shall be!" He called out with a laugh, as he blasted through the canopy once more, hurtling toward the cloudless blue sky. For a moment they hung suspended in mid air as their momentum bled off, then just as they began to fall, Derran engauged his jump boots, sending them back toward the heavens. Apple Bloom's expression was one of awe, as the world seemed to drop away behind them, and for a moment she felt herself lost in the ultimate freedom of flight. In that brief instant, Apple Bloom felt like she was on the back of her own personal guardian angel, guiding her toward the infinite unknown.

Apple Bloom was pulled from this sensation, as gravity reasserted its grip and they began to fall back to earth with ever greater speed. However despite the distance of nearly sixty feet, Apple Bloom had no fear, only joy, she knew her angel would keep her safe. After all to brief a time, the ride ended with Derran landing in a crouch in front of an awestruck Applejack and Big Mac. As Apple Bloom reluctantly slid off Derran's back he rose to his feet to glance briefly at the sun.

"Hmm, and with three seconds to spare." He said with a small chuckle.

"So darling did they work?" Asked Rarity eagerly. Twilight gave a disappointed sigh in response, as she looked at her friend with an equally disappointed expression.

"I don't think so, but honestly I don't know what I was expecting. The legend of Lovers Blessing flowers is just that: a legend. It's ridiculous to think a flower can cause ponies to fall in love." She replied dejectedly.

"Well perhaps it simply takes a little time dear, or maybe it's because Derran is a human?" Rarity offered sympathetically. Twilight gave her friend a small smile, that nonetheless failed to mask the sadness, and frustration in her eyes.

"Either way, it didn't work, and I have no idea what I should do about these feelings I have for him. I mean it's not like I can just walk up to him and say: 'Hey Derran, I have an increasingly out of control crush on you. Want to go out?' is it?" She stated with a slight bitterness.

Twilight and Rarity had met up a few hours after Derran had left for work. Sitting in a cafe, and regaling her friend with the story of the Lovers Blessing, Twilight only now realized how much hope she had pinned on the mystical blooms. When she had gone down to breakfast that morning, she had desperately looked for any sign of change in Derran's behavior. But despite her best efforts, she could see no increase in romantic intent toward her on the part of the Doom Slayer. What's worse, her infatuation seemed to be intensifying to ever greater heights, as evidenced by her near paralysis on physical contact with Derran earlier.

"Hmm, yes I suppose that would be rather awkward." Rarity replied with a slight giggle.

"So what am I supposed to do then?! I've looked through every book I could find on the subject but everything I found assumes that you already have a special somepony! It was all about improving your relationship there wasn't anything about creating one!" Twilight ended her borderline tirade by letting her forehead strike the table with an audible thud. "Maybe he just isn't interested in me." Twilight considered aloud, her tone defeated. Rarity nodded slowly, before giving her friend a questioning look.

"Tell me Darling, why is it that Derran is so special to you? What makes him different than say. . .Flash Sentry?" Rarity asked, her expression turning thoughtful. Looking up from the table Twilight opened her mouth to respond.

"I. . ." Twilight paused as she considered the Question. It wasn't that she couldn't think of reasons to like Derran, there were plenty. He was handsome, heroic, and in perfect physical shape. But all those things were superficial, they were why he would appeal to anypony. "I don't know." Twilight admitted her voice becoming subdued as she realized how shallow she must seem. Rarity however just gave her a sympathetic look.

"That's about what I thought. Darling I know this might sound a little, hypocritical coming from me given my, ahem. . . propensity to get a bit overzealous when it comes to romantic partners. But perhaps before you start trying to woo Derran, you should ask yourself why you really want to be with him. It took me awhile, but eventually I discovered that that's the most important question to ask before getting involved with somepony. I only started asking it myself after that incident with Trenderhoof." Rarity's voice was calm as she sipped at her tea, letting her friend absorb her words. Placing the teacup back on its saucer and dabbing her mouth with a napkin she continued. "Here's my advice darling: ask Derran out for the day, not on a date, but just as a friend, and if by the end of the day you still can't say for certain why you want him as your special somepony. . ."

"Then give up?!" Twilight asked, feeling slightly incredulous. Rarity shook her head.

"No, just simply content yourself with being a friend for the time being. I know that's not what you may want to hear, but it is the best advice I can give." Twilight wanted to argue, to say that Rarity's suggestion was no different from quitting in the face of adversity, but instead let out a sigh of frustration. Rarity was right, she couldn't force Derran to acknowledge her feelings, and trying could end up destroying the friendship they had built.

"Ok. . . I'll do it." Twilight promised, trying not to sound as dejected as she felt.

Derran reached into the burlap sack for another fistfull of seeds. Slowly opening his hand he allowed the small, flat, white objects to trickle through his armor covered fingers onto the freshly tilled earth, like sand in an hourglass. Come fall, the massive field would be filled with hundreds of giant, bright orange pumpkins, just in time for Nightmare Night. A holiday that had not existed back when Derran had first come to Equestria, but Apple Bloom had assured him was lots of fun. She had also mentioned it had something to do with lady Luna before suddenly stopping, and Derran had not asked for further particulars. Frankly, Derran had little interest in asking after the existence of new holidays, as he was too busy contemplating the events of the previous night.

Lady Starlight had cried herself to sleep in his arms, her guilt combined with the terrible experience she had endured, having exhausted her to the point of passing out. As for Derran, after tucking lady Starlight into bed he had crawled back to his own, and for the first time since awakening on Mars, had fallen into a deep dreamless sleep. One of the many enhancements bestowed on Derran's body, was a massively accelerated ability to heal. As long as he could rest undisturbed for a few hours, he would awaken fully restored. Granted this ability had limits, for example, it would not allow him to regenerate limbs or removed organs, nor would it work if he was not able to rest for six or more hours minimum. Nevertheless, this ability had saved his life countless times during his battles in Hell, and now seemed to have aided him again.

On waking the next day Derran had swiftly headed to the shower to wash the blood from his body. While washing himself, Derran had ample time to wonder just how much Starlight had gleaned of his past. He did not pretend to know the exact mechanism by which Starlight had entered his mind, but he was more than able to connect the dot's, including the ones Starlight was not privy to. Now in the serenity of the pumpkin field, Derran believed he understood what had gone wrong.

"Crucible." He growled to himself, casting an angry glance at the artifact clipped to his belt. Derran had no doubt the vile device was to blame, and had hijacked Starlight's spell in an attempt to kill one or both of them. Just as a disease might use a wound as a vector of infection, so had the Crucible used Starlight's spell to circumvent the Doom Slayer's otherwise impenetrable mental defenses.

Once inside the reconstructed memory, the artifact had done all it could to destroy Derran. The demons in the memory had all been made far stronger, while Derran had been weakened. His limbs had been slow to respond, and his reflexes dulled. The entire time he had endured a constant mental fog, making him become dizzy and off balance, and at several critical moments his vision had become blurred to the point of near blindness.

Equally bad, was the absence of any of the UAC healing bio-plasma canisters that, while not as effective in healing him as allowing his armor to absorb demonic energy, had helped him greatly the last time he had fought through the area. Derran had felt the presence of the Crucible's demonic power throughout it all, as a sort of pressure on his conscious mind. That pressure often gave way to visions and whispers proclaiming his inevitable failure, and assurance that even if he escaped, Starlight, would not. Derran countered with images of Equestria, of his friends there, of the Seraphim and his own litanies of hope and duty.

The psychic battle of ancient wills was every bit as intense as the physical battle, even if it was far less apparent to the eye. At one point however the pressure had been lessened, as the Crucible shifted to the only other target available, and Derran had to exert every ounce of will to drag it away from her. Fortunately, Starlight's mind was strong, and she had managed to fight off most of the hateful artifact's influence without his assistance.

All in all, they had both been fortunate that the Crucible had not thought to remove the experimental combat drugs Derran had recalled finding on his last sojern to VEGA, and more fortunate still that Derran was nearly as skilled in mental warfare as in physical combat. However between the attack on his mind and body, the enhanced enemies, protecting Starlight, and a complete lack of medical supplies, it was the closest to death the Doom Slayer had come in a very long time.

The news wasn't all terrible though. After failing to kill either Derran or Starlight, the Crucible had grown almost completely silent. The repugnant consciousness residing within the object, having lost whatever desire it had to fight against it's captor for the foreseeable future. Far more importantly though, Derran had forged a friendship with Starlight Glimmer that he had no doubt would last an eternity. Pausing in his work, the Doom Slayer unclipped the now silent Crucible from his belt. Staring down at it with an unreadable expression he spoke in a tone of calm certainty.

"I have no doubt that even here in the fields of heaven I will need to answer the call of battle. As there is light, so shall there be darkness. However. . ." Bringing the Crucible to within an inch of his face Derran's voice while still perfectly calm became one of absolute command. "our war is over, and you. . . have lost."

There was no sound, nor visual sign of response, however at the utterance of his proclamation Derran felt the last vestige of resistance within the Crucible gutter and die. The artifact, perhaps the greatest single power Hell had left in its arsenal, spoke into the mind of it's enemy. It spoke only two words, two words that no being of Hell had ever spoken to any mortal, god, or angel since the beginning of time. . .

"We yield."

Rarity hummed happily to herself as she laid out boxes of clothes for her newest, and most unusual customer. Coming home from tea with Twilight Rarity found herself fervently hoping that her friend would find what she was looking for. Rarity knew all too well how painful it could be to build up hopes of a relationship in your head, only to have it come crashing down, and hoped the advice she had given would spare Twilight from having to experience that. She also reflected that, regrettably, seeing Derran in his new clothes wasn't going to help Twilight restrain herself.

Rarity had planned everything out far in advance of actually finishing the Doom Slayer's outfits. First Derran would try on all the outfits to ensure they fit properly. Then, they would drop his armor off at the castle. Next Rarity had booked an appointment with Ponyville's best mane stylist Clau'd Du'man, for a shave, trim, and styling. After that it was off to the spa for a quick manicure, and pedicure. Then finally they would head out to meet Twilight, and Spike at the train station. It was a lot to do in an hour, but still far easier than some of the things she had to deal with when putting on shows in Canterlot and Manehattan, where the only guarantee was that something would inevitably go wrong.

Rarity smiled as the bell above the entrance to Carousel Boutique rang at exactly four fifteen. Turning, Rarity was greeted by Derran with a polite bow. One thing you could always say for the Doom Slayer, he was relentlessly punctual.

"Good afternoon lady Rarity, am I late?" He asked evenly.

"Not at all darling, in fact you're right on time." Rarity replied with a smile. Derran nodded as he viewed the stacks of boxes in front of his friend.

"Are all those intended for me?" He asked, a note of mild surprise entering his voice.

"Mmhm, they are indeed." Rarity replied happily. Derran glanced at the boxes again, there must have been at least twenty or more of varying sizes, and shapes. Derran felt grateful indeed that he had just been paid, this looked to be getting expensive. Fortunately, his job paid quite well, so well in fact, that he suspected that Applejack was giving him more than was fair, out of some misguided sense of gratitude for saving the town. However when he had asked her about it, she had insisted that he had earned every bit. Granted, that wasn't quite the same as denying she was overpaying him, but he had let the matter rest for the moment. "Shall we get started dear?" Rarity asked interrupting Derran's train of thought.

"Oh, yes of course." Derran replied, accepting a box Rarity had levitated over to him.

"Once you're ready, just bring out your armor and place it in there." Rarity instructed, pointing at a large open case about the size of a man. Derran nodded his understanding as he disappeared around the dressing room curtain. Rarity busied herself with the boxes for a minute or two before glancing back at the veiled room. "Is it all to your liking darling?" Derran's reply was as prompt as it was impressed.

"Indeed milady, the fit is perfect, and this material is amazingly comfortable. Truly, words cannot do justice to your skill." Rarity beamed at the praise.

"Well dear, don't keep me in suspense, let's see how you look." A sound on shifting objects, accompanied the metallic hiss of the curtain being drawn back. Rarity's jaw fell open as she beheld the sight of the Doom Slayer, and for a moment she couldn't have spoken even if she wanted to. Managing to get herself under control after a few seconds, Rarity still found herself wishing she could find an excuse for a cold shower. "Nevermind Twilight, it'll be a miracle if every mare in town doesn't attack him. . ."

"So Dash what's this big surprise that you have for us?" Spitfire asked, giving her teammate a look out of the corner of her eye. Rainbow just chuckled in response.

"Oh not much, I just figured you and Nimbus might like to meet the newest resident of Ponyville." She said offhooffedly.

"Why? Are they a big fan of the Wonderbolts or something?" Nimbus asked, wondering what Rainbow Dash was up to. Rainbow shook her head.

"Nope, he didn't even know we existed until I filled him in." Spitfire arched an eyebrow.

"I hope you didn't promise him a special performance or anything like that, we have way too much work to do for our upcoming show right now." She admonished, but Rainbow just laughed.

"Actually, I was hoping he'd be willing to give you two a show." She replied cryptically.

"Rainbow you know we don't do impromptu tryouts right?" Nimbus asked with a sigh, she liked Rainbow, but this cloak and dagger routine was starting to test her patience. Spitfire nodded in agreement.

"Nim's right, if this guy wants to be a wonderbolt he has to apply like everypony else, sorry Dash it's the rule." Rainbow if anything laughed even louder. Spitfire gave her friend an annoyed look as they wove their way through the busy street. "Look Dash we just came here to deliver the newest flight routines to you, and maybe grab something to eat. We only have a few hours to spend here so quit dragging this out and tell us what you want to-oof" Spitfire glared at the pony in front of her who had stopped so suddenly she ran into them. "Hey what's the big-"

"Whoa." Nimbus said in an awestruck voice, interrupting her captain as she stared fixedly up the cobblestone streets. Unable to see past the pony in front of her Spitfire tried to push through several others who seemed unable to move, instead staring stock still at something up ahead. Finally getting fed up and taking to the air, Spitfire was allowed an unobstructed view of the scene.

The entire street seemed frozen in time. A pony in a nearby vegetable kiosk who had been in the process of advertising her produce, stood with a bunch of radishes dangling forgotten from the end of an upraised hoof her face red as she stared unashamedly. A pony taking a drink from a nearby fountain had raised her head without taking time to swallow, so water now flowed in a multitude of rivulets from her open mouth, as her cheeks turned pink. Off to one side a fork tumbled from the levitation field of a unicorn sitting at a cafe, as the waiter poured tea into an already overflowing cup. However none of this even registered in Spitfire's brain as she stared fixated at the figure walking down the street a vaguely familiar pony at his side.

Walking on two legs the figure stood slightly taller than six feet, icy blue eyes stared out with a calm born of confidence. His face beheld noble, clean shaven features, framed by long black hair pulled back into a decorative topknot. He wore a collared, white cotton, dress shirt, with a dark green cravat, tucked into a red vest embroidered with delicate silver vines. Over that, was an unbuttoned black sports jacket, with a strange symbol sewn onto the breast pocket in scarlet thread. Black dress pants were held up by a black leather belt, with a simple silver buckle, and on his feet he wore shined black leather dress boots. Finally, at the figures waist, and held in place by his belt, was an odd elongated black leather box, covered in silver scrollwork.

Walking like a model on a runway, the creature's stride bespoke control and dignity, while his gentle smile produced an aura of affability, that combined with the calm look in his eyes to project power, without being intimidating. Every mare as well as at least three stallions that Spitfire could see, were positively drooling.

Seemingly unaware of the effect he was having on the ponies around him, the creature walked straight toward Rainbow Dash, the crowd parting almost automatically before him. Spitfire felt her mouth fall open, as the creature then addressed her teammate in a tone that was formal yet familiar.

"Lady Dash, this is a pleasant surprise, is this a shopping outing, or are you here for another rematch?" The creature asked lightheartedly. Rainbow smirked, seemingly unaffected by the spell that had overtaken pretty much everypony else in the vicinity.

"Neither, just here with a few of my wonderbolt pals, this is Nimbus," Rainbow said giving a nudge to her fervently blushing companion before pointing a hoof at her hovering captain. "and up there is Spitfire, our captain. Girls, meet Derran Grandel, A.K.A: the Doom Slayer."

"A pleasure to meet you lady Nimbus, and you as well captain Spitfire." He said bowing his head slightly to each of them.

"N-nice to meet you too." Spitfire replied, glad that the sunglasses she habitually wore, covered up the fact that she was staring. Nimbus just nodded her head at her captain's words, as she tried to understand how a creature so alien, could look so unspeakably handsome. Rainbow Dash looked at her fellow wonderbolts with an expression that told them exactly how much she was going to enjoy holding this moment over their heads, before turning back to Derran.

"Gotta say, I hardly recognized you without the armor." She commented conversationally. Though she would never have admitted it, the change was far more drastic than that. Despite how appealing Derran was, it had always been tempered by the intimidating presence of his armor. Like a light always shines brightest in the dark, so Derran shon brightest outside of his armor's fearsome shell. In fact, had Rainbow not been as familiar with Derran as she was, she would doubtless have been as dumbstruck by the change as those around her. Even despite her familiarity, and dedication to playing it cool, Rainbow still had to work hard to keep from blushing.

"All lady Rarity's doing I assure you, she is a true paragon of her craft." Derran replied, favoring the pony beside him with a smile, and allowing Spitfire to finally recall where she'd seen her before. Rarity just giggled.

"It was my pleasure, he cleans up well doesn't he?" She commented, glancing at Rainbow Dash with a slightly superior smirk, and arched eyebrow.

"I'll say, I'm half tempted to ask what it takes to see you completely out of uniform." Dash replied suggestively, neatly puncturing her fashionista friend's display of pride. Rarity may have had the best social skills of anypony Rainbow knew, but only Derran could match Rainbow when it came to conversational fencing.

"Rainbow Dash! That is hardly appropriate!" Rarity declared irritably, to which her friend simply smirked.

"Oh like you never thought it." Rainbow teased.

"That is completely beside the point!" Rarity scolded, as Rainbow's smirk widened, and Rarity realized what she had just inadvertently admitted. As Rarity struggled to find a counter argument, Derran decided to intervene on Rarity's behalf, clearing his throat to attract Rainbow's attention.

"Forgive me for interrupting lady Dash, but I'm afraid lady Rarity and I are dangerously close to being late. Perhaps it would be best if we save this debate for another time?" On hearing Derran's words Rarity quietly resolved that regardless of how little charity Derran wanted, he was getting at least two of his outfits for free. Rainbow looked vaguely disappointed, before a sly grin appeared on her face.

"Alright, but only if you promise to show the wonderbolts some of those sweet battle skills of yours." Rainbow declared, her grin widening.

"So it's blackmail is it?" Derran asked with a chuckle. Rainbow nodded unashamedly.

"You got it." She confirmed with a wide smirk.

"Lady Dash, I must admit, you are the most honest pony I have ever met, when it comes to being dishonest." Derran declared with a laugh. "But very well, I agree to your terms, one combat demonstration, in exchange for excusing us from the current conversation."

"I had a feeling you'd see things my way." Rainbow stated as she shook hooves with Derran to seal their bargain, before standing to one side. As they walked away amid the hubbub of ponies recovering from seeing a living Adonis, Rainbow turned to regard her fellow wonderbolts. "So what do you think of our new arrival?" She asked, with a grin positively overflowing with smug.

"So. . .hot." Nimbus declared dreamily. Spitfire privately agreed, but would rather be plucked than admit it in front of her team.

"Eh, he seems cool." Then leaning close to Rainbow she lowered her voice. "Hey uh Dash? Look, just between the two of us. . . what would it take to convince you to maybe, I dunno, set up your captain with a certain alien stallion?" For a moment Dash's mind reeled with the favors she might extract from her commanding officer, but then she thought better of it after recalling something Scootaloo had mentioned.

"Sorry captain, but I think Derran's already spoken for." She said a touch ruefully.

"By who?" Spitfire asked, narrowing her eyes, as a faint edge entered her voice.

"A friend." Rainbow stated, her tone making it clear that this was one situation where her captain would do well not to get competitive. Fortunately for everypony, Spitfire knew when to take a hint.

"Shame," She said with a sigh. "but at least we got that show you promised."

"Pretty sure I got us two." Rainbow said with a chuckle.

Sitting on a train station bench, Twilight stared into the clear sky, deep in thought. Replaying her earlier conversation with Rarity in her head she struggled to answer the question her friend had posed. "Why is Derran so attractive to me?" There was no question as to why he was attractive in general. Handsome, polite, strong, heroic, Darran had plenty of traits in his favor. However as Twilight analyzed, she became aware that it was more than just these obvious characteristics.

Derran seemed to possess an "aura" for lack of a better term. That made him instantly desirable to anypony who might find him romantically engaging, or even just think positively of him. Derran had a presence that exuded power, confidence, and certainty. Everything from his movements to his expression, seemed calculated to project the sense that there was nothing he couldn't handle. It was similar to the aura that Celestia, and Luna sometimes seemed to have. Only rather than creating deference through an expression of wisdom, intelligence, and love. Derran's used Power, confidence, and just a hint of intimidation.

The more Twilight reflected on it, the more certain she became of her hypothesis, eventually deciding to refer to the phenomenon as the "Apex Aura". The name reflecting the fact that Derran himself was much like an apex predator, having no natural enemies by virtue of being bigger, stronger, and more dangerous, than anything else. That also would explain why mares seemed naturally infatuated with him. Millions of years ago, pony tribes were led by the strongest, as opposed to the wisest, and it was wholly possible that a creature like Derran could trigger an awakening of long dormant instincts.

However if anything that made Twilight feel even worse. After all, if her attraction was based solely on the effects of this: apex aura, then it meant her affection was nothing more than an instinctual response. Ergo: she didn't actually love Derran, she just felt drawn to his strength. Granted that might not be an issue, if all Twilight wanted was a "Friends with benefits relationship" as Rainbow Dash had once described it. But that wasn't what Twilight wanted.

Twilight wanted love, not just a physical relationship. It wasn't that she had anything against purely physical intimacy, it just wasn't what she wanted. But what did Derran want? Sure, he clearly didn't have anything against ponies, but that didn't mean he was obligated to be attracted to them. Twilight sighed heavily, all this analysis had done nothing but give her a roaring headache.

"Twilight, are you alright?" Came Spike's concerned voice, as Twilight closed her eyes and massaged her temples in an effort to banish her self inflicted migraine. Opening her eyes to glance down at her assistant, Twilight smiled and nodded for a moment before her expression became thoughtful.

"Spike. . .can I ask you a personal question?" She asked, glancing around to insure nopony was within earshot.

"Uhh, sure, I guess, what did you want to know?" He asked scratching his head in mild confusion. Twilight bit her lower lip as she considered how to phrase what she wanted to say.

"It's about you and Rarity." She said, wanting to give her assistant a chance to back out, before getting to the actual question. Spike's expression registered a moment of uncomfortable consideration before he took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he responded.

"Ok, what about me and Rarity?" He asked, clearly resolved.

"Well. . .I mean. . ." Taking a deep breath to steady herself Twilight decided to be direct. "How is it that you stay friends with her, despite having a crush on her that she might never return?" For a moment that seemed like an eternity, the question hung in the air between them. Briefly Twilight wondered if she had gone to far, before Spike let out a long sigh.

"I honestly don't really know. I guess it's because I just care enough about her, that as long as she's happy, then that's really what's most important. I mean, it's never easy, and sometimes I feel angry at her, or myself, but that's what it means to love somepony right? You're willing to take a hit for them because you care about them?" Spike said with a shrug. Twilight nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I think you're right. Thank you Spike, I really appreciate you answering such a personal question." Spike nodded.

"Anytime." He said with a smile as a loud whistle signaled the train from the Crystal Empire's approach. Free of her fears for the moment, Twilight watched the incoming train with a faint sense of apprehension. While she felt certain that Pinky Pie, and Fluttershy would accept her vouching for Derran, it only now occurred to her that she had not considered how to reassure the other passengers.

A flare of panic shot through Twilight, but she held it in check with an effort of will. She was, after all, a princess, and she felt that even if the ponies rejected a royal endorsement of Derran's harmlessness, she could always send them to the population of Ponyville for character references. Thus reassured, she observed the train coming to a complete stop amid an obscuring cloud of opaque white vapore, smelling faintly of coal dust, and oil.

"Twilight Darling!" Twilight turned in the direction of Rarity's voice as her friend trotted down the platform. Curiously Derran was nowhere to be seen. However, given Twilight's concerns, that may have been for the best.

"Hey Rarity." Twilight called back as the doors to the train opened behind her. "Where's Derran?"

"Oh he's waiting outside, he felt it would be best if you had a chance to explain him to everypony before they actually saw him. Rarity explained, as she moved into position alongside her friend. Twilight smiled as she nodded, she might have guessed that Derran would have already considered the meeting, and planned accordingly. Any further conversation was forestalled however, as ponies began to disembark from the train. Clearing her throat Twilight prepared to address the crowd. Only to be cut off, when a violently pink blur collided with her at near mach speed, wrapping her in an unbreakable bearhug while talking at a mile a minute.

"OhmygoshTwilightit'ssogreattoseeyoudidyouhavefunwhileweweregoneisRainbowDashbackyetYakyakistanwassoamazingishiRarityyoulookamazing. . ." Struggling to extricate herself from her friends enthusiastic greeting, Twilight tried to call out to the crowd. However, her friend's death grip hug, insured her voice came out only as a strangled whisper.

"I'm glad to see you too Pinkie Pie, but I need to. . ." Twilight began, only to find herself choked off as her friend squeezed even harder. All the while she watched in ever mounting, mute anxiety, as ponies walked past them toward the street. Rarity attempted to intervene, only to also be grabbed in a near bone crushing embrace. Realizing that she would not be in time to stop what was coming, Twilight braced herself for a scream or shout as the ponies encountered the alien in their midst. However, to Twilight's surprise, no such outburst was heard. Finally, Pinkie Pie relinquished her grip on her friends faintly aching necks.

"Pinkie!" Rarity declared sternly. "As overjoyed as we are to see you, Twilight had an important announcement to make to everypony on the train, and. . ." Rarity's admonishment was cut off by a sharp intake of breath from her magenta colored friend as she snapped her gaze over to Twilight.

"Oh. . .my. . .GOSH! YOU have a super important announcement to make?! I have a super important announcement to make! We're super important announcement TWINS! Well. . .technically it's not just me Fluttershy knows to so would that make us more like super important announcement triplets? Or would it be quintuplets since Rarity's also. . ."

"PINKIE!!" Twilight shouted, still wondering why nopony was making a scene yet. Rarity had said Derran was there, so why hadn't anypony noticed the six foot alien standing in the middle of the road?

"Yes Twilight?" Pinkie asked, her trademark grin plastered across her features. Twilight took a deep breath, deciding that it was pointless admonishing Pinkie now, the damage was already done. Somehow, Derran had managed to escape notice, and regardless, any panic would be restricted to the dozen or so ponies who had already left, and they would soon be brought up to speed by the residents of Ponyville. Who would be eager to protect their unofficial champion.

"Nevermind, Where's Fluttershy?" Twilight asked, glancing around as more ponies filtered past them. Looking left and right, Pinkie seemed to be checking to see how many ponies were left on the platform before answering, seeing the last few grab their luggage and head toward town she replied.

"She should be here riiiiiiiiiiiiight about. . .now." No sooner had the last syllable left Pinkie's tongue, than Fluttershy walked into view, however she wasn't alone. On either side of her were two ponies, one slightly taller than the other. Both wore heavy cloaks that completely obscured their bodies and faces from view. As Fluttershy walked forward, the two figures came with her, the larger one briefly fidgeting with a small bundle just barely visible beneath their cloak.

"Hello Twilight, Hello Spike, oh and you to Rarity, it was awfully nice of you to come and meet us all at the station." Fluttershy greeted with a smile. Twilight glanced suspiciously at the two cloaked figures behind her friend.

"Its great to see you to Fluttershy but, who are these ponies?" Twilight asked, a note of concern entering her voice. However before Fluttershy could offer a word of explanation, the figures cast off their cloaks with a dramatic flourish.

"SUPRISE!!" Shouted the unveiled figures of the regent of the Crystal Empire herself, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and her husband Shining Armor, while tucked into a carrying sling around Cadence's neck, was their daughter Flurry Heart. Twilight stared in shock at her sister in law.

"Cadence?! Shining?! Flurry?! What are you all doing here?!" Twilight cried out in a mixture of surprise, happiness and mild foreboding.

"We came to visit of course." Cadence declared, happily embracing her sister in law.

"Cadence's exact word were: if I don't get out of this castle for a few days I'm going to scream. Plus little Flurry here really wanted to see her favorite aunt." Shining Armor related with a chuckle. Twilight felt another flare of panic as the familiar feeling of events spiralling out of control assailed her. Something of how she was feeling must have shown on her face, as Cadence gave her a concerned look.

"I hope this isn't a bad time?" She asked, a look of worry appearing on her face. Twilight struggled to respond as her mind instantly conjured a thousand horrible ways things could go wrong.

"Yes! Er, I mean; No not at all, well it is but it isn't, it's kinda hard to explain, see well. . ." Twilight sighed in defeat as she glanced at Rarity, who gave a nod of unspoken agreement. "Ok. . . I kinda, have a surprise for you too. I want to introduce you to somepony, he's a really good friend, and he's a great hero. Just. . . brace yourselves, he's kinda. . .unusual." Twilight explained, then turning her head, and ignoring the neurotic voice in the back of her head begging her to reconsider, Twilight called out. "DERRAN? WOULD YOU PLEASE COME OUT HERE?!"

Before anypony could ask questions, a figure appeared from around the corner of the train station. Seeming to melt out from the shadows, he approached the group of ponies at a leisurely pace. Twilight would have been drooling over how amazing Derran looked without his armor, but she was too busy watching her brother and sister in law's reactions, not to mention those of Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.

Eyes widened in shock, mouths fell open, and to Twilight's unspoken dismay, Shining moved to interpose himself between his wife and the incoming human. As for Derran, he betrayed only the vaguest hint of surprise as his eyes flicked to Cadences wings and horn. Nopony so much as breathed, as Derran Grandel stood before them.

"Cadence, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Shining, I would like to introduce Derran Grandel." She stated, gesturing to him with a hoof and deliberately leaving out his title. "Derran these are my friends Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, my brother, and sister in law. Prince Shining Armor, and princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and their daughter Flurry Heart."

As smoothly as if he had rehearsed it a thousand times, Derran fell to one knee his right arm across his chest making a fist over his heart, his head bowed low.

"Your eternal servant, Seraphim Mi Amore Cadenza, and yours, lord Shining Armor, and of course it is always an honor to meet any friend of Seraph Twilight." Derran's formal tone and show of fealty clearly surprised those assembled, as for a moment they were at a loss for words.

"Uh. . .thank you." Cadance offered after a slightly awkward pause. Clearly just as flummoxed as Twilight had been when he had performed the ritualistic bow for her. However it was at this point that Flurry Heart, who had been asleep during the entire proceeding, chose to awake. Yawning and glancing around as she blinked sleep from her eyes, the young foal's gaze settled upon Derran's kneeling form. With a sound of joyous excitement, Flurry wriggled free of her swaddling to fly over to the Doom Slayer. Alighting on the ground before him with a giggling exclamation. Glancing up from the ground, Derran stared at the foal in front of him. His eyes widened in shock, his mouth opening and closing a few times as the breath caught in his throat.

"Impossible. . ." He said in a whispered tone filled with a disbelieving awe. "This child. . .she is. . .it is not possible!" Twilight recalled her own surprise at the discovery that her niece was an alicorn, but it had been nothing close to what Derran appeared to be feeling. "A born Seraphim?!" He asked in a tone of deep reverence, seemingly unable to believe what he was saying. As if sensing the Doom Slayer's confusion and wishing to comfort him, Flurry wrapped her front hooves around Derran's bent leg, a happy smile upon her face. Swiftly bowing his head once again, Derran seemed overtaken with emotion. "I. . .I do not deserve. . ." Derran seemed to be trembling as Flurry only looked up at him her smile turning to a look of apparent concern. "She is beautiful!" Derran stated in a shaking voice, that spoke of an immense weight to every word.

All those present watched the exchange with varying degrees of confusion. As the strange alien reacted to Flurry Heart's presence like she were a goddess come to earth, as opposed to a curious foal trying to make a friend.

"Um. . .thank you? She, uh. . . seems to really like you Mr. . .Grandel, was it?" Cadance asked awkwardly, feeling at once confused, and proud that her little girl could affect somepony so dramatically. Derran seemed not to hear at first as he raised his head, and extended a trembling hand to the foal who released his shin to nuzzle his outstretched fingers affectionately. Finally. Cadance's words seemed to register, and Derran blinked as if awakening from a trance.

"I was not aware that there were other Seraphim in Equestria besides ladies Luna, Celestia, and Twilight." Derran stated managing to compose himself after a moment. "It is good to know that more have been chosen, and that one has been born is surely divine providence." For a moment Derran's tone took on a note of religious fervor as he smiled down at Flurry who giggled up at him with a smile of her own.

"I don't know about 'divine providence' but we're certainly proud of her." Replied Shining Armor, with a faint smile indicating that he was already starting to relax in Derran's presence. Derran nodded as he rose to his feet, only for Flurry to fly up and perch on his shoulder. For a moment Shining Armor glanced at his daughter sitting on the shoulder of a creature at least a head or two taller than himself, and felt a flutter of apprehension pass through his gut. Glancing over at his sister however he felt reassured by the fact that she was struggling not to laugh at the odd sight. The tension was then broken down even further by PInkie Pie, who moved in a pink blur to stand in front of Derran.

"Awwww, that. . .is . . .the. . .cutest thing. . .EVER!" She stated clasping her front hooves next to her face in an adoring expression, before pulling a camera seemingly out of nowhere to take a picture of the moment, dazzling everypony with the flash. Even Derran seemed caught off guard as he rubbed the afterimage from his eyes before noting the camera had vanished again, and Pinkie was now pasting the freshly developed instant photo into a scrapbook entitled "Derran and my Friends Scrapbook." Derran's eyes widened slightly at Pinkie's behavior, before an odd half smile made its way onto his face.

Finished with her scrapbooking, Pinkie placed the book within her mane where it was soon lost amid the fluffy pink curls that somewhat resembled cotton candy. "So you're a human right? I've never seen a human only Twilight told me about them from that time Sunset Shimmer stole her crown did she ever tell you about that? Anyway she told me all about humans is it true you never walk on all fours or that you have these strange little plastic squares that you can talk to other humans with? Oooh, is it true that you always wear clothes because otherwise-"

"PINKIE!" Twilight exclaimed, breaking her friend out of her endless train of questions before it went farther than anypony was comfortable with.

"Yeah Twilight?" Pinkie asked, her enthusiasm not diminished even slightly.

"Derran is new here maybe you could. . ." Twilight was cut off by a squeal so high pitched it could shatter glass.

"OHMYGOSH! I JUST REALIZED YOU'RE TOTALLY NEW TO PONYVILLE!" Pinkie shouted, before switching to a more serious tone of brusque efficiency. "Excuse me everypony but I need to get on this like frosting on a cake!" Pinkie stated, before vanishing in a flash of magenta. For several seconds nopony spoke, then Derran chuckled, a bemused expression on his face.

"You might have warned me that lady Pinkie Pie was a weird." he stated with a small smile.

"A what?" Twilight asked confused. Derran arched an eyebrow, as if surprised Twilight had not known the term.

"A 'Weird'. An individual with an extremely rare mystical trait that allows those who posses it to bend, or even break, the laws of reality. The most common abilities include: unconscious space time manipulation, ability to alter one's own physical composition, and the power to see into other realities." Derran explained with a shrug. Twilight's mouth fell open stunned.

"Wait. There's actually an explanation for what Pinkie does?!" She asked incredulously.

"Well. . .yes, you mean you did not know milady?" Derran asked in mild surprise. Twilight shook her head.

"No, I always figured it was unique to Pinkie and couldn't be explained." Derran shrugged.

"I suppose that is not all that surprising. It is an exceedingly rare gift, and those who posses it often do not realize they are using it. But see here milady, why don't we get everypony settled back at the castle, and then discuss it?" He suggested glancing at Cadence, Shining Armor, and Fluttershy

"Right, of course. Let's just grab their luggage." Twilight replied swiftly, trying to cover up that she had momentarily forgotten they were there.

"Um, excuse me, Twilight?" Came a soft apologetic sounding voice so low it was almost a whisper.

"Yes Fluttershy?" Twilight asked turning her attention to her friend. Fluttershy hemmed and hawed slightly before she explained.

"Well it's just, I really need to get back in time to feed all the animals, especially Angel, and well. . . your castle is on the other side of town, and so, I was wondering. . ."

"Oh of course, you go take care of your animals, and we'll catch up later, sound good?" Twilight suggested with a sympathetic smile. Fluttershy nodded happily as she made her way to the luggage cart. However on reaching it, she went for what was easily the largest case on it. A massive steamer trunk, that was easily bigger than she was. How she had managed to travel with such a burden without aid was a mystery.

Setting her hooves, Fluttershy heaved with all her strength, managing to push the trunk off the cart, barely. Grabbing a hold of the worn leather strap on the side she tugged with everything she had, but only managed to break the strap and tumble backward. Equestrian leather was made from the bark of a tree, as opposed to the tanned hide of animals like on D'nur, but it was every bit as strong, breaking it wasn't exactly easy, and it testified to the item's weight.

Derran had seen enough, protocol demanded that he escort the Seraphs back to the castle, but his heart commanded that he aid the struggling Fluttershy. Ever so gently he removed Flurry Heart from his shoulder. Treating her as if she were a priceless ancient tapestry that would crumble to dust at a single errant movement, Derran placed the young Alicorn in the sling around her mother's neck. Flurry clearly didn't wish to be separated from her new friend/favorite perch, and grabbed at Derran's departing hands. However Derran calmed her with a loving pat on the head, and a calm word.

"Now, now, little one, I will return, but first I must aid our friend lady Fluttershy." He said with a smile, before turning and walking to Fluttershy's side. Hefting the trunk onto his shoulder as if it weighed no more than a feather, Derran glanced down at the wide eyed yellow pony with a gentle grin. "Where to milady?" Derran asked.

"Oh you don't have to do that mister Derran!" Fluttershy protested, as if Derran was undertaking some sisyphean task, as opposed to carrying luggage. Though given the trunk's weight, to any other being it might well have been. Derran simply chuckled at Fluttershy's comment.

"I am afraid you will have to take that up with my conscience milady." He said smoothly. "In the meantime, perhaps you could point me in the proper direction?" Seemingly unsure of how to respond, Fluttershy was relieved to hear Twilight speak up.

"I'll go with you, I, uh, need to discuss something with Fluttershy anyway." Derran smiled at Twilight's effort to spare his feelings, but he knew that she really was going so her friend wouldn't have to walk around alone with a strange alien. "I'm sorry, you guy's can get to the castle on your own right?" Twilight asked her brother apologetically. Shining nodded in understanding.

"Yep, unless you moved it since our last visit?" He joked, then glancing warily at Derran he lowered his voice to a whisper. "You're sure you'll be alright?" Twilight bristled slightly at the question, but understood her brother was just trying to look out for her. She nodded.

"Trust me, I'm safer with Derran than if I had an entire army with me." Shining still wasn't totally sold on the strange biped, but he knew his sister, and she wouldn't sound that confidant if she had any doubts.

"Ok we'll see you back at the castle then, don't take too long." Shining stated, ruffling his sister's mane.

"Hey!" She laughingly protested, but he was already walking away.

"I'll head back to the castle with them, and make sure everypony gets settled in properly dear." Rarity stated with a smile before turning to catch up with Cadence and Shining who had already grabbed their belongings and headed toward the street.

"I'll go too." Spike stated, and Twilight nodded before redirecting her attention back to Derran, and Fluttershy.

"Ok Fluttershy, lead the way." Twilight stated, gesturing with her hoof.

The trip to Fluttershy's cottage was made mostly in silence, periodically punctuated by awkward attempts at conversation that inevitably fell flat. Until however, Derran decided to speak.

"So lady Fluttershy, Twilight tells me you once managed to talk down a manticore of all things?" He asked conversationally. Fluttershy glanced up at Derran with a slightly nervous expression before nodding.

"It was really no big deal." Fluttershy mumbled, hiding behind her mane.

"Oh? You managed to calm down an enraged predatory beast, alone? Without the use of any tranquilizer or other sedative? Forgive me if I speak out of turn, but that is hardly 'nothing'." Derran declared calmly, as he shifted the trunk on his shoulder to a slightly more comfortable position. Fluttershy tried to hide even further behind her mane, blushing slightly at the praise.

"I was just doing what anypony would have done for a creature in need." Fluttershy replied meekly. Derran shrugged.

"Perhaps, but of all your friends, only you were able to see the true cause of the beast's aggression. I consider myself a fairly observant man, but I could never imagine having such insight into another creature's woes." Derran stated truthfully.

"Oh, I'm sure you're just being modest, I bet you could have done it." Fluttershy stated, starting to feel a little more comfortable. Derran shook his head.

"With respect milady, I do not believe that is so. More to the point, even if I could have, my response would have been far less. . .restrained, than yours. Keeping your head, you managed to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, that is a truly admirable quality. One I am forced to admit I do not posses." Derran stated with a slight sadness.

"I don't know Derran, you're a pretty smooth talker when you want to be." Twilight stated with a laugh. Chuckling in response Derran shook his head.

"My enemies might disagree with you milady." Derran stated. "Is that your home up there lady Fluttershy?" He asked inclining his head toward a beautiful, sod roofed edifice on a hill. With walls of yellow adobe or clay, it stood alongside a gently flowing stream, a small wooden bridge allowing a winding dirt path to lead up to it. Fluttershy nodded.

"Oh yes." She stated, finally seeming to let her guard down.

"It is magnificent, it's almost as if it was a living part of the landscape." Derran breathed out, his praise heartfelt. Fluttershy smiled at Derran's appreciation of her home.

"Oh that's very kind of you, you should come for tea one day mister-" At that moment Fluttershy was interrupted by a loud bang as the door to her cottage flew open, and a tall misshapen figure walked out. The creature's body was a mishmash of elements from a variety of creatures, serpent, pony, dragon, lion, donkey, and griffon to name just a few, making him utterly impossible to mistake.

"Oh Fluttershy how I missed-" Discord began, only to stop mid sentence as his mismatched eyes fell upon Derran. . . Twilight, and Fluttershy had seen a lot of expressions on the chaos lord's face: astonishment, fury, playfulness, but the expression he wore on sighting the Doom Slayer was entirely new. Sheer, undiluted, terror. A loud thud sounded as the steamer trunk was thrown from Derran's shoulder.

"YOU!!" The two yelled out. Their utterance was simultaneous, but their tones could not have been more different. Discord's voice was a high pitched squeal of supreme fear, while Derran's was a roar of near berserk fury. Discord raised his fingers intending to snap them and teleport as far away as he could, but he was just a hair to slow. Before the stunned eyes of Twilight and Fluttershy, Derran drew a strange symbol in the air before shouting "ZAHN! Discord!!" at the top of his lungs. Discord snapped his fingers, and his face turned white as nothing happened.

"Oh no." Discord squeaked out, as the Doom Slayer charged at him. Fortunately, even bereft of his magic, Discord was still remarkably fast, and his body shape made his movements hard to predict, allowing him to just manage to twist out of the path of a punch that would have impaled him on Derran's arm.

"I SHALL END YOU CHAOS BRINGER!!" Derran roared. Though not normally known for talking in battle, Derran felt there were occasions where one's true emotions simply had to be unburdened. Besides, Derran more than anything wanted his old foe's last few moments to be filled with fear and pain in equal measure.

"I can explain!" Discord begged, managing to scramble behind a nearby tree as Derran was slightly overbalanced by his missed punch.

"DIE ABOMINATION!!" Derran bellowed as his second punch obliterated the tree, and sent Discord flying. Discord recovered just in time to feel five fingers wrap around his throat, and bring him face to face with the most terrifying, hate filled, gaze in existence. With his supply of oxygen cut off, Discord could only watch in terror as Derran wound up for a finishing blow. "I WARNED YOU NEVER TO RETURN! NOW PAY THE PRICE FOR YOUR ARROGANT TEMERITY MONSTER!!"

"STOP!!" Derran checked his fist just before it would have turned Discord's head into a cloud of blood, bone, and pulped grey matter.Turning his head, he stared at Twilight in stark disbelief. "Put him down right this instant!" Twilight stated firmly. Derran instantly began to protest.

"Milady, you cannot be serious! You must know what this creature is, he-"

"I know who he is Derran, he's my friend, just like you are. Let him go!" Twilight's voice was calm, but commanding, and Derran relented.

"By your will Seraph." He stated, visibly reigning in his temper as he dropped Discord unceremoniously to the ground. Coughing and hacking, Discord managed a grateful glance at Twilight.

"Thank you Twilight, that was just a hair to close for comfort." Discord stated, and for once he sounded entirely sincere. Then glancing fearfully around Discord looked up at Derran. "Your brother's aren't here are they?! I'd rather not-" Discord was silenced by a glare that could have leveled a mountain range.

"Speak any further of the past, and I shall remove your forked tongue!" Derran commanded coldly, cutting off whatever Discord had been about to say, though not before Twilight registered it and filed it away for later.

"Enough Derran! I don't know what happened between you two in the past, but Discord has changed! He saved my life, heck, he saved the lives of everypony in Equestria, including Celestia, and Luna!" Suddenly Derran's demeanor shifted slightly, and his gaze bored into Discord's with an expression as icy as the voice he spoke in.

"Is this true?" He demanded without so much as blinking. His tone promising terrible consequences in the event Discord attempted to mislead him.

"Yes." Discord said simply, clearly able to see that the Doom Slayer was in no mood for jokes. Taking a deep breath, and letting it out, Derran allowed the anger to leave his body. Extending his hand to help Discord to his feet Derran spoke.

"Then I beg forgiveness for my rash judgment. If you acted in defense of this land, and if the Seraphim have given you their blessing, then I am in your debt." Accepting Derran's help, Discord was quickly back on his feet, yet Derran did not let go. Holding Discord in place so that their gazes were locked."However, until I can confirm your story with ladies Luna, and Celestia, I am obligated to keep an eye on you. I'm certain you understand?" Derran stated calmly, thought there was no mistaking the faint undertone of warning in his voice.

"Of course," Discord agreed sullenly. "I would never chastise the guardian of Equestria for performing his holy duties." He declared. Derran nodded, ignoring the hint of sarcasm in Discord's voice, but still did not release his arm.

"Then you also understand that the past is a delicate thing, and that it is. . .unwise to bring it up before it's time." Derran stated, his tone low and threatening as he emphasized the word: unwise.

"Oh absolutely." Discord replied his smile and tone implying a good humor that didn't quite reach his eyes. Derran responded with a curt nod, and a smile that also did not extend to his eyes, before finally releasing Discord's limb.

As she watched the exchange between the gods of war and chaos, Twilight could almost see the tension in the air as crackling bolts of electrical energy. Made all the more unnerving, when she noticed a disturbing detail about Derran. One of Derran's most striking features were his eyes, two beautiful orbs of icy blue, so deep you could drown in them, at least. . .normally. However, when Derran's anger had been roused, those irises of blue had undergone a disturbing transformation, becoming a violent, hateful, scarlet. . .

Saints and Sinners

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"Well that was. . .intense." Twilight Sparkle stated aloud to her companion, pebbles crunching underhoof as they walked down the dirt path to the castle. At her side Derran Grandel let out a long sigh. After his enraged attempt to kill Discord, that failed due more to blind luck than anything else, and during which he displayed the shocking ability to completely nullify his opponent's magic (something Twilight fully intended to ask him about once Derran had calmed down a bit more). Derran had spent several minutes apologizing profusely to a slightly traumatized Fluttershy.

In the end however, Fluttershy was kind enough to grant her understanding for Derran's misreading of the situation, and accepted it all as water under the bridge. They had subsequently left her tending to Discord. Who, until Derran had given him an excoriating glare, had been hamming it up by claiming to be plagued by "emotional distress".

"Forgive me milady, but the Chaos bringer and I have a rather. . .complicated. History." He explained, trying to sound calm, and not burden his friend with his actual feelings on finding Discord alive and well after all these centuries. Twilight glanced up at him out of the corner of her eye, and was relieved to see that his irises remained their original shade of blue. They had restored themselves shortly after Derran had finished having an exceedingly tense tete a' tete with Discord. In fact the shift had been so sudden Twilight almost could have passed the initial transformation off as a trick of the light.

"What happened?" She asked curiously. Derran sighed again as he considered how to answer.

"He. . .humiliated, Celestia and Luna, and I swore I would feed him his own heart for it. I caught him, and I beat him within an inch of his repugnant existence." He said hatefully, before pausing and letting out a deep breath to regain his composure. "But, the Seraphs forbid me to kill him. I was not happy about it, but I obeyed. However I warned the wretch that if he ever returned to Equestria, I would tear him apart piece by piece, reassemble him, and then tear him apart all over again." Derran explained, the fury in his voice barely restrained.

"That's. . .quite a threat." Twilight remarked, feeling a little disturbed by the mental image it conjured up. "What exactly did he do to make you so angry?" She asked. Discord may have been a malevolent trickster once, but she found it hard to believe, even at his worst, that he could inspire such intense hate. Derran shook his head.

"That is. . .unimportant, sufficed to say it hurt Celestia, and Luna deeply, and I doubt I will ever truly forgive him for it." Derran stated, restraining himself from saying more with a visible effort. "Let us speak of other things, you must be overjoyed to see your brother and his family? I seem to recall you mentioned you had a sibling, but you never informed me that he was married to a Seraph." Derran said with a smile, as he forced his thoughts regarding the chaosbringer to the back of his mind. Twilight nodded, all too happy to change the subject to something less volatile.

"Well it certainly wasn't expected, but yeah I am happy to see him, though I think you might intimidate him a little." Twilight mentioned with a giggle. Derran responded with a laugh, allowing the humor to finish washing away his dark mood.

"Such was not my intent, I assure you." He said with a wide grin. Twilight returned Derran's smile with a laugh of her own, a slight flutter in her heart. As the dark cloud of Derran's anger lifted, and he once more became the stallion she had come to adore. However, as her laughter died away her expression turned to a thoughtful frown, as she recalled her earlier conversation with Rarity. Deciding now was as good a time as any, Twilight steeled herself and gathered her courage, before taking a deep breath.

"Say uh, Derran?" She began, trying to fight down the butterflies in her stomach, and suppress the blush rapidly overtaking her face.

"Yes milady?" Derran asked, looking down into her eyes again, and causing her to promptly turn her gaze to the ground between her hooves to hide her nervous expression and reddening features.

"Well I was just wondering if. . . maybe. . . we could go out sometime? Just the two of us?" Twilight forced out, her face feeling like it was on fire. "Strictly as friends, of course!" She added swiftly, hoping Derran wouldn't ask about how her voice had gone from an embarrassed squeak, to a businesslike assertion in the space of barely three sentences. Fortunately Derran seemed not to notice as he slowly nodded.

"That sounds lovely milady, I have the next day or so off so it should work out well, but if I may offer a suggestion?" Derran asked, his agreement sounding like honey to Twilight's ears.

"Uh huh." Twilight replied dreamily, her heart on cloud nine from the idea that even if it wasn't a date, Derran had still said YES!

"Why don't we go tomorrow, and bring little Flurry Heart along? Not to put too fine a point on it, but lord Shining Armor, and lady Cadenza, look like they could use some time to themselves." Derran stated with a smile, as he recalled his own first years as a parent. Twilight however, seemed to have missed the signs as she gave him a questioning look.

"What do you mean?" Derran gave a heartfelt chuckle as he explained.

"Well, having a newborn around is a. . .trying, experience. It is a magical event like no other, but exhausting in the extreme. To anypony who has been a parent the signals are obvious. Their manes were rather untidy, they had circles under their eyes, they smelled faintly of spit up, sweat, and other less. . .savory aromas. What they require more than anything is a day to unwind, and catch up on their sleep." He explained, clearly speaking from experience, as Twilight nodded her understanding.

"Hmm, you have a point. I didn't really notice it when we were talking with them, but you're right. Shining and Cadence are a wreck. But are you sure you don't mind?" Twilight asked. She liked the idea, and felt confident she could persuade her brother and sister in law to go along with it, especially since she felt certain that Rarity, and Starlight were already chatting them up about the alien hero of Ponyville. However Twilight couldn't help but feel like this was taking advantage of Derran, even if it had been his suggestion. But he simply laughed.

"Not in the least, besides, I was in their shoes once, it would be the height of callousness not to offer my assistance. Especially as I feel certain that having a Seraphim newborn adds a whole new dimension of parental strain." He stated calmly. Twilight smiled broadly and nodded before her expression again became one of thoughtfulness.

"Derran?" She asked glancing up at him with a curious expression as they walked.

"Yes milady?" Derran responded with his usual air of calm affability.

"What exactly does it mean when you call alicorn's 'Seraphim'?" Twilight asked, her voice indicating that this was a question that clearly had been weighing on her for some time. Derran gave Twilight an appraising look, considering the question for some time before he responded, his words slow and reverent as he explained.

"Among the people of D'nur there is an ancient legend of 'The Light'. Essentially, the primal force of creation, purity, and good. The legend goes: that when the Light first dawned upon existence, it was heralded by its first children: the Seraphim.

These creatures were so beautiful, they could blind you with their presence alone. So wise, that they could settle any dispute without bloodshed. So kind, that even the blackest heart could not help but be moved by them. So pure, that even the most vile of corruptions would be banished by their merest touch.

Said to be the avatars of the Light itself, the legend states they were created to protect mankind, and guide us away from the predations of darkness, and evil.

Most believed the legend to be nothing more than a myth. A fairy tale for children. I was one such in fact, until I came here. . . However, to answer your actual question, I suppose the best definition would be: Goddess. Though it more accurately translates as: Holiest of the Holy." Twilight's eyes widened in response to Derran's explanation, despite having suspected much of it.

"But. . . I mean. . . you know I'm not a goddess. . .right?" Twilight asked, trying, and failing, to inflect the question as humorous. Derran simply gave Twilight a supremely gentle smile.

"If you mean, 'do I realize you are not omnipotent?' Then yes, I am aware. But to my mind you nonetheless bear the mark of divinity." Twilight's eyes widened even further as she realized that Derran was being completely serious! He actually thought of her as a goddess! Suddenly all his strange behavior toward her, and the Alicorns in general, made perfect sense!

Twilight suddenly felt slightly dizzy, it was hard enough adjusting to being a princess, now she suddenly found herself upgraded to goddess?! What's worse was that it wasn't even remotely true! She wasn't divine! She was just. . . her! She didn't want to argue with Derran, nor did she want to tell him what to believe, but this was too much.

"Derran. . . I don't know what you think I am, or what you think I can do, but I'm not a goddess. I'm not perfect, heck I can't even manage to cook dinner for ponies sake! I'm not an 'Avatar of the Light' or whatever else, I wasn't meant to 'Lead mankind away from evil'. For crying out loud I didn't even know humans existed till I ended up turned into one after going through a magic mirror that led to another dimension!"

Twilight paused to take a breath as she realized she was borderline shouting. Taking a sympathetic tone, Twilight glanced up at Derran, sadness etched on her face. "I'm not what you think I am Derran, and if that's why you are being so subservient then I need to ask that you stop. Because I don't deserve it." Twilight finished, hanging her head with the expression of somepony who has been forced to relate an unpleasant truth. Derran however just chuckled, shaking his head. Kneeling down he bid Twilight to look up, as he pointed in the direction of Ponyville.

"Tell me milady, what do you see?" Derran asked with a small smile on his face. Twilight gave him a confused look. He was taking her refusion of his beliefs remarkably well.

"Ponyville. Why?" She said flatly. Derran simply continued to smile as mischief danced in his eyes.

"Mmm, yes. A town like any other in Equestria then?" He inquired, with the air of somepony who knows more than he's letting on.

"Well. . .yeah, why?" Twilight asked arching an eyebrow in a faint 'get on with it' manner.

"Well it's not like any town I ever encountered on D'nur. Where are the beggar ponies? Where are the beaten down expressions of those living payday to payday just barely getting by? Where are the ponies who never go anywhere unarmed, out of paranoid fear of attack by their fellows? Where are the drunks? The destitute? The sick and the weak? Where are the prejudices between ponies over basic differences? Where is the mistrust for their leaders? Where is the poverty, the crime, and the corruption?" Twilight stared at Derran in shock, was that really what human cities and towns were like? Derran gave Twilight a faintly superior smirk, as her expression answered his questions without her needing to say a word. "It is not here, nor is it to be found in any city, town, or kingdom in Equestria. Yes ponies have their conflicts, no they are not perfect, and yes they are capable of cruelty and evil like any other race. . .yet."

Derran let the last word hang in the air for a moment before continuing. "Yet, unlike humans, your first response to problems is to meet them with understanding, and dialog. The predominant emotions in Equestria are love, tolerance, and kindness. You refrain from crimes not out of fear of the law, but because you care about each other. There are exceptions of course. But what is pertinent, is that they are the exception, as opposed to the rule. Milady, where you see an ordinary town, I see a paradise earthed." Derran explained, in a voice of wondering admiration. Twilight balked.

"That hardly makes me a goddess!" She protested, to which Derran once again gave a knowing smile.

"How many times have you saved this world milady? Three? Four? And without spilling even a single drop of blood? I certainly could not have achieved such a result." Derran said in a musing tone.

"That was just-" Twilight began before Derran interrupted.

"And how many villains have you, and your friends managed to reform? Including, apparently, Discord. A being whom I would have labeled as utterly unrepentant?" He asked casually. Twilight shook her head.

"That still doesn't make me, or any other alicorn, a goddess. . . you're wrong." She said sympathetically, but firmly. Derran shook his head.

"Milady, do you not see? It is not a matter of whether you are truly a Seraph or not. . . It is a matter of whether you demonstrate the qualities of one. Divinity is not a thing you are born with, it is a thing that is earned through deeds and actions. In my time I have fought creatures with the power to level mountains with a wave of a hand, the ability to make the sky rain fire, or even bring the dead back to life. Yet, even in the face of such power, I never once felt those monsters divine. They had power obviously, but power alone is not enough."

Derran stared into Twilight's eyes so she could see the absolute certainty in his face. "The power to create a paradise with nothing more than applications of wisdom, kindness, tolerance, and love? That! Is a power that reaches beyond mortal limits, and any with that power. . .they alone! Have earned the right to bear the title of Seraphim." Twilight's words caught in her throat, her protests dying on her lips.

"So what about Flurry Heart then? She was born an alicorn." Twilight asked, her tone now one of curiosity, rather than dissent. She still felt Derran was wrong, and that he was giving her and the other princesses far more credit than they deserved. But his explanation made it clear that no amount of protest, even from her, would change his mind. However, regardless, she still wished to understand his reasoning. Derran smiled as he stood up straight, staring into the clouds with an unreadable expression.

"I suppose, that is where 'Faith' enters into the equation. Flurry Heart was indeed born as a Seraph, but I have faith, that in time, she will prove herself deserving of the mantle. I also believe her birth to be a sign of great things to come. You could say I consider her to be a. . . sacred omen. I feel an immense destiny awaits her, and that her birth heralds the coming of a tremendous future." Derran glanced down the road with a faraway look in his eyes. "I serve the Seraphs because they have demonstrated through power, and actions, that they are worthy of veneration. They. . . you, have given me more than I could ever repay, and far more than I deserve, asking for nothing in return. I believe in the Seraphim, and I believe in the ponies of this world. . . I believe, I was given a second chance when I found myself in this magnificent realm. A chance to serve a greater purpose. A chance. . . a chance to atone, to do things right this time."

Twilight looked up at Derran, wondering what he could be referring to. It sounded like he felt he had done something wrong, committed some kind of sin. Yet everything Twilight knew about Derran, argued that he had always been a good stallion, so what was it he thought he was guilty of? Twilight said nothing as Derran continued to stare out into the distance, as if seeing a different world. After a minute or so of silence Derran shook his head.

"Forgive me milady, I seem to have become momentarily lost in my own thoughts. Shall we continue?" He asked with a smile. Twilight nodded, though she couldn't help but notice that Derran's smile seemed slightly pained.

"Right, don't want to keep Shining, and Cadence waiting." She replied, deciding that now was not the time to try prying again into Derran's past, he would tell her when he was ready. Regardless, as Twilight stepped forward she considered what Derran had just told her, and the arguments he made, not just now, but since their first fateful meeting. and recalled Rarity's words. . .

"Wisdom." Twilight whispered under her breath.

"I'm sorry milady?" Derran asked glancing at her in mild confusion. Twilight simply shook her head.

"It's nothing, just. . . talking to myself." She replied. Derran nodded.

"As you say milady." He responded as they walked the rest of the way in silence.

Rarity smiled as she sipped her tea. Next to her sat a slightly nervous looking Starlight Glimmer who had been unconsciously fidgeting with her mane since they had all sat down. Shortly after they had reached the castle and helped the guests unpack. Rarity had suggested they all sit down for tea, a snack, and an explanation of the ancient alien warrior from beyond the veil of time and space. Spike was currently busy in the kitchen, so that had left Rarity and Starlight to do all the explaining while Twilight was away. Now, after completing the story to the best of their ability, they watched from across the table. As the royal family of the Crystal Empire digested what they had just been told. Eyes wide, and with their own teacups lying forgotten in front of them.

"This is. . . it's a lot to take in." Cadence stated after hearing Rarity describe, among other things, her eyewitness account of Derran's battle with the timberwolves. Starlight nodded her understanding.

"Believe me we know, Derran has a pretty overwhelming resume. But trust me, he's easily the most honorable, and kind hearted pony you could ever meet." She declared.

"Did you really see him fight off a hundred timberwolves, by himself?!" Shining asked, suddenly feeling simultaneously incredulous, and slightly self conscious.

"Well honestly darling, there were so many of those ghastly creatures it was hard to tell, but I would say it was at least that many." Rarity replied matter a factly, to Shining's unspoken astonishment.

"And the Dragons? That really happened?" He asked, clearly struggling to even imagine such a thing.

"Yep, the whole town saw it, he saved Twilight's life that day, along with everypony else." Starlight answered, none-to-subtly highlighting, that Derran was the only reason they weren't all attending a mass funeral right now. Shining nodded slowly.

"I guess we really need to thank him for that don't we?" He said lamely, still overwhelmed by the idea that his little sister, now had the single most devastating warrior he ever heard of, as a bodyguard/servant.

"He'll insist he doesn't need it, but that would be the polite thing to do." Starlight replied. "And just wait till you taste his cooking, that stallion is a maestro in the kitchen." Cadence managed a smile, as her friends praise bordered on the effusive.

"You certainly seem impressed by him Starlight." Cadence observed the hesitation in her voice barely noticable. Starlight replied with a nervous laugh.

"Well honestly, until I actually. . .connected, with him, I was his harshest critic. But once I had a chance to get to know him. I realized I was just acting paranoid. Probably still a little jumpy from that whole, Chrysalis almost taking over Equestria, thing." She explained, taking a big gulp of tea to forestall any further questions. Cadence sensed there was more to the story but let it pass without comment.

"What about you Rarity? What was your first meeting with him like?" She asked curiously. Rarity laughed.

"Oh darling, terrifying!" She said with a wide smile as she recalled the event. "He scared me out of my wits with the way he looked, especially in that dreadful armor of his. But he was such a gentlecolt, and so chivalrous, he's just like the knights I read about in storybooks when I was a little filly." Rarity stated with a sigh of nostalgia. Cadence nodded in response.

"Flurry certainly seems to like him, but he appeared rather. . .surprised, by her." The Crystal monarch offered diplomatically. Starlight nodded with a slightly nervous chuckle.

"He. . .well, he swore some kind of an oath to serve the Alicorn's which he refers to as the Seraphim. We. . .uh, don't know why, but he seems to borderline worship you guy's. I guess seeing a pony who was born as an Alicorn rather than ascending to become one, overwhelmed him a bit." She offered, trying hard not to let on that she knew more than she was telling. Cadence gave Starlight a surprised glance.

"He swore an oath to serve the Alicorns? When did that happen?" Cadence asked, confusion etched on her features. Starlight shrugged.

"Sometime during his last visit here, a little over a thousand years ago. He hasn't been very specific about things." Starlight explained as she snached a scone from a plate on the table.

"Do you think he's hiding something?" Shining asked, unable to disguise the hint of suspicion in his voice. Rarity shook her head.

"Oh no Darling, he just made a promise to Celestia and Luna to keep it a secret, once he sees them, I am certain he'll tell us the whole story." She explained, taking another sip of her own tea. Shining nodded, though he still looked a little worried. However Any further questions were postponed by the sound of the door to the living room opening. Twilight entered wearing a smile that practically glowed, followed by Derran who sported his typical gentle grin on his face. The instant the Doom Slayer entered the room, Flurry flew from her mother to perch happily on his shoulder. He looked momentarily surprised for an instant before his smile returned, and he tousled the young alicorn's mane affectionately and with a gentleness very much at odds with the warrior he had been described as.

"Why hello little one, it is a pleasure to see you again as well." Derran greeted the young alicorn, as Flurry gave a small giggle and nuzzled his cheek in response. Glancing over at Cadence and Shining Armor, Derran gave a welcoming smile. "Lady Cadenza, lord Armor, I trust you are settling in?" He asked sincerely. Cadence nodded.

"Yes, thank you, everypony was just telling us about you." She explained.

"All baseless slander I assure you." Derran replied smoothly with a mischievous grin. Earning a heartfelt laugh from everypony present, and nicely dissipating the small amount of tension in the room. However as the laughter died down Cadence and Shining Armor's expressions became more serious, and for a moment it seemed they were about to express some form of distrust for Derran. However instead they each inclined their heads slightly in a gesture of respect.

"Thank you, Mr. Grandel. . .for saving my little sister and her friends. I. . .we owe you more than we could ever possibly repay." Shining stated formally.

"If there is ever anything you need, or want from us, then consider it yours." Cadence agreed feelingly. But as they had been told to expect, Derran simply smiled as he shook his head.

"You owe me nothing, I simply did what my oaths and the situation demanded. Service to Equestria is all the reward I require. . . But I thank you both for your kind words."Derran replied, inclining his head slightly, as he could not bow without disturbing Flurry Heart. Shining shook his head in amazement.

"Wow, you really do sound like a knight, any interest in joining the Royal Guard?" He joked.

"A tempting offer, but regrettably I am already happily employed at lady Applejack's farm." Derran explained with a chuckle.

"Oh how wonderful, I take it you're having an easy time adjusting then?" Cadence asked with a smile.

"Indeed milady, I have been made to feel most welcome." Derran replied with a nod, before glancing at the clock and holding up a hand. "Forgive me everypony, but I am afraid I must cut this short as I have to prepare dinner." Cadence and Shining glanced at Derran in surprise.

"Oh please don't go through any trouble on our account!" Cadence protested. After all she had heard, it seemed clear that they should be treating Derran to dinner, not the other way around. But Derran simply smiled.

"It is no trouble whatsoever milady, I actually quite enjoy it." He declared smoothly. "Lady Rarity, will you be joining us?" He asked before Cadence could offer any further objection. Rarity glanced briefly at Twilight who nodded enthusiastically, and inwardly Rarity jumped for joy. She had heard amazing things about Derran's prowess in the kitchen from Twilight, and being able to sample his cooking in the presence of such august company was an opportunity not to be missed.

"I would love to darling." She stated gratefully. Derran simply nodded.

"Then I shall begin at once." He said as he gently transferred Flurry Heart from his shoulder to Cadence's hooves. Surprisingly Flurry held out her hooves to Derran with an expression that was nothing short of heartrending. Clearly having grown quite fond of the spot on the Doom Slayer she had claimed for herself. "Now now little one, no need for that." Derran stated with a grin, giving Flurry a reassuring pat on the head and causing her to smile again. "I promise to return, as soon as dinner is ready." Flurry gave a slight pout causing Derran to laugh. "Very well then, how does this sound: you be a good little foal, and I promise to fix you something special for dessert?" To the surprise of everypony save Derran, Flurry nodded, clapping her hooves and giving a gurgling coo. Derran smiled as he stood up and walked away with a chuckle. "No matter the world, no matter the age in time, one thing, shall always remain true." Reaching the door he paused to glance over his shoulder with a wide grin. "Children will always love sweets."

Twilight smiled as she headed to bed, reflecting happily on the evening. After a fabulous dinner of vegetable paella, a white cheese tart, hot pot soup, and a magnificent salad with a spicy italian dressing. Derran had presented a creme brulee with sliced strawberries, and blueberries to everypony, and as an additional touch. Had used the fruits to make a smiling face on the one belonging to Flurry Heart.

The meal had been praised endlessly, both at the table, and in the drawing room where they had enjoyed a lovely green tea as they talked into the night. Most of the conversation had been directed toward Derran, who had accepted the praise, and questions, with his typical degree of humility, and good humor. Spike had also at one point, regaled them all with his version of how he had saved the Crystal Empire, and they had all applauded his performance, and his courage.

It was a truly wonderful night, and had only been made better by the knowledge that tomorrow she, Flurry Heart, and Derran would be spending the entire day together. As Twilight expected, it hadn't taken much to convince her brother, and Cadence to give their permission to take Flurry with them. Derran had been right, they were clearly burnt out, and seemed immensely grateful for the break. Whatever apprehensions they may have felt about Derran had, for the most part, vanished. His charm, kindness, and gentle nature having left them with nothing but praise for the strange alien.

What's more, Twilight had found the first reason for why she found Derran so irresistible. Twilight had always been an intelligent pony, some might even say genius. But she had never really been wise. Wisdom was often far more ephemeral than intelligence, and thus harder to grasp. Twilight had once read, that intelligence was knowing how to move a mountain, but wisdom was knowing whether the mountain should be moved in the first place.

Twilight had mastery of dozens of scientific and magical disciplines, but she sometimes lacked the insight that Derran seemed to posses. Granted Derran wasn't perfect about it, he definitely had difficulty seeing things clearly when he felt his friends were threatened. His reaction to Discord proved that. But at the same time he had been willing to defer to others on occasions where he might not have all the nuances of the situation. Highlighted by the fact that he had refrained from turning Discord into paste at Twilight's word.

Derran had a knack for seeing things in a manner that others may not have considered. He looked beyond the immediately obvious, and saw what lay underneath with an immense degree of clarity. Celestia had a similar gift, and Twilight had always felt drawn to it. So much so in fact, that Twilight had at times wondered if she had a crush on her teacher. A thought that she had swiftly buried at the time, but now suddenly seemed slightly less crazy, though, only slightly.

So yes, she was drawn to Derran's wisdom. But. . . as much as Twilight hated to admit it, that wasn't enough to build a relationship on. She needed more. Falling into her bed and breathing in the cedar scent of the fresh linens, Twilight took solace in the knowledge that she had at least found one good reason for her affection. And as she drifted off to Luna's realm, she found herself hopeful that others would arise. . .

"So good!" Was all Cadence could manage to say, as she stuffed her face with Derran's latest masterpiece. Crepes, rolled up, and stuffed with raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries, then covered heavily in a sauce made from sweet cream cheese. In addition, Derran had made fresh blueberry muffins, with butter. And to wash it all down, he had put out fresh orange juice, along with trottingham breakfast tea, or for those who wanted something a bit stronger, coffee. Derran simply chuckled as he carefully fed Flurry Heart her meal of mashed fruits mixed with cream. An old Kemedian recipe for baby food, that Flurry devoured with an eagerness that exceeded even her mother's.

"You honor me seraph Cadenza." Derran stated happily, as he offered Flurry another spoonful of her food, that vanished as soon as it was brought within her reach. "Easy little one, you must learn to eat in a manner becoming of a Seraphim, just look at. . ." Derran began, before glancing around to see Twilight licking her plate, her face covered in berry juice, while Cadence had stuffed her mouth so full she could no longer close it. Meanwhile, Shining Armor had followed his wife's example and filled his face far to full to speak, as Starlight and Spike all but declared war over the last crepe on the tray that had once held dozens of them. "Er. . . nevermind, perhaps you should simply eat how you wish." Derran stated with a small smile, as Flurry giggled in response.

Derran laughed softly, as he offered up yet another spoonful of berry paste to the young alicorn. Enjoying the sensation, however brief it may be, of being a caregiver again. But as he fed the young alicorn his mind halfway between the present and his past memories, Derran was pulled wholly into the former by a strange sound. It had initially started low, hence the reason it took a moment to register, but was slowly building to ever greater volume. The ponies at the table had not yet noticed the discrepancy, as they were still mired in conversation and food, but that would hold true for only a moment longer.

Centuries of finely honed battle instincts and development of near constant situational awareness, told Derran everything he needed to know. As he cast aside the spoon he held, and ran toward the wall behind Flurry's high chair. Jumping up, he placed his foot on the wall, his knee bent. Tensing mystically enhanced muscles Derran pushed off with enough of his strength to sail elegantly over the table, and land between it and an open window overlooking Ponyville. No longer wearing his armor, Derran's strength and defenses may have been reduced, but his agility and speed had increased substantially. Nevertheless, he made it just in time, as a grey mare in a mailpony's uniform came hurtling through the window in an uncontrolled tailspin, screaming a warning as she went.

Setting his feet, the Doom Slayer caught the mare as if he had done this a hundred times before. Pivoting on one foot Derran allowed her momentum to bleed off by spinning around several times, before neatly setting her down on the ground. The mare's cap flew off during the last rotation, but had not escaped the Doom Slayer's notice. Snatching her hat out of the air before it landed in Cadence's tea. Derran swiftly brushed it off and set it back on the blond maned mare's head in one simple movement.

"Good morning lady Hooves, are you alright?" Derran asked, looking down at the slightly frazzled mare with a welcoming smile. Shining Armor, and Cadence stopped chewing to stare at Derran in open mouthed amazement at his incredible acrobatic display. While Derpy Hooves looked up at her saviour with a grateful, if cross eyed, smile.

"Gee thanks mister Derran, I almost made a mess again didn't I?" She asked sheepishly, seemingly treating Derran's remarkable save as an everyday occurrence. Derran laughed, no doubt Derpy was referring to their first meeting earlier that week. When she had smashed through a window before turning a very nice antique table into kindling, fortunately with only minor injuries. Afterward the two had struck up a conversation, and in the short time they had spoken, Derran had found the mailpony to be a pleasant and engaging individual.

"It is of no concern, as long as you are alright. Structures can be rebuilt, crops regrown, and coin re-earned, but a life can never be replaced." Derran said simply. Derpy nodded, she really liked Derran, even if she didn't know him that well, he was a super smart pony, and always so nice. More than that though, she appreciated how he hadn't looked down on her because she was clumsy. Plus he looked really good today.

Dressed in a black vest, black silk tie, and white collared dress shirt. He wore a black tailcoat over it all, with silver buttons and a silver chain loop attached to the side of the coat, hooking over the bottom button. Wearing black formal dress pants, and shined dress shoes, and with his hair in a neat ponytail, he looked like a fashion model playing at being a butler. He even had on a pair of white gloves.

"Thanks mister Derran . . . I like your outfit a lot." Derpy replied earnestly, as she took in his full ensemble. Derran gave out a brief laugh.

"Thank you milady, I wasn't entirely sold on the look, but I must admit it has grown on me." He stated before motioning to an empty chair. "Would you care to join us for a few minutes?" He asked, noticing Derpy staring past him at the small pile of homemade muffins on the table.

"Can I?!" She asked, suddenly sounding as excited as a foal on hearth's warming eve. Smiling broadly Derran turned to regard Twilight. Who was trying hard not to act jealous at Derpy's interactions with Derran. Logically she knew Derran just liked Derpy as an acquaintance, and for her part Derpy was just being polite, but despite that it still annoyed her. However Twilight couldn't really blame Derpy, when Twilight herself had first seen Derran sporting his latest Rarity original, she had needed to go back to her room for a very cold shower before she could even say good morning.

"Milady Twilight?" Derran repeated, abruptly bringing her back to the present, where she had apparently missed a question.

"I'm sorry, what?" She asked.

"I was asking if you have any objection to lady Hooves joining us for breakfast?" Derran repeated calmly.

"Oh, oh no, not at all, take a seat Derpy, help yourself to whatever you like." Twilight responded, trying not to let a note of insincerity creep into her voice. Though, had Twilight taken a bit more time to analyze things, she might have noticed that the grey mailpony was far more enamored with the food on display than with Derran. Derpy all but jumped for joy as she took a seat, and placed two large muffins on her plate. Meanwhile Shining Armor, finally having chewed his food enough to swallow, shook his head at Derran in amazement.

"Wow Derran, I don't think I've ever seen somepony without wings move like that. Forget the royal guard, you ought to be a superhero." He remarked with a laugh. Glancing up at the prince Derran gave a small chuckle.

"Much though I appreciate the praise milord, I don't think I'm quite qualified for something like that."

"Oh come on, you got the hero reflex down pat, you should at least consider it." Shining replied with a grin, to which Derran responded with a shrug.

"Unfortunately milord, hero reflex notwithstanding, I would look absolutely appalling in spandex and a cape." Shining Armor laughed briefly before turning to face Spike.

"Why don't we get a second opinion from an expert. Spike, you read comics, do you think Derran would make a good superhero?" In response to the prince's query Spike set aside his orange juice before looking Derran up and down with a critical eye.

"Hmm, honestly Derran seems more the anti-hero type to me. You can't see it when he's out of his armor but when I first saw him he reminded me of 'Gothic Night' a little." Spike opined matter-a-factly. Shining immediately arched an eyebrow.

"What Seriously? Gothic Night?! That deranged pony with the scarred face from the Dread Heart comics? Who beats evil ponies within an inch of their lives with hooves shod in iron? That's nuts, I think he seems more like Captain Light. Remember in issue 47. . ." As Spike and Shining Armor continued their debate over what superhero he most resembled, Derran headed back to finish feeding Flurry with a chuckle, only to discover her licking an empty bowl clean of its contents. Now only the stains on her coat and mane attested to the bowl ever having contained anything at all. Pinching the bridge of his nose Derran let out a heavy sigh.

"So, in the present day Equestria, etiquette has been forcibly abandoned, superhero literature is discussed in the courts of royalty, and visitors to the Seraphim are permitted to barge in at any time for any reason, without an appointment or escort." He stated evenly, even as he hid a smile.

"Is. . . that bad?" Cadence asked in a slightly wary tone of voice. Glancing up Derran was about to reply when he froze, staring at the high chair before him. The smile on his face turning to a look of pure shock, as he felt a painful ache in his chest. . . There he saw her, she couldn't have been older than three. With hair like fire she giggled, and smiled up at him with ice blue eyes. Derran fought to control himself, as he was once more confronted with a face that even a thousand years of battle and madness couldn't wipe from his mind. She was Derran's greatest creation. . . the one, truly good thing, he had ever made. She laughed, and held out her arms, indicating she wished to be picked up, and despite himself, Derran moved to reach out to her. Then, as swiftly as it came, the illusion vanished, and Flurry Heart now stood in place of the small human, who had been there not a moment before, in an identical pose.

Shaking off his momentary shock, and swiftly mastering the tears that threatened to overtake him, Derran gently obeyed Flurry's unspoken request. The sharp pain in his heart strangely lessened, as he lifted her up and brought her close. Cradling the young seraph in his arms, Derran looked up at Cadence with a smile that only partly concealed the hurt in his eyes, before replying.

"Not at all milady. . . in fact, I think it's perfect."

An hour later Derran stood in the main entranceway of the castle with Twilight at his side. Twilight was almost vibrating with excitement as he listened intently to Cadence and Shining.

"And this is her whammy." Cadence explained, a stuffed snail contained in her aqua magic aura. "If she starts to get out of control just give her this and she'll calm right down." She explained, Derran nodding as he carefully placed the stuffed toy in a large bag.

"Understood milady." Derran replied, standing ramrod straight, and sounding as if he were a soldier receiving his marching orders. This attitude of discipline was undercut only slightly by the presence of Flurry Heart perching on his shoulder playing with the black ribbon that held his ponytail in place.

"Now as to food. . ." Cadence began before Derran interrupted with an upraised hand.

"Already covered milady." He stated opening his bag to reveal several small jars of his own homemade baby food tucked inside. "I made extra in anticipation of this outing, but if you believe it to be insufficient, I will fetch more." Derran explained. Cadence was impressed.

Before they had even started having this conversation Derran had prepared a bag of everything that would be needed for a day out with a baby. Diapers, food, extra diapers, blanket, emergency extra diapers, carrying sling, toys. He was actually more on top of things than Cadence was.

"Wow Derran, if I didn't know better, I would think you've done this before." Shining commented with a laugh. Derran smiled.

"I pride myself on planning ahead milord." He replied, refraining from mentioning that he had in fact done this before, so as not to get bogged down in a discussion of his prior life. Shining chuckled.

"No need to be so formal, you can just call me Shining." He replied with a smile. Reflecting that it hadn't taken him (or Cadence for that matter) long to start treating Derran as if he had always been part of their lives. He was every bit as polite, dutiful, and kind hearted as Rarity and Starlight had said. Shining was still a little confused by some of Derran's behavior, his first reaction to Flurry for example, but all things considered Shining felt Derran had earned his trust.

"As you wish lord Shining." Derran replied, without even a trace of irony in his voice. Shining shook his head with a faint smile. Twilight had mentioned Derran had once been a soldier, and his constant formality certainly seemed to back that up. Shining seriously wondered what kind of military Derran had originally served in. Based on his display earlier when he caught Derpy, and what he had been told by Twilight and her friends, whomever they were, they would have eaten the royal guard for breakfast. It occurred to Shining, and not for the first time. That if he had even a hundred stallions like Derran, he would never need to worry about creatures like Queen Chrysalis and Tirek ever again. . . However before he could think to ask any pertinent questions, Shining was abruptly broken out of his musings by the sound of his wife's voice.

"Well I think that's everything." She stated before levitating her daughter off Derran's shoulder to give her a kiss on each cheek. "Love you sweetie, you be a good little foal for Derran and auntie Twilight, ok?" Flurry replied with a giggle. Moving over to his wife's side Shining ruffled Flurry's mane before also kissing her cheek.

"Don't cause any trouble, ok kiddo?" He remarked, trying to stifle the slight worry in his voice. Again Flurry giggled as she was levitated back onto Derran's shoulder. And Shining tried to ignore the twinge in his heart at the separation, reminding himself that, based on what he had heard and seen, Flurry had the single most powerful bodyguard in Equestria watching over her. Not to mention his own sister, who in addition to being an alicorn, was an immensely talented mage. If they couldn't keep Flurry safe, nopony could. However even logically knowing all the reasons he shouldn't worry, Shining was a father, and no father, or mother, is ever completely comfortable letting his or her child out of their sight.

"Rest assured lord Shining, lady Cadence, I shall guard miss Flurry as if she were my own flesh and blood, I give you my absolute word." Derran stated, his voice easily conveying that his promise was as far from empty as it was possible to be. Twilight nodded.

"Don't worry big bro, Flurry's in good hooves, and good hands. Aren't you sweetie?" Twilight stated as she levitated Flurry down to nuzzle her affectionately. Flurry giggled and squeaked happily at the attention from her aunt, as Derran nodded his agreement.

"Indeed, please take the time we are gone to relax. Master Spike and lady Starlight promised to see to lunch in my absence, and we will meet you for dinner later. Cadence and Shining nodded.

"Right, we'll see you later then, and thank you both for doing this. We really did need a chance to catch our breath." Shining remarked. Derran nodded.

"Children are among the most exhausting of blessings, but I assure you, it does get easier." He Replied with a knowing smile. Shining nodded, then suddenly froze, an expression of shock overtaking his features. Glancing at Cadence he saw a similarly surprised look on his wife's face.

"Derran, have you ever. . ." He began, only to stop when he turned back to see Derran, and Twilight were already walking away.

"So milady, what did you want to do first?" Derran inquired as they reached the edge of town, attracting looks of pleasant surprise. And in Derran's case, a few of intense longing from one or two of the mare's who caught sight of him. Twilight pointedly ignored these looks, despite them being far fewer in number than they had been, as ponies grew used to Derran's unarmored presence.

"Well I thought first we could visit the market, I need to pick up an order of alchemy ingredients, plus I wanted to get something for Applejack, her birthday is coming up in a few months." Twilight replied, fighting down a flare of jealousy as a mare with a green coat and yellow mane, waved to Derran with a come hither look on her face. Derran however, simply returned the wave with a smile, and continued walking.

"Excellent choice, I myself need to find a gift for lady Fluttershy to apologize for my behavior the other day. And as long as you have mentioned it, I should also seek an appropriate gift for lady Applejack." He replied. Moving through the town they soon arrived at the newly rebuilt market. Some areas were still under construction, but the vast majority of damage from Garble's attack had been repaired, and the shops and stalls were doing a lively business. Leading the way, Twilight brought them to a store whose sign proclaimed it: "The Spice Rack". Normally, Twilight got her potion making materials from Zecora, but there were some harder to find ingredients, that even the zebra mystic couldn't cultivate.

The Spice Rack, true to it's name, mostly dealt in exotic herbs and spices for consumption, but the store owner also had a fair supply of purely alchemical ingredients, not to mention connections to various suppliers all across Equestria. And Zecora had advised Twilight to go to him if she needed something especially rare. Heading inside, the trio heard a bell chime, causing the proprietor to glance up from the customer he was helping. His eye's widened as he saw the figure of Derran Grandel walk into his shop with Flurry Heart perched on his shoulder, and Twilight at his side.

"Princess Twilight, and. . . Derran Grandel!" He stated in awe, before rushing out from behind the counter to greet the Doom Slayer, abandoning his current patron in his haste. "To think the hero of Ponyville would grace my store with his presence!" He gushed, shaking Derran enthusiastically by the hand. He had an olive green coat, and short red mane, as well as a cutie mark displaying a hot pepper, and on his upper lip sat a perfectly trimmed mustache. His bright yellow-orange eyes looked at Derran with an awed expression as he spoke. "Chipotle Pepper at your service, what can I get for you?" Derran opened his mouth to reply when a loud and overly theatrical voice cut him off.

"EXCUSE ME! But the Great and Powerful Trixie was here first, and she does not. . ." The pony, a mare with a light blue coat, silver mane with grey highlights, and an almost comical wizard hat and cape, stopped dead when she saw Derran. Her mouth falling open, and her bright purple eyes bugging out for a moment in panic before her gaze fell on Twilight. Twilight smiled smugly at Trixie, as for several seconds her ex-antagonist struggled to form words.

"What?!" Was all she managed to get out after several moments of trying. She had of course heard of Derran Grandel. Since returning from a show in Manehattan two days ago, he was all anypony talked about. She had heard dozens of outrageous stories of a legendary alien stallion who saved Ponyville from dragons and timberwolves, including from the proprietor of this store. And had not believed a word of it. Now faced with him in the flesh, she suddenly found herself reconsidering her position.

"Oh hey Trixie." Twilight said casually, as though nothing at all was out of the ordinary. Stuggling to pretend not to enjoy seeing her former enemy so completely wronghoofed. "How was Manehattan?" Trixie would normally have responded with a thinly veiled insult, or arrogant exaggeration of her show's success, but now, all she could do was stare. However at that moment Chipotle Pepper decided to interject.

"This is the stallion I was discussing earlier with you miss, still think I was having you on?" He asked, glancing at Trixie with a faintly superior look. Trixie shook her head as Derran glanced down at the store proprietor.

"Forgive me master Pepper, I am very pleased to meet you, and the warm welcome to your fine store is appreciated, but lady Trixie was here before myself and lady Twilight. Perhaps you could take care of her purchase before we proceed any further?" He suggested gently, Chipotle glanced up at Derran then nodded.

"Oh, yes of course, you're quite right Mr Grandel, I'll take care of it straight away." He stated eagerly. Derran nodded his thanks as Chipotle finished ringing Trixie up. Breaking out of her stupor, Trixie took her package of spices, and placed them in the saddle bags she was wearing, before heading out the door as swiftly as dignity would permit. Twilight smirked inwardly, this non-date was off to a great start.

"Now what can I get for you Mr. Derran?" Chipotle asked, after taking a moment to place Trixie's bits in his register.

"I am afraid I am just browsing, however lady Twilight has come to pick up her order of alchemic ingredients." Derran responded with a smile and a gesture toward Twilight.

"Ah yes, princess Twilight, we just got your order in this morning, if you could sign for it. . ." As Twilight moved toward the counter to conduct her transaction, Derran and Flurry glanced around the shelves filled with herbs, spices, and esoteric potion ingredients in large glass containers.

"What do you think miss Flurry, see anything you like?" In response to his inquiry, Flurry jumped from his shoulder. Flitting from one container to another before pointing at one filled with dark brown beans. Glancing at the label Derran let out a laugh.

"Cocoa Beans." He read aloud. "You want chocolate?" He asked with an arched eyebrow. Flurry nodded. "Well clever foal, regrettably I do not have any on me." Flurry's face fell for an instant before he grinned. "But, I will see what I can do." Flurry smiled and giggled happily, before returning to Derran's shoulder to nuzzle his cheek. However at that moment his ears tuned in to Twilight's confused voice.

"Are you sure this is right?" Derran heard Twilight ask from behind him. Turning around, Derran saw the princess staring perplexed at a piece of paper that must have been her bill. "This is barely a quarter of what these ingredients are worth." Twilight declared, questioningly glancing up at Chipotle.

"Oh, er, well, you know we're having a sale." He explained unconvincingly, his eyes flicking to Derran for an instant.

"But I ordered these specially, how can they be on sale?" Twilight asked in confusion. Chipotle smiled at her for a moment before lowering his voice as Derran turned away again.

"Let's just say, I'm letting everypony who comes in for the next month, use a little credit from somepony else's account, and he has a lot of credit." He said with a wink. A look of comprehension flitted across Twilight's face as she nodded. Chipotle's shop had been partly destroyed during the dragon attack, and he was fully aware of who he owed for its swift repair. Not to mention whom he, and everypony else in town, owed their lives too. He also apparently knew that, that certain somepony, had a policy of not accepting payment or gifts for good deeds.

"Oh that sale, right, now I remember." Twilight stated loudly, giving Chipotle a smile and a wink before hoofing over her bits, and placing her purchase in her saddlebags. Then glancing at Derran she put on the most innocent smile she could. "Ready to go Derran?" Derran nodded slowly, not fooled for a moment by the act, however unwilling to make an issue of it, as refusing the gift now would have simply been rude.

"Indeed milady." He said, standing aside to let Twilight go first. Following Twilight's lead Derran paused at the door, turning around he gave Chipotle a gentle smile. "You have a good heart master Pepper, and I look forward to doing business with you again." He stated before vanishing out the door. Chipotle Pepper stared at the door with a smile.

"Heh, guess I should have known better than to think I could fool him." He chuckled to himself.

A few hours later the trio found themselves sitting comfortably on the patio of a cafe. Surrounded by bags containing their various purchases. After searching through several shops, Twilight and Derran had each found what they wanted. Twilight had located a beautifully made clock for Applejack. Made of lacquered oak wood the face was carved into the shape of an apple tree, with apples arranged into a circle along the branches and the ground next to the trunk. The numbers denoting the hour having been carved into the wooden apples surface. Among the branches, and magnificently rendered leaves, were masterfully crafted images of birds, and bees, as well as a young filly asleep at the foot of the trunk. The artist had stained the wood in a variety of shades, subtly allowing the observer to easily view the disparate elements of the carving easily.

Twilight had originally planned to get Applejack a book, but Derran advised that the clock would be better received, as a perfect blend of functional and decorative. Flurry had also expressed her approval, levitating it off the wall and into her aunt's face when she tried to argue, for which Derran rewarded her with a small piece of a chocolate bar he had bought earlier. Thus outnumbered, Twilight had agreed, though she had goodnaturedly grumbled that turning her own niece against her was playing dirty. A comment Derran simply chuckled at.

He had not known Applejack nearly as long as Twilight, but Derran had read his employer as a mare who liked everything to have a practical purpose. Mindful of that fact he settled on a set of cooking knives with wooden handles carved in the shape of various birds of prey.

Next they had headed to a nearby tea shop, where Derran purchased several boxes of what Twilight had told him was Fluttershy's favorite tea. Derran had also acquired a set of three teacups, painted with delicate vines and roses, that Twilight assured him would be to Fluttershy's taste.Twilight marveled at how Derran managed to balance entertaining Flurry with his shopping so effortlessly. He generally allowed Flurry to explore unhindered, but was unafraid to lay down the law if he needed to. Such as when she had tried to get into the display of knives he was examining.

Derran had been firm that she was forbidden to touch the blades, but at the same time was understanding of her wish to know the nature of the world around her. And allowed her to examine the knives under supervision, so her curiosity was sated and she felt no need to seek them out behind his back. In this and other ways, he was able to command Flurry's obedience without needing to raise his voice once. Now sitting in the cafe, Twilight found herself wondering if this was how Derran had been with his daughter on D'nur.

As the waiter took their order, Derran reached into the baby bag resting next to his chair. Fishing out a container of baby food and a spoon. Flurry, currently sequestered in an infant high chair borrowed from the restaurant, glanced longingly at the pocket of Derran's tailcoat that she knew contained a chocolate bar. Noticing the direction of the young alicorn's gaze Derran smiled.

"Not so fast young miss, I swore to care for you as if you were my own, and that means making certain you eat more than just sugar." Flurry immediately countered with an expression of heart melting puppy dog eyes, however this time the Doom Slayer was unmoved. "Sorry little miss, but I'm afraid that in this case I must insist." Derran stated firmly, to which Flurry responded by folding her forehooves and adopting an angry pout. "Why do I have this sudden inkling that you and lady Rainbow Dash are reading from the same book?" Derran asked with a chuckle, as he offered Flurry a spoonful of the berry mix.

Twilight laughed at Derran's comment, as Flurry displayed her displeasure by turning her nose up at the food being offered to her. Raising an eyebrow at Flurry's display of recalcitrance Derran shot Twilight a surreptitious wink.

"Well if you are not hungry. . ." Derran stated nonchalantly, as he began packing the food up again. Almost immediately Flurry switched from stubbornness, to pleading as she saw the food being removed. "Oh? So. . .you are hungry then?" Derran asked in feigned confusion, to which Flurry nodded. "Are you certain? It will mean eating my cooking you understand?" Flurry hesitated for a moment before nodding again. "Well. . . I suppose, since you've been such a good foal today." Derran stated, inflecting it as if he was doing Flurry a favor. Giggling happily, Flurry nodded as Derran began to feed her.

Twilight watched the exchange with a feeling of blissful detachment. As for an instant she imagined them all, not as her, her friend, and her niece. But as a married couple with their own daughter, for just a moment Twilight allowed herself to get lost in the fantasy. A feeling of euphoric joy washed over her as she felt a sense of completion she had never known could exist. She could see Derran glancing up from feeding their daughter, a gentle smile on his face as he said the four words she would never tire of. . .

"Milady are you alright?" Twilight felt her fantasy abruptly shattered by Derran's question. Embarrassed that she had let herself space out again in front of her crush.

"Fine!" She nearly shouted. "Just. . . Admiring how good you are with children." She stated with a nervous laugh. Deciding to take Twilight's words at face value Derran shrugged.

"One of the benefits of a good memory I suppose, I never seem to forget much of anything once I've learned it. Besides when you raise a child for twelve years you tend to remember the basics." Derran's expression became briefly pained. "No matter how much time passes you never forget some things. . . even if you want to." Both Twilight and Flurry could hear the sadness in his voice, it was impossible to miss. Despite Derran's clear attempts to hide it, his pain was palpable in a way that defied understanding.

Twilight felt a distinct ache in her heart, at that moment. And wished with all her heart she could simply wrap her hooves around Derran, and stay like that until whatever pain he was feeling went away. . . But she couldn't, the best she could do was change the subject.

"Uh hey, I've been meaning to ask, how did you disable Discord's magic the other day?" Derran's expression swiftly became a smile, grateful for the distraction from his dark memories.

"It is a simple spell that all the militaries, and law enforcers on D'nur use, it's called the 'Null' spell." He explained as he continued to feed Flurry, and despite herself Twilight leaned in to hear better, fascinated.

"How does it work?" She asked eagerly.

"The basic explanation, is that It creates a temporary zero magic field around the target, powered by the target's own magical energy. The spell only lasts for five minutes, but during that time they are utterly incapable of casting even the most basic of spells." Derran explained. "Unfortunately I was never much of a mage, so I do not know the exact specifics of the spell's function." Twilight nodded, trying not to look disappointed at Derran's admission of ignorance. "Casting the spell is relatively simple once you know how. First, you must be within approximately fifty paces of the target, with clear line of sight. Second, you must make the proper invoking gesture. Finally, you speak the word: 'Zahn'. Meaning 'Forbiddance', along with the name of the target." Twilight nodded as she committed Derran's words to memory with the same enthusiasm she always did on learning a new spell.

"So you can take away anypony's magic that way?" Twilight asked incredulous. Derran shook his head.

"Not quite, there are a few limits." He cautioned. "It only works on beings with a large degree of magical ability. For example: it will affect Discord, but it is highly unlikely that it will work on an average unicorn. In addition, you must know the target's actual name, it will not work if you address them by a pseudonym, title, or even a nickname, only the one given on their birth. In addition, it only lasts for five minutes exactly, and another casting will not reset that number unless the first has expired." Twilight nodded, as Derran finished.

"Anything else?" She asked. Derran nodded as he finished feeding Flurry, and used a damp napkin to wipe her face clean.

"The range, if you can't close to at least fifty feet, the spell will fail." He stated.

"Well even with those limits that's an amazingly powerful spell, and you say it was common?" Twilight asked, more than a little impressed. Derran nodded.

"Indeed, and for good reason. Long ago, D'nur was a world ruled by powerful mage lords. The lords constantly fought each other for power and territory, using spells of indescribable power in their bid for dominance. The common people were considered of no consequence to the mage lords, and time after time they found their cities and towns destroyed, and their friends and family slaughtered in the near constant battles." Twilight's eyes widened in horror at the thought of magic, the force she had devoted her life to studying, being used to commit such atrocities. Derran noticed her expression and shook his head.

"Those were dark times, and my world bore the scars for millennia after. However, about five thousand years before I was born, everything changed. You see, one day after a particularly terrible battle, a badly wounded mage lord wandered into a village. He was utterly helpless, his magic spent, and his armies scattered. As you might imagine, many in the village wished for his death. Remembering the horrors inflicted upon them by the mage and his ilk, but the elder of the village forbid it. The elder was a frail old man, but his impassioned words stayed the villagers hands, he said that if they killed the lord out of hate, that they would be no better than he.

So it was that the townsfolk were convinced to nurse the lord back to health, little knowing what would come of that small act of mercy. For as it happened, this mage lord was none other than Ahriman the Eternal. Perhaps the mightiest mage of his time, and despite having committed many evils he was moved by the elder's kindness. When he had recovered, he sought out the elder, and offered him a single wish as repayment for his merciful act.

The elder said, 'Lord Ahriman, I fear what I desire is not a thing that even one as great as you can give me.' Ahriman replied, 'There is nothing that is beyond my reach, name your desire, and it shall be done.' And so the elder told him. 'Lord Ahriman, what I desire is: peace. Not only for myself, but for all those in this world, be they mage or peasant.'"

"Wow!" Twilight commented. "So what did Ahriman do?" Derran chuckled, Twilight and Flurry riveted to his every word.

"Well, Ahriman looked down at the elder and swore that he would find a way to grant his wish. He then left the village and returned to his stronghold. Where he labored for ten years to find an answer. Then on the twelfth day of the final year he returned to the village with a gift. It was a spell that could be learned by anyone, even a child, but had the power to bring low even the mightiest mage. He taught the spell to the villagers, and then went from village to village, town to town, until all but the mage lords knew the spell by heart. Then he gathered his own army, augmented by the many peasants he had taught.


"Wait. Why would Ahriman say something like that, I thought he promised to bring peace?" Twilight asked, a note of anger in her voice at Ahriman's actions. Derran just smiled as he explained.

"It was all part of his plan. Ahriman knew such a declaration would terrify the other mage lords into all charging him at once, and when they arrived. . ." Twilight's eyes widened in understanding.

"They hit them with the Null spell. It was a trap!" She said excitedly. Derran nodded.

"Just so milady, when the other mage lords arrived they were destroyed. In a single battle, Ahriman cast down the old world order, and on it he built a new one. The Null spell insured that magic would never again allow any one man to wield ultimate power. And afterward, Ahriman spent a lifetime restoring the various kingdoms and cultures he and his former brethren had so callously destroyed. Then when it was all done, he tore down his own stronghold, and returned to the village where he had made his promise of peace. There, before the grave of the elder who had spared him, he died, his task completed, and his promise fulfilled. The villagers then buried him with the elder, giving them a shared gravestone, and on it they wrote: Here lies proof, that as pride may turn angels to demons, so might mercy turn tyrants to heros!"

Twilight blinked tears from her eyes at the bittersweet ending to Derran's tale.

"Is that story really true?" She asked in an awed voice. Derran shrugged as their meal arrived.

"I am not certain, it happened thousands of years before I was born. . . but I like to think it is." He replied with a smile. Twilight nodded in agreement.

"Ahriman kinda reminds me of you." She declared, biting into her hayburger. Derran glanced over at her as he swallowed a mouthful of soup.

"How so milady?" He asked curiously.

"You both honor your word no matter what." Twilight replied with a smile. Derran chuckled.

"I suppose we do. . ."

Is This Love?

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Derran stared at the shelves of books, old and new, before him with an air of faint reverence. Knowledge in all its forms held power, or so he believed. And to him the weight of that power was often palpable in any place dedicated to the storage, or creation, of the written word. The spiced smell of old paper and cedar seemed almost bewitching, as Derran traced his fingers across the spines of the books before him.

"The Art of Ancient Saddle Arabia? No, surely lady Twilight has already read it. Everlasting Eternity of the Immortal Lovelorn Heart? Surely not. Musings of a Horseshoe Salespony?" Idly, Derran flipped through the first few pages of the final book before shaking his head. Normally he would dissuade anypony from judging a book based on the cover, but this last book was just as boring and tedious as the title implied, and Derran reflected that regardless of how gifted the author may have been at selling horseshoes, his literary talents fell short to the point of being embarrassing. "This, may be a bit more difficult than I originally had anticipated."

Glancing between the meticulously organized shelves, Derran noted the mare on whom his thoughts dwelled. She was sitting a short distance away in an overstuffed purple armchair and reading to her niece from a picture book titled The Adventures of Sorel the Mage. Usually Derran would have simply noted that the pair were safe and happy before resuming his search. But this time-- for a reason he could not have defined-- he felt compelled to keep his gaze firmly on the two alicorns.

"GRRR! Said the bugbear queen to Sorel," Twilight read aloud. "'I WILL EAT YOU ALL UP!' But Sorel was very brave, as she knew she needed the honey from the bugbear hive to save the village. Still, how could she know what spell to use on such a powerful foe?" Derran watched as Flurry Heart smiled and pointed her hoof at something in the book from her position in Twilight's lap.

"That's right sweetie, Sorel chose the webbing spell to tangle up the bugbear Queen's wings and legs. What a smart little foal you are! You really do take after your auntie Twilight don't you?" she stated proudly, as she gave Flurry an affectionate nuzzle, causing her to giggle happily.

Derran smiled at the exchange, continuing to watch and listen as Twilight concluded the story. "And so, Sorel headed back to the village with as much of the honey as she could carry, curing the townsponies of the shadow pox. They all had a big feast to celebrate, sang songs and danced the night away. Finally, Sorel the Mage said her goodbyes, and headed down the road to her next adventure!"

Flurry laughed and clapped her hooves at the conclusion of the story, and Derran chuckled. Yet even so, his eyes remained glued to Twilight. Derran couldn't have said precisely why he suddenly found Twilight so enrapturing, he only knew that something deep inside him was demanding he keep his gaze where it was. Derran only realized he'd been staring when the sound of somepony clearing her throat at his side brought him back to reality with an almost jarring abruptness. Erasing any sign of surprise from his features, Derran turned to regard the pony who had disturbed him with a polite smile.

The pony before him was rather. . . odd. She had a perfectly straight purple mane, with bangs as level as a knife edge, and a coat of slate grey. She wore a simple dress of viridian, its long neck folded outward, and held with a black belt at the waist. A pair of brown saddle bags marked with what looked like a rock hung across her back. However, it was her expression that drew one's attention. It was so neutral, it was almost like looking at a statue. Her mouth was a straight line that gave no hint of either a smile or frown. Her jade green, half-lidded eyes were devoid of emotion, and stared at Derran as if he wasn't even there. All in all, Derran had seen corpses more animate than this pony seemed to be.

"You're Derran Grandel, right,?" the pony asked in a deadpan monotone that sounded almost mechanical. Derran nodded.

"I am indeed, milady. Is there something I can help you with,?" he replied, wondering what business this strange pony could possibly have with him.

"Here," she said, her tone still seemingly devoid of feeling, as she presented a small stack of papers with a pen clipped to it. "This is from my sister Pinkie," the pony explained to Derran's well-concealed surprise. Derran had met Pinky for less than a minute, but her contrast with this pony was so stark you'd had to have been blind, deaf, and dumb not to notice. While Pinkie was a barely contained ball of positive energy, this pony could almost have been a slab of granite, for all the emotion she displayed.

Glancing down at the papers the pony had handed him, Derran arched an eyebrow in mild confusion. It appeared to be a questionnaire of some type, but the information it sought seemed . . . strange, to say the least. Instead of asking things like medical history, or political inclination, the first question was: What's your favorite flavor of cupcake? Derran returned his gaze to the pony, an expression of mild puzzlement on his face.

"Apologies my Lady, but, what is all this?" The pony didn't even blink as she replied.

"My sister is the town's party planner; she throws a welcome party for every new arrival in Ponyville. This is to make sure she knows what you like," she explained, her expression never shifting an inch. Derran nodded slowly.

"That is most kind of her, but please tell lady Pinkamina that she needn't go through such trouble on my behalf." Derran might have imagined it, but for a second the pony's facial features seemed to display a hint of mirth. But it was gone before he could be certain.

"My sister's already half-done with the preparations, and trust me, it's easier to just go along with it. Once Pinkie starts planning a party, I doubt even you could stop her." Derran chuckled, and despite the pony's odd mannerisms, he found himself warming to her.

"Forgive me, I do not believe I caught your name," Derran remarked apologetically, as he began filling out the papers, using the back of a hardcover book for a writing surface.

"I'm Maud," she said, glancing away in a manner that was strangely graceful, yet somehow contrived to be mechanical at the same time. In addition, now that Derran listened, he found he could almost make out the faintest of emotional inflections in Maud's voice. In this case it sounded like. . . embarrassment? However, if the emotion had indeed been present, it was gone as swiftly as it appeared.

"Well, lady Maud, it is a pleasure to meet you," Derran stated warmly.

"It's nice to meet you too." Maud replied, still averting her gaze slightly. They stood in silence together for a minute or so before Derran finished and handed the papers back.

"Here you go, milady. Is there anything else you require?" After flipping through the papers, Maud shook her head.

"No, that's everything," she stated, her monotone voice seemingly containing the merest phantasm of gratitude, that nonetheless defied verification. "Thanks." She said, placing the papers in her saddlebags, but as Maud turned to leave Derran was struck by a thought.

"Lady Maud, if I may beg a moment of your time, perhaps you could help me with something?" Pausing, Maud turned around in a single mechanical, yet still oddly graceful, movement. Saying nothing, she simply waited for the Doom Slayer to explain.

"You see, I am trying to find a gift suitable for lady Twilight," He said in a hushed tone, so as not to be overheard by anypony. "She has been most kind to me and I wish to show my gratitude. However, while I know her general preferences in literature, I must confess ignorance as to what she has, and has not, read. As you undoubtedly have known lady Twilight far longer than I, any insight you could offer would be most appreciated." Cocking her head to one side, Maud considered the question, though her expression remained as unshifting as ever.

"I don't think I can help you-- I know Twilight primarily through my sister, we're friendly with each other, but aren't all that close." Derran nodded, hiding his disappointment as he responded.

"I see. . . well, thank you for your time milady, and do offer your sister my warmest regards, as well as my appreciation for the party." Maud nodded, before once more turning to go. However, before she moved, she glanced over her shoulder.

"You shouldn't worry too much about the gift. I think as long as it's from you, it will mean a lot to her." Once again Derran thought he caught a faint glimmer of emotion-- perhaps a hint of impish mirth-- in Maud's words. However, as before, he was uncertain of it as Maud disappeared from view.

For a moment, Derran stared at the space Maud had vacated, before turning back to look at Twilight. She had begun another story, no doubt one in a more humorous vein, as she and Flurry were currently giggling together uncontrollably. It was then that Derran felt a strange sensation well up from deep within-- a sort of muted ache that he was at a loss to identify or understand. The sensation passed quickly, and while the feeling was too brief to fully process, it had felt strangely. . . familiar.

Shaking his head, Derran refocused himself on the task at hand with a renewed vigor. Staring down the the aisles of books, his gaze fell upon one of a particularly old cast. The title was simply The Hero, written by somepony named Solaria Flaremane. Flipping through the yellowed pages, it became clear that the book was, in fact, an action romance novel about a hero who conquered his own inner monsters and faced an ultimate evil to protect the mare he loved. It was well written, and Derran rather liked the premise. However he wasn't certain how Twilight would find it, as it seemed more to his taste than her's. Still, he recalled that Twilight did keep a small collection of action novels in a similar (If slightly less serious) vein. Besides, Derran had never once heard Twilight describe disliking any kind of book.

In the end, Derran decided to hedge his bets by grabbing a newly published book on the history of Starswirl the Bearded. Chuckling, as he recalled how Twilight would talk endlessly about the ancient unicorn mage. Heading to the front counter, Derran took advantage of Twilight and Flurry's distraction to have the salespony wrap the books in gift paper, and place them within a bag. His mission completed, Derran then returned to hiding among the shelves so he could keep an eye on Twilight while he waited for her to finish.

Derran could, of course, have joined Twilight directly. But for some reason he was at a loss to articulate, he didn't want her to know he was watching. Looking at her now, Twilight seemed so full of life and joy, it almost seemed to radiate outward from her like the heat of a bonfire. Her smile was positively incandescent, and as she laughed with Flurry, it seemed so pure as to put all the choirs of heaven to shame.

"Beautiful. . ." Derran whispered, so low he himself almost didn't hear it. However hear it he did, and just like that, the spell was broken, and the Doom Slayer was abruptly jolted out of his strange reverie. Not that it had been a lie-- Twilight was indeed beautiful, but to voice such a thought so abruptly seemed. . . improper. Derran shook his head trying to understand what his comment's motivation had been. However, try as he might, it was as if an impenetrable fog had shrouded his emotional memory of the last few minutes.

"Perhaps I ought to consider sleeping at night once in awhile, a simple reset of my mental faculties could do wonders," he mumbled to himself as he banished his confusion with a simple effort of will. Regardless, it wasn't as if he had done anything untoward. Twilight was a seraphim, her beauty both within and without was nigh immaculate, her beauty deserved appreciation. So why did he have a niggling doubt that there might be more to it than that?

Shaking his head Derran crushed his doubt, dismissing it wholly from his mind. His purpose in this outing was to serve lady Twilight and miss Flurry Heart, not debate his emotional state with himself.

"Hey Derran, why are you hiding back there? Come out and join us," Twilight called, and Derran cursed that he had been noticed for an instant, before recalling his affirmation of purpose not three seconds prior. Derran put on a smile, even as he obliterated his wild musings, and replaced them with the iron discipline that he had used to conduct himself for over a millenia. He would think on his increasingly odd behavior later, but for now, the Seraphim called, and faithfully he would answer.

Twilight watched Derran from a bench as he chased Flurry Heart around the Ponyville town park. She had originally been running around with them, but had all but collapsed onto the bench after less than thirty minutes. Twilight had always tried to keep herself in shape, but between the indefatigable warrior and the energetic toddler, Twilight found it amazing she had kept up as long as she had. Now, as she got her breath back, her lungs burning as she wiped trickles of sweat from her brow, Twilight found herself marveling at how perfect the day had been. Shopping, dining, talking, laughing together, and having fun with Flurry. . . it had been a day as close to true perfection as it was possible to get.

However, the joy Twilight felt was marred by the fact that she still had only one answer to the question she had been pondering in the back of her head since they set out: Why did she care for Derran? Twilight had always been a "Rules" pony. She liked things to be logical and ordered, to be able to rationally explain things scientifically. So when Rarity had suggested approaching her crush on Derran with the question of "Why did she find him attractive?" she had latched onto it. She originally thought to use a list she had made of Derran's most positive character traits to quantify her feelings; however, reading it over, she had been less than pleased.

The list was filled with traits that were at best superficial, and at worst stalker-ish. For example, she had devoted an entire four bullet points to how wonderful Derran's hair must smell. Twilight knew she loved Derran. She loved his nobility, his gentle nature, his strength of character, and unflinching sense of duty. He was strong in a way that Twilight envied at times. He was always sure of himself, never showing hesitation or doubt, and standing as an immovable pillar of calm even in the most tempestuous situation.

Twilight sighed; she wished she could have that kind of confidence. So often in her life Twilight felt doubt, second guessing herself, or obsessing over tiny, largely inconsequential, details. Derran never seemed to doubt. He always acted with the calm control of somepony who knew he would succeed. Twilight on the other hoof was always unsure of herself, and often her confidence seemed more a product of manic obsession than true belief in her abilities. That's not to say she wasn't able to get things done, or that she was a bad leader, but it had always been a struggle. Twilight admired Derran's surety of purpose, and his calm in the face of any and all adversity.

Twilight sighed again as she saw Derran capture Flurry Heart in a gentle game of pseudo tag. Flurry was giggling and lightly struggling as Derran laughed aloud. Twilight smiled at the scene, even as her heart ached with want. Twilight wished she could simply add nobility, honorable nature, confidence, and kindness to her list and call it done, but she couldn't. Twilight needed to understand why Derran uniquely appealed to her. With a disappointed sigh, Twilight resigned herself to the fact that she hadn't a clue how to answer that question.

Twilight stared up at the clear blue sky that was just beginning to transition to the oranges and purples of sunset, as if hoping an answer to her dilemma might be writ in the heavens. A pair of pegasi mares hovered above the park on their way home, and as she watched, one pointed downward. Twilight didn't need to follow the extended hoof to know to whom the mare was calling attention.

The pair whispered to each other before staring earthward with dreamy-eyed smiles. Following their gaze, Twilight watched as Derran cradled a finally exhausted Flurry Heart in his arms. Twilight felt her heart melt as she watched Derran stride forward and bend his head down to gaze gently at the yawning alicorn as she closed her eyes, a happy smile on her cherubic features. How it was possible for such a mighty warrior to look so gentle, Twilight could scarcely comprehend.

"Lady Twilight," Derran greeted softly, moving with a studied grace so as not to disturb his sleeping charge. "I believe it is time we head back to the castle, if we are to put Miss Flurry to bed and be ready for dinner on a sensible timescale." Twilight could only nod her agreement. Cadence and her brother had insisted that tonight's dinner would be their treat, and had reserved a table for themselves, Twilight, Spike, and Derran at the fanciest restaurant in Ponyville. They had initially asked Starlight to join them as well, but she had opted to remain behind to look after Flurry Heart. She had insisted that she had some studying to do anyway.

For a moment Twilight did not speak as she stared up at the towering figure of Derran Grandel. In that instant, with the sun just over his shoulder, his face half hidden in shadow, Derran looked strangely ancient, like a statue from a past age. Standing unmoving, he seemed so much older, though his face remained as youthful as ever. To Twilight it felt as though he stood apart from all other living things. He stood as one who had seen the passing of centuries, yet stood eternally immune to their ravages. Derran seemed as if he had always been there, and that he always would be there. Twilight found it strangely comforting. Her list could wait for now. All she wanted was to savor spending time with the stallion who had so changed her life.

Returning to the castle, Twilight and Derran dropped off Flurry Heart, and spent an hour to shower and dress before joining the rest of their group. The quintet of Spike, Twilight, Cadence, Shining Armor, and Derran Grandel then set out for the restaurant. The sun had set, but enough light still remained to dim the stars slightly as the moon began to peek over the horizon. Throughout Ponyville, buildings were lit from within by the refulgent glow of candles and magically powered lamps. As the group walked through the still-busy streets, the hum of the Ponyville's nightlife created a pleasant background noise.

Walking side by side, the Doom Slayer and Cadence had at some point wandered ahead of their main group. Derran suspected this was more by design than accident. Cadence was undoubtedly setting the pace, and it seemed likely she had wanted to talk to him alone.

"So, did you three have fun?" Cadence asked Derran with a smile, as they headed down the road toward the restaurant. Derran nodded, favoring Cadence with his habitual gentle grin.

"We did indeed, Lady Cadenza. It has been a long time since I was able to so thoroughly enjoyed myself," he responded.

"Did Flurry behave herself?" Cadence asked conversationally, and Derran nodded.

"She was a bit fussy at times, but overall I have seldom met so clever, or well behaved, a child. You and Lord Shining have much to be proud of," he said, his tone faintly wistful. Cadence let out a laugh.

"She's usually a real hooffull. I can't count the number of times she's covered me and her father in mashed peas, or made us chase after her when it was time for bed. You're a true natural with children," she remarked. Derran simply grinned, taking the compliment in stride.

"The secret to keeping children close is to tell them to seek the horizon, and the the secret to keeping them still, is to tell them to run," Derran stated with a chuckle. Cadence glanced up at the Doom Slayer with an upraised eyebrow. "Old Kemedian proverb," he explained. "Essentially, children shall always do the opposite of what their elders tell them." Cadence nodded.

"Any other words of wisdom for new parents?" Cadence asked with a smirk.

Derran paused, and for an instant Cadence saw a strange look flit across his face. For a single instant, Cadence saw a look of infinite pain and regret appear on the Doom Slayer's features. However, Derran's voice betrayed nothing as he replied.

"Treasure every waking moment you spend with your child, and even should it require all else to be cast into oblivion... protect her."

Cadence mulled over the strange advice for a moment before opening her mouth to ask a question, but it died on her lips as they reached their destination. The restaurant was an imposing clapboard-sided, white building, with large paired hooded windows, and a towering cupola dominating the center. An extensive porch with white milled railings extended across one side of the building, and the steeply pitched gable roof was accentuated with decorative panels and fan brackets. The overall layout put one in mind of a large Victorian manor house that had been carefully converted to an upscale restaurant. A ornate sign in front of the building proclaimed it as The Golden Crown Inn.

"Wow, how did you even know about this place, Cadence?" Twilight asked in an impressed voice, as she, Shining, and Spike caught up with Derran and her sister-in-law.

"A friend in the Crystal Empire recommended it," Cadence replied with a smile. "He said the food was to die for and that they had live music every night. What do you think?" she asked.

"I think you're trying too hard to impress us, honey." Shining commented, with a light laugh. Cadence shot her husband a look of feigned irritation.

"Guess this explains why we all had to dress up, huh?" Spike whispered to Twilight, who nodded her agreement, privately wishing she had chosen a nicer dress. She was wearing a simple jet black dress gown embroidered with purple lilies that matched her coat. Meanwhile Spike, and Shining, had chosen a white and black tux respectively. While Cadence had worn a sea green dress trimmed in gold, and stitched with designs in the shape of roses and vines. Derran had simply gone with the dressy shirt, cravat, vest, jacket, dress pant ensemble he had worn the previous day, freshly laundered, and with a Lovers' Blessing flower he had taken from the vase in his room pinned to his lapel.

An earth pony stallion with a grey coat and perfectly parted black mane, wearing an immaculate tuxedo, and sporting a pencil-thin mustache glanced up at them as they approached. His expression swiftly went from bored to open-mouthed astonishment upon recognizing the group before him. Seeing the Princess of Friendship arrive for dinner would have been surprising enough in itself, but add to that the royal family of the Crystal Empire, and the imposing figure of the Doom Slayer, and it was enough to stun even the best trained professional into a gawking silence.

"We have a reservation at seven, Cadence party of five?" Cadence prompted with a smile. To his credit, the maitre'd rallied exceptionally well, glancing at the reservation list with only a minimum of stumbling.

"Ah, yes of course, right this way your highness's," he replied in a tone of heavily restrained excitement, grabbing five menus and motioning them inside. As they entered the building, Derran noticed the impression of a multi-room structure as seen from the outside, was actually a clever ruse. The interior was almost entirely one room, broken only by support beams of lacquered oak, carved into the shapes of large ponies standing on their back legs, forelegs raised as if in rapturous celebration to meet the ceiling. Lush red carpeting covered the floor, from wall to paneled oak wall. The windows were flanked by golden curtains stitched with vine-like scrollwork in silver thread. Dotting the room were circular tables covered in dark purple silk table cloths, with white cloth napkins and perfectly polished silver, and lit at the center by a brightly flickering arrangement of candles. All the tables were placed in a semi-circle around a modest stage covered by black, crushed velvet curtains. Derran marveled that the entire structure seemed larger on the inside than it appeared outside, and suspected that magic might have been used to expand the interior. All told, it was quite a pleasant place.

Most of the tables were packed with ponies, talking, laughing and eating, but as they caught sight of the newest party being led to their table, a hush rippled outward, the din of conversation being replaced by excited whispers. Slowing his pace, Derran fell into step beside Twilight who seemed slightly embarrassed at all the stares being thrown their way. As they reached the table, ignoring the stares and whispers, Derran swiftly pulled out a chair for Twilight. Blushing at the gesture, Twilight took the offered seat, taking comfort in Derran's staunch refusal to acknowledge the gawking of the ponies around them.

"Thank you Derran," she stated softly, as her crush gently pushed the chair in.

"My pleasure, Lady Twilight," he responded with a slight bow, before taking his own seat right next to Twilight. After they were all comfortably seated, the maitre'd clapped his hooves, and several ponies in near-identical tuxedo attire, appeared almost from thin air, to place menus and glasses of ice water in front of each of them, before once again disappearing.

"Would you like to hear a list of tonight's specials, your majesties?" the maitre'd inquired, his eyes flicking between the assembled royals and Derran.

"Yes, thank you," Cadence replied cheerfully. As the pony began rattling off the various dishes on special that evening, Derran was only half listening as he scanned the room. Glancing around while pretending to look at his menu, Derran calculated escape routes, possible points of attack, likely spots for an ambush, and countless other hypothetical dangers. Had anypony been able to read Derran's thoughts at that moment, they would likely have accused him of being paranoid. However, he told himself, paranoia had nothing to do with it; it was simply a reflexive response, ingrained by countless battles, and centuries of being under constant threat. Derran didn't notice that the waiter had finished his spiel until Cadence asked him a question.

"What about you Derran?" She asked with a smile.

"Jasmine tea would be lovely," he responded, taking an educated guess at the question, based on the reappeared waiters staring at him expectantly.

"Excellent choice, sir," the maitre'd replied, confirming Derran's instincts had been correct. As the wait's ponies dispersed, Derran suppressed a thought in the back of his head that this would be a perfect opportunity for an enemy to poison the Princesses. "This is not some back ally den of vipers, Derran, get a hold on your imagination." Derran mentally admonished himself, yet even so, it did little good. How could he be sure that the cooks hadn't been compromised? A reservation had been made, which meant there had been time for a clever infiltrator to make the necessary arrangements for an attack. With Ladies Twilight and Cadence present, this would have been a golden opportunity for any enemy of the Seraphs to slay both with little effort. Derran felt his hands tighten into fists at the thought, as he let out a deep breath.

"Derran? Is something wrong?" Twilight asked, noticing Derran's odd behavior. Derran glanced down into Twilight's eyes, noting the concern within them, as he felt his sudden attack of paranoia abate slightly. If an enemy such as the one he imagined truly did exist, then they would have carried out their attack long before now. However, despite this realisation, Derran's fists remained tightly clenched, until Twilight placed her hoof on his arm. Derran couldn't have said why, but suddenly he felt completely at ease. Almost without thinking about it, he relaxed his fists, and took Twilight's hoof in his hand. A small voice in the back of his mind asked what he thought he was doing, but he ignored it in favor of the pleasant calm that now settled over him as he regarded Twilight's two lovely violet orbs.

"No milady, just. . . just wondering if I made enough food for Lady Flurry Heart's dinner," he said with a smile. For a time (how long neither could have said) the Princess and Doom Slayer simply stared into one another's eyes. The spell was broken only when somepony nearby loudly cleared their throat. Snapping out of the reverie, Twilight and Derran's hand and hoof parted as though receiving a mutual electric shock. Twilight fumbled to pick up her menu and bury her face in it, while Derran suddenly sat ramrod straight, staring ahead with an expression of fierce concentration. Meanwhile, Cadence suppressed a devilish smile. However, as the Princess of the Crystal Empire opened her mouth to speak, the waiters and maitre'd returned with their drinks.

"Are you ready to order?" asked the maitre'd. Hiding her annoyance at the interruption, Cadence shook her head.

"I think we all could use a few minutes, actually," she replied, with a warm smile.

"Of course, Your Majesty, in the meantime allow me to fetch you some hors d'oeuvres, complements of the house," the maitre'd replied eagerly.

"Thank you, that's very generous of you," Cadence stated happily, even as she restrained her desire to question Derran and her sister in law. Nodding, the maitre'd and his entourage of waitstaff departed. However, Cadence once more found herself interrupted.

"So Derran, how do you like modern Equestria? I'm guessing it's changed a lot in the last thousand years," Shining Armor asked, not noticing his wife's faint expression of petulant disappointment. Derran nodded.

"It has indeed, Equestria has come far since the age I was last here. The old city of Bridledown did not survive the ceaseless march of time, but Ponyville is just as, if not more, magnificent than the town I knew so long ago," Derran remarked with a smile.

"Bridledown?" Shining asked, confused at the name.

"The original capital of Equestria," Twilight chimed in helpfully. "It was built around the Castle of the Two Sisters over a thousand years ago, but was later abandoned, and fell to ruin," she explained enthusiastically. Shining nodded.

"Wow!" Shining exclaimed, impressed. "So you really saw Equestria way back then? Just how old are you?" Derran stroked his chin as he thought about his answer.

"I would say about twelve hundred thirty seven years old or so, granted I am not certain how accurate that is. Time tends to blur when you have lived as long as I have," He explained. Shining let out a low whistle.

" Whoa, that's amazing-- so that means you're nearly the same age as Celestia and Luna. Do all humans live that long?" asked Spike, to which Derran shook his head.

"No, a typical human life rarely lasts longer than a century. I am. . . an aberration in that regard," Derran explained, before deciding to change the subject. "Lady Cadence, you said this restaurant provided live musical entertainment--correct?" Cadence nodded.

"Yes, my friend in the Crystal Empire said they were actually quite famous for it. Every night they have a local band from Ponyville play here, though sometimes they get bands from out of town. I'm surprised they haven't started yet."

Catching the attention of a nearby waiter, Cadence motioned him over. The stallion was rather young, with a sandy coat and white mane, wearing a tuxedo that was just a bit too large for him, and clearly nervous at having been singled out by one of the most powerful ponies in Equestria.

"W-what can I do for you mam-I mean, Your Majesty?" he stuttered.

"I was just wondering if the music was going to start soon? I've heard a lot about the performances here, and I was really looking forward to it," Cadence explained gently, giving the slightly flustered waiter her most beneficent smile. Reassured by Cadence's calm words and sweet expression, the waiter seemed to grow a little more sure of himself.

"Well, I don't really know myself, Your Majesty. Gimme a sec and I'll check with the manager," he replied, to which Cadence nodded and gave another smile.

"Thank you very much, Mr. . ."

"Maple Scone" He replied.

"Mr. Maple Scone," Cadence repeated in a motherly tone, making the waiter smile proudly as he left to find the manager.

"So Twilight, what did you, Derran, and Flurry do while Cadence and I were relaxing?" Shining asked, as Cadence turned back to face them. As Twilight began regaling Shining, Spike and her sister-in-law with the tale of the day's events, Derran watched the waiter walk away. Again he felt a faint flare of paranoia as a voice in his head stated that the waiter had been acting far too nervous to be legitimate. As he watched, the waiter approached a large, slightly rotund, pony dressed in the garb of a chef. The pony initially looked annoyed until Maple Scone started speaking to him. Derran frowned as the chef (who he could only assume to be the restaurant manager) appeared first annoyed and then worried. Glancing over at Cadence's table, the chef regarded the assembled ponies, and Derran watched as the manager's expression became one of fear.

"Please excuse me everypony," Derran stated apologetically, as he rose to his feet.

"What's up, Derran?" Spike asked, glancing at him from around his menu.

"Nothing of any great concern, Master Spike, I just need to verify something," he replied with a reassuring smile, even as he kept one eye on the waiter and manager.

"But we're just about to order," protested Twilight. Derran paused for a moment, before glancing down at Twilight.

"Then might I trouble you to order something for me, my Lady?" he asked gently. Twilight's confusion over Derran's actions was instantly replaced with a sudden feeling of elation. In many of the books Twilight had read while doing her relationship research, ponies ordering for one another was regarded as a highly romantic gesture. The thought that Derran, of all ponies, would ask her to do such a thing made her all but melt.

"Are. . . are you sure?" Twilight asked, struggling not to let her emotions run away with her.

"Indeed, I have every confidence that whatever selection you make will be perfect," Derran stated with every sign of sincerity. Feeling the blood rushing to her face Twilight buried her face in her menu again.

"A-alright then," Twilight replied, her voice sounding far higher than normal.

"Thank you Lady Twilight." Derran stated, before turning and heading toward the manager on the other side of the restaurant. However he made it only three quarters of the way when a faintly familiar voice hailed him.

"Hey, Derran, what's up?!" The exuberant voice, instantly directed the attention of everypony in the immediate vicinity to the alien warrior, who cursed under his breath. He had been hoping to reach his destination with a minimum of notice. However, recovering swiftly, Derran subtly adjusted his course to make it appear as if the table the voice had come from had been his intended destination all along.

"Lady Pinkamena, Lady Maud, I thought I might have seen you earlier," he greeted jovially, seeking to further sell the illusion that none of this was unexpected. "Do you often eat here?" he asked, stopping at their table and flashing them a winning smile.

"No, but my sister insisted we celebrate." Maude replied, in the same odd, deadpan monotone that Derran recalled from earlier that day.

"Oh?" Derran replied with only slightly feigned interest. Truth be told, he was mildly curious as to why they were here. This restaurant didn't really seem to fit what little he knew of Pinkie's demeanor.

"Yep!" Pinkie replied excitedly. "Today is the one-month anniversary of Maud's move to Ponyville!" She practically shouted, pulling a party horn seemingly from thin air and giving it an enthusiastic blow, much to the consternation of the nearby tables.

"Ah, well I just wanted to say a quick hello on behalf of myself and Lady Twilight, so I shall wish you a pleasant evening," Derran stated warmly, hoping to end the conversation without too much trouble.

"Oki doki loki," Pinkie stated happily.

"Don't be a stranger," Maud added, and again Derran heard that phantasm of emotion in her voice that from anypony else he would have labeled enthusiasm. Giving a warm smile and a polite bow, Derran made to turn around, pretending to stop and glance at the manager as though seeing him for the first time. Walking swiftly toward the pony in chef's garb, Derran put on his most personable smile. As he drew closer he noted the pony had a yellow coat, curly orange mane, and cutie mark depicting sliced carrots being added to a pot of what Derran could only assume was stew.

"Excuse me, my good stallion," Derran greeted happily. "Might you be the owner of this fine establishment?" he asked, as if he had no idea. The stallion in question froze for an almost imperceptible instant at finding Derran addressing him directly, a reaction that served to ratchet up the Doom Slayer's paranoia another few notches.

"Yes sir, Mister Grandel," replied the pony, clearly struggling not to stare at Derran's imposing form. Deciding to cut right to the heart of the matter, Derran spoke in a tone of simple curiosity.

"Is everything alright? You seem nervous," he inquired. The effect was immediate. The orange maned pony looked petrified for an instant, and Derran tensed, half expecting the pony to yell out an order to attack. Instead, the pony let out a heavy sigh, before looking shamefacedly down at the floor.

"I suppose it was foolish to try to get anything past the hero of Ponyville," he admitted, and Derran's eyes narrowed as he prepared for a battle. "I'm sorry, but I don't think there will be any music tonight," the pony explained. Derran instantly did a double take.

"Forgive me but, what?" Derran asked, his expression becoming one of confusion. The pony cringed at Derran's tone of faint annoyance.

"Well, the lead vocalist of the band we had scheduled for tonight came down with a nasty case of red fever, and had to go home; she just left. I'm so sorry, I know your party was looking forward to hearing them play." The pony bowed his head as Derran struggled to wipe the look of confusion from his face.

"What?" He blurted out again without thinking, as his paranoia gave way to a combination of embarrassment and shame. The pony before him glanced warily up from his bow, confusion etched on his face.

"Isn't that why you're here?" he asked uncertainly. Marshaling his thoughts, Derran forced himself to give a warm smile.

"Actually, I just wanted to extend my Ladies' thanks for the free hors d'oeuvres," he lied, mentally berating himself for being a paranoid idiot. "But seeing as you have brought this matter to my attention, I suppose it behooves me to help you remedy it," Derran said, as his mind, well practiced in making plans on the fly, conjured a method that might both amend his misjudgment of this stallion's character, while giving Twilight, Cadence, Spike, and Shining Armor an evening they would not soon forget.

"Really? How?" the manager asked curiously. Derran smiled.

"Tell me. . ." He said, glancing at the currently unoccupied stage. "Is the band in question still here?"

Twilight glanced up and down the menu trying to decide what Derran would like, and feeling an ever rising panic as she reviewed her choices. "Charred asparagus with whipped herbed red potatoes, and grilled portabello mushrooms? Minestrone soup with zucchini pancakes covered in herbed cheddar sauce? Baked eggplant stuffed with daisies and violets, with a side of hay fries? Rigatoni and red sauce, with roasted peppers and scallions? Why do there have to be so many choices?!" However Twilight's frenzied mental debate was suddenly interrupted by Cadence audibly clearing her throat.

"You know, I always wondered what kind of pony you would fall in love with," she stated conversationally, a sly smile adorning her features. Twilight instantly froze, her mind seizing up, and her menu falling from her disrupted levitation aura with a faint thud. For several seconds, Twilight was incapable of movement or speech, as her eyes darted to the positions formerly occupied by her brother and number one assistant. "Don't worry-- Spike, and Shining went to the restroom, it's just us girls now," Cadence stated in answer to Twilight's unspoken question.

"How did you. . .," Twilight trailed off. Cadence responded by giving her sister a smug look before flicking her eyes at her own flank. "Right," Twilight responded in a deadpan tone, recalling the crystal heart cutie mark hidden by her sister-in-law's dress.

"Honestly though, Twilight, you aren't exactly subtle about it. I've seen avalanches that were more discreet. So when did you tell him? And don't skimp on the details, I want to hear everything," Cadence stated with a salacious grin. Twilight, however, suddenly looked oddly depressed.

"I. . . I haven't," She replied lamely.

"Haven't what?" Cadence asked, her tone becoming one of mild confusion.

"I haven't told him how I feel." Twilight responded, a hint of bitterness creeping into her voice. Cadence gave her sister-in-law a look of faint disbelief.

"Why not? It's obvious you love him, and I get the impression he might like you, so why-"

"Because I don't know why!" Twilight all but yelled. "I love him so much it hurts! But every time I try to explain why, all I can come up with is stupid generic reasons!" Twilight stated, her bitterness and frustration dripping from every word. Cadence was taken aback momentarily by her sister-in-law's angry declaration.

"Explain," she stated, her voice becoming one of motherly concern. Twilight hesitated for a moment, before describing the advice Rarity had given her, and her struggle to quantify her feelings. Cadence absorbed the information in silence.

"And so, as it stands I only have one reason why he appeals to me alone, and I can't go into a relationship with just that!" Twilight concluded, her misery plain to behold. Cadence gave Twilight an appraising look.

"Tell me, Twilight, what are some of these 'generic' reasons you like Derran?" she asked calmly. Twilight didn't even need to think about it as she replied.

"He's kind, thoughtful, hard working; he's humble and never sees himself as above anypony. He's confident, he never breaks his word, and he's incredibly smart. And when somepony needs help, he's the first to step forward. Whenever I'm around him, I feel more confident; when he's at my side, I know I can handle whatever life throws at me. He's great with kids, he loves to read, and. . . and whenever I'm with him, I feel. . . I don't know. . . complete. Like a part of me I never knew was missing has come back to me."

Twilight's words were passionate, and Cadence could feel the conviction in every syllable. However, the instant the list ended Twilight's expression fell, and her tone became dejected. "But that's what everypony likes about him. . ." She trailed off miserably, placing her head despondently on the table in front of her. However, to her unconcealed surprise, Cadence simply shrugged.

"So?" she asked, causing Twilight to look up at her in confusion. "Honestly, Twilight, I think those are all excellent reasons to start a relationship." Cadence stated confidently.

"But Rarity--" Twilight began, only for Cadence to cut her off.

"I'm positive Rarity would agree with me. She never told you the reasons you liked him couldn't be universal did she?" Cadence asked.

"Well. . . no, but--"

"Twilight, trust me when I say you're overthinking this," Cadence stated, cutting Twilight off once more. "Do you think all the reasons I love Shining are exclusive only to me? I would bet anything that a lot of the reasons I love Shining as my husband, are the same reasons you love him as your big brother. Does that mean I'm not allowed to love him for those reasons?" Cadance demanded.

"Of course not." Twilight replied instantly.

"Well, there you go then," Cadence declared. "Twilight, it's obvious to me that you have more than just some simple crush on this stallion. Take my word for it, you definitely love him, and based on what you just told me, it's for plenty of good reasons. Now to be fair, I can't say for certain what Derran's feelings for you are. I get the feeling that he likes you, but at the same time I'm not quite sure. Maybe it has to do with him being a human, but he is insanely hard to read. Regardless, you'll never know if you don't try," Cadence stated, placing a sisterly hoof on Twilight's shoulder. However, before Twilight could formulate a response, a familiar voice interrupted.

"We're back! Did we miss anything?" Shining Armor asked cheerily, as he and Spike took their respective seats.

"Just some private girl talk between sisters-in-law," Cadence replied with a surreptitious wink at Twilight, who responded with a grateful smile.

"Great, so are you two ready to order? I am starving," Shining replied with a grin.

"I second that," Spike added.

"Yes, I think we're ready. Twilight?" Cadence asked, with a glance at her sister in law.

"Yeah, I think I'm ready, and I'm pretty sure I know what to get for Derran," Twilight responded with a nod, feeling as if a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders by her conversation with Cadence.

"Say, where is Derran? I'd have thought he'd be back by now?" Shining asked, glancing around in an attempt to locate their alien companion. Twilight, Spike, and Cadence also tried to determine Derran's whereabouts but were forced to give up when the waiter arrived to take their order and present them with the plate of complementary hors d'oeuvres. Placing their orders and exclaiming there gratitude for the artfully sliced vegetables with whipped cheese and pepper dip, the group looked around again for their missing friend.

"Huh, I wonder where--," Spike began, only to be interrupted by the maitre'd speaking into a microphone on the stage.

"Fillies, and gentlecolts," he began, with a showpony's smile. "First, we wish to thank you for your patience in waiting for this evening's entertainment. Second, I am sorry to say that due to unavoidable complications, we are only going to be able to put on a show of two songs." This was greeted with sounds of confusion, and one or two shouts of anger; however, the maitre'd was unmoved, continuing to smile as if he heard none of it. "I understand that some of you may find this less than ideal, but it was necessary to accommodate the brief time our vocalist has." At this admission, Twilight and Spike looked at one another with disbelieving expressions.

"You don't think. . .," Spike trailed off as the maitre'd gestured with a hoof at the parting curtains.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, please join me in welcoming. . . The Soulmares, and guest vocalist. . . DERRAN GRANDEL!" he declared, as the enormous black velvet curtain whisked aside to reveal Derran and the band, to the stunned amazement of all present. Ponies glanced at one another in wide eyed confusion, and Twilight heard a number of ponies asking in hushed tones if Derran was even able to sing. Twilight already knew the answer to that question, but found herself struggling to imagine what song Derran could possibly know that would fit this situation. Striding up to the mic, Derran spoke into it with the same calm tone Twilight knew so well.

"Good evening everypony. I must apologize that I can grant only a brief performance. But as I am here with friends, I am afraid it is all the time I can spare, and I humbly ask your understanding," he explained with an apologetic bow. "Now, before we get started, I would like to thank Lady Pinkamina Diane Pie for so generously providing us with the sheet music for tonight's songs." A polite smattering of applause greeted this pronouncement as the band finished a few tiny adjustments on their instruments. "Now then, this first song is called: Neverneverland."

The song began with one of the band ponies beginning to pluck out a simple tune on his guitar, with a drummer and pianist adding in their sounds shortly after. The melody alone was filled with emotion, evoking thoughts of romance, and strength, yet at the same time it felt gentle and old fashioned. Then Derran began to sing, and the ponies assembled felt their breath taken away.


With his head lightly bobbing and foot tapping to the song's rhythm, Derran looked out at the audience through half-lidded eyes. He was hunched over slightly with one hand thrust into his pocket while the other held the mic. His body language matched the song's tone perfectly, conveying a sort of exhausted hope that unfailingly reflected the emotions the song inspired. As the shock of hearing Derran sing for the first time wore off, the ponies found their bodies swaying to the music, their eyes closed as they lost themselves in visions of long roads traveled, love won and lost, and a life lived in search of an impossibility, yet filled with hope. As Derran sang, Twilight felt her heart swell and fall with the music; to her it was as beautiful as anything she had ever heard filling her alternatingly with a sad longing and unbridled passion.

The song ended to raucous cheers and thunderous applause, as Derran and the band members waved and bowed their thanks. Pinky Pie was, per usual, the loudest, screaming her head off in approval, while waving a large blue pennant saying "Go Derran" in blocky white letters, and her face painted as if she were a hoofball fan. Twilight meanwhile, surreptitiously swallowed the drool that had accumulated in her mouth and shifted uncomfortably in her seat, while simultaneously blushing and praying Derran would choose a slightly less. . . stimulating, song for his second performance. As the applause died away, Derran motioned for quiet as he once again addressed the room.

"I am glad you all enjoyed that and even more grateful that I was able to avoid irrevocably embarrassing myself publicly," he said with a wry grin, the audience responding with smiles and light laughter. "Now, I would like to dedicate this next song to Lady Mi Amore Cadenza and Lord Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire, in honor of their visit. The song is entitled She is Love. Please enjoy."

The song opened with the gentle notes of the electric guitarist, but this time the rhythm was smoother and more melodic. The sound was almost tragic at first, low and sorrowful, and indeed so too was the first line or two of the lyrics.

She is love

Twilight, and indeed all those present, were blown away by the sudden, yet seamless, shift in tone. The lyrics and sound suddenly transitioned from beaten down and tragic to one of the most hope-filled and inspiring songs anypony present had ever heard. Twilight felt her heart swell with joy, even as she felt her eyes rim with tears. Holding the mic, Derran enhanced the effect of the song with simple gestures of his hands and arms, subtle movements that gave a visual narrative of the emotions the lyrics were supposed to convey. Even the expressions on Derran's face were part of the performance. As with his gestures, the effect was subtle, but nonetheless enhanced the effect of the words in a way that few could have explained. A gentle smile here, a prolonged closing of the eyes there, and even a longing glance on occasion. What's more, the song itself was a perfect choice-- it could almost have been written specifically for Cadence. And Twilight wondered if somehow Derran had written it himself at some point that evening.

As the song faded, Cadence struggled to maintain her composure, even as Shining wiped a profusion of tears from his face with a napkin. As a princess she was used to ponies giving her special consideration, even as she wished they would just treat her like anypony else. She had been presented with piles of gems, paintings of herself that displayed her as far more flawless than she knew she was, and endless other trinkets and baubles from nobility seeking her favor. None even came close to moving her as much as this one song. Like so many other things, the song idealized her actions, yet seemed to do so in such a way as to encourage, rather than praise. Hearing the lyrics made her feel like she wanted to live up to them, making her want to be a better leader, wife, and mother. It was easily one of the most wonderful gifts she had ever received.

As the last notes of the song died away, the ponies cheered and applauded so loudly that the entire structure shook. Even the waitstaff had paused in their duties to applaud and whistle, many displaying tear-stained faces that nevertheless shone with bright smiles. Derran bowed, before gesturing to the band behind him with a grateful smile.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, a round of applause for our truly stellar entertainers this evening, the Soulmares!" he declared enthusiastically, stepping aside so that the four ponies manning the instruments could take center stage. Another cacophony of cheers and applause greeted the four musicians as they took their bows. As they did, Derran smiled, gesturing to each pony in turn. "On drums, Master Beatmane! On acoustic and electric guitar, Lady Rhythm Hoof! On Bass guitar, Master Heart Tone! And last, but far from least, Lady Soul Chime on piano and synthesizer!" Each introduction was met with another round of stomping applause and cheering approval, as the entertainers each took an individual bow, grateful that Derran was taking the time to highlight their contribution. However, as they turned away from the cheering crowd to thank him, he was already walking away. . .

Twilight watched as Derran strode off the stage, winding his way slowly back toward their table. As he went, he was continuously followed by ponies stomping their hooves in applause or whistling their appreciation for his vocal performance, to which he responded with a polite nod or wave. At one point he was delayed briefly by Pinky Pie who exchanged a few quick words with him, the whole while looking as excited a foal on hearth's warming eve. As they finished, Pinky shot back to her table in a magenta blur of motion, as Derran shook his head and continued on. Finally taking his seat, Derran glanced over at Twilight and the others with a self deprecating smile.

"Apologies, everypony, I know I should not have kept you waiting like that. Please forgive me," he declared sincerely. Twilight opened her mouth to reply, but Shining beat her to it.

"Forget that! Derran, that was AMAZING! Where in Equestria did you learn to sing like that?!" he demanded, giving Derran an incredulous expression. For an instant Twilight thought she saw something approximating discomfort cross Derran's face, but it was gone before she could be certain.

"Oh, here and there," he said evasively. Then Cadence chimed in.

"I'm kind of curious myself, Derran. Twilight and Spike told us about that marching song you sang for them the other day. But there's no way you could have gotten that good without at least a little formal training," she stated, looking at Derran expectantly. Derran stayed quiet for a moment, as if internally debating what to say. Finally, he spoke.

"My wife. . . she was the reason," he said, his tone hesitant. Instantly, the whole table was silenced. Then after a long uncomfortable pause, Cadence finally spoke in a voice filled with sympathy.

"I. . . I'm sorry Derran, I didn't mean to. . .I had no idea-," she began, but Derran cut her off with a raised hand.

"It is alright milady, you did not know," he said. Placing her hoof on Derran's arm, Twilight gave him a concerned look.

"You don't need to tell us," she said softly. Derran turned to favor Twilight with a grateful smile, and she blushed faintly as he placed his hand over her hoof in gratitude, before replying.

"It is alright Lady Twilight, I will be fine." He turned to address the rest of the table. "My wife and I lived in a small town just outside of the capital of my home country Khemed, called Stalhime. Not long after we moved there, Kira discovered the local tavern had a karaoke night every weekend. After we attended one night, she fell in love with it. Unfortunately, back then I was an absolutely abysmal singer. Kira, however, was an undiscovered prodigy; her voice was the talk of the town for months after her first performance. And I daresay that much of the weekend traffic at the tavern was entirely her doing," Derran explained, actually managing to chuckle slightly at the memory.

"So how did you get so good then?" Spike asked, slightly confused, and to his surprise, Derran actually laughed.

"Well, to put it bluntly, Kira forced me to learn," he said with a smile. Twilight looked at Derran in mild shock at the idea of anypony forcing him to do anything. "She downloaded copies of every song she could get her hands on and made me sing along to them every day as I worked in the fields using my oracle."

"What's an oracle?" Spike asked, mildly confused.

"It was a common piece of magetech used for communication and entertainment, one such function being the storage of recorded visual and auditory information," Derran explained, and Twilight had to suppress a sudden desire to write down what he was saying, while Spike nodded. "Every evening after dinner, Kira had me sing for her, and then would offer me advice on how I could improve my performance. It took quite a bit of time, but eventually I was able to sing well enough to keep from embarrassing myself every Saturday. And after a few years of intense, and constant practice, I became almost Kira's equal." Derran gave a wistful smile as he looked over at the stage. "Even after more than eleven hundred years, it seems I still have all those songs etched indelibly into my mind. . ." Twilight started to nod, before suddenly being struck by a thought.

"Hold on. If those songs were from your world. . . where did you get the sheet music from?" she asked in confusion. Derran chuckled, as he responded.

"Simple, I asked Lady Pinkamena," he declared, as if that explained everything.

"But. . . where did she get them?" Spike asked, even more flummoxed than Twilight. Derran shrugged.

"Weirds are not bound by conventions such as space or time; for them, all things are possible as long as they believe them to be so. I am no expert, but if I had to hazard a guess, I would say she likely pulled them from another reality where they existed." Twilight stared at Derran in shock.

"Can she even DO that?!" she asked, her mind boggling at the sheer magnitude of such an act. Derran nodded.

"Indeed, though I sincerely doubt she is aware of it. The powers of weirds tend to work on an unconscious level. What they can do is generally limited only by their perception of possibility. When I asked her for the music I left out the part about it being from a world that no longer exists, and so, because she believed it could be found, she found it." Twilight felt her her mind begin to overflow with questions, however she was forestalled from asking them by Cadence.

"Well, Derran, regardless of the how's and why's, that was an incredible performance. Thank you, Shining and I will remember this night for the rest of our lives." Derran shook his head, opening his mouth he prepared to explain the truth: that the performance had been what amounted to an unofficial apology to the restaurant owner for Derran letting his paranoia get the better of him.

However, before he could begin, he was forestalled by the arrival of their meal. A moment later, as he stared at the artfully prepared summer squash ravioli with pomodoro sauce that Twilight had ordered for him, he decided to stay quiet. Derran was not a man to forgive his own sins lightly. He believed, had always believed, that a man must bear his misdeeds until those he had wronged released him from them. However, as he glanced at the smiling faces around him, he decided he could break that rule, this one time. . .

The remainder of the night was defined by good food and pleasant conversation, ending with delicious coffee and a wondrous berry tart with whipped cream. The walk home was equally pleasant, with Derran, Cadence, Shining and Twilight continuing to talk animatedly. Spike had nodded off at some point after desert and now was happily curled up on Twilight's back as they closed on the castle. However, on opening the door, they were struck with the full force of the chaos within.

Starlight Glimmer stood in the middle of the vast entryway with a shell-shocked expression, as though she had just survived a hurricane. Strewn about her were countless bits of detritus, including everything from sheaves of paper, and a number of (mercifully unsoiled) diapers, to a half dozen errant teacups. Wall hangings and paintings had either been pulled down or now hung crookedly on their hooks. Baby powder and mashed fruit paste were plastered to the walls, floors, and ceilings as if fired from a cannon. And above it all, a hyperactive and diaperless Flurry Heart flew around in circles at speeds that would have made Rainbow Dash dizzy, squealing excitedly at the top of her lungs. For several seconds, Derran and the others stared in shock at the devastation visited on the castle interior, before their eyes focused on Starlight's emotionally and physically exhausted form.

"Lady Starlight, what in the name of the holy seraphs happened here?" Derran asked, his tone surprisingly calm, given the state of the room they were in. Starlight looked at Derran with confused and desperate eyes.

"I have no idea!" she answered miserably. "Everything was fine until I fed her dinner, then she just went wild!" Starlight explained, her tone one of faint despondence, as if afraid she would be accused of lying.

"What did you feed her?!" Twilight demanded,more in shock than anger, as she surveyed the damage. "Raw espresso?!" Starlight opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off by Derran chuckling. All those present stared at Derran in confusion, as a bemused smile appeared on his face.

"Perhaps not espresso, but the baby food equivalent. I suspect that Lady Starlight gave miss Flurry the remains of the chocolate bar I bought her earlier today, is that correct?" he asked calmly, smiling at Starlight. Starlight gave Derran an expression of shocked surprise before nodding.

"Yeah, she was being such a good girl that I gave her what was left as a treat. But it was only half a bar!" Derran shook his head, the smile never leaving his face.

"Rookie error," he said, his grin widening, though his eyes were sympathetic, and Starlight relaxed. "A half a chocolate bar might not seem that much to you or me, but it is more than enough sugar and caffeine to give a baby an instant supercharged high. That is why you must only ever give them small pieces at intervals, so they can burn off the additional energy at a steady rate. Give them too much too fast, and you will find yourself with a mountain of trouble in a very small package," he explained.

"So, how do we stop it?" asked Cadence, making a mental note to contact Derran in the future whenever she had questions about parenting. Derran looked at the circling Flurry speculatively.

"How long since you gave her the chocolate?" he asked, glancing at a rapidly recovering Starlight. The knowledge that Derran had a plan did wonders for her frazzled state of mind.

"About two hours ago," she replied, and Derran nodded.

"That should be about enough, the candle that burns twice as bright, burns three times as quickly. All we need to do is get her to hold still for a bit."

"Oh, is that all?" Starlight declared sarcastically, her mind focused by a distinct stab of irritation. After all, what did Derran think she had been doing? Ignoring Starlight's annoyed tone, Derran nodded.

"Indeed, once Flurry's body has a chance to realize how much energy she has expended, it should begin to shut down." Starlight arched a mildly disbelieving eyebrow.

"And how do you suggest we do that, oh wise one?" she asked, sarcasm practically dripping from her words. Starlight knew she was being rude, but given how insane the last two hours of her life had been, she just didn't give a buck. Derran smiled.

"One more performance should do it." Derran stated softly, though it was unclear whether he was addressing Starlight or himself. Taking a deep breath, Derran began a song, one which he never believed he would need again...

Blue Sky Blue

As Derran sang the ancient song, Flurry fell silent and stopped her gyrations. Hovering in place, she was held as if hypnotized before beginning to slowly float down to earth, and she wasn't the only one to be spellbound. Even without needing to be told, the assembled ponies could feel this song was special. From the way Derran sang it, to the words within it, they could tell that this song meant more to Derran than mere words could explain. This song was not meant for an audience, nor meant for mere entertainment; this was a song to be heard only by those few who held a special place in Derran's heart. Never to be requested on a whim, this song was one only to be sung in the presence of those who Derran had chosen to gift it... and it was beautiful.

Those assembled did not realize they had been crying until the song's last note had faded into silence. More than once, ponies had been moved to tears by the emotions conjured by the songs Derran had sung. But this was different, this was not "moved to tears," this was ponies truly weeping. Yet... had they been asked, none could have said what was so sad about the song. It was not a mournful song by any stretch, if anything it was wonderfully sweet-- but somehow, all save Flurry Heart and the sleeping Spike, found themselves fighting tooth and nail to avoid breaking down sobbing. Cadence continually wiped her face clean with the back of her hoof. Yet despite her best efforts, she could not stem the steady trickle of liquid from her eyes, even as Derran presented her exhausted daughter to her.

"You all head off to bed. . . I shall take care of the clean up," he said softly. Cadence nodded.

"Thank you. . . for sharing that, and. . . thank you," she replied, unable to complete her thought, and with a voice heavy with emotion. Derran nodded, as the assembled ponies headed silently to bed, unable to think of any words to express how they felt. Only one turned back. . .

"Derran?" Twilight asked, not certain what she wanted to say, but intent on saying it anyway.

"Milady?" Derran responded, trying to avoid showing how his last performance of the night had left him feeling. Twilight hesitated.

"That song. . ." She trailed off, and Derran nodded. It was all the confirmation Twilight needed, as she turned to head upstairs. Now was not the time to say what she wanted to say. Not now, not after that. . . not after Derran had sung his long dead daughter's favorite lullaby. . .

Welcome Back

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Twilight woke from the previous day's events to a clean castle, and a nervous heart. Bright light filtering in through the cracks in her bedroom curtains told of a beautiful day filled with hope and promise. Yet Twilight scarcely noticed, throwing wide the curtains with a flick of her levitation magic. Twilight made no effort to appreciate the sight of Ponyville spread out beneath her window, her mind preoccupied with warring feelings of unease and elation as she headed to the bathroom. Turning on her shower she stepped into the tub, letting the hot water and steam envelop her as she wrestled with a decision she had silently made the night before, after her dinner conversation with Cadence. Stepping out of the curtained tub ten minutes later, and quickly drying herself, Twilight summoned all the courage and self assurance she possessed as she stepped in front of her bathroom mirror, wiping the fogged glass clean with her magic.

"Today, I tell Derran how I feel!," she stated confidently to her reflection. However it only took a moment of rumination for Twilight's resolve to begin crumbling. "But what if he doesn't like me?" She wondered aloud, feeling a stab of acute fear as she spoke. " What if he's still devoted to his late wife and thinks I'm trying to take her place? What if he's not into ponies and thinks we should just be friends?! Or what if he's really not into ponies and thinks I'm some kind of disgusting, deviant, pervert, FREAK!?" Twilight practically shouted at herself as she finished, gripping the sides of her mirror with her hooves as she struggled not to hyperventilate. Taking a deep breath, Twilight forced herself to calm down. Derran rejecting her was always a possibility, but he wasn't the kind of stallion who would judge her, even if he wasn't attracted to her. More than that though, better to try and fail, than to live in uncertainty. Even if she was rebuffed, at least she would know where she stood with Derran. It would be hard if he rejected her, but eventually she could move past it right? "Right!" Twilight assured herself, even as she struggled to ignore the doubt gnawing away at her.

Heading to the dining room Twilight was greeted with the realization that she had been the last to awaken. Everypony else was already present and attacking large waffles covered in mixed berry compote, whipped cream, and maple syrup. In addition Twilight saw a half eaten coffee cake, and a rapidly diminishing pile of croissants, as her friends and family dug in with the usual gusto that Derran's cooking seemed to inspire. As Twilight took her seat, she realized the only notable absence was that of Derran himself.

"Morning Twily!" Shining Armour greeted, using the same affectionate nickname he had called her by since they were foals. Glancing up from their half eaten waffles, the rest of Twilight's household acknowledged her presence with a chorus of good mornings, before returning to the urgent business of stuffing their faces too full to talk. Flurry was happily face planted in her bowl, greedily devouring the wonderful berry paste that she seemed to never get enough of, her spoon lying forgotten nearby.

"Derran just stepped out to get the mail." Spike explained as soon as he had enough room in his mouth to string together a coherent sentence. Twilight nodded as she noticed Derran had already served her, a metallic plate cover protecting her waffle from both the cold, and the greedy hooves of her fellow diners. No sooner had she sat down then Derran returned, glancing up from sorting Twilight's mail, to shake his head at Flurry Heart.

"Miss Flurry Heart. As honored as I am that you appreciate my cooking, is it really beyond you to wait a mere one minute for me to return before resorting to acting like a starving porcine?" He admonished, even as he smiled indulgently at the young alicorn. At his comment, Cadence snorted into her food, struggling not to laugh.

"Anything interesting in the mail today?" Starlight Glimmer asked, as she briefly came up for air. Derran nodded.

"Indeed, a letter from Lady Pinkamena. One for all of you, and. . . one addressed to me?" Derran noted curiously. Dutifully handing out the letters to all the other recipients Derran tore open his own. Only to be greeted by a loud 'POP!' and a face full of confetti. Despite maintaining an appearance of outward calm, Derran's entire body tensed for a follow up attack. And only through the expenditure of a titanic effort of will, was he able to avoid grabbing for a weapon. Ignoring the scraps of ribbon and colored paper in his hair, Derran read the letter.

Dear Derran Grandel,

This is an invitation to your Welcome to Ponyville/Welcome Back to Equestria party! Hosted at the Hoofbeat Club in Ponyville! As the guest of honor we ask that you arrive promptly at 6:00pm. I'm pretty sure your schedule is clear, but if something comes up you can totally reschedule, Twilight knows how to contact me.

All party goers are allowed a plus one, so bring a date, or a really good friend with you. Oh, and because you seemed to be having so much fun singing the other night, I set it up for you to do that again if you want (I got all your favorite songs), and not just you, everypony is invited to sing! Food will be provided, along with live music, confetti, drinks, confetti, light's, confetti, cake, confetti, EVERYTHING!

See you tonight!

Pinky Pie

Derran glanced up from the strange invitation with an arched eyebrow. Forcing himself to recall his lecture on the nature of weirds from the previous evening. In his limited reading about them, the adjective "Exhausting" had always been used quite liberally, and reviewing the content of the letter, Derran was starting to get a sense of why. "When weirds are involved, the fewer questions you ask, the fewer headaches you will receive." he mentally quoted from one of the two books he had read on the subject. As he ignored the fact that he had never specifically told Lady Pinkamena the names of his favorite songs or artists, save the two from the prior night, nor had he ever mentioned his work scheduled for that day.

"Lady Pinkamina certainly works with a remarkable degree of alacrity." He commented, folding up the letter and placing it into the pocket of his tailcoat. Having donned his chic butler outfit for breakfast. "Still, it works out well, I shall be back from Lady Applejack's farm at approximately 4:00pm, that gives me plenty of time to shower and choose something suitable to wear."

"What are you going to do about the plus one?," Spike asked casually.

For an instant, the question hung in the air like the metaphorical sword of Damocles. Starlight and Cadence cast worried glances at Twilight. While Twilight herself appeared to be frozen in time, an unreadable expression etched onto her features. Derran considered the question for a moment, that for Twilight, seemed to last an eternity, seconds tortuously stretching into hours as she struggled to mentally brace herself for the worst case scenario. Suddenly Twilight became intensely aware of every subtle movement of Derran's face. As with glacial slowness he brought his right hand up to stroke his chin thoughtfully. His every muscle movement standing out in stark relief to Twilight, as his calm smile turned to a thoughtful frown. After a period of moments in which Twilight would have sworn a century had passed, whatever deliberations Derran had been making appeared to end, as he opened his mouth.

"Honestly, there is really only one pony in all of Ponyville I feel I could comfortably even ask to accompany me in such a capacity." Derran declared, as Twilight felt her stomach tie in knots at the idea that he had somepony in mind. A thousand horrid little voices in Twilight's mind mockingly jeered at her. Telling her how stupid she was for ever daring to hope Derran would care for her romantically. She was just a stupid little foal, the voices declared, Derran was completely out of her league, and she should never- "Lady Twilight?," Derran began, causing every neuron in the Princess of Friendship's head to suddenly stop firing at once. Blood thundered in her veins, even as her body became numb, and the words Derran spoke sounded as though they were coming from across a vast, incalculable distance. To outside observers, Twilight looked like an automaton, as she stared at Derran with rapt, wide-eyed attention. Twilight felt her heart skip a beat, then another, then a third, as Derran's words finally registered in her mind. "If you have nopony else in mind. . . would you do me the honor of being my date this evening?" Twilight stared at Derran, as if it was the first time she had ever seen him, suddenly feeling unbelievably lightheaded, though her wide eyed expression and body remained as immovable as stone. Then, she nodded once in a slow, almost mechanical manner, and promptly fell to the ground unconscious. . .

"YOU FAINTED!?," Rainbow Dash howled with laughter, as she pounded the ground with her hoof. Unable to contain her mirth at the conclusion of Twilight's explanation of that morning's events. "THAT IS HILARIOUS!!," the rainbow maned mare roared, struggling to rise from where she had fallen, paralyzed with laughter.

"It's not funny Rainbow!," Rarity admonished, even as she struggled not to join in. "What if Twilight had been hurt?"

"Good thing he didn't kiss you!," Rainbow choked out between guffaws, completely ignoring Rarity's comment. "Or we'd probably be attending your FUNERAL!!" She finished, before rolling on the ground again, once more helpless with laughter.

"Jealous?," Twilight replied simply, wearing a smirk wide enough to be seen from orbit. After dealing with the aftermath of Derran's proposal, and confirming it had not been a dream, Twilight had not been able to stop smiling. Since that singular, wonderful, moment that morning, she had felt invincible. Nothing could ruin her good mood, not Rainbow Dash's ribbing, or even the sullen glares she seemed to keep getting from random mares. How the local grapevine had heard the news of whom had chosen her as his date Twilight would never know, but at that moment, she could care less. As Rainbow finally managed to pick herself up off the ground and wipe away her tears of mirth, she shrugged.

"Honestly, yeah, a little." She admitted. "But Scoot's mentioned you had it for Derran pretty bad, so I'm not too broken up about it." Rainbow stated, even as she ignored a faint pang of envy. Derran was an amazing guy, and Rainbow would have been lying if she had said she never considered pursuing him. But at the end of the day, she was forced to concede that in this case, she had simply been too slow. Twilight glanced at Rainbow in surprise at her tacit admission, her smile faltering slightly.

"Thanks Rainbow." She said feelingly. Truth be told, out of all her friends, Rainbow had been the one that had first entered her thoughts when Derran stated he had a mare in mind for his date. The two seemed to have an easy rapport, that almost made it appear that they had known each other their whole lives. From their back and forth verbal sparring, to the fact that both were at their physical peak, they seemed a natural fit. Dash must have seen it too, yet she had chosen to step aside for the sake of Twilight. But that was Dash for you, loyal to the end, another thing she and Derran had in common.

"For what? You think I'm gonna let some stallion come between me and one of my best friends?" Rainbow replied flippantly. "Now c'mon, I wanna get this spa bit over with as soon as possible." Twilight giggled, as the briefly tense moment passed and they were back to their original goal.

"You can't rush art darling." Rarity declared airily, as the Ponyville spa came into view. "And if we are all planning to arrive at the party alongside the guest of honor, we must look our best." Rainbow rolled her eye's in response, but smiled as they continued forward.

Derran exhaled softly as he focused his mind on his task. Clearing his thoughts of all distractions he became one with his surroundings. He heard a mouse scurrying through the tall grasses nearby, and smelled the still evaporating morning dew. He felt the barest of breezes upon his face, and tasted the moisture in the air. Then he tightened his focus, seeing Big Mac and Apple Bloom in front of him. His vision narrowing as his grip tightened on the handle of the ax.

"Begin," he said simply. The result was instantaneous, as several mid sized logs flew at him one after another, each heralded by the resounding 'Crack!' of a horseshoe shod hoof impacting wood. The ax, and the arm that held it, became a blur, as Derran struck each log from the air. Every one split into perfect halves that fell to either side of where the Doom Slayer stood. "A bit faster, if you would be so kind." Derran stated calmly, as log after log was cut from the sky with impossibly precise swings.

Big Mac nodded as he increased his tempo, bucking the logs into the air as fast as ponily possible. Drawn from a large nearby pile, the logs were taken and placed on a stump that served as a launching platform by a scrambling Apple Bloom, as fast as her brother could kick them off. Whether they flew straight and true, or tumbled end over end mattered little. As Derran cut them down regardless, rendering them the proper size for their ultimate use in the Apple family wood stove. It wasn't long before Derran was surrounded by a substantial pile of split logs, and Big Mac was forced to cease his efforts, sweat dripping from his brow as he panted heavily.

"Y'all think we got enough yet?" Asked an equally exhausted Apple Bloom, as she sat down heavily on a patch of grass, her forehead lined with sweat from her exertions.

"I believe so," Derran replied, as usual showing no trace of being tired, as he placed the ax on the ground. "I propose you two catch your breath for awhile, I shall gather these up." Derran stated with a smile, as he gestured at the bisected lumber surrounding him. Apple Bloom and Big Mac nodded gratefully as they got to their hooves.

"We're gonna go get some water, then we'll come back an help you." Apple Bloom promised, glancing at her older brother.

"Eeeup." Big Mac agreed with a smile, to which Derran simply nodded absentmindedly as he began to gather up the split logs at his feet. Apple Bloom cocked an eyebrow, and for a moment seemed about to say something, but then appeared to reconsider. Derran had been oddly preoccupied since arriving at Sweet Apple Acres that morning. It hadn't been that notable at first, but as the day wore on, it had been more and more apparent that something was bothering him. As Apple Bloom turned away however, she reflected that if Derran had wanted to talk about it, he would have brought it up by now. So for the moment at least, she wouldn't pry. . .

Derran was scarcely aware of Apple Bloom and Big Mac as they departed, as he was locked deep in his own thoughts. He was worried, though not about the subject he imagined he would be. He had panicked when Lady Twilight had fainted earlier, though she had scarcely been out for more than a few seconds, and was completely unharmed. Rushing to her side to find her smiling radiantly up at him, Derran had felt his fear vanish, and when Twilight had stated she would be overjoyed to be his date, he had felt a strange feeling of warmth overtake him. He had suggested calling a doctor, but when lady Twilight had stated she was fine, he had simply agreed without complaint, then donned his armor, and headed to work as though nothing unusual had occurred.

Only now did he consider how great his folly was. He should not have permitted Lady Twilight to simply brush off what had happened, he should have demanded that she see a doctor and receive a full medical workup. He should not have gone to work like nothing had happened, he should have stayed at her side until he was certain that Lady Twilight was healthy and safe. He should never have asked her to be his date, that was. . . it was completely improper, even if she really was the only pony he wanted to go with. Most worrying of all however, was that he should not have felt so. . . so CALM about all this! He should have been worried sick, and trying to determine an appropriate penalty to atone for such grievous sins, but he wasn't. Instead he was allowing himself to look forward to the coming night, as if all these breaches of protocol and duty meant nothing! It was unconscionable! Unforgivable! What excuse could he possibly have to justify such arrogant disregard for his sacred task!?

"Because. . ." He stated aloud, almost independently of his own will. "it will make Lady Twilight smile." And all at once, Derran calmed. It was true, Twilight had been so excited when she had woken, and that smile she had worn had been so wonderful to gaze upon. . . Wasn't her happiness worth bending a few rules? Was it not his purpose, more than anything, to keep her safe and happy? Derran nodded to himself as he placed the log's he had gathered on an already massive stack of chopped wood. Reflecting that as long as tonight's. . . date, remained strictly platonic, he could afford to make a few exceptions. It wasn't as if. . . Derran shook his head, allowing the incomplete thought to trail off into oblivion as he returned to his work. "This is simply two friends going to a party, and that is all." He stated clearly to himself. Yet even as he returned to work, his mind clear, and his good humor restored, deep in the recesses of Derran's subconscious. . . something stirred.

"Liar. . ." It stated in a voice filled with disgust and contempt, but by the time the words reached Derran's conscious mind, they had dissolved into a vague pang of anger. . . that Derran swiftly dismissed.

Starlight glimmer glanced at the crowd surrounding her with a faint sense of awe. Conventional wisdom would have placed the Grand Galloping Gala as the premiere social event of the season, but the welcome party Pinkie had thrown for Derran seemed a close second. Starlight had no idea how Pinkie had accomplished it, but it seemed nearly everypony who was anypony had RSVP'd. From where she stood in the crowd Starlight could see, among others, the entire Wonderbolts team, Countess Coloratura, Photo Finish, Sapphire Shores, most of the extended Apple Family, Discord, several members of the Canterlot nobility, and even her old friend Sunburst from the Crystal Empire. In addition, the entire town of Ponyville had come out for the event.

Sipping a cup of punch Starlight glanced around at the decorations covering the massive interior of the club.
Outside the structure was little more than an unassuming windowless, brick cube, with the words Hoofbeat Club painted diagonally across the front in bright technicolor letters. Inside the club was dominated by a large wooden dance floor in front of a stage that took up an entire side of the interior. Another side was currently dominated by dozens of refreshment tables, covered in all manner of party foods and drink. Overhead, row upon row of lights illuminated the dance floor and stage in beams of violet, turquoise, yellow, and a myriad of other bright colors.

Normally the club could never have accommodated so many guests, but Pinkie, ever the insightful party planner, had asked Starlight to help out by casting a space warping spell to make the interior as big as it needed to be. Music played in the background, a low bass beat designed to set the mood, and remind those present that the party had not yet begun in earnest. As a result, nopony was yet dancing, and the food was almost untouched as they waited for the guest of honor to arrive. Starlight broke from her musing admiration to smile, as Sunburst worked his way through the crowd to speak with her.

"Hey Starlight," he began, grinning nervously as he approached, and Starlight recalled big parties weren't usually his thing. "how have you been?"

"Oh, getting by, how about you?" Sunburst shrugged as he responded.

"I guess I can't complain, being a crystaler keeps me pretty busy, but I still have plenty of time for my individual studies." Glancing around Sunburst then leaned in closer and lowered his voice slightly. "By the way, who is this Derran Grandel pony? I've never heard of him, and Pinkie's letter didn't really give any details." For an instant, Starlight's mind was overcome with the countless images from Derran's life, that she had gained from the brief and terrifying period she had spent in his head. There were plenty of things Starlight wanted to say about Derran, not to mention an equal number of things that he deserved to have said about him, but she couldn't, and so settled for simply replying with.

"Wait and see."

Sunburst found his friend's response less than satisfactory, he could tell from the look in her eyes that she wanted to say more, but decided to let the matter drop. If Starlight didn't want to tell him then he would respect her privacy, and at any rate, he would get answers soon enough. Abruptly the music cut out, and the din of conversation subsided into silence, as the voice of Pinkie Pie echoed through the speakers. Standing on stage with a microphone in hoof, Pinkie bounced around excitedly as she spoke

"Hiya everypony, I hope you're all ready, because the guest of honor has finally arrived!" This pronouncement was greeted with excited whispers that fell silent again as Pinkie continued like an announcer at a wrestling tournament. "He sings, he cooks, he fights evil dragons and timberwolves, and is all around just a really great guy, put your hooves together for. . . DERRAN GRANDEL!" Pinkie concluded, pointing theatrically at the main entrance. New music pulsed from the speakers, and ponies stared in awe, as the main doors opened, and the guest of honor was revealed.

Derran's appearance was met with cheers from the residents of Ponyville and gasps of surprise from the out-of-town guests.

"What is he?" Sunburst asked, not even trying to hide his shock. Flanked by Princess Twilight, who wore a nervous but overwhelmingly happy expression, and followed by not only Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, but the entire friendship council (minus Pinkie), was a creature that for all his reading, Sunburst was at a loss to identify. The powerfully built biped had a long black mane pulled back into a ponytail, and on his oddly flat face wore an expression of gentle calm. He was clothed in a tight black T-shirt designed to show off his impressively athletic toso and jeans, combined with a white sleeveless trench coat with a starched high collar. The trench coat was open and the silver buckles that would have fastened it looked more decorative than functional in any case. A black belt with silver fastening was wrapped around his waist, while on his feet he wore a pair of large black boots. On further inspection, Sunburst also noticed a strange black leather box that seemed to be fastened to the belt, but it was obscured by the trenchcoat before he could get a better look.

"A hero." Starlight replied without thinking, as Derran's party dispersed, each heading off to mingle with various acquaintances. Rainbow Dash exchanged greetings with her Wonderbolt teammates, Rarity was virtually swarmed by Photo Finish, Sapphire Shores, and the nobility of Canterlot (no doubt hoping for some juicy gossip on Derran). Fluttershy headed over to speak with Discord, who was doing his level best to look relaxed, while staying as far away from the Doom Slayer as possible. Applejack was immediately joined by Coloratura, who greeted her friend with a warm hug. Cadence, Spike and Shining Armor seemed content to stay at Twilight and Derran's side, as they made their way toward Starlight and Sunburst. Only stopping briefly to exchange pleasantries with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

"Hey Derran." Starlight greeted as soon as he was close enough to hear.

"Greetings lady Starlight, I hope this evening finds you well?" Derran replied with a polite bow.

"It does," she replied happily " let me introduce you to Sunburst, he's a Crystaler in the Empire, and easily my oldest friend."

"An honor to meet you lord Sunburst." Derran stated, turning and offering his hand in greeting. Sunburst hesitated briefly before gripping the unfamiliar appendage in his hoof. The hoofshake was firm and it was easy for Sunburst to imagine the immense strength that Derran could bring to bear had he so chose.

"Thanks, uh, you too." Sunburst replied, trying to conceal how nervous he was at being in the presence of so strange and powerful looking a being. Derran opened his mouth to say something, but before he could get the words out Pinkie Pie appeared in a small explosion of confetti.

"Sup Derran, sorry to interrupt but would you mind coming onstage and saying something to the guests? I know you just got here, but I really think it'll help get the party off on the right hoof."

"I suppose. . . but what precisely should I say?" Derran asked, glancing at the pink party pony with a slightly bemused expression. Pinkie Pie smiled.

"Just say something to make everypony feel welcome and open the festivities. Oh, and maybe throw out some confetti, you can't go wrong with confetti, also cupcakes, they always put me in a mood to party!" Pinky stated enthusiastically, before pulling a cupcake from out of her mane and unceremoniously shoving it whole into her mouth. "Righ, row rime eddy oo arty!" She declared around a mouth full of cake and frosting. Letting out a chuckle, Derran nodded.

"Very well then, I shall do my best. Please excuse me everypony, I will return shortly." He stated, motioning for Pinky Pie to lead the way. Everypony in the club took note as Derran made his way through the crowd and climbed onto the stage. Taking the mic he cleared his throat and addressed the assembled crowd with a smile.

"Greetings everypony," He began, a hush falling as he continued. "I have been asked to say a few words of welcome, do not worry I shall try to keep this brief." Derran paused for a moment as a few ponies chuckled. "First, let me express my profound gratitude to the proprietor of tonight's festivities, lady Pinkamena Diane Pie, the premiere party planner of our age!" Applause and cheers were heard as Pinky smiled, her cheeks coloring slightly at the praise. "Second, I wish to thank all of you for all the kindness you have shown me. From Lady Twilight who so graciously shared her home with me, to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo who were the first to offer their hooves in friendship, to the Apple family for graciously providing me employment, to lady Rarity for making me the beautiful garments that I now wear with pride, to lady Rainbow Dash for keeping me on my toes," Derran said with a smile, as a ripple of light laughter passed through the crowd. " and I could go on for an eternity describing how this town and it's ponies have warmed my heart and made me feel at home." Derran's voice became low as looked out at the crowd. "You humble me, and. . . you remind me, that this land, is worth fighting for, thank you. . . all of you, for that." Derran followed this declaration with a deep bow, and some would later swear that they saw him wipe tears from his eyes as he straightened up again. "Now," He stated loudly, a bright smile returning to his face. "let us dispense with sentimentality, let us eat, drink, sing, and dance the night away! What say you?!" Derran's shouted question was met with a roar of agreement, as an electronic dance beat began blasting from the speakers. Derran nodded his head in approval before jumping down from the stage and heading back towards Twilight.

Twilight watched Derran approach with a wide smile.

"You really know how to work a crowd don't you?" She giggled. Derran shrugged.

"I merely said what I felt Lady Twilight." He responded, with a small smile before extending his hand to his date. "Now, would you care to-"

"Hey Derran!" Interrupted a familiar voice. Looking to the side Derran and Twilight saw Rainbow Dash approaching with what appeared to be the entirety of the Wonderbolts squadron at her back. Derran smiled as he turned toward them, and offered a friendly nod to Spitfire and Nimbus, Twilight however, couldn't help but frown at the interruption.

"Something I can help you with Lady Dash?" Derran asked, his eyes surreptitiously glancing back at Twilight. Rainbow smiled as she responded.

"Actually yeah, time to make good on that promise you made us." She declared, her smile becoming a smirk. For an instant Derran struggled to recall what Rainbow could be referring to, as Twilight arched an eyebrow. However it didn't take long for understanding to dawn in Derran's mind.

"Ah yes, that combat demonstration I agreed to." He recalled with a nod. "Not to object, but is this really the best time for it? There isn't much room after all." He explained gesturing at the crowd. Rainbow grinned smugly before taking a deep breath.

"HEY!" She shouted, her voice easily carrying over the music and drawing the attention of everypony present. "ANYPONY WHO WANTS TO SEE DERRAN'S KILLER MOVES CLEAR THE DANCE FLOOR NOW!" It only took a few moments for the large wooden dance floor to become utterly deserted, as everypony turned to look expectantly at Derran and Rainbow Dash. "You were saying?" Rainbow asked, her smug smile widening. Briefly Derran glanced over at Twilight, who considered the situation for a moment before nodding. His date's silent approval given, Derran met Rainbow's gaze again with a smile, his competitive spirit roused.

"Lady Starlight, might I request your assistance?" He asked, not looking away from Rainbow's eyes for even an instant.

"Uh, sure." Starlight replied, wondering what Derran was planning. "What do you need?" Derran looked at the now empty dance floor with an appraising glance.

"Well, for a proper demonstration I will require something to fight. So I was wondering if you might be so kind as to create some opponents using illusions?" Starlight glanced at Rainbow Dash briefly before nodding.

"Sure, I can do that, any requests on what they look like?" She asked.

"Well, best to keep them obviously fake, other than that I have no real preference." Derran replied. Rainbow nodded, before suddenly looking over at Pinkie.

"Hey Pinkie?"

"What's up?" The party pony replied eagerly.

"Why don't we play some music too? Nothing like a good beat to get the blood flowing." Rainbow stated. Pinkie nodded vigorously, suddenly really into the idea.

"Ooh! Ooh! I know the perfect song!" She yelled, before shooting off through the crowd in a blur of pink. Derran shook his head.

"You were planning this in your head since you got the invitation to the party weren't you lady Dash?" He asked with a smile that Rainbow immediately returned.

"Yep, figured it was my best chance to catch you off guard." She admitted. Derran arched an eyebrow.

"So, you think my situation untenable? That I have no recourse but to bend to your will, and admit myself undone?" He asked with a faint smile.

"If that's a fancy way of saying I got one over on you, then yeah." She replied confidently. Derran gave Rainbow a mischievous grin.

"Well I cannot deny your timing, nor your skill at tactical improvisation, but I still have one last hope, albeit a faint one." Suddenly Rainbow looked slightly less sure of herself.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" She asked. Derran's grin widened as he headed toward the dance floor.

"If I cannot escape the trap, then I shall have to nullify its effects. . ."

Derran moved to the exact center of the dance floor with a steady gait. Normally he wasn't one to see combat as a show for spectators, nor was he a believer in showing off. Yet at the same time he had promised lady Dash a demonstration, and he intended to follow through. More than that however, everypony seemed to be quite eager to see what he could do, and if nothing else he wished to insure they enjoyed themselves. Still, he was a little irritated that he had been unable to dance with Lady Twilight.

Glancing around at the eager faces of the ponies Derran smiled. They all stared at him with rapt attention, looks of wonder and curiosity on their faces. However, as his gaze passed over the crowd, Derran noted Twilight looking at him with an encouraging smile, and for just an instant Derran felt oddly self conscious. Nevertheless, he rallied quickly as his opponents began to appear. Derran had to give lady Starlight credit, she had an excellent sense of presentation.

The creatures appeared as clouds of smokey shadow. Billowing up from the floor, before resolving themselves into bipedal figures of roiling black mist with eyes of evil red light. A few ponies gasped in shock as nearly a dozen of the creatures appeared between Derran and the crowd, surrounding him. They certainly looked menacing enough, their bodies hunched over slightly, as long, almost simian arms, hung down next to barrel like chests perched atop thick legs. Featureless ovoid heads turned to look at Derran eyes narrowed in anger. Despite being little more than three dimensional outlines, the illusions were unsettling enough to make several ponies take a step back. Derran however, found them almost comical, as compared to the legions of hell, they were about as intimidating as a picket fence.

Looking away from his opponents for an instant Derran noted Pinkie up on stage next to another pony. This pony had a white coat, with a mane comprised of two shades of blue, styled in such a way as to put one in mind of somepony who had put their hoof in an electrical outlet. On her face she wore a pair of shades with reflective purple lenses, and she bore a cutie-mark depicting a musical note. Currently she and Pinky were positioned behind a DJ's turntable. As Derran's gaze passed over them Pinky raised her hoof, and smiled to indicate they were ready, and Derran responded with a nod. Then music began, and Derran raised his fists in a combat stance, his eyes narrowing, and his gaze intensifying as he allowed himself to be swept up by the beat and lyrics. . .

Hail to the King

Twilight watched as Derran fought, and felt herself blown away. It started with the first two shadow creatures charging him, and throwing a punch simultaneously. Derran smashed both aside with ease, blocking and redirecting the blows with his forearms and sending the two stumbling off balance. Pivoting on one foot Derran knocked the creatures legs out from under them with a low sweeping kick before turning to meet the next pair who lashed out him with clawed hands. Grabbing the second pair's wrists Derran turned, pulling them over his shoulder and slamming them down onto his first pair of assailants causing all four to disappear in a puff of smoke. He then turned to face the remaining eight attackers, who charged at him with suicidal abandon.

Derran met their charge with his own, dodging blows and then striking back with brutal punches to the head and chest. The creatures exploded with every return strike, unable to withstand Derran's inhuman strength, and soon only one remained. Almost on cue, this one grew to twice its normal height, pointing its clawed finger at Derran contemptuously just in time for the song's next echoing lyric.

(stand down you ain't ready for the crown)

Derran's response was as theatrical as it was effective, ducking under the creature's reach and jumping, to land a flying spin kick on it's solar-plexus. Sending it hurtling away with the force of a cannon shot. As more of the creatures spawned and the music played, Derran turned to face his foes with a look of fierce determination on his face, his white trench coat swirling and billowing around him like it was alive.

Derran's enemies outnumbered him ten to one, yet fell like dominoes before a hurricane. One leapt into the air in a flying kick, only for Derran to grab it by the ankle and hurl it into it's fellows with bone shattering force. Another got close enough for a straight punch, only for it's arm to be caught and used as a lever to throw it thirty feet through the air, to explode against a wall. One came in behind, and without Derran so much as turning his head, was struck between the eyes with the back of a fist causing it to recoil, clutching at its face in pain, before being sent flying with a spinning reverse kick to it's left temple. Next, three shadows tried to overwhelm their target in a combined attack, but Derran was ready. Dodging around the first he forced its right knee forward with a simple kick, putting it into a kneeling position, then snapped its neck with a casual twist. The second was hit in the stomach with a light punch, then as it doubled up, Derran brought his elbow down on the point where it's neck and shoulders met, sending it crashing into the floor where it burst like a water balloon filled with smoke. The last threw a desperate punch, but had its fist caught in Derran's palm before it was forced back against its arm, breaking its wrist. The creature fell to its knees in pain before Derran pulled it forward and kneed it in the stomach hard enough to send it flying to burst against the stage.

Briefly the music slowed, and Derran took a moment to compose himself, as thirty more shadows appeared to surround him, with even more still forming. Closing his eyes, Derran exhaled slowly, relaxing the tension in his muscles as he readied for the coming battle. Then his eyes snapped open, burning with furious purpose, and his body exploded into a blur of movement. . .

How many shadows Derran had defeated as the song wound down, not even he could have said. He destroyed them without even thinking, his body acting on pure destructive instinct as the dance floor became a whirlwind of sound and colored lights. He dodged and countered, blocked and riposted, evaded and charged, every movement as measured and precise as if it had been choreographed. The shadowy simulacrums died so quickly and efficiently, that at times Derran was completely obscured by their body's smoky explosions. The battle raged on without pause, until at last, only three shadows remained. Charging in together they all jumped, coming at him with three flying kicks from three different directions, hoping to leave him no way out. Derran didn't even appear phased as he leapt into the air, sending two shadows flying with a split kick to their jaws while leapfrogging over the third, using it's head like a spring-board. The two that had been kicked exploded just before they reached the audience, leaving the third to crash to the ground in a heap. However the last shadow dutifully picked itself up and charged at Derran's back. Only for Derran to whip around at the last second, knocking aside the shadow's punch with his forearm, before sending it hurtling away with a perfectly timed strike to the side of its head. Derran finished the fight in a ready stance with one arm cocked back at his waist, the hand curled into a fist, while the other, the hand open and flat, was held in front of his chest as a guard. Derran's face held a look of fierce concentration as he stood with both feet planted wide to maximise the solidity of his footing.

For an instant after the music finished, there was utter silence. Derran stood in the center of the dance floor, his face calming, as his hands fell to his sides, and he awaited the crowds reaction. Then, as if on cue, the entire club was shaken to its foundation by roars of approval and the thunder of applause. The ponies were in awe, as they had never seen anything like it. Led by Rainbow Dash, the Wonderbolts greeted Derran as he left the dance floor with raucous cheers of approval.

"That was INSANE!" Rainbow Dash commented.

"Oh? I did alright then?" Derran asked mildly, with a small smile, and a look of mischief dancing in his eyes.

"Alright?! That was literally the coolest thing I've ever seen! It was like you were fighting and dancing at the same time, and they couldn't even touch you!" Rainbow gushed, before suddenly realizing what Derran had meant before. Cornered and caught off guard by her request, he had made the small victory meaningless by completely stealing the show. Something of the realization must have displayed itself on her features, as Derran's next comment sounded suspiciously like a philosophical lesson.

"Sometimes the only way out, is through." He stated with a smile. Rainbow however just shook her head and smiled, conceding defeat. After seeing a show that amazing, who cared if she had a little egg on her face.

"Wow, can you imagine what would have happened if we'd had this guy during the Changeling attack on Canterlot? Chrysalis's invasion would have never even made it past the front gate!" One of the Wonderbolts declared loudly, and for an instant Derran stiffened. However before he could say anything in reply, a new voice cut through the chaos. . .

"Absolutely smashing performance Mr. Grandel, never seen anything like it." Turning toward the direction of the speaker Derran beheld a distinguished looking unicorn stallion in a tuxedo. He had a perfectly parted, shining blue grey mane, with a pencil thin mustache of the same color, and had a coat of purest white. His cutie mark was of three crowns in a reverse triangle formation, and in front of one of his light blue eyes was perched a monocle. The pony was surrounded by a group of other elegantly dressed ponies, who's expressions practically screamed sycophant. The one exception was the mare who was directly at his side, who's observant gaze and calm smile, seemed far more aware than any of the others. Derran smiled at the stallion and offered a polite bow.

"You honor me, Lord. . .?"

"Fancy Pants." he replied with a respectful inclination of his head.

"Lord Fancy Pants." Derran stated with a warm smile, that Fancy Pants returned with a genuine laugh.

" Just, Fancy Pants is fine, oh, and this is my companion Fleur-de-lys." He explained, gesturing to the pony next to him, it was the mare Derran had noticed before. She was unusually tall for a unicorn, at least as tall as Cadence. She had a brilliant white coat, and a soft pink and white mane that had been styled to perfection. Her cutie mark was of the same configuration as Fancy Pants, only with three fleur de lys's one gold, and two purple, her dark purple eyes looked out at Derran with a formidable, yet carefully concealed intelligence, reinforcing his belief that she was more than a mere hanger on.

"It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance Lady Fleur-de-lys." Derran stated sincerely, with another respectful bow. Oddly, Fleur did not reply verbally, instead bowing her head and smiling. A second later Fleur shot a barely perceptible look to Fancy Pants, who acknowledged it with a faint nod before turning back to Derran.

"Er, sorry to bring this up Mr. Grandel, but I've heard word through the grapevine that you have quite the talent when it comes to vocal performances, and I was wondering if there was any chance you were planning on singing tonight?" Derran arched an eyebrow, most nobility that he knew were conceited at the best of times, but Fancy Pants seemed genuinely uncomfortable making what could be interpreted as a request for another performance. What's more, it was clear Fancy Pants was not actually the one asking the question.

"Hey yeah, Derran you should totally sing!" Called out Rainbow Dash, it was then that Derran saw the mischievous look in Fleur-de-lys's eyes, and a number of things fell into place, as suddenly Rainbow's call was swiftly echoed by other party goers. Derran's eyes widened slightly as he realized he was being outflanked, and his gaze narrowed as he looked into Fleur-de-lys's eyes again. It was clear now that the question of him singing had been intended to plant the idea in the minds of the ponies surrounding them. The hope no doubt being, that he would acquiesce to a crowd where he might refuse an individual. Derran frowned, he was not one who enjoyed being manipulated. . . and he could play this game too. Turning to Fancy Pants he smiled.

"You have a very formidable sister Lord Fancy Pants." Derran commented nonchalantly, keeping his voice low enough that only Fancy Pants could hear him. The effect was immediate, as Fancy Pants's eyes widened to the point that his monocle fell out, and Fleur-de-lys gave Derran a look of surprise that swiftly turned into an admiring smile. Derran then continued talking at normal volume as Fancy Pants retrieved his monocle. "Perhaps I may be persuaded to give a small performance later." Derran stated calmly, but with a distinct air of finality. "But first I must attend to my date. Please excuse me everypony."

Turning to leave, Derran paused to stare directly into Fleur-de-lys's eyes once more. She responded with a genuine smile, before casting her eyes downward apologetically, and then offering a nod that Derran returned after a moment. In Equestria, as in Kemed, the nobility and political class had a language spoken with the body and face, rather than the voice. It was used to communicate simple concepts, usually threats, or simple offers. It was the language of those who never spoke the truth directly, and to whom subtlety was less a concept, and more a way of life. Derran's father had spent many years schooling him in the intricacies of this secret language. To the outside observers Fluer-de-lys and Derran had done nothing more than lock gazes for a few seconds, but to one versed in the art of talking without speaking, the conversation went:

{That was very impressive, I meant no offence, and I would like to be friends.}

{No offence is taken, I accept your offer of friendship.}

"Forgive me Lady Twilight." Twilight looked at Derran with a puzzled expression as he approached, having finally managed to extricate himself from the clamoring crowds of ponies that had surrounded him to profess their admiration of his performance.

"What for?" She asked curiously, as Derran moved to stand in front of her.

"I should not have left your side so abruptly. You are my date this evening after all." Derran responded with a slightly embarrassed expression. Twilight smiled.

"Don't worry about it, you were amazing out there. . . I really enjoyed watching." She admitted with a smile and a faint blush, as she recalled the sense of awe and excitement that had run through her as she watched Derran's movements on the dance floor. Twilight had seen him fight before, but only now that she had a chance to observe him without fear of danger, was she able to truly appreciate his skill. Derran had been immaculate, every movement flowing into the next in time with the beat of the music, making it impossible for Twilight to say if Derran was fighting or dancing.

"Thank you my Lady." Derran stated, and for a moment he seemed to hesitate, as if wrestling with some internal doubt. Had he been less involved with his own mental quandary, he might have noticed that Twilight seemed to be suffering from a similar situation. "Milady, would you-"

"Wanna dance?" Twilight blurted out suddenly, cutting off Derran's own request. The pair's eyes registered mutual shock for an instant before they laughed nervously.

"I would love to." Derran stated, offering up his hand for Twilight, and Twilight smirked feeling slightly giddy as she placed her hoof in his palm.

"You sure?" She asked, feeling inexplicably playful. "Your public seems to want you to sing." Twilight stated coyly, unsure where this playful feeling had come from, but finding that she liked it.

"My public, will simply have to be patient then," Derran replied smoothly, as he followed Twilight onto the dance floor. A small corridor opened among the surrounding ponies as they noted in hushed whispers Derran and Twilight's appearance amid the gyrating crowd. "as I have more pressing matters to attend to." He finished with a whisper in Twilight's ear, causing a pleasant thrill to shoot through her body.

Taking their place on the dance floor, Twilight raised herself up on her back hooves, placing her forehooves in Derran's left and right hands. Derran smiled, as he reflected how fortunate it was that the physiology of Equestrians was so markedly different from the horses and other Equines of D'nur. The ponies utterly unique muscular and skeletal systems allowing them to stand and walk in much the same manner as a human if they so chose. Most Equestrians still preferred to keep all four hooves on the ground, as standing on two hooves for long periods was often uncomfortable, but it was by no means foreign, and Derran often found it almost lamentable that humans lacked the same flexibility of motion.

Derran was pulled from his thoughts as the music began. It had no words, only a simple techno beat of alternating tempo that seemed to encourage no particular form of movement. Nevertheless, Derran did his best to allow himself to be pulled in, trying to adapt his movements to the song as best he could. Derran briefly felt a surge of panic as he realized he had no clue what he was doing, it had been far easier to fight to music than it had been to dance to it. Truth be told, Derran had never been much of a dancer, outside of a few simple slow dances for formal occasions that his father had demanded he learn, and for a moment he feared his lack of experience would ruin Twilight's good mood. However as he looked into the eyes of his partner, Derran felt his worry inexplicably vanish.

Twilight's smiled up at him with an expression of happy confidence, completely unconcerned with Derran's clumsy movements, or anything other than whom she was with. As they moved together, Derran unknowingly followed suite, tuning out his surroundings, and focusing only on the mare in front of him, and he began feeling a strange sense of calm overtake him. As the song progressed, the pair seemed to grow numb to the world around them. Existence itself seemed to fall away for them. The crowd, the lights, the music, even the floor beneath their feet and hooves, seemed to disappear into oblivion. Ice blue met sunset purple as Derran and Twilight's gazes locked, and all sense of time or place disappeared.

At that moment, Derran felt a sensation that was all but unrecognizable, yet at the same time hauntingly familiar. It emanated from deep within him, and subsumed all else before it in his mind. The feeling was. . . strange, and he likened it to an old photograph so worn that it was impossible to make out more than a vague outline. The feeling was known to him, yet he could not name it, then as he struggled to bring it into focus, Derran's mouth began to move, but he had not the slightest idea what he was about to say.

"Twilight I. . ." He began before abruptly stopping as an expression of pain flitted across his features, suddenly a new emotion gripped Derran with a sensation like he had plunged headfirst into ice cold water. A feeling of indignant rage and acute terror tearing through his mind like an out of control train. Vanishing so swiftly as to be almost imaginary, the experience nonetheless caused Derran to freeze in his tracks, ripping him wholly from the pleasant world of a moment ago, and slamming him back into reality with a brutal finality. Only after taking a moment to collect himself did he realize the song had ended, and that somepony was addressing him.

"Wow Derran, that was just awful." Snickered Rainbow Dash. Derran struggled to maintain his composure as his head snapped around to look at Rainbow with momentarily panicked eyes. Rainbow instantly stopped laughing, pausing for a moment to look at Derran curiously, and she wasn't the only one.

"Derran, is something wrong?" Twilight asked, her voice etched with concern. Derran rallied quickly, putting on a face of calm reassurance.

"Of course not milady, forgive me, for a moment I thought I might have forgotten something important, it was nothing though." He stated with a smile, the dark feeling already fading back into the depths of his mind. Twilight nodded slowly.

"Alright, if you say so. . ." She trailed off, clearly still concerned. "What was it you were about to say then?" She asked curiously. Derran shook his head as he tried to replay the scene in his mind.

"I'm afraid I can not seem to recall." He said truthfully, frowning and feeling a faint stirring of anxiety as he tried to understand what had just happened.

"Was it an apology for your dancing?" Rainbow jabbed, trying to instill some humor into the situation. Derran didn't reply as he finally released Twilight's hooves, unaware until that moment, that he was still holding them. Turning to face Rainbow, Derran was saved having to respond to her by the music cutting out and the voice of Pinkie Pie being broadcast over the speakers.

"Hey everypony! I hope you're all having a super fantabulous, ultra-great time!" The crowd responded with a roar of assent. "Awesome! Now, I know the party hasn't been going that long, but so many ponies keep asking that now it's time for. . . THE LIVE BAND KARAOKE CONTEST WHOOO!!" Pinkie's shrieking pronouncement was greeted by an even greater roar of approval, as an assortment of ponies bearing instruments appeared on the stage to wave at the crowd. "We got some of the best musicians from around Equestria to agree to play here tonight, if it's an instrument they can play it!" The ponies onstage nodded and waved as the crowd screamed and stomped their hooves in greeting. "So. . . who's going to be the first pony to step up and show us what they got!?" Pinkie challenged, her enthusiasm seeming to peak as she screamed out the last few words, and inwardly Derran sighed as the face of almost every pony present turned to look at him with eager anticipation.

"Guess the dance is over. . ." Twilight stated, trying hard to mask the disappointment in her voice. She had very much wanted to continue.

"I do not have to sing." Derran replied, surprising even himself, as the words came without thought or hesitation. Twilight briefly considered requesting that Derran stay at her side, but just as quickly dismissed the thought with a smile and a shake of her head.

"No, you go ahead, it's not like we'll be able to dance during the contest anyway, and besides. . ." Twilight trailed off for a moment, averting her gaze as she felt her face grow warm. "I want to hear you sing too." At Twilight's admission Derran felt the strange feeling from earlier return, a muted emotion that that seemed familiar yet distantly obscure. The feeling was warm, and brought an unbidden smile to his face. However just as swiftly the other feeling returned like a punch to the gut, and Derran struggled not to flinch as a rising feeling of self loathing vied with the other emotion for prominence in his mind.

This time however Derran was intent on not allowing the moment to be ruined, and mentally crushed the feeling of self hatred, shoving it back into whatever dark sections of his mind it had sprung from with a savage will. Lady Twilight was having a good time, and Derran would be damned if he let that be ruined just because he couldn't keep his shit together! Forcing new life back into his momentarily faltering smile, Derran took Twilight's right hoof in hand. He could not have stated why he felt the need for so forward a gesture, but at that moment he found it impossible to care. Twilight instantly looked up to meet his gaze, her face blazing. Off to the side Rainbow smirked, but said nothing as Derran placed his other hand atop the held hoof.

"Then I shall do my utmost to make this a performance to remember my Lady." Derran stated, the unidentified feeling inside him swelling to new heights. In the back of his mind, the voice of duty in Derran's head screamed in protest, demanding to know what in the exalted heavens he thought he was doing. . . but that voice, was just a whisper now. As Derran released Twilight's hoof and made his way toward the stage. "If none object!" He stated pausing for a moment and looking around the room with a small smile. "I would like to claim the first song!"

The room once more erupted into a cacophony of cheers and applause at Derran's words, and Pinkie let out a surprisingly demure giggle.

"Sounds like everypony's cool with it. Come on up DG!" Derran chuckled as he ascended to the stage. He had lived for well over a millennia, and had been addressed by a myriad of titles both complementary and derogatory, but until this moment Derran could not recall a single instance in which he had ever been hailed as "DG". Derran smiled out at the crowd as he took his place behind the mic, noting that Twilight and Rainbow had been joined by the entirety of the friendship council (again minus Pinkie) and their immediate family, all taking up positions near the edge of the stage.

The group Included Starlight Glimmer who on seeing Derran flicked her ears in his direction, the pony version of a thumbs up. Derran acknowledged the gesture with a nod, before fixing his gaze on Twilight's smiling face, and savoring again the strange warmth her presence seemed to inspire within him. Rainbow cheered loudly along with Shining Armor and Spike, while Rarity, Cadence, and Fluttershy smiled and politely applauded. At Fluttershy's side Discord wore a nervous smile, as he pretended to be interested in the wall off to his left, and Derran forced himself to suppress a fleeting feeling of anger.

"What shall I sing?" He asked as the crowd began to settle.

"Who cares?! Just get on with it!" Answered Rainbow loudly to the cheering agreement of the surrounding crowd. Derran laughed before giving Rainbow a smirk.

"By the group: 'Barking Random Orders' I take it?" He asked archly, to a smattering of good natured laughter. "Hmmm," Derran continued, stroking his chin. "Oh, I know, lady Pinkamena, might you have the sheet music for the song: Castle of Glass?" Pinkie nodded before grabbing a stack of papers behind the DJ turntable and becoming a streak of magenta that passed by the musicians behind Derran in a flash, leaving the music on the stands in front of them.

In any other dimension save this one, the group would have undoubtedly protested. Stating that they would need weeks of practice before being ready to play a song they had never heard of, let alone play in a band that had simply been thrown together out of random musicians. However in Equestria such things were unnecessary, as the same force that made the power of song so universal here, also extended to the music that went with it. By a power too ethereal to name music in this land had a power all its own. Almost to the point that it seemed less like ponies were creating the music, and more that they were simply conduits through which music flowed, and that came from a source none could name.

"Okie dokie, all set!" Pinkie stated proudly.

"Many thanks my lady." Derran responded with a nod of gratitude. "This song was always a favorite of. . ." Derran paused for a moment, and his smile seemed to grow pained for an instant, causing some ponies to glance up at him curiously. Shaking his head however, Derran simply continued as if nothing had happened. "of someone very close to me." He stated simply. "I often find it running through my head when I am in Lady Twilight's castle, I am certain you will understand why. It is called, as I said, Castle of Glass, please enjoy." He said giving a nod to the musicians behind him.

The music began with a pre-recorded sound reminiscent of distant machinery establishing the beat, it was then joined by notes from synthesizer that started out in a manner that was almost jaunty, before becoming far more haunting. Then the song began.

Castle of Glass

The song was as haunting as the melody, evoking a sense of melancholy similar to what might be felt with the sight of a lonely figure far off in the distance. A figure who had traveled far and returned weighed down with sorrow and tragedy, to a world he no longer truly belonged in. Derran sang the song with his eyes closed, adding to the image with an expression that was calm yet tired. Then the song's tempo and volume increased, and Derran's eyes flew open, a joyful smile appearing on his face as the song continued.

Ponies eyes filled with tears even as smiles of pure joy appeared on their faces, as they understood what the song was describing. A stallion who has wandered in darkness returns to a place he once belonged, he has done wrong, and become incomplete, but is humble, and loves this place he once called home. It is his paradise, a place of purity, beauty, and love. He comes asking for help from this land he loves so much, wishing to relearn how to be what once he was. Starlight in particular struggled not to break down completely, she had a pretty good idea who the stallion was. . . even if he didn't.

Ponies whistled and cheered at the song's conclusion, many drying their eyes as they smiled up at Derran, who bowed along with the musicians.

"Thank you all, you truly are too kind." Derran stated sincerely. "now who wishes to be nex-"

"HOLD IT!!" Derran was cut off as a familiar voice shouted up at him from the front row.

"Is there a problem lady Dash?" Derran asked, mildly confused as all eyes in the room focused on the rainbow maned pegasus.

"You better believe there is! This is a party, and you sing a song that makes us all cry!? C'mon Derran you can't end your turn on that! Give us something happy! Something that really ROCKS!" Rainbow demanded, to the murmuring agreement of the crowd. Derran simply shook his head with a smile.

"Forgive me lady Dash, but you were the one who told me to sing whatever I wanted. If you had a request you should have made it earlier. My turn is up, and it wouldn't be fair for me to monopolize the mic just because you did not-"

"ALL IN FAVOR OF DERRAN GOING UNTIL WE SAY STOP!?" Rainbow shouted, cutting Derran off as she and every other pony in the room raised their hooves. Even Discord raised his hand, after being none-to-subtly prodded by Fluttershy. Derran frowned as he looked over the crowd trying to find even a single dissenter before focusing his gaze on the front row.

"Et' tu' Lady Twilight?" He asked, glancing down at his date with a feigned look of disapproval. Twilight shrugged as she smiled up at him.

"It is a party." She remarked with a slight giggle. Derran sighed, it wasn't that he minded going again, it was just that he didn't really care to sing rock songs. Not that he objected to them, he was actually quite fond of rock and other such music, it was just. . . they often seemed a bit more self aggrandizing than he felt a Guardian ought to be. However, he couldn't deny that if ever there was an appropriate time and place to let himself go a bit crazy, it would be here and now. Derran grinned, he supposed letting his hair down a bit more wouldn't kill him. . .

"Alright then, give me a moment though, I need to. . . set the mood, as it were." Derran's grin widened, as he reached behind his head to pull free the ribbon holding his hair in place. Twilight blinked, feeling a thrill go through her as several ponies 'oooed' suggestively or whistled. Maybe it was the way Derran's hair now framed his face in such a way as to make him look slightly wild, or maybe it was the way he was looking at her with a grin like a wolf, or perhaps it was how his stance altered, making him seem like a predator ready to pounce. Whatever it was, Twilight felt a strange heat pool in her lower body, making her feel . . . hungry, though she could not have said what for. Tossing aside the ribbon with a dramatic flourish, Derran fixed his gaze on Pinkie Pie. "Lady Pinkamena, I should think 'Runaways' should fit lady Dash's request. . ." He said with another grin, fixing Rainbow Dash with a look that made her cheeks color slightly. None in the audience could deny that Derran really did seem a natural in front of a crowd.

Pinkie dutifully nodded, placing the sheet music for the song on the stand before each musician in a flash of pink. Derran waited for a moment as they selected new instruments and spent a few seconds glancing over the notes. Then one of them nodded to Derran, a signal that they were ready. Derran returned the gesture with a brief grin, and the song began. It started with a strange guitar chord that seemed to warble threateningly, increasing speed rapidly till it suddenly stopped, and Derran, with a smile that was almost frightening, spoke a single word that seemed to echo across the room.


For an instant, some in the audience almost did, as in that brief moment, Derran wore a smile that counterintuitively looked both psychotically unhinged, and oddly sensual. then the momentary silence was split with an explosion of sound, courtesy of a pair of electric guitars, synthesizer, and drums. Derran's expression became a mysterious grin and he gripped the microphone firmly as he began to sing.


Ponies cheered, many banging their heads in time to the music as they allowed it to sweep them up in visions of the song's meaning. Through most of these visions a humanoid strode center stage, as he ran inexorably toward the unreachable horizon across a vast wasteland. The figure seemed to represent freedom incarnate in these images. Tamed by none. Where he ran, all would-be tyrants fell, and he reveled in the joy of living as he saw fit. Yet, the song also inspired a sense of sorrow, as if this creature was searching for something long lost, and that he might never find again. Yet never did the sorrow or any amount of failure overcome him, and he took joy in the journey, certain that one day he would find what he sought. In their minds, Derran's audience did not let this figure run alone. Each envisioned joining their path with his, they would be his pack, his family, his unflinching allies. They would share his tears, and his laughter, his triumphs and tribulations, they would help him find what he had lost, no matter where the search might lead. . . or how long it may take.

The Hoofbeat Club quaked with the force of the combined applause and cheers as the song ended, and once more Derran and the musicians took a bow. He smiled, this time his normal, gentle smile, as the crowd cheered his performance. However feeling slightly mischievous, Derran motioned for quiet.

"One more?" He asked with a smirk and holding out his right hand with the index finger extended, and the crowd responded with another roar of approval. "Very well then, Lady Pinkamena, could you perchance locate the sheets for the song 'Roar'?" Derran asked with a small smirk at Rainbow. "You asked for a song that 'Rocks' lady Dash. . . I intend to deliver it."

"Yeah, cause that one was way too tame." Rainbow replied with a smirk of her own. Derran just chuckled.

"Very well then. . . no more holding back." He stated with a grin, as he nodded to the band behind him who in turn signaled their readiness to begin. The music did not start immediately however. First came the amplified but unmistakable sound of a heartbeat, this was shortly followed by the metallic ring of windchimes and a loudly ticking clock. Suddenly a rapidly rising series of sounds cut in, swiftly reaching a crescendo before cutting out with a final echoing boom. As the echo faded away the pony on synthesizer began to play, the sound growing in volume, then as the synthesizer intensity reached its apex the drummer and guitarist exploded into life with a dramatic flourish of movement. An electric guitar screamed out before dying down as the song began. . .


What prompted Derran's move halfway through the song he would never know. Perhaps he had allowed himself to become too caught up in the song. Perhaps he thought it would enhance the performance. Or perhaps he had gone temporarily mad. Whatever the reason, as the lyrics paused and the sound of the electric guitar when into overdrive, Derran motioned to the crowd to create room. Ponies nodded, the crowd parting to create a corridor straight to Twilight. . . The instant there was space Derran set the microphone stand aside, bent his knees, and leapt into the air. Performing a mid-air barrel roll, Derran came down onto the dance floor in a crouch he had once heard referred to as a "superhero landing" his back to Twilight. Rising smoothly to his feet, he whirled around, his trench coat billowing around him as he walked slowly toward the awed mare.

Twilight felt frozen in place as Derran advanced toward her, his movements slow and deliberate. Derran wore a faint smirk that put her in mind of a cat that had just cornered a mouse. Derran's eyes smoldered with a look Twilight had never seen in them before, it was terrifying, but also incredibly enticing, and Twilight felt an excited thrill run through her. Finally Derran stood before her, and Twilight felt a faint urge to flee as she stared into his burning gaze, the aura of power that Derran constantly seemed to project, intensified as he went slowly to one knee, the music still playing. With a gentleness completely at odds with the power he was exuding, Derran took Twilight's left hoof in his right hand, and Twilight felt her heart nearly explode in her chest as Derran inclined his head, to place a feather-light kiss on the fur just above her hoof.

Then, Raising his head to smirk at Twilight's shell shocked expression, Derran reoriented himself into a crouch, before giving a final wink to Twilight, and leaping once more into the air to the roar of the crowd. His inhumanly powerful legs stood Derran in good stead, as he somersaulted once before landing on his feet atop the stage. Grabbing the microphone Derran's timing was perfect as he once more began to sing. . .

As the song ended, Twilight found herself feeling slightly lightheaded as the crowd gave their loudest cheer yet. Ponies swarmed the stage as Derran placed the mic to one side, thanked the musicians, and then returned to the dance floor. Between ponies clamoring for Derran's autograph, asking him for a dance, or just congratulating him, It took quite some time for the excitement to die down enough that he could finally return to Twilight's side. Looking slightly embarrassed, Derran cleared his throat, and Twilight saw that all traces of the persona Derran had displayed onstage seemed to have gone.

"Lady Twilight I. . . I hope that last performance wasn't too. . . er, presumptuous, of me? I fear I may have gotten a bit, carried away." Derran fidgeted as he spoke in an apologetic tone, and Twilight was surprised to see him looking distinctly embarrassed.

"Oh no!" Twilight blurted out, before taking a breath to calm herself. "I. . . actually really liked it." She said with a blush, before realizing how her words sounded, and hastily clarifying. "The performance I mean!" Derran quickly nodded his agreement.

"Er, of course. . . the performance. . ." Derran trailed off, suddenly feeling uneasy, though he wasn't quite sure why. Twilight giggled suddenly, causing Derran to raise an eyebrow in surprise. "Did I say something amusing?" He asked curiously. Twilight shook her head.

"No, it's just. . . with how you act most of the time, it's kind of surprising to know you have a wild side, that's all." She replied with a smile. Derran nodded slowly.

"I suppose there is still quite a bit you don't yet know about me. . ." He said, trailing off as he fought down another inexplicable surge of self-loathing. However the smile Twilight gave swiftly banished the darkness within Derran's mind, and he felt the corners of his own mouth turn upward unbidden.

"I know everything I need to." Twilight replied quietly, a faint blush appearing through the fur on her cheeks. Derran once again felt a sense of warm serenity envelop him at Twilight's words, however before he could offer a reply, she spoke again. "Want to get something to eat?" She asked, jerking her head at a nearby table ladened with food. Derran simply smiled, and nodded as he responded.

"That sounds lovely, my Lady."

The party passed as a blur of good food, pleasant laughter, and fine music. After Derran's performance several other ponies tried their hoof at various songs. This included several big name stars in the Equestrian music scene, including two he had been introduced to by Applejack and Rarity. One was a childhood friend of Applejack named Coloratura, whom Derran found to be a remarkably down to earth pony, with none of the ego or arrogance that so often afflicted big name stars. The other, a client of Rarity's, was a more typical example. She had been introduced as Sapphire Shores, and had immediately struck Derran as a bit of a primadonna, but was nonetheless polite and quite pleasant to talk to. Sapphire had insisted on giving Derran her agent's card, and suggested that they ought to do a duet some time. Derran had accepted the card, but had stated to Sapphire that he was not an entertainer by trade. A statement he got the impression she only half listened to.

All of the performances, big name and otherwise, had been wonderful, and Derran had been hard pressed to pick a favorite. After the last performance had concluded, Pinkie had declared that everypony had won the karaoke contest, and had presented each of the participants with a blue ribbon. Then the dance floor had been opened again, and Derran had found himself dancing with what felt like nearly everypony at the party. All were either courteous enough to not to mention how terrible a dancer he was, or having too much fun to care. Things got even better after Rainbow Dash, once she had finished laughing at Derran's atrocious footwork, suggested that he simply try using his fighting moves to dance. It took a few tries, but eventually Derran managed to alter his various hand to hand combat moves into a passable form of dance. After that, Derran was able to enjoy himself far more, though he made a mental note to take some actual dance lessons at the earliest opportunity.

Soon enough however the party started winding down, as the night grew long and ponies began to tire. As Derran and Twilight moved off the dance floor, he could see how exhausted she was getting. Cadence and Shining Armor had already left some time earlier, along with Spike, to relieve the babysitter they had left Flurry Heart with. Twilight's eyes were starting to droop, and many of the ponies around them were beginning to yawn.

"Much though I hate to say it milady, I think it is time we take our leave." Derran offered, as Twilight sunk gratefully into a fold up chair placed against the back wall.

"Yeah," Twilight replied, her voice subdued by her swiftly draining energy. "I think you're right." Tired though she was, Twilight still found herself sorry that the night had to end. However as she considered asking Derran for one last dance, she noticed a familiar figure approaching. "Hey Maud, what's up?" Twilight asked as the purple maned pony reached their side, her usual unshiftingly neutral expression on her face.

"The ceiling." She replied, as literal as ever. Twilight sighed.

"I meant is there something you wanted?" She clarified, too tired to even be exasperated. Maud nodded in response.

"My sister was wondering if Derran was willing to sing one last song to close out the party." Maud explained, her tone as monotone and unemotional as Derran remembered from the previous day.

"Please extend my regrets to lady Pinkamena, but I am afraid we were just about to head out,." Derran replied apologetically.

"Oh. . ." Maud replied, and Derran could have sworn he heard the faintest hint of disappointment in her otherwise mechanical tone. Twilight however placed a hoof on Derran's arm.

"I'll be fine Derran, go ahead if you want to." She stated, smiling up at him in a way that conjured another of the strange emotional upheavals he had been experiencing all night.

"Are. . . are you certain my Lady?" Derran asked hesitantly, as he once again felt his emotions war within him.

"Mmhm, I think one last song sounds wonderful." She stated in a soft tone, that suddenly made Derran feel as if singing another song was the most important task in the universe.

"Very well then. . . one last song." He said, moving past Maud and toward the stage. Maud and Twilight watched Derran go for a few moments, Maud's face still perfectly inexpressive, while Twilight's bore a look of loving admiration.

"So. . ." Maud began suddenly, her monotone voice still completely devoid of the slightest emotional expression. "what's it like dating the hottest stallion on the planet?" She asked, dispelling Twilight's exhaustion with all the subtlety of a lightning bolt.

Derran stood before the microphone with a certainty he did not feel. Inside, his own emotions warred, yet he still could not understand over what. He felt a profound sense of guilt that he could not account for, and that seemed to be intensifying in direct proportion to the unidentified feelings that Twilight seemed to be inspiring. It felt as if he was being spoken to by two different people in a language he did not understand. All he knew for certain was that one was speaking in a tone of gentle sweetness, and the other was screaming in naked fury. He had the impression of something being hidden. . . no, not hidden. . . forgotten? Or perhaps. . . Derran was forced from his thoughts by the voice of Pinkie Pie, the only person beside himself who seemed not to be tired.

"Ok everypony, it's time for the last song of the evening! A final farewell to the gods of cake and confetti! And who better to send us off than the guest of honor himself?! TAKE IT AWAY DERRAN!" Pinkie shouted, her enthusiasm completely undimmed by the late hour.

Banishing his conflicting emotions from his thoughts, Derran stood for an instant in silence. Only now did it occur to him that he had no idea what he should sing. Usually he had an easy time thinking of a song regardless of the situation, but now he drew a blank.

"Uh, you ok Derran?" Pinkie asked as his silence dragged on. Snapping out of his momentary stupor, Derran nodded.

"Yes, forgive me," He stated, as he finally thought of a song. However even as the audience looked at him expectantly Derran hesitated. This song was one he had not sung in a very long time, and with good reason. He had been there when it had been composed, just before he had left Equestria. It was a song that spoke of a promise made to this world, by heros that none would ever know existed. Only once had he sung it, over a thousand years ago, when it had been on the lips of the mightiest warriors who ever lived. For Derran it held great meaning, and deeper sorrow. "this song is dedicated. . . to those who could not join us tonight. . . to heroes who gave all they had, that this land might be protected. To. . . to those that even now, watch over us." Derran said, trying to disguise the tremor in his voice. "It is called. . . Citizen Soldier, and it was written by a very dear friend of mine, a very long time ago. Pinkie, if. . . if you would be so kind?" Derran asked, swallowing a lump in his throat as Pinkie nodded and passed out the sheets of music. Derran waited as the musicians behind him shuffled around, adjusting their instruments.

"Ready" Pinkie stated, her voice oddly quiet, as if she sensed that this was not a time for levity. Derran looked across the crowd to Twilight, who nodded encouragingly. Drawing a measure of certainty from Twilight's gesture, Derran took a deep breath.

"Begin." He said simply. The music flowed forth almost immediately, starting with exotic drums and synthesizer music accompanied by a sound like the passing of a long lost spirit, then abruptly switching tempo, to the mournful tune of an electric bass guitar.

Song: Citizen Soldier by 3 Doors Down

As he sang, Derran's expression became impossibly intense, and most would later swear, that had a single evil being dared his sight, it would have been scoured from existence by his gaze alone. Derran stared over the heads of the crowd as if seeing something nopony else could. As the crowd watched, Derran made a strange gesture, placing his right arm across his chest so that his fist came to rest over his heart. Though simple, the gesture was performed with immense weight, as if that single movement meant more to Derran than he could ever explain with words.

Suddenly the crowd gasped, as they were all simultaneously struck by the same feeling. It was as if they could sense somepony, no, a whole bunch of someponys all around them. Several glanced around in disbelief, certain they had just heard the sound of somepony in armour moving nearby. Others were stunned to feel ghostly hands placed reassuringly on their shoulders. Still more ponies would swear that they could feel somepony in front of them, as if standing to protect them from some unseen threat. Oddly, nopony felt scared or uneasy, rather they felt an unbelievable sadness. It felt to many as if something of inestimable worth had been stolen from them, however none among them could have said what it was. Yet even as tears streamed from the eyes of the audience, they felt invisible fingers gently wipe away the tears as the song continued.

As Derran concluded the song, he felt his mind transport itself back in time. He felt the wind at his back as he walked toward a portal of vile red and black energy. He heard the sound of over ten thousand voices roar out a final farewell, and then. . . for just an instant. . . he saw them.

Ten figures, each encased in ornate, mystically powered armour, but for their faces which remained hidden in shadow. Nine of them presented weapons in salute, while the tenth, standing before the other nine simply bowed low. All of them radiated the power and pride of warriors who knew no equal, save the ones they served. Derran felt tears spill from his eyes at the sight of them, he could not make out their faces, yet even as they turned away, he knew they were smiling. Raising his hand as if to prevent them from leaving, the vision shattered, and Derran found himself once more back in the Hoofbeat Club, his hand extended, and his expression filled with pain.

Most of the audience was looking around, bewildered by the phantom presences, and so did not see Derran hastily put his hand back down, and return his expression back to normal. Only one pony, overcome with sadness at the song, saw the word Derran mouthed at the end, as she ran out a side door, bursting into tears as soon as she was alone. Starlight Glimmer, of all the ponies present, only she understood the true meaning of the song, and only she understood the significance of that single unspoken word. . . 'Brothers'.

"Derran, are you ok?" It was the first words Twilight had spoken to Derran since they had left the club. Whatever had happened at the end of the party had caused Derran to become unusually quiet, only breaking his silence long enough to say a quick goodbye to everypony. As they began wordlessly walking home, it was as if a heavy cloud hung over Derran, and Twilight's question barely seemed to register.

"I do not know. . ." Derran replied in a faraway voice, barely sparing Twilight a glance.

"Did. . . did I do something wrong?" Twilight asked hesitantly. Instantly, Derran seemed to wake from his odd fugue state to give Twilight a look of surprise.

"No no, not at all my Lady, I just. . . I should not have sung that last song." He explained in an exasperated tone. "Even without the strange things that happened, that song has always reminded me of subjects I would rather not dwell on." He elaborated.

"I'm sorry," Twilight replied sympathetically. "is there anything I can do to help?" Derran turned to look at Twilight with a grateful expression.

"No my Lady, thank you, but I will be fine." He replied, as they continued to walk in silence. Above them, the night sky was lit by millions of stars that twinkled magnificently, like diamonds on a background of black velvet.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Twilight asked, looking upward with a sigh of contentment. Derran nodded.

"Indeed, I always loved these kinds of nights, they make me feel at peace. The trials of day to day life always seemed so trivial on nights like these." He replied, halting briefly as he stared into the heavens.

"Speaking of the day's trials, what exactly happened during that last song? I don't think it was a spell, or if it was, it was like none I've ever heard of." Twilight remarked as they continued toward the castle. Derran frowned thoughtfully before replying.

"Equestria has always been a land of oddities and miracles," He began slowly. "perhaps the land itself may be trying to remember what it was once forced to forget." He stated, and Twilight was not quite certain if the cryptic response was directed at her or himself.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked curiously, to which Derran simply shook his head.

"Nothing milady, I am afraid I am beginning to ramble as the hour grows late." He explained with a forced sounding chuckle. Twilight frowned, arching an eyebrow in concern, but then simply shrugged as the castle came into view. "It seems the night is nearly at its end, though I must confess to a part of me wishing it were not so." Derran said glancing down at Twilight, and to his surprise felt a strange sense of longing as she returned his gaze.

"Yeah. . . me too."Twilight replied, suddenly realizing just how much she meant it, despite being utterly exhausted. A short while later the pair reached the large opaque crystal doors that made up the main entrance of the castle. "I wonder why Starlight left so abruptly? Maud mentioned that she had decided to teleport home, but she didn't know why." Derran shrugged.

"I'm certain she had her reasons, she did look quite tired when last I saw her." Derran remarked, as they finally entered the castle. It was perfectly silent, Cadence, Shining Armor, Starlight, and Spike no doubt having already retired for the evening, and with a slight start, Twilight realized she and Derran were essentially alone for the first time that night.

"Derran?" Twilight asked tentatively.

"Yes my Lady?" Derran replied, suddenly feeling strangely self-conscious.

"Would. . . would you mind walking me to my room?" She asked, feeling oddly calm as she realized that the moment she had been both looking forward too, and dreading, all day, had finally arrived. Derran simply nodded, an inexplicable thrill running through him, as they ascended the stairs together. Walking down the corridor, Derran struggled to control his expression, as he felt another surge of inwardly directed disgust and hatred. Derran still did not understand the origin of these emotional eruptions, but at this point he had had all he could take. Exerting all of his willpower, Derran forced the feelings to the back of his mind, and held them there. He was going to hear what Twilight had to say without some mental glitch getting in the way of it. Then, once he was back in his room, he was going to get his head on straight even if it took a hammer to do it!

After a short walk, Derran and Twilight stood before the entrance to the master bedroom. Taking a deep breath Twilight steeled herself, and then turned to face Derran. She almost lost her nerve as she looked into his eyes, just barely resisting the urge to simply say goodnight, and then run to the safety of her room.

"Derran. . . there's. . . something I need to tell you." She forced out, ignoring the millions of niggling doubts that threatened to stay her words.

"What would that be milady?" Derran asked curiously. Twilight blushed as she tried to prop up her suddenly failing courage.

"Well. . . it's just that. . . the thing is. . . I. . . I. . ." Suddenly Twilight averted her gaze, her determination collapsing as she realized she wouldn't be able to go through with this. "It's nothing. . ." She said finally, in a voice filled with pain and sadness at the realization that her resolve had failed her. However as she turned to go she felt Derran gently place his hand on her shoulder. Turning back she saw him looking at her with a concerned expression. Twilight stared at the floor, unable to meet Derran's gaze.

"Mila- no. . . Twilight," Derran began, causing Twilight to raise her head in surprise as she heard him address her by name. "I know I may not be the closest friend you posses, and I know I have not been the most forthcoming individual you've ever known, but. . ." Derran trailed off momentarily as he gently placed his hand under her chin, raising her head so that she was looking him in the eye. As their gazes locked, Twilight could see Derran's sincerity and caring reflected in two spheres of azure, and all thought of trying to avert her gaze vanished, as Derran continued. "I am your servant, more than that however I am your friend, and I know something has been troubling you for the last few days. Please. . . whatever it is that you need to say, know that I want to hear it, not as your servant but as someone who deeply cares for you." Placing his hands on Twilight's shoulders Derran found his face far closer to hers than decorum would have deemed appropriate, but he had stopped caring. The feeling of warmth and joy he could not name was now the only thing guiding his actions and words, even as, in the back of his head, a voice frantically begged him to resist, to stop before he crossed some sort of line. Derran ignored the voice, determined to understand what this feeling was, and what it was trying to tell him. "Please Twilight, tell me what is wrong. . ." He said, placing his face ever so slightly closer.

For some time, the pair stood there in silence, each waiting for the other to say or do something. Twilight felt as if she was floating in mid air, she felt nothing, no worries, no concerns, and perhaps most importantly, no fear. Raising a hoof she placed it against Derran's cheek, feeling oddly calm as she began to speak.

"Derran. . . ever since the night when you Rainbow and I had dinner together, I was fascinated by you. Your confidence, your sense of duty, your intelligence, kindness, and strength. At first, it was just superficial, but. . . the more time I've spent with you the deeper I realized this fascination went, and. . . that it wasn't simple curiosity or friendship. . ." As she spoke, Twilight slowly began to lean forward, her doubt and uncertainty becoming ever fainter as the gap between them closed. "Derran. . .I"

Derran felt his heart hammering in his chest, as he felt himself mirror Twilight's movements, slowly but inexorably closing the distance between them. Regarding each other through half lidded gazes, neither felt truly in control of their actions, as if compelled by some undeniable magnetism. However even had that not been the case, neither had the desire to resist what was about to happen. Whatever the consequences of the next few moments, they would deal with it after. Barely an inch separated their lips, one. . . last. . . inch.

"Hey guy's when did you get back?" Spike asked sleepily.

The effect was instantaneous. Both Twilight and Derran's eyes shot wide open as they once more became fully aware of their surroundings. Derran flew to his feet as a feeling of dread and horror like none he had known for over a thousand years enveloped him. Meanwhile Twilight stumbled backward, tripping over her own hooves as a million unnamable neurotic fears, forced their way into her suddenly reeling mind. A moment later both turned to stare at Spike with expressions of mute terror.

"S-Spike?! Why are you. . . how long were you. . . what did you. . ." Twilight struggled to form a sentence as Spike simply stared at them with the look of non-comprehension unique to those who are only barely awake. With a large yawn Spike continued to stare blankly at the Princess and Doom Slayer.

"Just getting a glass of water." He explained, holding up a glass full of clear liquid. "You guys heading to bed?"

"YES!" Derran and Twilight both declared at once, far more loudly than was called for.

"W-we were simply. . . bidding each other goodnight!" Derran proclaimed, as he struggled not to let his face show how he was feeling. "Isn't that right Lady Twilight?!" He asked frantically looking to Twilight for support, and praying to the Light that Spike was as out of it as he looked.

"Yes! Yes that's it exactly! Goodnight Derran!" Twilight replied loudly, sticking out her hoof awkwardly. "It. . .uh, was a. . . lot of fun!" She declared stiffly, forcing a grin to her face.

"Indeed it was milady! We must do it again sometime!" Derran replied, shaking her hoof with an almost mechanical motion. "Well we better get to bed! Early to bed early to rise and all that!" Derran stated, releasing Twilight's hoof as if it had been electrified.

"Yup! Well, see you tomorrow Derran!" Twilight said, turning on her back hoof, opening her door, slipping inside, and slamming it shut with an indecent level of haste.

"Yes!" Derran replied, staring at the door before turning stiffly to look at Spike, who was wearing the same uncomprehending expression he had throughout the exchange. "Uh. . . have a good night master Spike!" Derran stated, before walking as fast as he could to his room down the hall. Once there, he quickly closed and locked the door, before discarding his trenchcoat, and rushing into the bathroom. Splashing ice cold water on his face, Derran spent several minutes staring down at the sink bowl. His hands shook as he fought the urge to vomit.

"What. Were. You. THINKING!?" He snarled, raising his head to glare at his reflection. "This is. . . it's. . . How could you?!" He hissed through gritted teeth, and looking at himself as if he desired nothing more than to reach into the mirror and strangle himself. "How could you LET THIS HAPPEN!?" He roared, gripping the edge of the sink so hard it began to crack. "How could you not see it before now!?" He raged. "This goes beyond unforgivable! This is. . . this is betrayal! And not JUST of Twilight!" Derran placed his face in his hands, taking a deep breath. "I can fix this." He said, letting his hands fall from his face and clenching them into fists at his side, while struggling to regain control of his emotions. "Tomorrow, I WILL fix this! I simply need to tell Twilight the truth, and. . . and then I shall take it from there."


The word was not heard exactly, rather it was. . . felt, seeming to come from nowhere, yet Derran could not have failed to notice it. The voice was cold, mocking, and dripping with contempt, however for all the malice in it Derran knew with absolute certainty that it was not the Crucible.

"Who is there?! Derran demanded, whirling around trying to locate the source of the word, but no speaker was revealed, and no answer came. Derran shook his head, feeling a headache coming on, had he imagined that voice? "No. . . it was there, and it sounded like. . ." Derran took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. "My name is Derran Grandel, I was born on the lost planet of D'nur over twelve hundred thirty years ago, I am a loyal servant to the Seraphim of Equestria, and I am in control." Derran held his eyes closed as he recited the mantra, unable to recall the last time he had needed to do so. "Tomorrow I will speak to Lady Twilight, I will explain everything, I WILL make this right. . ." He stated, his mind finally clearing as he headed toward the bed, kicking his shoes off as he did so. "Tomorrow. . ." He promised softly, as he allowed himself to slip into unconsciousness.

Celestia yawned as she sipped her coffee, a large smile on her face. She and Luna had just returned the night before from their diplomatic mission to Saddle Arabia, and she could not recall the last time she and her sister had had so much fun. The Empress and Shah had been wonderful hosts, and every day had been filled with amazing celebrations, good food, and spectacular new experiences.

"Thou seem to be in a good mood my sister." Luna observed, as she finished off her pancakes, and poured herself another cup of tea.

"Oh Luna, that vacation was just what I needed, I feel refreshed and rejuvenated." Celestia responded, giggling happily. Luna smiled, before quirking an eyebrow.

"I imagine thou shall need that energy, considering the backup of work thy absence has likely caused." She stated, sipping demurely from her teacup. Celestia made a face.

"Uggh, don't remind me." She groaned, setting aside her own drink. "I'm probably going to be buried for weeks." Luna glanced sympathetically at Celestia. As hard as her own job was, Luna still had to admit it was at least seldom boring. Fighting nightmares didn't have many perks, but at the very least there was no paperwork involved, she honestly had no idea how her sister avoided going crazy.

However just as Luna was about to offer some sympathetic words of encouragement, the door to the dining room banged open loudly. The stallion who entered seemed to define the word irritating, his short black and grey mane looked like it had been styled with a protractor, then held in place with concrete instead of mousse. Two beady grey eyes glared out at the world from beneath two razor thin eyebrows, and the edges of his mouth were downturned giving him a constant frown. This, along with the thin moustache that graced his upper lip, contrived to make him appear to be in a state of constant disapproval, which in most ponies opinion wasn't far from the truth.

"Your royal highness!" He greeted extravagantly giving a sweeping bow to Celestia before turning to regard Luna with a look of what he fondly thought was studied neutrality, but looked closer to annoyance. "Princess Luna." He greeted curtly, causing Luna to glare at him.

"Hello Silverhoof." Celestia replied, ignoring the sudden sense of exasperation her chamberlin always seemed to inspire. Silverhoof was easily the best stallion for the job when it came to clerical matters, even to the point of giving Twilight a run for her money. That said, he was tedious company even at the best of times, and what's more he seemed completely oblivious to it. Still, Celestia didn't doubt that her workload would have been far more arduous without his help. "May I help you with something?"

"Not at all, your grace, I simply wished to deliver some of the mail that arrived for you while you were away. As per usual I have brought only the most urgent matters, the rest await you once you are done dining." Silverhoof explained with another overdramatic bow."Wonderful" Celestia thought to herself as Silverhoof presented a small stack of letters on a silver platter. "I left your mail in your chambers Princess." Silverhoof stated dismissively over his shoulder to Luna, who had to resist the urge to throw something at him.

Silverhoof was one of the few ponies who still regarded Luna with suspicion, as if she would randomly turn back into Nightmare Moon at any moment, and he made little effort to hide it. He had been one of the most vocal opposing voices when her return was announced, and time had done little to improve their relationship. Celestia had many times tried to change Silverhoof's attitude toward Luna, but nothing had ever stuck. At one point Celestia offered to dismiss him if Luna wished, but she had refused. Luna wasn't that petty, and more to the point she knew how much her sister relied on Silverhoof. So for her sister, if not herself, Luna put up with Silverhoof without complaint. Picking up the first letter in her golden levitation aura, Celestia smiled when she saw whom it was from.

"It appears my old student sent a letter addressed to both of us," Celestia remarked, trying to cheer Luna up as she flicked open the letter with her levitation aura. "I wonder. . . what. . . she. . ." Celestia trailed off into silence as her eyes raced across the letter, her expression going from curious, to shocked, to something well beyond merely shocked. Celestia began breathing heavily almost to the point of hyperventilation as she gripped the letter with shaking hooves. Her entire body began trembling as tears filled her unblinking eyes.

"Sister?" Luna asked, a hint of panic in her voice, as she rose from her seat to rush to her siblings side. Celestia covered her mouth with one hoof as tears flowed freely from her eyes.

"It can't be. . . it. . . it isn't possible. . ." Was all Celestia could manage to say, her voice barely above a whisper.

Taking the letter from her sister's hooves Luna began to read, her eyes growing wider and wider, as her body too, shook with emotion.

"Could it really be?" Luna asked, almost unable to believe what she had just read as tears flowed even more dramatically from her eyes than her sister's. Unable to maintain her grip as her body was wracked by heavy sobs, Luna offered no resistance when Celestia plucked the letter from her hooves with her golden levitation aura, and proceeded to read it a second time. However, as she finished the letter she noticed something, something that made her expression darken instantly.

"This letter. . ." She began without turning to look at her chamberlain. "Why is it dated nearly two weeks ago?" She asked, her tone suddenly deathly calm. Silverhoof, oblivious to Celestia's drastic mood shift, simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Your majesty, left strict instructions that only the most urgent of matters should be forwarded to you, and the appearance of some obviously daft beast claiming to have known your esteemed self from over a thousand years ago hardly qualifies. I was quite confident that Princess Twilight was more than capable of handling it." Silverhoof explained as though it all made perfect sense.

For several moments following this explanation, nothing happened, then suddenly the temperature in the room began to increase, and the floor began shaking.

"Doesn't qualify. . ." Celestia repeated, panting with effort as she tried to contain herself. "BEAST?!" She snarled, turning to regard her chamberlain with eyes that had become pools of liquid fire. "Do you. . . have any idea. . . WHO THAT "BEAST" IS!? YOU IGNORANT! SELF IMPORTANT!! SIMPERING LITTLE TOAD!!!" Celestia roared, shaking the entire castle as her mane flared with the intensity of a supernova. Silverhoof was instantly blown away into a corner by a burst of mystical force, where he cowered before the wrath of his mistress. The chair Celestia had been sitting on burst into flame as she rose to stand, her hooves turning the stone beneath them to magma instantaneously as she advanced on her terrified servant. The entire mountain Canterlot stood upon, began to tremble in sympathy with Celestia's fury.

Never in her life had Celestia ever killed anypony or anything, it simply wasn't in her nature. She detested violence, and the idea of causing any living thing permanent harm sickened her. Even those who had attacked her, she had never wanted dead, though she was by no means afraid to defend herself, and while she had been angry before, she had never been angry enough to cause anypony serious injury. . . until now. At this moment Celestia was struggling to resist the temptation to teleport Silverhoof into the core of the sun.

"Get. Out." Celestia hissed, the floor beneath her turning cherry red as her hooves were surrounded by bubbling lava.

"Y-y-your m-m-majesty I-I-I-" Silverhoof stuttered, terror etched on his every feature.

"OUT!" Celestia roared, her voice audible for miles in every direction, shattering every window in the castle and the city beyond. As a tendril of pure energy lashed out from her mane and turned the table behind her to ash instantly. Silverhoof, too frightened to speak, nodded his head before tearing out of the dining hall as fast as his legs would carry him.

It took Celestia several minutes to compose herself as Luna watched, unsure whether to be impressed or worried. Not that she gave a damn about Silverhoof, in point of fact the only reason she had not flown into a similar fury was because her sister beat her too it. However she did not long reflect on such thoughts, as she was too busy considering the implications of Twilight's letter.

"Do you think. . . could it truly be him?" Luna asked softly, as if so much as considering the possibility might somehow make it untrue. Celestia, her mane and eyes returning to normal, shook her head in uncertainty.

"I don't know. . ." She replied, before her expression suddenly became one of fierce determination. "but we are going to find out."

"I shall summon a chariot at once to-" Luna began, but Celestia cut her off.

"No." Celestia stated firmly, as her horn began to glow with a brilliant golden light. "We are leaving now." she declared, and before Luna could reply both Princesses vanished in a flash of blinding white light. . .

Love the Sinner

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Twilight watched Derran as he served their breakfast, unsure how to approach the situation. She had barely slept a wink thinking about what had happened, or more accurately; almost happened, in the hallway outside her room. Twilight had expected to feel happy, after all she now had definitive proof that Derran was in fact, romantically attracted to her. However, since waking up that morning all she had felt was confused, and a little hurt.

Derran had barely said two words to her, and whenever he did address her directly, his tone seemed almost mechanical. Refusing to meet her gaze, Derran responded to questions with curt, yes or no answers, and all attempts at conversation with him died after only a sentence or two. In addition, Derran's whole personality seemed dramatically different, his usual aura of confidence was almost entirely absent, and his expression was like stone, save for occasional looks of worry whenever his gaze happened to fall on Twilight. Even the food he served them seemed to have suffered, as it was a relatively lackluster meal of scrambled eggs and toast with coffee. He also, oddly enough, had not changed out of his clothes from the night before, and was still in the same T-shirt and pants.

"So, Twily. . ." Shining Armor began, trying to ignore the pall Derran's strange mood had cast over breakfast. "you're having a meeting with the Friendship Council today right?" He asked, referring to the monthly meetings Twilight held with her friends to discuss new ideas for how to bring ponies together. Twilight nodded, her brother's question momentarily distracting her from her worries.

"Oh. . . yes, I actually was hoping you and Cadence would be willing to sit in, I wanted to present a proposal from Ember." She replied.

"The Dragon Lord?" Cadence asked curiously. "What did she want?"

"She had an idea for how to improve relations between Equestria and the Dragon Nation." Twilight explained, feeling herself perk up a bit as she recalled the festival Ember had proposed.

"Considering a band of her subjects torched Ponyville, and tried to murder you, I'm not sure how much I want to hear it." Shining grumbled. Twilight's gaze flicked to Derran, half expecting him to chime in at her brother's remark, but Derran seemed completely focused on his breakfast.

"That wasn't Ember's fault." Twilight admonished.

"Maybe." Shining replied, before looking across the table at Derran. "But even so, if it hadn't been for Derran here you would have been fried. Ember should have thrown Garble in prison, instead, she let him go."

"She was trying to be compassionate, I don't think there's anything wrong with that." Cadence offered, placing her hoof atop her husband's reassuringly.

"Misplaced compassion has sent more than one good man to an early grave." Everypony turned to look at Derran in surprise. His statement had been uttered in a tone that sounded very unlike him, it was cold, almost to the point of spite.

"That's a rather bleak outlook." Cadence remarked. Derran shook his head as if trying to banish his dark mood. Turning to face Cadence he attempted to smile, but in the end his expression looked more like a grimace.

"Forgive me Lady Cadence, I. . . did not mean to voice that thought aloud, I. . . I seem to be suffering an imbalance of humors, please forgive my outburst." He replied before standing up, his meal largely unfinished. "Now, if you will all excuse me, I need to prepare for work." Derran stated, clearing his plate before heading upstairs. Shining Armour turned to look at Twilight with an expression of concern.

"Did. . . did something happen last night between you two?" He asked, trying to keep the suspicious edge out of his voice. Shining didn't want to believe Derran would ever do anything to hurt Twilight, but this radical shift in behavior was impossible to put down to just Derran having an off day. Twilight blushed, staring fixedly at her plate, her mind racing as she tried to think up a reply.

"Uh. . . well, I. . . we sorta. . ." Twilight shifted nervously in her seat, as her brother's suspicious gaze intensified.

"Hey. . . didn't I see you and Derran in the hall outside your room last night?" Spike asked uncertainly, scratching his head as he tried to recall the hazy memory from the night prior. Twilight's head snapped up from her meal, her eyes wide and her face blazing. Shining's expression became one of ashen horror an instant before turning to one of barely restrained rage.

"Tell me what happened." Shining demanded through gritted teeth, his eyes flashing and his words slow and deliberate, as he tried to ignore all the horrible suspicions his imagination was providing him with. "Derran, if you and my baby sister did. . . THAT, then war god or not I WILL BUCKING MURDER YOU!" Suddenly Twilight gave her brother an icy glare that drove the anger right out of him.

"We didn't have sex Shining." Twilight stated coldly, causing Spike and Starlight to blush and take a sudden, and intense interest in their eggs. Shining's eyes bugged out as he opened and shut his mouth a few times, making him look remarkably like a fish out of water. "And even if we had, I don't see how it's any of your business!" Twilight finished sharply.

"You're my sister!" Shining shot back his anger instantly rekindled. "I'm supposed to worry about stuff like that!" Here he suddenly looked embarrassed, his cheeks coloring. "And besides you're too young for . . . that." He stated quietly.

"EXCUSE ME!?" Twilight snarled, feeling a flare of righteous indignation. "I'm a consenting adult! Not to mention a pony with her own free will, and oh yeah: The Princess of Bucking Friendship! If I wanted to have a different stallion every night, that is my prerogative, and my business, not yours!" Shining seemed taken aback for a moment before slamming his front hooves down on the table, anger writ large upon his face.

"I'm just trying to look out for you! I will not sit back and let you go. . . FORNICATING, with just any stallion that catches your eye!" He fired back, ignoring the extremely uncomfortable expressions on the faces of Spike and Starlight, while his wife rolled her eyes with an odd little smile on her face, as she placed a bubble of silence around her daughter who, fortunately, was to busy eating to notice her aunt and father's behavior.

"Fornicating huh? That's an awful big word bro, what? The word rutting to dirty for the big tough Prince's delicate sensibilities?" Twilight mocked. Shining's face reddened in anger, as he debated hurling a hooffull of scrambled eggs into his sister's smirking face. However, before Shining could decide, they were interrupted by the sound of Cadence being overcome with laughter.

"WAHAHAHAHAH-oh Celestia you two-HAHAHAHAH!" Twilight and Shining stared at Cadence with flummoxed expressions as she continued to laugh, almost falling out of her seat. "No matter how old they may get, siblings are still siblings." Cadence stated, wiping tears of mirth from her eyes. "Shining sweetie, you aren't exactly in a position to talk about 'to young for sex', or have you forgotten our first time? You remember? That night you came over to my house and my parents were away?" Shining's cheeks blazed as his wife continued to reminisce. "You were so cute when you asked me if I felt ready, and even cuter when I jumped you right after. . ." Shining's face was so red those assembled half expected it to catch fire, while his expression implied he would like nothing more at that moment than for the earth to crack open beneath his hooves and swallow him up. "Mmmmm." Cadence hummed with a contented smile, closing her eyes and shivering with delight as she allowed the memory to replay fully in her mind. "Do you remember how old we were back then?" She asked with a devilish smirk, Shining mumbled something under his breath that nopony at the table heard. "A little louder Shiny." Cadence requested with a loving smile, as her husband hung his head like a condemned prisoner.

"Sixteen." He mumbled, just loud enough to be heard. Twilight's expression went from mild shock, to a smile that looked almost evil.

"Is that right?" Twilight asked, smug practically dripping from her expression and words. However, before she was able to say anything more, Derran returned. Stepping into the room with his armor donned, and his helmet clipped to his belt, he glanced around the room, though he was still careful not to make eye contact with Twilight.

"Is everything alright? I thought I heard shouting?" He asked, his tone uncertain. Shining opened his mouth to say something, but Cadence cut him off.

"Oh, it's fine, just a little argument between brother and sister." She explained with a smile, as she surreptitiously deactivated the silence spell around Flurry. For an instant Derran's gaze flicked to the young alicorn, still happily stuffing her face, but if he noticed the spell, he did not comment on it.

"I see." He remarked, before turning his gaze to Twilight and taking a deep breath. "Lady Twilight, might I speak with you alone for a few minutes?" He asked, his tone formal as always, but heavy with unspoken worry. In a flash, all Twilight's plans for teasing her sibling vanished, to be replaced by a sudden intense anxiety. She had a feeling she knew what this was about. . .

Derran closed and locked the large crystal doors to the living room behind him, trying to ignore his ever increasing worry as he turned to face Twilight. She was clearly uneasy, and for once, he could think of no way to offer comfort. Perhaps he shouldn't have worn the armor, its intimidating appearance was hardly the kind of thing that offered reassurance, but he wore it anyway. Derran needed the armor, he needed to feel its weight on his shoulders, to remind him of the power he wielded, he needed. . . to feel strong. However, at this moment, looking down at the worried face of the mare before him, Derran felt anything but strong.

Opening his mouth he hesitated. How was he supposed to begin? Should he apologize? Should he beg forgiveness? Should he be blunt and just tell her directly, or should he give her a more nuanced explanation? Or dared he start with the admission of how he felt. . . Closing his mouth again Derran swallowed loudly, before trying once more.

"Twilight," He began, deciding to leave honorifics and titles out of this, this was not a time for formality. "about. . . about last night. . ."

"It was a mistake. . ." Twilight stated miserably, looking away to hide the tears forming in her eyes, as her ears flattened themselves against her head. Derran answered before he could even think about it.

"No." He stated firmly, the anxiety within him vanishing for an instant as he clarified his position. "What happened last night was. . . unexpected, but it was no mistake." He declared, before the anxiety returned, and he hesitated once again. He still had no idea where to begin. "Not that it matters, when you tell her you'll be lucky if she ever deigns to speak to you again." That thought brought with it a sudden clenched feeling in Derran's chest. As if something with icy cold claws was crushing his heart. He saw visions of Twilight's tear stained face, twisted with pain, as she looked upon him with an expression of abject loathing and betrayal. "She will hate me." Derran glanced down at Twilight, and suddenly became aware that he was breathing more heavily, and that a trickle of sweat was running down his back. Taking a breath to steady himself, Derran tried for the third time to begin.

"Twilight. . . I. . ." He managed to force out, even as his hand unconsciously went to his throat in response to a feeling akin to being choked. Forcing himself to calm down, Derran attempted to wall away his anxiety, however this time, it refused to be contained. "She deserves to know. She will hate me forever. She has a right to know. I could not bear to lose her. I almost kissed her, I must take responsibility! The truth will only cause her pain! Lies will make it worse! I HAVE TO KEEP HER SAFE FROM THAT PAIN!! A PAIN THAT YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CREATING!!" Derran's head ached as the argument with himself intensified. He closed his eyes struggling to regain focus. As he did so, Derran was momentarily surprised, when he felt something take hold of his hand. Even before he opened his eyes, he knew what he would see. Glancing down he saw Twilight looking at him with an expression filled with concern, as she held his hand in her hoof.

"Derran, please, whatever it is you need to say, I promise I won't judge you." Slowly, Derran nodded. "I must tell her the truth. Even if it means she will despise me." Derran once more took a deep breath, fortifying himself for what was about to happen.

"Twilight, I. . ." Derran struggled to continue as images of Twilight in pain assailed him. "I need to speak to you. . ." Derran felt his lungs constrict with every word, sweat beading on his brow, and a churning in his gut as he struggled to force out the words. "later tonight." He finally said, his heart clenching again, and his resolve giving out, as he realized that he simply could not go through with it. He needed time. . . time to think about what he should say, time to consider how he could make reparations for his mistake. . . he just needed time.

"Oh. . . ok." Twilight's replied after hesitating briefly, she seemed cheerful enough, but her response sounded ever so slightly forced, and in her eyes, Derran was almost certain he saw something like disappointment. However, he was unable to properly read it. Derran shook his head, hoping he had imagined it, as he turned and opened the door, unlocking it with a flick of his armored fingers. As soon as they entered the hall, Derran headed toward the castle entrance, but just before leaving, paused to look over his shoulder at Twilight. Putting on the best smile he could, Derran attempted to ignore the feeling of being sick to his stomach.

"I promise we shall speak when I return this evening, Lady Twilight." Derran stated, turning to give a hasty bow, before swiftly exiting and shutting the door behind him. Once outside, Derran leaned heavily against the door as a feeling of supreme shame overtook him. "I just need to gather my thoughts. . . I swear on my oath that I will tell her tonight." Derran promised himself mentally.


Derran whirled around, glancing in all directions trying to locate the source of the voice, and praying to the Light that this time he would find something. He didn't, but neither did the voice say any more. Derran took a breath, trying to ignore the chill that went to his very core.

"He is gone." Derran stated firmly. "He is gone, and he cannot return." So saying, Derran started running toward Sweet Apple Acres. Trying to ignore the thought in the back of his mind, that he had just made a horrible mistake. . .

Twilight sat down in her customary seat at the map table, her friends taking their own places in the high backed crystal chairs bearing their individual cutie-marks. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie had all arrived together just a few minutes after Derran left, and as always, their presence did wonders to lift Twilight's spirits. Rainbow Dash grumbled about it being way to early, while Pinky and Applejack passed out snacks. Rarity had brought a new flavor of tea that apparently was all the rage in Manehattan. Fluttershy helped Rarity brew the tea, while Twilight went over the agenda for the meeting. However before Twilight could even call the meeting to order, Rainbow Dash spoke up.

"So. . . what did you and Derran do after you left the party last night?" She asked with a smirk, and suddenly Twilight was overcome with the premonition that this meeting was about to get a lot longer.

"Ooh yes darling, and do give us all the juicy details." Rarity chimed in, looking positively giddy.

"I'd very much like to know myself." Added Shining Armour a note of suspicion in his voice. As, with what to Twilight's mind was the worst timing in history, he and Cadence walked through the door. Twilight looked around the room hoping to find support for getting on with the meeting, but found only inquisitive stares and eager grins.

"There's nothing to tell, we walked home, he escorted me to my room, we said goodnight. End of story." Twilight stated curtly, a hint of annoyance entering into her voice. Most of her friends faces wore looks of disappointment, all save three.

"Oh no you don't darling, I can tell your leaving something out, and I won't be satisfied till you tell us the whole story." Rarity declared with a slightly devious smirk.

"Rare's right, your hiding something, now spill." Rainbow agreed, her expression mirroring Rarity's.

"Now, now, Twilight, I was nice enough to side with you over my own husband at breakfast, the least you could do is share the full story." Cadence chimed in, her smile letting Twilight know she wasn't going to get a free pass on this.

"W-what makes you think I'm hiding anything?" Twilight asked nervously, suddenly regretting that she was surrounded by the ponies who knew her better than anypony. Rarity smiled as she poured herself some tea before answering.

"You have a 'Tell' darling." Rarity explained, taking a sip from her cup. "Whenever you're hiding something, your right eye twitches ever so slightly."

"Yep." Rainbow Dash agreed.

"Mhmm." Cadence said with a nod.

"Hey yeah, I forgot about that!" Shining declared aloud, suddenly trying to recall the details of Twilight's face from earlier. Twilight momentarily considered teleporting away until this all blew over, but based on her friends expressions, she was all but certain they'd just get Starlight or Cadence to track her with magic. However, just as Twilight was about to give in to their demands she was unexpectedly interrupted as the castle suddenly shook. Windows rattled, and the empty teacups on the snack table vibrated with a slight clatter, as all those present glanced around nervously.

"Uh, what was that?" Rainbow asked, slightly bewildered.

"Do you think it was an e-earthquake?" Fluttershy asked with an expression of worry.

"Felt a mite to small for that." Applejack remarked." But did any of ya'll hear somepony shout'n just now? Coulda' sworn ah herd somepony yellin sumthin a second ago. Applejack asked, a puzzled expression on her face.

"Ooh! Ooh! I did!" Pinkie called, out waving one hoof in the air frantically like she was still in kindergarten, before elaborating in a tone devoid of any particular concern. "Funny, it sounded an awful lot like Celestia, maybe she ate some bad birthday cake?" Before anypony could respond to that however, there was a faint commotion from down the hall. A few moments later Starlight burst into the room. She was out of breath, and looked more than a little scared.

"Uh, everypony, Celestia and Luna are both here and-" Starlight was cut off by a magically amplified shout that was almost as frantic as it was loud.

"DERRAN!? DERRAN ARE YOU HERE!? PLEASE, SHOW YOURSELF IF YOU ARE!!" To everypony's surprise, it was Celestia. Never had any of them heard the solar Princess use the Royal Canterlot Voice, nor had any of them ever heard her sound so. . . desperate. Twilight, processing the sound of her mentor in distress, instantly leapt from her chair and headed for the door.

"Come on everypony, let's see what this is all about." Cadence declared firmly, following in her sister in law's wake.

The group arrived in the front entrance just in time to see Luna literally buck open the door to the dining room like she was a cop in the middle of a bust. Glancing around, she spotted Spike cleaning up the last of the dishes from breakfast, and pinned him to the spot with a glare that commanded instant obedience.

"Where is he?!" She growled, causing Spike to back away a step, too terrified to respond. "SPEAK!!" Luna roared, giving Spike the full benefit of her own mystically enhanced voice, and sending him tumbling onto his rear, the stack of plates in his claws flying across the floor. Before Spike could rally the courage to reply, Luna cast her gaze at the scattered plates and remains of the scrambled eggs now dotting the floor. Without an ounce of hesitation she levitated a piece of egg into her mouth and chewed for a moment. Suddenly her eyes widened, and she spat the partially masticated egg out to one side.

"A dash of garlic salt, and just a hint of Cayenne pepper for spice." She intoned as if she was in another world, before yelling over her shoulder. "SISTER HE WAS HERE!" Before anypony could ask a question, Celestia appeared in a flash of light, as she teleported away from ransacking the room across the hall.

"You're sure?!" Celestia asked, her voice still sounding desperate, as if afraid to believe what she was hearing.

"Scrambled eggs with garlic salt and Cayenne pepper in exactly the correct portions, I'd know his cooking anywhere!" Luna proclaimed triumphantly.

"You're looking for Derran, right?" Asked a familiar voice. An instant later, Spike the Dragon found himself considering all the benefits of swearing a vow of silence, as the two most powerful beings in the world glared down at him with expressions that made them look slightly unhinged.

"Then. . . you've seen him?" Celestia asked tentatively, her eyes wide, and her voice almost a whisper. Spike nodded, as the princesses gazes bored into him.

"Y-you j-just missed him, h-he's on his way to w-work at Sweet A-apple Acres." Spike stuttered, relieved when the two alicorns turned to look at each other, and doubly relieved, when Twilight and the others appeared in the door looking as worried as he felt.

"Celestia, Luna, what are you-" Twilight began but was cut off by the solar monarch.

"We'll get him to come to us then." Celestia declared to Luna as if she had not heard Twilight's words.

"Indeed my sister let us-" Luna found herself interrupted as Twilight finally lost her patience.

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!" Twilight had not used the voice amplification spell since Garble's attack, and where she got the courage to use it to shout at Celestia and Luna she would never know, but it seemed to work, as the princesses finally turned to look at her. The slightly crazed look in their eyes faded, and as they noticed the gaggle of stunned ponies in the doorway staring at them, they blushed with embarrassment. However, Celestia swiftly rallied to speak with her former student.

"Forgive us everypony, I know we just barged in here without explanation, and I'm certain you all have a great deal of questions, but please, as a favor to us, just let us see Derran Grandel first, and I promise we will both tell you everything you want to know . . . please?" Twilight was stunned, she had never heard her former teacher sound like this. She was practically begging.

"Sure, I guess. . . we can all head over to Sweet Apple Acres together." Twilight agreed, but Celestia shook her head.

"Thank you Twilight, but that won't be necessary." Celestia stated with a smile as her horn began to glow with the golden radiance that was her magical aura. Taking a deep breath she spoke in a clear, solemn voice. "Guardian, aid me in my hour of need." The glow around her horn flared briefly, and then disappeared. "There, he should be here as soon as he can." Celestia declared, looking at the door with an eager expression that mirrored the one on her sister's face. As everypony present resisted asking the question of just what it was Celestia had done.

Derran arrived at Sweet Apple Acres feeling like he had just been diagnosed with a terminal illness. The world around him felt as if it had devolved to a lifeless grey blur, all color and meaning drained by a sense of inescapable crushing guilt. With steps that were barely above a stumble, he was so lost in this miserable fugue state that he barely noticed the faint tremble in the earth. His head breaking the surface of his inner thoughts just long enough to dismiss it as the vibrations of a rockslide from the small cluster of mountains a few miles distant from Ponyville, before returning to his borderline delirium. Derran was oddly reminded of another dark moment in his long life, the day he had killed another human being for the first time.

It had happened over a millenia ago, yet Derran recalled the memory as if it had happened yesterday. He and his unit had been out on patrol when they came across a farmstead under attack by bandits. Derran had only just gotten out of boot camp, and it was his first real engagement, he still recalled his naive excitement as his CO had outlined their strategy. Sergeant Cullain ordered them to advance using a nearby treeline as cover to avoid being seen. The farmhouse being attacked was, fortunately enough, only a few yards distant from the edge of the forest, and they managed to get into position without being noticed. The bandits never expected them, being to busy looting the house and trying to break down the door to the room where the farm owner's wife and daughter had barricaded themselves. Tragically the husband/father himself was beyond help, his body having been seen laying near the front entrance riddled with bullet wounds.

Derran and the rest of the unit had taken position at the two doors on either side of the house, and each of the windows, crawling on their bellies at times to make sure they were unobserved. Then, on Cullain's signal they had rushed in. The surprise was total, and all the bandits surrendered immediately, or so they had thought. . . Derran had been covering one of the windows, giving him a view of most of the house's first floor. One of the bandits, by luck or by judgement, had ended up in a large walk in pantry, thus escaping notice, and was raising his gun to fire on Sergeant Cullain. Derran's training kicked in, and before he could think about what he was doing, he had raised his own weapon to his shoulder and fired. Hitting the bandit right in the center of the forehead, and splattering most of his skull across the interior of the pantry.

Derran had saved Cullain's life and earned a commendation, but at the time he had struggled not to vomit. That night, and for weeks after, Derran barely slept as a result of nightmares involving the man he killed. The bandit in question had been a brutal monster of a human being, of that there was no doubt, Derran had seen his rap sheet personally. However that didn't change the fact that Derran had killed a living breathing human being. It had taken a long time for Derran to come to terms with it, and even after he did, he never felt quite the same.

This situation with Twilight reminded Derran of how he felt in those first minutes after he pulled the trigger. Thousands of nameless fears screaming in his mind, a sense that his very soul was tainted, and a feeling of guilt weighing him down like iron shackles. Back then he had eventually realized that what he had done had been for the greater good. He had killed an evil man to save a good one, but no such rational could be applied now. . . and that made the pain all the greater.

"Howdy Derran!" Derran glanced around with a start, he had been so lost in thought, that he had failed to realize he had arrived at his destination. Apple Bloom seemed to notice his dark mood as she gave him a look of concern. "Ya'll alright?" She asked. Derran didn't react for a moment, and for an instant he actually considered telling her of his troubles. He needed advice, and Apple Bloom and the Crusaders did have something of a reputation for aiding troubled souls. However in the end, reason reasserted itself as Derran smiled, pushing away his unpleasant feelings as best he could to greet her properly. This was his mess, and he would not compound his failings by burdening an innocent child with them.

"Fine miss Apple Bloom, and how are y-" Derran stopped dead, stiffening as he heard it. . . that voice. It echoed in his mind like the tolling of a distant bell. . . Guardian aid me in my hour of need. It was a voice that not even the fires of hell and over a thousand years of time could erase. . . matronly, wise, filled with kindness, and with just a hint of playfulness. It was her, Princess of the Sun, the first of the Seraphim sisters, and the most compassionate being Derran had ever known. . . Celestia was calling to him. . . and there was only one reason she would do such a thing. . .

Apple Bloom had, had more than her fair share of frightening experiences in her life, but what happened next easily made her top ten. Derran suddenly seemed to be surrounded by an aura of pure malevolence, his face becoming a mask of snarling rage, as his eyes shifted to a blazing scarlet. He swiftly placed his helmet on his head and locked it into place in a single flowing movement. A sharp crack and flash of red light precipitated the appearance in Derran's hands of the weapon Apple Bloom had once heard him call a 'Heavy Assault Rifle'. Even through his helmet, she could feel his gaze, and it filled her with a terror she had never known could exist, was this really Derran Grandel?

"Apple Bloom. . ." He said, and she flinched, falling onto her rear as she heard a voice that between the distortion of the helmet speakers, and an inexplicable alteration of Derran's voice, made him seem even more like another person entirely. "go home." Apple Bloom struggled to control her desire to flee, as she forced herself to speak.

"D-d-d-Derran, w-w-what g-gotten i-i-into you?" Derran turned on one heel to face away from her, looking toward the direction of Twilight's castle. His answer was given in a tone that to Apple Bloom sounded like the rumbling of a distant thunderstorm.

"The Seraphim call for aid. . . I must answer." Before running toward the castle in a manner that Apple Bloom could only liken to an out of control train hurtling down the track. His legs moving so fast they became a blur, his heavy boots tearing up the grass and earth beneath his feet as his arms and weapon swayed almost gently from side to side, his head bowed slightly as he charged forward with a sort of controlled abandon. As she picked herself up, Apple Bloom had only one though, if somepony truly was attacking the princess, she felt profoundly sorry for them. . .

Derran ran straight and true. Guided by the ancient enchantment that had been placed on him ages ago, he knew exactly what direction he needed to head. The spell had been his own idea, a way for Celestia and Luna to reach him directly in times of dire emergency. If Celestia had used it, then it was highly probable she was under attack. As he moved, Derran examined his armor's HUD for whatever information it's sensors could give him. No demonic energy readings came back, but that meant little, you didn't need to be a demon to be a threat. . . he should know. Derran's fury burned within him as he approached the castle. He was moving at his top speed the wind whistling as it flowed over his armored body, the landscape around him becoming a blur of color. However to Derran, his mind filled with endless horrifying possibilities, it felt as if he was barely moving at all. . . he needed to be swifter, every second that passed was a loss he could not afford! He did not know what evil had dared to attack the holy ones, but when he found it, he would see that its screams reached the depths of the void itself! His wrathful thoughts lent him another burst of speed, and at last, he finally stood before his destination. Derran reached the front door at a dead run barely taking time to slow down, and with a single kick, smashed his way inside. Only to freeze in the doorframe as his mind blanked, the wrathful fury he had felt a moment ago quelled as swiftly as a match submerged in a lake.

Derran thought he had been ready for this day. . . he had replayed it over in his mind countless times. What he would say, what he would do, what he would think, when he saw them again. He thought he had planned it, the triumphant but respectful entrance, bowing to his ladies, and then presenting them with the Crucible as he gave them the news that they no doubt desired to hear. . . that it was finally over. He had imagined the praise, the joy his ladies would feel, and that he in turn would feel, at serving them faithfully. All of this he had pictured. . . and all of it wrong.

For as he stood there, in full wargear, weapon in hand, staring upon them for the first time in over a millennia, he was struck immobile. They were not in danger, that much was clear, and in some faint corner of his mind, Derran wondered why they had used the emergency summons. However as he stood there, all he could truly think about, was how unprepared he was. Derran was paralyzed, unable to think, move, or speak, as memories and emotions corroded by ages of war, suddenly returned with crystalline clarity. The spell was only broken, when Luna spoke.

"Is it you. . ." She whispered, tears creating rivers that flowed like liquid diamond down her cheeks. "is it truly you?"

Derran dismissed his weapon to the aether with a flash of red light as his faintly shaking hands automatically moved to his helmet. The hiss as the pressure seal broke, echoing through the silence. As, slowly, Derran revealed his face. . .

He was in different armor, wielded a different weapon, and his hair had grown, but there was no denying it. Only one stallion the princesses had ever known, in their nearly millenia and a half of existence, had those eyes that so resembled chips of arctic ice, this aura of power that made their coats stand up on end, or that look of gentle kindness that even his wide eyed shocked expression, and the worst horrors the multiverse could produce, could not dim. Only one stallion, only ever, one. . .

"Derran. . ." Celestia breathed out, the name escaping as an almost inaudible whisper, as her own eyes were blinded by a sparkling wetness. All those present watched the exchange in utter silence, as the Doom Slayer took a staggering step forward.

"Celly. . . Lulu?" Was all he could manage to say, his voice a desperate whisper, as his mind and body seemed to rebel against his will. . . but it was all that was needed. Luna was the first to rush forward, crying uncontrollably as she galloped straight at him. Celestia was no less unrestrained as she followed swiftly behind her sister. As Luna jumped to wrap her forelegs around Derran's neck, he allowed himself to be pushed back on his heels, and as Celestia crashed into him with near reckless abandon, Derran, almost without conscious thought, permitted himself to be born to the ground.

The first kiss. . . came from Luna. It was urgent, rough, and filled with unrestrained passion, as she all but forced her tongue into Derran's mouth. As their twin appendages clumsily danced around one another, all thought fled from Derran's mind. Decorum, restraint, etiquette, none of these words held the slightest meaning in Derran's consciousness. Even as Luna withdrew so her sister might have her chance.

Celestia's kiss was less rushed, but no less insistent, her lips so soft and loving Derran wondered what utter madness had allowed him to forget their touch. Celestia's tongue swirled around Derran's as if seeking to insure it would not attempt to flee. Escape however, was as far from Derran's mind as was possible for his brain to put it. By the light, how could he have forgotten. . . how could he have forgotten this? As Celestia ended her kiss, she and Luna collapsed against Derran's chest and wept unashamedly. As Derran, tears falling from his own eyes, held them, just as he used to over a thousand years ago. . .

"I-I n-n-never. . .never thought I'd s-s-see you again!" Luna wailed, sobbing uncontrollably into Derran's already soaked chestplate. She didn't care that it was hard, or uncomfortable, or smelled faintly of sulphur, as long as she was close to him. Celestia couldn't even manage a full sentence.

"You're home. . ." She repeated, over and over, as she cried out nearly twelve hundred years of lonely nights and suppressed misery. She and Luna had always believed. . . always had faith, deep in their heart of hearts, that if they waited long enough, he would find his way back, and now at last, he had. Derran nodded, as he allowed himself to truly cry for the first time in over a thousand years, holding his two long lost loves tight to his chest.

"I am sorry. . . I kept you waiting." Was all he could think to say, his voice strained as he wept.

It was some time before the three could pull themselves together enough to get to their hooves and feet. Laughing happily as they wiped the last tears from their eyes, all three still on cloud nine from their reunion. However, for one of them, it would not last. . . There is an old battlefield anecdote: if everything is going according to plan, you're walking into a trap. Derran's life went according to plan for exactly four seconds more. . . the length of time it took for him to meet Twilight's gaze. . .

'Pain', wasn't nearly a strong enough word to describe what Derran saw in those violet orbs, 'Torment', also felt woefully insufficient, and even 'Agony', seemed tragically weak. But that look in Twilight's eyes brought Derran back down to earth with the force of a meteor strike. She said nothing, her expression frozen in a look of stunned surprise that, mixed with the look in her eyes, told Derran all he needed to know without Twilight saying a word, as she turned and ran. A shock of horrified realization tore through Derran as he unconsciously reached out to her fleeing form.

"Twilight wait!" He shouted, even though he knew he was too late, as she disappeared up the stairs and down the hall that lead to her room. In that instant, Derran felt his world shatter. . . "What have I done?" Derran whispered, horror in every syllable. His felt his body go numb, as his outstretched hand wavered in the air, feeling like it was now made of lead. Suddenly feeling a burst of panic, Derran made to run after Twilight, but only managed a single halting step, before he turned back to look at Celestia and Luna's surprised faces, still damp with the tears of their reunion. He couldn't just leave them, but he needed to go to Twilight! Caught between the two conflicting instincts, Derran looked back and forth between his two lovers, and the stairs that would lead to Twilight.

Panic overwhelmed him, until once more his body became numb, and he stared blankly down at his hands. "I. . . I don't know what to do." He finally choked out, his voice sounding so small and pathetic that had he not been visible, nopony would have believed the words had been Derran's. Salvation came, in the form of an urgent but wise voice.

"Go to her." Derran stared at Celestia as if unable to understand what she had just said. Luna gave a curt nod a moment later.

"My sister and I waited over a thousand years," Luna stated. "but Twilight needs you now." Derran nodded, at last able to move again.

"Thank you." He stated, in a voice that, for as quiet as it was, overflowed with gratitude, as he turned to run up the stairs. Derran was unable to say exactly how long it took, but between the hundreds of conflicting emotions in his head it felt almost as if he had just vanished and reappeared before Twilight's door. However he had little inclination to care, as from inside the room, Derran heard the muffled, but heart wrenching sound, of Twilight crying. Knocking on the door Derran's only, all-consuming thought, was that he had to do something, anything, to make this better.

"Twilight, please, open the door." Derran asked pleadingly, his voice heavy with sorrow.

"Go away!" Twilight's response was like a physical blow. Derran loved Twilight's voice, it was always filled with an infectious optimism, and gentle sweetness that instantly made him feel better whenever he heard it, but now. . . Twilight's voice was twisted and distorted by a combination of misery, despair, and anger. Derran flinched, as another flare of panic rose within him, growing in direct proportion to the realization of just how completely he had broken Twilight's heart. Derran struggled to think, as his panic turned to despiration. He couldn't bear the thought of Twilight hating him, he needed an explanation, a justification, anything!

"Twilight please, you must understand, I wanted to tell you but I needed to maintain operational security!" Derran's eyes widened in shock and horror at his own statement, for even as the words left his mouth. . . he knew them to be a lie. Twilight's sobs stopped abruptly, and for several long moments there was utter silence. Then, Derran heard Twilight's bed shift as she got off it. Every one of her hoofsteps seeming to echo like thunder in Derran's ears, as she moved toward the door. Derran took an unconscious step backward as the door opened, and Twilight's face was revealed. Her expression was like granite, as she looked up at Derran with tearstained features.

"Operational security?" Twilight repeated softly. Derran would have preferred it if she had shouted. As her lower volume served to highlight the undertone of agonized betrayal in her voice. "And what, exactly. . . would telling me that you were in a romantic relationship with my mentor and her sister, have compromised?" Twilight asked, her voice still quiet, but filled with a cold fury.

"I. . ." Derran began, before realizing that there was only one answer he could give that was not a lie, or a cheap excuse. Whether out of shame or fear, Derran could not have said, but as he stood there, he found himself unable to answer back.

"That's what I thought." Twilight replied bitterly, as she turned away.

"Twilight please I-" Derran began, only for Twilight to turn back suddenly, and glare into his eyes with undisguised hatred.

"Go. Away." Twilight stated, each word enunciated with the cold finality of somepony struggling to suppress their rage, as her tears started to flow freely once again.

"Twilight I-" Derran attempted again, knowing it was hopeless, but still desperately needing to try.

"GO AWAY! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" Twilight screamed, slamming the door in Derran's face.

Derran heard Twilight run across the floor of her room then throw herself back on her bed, as her sobs resumed, louder and even more heartrending than before. Derran Grandel had known many kinds of pain. . . He had been shot with bullets, electrocuted by lightning, had his bones shattered, organs burst, and been scorched by the flames of Hell itself. None of it had been even close to how he felt now. He felt like his heart had been pulled out, he felt empty, broken, and worst of all, helpless to do anything about it. Derran looked down at his hands as if hoping to find the answer there. "Am. . . am I shaking?" Derran asked internally, and as he continued to look down he saw his hands were indeed trembling. Given his state, it was little surprise he did not notice the approach of three sets of hoofsteps.

"Derran?" Asked Celestia's gentle voice. It took several moments for Derran to pull himself back into reality, and turn to see Celestia, Luna, and Cadence standing in the hall. They wore sympathetic expressions, and somehow that made the pain all the greater. He did not deserve their kindness, not after this, and Celestia's next sentence felt like a punch to the gut. "Head to your room, and we'll find you once we've talked with her." Derran wanted to protest, to state that this was his responsibility, that he could still fix this, but in the end he just silently nodded. He had failed, he no longer had the right to speak to Twilight, even if she had been willing to hear him out. Struggling to maintain his composure, Derran turned to head back the way he had come, his shoulders slumped with the weight of his regret.

"I'm sorry." Was all he could say as he passed Celestia and Luna, unable to look them in the eye. He knew what his apologies amounted to, empty words. . . from a pitiful man.

Derran entered his room in silence, closing the door behind him before walking to the center of the bedchamber in a daze. He felt utterly helpless, he wanted to fight, wanted to scream, wanted to do something, to make this right, but it was pointless. There was nothing he could do, except feel the guilt eat away at him. Derran stumbled as he headed to the bathroom, self-loathing and pain weighing down his every step, as he filled the sink with cold water. Splashing the icy liquid on his face, Derran watched the ripples in the water as if searching for a hidden meaning in their movements. However, if such meaning existed, Derran's eyes could not see it. Finally, after spending nearly half a minute like this, He raised his head to look into the mirror. . . and felt his soul convulse.

Derran's eyes widened in stark horror, his hands going partially limp at his side, and his mouth hanging open slightly, as shock paralysed him. What looked back at Derran from the silvered surface, could almost have been his true reflection, save for three things. The being that looked out of the mirror had blond hair, cut into a military crew cut, his expression was a sarcastic smile that oozed contempt from every angle, and finally, most notably, were his two eyes, that were the red of freshly spilled blood. The figure appeared to lean against the edge of the mirror with its arms folded across its chest, and for a moment the two simply stared at one another. Then. . . the figure in the mirror spoke. His voice was cuttingly sarcastic, and had the quality of a razor blade being drawn along a chalkboard, albeit far deeper in tone.

+Well. . . I gotta admit, when you fuck up, you don't do things halfway.+ The voice echoed inside Derran's head, though he knew from long experience that nopony else was able to hear it.

"You. . ." Derran's voice was little more that a disbelieving whisper, as he tried to understand how this could be possible. The thing in the mirror just gave a mirthless laugh.

+"you"? That's all I get after over a thousand years working together? I'm hurt Derran.+ The image stated, his voice low and mocking. Derran's response was oddly calm, his shock having yet to wear off in the face of this phantom doppelganger.

"I killed you." He whispered, the tremor in his voice making him sound anything but certain.

+And yet. . . here I am.+ The figure replied, his tone light, despite eyes filled with hate. +So we can add another entry to the long list of utter bullshit that you've convinced yourself of.+

"You are not a part of me!" Derran snarled, his rage igniting within him. "Not anymore!" The figure let out an amused snort as it gave Derran a look of smirking contempt.

+Check that, two things. Can you just not get through the day without lying to someone. . . or somepony?+ The being asked sarcastically. At that moment, Derran's shock wore off completely, and he was gripped by an incandescent fury, as he let out a primal roar.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" He bellowed, as he put his fist through the mirror with all the strength he could muster, shattering it into countless glittering shards that rained down around him with an almost musical sound. For a moment after, Derran stood there panting. Physical fatigue may no longer have held sway over him, but mental exhaustion was another matter.

+How quickly the facade comes crashing down eh?+ The apparition's voice continued, as Derran pulled his fist from the wall the mirror had been bolted to. +What would Twilight say if she could see her perfect little hero, destroying her home?+

"Be SILENT!" Derran hissed, falling to his knees as he clutched the sides of his head. "Leave me be abomination!"

+Oh no, you don't get to walk away from this, not anymore!+ The voice was no longer sarcastic, now it was filled instead with a cold hatred. +I kept quiet for centuries! Letting you use me like another weapon in your toolbelt to the point where you convinced yourself I was dead! But not anymore!+

"Leave me be! I didn't call you, I do not need you!" Derran snarled, feeling his rage flare brighter.

+Oh? Is that right?+ The being's voice stated, becoming a hateful whisper. +Tell me asshole, do you know why, I can finally speak to you again?+ The voice did not bother waiting for a response before continuing. +It's because you finally dug yourself a hole so deep you can't see any way out! That's why I exist in the first place! You made me to handle the things you can't! You broke Twilight's heart, and now your dipshit ass is hoping I can fix it!+ At the phantom entities words, Derran felt his rage vanish for an instant.

"I. . . I didn't know of her affection. . . I did not realize what was happening until it was too late! If I had more time I-" Derran began, but the voice cut him off.

+BULLSHIT! The only reason you didn't notice at first, was still your goddam fault!+ The voice snarled angrily.

"What are you talking about?" Derran demanded coldly.

+You remember the day we left Equestria?+ The voice asked, sounding oddly calm. +Tell me. . . do you remember how you felt?+ Derran knew the answer he wanted to give, indeed the answer he would have given but a few short days ago. That he had been sad, but secure in the knowledge that he was doing his duty, but suddenly he realized the truth.

"I. . . I. . ." Derran didn't want to say, wanted to maintain the illusion, but the voice within him had no such compunctions.

+You were in agony! Oh, you put on a brave face for Luna, Celestia, and everypony else, but you couldn't hide it from me. . . it was like the fall of D'nur all over again. . .+ Derran felt a stab of shame, as something in his mind shifted, and the true memory returned to him. +But you had a job to do. . . you had to keep up the brave face, play the role of the inspiring hero. . . so you started lying to yourself. Told yourself your romance with them wasn't real, that the offer they made you was just a farewell gift, that goddesses could never love mortals, that Heaven was never meant for you, and after telling yourself that shit long enough, you started to actually fucking believe it! You suppressed all the things that were causing you pain! Your sadness, your regret, your anger, and your ability to feel love, or even remember what it gods damned looked like!+ Derran shook his head, that couldn't be true, could it?

"Your wrong. . . I did feel love." He denied desperately. Yet, even as he spoke what his conscious mind assured him was the truth, something inside him told him the assurance to be false.

+No you felt loyalty, not the same dipshit. . .+ The voice stated coldly.

Derran's body shook, as again something within his subconscious crumbled, and he felt the damming truth of the voice wash over him. It was correct. . .Derran had convinced himself he only ever loved Celestia and Luna as a knight loves his queen, and he had utterly forgotten the other kind of love he had shared with them. The love of a stallion for a mare, and in forgetting it, had willingly rendered himself blind to it when he had returned.

+You even suppressed me! Convincing yourself that I was gone, and as a result. . . I got to remember all the things you chose to forget.+ The voice hissed.

"It is not my fault then, I just didn't re-" Derran began, sounding beyond pathetic, however the voice interrupted like a crack of lightning.

+DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TRY TO MAKE THAT EXCUSE!! You may not have remembered at first, but you knew full fucking well what you felt later! Last night, in the hallway! Even a gods damned moron with half a brain couldn't have missed it, and neither could you! You fell in love with Twilight!+ Derran placed his face in his hands as the voice continued, desperately seeking a reprieve.

"Enough!" He half demanded half pleaded, he knew what was coming next, and he would have given anything to avoid it. However the voice would not be deterred.

+No.+ It stated, its voice as unforgiving and unyielding as stone. +You shattered Twilight's heart, and you betrayed Celestia and Luna, all so you could avoid your fuckups! I spent almost a millenia buried in your damned subconscious, now you are going to sit down and FUCKING LISTEN!+ The voice continued with a slow unemotional tone that was somehow worse than it's wrathful tirade of a moment before. +This morning, you had a chance. . . a chance to tell Twilight the truth, a chance to own up to your mistakes. You knew she loved you, you knew you returned that love, and you knew that you owed her an explanation of your relationship with Celestia and Luna . . . but you, the so called Guardian of Equestria, couldn't do it, could you? You couldn't face Twilight. So you did what you always do with problems you can't deal with. . . you ran away.+ The voice paused allowing the damning statement to fully sink in, before finishing with a question uttered in a hateful hiss. +Am I wrong?+ Derran wanted to argue, wanted to deny what the voice had said, but he couldn't. . . he couldn't deny the truth.

"No. . ." Derran replied with a whisper, the words sounding like a deathknell. However, he still had a question. "Why are you telling me this? Since when have you ever cared for the feelings of others. . . Doom Slayer?" Derran sensed the mind of the entity within him shift, he could almost see its vermillion gaze staring at him in disdain.

+I don't give a rat's ass about you or your feelings. . .+ Once more Derran could almost see the Doom Slayer's expression as it softened slightly. +but Twilight, Celestia, Luna, I do care about them. They deserve better than this. . . better than us.+ Here Derran could sense the Doom Slayer's expression turn back to a glare, yet his tone was almost sorrowful. +You know the other day, when you got those weird attacks whenever you started to get all warm and fuzzy with Twilight? That was me, trying to keep this shit from happening. . . you may not want to believe it, but I love her too. . . in my own way, and I wanted to keep her from having to deal with this shit.+ Derran shook his head, a self deprecating smile on his face.

"How is it, that of all creatures, you are the one to tell me all this?" Derran asked, a humorless laugh escaping his lips. The consciousness of the Doom Slayer seemed to shrug, as it turned away.

+I told you. . . I'm here to handle what you can't, to fix the problems you don't have the mindset or the power for. It ain't a job big on thank yous, but somebody's gotta keep you in line. . . but then you know all about that don't you?+ Derran nodded, recalling with crystal clarity the incident the Doom Slayer was referring to. When the roles had been reversed. . . That memory reminding Derran of why he had buried this entity to begin with.

"You know this changes nothing. . . I still do not trust you. . . and as far as I am concerned all you shall ever be is a sentient parasite. . ." Derran stated coldly, even as he felt The Doom Slayer smirk.

+But I'm still right.+ Derran nodded at the Doom Slayer's assessment.

"But in this case yes. . . you are still right." Derran conceded, as he rose to his feet. "That said, whatever power you fondly imagine you lend me, is still mine to wield. . . I am not the only one who has a penance that needs paying." Derran felt the Doom Slayer nod slowly.

+Yeah. . . guess you got a point.+ He replied, with what Derran interpreted as a solemn nod.

"And one day, when you are of no more use, I shall kill you, Doom Slayer." Derran promised coldly, and he felt the Doom Slayer smirk in response.

+I'd be genuinely disappointed if you didn't.+ He replied, his smirk widening. +But not today. . .+ Derran nodded slowly, his voice little more than a whisper as he responded.

"No. . . Not today." He agreed. However, no sooner had Derran voiced the thought, than a knock came at the door.

"Derran, may I come in?" It was Celestia's voice.

+All you, boss.+ The Doom Slayer declared, as Derran felt his presence recede into the depths of his subconscious. Derran nodded, he had created this mess. . . it was time to take responsibility for it. . .

Twilight cried. . . she cried until her eyes were puffy and swollen and her throat was raw, but the pain just wouldn't leave her. The moment it had all started, replayed in her mind with crystal clarity. . . the moment Luna's lips had met Derran's, Twilight's world had come crashing down. At first there had been numbness, as her mind and body didn't believe any of this was real, but it had been real. That realization had heralded the worst pain Twilight had ever experienced in her life. Like somepony had stabbed a dagger into her heart and given it a violent twist.

Then. . . then Derran had come to see her, and she had been stupid enough to think that he was going to somehow make it alright. However, instead of helping, all he had done was make the pain worse. No apology, just a half-assed excuse that wouldn't have satisfied a child! It wasn't enough that he had torn her heart out, he had to stomp it into mush right in front of her face! So she cried, she cried until finally she ran out of tears, and her pain at least faded to a dull but constant ache. Twilight wasn't sure how long she lay there before she heard the second knock at her door, however before she could say anything, she heard the last voice she expected.

"Twilight? May I come in?" Came the gentle voice of her former mentor. Twilight hesitated for a moment, before using her magic to unlock the door. As it opened, Twilight was surprised to see not just Celestia, but Luna, and Cadence as well. The three princesses filed in silently, before shutting and locking the door behind them.

"How are you feeling?" Cadence asked, and Twilight almost laughed.

"How do you think?" She spat, Cadence managing to avoid flinching despite the venom in Twilight's voice.

"I take it he tried to talk to you?" Luna asked, though she could easily guess the answer.

"He did." Twilight replied, acid in her every word.

"I'm guessing that he didn't do a very good job." Celestia opined, giving Twilight a sympathetic smile.

"Said he didn't tell me to: 'Maintain Operational Security'." Twilight responded bitterly. Celestia displayed a carefully controlled frown. Luna placed her hoof to her forehead, shaking her head as she muttered something under her breath that sounded like 'For Equestira's sake Derran.' while Cadence just made a face.

"Well I'm certainly not going to try and defend that." Celestia declared firmly, before switching to a more gentle tone. "However I sincerely doubt Derran had any wish to hurt you."

"Oh really?" Twilight replied sarcastically. Celestia nodded.

"Derran has endured things that most creatures would have been utterly destroyed by. He's spent several lifetimes fighting and surviving against odds that few can even contemplate. When he came to Equestria the first time, he was. . . well he was very different. He was broken in ways that should have been impossible to live with, yet somehow he did. We managed to help him recover as best we could, but calling him 'Healed' would be a significant stretch. He made a lot of progress, but. . ." Celestia paused, as a faraway look went into her eye.

"Derran was forced to leave before his mind could truly restore itself. None of us know what mental changes he may have needed to undergo in order to survive." Luna chimed in, her expression slightly pained.

"Is that supposed to make me forgive him?" Twilight asked coldly. Celestia shook her head.

"No, Derran should have told you about. . . us. Nopony can argue that, we are only telling you this to help you get a bit more perspective. Tell me Twilight. . . do you really believe Derran is the kind of stallion who would hurt you intentionally?" Twilight considered the question for a moment.

"I don't know." She said finally. "I don't want to believe it, but how can I know for sure?"

"A fair question." Celestia agreed.

"And even if he isn't, what does it matter. . . it's not like I can ever be with him now." Twilight declared miserably, and to her surprise, Celestia and Luna giggled.

"Well. . . I wouldn't say that." Celestia replied, smiling at Twilight's surprised expression. "Tell me Twilight. . . have you ever read about herds?" Twilight's eyes widened slightly as she nodded.

"It was a practice in ancient Equestria, to help compensate for an overabundance of females to males. Where a willing group of mares would form a joint relationship with a single consenting stallion romantic partner." Celestia nodded.

"A perfect textbook description, Twilight." She complemented.

"But I thought the practice didn't exist anymore?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, we can assure you the practice is still very much alive. . . or did you miss the fact that both my sister and I kissed Derran?" Luna asked slyly. Twilight blushed as she suddenly realized what the princesses were getting at.

"Oh. . . oh wow." Was all Twilight could say as her face reddened even further.

"But we can discuss that more later, I just had an idea. . ." Celestia declared, a mischievous smile forming on her face.

"You may." Derran stated, in response to Celestia's question. Even to his ears, his voice sounded hollow, he was a wreck inside. Celestia entered, walking into the room to give Derran a gentle smile, that he was unable to return. For several moments they stood there, and Derran, despite himself, could not help but marvel at Celestia's beauty. Her snow white coat that was as soft and smooth as silk, eyes of deep violet that brimmed with mystery, feathered white wings that would put any angel to shame, and a scintillating mane that contained all the colors of the sky at sunrise, forever swaying at the touch of an ethereal breeze. . . she was exquisite. "You look well." Derran stated, his voice sincere, yet drained. Celestia nodded.

"Twilight is resting. . ." She stated, glancing over her shoulder and shutting the door with her magic, to allow them to talk privately. "so I thought we should talk about us." Derran felt himself visibly tense for a moment before relaxing. He should have expected this, he had proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was unworthy of Celestia and Luna's affections. This also explained the Princess of Night's absence, Derran doubted she had any more desire to see him right now than Twilight did. However despite all this Derran felt strangely at ease, he had betrayed their trust, so Celestia had come to end it. It was a just outcome. . . though he was certain the pain would come later.

"I understand." Derran replied quietly, readying himself for what was to come, he had sinned, and now he must face the consequences.

"I think we should have a spring wedding." Celestia declared. Derran's head jerked upward, a flabbergasted expression on his face. Had he just heard that right?!

"What?" He asked, and suddenly he felt the Doom Slayer's presence return.

+Are you shitting me?!+ He asked, as incredulous as Derran.

"I know summer is more traditional, but as spring is a time of renewal I think it's the perfect season to usher in a new chapter in Equestrian history, don't you?" Derran was unable to speak for a moment as Celestia continued. "My sister and I will finally be able to rule with you at our side, it's like a dream come-" Celestia's happy words were suddenly cut off by a declaration as final as it was firm.

"There will be no wedding." Derran intoned, the necessity of the words doing little to salve his agony. Celestia looked at Derran's pained expression with a disbelieving one.

"What?" She asked, as stunned as Derran had been a moment ago.

"Milady. . . after what I did to Twilight. . . I cannot simply turn around and marry you and Lady Luna." Deran stated, his tone miserable but resolved.

"Just because you made a mistake-" Celestia began, only for Derran to cut her off once more.

"But it was not a mistake." Derran intoned, his voice calm despite his hands beginning to tremble once again. "I love Twilight. . . every bit as much as I love you and Lady Luna. I had a chance to spare her from the pain she is in now, but I was too cowardly to take it." Derran took a deep breath to steady himself. "I will not do so again. If I married you, after everything I did to Twilight, it would compound my betrayal, and cause her further pain. I will not allow that to happen." Celestia's eyes narrowed.

"I've waited almost twelve hundred years. . . Luna, has waited almost twelve hundred years!" Celestia declared, her voice tinged with anger. "And now you are telling me it was all for nothing?! That you are simply going to end our engagement just because you lost your courage for a few seconds?!" Derran met Celestia's gaze, tears were streaming from her eyes, pain and anger writ large upon her features, but Derran refused to look away, even as his heart shattered.

"If I allowed myself to break Twilight's heart again, it would only prove I am not the stallion you deserve." Derran stated, his own words feeling like the lashes of a whip against his soul. Celestia looked at Derran like he had just stabbed her in the gut. tears falling steadily from her eyes.

"It took me twenty years to stop crying myself to sleep after you left. . . I dreamed of your return every night for the last eleven hundred years! I never even tried to date another stallion because none of them could ever hope to match you!!" Every one of Celestia's words was like a white hot needle forced into Derran's flesh, but his expression did not shift as Celestia began to cry openly. "I love you! I love you so much it HURTS!!" She cried, and Derran struggled not to simply summon his sidearm and put a round through his temple, this was beyond agony. Tears fell silently from Celestia's face, as she looked at him pleadingly. "This isn't fair." She whispered, as a single tear fell from Derran's right eye, even as his stonelike expression did not shift.

"No it is not. . . but it is what is right." Derran stated, and as he did so, he wondered how it was, that in the center of Heaven, he could feel worse torment than any ever devised by Hell. "I am sorry." Derran stated, wishing with all his heart that he could reverse the flow of time. Celestia turned away, unable to even look at Derran anymore.

"Please. . . don't do this to me." She begged, Derran simply shook his head.

"Do you recall what I said to you, when you and Luna both said you loved me?" Derran asked, his words heavy with sorrow. Celestia nodded.

"You said: 'If I cannot make you both happy, then the least I can do is treat you both equally'." Celestia recited. "You said you loved us both too much to favor one over the other, and that all you could promise was that you would never be romantically involved with anypony else." She recalled, her misery evident in every word, as she struggled not to break down compleatly. Derran nodded.

"I already broke half of that vow, I will not break the rest of it." Derran declared firmly. Celestia sniffed, and the remains of Derran's heart felt like they had gone from shards, to dust.

"So you really love Twilight as much as Luna or I then? Even to the point you would give up the happiness you could have with us, just to spare her pain?" Celestia asked dejectedly.

"I do." Derran stated, his conviction absolute. Slowly, Celestia turned back to look at Derran, and before his eyes, her expression of misery and anger, became a triumphant smirk. Her voice ringing out without so much as a hint of sorrow or rage.

"So Twilight, still wondering if Derran wasn't the stallion you thought?" She asked the empty space beside the bed with a giggle, and Derran's eyes widened as the air shimmered. Revealing Twilight, Luna, and Cadence standing there with smiling, tear stained faces. Derran rose to his feet, his features twisted into an expression of shock as he tried to figure out how long they had been there.

"Twilight I-" Twilight raised her hoof, forestalling Derran's words. Walking forward with a funny little smile on her face, Twilight wiped away the shimmering droplets in her eyes, created by Derran's earlier speech.

"If you want to apologize. . ." She intoned, her voice low and commanding as she brought Derran's head to eye level with her magic. "then do it properly." She demanded, as, with a boldness she never knew she possessed, Twilight pressed her lips to Derran's. For a long moment they stayed like that, before finally parting.

"Twilight. . ." Derran began. "I am so sorry. . . I should have told you everything." He declared, tears filling his eyes, as his stone-like facade from earlier, crumbled completely. "I was a coward, an idiot, and an utter fool!" Pausing to take a breath, Derran's voice became a whisper. "I can never apologize enough, to you." He stated, as he looked up at Celestia and Luna. "Nor to you my ladies, I betrayed your trust, and I will do whatever is necessary to atone for-" Derran was cut off as Celestia covered his mouth with her own, a short but passionate moment later the Solar Princess withdrew, and Luna stepped forward.

"As my newest sister said my love; if you are going to apologize. . ." Here Luna's voice dropped to a sensual whisper. "do so properly." Derran had no time to speak as Luna swiftly moved to engage his lips in more important matters, and as the kiss deepened, Darran felt something stir in the back of his mind.

+They really are too good for us . . .+

Truth is Stranger

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"Do you think we should go up?" Rainbow Dash asked hesitantly as she hovered just above her friends in the main entrance hall of Twilight's castle.

"An' do what exactly?" Applejack replied, glancing up at Rainbow with a look that was at once sympathetic and reproachful. It was a fair question, as honestly, nopony had even the slightest idea what to think or feel, let alone do. None of them could truly believe that Derran had meant to hurt Twilight, but at the same time they couldn't believe he never mentioned that he was in a very romantic relationship with Celestia and Luna. Rainbow Dash however, had never been a fan of doing nothing.

"I dunno, something!" Rainbow retorted, annoyed at the realization that she herself didn't really have any plan beyond just: go to wherever Twilight was.

"Ah hear where you're comin from Rainbow, but honestly, ah don't think we know enough ta really help." Applejack offered, trying to calm her friend.

"We know Twilight's crying! Isn't that enough?!" Rainbow shot back annoyed.

"But. . . Derran also looked pretty unhappy." Fluttershy pointed out, causing Rainbow to suddenly go from determined to depressed, her fiery posture faltering as she floated down to the floor.

"Yeah. . ." Rainbow agreed sadly, as her hooves came to rest on the crystalline tiles. Rainbow had always been a pony who liked things in simple terms, black and white. It wasn't that she didn't understand nuance, it was just hard for her to make sense of the world when seen through shades of grey, and right now, things were about as gray as they could get.

"I'm back." Came the voice of Shining Armor as he descended the stairs, having just gone to pick Flurry Heart up from her nap. Flurry was happily swaddled in a comfortable blanket, and giggled appreciatively as she sighted the others. "They. . . still not out yet?" Shining asked hesitantly, his voice heavy with concern. Everypony present shook their heads, and Shining sighed. It had been over an hour and a half since Celestia, Luna, and Cadence had gone after Derran and Twilight, and like the others he had no idea what side to take.

The whole situation felt like a contradiction. Derran treated Twilight like she was a goddess, but then he broke her heart? It made no sense, but then it also made little sense that Derran would not tell anypony that he was Celestia and Luna's lover. Had he been leading Twilight on? To what end? Was his whole "Mr. Perfect" thing just an act? If so why?

"Hey Starlight, you seem pretty calm about all this. Don't suppose you know something we don't?" Rainbow remarked, focusing everypony's attention on Twilight's protege. Starlight, who until that point had been lost in thought, abruptly looked up with a start. Starlight glanced from one face to another, seeing worry and confusion woven into every expression present.

Starlight did know something, including quite a bit more than she ever wanted to about what lurked in the shadows of the multiverse. However, at that moment she was more concerned with what she didn't know. Starlight had a front row seat to tour Derran's memories, but the revelation that he was Celestia and Luna's paramor had been a complete surprise. True there were gaps in what she had seen, but it seemed impossible that she would see all his major memories except that one. Was it possible that Derran had deceived her somehow? No. . . Derran didn't have anywhere near the magical training to distort her enhanced Truth of the Soul spell, botched or not. The only answer Starlight could come up with was that either the spell had worked even more erratically than she thought, or Derran had somehow lost some of his memories. . . no, not lost. . . changed. Though how that was possible without powerful magic, Starlight couldn't even begin to imagine. Immense mental trauma might account for it, but even then, the memories should have been present, it wasn't like Derran had two brains, so how was it that. . .

"Uh. . . Equestria to Starlight Glimmer, you there?" Rainbow prodded, reminding Starlight that she had still not answered the question. Starlight shook her head, trying to clear it of the thousand plus hypotheses and contradictions rattling within it.

"I. . .uh. . ." Starlight hemmed and hawed for a few moments before shaking her head again. Should she tell them what she knew? "Technically, I never promised to keep it a secret. Derran never even asked me to, not to mention Derran will probably tell them soon anyway, right?" Starlight frowned. Even if that was true, she knew in her heart of hearts they should hear the story from Derran, not her. However, just as Starlight opened her mouth to reply, she was interrupted by the distant sound of a door opening, followed by the steady clicks of hoofsteps and footsteps coming down the hallway.

Nopony spoke, as they all turned to stare fixedly at the upper landing of the stairs. Even the few moments of waiting felt interminably long, with everypony feeling as though the world balanced on a knife edge. Even Flurry seemed to have grown worried, as she went quiet. The cherubic smile dropping from her features as she too gazed at the stairs upper landing. After what felt like an eternity, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, and Derran still in his armor, rounded the corner. They wore solemn expressions, and instantly it felt like the tension in the room had been ratcheted up to eleven. For several seconds the two groups stared at one another. One group wearing looks of intense anxiety, the other with faces that almost seemed carved out of granite. Surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly depending on your point of view, it was Pinkie Pie who first broke the silence, her voice worried, and far from her usual jubilant self, as she glanced from one unreadable expression to the next.

"Well?!" She all but demanded, her voice strained. The question hung in the air like a bird in an updraft, ready to either soar to the heavens or drop like a stone. Stepping forward, Celestia addressed the group at the bottom of the stairs, her voice as neutral and unforgiving as her expression.

"After lengthy review of Derran's actions, and after consulting with my sister, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and Princess Twilight Sparkle, we have decided. . ." Celestia paused, the silence seeming more deafening than a thousand dragons roaring at once. Finally Spike couldn't take it anymore.

"W-what? What did you decide?!" He blurted out, unable to contain his worry, more for his beloved sister/mother than for Derran.

"We have decided that Derran. . ." Once more Celestia paused, letting her audience hang briefly till they were on pins and needles before smirking. "shall be shared jointly among a herd consisting of myself, Luna, and Twilight." For several very long seconds, nopony said a word.

"You what?" Shining Armor deadpanned.

"Well, considering he would rather end our relationship than break Twilight's heart again, and considering Twilight has agreed to try the idea on at least a trial basis, not to mention how. . . sincerely Derran apologized to Twilight my sister and myself, we all agreed it was the best solution to the problem." Luna elaborated, grinning from ear to ear.

"What?" Shining repeated, feeling like his entire world had just been turned inside out.

"I'm not exactly sure if I want to commit to it yet, and the idea of sharing a coltfriend will take some getting used to, but I think we can make it work." Twilight declared with an excited giggle. Shining simply stood with his mouth open as his right eye started to twitch. Descending the stairs Cadence took Flurry Heart from her husband's immobile hooves, placing a kiss first on Shining's hanging jaw, and then her daughter's cheek, as she added her own assessment.

"I know this relationship may seem. . .odd, but I can honestly say that these four are definitely in love." Cadence beamed, as she cradled Flurry in one foreleg. This pronouncement seemed to set everypony more at ease, as their looks of confusion slowly turned to ones of happiness and relief.

"Well, as long as Twilight's happy with this, then I'm cool with it to." Rainbow declared with a grin.

"It may be a bit. . . unorthodox, but they say love knows no boundaries." Rarity agreed with a smile.

"Ahm just glad y'all managed ta work it out, I ain't exactly sure how a herd works, but if'n it means y'all can be happy then I'm fine with it." Applejack stated.

"I think if anypony can make this work, it's you four." Starlight stated sincerely.

"This'll take some getting used too, but I think I can manage." Spike offered with a small smile.

"As long as everypony's happy that's all that matters to me." Fluttershy declared. Finally, Pinkie, who up to this point had been vibrating rapidly in direct proportion to the growing grin on her face, exploded.

"OH WOWIE KERPLOWIE! This. Is the. Greatest news. EVER!!!" She shouted, as she spent several moments literally bouncing off the walls, her body acting like a rubber ball till she halted in front of Twilight. "I am going to throw you all the biggest party EVVERRRR!!!" She screamed, her face looking between Twilight, Luna, Celestia, and Derran so fast her facial features blurred. "We'll have cake and confetti, and pinatas, and cup cakes and-"

"WAIT JUST ONE BUCKING SECOND!!" Shining Armor roared, his motor functions having finally returned with a vengeance.

"Uh. . . no I don't think we'll have that." Pinky replied, sounding slightly confused. Shining ignored her, his expression one of supreme outrage.

"Twilight you've known Derran for less than a month! You know almost nothing about his past, and let's not forget that he never said a single word up to now about his relationship with Luna and Celestia!" Shining fixed Derran with his best 'Officers Glare' one that had struck fear into the hearts of cadets and pompous nobles alike as he continued. "I'm sorry but I just can't let this slide! How can we be sure Derran is what he seems to be?! How can we know he won't break your heart again?! How can any of us really trust him?!" Twilight opened her mouth, an acidic retort upon her lips, but before she could speak Derran's voice rang out.

"You bring up a fair point Milord, I doubt I would trust myself either if the situations were reversed." Shining continued to glare as Derran continued. "What's more I doubt there is any assurance I could offer that would not sound like a hollow excuse." Derran paused, letting his words sink in. "I have never been a brother, but I have been a father and I imagine it makes for a similar comparison. I would never allow my child to date somepony I did not trust, and I will not ask you to do any less for your sister. . . if you truly feel I am unsuitable for Lady Twilight, then you need only say the word, and our relationship ends." Everypony stared at Derran. Twilight with an expression of stunned horror, while Celestia and Luna's expressions became like stone once more. Everypony else looked nervously between Derran and Shining as they stared at one another unflinchingly. However, after a moment, Shining Armor gave a sigh.

"I don't know if you're being serious or not Derran, but as Twilight reminded me earlier, it isn't up to me to dictate what my sister does with her life." Glancing over at Twilight he offered her a smile. "If my sister loves you then it isn't my place to tell her otherwise, and if she trusts you. . . then that's enough for me." Twilight ran over to her brother, tears in her eyes as she embraced him, everypony else breathing a collective sigh of relief. "But. . ." Shining began again, the tension suddenly reviving itself, as he looked into Derran's eyes with a gaze that even Cadence found intimidating. "if you ever make my sister cry like that again. . ." Derran nodded, his expression solem.

"If that happens Lord Shining, I will personally provide you the weapons to avenge Lady Twilight, assuming you can reach me before I do it myself." Derran stated, his tone deadly serious.

"And assuming I. . . we," Twilight added trying to lighten the suddenly grim mood, and glancing at Celestia and Luna with an evil grin that they returned. "don't get to him first." Derran nodded, a true smile ghosting across his lips for what felt like the first time that day. Celestia chuckled, nodding her agreement along with luna, before directing her gaze to the entire room.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, I believe earlier my sister and I promised you all answers to any questions you might have." She stated warmly. For a long moment nopony spoke, but then Rarity raised her hoof.

"Er, forgive me if this questions is a bit to. . . forward your majesties, but. . . may I ask just how deep your relationship with Derran goes?" Celestia gave Rarity a curious look.

"What do you mean?" She inquired, Rarity hemmed and hawed for a moment before replying.

"Well. . . it's just that, earlier you two did seem rather. . . frantic, to find sir Derran and. . . considering the romantic nature of your relationship, I have to assume you have quite a history together?" She asked tentatively. To everyponys surprise Celestia and Luna actually looked a little embarrassed, their faces reddening as they replied.

"Well, yes. . . in fact, before Derran left, we actually proposed to him." Celestia explained with a small but happy smile. The reaction, was instantaneous.

"WHAT??!!" Shouted eight ponies at once, as everypony save for Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadence turned to stare at Derran in disbelief. Celestia and Luna looked slightly surprised.

"Did you not think it strange that my sister and I have never attempted to date?" Luna asked, a note of incredulity in her voice. Everypony hesitated for a moment at that, looking slightly embarrassed.

"I always figured you were too busy, what with being princesses and all." Spike stated, scratching his head in mild confusion, as most of the ponies around him nodded their heads. Suddenly Rarity's eyes widened.

"Wait. . . if Derran is to be your husband, wouldn't that mean. . ." Rarity's eyes became the size of dinner plates as she stared at Derran in wondering awe. As a fashionista, and a pony of culture, Rarity had a degree of insight into the royal traditions of Equestria, and one rumored ancient tradition had always fascinated her, having to do with the reason neither Celestia or Luna held the title of 'Queen'. According to several reliable sources among the nobility of Canterlot, the princesses never took the title because, apart from not caring for it, they could not officially possess it until after they had married. Supposedly the tradition had ceased out of simple disuse, but if true it meant Derran was technically far more than just the princesses husband to be. Celestia and Luna nodded at Rarity's unfinished comment, each with a wide grin, as Derran looked suddenly uncomfortable.

"Quite astute Rarity, Derran Grandel, was, and still is, our choice as King of Equestria." Celestia declared proudly. Total silence greeted this pronouncement, as all save the princesses and Derran, struggled to process this new information. Rarity opened and shut her mouth a few times as she fought to form words. Her eyes bugging out as she again stared at Derran in awed disbelief.

"Y-y-y-you are. . . I-I-I was making clothing for. . ." Rarity had always had a habit of pretending to faint whenever she wanted to emphasize something, but on this occasion she found herself actually becoming lightheaded. The King?! Her garments were being worn by the honest to goodness KING of Equestria?! Applejack also seemed stunned as she stared goggle eyed at her 'farm hand', who she had seen not a day before emptying swill into a hog trough.

"Y'all are. . ." Applejack was even less able to form words than Rarity. Actually having to physically sit down after a few moments, with a slightly dazed expression on her face. However as everypony ogled him, Derran began to look distinctly annoyed.

"Miladies I may be Seraph Luna and Celestia's betrothed, and Seraph Twilight's coltfriend, but I am not your king, nor shall I ever be!" He declared, spitting out the word 'King' like a bad taste in his mouth. "Please cease staring at me as though I have just grown a second head! I am simply Derran Grandal, if you must have a title you may call me 'Doom Slayer' or 'Guardian', but I will never answer to King or Majesty, or any associated noble nonsense!" Rainbow arched an eyebrow, smirking at Derran's display of irritation.

"But you are the future King aren't you? Your Majesty." She declared jokingly with a chuckle and a mocking bow, only to stop laughing a moment later, as Derran fixed her with a glare that froze her blood.

"Never." Derran growled, his eyes flashing red for an instant. "Call me that again." Swiftly straightening up Rainbow nodded, struggling to hide the fact that she was suddenly shaking slightly. Apparently it was possible for her to get a rise out of Derran, and Rainbow quietly resolved not to do so again at any point in her lifetime. "To answer your question though," Derran continued, still sounding slightly annoyed. "technically I could be considered. . . royalty," Derran spoke the word 'Royalty' with the expression, and tone, of somepony who had just bit into a rotten apple. "once we are married. However, my place as Guardian is to serve. Never to rule." Derran declared firmly, and for once Rainbow decided not to tease him further.

"In case you're wondering, we all agreed to postpone the wedding plans until Twilight has decided whether or not she wants to join us." Celestia explained, hoping to move the conversation back to slightly less contentious hoofing. Shining tried his best to conceal his look of relief, as he cleared his throat.

"Well, that's all well and good, but what I think Rarity was asking, was where Derran here even came from, how long was he here, and if you were. . . lovers. . ." Shining struggled not to cringe at the word 'lovers' as he continued. "why did he suddenly leave?" For an instant following Shining Armor's question Derran looked distinctly uneasy, before glancing at Celestia and Luna as if waiting for something.

"Derran. . . tell us," Celestia began, meeting his gaze with a look of real worry in her eyes. "did. . . did you find a way to stop them?" She asked, and to her and Luna's visible relief, Derran nodded. Opening the satchel Rarity had made for him, and which he perpetually carried, he reached inside.

"I did indeed my Lady. . . behold, the Crucible." Pulling the object from the satchel, the Crucible's appearance was met with an audible intake of breath, it's disturbing appearance making clear it's dark nature. "This device was used to control a powerful mystical engine called 'The Well of Souls', using the Crucible I destroyed the Well, trapping it's power within the artifact. Without it, they are unable to summon their world eater portals with the ease they once could. In addition, their remaining leaders lie dead, and shall never be able to return."

Derran's words were met with a solemn nod from both Luna and Celestia, while everypony else, stared at the object in Derran's outstretched hand with varying degrees of disgust. It looked similar to the handle of a sword, but instead of metal, it looked to be forged from flesh and bone, save for a pair of glowing red-orange stones set into what could tentatively be referred to as the 'pommel' and 'hilt', the former of which was made up of what appeared to be a vaguely humanoid fanged skull. It seemed to exude an aura of wrongness, like it was an object that reality itself seemed to loathe and despise, a halo of charnel red light seemed to hang about the object, but nopony could say for certain it wasn't a trick of the eye. Celestia and Luna looked at the item with naked revulsion.

"Such power. . . and such evil." Celestia breathed out, as Luna shuddered. Derran nodded.

"I would have destroyed it, but I was uncertain if the energy would dissipate, or return to the well. I dare not destroy it even now, for if the energies within were to escape and find a host. . ." Derran trailed off, as Celestia and Luna nodded. However suddenly they looked once more to Derran, their expressions becoming pained.

"What of. . . what of the others? What of Jack, Kawi, Yomi, Beroghar, and Unaka?" Celestia asked, her tone subdued, as if she was bracing for an answer she already knew was coming, yet dreaded to hear. Derran shook his head, his expression one of sorrow. Celestia and Luna's faces contorted for a moment, as if they were desperately struggling not to start crying. Even so, several tears trickled out from the corners of their eyes before they could stop them. Twilight glanced at Celestia and Luna, an uncertain look upon her face, as she waited for them to compose themselves before speaking.

"Uh, not to seem insensitive, but. . . who or what did Derran stop? Who were those ponies you just mentioned? And where exactly did Derran go?" Derran looked to Celestia, and after taking a moment to dry her eyes, she nodded. Derran repeated the gesture with Luna, whom also gave her silent approval. Replacing the artifact back in the satchel, much to the relief of all, Derran sighed, and was about to open his mouth when he heard a familiar sound.

A steadily rising cry of warning echoed from outside and above the castle's main entrance, in a familiar voice. Moving like lightning, Derran was just barely able to catch Derpy as she careened through the castle's open door. Her momentum was not quite as great as the last time this had happened, so Derran was able to simply catch her as he would a sack of grain. However, this meant that Derpy was now held in the slightly awkward manner of a bride being carried up to the honeymoon suit on her wedding night. This impression was not helped when Derpy placed her front hooves around Derran's neck for support, positioning her face only a few inches from his.

"Hey mister Derran!" Derpy greeted cheerfully, apparently oblivious to the rather compromising position she was in. Had this happened not twenty four hours ago, Derran would have been blissfully unaware of how this looked himself, but now was painfully prescient of how it might be taken. This was not helped by Celestia's next comment.

"My, my, my, Derran, aren't you the popular one?" She teased, glad for a way to break the melancholy of the previous few minutes and mute the painful news she had just received. Before Derran could respond, Luna chimed in as well, motivated by a similar desire to her sister's.

"Kiss her you fool!" This drew several astonished glances, and a loud snigger from Rainbow Dash. Swiftly sensing her comment may not have been perceived as intended, Luna explained with a sheepish expression. "Something I read in a novel, was it not humorous?" Luna asked awkwardly. Celestia, and Twilight just smiled.

"It was sister, though not perhaps in the way you meant it to be." Celestia stated with a chortal. The comment also seemed to have clued Derpy in, as she was now blushing.

"Uuuh, mister Derran, you're really nice an all, but. . . I think we should just be friends." She said, clearly trying to be gentle. Derran couldn't help but laugh,.

"Well as karmic punishment's go I would say this is far from the worst I could suffer." He thought to himself, feeling his previous embarrassment drain away as he placed Derpy on the ground. Simultaneously, he came up with a way to turn the tables on Celestia and Luna, and maybe lighten the mood a bit further. Gently taking hold of Derpy's right hoof, Derran assumed a suitably distraught pose.

"Alas for me, my fairest Derpy doth not return mine affections! Oh cruel fate, that I shall be condemned forevermore to gaze upon her from afar, never to know the touch of her silken lips! However, though mine heart may be wounded I take solace in the fact that I have not been fully cast from my beloved maiden's sight, and that she in her magnanimity hath stated that I might walk beside her in life regardless!" Here Derran made a sweeping bow as he lifted Derpy's hoove to place a feather-light kiss on her fetlock. "I shall accept my maiden's generous offer, and though I may never know her embrace, I shall gladly settle for her words and thoughts." Derpy stared at Derran with a slightly bewildered expression, as everypony else, lay on the floor paralyzed with laughter at his performance, the emotional trial of the last few hours seemingly reset by the absurdity of Derran's theatrics. Nopony could deny they needed the reprieve, save for Derpy who was still trying to process the situation.

"Uh. . . what?" Derpy asked, uncertain if Derran was even speaking ponish anymore.

"I am quite content with being friends milady." Derran clarified, truth be told, as much as he adored Derpy, he had never been attracted to her.

"Oh phew!" Derpy exclaimed. "Because Twilight really likes you, and I'm not really interested in you that way. . . sorry." Derran smiled unsurprised. Derpy had once told him during one of their brief chats, that she had been in a less than pleasant relationship, that had ended with her as a single mom. Derran had not pressed for details, but had casually asked for a very exact description of the stallion in question, and added the description to his long term mental to-do list (a list that had it been physical, would have included a rather large number of names crossed off with red ink). Derpy had confided that while she hoped to try again someday for a relationship, she still wasn't quite ready. It was a shame in a way, because Derpy was an amazing mom, incredibly sweet, and somepony you couldn't help but like. Suddenly Derran snapped his fingers, as he recalled something else about the grey mailmare.

"Lady Derpy, may I impose upon you for a favor?" He asked.

"I guess that depends on what you need." Derpy replied. Derran sighed as he noted the full mailbag around Derpy's neck, this was going to take some convincing.

"Well as it happens we are in dire need of a foalsitter, specifically for miss Flurry Heart. It is a bit of an emergency, and I know you occasionally foal-sit on the side, so I was hoping you might consent to taking the day off? I can promise you at least thirty bits an hour?" Derran cringed internally as he spoke, asking Derpy to simply abandon her job right in the middle of it just so he could play storyteller, wasn't just a big favor, it was a huge favor. Derpy glanced down at her mailbag and bit her lower lip.

"I'd like to mister Derran, but. . . I gotta make the rounds, ya know?" She replied, her tone apologetic. Derran nodded in understanding, he knew he was asking for more than was reasonable. Derpy was well within her rights to-

"I think I might be able to help with that." Came a motherly yet playful voice, as Celestia moved to stand at Derran's side. Derpy's eyes went wide as she suddenly recalled just who Celestia was.

"Your majesty!" Derpy squeaked. Hastily attempting to bow. However the effort was foiled by the strap of her mailbag, and she let out a cry as she tripped, only to be caught in a golden levitation field.

"No need for formality Miss. Hooves, I'm not here on official business, so just treat me like any other pony." Derpy nodded as the solar princess set her back on her hooves, and Derran smiled. That was Celestia for you, never one to put on airs. He recalled in ages past how much she had hated it when ponies, including him on more than one occasion, fussed over her. And how much she had detested many of the rules of her station concerning formality and speech, her humility was one of the many things he loved about her. Now as Derran watched, Celestia levitated the entire contents of Derpy's mailbag into the air. Directing them to orbit her with but a thought, the letters forming a giant cylinder of paper rectangles and small brown parcels around her, as she read every address at a speed no mortal could ever hope to match. Before teleporting them all away in a flash of golden light. "There," She announced happily. "All done. Now Miss. Hooves, do you think you can help us, please?" Celestia asked with a smile. Derpy nodded enthusiastically.

"Of course your-I mean, Celestia." Derpy replied with a grin.

Getting Derpy settled in with Flurry Heart only took a few minutes, mostly dedicated to simply telling her where to find what she needed for feeding and entertaining the young alicorn. Soon enough, Derran and the others were standing outside the castle, waiting for Cadence and Shining Armor to say their goodbyes to their daughter, with several of those present looking curiously at Derran.

"So, uh, why exactly did we need Derpy to foalsit Mr. Grandel?" Asked Fluttershy gently. Derran seemed only half to hear her as he glanced out over Ponyville with a strange look in his eye.

"Because we are headed into the Everfree Forest, there is something there you all need to see." Derran explained, and to those present he sounded suddenly much older. "Flurry. . . well, apart from the dangers of the forest, what you will see when we get there is not for the eyes of children." At this admission, Several members of the group glanced at each other in mild uncertainty.

"So. . . what will we see when we get there?" Asked Pinkie Pie, suddenly feeling oddly worried. Derran barely seemed to notice her question as they were joined by Cadence and Shining.

"Ok, ready to go. . . where exactly are we going?" Shining asked, everypony else shrugged their shoulders.

"We make for the Everefree forest, I will explain more as we travel. . . first I must relate to you a story I recently told Lady Twilight, about the Seraphim. . ." They started out at a brisk walk, heading on a path that went along the outskirts of Ponyville, and toward the Everfree, avoiding the hustle and bustle of the town proper. Derran stayed at the group's head, moving like he was in a trance. As they walked he told them the story, about the primal force of creation, and its firstborn children.

"So let me get this straight. . ." Rainbow began, as Derran concluded the story after several minutes of walking. "You think that Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and even Flurry Heart, are goddesses?" Derran nodded.

"It is a bit more complicated than that, but in essence, yes." He responded, ignoring the cringes from Celestia, Luna, and Twilight, as well as the look of bewilderment from Cadence and the others.

"Oooook, but. . . you know their not. . . right?" Rainbow asked, trying to be gentle. Derran shook his head.

"I know what I believe to be true." He stated, his tone final.

"Don't bother Rainbow, we've tried." Celestia declared, gesturing between Luna and herself, a small frown appearing on her face, as she gave a roll of her eyes that Derran seemed oblivious to.

"Regardless," Derran interjected. "as with many things, the tale of the Light and the Seraphim is only half the story. . ." Here several in the group showed curious expressions. "You see. . . the Light had an enemy. One even more ancient than creation itself, it was called simply: The Darkness." The expressions of curiosity became ones of worry, as Derran began the second half of the story.

"In the time before creation, the Darkness ruled unchallenged. In those times, it existed as a simple force, possessing no intellect, with neither emotion, nor desire to guide it, it simply was. However. . . then came the Light. The Light was all the Darkness was not. The Light was hope, while the Darkness was despair, the Light was creation, while the Darkness was destruction, and of course, the Light was good, while the Darkness. . . was evil."

Derran's audience shivered slightly at his tone, as he spoke. "No one is certain how the Darkness became self aware, but the tale told among my people was as follows: When, for the first time, a mortal took the life of one of its own in cold blood, that act resonated with the Darkness. The Darkness learned to connect with the evil that rested within the hearts of even the purest mortals, and from this, it learned. . . It learned of cruelty, it learned of malice, it learned of deception, it learned of fear, and most of all. . . it learned of hatred."

There was a faint intake of breath at that pronouncement, as the ponies around Derran hung on his every word. "The Darkness hated the Light, despised it with every ounce of its nigh infinite being. It raged and howled, and with the fury and brutality it had learned from mortals, it attacked the Light, and all it had created. However. . . the Darkness, for all of its nearly limitless power, was alone. While the Light, had all of its nearly numberless children to aid it, including the Seraphim, who were divinity in their own right." Twilight and the other alicorns present, winced slightly at this, but said nothing. "With its armies, the Light beat back the Darkness again and again, with numbers and united purpose. This cycle repeated uncountable times, the Darkness attacking, only to ultimately be defeated."

"Wait," Twilight began. "if the Darkness couldn't win because it was alone, why didn't it just make soldiers like the Light did?" Derran gave her a humorless smile.

"An excellent question Milady. The Darkness is the primal force of destruction, creation is anathema to it, and was beyond its understanding. . . at first." He explained, as they finally entered into the Everfree forest, taking a path Twilight was unfamiliar with, yet Derran seemed to know by heart. Twilight glanced at Derran with an uneasy expression.

"At first?" She asked, a hint of worry in her voice. Derran nodded.

"No one knows exactly how or when, but at some point the Darkness's hatred became so great, that it came to rebel against its very nature, and in that moment of rebellion, it commited a blaspheme against itself. . . it chose to create." Derran stated, his jaw tightening.

"W-what did it make?" Asked Rarity, her voice trembling slightly, Derran really had a talent for making a story feel incredibly real. Derran clenched his fists unconsciously as he replied.

"It made. . . a cancer. A dimension of horror that would connect to every plane of existence the Light had ever made. It would turn the Light's own children against it, by using their sins to forge an army of pure evil. This realm would infect other realities, growing larger and more powerful with every world it absorbed. It has gone by many names: The Underworld, the Pit, the Netherworld, the Realm of Sin, the Abyss, the Darklands, and countless other titles. . . but the name it is best known by, and the name that was said to have been given by the Darkness itself is: Hell."

At the utterance of the name, Derran's audience let out an audible gasp. Something about that name resonated within them, calling to something deep inside the core of their beings. They did not know why, but that dread name, that they could not recall having ever heard in their lives, filled them with fear.

Derran continued the story as if on autopilot. "Hell is connected to the souls of every form of mortal life. Whenever a sin is committed, whenever a truly evil act is willingly carried out, it is clad in flesh and emerges in Hell as a monstrous form of life. These creatures are purely evil, utterly incapable of understanding things like compassion, mercy, or any other form of positive emotion. They exist only to kill, corrupt, and spread chaos, and concepts like hope or love are utterly alien to them. They too have had many names: The Unborn, the Corrupted, the Dreadkin, the Fallen, Devils, Chaos Spawn, and infinitely varied other titles, but their most infamous name is: Demon." Again the group shuddered at the enunciation of this previously unknown word, as it too resonated with something deep in their souls, causing them to feel an acute sense of loathing. Derran set his jaw as they headed through the forest, and he continued his tale.

"With the creation of Hell, the Darkness now had an army that could match the light, and began a campaign of extermination. Entire universes burned as the Demons invaded, spreading despair and madness, that in turn led to the birth of more Demons in an unending cycle that became a tidal wave of destruction. The Light's armies rushed to meet the Demons, and the war that ensued raged for eons. However, after a time, and more battles than could ever be counted by mortals, the balance began to tip, and the Light. . . began to lose."

Derran's audience hung on his every word, barely aware of their surroundings as Derran spoke. "However, all was not lost. For the Darkness had grown arrogant, it's many victories deluding it into thinking itself invincible. So it was that the Light lured it into a trap. It chose ten of its mightiest mortal children, ten warriors of impeccable skill, unimpeachable honor, and unyielding virtue, and together they faced the Darkness. The Darkness, eager for ultimate victory, and blinded by overconfidence, charged ahead of its army, and met the Light and its ten chosen in combat.

The battle was beyond fierce, mountains were leveled, seas boiled, and the sky split, until only one of the ten remained. This warrior, the purest and strongest of all, faced the Darkness as the champion of the Light. The Darkness tried to tempt him, but his conviction made him incorruptible. The Darkness tried to trick him, but his honor burned away all deception. Finally, the Darkness sought to destroy him, but his virtue. . . made him invincible! And the Darkness, alone before this ultimate warrior. . . was struck down. Burned by virtue, cleaved by truth, and crushed by conviction, the Darkness fled. As for the Demons. . . at the sight of their supposedly omnipotent god, gravely wounded, and howling in terror, they broke in a rout. None dared to challenge the wrath of the warrior who had brought low their vile maker, and so they ran back to Hell in defeat!"

"Woah." Rainbow remarked.

"So what happened next?" Twilight asked, eager to hear the end of the story. Derran looked oddly contemplative.

"The Darkness, was never seen again, badly wounded, and running from the Light's champion, it fled beyond the bounds of creation, to the safety of the void beyond dimensions. Meanwhile, The Light, sacrificing the lion's share of its power, placed a barrier around Hell, trapping the demons within. Thus has it been, that neither the Light, nor the Darkness, has been seen in physical form since." Derran concluded. Twilight however gave Derran a questioning look.

"Wait, how does this story relate to you?" She asked. Derran sighed.

"The barrier the Light placed around Hell is not perfect, there are ways around it. Over the ages, the demons learned that while it is virtually impossible to open a portal to another world from their side, others can create a portal to them from outside." He explained. Rainbow balked.

"Oh c'mon, who'd be stupid enough to pull something like that?" She asked with a laugh. Derran frowned.

"Even without their vile creator, Hell has immense power, and often offers that power to the foolish and corrupt. Promising everything from the death of an enemy to the resurrection of a loved one, in exchange for assistance. What's worse, Hell is all too willing to honor its bargains, though the rewards granted are inevitably twisted. For example, an offer of immortality might mean becoming a demon of great power who shall never age, or it might mean having your soul consumed by Hell to 'live' forever as a screaming tormented soul, bound eternally to the living substance of Hell's landscape. However, regardless of what is promised, the end result is always the same, Hell attempts to consume the world of whomever contacts them. Still, despite the madness of doing so, there are numberless individuals who are willing to bargain with Hell, I'm sure you can think of at least a few beings deranged enough to consider such a deal." Derran stated. Rainbow nodded slowly, as she thought of Tirek, Sombra, and Chrysalis.

"Again though, what does that have to do with you?" Twilight asked. Derran shook his head, his face a grim unmoving mask.

"You recall when first we met, that I told you my homeworld had been 'lost', correct?" Derran asked, his voice low.

"Yes. . ." Twilight replied, a horrible suspicion forming in the back of her mind.

"Now, consider what I just said, pertaining to what Hell does to the world of any being ignorant enough to attempt a deal with them." Twilight's eyes widened in horror.

"Oh. . . oh no. . ." She whispered, unable to find the words, as Derran explained fully.

"Nearly twelve hundred years ago, the king of my country opened a gate for the demons. In a mere day, my homeworld of D'nur, was pulled into Hell. . . and utterly destroyed." He stated, his tone as cold as the grave. Everypony stopped moving for a moment as they stared at Derran.

"Derran. . ." Twilight began before trailing off, her eyes brimming with tears, unable to say any more. Celestia and Luna had told her that Derran had experienced terrible hardship, but this was beyond even her worst imaginings. It reminded her of an alternate future she had once seen, in which Equestria had been reduced to a lifeless wasteland by a vengeful Starlight's time manipulation spell. For her the experience had been momentary, and dulled ever so slightly by the knowledge that it was not yet written in stone. But Derran. . . he had seen his world die, had been there to experience every moment of its end, and for him. . . there was no chance of fixing it. What words could she, as a friend or lover, ever give to assuage such pain? All she could do was shed silent tears for all Derran had lost, as they continued on their way.

"Your. . . your whole planet?" Shining Armor asked, his tone one of stunned horror. Derran nodded, as for an instant he stared straight ahead, as if seeing a different world.

"Yes." He replied, his voice distant.

"How did you survive?" Shining asked, unable to imagine how it was possible. Derran shook his head, as he pushed aside a low hanging branch, revealing a small clearing.

"That. . . is what I brought you here to explain my lord." Derran stated, ushering them all into the clearing. Wiping the tears from her eyes as best she could, Twilight examined their destination. The clearing was small, only about forty feet across, and roughly circular. Lush green grass and wildflowers grew in the sunlight, swaying as a slight breeze disturbed them. In the exact center of the clearing, towering almost as tall as the surrounding trees, was a massive oblong boulder. Its craggy surface covered with moss and lichen, and with various wildflowers clustered around its base. The clearing was oddly serene, as if the Everfree considered it hallowed ground.

"What is this place?" Twilight asked. Derran did not reply to her question, instead looking at Celestia and Luna.

"At your leisure my ladies." Derran stated softly. Celestia and Luna nodded, as their horns began to glow. Swirls of midnight blue and golden yellow energy coiled around the boulder. As if seen through waves of intense heat, the scene began to shimmer. The distortion becoming ever greater, until at last there was a sound like shattering glass. Everypony present, save Celestia, Luna, and Derran, gasped in shock at what the dispelling of the illusion revealed. . .

Towering over them was a massive, perfectly circular stone tablet, that looked seemingly unaffected by the passage of time. Faintly glowing runes that even Twilight had never seen before, were engraved along the outer edge of its unweathered surface, pulsing softly with a faint blue light. In the center, was a carved image of a human warrior in the armor of a knight. The knight's head was bowed, kneeling on one knee. One hand rested upon the hilt of a sword that was thrust into the ground beside him, while the other was placed across his chest, his clenched fist over his heart, mimicking the strange formal bow Derran had given to Twilight and Cadence. And there, carved above the knight's head, was the ancient symbol of the two sister alicorns, from long before the time of Luna's banishment. Depicting Celestia and Luna chasing after each other, the sun and moon beneath them forming a pair of interlocking teardrops, and engraved upon it all, were these words:

We shall be thy finest warriors
We men who give of ourselves to thee

In great armor you have clad us
and with the mightiest weapons we have been armed

We shall bring such tactics, strategies, and abilities
that no foe shall defeat us in battle

We are thy bulwark against terror
We are the guardians of Equestria

We are thy doom marines
and we shall know no fear.

As they looked upon these words, those present felt as though an immense weight was pressing down upon them. It felt as if some tremendous power was emanating from the monument, ancient and terrible. Yet for all that intimidating weight, the power did not feel evil, merely stern and unyielding. Then after a moment, the feeling seemed to change, to one akin to being in the arms of a parent, a sense of fierce loving protection that seemed to suffuse the air around them.

"It knows. . . it knows we aren't evil." The thought entered Twilight's head unbidden, and she found herself unable to dismiss it, despite knowing the stone couldn't possibly be alive or aware.

"What. . . what is this?" Twilight asked, in a voice filled with wonder. . . and more than a little fear. To Twilight's surprise it was Celestia who answered.

"Touch the stone. . . and you will see." Twilight and her friends glanced at Celestia, Luna, and Derran hoping for more information, but all simply stared at the stone as though lost in a trance.

Slowly Twilight walked toward the stone, her friends moving to join her. Now that she was closer, Twilight could sense the overwhelming magic pulsing within the stone. It was an enchantment of a kind she had never read or even heard about, on a scale she would never have dreamed possible. The magic was old, and it made the hairs of her coat stand on end. As she raised her hoof, Twilight sensed something beyond the enchantment, some power far stronger than anything she had ever experienced. It felt vaguely similar to the Elements of Harmony, but far more intense, and so much more terrible. For an instant, Twilight imagined a volcano on the verge of eruption. A great and frightening strength was connected to this stone, watching. . . waiting. . . sleeping, until it was needed again. Glancing up, Twilight almost felt compelled to ask the image of the kneeling knight for permission to enter, momentarily fearful of what might happen should she touch the stone uninvited. However, gathering her courage, she simply took a deep breath.

"On three everypony. . ." Twilight stated, looking around at her friends and family. On her right Starlight nodded, and on her left Spike gave a claws up. Twilight nodded and counted down. "One. . . two. . . Three!" The assembled ponies placed their hooves on the stone, and in a flash of blinding light, they saw a truth, they could never have imagined. . .

Soundtrack: TTS Theme

There were thousands of them. Arranged in neat rows that stretched out of sight in a white void that seemed to have no end or beginning. Floating unsuspended in the void, they were indeed clad in great armor, sealed suits, featuring a mix of magic and technology, that even Twilight could scarcely begin to understand. All crafted in an assortment of different designs and colors, doubtless reflecting some form of organization. Titans with T visored helms, bedecked in gold and silver. Warriors in layered midnight blue and black, inlaid with mother of pearl. Onyx plated soldiers covered in scrawled tribal symbols and hung with strange fetishes. Camo patterned fighters with the ancient symbols of Equestria proudly emblazoned on their shoulders, and myriad others stood silently suspended in mid air, hands clasped over their breasts as if sleeping.

And there, center stage before Twilight and her friends, were ten figures. Even among such unparalleled power as this assembly, these ten stood out. One wore armor of purist gold, inlaid with silver designs depicting either the sun or flames, with even his helmet designed to look like a stylised sun with a human face, the lenses in the eyes gleaming like opals. Another was more practical, his camouflage armor having relatively few adornments, being covered instead in combat webbing, and a helmet that looked to be part gas mask, part night vision goggles.

A third was a giant, at least a full head taller than the others, his armor and helmet of purposely dulled black and brown, etched with strange symbols, that vaguely reminded Twilight of Zecora's cutie mark. The fourth was more slender than the others, his armor of grey plate accented with furs and strings of teeth from various carnivorous beasts, a helm in the shape of a snarling wolf, with ruby eye lenses, completing the look.

The shortest of the ten was the fifth, whose red armor was engraved in strange, faintly glowing symbols of protection and warding, with robes of purple and blue, trimmed in gold, worn over it, and a helm like an elaborate visored headdress of gold and crimson. The sixth, was covered in black lacquered armor, with a opalescent crescent moon resembling Luna's cutie mark, inlaid into the breastplate, and who's oddly elaborate helm, beheld a faceplate like a snarling monster, a second crescent moon of gold, resting on the forehead. The seventh had armor that bordered on ostentatious, the silver metal wrapped in leather belts, with discs of gold and silver polished to a mirror finish, attached to them, and covering him from head to toe, while his visor was a silver mask of a smiling angular human face, with a long thin moustache and pointed goatee, also polished to a reflective shine.

In comparison, the eighth's armor seemed highly understated, made mostly of black, it appeared to be inlaid with bone, making the wearer look vaguely like a skeleton, a leather satchel decorated with colorful beads of bone and glass, accented with an eagle feather, was the most eye catching adornment he had, his helmet being of a simple design, the large visor that completely encompassed the front of the helm, painted to look like a grinning skull. The ninth was also quite simple, his armor being mostly of a utilitarian design, colored a deep blue, with a bit of painted gold scrollwork, in the shape of ocean waves, along the edges, the only other ornamentation was a scarlet sash, embroidered with gold thread, displayed proudly across his chest, his helm slightly resembling a scuba mask.

Out of them all however, the tenth warrior was both the strangest, and the most resplendent. Floating in front of the other nine, his armor was mostly plates of white trimmed in black, save for the greaves, vambraces, and shoulder plates. Half were enchanted plate that looked nothing so much like Luna's mane. Deep midnight blue, within which one could see the sparkle of countless stars, trimmed in gold filigree shaped like flames. The other half were like Celestia's mane, a constantly shifting range of muted prismatic color, trimmed in filigree of obsidian black made to look like swirling mist. His breastplate displaying the ancient interlocking teardrop symbol of the two sister alicorns in gold, onyx, silver, and opal. And over it all, he wore a robe of half white and half midnight blue, Luna and Celestia's cutie marks sewn onto each breast. While from each gauntleted wrist, were jeweled charms of the same shape, hanging from delicate chains of gold and onyx. Most impressive however, was his helmet. A mask of gold, made to look like a stern human face, and on each cheek the symbols of the sun and moon were depicted in onyx and silver, while on the forehead, was once again the interlocking teardrop symbol of the two sisters in mother of pearl and ebony.

The power of this army, for it could be nothing else, was beyond description. It radiated through the air like the blazing fury of a supernova. Even at rest, these terrible warriors seemed destruction incarnate, as if they could defeat an enemy merely by existing. Yet as the ponies gazed upon these immobile warriors they felt no malice, no anger, no outrage, rather, what they felt was. . . piety, pride, love, and a sense of unshakable loyalty. It was as if these warriors were calling out, roaring to all of Equestria. . . Do not be afraid, because we are here!

"Twilight! Look!" Cried Spike, pointing his trembling claw at a series of golden letters forming at their hooves. The words seemed at once, both a warning, and a veneration, they read:

So you walk eternally through the shadow realms
standing against evil where all others falter
May your thirst for retribution never quench
may the blood on your swords never dry
and may we never need you again. . .

Twilight and the others withdrew their hooves almost simultaneously from the stone, stumbling back and gasping for air, several actually fell to their knees. The warriors presence, combined with the magnitude of the revelation, having left them breathless and disoriented.

"Who. . ." Twilight began, her voice barely a whisper, pausing as she struggled to get her shaking hooves under control. "who are they?" She asked, staring wide eyed at Derran, Celestia, and Luna, who gazed down at her and the others with unreadable expressions. Derran turned to look at the stone monument for a moment before replying quietly.

"They. . . are my brothers." He explained, a far off look in his eyes. "They, are the true Guardians of Equestria. . . and have been for nearly twelve hundred years."

"Y-your brothers?" Asked Cadence, still shaken from the experience. Derran nodded.

"Have none of you ever wondered why Equestria has no standing army beyond a modest police force and the royal guard?" Celestia asked. Everypony looked puzzled.

"I always assumed it was because you had the Elements of Harmony." Twilight replied. Celestia smiled.

"The defense of Equestria is. . . complicated. However it chiefly relies on two things, first my own nature as a prognosticator of future events." This pronouncement was greeted with wide eyed stares, from nearly all present, Rainbow however, just looked puzzled.

"A what of what?" She asked in confusion.

"She can see the future." Starlight explained, her tone filled with awe.

"Wait, seriously?!" Rainbow asked. "So do you know if I'm gonna become captain of the Wonderbolts?!" Rainbow asked excitedly. Celestia chuckled.

"I'm afraid it doesn't quite work like that Rainbow." She explained calmly. "I rarely see exactly what's going to occur, I usually only have a general idea. Though on occasion I have received direct visions, typically it works in far more subtle ways, like I meet somepony and have a sudden urge to say something to them, or help them in some way. Like with Twilight, the instant I met her I knew she was somepony special, and that I needed to prepare her as best I could for her future. I had a sense that Twilight would help my sister and be vitally important to the future of Equestria, but I didn't know the exact how's and why's. I got the same sense when I met all of you." Derran nodded as he spoke up.

"Imagine, if you will, that the future is a pound of hemp, being made into a rope. The finished rope is the past, the point the strands of hemp are being woven at is the present, and the unwoven threads are the myriad possible futures. Lady Celestia has the instinctive ability to nudge the threads in such a way that the strongest possible rope is produced. Influencing events so that ponies of import are exactly where they need to be to allow the most positive course of events." Derran explained.

"Wait. . . so is that how you knew to send me to Ponyville when you did? Or when you knew to send me all the friendship letters I had written you so we could beat Discord? Or how you knew to send me to the Crystal Empire to stop King Sombra?!" Twilight asked incredulously.

"Yes Twilight, but it was you and your friends own hard work, kind hearts, and ingenuity that made it work. I just helped put you where you needed to be, and gave you the occasional bit of advice, but the rest was entirely you and your friends doing." Twilight nodded, feeling a fair amount of pride at her former teacher's praise.

"Wait. . . so then, Derran's brothers. . ." Shining chimed in, his eyes widening as he connected the dots. Derran nodded.

"We are the last line of defense. Only ever to be awakened in times of supreme need, and only at the behest of Ladies Celestia and Luna, or a representative chosen by them." He explained.

"So. . . why hide them? Why keep them in suspended animation? Why are they never mentioned in the history of Equestria?" Twilight asked, still struggling to keep from being overwhelmed by the enormity of all this. Derran hesitated for a moment before answering, as if considering a difficult decision.

"To truly understand, you must first see how this all came to be. . . " Derran turned, giving Celestia and Luna a look of solem resolve. "miladies, I wish you to perform the proiectura anima spell." At this request Celestia and Luna instantly balked, looking stunned, and then horrified.

"You don't need to go that far Derran! A verbal-" Celestia was cut off by Derran's upraised hand.

"With respect my Lady, simply telling is not enough. They need to see to truly understand." Luna shook her head.

"My love please, my sister is correct, you do not need to put yourself through that!" She pleaded, her eyes filled with worry.

"What is this spell? It sounds vaguely familiar." Starlight interjected.

""Soul Projection". . . It let's a willing subject show others their memories, projecting them as an illusion." Celestia explained. Instantly Starlight realized where she had heard of it before, it had been listed in the same book as the spell she had modified to invade Derran's mind. Suddenly Starlight found herself glad that she hadn't recognized the spell immediately, as she might have accidentally revealed her recent, ill conceived use of magic on Derran, in front of all three of his, extremely powerful, marefriends. Starlight suppressed a shudder at that thought.

"So. . . what's so bad about that?" Rainbow asked. "Sounds pretty cool to me." Luna shook her head.

"The subject relives the memories very intensely, and what Derran intends to show you it-" She was cut short by Derran's voice.

"Lulu. . ." He began, using the nickname that he alone could call her by, and that even now made her blush. "they must have answers, more than that, they deserve answers. Please. . . permit me to do this." Luna looked like she still wanted to argue, but after a moment's pause, she nodded.

"Very well, but please, don't push yourself." She agreed, her apprehension still clearly present in her voice. Derran nodded.

"Derran. . . " Celestia trailed off, before shaking her head in resignation as Derran walked to sit cross legged before the stone monument at the center of the clearing. A moment later she and Luna took up positions at either side of him, as their audience watched nervously. Derran inhaled deeply before slowly exhaling, mentally preparing himself for what he knew was coming. Twilight opened her mouth, but was unsure of what to say as Celestia and Luna began charging their horns with energy, worry still written across their faces. Derran gave them a reassuring smile.

"Every journey, be it toward damnation or salvation. . . begins with a single step." Derran began, Celestia and Luna's horns glowing ever more intensely with every moment. "For me, that step was taken nearly twelve hundred years ago," The hum of building mystical energy could be heard clearly now, as the air seemed to vibrate as a ball of radiant light formed above Derran's head. " on the day that my homeworld fell. . ." The last word was punctuated by a blinding flash as the ball exploded, all other light and sound blotted from existence. . .

Derpy smiled as she looked once more at her prized possession in the bathroom mirror. Around her neck on a silver chain, was a small glass bottle with a cork top. The bottle was etched with beautiful golden scrollwork, and suspended from a small gold chain within the bottle itself, was a muffin, woven expertly from silver wire. The silver muffin had a number of pinhead sized sapphire beads on the top, representative of blueberries, and they seemed to glow in the early afternoon light. After finding it in front of her house a week or two ago, she had instantly fallen in love with it. As soon as the silver chain was fastened around her neck, she vowed never to take it off ever, wearing it every day and even at night and in the shower.

She used to wonder why nopony ever commented on her lovely new accessory, but then decided she didn't care. She also used to wonder why the necklace always felt slightly warm to the touch, or why it never broke when she lay on it at night, or why on occasion she could swear it felt heavier than it should. However she stopped caring about all those things too, almost as fast as she thought about them. She had an amazing necklace that she loved, what more did she need to know? Now as she admired herself in one of Twilight's mirrors she had a new thought. "I should go check on Flurry."

For an instant this thought struck Derpy as odd, she just put Flurry down for a nap five minutes ago, why would she need to check on her? However, just as soon as she questioned the idea, she decided it was a good one, you could never be to careful after all, not to mention Derran and the princesses were counting on her. Heading up the stairs Derpy was scarcely aware of the journey as she moved down the hall. As she opened the door to the room Flurry shared with her mother and father, Derpy felt a faint tinge of elation she could not understand.

Walking up to the crib and peering down at the sleeping foal, Derpy smiled. However, to anypony who knew Derpy, the smile would have looked distinctly wrong. It was less a grin of contentment than a smirk of gleeful triumph, alien indeed considering the circumstances. For several minutes Derpy stared down at Flurry with that faintly sinister smile, unaware of her own odd expression. "I should pick her up." Derpy shook her head, that thought felt. . . wrong, somehow. "Why? She's asleep, I don't want to wake her." Derpy's forelegs trembled as she consciously restrained herself from reaching into the crib. "But she looks so cute! I want to snuggle her!" Again Derpy shook her head. "No, I need to let her sleep." Derpy thought firmly to herself, as her legs trembled again, this time more violently. "Pick up Flurry!" The inner voice commanded angrily, suddenly sounding far less like the voice of the pony who's head it echoed in. Derpy's eyes widened in shock as she slowly stood on her hind legs, and began reaching into the crib.

"No!" Derpy had meant to shout the word, but to her horror it came out only as a strangled whisper. Panic began to overwhelm her, as her body now refused to follow her conscious instructions. She tried to scream, and was horrified when the voice of a mare she did not recognize echoed in her mind. The voice was cold, cruel, and brimming with sadistic glee.

"Now now, none of that, you wouldn't want to wake the baby would you?" The voice asked, before the sound of insane laughter filled Derpy's head. Derpy could not even attempt a reply, as she felt her mind become completely disconnected from her body, rendering her a passive observer to the events unfolding before her eyes. Gently, the thing inhabiting Derpy's body lifted Flurry from her crib. Swaddling her in a blanket as it turned to head for the door. Derpy screamed and hollered inside her head, desperately trying to stop what was happening. "You've been such a tremendous help Derpy, really! You acting as my unwitting spy has been more helpful than you can imagine!" The voice was jubilant as it mocked Derpy inside her own head. "To think, because of you, not only will I be able to take the daughter of two of my most hated enemies, but by this time tomorrow, I'll also have forced the rest to watch as the stallion they love, dies right in front of them! Truly, I can't thank you enough!" As the body of Derpy Hooves walked out the castle door, a single tear fell from it's right eye, the only visible testimony to the anguished mind held hostage within. Now. . . let's go make one last delivery, shall we?" Deep within her mind, Derpy Hooves, screamed. . .

In the Beginning. . .

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Derran Grandel groaned as he heard the door to his bedroom creak open. Shutting his eyes tight, he feigned blissful unconsciousness. Hoping he might steal a few more moments of sleep by playing to the sympathy of the one who had come to summon him from his dreams. Briefly, through a single cracked eyelid, Derran saw through the partly drawn curtains that the sun had barely risen. The muted sound of a distant rooster announcing the morning with an exuberant crow, serving to herald the glowing orb's unwanted light. The alarm clock on the oak bedside table had already tried to raise Derran with it's scream, and swiftly been silenced by his barely conscious hand. However his visitor, who's creaking footsteps on the wood floor were easily discernible as they moved to the side of the bed, was not so easily deterred.

"Are ye daft man?! Don' ye know what time it is?!" Came a feminine voice with a heavy Feyland accent, that would have been almost lyrical if not so harshly distorted by annoyance.

"Too early." Came Derran's reply, in a tone of overly exaggerated exhaustion as he covered his head with a pillow. Truth be told, he was already on the verge of full wakefulness, but he could never resist teasing his wife a little. She was absolutely irresistible when she was angry, and when she was happy, and when she was sad, and on any day ending in 'Y' really. What's more, he knew her reactions well enough to believe he might be able to coax her back to bed for a few moments of snuggling, if he played his cards right. He could almost feel the sly grin on her face as she replied.

"Oh?. . . An' here I thought I was married ta a soldier, not a slab o' rock. But seein' as how ye' are a rock, then ye' must be sturdy enough ta handle a little tough love. . . OH TERISSA?!!" Instantly Derran's eyes snapped open. "Oh no." was all he had time to think as his wife called out, and he realized he had miscalculated. "YER FATHER'S BEIN' A LAZY LUMP!! GET IM OP' FER ME WOULD YE'?!" Thinking quickly, Derran moved to throw back the sheets attempting to prove he was in fact awake, and no drastic steps were needed. Only to find his legs were hopelessly tangled in the bedsheets. Gamely, he managed to raise most of his upper body out of bed and open his mouth to protest, before being knocked down again by a red haired blur wearing a yellow nightgown.

"DADYYYYYY!!" The blur shouted, as it ran full force into Darran's broad chest, knocking him flat against the headboard as it wrapped its arms around his center of mass.

"OOF!!" Derran exclaimed as he just barely avoided having the wind knocked out of him completely. The figure now clinging to his bare chest, turned out to be a little girl of about twelve, her long fiery red hair done up in two pigtails. She looked up at her father with a smiling, freckled covered face, her icy blue eyes sparkling with joy.

"Come on dad!" She cried out with a giggle. "Mom says you gotta get up to make us pancakes!!" Derran glanced over at his wife with a look of mock reproach.

"Oh she did, did she?" He asked, with a small smirk as he tousled his daughter's hair affectionately.

"Darn right ay did! Yer breakfasts are the only reason I stay married ta yer lazy behind." She declared with a smirk of her own. Derran laughed as he eyed his wife of nearly fifteen years. Kira was still every bit as beautiful as the day he first laid eyes on her, her short red hair, that stayed slightly messy no matter how hard she tried, framing a delicate face with bewitching green eyes. Her slender figure, as well as graceful legs and arms, belied her surprising physical strength, and tough as nails personality. She looked like a fairy queen from a children's folktale, but had the personality of a warrior from a saga. . . and Derran loved her more every time he looked at her.

"And here I thought you married me because of my striking good looks and roguish charm." Derran replied back with a wounded pout.

"Nah," Kira replied without missing a beat. " tha' was just a bonus." Derran laughed out loud at that, he would swear Kira could read his mind sometimes, she always knew exactly how to match him quip for quip.

"Truly you spoil me with praise my love." Derran replied. "But I suppose the loyal knight must ever serve his queen and princess. So pancakes it is!" He declared with a smile.

"Yes!" Came an enthusiastic squeal from the girl clinging to Derran's waist. "Dad's pancakes are the best!!" It didn't take long after that for Derran to extricate himself from his daughter's iron grip, and throw on a robe. Following his wife and child down the stairs, he headed through the rustically appointed living room to the kitchen. Walking over the polished wood floors and past the painted white wooden cupboards. Derran noted all the ingredients and utensils he needed, had already been placed on the built in table next to the large stainless steel range stove. Derran grinned, Kira must have set it all up for him the night before without him noticing. Like so many things in their lives, she had planned this in advance.

As his daughter and wife set the table, Derran cracked his knuckles in preparation for his task. a gesture he had acquired during his time in the military, and one he always performed when he intended to tackle an especially important job. His movements were precise and measured, as he began mixing the flour, sugar, milk, vanilla extract, eggs and other ingredients together in a large ceramic mixing bowl. He had long ago learned the recipe by heart, and hummed tunelessly to himself as he worked. Without taking his eyes off the bowl, he reached out to turn on the two stove burners, above which was placed a cast iron griddle. Flicking his eyes to his right for an instant, he pressed the activation button on the automatic coffee maker, before resuming stirring the mixture in the bowl with energetic but even strokes.

"Ye' do make a handsome figure in tha' kitchen." Purred a voice from right behind him, as a pair of slender arms wrapped around his chest. Derran turned his head just in time for his lips to connect with a far softer pair, that eagerly devoured his own. Placing the bowl on the counter, Derran wasted no time in turning to embrace his loving wife, as their lips and tongues continued to wrestle. Finally however, they parted for air, and Derran was treated to a radiant smile that would have put the sun itself to shame. "Good morning gorgeous." Kira declared happily, her arms still wrapped around her husband's neck.

"Good morning beloved." Derran replied with a grin, his wife's good humor as infectious as ever. Briefly, Derran reflected that no matter what his mood might be, Kira could always instantly brighten it.

"Eeeew, you guys are gross!" Opined a child's voice from off to their side. Derran and Kira laughed as they regarded their daughter, who was partially covering her face with her hands in embarrassment.

"Oh I quite agree, that was simply awful. . ." Derran stated as he leaned in to rub his nose against Kira's. "you really must practice more." He chuckled. Kira smiled, as she gave him a glare of mocked anger.

"Well is na picnic fer me either, but some of us are tactful enogh' ta nah mention it." She shot back as she gave her husband a kiss on the nose accompanied by a laugh. "Now, back ta work, a'm gettin hungry!" Derran chuckled as he released her and went back to his cooking.

"As milady commands." He replied with a smile.

Twilight stared at the scene unfolding before her with wondering eyes. In the center of the clearing in which she and her friends and family now stood, surrounded on all sided by the forbidding darkness of the Everfree forest. The figure of Derran Grandal sat in a cross legged position in front of the massive circular stone monument that loomed over everypony present. His eyes were closed, and his body was utterly motionless, save for the almost imperceptible rise and fall of his armored chest, which was the only visible indication that he was even still alive. On either side of Derran were Celestia and Luna, the princess's of the sun and moon's horns glowed softly, as they fed a steady trickle of power into the spell that held the rapt attention of all present.

Manifesting as a large silvery cloud of mist that seemed paradoxically, both opaque and nearly transparent, it was connected to Derran's head by dozens of glittering threads comprised of the same ephemeral substance. The cloud churned and swirled, as the images of Derran's ancient memory played out within its depths. The images were so clear, it was almost as if you could step into the misty projection and interact with them. However, the realism and spellcraft, while impressive, were not nearly as interesting to Twilight as the images themselves.

"Is that. . . really Derran?"" She asked, almost unable to believe it. Derran's mane was much shorter, styled into what she believed was referred to as a business cut. He looked older, with the faint lines in his face that one associated with those who were just outside of middle age. The most striking difference however, was his attitude, he seemed. . . less intense somehow. His eyes seemed softer, his posture more relaxed, and the aura of power that seemed to surround him at all times was absent. In addition, while he was still very fit, his body seemed to have slightly less muscle definition, and even a bit of softness here and there. Were it not for the icy blue of his eyes, and the sound of his voice, Twilight could have easily assumed he was somepony else entirely.

"Indeed." Luna replied, glancing at Derran's seated form with an expression of sorrow. "This was Derran as he was slightly over twelve hundred years ago." Cadence, staring at the projection with no less incredulity than her sister in law, was next to speak.

"So. . . then those two are. . ." She trailed off as Celestia nodded.

"His wife: Kira, and his daughter: Terissa." The solar monarch confirmed sadly.

"Why does he look. . . older?" Asked Rainbow Dash, puzzled. Celestia simply shook her head.

"The answer to that will come later, for now, simply watch." Everypony present nodded their agreement, as new images resolved in the mist. Showing Derran and his family sitting around a table, their meal almost finished. Seeing Derran, and his wife and daughter talking and laughing, none could imagine a more perfect example of a happy family. . . it made Twilight wince, as she felt a sympathetic pain in her heart.

"Ay hope ye haven't forgotten about yer parents arriven today?" Kira asked, wiping away the lingering traces of maple syrup from her mouth with a red and white checkered cloth napkin.

"Of course, they are arriving later this afternoon correct?" Derran inquired, taking a sip from his coffee.

"Yep, yer father called to say he was going ta try an make it a wee bit earlier if'n e' could. Said e' had a big surprise fer ye." Kira replied as she started to clear the table.

"I hope it is not another attempt to convince me to take his seat on the high council." Derran replied darkly.

"O' come now, ye know he just wants what's best fer ye." Kira scolded from the kitchen. Derran laughed.

"So you think I should acquiesce to taking the job then?" He called back. Returning from the kitchen, Kira wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"Light above, no!" She stated flippantly. "I'd go daft haven ta host those fancy dress parties like yer mum does. Na ta mention I canna stand tha pompous high society speech garbage, with milord this an milady tha', makes ma skin crawl." Derran raised an eyebrow.

"Are you implying that my manner of speaking is unattractive?" He asked with a smirk.

"Let's jus' say yer lucky ye have such a sexy voice." Kira replied with an impish smile, causing Derran to grin and roll his eyes goodnaturedly.

"I like how you talk daddy." Terissa offered up happily, leaving her empty plate to hug her father's arm.

"Thank you princess, I'm relieved someone around here appreciates high quality linguistic skills." Derran declared imperiously as he lifted his daughter onto his lap. "Ah, why your mother could not be as appreciative, I shall never know." He continued melodramatically. Kira however, smirked as her eyes flicked to her daughter.

"Oi, yer highness: beware o' flattery from a smilen maiden." Following his wife's gaze, Derran saw his daughter steal a syrup covered pancake off his plate, and hurriedly shove it into her mouth. "Old Feyland proverb." Kira declared with a laugh. Derran shook his head in defeat.

"A fork tongued devil for a wife, and a silver tongued brigand for a daughter. Truly I must have sinned mightily in a life past." He remarked with a laugh. "Still. . ." He continued, holding Terissa tight as he placed a kiss on her head. "I would not trade either for all the power and wealth upon D'nur." Derran declared, with both a smile and tone that bespoke true happiness.


An hour later The table was clean, and Derran stood in the living room wearing his work clothes. A worn red T-shirt and faded jeans, held up with a beat up leather belt, and a pair of brown leather work boots. Maybe not the peak of high fashion, but comfortable, and well suited for a day of work in the fields or repairing farm equipment. Nearby, Terissa sat at the coffee table on one of the beat up leather chairs, she wore a light blue dress with white stockings, and was currently drawing with her crayons, her face a mask of intense focus.

"What are you making princess?" Derran inquired, moving to his daughters side. Quickly Terrissa responded by throwing herself over her work, blocking it from view.

"Not till it's done!" She admonished, causing her father to smile.

"Oh come now, just a peek?" Derran asked placatingly. However Terissa was adamant, as she shook her head.

"No! You have to wait!" She declared, her tone stubborn in the way that only a child can be.

"Very well, have it your way, I shall be patient." Derran stated, relenting as he went to head for the door. "Love?! I am heading out now, I shall see you for lunch this afternoon!" Instantly Kira appeared as if by magic from the door leading to the guest room. Dressed in manner similar to Derran's she wore jeans of a darker blue, and a black shirt, and instead of boots and a belt, she wore sneakers.

"Nah without sayin goodbye properly yer no'." She admonished, walking over to him and placing her arms around his neck. Derran grinned as he gave her a chaste peck on the lips, she frowned. "Ye call tha' a goodbye kiss?!" She asked incredulously, and Derran smirked. Grabbing hold of Kira he swung her into a dip, supporting her with one arm before locking his lips to hers in a searing kiss that made her melt into him. Several long moments passed before Derran placed Kira back on her feet with a smile.

"Eh, I suppose tha's good enough." She declared with a smirk.

"You are a cruel woman my queen." Derran replied with a laugh, as he felt someone grab hold of his leg.

"Me next!" Terissa declared, staring up at her father with a slight pout.

"Of course princess." He replied with a laugh, picking up his daughter under her arms to gently spin her around, much to her giggling amusement, before placing a kiss on the center of her forehead. Lowering Terissa back to the ground, Derran smiled down at her beaming expression. "I shall return at noon, promise to show me what you were drawing when I do?" Derran asked with a smile. Terissa nodded vehemently.

"Yep, it'll be all done!" She responded happily, her smile never wavering.

"I shall look forward to it then." Derran replied, turning to head for the large red painted oak door. Pausing to make sure his wallet and oracle were in his pockets, and his keychain clipped to his belt loop, Derran turned the brass knob and threw the door wide. Only to come face to face with a pair of familier icy blue eyes.

The man who stood opposite of Derran was tall, and strongly built despite his advancing years. Patrician, clean shaven features, were framed by long hair, thinning on the top, and with a slight curl to it. His hair was once a deep black, but now contained a large amount of grey indicative of his age. He wore a black wool frock coat, that had been left unbuttoned to show the white dress shirt, and dark green vest beneath. Grey high waist pants covered his legs, terminating at perfectly polished low heel pointed toe boots. Around his neck he wore a brown paisley cravat, and under his arm he carried a black silk top hat. He stood on the stoop with right hand upraised, as though just about to knock.

"Father. . ." The word left Derran's mouth before he even had time to think about it, in a tone of understated surprise that was neither particularly hostile, nor particularly welcoming.

"Son. . ." The man replied, his tone mirroring his child's as he slowly lowered his hand. For several moments the two stared at each other, the abruptness of their meeting having left both unprepared for any more advanced form of greeting, and a palpable tension began building in the air.

"I thought you were not arriving until this afternoon?" Derran asked the question in a tone of studied neutrality, his expression carefully controlled. The man cleared his throat, in a slightly embarrassed manner before replying.

"We decided to depart very early this morning, I heard rumors the King might call a meeting today, and wanted to make certain I was unavailable." He explained, his gaze shifting nervously.

"I see." Derran replied, his expression still unreadable.

"Oh for the love of the Light Leman, he is not going to bite!" Came a woman's stern voice. The voice was highly aristocratic, and was spoken in the tone of a woman who was not in the habit of taking no for an answer. "And Derran Jericho Grandel, I did not raise my son to be inhospitable to guests, least of all those with whom you share blood!" The voice came from a woman exiting the passenger side door of an expensive looking black autocarriage. Clad in an immaculate blue victorian dress, that would have been more appropriate for a ballroom than a farm, this woman nevertheless moved with a robust forceful grace. Her features were as severe as her tone, and displayed the delicate cheekbones and jawline of a highborn lady. Her long silver hair was done up in a tight bun, while eyes of glittering steel grey glared at her son and husband with disapproval.

"Mother. . ." Derran said, a distinct note of nervousness in his voice as the woman moved toward the pair.

"Don't you 'Mother' me young man!" She shot back. "You two repeat this behavior every time we have occasion to visit! Tiptoeing around each other as though afraid of stepping on a landmine!" She declared angrily. "Now, from the top! I want a proper father son greeting!" Nodding, the two men squared off, each with a faintly frightened look in their eyes. Extending his hand, Derran did as instructed.

"A joy to see you again father, please pardon my surprise at your unexpected, but not at all unwelcome, early hour of arrival." Leman nodded, gripping his son's proffered hand tightly.

"A pleasure to see you as well my son, forgive me for not informing you of our revised schedule, but I had hoped to surprise you." He replied. Derran's mother nodded.

"Much better. Now greet your mother with a proper embrace." She declared, her previous severe expression vanishing beneath a warm smile, and kindly gaze. Derran returned the smile as he embraced both his parents in a tight hug.

"Good to see you again mother, and you father." Derran declared happily.

"You too darling." His mother replied, her tone now as warm as her expression. "Now, where is my wonderful daughter in law, and my even more wonderful granddaughter?" She was answered by a happily screaming redheaded blur shooting past her father to wrap her arms around the older woman's waist.

"Grammie!! Grampa!!" She shouted, as she swiftly wrapped her grandfather in a similarly robust bearhug. "I'm so happy to see you!" Terissa declared joyously.

"Lord an Lady Grandel, it's grand ta see ye again!" Declared the voice of Kira as she followed on her daughter's heels to embrace her in laws. Derran's mother returned the gesture of affection enthusiastically, while his father was faintly hesitant, as if he felt slightly uncomfortable with the idea of being welcomed.

"Oh Kira, rubbish with that 'Lord and Lady' nonsense, you call us Cynthia and Leman, or mother and father if it suits you! We are a family!" Derran's mother lightly scolded, as she beamed at her daughter in law and granddaughter. "Speaking of, I trust you two have been keeping my neerdowell son on the straight and narrow?" She asked looking down at Terissa with a wide smile as she and Kira parted from their hug. Terissa nodded happily.

"We have grammie! Daddy made us pancakes today!" She happily testified. Kira and Cynthia laughed at that, as Derran raised an eyebrow.

"How precisely, have I suddenly become a villain in your eyes mother?" Derran asked, a good natured smile on his face. Cynthia gave her son an imperious look of disapproval.

"You never call often enough, and you never send us any pictures of our darling grandchild!" She declared, and Derran laughed.

"I call you every week, and send pictures every year at the feast of Ahriman!" He protested. His mother simply shook her head.

"By what metric did you measure that as sufficient?! You should be sending photos at least once a month, and calling at least thrice a week! Honestly, how your poor wife and daughter tolerate your negligent nature I shall never know!" Cynthia declared, to the smiles and giggles of Kira and Terissa.

"Ay, we suffer, but he makes up fer it a wee bit with his cooking, an he ain't half bad in the field an around the house." Kira agreed in a faintly melodramatic tone, and with a devilish smile.

"He tries real hard grammie, but he puts me to bed way too early." Terissa declared, smiling at the opportunity to join in teasing her father. Derran's mother pretended to look appalled.

"No!" She declared in mock horror, kneeling to place her arms protectively around her granddaughter before glaring at her son in feigned anger. "My son, how could you?! This simply cannot stand! And to your own daughter no less! Have you no shame?!" Derran laughed at his mother's performance, placing up his hands placatingly.

"Peace mother, peace! I swear, tonight she can stay up as late as she desires, in fact, we can all watch a movie on the holobox tonight after dinner. Will that be sufficient atonement?" He asked with a smile. His mother nodded as she rose back to her feet.

"I suppose that would be up to the lady of the house now, would it not? Kira darling, what is your judgement?" Kira gave Darran an appraising glance.

"I suppose that'll do. . . if'n he promises to include some o' his famous chocolate chip cookies in ta the bargain." She declared slyly. Derran laughed as Terissa nodded her head vigorously in agreement.

"Very well then, if that is the price of expunging my sins, then consider it paid." Derran declared with a bow. "I shall be upon the task the instant I return this evening." Kira gave him a grim look, though the edges of her cheeks were twitching, as she struggled not to laugh, before offering a nod evoking magnanimity.

"A'right then, we'll be holdin ye to tha." She stated her grim expression swiftly giving way to a smile. Terissa nodded, grinning from ear to ear.

"Yes! Cookies!" she cried out happily. Derran's mother nodded curtly.

"Well then, now that that is properly settled, you men bring in the luggage while the ladies catch up, and not a word of complaint!" She ordered. Derran smiled as he gave a slight bow, turning to his father who had taken the opportunity to place his hat on a nearby hook.

"Shall we then father?" He asked with a chuckle. His father gave a laugh as he responded.

"Indeed, woe betide those who disobey the queen my son." He said with a smile, as they exited through the door. Heading out into the early morning light, Derran and his father walked down the short cobblestone walkway. Heading for the autocarrage parked in the dirt driveway that lead to the two door garage attached to Derran's home. It was a fine vehicle, of a design many decades in the past, but still pleasing to the eye. Having a sleek black body vaguely reminiscent of a bullet or dart, trimmed in reflective silver chrome.

"Still driving this ancient relic?" Derran teased as they headed around to the trunk.

"Indeed, I have always been a man who enjoys the classics." His father replied haughtily. Leman Grandel had a deep voice, with the same highborn accent as his wife. It was the voice of a man who whenever he spoke, even those of power listened. A voice that, even if you had never heard it before, demanded respect, and deference. It was a voice of strength, experience, and wisdom, that few would challenge. In fact, to Derran's knowledge, his father's voice had never failed to command instant respect, save from three people: his wife, his son, and his daughter in law. Derran shrugged.

"I would argue: stuck in the past, but that is merely my opinion." Derran stated as he opened the trunk and grabbed hold of his mother's suitcase. His father chuckled.

"It is odd you should choose that particular turn of phrase, as it reminds me I have a gift for you." Derran arched an eyebrow.

"Oh? What is the occasion? My birthday is several months off, and the Feast of Ahriman is not until winter?" Leman Grandel gave a mysterious smile as he gestured for his son to wait, and went to open the autocarriage's back door. Derran watched his father with a curious expression, as he pulled out a long box made of beautifully carved and lacquered red mahogany. The box looked incredibly old, despite its excellent condition. Its surface covered with intricately carved flowering vines, and a symbol that gave Derran a jolt, as he recognized it. It was a symbol from one of the most ancient, famous, and mysterious corners of D'nurian history. A sword, with an image of a partial eclipse, carved where the handle and crossguard met the blade, the sword itself thrust through the top of a monstrous looking skull. Derran could hardly believe his eyes.

"That is the symbol of the Night Sentinels!" He exclaimed in awe. "Their order died out millenia ago! Only a handful of artifacts from them even remain! Where on D'nur did you get that?!" Derran's father gave a conspiratorial smile, as he handed the box to his son.

"As it happens, this is a family heirloom, passed down from an ancient ancestor of ours. Supposedly, he was a member of the Night Sentinels, their high marshal in fact." Leman explained. Derran's expression became one of stunned surprise.

"You never told me that! Who was he?!" Derran asked, incredulous at this revelation.

"His full name was: Sir William Joseph Blazkowicz, of the noble house of Blazkowicz. The house fell from grace many centuries after William's death, and eventually married into our own family. If legend is to be believed, he was one of the last High Marshals of the Night Sentinels, and a renowned demon hunter." Derran laughed at that.

"Demon hunter?" He asked with a chuckle as he examined the box, it was heavier than it appeared at first glance, and he could feel something shift inside of it slightly. "Surely you jest? Demons are a fairy tale told to frighten children and the blindly religious." His father shrugged.

"It was likely just a title, I doubt he ever actually fought demons. Still, he was said to be a peerless warrior, and a strong leader." Here Leman paused, allowing his son to absorb the information for a moment before continuing. "It took a great deal of searching to find this, I had to nearly tear the attic apart." Derran could well believe that, the Grandel mansion was massive, and he doubted anyone knew even half of what was inside it. Leman tapped the box with his finger. "When I saw what was inside I nearly suffered a stroke, see for yourself." Derran arched an eyebrow in faint suspicion, pausing for an instant, before he moved to undo the latch. It was made of slightly tarnished silver, and was designed in the same shape as the symbol of the Night Sentinels carved into the box. Despite its obvious age, it opened easily with a faint click, as Derran slowly lifted the lid and looked at what the box contained. For an instant. . . Derran found he couldn't breathe.

It was a sword, slightly longer than a longsword, but slightly shorter than a claymore. Made of black steel, there was little ostentation to the weapon, it was simple. . . functional. . . yet clearly like no other weapon in the world. The handle was long, wrapped in red dyed leather, and clearly designed to be usable in either one or two hands. The pommel was a loop of steel that looked decorative despite its simplicity, and fully capable of cracking open the skull of a careless opponent. The crossguard was solid looking, each end capped by the same loop as the pommel, a small faintly glowing gem of sky blue at the point where the handle and crossguard met, was one of the few visible nods to ornamentation. As for the blade, it was black steel like the rest, forged to perfection, and without so much as a single scratch or chip on its mirror polished surface, despite its supposed immense age. Extending from the handle and into the fuller, was a raised section of the blade with a series of ancient D'nurian runes, etched in gold, while along the fuller itself was a line of inlaid gold, that seemed almost to glow in the sunlight.

"This. . . this is. . ." Derran couldn't speak as he stood holding the box with trembling hands.

"You, are the only warrior left in our family, I thought it fitting that you have this. . . the Hellbane: Unmaker." Leman explained, with a faint smile. Derran felt his eyes nearly pop out of his head, as he looked at the sword.

"A Hellbane?! Our family has a HELLBANE?!" He kept repeating in his head. If Derran wasn't seeing it with his own eyes, he would have said it was madness! In the distant past, wars had been fought over possession of the ten legendary Hellbanes, entire kingdoms wiped out on the mearist rumor that one had been found. Their historical value alone made them priceless, while their mystical qualities made them utterly beyond traditional concepts of value, and now he held one in his very hands!

"I assume you know the legend about the Hellbanes?" Derran's father asked with a chuckle. He was clearly enjoying his son's shock, of course Derran knew! Even the most poorly educated child on D'nur, knew the legend of these supposedly all powerful weapons! Derran spoke like his mouth was on autopilot, his voice a reverent whisper as he recited the basic story from memory.

"When the Light chose its ten champions to face the Darkness, it knew they were too few to fight it with ordinary weapons. However, just as creation was anathema to the Darkness, so destruction was to the Light. Never had it taken life directly, nor created anything that held the sole purpose of causing harm. Ever had it won against the Darkness by strengthening its many children, or healing their wounds. Even when struck, it could never bear to harm an attacker. However, just as rage allowed the Darkness to rebel against its nature, so too did the love for its threatened children, allow the Light to transcend its own limitations. And in so doing, create the mightiest weapons ever to be used against evil." Derran seemed as if he was completely unaware of his surroundings as he kept talking. "It made ten weapons, indestructible even by the Darkness, and each designed to feed on the power of evil. Turning the Darkness's own strength against it, and each with the name of a virtue: Mercy, Justice, Repentance, Temperance, Honor, Order, Purity, Truth, and Innocence. However, one weapon was different. Containing power like none other. It was gifted to the champion who ultimately defeated the Darkness, and was said to have the ability to completely extinguish evil souls, and so it was named. . . Unmaker!" Derran stared at his father in awe.

"You always were fond of those stories." Leman said wistfully. Derran shook his head as he closed the lid of the box.

"Is. . . is this truly Unmaker. . . thee, Unmaker?" Derran asked, glancing around to make sure no one was listening. His father shrugged.

"I honestly am not certain, I do not dare have it appraised, if it is the genuine article, there'd be no end of brigands and other rabble who would come seeking to steal it. To say nothing of the various idle rich who would come beating down my door begging me to sell it. However, according to our ancestral legend, it is the real Unmaker, the first and mightiest of the Hellbanes." Derran shook his head, as his father cleared his throat. "Incidentally, I recommend not telling anyone about it. Just keep it as a conversation piece, and if anyone inquires, tell them I had it commissioned for you by a magesmith in a foreign land." Derran nodded his agreement, a real Hellbane could be traded for rulership of a country, and it would still be considered an amazingly cheap price. Derran shuddered to think what people might be willing to do for this kind of treasure.

"Of course. . ." Derran trailed off as he glanced at a large granite boulder in a field across the road. Calming as he recalled one of the many stories surrounding the Hellbanes. "I wonder. . . do you think it is true that a Hellbane can cut through any substance as though it were air? Or erect an invincible aegis of force to shield its wielder?" Leman shrugged.

"Perhaps, all the other supposed Hellbanes are in museums, or the vaults of various royal families across the world, so no one has tested them in recent memory. But if it is, then maybe it is also true that the only thing it can never cut, is the flesh of the innocent, perhaps you could set yourself up as a magistrate?" Derran laughed at his father's comment, recalling the stories of kings ruling guilt or innocence by striking accused criminals with a Hellbane.

"I do not think the local constabulary would care for me trying that." He stated with a grin. " Thank you father, this is a truly wonderful gift." Derran stated gratefully. Leman nodded.

"I am delighted to hear that, now I advise we bring in these bags before your mother grows impatient." Derran nodded, closing the ornate box and placing it under one arm.

"Indeed, I doubt even a sword of godly legend would do much in the face of mother's wrath." He commented with a smile, as he hoisted his mother's suitcase again. His father chuckled as he grabbed the other bag.

"As the man who has been married to her for nearly forty years, I can assure you that you would fight very bravely, and fall very swiftly." Laughing, the pair headed back toward the house, the tension of their earlier meeting entirely forgotten.


A short time later, Derran and his father once more found themselves in front of the two story white painted colonial building that was Derran's home. As much as he would have liked to stay, Derran still needed to head out to the fields, and Leman had offered to see him off. There was always something to be done on the farm, plowing, seeding, watering, spraying, harvesting, conducting repairs on something, or just scaring off the occasional deer. Fortunately today's workload was comparatively light, and Derran was certain everything would be done long before nightfall. Walking to his terran engine, or 'Tractor', as some lands called it, Derran listened to his father complain about the latest problems on the royal council.

"Half the council are beginning to wonder if the king has gone entirely mad." Leman groused. "He barely attends to the needs of the kingdom anymore, and we are left to handle nearly everything. Then we hear he's emptied half of the kingdom's coffers to purchase various ancient mystical artifacts of very suspect origin and authenticity. And now all these rumors of the king conducting some kind of rituals in secret!" Derran's father shook his head. "For all the power the king has dumped in our laps, I cannot help but feel as though things are spiraling farther and farther out of control. . ." Derran shrugged, he had never been interested in politics, despite being born into a family of politicians and trained in every aspect of courtly life, speech, and etiquette. As far as he was concerned, if it didn't affect him directly, it didn't matter.

"Not to seem uncaring, but if the day to day running of the kingdom is uncompromised, I fail to see the issue." Derran stated as he placed the satchel containing a small snack in the back of the engine's cab, just beneath the shock rifle he used to drive off deer. His father sighed.

"Do not feign ignorance my son, you know as well as I, that a king must project strength, lest other countries begin to wonder if our lands may be fit to plunder." Leman stated. Derran rolled his eyes.

"Oh come now father, it has been well over a generation since the last war. Our enemies are few, and none are close enough to present any kind of real threat even if they wanted too. Besides, our current king has only held the throne for a few years, this is likely just him still getting used to the job." Derran stated, turning to give his father a reassuring smile. Leman shook his head.

"Unlikely, the king was. . . unsettlingly ambitious, until about a year ago, then this started up. And my personal sources have also been bringing me disturbing rumors of their own. Kidnappings, unsavory individuals having audience with the king in great secrecy, and other even darker accusations." Derran shook his head.

"All of them uncorroborated I would wager." He commented with a frown. Leman sighed.

"Yes. . . for now." Looking suddenly older than Derran had ever seen him, Leman's expression became one of bitter resignation. "I am not a young man anymore my son, and it is starting to tell on me. I can no longer command the respect I once did in the council, and the rapid march of progress is beginning to leave me behind. I am, as you said, 'stuck in the past'." Derran's father hesitated for a moment, his tone becoming hopeful. "Perhaps, if I could give my position to a worthy successor. . ." Derran let out a sigh of his own, this one of frustration.

"And so we see the truth of the matter." He stated irritably. "We have had this conversation a dozen times father, and my answer has not, nor shall it ever change. No!" Leman's tone became faintly pleading as he continued.

"At least consider it. You may not believe it, but you are a superb leader. I know full well that you turned down multiple promotions during your time in the military. You could have been a Captain or Major if you had wanted! Son please, if not for yourself then for your people! We need strong leaders! Kemed needs-"

"ENOUGH!" Derran shouted, silencing his father with his anger, before calming himself with a deep breath. "My answer is 'No' father, and that is all it shall ever be." Looking his father in the eye he continued. "Maybe if Kemed were at war or in some other mortal danger I might, might, consider it, but we are not." Leman opened his mouth to reply, but Derran forestalled him with an upraised hand. "And while I might, might, have the qualifications to lead men in battle, my temperament is ill suited to helping lead a country. More to the point however, I have no desire for either, I have no wish to lead or to follow, I only wish to be left in peace with my family!" Once more Derran's father attempted to speak but was cut off, his son continuing to speak as he hoisted himself into the cab of his terran engine, and glared down at his father from the seat. "This conversation is over father, and we shall not be having it again, do I make myself clear?!" Leman looked for a moment like he would continue to protest, but then shut his mouth and nodded. He did not want another fight over this. Derran rarely lost his temper completely, but when he did it was nothing short of terrifying, though Leman could never recall him ever coming to blows with anyone, even in the throes of his most terrible rages. However, more than that, Leman had no desire to drive his son away a second time, and so he capitulated. "Good." Derran said, his voice still slightly tense but his anger already fading. "I shall see you this afternoon then." He declared, a note of finality in his voice highlighting that no further argument on the matter would be tolerated. Then with a nod, he closed the cab door and started the vehicle.

Twilight and the others stared unblinkingly at the events playing out before them. This. . . this was what Derran Grandel, the Doom Slayer, the most fearsome warrior to ever live, had been? Now that it had had time to sink in, it seemed almost surreal to many of them. More than a few of the ponies assembled, knew, or guessed, that Derran had had a family, but the feeling of seeing it play out before them was impossible to describe adequately.

"He. . . he seems mostly the same but. . . at the same time he's so different." Cadence stated, and the others couldn't help but nod.

"He seems so much more relaxed. . . gentle, even when he got angry there, it was nothing like what I was expecting." Fluttershy commented.

"Yeah," Shining agreed. "whenever I talk to him now, I always feel this. . . I don't know, power, coming from him. Like he's a sheathed weapon, that's always ready to be drawn. Whenever I look at him, I'm one hundred percent dead certain that I could never take him in a fight, but looking at him here. . ." Shining shrugged. "I just see a regular stallion, no different from anypony else." Rarity nodded as she chimed in.

"I know what you mean darling, he always has that look in his eyes like he's seeing things nopony else possibly could. And as much as I hate to say it aloud, and as much as I know he does not deserve it. . . I always feel a bit scared of him sometimes, no matter how hard I try not to be. However, seeing him like this. . . I don't think I could be frightened of him even if I was inclined to try." She stated.

Everypony save Celestia, and Luna, nodded a bit guiltily. They had all felt it at one time or another, the faint sense of fear that Derran sometimes inspired. Not the terror some of them had felt upon seeing him in battle, but rather, a subtle sense that there was something faintly. . . off, about Derran. It was most intense when you first met him, and tended to swiftly fade over time to the point where you forgot it was ever there. But every once in awhile, something made it resurface. It was always faint, easily ignored, and vanished as quickly as it appeared, but it was still there, this. . . feeling that deep inside Derran, something terrible was lurking. Nopony among them could truly label it 'evil', but it was most definitely not good.

Rainbow nodded along with everypony else, as she recalled earlier when Derran had become angry with her. It might have been her imagination, but for just an instant, it had looked like his eyes had changed. In that instant, that feeling of faint fear buried in her subconscious, had exploded, into a single moment of pure terror like none she had ever felt. She considered mentioning it, but decided against it, it might have been a trick of the light, and Derran when he got angry, was scary no matter how brave you were. Whatever it was that inspired these inconsistent feelings of unease, it clearly was not present in the stallion they saw in the misty depths of the spell.

"What was that thing Derran's parents came in, and that thing he was driving?" Rainbow asked, getting the odd preminatory feeling that the question of Derran's occasionaly off putting nature, would be revealed in time. Luna glanced at the images in the spell, temporarily frozen, so they could speak without missing anything.

"D'nur was a world that had achieved a far greater level of technological development than Equestria. Long before Derran was even alive, they discovered a method of fusing their technology and magic together, allowing them to work wonders that even to us, would seem like. . . well. . . magic. Those vehicles are one such wonder, they are effectively a chariot that is propelled by magical energy, and were used for everything from agriculture to warfare." She explained, Twilight nodded.

"Derran mentioned he had a device called an 'Oracle', that he could use to do all kinds of amazing things." She commented.

"And you all saw the armor that Derran's brothers wore, it too is a product of what they referred to as magical technology or: Magetech, for short. Although theirs was made using both Equestrian, and D'nurian magic." Celestia stated.

"Wait." Twilight responded, giving Celestia a puzzled look. "You mean they built that armor while in Equestria over a thousand years ago? How?" She asked, slightly incredulous.

"The D'nurians used magic spells for everything, including the rapid creation and refinement of complex substances from raw materials. As long as they have access to the raw materials, they can fabricate whatever they need, given time. Although, for reasons you will soon see, this was impossible before they reached us." Celestia explained.

"They really were able to make all the technology from their lost civilization from memory?" Cadence asked in amazement. Luna shook her head.

"Not quite, several of Derran's more prescient brothers, brought along what they referred to as 'Data Crystals', magetech crystals the size of a thumb, that can store more information than exists in all the library's of Equestria combined. The crystals can be read by any mage who knows the proper spell, or by anyone with the proper magetech device. However, after creating their weapons, armor, and supplies, the devices used to create them were hidden, along with the crystals to preserve secrecy." She explained, and despite everything, Twilight felt herself nearly swoon, at the thought of that much advanced knowledge stored away somewhere. However she swiftly returned to earth, feeling guilty as she recalled that those crystals were likely all that remained of the culture and history of Derran's homeworld.

"Which reminds me. . . why was all this kept a secret?" Twilight asked. Luna gestured back to the illusion, which she and Celestia had kept paused.

"Let us keep watching, you shall have all the answers soon enough. . ."

Pulling away from the house and his father, Derran let out a deep breath as he drove forward. The terran engine moved at a slow, leisurely pace, its techno-sorcerous motor having been designed for power over speed. However, that suited Derran fine, as it gave him a chance to relax by watching the surrounding lush grasslands, and distant abutting forests, roll by. In the distance to his right, Derran could see the foothills that gradually transitioned into mountains, while on his left he could barely make out the far off silver skyscrapers, and enchanted stone castles, that made up Argent. The capital city of Kemed rose up over the hills and distant forests like a shining beacon. The reflections of sunlight off the chrome and polish, of countless hover carriages, and lifter bikes, making the air around the city seem to sparkle. Much of Kemed was hilly grassland, and relatively flat forest, that combined with how large the capital actually was, allowed it to be seen even from this vast distance. Derran had been to the city many times, both as a child accompanying his father, and an adult to sell his harvest. And while he did enjoy it there among the crowded streets, towering buildings, and honking auto and hover carriages, he much preferred the quiet of the countryside.

Closer to hand, Derran could see the center of the town he called home, the center being only a few miles from where he lived. The town of Stalhime was quite small compared to the capital, but still had plenty going for it. In addition to the library, and Church of the Heavenly Dawn, where Derran and his family attended services. There were several very nice restaurants, a holo theater, various miscellaneous stores, and the "Drunken Giant", the bar where Derran and Kira had made a bit of a name for themselves around town, as a karaoke singing duo. Derran smiled as he thought of the many saturday nights they had spent there to the cheers of the raucous crowd. The road that led to Derran's fields was a gently winding dirt affair, far enough away from the town center that houses became sparse. Most of the land being given over to crop production. Glancing over to his left. Derran saw one of his few nearby neighbors, Mr. Settron, who most would have called a paranoid shut in. Though, in reality, Derran knew him as merely a grumpy, retired, widower, who simply preferred to be alone.

It didn't take long for Derran to reach his fields, several score acres of corn, fruit trees, and various vegetables, as well as a decent sized patch of melons and squash. It was midsummer, and most of the crops had already begun growing in ernest. Most of today's schedule was about watering and spraying for pests, plus harvesting a few watermelons for the house. Derran smiled as he guided the engine into the gate in the electrowire fence that surrounded his land, to keep out all but the most determined deer. Pulling his oracle from his pocket, Derran glanced at the display. He had made relatively good time, as it was still only about 8:40am, and he reflected his father hadn't been kidding about getting an early start. Considering the three hour journey from the Grandel manor to Stalhime.

Derran frowned. . . his father. Derran knew Kira was right, and that Leman Grandel only wanted what was best for his son. However it frustrated Derran that his father always assumed that meant having power and wealth. True, money was always nice, and he could think of worse things than being one of the most influential figures in Kemed, but somehow the idea never appealed to him. Power and money had a nasty habit of changing people for the worse, and it was a rare man indeed who could say otherwise. Derran's mother was the only person he could think of, whom had never allowed her money or status to change her. Derran suspected that that was the main reason his father had the reputation he did for being such a principled member of the nobility. Derran sighed, he understood his father was worried about both his son and the kingdom, and was simply pursuing what he felt was the best solution to both, but it just wasn't something Derran could do. Derran shook his head, enough fretting about family matters for now, they would keep till he got back. Retrieving his wireless earpieces from an overhead pocket and putting them in his ears, Derran pulled out his oracle. Holding the palm sized rectangle of glass and plastic in one hand, he called up the music program and selected one of the soundtracks Kira had made for him, before hitting play, and getting to work.

For the next few hours, Derran spent his time spraying anti pest potion on the corn, before switching to pulling weeds in the vegetable patch. Falling into a comfortable rhythm, Derran sang along to the songs he was listening to, memorizing the words, while he pulled weeds from the ground and threw them into a nearby pile. While he did use herbicidal potions to help keep the weeds under control, there were some particularly tenacious specimens that the potion brand he used wasn't able to counter completely. However there were so few of these die-hard survivors, that it was cheaper to simply take them out by hand, than to buy a stronger potion. He had considered paying a mage to enchant the field with an anti-weed spell, but that too was a bit out of his price range. Besides, he rather liked doing it the old fashioned way, there was something innately cathartic about firmly grabbing an unsightly weed, and ripping it free from the earth, before tossing it aside with a flick of his hand. However, just as Derran paused to note that it was approaching noon, and he ought to head back for lunch, something began to happen. . .

A strange chill from out of nowhere made Derran stiffen, a feeling of inexplicable terror jolting him from his thoughts. Whipping his head around, Derran was briefly overcome by a sense of being surrounded by some unseen enemy. Suddenly, the music Derran was listening to was replaced by an angry hiss of static. Snapping out of his daze and pulling his oracle from his pocket, Derran was stunned to see the display was jumping around all over the place, amid a haze of snowy visual interference. Tapping the screen Derran attempted to get it to respond, but it only seemed to get worse. The light from the screen became an angry red, and Derran could swear he was seeing glimpses of strange symbols, ghosting across it at random. Then without warning, Derran let out a cry of surprise and pain. As what sounded like an inhuman scream, blasted through the audio buds in his ears. Dropping his oracle in surprise Derran ripped the small speakers from his ears and flung them away. Recovering swiftly, Derran bent down to retrieve his malfunctioning device, only for his eyes to widen as he saw the screen. It was now blazing with crimson light, and clearly no longer capable of performing its original function. Derran took a step back in fear, as he struggled to understand what he was seeing.

A face. . . more hideous than any he could imagine in even his deepest nightmares, seemed to be pressed to the screen of his oracle. As if it were a window to another realm, and the thing inside was attempting to break free. The horrifying visage snapped and drooled, drawing a long sinuous tongue across the screen, leaving a trail of boiling saliva behind. Derran stood frozen, as he tried to comprehend what was going on. Was it a glitch? Not likely, maybe a virus or practical joke by a bored techno-sorcerer?! Yes, that had to be it, there was no way this was. . . Derran's thoughts halted abruptly. His blood became ice, and his heart leapt into his throat, as he stared at the oracle with an expression of horrified disbelief. The face beyond the oracle's screen. . . was staring at him. Derran took a step back, and the creature's eyes tracked the movement, its features forming into a twisted approximation of a smile, then it opened its mouth. . . and screamed.

There was no sound, not really, though there might have been if Derran had still had his earpieces. However the effect was no less dramatic. In a flash of light Derran's oracle exploded with an echoing bang. Derran flinched, his cheek suddenly stinging, as what must have been a small piece of glass from the burst screen, grazed his face. Instinctively, Derran brought his hand to his injury, his fingers coming away red. Standing there with a dumbstruck expression on his face, Derran suddenly became aware of something even more disturbing. Despite the fact that the sky was completely clear, the area was suddenly growing darker, as if a cloud had passed before the sun. The darkness deepened, and a low rumble like distant thunder caused the air to tremble. Derran shook his head and started to move toward his parked terran engine, whatever was going on, he needed to get home. . .now.

However, no sooner had that thought entered Derran's head, then a sound like the roar of the Darkness itself, tore through the air. Derran was thrown from his feet by a force akin to being hit by an out of control autocarriage. A new sound, like all the screaming souls of the accursed wailing together, was heard. A howling wind carried the smell of rotting diseased flesh to Derran's nostrils, and he struggled not to vomit. Then, without warning. . . Derran screamed. It felt as though his entire body, inside and out, was burning. Yet it was not physical pain alone that made him give voice to his agony. Inside Derran's head, he could hear thousands of voices, screaming, roaring, bellowing in a language that he could not understand, yet filled him with a penultimate terror. A sensation like ethereal claws tearing at his soul, nearly made Derran bite his tongue off. As he rolled around in the dirt, screaming as he clawed at his head. Had it not been for the thought of what might befall his family, should he fail to come home, Derran would undoubtedly been broken, mind, body, and soul, by the pain. As it was however, he managed to grit his teeth against the physical and spiritual torment, holding on to his sanity with all his strength. Then finally. . . mercifully. . . the pain ended, as unconsciousness took him.

How long Derran remained in that state of senseless repose, he could not have said, but when at last he opened his eyes, he beheld what could only be called, armageddon. His first glimpse of the transformed world from his prone position, was the sky. Roiling clouds as black as coal, and backlit by an unholy scarlet radiance, stretched unbroken to the horizon in every direction. Strikes of unnatural crimson lightning played across the constantly moving cloud cover, as thunder that sounded like the roar of some mountain sized beast, reverberated through the air. The temperature seemed at once, both freezing cold, and boiling hot. The air carried a carrion stench that was a revolting mix of sulfur, rotting meat, and spilled blood, and every breath was like sandpaper in Derran's lungs.

Forcing himself to rise, Derran felt his mind rebel against what he beheld, the world beneath the unearthly sky was a ruin. Every plant was a dull lifeless grey, and as Derran accidentally brushed against a nearby squash vine's leaves, it exploded into a cloud of dust. The entire plant, having become nothing more than a sculpture of unliving ash. The trees were much the same, blackened husks of carbon, devoid of leaves, and which burned with fires of unnatural intensity and brightness. Even the earth itself had become a corrupted ruin, with splotches of soil looking disturbingly as though they had been turned to living flesh, and various rocks having acquired the color and texture, of long dead bone. Standing amid surroundings that resembled nothing so much as a lunatic's nightmare, Derran felt his mind go blank.

"What. . . what is this?!" He asked aloud, his voice little more than a frightened whisper. Derran's body felt numb, wanting nothing more than for this to be a nightmare. To pinch himself, and wake up in his bed next to Kira, knowing everything was all right. That thought sent a jolt like lightning through Derran's body, and suddenly he felt his mind focus on a single terrible realization. . . His family was in the middle of all this. . . and he was not with them. Instantly Derran felt his old soldier instincts take over, his terror departing as his focus cleared, and training took over. He now had a mission, one who's importance purged the horror of a moment ago from his mind completely. He did not have the luxury of giving in to fear, and he did not have time to contemplate the horrors surrounding him, he had only his objective, all else was meaningless. Now fortified with purpose, Derran set his jaw, and began to move.

Turning to look at his terran engine, Derran felt a momentary flare of despair, when he saw it was out of commision. Laying on its side with the engine blown out and smoldering. Derran ignored the feeling of panic that was threatening to overwhelm him, fighting the sensation down with an effort of will. His family did not have time for him to be afraid, and so he must not be. Climbing up on top of the useless wreck, Derran wrenched open the door to the cab, pulling his shock rifle from its mounting and checking the charge. Mercifully, it was still in working order, its magetech components apparently hardy enough to have survived whatever terrible magic had done this.

Having retrieved the weapon, Derran grit his teeth, and set off at a jog toward the road, resisting the urge to sprint with a supreme degree of self control. He couldn't afford to exhaust himself, as he had a terrible feeling that there was more in this wasteland than fire and ash, and he would need to be ready. Reciting a prayer to the Light under his breath, he set out through the nearby corn field, the plants disintegrating as he moved through them, and swiftly coating him in grey powder from head to toe. A small part of him wondered why he had survived when so much else had not, but he ignored the thought. A soldier does not question, he simply moves toward the objective and accomplishes the mission.

The trip to the road took only about five minutes, but still felt frustratingly long. Derran prayed that Kira and his parents had the good sense to stay put in the house, with the doors bolted. He didn't dare allow himself to think about how long he might have been unconscious. Such thoughts would accomplish nothing other than to slow him down. Finally reaching the road, Derran gained a cleared view of the surrounding country, and felt his guts turn momentarily to water as he looked toward the capital.

Despite a distance of over fifty miles, Derran clearly saw what could only be the origin point of this nightmare. A pillar of swirling red energy blazed up from the center of the city, punching a massive hole in the twisting clouds above. The charnel beam must have been over a mile across, and taller than any mountain on the planet. Great forks of incandescent scarlet lightning arced out from it, to touch down many miles away, carving molten trenches into the dying earth. Judging by what he knew of the layout of the capitol city, Derran calculated the epicenter to be right above the royal palace. Derran stared at the unspeakable pillar in horror, as he considered what his father had mentioned to him earlier that day, about the behavior of the king. However, before Derran could devote any more thought to the subject, he was pulled back to reality by the sound of gunfire. The volume and direction of the shots, seemed to indicate the sound was coming from Mr. Settron's place. Derran started to jog in the direction of the shots, but then slowed, did he really have time for detours when his family might be in danger? Another shot, followed by a very human scream of pain, made the decision for him, and he took off at a dead run toward Settron's home, turning his shock rifle's output to its maximum setting.

Reaching the house, Derran slowed, holding his weapon so that it was pointed at the ground, but could be brought to firing position at a moment's notice. As he scanned the outside of the building for hostiles, he lamented the fact that he didn't have a better weapon. Shock rifles were perfect for driving off deer, or incapacitating a human, but even at max power, were unlikely to do more than knock someone out. Still, it was better than nothing, and Derran advanced toward the front door with a sense of grim determination. Normally Derran would have tried to find a back way in, hoping to gain the element of surprise, but that would take time, and the door would likely be locked. Based on what little he knew of his shut in of a neighbor. Derran advanced on the single story house, the outer structure curiously untouched by the blight around it, save for a few scorch marks. Derran moved along the side the built in garage was on, ensuring he was out of view of any windows. Then, flattening himself against the wall, Derran made his way, swiftly but quietly, toward the front door, ducking low whenever one of the darkened windows appeared.

Reaching the front door, Derran found a disturbing scene. The large painted oak door, had been literally torn apart, with pieces of its splintered remains having been scattered around the frame. Ducking his head into the empty frame for an instant, Derran could see the rest of the door's pieces, as well as a toppled side table, and a smashed vase that had been filled with dried flowers, now scattered across the floor of the entranceway. Taking a deep breath, Derran checked his weapon one final time before calling out.

"MR. SETTRON?! THIS IS DERRAN GRANDEL YOUR NEIGHBOR! I HEARD SHOTS, CAN YOU RESPOND?!" Derran had done more than a little search and rescue work during his military service, and when dealing with rescuees who might be armed, it was best to let them know you were coming, rather than surprise them, lest you become a casualty of friendly fire. In this case it meant giving up the element of surprise completely, but if there was no response, it still gave Derran the option of backing off. As it happened, he didn't have long to wait, before the rasping, pain filled voice of an older man replied.

"I'm in the kitchen! Hurry!" Derran called out a quick acknowledgement as he entered the house. Heading through the entryway, Derran moved into a short hall, and had to exert every iota of his willpower not to cry out in alarm, as he made contact with what could only be the enemy. The thing lay crumpled on the floor, leaking foul smelling blood through a hole in its upper torso. The size of the hole, and splatter of blood on the destroyed wall next to the creature, suggested a shotgun blast had been responsible for its death. The creature had smooth, light brown skin, that transitioned to dark purple around the hands, mouth, and stomach. Its face was extremely angular, with bony spines atop the head, and bony plates surrounding the mouth, and extending down on either side of the chin. Its hands had three powerful looking clawed fingers, while it's feet ended in misshapen lumps of flesh, that were neither feet, nor hooves. Even in death, the monster exuded an aura of malevolence that made Derran sick just being near it. He could only imagine how much worse it would have been, if the unholy thing had still been alive.

Ignoring the millions of questions running through his mind, Derran refocused on his mission, advancing deeper into the house. As the hallway ended, Derran found himself in a large space that answered for a living room. The walls were decorated with old paintings, and a holobox in an armoire that was positioned in front of a pair of couches and wooden coffee table. A groan of pain directed Derran to a door to his left as the path to the kitchen. Hugging the wall, Derran called out again.

"Mr. Settron? It is Derran, I am coming in." He said, before waiting for a reply. The response was swift, and uttered with what sounded to be considerable difficulty.

"I heard you the first damn time. . . Don't worry, I'm not in any condition to shoot you, even if I wanted to." Taking a deep breath, Derran entered the room. There on the floor, his back propped against the refrigerator, was Mr. Settron. He was about the same age as Derran's father. Bald, but with a shock of white hair surrounding the sides and back of his head, his face was heavily lined with age, and his small mouth was drawn up into a grimace of pain. His brown eyes glittering behind half moon spectacles. He wore brown faded work pants, and a stained, white dress shirt. Next to him on the tiled floor, was a double barreled shotgun, and his hands were holding a blackened hole in his gut. Nearby, another of the creatures Derran had seen in the hall, lay dead, half its head splattered across the white and black tiled floor. Ignoring the dead monstrosity with considerable difficulty, Derran knelt by Mr. Settron and began attempting to administer what aid he could. But as he bent down to examine the wound, Settron feebly slapped his hands away. "Don't bother," He hissed through gritted teeth. "we both know I'm not walking away from this!" Derran opened his mouth to argue, but was cut off as Settron continued. "Save it, that thing hit me with some kind of fire spell, damn near burned a hole right through me." He gasped.

"What. . . are they?" Derran asked, glancing over at the nearby corpse with a look of controlled revulsion. Settron scoffed.

"Son do I look like I know what they are?!" He snarled, before beginning to cough violently. A trickle of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth, and a few moments passed before he could speak again. "All I know is, they're strong as a grizzly, and ten times as mean! Look. . . I don't have much time, so listen. I'm guessing you're trying to get home, so you should know, these things. . . came from that same direction." Derran felt his chest seize up at that information, it must have shown on his face, because Settron's expression softened. "Yeah. . . so I'm thinkin, if that's where your heading, you need more'n that little peashooter you got there."

Jerking his head to the left, he drew Derran's eye to the shotgun on the floor, grimacing in pain at the movement. "Take old bessie there. . . you'll find extra shells in my pocket. . . and a few more in the drawer in the coffee table." Derran nodded, picking up the shotgun and ejecting the spent shells inside. With almost indecent haste, he managed to pull four shells from the old man's pocket, reloading his newly acquired weapon with practiced ease. Settron made no sound, save for his breathing, which was growing more labored with each passing second. Standing, Derran looked down at the dying old man, feeling ashamed as he placed his shock rifle on the ground next to Settron. A feeble replacement. . . and they both knew it. Settron chuckled slightly as he saw Derran's expression. "Stop weeping. . . over what. . . can't be. . . saved." He gasped out, the light rapidly leaving his eyes. "Only. . . sinners. . ." The old man was unable to finish. As he suddenly became very still. After a moment, Derran brought his hand over the old man's face, closing his eyes for the last time. Then, turning away, Derran headed to the living room. Opening the coffee table drawer, and blinking away tears, Derran struggled to keep from shaking, as he recalled the old military proverb Settron had intended to recite: Only sinners, can survive in Hell.

Derran left Settron's house at a dead run. After hearing the old man tell him of the monsters coming from the direction of his family, no force on D'nur could have persuaded him to go slower. The only concession he made to sensible tactics, was to run along next to the road, rather than on it, and to stick to what little obscuring cover he could still find. New unearthly sounds filled the air as Derran ran. Inhuman howls, roars, and snarls, as well as the distant sounds of gunfire, and undeniably human screams of fear and pain. Derran prayed to the Light as fervently as he ever had, struggling with all his mental fortitude to ignore the fear building inside him.

All around Derran, the world was changing into the definition of a nightmare. The ground was looking less and less like soil and rock, and more and more like bone dust and raw meat. The air stank like rotting flesh and sulphur, and Derran could swear he heard the whispers of unearthly voices, just on the edge of audibility. In the clouds above, amid flashes of unholy crimson lightning, he swore he saw monstrous faces leering down at him, either grinning with malevolent cruelty, or roaring with primal rage. Derran paused, seeing a trio of shuffling figures milling around on the road, backlit into shadows by a burning tree, and apparently uncertain as to where they should go. Thinking they might be fellow survivors, Derran raised his hand to call out a relieved greeting, but it died in his throat as he got closer and saw the truth.

The monstrosities before him were vaguely proportioned like men, but other than that minor detail, they could scarcely have been less human. Long, disproportionate limbs supported the twisted misshapen things, whom looked like warped mummified humans that had been fused with a broken bone carapace. Cracked and yellowed by age, the carapace hung from the creatures bodies at odd angles, the flesh surrounding them the dirty red of exposed muscle caked with ash. Groaning softly, the creatures began to shuffle toward Derran with a slow, jerky gait. Derran raised the shotgun to his shoulder and fired without thinking. The weapon gave a roaring boom, as it bucked in Derran's hands, and one of the lurching abominations lost its head in an explosion of gore, spraying its fellows in dark blood and gobbits of brain. However the monsters seemed oblivious, as they continued inexorably forward. Their eyeless faces never glancing away from their target.

Derran felt his bile rise as he emptied the weapon's other barrel into the second of the three, sending its arm flying off in a puff of red mist and fragmented bone. The creature apparently felt none of this as it continued to move forward, and Derran wondered if it was because it couldn't feel pain, or because the creature was already in so much pain that the loss of an arm simply didn't faze it. The creatures had a tortured broken look to them, but rather than making them seem sympathetic, it somehow only made them more loathsome. Moving backward, Derran struggled to remain calm as he reloaded. However, abominable as they were, it wasn't just the creatures that made Derran's hands shake to the point of dropping the first pair of shells he pulled from his pocket. Nor was it what made him decide he didn't have time to reload, and flip the shotgun in his hand so that it could serve as a club, ignoring the painful heat of the recently fired barrel. All Derran could think about, as he charged the two remaining monstrosities, was that his family was running out of time.

Screaming out in frustration and anger. Derran hit the first zombie-like creature hard enough that its head seemed to fold around the butt of the gun before bursting like a melon hit with a sledgehammer. However, Derran's improvised club was simply too heavy to control properly, and he overbalanced. Forced to let go of the weapon or lose his footing, Derran stumbled as he dropped the shotgun, and the one armed undead horror was instantly upon him. Raking him across the chest with its claw-like fingers, shredding his shirt, and forcing a cry of pain from Derran's throat. As scrawny as the skeletal thing looked, it was surprisingly strong, and while the cuts it inflicted had not been deep, they burned like they were coated in a combination of acid and salt. Falling back on his hand-to-hand training, Derran grabbed the creature's remaining wrist, and twirled into its body, positioning it's extended arm over his shoulder so that the elbow rested on it. Then, he pulled the creature's wrist down as hard as he could with both hands. There was a loud snap, as the creature's arm broke at the elbow, or more accurately, broke off at the elbow. Stumbling forward with half the monster's left arm, Derran tossed it away in disgust, as he turned to face the undead thing. Despite the removal of two of its limbs, the creature was still fanatically intent on Derran's death. Lunging forward, the monster bit and snapped, attempting to rip out Derran's throat with its teeth, as he struggled to hold it at arm's length.

Shoving the ghastly thing to the side with a surge of effort, Derran rushed toward his fallen shotgun, wondering at the undead thing's resilience. Turning to face the monster, Derran found it had fallen, but even without arms, was struggling to rise and continue the fight. Kicking its partially risen form to the ground once more, Derran brought the butt of his gun crashing down on the back of the vile thing's skull again and again, until finally. . . it lay still for good. Derran fell to his knees, shaking from head to toe and panting like he had just run a marathon, as adrenaline surged through him.

For a short time, Derran knelt there, struggling to maintain his grip on his sanity. The magics of D'nur extended to things like necromancy, and Derran had read of the soulless automatons such magic could create, but these things were different. Creating a zombie, was little different from creating a robot. It was simply an empty shell, animated by mystical force and programmed to perform a task. The creatures Derran had just killed however, were not empty. Derran could not have said how he knew, but he was certain that despite their twisted exterior, these creatures possessed a soul. They were mindless, but it was the kind of mindlessness that came from a being who is put in so much pain, that the mind simply falls apart. Derran had no idea how he could be so sure of any of this, but he was.

Rising to his feet, Derran forced himself to focus. Pulling a pair of shells from his pocket and reloading his weapon, Derran once more began running toward his house. He encountered no more monsters directly, but several times he noticed them in the distance. Towering ebon skinned brutes, misshapen humanoids like the ones who had killed Mr. Settron, floating orbs of red flesh with giant maws of razor sharp teeth, more shuffling undead, and other abominations to terrible to describe. None of these sighted horrors were close as far as his cursory glances could tell, but that would not last. Derran idly wondered if these creatures had any form of leader. As far as he could discern, the creatures were acting more or less randomly. Yet at the same time, they seemed to be moving as one. Derran hoped it was his imagination, he didn't want to think about the possibility that the monsters he saw, might be intelligently led. If they were, then he feared no force on D'nur could stop them. Derran forced himself to stop thinking about the subject, right now his only concern should be. . . Derran's thoughts came to a screaming halt as he finally reached his destination. . . and saw that the door to his home. . . had been broken down.

Derran was running before he even thought about moving. His mind was in disarray, and everything seemed to slow down around him. Every stride felt like it took an eternity, as if he was moving through waist deep mud. Derran was suddenly acutely aware of the impact of his footfalls reverberating through his body. Every breath he took was like inhaling fire, but he was strangely numb to the pain, only able to acknowledge that it was there, and nothing more. In his head Derran counted the amount of distance that remained before he reached the door, the mantra serving to keep him moving. . . twenty five feet. . . twenty feet. . . fifteen feet. He was now close enough to smell burning hair and charred pork. . . ten feet. . . he could hear the sound of something snarling, in a way that no man or animal possibly could. . . five feet. . . Derran could make out the sound of clawed feet moving atop a wood floor. . . zero feet. . . Derran arrived, to the sum of all his fears.

Derran moved automatically, his hands strangely steady as he raised the shotgun. The world continued to move in slow motion, as Derran took in the scene surrounding him. Before him, two living specimens of the creatures that Mr. Settron had killed, rose from the meal they had been enjoying. In the hand of the first, the pale, lifeless, blood spattered forearm of an older woman was clutched. The perfectly manicured nails miraculously undamaged, and the heirloom wedding ring her husband had given her, still in place on the middle finger. The creature opened its gore stained mouth, to let out a keening snarl. . . as Derran blew its head from its shoulders.

Turning smoothly, an unfeeling numbness having placed him beyond fear or fury, Derran aimed at the chest of the second monster. This one had been hurt. A deep cut across its face still dripping blood and ichor, having been slashed by Derran's old service saber, that had been wrenched from its original position over the fireplace by the monsters victim, whose body still clutched it in one hand. A mute testament to a father, and grandfather's, desperate attempt to save his family. This creature shrieked as it cast aside the item it had clutched in its claws. . . an ovoid object, covered in crimson gore, but that still retained, even in death, its piercing blue gaze. The monster raised its hands and a glowing red mote of energy appeared between them, swiftly expanding into a ball of flame. A ball that vanished in a puff of acrid smoke, as its creator's chest was cored out in a storm of blazing lead pellets.

With an unfeeling expression of shock frozen on his face, Derran moved toward the stairs. . . and the figure who lay at their foot. His hands moved automatically to reload his weapon as he approached, his mind continuing to swim through a haze of numbness. The figure before him looked up with green eyes that still held the barest echo of life. Her face, arms, and chest, were covered in deep claw marks, through which the white of bone could be seen. Half her bright red hair had been burned away, the skin beneath charred black, cracked, and weeping blood. She was in pain that would have killed anyone else, but stubbornly she still clung to her last vestiges of life. . . and spoke.

"Leman an Cynthia. . . tried ta save us. . ." She gasped out, every word a near sisyphean battle to stave of the darkness closing in about her failing body, by sheer unyielding force of will. "Cynthia. . . told us. . . ta run. . . upstairs. . . Terrisa. . ." She could say no more, but no more was needed. As Kira Grandel gave a final sigh, and closed her eyes. . . Derran thundered up the stairs. Reaching the upper landing, the world once more moved around Derran at a snail's pace, as every fiber of his being screamed in desperation that he needed to go faster. No longer numb, Derran felt a fear like none he had ever experienced. Every molecule within his corporeal form, surged with primal terror and desperation, as he turned down the short hall that led to his daughter's room.The corridor was short, but seemed to stretch out into infinity, as he saw that the door on the end had been broken off its hinges, and now lay across the floor covered in bloody claw marks. Derran roared internally as he struggled to go faster, praying to any god that would listen to help him, as he ran into the room.

Apart from the broken door, the room was almost exactly as it had been when Derran and Kira had first decorated it so long ago. A twin sized bed stood in one corner of the room, it's pink and white bedspread unmade since the awakening of its occupant that morning. Soft, sky blue wallpaper, covered with scene's of frolicing faries, unicorns, and brightly colored butterflies, covered all four of the walls. A large white dresser stood in the corner, a lamp on top of it along with a few errant books full of children's stories. Not far from the dresser, was a white vanity table with a multitude of built in drawers, and a large mirror bordered with an enchanted light strip. Directly in front of the mirror was a music box Derran had bought for Terissa when he was in the city. All of this entered Derran's mind for only an instant, before his gaze focused on the pair of snarling creatures, that had turned away from something in the closet on the other side of the bed, to face him.

The first creature jumped over the bed, claws outstretched toward Derran. Only to be blown out of the air and into the far wall, crumpling into an oozing pile of bleeding meat. The other however, managed to reach Derran, slashing at him with red stained claws. Blocking the blow with the shotgun, Derran let out a savage roar, as he kicked the monster in the gut. The creature barely seemed to feel the blow, but was knocked off balance, giving Derran just enough room to swing his weapon up to his hip and fire. The gangly creature screamed in agony, as its stomach was blasted through its spinal column in a gout of crimson. Leaving the miserable thing to die in a pool of its own rancid blood, Derran leapt over the bed to stare at what was in the closet, and felt his world. . . turn to dust.

There she was. . . his little girl. . . who loved the color blue, because that's the color blue birds are. . . Who chased butterflies in the summer, but never caught them because she just loved them too much to ever catch them. . . Who waved to strangers because they were just friends she hadn't met. . . Who was his whole world. . . there she was. . . with her stomach torn open. . .

"No. . ." Derran's voice was a pleading whisper as he dropped to his knees, the shotgun falling from unfeeling fingers. "No please. . ." Derran's hands shook as he brought them up to Terissa's face, and held them an inch from her cheek, terrified to touch her. "Please Light, not her. . . not my baby girl!"

"D-daddy?" The voice, was like a punch to Derran's gut, as Terrisa's icy blue eyes, looked up at her father's own pair. Her expression resembling that of one who had just awakened, and was still half asleep.

"Yes baby, it's me! It is alright, I am here! Don't worry, we. . . we can find you help! We can fix you!" Had he been in his right mind, Derran would have known his words for the lie they were. But at that moment, he needed to believe, had to believe. . . that there was hope.

"Daddy. . ." Terrisa's voice was so soft now it could barely be heard, and what little light could be seen in her eyes, was like the last dying ember of a once mighty bonfire.

"Yes baby? What is it?" Derran asked, sounding hysterical, and forcing a smile to his face, even as bitter tears of denial flowed freely from his eyes. Terrisa's eyes became unfocused, her voice barely a whisper.

"They're crying daddy. . . please . . . they need you. . . help them. . ." Derran's tearstained expression became one of confusion.

"Who? Who is crying sweetie?" Derran asked, his confusion momentarily overriding his mounting despair and disintegrating sanity. As, with the last of her strength, Terrissa shifted her head ever so slightly, to look over her father's shoulder.

"They are. . ." She stated, the words as clear as if she had shouted them, despite being spoken in a whisper. Derran turned to glance over his shoulder. There on the wall, was one of the paintings Kira had done back when they first decorated the room. It was originally a unicorn, standing in a field, its head held high, with its horn pointed proudly at the sky. White coat shining in the sun, while the wind blew through its mane. However, for some reason, Kira had added wings to it. Great white pinions, that stretched proudly to the ceiling. When Derran had asked why she had put wings on a unicorn, Kira had replied that it had just 'felt right'. Now however, the image was a mess. Splattered with blood and damaged by errant buckshot, though it was still clearly discernible. Deran stared at the picture, confusion writ large upon his features.

"I. . .I don't understa-" Derran's words died in his throat as he turned back to Terrissa. Her eyes were still open, but the faint spark of life they had contained. . . was gone. Derran felt the world, and his mind. . . convulse. "No. . . no nononono!" Derran repeated desperately, as he took hold of his Daughter's shoulders. "No please. . ." Derran pulled his daughter to his chest as he screamed out. "SOMEONE HELP ME!!" At that moment, Derran pleaded to every god, monster, and hellspawned abomination he had ever heard of, promising them anything, from his familial wealth to his own immortal soul. . . if they would only help his child. But no matter how much he begged, no matter how much he prayed, the only answer he received. . . was silence.

Derran screamed, his voice a pain filled wail that can only ever be produced by those whom have been consumed by utter and complete despair. As he knelt there, cradling his daughter's body in his arms, Derran felt himself fall into a sea of utter darkness. . . There was no up. . . no down. . . no direction at all. . . only endless, pitched black, nothingness. . . Derran floated there in that abyss for what might have been either seconds, or centuries. Feeling nothing but emptiness, in a world without sight, or sound, or memory. . . and then he heard it. . . Snarling growls, and the creaking clicks of clawed feet ascending the stairs. Derran heard it as if from an unfathomable distance. . . and deep within him, something. . . broke.

Derran Grandel. . . did not move. He heard his voice roar out in a way that no human should have the ability to do. He suddenly once more could see the world from the depths of the abyss through a haze of red, as he placed Terrisa's body on the ground. And he watched from the void of despair, as he grabbed his shotgun, and rose to his feet. His body stood, reloaded his weapon, and raised it smoothly to his shoulder, just as two more of the flame conjuring horrors, burst into the room. Derran knew his body was doing all of this. . . but he himself, was not moving. . . and when his body spoke. . . it was in a voice he did not recognize.

"I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!!" It roared. And so it did. . .

Derran's body emptied the shotgun's two barrels so quickly, that had Derran's consciousness not known better, he would have sworn the targets died in perfect unison. As the bloodied corpses fell to the ground, Derran's body saw another two of the creatures fellows shove their way through the door. There was no time to reload, and no shells left even if there had been, but it hardly mattered. Tossing the shotgun into the air Derran's body caught it by the barrel, charging forward as he did so, with a speed far greater than any Derran would have thought his body capable. With a roar of insensate fury, Derran's body brought the butt of the gun down on the head of the next monster with enough force to shatter the wooden stock, even as the creature's head was reduced to a spray of brains and blood.

Derran's body did not relent as it cast aside the broken shotgun and charged the next of the yellow eyed horrors, grabbing its neck and bearing it to the ground, as it let out a screeching sound that may have been surprise. Pulling back its fist, Derran's body did not hesitate to bring it down onto what passed for the flailing creature's face. Flesh split, bone cracked, blood sprayed, eyeballs burst, and fangs shattered. As who or whatever was directing Derran's body, meted out a brutal retribution. Hearing a soft roaring sound, Derran's body rolled out of the way of a blazing fireball with preternatural agility, before focusing its red tinged gaze on the creature standing at the end of the short hall. The monster's clawed hands smoking faintly as it charged up another ball of flame. Letting out another wrathful bellow, Derran's body charged the final monster with reckless abandon. Reaching the creature, it grabbed both of the monster's thin spindly arms in its hands, pulling them aside as it placed its booted foot to the creature's chest and pushed with all its newfound might. For an instant, the monster screamed, its arms straining as Derran's body pulled its upper limbs in one direction while pushing its torso in the other. Derran's body's eyes narrowed in fury.

"I'LL RIP. . ." His body snarled, as it tightened its grip on the monster's wrists. "AND TEAR YOU APART!!" Derran's Body bellowed, as with a final effort and a sound of snapping bone and tendons, it tore the monster's arms from their sockets in a spray of wine red droplets. Deep within the depths of his own mind, Derran watched his body continue its rampage, as it tossed aside its most recent victim's limbs, and jumped down the staircase, landing on one knee in the living room. There, his body paused briefly to take in the scene before it. A new monstrosity had entered the house. . .

It was at least seven feet tall, its head brushing the living room ceiling as it turned toward Derran's body. It had an almost scaly, coal black hide, stretched over a bulging musculature. It stood on legs that bent backward and ended in large four toed feet that resembled a dog's paws. A head with a plate of white bone in place of eyes, snarled at the force directing Derran's movements, as it flexed massive clawed hands. The creature looked like it was capable of ripping a man in half with ease. The consciousness controlling Derran's body. . . didn't care.

Charging at the black scaled giant, Derran's body actually managed to get within the monster's guard. Whether the creature was surprised by the audacity of a mere human attacking it, or was simply too clumsy to respond inside the confined space of the house, none would ever know. But Derran's body lost no time in striking the creature in the gut with all its might. However, despite now enjoying greater strength than he should ever have been capable of, Derran's fists did nothing more than knock the creature back a step. For just a second, the ebon scaled titan seemed genuinely surprised, readjusting it's footing as it took another step backward, but it did not hesitate long.

With a roar that shook the house to its foundations, the giant sent Derran's body flying across the room with a backhand strike. Had the entity or force controlling his body not jumped back at the last second, the strike likely would have broken one or both of Derran's arms. Even so, Derran's body landed heavily atop a coffee table, reducing it to kindling as the skull faced beast advanced to finish the job. Roaring out its defiance, Derran's body struggled to right itself, knowing it had but scant moments before it was torn apart. As its hands struggled to find purchase in the ruins of the coffee table, Derran's body felt its palm touch something smooth and cool. Out of options, and as the monster before it raised its massive fist for a final strike. The newly formed consciousness inside Derran, closed its hand around a leather wrapped handle, and with a final shout of rage. . . swung its arm in a wide ark before it. . .

For an instant, it appeared that the seven foot monster had escaped injury, as it stood frozen in place, Towering over Derran's prone body with one arm upraised. Then, with an almost dignified slowness, its body split from shoulder to waist, into two neatly severed halves that fell wetly to the ground, before, with a faint crackling sound. . . turning into a pile of ash.


Outside Derran's home, several dozen monsters of varying shapes and sizes advanced on the structure. Drawn by the roars and screams within, the monsters hungered for fresh prey. The scent of despair and pain poured from the location like blood from a wound, and the monsters salivated at the thought of mortal flesh and souls seasoned with these exotic spices. The smaller ones, the gangly brown and purple skinned fire conjurors, screeched and keened, as they ran ahead with a swift hopping gait. While the larger black scaled horrors advanced with a lumbering stride, supported by a pair of massive, sedately floating orbs of red flesh and horns, dominated by massive tooth filled maws and a single green eye. They rushed forward eagerly, driven by hunger, and the urging of a great twelve foot tall red skinned behemoth, that shook the earth with it's cloven hoofed tread. Then suddenly. . . they paused.

Sniffing the air, the creatures grew confused at the change in the psychic odor coming from within the structure. The sweet smells of misery, pain and horror, were being overwhelmed by a new scent, one the monsters knew well. Rage. . . pure, all consuming, apocalyptic, rage. The kind of rage that while quite familiar to their kind, was all but unheard of in mortals, as few, if any mortals, had the constitution to even survive it. Indeed, so strong was the scent that several of the monsters grew disoriented, wondering if another of their kind had already killed the source of the despair and pain they had smelled a moment ago. Then, a figure stepped through the destroyed door of the structure. He looked mortal enough, but every one of the monsters present sensed that something. . . was wrong.

Soundtrack: Who Taught You How to Hate, By Disturbed

The mortal moved through the door frame with the calm gait of one from whom fear has been utterly erased. His clothes were torn, his face and body covered in cuts and bruises, and his hands were stained with blood. But in his eyes, all the malice, hatred, and raw fury of the damned, was reflected in a pair of crimson orbs that seemed almost to glow in the charnel light filtering down from the raging heavens. In his right hand he held a sword made of black steel, that shimmered faintly with a strange, nearly invisible, golden white light. Raising the blade, the mortal let out a roar that spoke of a level of fury that even the monsters surrounding him balked at, then. . . he charged.

The first to die was one of the smaller monsters, its spindly brown body sliced apart from groin to head, neatly bisecting it. Pivoting on one foot, the mortal did not savor his kill, as he cut one of the ebon skinned giants in half at the waist effortlessly. Before running to impale another through its skull, then spinning to drive the sword two-handed into the belly of a third, pulling it free as the beast collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut. The cuts of the sword spilled no blood, cauterizing the wounds inflicted as if it was made of white hot flame, the edges of the cuts glowing like coals in a forge. The corpses not long after falling, sloughed into piles of ash, and with each kill, one of the golden runes on the swords fuller lit up. The radiant glow about the blade was also swiftly becoming brighter and more intense. Though what that indicated, neither the savage mortal nor the monsters could have said. Letting out another wrath filled roar, the mortal leapt up and decapitated another of the ebon giants with a savage, barely controlled swing. The blade flared brilliantly, and a spider web of glowing golden lines, like the cracks in an old porcelain vase, grew out beneath the monsters skin from the stump of its neck. With unearthly speed the lines swiftly encompassed the creature's entire body, glowing brighter and brighter with every second. Until, with a sharp cracking sound, the monster's body, and head, exploded into clouds of ash, the sword's radiant light growing even stronger, as another rune was lit.

Reacting to the unexpected attack at last, one of the floating cyclops orbs spat a ball of blazing psychoactive fire at the mortal from its obscene perpetually grinning mouth. Caught off guard and unable to dodge, the mortal held the blade in a defensive stance at the last possible second, a futile effort. . . or so one would have thought. The ball of sizzling energy should have burned through both the sword and the mortal behind it without stopping. Instead, it exploded against a nearly invisible shimmering hemisphere of force, conjured seemingly from nowhere. Ignoring his miraculous escape, the mortal hurtaled forward once again. Moving into a spin with his arm and blade outstretched, he slice through the bellies of three of the ebon scaled brutes at once, discorperating them almost instantly as they tried to surround him.

The strange sword now glowed like a second sun, the blade enveloped in pure white light as it turned monster after monster into dust. Twirling like a dervish, the mortal slammed his blade into one of the giants torso before ripping it out the creature's side to strike the head from another, their bodies bursting into clouds of grey particles a second later. A pair of the gibbering brown and purple skinned monsters frantically threw a barrage of fireballs at the mortal as he ran toward them. But once more the mortal placed the blade in a defensive position, continuing his charge as he did so. The blasts of unholy flame spattering against the same, nearly invisible hemisphere as before, to no visible effect. Reaching the first of the vile duo, the mortal grabbed it by the throat, hoisting it into the air before drawing the blade through the creature's pitifully flailing body, with no more difficulty than if the monster had been made of mist. Just as the creature was about to discorperate into dust, the mortal threw it at its fellow, causing it to flinch and lose control of the flame orb it had been charging. Blinded by the ashen remains of its former confederate, the monster never saw the strike that killed it. It only felt a moment of searing heat across its chest as it was cut in two, and a single instant of incalculable agony as what passed for its soul was ripped apart and pulled from its body. The runes on the sword flickering, as it absorbed the energy. . .


Derran's body fought, as his consciousness watched through tear stained eyes, from the abyss within his own mind. However, despite the sight of his family's killers dying in droves, his pain only grew greater. It had nothing to do with regretting the deaths of the monsters before his eyes. No, he was very much enjoying watching these vile creatures die, but the realization that it was his own hand that was doing it, drove home a terrible reality. . . He thought he had been giving his best to his family, the maximum of which he was capable. . . but he had not. His family had been in danger, what good son, what good husband, what good father. . . held back at such a time? If he loved his family. . . if he had had this power inside him. . . why was he unable to save them? There were only two answers Derran could think of, as he watched the consciousness guiding his body, cleave open one of the hideous horn covered orbs of red flesh that had foolishly gotten too close. Either he had not truly loved his family. . . or he was simply too weak to access this power. To weak. . . to weak to save his father, to weak to save his mother, to weak to save Kira, and to weak. . . to save Terissa. . . his little girl. . . the purest, most innocent thing in his life. . . and when she needed him most. . . he had failed her. Fresh tears came to Derran's eyes as he felt pain envelop him once more.

<Terrissa. . .Kira. . .I'm so sorry. . . forgive me!> He called out, his cry swiftly transitioning into screams of pain and self loathing, that echoed through the darkness in his mind. . .


The Baron. . . had had enough. It had watched from afar as its worthless slaves had failed to kill the mortal with the strange sword. After such a pitifully weak display, he would personally torture any who survived to death, and then dine on their souls and meat. The thought brought a smile to the twelve foot tall baron's twisted visage, as it stalked forward to show this errant fly its place. First, the baron would pull the pitiful mortal's arms off, then its legs, then it would see how long it took for the mortal to bleed out. As tortures went it wasn't exactly the most inspired, but away from its master's palace it was forced to work with what it had. Speaking of the masters, the baron hoped none of them had seen the failure of its troops, they were always watching, and any weakness among their armies was punished severely. Failure to the masters was the only true crime there was in Hell.

Moving toward the mortal and the glowing sword the baron snatched up an imp that had been unable to get out of the way quickly enough. Crushing the imp's torso in one massive paw, the baron bit off it's head as the imp screamed in pain, savoring the taste of demonic blood and brain for a moment, before swallowing and casually casting the lifeless corpse aside. Enjoyable though it was to devour the weaker slaves, the baron, like all its unholy kind, far preferred the taste of mortal flesh and souls. This mortal's soul seemed particularly strong. It would make for fine dining. . .


Derran's body fought on, monster after monster, kill after kill, it kept going. It was covered in dozens of cuts, scrapes, and burns, its lungs felt like they were on fire, and its arms and legs were like lead weights. . . but it kept going. The style of fighting was savage and inelegant, having only a passing resemblance to the swordsmanship Derran had been taught during basic. None of the moves were planned, and his stance was in a constant state of flux, the mind controlling Derran's body, clearly fought on instinct and raw savagery alone. It seldom spoke, and when it did it was usually just to roar out its wrath, or scream out a threat. None of the lesser creatures had thus far managed to stop its rampage, though they gamely kept trying, launching themselves at the red eyed mortal in a suicidal attempt to bring him down. Where the consciousness in Derran's body was getting the strength to keep up the fight, even it did not know. Any other being would have fallen long ago, too exhausted to go on. Abruptly however, Derran's body was granted a reprieve, the monsters withdrawing to form a ring around it. . . as what could only be this pack of abominations leader, showed itself.

It was a giant, at nearly the height of a single story office building it towered over even the seven foot, black scaled horrors, its fiery red hide bulging with muscle. Its misshapen head was mounted on a neck as thick as a man's torso, two massive ribbed black horns, jutting out from either side of the monster's skull. A pair of beady eyes, like pits in its head, were placed above a mouth filled with mismatched needle like teeth. Arms like gnarled tree trunks ended in fists the size of wrecking balls, while its autocarrige sized torso was covered in muscles that resembled armor plating. It moved with a savage sort of swagger, clearly unimpressed with the lowly mortal before it, as it wreathed its hands in green balefire, and issued a challenging roar.

The consciousness in Derran's body roared back, its rage rising to new heights. This monster was the leader. . . this was the thing that had taken his family. . . it must die! Derran's body ran forward screaming it's defiance, only to jump back as a ball of flame streaked through the spot it had been a moment ago. Glancing around, the entity directing Derran's physical form glanced in the direction the fire had come from. All around him, the brown and purple skinned creatures were charging orbs of infernal flame. Their master having no intention of giving Derran's body a fair fight, they planned to hold the entity in one place by forcing him to dodge constantly, slowly chipping away at him, till their leader could administer a final blow. . .


The baron laughed. . . it was an ugly sound. Like a massive sewage pipe filled with razor wire clearing its throat. It laughed as the mortal realized, that in the army of Hell, honor was a sin, not a virtue. It laughed as the puny creature, clad only in rags and wielding an oversized torch, dodged around the fusillade of hellfire blasts hurled by its chittering slaves. It laughed as it saw the mortal get burned by a near miss and stagger slightly. . . and it abruptly stopped laughing. . . when it looked into the mortal's eyes. An unfamiliar feeling crept into the baron's mind, it was faint, and only lasted for a second, but it was enough that the baron paused, its laugh cut short. Its slaves turned to stare at the baron curiously, hesitating for just an instant. . . that was all the opening the mortal needed.

The baron only realized the cost of that brief hesitation when the mortal began running toward it with a rage fueled burst of speed. Its sword blazing with an energy that, as it got closer, caused the baron to feel the same sensation that had made it pause in the first place. A sort of chill that jumbled it's thoughts and made its eyes unconsciously widen. Roaring in surprise the baron threw ball after ball of balefire at the mortal, suddenly desperate to kill him. The chilling sensation growing stronger as the mortal opted not to block the projectiles, but to strike them from the air, its glowing blade seemingly absorbing the unholy flames. The baron backpedaled, had it been mortal, it would have known the name of the strange emotion, that now froze its body. As the mortal leapt into the air, its sword raised high, glowing like a shard of the sun, as its eyes blazed with the sanguine red of rage incarnate. It was one of the oldest and most powerful emotions that existed, older than greed, older than jealousy, older even than rage. Its name. . . was Fear.


The consciousness in Derran's mind was ignorant of many things. It was not a complicated creature, nor did it desire to be. However, it knew one thing with absolute certainty, it had had a family, a happy home, an incredible wife, and a beautiful daughter, that it had loved and been loved by in return. . . and these monsters had taken that from it. They had to die. . . they needed to die. . . Every. Last. One! As the consciousness used Derran's body to jump into the air it channeled every last iota of its rage into the swing of its upraised sword, and made but a single wish, on behalf of the family it had lost.

"Kill them all." It whispered, as it plunged the blade into the chest of the red skinned monstrosity before it. . . and the world around it. . . became a nova of light. . .


Derran awoke an unknown amount of time later, to the same roiling black and red clouds he had seen earlier. Staring at the sky he tried to move, and was surprised to find himself back in control of his body. His muscles felt like they were on fire, he was covered in cuts and burns, and every breath was like inhaling acid, but he was still able to move. However, in his soul. . . he felt completely empty, and stared at the world through the eyes of a man who no longer truly lived. There was no sign of the hoard of monsters that had surrounded him, save for dozens of piles of ash, that were already being blown away by a foul smelling wind. In his hand was the sword. . . Unmaker. It no longer glowed, but was still as pristine and unmarred as if it had never been used since its forging. Then Derran's eyes fell on his home, and the tears came again. After a moment of agonized reflection, Derran glanced at the sword again, and for a single instant, wondered if death might offer the solace vengeance had not.

+That wasn't revenge.+ Derran started, his eyes going wide as a voice spoke directly into his mind. The voice was startlingly similar to his own, but deeper, darker, and filled with a barely contained wrath that made it almost beastial sounding.

"Who are you?!" Derran asked, glancing around before recalling that he had heard this voice before. . . when it had spoken using his mouth.

+I. . . I'm not sure. I thought my name was: Derran Grandel. . . but that doesn't seem right for some reason.+ The voice responded, sounding as angry as it did uncertain.

"Because that is my name! Who. . . or rather, what are you?!" Derran asked, feeling slightly frantic.

+What are you so scared for? It ain't like we can lose anymore than we already have.+ The voice lamented spitefully. That observation was like a punch to the gut, draining all the fight from Derran in an instant, and he swiftly found himself in a sitting position as his legs gave out, the sword dropping beside him. No longer caring what the voice was, where it had come from, or even what it cared to call itself.

"Yes. . ." Derran agreed, as he buried his face in his hands, wanting desperately to forget all that had transpired. After a long moment, Derran spoke again. Deciding that whether he had succumbed to lunacy or not, talking to this voice was at least better than reflecting on the searing agony in his heart. "What do you mean that 'Wasn't revenge.'?" Derran asked, not even sure how much he cared.

+That thing. . . it wasn't in charge, just a field commander, and even that's giving it more credit than it deserves. It's called a Baron of Hell, but it aint got much of a barony.+ The voice replied, hate in every syllable.

"How can you possibly know that?" Derran inquired, suddenly suspicious.

+No fucking clue, but if I had to guess, I think it was that sword of ours. While I was fighting I got these. . . I dunno, memories. I started knowing shit I didn't before, like the names of those monsters. Little ones are Imps, bigger ones are Hell Knights, red floating bastards with the big mouths are Cacodemons, and the brick shithouse looking mothers are Barons of Hell.+ The voice explained, its tone sounding as if it resented Derran's ignorance. Derran glanced at the sword for a moment, and felt his head swim. In the steel, he saw, for just an instant, a face that was not his own. Like his voice it seemed similar, but with bright blond hair and glaring red eyes that oozed with a near psychotic bloodlust. Then, as swiftly as it had appeared, the apparition vanished.

"Demons. . . these things. . . they are. . . Demons?" He asked, now quite certain he had gone utterly mad, yet unable to find a compelling reason to fight against it.

+Give the man a prize. . .+ Said the voice its sarcasme tinged with spite. +Yeah, that's exactly what they are.+ Staring in the direction of the capitol, Derran suddenly realized what the pillar of red light that dominated the skyline actually was.

"A portal?. . . But who would have?!. . ." Derran stopped short as he once more recalled his father's words. "The king. . ." Derran declared, feeling anger bubble up within him for a moment, before despair once more took over. "Is this. . . the end of the world?" Derran asked, his voice as hollow as his heart, not really caring what the answer to his question was.

+I dunno. . . but it sure looks like it.+ The voice replied, its tone grim, but uncaring. +But even if it is, we got work to do.+ Derran laughed at that, a sardonic bitter laughter, devoid of even the faintest trace of joy.

"Work?!" He asked, laughing at the sheer insanity of the statement. "What work could we possibly have to do?! Rotate the crops?! Drive off the deer?! Or perhaps bring our harvest to the unholy conflagration of ruin that was once the capital city!!?" Derran snarled angrily, tears once more leaking from his eyes.

+Getting our revenge!+ The voice snarled, its tone brimming with venom. Derran suddenly went silent before shaking his head.

"Revenge?" He asked softly, a note of spite entering his tone. "Against what?"

+AGAINST THE DEMONS!!+ The voice roared, causing Derran to flinch at the sheer hatred in its tone.

"You want to take revenge on a race that is literally endless in number, and cares nothing for its losses?" Derran asked, with a humorless smile.

+THEIR LEADERS THEN!!+ The voice shouted back its fury undiminished, Derran shook his head.

"What logic is there in such a pointless quest?" Derran asked, his voice a hopeless whisper.

+And what's your plan?+ The voice growled. +Kill yourself right here and now?! Hide away, hope this blows over, and live off your inheritance as an empty shell?! Or maybe just wait here until one of the demons does what you don't have the balls to?!+ Derran suddenly felt uncertain, as the voice continued. +Name one thing we have left that's worth living for. . .+ Derran was silent, unable to think up an answer. +That's what I fucking thought!+ The voice snarled. +No matter what we do, it's a suicide mission. The only thing we get to decide is what form our death takes. I'd rather die on my feet killing as many of the bastards responsible for this as I can reach, than by slit wrists, or loneliness. . . how about you?+ For a long moment, Derran sat there, considering the question, then slowly he got to his feet. Retrieving Unmaker, he stared at his reflection in the steel, then his expression hardened.

"I know it was you who killed these Demons. . ." Derran stated, glancing at the piles of ash surrounding them. "do you truly believe you can kill the rest?" Derran asked, his tone filled with a cold fury. Derran could not have said how, but he somehow knew that the voice was nodding.

+Yes. . . if you're willing to commit to it all the way.+ The voice replied. Derran stood silently for several minutes, then made his decision.

"Very well then. . . but first. . . there is something I must do." Derran stated solemnly, as he headed toward the house.

Soundtrack: Dead Man Walking by WAR*HALL

Derran's task was performed in grim silence, his face displaying no more emotion than a corpse. Moving through the house, he hauled out the remains of the demons he had killed, tossing them into a ditch that abutted the main yard. Then, returning to his home, he entered the basement. After a brief search he pulled an old chest from among piles of dusty boxes and shelves of junk. The chest was large, made of heavy duty green plastic covered in scratches and dents, and fastened with a padlock. The chest contained two items Derran had kept mostly out of nostalgia, never imagining he would ever use them again. They had been a sort of gift from his CO, who had joked at the time that Derran could give them to Kira as a wedding present. After unlocking the chest with the key he retrieved from its hiding place in an old vase on a nearby shelf. Derran pulled out the contents of the chest with a feeling of grim acceptance. Kemedian "Mega Armor", the name was theatrical but apt. A sealed suit made of enchanted metal plates, over semi-self repairing ensorcelled kevlar, it could turn bullets, knives, minor magic blasts, and even the claws of wild beasts. The armor was also sealed against a variety of environmental contaminants, and even resisted radiation to a degree. It was an old model, practically an antique, in the standard 'Big Green' as the grunts called the color. But despite its age, it was solid, robust, and both it and the magetech powercell were guaranteed to last. Silently donning the armor, Derran maglocked the helmet to his belt, then holstered the other item the box had held. A standard issue 'Mrk-6 Blast Pistol' covered in scratches from years of use, but still in good working order. Before heading back upstairs.

Upstairs Derran began the next, and far more painful part of his task. His last duty as a husband, a son, and. . . a father. Slowly, reverently, and with infinite care, he gathered up the remains of his family. Wrapping each of their bodies lovingly in white linen sheets from head to toe. They weren't much, but they were the best funerary shrouds he could offer. Freshly laundered, they smelled of lavender. . . Kira's favorite scent. Positioning the carefully wrapped bodies side by side in the living room, Derran paid his last respects. Atop his mother's shroud, Derran placed a dried flower that had been in a vase in the living room, a sunflower. . . her favorite, as they were a symbol of happiness. Derran was surprised to have found it intact, but apparently the energies of Hell were unable to kill what was already dead. With his father, Derran left the Night Sentinel's box that had contained Unmaker, whispering a thank you for the gift that had saved his life. With Kira, Derran left a holodisc containing all her favorite songs. . . and a last tearful kiss, placed upon her cold lips. Finally. . . within the wrapping that held Terissa, Derran placed a picture he had found beneath the remains of the coffee table. A stick figure familial portrait, done in crayon. Each figure clearly labeled in a child's untidy scrawl. . . Me. . . Grandpa. . . Garammie. . . Mommy. . . and finally. . . Daddy. Then, the bodies prepared and the offerings given, Derran headed to the garage. Searching for a bit, Derran found the big battered can of kerosene that he used to start bonfires in the fall after clearing the seasonal brush out of the yard, and spent the next few minutes thoroughly dousing the house. . . and the area around the bodies, with its contents.

Once the can was empty, Derran grabbed a box of matches and headed to the doorframe. For a few minutes he simply stood there, basking in the memories of happier times. The old wooden chest, on which sat the holobox and Terissa's collection of cartoon holovids. The scorch mark on the rug from the time Derran had attempted to create a romantic candlelit scene for Kira, and almost burned the house down. The painting on the wall that had been a valuable antique from Derran's parents, before Terissa had gotten hold of it and made some "Improvements" with her watercolors. Derran thought he had cried all he could have, yet his eyes were wet as he lit the match. . . and threw it into the glistening liquid pooled on the floor. The fire spread rapidly, following the trail of combustible moisture to every corner of the house. Soon, it was a raging inferno. Derran watched in silence, until the smoke and flame obscured all within the structure from view. However, as he turned to leave . . . he paused, and looked down at his right hand.

For a time, Derran stood there, staring blankly at his open hand, before disengaging his gauntlet. Pulling it off. . . he stared at the object on his middle finger. It was nothing fancy, just a simple unadorned band of gold, however to Derran Grandel, its value was inestimable. It was the last piece of his old world, the last fragment of who he had been, it was all the good things and happy moments in his life wrapped into a single object. With a slow deliberate action, Derran removed the ring. This ring. . . should never have been his. He now knew this with absolute certainty. It had been meant for another man. . . a stronger man. . . a wiser man. . . a man who would have been there when his family needed him most. It belonged to a better man. Because a better man. . .

"A better man. . . could have saved you." Derran whispered, fresh tears falling from his eyes, as he tossed the ring into the flames. Then, fastening his helmet in place, Derran turned, and walked away. . . toward the city. . . toward the Demons. . . toward his doom. . .

Over twelve hundred years and an uncountable number of battles removed from his past, Derran Grandel awoke. He was not quite certain what he expected when his mind returned fully to the current era. Sympathy maybe, sadness certainly, questions definitely, these were all expected. Yet, as it so often is, the expected is far from the reality. Here the result was predicted, the intensity, was not. Derran was surrounded by sobbing ponies. Not crying, not weeping, sobbing, and each and every one was hugging him as though he might suddenly disappear. They seemed barely able to function, their grief having utterly overwhelmed them as tears poured from their eyes. Derran felt. . . unprepared. He had expect there would be some tears, but not like this. Had they no questions about why in his memories Derran suddenly began addressing someone who was not there? About how he had ended up in Equestria? About. . . anything? Derran shook his head, even as he finally noticed a wetness on his own cheeks.

Of course they had questions, of course they wanted answers, but. . . they had forgotten amid a desire that was far more powerful. To Derran, this was yet another example of why humans were, for all their accomplishments, still unable to match the seraphs and their children. Where humans would have perhaps shed a few tears, and then demanded answers, ponies grieved for those they had never even known. Humans grieved of course, but rarely did they feel true loss for those they did not personally know. Here, Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Starlight, Cadence, Applejack, Fluttershy, Shining Armor, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and even Spike, all clung to him and cried their eyes out. Not for what they had lost, but for what he had lost. Even Starlight, Celestia, and Luna, who already had the story seared indelibly into their brains, wept bitter tears for Derran. Even though they, of all ponies, should have known better.

For even if his family deserve their tears, he most certainly did not. He did not deserve their words of kindness, nor their heartfelt gestures of love and warmth. Derran's past was not the tragic backstory of a hero. No verse to the saga of he who would slay the dragon, rescue the fair maiden, and live happily ever after. That was the story the kind hearts of the seraphs and their children imagined for him. . . but it was not his story. No phoenix rose from the ashes of the last day of D'nur, the last day that Derran Grandel walked in the grace of the Light. What was born that day, was neither hero nor saviour. . . it was a monster, wrought from the blackest pits of hatred and wrath. And in its wake, there would be only despair. . .

"There it is!" Apple Bloom cried out, as she sighted the crystal spires of Twilight's castle. Behind her came Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, both panting and grim faced with determination. Both had heard the story from Apple Bloom, about how Derran had suddenly acted like an entirely different person, and then headed straight for Twilight's castle like an enraged manticore. Then, not long afterward, Applejack had failed to come home after her meeting with the friendship council. Unable to get any answers from Granny Smith or Big Mac, Apple Bloom had swiftly called an emergency meeting of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, in hopes of determining a sound course of action. Ultimately however, the only thing they could agree upon, was that they needed more information, and thus had set out for Twilight's castle at the gallop.

"Well. . . I don't think there's anypony outside. . . no wait! Somepony just came out!" Scootaloo cried out, pointing from atop her scooter at the grey coated mare, who had just exited the castle gate.

"Is that Derpy?" Sweetie Belle asked in confusion. "What's she doing here?"

"I dunno, but let's go ask her!" Apple Bloom declared, a determined ring in her voice. However, no sooner had the words left Apple Bloom's mouth, than Derpy flapped her wings and flew off toward the wide field across the road. The massive field abutted Ponyville, dividing the town from Sweet Apple Acres, and terminating at the Everfree Forest. Oddly, Derpy hung low in the sky, almost as if she was trying to avoid being seen, or, more likely, to minimize risk to the odd bundle she seemed to be carrying.

"Scoots quick! Go flag her down before she gets to far away!" Sweetie Belle cried out. Scootaloo nodded.

"On it!" She replied, her wings buzzing like a miniature propeller as she shot toward Derpy in a cloud of dust. Following in Scootaloo's dusty wake, Apple Bloom wondered if they shouldn't have continued to the castle. Then again, Derran had been acting very strange when last she saw him, and she didn't want to go in blind. Once they learned what Derpy knew, they would be better informed on how to proceed.

The chase with Derpy lasted several minutes. As fast as Scootaloo was, being on the ground meant she had to navigate various hazards like errant rocks and briar patches. So catching up to her quarry took longer than if she had been able to fly, but she managed. However, just as she was about to hail Derpy, she hesitated. Something seemed off, but she couldn't say what at first. Then, she recalled the lesson Derran had given her and the other Crusaders. Taking a deep breath, she took another look at Derpy, trying to see what was different. For a few moments she still couldn't place it, then. . . she saw it. As a pegasus, and the unofficially adopted sister of Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo knew a lot about the individual flight patterns of pegusi, and other creatures of the air. Every creature that flew, had a particular style, and quirks when they flew, almost like a signature, and no two were alike.

On the few occasions Scootaloo had seen it, Derpy's flying had always been slightly erratic. She often dipped the tip of her right wing when she didn't need to, or overcorrected for the breeze. Derpy often wobbled slightly, zigzagging through the air in a sort of squiggly line. Today however, Derpy's flying was nearly perfect, she moved through the air with an undeniable grace, and her wing placement was immaculate. In truth, the only imperfection was that, at what appeared to be regular intervals, Derpy buzzed her wings, in a way that made Scootaloo think briefly of an insect. For an instant Scootaloo considered letting Derpy go, but then thought better of it. Neither Rainbow Dash nor Derran Grandel ever backed down in the face of the unknown, and neither would she.

"HEY DERPY! CAN WE TALK FOR A SECOND!?" For a moment, Scootaloo thought Derpy hadn't heard her, as she continued to fly for a few seconds more, giving no indication that she had heard anything. However, just as Scootaloo was about to call out again, Derpy suddenly dropped her altitude, gliding for a short distance. Before landing in between a pair of low hills that blocked her from sight for a few moments. Putting on a burst of speed, Scootaloo came around the curve of one of the hills, and nearly ran smack into Derpy's backside. Skidding to a halt, Scootaloo was surprised when Derpy didn't turn to look at her. Standing like a statue, Derpy didn't say a word as Scootaloo cleared her throat. "Hey Derpy, sorry to bother you, but have you seen Derran?" Derpy said nothing, then after waiting for about a minute, Scootaloo tried again. "You know, Derran? Big stallion, saved Ponyville, only one of his kind in Equestria?" Again Derpy remained silent. "Are you ok?" Scootaloo asked, moving a little closer to the grey mailmare, just as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle Showed up.

"Good. . ." Apple Bloom stated, through her exhausted panting. "you. . .found. . . her." Fanning herself with a hoof to no real effect, Sweetie Belle nodded.

"She. . . know what. . . happened." Sweetie panted. But, before Scootaloo could respond, Derpy spoke. However. . . it was not the voice of the lovable, slightly klutzy, mailmare the three fillies heard. This voice was female, but deep, cold, arrogant. . . and cruel.

"You know. . ." The voice Drawled, as a greenish glow around their hooves rooted the three fillies to the spot. "I was rather concerned when I saw you three chasing after this idiot, I thought I might have been discovered. But on reflection, I think this will work out well for me." The three fillies felt their blood run cold, and a chill run up their spines as the voice continued. "I want you to deliver a message to that. . . thing, called Derran Grandel." Here Derpy turned, and the Crusaders gasped. Derpy's eyes were now a sickly neon green, that glowed faintly even in broad daylight. While around her neck, the trio saw a pendant made of what looked like black resin. In the center of the pendant was a small green gem, that glowed with the same poisonous radiance as Derpy's eyes. Also around her neck, was a swaddling cloth, that held the quietly sleeping form, of non other that Flurry Heart. Glaring at them, the arrogant voice coming from Derpy continued. "Once you wake up, tell him I have Cadence and Shining Armor's precious little foal. And that if he, or the princesses, ever want to see the brat alive and in one piece again, then he'll be here at exactly midnight to receive further instructions." The next thing the Crusaders saw was a flash of green, then they fell heavily to the ground, instantly unconscious. As the thing in Derpy's body turned, and continued inexorably toward the Everfree, a cruel smile on its stolen features. . .

Salvation and Dammnation

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It had taken a long time for the crying to stop. The sobs of grief and sorrow echoing unceasingly around the clearing for what seemed an age. The atmosphere of misery offered a stark contrast to the placid, sunlit field full of flowers, in the center of a lush woodland. Indeed, the surroundings had been entirely forgotten amidst the broken hearted cries of the small crowd therein. In truth though, given what those present had just witnessed, the reaction could hardly be called surprising. It was not every day one witnessed the extinction of an entire world, even if only by proxy.

Derran, despite having experienced it more intensely than any other present, had stoically done his best to comfort his distraught audience. Whom, at the conclusion of the horrifying tale, had gathered around him, hugging him tightly as they wept bitter tears of sympathetic sadness, anger, and regret. Even so, and despite Derran's best efforts, it was nearly an hour before anypony was able to speak so much as a single word. At last however, the tears dried up, and one by one the ponies released their hold on Derran, trying their best to make themselves presentable. All, save for a single mare. . .

Twilight Sparkle, was unable to bring herself to part from Derran. With her head resting against his armored chest, she kept her forehooves locked tightly around his torso. Clinging to him, as a sailor in a hurricane clings to a life vest. Twilight knew there was nothing she could do to change the terrible past she had seen. She could not unwrite the horrifying history that she had witnessed, nor could she resurrect those who had been lost. Yet, at that moment, more than anything, Twilight wished she actually was the divine being Derran believed her to be. Desiring with all her heart the power to simply wave her hoof, and make everything alright. But that. . . was impossible. She was not a goddess, no all-powerful child of a benevolent creator deity, and no magic she possessed could undo what was indelibly etched in the stone of the past. So she held herself to Derran, as if hoping that by some miracle, she might be able to at least extract the pain he no doubt still held within, through her embrace alone. A foolish idea, yet it was all she had. As she tightened her grip, and clenched her tear-stained eyes shut.

"I'm sorry. . ." She kept repeating, her voice a nearly inaudible whisper, that was nonetheless filled with pain. "I'm so sorry. . ." Then, as still more fresh tears began to spill from her tightly closed eyes, she felt an armored hand place itself gently atop her head, and heard a soothing voice filled with sympathy and understanding.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Twilight. Now please. . . raise your head." Derran declared softly, his use of her name serving to reinforce the conviction and love in his words. Twilight wiped her nose on the back of her hoof, cleaning herself up as best she could. Raising her head to look at the stallion she loved, as she partially loosened her grip on him.

Derran gazed down at Twilight with a loving expression, brushing her cheek with his fingertips, to gently direct her gaze until his icy blue eyes, met her sunset purple ones. "You have nothing to be sorry for." He reiterated, a bit more sternly, though his expression was filled with nothing but kindness and sympathy. Unable to look away, Twilight instantly felt warmth and comfort suffuse her being. As she finally released her hold on Derran.

As Twilight moved to stand with the rest of her friends and family, Derran rose to look at them all. Many were still struggling to wipe the tears from their eyes as he straightened to his full height. The misty translucent tendrils of the proiectura anima spell, still connected to his head like a strange ethereal crown, as he stood in silence, patiently waiting for their next reaction. Finally, once their grief had subsided fully, those present recalled the innumerable questions they had for Derran. Yet, even after their last tears had fallen, and with only the sound of the gentle breeze moving through the trees, and the songs of birds filling the air, they found themselves still unable to speak. None of them could even imagine where to start, let alone how to begin. The silence dragged on for a full minute. Then, finally, Shining Armor spoke.

"How?" He began softly, his voice trembling with anger. "How could your king do something so. . . unspeakable?!" Derran shook his head.

"I never learned that for certain, but what evidence I was able to uncover, suggested he wanted an army. Kemed was a small nation, and the king's ambition was as unquenchable as his arrogance. He desired an empire, but the Kemedian military was neither numerous enough, nor powerful enough, to create one. The demons of Hell were an ideal solution as the king saw it. They required no pay, rest, or lodging, would never disobey those they served, and had numbers and might great enough to conquer the entire planet if so desired. . . so the king attempted to treat with them. Offering the souls of a few of his subjects in exchange for the unstoppable army he desired. The fool learned too late, that Hell's price was far greater than the paltry handful of souls he had parted with." Derran explained, his voice filled with bitterness and anger.

"But. . . it sounded like your pony-er people didn't even believe demons existed. How would he have known how to contact them?" Shining inquired. Derran shook his head.

"It was no doubt very difficult. Rumors existed of certain exceedingly rare grimoires that held spells capable of allowing contracts with demons. However few, if any, had ever so much as heard of them. And fewer still would be mad enough to seek them out." He stated. "Almost no one on our world believed demons and Hell to be anything other than myth, an allegory for the evils of men. . . we were wrong."

"So your king knew these creatures were real, knew how dangerous they were, and tried to make a deal with them anyway?!" Cadence asked, her voice filled with an indignant fury at the idea of something so stupid and selfish. Derran nodded.

"Men are easily led astray by offers of power. Within us all is the potential for great and terrible evil. . . it is why the Light created the Seraphim. 'Absent the voice of light, man shall heed the call of darkness.'" He quoted from one of the holy books the church he attended had kept. Twilight shook her head as she looked at Derran.

"But. . . you're not evil." She declared. "Aren't you living proof that humans have good in them too?" At that question Derran gave a long pause, as he turned to Twilight with a look of sadness.

"I am afraid my lady. . . that I am the opposite." Taking a deep breath, Derran let it out slowly as he finished. "I. . . am the greatest proof there is of man's impurity." Twilight almost laughed at that.

"What are you talking about? You're the kindest gentlest stallion I've ever met." She declared. Derran shook his head.

"Only as long as you and the other Seraphim are here." He lamented, sadness in his eyes.

"That's ridiculous! Name one time you only did the right thing because I was there." Twilight demanded, everypony around her nodding their agreement.

"When we first met, I would have doubtlessly killed that dragon Stormfang for his disrespect, likely causing a war, if not for your words." Derran explained solemnly. Twilight still shook her head.

"He was a jerk, you got angry, it happens." Twilight stated firmly.

"I tried to murder The Chaos-. . . that is, Discord in front of lady Fluttershy, only your word stayed my hand." Derran countered, ignoring the faint flare of anger that accompanied mention of the mystical trickster.

"You didn't know he had changed! You were just acting to protect us, like you always do!" Twilight argued. Trying not to sound uncertain, as she recalled the shift in the color of Derran's eyes, and the faint aura of intimidation he sometimes seemed to have. Derran sighed.

"Milady. . . you are neither a fool, nor are you blind. I know you all saw him." He said, a note of accusation in his voice, as his expression darkened.

"Saw who? What do you-" Suddenly Twilight stopped dead, as she recalled the last few scenes of Derran's memory, and a dark unnameable worry entered her mind. "Derran. . ." She began, hesitating, as if wondering if she wanted to know the answer to the question she was about to pose. "Who. . . who were you talking to at the end of that fight?" She asked, hesitating for an instant, as she again wondered if she really wanted to hear the explanation. In response, Derran looked into the eyes of all those present, as if judging whether they could handle what he was about to say.

"He has been with me ever since the death of my family." Derran began, speaking in a far away tone. "I know not where he originated from, nor why he came to rest within me. I only know that he is everything in myself that I wish was no more." Here Derran clenched his fists, his body trembling in anger as he continued. "He allowed me to survive the horrors of Hell, and fight back against the demons as I never could have on my own. But in exchange. . ." Here Derran seemed to struggle not to explode, his voice shaking slightly, as his eyes became like steel. "He stripped me of my hope, my compassion, my empathy, my very humanity. . . and turned me into a monster little different from those I killed!" Taking a deep breath, Derran managed to calm himself slightly, his body ceasing to shake as his fists unclenched. "Not long after he first spoke to me, I dubbed him 'The Beast' for his aggression and savagery. But over time, the Demons themselves gave him, and by extension me, the name he is known by now. . . a name you already know quite well. . . Doom Slayer." Derran's audience stared at him in disbelief.

"Wait. . . what exactly are you trying to say?" Shining Armor asked, feeling a sense of frightened bewilderment. Derran took a deep breath before replying.

"Though I may have but a single body, within it lie two souls. One is tarnished, but the other. . . is pitch black." All save Celestia and Luna stared at Derran in shock as he continued. "Every day, I act as the warden to a prisoner whom resides within my own mind. Ever have I sought to distance myself from all he represents, through strict adherence to my duty. To the point that, until recently, I all but erased many of my passions and memories. Yet. . . to my shame, his aid still outweighs the virtues of destroying him, and so he remains. . . as a necessary evil." He explained, his voice slightly strained. For a moment. . . nopony said a word, simply staring at Derran with expressions ranging from stunned, to disbelieving. Before anypony could ask more questions however, Celestia cleared her throat, and spoke.

"Perhaps before we get into all that, we should show them the rest of the story?" She suggested. Derran, seeming relieved not to have to discuss the matter further, swiftly turned and nodded his agreement to her.

"Indeed my lady, perhaps now is not yet the time for questions. The picture is not yet complete, and I suspect many of their more burning inquiries might yet be put to rest once they see the entirety of my tale." Here, Derran walked back to the foot of the great stone disc at the center of the clearing, before turning back to look at his audience. "The next part of the story takes place about a day after I departed from my home. To a meeting which would change the course of my life once more, and begin the formation of a power, that to this day, the legions of Hell curse and fear. Amid the blood and hate. . . amid the horror and sorrow. I encountered a man who became the purest and mightiest of those whom I would eventually call, brother. As is the case of many heroes, he came from humble beginnings, humble, and, like all of my brothers, drenched in blood. . ." So saying, Derran once more shut his eyes, and the misty cloud above his head shifted and swirled, as the story continued.

"HOLD THEM BACK!!" Screamed the captain of the 108th Kemedian Ether Guard, his voice a mix of controlled revulsion and determination, as he fired his sidearm into a crowd of slavering abominations. At his side, Sergeant Michael Santius, shook with barely controlled fear, as he struggled to rally the men to comply. Currently occupying the interior of a once beautiful high walled fountain, the two-dozen or so men with him, gamely attempted to follow orders. Firing their weapons into the enemy, despite being knee deep in liquid that was now as much blood as it was water. Surrounding the fountain were nearly six dozen snarling brown and purple skinned monsters, as well as scores of walking corpses. The monstrous brown humanoids were keeping the men securely pinned, hurling orbs of blazing fire at the soldiers as they crouched against the three foot high stone border of the water feature. The flaming orbs exploding against stone and armor, as the monsters danced over a carpet of half melted human corpses, nimbly dodging most of the humans return fire, even as a number of shambling zombies were blown away.

Chittering and screaming, several of the flame throwing monsters were also slain in the hail of blazing energy bolts, and micro-plasma shots. Their bodies falling to the ground either bored through by finger sized glowing holes, or with large chunks of flesh blown off their bodies in puffs of red mist and powdered bone. Yet, between the shaking hands of the soldiers, the constant jinking dodges of the monsters themselves, and the seemingly numberless undead supporting them, the few that were killed could be likened to a single drop of water, in an ocean of oil. Michael Struggled to process what was happening, as another of the men fell screaming into the crimson liquid they crouched in, half his face burned down to blackened bone by unholy fire.

It had initially begun as another uneventful day for Michael. Roused at dawn to accompany another pointless and dull zero-risk patrol on the outskirts of the capitol, he had returned to the barracks at around noon. Lamenting his boredom, and wishing for the millionth time he had been born the son of a baker. He had been heading for the officers mess, when all hell broke loose. Knocked unconscious by an agony he couldn't even begin to quantify. He had reawakened to the sounds of a brutal close quarters firefight, as half the garrison now frantically battled for their lives against the other half. Their deceased former comrades, slain by the agonizing wave of energy, now changed into some sort of monstrous undead warrior. The unfortunates very flesh now fused to the weapons and armor they had carried in life. Linking up with Captain Tallarn of the 108th Ether, Michael and nearly nine hundred others, had joined together and fought their way through the burning city streets. Trying to save who they could along the way, their numbers had been rapidly whittled down to the twenty or so men now crowding the interior of the fountain.

They had originally been trying to exit the city using the shortest route, via the main highway. But the enemy had been so thick, and the road so clogged with the wreckage of vehicles, that they were forced to take a detour, through a nearby market plaza. They had been nearly eight hundred by that point, not counting civilians, but were ambushed by a group of several dozen massive floating orbs that seemed to be all mouth. They had spit some kind of plasma that could disintegrate a man in only a shot or two. Unable to find sufficient cover in the open space of the plaza, the 108th was forced to scatter or be strafed into oblivion. Though not before the few officers they had remaining, arranged to meet at a rally point just outside the city. Captain Tallarn had done his best to keep the fifty soldiers and twenty civilians he had ended up with moving, but every step was dogged by hordes of undead, and even less holy monstrosities. The worst, had been when a group of about seven hulking black scaled monsters, with bone plates for faces, had barreled into them from a nearby alley. Unable to react in time, five men were torn limb from limb in the space of a few seconds, and the civilians scattered in panic. Unable to risk the men he had corralling the civilians, Captain Tallarn made the gut wrenching choice to leave the noncombatants behind, and ordered a fighting retreat to the center of a nearby park.

There in the park, filled with burning trees and ash, they made their stand, somehow managing to kill all of the black skinned behemoths. Only to find that during the frantic chaos of the skirmish, they had been surrounded. Nearly a hundred of the brown skinned horrors, backed up by twice that number of shuffling undead, swarmed out of the alleys and streets to envelop their small force. The forty or so remaining members of the 108th had fought valiantly. Taking position at the fountain, they had kept fighting till they had used almost all their remaining ammunition. Kemedian magetech power clips were good for hundreds of shots each before needing to be swapped out, and each soldier carried about ten as standard. It said a lot, that even after expending all that firepower, the end was still fast approaching.

As another of Michael's subordinates fell, his body cooked inside his own armor, there was a brief lull in the fighting, as the two sides re-positioned slightly. Time seemed to slow to a crawl, and Michael felt oddly contemplative. As fireballs and bolts of energy flew through the air in opposite directions, he found himself reviewing the events in his life that had led him to this moment. An odd sense of displacement, insulating him from the chaos around him for a time. Even as his body continued to fight, and parrot Captain Tallarn's orders to the men.

Born as a son of lesser Kemedian nobility, Michael had originally wanted to be a writer. However, his father, grooming him for his future as head of the family, sent him off to the military. Hoping that spending time as an officer in the army would toughen him up, and boost his standing in the eyes of the political elite. It had been a paid commission. Like all nobles, Michael's training had been mostly superficial, and at the end of it, he was made a sergeant automatically, with the expectation that he would soon be promoted to first lieutenant, and eventually colonel, through no real effort on his part. Michael had hated it. He had hated the idea of having to be what his family commanded, he hated the idea that fighting, or ordering others to fight, was somehow seen as noble and respectable, and most of all, he hated that men would salute him, without him having to have done a single thing to warrant the gesture.

Now, as he tried futily to help the men he was supposed to command, Michael could feel tears of frustration running down his face, at how utterly useless he was. He had no insight into their situation, nor hope of getting the men relying on him out of it. He was unable to devise strategies on his own, and if Captain Tallarn had not been there, he would not have even known what orders to give. Even the act of firing his gun was foreign to him, as he had only used the garishly over-ornamented heirloom pistol, a few times on a firing range. In fact, the only weapon he had ever been any good with, was his sword, fencing being something of a hobby of his. Yet, even that could do no good here, where the only hope any of them had, was to keep the enemy at a distance. Now, as good men died around him, Michael found himself completely unable to help. Save by wasting ammunition firing vaguely toward the enemy, in vain hope of actually hitting something, despite his horrific marksmanship. Suddenly, Michael found himself violently pulled from his thoughts, by a helmeted soldier beside him shaking him by the shoulder.

"Sir! Orders sir!?" He shouted above the din of battle. For a moment, Michael was unable to reply.

"Just follow the Captain's-" The soldier interrupted him before he could complete the thought.

"Captain's dead sir! You're in command!" Michael turned to glance at Tallarn, to find to his mute horror, that it was true. A lucky shot by one of the leaping brown skinned monsters, had turned the captain's head into a lumpen mass of charred and molten flesh. His body lying where it fell in the dark red water. Michael struggled to think for a moment, before out of desperation, reciting the lines of the field manual verbatim.

"Activate shield gauntlets to establish a mobile-" Again the soldier interrupted.

"All shield gauntlets are burned out sir! Have been since the initial attack! Now we need a choice! Between trying to break out or-" Michael never found out what the second option was, as both he, and the soldier speaking to him, were bowled over by the sudden appearance of one of the floating, cyclops flesh spheres. Falling to the ground, Michael struck his head against the lip of the fountain, his vision swam, and the smell of iron assailed him, as the bloody fountain water splashed over his body, staining his armor scarlet. Time seemed to slow once more, as Michael saw the soldier he had been talking to, bitten in half by the floating abomination. Its massive toothy maw closed over the man's head, shoulders, and upper torso, all at once, his muffled screams echoing above the cacophony of battle. Biting through armor, flesh, and bone, with a sickening, crunching slurp, the hovering one eyed beast tilted its body back, swallowing with obvious relish, as blood and viscera dripped from its snapping maw.

After that, Michael watched, as the end of the 108th Ether Guard, played out around him. With the enemy now inside their line, bereft of competent leadership, and completely surrounded, cohesion disintegrated. Some men drew their swords and turned to hack at the flesh orb monster, bringing it down in a flurry of steel, only to be struck in the back by a lethal fusillade of fireballs. Others jumped over the lip of the fountain and attempted to break through the enemy, running full steam ahead while firing their weapons on full automatic. But without backup, they were swiftly isolated and torn apart by a veritable avalanche of claws and teeth. A few kept fighting along the edge of the fountain, bracing their weapons on the lip, and desperately trying to maintain the perimeter with precise burst fire. But their numbers were now too few, and they could not plug the gaps. The gibbering fire conjurors and undead ran in for the kill, overwhelming what overwatch fire could be brought to bare with sheer numbers. As the screams of dying men filled his ears, Michael managed to pull himself up using the fountain wall, hooking an arm over it, and propping himself up, to survey the abominable scene. The four or five men who remained in the fountain had drawn their swords, and were each fighting desperate solitary battles against the hoard. One by one however, they succumbed, dragged down and ripped apart, as they screamed curses, or pleas for aid. Till at last. . . only Michael remained.

This, Michael knew. . . was the end. Of him, of Kemed, possibly of the entire world. . . as the creatures not devouring his comrades paused, seeming to smile as they sized up the lone remaining survivor. Michael considered rising, but what would have been the point? There was no hope, the city, and for all he knew the entire world, was doomed. Hope had fled, and no reason remained to struggle. As the monsters gathered around him, Michael shook his head, perhaps death. . . was the only true hope that remained? But then. . . then, he heard it. A roar of fury, followed by an explosion, and the screams of dying monsters. Unsure what to think, Michael raised his head, and in that moment, saw something that filled his heart with awe. An angel. . . an angel with wings of smoke and flame, struck down the horrors surrounding him with a sword of holy light, and a hand of destroying fire.

The angel was covered in its enemies blood, and wore armor of dark green that was scorched black in places, with a helm that obscured its face completely. Charging forward with all the fury of the heavens, the entity layed about savagely with its sword, reducing monsters to ash in groups of three or four at a time. Raising its left hand, the dark armored angel blew apart more distant horrors with balls of coruscating energy. Obliterating the vile beasts by the score, in fountains of red rain, and pulverized flesh.

Never slowing for so much as a moment, the angel dodged blasts of fire and outstretched claws, before delivering brutal counter blows that descended like the wrath of the Seraphim themselves! Never pausing, the angel dodged, rolled, and parried all attempts to kill him, summoning a barely visible shield with his blazing sword to block what monsters and projectiles he could not evade. On the occasions he did get hit, the angel brushed off the wounds as if they were nothing, as if its almighty body was immune to a concept as inconsequential as pain. Michael watched, mesmerized by the sight of this angelic beast's rampage. The battle culminated with him raising his burning sword to the sky. Monsters surrounded him on all sides, crawling over the mounded corpses of their fellows, they latched onto the legs and arms of the angel, in futile hope of staving off their coming end. As with a scream of ultimate fury, the angel brought his sword down on the mob surrounding him, in a flash of blinding golden light. Blinking away afterimages from his vision, Michael gasped. There the angel stood, alone, his weapons at his sides. Of the hoard of monsters that had surrounded him, there was no sign, save piles of smoldering ash. . .

Michael could hardly believe it, within minutes, the force that had slain over forty of the best and strongest soldiers of Kemed, lay dead at the hands of this single holy avenger. Then, suddenly, and to Michael's shock, the seemingly invincible angel, fell to one knee. His armor was deeply scored with claw marks, and he leaned heavily on his no longer glowing sword, but nevertheless, the angel lived. As the dust settled, Michael's body working to purge the adrenaline of battle, and his vision clearing as he recovered from striking his head on the fountain, he realized an astonishing truth. What he saw before him, was neither an agent of the Light's holy protection, a destroyer god of old, nor any other form of divine being. What he saw there, heaving with exertion, singed by blasts of mystical fire, and covered in blood and ichore. . . was a man.

In one hand, the man held the sword that had, moments ago, been wreathed in golden light, and in the other, he held a Dragonstar Mrk-3 Plasma Cannon. A man portable anti-vehicle weapon popular with Kemed's military. He wore an outdated suit of Mega Armor, one of the most robust and powerful models of armor ever made, and due to their cost, only issued these days to special operations teams heading into hostile territory. He may not have been an angel, but this man was clearly no ordinary individual. And as the man rose from his crouch to approach him, Michael found his sense of awe had not diminished in the slightest. Then, the armored being spoke, in a voice that seemed like the sound of distant thunder.

"So. . . you are alive after all."


Derran stared down at the young man, his unfeeling expression hidden behind his helm. The man looked to be in his twenties, and wore a dirty and bloodstained suit of ceremonial officer's armor, gilded in gold and silver. He was about six feet in height, and had long, flowing, pale blond hair, resembling spun white gold. His face was sharply angled, but soft in a way that made him seem almost effeminate, that, plus his two wide bright green eyes, combined to make him look more beautiful, than traditionally handsome. Derran's gaze narrowed as he saw the familial crest carefully inscribed on the man's gaudy breastplate in gold.

"What is a member of the Santius family doing in an officers uniform?" He demanded. Derran's father had long ago insured his son had memorized nearly every facet of Kemedian noble life. This included the names, recent history, and symbology of every noble family of note. The Santius family were mostly merchants, not remotely as old or respected as the Grandel family, though very nearly as wealthy. Even so, among the Kemedian elite, they were considered by most to be minor nobility in every sense of the word, given their lineage only went back a few generations. Derran had once, long ago, been introduced to the current patriarch of the Santius family, and his three year old son, at a party his father had dragged him too. The memory had faded slightly, having occurred a little under two decades ago, but Derran vaguely recalled the son as having been a blond haired child, with eyes of bright green.

"You know my family?" Asked the young man in shock, his eyes wide with wonder as he stared at Derran.

"Barely, but yes." Derran responded. "Merchants and traders, they never seemed overly concerned with military matters." The young man's face fell at Derran's assertion.

"Indeed, it was my father's idea. . ." He responded with a pained smile, the young man had a gentle, almost melodious voice, that seemed better suited to a choir than the military. "I am afraid I make for a poor soldier." Derran shook his head. So that was it. Another scion of a noble house, shoved into the military as an officer in hopes it would increase their recognition. The practice was far from uncommon, and was one of the reasons Derran had originally enlisted under a fake last name. Nobility in the military were always given cushy positions, and were considered soldiers in name only. When Derran had joined, he was determined to get the real experience, 3-5am wake-ups, relentless drills, twenty plus mile runs in full combat gear. It wasn't until after his training, and a year into being assigned to his unit, that they found out who he really was. Even then, he had opted to stick with his unit as just another grunt, and they continued to treat him as just another fellow soldier, which was exactly how he liked it.

However, looking down at this young man, barely into his twenty's, Derran could tell his experience had been quite different. He had clearly only been given superficial training, as evidenced by the fact that he wore armor and, with the exception of his sword, carried weapons that were more decorative, than functional. Not to mention the fact that he was making no attempt to rise, or scan the environment for signs of enemy reinforcements. All in all, Derran gave him about an hour before he was killed. Unsure what prompted the gesture, and before he could really think about what he was doing, Derran glanced around, finding a blast rifle on the ground nearby. Mag-locking his sword to his back, he picked up the weapon and examined it. Blast rifles were common infantry weapons the world over, firing pulsed beams of mystical energy that created a small fusion explosion shortly after entering flesh or armor, and blowing the target apart from the inside out. Sometimes called 'Bolters' due to the elongated beam they fired, they were the best friend of infantrymen everywhere.

"Here." Derran grunted, checking the weapon's power cell charge, and shoving it into the young man's hands. "That pistol of yours is a modified X-1 popgun, meant for hunting birds, not killing monsters. In a real fight you would frankly be better served by throwing it at your enemy." Derran stated contemptuously, before tapping the weapon he had just given the young officer. "This however, might keep you alive long enough to reach outside the city. Stick to cover, do not be a hero, and do not allow yourself to be caught out in the open." Nodding, the man finally got to his feet, but instead of walking or running away, he stood staring at Derran. Ignoring the young man's gaze, Derran searched through the bodies surrounding him, looking for any ammunition, grenades, or medical supplies the man's unit might have on them. In the pouch of one of the soldiers, Derran was pleasantly surprised when he found three bio-plasma injectors. Placing two of the faintly glowing, blue, pen sized objects in one of his belt pouches, Derran removed his gauntlet and jabbed the third into his right arm. He felt a faint prick, and then a surge of revitalizing warmth spread through him, as the cuts, scrapes, and bruises he had sustained in the battle, began instantly healing. Then, replacing his gauntlet, Derran turned to leave, heading back toward the city.

"Please! Wait!" Called out the young man, his voice faintly desperate. Derran ignored him as he kept walking. "Please! Let me come with you!" At that, Derran paused.

"And why should I do such a thing?" He asked, his tone one of warning. If this sorry excuse for a toy soldier thought Derran would play bodyguard, then he was sorely mistaken. However, to Derran's faint surprise, the young man's response was something else entirely.

"I know that tone. . ." He began, his voice tinged with self loathing. "I hear it in the voice of every officer I meet who actually earned their position, and every soldier who ever thought I was out of earshot, and they are right to have it." Here Derran turned around, more curious than anything.

+Let's just get the hell out of here, we don't have time for bullshit monologues.+ Snarled the Beast, contempt dripping from every word.

"Is there a time limit on dying in battle? Surely there is no harm in hearing his words?" Derran mentally responded. The Beast gave no reply, though Derran could tell he was still unhappy, as the young man explained.

"I am no soldier, I have always abhorred violence and bloodshed." He stated. "I always thought of myself as a victim of the world, and my place in it. I lamented the fact that I was not free to choose my destiny, and simply did the bare minimum to meet the obligations I was saddled with. I did not think it mattered that I was learning nothing, and I convinced myself that no one would be hurt by my simply going through the motions." The young man stared at his surroundings, his face filled with pain as his eyes fell upon the bodies of the soldiers piled in and around the fountain. "I was wrong, and these men paid the price for my ignorance and selfishness."

"So you wish what? Redemption?" Derran asked contemptuously, wondering if perhaps the Beast had been right after all. "I can offer no such thing." The young man shook his head.

"I do not ask you to offer redemption." Derran glared at the man, trying to read his intent.

"Then what?" Derran demanded. The young man looked Derran in the eye.

"Strength, and a path forward. If I can learn to fight as you, if I can die knowing that I made my survival mean something, then that is enough. At least then, when I see these men again in the embrace of the Light, I might be allowed to tell them their deaths were not meaningless." Derran did not move, staring at the youth with eyes like steel beneath his visor. Then, finally, and for what reason he could not have said, he spoke.

"If you follow my path, then know this. I fight not to save this world, nor it's people, I do not seek glory nor accolades, and I have no intention of playing hero. I fight only that I might end as many of these monsters as possible. To bring to them and their leaders, the ruin they have brought to me. Our world is done, the Light has failed us, and it is now clear that the Seraphim, if ever they existed at all, were false in their promise of protection." Here, Derran leveled his sword at the young man. "I do not dare to hope, for hope is a lie! I walk forward only that I may end my enemies until I myself cease to be! I tread the path of doom! Where the end of one battle, is merely the beginning of the next!" Keeping his sword perfectly steady, Derran took a breath before he continued. "Knowing all that, do you still wish to follow me? Can you fight without hope, using hatred alone as the force that guides your steps?" For a moment, the young man was silent, his gaze locked with Derran's, then he replied. His voice level, and with absolute conviction.

"If you will teach me to find the path, then I shall walk it with you until the end." He stated solemnly. Lowering his sword, Derran nodded.

"Then remove that armor you wear, and take a suit from one of the men who died here. Have you any personal effects? Any objects associated with family, friends, or your past?" The young man nodded.

"A signet ring, and a locket with my mother's picture." He replied. Derran nodded.

"Good, destroy them, along with that armor and pistol you carry, I will watch you do so." For a second the young man balked, but then, nodded.

A short while later, the young man stood before Derran in the armor of a standard Kemedian infantryman. Before them both, was the small pile of the young man's personal effects. Derran handed him the plasma cannon.

"Let your past die with this world, that you might think only of the battles you will fight. . . In sacrificing your hope, be free of the fears that limit you. . . Let your wrath grow, that it might strengthen your body. Feel no fear, know no pain. . . And live only to see your enemy dead before you. . ." Derran intoned, his voice as cold as a winter night. The young man nodded as he took the weapon, backing away until he and Derran were safely out of the blast radius. Aiming the weapon at what was left of his old life, he hesitated for only an instant, before pulling the trigger.

The weapon roared, and for a moment, Derran and the young man were blinded by the detonation of the plasma ball. Then it was done. . . only a crater, remaining to tell the tale. Derran nodded solemnly, and turned to address the young man directly. "Now. . . tell me your name." The young man nodded, handing back the plasma cannon before retrieving the blast rifle Derran had given him.

"My name is Michael Melekon Santius. Now and forever, your humble servant. . ."

At that moment, almost as if in sympathy to Michael's introduction, a thunderous 'CRACK', like a mountain being split in two was heard. Beneath Derran and Michael's feet, the earth shook as though the entire planet had been struck by the fist of a god. Michael stumbled and fell to one knee, and Derran just barely kept his feet. Buildings collapsed around them, and nearby, massive fissures tore open the ground, growing large enough to swallow entire city blocks into the depths of the planet. The air filled with the scent of sulfur and ozone in concentrations great enough to make it a struggle to breathe. A howling wind swept through the city, with a sound like reality itself was in agony, blasting the pair with bits of hurled debris at speeds great enough to chip the paint on their armor, just before an almighty roaring, eclipsed all other sound. Then, just as suddenly as it had began, the phenomena ceased, and overhead, the roiling black clouds that had covered the sky since the beginning of this unending nightmare, finally parted. Only to reveal something far more disturbing. . .

The sky as they knew it, was no more. Now, a seemingly endless red tinged void that stretched out of sight for eternity, hung over their heads. There was no sun or other celestial body to be seen, only an unhallowed red radiance that seemed to illuminate from all directions at once. Amid this infinite charnal abyss, floated countless islands of scorched, bone colored rock, and raw, flesh-like earth. Some were as small as cars, while others in the distance, looked to be the size of entire continents. As Michael picked himself up to stare in horror at the sky. Derran spoke in a tone that sounded almost eager.

"Our doom is impatient. . . let us not keep it waiting."

The ponies watched as the scene faded into mist, each thinking the same thing. The voice was Derran's, but the words he spoke, and the actions he performed, were those of a completely different stallion. One that sent faint chills through their hearts. Abandon hope? Embrace hatred? Live only for violence? These were not the words of the Derran Grandel they knew. The stallion whose existence was defined by chivalry, duty, kindness, and love.

"I suppose this is why he hates the Doom Slayer so much." Rarity ventured with a nervous laugh, that fell dead as Derran spoke in a slow, weary tone, his eyes open once more.

"No, lady Rarity. I am afraid those words were mine. Though I do not doubt the Doom Slayer's influence played some role in the creation of the philosophy I held back then. It was I who gave this creed definite shape, and proceeded to preach it to all whom would listen." He explained, his eyes and voice filled with shame as he continued. "Originally, I never intended to share my path with anyone. However, my meeting with Michael changed everything." Here Derran gave a sad looking smile. "Who could have ever predicted, that the young man I rescued that day by chance and whim, would divert my path so immeasurably." He said with a faint, humorless, chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Asked Shining, and Derran shook his head.

"Had it not been for Michael Santius, I would never have lived to see the heaven that is Equestria. It was he, whom first suggested gathering others to our cause. It was he, whom helped me persuade the remnants of the Kemedian army to fall in line behind me. And it was he, who suggested setting out to see if the survivors of other lands, might be willing to aid our cause." Derran's expression grew pained as he continued. "He became my strong right hand. Whom, as we traveled and fought, I trained to be a true soldier. It was a trial by fire, one that, at the time, I was certain he would fail. But to my surprise, he weathered it as though made of steel." Here Derran's expression darkened. "Despite everything, I believe Michael never fully embraced the ideals I set out for him. As I look back on it now, I believe he never truly gave up hope, in the Light, or humanity. He was ever the voice of reason, tempering the Beast's aggression with wise council and a calm that was nothing short of saintly. . . Yet even he, a man for whom only the word 'Angelic' ever seemed appropriate, could not contain the monster I would eventually become." Cadence gave Derran a sympathetic look.

"It sounds like you truly loved him." She remarked softly. Derran nodded, taking a deep breath, as he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

"He was the greatest man I ever knew, an example of all of the best qualities in humanity. . . the greatest injustice fate ever bestowed, was that he should have needed to stand with me." Derran declared, his voice filled with sadness and a faint note of bitterness.

"Why would that be?" Asked Twilight. "It sounds like he was exactly the friend you needed?" Derran shook his head.

"He was, but the task fate appointed him, forced him to concede principles no man should ever have to." Turning, Derran gave Twilight an expression of true sorrow. "He was a man of virtue, forced to obey the will of a being whom had cast such things aside." Twilight opened her mouth to reply but Derran cut her off with an upraised hand. "I know no words of mine will convince you. So. . . I shall have to show you." Here Derran once more settled back into his position at the foot of the circular megalith, that Twilight was almost starting to think of as a grave marker, and closed his eyes. Yet even as he did so, Derran gave Twilight a last parting look, one displaying a flicker of an emotion Twilight had never believed him capable of feeling. Derran Grandel, a stallion whom had faced demons, undead, and dragons without flinching. . . was afraid.

"Please! Without those supplies and soldiers we won't last a day!" Robin Farthel begged, his eyes frantic, as grim faced soldiers began tearing open crates of munitions and medical supplies.

"And how long would you have survived with them?" Demanded the cold voice of the soldiers leader. He was an imposing figure, dressed from head to toe in magetech armor. At his side was holstered a slightly battered pistol, while across his back was strapped a magnificent sword of black steel, along with an old bolter rifle. Robin stared in disbelief at the figure before him, scarcely able to comprehend so unfeeling a question.

When the man had initially arrived at the head of a massive army of soldiers and militia, Robin had been overjoyed to see him. It was scant four hours ago that the small outpost he and the other refugees were sheltering in, was under siege by a seemingly endless horde of 'demons', as the people had come to know the monsters. Granted, in the three weeks since the appearance of the creatures, attacks had happened regularly. But they had managed to keep them at bay, just barely, thanks to the few hundred members of the Kemedian 503rd Litheren Guard, that had originally manned the base. This time however, the demonic attacks had been particularly fierce, and the defenders had been hard pressed to hold the line. Then, just as the battle was taking a turn for the worst, they had arrived in their thousands. Grim faced and utterly unafraid, they had driven the demons away in short order.

Never had Robin, nor any of the others, soldier or civilian, ever seen such ferocity as these warriors displayed. Killing with brutal and savage efficiency, using guns, blades, spells, and anything else that could possibly be used as a weapon. Many wore armor, but many more simply wore tattered clothes to go with impromptu clubs, spears, and even bows and arrows. They had entered into the fray without hesitation, and fought as though fear had no hold over them. And there, at their head, had been a pair who inspired true awe. One had been a young man wearing the armor of a standard infantrymen. Whom, while he seemed to have some difficulty with the rifle he used, was a maestro with the glittering long sword he wielded. His skill with a blade had been a thing to behold, as he gracefully parried claws and inhuman fists, almost dancing through the battlefield as he opened throats and bellies with perfectly executed thrusts and slashes.

However, it was the other who drew the eye most. He was like a juggernaut, blasting away almost indiscriminately with his rifle, while sweeping his sword around him in brutal arcs that cut through multiple demons at once. His sword glowing like the heavens themselves were contained within the blade. Every monster that terrible sword struck, even if just a scratch, was turned instantly to ash, as the sword shon ever brighter. Then, when the warrior seemed on the verge of being overwhelmed, there was a flash of brilliant light, and every demon within hundreds of feet of him was instantly turned to grey powder. The warrior never rested, throwing himself into the thick of the fighting whenever his fellow soldiers appeared to falter. Had he still been a man of the faith, Robin might have said he was watching some great heavenly avenger come to earth. Then, after nearly twenty minutes of brutal fighting, the demons did something Robin had never once seen. Every battle he had seen fought against the monsters before now, had been to the last. Even when it was clear they were losing, the monsters fought as if death was merely a temporary inconvenience. This time however, in the face of this roaring legion's fury, the Demons did something Robin had all but convinced himself they were incapable of. . . they ran.

However. . .It was not long after, that Robin saw the first sign that these warriors might not be the saviors he thought. Rather than approach the outpost to greet those they had saved, the army had chased after their retreating foes. Savagely hunting them down with the single minded viciousness of a rabid dog sighting a rabbit. Many on the outpost walls had cheered the gesture, glad to see their hated foes so thoroughly destroyed. Robin however, had found the display disconcerting, not because he felt any sympathy for the demons, but because of the almost psychotic expressions many of their pursuers seemed to wear. A look of unbridled rage, that spoke of minds on the edge of reason, and that at any moment might plummet into madness.

Only once the last visible foe had been dispatched, did the army turn its attention to the outpost. Without so much as a greeting, the warrior in the dark green armor with the glowing sword, demanded to speak to every person in the outpost. The fortress, if so small an installation could even be dignified with such a title, was a relic left over from a war generations past. A large circular arrangement of crumbling concrete walls ten feet high, and eight feet thick, with two heavy gated entrances. It had originally been intended to garrison a few hundred soldiers at most. Currently though, nearly a thousand people, including about three hundred members of the Litheren guard, were taking shelter there. Patiently the warriors and their leader had waited, as the refugees and soldiers decided what they should do. Eventually allowing just the leader, and the swordsman Robin had seen fighting beside him, to enter.

Once inside, the warrior identified himself as Derran Grandel, and his subordinate as Michael Santius, and then explained to them why they had come. To Robin's unspoken shock, he had flat out told them that the world, was doomed. No rescue was coming, and any hope of restoring D'nur was a foolish delusion. Only two courses of action remained, die on their knees, or die on their feet. He claimed that he and his men, were the last great crusade of humanity. Doomed to die, they had dedicated themselves to finding and destroying the lords of Hell. He then asked which fate the people of the outpost preferred, to die cowering in a hole achieving nothing, or to die on their feet insuring that at least some form of justice might be served. Robin could not deny the power of the warrior's words. It had not taken long for him to win over the support of most of the soldiers, and a good chunk of the refugees. However, it was then that Robin himself had voiced a concern.

"Excuse me lord Grandel, but. . . what of the women, the children, and the old or wounded? What do you propose for those who cannot fight?" The response was as swift as it was chilling.

"I have already told you, you fight or you die, there is no in between. Anyone willing to fight is welcome, any who refuse, regardless of the reason, will be left behind." Robin and several others had stared in horror at the warrior.

"You can't be serious?!" Robin had remarked. "You can't honestly expect children to fight those monsters?!" Derran had glared at him from behind his helmet, and Robin felt his every hair stand on end as he became fixed by a gaze that was somehow even more frightening than the demons themselves.

"And what is your proposal?" Derran demanded hatefully. "Have them huddle here waiting for the demons to overwhelm your defenses? Let them die screaming as the monsters devour them alive?" Derran's voice was like ice, and it sent a shudder of fear through Robin's body. Yet, despite his fear, Robin refused to back down.

"Help us then! With your soldiers we can hold this spot maybe-" Robin was cut off when Derran had marched up to him, grabbed him by the collar, and forced him to look him dead in the eye. It might have been his terror making him see things, but as he looked through the tinted visor, Robin could have sworn that, for just an instant, Derran's eyes were blood red.

"You don't get it do you?!" Derran snarled, his voice filled with a barely restrained fury, with the tone sounding strangely warped from what it had been a second ago, becoming deeper, with a faint rasp that even the distortion of the helmet could not have accounted for. He had also inexplicably dropped his formal, faintly aristocratic pattern of speech."The only way we've kept alive this long is by staying mobile! You wait here and you will be overwhelmed, and sooner rather than later!" Jerking Robin forward, Derran pointed out at the nigh endless wasteland beyond the outpost gate. The dead husk that had once been the planet D'nur, and the endless blood red void it floated in. "You think this is the first outpost we've seen?!" He hissed, his voice dripping venom. " We've seen nearly a half dozen of them, most far more fortified than this! Each and every one, was a slaughterhouse! Men, women, children, everyone dead! Torn to pieces and eaten like a goddamn Sunday dinner!" Releasing his grip on Robin's collar, Derran continued to fix him with a look of pure hate through his visor. "Get this through your thick skull, we, are the closest thing to salvation there is! Every one of us is a dead man walking, all we get is to choose how we die! You want to die cowering in a hole waiting for a miracle that ain't ever gonna come?! Fine!" Here Derran's voice dropped to a low growl. "But don't you dare try to drag the rest of us down with you!"

After that, Derran and his soldiers had proceeded to strip the outpost. Robin, wanting no part of things, had gone to try to reassure his wife and son, Mia and John. John was asleep, but Mia was awake. She had cried when Robin had explained what was happening. Robin had done his best to comfort her, as soldiers and even former refugees, helped to scour the base clean of any resource worth having. Only a few dozen families and a handful of soldiers refused to join, and it seemed almost like those who were leaving, resented them for their choice. Finally however, there were just a few crates of weapons and supplies left. Robin had assumed Derran and the soldiers would at least leave those remaining, enough for a few days. . . he was wrong.

"What are you doing?!" Robin had demanded, when he saw the soldiers begin to break open the last of the crates. Derran had not even bothered to look at him. Continuing to supervise the work with his back to Robin.

"I have no intention of wasting good supplies on those who will soon be dead. Those who do not fight have no right to take from those who do. Indeed, the last of the soldiers here finally saw reason a short time ago, and agreed to join us. So even were I to leave these for you, you would be unable to survive long enough to make use of them." Robin couldn't believe it, the soldiers were really all leaving?

"Please! Without those supplies and soldiers we won't last a day!" Robin pleaded, hoping against hope that Derran would see reason. It was a hope in vain.

"And how long would you have survived with them?" He demanded, still keeping his back to Robin as he observed the last of the crates being emptied.

Robin was not a violent man, indeed he had at one time studied to be a preacher, before deciding being a shopkeeper would better allow him to pay for his family's future. However, despite this, he did have one weapon, an old service revolver, that had originally belonged to his grandfather. He had grabbed it when he, Mia and John, had been forced to evacuate, and kept it tucked in his belt. He never dreamed he'd ever have to use it, and certainly not against another human. Even so, desperately afraid of what might befall his family should the supplies be taken, he now leveled the revolver at Derran's back, his body shaking with a combination of anger, fear, and desperation.

"Put. Those. Back."


Derran listened to the 'click' of a revolver's hammer being cocked back, and the words of the man behind him, with a strange detachment. If he was honest, he had expected it would come to this. This man was a fool, who still believed, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that there was hope. It wasn't his fault, not really, Derran too had once believed in the fairy tale that was hope. It was the condition of the human animal to cling to it against all else, to delude themselves into thinking that, if only they could hold on a little longer, everything would miraculously be alright. However, unlike the man behind him, Derran knew better. In situations like this, hope was worse than a delusion, it was a disease, a cancer, a rot, that sapped one's ability to do anything other than wish for the impossible. The voice of the Beast was in his mind, even as Derran began to move.

+You know what you have to do.+ Derran gave a mental nod, he did indeed. . .

To those around him, it was likely over in a split second, but to Derran, it was as if all the world had slowed to a crawl. The drawing of the pistol, the turn to face his attacker, the knocking aside of the weapon pointed at the small of his back with his arm. . . the single shot, that seemed to echo like a thunderclap in a canyon.

As the man fell back, a small red hole in the center of his forehead, Derran was able to make out his expression. A combination of surprise, and what appeared to be something akin to sorrow, etched on his face. No fear though, Derran noted, but that was to be expected, this man had not been a coward. Cowards didn't put their lives on the line for anything, not even their convictions.

As the world returned to it's proper chronological speed, Derran returned his pistol to it's holster. The man's wife came out of a nearby tent, and screamed, as she threw herself on the body of her husband. She was quite lovely, with almond shaped eyes of chocolate brown, and long raven colored hair. Then, there was the son, who joined his mother a moment later, screaming for his father to wake up, even as blood pooled beneath what was left of the back of the dead man's skull. The boy had brown hair like his father, but had his mother's eyes. Derran however, noted no further detail than this. Simply turning back to his soldiers as if he had done nothing more than swat an errant fly.

"Get these distributed among our new members, insure no one has any more than they need, not even the officers. If they complain, remind them that in this army, they have no rank. All they have is the men next to them, and the weapons in their hands." He declared calmly. "It is imperative we get moving before another hoard finds-"

"MONSTER!!" Screamed the wife, and Derran didn't need to turn, to know she had recovered her husband's weapon, and was now pointing it at him. Derran considered simply drawing his pistol again, but something inside him made him speak instead.

"As futile as the gesture was. Your husband gave his life hoping to save you." Here Derran turned to face the woman, whose expression was twisted in grief and anger. "A poor gesture of gratitude indeed, to throw your life away so carelessly." He declared, his voice completely calm, and his expression devoid of emotion under his helmet. The woman however, just kept the gun trained on Derran, her body shaking with rage.

"You were the one who said none of this matters anymore! So who's going to care if I kill you right here and now?!!" Derran's hand shifted ever so slightly toward his pistol.

+All the dumb bitch had to do was walk away. We don't give second chances. . .+ The beast snarled, as Derran prepared to put the woman down.

"Forgive me lord Derran, I heard a shot. Dear heaven?! What happened?!" Both Derran and the woman paused, as Michael Santius approached. His face wearing an expression of shock, while his eyes were filled with an expression of carefully restrained sorrow and horror.

"Her husband attempted to stop us getting the last of the supplies, he threatened to kill me if I did not comply, so I defended myself." Derran declared, his voice still completely calm. The woman however was less restrained.

"Your beast of a leader gunned my husband down in cold blood!! Just because he refused to let him take the one hope we had left!!" She screamed, her eyes filled with tears. Michael nodded, as he carefully maneuvered himself between his lord and the distraught woman. Turning to Derran, he made a face as if struck by an idea.

"My lord?" Michael began, his tone calm, and respectful. "I just had a thought, if I may?" Derran paused for a moment before giving a curt nod.

"Very well. Speak." He declared. Michael nodded politely as he continued.

"Well my lord, it occurs to me that, even if they don't participate in the fighting, surely there is no harm in protecting these people? Provided of course that they keep up and don't get in our way?" Derran stood still for a moment as he considered the question. Looking down he saw the son of the man he had killed, as he cried over his father's body. He turned away, his cold expression unchanging beneath his helmet.

"Very well, if they can keep pace, and stay clear when the fighting starts, they shall have our protection. Oh, and while I am thinking of it, make it clear to the men that if any of them lay so much as a finger on a woman without her express permission, they shall be executed on the spot. Any man who thinks with the head in his trousers instead of the one on his shoulders is a liability, and I will brook no weak points in our army." Michael nodded, as he deftly managed to take the revolver from the woman while she was distracted by the conversation.

"I will see to it at once my lord." He agreed, turning to console the woman as best he could, as Derran, walked away. . .

As Derran returned once more to the waking world, he took a deep breath before opening his eyes. Even prepared as he was for them, he visibly flinched at the looks he received. Looks of horror, incomprehension, and disbelief. Rainbow was the first to speak, shooting into the air with a look of indignant fury on her face.

"No!" She declared fiercely. "No way Derran would do something like that! You must have cast the stupid spell wrong!!" She shouted, glaring at Celestia and Luna.

"Rainbow. . ." Derran whispered, even as he saw the tears of denial building in the eyes of Rainbow and the others. All of whom, save Celestia, Luna, and Starlight, nodded in frantic agreement, none wanting to believe what they had just seen.


"RAINBOW!!" Derran shouted, cutting off her frantic tirade before it could go any further. "Please. . . enough." He whispered. Rainbow wafted back down to earth, looking at Derran with a sort of frightened desperation.

"It's not true. . ." She whispered, frustration and anger evident in every word, as her loyalty to her friend, strained against the horror of what she had just seen. Derran took another deep breath as he spoke.

"But it is true Rainbow. . ." He stated slowly, in a voice that sounded tired beyond words, and shaking his head as he felt a sensation like his heart was being ripped out. "regardless of how much either of us wishes it otherwise. No matter how you may choose to look at it, I murdered that man, simply because he was trying to protect his family. . . and I and my brothers left many more to die. Whenever a civilian fell behind. . . whenever a sick child could go no farther. . . whenever an elder could no longer put one foot in front of the other. . . we left them. Only those who fought were given any assistance. No others. We. . . I. . . left my people to die."

And Their Name Was Legion. . .

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Silence. Dead. . . uncompromising. . . cold. . . silence. This is what Derran heard as he stood before the group of ponies, he had, despite his short time as a part of their world, come to see as family. The ponies that had given him food, shelter, garments, employment, friendship, and love, purely out of the goodness in their hearts. It was a group that Derran treasured more than he had any other for over a millennium, and it was the same group to whom, he had just admitted to being a murderer. . .

At the moment, all Derran saw in their eyes were tears, and a desperation born of not wanting to believe the truth he had shown them. Before now, only Celestia, Luna, and more recently Starlight, had been privy to this aspect of his past. They had not judged him for it, but then. . . the Seraphim never judged. Starlight had perhaps forgiven him, or maybe she simply felt a misplaced sense of loyalty to him after his saving of her life. Either way, it didn't matter now.

Derran braced himself. Already he could see the shock wearing off, and the faint beginnings of fear and anger flickering in the eyes of those before him. It was fine, Derran understood, they had every right to condemn him, and he would raise no objection to it. However, it was at this precise moment in time, that Starlight, whom to this point had been staring at the ground with her jaw clenched, as though struggling to restrain some terrible fury, spoke. . .

"BULLSHIT!!" She roared, her head snapping up, eyes alight with the flames of righteous indignation. "Tell them the rest!!" Starlight all but screamed, as those surrounding her stared at her in unconcealed shock. Marching forward in a near blind rage, Starlight glared right into Derran's surprised face with tear stained eyes. "Tell them the whole story!!" She demanded, her voice echoing through the clearing and into the forest beyond.

"Starlight?!" Twilight exclaimed, bewildered at her apprentices behavior. "What are you-" Starlight ignored her teacher completely, cutting Twilight off as she continued her rant.

"Whatever mistakes you made back then, you more than made up for it!!" She shouted, even as she started to cry, stumbling over her words, as she struggled to speak through a tide of anger and sadness. "I-If y-you end the story h-here, I'll n-never f-forgive you!" Breaking down completely, Starlight soon became utterly inconsolable, as Twilight and the others tried to comfort her. It took nearly twenty minutes before Starlight was calm enough to speak again, and to explain, in clinical detail, about the night she had forced her way into Derran's mind. Reciting the story at a fevered pace, she concluded it with a brief explanation of the flashes of memory she had gotten from her spell. "So you better tell them the rest! Because if you don't, I will!" She shouted indignantly at Derran's still standing form. For quite awhile, nopony said anything, then Applejack let out a low whistle.

"Boy howdy, that was one humdinger of a confession." She declared with a small, awkward smile.

"No kidding." Twilight deadpanned, giving her apprentice a disapproving glare.

"I'm guessing there's another lecture on the proper use of magic in my future?" Starlight asked meekly, as she finally managed to calm down. Twilight nodded with a frown, glaring down the end of her nose at her protege.

"And then some. But first. . ." She trailed off as she faced Derran. Who met her gaze with a carefully controlled expression of neutrality. "Derran. . ." She began, pausing as she weighed her words. "I'm not going to pretend what I just saw hasn't upset me, or that I condone in any way something that horrible, but. . ." Here Derran stopped Twilight with an upraised hand.

"Milady, before you speak. . ." He interjected, his expression one of well concealed worry, while his tone gained a note of faint pleading. "I can handle you saying you understand. I can handle you saying you are angry. I could even handle you saying you despise me for the actions I have taken. But please, I beg of you, in the name of the exalted Light. . . do not say you will forgive me!" Twilight was surprised by the tone of Derran's voice. It almost sounded like he was afraid of the very idea of forgiveness. Twilight stared at Derran for a moment before continuing, deciding it was not worth questioning.

"I was going to say: I want to hear everything before I decide what I think of all this." She explained. "More than that, whatever kind of stallion you may have been twelve hundred or so years ago, I think it's more than fair to say that you've changed." Cadence stepped forward, nodding her agreement as she added her two bits.

"Derran, you saved all of Ponyville, an entire town full of complete strangers. You can say it was for duty, or because of an obligation. But even after knowing you for only a few days, I'm certain that the biggest reason, is that you genuinely care about everypony." Cadence gave Derran a sympathetic look. "I don't think any of us will argue that you haven't made terrible mistakes, but I agree with Twilight, I refuse to believe you are the same stallion now, as you were back then." This pronouncement was accompanied by everypony nodding their head in agreement, as Derran gave a small, but grateful, smile. He may not have wished their forgiveness, but, and despite the selfish nature of the desire, he still dearly wanted their friendship.

"Now, please tell us the rest of the story Derran. What happened next?" Twilight asked gently. Derran nodded.

"The tale from the current point to the next relevant one, is far in excess of what I have time to tell. Therefor, I shall endeavor to summarize as best I can." Taking a breath, Derran steadied himself for a moment before launching into a verbal description of events. "At Michael's recommendation, we moved across what remained of D'nur. . ." As Derran spoke, Celestia and Luna subtly altered the proiectura anima, allowing a sort of slideshow/highlights reel, to begin displaying itself in the mist above Derran's head as he spoke. Currently it showed Derran and his army of followers, moving across the blasted wasteland of their former world at a steady march. "We made for the remains of the capitals of the mightiest civilizations of our planet. We sought to unite all that was left of the great kingdoms under our banner. . .

From the north, we gathered soldiers of the seafaring union of Brithos, and the tribal kingdoms of Odinia." The mist swirled to reveal views of these kingdoms as they must have been before D'nur's destruction. One image, was of massive cities perched on great islands of sheer rocky cliffs, from who's harbors sailed mighty ships of glimmering silver and gold, that levitated above the waves on magic, as often as they sailed on them directly. The other kingdom was shown as being made up of gigantic stone fortress's, jutting from snow capped peaks, that towered over cities at the edges of massive rivers and fjords, or that seemingly erupted from the centers of titanic old growth forests of oak and pine.

"From the east, we were joined by the great warrior clans of the land of Shido. As well as the Sultan Kingdoms of Tibak, and the great Empire of Izulos." The mists showed a land of forests, fields, and carefully tended rice paddies, with colossal pagoda-like castles, that seemed to be nearly the size of mountains. Then the view shifted to mighty onion spire crowned palaces, looming over sprawling kingdoms surrounded by rocky, sun baked desert. Finally, Derran's audience beheld a land of rolling hills and seaside cliffs. filled with great marble temples and tile roofed mansions, that vaguely reminded them of Cloudsdale.

"From the south we attained recruits from the formidable mystic warriors of Pharos, and the jungle soldiers of Afera." Derran explained as the images shifted.

Now the ponies beheld a true architectural wonder, in the form of massive, floating golden pyramids, hovering above mighty cities positioned in a veritable ocean of sand. Then they saw a jungle that seemed to stretch to the horizon, where dozens of trees, twice the size of even the tallest skyscrapers, stood covered in shining artificial structures, hover cars buzzing around them like hundreds of glittering wasps.

"And finally from the west, we recovered the soldiers of the Union of Amera, and the Najvos nations." Now great grasslands and forests, similar to Derran's homeland were shown, cities filled with skyscrapers rising from the land, as if to spear the stars from the heavens. This view then switched to colossal structures carved out of red sandstone, amid breathtaking desert canyons and gorges, through which flowed glittering rivers of turquoise blue.

"Some joined us by choice, some by necessity, and others by conscription."Derran explained as the view within the mist displayed countless humans of every shape and size. Unlike ponies, their coat, or rather, 'skin', color was not terribly prismatic, simply varying shades of dark and light. The darkest having skin like ebony, while the lightest were almost alabaster, most however, fell somewhere in between the two. Their hair color was a bit more varied, displaying shades of blond, black, brown and red. Their eyes had the most variety, from blues and greys, to green, and even yellow or black, on occasion. "It was nearly a year before we felt we had sufficient power to begin our search for the lords of Hell in earnest, and every day was a battle just to stay alive, against the demons, and the horrors of Hell itself. Indeed, one of our most trying crisis, came when we ran out of proper food and water. In Hell, neither edible plants nor water exist naturally, or at least, not in a form that humans can ingest." As he paused for a moment, Derran's audience looked at each other questioningly before glancing back at him.

"How in Equestria did you manage to survive?" Asked Spike, sounding slightly hesitant. Derran gave a grim chuckle as he replied.

"Ultimately, we were forced to sustain ourselves by eating the flesh and drinking the blood of the very monsters we fought." Derran's audience stared at him in horror at that, and he shrugged. "It was either that, or cannibalism, we chose the lesser of two evils." He explained. The ponies struggled to control their expressions. At the logical level, they all knew Derran's solution was the only real choice, but it was still rather disturbing to think about him eating the creatures they had seen him fighting.

"I can't believe you were able to survive on such. . . atrocious fare." Rarity commented, her stomach tying in knots at the thought. Derran gave a humorless smile.

"In truth lady Rarity, neither could we. Most were convinced that the demons flesh would prove toxic. As leader, I was actually the first to attempt to consume it." Shaking his head at his audiences expressions, Derran gave another grim sounding chuckle. "A fair number of my would-be brothers, actually took wagers on how long I would survive. And even I was a bit surprised when I awoke the next morning." He explained, displaying a smile that, again, betrayed no real joy. Twilight made a face.

"They actually bet on your life?! That's disgusting!" She declared, outraged. Derran shook his head.

"Do not judge them too harshly Lady Twilight, for the first year or so of the army's existence, I was far from a popular leader. Many of my warriors joined far less willingly than those you saw earlier. Though there was a substantial group that were truly dedicated to the cause, many joined simply because they had nowhere else to go, or because I forced them to. Making them choose between fighting with me, or being left to die." Twilight's expression fell, as her memory instantly returned to the horrific moment when she had seen Derran kill an innocent man, after essentially stealing his, and his family's, only hope for survival. With a slight pain in her heart, Twilight realized that many of the soldiers Derran had led back then, likely had all the reason in the world to hate him. "How different would our relationship be, if I had known Derran back then?" she wondered, as Derran continued.

"During those days I endured constant challenges, and even a few assassination attempts, retaining control more through fear than anything else. However I digress . . . It was a year and a half after our army began forming, that we discovered the location of one of the lords of Hell. Specifically the third, out of the nine rumored to exist. . . Etzarak the Profaner of Eternity. The battle to reach him was bloody, though far from the worst we would endure, but eventually, we managed to force our way through his army, and into the unholy spire that was his lair. . ." Trailing off, Derran once more returned to his cross legged position before the carved stone monument, as the mists of the Soul Projection spell, swirled.

Derran stood at the now broken entrance of the so-called 'Everspiral Tower'. A twisting malformed mass of bone, flesh, and a peculiar iron common to Hell, that Derran suspected was somehow distilled from blood. The tower was about one hundred fifty, to one hundred seventy or so feet high, with a flat, crenelated top, reminiscent of those Derran had seen built by humans. Across the tower's uneven, oddly angled surface, were pulsing red and green growths, that crackled with mystical lightning, while fleshy veins, glowing a deep purple, spiderwebbed across everything. The entire structure was undeniably disturbing to gaze upon, and looked as much grown, as built.

Around Derran the battle still raged, his hundreds of thousands against the innumerable lesser servants of the archdemon sorcerer. It had taken weeks for the Pharosian scryers and Tibakian mystics to pierce the veritable fortress of illusion protecting Etzarak's tower's exact location, but it had been well worth it. Arrogance had led the creature to think nothing would ever be able to undo his malign magics, or perhaps he felt his army mighty enough to win even if his wards were dispelled. As Derran listened to the screams of dying demons, drowning out the cries of dying men many times over, he reflected Etzarak had been wrong either way.

"Hey boss," Came a rough, soft spoken, almost bored voice. It's tone bearing a hint of mischief, and a faint, well hidden accent to it. "the shinobi have returned from their scouting. The tower appears to go up forever, we're pretty sure it's another damn illusion." Derran glanced down at the man who had spoken, the current leader-elect of the soldiers gathered from Shido, Musashi Yamoto. His face was currently hidden behind the elaborate snarling face mask of his dirty and damaged, but still functional, suit of Shido power armor. Like most manufactured equipment the army carried, suits of functional magetech armor were becoming rarer almost by the day. Unable to make fresh part's with magic, despite their best attempts, they could only maintain the suits they had with parts scavenged from the dead. Derran's suit too, was showing significant wear, despite its ability to somewhat repair itself. With a sigh, Derran reflected they would soon need to find alternatives to their current protective gear. He growled to himself in irritation, as he considered it would not be the first thing they had needed to replace, as almost no one had a functioning firearm any longer. Explosives were nonexistent, and their medical equipment was reduced to what few healing spells they could get to work in this wretched pit. After a few moments, Derran was broken from his train of thought, by Musashi clearing his throat, the sound quickly drawing him back to the present.

Derran had initially thought Musashi a strange choice for a representative. He was lazy, indifferent to authority, and voiced complaints loudly and often. Derran had initially assumed it had been intended as an insult on behalf of the warriors of Shido, until he realized the truth.

Musashi was far more than the wastrel he pretended to be. He was a gifted speaker when needed, a tactical genius, and was a swordsmen so skilled that Derran had seen him slay over a thousand demons all on his own. Complaints Derran originally thought were challenges to his authority, were actually sound tactical advice. Constant minor brawls with the men were calculated to encourage a sense of alertness, relieve tension, and keep the soldiers heads in the game. Added to all that, was the fact that Musashi also happened to be the holder of the katana Hellbane known as 'Justice'. That he claimed to have stolen from the vault of a noble he had disliked. All-in-all, Derran could care less about his disrespectful tone, as long as he continued to be so valuable a military asset.

"We are certain that these. . . scouts of yours, are reliable?" Asked a deep, formal voice, with a strong Izlosian accent. Turning, Derran glanced over at the representative chosen by Izulos, one of the most enthusiastic groups to join his little crusade. Leonidas, holder of the gladius Hellbane 'Mercy', was a man whom seemed to embody the idea of duty. Standing in well worn golden armor, with a damaged crimson plumed helm forged in the shape of a roaring lion, he was, if anything, the polar opposite of Musashi. Leonidas believed utterly and completely in strict adherence to rank and protocol. He and his men practically oozed discipline. Drilling and training whenever the opportunity arose, the result being that even the civilian militia from their homeland, had been transformed into a potent fighting force.

Not long after seeing this practice, Derran declared that every group of soldiers and civilians in the army should train with one another. It had been a chaotic mess at first, until he had put Leonidas in charge. Thanks to Leonidas's near preternatural skill with organization, logistics, and broader military strategy. Derran's nomadic hoard of barely disciplined rabble, was starting to function as a true military, even if only just. Truth be told, many still resented taking orders from Derran, or anyone acting on his behalf. In this case, either refusing to drill unless forced, or merely going through the motions, and even with Leonidas's skills, most were still only barely better than cannon fodder.

Despite all the army Derran had created had been through together, and their supposed dedication to his cause, they were still a long way from what Derran knew they needed to be. Morale was low, and unity existed only by dint of the few strong commanders who were genuinely loyal to Derran, helping to enforce discipline. That, and the fact that Derran brutally put down all attempts to usurp his authority. Derran did not doubt that desertions would have been through the roof, had there been anywhere else to go. He needed to find a way to gain the men's trust and respect, and he needed to do it soon. An army could be ruled by fear alone for only so long before falling apart. However, more even than that, Derran needed the men to believe they could win this war before their inevitable end. He needed to prove that he was not merely seeking a madman's death, and that they in fact could defeat the supposedly invulnerable Lords of Hell in their own territory. This battle, above all else, would determine whether Derran and his army would die pointlessly, or if they would die proudly.

"I'm certain the shinobi would not have returned to give us false reports." Derran declared warningly, using the proper name for the legendary shadow warriors of Shido. "In all honesty, I am almost disappointed," He continued, cutting off any potential bickering between two leaders who rarely saw eye to eye. "I had assumed the vaunted third lord of Hell would protect himself with something more impressive than a simple parlor trick." Derran declared, grinning sadistically beneath his battered, but still usable, helmet. Truth be told, had they seen their leader's face at that moment, the two men would likely have been slightly surprised, as almost no one, soldier or militia, had ever seen Derran smile. The reality was, that, for the most part, Derran only ever smiled when he was in battle, wading through demonic corpses and gore. He had also stopped using Unmaker most of the time, in favor of a blade of ordinary mage-steel, taken from a deceased would-be assassin. He claimed it was so he would not grow over reliant on Unmaker's power, but in truth, it was because he had come to enjoy the sensation of demonic blood flowing over his armor and skin. And smile or no, the only thing Derran ever took true joy from these days, was killing the denizens of hell as brutally as possible.

"My lord," Came the breathless voice of Michael Santius, as he ran up to the trio. Michael was the only man in the entire army. Derran truly trusted. And one whom, despite his bleeding heart sensibilities, was becoming a truly exemplary soldier, and an able advisor. "I have brought him." He finished with a slight bow, gesturing to a shorter figure behind him. The representative of Pharos, was young, to the point of being almost a boy. Dressed from head to toe in traditional Pharosian war gear, an impressive cross between light blue sorcerer's robes and shining gold and light blue powered armor. An elaborate gold and turquoise helm, resembling a funerary mask, covered his youthful features, making him look far more stern and imposing than he ever could have on his own. Khamun. . . once upon a time, he would have been heir to the entire kingdom of Pharos, bearer of the staff Hellbane Innocence, his symbol of office. Now, he was little more than a common soldier.

Even so, Derran had to admit the boy certainly pulled his weight. He was a sorcerer and tech-mage of immense power, and Derran had seen him wreak an astounding degree of havoc with but a word and a gesture. He was also a child prodigy, with an intellect that was as versatile as it was vast. All this despite the fact that, to put it bluntly, he had little to no self confidence, and was such a klutz off the battlefield, that at times it was often hard to believe he was as capable as he was. Even as he approached Derran, he stumbled, nearly tripping over his staff in his hurry to reach his leader.

"Y-you a-asked for m-me sir?" He stuttered.

+Dead gods this little shit gets on my nerves. For all the power he has, you'd think he'd be at least a little less pathetic.+ The Beast declared irritably. Derran nodded internally.

"I am inclined to agree, but then he is quite young, and regardless, his value is great enough that it is not worth making an issue of it." Derran felt the Beast shrug.

+Whatever, let's just get a move on, we've been waiting almost a year and a half for this. . . I want to hear that little bitch Etzarak squeal!!+

"Yes. . ." Derran agreed, displaying another cold smile beneath his helmet. "I too look forward to spilling his blood." Derran declared mentally, as he turned his attention back to the task at hand.

"Tut," Derran greeted, using the nickname Khamun typically went by. "There is an illusion blocking the path to our target, can you dispel it?" Tut nodded, moving past Derran, he glanced up the staircase. It was a massive affair, that was as much hellstone, the name they had given the bone like rock that made up most of Hell's solid mass, as bloody, tooth-studded flesh. Standing stock still for a moment, Derran heard the young warrior magi mutter a series of strange words under his breath, before slamming the butt of his staff into the ground three times. The staff, Innocence, was, like all of the hellbanes, a piece of polished black steel, etched with ancient golden runes along the shaft, spelling out it's name. Topped by an odd ring containing a strange star shaped ornament. Ten smaller rings hung from the main one, jingling musically each time the staff struck the ground. Then, as Derran and the others watched, the air shimmered slightly.

"Is it done?" Derran asked, barely concealing his impatience. Tut nodded.

"It is," He replied in a strained voice. "but the spell is struggling against me, I do not know how long I can keep it down, and I must remain here to keep it at bay." Derran nodded before turning to Michael.

"Santius, protect Khamun while he keeps the illusion down. Musashi, Leonidas, you two are with me, but remember. . ." Derran fixed the two with a gaze so fierce they both took a step back, his eyes blazing red beneath his visor, as his voice shifted it's tone. "That scum-fuck Etzarak is MINE!" So saying, Derran turned to charge up the staircase, A moment later, Musashi and Leonidas followed. As they ran after their leader, Musashi turned to regard his fellow representative.

"Hey Leo? You get the sense that our boss might be a bit off his rocker?" Musashi asked. Leonidas gave a contemptuous sniff.

"I have told you, do not call me Leo unless you wish to meet me in the sparring ring! However, yes, I do often get the sense that our lord is. . . different. But does it truly matter? We are already in Hell, what harm is there in following a madman, so long as he has the strength and conviction to see this through to the end?" Musashi considered the response for a moment, before replying.

"I guess you got a point, no hope left, so maybe our best bet is with a man who's lost a marble or two." He conceded, though privately, in his head, he wondered. . . "But what if his madness goes to far?" Yet even as he pondered the thought, he continued to follow Derran. The man who, at the end of it all, was the only one he could imagine being able to claim a victory in all this insanity. "Besides." Musashi thought with a grim chuckle. "I'm pretty sure declaring war against Hell, is about as 'too far' as you can go."


Etzarak the Profaner of Eternity, snarled, as he felt his final illusion being disrupted. An annoying turn of events, but not unmanageable. Casting his gaze about, he noted the large group of Hell Knights and Barons that made up his elite guard. Their minds subjugated by an ingenious assortment of illusions and beguiling charms. Though there were a few that were genuinely in his service. Typically those among the doomed who had come to him wishing to learn the secrets behind his mighty sorcery, though Etzarak was always careful not to teach them his best tricks. Two of his more powerful disciples stood at either side of him now. They had once been ordinary Barons, but with time and effort, he had turned them into a pair of formidable magi, capable of breaking a mortal mind in an instant, or burning them away physically with eldritch fire. True, their frames were now slightly less robust physically, but that was more than made up for by their mystical abilities. Though, Etzarak made certain to enchant their minds, to ensure total loyalty.

Etzarak had been rather surprised when the army of mortals he had been hearing rumors about, had showed up to camp practically on his doorstep. And he had been very surprised when they had disrupted all of the illusions that had kept his seat of power hidden, even from the other lords of Hell. Yet Etzarak was not worried, no not at all, his power was beyond question, no matter what the other lords may whisper behind his back! How jealous they would be when he arrived on the steps of the Dark One's great temple, with such worthy sacrifices as these impudent mortals souls! Perhaps then, at long last, the Dark One would see fit to speak to his children once more? To gift them with his presence as he had in the eternal war, so many eons ago. Perhaps he would even speak to Etzarak personally! Oh how wondrous would that be? To see the expressions on the other lords faces when Etzarak, lowly, insignificant, weakling, Etzarak, was blessed to hear the voice of the great Lord of Oblivion himself! Etzarak giggled aloud, as he fixed his eyes eagerly on the entrance to his throne room. His slaves were being slaughtered, but in the end, the might of Etzarak would be all that was required. That was what Etzarak firmly believed, right up until the moment when his throne room door was smashed open, and his elite guard began to die.


Musashi spun in a circle, his twin katanas, the Hellbane Justice, and his old magesteel katana Meiyo, or, as it was said in the common tongue: 'Honor', eviscerating and then disintegrating every demon within reach in a cloud of blood and cinder. Meanwhile, Leonidas set his shoulder, and crashed at full tilt into a number of hell knights put off balance by the trio's abrupt arrival. Before simultaneously stabbing one through the gut with Mercy, and deploying the golden, circular metal shield, that until now, had been concealed in his left gauntlet. Using it to smash another knight's head to one side in a spray of broken teeth and blood.

As Leonidas and Musashi tore into the enemy on either side of him, Derran charged straight ahead with a roar of absolute fury. Unmaker was still on his back, but it hardly mattered, he didn't need it quite yet. A magesteel longsword was more than enough for the moment. Lightly enchanted, magesteel was lighter, stronger, and more flexible than any ordinary metal, add to that a little extra magic that made sure it never lost it's razors edge, and you had a fine weapon for any occasion. Of course, it was no replacement for firearms, or even hardlight blades and shields, but it was solid and dependable, and more importantly, for his target, it made the pain last. . .

A hell knight roared in agony as Derran cut one of its legs out from under it, before spinning the blade around him to slash through the press of bodies closing in from all sides. He felt his blade bite deep, and then catch on something, likely some unfortunate demon's bones. However, Rather than futilly try to yank the sword loose, Derran reached over his shoulder to grasp Unmaker's handle. Pulling the almighty sword from his back with a single fluid motion. Derran grinned as he swept Unmaker around him in a wide arc. Filling the air with ash and sparks as the demons surrounding him, including the one his primary blade was caught in, were obliterated. His primary sword now free, Derran shot forward to somersault through the legs of a baron of hell, throwing his magesteel sword into the chest of a second baron as he came up into a crouch. Mag-locking Unmaker to his back, Derran pulled a pair of demon bone daggers from his belt, reversing his grip, and jamming them into the knee joints of the baron who's legs he now crouched between. Running forward as he drew Unmaker once more, Derran smiled, as the first baron crashed to the ground, roaring in pain. Jamming Unmaker into the groin of the second baron, Derran deftly caught his magesteel blade in one hand, as the loathsome giant disintegrated, with a roar of pain that sounded an octave or two higher than normal. Pivoting on one foot, Derran's hellbane blazed, as he silenced the hamstrung baron behind him with a desultory slash of its luminous blade.


Etzarak the Profaner of Eternity, stared in shock at the scene unfolding before it. It's elite soldiers, the pride of it's mighty army, the cream of the crop, were being cut down like grain in the path of a thresher. This shouldn't be happening, this couldn't be happening! Mortals, defying a lord of Hell?!! The very idea was blasphemous!!

"You. . . you mortals stop this! STOP THIS AT ONCE!! I AM ETZARAK!! THE PROFANER OF ETERNITY!! I COMMAND YOU!!" As Etzarak shouted, he kept his gaze on the closest warrior, the one whom smelled most strongly of blood and hate, and who was turning Etzarak's best soldiers to dust and severed limbs with every sweep of his swords, as he marched ever closer.

"Is this freak for real?!" Called out the other warrior wielding two swords, as he sliced open the belly of a baron, before whirling around to decapitate a hell knight with his own glowing weapon, that turned both head and body to dust before they could hit the ground.

"I believe that he is!" Shouted back the third warrior, as he used his shield to smash aside a hell knight's punch, before cutting it in half. Then, stabbing another in the gut with a weapon every bit as refulgent as the other two, he impaled a third's head through its lower jaw before the first pair had time to disintegrate.

"I'd laugh, if it wasn't so pathetic!" The first speaker called out, as he slashed several blasts of balefire out of the air with his shining blade. The weapon seeming to absorb the deadly energy like a sponge absorbs water. Etzarak roared, shaking his tower to it's foundation, as he finally began marshaling his full strength. Enraged beyond words that his slaves incompetence had now forced him to intervene directly.

"ETZARAK IS-" There was a flash like a flare going off, and Etzarak's rant died in his throat, as every one of his remaining visible soldiers, fell to literal pieces before him all at once. A voice like terror incarnate now came from the last warrior, currently the only one with a weapon that was not glowing.

"About to die. . ." He growled.


Derran stared at Etzarak with a combination of hate, disgust, and eagerness. The creature was a repulsive combination of serpent and centipede. A massive sinuous body the size of a small house, covered in black and toxic green scales. Was coiled on a colossal throne of scorched black hellstone. Hundreds of inscectile limbs, ending in clawed hands, stuck out from the sides of the monster's body, all the way up to just beneath its hideous head. The bulbous head had a hood, much like a cobra, the top covered with multiple large green eyes the color of infected pus. Beneath which dozens of lamprey-like circular mouths, filled with rings of needle shaped teeth, drooled acidic bile onto the floor, eating it away in mere moments. Eldritch lightning coursed over Etzarak's body, its color constantly shifting as Derran closed with him.

"KILL THEM!!" Etzarak screamed, and Derran was only barely able to summon Unmaker's shield before two beams of blazing multicolored energy exploded against it, in a shower of blinding sparks. The air next to Etzarak shimmered, and two previously invisible monstrosities made themselves known, the beams of energy flowing from the upraised palms of their right hands. The creatures had doubtless once been barons of hell. Their stature and horns told Derran that much. However they had undergone a significant transformation. Their limbs were atrophied, almost to the point of appearing no longer functional. They did not walk, but floated through the air about a foot above the ground, with a disturbing degree of grace. The normally scarlet skin Derran associated with barons, was now a deep electric blue, with the blood in the creatures veins clearly visible, as it glowed a sickly neon green. Finally, and most disturbing, the creatures eyes and mouths, had been sewn shut with thick leather cord. The cord dyed red, by the blood leaking from an unholy rune carved into their foreheads.

"Musashi! Leonidas!" Derran snarled, his voice one of barely controlled hate. "Get these accursed things out of my way!" Almost the instant he gave the command, one of the monsters vanished, a bolt of lightning as blinding as the sun itself, spearing through the ceiling overhead, burning through the demonic stone like a white hot knife through butter. The eldritch beast did not even have time to scream, as it was scoured mind, body, and soul from existence. Flashed to vapor in an instant, by the hidden power of Musashi's Hellbane. As Derran heard the Shido warrior grunt in satisfaction.

The second mystic baron, barely had time to note the death of it's twin before, with a roar of "FOR THE FALLEN!!", Leonidus crashed into it with his upraised shield, knocking it backward and disrupting its spell. The baron made no sound, as it ceased its attack, steadying itself before swiftly fading back into invisibility. Leonidus was barely fazed however, as he raised his weapon, and a single one of the burning runes spelling out its name, went dark. Immediately, a light rain of pearlescent liquid began falling from the sky, seemingly appearing from nowhere. Derran felt a surge of vitality as the rain washed over him, the few wounds he had incurred thus far, healing instantly. With his fatigue from the battle vanishing, as though he had done nothing more straining to this point, than take a leisurely stroll through a woodland.

Simultaneously, the instant the glittering droplets struck Etzarak, he let out a scream of pure agony. His flesh smoking, as it instantly began to dissolve. Shrieking like a banshee, Etzarak leapt from his throne to scramble through the wall behind it, the illusion shimmering as he passed through, desperate to get out of the range of the horrid drizzle. His final bodyguard was not so lucky, as, unable to escape, it reappeared thrashing in mid air, acrid smoke rising from its hissing flesh. As its skin and bone melted into nothingness, the creature reached up, and with a strength born of pure desperation, tore apart the threads sealing its mouth shut. Letting out a scream so horrible, that Derran thought his ears would burst. Before collapsing to the ground in a rank puddle of rapidly discorporating meat.

"DO NOT ALLOW THAT ABOMINATION TO ESCAPE!!" Derran roared, as he charged toward the mystical wall beyond the throne. With Musashi and Leonidas on his heels, Derran slashed his sword through the barrier, the ancient weapon devouring the tainted magic as easily as it did demonic souls, to reveal a stairway leading even further up.

"How'd that giant bastard get up a stairway this size?" Musashi wondered aloud, as the trio thundered up the steps, taking them two at a time in their relentless pursuit. Had he been able to think beyond his near blinding rage, Derran might have wondered too. The stairway was still plenty large, at least twelve feet wide and tall, but nowhere near big enough to allow Etzarak to get away this fast. As it was however, Derran only cared about one thing, and that was wringing the last breath from the third lord of Hell's broken, bloody, carcass!

It wasn't long before the journey ended, and the mystery was revealed. The top of the Everspiral Tower was far from impressive. About one hundred feet square and made of hellstone. The crenelated three foot high border of the tower peak, looked out over the wastes of the Desert of Insanity, the territory of Hell Etzarak claimed dominion over. There, directly across from the cave-like exit from the stairway Derran, Musashi, and Leonidas stood in, was Etzarak. At first, the trio thought he had shrunk, now only a fraction of his former size, he wasn't much taller than a baron of hell, though his serpentine body was still considerably longer, and the lightning they had seen crawling across his body in the throne room, was missing entirely.

"So. . . that is the truth of it." Derran growled. "It was all merely another cheap trick." He snarled as he closed on the coiled and burned form of Etzarak. "In the end, the third lord of Hell, is just a worm, playing at being a dragon." The expression on Etzarak's face, if so malformed a creature could be said to have such a thing, seemed to be filled with fear. The three warriors spread out, forcing Etzarak to keep backing away, until his serpent-like body bumped against the edge of the tower's summit. Beyond which was a hundred fifty foot drop into the rapidly winding down melee outside the tower, where Derran's forces had gained a decisive upper hand in the battle. Derran smiled cruelly under his helm. "So what will it be. . . worm?" He asked presenting himself with arms held wide in a mocking challenge. "Die like a warrior?" Here he gestured at the ledge behind Etzarak with his sword. "Or die like a coward?" For an instant, Etzarak seemed to be weighing his choices. Then, suddenly, his head snapped up to glare into Derran's eyes with what seemed almost to be glee.

"Fool. . ." Etzarak whispered, as his eyes suddenly glowed purple, and Derran felt the world implode.


Etzarak laughed as the three warriors before him fell to the ground screaming. Clawing at their helmets, they didn't even have enough mental fortitude left to recall how to remove them. As their minds drowned in the sensation of reliving every frightening and painful memory they had ever had, magnified thousands of times over. Etzarak laughed even louder as he looked behind him to the scene below his tower, as every impudent mortal that made up this ragtag group of imbeciles, rolled around on the ground screaming their lungs out.

Did these idiots really think one could be a lord of Hell without true power?! Etzarak was a master of deception and the mind. His power could turn entire nations into mindlessly devout zealots dedicated to his worship, or, as he had just demonstrated, inflict mental anguish great enough to bring entire armies to their knees! He had been challenged by countless upstarts, all thinking he would be easy prey as one of the lower ranked lords. It was not the first time Etzarak's throne room had been breached, and it wouldn't be the last. The only reason Etzarak ever even allowed this, or any other invasion, to come this far, was because he had always survived by preventing anyone from seeing the true scope of his power. Even the other lords had no real idea what he could do. Well, except for the ninth, but that hardly counted.

As he lazily gazed out over the battlements, Etzarak wondered how long it would take before the mortals below, started to die from the mental strain of his spell? Smiling, he made a bet with himself that it would be only five minutes before the first one keeled over for good. He would of course keep most of them alive, once they were properly broken, after all, what good was a sacrifice if it wasn't still kicking? For now however, he would enjoy this delicious moment of victory, as, letting out a satisfied sigh, Etzarak reveled in the symphony of screams welling up all around him. . . Until a voice of pure malice cut through the sound, like a razor through dead flesh.

"Zahn. . . Etzarak!"

The first sensation Etzarak experienced was one of confusion, as the screams he had been enjoying abruptly ceased. The next sensation. . . was pain. As the lower quarter of his serpent-like body was cleaved away by a blade of magesteel. Etzarak screamed, writhing in agony, he felt what was left of his spasming lower half, brush something behind him. Whirling around, Etzarak froze, his pain momentarily forgotten as he confronted an impossibility. There, standing as though nothing had happened, was the leader of the trio that had cleared out his throne room, his blade dripping with Etzarak's blood.

"H-how?!" Etzarak stuttered, unable to believe what he was seeing. "My power should have-" Etzarak got no farther, as the warrior rushed forward, pulling back his left fist to ram it right down one of Etzarak's throats.

"Now," The warrior spoke, his tone sounding even more unhinged than it had earlier. "open wide and say ahhhh." The warrior whispered, as he braced his foot against Etzarak's body, and wrenched back his fist, along with the demon bone dagger he had concealed within it. Ripping out the blade like a stubborn hook from the flesh of a fish. Etzarak's scream was loud enough to be heard for miles, as he fell to the ground choking. Blood and acidic saliva poured from his destroyed mouth and esophagus as he struggled to understand what was happening. Meanwhile, the warrior glanced at his rapidly disintegrating gauntlet, before swiftly pulling it off and throwing it aside, along with the now uselessly corroded knife.

"I'LL KILL YOU! YOU LITTLE MORTAL-" Etzarak was again cut off, as the warrior rushed in once more. Tossing his sword to his unarmored left hand, to draw and stab another dagger into one of Etzarak's multitude of eyes with his right. Before twirling away with an upward slash of his sword, that severed three of Etzarak's arms.

"Sorry, didn't quite catch that, Etzarak the Massively Overcompensating! You're going to do what to me?!" The warrior snarled, in a voice filled with hate, along with a generous dose of sadistic glee. Etzarak roared in pain and fury, charging forward as best he could despite his mounting injuries.

"DIE!!" Etzarak screamed, releasing a spray of acid at the warrior from his uninjured mouths. The warrior only just managed to doge, his helmet grazed by the stream of caustic liquid, as Etzarak summoned the energy for a spell. Only to feel a shock of true terror, when the energy wouldn't come. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF IMP EXCREMENT!!" Etzarak screeched, as he struggled to see the mortal through a haze of blood and pain, only to release a howl of agony, as another chunk of his body was severed from the main mass. Now unable to do anything more than feebly drag himself around with his few remaining arms. Etzarak felt fear eclipse what was left of his rationality. As he realized that he, a lord of Hell, was actually on the verge of death.

"You know I can't replace this helmet right?" The warrior asked coldly, as he removed the slowly dissolving piece of armor and tossed it aside. "So. . . how are you going to compensate me?" He demanded, before bringing his sword down in a brutal arc, to cleave away several more of Etzarak's arms. "Ah, that should cover it." He hissed, as Etzarak screamed and flailed helplessly on the ground. Finally, the warrior walked fully into Etzarak's field of vision, and Etzarak felt himself paralyzed with terror. Two burning red eyes stared into Etzarak's, communicating a hatred that even demons would be hard pressed to match. Accompanied by a smile that comes only from those who truly delight in the pain of their enemies. Was this being even really a mortal?

"W-what are you?" Etzarak croaked out, the fear in his voice now fully audible. The red eyed mortal moved to stand beside Etzarak, placing both hands on his sword handle.

"What do you think I am?" The warrior asked, hate dripping from every word as his smile was replaced by a sneer of contempt. With his lifeblood pouring out onto the stone beneath him, Etzarak struggled to delay his coming end through sheer force of will. Then, as he lay there, hovering at the precipice between life and death, Etzarak's vision swam. Perhaps it was magic, perhaps it was madness, or perhaps, in the last moments of his wretched life, some greater force in the universe decided to curse Etzarak with a final torment. Whatever it was, the third lord of Hell's vision cleared for a single, devastating, instant. And in that instant, he saw something so terrible, even his shriveled and blackened soul, quailed in utter horror.

He saw the mortal before him, shrouded in black fire, standing atop a pile, no. . . a mountain, of demonic corpses, so large it eclipsed all else around it. Yet even as the ebon flames trailed across his armored form, the mortal did not burn. The flames instead seeming to strengthen him, as he cast his hands skyward. As though he was roaring his dominance over all things to the blood red skies of Hell. Before Etzarak's eyes, the flames flared into a dark nova, utterly obscuring the mortal within. Now, the flames revealed a new shape. . . a towering demon of pure shadow, with eyes of blazing red fire. In Etzarak's head, a voice, at once like the roar of armageddon, and the whisper of the reaper's scythe, spoke within his mind. "For I am the lord of terror, for I am the song of destruction, for I am the fist of omega! The end of all that is known! Hear now the name that shall be your ruin. . ." As the vision faded, and Etzarak's heart seized up in terror, he screamed out in mindless, sanity blasting horror, the name he had heard. Born aloft by the dark energies of the expiring third lord of Hell's fading soul, Etzarak's final words thundered out into the very depths of his former domain. Where for centuries, it would drift, as a whispered horror to all Demons that heard it.


The red eyed mortal's eyes widened for a second, though the hate never left them. Before he smiled and raised his sword overhead.

"Doom Slayer. . . I like it." He declared, as he struck Etzarak's head from what was left of his body.


Musashi got shakily to his feet, just in time to see his boss remove Etzarak's head. One of Derran's gauntlets was missing, as well as his helmet, and Musashi could see a number of what looked like acid burns on his hand and face. However, none of that mattered, as Musashi stared in awe at the corpse before him. Deep down, and as much as he hated to admit it, Musashi had never really believed they would be able to do it. The lords of Hell were supposed to be gods, or at least pretty close to it. He'd heard stories of their power from the few demons they had managed to interrogate, and all of them claimed that the lords of Hell were all but invincible. To hear the demons tell it, the lords had been in charge ever since the Darkness fled the Light's champion, ending the eternal war. For eons they had survived in the most hostile dimension in existence, endlessly fighting wars among themselves. Never had one died, of violence, disease or old age, and they had slaughtered an uncountable number of demons and mortals alike. So long had they reigned, that many had thought they were indestructible. . . until now.

"By the Light. . . he actually did it." Leonidus declared, his tone one of shock and disbelief as Derran bent down and hefted Etzarak's head above his own. Proceeding to the battlements, he displayed the head for all below to see, and roared. His soldiers, now recovered from their ordeal, and having mopped up the few remaining demons at the base of the tower, stared.

"BEHOLD THE HEAD OF THE THIRD LORD OF HELL!! ETZARAK THE PROFANER OF ETERNITY!! SLAIN BY MORTAL STEEL IN SINGLE COMBAT!! BEHOLD THE DEATH OF FEAR!!" Musashi and Leonidas watched with rapt attention as, with a mighty heave, Derran cast the head off the edge of the tower. To splatter at the feet of his warriors, who now stared up at him in awe. "WITH THIS VICTORY, WE PROVE THE MIGHT OF OUR CRUSADE!! WITH THIS KILL, WE PROVE THE LIE OF HELL'S INVINCIBILITY!! TODAY I TAKE THE NAME ETZARAK GAVE TO THE BRINGER OF HIS END!!" Here Derran tore Unmaker from his back, raising it high into the air. "I AM THE DOOM SLAYER!! AND YOU MY BROTHERS!! ARE!! MY!! LEGION!!!" At this pronouncement, the entire army, young and old, male and female, soldier and militia, wounded and unhurt, roared their approval. . .


Derran stumbled into the cavern Michael had led him to. It wasn't much, just a deep depression in the side of a hellstone cliff. Not far from where his newly christened legion had just finished demolishing the Everspiral tower, as well as the rest of Etzarak's fortress. Not much at all, but it was shelter enough for the moment. Soon they would need to move on, no doubt even now, the other lords of Hell were receiving news that one of their number had been slain. After eons of ruling with the presumption of invincibility, they could not afford to let this challenge go unanswered.

Derran collapsed onto the floor of the cave, after forcing himself to stand for hours in the presence of his proclaimed brothers. Struggling not to display the true toll the battle had taken on him, he had barely been able to stay on his feet, as the warriors around him swore their eternal loyalty. As always, it had been Michael who saw the truth first. He had hurried Derran out of sight with a vague statement about planning the next phase of the operation. Invoking Derran's new title, he ordered the Legion be made ready to move within the hour, leading Derran to the cavern he now resided in, just before his legs gave out. No words were exchanged between them, as Michael took position to guard the mouth of the chamber from prying eyes, but none were needed.

Derran wanted to cry, and to scream, to roar his pain to the heavens as he punched his knuckles bloody against the unyielding stone beneath him, but he couldn't. Barely able to raise a finger, his mind was an endless fog of pain and misery, every fiber of his corporeal being, burning with the efforts of his exertions. Every muscle feeling as though it was being jabbed with thousands of white hot needles. While in his fevered mind he replayed the events of the last few hours through his agonized fugue state.

It had not taken long for the story of what had transpired atop Etzarak's tower, to spread throughout the Legion. The story of how Derran had gone untouched by the spell that had nearly slain them all. Of how the newly christened Doom Slayer, had resisted the magic of a god, and then struck it down with nothing more than an ordinary D'nurian sword. The story, confirmed by Musashi and Leonidas, had been spread to every ear, thanks to the efforts of Michael Santius. No doubt Derran's young lieutenant saw the advantage in making the Legion's commander seem larger than life. However, as with so many such stories, the tale was far more complicated than it first appeared to be.

The truth was, Derran had not escaped Etzarak's spell by dint of inhuman willpower, divine protection, or even just blind luck. In fact, Derran had not escaped it at all. Like every other soldier in the Legion, his mind had been torn from reality and thrust into an unending nightmare of torment beyond human conception. There, he had, among innumerable other horrors, relived the deaths of his family thousands of times over. The cycle repeating in ever more terrible ways each time, over a period that had seemed to stretch on for eternity. Only after Etzarak had been placed at the threshold of death, had Derran returned, to find the Beast had won the day. Derran had watched from inside his own head, as the Beast had beheaded Etzarak, and then given his speech to the enraptured soldiers from atop the tower.

+Oi, you still alive?+ The beast demanded, breaking Derran from his thoughts, his cold voice showing no real concern.

"I will live. . . tell me though. . . how is it you resisted Etzarak's enchantment?" Derran asked, struggling to form the words in his barely coherent mind, but wanting to know the answer just the same. Derran felt the Beast shrug.

+No idea. All I know is, after you went down, bawling like a candy-ass pansy, I knew someone had to save our collective hide. So I took command of the driver's seat, slammed my boot down on the clutch, shifted into full kick-ass, and a few top notch one liners later, there we were.+ Here the Beast shifted from a self-satisfied tone, to one that sounded resentful. +I did need to lean on you a bit for that fancy speech I gave, I still can't believe these people buy in to all that heroic bullshit. They do know where we are right?+ Derran might have laughed, but at that moment, the funniest joke on D'nur would have failed to make him smile.

"Heroism is an illusion true enough, but that illusion still managed to unite us all under a common banner. So that is at least one mark in its favor." Derran replied. Again, Derran felt the Beast shrug.

+Whatever.+ He declared dismissively, as Derran tried to rise, and a lance of pain shot through his entire body, instantly returning him to the ground. The Beast shook his head. +Not that I particularly give a fuck, but you're not in any condition to move just yet.+ Derran actually managed a humorless chuckle as he lay prostrate on the ground.

"I have no choice. We need to put at least half a day's march behind us, before the other lords descend upon this place. I can rest once that is done." The Beast made an exasperated sound inside Derran's head.

+Fine, gimme the controls, I can manage the pain a fuck of a lot better than you can.+ He declared. Derran, too tired to give it a second thought, gave a mental nod as he allowed the Beast to assume full control of his body. The sensations of physical pain fading markedly as he did so.

"As you say Beast." Derran mentally declared, as his body gingerly picked itself up off the ground.

+Whatever, just remember that when it comes to talking I'm gonna pull from you, just like you pull from me for the fighting, capeesh?+ The Beast demanded. Derran gave a nod, as he drifted through the darkness of his subconscious. +Good, and two more things. First off, from now on, I'll take care of the heavy lifting around here. At the rate you're going you'll burn out before we even really start.+ Again, Derran nodded, unable to see any real reason to disagree. +Good. Second, I'm not the Beast, the bow tie, or the jumping jingle fuckberry man!+ The Beast snarled. +I, am the Doom Slayer. . . .+

Derran opened his eyes to the rapt gazes of his friends, considering each in turn. Twilight wore an inscrutable expression, no doubt still trying to process the earlier revelations about his past in addition to these new ones. Cadence and Shining wore similar looks, seemingly unsure of what to think of anything. Rarity and Applejack looked sympathetic, while Fluttershy and Spike seemed slightly apprehensive. Celestia and Luna looked worried, they hid it well, but clearly they were no more certain of how the others would react to Derran's continuing story than he was, and it obviously weighed on them. Rainbow's expression was the only one that looked out of place, she seemed. . . disappointed.

"Huh, with how dangerous you made these 'Lords of Hell' sound, I was kinda expecting more of a fight." She stated, her tone contemplative.

"Rainbow!" Twilight exclaimed, her face a mask of shock at her friend's apparent callousness. "Derran almost died in that battle! And who knows how many of his soldiers gave their lives for that victory!" Derran gave a bitter chuckle, cutting off Rainbow's reply, and once more turning all eyes to him.

"In all honesty, lady Dash's observation is not far from my own thoughts at the time." The ponies looked at Derran in confusion.

"No offense Derran, but it looked like a pretty hard fight to me." Shining remarked. Derran shook his head.

"Not when you consider all of the things that went in our favor. Etzarak's army was far from large, and most of them were little more than puppets designed to follow preprogrammed commands. Etzarak had gone so long without needing to truly fear for his safety, that he had ceased maintaining his army properly eons ago. Though, oddly, and despite his delusions of invulnerability, he was still quite paranoid. He maintained no generals, and his elite guards were restricted to only those demons he could control without the slightest possibility of them challenging him. He relied almost exclusively on his magic, and I very much doubt it even occurred to him that there might be an enemy with the power to negate that advantage. I do not think he even believed we could find him, until we were quite literally beating down his front door." Shining nodded slowly in understanding.

"So basically. . ." He trailed off.

"My brothers and I got absurdly lucky." Derran confirmed. "We charged in with little to no plan, we did no real reconnaissance until we were already inside, and we had no command structure beyond elected representatives who shouted orders at the members of their respective countries and hoped they listened. The most I ever did to that point to instill discipline, was order some basic training be done. Leonidas helped me imposed some degree of organization, and it kept us from falling apart. But it was only after the victory over Etzarak, that true discipline, and an effective chain of command developed. Thus finally allowing our force to gain the strength it required." Suddenly Spike looked at Derran in confusion.

"Wait, I thought half the army hated you?" Derran chuckled.

"You would be amazed how quickly you make friends when you personally behead a demon god." He remarked dryly. "After that day, my authority was never again questioned. It was also the last day we called each other exclusively by name. From then on, we almost always addressed each other as 'brother'. We later divided the newly formed Legion into ten groups of roughly equal number, each modeled after one of the militaries of the ten countries that founded it. These groups were called 'Guards', the overarching name given to individual regiments in Kemed, and each was led by a commander and lieutenant, who would determine how their individual guards would be run, with all ultimately answering to me. The ten were as follows: The Scarlet Guard was modeled after the Brithos navy, and commanded by Lord Montgomery Price, with his lieutenant Winston Sykes. Experts at aquatic combat and close quarters skirmishing."

Instantly the mist of the proiectura anima shifted, to show a large number of men in dark blue and grey magetech armor, the armor was functional looking, with little in the way of decoration. Save for the red sash they all wore across their chests, and the helmets strange angular design, that reminded the observers of the prow of a ship more than anything. At the group's head was a slim man, standing ramrod straight, with his helmet under his arm, and a knowing smile beneath his mustachioed upper lip. While his other hand balanced on a rod-like mace of black steel and golden runes, much like Derran's sword. He had hazel green eyes, a flushed ruddy complexion, and short black hair that looked very precisely maintained, to the point that much of Derran's audience instantly thought of Rarity. Next to him, was a well built man, with a shaved head, with only a trace of black stubble indicating his hair's color. He looked out at the world through dark grey eyes, his aloof stance and toothy smirk combining with his bulky frame, to make him seem oddly intimidating.

"The Glacier Guard mirrored the soldiers of Odinia, and were commanded by Bodica Iceni, and her lieutenant, Thor Dreadhammer. They were among our mightiest troops, dedicated to the practice of a strong offensive combat style, and the use of heavy weaponry."

The mists swirled to reveal hundreds of large figures dressed in dark grey and white armor, this armor was far more elaborate than the previous guard. Covered in runes, and decorated with, to Derran's audience's mild discomfort, animal teeth and skulls. Their helmets bore visors that were clearly intended to mimic eyes, as the rest of the helmet's design evoked the image of a bearded human face. At their head was, for most of those present, the first human female they had ever seen. She had long, slightly curly red hair, delicate features, pale skin, and eyes that were a deep forest green. She stared ahead with a fierce confidence, that, combined with her ornate fur-trimmed armor, made her look far more formidable than her diminutive stature might otherwise have allowed. On her shoulder, rested a massive, double bladed ax, made of the same black steel that the other Hellbanes had been, golden runes etched on the handle. Next to her was a tall man, who's ornate silver and black armor was covered in countless runic inscriptions, and was completed by a billowing, fur trimmed, scarlet cape, that seemed to make him even larger. He had strong square jawed noble features, blue eyes, and long blond hair, braided into a number of ponytails, held together by a silver ring.

"The Dragon Guard took after the warriors of Shido. Embodying the techniques of that lands duel specialties of swordsmanship and stealth, you have already met the man who would command them, Musashi Yamoto, and his second in command Touma Raiden."

Within the mists, there now stood hundreds of ferocious looking warriors, each wearing one of two types of armor. One was heavier, and made up of ornate overlapping plates, and with various elaborate helms, who's visors all possessed a stylized face plate, that aped the features of a snarling monster. The other armor was sleeker, and sacrificed protection for speed, with metal plates being replaced with some kind of flexible material, that reminded the observers of heavy duty rubber, at the joints, neck, and inside of the limbs. The sleeker armor's helmets were blank plates, with a wide crescent visor, and devoid of unnecessary ornamentation. Standing before them all, was a man with wild, frizzy black hair, done up into a top knot, who's untrimmed sideburns and badly shaved beard, made Rarity's eyes bug out. His gauntlet covered hands rested easily on the hilts of his two swords, and he held a mischievous look on his face. Next to him was a slimmer man, with better groomed, but equally wild, short silver hair. He had extremely sharp, but youthful, features, piercing blue grey eyes, and an angry frown, that stood in direct contrast to his superior's brown eyes and at ease smirk.

"The Shimmer Guard took on the practices of the Sultan Kingdoms of Tibak. Who's skills in desert warfare were unparalleled, thanks to their use of illusions and swordsmanship, which they used performed lightning fast raids on multitudes of unsuspecting foes. They were led by the great Commander Tarif Saladin, and his Lieutenant Basel Altair."

The image in the mists shifted to show soldiers clad in shimmering armor of black and brass colored metal, covered in vine-like scrollwork, the helmets faintly resembling a upside down onion from the forehead up, and with a face plate like a polished oval mirror, accented with a coil of cloth similar to a turban around the forehead. Their armor was also often ornamented extensively, with leather belts or chains, covered in reflective gold and silver coins. Before the rows of shining warriors, was a man with curly short black hair, and an angular face featuring a perfectly trimmed beard and mustache. His black eyes had a steely gaze, that betrayed inestimable amounts of experience and wisdom, while his mouth quirked into an odd little half smile. He wore black armor trimmed in gold, and at his hip, was mag-locked a curved, single bladed sword of black steel, covered in golden runes. Beside him was a man who seemed slightly younger, despite both of them, like every member of the Legion thus far, apparently being the same twenty-something age. His face, though slightly hidden by a hood of white cloth that was part of a robe he wore over his white armor, seemed perfectly at ease. He had brown eyes, in which could be seen a detached look, that nevertheless, made it seem like he was absorbing and analyzing every detail of his surroundings at an impossibly minute level. He had short black hair, and a chin and upper lip covered in a small amount of stubble, his mouth showing a completely neutral expression. The image danced before them in the mist for a few seconds, before Derran continued.

"The Lion Guard modeled itself after the powerful soldiers of Izulos. They too were led by a man you have already seen. Leonidas Pyros, aided by his fearsome second in command, Kratos Idolum. Studied in the ways of sieges and defensive warfare, they were the Legion's invincible shield upon the battlefield." The mists roiled and reshaped as Derran finished, to show the new image. Untold thousands of warriors, clad in suits of extremely heavy looking mystical armor were revealed, standing at perfect attention. The armor was polished gold, accented by silver, commonly featuring embossed images of rampant lions, and laurels. The helms featured a 'T' shaped visor, and had atop them a decorative plume of scarlet dyed bristles shaped like a mohawk. Before them all, was the other man the ponies had seen fighting alongside Derrran in his memories. Without his helmet, he was revealed as a stern looking man, with very short black hair, and an impressive beard and mustache. Hard, dark green eyes, stared out at the world from above a faintly frowning expression, in the manner of a king surveying his land, the Hellbane Mercy, maglocked to his hip. Next to Leonidas, was a warrior who wore a dark, almost angry expression on his clean shaven features. His head was completely shaved, and across his face, was a brilliant scarlet tattoo that looked almost like a bloody scar. In his dark brown eyes, simmered a look that made him seem distinctly unfriendly. However the strangest thing about him, was his skin color, a chalky pale white, that did not seem entirely natural, and that stood in stark contrast to his commander's tanned, olive complexion.

"The Elder Guard, based itself on the battle mages of Pharos. Led by the youngest of the Legion's ten commanders, Khamun Ra, and his trusted lieutenant, Magnus of Prospero. They were the Legions mightiest sorcerers, who's arcane might proved decisive in countless battles." Now the ponies saw row after row of warriors in armor of burnished gold, and dark blue or black steel. Over this was worn robes of turquoise blue, and both armor and robes were covered in glowing hieroglyphs and images of golden wings. However it was their helmets that were most impressive, golden masques, each bearing the features of an animal, encased the soldiers heads. Their forms were many, including birds, cats, oxen, snakes, and even the occasional insect. Tut himself was easily recognizable, due to his smaller stature, standing a good eight or so inches shorter than any of his men. Without his own elaborate helm, he was revealed to have a shaved head, his dark brown skin, covered in tattooed cartouche's and hieroglyphics, much like the ones on his armor. In addition, his long lashes, full lips, and delicate youthful features, made him look so effeminate, that if Derran had not told them he was male, his audience would likely have thought him a young girl. His brow was furrowed over bright eyes that seemed almost golden, a concerned look etched upon his face, as he held his Hellbane staff in one hand. Next to him, was a man who towered over his leader, and was quite possibly the strangest human any of them had seen yet. Standing an inch or two taller than even Derran, the man had an affable expression that seemed to instantly put people, or ponies, at ease. This made him seem approachable despite the strangeness of his appearance. First was his skin tone, it was, incredibly, a bright scarlet red, that reminded Derran's viewers of Big Mac's coat. This brilliant red extended to his hair, long and almost seeming to defy gravity, it reminded one of nothing so much, as the mane of a lion or manticore. His eyes were even more intriguing, one was a bright baby blue, while the other was a glowing pool of purple energy, that blazed away merrily in his skull, and made Twilight suspect that Magnus's appearance was likely the result of a magical mishap. However, before Twilight could inquire about her theory, the projection dispersed and reformed into a new image.

"The Zulu Guard took up the warrior traditions of the land of Afera. Who's skill in jungle warfare and guerilla tactics was beyond exceptional. Led by Commander Kunta Zulu, and lieutenant Tu'challa Mali, they faced every foe with a courage that made them legends even among the Legion."

The Zulu Guard were encased in dark brown and black armor, each etched with a variety of swirling pictographic images, that varied slightly from warrior to warrior. Their arms and necks decorated with small charms and necklaces, made of brightly painted wood beads, carved with decorative markings. The helms they wore were simple affairs, that appeared slightly boxy, with a plate around the mouth that vaguely resembled the muzzle of a cat. And each decorated with a sort of crown, made of brightly dyed bird feathers. Standing before their ranks, was a man whom seemed a living titan. Towering over even Derran and Magnus, he looked close to seven feet tall, leaning casually on yet another Hellbane, this one a leaf bladed spear. Lean and athletic looking, his skin was a shade of brown, so dark it appeared black. His head was completely shaved, and his eyes were a deep chocolate brown, in which danced a look of kindness and wisdom. This, combined with his wide toothy smile, gave him the look of a man who laughed loudly and often, instantly putting those who saw him at ease, despite his slightly intimidating height. Next to him was a man of more average height, his complexion was also extremely dark, and he had short, curly black hair, dark green eyes, and a well maintained beard and mustache. Unlike his leader, he wore a far more serious expression, his arms folded, and a fierce intelligence in the depths of his gaze, as his mouth curved into a slight frown.

"The Iron Guard adopted the practices and tactics of the Union of Amera's military. They were an adaptable, jack of all trades group, who claimed many victories in our crusade. Led by the able commander Patton Murphy, and his lieutenant, Avery Luther."

The shifting mists revealed that the Iron Guard, wore a utilitarian form of magetech armor, painted with various forms of camouflage. From splotchy greens and blacks meant for jungles, to blocky pixelated blues and greys designed for urban settings, all covered in combat webbing. Their helmets were rather elaborate, combining the features of a biker's helmet and a gas mask, with some having odd, goggle-like accoutrements, designed to be flipped down over the visor. In front of this group, was a man with blond hair shaved close to his head. His bright brown eyes gazing out toward the horizon, and combining with the slight frown on his red tinged face, to give him a look of solidity and wise concern. Finally, sheathed at his belt, was a combat knife made of black steel, etched with golden runes. Next to him was a man who seemed to ooze both experience and confidence. He had extremely dark brown skin, and black curly hair shaved close to his head, though not quite as close as his commander. He had dark hazel eyes, a well maintained mustache, and a five o'clock shadow. He wore a an odd little smirk, and there was a note of mirth in his eyes, balanced with a seriousness that told of a man ready for anything.

"Next among the Guards, was the illustrious Ghost Guard, who adhered to the battle doctrines of the Najvos nations. Impossibly skilled scouts and snipers, they were led by Roaring Bull, and his second in command, Lieutenant Domasi Turok."

The Ghost Guard appeared in the misty depths of the proiectura anima, in armor of green and brown, most decorated with small charms of dyed leather and brightly colored beads, accented with eagle feathers. The armor, like that of the Lion Guard, and roughly half of the Dragon Guard, appeared specialized beyond the merely decorative. It was lighter, and had extensive combat webbing meant to carry more gear. No doubt to allow its wearers to operate longer, away from the main army. There before the ranks of the Ghost Guard, was an imposing figure, with heavily tanned skin that appeared slightly sunburnt. His long black hair was done up in a pair of braids, each decorated with beads and eagle feathers. Two eyes of dark olive green, stared out from his slightly careworn face with a deep frown, and an intensity that instantly made you feel small, like a child in the face of a stern elder. At his hip, was the ninth of the ten Hellbanes, a hatchet with a peculiar knob at the back, that seemed designed to balance it in some way, the golden runes of its name clearly visible along the handle, though, as with all the others, none in the audience could read it. Next to the fearsome figure of the Ghost Guard Commander, was a man who seemed far more relaxed. He too, had a slightly sunburnt complexion, with his long black braided hair, worn slightly shorter, pulled back and held in place with a red headband, the braids bound tight with colored cloth. Unlike his superior, the slightly younger looking man, had a wide friendly grin, his good humor easily reflected in his bright brown eyes. Here at last, the images faded to show nothing but mist, as Derran finished his explanation.

"Finally of course, there was the Armageddon Guard, led by myself and Michael Santius. Modeled after the Kemedian military." He explained, though oddly, no new image appeared in the misty cloud of magical energy over his head.

"I thought you controlled the whole army?" Shining Armor asked. To which Derran nodded as he elaborated.

"Indeed, but I delegated overall command of the nine other Guards to their Commanders, who had broad discretion on how to carry out my orders . Only the Armageddon Guard answered to me directly." He explained.

"Armageddon Guard huh?" Rainbow Dash stated slowly. "How come they don't get a slideshow?" She asked, a note of suspicion in her voice. Derran shrugged.

"I simply assumed you had already seen enough of the Soldiers of Kemed, that it was not necessary." He replied smoothly. Rainbow nodded.

"I guess that makes sense." She agreed.

"This is all quite fascinating darling." Rarity interjected. "But it still doesn't explain how you got to Equestria in the first place?" Derran chuckled mirthlessly.

"Ah yes. . . the great mystery." Derran stated wistfully. "The event my brothers eventually came to call: 'The First Miracle'." Twilight arched an eyebrow in confusion.

"'The First Miracle'?" She repeated. "That's. . . theatrical." Derran shook his head.

"Well, it was quite an important event to those who lived it. . ." He trailed off before he took a deep breath and began again. "Thirty years. . ." He declared, sounding as if he was in another world, as the mists above his head writhed and shifted once more. "Thirty years of fighting. . . of pain. . . of loss. . . of death. . . and of sorrow. Every moment of every day was a bitter fight for our survival. Over time we lost brothers, good and bad, to the demons, to the environment, and to the sheer insanity and unceasing horror that is Hell's essence. When our blades broke, and our armor rent beyond our meager ability to repair, we turned the bones and skins of our foes into replacements. We feasted on their corpses, and glutted on their blood, as we tracked down and killed their masters, one after the other. Yet, with every victory came loss, until our army, once numbering in the hundreds of thousands, was whittled down to a mere ten thousand or so, as the war stretched on seemingly without end."

As Derran spoke, the mists above showed an image of him and his brothers traveling through the blasted landscape of Hell. As his audience watched, time in the image seemed to accelerate. As the ponies looked on, the armor and weapons of mortal steel faded away, to be replaced by horrific facsimiles of jagged bone and demonic leather. Helmets made of demonic skulls, held together with demon-gut cord, covered faces. As torsos were encased in cuirass's of tanned demon skin, stretched over frames made of rib cages. Arms and legs were protected by the modified carapaces of a variety of unholy lifeforms, and feet were covered in boots of monstrous hide, with treads of bone. Slowly but surely, Derran and the Legion became almost as one in appearance with those they fought.

Yet even this, frightening as it was, was not what most drew gasps from Derran's audience. Rather, it was the effect of time on the men themselves, that was most worrying. As before their eyes, the Legion began to age. Faces grew stretched and gaunt, once bright eyes dimmed, and limbs became gnarled. Teeth blackened, hair thinned and grew grey, but worst of all, were the marks left not by time, but by their enemies. Scars of all sizes and shapes, covered the aging Legion's bodies, from thin lines that were barely visible, to great divots, where flesh seemed almost to have been gouged out, like it was nothing more than clay. Eye patches became common, as did missing limbs, replaced with crude prosthetics of bleached bone and leather, that were more weapons than replacement limbs. Too did the look in the men's eyes change, all traces of optimism and joy, replaced with a look halfway between fatalism, and madness. When finally time resumed its normal speed, the men seemed not merely drained of their youth, but their humanity.

"We ultimately came to be known by the denizens of Hell as: The Doom Legion. And for a time after our formal creation, we truly were as brothers." Derran almost managed a smile at that, before his expression darkened. "However, as the years wore on, even that became dulled and worn by time and hardship. And all the while, the Doom Slayer, whom I alone knew as a being separate from Derran Grandel, became ever more dominant of our collective flesh. On the few occasions when I was alone, I was wracked by thoughts of my family's death, and the deaths of others since. I withdrew, confidant that the Doom Slayer's greater might was better suited to things than I. He encouraged this, and as I became ever more passive, he became ever more aggressive and controlling. Eventually, I seceded nearly all control to him." Derran shook his head, a painful expression on his face as he continued.

"My brothers, did not notice the change, though I suspect Michael might have figured it out to some degree. Even as I grew old in appearance, in body and mind I seemed not to age. It was as if the Doom Slayer drew strength from the slaughter of the battlefield. Like a fiend with a drug habit, he grew lethargic and more ill tempered the longer he went without bloodshed. Yet while in battle, it was as if he was immune to any form of fatigue, and in the grip of a delirious joy." At that, Derran's audience shuffled nervously, the idea that this other half of Derran drew joy and strength from killing, was hardly a comfortable thought. "Perhaps that is the problem with becoming a so-called legend? No one questions it when your abilities and mindset diverge from the norm. Then again, perhaps it was simply the fact that without anything to act in contrast or alternative to our situation, my brothers simply did not care." Closing his eyes, Derran once more prepared to lay bare his ancient memories. "Either way, that all changed thirty years after our homeworld was swallowed by Hell. . . with the first miracle. . ."

"Say that again." The Doom Slayer asked, regarding his lieutenant with a cold expression. The years had been kind to Michael Santius, considering the circumstances. His long hair was still all there, though it had long since faded to bone white, from its original silvery blond. His gaze was still bright and undimmed by the unrelenting grind of the war. He still had all his limbs, and surprisingly few scars for someone who was never far from the front line. Even his voice still had traces of that faint lyrical tone from his younger days, when the Doom Slayer had first met him. Yes, the years had been kind to Michael Santius, and it never failed to annoy the Doom Slayer. Clearing his throat, Michael repeated the message.

"The scouting group's messenger requests that we divert with all haste, to the ravine twenty miles to this island's designated north. He says he has found something extraordinary." The Doom Slayer, for he had long since refused to answer to any other name, glared at Michael.

"And did he happen to say why we should drop our pursuit of the second lord of Hell, and move twenty miles in the opposite fucking direction?" The Doom Slayer sneered contemptuously.

"No my Lord." Michael replied. "The messenger, brother Kistrak, never personally saw what it was they found. However, based on how excited Squad Leader Tachi was described as being when he sent Kistrak off, I think it safe to assume he believed it was important." The Doom Slayer's gaze bored into Michael's, but he didn't so much as blink.

"Six Lords. . ." The Doom Slayer growled. " Out of the nine Lords of Hell we have only killed six!" Michael remained silent, waiting for his Lord to reach his point with careful patience born of experience, he had heard this speech before. "It's taken us thirty fucking years to get six! The last three lords damn well know that! We've spent the last four years searching for the last three, and do you know why?!" Once more Michael remained silent, even as his lord paced angrily about the interior of the tent of sewn together demonic skin, that served as his command center. "It's because they know that unlike them, our days are numbered." The Doom Slayer hissed. "It's been years since a member of the Legion was taken down by an enemy, so they figure, if they can't beat us in battle, they'll just have to keep ahead of us till they run out the clock!" Michael nodded.

"That does seem likely my Lord." He agreed diplomatically. The Doom Slayer once more turned to glare at Michael, his eyes filled with rage.

"So nice to know you can still grasp the blatantly fucking obvious in your old age." He declared venomously. "Then I assume you realize that this makes every second of time a precious commodity? One we would do well not to squander on pointless damn distractions!" Michael deftly ignored his Lord's insulting tone, nodding his agreement as he offered his counter argument.

"I of course agree wholeheartedly my Lord. However, I feel we must consider the source of this request. Brother Tachi is a very level headed sort, and not easily moved to excitement." The Doom Slayer paused in his pacing for a moment to consider Michael's words, before nodding.

"He's no idiot, I agree." The Doom Slayer stated, some semblance of calm returning to him. "Not to mention that he's one of Roaring Bull's top scouts. . ." Michael nodded again.

"Shall we consult the other Commanders? Perhaps get their perspective?" The Doom Slayer shook his head.

"No, I'm not wasting time doing this by committee, just tell me your take on it." He growled. Michael was silent for a few moments as he weighed his words.

"I trust brother Tachi's judgment, he would not have made this request if he did not sincerely believe it was important." Michael declared. The Doom Slayer nodded.

"Fine then, tell the Commanders we're breaking camp. I want us ready to leave within the hour." Michael nodded, before raising his right arm across his chest so his fist was placed over his heart, the Legion salute.

"Right away my Lord." He declared evenly, before heading out of the tent.


The journey to the ravine took most of the day, according to the chronological enchantments the Elder Guard had set up to keep track of such things. In a realm without sun, seasons, or stars, only magic provided a means of maintaining a grip, however fragile, on time's passing. The journey was not an easy one, but then it almost never was in this pit. Currently the Doom Legion was traveling across one of the larger chunks of hellstone and flesh, that floated in the endless charnel void of Hell. Roughly the size of a small continent, it was mostly a vast desert punctuated by peaks of jagged black hellstone, as well as rivers of caustic bile that pooled in areas the size of lakes. Not to mention the innumerable tunnels that served as home to countless roving packs of demons, mostly imps, the strange bipedal monstrosities referred to as pinkys, and the occasional group of hell razers. The larger demons were there too, but seldom dared to try attacking, and those that did were promptly slaughtered.

Finally however, Kistrak led them to the location to where Tachi's scout team waited. It was the entrance to a wide ravine, easily wide enough to shelter the entire Legion. Massive sheer walls of hellstone, stretched into the sky on either side, stained with the blood and acid that occasionally fell from above. This was, as the Legion learned, a disgusting form of runoff, that stemmed from the half living nature of Hell's floating islands, dripping from those islands above, to those below, in a vile form of precipitation. Tachi met them with the rest of his team, offering a salute, and a bow, as he approached the Doom Slayer.

"My Lord Doom Slayer." He greeted, his voice a whispering rasp that even raised, was barely audible. Yet despite this, it was clear that Tachi was excited, in a way few in the Legion ever were these days. This excitement seemed to extend to the rest of his team, all four of whom, not counting Kistrak, were fidgeting. Additionally, as he got closer, the Doom Slayer noticed that beneath their hell knight skull helmets, there were a pair of lighter colored lines on their faces, cutting through the filth that accumulated on the exposed skin of all members of the Legion. Had these men been. . . crying? The Doom Slayer's eyes narrowed as he examined his four brothers.

"Skip the formality brother. Tell me what you dragged us all here for?" Tachi nodded as he motioned the Doom Slayer to follow him. As he did, the Doom Slayer turned and gestured to a number of the Armageddon Guard to accompany him. "Tomas, Alex, Raam, Mithras, you're with us brothers, you too Michael." The Doom Slayer growled, before turning to the rest of the Legion. "The rest of you get to work securing this location! I don't want us caught with our ass's on the shitter!!" He barked out, as he and his chosen group fell in behind Tachi's scouting party.

"It's beyond my understanding." Tachi began, as they moved away from the main body of the Legion. "At first we were certain it was a trap. I mean. . . how could it possibly be true? How could it even survive here?" Tachi was rambling, sounding scarcely aware of his words or actions, as he moved forward like a man in a dream. The Doom Slayer and Michael glanced at each other out of the corner of their eyes. Michael instantly could tell what his Lord was thinking, a skill he had inevitably developed over the many years of his service to the Slayer and the Legion. And right now, he could tell his Lord had serious doubts about Tachi's sanity. Not to mention it wouldn't have been the first time the Demons attempted a trick like this, to lead the Legion into an ambush. However, Michael shook his head, indicating he felt they should wait to see how things played out.

The distance to their destination was relatively short, only about ten minutes of walking along the floor of the ravine, their feet leaving deep prints in the powdered bone, that was as close as Hell ever came to producing sand. Their destination as it turned out, was a shallow crater, in an area where the bone sand gave way to solid hellstone. The Crater was surrounded by a number of large crumbling boulders that partially blocked it from view. As they approached, the Doom Slayer gave a surreptitious hand signal to his men. Nodding silently, they loosened swords, carved from the arm bones of barons of hell, in their cacodemon hide scabbards, or pulled bows made from the ribs of hell knights from their backs, and nocked barbed demon bone arrows to bow strings made of imp gut. Even Michael was on his guard, as his hand rested on the handles of a pair of bone daggers, made of the tusks of a pinky. As for the Doom Slayer, he slowly drew Unmaker from a sheath on his back, made of the skin of a balgaar demon. A rare commodity, as the Legion had hunted its kind to presumed extinction in this area of Hell. It was a testament to how out of it Tachi and his men were, that they either did not notice the weapons being readied, or simply were too distracted to comment.

As they approached the lip of the crater, the Doom Slayer and his men were struck by a subtle change in the atmosphere. The omnipresent heat of Hell, that regardless of shade or lack of activity, never changed from scorching, seemed to abate slightly. Too they felt a tiny bit of moisture in the air, a stark change from the eternal desiccation they had grown used to in their thirty odd year crusade. Then, came the strangest thing of all. There was a scent on the wind, a scent so removed from the traditional smells of sulfur, rotting flesh, and spilled blood that eternally permeated the air, that the Doom Slayer and his men actually hesitated for a second. It was a delicate scent, sweet, pure, and evoking images of springtime, which in this land of endless horror, was about as alien as could be.

"What is that?" Michael asked, his voice a low whisper. The Doom Slayer let out a faint growl.

"I don't know. . . but I don't like it." He declared, his jaw tightening as they drew close enough to the crater to look inside.

The effect was instantaneous, the men around Michael and the Doom Slayer gasping in shock. As they beheld what lay within the jagged depression in the earth. Men instantly stowed weapons and unfastened helmets, rubbing at dull eyes in disbelief, as mouths hung open. Only the Doom Slayer showed no reaction, his burning red eyes narrowing at the sight before him.

"Impossible. . ." Michael whispered, his eyes wide and staring.

There, in the center of the crater, was a sight that defied all reason. A thing so extraordinary, that even men as hardened and jaded as those who saw it now, could not remain unmoved. Sitting there, in opposition to all logic and sense. . . was a flower. It sprouted out of the cracks in the hellstone as though natural. Its broad, dark green leaves, unfolding around a stem, that went up straight for about a foot, before gently curving downward, it's surface laden with large white blooms, as pure as the driven snow.

"An orchid. . . the symbol of hope." Tachi whispered, tears appearing in his eyes as he fell to his knees at the edge of the crater. . . and he was not alone. The men the Doom Slayer had brought with him, men who had stared into the face of horror, madness, and death, countless times before. Fell to their knees at the lip of the crater, their eyes wide, as tears streamed from them. Even Michael seemed moved, a strange smile appearing on his face, even as a lone droplet of liquid fell from his left eye. Again, Only the Doom Slayer remained unmoved, glaring at the flower as he felt a surge of anger rise within him.

"This is what you brought us here for?" He hissed, his grip on his sword tightening, as he gritted his teeth so hard he could almost hear them crack. However, before he could say any more, Michael spoke.

"Surely we must share this with the rest of the men?" He began, in a tone clearly meant to diffuse his Lord's growing rage. "I am certain that seeing such a miracle will doubtless boost their resolve, and allow them to be about our task with even greater vigor! Would you not agree my Lord?" The Doom Slayer glared murder at Michael for a moment, before forcing himself to calm down. Motioning Michael to come with him, he walked until they were out of earshot of the men, before rounding on his subordinate, his eyes ablaze with rage.

"We have already lost an entire day on this fucking waste of time, and now you think we should spend even more just so the Legion can stop to smell the literal fucking roses?!!" The Doom Slayer snarled, clearly struggling not to shout.

"I do not see we have much of a choice my Lord." Michael said diplomatically. "One way or another, something this momentous will get out, and if we simply move on without even acknowledging it, we could face no end of dissension in the ranks." The Doom Slayer looked nearly apoplectic as he responded.

"Or we could simply kill that gaggle of idiots, dump their bodies in the crater with their precious fucking weed, and then say it was a demon ambush!" Michael nodded, as if seriously considering the suggestion. Knowing full well he'd have to play this carefully, to keep his Lord carrying out his threat. Which if the look in his eyes was any indication, he was completely serious about.

"I suppose that is one option." Michael offered carefully. "However that would deprive us of a marvelous opportunity." The Doom Slayer's gaze bored into Michael's like a drill, his voice a deadly calm whisper.

"How do you figure?" He asked slowly. Michael cleared his throat before responding.

"Well, perhaps we spin it like this: This flower is clearly a blessing of the Light, a miracle to assure us of the righteousness of our quest, telling us we must persevere, and do all in our power to slay the last lords of Hell? Surely any time we would lose, would be more than repaid by the greater zeal it would inspire in the men?" For a moment, Michael feared his argument had not worked, as the Doom Slayer's eyes seemed to blaze to new heights of fury. Then however, his Lord's anger seemed to subside slightly, as he glared at Michael.

"Fine, we'll make camp, and give the men two days to look at the pretty flower! We've lost so much time now that rushing would be pointless anyway. After that though, we're leaving, even if I have to rip that damn thing up by the roots and burn it to gods damn ashes!!" As the Doom Slayer shouldered past him, Michael let out a sigh of relief, his gambit had worked. Michael had been at the side of his Lord for every moment of the last thirty years of campaigning. He respected the Doom Slayer utterly, as a friend and a mentor, and, despite his faults, honestly more of a father than Michael's real one had ever been. However, as time had passed, he had noticed a change come over his lord.

Not long after the Legion was officially formed, the Doom Slayer had actually become considerably more personable with the men. He had never exactly been perfect, but he had at least engaged with them. He had given speeches to rouse them when they were down, had listened to concerns brought to him, had even, on his really good days, occasionally joked with the men, or told a story or two around the proverbial campfire. He even joined in singing the various marching songs the Legion would belt out when they didn't need to worry about stealth.

Little by little however, the Doom Slayer had changed. He almost never addressed the men anymore, except to give orders. He left Michael to manage complaints on his own, and the days when he would tell a story or make a joke went from rare, to nonexistent. In recent years it had gotten worse, especially after his declaration that he would no longer answer to Derran Grandel. He became more and more volatile, seemingly resenting every moment they spent outside of battle. While, in battle, he fought with a savagery and viciousness that made him scarcely distinguishable from the demons themselves. There was also one other feature, that only Michael himself was likely aware of. Not long after meeting the Doom Slayer, Michael had noted his eyes had a peculiar habit of going from icy blue, to bloody red in battle. At the time, the Doom Slayer stated it was something he had been born with, a result of a magical mishap his mother had endured while pregnant. Michael had never questioned that explanation, until several years ago, when the Doom Slayer's eyes had not changed back, leaving his gaze a permanent scarlet. Every day now, it seemed to Michael that his Lord was becoming more and more unstable, losing himself ever more to his rage. And every day, Michael wondered how long it would be, before his Lord could no longer be pulled back from the brink. . .


The Doom Slayer snarled, as he bit into a piece of imp jerky beneath his freshly reconstructed command tent. The dry chewy substance, tasted like solid ashes soaked in piss, but it was all there was. As he took another bite, chewing savagely, he considered the events occurring in the newly established Legion encampment, with a burning anger in his gut. Credit where it was due, Michael's little morale boosting story worked. Everywhere the Doom Slayer looked, he saw the teary eyed rapture of the mindlessly religious. That, given proper incentive, could be whipped up into a frenzy of fanatical zeal. However, to the Doom Slayer, this whole thing was a farce. He had told his brothers countless times in the past, that the Light was nothing more than a lie. A comforting delusion, put forward and embraced by idiots terrified of reality. How quickly his so called brothers who supposedly agreed with this founding tenet of the Legion, abandoned it the first chance they got.

"I should have destroyed that damn weed when I had the chance." He growled to himself, as he took a swig from the mancubus leather water skin at his side. The horribly bitter taste of demon blood on his tongue calming him, as he drank the skin dry. "Ahhhh." He declared with relish, his fury subsiding for an instant, as he enjoyed the faintly acidic burn of the hell razer blood. "Nothing like home brewed." He chuckled, as his mind wandered to comforting memories of tearing demons limb from limb. However. the joy was short lived, as he recalled the events of the last few hours, and his anger returned. "Bastards!" The Doom Slayer spat, as he hurled his empty water skin into one corner of the tent.

For a moment the feeling of rage became almost overpowering, as at the same time, an itching sensation began building beneath his skin. Tearing off one of his demon leather vambraces, the Doom Slayer looked closely at his arm, so scarred it looked as if he no longer had skin. It was likely just a trick of the light, but it almost seemed as if his scars were pulsing with a faint red energy, and was it his imagination, or did what unblemished flesh that was there, look ever so slightly like scales? The Doom Slayer shook his head, as he considered asking Michael his opinion. Before suddenly feeling a nearly overpowering rage engulf him. For an instant, the Doom Slayer considered tearing out of his tent, and beheading the first man he saw. But just barely managed to restrain himself, as he retrieved and re-donned his vambrace. It was Michael's fault that they were in this situation to begin with! Had it not been for his second in command's foolish sentimental bullshit, they would have already caught the second Lord of Hell by now! The Doom Slayer let out an almost inhuman sounding growl, as he wondered, and not for the first time, if perhaps he would be better off without his weakling coward of a second! Taking a deep breath, the Doom Slayer suddenly felt exhausted. He would deal with his lieutenant tomorrow, for now, he needed rest.

As he lay down on the ground, his eyes growing heavier than he could ever recall feeling them, the Doom Slayer caught a strange scent on the wind. In the befuddling haze between sleep and wakefulness, he realized that it was the same odd perfume he had smelled coming from the flower. The subtle sweet scent, filled the Doom Slayer with an unusual sense of calm, that he had not experienced in many years. For an instant, images of a fiery red haired woman and child, flowed through his mind, before vanishing. And for an instant, he felt a faint sense of panic and a feeling of loss, but was unable to understand why. However, both the panic, and the image, vanished a moment later. As he drifted off to sleep, the Doom Slayer's last thought, was how odd it was that he could smell the flower here, when he had specifically ordered his tent placed as far away from it as possible. In the end, he decided it didn't matter, he would deal with it tomorrow. . .


From the moment his consciousness returned to his body, the Doom Slayer knew something was wrong. Even before he opened his eyes there were far too many signs to be ignored, even by the most idiotic luddite. First, was the realization that the ground beneath him had changed. Gone was the faintly painful hellstone sand, that always seemed to feel like broken glass, no matter how finely ground up it appeared. In its place the Doom Slayer felt something springy, faintly ticklish, and remarkably soft. Gone too was the omnipresent heat and desiccation, replaced by air that was pleasantly warm, and filled with just the right amount of moisture to be perfectly comfortable, with the perpetually howling winds of Hell, replaced by a gentle breeze. Even the smell was wrong, the sulfuric rotting stench, replaced completely by the smell of flowers and vegetation.

The Doom Slayer's eyes snapped open, as he leapt up and tore Unmaker from his back, his eyes wild. Rushing for the tent flap, he just barely had time to notice that the light leaking into the tent, was not the diffused faintly crimson light of hell, but rather the bright pure light of a true sun. Bursting through the tent's entrance, the Doom Slayer was momentarily blinded, as he roared out a call to action.

"BROTHERS RISE!! READY YOURSELVES!! WE ARE-" However before he could finish raising the alarm, the Doom Slayer's vision cleared, and the words caught in his throat. The area he and his brothers camp now stood in, was not the barren plains of Hell.

All around the Legion, green rolling hills and clumps of forest, stretched off in every direction. While in the distance, snow capped mountains could be seen. The scene's beauty defied description, surpassing even the greatest landscape portrayed by a master painter. The songs of birds, and the buzz of insects, reverberated through the air like the world's greatest symphony. Playing a song so pure and perfect, that it seemed it could only have been composed by the choirs of heaven. The gentle breeze was filled with the exotic perfumes of countless wildflowers, each more exquisite than the last. while overhead were the fluffiest, whitest, clouds, any of the Legion had ever seen, with the sky above appearing as a blue so perfect it could, and did, bring men to tears. All of this illuminated by a star whose brightness, was at complete odds with how gentle and warm its rays felt upon the skin. The Doom Slayer stared in mute shock at his surroundings. As the Legion struggled to come to terms with the view they now beheld. So consumed was he with the impossibility of what his senses were telling him, that the Doom Slayer did not notice when Michael came to stand by his side.

"My Lord?" He asked, his voice trembling slightly as he struggled to function in spite of how overwhelmed he was.

"Yes brother?" The Doom Slayer replied, his voice steady but emotionless. Unable to even turn to face his subordinate.

"Is this. . . are we dead?" Michael asked, a hint of worry entering his voice. The Doom Slayer knew what his lieutenant was getting at. He wanted to refute him, to tell him that there was no such thing, that there was a rational explanation for all of this. However, as he stood there, staring at a paradise earthed, all he could say was. . .

"I don't know. . ."

Twelve hundred years, and several miles removed from Derran and his memories, three fillies awoke. getting shakily to their hooves, they tried to focus, despite the metaphorical cobwebs still clouding their senses. From the general position of the sun, they guessed they had been unconscious for several hours at least.

"Derran!" Apple Bloom gasped, barely able to stand, but fiercely determined. "We gotta find Derran!!" Her two companions nodded, just as groggy, but also just as motivated.

"We should head back to town!" Declared Sweetie Belle as she struggled to rise. "Get everypony we can to help us!" She stated, even as she stumbled slightly, trying to stand.

"On it!" Scootaloo replied, gritting her teeth in determination, as she grabbed her scooter and buzzed her wings experimentally. "I can get there fastest. . . but what do I tell them?!" Sweetie Belle shook her head, as a light of grim determination entered her eyes.

"Tell them the truth. Tell them that Chrysalis is back and looking for Derran. . . and that she has Derpy Hooves, and Flurry Heart."

Of Men and Monsters

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Celestia stared at the creatures before her with an unflinching but curious gaze. Never, in her nearly two centuries of life, had she seen anything like them. They stood on two legs, much like minotaurs, yet they had neither fur, horns, nor tail of any kind. On first sighting them as they approached the outskirts of Bridledown, Celestia had thought they were some kind of unholy patchwork monsters of bone and sewn flesh. Till a closer look revealed it was merely an illusion created by the grotesque armor they wore. Beneath that armor, the creatures seemed almost universally past their prime, their bodies scar covered, and weathered by age and hardship. They brought with them a stench like rotting meat, sulfur, and freshly spilled blood, and nearly all were armed with weapons made of what appeared to be bone.

Behind Celestia, the citizens of Bridledown huddled in terror of their new visitors. Honestly, she really couldn't blame them. These creatures would have terrified her too, had it not been for a singular oddity in the creatures wide and staring eyes. It was said that eyes were the window to the soul, a portal through which one might see the true nature of another being's self. In the eyes of these creatures, for all their outward ferocity, Celestia could not see even the slightest hint of malice. Rather, the thing she saw most prominently in the eyes of these strange bipeds was, confusion, and. . . pain. Unimaginable, unspeakable, soul shattering, pain. Even as they stared in awe and confusion at Bridledown and its inhabitants, the pain and sadness surrounding these creatures was like a miasma, that no one who could detect it could possibly ignore. However, there was one among their number, who's eyes matched his terrible appearance perfectly. . . .

He stood slightly over six feet tall, a bit taller than even Celestia herself. His body beneath his armor seemed so covered in old injuries, that it was a struggle to tell where his scars ended, and his skin began. Every limb was lean and muscled, without so much as a trace of fat, the veins standing out beneath skin that seemed almost to glow, with a faint charnel radiance. Underneath a bone helmet that obscured his entire face, were a pair of burning red eyes, that glared into Celestia's own violet set, with a look of undisguised contempt. Finally, in one hand, he held a sword of black steel, decorated with faintly glowing golden runes. He held the sword lowered at his side, the blade oriented so that the tip was pointed toward the ground but stayed ready for use, a clear warning to any who might strike at him. Based on the deference the others seemed to show him, and the aura of brutal power he exuded, Celestia could only assume this scarlet eyed warrior to be the massive group's leader.

The creatures and their leader had arrived abruptly and without warning. As Celestia, her sister and co-ruler Luna, and the citizens of Bridledown, had been preparing for the First Summer Feast. A massive celebration that was part summer festival, and part founding day party for the town. Tents, stalls, and hundreds of tables and benches, were set up at the edge of town. In anticipation of a carefree night of eating, drinking, dancing, and singing. Their strange visitors had appeared as they had been setting up the final few tables, and getting the last of the food ready. Celestia herself had been examining a scrumptious looking honey cream cake for the third time that day, claiming it was for quality control. An assertion neither Luna, nor anypony else, had believed for an instant, when the ground had begun to lightly shake. Then, with a cry of alarm, somepony had directed all of their attention to the top of a large hill overlooking the town and the castle behind it.

There the creatures had appeared. Numbering in their thousands, they had paused briefly atop the hill, seemingly to examine the town from a distance, before marching as one to the site of the party preparations. Moving in perfect lockstep march, the earth shook faintly in time with their steps as they advanced, not stopping until they were directly in front of Celestia. At her side, she could tell her sister was struggling to stay calm, while the citizens of Bridledown huddled behind their leaders in terror of the fearsome new arrivals. Celestia however, simply smiled at the strange creatures. As, for all their intimidating appearance, and for all the ferocity their leader seemed to project, she felt, deep in her soul, that these beings had not come intending to start trouble. So, Celestia smiled, and greeted them as her heart told her she should.

"Greetings travelers, thou look weary. Pray, rest thine hooves, and help thyselves to whatever food or drink thou might desire. Speak to us thy story, that we might call thee friend." The effect was as swift as it was dramatic, with every one of the strange creatures able to see her, staring at Celestia with a goggle eyed expression. Only their leader seemed unimpressed, as he spoke in a voice that put Celestia in mind of a great beast growling at its prey.

"So. . . you can speak. . ."


The Doom Slayer glared down at the creature before him with a sense of faint disbelief, though he was careful not to allow it to show on his face. Behind him, he heard the men of the Legion whispering to one another in confusion, and for the first time in a long time, the Doom Slayer could understand their feelings. However, this feeling of understanding was almost entirely eclipsed by a sense of burning anger, as he considered the events of the last few hours.

After awaking to find themselves in this strange new location, and after shaking off the effects of its almost mind numbing beauty, the Legion had swiftly moved to secure the area. The Doom Slayer had immediately demanded a full account of events from the sentries set the night before, and had nearly killed them when they had explained what had happened. To a man, every one of them had fallen asleep at their post, claiming to have been lulled to sleep by the sweet scent of the miraculous flower they had found. The Doom Slayer had been livid, and only the intervention of Michael had kept him from ordering, and swiftly carrying out, the men's execution. In any army, falling asleep on guard was tantamount to treason, and the Legion was no exception. However, Michael had argued that given the extraordinary circumstances, it would be best not to throw away the lives of soldiers they may soon need. The Doom Slayer had agreed, but only just.

Immediately afterward, the Doom Slayer had sent members of the Dragon and Ghost Guard's to scout in every direction for a few miles, and report what they found. The first report had come almost immediately, with one of the scout teams describing a large village positioned in front of a massive stone castle, situated about two miles to the east. That however, was where the scout's report took a turn for the incredulous, to the point that the Doom Slayer had almost accused the five man unit of having lost their collective minds.

They had reported that the town was entirely inhabited by small, brightly colored horses, with not a single human in sight. That in and of itself would have been enough to warrant an immediate accusation of insanity, but the report was far from done. The scouts further declared, that many of the equine creatures had been seen wearing clothing, and appeared divided into three subgroups. The first was simply a standard horse, or more likely pony, given their reported smaller stature. While the others displayed the very distinctive traits of the mythological pegasi and unicorns. The Doom Slayer and Michael had stared, in blank faced disbelief, as the scouts had then concluded by claiming that these strange creatures had been overheard to be speaking a language nearly identical to the common tongue of D'nur. The scouts had sworn upon their oath to the truth of the report, not a thing done lightly, as in the Legion, nothing was more sacred than a warrior's word of honor. Thus giving the Doom Slayer and Michael little choice but to believe the scouts fever dream-esqu tale.

They had set out the instant the remaining scouting parties had returned. The Doom Slayer declaring that they would march on the village and castle with all haste. They went in fully kitted out, and prepared for a fight. But the Doom Slayer, at Michael's advisement, gave strict orders that battle was not to be joined under any circumstances, unless he specifically ordered it. The trip was short, following a winding dirt road that the scout's had said led right into the village. As they marched, the Doom Slayer caught snippets of his brother's conversations, and it disconcerted him that many seemed to be whispering, among other things, words like 'Heaven' or 'Afterlife', with an uncomfortable frequency.

The Doom Slayer however, held no such delusions. This was no afterlife, they were all very much still breathing, and as far as he was concerned, this whole setting stank of demonic trickery. It would not have been the first time. Over their years of battles in Hell, all manner of weapons and tactics had been brought to bare against the Legion. Most were uncomplicated attempts to simply overpower them, but nearly just as many had been far more subtle. The illusionary paradise was not a new trick, the demons had tried it before, and it had even been moderately successful. A similar trap having killed several dozen of the Doom Slayer's brothers some twenty years back. However, with every wound the demons inflicted, the Legion had grown stronger.

The Doom Slayer himself had trained exhaustively with the commanders and lieutenants of every one of the Guards, learning the combat tactics and philosophies of each, and mastering their various martial styles. Only having made an exception for magical combat, as he was never particularly good with magic. Besides, he preferred the power of his sword arm to anything else. Swords, guns, and fists, in his opinion, were more reliable than magic that could be dispelled, restricted, or even taken away entirely, given the proper technique. Though he did learn a few minor tricks that he felt could be useful in a pinch.

The Legion had similarly evolved, learning the secrets of defeating everything from storms of hellfire and fountains of acid, to attempts at mental control. Eventually it got to the point where the minds and bodies of the Doom Legion, had become veritable fortresses. Over the years, nearly all weakness had been culled from them, until only the most powerful remained to carry on the fight. However, as the Doom Slayer listened to his brothers absurd talk of paradise, he began to consider that perhaps the cull had not been severe enough. . . .

They had arrived at the edge of the town without announcement or fanfare. Following in the wake of their commander, the Legion had marched straight up to the being the Doom Slayer had pegged as most likely to be the leader of these strange creatures. She, for her long lashes and oddly feminine appearance left little doubt of her gender, was markedly taller than her fellows. She had a pure white coat, that seemed as soft and delicate as the finest silk. Her hair, or rather, mane, was an exquisitely beautiful prismatic arrangement of all the colors that accompanied a sunrise, and that danced in an unseen ethereal breeze. Her violet eyes were filled with kindness and wisdom, as well as a touch of playfulness, hinting at a sense of humor hidden from all but the most observant eyes. On both of her flanks, the Doom Slayer noted an image of a sun. What it symbolized he could hardly guess, but so detailed was the image, he could only assume it had been applied by magic. Her tail, like her mane, also wafted in an unseen and unfelt breeze of no doubt mystical origin. Around her neck she wore an adornment the Doom Slayer seemed to recall was called a 'peytral', made of gold, and decorated on the front with a flawless amethyst gem. Her hooves were encased in decorative golden horseshoes, that extended over her shins in an aesthetically pleasing fleur-de-lys shape. Finally, and to the surprise of even the Doom Slayer, she had not only wings, but a proud spiral horn extending from her forehead. Above which, was perched a golden crown, decorated with extremely fine scrollwork, and another perfectly cut purple gem.

This creature, had an undeniable presence. Matronly wisdom, poise, and kindness, seemed to radiate from her like the light of a star. She seemed to project a calming aura of peace and understanding, that made her seem powerful without it being obvious why. The Doom Slayer however, acknowledged none of this. In the Legion, one was not given respect or authority, such things had to be earned through deeds. This thing was clearly regarded as some form of royalty, no doubt it would expect the Doom Slayer to bow his head and offer a humble greeting. If so, then it was in for a rude awakening. However, its first words, were so unexpected they caught the Doom Slayer completely and wholly off guard, something that had not happened in decades.

"Greetings travelers, thou look weary. Pray, rest thine hooves, and help thyselves to whatever food or drink thou might desire. Speak to us thy story, that we might call thee friend." Her voice was every bit as beautiful and noble as her appearance. Though this fact was lost on the Doom Slayer, as he painstakingly searched her face and words for even the faintest hint of deception. Over many years, the Doom Slayer had developed an almost preternatural ability to discern when someone was lying. With a single look into a man's eyes, he would instantly see through even the most elaborate of deceptions. So it was with some degree of shock, that the Doom Slayer was unable to find even the slightest hint of dishonesty in the eyes of this strange being. The offer this creature had just made, an offer of generosity and friendship, to a literal army of heavily armed aliens, clad in the skins of monsters. . . was entirely genuine. Finally, the Doom Slayer, his eyes never leaving this odd creature's own gaze, spoke.

"So. . . you can speak. . ."


The two stood staring at each other for some time, the monstrous looking Doom Slayer, and the regal looking pony. One glaring in suspicion, the other smiling in welcome. The two regarding each other from across vastly different perspectives and ideals. Finally however, Celestia spoke again with a faint giggle.

"As can thou. Is this truly so surprising?" The Doom Slayer's frown deepened beneath his helmet.

"Where we come from, horses can't talk." He declared, suspicion staining his every word.

"Horses?!" Came a slightly indignant voice from next to the white equine the Doom Slayer currently faced. "Thou malign us good stallion! We art ponies thank thee very much!"

Glancing down, the Doom Slayer was confronted with a second bewinged unicorn, glaring up at him with an annoyed expression. Slightly shorter than the one the Doom Slayer had been talking too, she was both incredibly similar, and drastically different. Her whole appearance was like looking at a living statue, created in loving dedication to the beauty of the night sky. Her mane and tail in particular reinforced that idea. As they were like a living midnight blue mist, inside of which countless twinkling motes of light were suspended. Like her taller counterpart, her mane and tail, moved of their own accord, gently rippling and coiling like they possessed a will of their own. She had a dark blue coat that made one think of the sky just before the stars come out. Save for a splash of pure black on her flank, upon which was superimposed a mark in the shape of a pearlescent, white crescent moon. Additionally, she too wore a set of royal accessories, their appearance almost identical to those worn by the pony that had first spoken to the Doom Slayer. Her hooves were each covered with a strange shoe, made of a metal that almost perfectly mimicked the color and effect of her mane and tail. While around her neck was another peytral, this one of a midnight black metal, that almost seemed like solidified darkness, with a crescent of faintly glowing white stone set in the center. Finally, perched atop her head, was a crown of the same material as the armored circlet that encased her neck.

"And you are?" The Doom Slayer demanded, almost impressed when the night themed pony didn't flinch away from his angry glare.

"Thou ought introduce thyself, before demanding the name of another." She replied with a slight huff. The Doom Slayer let out a growl, causing the pony to wince, though she still refused to break eye contact.

"The last guy that demanded my name like that, ended up screaming in a pool of his own blood before he heard it. . ." The Doom Slayer stated slowly, pausing just long enough to make the creature before him nervous, before continuing. "but alright, call me, the Doom Slayer." The shorter of the two apparent royals, gave the Doom Slayer a curious look.

"Doom Slayer?" She asked, speaking the words as though testing out how they sounded. "Is that not a title rather than a name?" She asked haughtily.

"It's the only name you're gonna get. Now tell me who and what the fuck you two are before I lose my patience." The Doom Slayer snarled. For a moment, the dark blue pony thing looked like it was about to say something nasty, but was stopped from speaking by the larger white one stepping forward slightly.

"Our name is Princess Celestia, and this is our sister and fellow monarch, Princess Luna, it is our pleasure to welcome thee and thine fellows to Equestria, and the capital city of Brideldown. Please, won't thou join us for the First Summer Feast?" The Doom Slayer glared at the one calling itself Celestia. He'd had just about all he could take of this place, and an invitation to sit around and endure more of it, was sounding increasingly like an insult to his ears. Opening his mouth to tell Celestia in no uncertain terms what she could do with her invitation, the Doom Slayer suddenly found himself interrupted by the voice of Michael Santius.

"A most gracious invitation to be sure your majesties, however I do not think it possible for you to accommodate all ten thousand of us." Derran turned to glare at his second in command. What in the almighty fuck, was the point in being polite to a gaggle of what in all likelihood were demonic illusions?! However Michael ignored his lord's silent anger, sweeping past him to introduce himself with an elegant bow. The Doom Slayer knew Michael well enough to assume he wouldn't interrupt his master unless he felt it important, but it was a struggle not to simply shove him aside and tell the strange creatures to screw off. As it was, the Doom Slayer decided to wait, and see what happened, as Michael played diplomat. "Michael Santius, lieutenant and aide-de-camp to the Doom Slayer: Lord and High Commander of the Doom Legion, humbly at your service." The Doom Slayer felt a flare of pure rage as his second in command kowtowed to a pair of over touted farm animals, but managed to hold his tongue.

"At last, a pony that doth possess manners." Luna remarked under her breath, glaring briefly over Michael's shoulder at the Doom Slayer. Celestia chuckled as she returned Michael's bow.

"A pleasure to make thy acquaintance Michael Santius. However pray not to worry, accommodating thou and thine friends is but the work of a moment." Here Celestia's horn began to glow with a beautiful golden light, as soft and comforting as the sun on a spring day. Then, before the Doom Slayer could do more than tighten his grip on his still drawn sword, there was a brilliant flash of light, and the Legion gave a collective gasp. In their midst, had appeared hundreds of tables, each laden with some of the most delicious looking food any of them had ever seen. Mouth watering soups, accompanied by fresh baked bread, salads that looked like the ingredients had been picked scant minutes ago, paellas and quiches that smelled as divine as if the Light itself had made them. There were pasta and rice dishes, curries and stir-fry's, all of which looked so good as to put any restaurant on D'nur to shame. Desserts of every description were also present. Pies and flans, cookies and crumbles, tarts and tiramisu, puddings, custards, and cakes of every design, flavor, and description imaginable. All this seemingly endless bounty, created in the space of an instant, by a single being. "Dost thou think it enough, or shall we make more?" Celestia asked with a smile. However, before his second in command could answer, the Doom Slayer's voice roared out.

"THE FIRST MAN TO TOUCH SO MUCH AS A SINGLE GRAPE GETS HIS HEAD TAKEN OFF!!" As the Doom Slayer's command echoed out in all directions, Celestia stared at him in confusion.

"Prithee tell us good Doom Slayer, is something the matter? Is the food not to thine liking?" She asked, clearly unsure why he would give such an order. In response, the Doom Slayer rounded on her, glaring with eyes filled with hate.

"Drop the act demon, you aren't fooling anybody!" He snarled. "No mage can just materialize food and objects out of thin air at the drop of a hat! Something like that takes preparation, and a substantial amount of mystical power! Even in the Legion there are only a dozen or so mages who could even attempt to pull that off without at least drawing a focusing circle!" Here the Doom Slayer leveled his sword at Celestia. "That means you're either a mage so powerful and skilled you could put Ahriman himself to shame, or this is all some kind of elaborate illusion!" He declared, a near psychotic rage in every word as he raised his sword.

"What art thou-" Celestia cried out in shock.

"SISTER!!" Luna shouted.

"MY LORD WAIT!!" Michael cried out as his master shoved him aside. Bringing his sword down in a glittering arc, intent on striking Celestia's head from her shoulders. The Doom Slayer grinned savagely beneath his helmet, as another of Hell's minions fell. . . or at least, that was what was supposed to happen.

A soft metallic tone, like a wind chime gently striking a piece of wood, echoed in the ears of ponies and Legion alike, as they stared in shock at an impossibility. The sword had struck Celestia, a perfect hit in fact, right where her head and neck met. However, rather than removing her head in a spray of blood, the sword simply stopped dead the instant it made contact with her flesh. To Celestia, it felt as if the Doom Slayer had merely gently rested a thin piece of metal against her neck. It was as though the blade's momentum had inexplicably vanished, leaving her without so much as a bruise. Every creature present, human and pony alike, stared at the scene in utter shock. However, none were more confused than the Doom Slayer. He was certain he put his full strength into that blow, so why wasn't the demon dead?! It couldn't have been magic, Unmaker devoured corrupt magic every bit as readily as evil souls. Nor could it have been armor, as no armor in the universe could block a hellbane, so what had happened?

"The flesh of the innocent. . ." Michael whispered, his eyes wide as he stared at the scene before him. It was at that moment that Luna recovered, turning on the Doom Slayer with an enraged expression.

"WHAT IN YON BUCK DOST THOU THINK THEE ARE DOING!!" She roared, magically amplifying her voice to a degree that made even the Legion wince. "HAST THOU TAKEN COMPLETE LEAVE OF THY SENSES?!!" She demanded.

"I. . . I don't understand." The Doom Slayer whispered to himself, oblivious to Luna's fury. "This. . . this can't be real." It was at that moment, just when the ponies were starting to cast looks of anger at their guests, that Celestia started laughing.

"Verily doth thou have an interesting sense of humor Doom Slayer." She declared between giggles. "We dare say thou had us quite convinced that thou were actually trying to kill us. Such magnificent acting, hast thou taken any formal lessons?" She asked with a chuckle. The Doom Slayer stared blankly at Celestia for a moment, withdrawing his sword as he tried to understand how she could have possibly thought his attack had been a joke. However, Michael was a bit quicker on the uptake, as he joined in laughing.

"Ah yes, my lord's famous prankster nature." He declared, placing his hand on the Doom Slayer's shoulder in a familiar manner as he smiled. "Please forgive us for not warning you princess." He stated with a chuckle, that only those who knew him, would have realized was forced. Finally it clicked in the Doom Slayer's head what the princess and his lieutenant were attempting to do. He could have played along, passed it all off as a big joke. . . but that was not how he did things. . . . Jerking his shoulder out from under Michael's hand, the Doom Slayer glared into Celestia's eyes, his voice a low threatening growl.

"I don't know how you survived that, and I don't know what kind of trickery this is, but we are done here." He declared, before motioning to his brothers. "BACK TO CAMP!!" He roared, as he turned his back on the town, the ponies, and the princesses. . .

"Wow. . . Derran was kind of a jerk back then." Commented Rainbow Dash, as the images within the Soul Projection spell, dissolved into mist in preparation for the next memory.

"Well ain't that the understatement of the century." Applejack deadpanned, giving Rainbow a slightly condescending look. Shining Armor meanwhile, looked at Derran's sitting, and currently insensate form, in stark disbelief.

"That's how you three first met?!" He demanded, his eyes flicking between Derran, Celestia, and Luna. "Derran showed up and tried to kill you?!" Celestia gave Shining Armor a slightly sad look.

"I know how this must look Shining Armor. However I can say with absolute certainty, that Derran Grandel has never once tried to harm me, or my sister." Shining stared at her with his mouth hanging open, incredulous at that statement.

"What in Equestria are you talking about?! We all literally just saw it!" He declared angrily. "Derran Grandel tried to murder you!"

"That wasn't Derran." Twilight said softly. Rounding on his sister, Shining opened his mouth to reply, only to be forestalled by an upraised hoof. "Derran would never lash out like that unless there was a direct threat to him. Even when he. . . killed that poor man before, he didn't strike until the man had a gun pointed at him. Even at his worst, I've never once seen Derran directly attack anypony who he didn't honestly believe was threatening him, or somepony else." Twilight stated calmly.

"Wait. . . so then, that stallion is. . . ." Shining trailed off, as Celestia nodded.

"Derran's other aspect, the one called the Doom Slayer. Although, even that is not entirely accurate." Shining arched an eyebrow at that.

"What do you mean?" He asked, even as a voice in the back of his head assured him he wasn't going to like the answer. Celestia suddenly looked slightly grim.

"Keep watching, you will see soon enough." She replied, as the misty window into Derran's ancient memories swirled, to reveal the next part of the story. . . .

It had been several hours since the Legion's return to camp, and the Doom Slayer was in a foul mood. The instant he had gotten back, he had ordered the Elder Guard to use every divination and scrying spell they knew, to find a way out of this insanity. However, no matter what spell or incantation they tried, the answer was always the same, that this. . . was no illusion, and wherever they were, it was not even remotely close to Hell. This news could hardly have been less welcome to the Doom Slayer. He didn't know exactly why, but he hated it here. Everything about this place seemed to make him angry, from the warm sunlight beaming down outside his tent, to the grass beneath his feet. It wasn't a feeling of danger, at least, not that he could discern. Nevertheless he couldn't shake his feelings of tense restlessness. His skin itched like crazy, and there was a burning feeling in his gut, that only seemed to go away when he ate the last of the imp jerky he had. Staring at his hand, the Doom Slayer kept slowly clenching and unclenching his fist. A hitherto unknown tick he seemed to have developed, that made it seem as if he was flexing invisible claws.

Glancing outside, the Doom Slayer felt a flare of white hot fury, as he saw his brothers lounging in the sun. It had been less than six hours and already they were going soft. Some napped in the warm daylight, while others talked animatedly about this place they found themselves in, what was it called? Equestria? The Doom Slayer snorted, fighting against the urge to go outside, and beat every one of his brothers to a bloody pulp. Then he heard something that made him jump to his feet in a near berserk fury. A snippet of conversation from two of his brothers passing outside his tent.

". . . so bad if we were stuck here? It would be nice to at least live the last years of my life in comfort." The Doom Slayer, seeing red, moved toward the tent flap, intent on making a bloody example of the traitor who would so casually abandon the Legion's mission. However just as he exited the tent, the Doom Slayer was intercepted by Michael Santius.

"My Lord I. . . are you alright?" He asked, noticing the look of pure wrath in his lord's eyes. Michael's question seemed to snap the Doom Slayer out of his rage, as he stopped looking around him, and turned to his second in command with the fire in his eyes slightly doused.

"It's nothing. . . ." He said after a brief pause. "What do you want?" Michael nodded and cleared his throat as he explained.

"It is the Princesses my Lord, they are at the edge of the camp and requesting to speak to you." The Doom Slayer scoffed, it was almost enough to make him laugh.

"And what in the hell could they possibly want? I thought I told them we're done." Michael nodded.

"Indeed my Lord, but considering they are the rightful rulers of this land, it would perhaps be politic to grant them an audience." The Doom Slayer growled in annoyance.

"What are they gonna do? Throw cupcakes at us till we leave? If they try to get fresh with us I'll just break their legs and leave em to rot in the woods." He hissed venomously. Michael nodded as if considering the possibility.

"Even so my lord, they do seem to have a surprising level of mystical power, and it is of a variety that even Lord Khamun is at a loss to fully identify. So, if only to err on the side of caution, perhaps we could, 'play along' so to speak?" The Doom Slayer considered his lieutenant's words for a moment, before responding.

"Fine!" He snarled, clearly unhappy. "I'll go meet with the queens of the nags, or whatever the hell they are, but only so I can tell them to fuck off." Michael nodded diplomatically, hopefully he could convince his lord to be a bit more personable by the time they reached their visitors.


Celestia smiled at the two guards stationed at the entrance to the Doom Slayer's camp. They had not spoken to her, or even moved since she and Luna had arrived. Consummate professionals, they stood perfectly straight, with eyes forward scanning for threats. Despite this, Celestia was certain the pair were very carefully noting every movement she and Luna made, with zealous attention to detail. The camp was massive, and made of leather tents set up in concentric circles, with paths breaking through the rings of tents at specific locations. However, based on what Celestia saw when she and Luna were flying over, only five of these paths actually led into the interior, and never directly. From above, Celestia thought it looked much like a labyrinth. Guards were stationed in pairs at each entrance, and at regular intervals along every path. They also patrolled the perimeter in groups of four, their paths overlapping, so that no part of the outside was ever unguarded for even a second. Celestia also noted that every tent had a seal on it, that glowed with mystical energy of a type she had never even heard of. Likely either an alarm spell, or a trap to catch intruders. All in all, Celestia had never seen so well defended a location in all her life.

"Sister, why art we here?" Luna asked, giving the two guards a nervous glance out of the corner of her eye. "The Slayer of Doom, made it quite clear that he hath no wish to speak further with thee." Celestia shook her head. Her sister was clearly trying to be the voice of reason. However Celestia knew her sister well enough to recognize that, despite her objections, Luna could no more turn away from these creatures than she could. These beings were clearly suffering, and no matter how poor a decision it was to meddle, neither of the princesses could ever turn their back on a creature in need.

"These beings are likely going to be here for the foreseeable future sister, it would behoove us to do our best to try to be good neighbors, would it not?" Luna hesitated, but then nodded.

"I suppose. . . however we still feel it would be prudent to-" Luna never got the chance to finish, as the figure of the Doom Slayer, and Michael Santius, came into view. Marching toward them, the Doom Slayer somehow looked even more hostile than he had before. His eyes blazing beneath his helmet as he came to a stop in front of them.

"You two are either the bravest horses I've ever met, or the dumbest. You're lucky I don't just have my men shoot you full of arrows." He snarled, his voice so filled with hate it was like a physical blow. "Now tell me what the fuck you want, so I can tell you to eat shit and die!" Celestia simply smiled in the face of the Doom Slayer's fury, as she offered him a basket of bread and fruit in a golden aura of energy.

"We feel that perhaps we hath gotten off on the wrong hoof, prithee accept this as an offering of peace and welcome. We truly do wish that thou-" Celestia was cut off as the Doom Slayer snapped his hand out, smashing aside the basket and scattering its contents across the grass. Giving Celestia a look of near psychotic fury, as he spoke.

"Get. The fuck. Out of here." He hissed, his eyes bulging with rage. Celestia however, simply frowned, her eyes flashing, as she reached the end of her considerable rope.

"Nay, we shalt not!" Celestia declared angrily. "Not until thou explains thy purpose here, what thou art, and what in Equestria could possibly have happened to turn thou into such a foul mouthed, hateful, brute!" The silence that followed that angry declaration was deafening. With Michael, Luna, and even the two seemingly immovable guards, staring in shock, as Celestia and the Doom Slayer glared at each other. For a second, every creature present felt sure that Derran was going to wring Celestia's neck with his bare hands. However, a moment later he just scoffed.

"I don't have time for this shit." He snarled as he turned away. "You want answers so bad, why don't you just read our minds or something if your so fucking good with magic?" The Doom Slayer spat, as he started walking back into the camp entrance.

"Very well, if that is what thou wish, then we shall read thy mind!" Celestia declared imperiously. "In fact, since thou art in such a hurry, we and our sister both shall read it!" To the surprise of both Michael and the guards on duty, the Doom Slayer stopped.

"Oh really?" He said, his voice suddenly calm, and with a tone neither Michael nor Luna cared for. "Just like that huh?" He asked, turning to look at Celestia as though intrigued.

"Yes." Celestia replied without hesitation. "Just like that." She declared. The Doom Slayer gave a nasty chuckle.

"Ok then little horsie, if it'll shut you up and get you off my back, then let's do it. Gimme about a half hour to take care of a few things, and I'll let you have a look inside my noggin free of charge. Sound fair?" Celestia nodded, a little concerned that the Doom Slayer was suddenly so agreeable, but unwilling to back down.

"Very well, we shall meet thee here in one half hour then." She declared, turning on her hoof and walking back toward Bridledown. Luna joining her after a last hesitant glance at the Doom Slayer. Staring at his lord, Michael could hardly believe what had just happened.

"My Lord, why on D'nur would you ever agree to this?! Deliberately allowing your mind to be viewed by a spell?! I do not understand?!" Suddenly the Doom Slayer rounded on Michael, and for the first time, Michael actually felt genuinely unnerved by the look in his Lord's eyes. There was nothing even remotely sane in the look the Doom Slayer gave his lieutenant as he replied, his voice sounding disturbingly calm.

"Well that's why I'm in charge isn't it? Because I understand perfectly." He Declared, his voice sounding as smooth as oil being poured into a glass. While his eyes blazed with a frenzy of barely restrained insanity, as he turned and walked back into the camp. "Come along brother, we have so much to do before our guests arrive!" Hesitating for a moment, Michael looked at the two guards who had witnessed the exchange. Brother Malthus, and Brother Ogdivi each looked as unnerved as Michael felt. . . .


Exactly one half hour later, the Doom Slayer and four warriors chosen by him, stood staring at Celestia and Luna. Gathered behind the Doom Slayer and his four volunteers, were nearly two hundred members of the Legion. Their number included both Musashi, and Leonidas, as well as Michael Santius. All of whom were armed to the teeth, and all of whom were looking at their lord with varying degrees of concern.

"So am I the only one who thinks this little stunt is a bad idea?" Musashi asked, as he glanced at his two fellow officers.

"I agree, this is rather. . . unconventional, for him is it not? Are we certain he is in good health?" Leonidas asked, hesitant to badmouth a superior officer, but unwilling to let his concerns go unvoiced. Michael shook his head.

"I am certain our lord has an excellent reason for agreeing to this." He replied, more out of loyalty than conviction. As he recalled the unnerving look his lord had had in his eyes earlier. Leonidas nodded, apparently willing to take Michael's word for it. Musashi however, looked unconvinced, as the Doom Slayer addressed the princesses.

"Ok little horsies, time to put up or shut up." He declared, before gesturing over at the four men with him. "Some of my brothers agreed to volunteer to allow you to read their minds at the same time as my own. You know, give you a bigger sample size." The Doom Slayer declared, seeming to struggle not to laugh. "Now, before we begin, there are a few ground rules I feel I should lay out." Celestia and Luna gave the Doom Slayer a suspicious look as he continued. "Oh don't worry, the only real rule is, that if I drop dead, or if anything untoward happens while you two are inside my and my brother's heads, then the two hundred gentlemen you see behind us, are under orders to kill you both." Here the Doom Slayer seemed to stifle another laugh, and Michael visibly flinched as his brothers started to give him questioning looks, as if asking why he didn't intervene. "So," The Doom Slayer concluded, his voice becoming a venomous hiss. "still want to go through with this?" Celestia and Luna nodded, refusing to be cowed.

"Indeed, we agree to thy conditions." Luna declared. After hearing her reply, the Doom Slayer reached up, undoing the straps of the helmet that obscured all but his eyes from view. Removing it and tossing it aside. . . . The princesses let out an audible gasp at what was revealed. The Doom Slayer's face was a ruin. His lips were gone, ripped away by the claws of some great beast, along with most of his cheek on the left side of his head, giving him a constant unholy grin. His nose was also mostly gone, little more than a disfigured lump of cartilage with two black holes leading into the depths of his skull. The hair atop his head was a grey stringy patchwork, most of it unable to grow back, due to his scalp being almost entirely covered in scar tissue. Every breath he took, whistled over blackened teeth that had been worn down to needle-like points. That looked less like teeth, than a mouth full of fangs. Only his eyes remained undamaged, burning in their sockets like a pair of glowing embers.

"You sure?" He asked again, his voice echoing and hissing strangely without the helmet. Recovering from their momentary shock at the Doom Slayer's revealed face, the princesses nodded, their expressions set and determined.

"Indeed." Celestia stated, her voice steady. The Doom Slayer nodded.

"Have at it then." He declared, his voice distorted into an eerie whisper. Celestia and Luna nodded, as they began to cast the spell.


Some might have asked Celestia and Luna why they were doing this? What about these creatures was so special, that helping them was worth risking their lives, and possibly their kingdom for? They owed nothing to these creatures, they knew nothing about them, and for ponies sake their leader had tried to murder Celestia for no logically discernible reason! Most would have said that merely talking to these beasts, was already more concern than a pony of their station ought to show. However, anypony who would have asked that of Celestia or Luna, clearly didn't know them.

Over two hundred years ago, Celestia had volunteered herself as a sacrifice to raise the sun alone. Merely to spare one group of her fellow ponies from losing their magic. Many were those who begged her not to, including her friends and her parents. Let somepony else bear the burden, they said. Saving one group of ponies magic one time wasn't going to change anything in the long run, they had cried. Let things stay the way they are, at least then nopony has to die, they had screamed. However, when Celestia had seen that group of unicorns, scared and crying, she realized she simply couldn't walk away. She knew it might only save them for that one day, but to her, saving them, even for just that one day. . . that was worth her life. . . that was just who she was. Then, several years later, her sister would have a similar revelation when she took custody of the moon and the realm of dreams. Helping those in need, against all odds, and even common sense, was ingrained into their very souls.

So when these strange creatures came to them, in so much pain it was almost a visible force, the thing they wanted to know more than anything was: "how can we help?" The spell they were using was dangerous, one of the subjects was likely a homicidal maniac, and even if they learned something useful, there was no guarantee they could help. It was reckless, foolhardy, and not even their problem. . . and that was why they had to do it. As the energy of the spell reached its limit, connecting Luna and Celestia's minds to the five mysterious creatures before them, they braced themselves, and dove in. . . .


Michael watched events unfold, feeling more tense than he ever had in his life. Two lines of blue and golden energy stretched out from the princesses glowing horns, before combining into a single beam that then split again into five new rays of silver. That struck the Doom Slayer and the volunteers in the center of their foreheads. As the princesses, the Doom Slayer, and his brothers, closed their eyes. Michael had to admit to being somewhat in awe. A spell like this on D'nur would have been quite complex, and beyond all but the most skilled mages. Yet these two ponies were making it look as easy as breathing. Still, he was worried. He hadn't wanted to admit it to himself, but whatever was wrong with the Doom Slayer had been growing increasingly worse, since their arrival in this world.

The Legion's leader had been growing more extreme and vicious for years. However, now it had become so bad it was like he was falling apart. So far Michael had hidden the worst of it from their brothers, but at this rate, it was only a matter of time before the truth got out. He did not know the reason his lord would consent to something like having his mind read, but Michael had a nasty suspicion it might be an attempt to provoke open conflict with the princesses. Why his lord would want such a thing was beyond him, but Michael feared that if it happened, it would rend the Legion asunder. They had all seen Unmaker fail to slay the pony named Celestia. Already Michael was hearing grumblings from his brothers, wondering why the Doom Slayer was ignoring the fact that even his own sword, a sacred artifact of the Light, had judged these creatures as not being a threat.

Then again, perhaps Michael was not giving his lord enough credit. After all, for thirty years and more he had led them successfully through literal hell. He was the strongest in the Legion, and had personally slain all but three of the monstrous leaders of Hell. The Doom Slayer was the mightiest, and most capable man Michael had ever known. He had taught Michael everything he knew and more, who was he to question the judgment of such a man? However, Michael's ability to lie to himself, was shattered when he heard the princesses scream in pain.


Words were one of the mightiest tools in a princesses arsenal. With the right words it was possible to bring smiles to the faces of the miserable, rally the wicked to a righteous cause, or even stop a war dead. Words had power far greater than most would admit, and it behooved every leader worth her salt to familiarize themselves with as many as possible. However, on seeing the devastation that had befallen the Doom Slayer and his people, words failed both Luna and Celestia, utterly.

What had been done to the people of D'nur was beyond any definition of evil they could imagine. It was a cruelty that flew in the face of all sense and reason, obliterating Celestia and Luna's very understanding of the limits of horror. Billions dead, mares, stallions, and foals of the Doom Slayer's species, trampled to dust amid the roars of monsters. A world, vibrant, and filled with life and promise, destroyed in an instant by a single act of selfishness. Stallions and Mares who once laughed with their families, forced to fight and kill or die, day after everlasting day. Stallions who broke under the strain put down by their fellows. Families allowed to be consumed because it was impossible to both protect them and survive.

Luna, desperate to stop the horror, attempted to banish the monstrosities she saw before her, to strike them down like the vile nightmares they were. However, this availed her nothing. As this was not, and had never been, a dream. Celestia fared no better, futily throwing up shields and conjuring blasts of energy, desperate to do something anything to help. However there was no helping, not now, these events were long in the past, only the memories remained. Finally Luna screamed, feeling despair overtake her at her own helplessness.

"Sister!!" She cried out, tears in her eyes as she saw more innocents die in screaming agony. "Please! We need to help them!!" Celestia struggled to think through her own horror and tears, as the sounds of the carnage echoed in her ears. What had been done to these stallions was abominable, no creature deserved this, or had a right to inflict it. There had to be a way, some way they could help, even if only a little. Frantically struggling to do the impossible, Celestia began to lose herself in the unending insanity of it all, as the world went black around her. . . .

Celestia felt herself drifting in a void of despair, crying out to the nothingness around her with tears in her eyes, to do what it wanted with her, but to let these creatures have back their lives. However, predictably, there was no answer, as Celestia drifted ever deeper into the abyss of sorrow, and madness. Then, she felt it, a new emotion, one she had experienced only a few times before. Clinging to it, she felt the darkness around her recoil. Almost instinctively, she clutched at that tiny ember of emotion. A single spark, that she now began to feed. The spark flickered, then burned, then blazed, then roared. . . and Celestia roared with it.

Rage, not the rage of the Doom Slayer, but a purer, mightier rage. The rage of a mother whose child has been hurt. The rage of a queen whose subjects are being attacked. The rage of a soldier whose country is being bombed. A wrath that comes only when true injustice stands before those beloved of kindness and peace. Celestia burned with it, like a newborn sun, and the darkness around her was charred away, like paper thrown upon a bonfire. As the void of despair evaporated, she could feel that Luna was once more at her side, and that she too felt this overpowering sense of righteous indignation. How dare the king of Kemed barter the lives of these creatures families and friends for power! How dare the demons attack their world and slaughter their families! How dare the universe be so callous as to allow ANY of this!! As one, the princesses roared out to all creation. Feeling an energy of inconceivable power building within them with every word.


The last thing they heard before being enveloped in a nova of light and sound, was a pair of voices, far off in the distance. One, was roaring something indecipherable, sounding as twisted as it did cruel. The vile voice was deep and booming, almost managing to cover up the second voice. In a tone warped by absolute misery, the second voice sobbed out incoherent apologies, though neither princess could determine to whom the apologies were meant. Yet, as the energy spawned from their wrath and given direction through a force they could never have described engulfed their senses, the princesses heard a name. It was not spoken, yet it appeared in the princesses mind's clear as day. Never once had they heard this name before, nor any other like it, yet despite that, they felt sure of it being vitally important. The key to saving both the Legion, and its broken master. The name was. . . Derran Grandel.


Michael slowly got to his feet, trying to understand what just happened. He recalled hearing the princesses scream, and immediately rushed over to see what had gone wrong. The spell had seemed to still be functioning, but the princesses had fallen to the ground. Thrashing and screaming, they remained connected to the Doom Slayer and the four volunteers by the strange tethers of energy emitted by their horns. Michael had immediately sent for Commander Khamun and Lieutenant Magnus. However despite their best efforts, they had been unable to end the spell. At one point, out of sheer desperation, Michael had ordered Musashi to try to cut the energy tether with his hellbane. However, to their horror, the blade simply passed right through the beam as if it wasn't even there.

It was then, that the princesses had suddenly stopped screaming. Levitating into the air, they had each begun to glow brighter and brighter, and Michael noticed the Doom Slayer's face twisting in discomfort. Leonidas had noticed it too, and several of the Legion had aimed arrows at the princesses. But Michael shouted at them to stand down, declaring that they should wait and see what happened. The glow had eventually grown so bright that none in the Legion could bear to look at the princesses any longer, covering their eyes with their hands, as the light even pierced through closed eyelids. Then, as they stood there blinded, the Legion heard the voices of the princesses speaking in perfect unison. The sound booming like thunder across a mountain range as they said the words:


Immediately after, a feeling like nothing Michael had ever experienced flowed over him, bringing him to his knees. It was impossible to describe, it was like every good feeling he had ever experienced all wrapped into one. His mother's loving embrace, the warmth of a fire on a cold day, a kitten's purr, a child's laughter. The sensation filled his every pore, his every cell, his every atom. All that was Michael Melekon Santius was saturated in this indescribable feeling. Then, without explanation or preamble, the sensation vanished. . . . As Michael rose to his feet, he realized he felt different, he felt lighter. . . stronger. . . faster. He felt amazing, better than he had in decades in fact! Opening his eyes, he started to ask if everyone was all right, only for the words to freeze in his mouth. Everyone, was far more than merely 'all right'. Before Michael were his brothers, hale and hearty, not one of whom looked a day over twenty. . . .

"Brother Musashi?" Michael asked the young man across from him, wanting to be sure he wasn't hallucinating. Musashi nodded, stunned beyond words.

"Holy shit. . . is this. . . for real?" Musashi asked, his voice barely a whisper, as he stared at his body in awe.

"If it is not brother, then I fear we all truly have died!" Came the once more youthful voice of Leonidas.

"But how?!" Demanded the almost childlike voice of a twenty year old Khamun. "Such magic. . . it is beyond anything mortals could ever accomplish! Even the Mage Lords at the height of their power could only have dreamed of something like this! Look! Every scar and injury is gone! It even restored the limbs of those brothers who had lost them!" It was then, that a weak, but good natured laugh, was heard off to the side, and all eyes turned to look at the two prostrate princesses.

"Thank the stars. . . it worked!" Luna croaked happily, before fainting. As Celestia managed to give a small smile.

"Now. . . thou have thine lives to live over again. . . ." She breathed out, clearly spent.

"But. . . WHY?!" Michael asked, flabbergasted at the enormity of such a miracle. Celestia just gave another smile.

"Because. . . what happened to thee. . . was unfair. . . ." Celestia trailed off, as she too slipped into unconsciousness.

"Unfair. . ." Michael felt tears in his eyes as he repeated Celestia's words. His voice a shaking whisper, as his body became paralyzed with emotion. "They gave us our lives again, simply because. . . it was fair?" At that moment, Musashi stepped forward, hurriedly brushing tears from his eyes as he roared at the top of his lungs.

"MEDIC!! GET ME A GODSDAMN MEDIC OVER HERE NOW!!" Frantically, the Legion scrambled to comply, desperate to assist their unconscious saviours. Until a voice as cold as the void itself, spoke, its tone as uncaring as stone.

"What do you all think you're doing?" The Legion froze, as it regarded the renewed form of its leader. His noble featured face devoid of any trace of scarring, and his head once more covered by thick black hair, done into a crew cut. His two red eyes all but glowing. Musashi wasted no time in explaining.

"The princesses collapsed boss! We need to-" The Doom Slayer cut him off with a look as cold as his words.

"And how is that our problem?" He asked. Musashi looked at him in stark disbelief.

"Boss. . . they. . . look what they did for us. . . ." He replied, unable to comprehend how his leader was unmoved by this. The Doom Slayer made a dismissive gesture.

"What of it? If this is a gift, then we don't owe them shit, and if it's a bribe then I refuse, to give them shit. Either way, we have more important things to do than help idiots out of messes they put themselves in." The look Musashi gave the Doom Slayer changed, from disbelieving, to something halfway between horror and abject fury. Moving up to his leader, Musashi glared into his eyes, while simultaneously placing his hand on the handle of Justice. He spoke in a voice that though outwardly calm, trembled with barely suppressed rage.

"Are you telling me. . . boss. That you are ordering us. . . not to help the creatures who just performed a fucking miracle on our behalf?" The Doom Slayer, his eyes devoid of even a hint of compassion, opened his mouth to reply, but was interrupted by Michael. Who for the first time, found himself having to manage his own temper in regards to his leader.

"My Lord, you are correct that a gift by definition does not require reciprocation. However, there is also no obligation not to reciprocate. Surely no harm lies in letting those who wish to offer aid do so?" For a moment Michael feared his argument had fallen upon deaf ears. If it had, and judging from the disbelieving and outraged glares being shot at his lord, there would likely be blood. However, and to the relief of all, the Doom Slayer simply turned on his heel, and headed back to camp. His reply as stinging and hateful as if he was addressing an enemy.

"Do what you want. . . just don't ever forget who your commanding officer is." Musashi's grip tightened on the handle of his sword, as the Legion moved swiftly around him to tend to the fallen princesses.

"Oh, I won't forget boss. . ." Musashi growled through gritted teeth, as he turned to oversee his brothers administering aid. "count on it."


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Silence reigned over the clearing, as everypony present stared in open mouthed shock at Celestia and Luna, their horns still glowing as they maintained the Proiectura Anima.

"How. . . ." Twilight asked, her voice trailing off as she struggled to comprehend what she had just seen. Celestia shook her head.

"Truth be told, even we don't exactly know where that spell came from." She explained.

"When we were lost in the memories of Derran and his brothers, all we remember for sure, is desperately wishing to save them. To undo the horrible fate that had befallen them." Luna chimed in, as Celestia nodded in agreement.

"Then suddenly, it was as if the spell just popped into our heads, and we simply cast it without thinking." Now it was Luna's turn to nod, as she scrunched up her face, trying to recall exactly what she felt at the time.

"I remember. . . for just an instant, it felt as though somepony was guiding me. . . telling me how I could help." Twilight stared at Celestia and Luna in sheer wonder.

"I had no idea you two even had that much power." She commented, her mind buzzing as she tried to calculate it all.

"All seraphim have access to massive reserves of mystical power my Lady." Twilight and the others jumped slightly, as Derran's voice softly rang out from where he sat. "You and Lady Cadance only recently ascended, so it likely will not begin truly awakening in you for at least another hundred years or so. However, in time, you will doubtless come to feel it too." Rainbow stared at Celestia and Luna with a skeptical expression.

"Yeah. . . so, where was all that power during Chrysalis's first attack, or any of the other times we could really have used it?" She asked with a cocked eyebrow, a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

"Rainbow!" Twilight cried out, mortified. However Starlight nodded her agreement.

"Rainbow actually has a point princess Celestia. I mean, not to put too fine a point on it, but you couldn't even stop the Smooze at the last Grand Galloping Gala." Celestia opened her mouth to reply, but Derran beat her to it.

"I fear, my ladies, that you are confusing 'not wishing too', with 'not being able'. Ladies Celestia and Luna have immense power, but they are hobbled by the fact that using that power to solve every problem could have dire repercussions." Starlight gave Derran a quizzical look.

"How do you mean?" She asked, Derran gave her a small smile as he replied.

"Well. . . suppose Lady Celestia had simply teleported Chrysalis and all her minions to the other side of the planet during the first changeling invasion? If that had happened, it may have solved the immediate problem, but it also would have deprived Lady Twilight and her friends, as well as Lady Cadance and Lord Shining Armor, of a vital opportunity to grow. It likely also would have meant that the kingdom of the changelings would never have fallen." He explained. Rainbow gave Derran a look of profound disbelief.

"Oh come on. How would the Princesses have possibly known about any of that?" Derran sighed.

"I believe I already explained to you that Lady Celestia can see the future, correct? It may interest you to know, this power extends to all alicorns to some degree or another, though Lady Celestia has always been especially gifted at it, and it comes with the realization of their full powers. I am willing to wager, that miladies could have stopped any number of the unfortunate events that befell this land, but held back due to their premonitions." Celestia nodded.

"Derran is correct, often the hardest part of my and my sister's job, is constantly having to resist using our power to solve every problem." Here the solar princess's face fell. "I cannot count the number of times I've had to watch my little ponies suffer, and still had to force myself not to intervene." Luna nodded sadly in agreement.

"As can I." She admitted. "Did you all really think I was sleeping on the day of Cadance's wedding? I was holed up in my room, struggling not to simply teleport every changeling in Canterlot into the depths of a black hole." Rainbow looked confused.

"Why not do it anyway? I mean, you're the princesses, is anypony really gonna argue if you bend the rules a bit?" Luna shook her head.

"How do you think Nightmare Moon was created?" She asked sadly. Derran visibly stiffened at the name of Luna's twisted, altered self, but he said nothing. "There was a moment, just before she emerged, when every instinct I had, urged me to speak to my sister about how I was feeling. . . and I ignored it out of spite. It was a small thing, but. . . ." Luna trailed off, with a pained expression, her eyes flicking nervously to Derran, who nodded as if in acknowledgment that he knew they needed to talk about it, but that it should be done later.

"That is the burden of the Seraphs." Derran explained. "To prevent the greater pain of the future, they are often forced to ignore the pain of the here and now." At that, everypony went quiet, thinking about how terrible a feeling it must be to want to help somepony, but to know that doing so would likely make things worse.

"I. . . I had no idea." Twilight commented sadly. Celestia gave a small smile.

"I'm sorry I never told you about my and Luna's true abilities, but I was afraid if I did, that you would constantly lean on me to tell you what to do all the time. I was worried you might stop making your own decisions, and that you would never grow into the amazing pony I knew you could be. Please forgive me Twilight." Twilight shook her head and gave a small smile.

"No, you did the right thing. I just wish I had known sooner, so you and Luna didn't have to endure all this alone." Celestia and Luna smiled, trying to hide their tears as they nodded.

"Wait, something just occurred to me." Starlight commented. "Did you know Derran and his brother's were going to come to Equestria?" Luna Shook her head.

"We did not. Strangely, our power never seems to tell us anything directly in regards to Derran and his brothers. We believe it is because they are not from our dimension. The closest we ever came was when we prevented Derran from killing Discord, though at the time we had no idea the role he would play in aiding Equestria, or even when he would play it for that matter. We only knew it was vital that Discord live." Twilight and the others nodded, before Rainbow Dash spoke up again.

"That reminds me, what exactly did Discord do to make Derran hate him so much?" To the surprise of everypony present, Celestia, Luna, and shockingly even Derran, suddenly looked uncomfortable.

"He. . . ." Luna began, before trailing off, a blush of embarrassment coloring her face. Celestia hemmed and hawed a moment, before finally letting out a sigh.

"He. . . broadcast my, Luna, and Derran's, first night together to the entire city of Bridledown using illusions." She stated, her cheeks coloring to match her sister's. Suddenly everypony froze, their faces universally reddening, all except for Starlight.

"Wait, that's it? He just showed everypony what happened the first night you met?" She asked, feeling confused, Derran's interactions with Discord being one of the few memories of his she had not been privy to. Derran shook his head.

"No my lady, our first intimate night together." Suddenly Starlight's eyes became the size of saucers, as her face turned crimson. Now understanding all too well Derran's furious reaction to the mystical trickster.

"Ok, that. . . explains a lot." She stated. "So. . . what happened after Celestia gave you and your brothers back your youth?" Starlight asked, suddenly desperate for a change of subject. Celestia and Luna, seemed to agree with that unspoken sentiment. As they turned to Derran, who promptly closed his eyes, falling once again into the depths of his millennia old memories. . . .

The Doom Slayer sat within his tent, and, for what felt like the thousandth time in the last hour, struggled not to go on a murderous rampage, as he considered the report he had just received. His brothers, men he had once thought the most disciplined, hardened, and relentless force in the multiverse. Were at this very moment, eating, drinking, laughing and celebrating, with a hoard of colorful, magical, talking ponies. It had been just over a day since the event that Musashi had described as a quote unquote, miracle, and the news could hardly have been worse.

It had started when Musashi and Michael had spirited the unconscious princesses back to their castle, accompanied by nearly every member of the Legion who wasn't on guard duty. Carrying the pair of insensate mares back to Bridledown, they had refused to leave their side, until one of the resident healers of the town could be summoned. Even after learning that all the monarchs needed was a bit of rest, their escort had stood vigil outside their castle, waiting like an army of lost puppies for the princesses to wake. As if that wasn't bad enough, the instant they had awakened, the princesses had again invited the Legion to join in their idiotic festival. The Doom Slayer had eventually sent one of the few brothers who had remained at the camp to check on the situation, and see what was taking so long. The messenger reported he had arrived just in time to see his brothers take their first few tentative bites of the food, and then start bawling like infants at the taste, which they claimed was like the legendary ambrosia of heaven. Before long, the Legion lost all semblance of military discipline. Laughing, singing, and joking with the absurdly colored equines of the town, as if they were long lost allies.

The Doom Slayer stewed beneath his tent, going through the report in his head over and over again. It was now clear to the Doom Slayer, that his brothers had chosen to all but abandon their oaths. Ever since coming to this horrid place, they had grown more and more defiant. How swiftly they had cast aside their vows and bonds of brotherhood, all for a few superficial comforts, and the mewlings of a race of inhuman weaklings! Even his commanders had abandoned him, talking as if these creatures were some kind of heavenly saviors. It was intolerable! However, worst of all, was that even Michael, his most trusted ally and subordinate, seemed also to have forsaken him. Michael had sent no word after he and the others had left, nor had he told the Doom Slayer of their intent to defy his orders, and join in the feast these creatures had set up. The Doom Slayer, was alone.

"No. . . ." He declared softly, as his eyes flashed in the darkness. "I've always been alone. . . I just didn't notice it till now." Now the Doom Slayer saw the truth of it, his brothers had never been truly loyal, they had simply clung to him out of desperation. They were like an ivy vine, too weak to stand on their own, they leaned upon him to support their frail lives. No, even that wasn't right, they were more like parasites, leeching off his strength and prowess, then happily abandoning him the moment something better came along! The Doom Slayer ground his teeth and clenched his fists as he thought about it. His skin itching, as a faint, almost invisible red glow suffused his body, and his eyes seemed to, for just an instant, become pools of crimson light. Rising, the Doom Slayer felt his body burn with the urge for violence. His brothers had abandoned him, no, worse, they betrayed him! This couldn't be allowed to stand! They were his soldiers, sworn to his service! His commands were absolute, and any who refused them. . . .

"My Lord Doom Slayer, permission to enter?" The Doom Slayer was suddenly distracted from his building wrath by the hail from outside his tent. For a moment, his thoughts became jumbled, as he struggled to recall what he had been about to do, his head clearing a moment later as he answered.

"Yes, fine, come in brother Geb." The Doom Slayer and the rest of the Legion had long ago learned most of each other's names and basic characteristics. The Doom Slayer personally, had, over the last thirty years, learned the names, faces, voices, and general skills of all ten thousand of his brothers. Geb was a member of the Elder Guard, a mid ranked soldier who's skills in magic were matched only by his mastery of swordsmanship. Entering the tent, he came without a helmet, the dark brown skin of his shaved head covered in the ritualistic tattoos common to most residents of the land of Pharos.

"What do you want brother?" The Doom Slayer demanded, wanting to get, whatever this was, over with as quickly as possible. Briefly, a look of indecision flashed across Geb's face, before becoming one of determination.

"Forgive the interruption my Lord, but something was uncovered recently that I think you should be made aware of, regarding how we got here." The Doom Slayer glared at his brother for a moment, before motioning him to continue. "During our divinatory examination of the local area, we discovered a point at which space time seems to distort, following Astarius's theories on meta-spacial dynamics, we can extrapolate that-"

"Get to the damned point!" The Doom Slayer snarled, his teeth bared in a manner not unlike an enraged animal. Geb hesitated for an instant, flinching at his lord's anger, but then nodded.

"Er, yes, of course my Lord, a thousand apologies." Geb stated, as he tried to ignore the feeling of being trapped in a cage with a rabid tiger. "Simply put, there is a small, but significant, risk, that the naturally occurring portal between this world and Hell, could be reopened, given the proper magical-" Geb was stopped dead, as the expression on the Doom Slayer's face underwent a ghastly transformation. Where once there was a look of barely controlled anger, mixed with impatience, now there was a psychotically unhinged looking smile. Moving in a way that for some reason reminded Geb of a cobra slithering up to its prey, the Doom Slayer positioned himself so the two of them were face to face. With only a few inches separating them, the Doom Slayer's burning gaze bored into Geb. The aura of savage, almost inhuman majesty his lord had, was almost overwhelming to him, making Geb feel like a lone ant before an enraged elephant, as the Doom Slayer spoke.

"Are you telling me. . . that we could reopen the portal? That we could go back to Hell, and finish our mission?" Geb, unable to speak as his Lord's increasingly sinister presence seemed to fill the entire tent, simply nodded. As the Doom Slayer pulled back slightly, the horrifying smile never leaving his face, Geb found his voice again. His tone was hesitant as he replied fully.

"With the proper application of magic, it is well within the realm of possibility. In addition, as the portal is natural instead of artificial, I believe this can be done without risk to this world. But. . . if we were to go through. . . and if the portal were fully shut behind us. . . there will be no way to reopen it from either side." As Geb finished, the Doom Slayer turned on his heel to head for the tent entrance, speaking as he went.

"Get ready to reopen the portal ASAP. Tell anyone who gives you trouble that it's a direct order from me." Suddenly the Doom Slayer's demeanor darkened once again, as he spoke in a low growl. "I'll go fetch the rest of our brothers and give them the good news." Geb sputtered for a moment, a thousand fears and questions entering his mind. However, by the time he regained his ability to speak, the Doom Slayer was long gone.


As the Doom Slayer approached the almost comically named town of Bridledown, he felt his jaw clench. From atop the hill overlooking the town and castle, he had a clear view of his brothers, as they laughed, ate, drank, and talked with the ponies as though old friends. The Doom Slayer felt his eyes narrow, as he noticed that every one of his commanders and their lieutenants, including Michael, were gathered around Celestia and Luna. As he watched, the Doom Slayer felt his blood boil, when he saw Leonidas smile as he poured a drink for a laughing Celestia, as if he were a mere servant! For an instant, the Doom Slayer's vision dissolved into a red haze, as he saw a vision of Leonidas's severed head impaled on a pike of rusted iron. Yet, as swiftly as it came, the image vanished, and the Doom Slayer began heading down the hill. However, as he got closer, he saw the group around Celestia and Luna part slightly, as the two princesses gestured to a band that had been playing nearby.

As the band went quiet, Celestia and Luna's horns began to glow. It was like a silent signal, as ponies and humans alike, lapsed into silence, turning their gaze toward the princesses. Even the Doom Slayer, his every fiber screaming at him in rage, found his steps unconsciously slow, and then halt, as music flowed forth from conjured phantom instruments. Then Celestia opened her mouth, and began to sing. . . .

Song: i believe by Christina Perri

In some far off corner of his rage addled mind, the Doom Slayer realized he knew this song. He could not recall exactly when he had heard it, or under what circumstances, but he was certain he knew it. At first he had no idea how the music for a song from D'nur could possibly be known by the two princesses, till it occurred to him that they must have lifted the song directly from the memories of him and his brothers. As he listened to the lyrics, the Doom Slayer, felt himself momentarily paralyzed, held firmly in place by the sound, despite the roaring voice within commanding him to put a stop to all this.

Celestia's voice was beyond beautiful, far outside the ability of even the most gifted poet, or writer to describe. It was strong and powerful, yet gentle and loving. It was a voice that inspired, that could convince armies to lay down arms, or kings to give up thrones. Then Luna added her voice to the refrain, and the effect was somehow driven to even greater heights, to the point it seemed they could charm the Darkness itself into harmlessness. At times singing together, and at times taking the lyrics in turns, the sound of the two united, was like listening to a serenade by the angels of the Light themselves. As he listened, the Doom Slayer, superficially, displayed no reaction, his face frozen in a cold frown as the roaring fury within him continued, yet, even so, he remained rooted to the spot. Meanwhile, all around the Doom Slayer, men who had stood unmoved by all the horrors of Hell itself, broke down into tears. Crying like children at the sound of the two princesses voices.

As they sang, the two princesses walked through the crowd of men with an ethereal grace. Here and there, they paused to wipe away tears, or even offer a loving embrace to the distraught figures of the Legion. Throughout it all, they sang, the lyrics never wavering even for a moment, as they offered what comfort they could to those around them. For the Legion, it felt as if, slowly but surely, the endless emotional wounds of battle, were finally able to begin closing. The song of these two creatures, not even human, acting as a balm to deaden the pain of their loss, and give hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Finally however, the song began to wind down, and the Doom Slayer broke from the spell, drowning the emotions the sound inspired with his anger. Stubbornly doing his best to prevent himself from being caught up in the song. Yet, despite his best efforts, the Doom Slayer nevertheless felt something inside him was struggling to make itself known. Flashes of images that seemed familiar, but he could not remember clearly, ran through his mind. Visions of a red haired woman singing this exact song in a Feyland accent in a. . . bar somewhere? When had that been? And who was the woman? A haze of red clouded the memories. . . were they memories? Or was this a trick? For a moment the Doom Slayer considered that the song was some kind of hypnotic enchantment. But he was unsure, this certainly didn't feel like magic, or at least, none he had ever heard of. It felt more like the song was trying to make him recall a dream, or a childhood memory. However, as the song ended fully, the images it had conjured were subsumed completely into the red haze of his fury, and the Doom Slayer once more remembered the purpose that had brought him here. As nameless hatred again blotted out all else from his mind, the Doom Slayer did not even notice the tears. . . he had unconsciously, wiped from his face.

Striding forward, the Doom Slayer waited for his brothers to finish crying and compose themselves. Despite their watering eyes, the members of the Legion were universally smiling with gratitude. Nearly ten thousand pairs of hands applauded the princesses, with a sound like rumbling thunder, as they smiled and took a modest bow. However the applause abruptly stopped, as the Legion finally noticed their lord standing in their midst. Ignoring the looks of apprehension from his brothers, and the hostile glare that Musashi shot him, the Doom Slayer spoke.

"Warriors of the Legion! I have excellent news! Our staunch brothers in the Elder Guard, have informed me that they have a way to open a portal back to the realm of our hated enemies, and return us to the fray!" Glaring at the princesses out of the corner of his eye, the Doom Slayer felt his bile rise, as he continued. "Even better, I have been assured that we are able to do so without endangering the world of our. . . generous hostess's! So make ready my brothers! For tomorrow, our enemies die!!" Dead silence greeted this pronouncement, along with a fair number of uncertain, or outright disbelieving looks. Glancing around, the Doom Slayer decided he had had enough. It was time to remind his brothers what it meant to be Legion. "Is there something you wish to say. . . brothers?" The Doom Slayer growled, his tone one of clear challenge, as he glared from one pair of eyes to the next. Like an alpha wolf, daring his pack mates to meet his gaze. Predictably, none did, though he could still see a mix of anger and sorrow in their sidelong glances. However, then, a voice rang out.

Surprisingly, to the Doom Slayer at least, it was not Musashi, but rather one of the rank and file. Brother Kados, a low ranking member of the Iron Guard, stepped forward. A man of average height, Kados had sandy, light brown hair, green eyes, and a kindly face. The Doom Slayer seemed to recall he was well liked by his squad mates, and had a track record of being a loyal and stalwart member of the Legion. Moving to stand respectfully before his lord, he spoke.

"Lord, ah know we all swore an oath, a warrior's oath, ta' see this mission through to tha end, but. . ." The Doom Slayer stared at Kados with a stony expression, even as his eyes blazed like a pair of smouldering brands, but Kados refused to look away. "but mah Lord. . . aint it. . . haven't we done enough?" The Doom Slayer's expression didn't shift even an inch, as he replied in a voice like the rumble of a volcano before it erupts.

"What are you trying to say brother?" He demanded, his voice oddly calm despite its tone. Kados took a deep breath.

"I mean. . . we killed six of the lords of Hell, raised their palaces ta' the ground, an' slaughtered their armies. We made the Legion feared by Hell to tha point that we got the last three lords runnin' scared. If. . . if'n that wasn't good enough, d'ya really reckon that the Light would'a sent us here ta the gates ah' Heaven itself? Ta actually meet the Seraphim?" As Kados finished, the Doom Slayer's expression changed to a look of near apoplectic rage, however his voice was deadly calm as he spoke.

"I'm sorry brother, I must have misheard that. . ." He began, taking a step toward Kados, his voice so cold it almost ceased to sound human. "did you just say, that you think those creatures over there. . ." Here The Doom Slayer gestured toward Celestia and Luna. "are Seraphim?" Kados was clearly unnerved by the look his lord was giving him, but bravely continued to make his case.

"Well. . . yeah, I mean what else could they-" Kados was silenced swiftly and brutally, as a blow like a cannon shot cracked across his jaw, instantly sending him to the ground. Even from a distance, it was clear Kados had lost consciousness, and that his jaw was likely broken. Several members of the Legion moved to intervene, however they were driven back, by a glare from the Doom Slayer that was nothing short of unholy. Members of the Legion actually took a step back in fear, and ponies hid behind chairs and under tables, clutching at each other in terror. As a wave of pure, wrathful malevolence seemed to radiate out from the Doom Slayer, like the shock wave of a bomb. Despite no outward change in appearance, it was as if he had become some terrible incarnation of nightmare, as he spoke in a voice that trembled with rage.

"The Seraphim. . . do NOT exist!" He declared, his voice filled with pure unbridled hate, as his eyes seemed to glow with a light of pure wrath. "Where were the Seraphim, when your homes burned to the ground?!" He roared, his voice echoing strangely, as his volume grew in direct proportion to his anger. "Where were the Seraphim when your families were slaughtered?!" He demanded, his presence seeming to fill the area, making his brothers and the ponies shrink away from him, as if he had transformed into some sort of monstrous titan. "WHERE WERE THE SERAPHIM WHEN ALL OF D'NUR WAS DEVOURED BY HELL ITSELF?!!!" He bellowed, glaring at his brothers, many visibly flinching as his gaze seemed to bore into their very souls. "NOWHERE!!" The Doom Slayer roared, spittle flying from his mouth as he continued. "I WAS THE ONE WHO SAVED WHAT WAS LEFT OF OUR WORLD!!" He screamed, his voice no longer sounding remotely sane, as he seemed to somehow grow more monstrous with every word. "I WAS THE ONE WHO TURNED YOU ALL INTO A FORCE STRONG ENOUGH TO OPPOSE EVEN HELL'S MIGHTIEST DEMONS!! I ALONE!! WAS THE ONE WHO SLEW THE SIX LORDS OF HELL ACCOUNTED FOR SO FAR!! ALL IN SINGLE COMBAT!! I AM THE ONE TO WHOM YOU OWE LOYALTY!! I AM THE ONE TO WHOM YOU OWE YOUR VERY LIVES!!" Here the Slayer seemed to calm slightly, his voice suddenly sounding almost broken, as he continued in a near whisper.

"You swore to me, all of you! That you would stand with me, until every one of the lords of Hell lay dead! You swore on the spirits of your families, your friends, and all of those brothers who died getting us this far!" Here the Doom Slayer drew his sword, and stabbed it into the ground before him, his voice suddenly becoming far louder, as his words became less formal. "You wanna stay?! Wanna go back on your word?! Fine! Here's your chance! I invite any asshole here who thinks he's man enough, to try and beat me! Kill me, and you win the title of Doom Slayer, and the right to run the Legion as you like!" Placing his hands atop the pommel of Unmaker, the Doom Slayer fixed his gaze on the stunned group before him. "So. . . who wants a crack at being top dog?" He hissed. There was a long pause, during which no one moved or spoke. Then Michael stepped forward.

"My Lord I-" He was forestalled from speaking farther by an upraised hand, and a look of pure venom.

"I don't want to hear a damn word out of you brother! It's now all too clear I've been listening to you way more than I should, so you keep your fucking mouth shut!" Glancing around, the Doom Slayer registered mostly looks of confusion, before locking eyes with his commanders, his blood singing, as he dared the leaders of the various Guards to take him on. "COME ON!!" The Doom Slayer roared. "WHO HERE HAS THE BALLS TO THROW AWAY THEIR OATHS AND TAKE DOWN THE DOOM SLAYER?!!" Nearly a minute passed, but no one stepped forward. The Doom Slayer nodded savagely. "That's what I fucking thought." He hissed. "Alright then, since you all still apparently have some small sense of duty, here are your new orders: tomorrow at dawn we are going to open a portal back to Hell! We are going to finish what we started! And any man that tries to run, or refuse the order, gets executed as a traitor! ARE WE-"

"I WILL CHALLENGE!!" Called out a voice that directed every set of eyes to Musashi Yamato, as he stepped forward. Whether out of fear for his brother, or out of his staunch commitment to protocol, Leonidas reached out a hand to stop him, but Musashi pushed it away. The Doom Slayer grinned, even as he looked at his subordinate with a gaze that was nothing less than caustic. All around them, the Legion and the ponies held their breath. None of them noticing the surreptitious look of warning Musashi shot over the Doom Slayer's shoulder toward Michael, nor did they notice Michael moving his hand away from his sword in response.

Moving toward his lord, Musashi never broke eye contact as he continued speaking. "I don't wanna fight you boss, but there's something wrong with you!" He declared, drawing his sword as he continued speaking. "We've all known it for years, but we never said anything! Because no matter how crazy or violent you got, you were still the best damn leader we could have asked for!" The Doom Slayer's eyes registered no emotion at Musashi's admission. Instead, his insane grin widened, as all eyes flicked between the two warriors, unable to decide on whom they should focus. "But now. . ." Musashi continued, as he slowed his pace slightly, studying his master, fully cognizant that the Doom Slayer would jump him before he finished speaking if he saw an opening. "now you can't even tell your enemies from your friends." Stopping just outside the reach of the Doom Slayer's sword, Musashi glared into his lord's eyes, refusing to acknowledge the fear he felt in the back of his mind as he did so. "So it looks like I need to remind you, that we ain't just your troops. . . ." Holding Justice in two hands, Musashi adopted a dueling stance. "We're your brothers!" The Doom Slayer's grin turned to a snarl as he replied.

"I think we both know. . . I no longer have any brothers." He hissed, as he readied himself, vowing internally that this fight would not end, until the commander of the Dragon Guard lay dead. Glaring into each others eyes, the Doom Slayer and Musashi squared off. The Doom Slayer's eyes blazing with murderous intent, while Musashi's simply stared back with a steely resolve, mixed with genuine sorrow. Musashi had not been lying, he truly did not want this fight, and not merely because the odds of him winning were all but nonexistent. Musashi respected the Doom Slayer, the entire Legion did. The Doom Slayer had over the years become a mythical figure to them all, the avenging angel of death, who had led them to victory after victory in a war that defied all logic and sense, with nothing more than steel and determination. . . and now Musashi was about to fight him. Time seemed to stand still, as the two prepared to launch themselves at one another. Under his breath, Musashi, for the first time in decades, uttered a prayer. Resisting the urge to glance at Celestia and Luna, he recited the words in a whisper, recalling the kindly face of his first sensie. The old man had told him to recite it whenever he felt afraid. Musashi had not used it since the first days of the invasion of D'nur, not because it had stopped working, but because he had thought he had no more fear left. Now, as he stood before a man who most in the Legion now regarded as almost a living war god, he realized that the scared little boy from all those decades ago, wasn't quite as dead as he thought. "Oh Seraphim who watch over us. . . grant me stillness and serenity. . .that I might see the path to tomorrow. . . ."

Gripping his sword, Musashi and the Doom Slayer circled each other, never breaking eye contact. Stopping suddenly, the air between the two seemed almost to vibrate, as they prepared to attack. Musashi raised the tip of Justice just a centimeter, while the Doom Slayer drew Unmaker back a quarter inch. The surrounding air seemed to thicken, as pony and Legion alike, stood frozen in horror at the realization that this was actually happening. In every creature present, a sensation like a spring being wound was felt. The feeling intensified as the two warriors shuffled forward slightly, one with eyes blazing with hate, the other seeming as though he was desperately searching for some trace of the man he had once known. Members of the Legion clenched their fists, as ponies covered their eyes, the springs inside them all just one crank away from being released. However, just before the thread of tension snapped, and the pair of warriors began a battle that would rend the Legion asunder, a booming voice rang out.

"ONE DAY!!" It cried, powerful, but feminine. The Doom Slayer and Musashi abruptly stopped short, each staggering, as if broken from some strange hypnosis. Taking a step back, the Doom Slayer and Musashi, stared in confusion at the one who had interrupted their duel.

"What?" The Doom Slayer growled, his scarlet eyes fixing Luna with a look that severely tested her bravery. Somehow managing to hide her fear, Luna explained.

"We ask that thou cease this fighting, and that thee, Doom Slayer, spend a period of twenty four hours at our and our sister's castle." She elaborated. "If we cannot convince thee to remain in that time, then thy brothers agree to follow you without complaint, and we shall grant thee any favor that is within our power to give." The Doom Slayer let out a scornful laugh, almost unable to believe what he had just heard. Did this absurd excuse for a monarch really think she could stop this?

"Why the hell would I do that? You two haven't got a damn thing I would ever want, and I can end this just as easily by killing this traitor." He spat, gesturing at Musashi with his blade.

"Actually my Lord," Interjected Khamun tentatively, flinching as the Doom Slayer turned his attention to him, the furious glare rattling him to his core. "I, uh, d-don't know how much you k-k-know about this kind of magic. B-b-but even with every mage we have working together, c-creating a p-portal like that will take at least a f-few days." Averting his gaze from the murderous look his lord gave him, Khamun finished rapidly. "B-but if the princesses lend us a little power I think it could be done in a few hours." He squeaked. For a moment, the Doom Slayer looked like he was going to completely lose it, but then his expression suddenly shifted. The same disturbing smile they had seen on his face just before the mind reading, suddenly reappearing.

"Alright. . . ." He declared, to the stunned amazement of every being present. His voice sounding almost friendly as he continued. "I don't know what game you're playing, but if it gets us out of this miserable pit any faster, I suppose I'll do it. You have twenty four hours to convince me, but when you fail, I expect you to pay up in full. . . understood?" Luna and Celestia nodded.

"Verily." Luna replied, hoping against hope that she wasn't making a huge mistake, as the Doom Slayer turned to Musashi.

"As for you," he growled, his rage suddenly reignited. "once we're back in Hell, kiss your rank goodbye! Command of the Dragon Guard will go to Lieutenant Raiden, along with that hellbane of yours, and you better count yourself lucky I don't just fucking execute you. Are we clear, brother?" Glancing at Luna and Celestia, Musashi nodded, and sheathed his sword. Then, suddenly, Musashi started laughing.

"You know, it's strange. . . we've only known these two for a day or two, hardly any time at all." He remarked between guffaws. "Entrusting our fate to them, hoping they could reach you when even we can't? Sounds like insanity. . . ." Here Musashi ceased laughing, returning his gaze to the Doom Slayer with an absurd smile on his face. "But insanity or not, I still wholeheartedly believe they can do it."

"Hope. . . is the first step on the road to disappointment." The Doom Slayer growled, his tone one of disgust as much as rage. Musashi simply continued to smile as he replied.

"Oh this isn't hope. . . it's faith." He stated flippantly. "And I got a feeling that maybe, just maybe, mine will be rewarded." He declared, as he turned to walk away. The Doom Slayer seethed as he watched his subordinate depart, just barely resisting the urge to put a dagger in his back, as he glared at the worried faces of the princesses.

"You'll see what faith gets you soon enough brother." The Doom Slayer hissed under his breath, a dark smile appearing on his face. "I promise you that. . . ."


"We believe this is a poor decision sister." Celestia whispered, as she and Luna moved toward the room they had given the Doom Slayer with supreme caution. Luna gave her sister a look of annoyance, that utterly failed to hide how uneasy she was.

"It is our only option sister, whatever plagues the Slayer of Doom, it is abundantly clear it is partly mystical in origin. Simply talking shall not rid him of this malady." Luna replied. Celestia looked unconvinced.

"Just because we were unable to reach him via dialog-"

"For ten hours!" Luna interrupted, her tone exasperated. "Over the course of which, all we learned was his penchant for threatening physical violence, his utter disdain for manners, and his impressive command of profanity laced insults. All things we were already quite aware of." Celestia sighed, conceding her sister had a point.

"Even so, this feels like a gross violation of his privacy." She countered, unwilling to give up the fight. Luna rolled her eyes.

"What privacy? We already know virtually everything about him thanks to our mind connection spell earlier. Save for the memories that were clearly blocked by-" This time it was Celestia's turn to roll her eyes as she finished her sisters sentence.

"A dark presence residing within his subconscious." Celestia sighed. "We are not disagreeing with thee sister. The force you speak of was likely what caused our spell to act so erratically. It should never have caused us to see so much so swiftly, or to overwhelm us so completely. Not to mention that, as thou did, we art certain we felt some kind of malevolent force trying to get into our mind while it was happening." Luna nodded before giving her sister a smirk.

"Indeed, though at first we had thought that it was merely an error caused by thine advancing years." Celestia shot her sister a dirty look.

"We are the picture of youthful energy thank thee very much. Besides, thou art not that much younger than us." She declared huffily.

"Then explain how we received more letters of romantic admiration than thou last Hearts and Hooves day?" Luna asked smugly, Celestia's face scrunching up in annoyance as her cheeks reddened.

"Thou only beat us by two letters! It is hardly worthy of note! Besides, the previous year we received four more than thou, so there." Luna simply smirked.

"Face it sister, tis our flank that brings all the stallions to the yard. Verily, tis better than yours." Celestia frowned, biting back the reply that neither of them had even had so much as a coltfriend since they were fillies. As they had arrived at their destination. The door to the Doom Slayer's room rose before them, suddenly seeming far larger than it should have. "Thou art certain he is asleep?" Celestia asked nervously. Luna closed her eyes, her horn glowing softly for a moment, before opening her eyes and nodding.

"Indeed, he is fast asleep. . . curious." Celestia arched an eyebrow.

"What is so curious about that? Surely he must be exhausted considering such a full day?" Luna shook her head.

"Yes, but we would think a warrior this capable, to say nothing of paranoid, would be a far lighter sleeper. Indeed, we half expected he would refuse to sleep at all, given his obvious lack of trust for us." Celestia slowly nodded, her expression becoming a frown.

"Verily, then let us proceed with caution. Is thy spell ready?" She asked. Luna nodded.

"The spell should allow both of us to see into the parts of his mind that he kept hidden before. I suspect even he has forgotten what lies beyond those mental barriers. If it is possible to rescue him from whatever darkness holds sway over his mind, the answer lies there." Celestia nodded as the two princesses soundlessly entered the Doom Slayer's room, silently closing the door behind them.

There he lay, his eyes closed and hands clasped over his breast, his chest rising and falling at a steady, relaxed tempo. The Doom Slayer looked oddly peaceful in the depths of slumber, his once more youthful body giving no hint to the violent nature he brazenly displayed while awake. Yet, even in repose, there was no ignoring the aura of power that flowed from him, causing the hairs of the princesses coats to stand on end. This close to him, the princesses dared not speak, for fear of waking the deadly creature before them. Celestia merely giving Luna a determined nod, as she closed her own eyes in preparation.

Luna took a deep but silent breath, as she focused on her specially modified dreamwalking spell. Ever so gently, her consciousness left her body, and with a faint motion of energy, coaxed her sister's to join her. Invisible to all outside the dream realm, they appeared to each other as translucent, ghostly figures, floating effortlessly in midair. Nodding to one another, they turned toward the figure of the Doom Slayer, still fast asleep. In their current state, with eyes now able to see into the psychic realm, the body on the bed seemed to glow with an unholy aura of red and black flames. The Doom Slayer's flesh appeared drawn taught over his bones, as ephemeral wounds of festering red energy covered him from head to toe. With every breath, an unholy red glow illuminated his body from the inside out, revealing bones that seemed oddly warped. As though struggling to resist being bent into a new, vastly different, shape. Hesitating for just a moment, the princesses looked at one another with determined expressions, before diving head first into his body. . . .

Darkness, eternal, omnipresent, darkness, blocked every one of the princesses senses as they descended into the depths of the Doom Slayer's mind. Sight, sound, smell, even touch and taste, seemed drowned out by the ebon eternity they found themselves in. Only the faint psychic connection created by Luna's spell, let them know they hadn't been separated, as they fell ever farther into the inky abyss. Finally, and with a sudden abruptness, they found themselves standing before a massive door, seemingly floating in the endless void around them. The massive double door was made of a strange dark grey stone, scorched black, and leaking blood and midnight black ichor from a series of large runes carved into its surface. A spiderweb of deep cracks stretched across the doors surface, and an unholy red glow seeped out from the depths of the fissures. Oddly, the doors were already open wide, the massive chains and lock that presumably held them shut, hanging loosely off the fastenings on the doors surfaces. Luna glanced suspiciously at the space between the open doors.

"This. . . this is some kind of mental fortification. A construct created by, and reflecting, the will of its creator. . . we have never encountered one so powerful. The Doom Slayer's will. . . it is like a wall of pure steel. . . ." Celestia nodded, she didn't need Luna's commentary to know how powerful this door was, she could feel it. It was like standing before a mountain, a mass of power that made any who stood before it feel as small and inconsequential as an insect. Whatever kind of mental training the Doom Slayer had gone through, it had made his mind a nigh unbreakable fortress.

"Didst thou have much trouble opening it?" Celestia asked, staring warily at the door, as though afraid it might attack somehow. Luna looked at Celestia as if she had grown a second head.

"Hast thou taken leave of thy senses? Nopony could open this door by force, or at the very least, not without employing the most invasive and powerful of spells." Luna said, shuddering as she considered the likely aftermath of such an attempted mental attack. "It may be possible to trick it open, or bypass it in some way, but we cannot even begin to imagine how such a feat might be accomplished." Celestia gave her sister a curious look.

"Then how is it that the entrance lies open?" She asked, suspicion clear in her voice. Luna shook her head.

"We can only assume that it was already opened, though I am uncertain how or why. . . ." Celestia frowned as she gazed at the open door. However, before she could speak, a voice was heard. It was faint, almost to the point of being inaudible, however there was no mistaking it, it was the sound of somepony crying. Turning to face her sister, Celestia gave her a questioning look, that after a moment, Luna responded to with a determined nod. Deciding that it was now or never, the pair moved toward the door, took a deep breath, and then boldly crossed the threshold. However, no sooner had they fully entered the area beyond the door, than it slammed shut behind them with an earth shattering 'BOOM'. Glancing back, Luna struggled to contain a brief flare of panic. They were now trapped within the confines of the Doom Slayer's mind. A mind that, if the door they had just walked through was any indication, was riddled with insanity.

"Well, now no choice remains, let us not tarry, onward!" Celestia declared, pointing dramatically with a hoof. Luna supposed her sister intended the comment to be inspiring. However Celestia was unable to fully conceal the hesitance and uncertainty in her voice, and so the attempt fell flat. Nevertheless, the two sisters continued on, ever deeper into the void beyond the door. Unlike the outside, here it felt less like they were floating in endless darkness, and more like they were in a vast underground cavern with a floor of perfectly smooth obsidian glass. The space felt immense, and they could detect no visible trace of walls or a ceiling. Moving in silence, they squinted into the darkness, struggling to see something, anything, that might indicate where the sound of crying was coming from. "Hark. . . the cries grow louder." Celestia commented.

"Sister! A light!" Luna cried out, pointing with her translucent hoof toward a point far in the distance. Straining her eyes to the limit, Celestia saw Luna was correct. A faint pinprick of illumination could be seen on what could tentatively be called the horizon. It was small, but rapidly growing, as if every step the sisters took covered miles instead of feet, and the cries volume grew with it. Eventually resolving into a male voice, laced with more pain and sadness than a sane mind should have been able to endure.

"Please, forgive me!" It wailed, before once more descending into incoherent sobs of anguish. Breaking into a gallop, the princesses finally closed the distance, to reveal the source of both the light, and the heartrending wails.

The being before them was emaciated, to the point that every bone in his body was clearly visible beneath his skin. He shook as though in the grip of a powerful ague, and every breath seemed to be a struggle to draw. His black hair was plastered against his head, as tears trickled endlessly from a pair of eyes sunken deep into his skull. Wearing a tattered and stained brown burlap loincloth, his eyes were the only part of him that still contained any life. Each a magnificent blue, that reminded the sisters of chips of the purest arctic ice. However, that beauty was badly marred by the look they held, one of unbearable torment and regret. The hunched over figure sat before a blazing fire, emanating from a small pile of logs, that seemed far to small to support the immense blueish green flame consuming them. As the sisters watched, the figure buried his face in his hands, as he gave another tortured wail.

"No. . . I swear, I never meant for this, I loved you, I. . . ." Here the figure became silent for a moment, as if listening to someone speaking. "You are right. . . I was weak. . . it was all my fault. . . I must take responsibility. . . ." His voice sounded beyond broken, as he scrabbled forward on his forehooves, or hands as humans called them, and knees. His face twisted into one of absolute self loathing. "I must make this right. . . I must-" The figure whirled around as Celestia cleared her throat. His eyes becoming wild, almost to the point of being feral. Interposing himself between the two sisters and the flame, he glared at them for a moment, before his body shuddered violently, a hacking series of coughs bringing him to the verge of complete collapse. "Who. . . who are you?!!" He demanded between coughs, his expression suddenly becoming fearful, as he glanced over his shoulder at the flame behind him. Celestia and Luna stared at the strange figure before them. It was Luna who responded first.

"Thou art. . . Derran Grandel?" She asked softly, she had no idea how or why, but somehow, even as she asked the question, she knew with absolute certainty that she was right. The wretched figure stared at her with wide, frightened eyes.

"H-how do you know my name?" He asked, before suddenly the light of comprehension dawned in his eyes. "W-wait, are y-you. . . Luna and Celestia?" He asked, as though scared of the answer. Luna nodded.

"Indeed, thou art correct. How did thou-"

"You must go!" Derran interrupted, his expression becoming briefly angry, before another hacking cough overtook him. As he struggled to recover, Derran crawled to once more face the fire, turning his back to the princesses. "You do not belong here." He whispered, as he once more stared into the ominously flickering blue green flame. Celestia stepped forward. Glancing over Derran's shoulder she squinted, trying to determine what it was that had so consumed his attention. The flames gave off no heat, in fact, it seemed instead to radiate an unearthly chill, that made the skin beneath Celestia's coat feel clammy. As she gazed into the fire, Celestia struggled to see anything apart from the flickering flames themselves. However, after a moment, she beheld a shadowy outline within the blaze, and a faint, almost inaudible whispering, that echoed faintly within her mind.

"They died because of you. . . your weakness caused their deaths. . . they needed you, and you failed them. . . ." The whisper was cold and filled with a venomous hate, despite its doleful tone. However, what truly surprised Celestia was not what the voice said, but who the voice appeared to belong to. It was Derran's! Then suddenly, as Celestia watched, the image in the flame changed, to reveal two figures. Both human, one was a mare in her late thirties, while the other was a young filly that Celestia estimated to be around twelve. Both had fiery red hair, and both were weeping with their faces in their hands.

"Why didn't ye protect us?!" The mare demanded, her tone accusing and filled with misery. "Ye swore to stand by me! To always be there far' me, but when aye needed ya tha' most where were ye'?!" Now the filly spoke, raising her head from her hands to look at Derran and Celestia with a twisted hateful expression. "You promised to always protect me daddy! To keep me safe! I thought you loved me daddy. . . WHY DID YOU LET THEM KILL ME?!" Celestia frowned as she listened, hearing and seeing the truth that Derran no longer could. The voices of both the mare and filly were distorted, overlapping with the hateful rhetoric of the Derran within the flames. Turning away, Celestia looked at Luna, who nodded, indicating she had seen and heard it too.

"A prison. . ." Luna murmured. "Not of steel and stone, but of self hatred." Celestia nodded, as she moved to stand between Derran and the flame. She had no idea how long Derran's mind had been in this state, but it was clear it was on the verge of consuming his consciousness completely. If she and Luna did not snap him out of it now, he would be gone forever. No time for gentle coaxing, their only hope was the direct approach.

"Thou must snap out of this Derran! Thy family loved thee, this flame is but a manifestation of thy own guilt! The fuel this fire relies upon is naught less then thine own hope and love! Thou must wake up!!" Derran gave no sign that he heard Celestia's plea, seeming to stare right through her and into the flame. It was as if the flame had sensed what Celestia was attempting to do, and had tightened its grip on Derran accordingly.

"We saw thine family in thy own memories! They would never blame thee for what happened! The voice thou hear is false! Thou were a good husband and father! Do not heed the flame's lies!" For a moment, Luna thought she had gotten through, as Derran's head shifted to look with a blank expression at Celestia.

"You need to leave. . . ." He declared, his voice sounding almost mechanical. "He is coming. . . and he doesn't like visitors. . . ." Celestia stared at Derran, opening her mouth, she was abruptly interrupted by Luna.

"SISTER!! BEHIND THEE!!" The warning came just a second to late, as Celestia felt something smash into her from the side. Had she been in her physical body, the blow likely would have broken her right wing and half of her ribs. Even so, she screamed in pain, as her ethereal body deformed before popping back into shape. In a flash, Luna was at her side, helping her to her hooves as a hideously distorted voice spoke.

"You know. . . when I set up this little trap, I was sure it wasn't going to work." The voice hissed. "I mean, who in their right mind would willingly reenter a mind that came within an inch of snapping their twig the first time around?" Here the voice gave a sadistic chuckle. "But then. . . you bleeding heart types are always so predictable. . . thinking you can save everyone if you just hold on to hope." Recovering herself, Celestia finally saw what had hit her, and her eyes went wide.

The creature before her was monstrous. Nearly ten feet tall, its massive, over-muscled body loomed over the princesses like an unholy titan. Its skin was coal black, lined with pulsing distended veins, that glowed as if they contained magma rather than blood. Chitinous red plates encased the creature's torso, shoulders, forearms, groin and shins, in a grotesque approximation of armor. Seated atop a neck like a tree trunk, was a head whose eyes were like pools of scarlet light, veins of brilliant glowing crimson extending out from them like cracks in a broken mirror. A mane of thick razor sharp black spines sprouted from his head, and extended down his neck and back, in a disturbing parody of hair. Two slit-like nostrils, were clearly visible above a mouth of vicious, needle-like teeth, the color of obsidian glass, that sprouted from flaming red gums, the creature's lips pulled back in a cruel smile. A set of large ribbed horns, sprouted from the sides of its head, twisting back, then up and forward like some sort of vile crown. Stalking toward the princesses on disturbingly human feet, the beast flexed its long powerful looking fingers, each ending in razor sharp ebony talons. As it moved, the monster straitened its back, to unfurl two immense bat wings, shot through with veins of glowing red. Finally, and most disturbingly, the creature was wreathed in black flames, that flared with every step it took. Celestia and Luna stared at the monster before them with horrified expressions, as it continued to speak.

"Let this be a lesson to you stupid whores! HOPE IS DEAD!!" The beast roared. Snapping its clawed hand forward, Celestia and Luna cried out in pain as they were sent flying backward by an explosion of scarlet energy. Recovering as swiftly as possible, Celestia fired a shining beam of pure force at the monstrous giant, only for it to pass right through the creature. Glaring at Celestia, the beast let out an earth shattering roar. "DON'T YOU GET IT?! THIS IS MY MIND!! MY WORLD!!" Rushing forward at a speed to great for the eye to track, the monster scooped up Celestia in its massive hand. Its voice becoming a thunderous growl as it held Celestia up to its misshapen face. "And my world. . ." It hissed softly. "is a world of hurt!" Celestia screamed in pure agony as her body was engulfed in the same black flames dancing across the creature's flesh. Clamping her mouth shut, Celestia struggled to keep from crying out again, as she looked at the monster holding her. Just having time to notice a strange decoration on the creature's red chitin breastplate, that looked like an oddly detailed human face, before Luna appeared. Rising into the air and screaming out her wrathful defiance, Luna unleashed a blast of pure darkness from her horn against the unholy thing attacking her sister. Only to stare in horror, when it to, passed through the thing's head, to no visible effect.

"We do not understand, this is a dream, our magic should be able to affect you!?" The monster sneered as it cast Celestia aside, before blasting Luna from the sky with beams of blazing scarlet flame from its eyes. Sending her spinning end over end, till she struck the ground with a cry of pain. The horrid giant's voice was like an earthquake as it replied.

"I'm no dream you insufferable bitch!! I AM THE DOOM SLAYER!! " This pronouncement was punctuated by the creature stretching out its hands to levitate Celestia and Luna into the air like puppets on strings. Pulling them into position before it, the monster sent the princesses crashing into the ground with the force of a meteor. Letting out a roar of unbridled rage, the proclaimed Doom Slayer began pummeling the princesses with every ounce of its unholy strength. Had the princesses been nearly anywhere else, such blows would have been child's play to evade or deflect. But here, in the depths of the Doom Slayer's psyche, the only limit to the power of this monstrosity, was its imagination. Celestia and Luna bore the pain of the attacks in silence, refusing to give the monster the satisfaction of hearing their cries.


Behind the Doom Slayer, the consciousness of Derran Grandel sat oblivious. Tears of sadness and regret flowing from his eyes, as the hateful words of his illusionary family washed over him. However, suddenly, something occurred to him. It was a faint sensation, almost drowned out by Kira's voice, once more demanding to know why he had failed to save their daughter. . . It was those strange creatures, they had looked oddly familiar, he could swear he'd seen them before, or at least, something like them. He recalled hearing their names awhile back, though he couldn't recall where. "Have I seen them before, or am I just imagining it?" He wondered, maybe he ought to ask if they had ever met? However, just as he was about to look around for them, Terrisa's voice exploded in his head, sobbing that he was now too selfish to even listen to her anymore. Desperate to prove that he was still paying attention, Derran refocused himself on the flame. But in the back of his mind, the feeling persisted, and he continued to wonder. . . .


Celestia struggled to her hooves, before being smashed down again by a fist half the size of her entire body. Pain coursing through her being, as the sensation of her every organ bursting, and every bone breaking, tore through her. In the back of her head, Celestia thanked her and her sister's lucky stars, that their real bodies were safely in the physical world. However, at that moment, almost as if reading her mind, the Doom Slayer paused in its assault. Once more levitating her and Luna into the air, so they were level with its gaze.

"I know what you worthless nags are thinking." The beastly creature hissed. "You're thinking I can't actually kill you in here, just because I can't hurt your real bodies." Here the Doom Slayer gave a grotesque smile, as it grabbed the princesses and slammed them into the ground. Now, finally they did scream, as their legs and necks were impaled on jagged spikes of black crystal, conjured from the shimmering glass-like void that was the ground. "Ahhh," The Doom Slayer declared with sadistic relish. "there are those screams you were holding back!" Pushing down again on the princesses bodies, the Doom Slayer licked its lips with a long forked tongue, as it continued. "The thing is, I don't need to kill your bodies." It snarled." "I just need to break your MINDS!!" It roared, as it sent bolts of black lightning into Celestia and Luna's helpless forms. The princesses screamed, the pain so great they didn't even realize they were making any sound. Thrashing around on the spikes that held them fast, Celestia and Luna's ethereal flesh constantly tore and reformed, adding another tone to the cacophony of agony being inflicted upon them. Finally however, the Doom Slayer relented, straightening up as it let out a cruel laugh. "HAVING FUN YET?!" It demanded, its vile grin growing wider.

Celestia, beaten but unbowed, somehow managed to raise her head enough to shoot the Doom Slayer a defiant glare. "Awe, what's wrong little horsie? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!!" It roared, before once more letting out a hideous booming laugh. Celestia, struggling to form words around the spike going through her neck, spoke, her vocalizations so faint they were unintelligible. The Doom Slayer smiled coldly. "Hold that thought little horsie." It declared, as it took hold of the spike going through Celestia's neck, and tore it free with a vicious twist. Celestia gasped in pain as the Doom Slayer leaned down a bit. "Now. . ." It drawled, mockingly putting a massive hand to the pointed bits of flesh that passed for its ears. "what was that you were saying?" Celestia glared at the monstrosity before her with a look of absolute contempt.

"Thou. . ." She declared slowly and deliberately. "art not the Doom Slayer!" She hissed, tears of anger flowing from her eyes, as she finally understood what the creature before her was. Suddenly, the monster looming over her, stopped laughing, its expression becoming one of pure wrath.

"You think you're clever don't you?!" The black and red giant snarled, its eyes blazing, and its voice echoing strangely, as its hands became wreathed in black fire and scarlet lightning. "But a clever bitch, is still just a bitch!" It declared as it pulled back its fist, not noticing until it was too late, that Luna had managed to free her neck as well. . . .

Luna winced as she finally managed to pull herself partly free of the spikes, grateful for the distraction her sister had provided. As she suddenly knew exactly what she needed to do. How she had gained this knowledge, even she had no idea. Perhaps some of the information provided by the mind reading spell had a slight delay before it became fully known. Perhaps the knowledge had come to her by virtue of being inside the subconscious of the one to whom it had happened. Or perhaps it was simply absurdly good fortune. Regardless of the reason, Luna now knew exactly what she needed to say. Tears flowed from her eyes as she spoke in the royal voice, her words echoing out clear and true, in a last ditch bid, to save a single lost soul.


Derran Grandel had not stood upright in a very long time. Ever since that day, so many years ago, when in his dreams, the Doom Slayer had brought him here and shown him this flame. The Doom Slayer, had told him the flame was something very special, just for him, when he wasn't helping lead the legion. Derran had been hesitant at first, arguing that he had a responsibility to help run the legion at all times, even if the Doom Slayer was the one doing all the fighting. Not to mention, the Doom Slayer had looked and acted very odd when he showed him the flame. The Doom Slayer had looked bigger, and he was wearing an odd armor that looked more like the carapace of a giant insect. Black, with red veins running through it, the armor had featured an odd 'hood' of sorts, that had all but covered the Doom Slayer's face. Encasing him from head to toe, Derran felt it looked less like the armor had been donned, and more like it had somehow grown around the Doom Slayer's body. The Doom Slayer had also constantly been twitching, as if not entirely able to control his own movements.

Derran had initially intended to question the Doom Slayer, however, the instant he had looked into that dancing flame, "just for a minute" the Doom Slayer had assured him, he found himself entranced. All thought of the Doom Slayer and the changes afflicting him vanishing into nothingness. There, in the depths of the bluish green bonfire, he saw Terissa and Kira, alive and well! As Derran sat down before the fire, they had promised that as long as he sat before the flame, he would be able to speak with them. However, they had warned, should he ever leave, the flame would go out, and he would never again be able to see them. Derran had swiftly promised not to leave, it not even occurring to him to question the situation. He finally had Kira and Terissa back, even if only as phantoms in a dream, why worry? After all, if this were some kind of demonic trick, the Doom Slayer would have immediately destroyed it.

So Derran sat, and for a time, he had been content to simply speak with Kira and Terissa, and relive all the happy memories of their shared lives. However, not long after, the conversation began to take a turn toward dark subjects. Kira and Terissa pressing Derran to tell them how they had died, and under what circumstances. He had initially tried to brush off their questions, but they had refused to let up, their tone growing ever more heartrending, until, eventually, he relented. However, once he had told them the story, they had demanded an answer to a new question, one they ultimately would never stop asking . . . why didn't you save us? Derran had tried his best to explain, tried to tell them how sorry he was, but it didn't matter. And why should it? It was his fault, Kira and Terissa were quick to point out. The least he could do, was sit there and listen to the condemnations of the ones he had failed. . . and so he had. Ever since, Derran had sat, he had kneeled, and he had crawled, but never once, in all that time, had he stood.

That all changed, when he heard the voice. It was almost inaudible through the rage filled screams and misery filled accusations, but he heard it. A powerful, deep, yet unmistakably female voice, one that, for all that it was muffled, hit Derran like a lightning bolt. What the voice said, was not a speech, no rousing call to action, in fact it was only a single sentence. Yet its power. . . was undeniable. In a flash, Derran was on his feet, ignoring the enraged screams of the fire, as he cast his gaze at the scene behind him. Memories long forgotten and ignored, whirled in his mind, as the fire behind him guttered and died with a final, psychic shriek of rage. The words he had heard echoing in his mind like thunder: 'Remember Terissa's final words to thee!' For an instant, Derran stared at the fallen forms of Celestia and Luna. Just long enough. . . to see the glittering liquid leaking from their eyes. Then. . . his body exploded into motion.


The monster raged, as it considered that its plan may have backfired. It was supposed to be simple, try to lure the two magical horses into its mind by revealing its presence during the mind reading spell. Not enough to tell them what was really going on. Just enough to make them think that if they were able to enter its mind alone, without his brothers causing any additional interference, that they could 'help' him. Then when the they inevitably reentered its mind again to try and figure out what was happening, the monster would trap them there and destroy their psyches. Finally, when it awoke, it would direct its host to kill the princesses mindless husks, tell its brothers the princesses had tried to mind control it, and destroy the rest of the ponies, before returning to Hell.

The plan had gone well at first. The creature had used the memories of the four brothers it had brought to have their minds read, to help conceal itself. It had chosen the four very carefully, selecting only those who it knew had endured the most trauma during the invasion, and subsequent decades in the Legion. Using their combined pain to nearly overwhelm the princesses consciousness's, and hide its true nature. Initially the idea had worked so well, that the monster had thought it might be able to destroy the princesses minds with just it and its brothers combined trauma alone. However, instead of breaking, the princesses had rallied, and proven themselves far stronger than the monster could ever have imagined. What's worse, they had given his brothers the one thing the creature knew they must never have. . . hope.

Now, the creature's entire grand design was at risk. The princesses knew what it was. Truth be told, the creature had no idea why that was bad. In fact, it wasn't even entirely sure it knew exactly what it was. All it knew was that it had first awoken about ten or so years ago, though it knew it had been growing for far longer. It had awoken attached to another being, though it never really learned how it got there originally. At first it didn't have much control, and the only way it could influence the one it was attached to, even a little, was by granting the body it was in a tiny bit of extra power. Over time however, it grew, covering the one it was attached to like vines slowly covering a tree or house, feeding on and encouraging the being's rage to sustain itself. Then, one day, it learned how to manipulate the one it was growing on more directly, subtly at first, but with ever increasing degrees of influence. However, no matter how strong it grew, it was never quite able to gain complete control of its host. Even now, it was painfully aware that the one it had grown upon, with sufficient motivation, could wrest back control. Fortunate indeed then, that its host now only cared for killing, and was easily manipulated by the promise of bloodshed and carnage. That said, it did still need a little persuading to convince its host to kill innocent targets. A constant, eternally infuriating reminder, that the host was still capable of reasserting dominance.

The creature longed for true control. To be able to completely direct things as it desired without the need to worry about its host. Countless times it had tried to fully suppress its host's will completely, to erase and replace its mind fully with its own. However, each attempt had ended in failure. Yet, nevertheless, it knew that the day it would be able to achieve its goal was fast approaching. It did not know exactly how it knew, but it did. It was as if someone was whispering into its mind, telling it exactly what it needed to do. Heck, that was how it had come up with this plan for the princesses in the first place. Regardless of how, the creature knew what it needed to do to gain full control. First, it needed to stay in Hell, the whispers assuring it that only there could it truly grow. Second, it must kill the last few lords of Hell. Third, and most importantly, it must destroy Derran Grandel completely. Once it did, something wonderful would happen, and it would finally have the control it so desperately wanted, so the whispers foretold.

Now though, everything was going wrong, the whispers had ceased, and the creature was bereft of guidance. It needed to get back to Hell. And to do that, it needed these princesses gone. The creature hated them, beyond reason it hated them. It did not know why, but every fiber of its consciousness screamed out in rage whenever it saw them. Hurting them now felt good, it felt right! They needed to die! It had come to far to be stopped now! They would fall, as had all the other insects that had sought to interfere! When the creature understood Derran Grandel was in its way, it and the whispers had made the fire to destroy him! Whenever its brothers, or more accurately, its host's brothers came close to getting in the way, it had forced them back into line! Now, as it raised its arm, it prepared to finish this latest threat to its goal. As it brought its fist down on the elder princess, its only, all consuming thought was: "I WILL be complete!!"

Then suddenly. . . its strike, a strike that could have turned a mountain into gravel, was stopped dead. By the hands of a man who's icy blue eyes, burned with rage. . . . The creature just had time to blink in shock, staring, as the emaciated, sunken eyed figure held its fist at bay with both his hands, his muscles straining nearly beyond their limits to stop its immense fist. Before the beast was sent hurtling through the air by a punch, carrying all the force of a runaway freight train. . . .


Derran struggled to stay on his feet, as he turned to look at the princesses. His body was wracked by agony, as he reached out to grip the thin crystal stalagmites jutting from their ghostly forms. With an effort that was nothing short of inhuman, he smashed the crystals to shards, pulling the princesses free of the jagged broken stumps. He knew this effort was killing him, but he did not care.

For decades, he had assumed the request his daughter made as she died, was motivated by nothing more than a deathbed delirium. The random nonsensical firing of neurons in her head, as her brain died. However, the moment he had heard Luna's desperate plea, it had all fallen into place. Somehow, impossible as it may have seemed, Terissa, in her final moments, hovering at the precipice of death, had foreseen this day. Derran had heard many tales of people who in their last seconds of life, gained the power of prophecy. The stories saying that it was power gifted by the Light to especially pure mortals, to give aid to those they left behind. Never once however, had he thought the stories anything more than tall tales. . . until now.

Derran did not know if Terissa's words were meant to save him, or to save the princesses. Indeed, even as he pulled the sisters free, he felt his strength fail completely, however, it did not matter. His little girl, had wanted him to help these creatures. Derran remembered his daughter, his real daughter, the one the fire had almost made him forget, and she had always placed the needs of others before her own. . . . Derran remembered a time when she had found a baby bird that had fallen out of a tree, and climbed up it to return the bird to its nest. The entire trunk of the tree had been covered in razor vines, but she hadn't even hesitated. By the time she had reached the nest, her dress was shredded to ribbons, and every inch of her body covered in vicious cuts and scratches. She had returned home bleeding, dirty, and with bits of razor vine still in her destroyed dress and hair, but she had been smiling, because she had done it. . . she had saved that little bird. Terrisa would have helped the princesses, even at the price of her life. She had seen them in pain, and with the last of her strength, had begged her father to do what she no longer could. And so. . . even if it killed him, even if it extinguished his very soul, even if it meant leaving his self imposed crusade against Hell unfinished, Derran would fulfill her wish. . . .


Celestia and Luna watched as the consciousness of Derran Grandel, now finally freed after a decade of soul leeching imprisonment, fell to the ground. The last of his mental strength having been used up. Even as the princesses watched, his body seemed to flicker, like a candle flame caught in a draft. His spirit held together only by what was left of his once mighty will. As he looked up at Celestia and Luna, Derran's eyes burned with conviction, even as they reflected an almost endless sorrow.

"Run. . . ." He wheezed out, even the simple act of speaking seeming to take a titanic effort. "He will. . . be back!" Derran declared, forcing himself up on his hands and knees with little more than sheer determination. "I will. . . hold him here. . ." He declared, before his body seemed to shimmer, like an image seen through the disturbed water of a pond, and he fell once more to the ground.

"Art thou mad?!" Luna demanded. "Thy consciousness is barely holding together!!" Derran shook his head.

"You. . . must. . . survive. . . ." He choked out, as his body once more distorted before returning to normal. Luna suddenly wore a determined expression as she turned to Celestia, her mind practically spinning as she formulated a desperate plan.

"Sister, we think we know how to help Derran, but we will need thy help!" Celestia nodded, as a distant roar of pure rage shook the ebon earth.

"Thou shall have it my sister, what dost thou require of us?" Luna closed her eyes, her face a mask of concentration as she replied.

"There is a spell that can allow us to channel our magic into another's dream self, temporarily empowering them. We intend to use the spell to allow both of us to transfer our united power to Derran, hopefully restoring him to the point he can resist that monstrosity." Luna explained, as another roar sounded, this one much closer. "The spell was never designed to work in quite the way we intend to use it, however we believe it is our best option." Celestia gave her sister a mildly concerned look.

"And if it should fail?" She asked, feeling the ground start to tremble, as the form of the roaring beast appeared in the distance. The black flames covering its body highlighted by its burning red veins, as it charged toward them at an unnatural speed.

"We are uncertain." Luna replied, her horn beginning to glow. "It may simply fail without effect, or it may destroy him, and us, instantly." Celestia did not hesitate as she nodded.

"Do it. . . we have not come this far to turn away now." She declared, looking down at Derran, even as he pleaded with his eyes for her to reconsider, despite his consciousness visibly struggling against dissolution. However Celestia just shook her head, a small smile appearing on her face as her gaze softened. "Thy life is worth saving Derran Grandel. . . even if thou doth not believe it." She declared, as another roar split the air. The massive creature was nearly upon them. As Celestia joined her magic to Luna's, the monstrosity leapt into the air. A flap of its massive wings sending it fifty feet into the sky before it hurtled down toward the trio, its right fist cocked back and wreathed in blazing black fire. Roaring, the monster struck at the prone form of Derran Grandel, and the world evaporated in a nova of black flame. . . .


The monster let out a thunderous shout, as it charged like an enraged bull toward the three figures in the distance. It had been caught off guard by Derran's desperate attack. The monster honestly didn't think his mind had enough force of will left in it to manage walking, let alone execute such a powerful attack. After so many years of being beaten down and drained by the flames of his own perceived failures, Derran's consciousness should have been close to evaporating. It hardly mattered however, this last act of petty defiance had reduced Derran's spirit and will to the point where his mind was hanging on by the barest thread. One final push was all it would take to send the last vestiges of Derran Grandel into oblivion. The monster would have preferred to destroy him in Hell, as the whispers had instructed. However, not only had he freed the two princesses, he had managed to reopen the gates of his mind for them to escape. That actually was a problem. The monster could not hope to defeat them outside this mentally constructed pseudo-dreamworld. This was the only place in existence it could hope to actually destroy them. If the princesses took the opportunity Derran had given them, they would escape, and easily be able to restrain or kill the mortal shell sustaining the creature!

It had no choice now but to fight. Years of manipulation, of growth, of careful planning and execution, all of it would be wasted if the princesses got away! The beast let out a bellow of absolute fury as it bore down on its targets. If the creature could just finish off Derran! Erase his consciousness at last and gain full control of its host! Then it could slam the mental gates shut, and deal with the princesses at its leisure! It was close, oh so close! The idiot princesses were still with Derran, still foolishly trying to save the ghost of a man who should have given up the fight ages ago! Leaping into the air, the monster focused its will, conjuring flames of purest hate to its hand. Its will was strong, Derran's was nonexistent, once he was gone there would be nothing left that could stand in its way! "I WILL HAVE CONTROL!!" the monster screamed internally. "I WILL HAVE MY ASCENSION!!" Letting out a final almighty roar, the monster slammed its fist into the prone form of Derran. A massive explosion of black flame and crimson energy blinding the beast, and making the entire mindscape shake. . . just an instant after two beams, one of blue, and one of gold, connected the princesses to Derran. . . .


At first, the beast thought its attack had worked, as it felt its fist resting on a solid surface that, for an instant, it believed was the ground. Then the afterimages from the explosion dissolved, and the beast saw the truth. A man, now stood before him. . . no longer the pathetic wretch of a moment ago, he wore a shining magetech armor suit, of polished dark blue and brilliant gold. Ancient in design, it resembled the fabled armor of the Night Sentinels, save that it had no helm. The face of the man was of noble countenance, yet strong featured, the face of a prince, or young king, right out of the tales of antiquity. His hair was cut short, in the style of a soldier, no. . . not a soldier. . . a conqueror. As the beast took in the man's face, it trembled internally. The man's expression was like ice, bespeaking of a rage so great that it had come full circle, into a terrible and unforgiving calm. Worst of all however, were the man's eyes. Two pools of burning golden fire, each centered around pupils of midnight black, in which stars and galaxies swirled, the only part of the man giving voice to the maelstrom of wrath within. Across the man's body, flames of gold and blue flowed, flaring into a pillar of pure power around him. The creature took a staggering step back. It just had time to note the princesses behind the man, each tethered to him by a tendril of pure energy flowing from their horns. One of midnight blue leading to Luna, the other of shining gold leading to Celestia. As the creature took another involuntary step backward, the princess's ethereal faces each gave a triumphant smile.

"YOU!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!!!" The creature screamed, its voice a mix of hatred and fear. Luna simply gave a superior looking smirk.

"We may not be able to harm you in this world of thine own creation. But, he can!" The creature's eyes widened in horror as Celestia chimed in.

"Thy design has failed parasite! Derran Grandel. . . IS FREE!!" She declared joyously. For a moment, the monster simply stood there, shaking with rage. Till finally it could bear it no more. With a blood curdling howl, it launched itself at Celestia, its hideous face twisted even further by an insanity born of incomprehensible fury.

"I'LL TEAR YOU APART FOR THIS!!!" It screeched, its voice thundering like an avalanche. Only to be intercepted by Derran, his eyes blazing with hatred, even as his voice was like an arctic wind.

"No. . . you shall not." He snarled, his upturned armored palms each halting one of the monsters massive fists as if the creature was no more than a child. "You shall never harm anyone, ever again." Derran declared, as he ducked inside the monster's reach, and struck him in the solar plexus. Despite the blow looking less like a punch, and more like a light tap with Derran's knuckles. The creature was sent skidding across the ground for several meters, before doubling over and falling to its knees, desperately gasping for air.

Soundtrack: The Hero by Battlebeast

Derran stepped forward, cracking his knuckles, his face was a mask of stone, as he glared at the creature before him. Rising unsteadily to its feet, the creature actually put its guard up, as Derran cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders, as if merely just awakening from an unexpected nap. Just as the monster was about to launch its own attack, Derran's body seemed almost to vanish, before reappearing before the creature, and striking it in the stomach with all the power of a pneumatic hammer. The beast barely had time to register the pain, as Derran swept its legs out from under it. Before smashing it to the ground with an elbow strike to the back so quickly, that gravity didn't even have time to exert itself.

Grabbing the fallen creature by one massive arm, Derran twirled it around once like a carnival ride, before hurling it into the air. With the power of the princesses coursing through him, Derran leapt into the air with the speed of a rocket. Surrounded by the aura of gold and blue fire, Derran shot through the air like a blazing comet, bringing his armored knee into the still flying monstrosity's gut with a force usually reserved for artillery shells. Before bringing his fists together over his head, and sending them crashing down onto the center of the monster's back with the fury of a lightning strike.

Blasting into the ground with enough force to crater the obsidian-like floor, the monster snarled in pain and anger, as it struggled to its feet. Meanwhile, Derran floated to the ground as gracefully as a feather, his arms folded across his chest, as the beast roared, staggering drunkenly as it rushed at him. The creature got no more than two, steps before being struck again in the gut by a vicious uppercut. The force of Derran's strike actually lifting the monster into the air, he then, impossibly, kept the creature there with a flurry of blows that were too fast for even the princesses eyes to track. Rising steadily into the air, Derran used a combination of deific strength, and gravitational pull, to keep the monster suspended helplessly over his head as he pummeled him with a speed and ferocity, that were utterly beyond human. The pair were nearly twenty feet in the air when Derran suddenly dropped to the ground again, freezing his opponent in mid air with an aura of blue and gold. Bending his legs and roaring, Derran pulled his right fist back as far as he could, before making an almighty leap. Blasting off the ground in a cloud of glittering obsidian flakes, Derran struck the immobile monster with a straight punch to its center of mass, cracking the armored carapace around its chest, as it was sent flying through the air like a cannon shot.

Watching from nearby, Celestia and Luna were stunned, when the flying figure of the monster smashed through the previously unseen ceiling of the cavern, eighty meters overhead. Beyond, a hole like that through a pane of shattered glass, brilliant daylight shone with blinding intensity. Not waiting around, Derran jumped, shooting through the hole like a bolt from a crossbow. Glancing at each other, the sisters nodded, as they sped toward the opening with a single flap of their wings, following the tethers connecting them to Derran. Once on the other side, they saw that they were in an idyllic local, filled with rolling hills and forests, with a mighty gleaming city visible on the horizon. They did not need to be told to know where they were, and why. They had seen this place in the Doom Slayer's memories. The once iron grip the monster had on Derran's mind, was failing. His mindscape reorienting itself to the thoughts and recollections of its original consciousness. Derran Grandel, had, even if only in memory, finally come home. . . .

It did not take the princesses long to spot Derran and the monster. By sheer dumb luck or superb reflexes, the monster had managed to land on its feet. Deep twin furrows were dug into the dirt before it, terminating at its misshapen clawed toes. A mute testament to how much force it had landed with. Not wishing to waste its good fortune, the beast raised its massive clawed hands, it fired a beam of pure red and black flame at the figure of Derran, standing a short distance away. Again seeming to vanish and reappear, Derran evaded the beam with laughable ease, the energy blasting toward the horizon before striking a mountain, the power of the beam detonating with the force of a nuke. Silhouetted by a holocaust of expanding mystical shock waves and burning rubble the size of meteors falling from the sky, Derran materialized level with the creature's head, to strike it with a vicious sidekick to the temple. Breaking off one of the monster's horns, Derran's kick sent it flying through the air once again. Once more Derran disappeared, looking like he was caught in a strobe light, Derran seemed to flicker in and out of reality to fast for anyone to possibly keep track. And with each reappearance, he struck some part of the monster's body with a punch like a meteor, or a kick like a battering ram. His speed growing ever greater, till it seemed as it the creature was being attacked by six or seven identical clones of Derran all at once.

Materializing a final time, Derran sent the beast hurtling through the air perpendicular to the ground, its back facing the grassy earth. Appearing flying in mid air beside the monster, his back to his enemy's, and reaching over his head and behind his back, Derran seized the monster by its lone remaining horn. Swinging it over his head, Derran slammed the monster face down into the earth with a strength that was nothing less than titanic. A veritable geyser of loose soil and rocks fountaining forty feet into the air from the impact site. Derran then teleported a short distance away, to stand with his feet firmly on the ground, his arms once again folded, as he allowed the monster to rise. Getting shakily to its feet, the monster seemed battered, but unbowed, as it let out a roar that seemed to shake the very sky. Turning to glare hatefully at Derran, the monster spoke, spitting blood, and broken jagged teeth, with every word.

"YOU!!" It bellowed, staggering forward, just barely managing to keep from falling. "I SAVED YOU!!" It shrieked, falling briefly to one knee as it continued forward, step by shaking step. "IT WAS ME!! ALL OF IT!!" It screamed, raising its fists to the heavens. "YOU. . . THE LEGION. . . MICHAEL! WE SURVIVED BECAUSE OF ME!!" Staggering to a halt, the creature pointed a single clawed finger at Derran. "You. . ." It spat, it's voice a low snarl. "you're WEAK!! You never had what it takes. . . you never had the will to go all the way. . . . TO COMMIT TO THE CAUSE!! YOU COULD NEVER WIN THIS WAR ON YOUR OWN!! YOU'LL ALWAYS NEED ME!!" Then, with a scream born of pure unfiltered hatred, the creature lunged at Derran's standing form. For an instant the beastly abomination almost seemed to have gained an upper hand. As it suddenly rained blow after fiery fisted blow onto Derran's unmoving form. The creature's limbs moving so fast, and its attacks hitting with such force, that the dueling pair became engulfed in a black and red inferno, the ground cracking around them as the very air seemed to catch fire. However, when the beast finally ceased its attack, its eyes widened, and it retreated back several paces. As it saw that its furious assault. . . hadn't so much as scratched its target. Derran still stood, neither cut, burn, nor bruise, on him or his armor, the ground beneath him was melted to glass, and foot wide rents extended out from beneath his feet in every direction, yet he remained inviolate. For a time Derran did not move or speak, simply staring at the creature, his eyes never blinking, and his expression never shifting.

"Tell me their names." Derran demanded, his voice empty of even the faintest emotion.

"What?!" The creature snarled. Derran's eyes narrowed just a hair.

"The names of the ones we seek vengeance for. The two people I treasured more than any other, the ones who's deaths lead me down this path. . . . Tell me their names!" Derran demanded, his eyes flashing dangerously. The monster stared at him, seemingly confused.

"I don't know and I don't-" The beast was cut off as Derran's right hand, wreathed in gold and blue light, smashed through the center of its massive chest plate. His hand piercing it at the exact location of the strange human face decoration Celestia had noticed earlier.

"Wrong answer." Derran hissed, his voice as steady and cold as steel, even as his eyes filled with tears. As with an almighty heave, he pulled something out of the monster's chest in a spray of blood and gore. Without even a glance backward, Derran hurled the massive hunk of pulsing flesh to the ground behind him. Now. the monster screamed. Falling to one knee, it howled in agony as it desperately reached toward the large blood drenched lump Derran had removed from it. Teleporting to one side, Derran grabbed the creature's wrist, before slamming his palm into the thing's elbow. Inverting the joint's direction with a sickeningly wet crunch of bone. Letting out a shriek of torment, an expression of panic appeared on the monster's twisted features.

"If you kill me, you'll die!" The creature pleaded, suddenly sounding desperate. "The whispers told me. . . if I am not in control by the time of endings, you will fall!!" It babbled desperately, as Derran calmly turned away, no longer wishing to give the creature the courtesy of eye contact. Using a bit more of his borrowed power, to conjure a sword to his hand. Made of golden light, flames of midnight blue flickered along the edges of the blade, as Derran held the weapon before him. His expression as stony faced and empty as that of a statue, Derran kept his back to his enemy as he replied.

"You waste your breath." He declared, as he stared at the blade in his hands. "For even if I were fool enough to believe you, inside. . ." Trailing off, Derran whipped around in a blur, slashing out with the sword in a single flash of movement. "I am already dead." He finished, as the monster's head fell from its shoulders. . . .

As the body of the monster discorporated into a sludge that seemed to merge with the surrounding mindscape, Derran turned to stare with pure venom, at the now moving hunk of flesh he had pulled from within the creature's torso. "I never did trust you. . . ." He declared, as the oblong hunk of gore split open, and the thing within, wiped away the bloody slime hiding its features. . . revealing a face nearly identical to Derran's, save for its blond hair, and blood red eyes. . . . "I should have found a way to dispose of you long before now. . . and I should never have been so stupid as to allow you to take control of my body!" Derran stated, his tone like acid, as he advanced on the figure with the sword clenched in his hand. "It is long past time that I corrected that mistake. . . ." The figure gave a hacking cough, before looking up, as Derran stood over him.

"Do it. . . ." The figure declared softly after a moment's pause, his expression oddly sorrowful. "Even a guy like me, knows I don't deserve to live after this. . . ." Raising his sword, Derran's eyes flashed.

"How curious. . . that a demon, should wish to die like a man." Derran hissed. Yet as he moved to bring the sword down, the mystical blade evaporated in his grasp. Derran's eyes widened in confusion. The fight had barely tapped a fraction of the total power the princesses had given him, surely he could not have run out already? However, the cause of his weapon's destruction was revealed an instant later. As the ghostly forms of Celestia and Luna, interposed themselves between Derran and his doppelganger. "What is the meaning of this?" Derran demanded, his tone calm, though still holding a distinct edge.

"Thou must not kill the Doom Slayer!" Luna pleaded. "He is a part of thee! If thou should slay him, thine own mind would die too!" She declared. Derran bristled, his eyes flashing.

"That. . . thing!! Is not a part of me!" He snarled, his tone filled with rage. Celestia shook her head.

"Our sister is quite correct, thou art two pieces of the same whole!" She agreed. "The Doom Slayer was corrupted over time by some external force! It twisted his desire and purpose till he could no longer see the truth of his actions!" Celestia explained, her tone one of faint pleading.

"HE IS THE CORRUPTION!!" Derran roared, his eyes bulging in his head. "HE WAS NEVER A PART OF ME TILL THE DEMONS CAME!! HIS VOICE IS, AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN, THAT OF EVIL!! MY WEAKNESS ALLOWED HIM CONTROL ONCE!! NEVER SHALL I, NOR ANY OTHER, SUFFER HIS DARKNESS AGAIN!!" Derran shouted, his eyes blazing with hatred as he moved to end the Doom Slayer's life with his bare hands.

"Please, we beg of thee! Thou must spare him! Thou hath a good heart, broken though it may be, it was beautiful once! Please, do not let thy anger destroy it!!" Luna cried, as Derran moved to push her aside. Suddenly though, he halted. . . as he saw the tears in the corners of her eyes. Taking a deep breath, Derran managed to just barely calm himself. For several minutes he stood there in silence, before his hand snapped out to point at the Doom Slayer's prone form. Instantly, manacles of pure light snapped shut around his wrists, ankles, and neck, Derran's mental world responding to his revived will. Then, with eyes filled with restrained wrath, Derran spoke in a slow deliberate voice, as the shackles began to slowly pull the Doom Slayer into the ground of Derran's mental landscape.

"Though I cannot fathom the logic of your request. . . I am in no position, now or ever, to refuse you." He stated, before turning on his scarlet eyed twin, his face an unfeeling mask as the Doom Slayer's waist slipped beneath the surface of the earth. "Remember this. . . monster. . . it was not I who spared your life this day. . . it was them." He declared, gesturing toward Celestia and Luna. "You and I both are wholly unworthy of such compassion. . . yet still they give it freely. Once I am again in the waking world, I intend to do whatever I must to repay that debt." Here Derran took another deep breath. "You will aid me in this, you are, and henceforth will ever only be, a weapon, a tool! You will never have control over my body again, unless it is by my will and my order!" Derran's gaze now became so intense it seemed as though it could melt steel. " And if ever I should think, for even a moment, that you are attempting to take control of me, I will run myself through on the spot with Unmaker. This I swear unto the holy Light itself! Do you understand?!" Derran demanded, his tone as sharp and unforgiving as a steel blade. The Doom Slayer did not even hesitate before nodding, his shoulders now level with the ground.

"Yeah. . . yeah I got it." He replied, his voice hollow with regret. Derran took another deep breath, his eyes burning with righteous, uncompromising fury.

"Never forget this day monster. . . the day that the Seraphim themselves, spared your life. . . ." He snarled. Again, the Doom Slayer nodded, then, as he looked over at Celestia and Luna, his eyes seeming to momentarily shine with conviction and awe. As his head finally slipped beneath the ground, and with a voice that sounded nothing less than reverent, he replied, his voice echoing strangely as he was pulled deep into the depths of Derran's mind.

"If I only ever remember one thing. . . I swear. . . it'll be this."

Who Give of Ourselves to Thee

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Michael rose to his feet. . . it was time. It had now been exactly one day since the Doom Slayer had entered the princesses castle. Twenty four hours since the moment that had nearly seen all his worst fears come to pass. Yet, even without the realization of those fears, the Legion would likely never be the same. All around him, Michael heard them, the whispers. . . the rumors. . . the theories. All the many dark rumblings of his brothers discontent. They had seen it now, heard it, witnessed all of it out in the open daylight. . . the madness of the Doom Slayer.

Michael shook his head. He already regretted allowing the princesses to be alone with his lord. They were well intentioned, and perhaps they even truly believed what they said. Believed they could save the Doom Slayer from what he had become. Musashi, oddly enough, seemed to share this belief, and right now, that was all that was holding the Legion together. However, Michael knew their lord better than anyone, and he was now all but certain, he was too far gone for salvation.

"Why did I allow them to stay alone with him?" Michael whispered to himself, as he imagined the worst case scenario. The Doom Slayer had become completely unpredictable. He was capable of anything, including simply murdering the princesses out of spite. Michael splashed his face with ice cold water from a bucket outside his tent, a luxury he had not had in over three decades, but one his fears forbade him to appreciate. He had not slept a wink the night prior, too worried about what he and the others would find when they returned to Bridledown. The Doom Slayer had ordered them all to return to camp until the time limit expired. Why any of them had obeyed, was an open question, as all among them had wanted to stay. Moving through the Legion camp like a sinner approaching purgatory, Michael saw his brothers were already waiting for him.

"It is time brother." Leonidas stated quietly, Musashi and the other eight commanders of the various Legion Guard's beside him. Michael nodded.

"Indeed. . ." Michael trailed off, his voice barely above a whisper. "let us go then." He declared, suddenly feeling incredibly old, despite his once more youthful body. Leading the way, Michael moved to exit the innermost circle of the camp, his brothers falling in silently behind him. More and more joined them the closer they moved to the border of the encampment. No one spoke or called a greeting, no one even so much as saluted, but no one cared. As they finally passed the last ring of tents and defensive wards, not even the guards remained behind. Over ten thousand pairs of feet marched in dread toward the castle of the two royal sisters. Their pace identical to that of prisoners being led to the hangman's rope, their expressions grim. After a brief period of silent travel at the head of this somber procession, Michael turned to regard Musashi with dark circled eyes.

"Brother. . . ." He asked, his voice all but devoid of life.

"Hmm?" Musashi responded, curiosity showing on his face.

"Do you. . . do you truly believe they can save him?" Michael asked hesitantly. Musashi gave Michael a look of mild surprise.

"You don't?" He asked evenly. Michael sighed wearily.

"Honestly brother. . . I am uncertain I believe anything anymore." He declared, his tone heavy with regret and worry. Musashi smiled.

"Well. . . with all due respect brother. You need to get over it." Michael gave his brother a questioning, and slightly hurt look, as Musashi elaborated. "The Doom Slayer may be the heart of the Legion, but you've always been its soul. . . . So if you don't believe, how can any of us be expected to?" Michael gave Musashi a surprised look before turning away, closing his eyes as he lost himself deep in thought.

"I. . . I was going to challenge him. . . our lord I mean." Michael admitted, his voice heavy with shame at the admission, as he opened his eyes. Musashi nodded.

"I know. . ." He replied, to Michael's unspoken shock. "that's why I did it first." Michael arched an eyebrow incredulously. "I saw the look on your face as the boss was ranting, and I knew if I didn't speak up, you would." Michael looked at Musashi in stunned amazement.

"Then why-" He began, only for Musashi to cut him off.

"I already told you, if you don't believe, no one will. I know our lord ain't right in the head. He's always been a bastard, but he's the bastard who led us all through the darkness. Showed us all how to do the impossible, made us see that no matter how strong our foe, we can be stronger. He threw away hope, but at the same time, gave us all something to believe in. That's why I think we all still have our marbles, because that crazy SOB kept on crossing uncrossable rivers, climbing unclimable mountains, and winning unwinnable fights. When the world came crashing down, he was the one man strong enough to stand up, and take every last piece that was left on his shoulders. . . and he carried that weight for thirty godsdammned years." Michael stared at Musashi in wonder as he continued. "We all knew he was nuts, what man could do all that without going crazy? But through it all we still believed, and do you know why?"

Michael shook his head. Musashi smiled. "It was you brother. The boss was the one who carried the world on his back, but you were the one who convinced us all he wouldn't drop it. You were the one who stood closest to him. You stood in the heart of the inferno that was the Doom Slayer, and never burned. When the flames rose too high, you cooled them, when its roar was too fierce for us to understand, you told us what it meant. And when our faith wavered, yours stayed true. So as long as you believed in the Doom Slayer, so did we." Michael's expression became stunned. Was this true? Did his brothers really see it that way?

"All I have ever done is try to serve our lord and my brothers, to do what I could to keep the Legion together, nothing more than that." He declared truthfully. Musashi nodded.

"I know, we all do. Like I said, that's why we still believe. . . ." Trailing off. Musashi halted to turn and look Michael in the eye, his expression deadly serious. "Now brother, I honestly need to ask. . . do you still believe?" Michael went silent, as he considered all that had happened, and all he had seen in the last few days. Turning to gaze into the distance, he stayed quiet for an entire minute, before finally speaking. His expression switching from a look of doubt and uncertainty, to one of absolute conviction.

"Perhaps it is this place. Perhaps it is the fact that in a mere two and a half days, I have seen more miracles than most would see in a thousand lifetimes. Or perhaps, I am every bit as mad as our lord. But brother. . ." Here Michael turned to Musashi, his eyes practically aflame with the light of true faith. "I do still believe. . . in our lord. . . in the Legion. . . and, in the Princes-, no. . . ." Michael paused, his expression suddenly set like stone, in the manner of one who's doubt has been utterly erased. " I believe . . . in the Seraphim!" Musashi nodded, as they finally reached the castle gates.

"Then brother. . ." He declared with a smile. "so do we."


Derran Grandel did not understand. . . . He did not understand how it was that he had lost himself so completely to the Doom Slayer. He did not understand how it was that he had managed to cry continuously for over half the night, as two beings he had wronged beyond all measure, stood at his side comforting him. Nor did he understand, why those same two beings, had risked all they had to save him, after he had allowed the Doom Slayer to nearly murder them in cold blood. Most of all however. . . he did not understand, how he could, now or ever, make things right with them, or his brothers.

As it stood, the only thing that kept Derran from impaling himself on his own sword right that instant, was the knowledge that it would be the ultimate slight of ingratitude, to the ones who had given so much to save him. Throughout the night, Derran had begged the princesses to clap him in irons, to cage him, as he had done the Doom Slayer within his mind. He must stand trial, he had insisted between sobs, his crimes were simply too great to ever be excused. His due, if not execution, was to be locked away in the deepest most vile pit this world had. Yet, not merely had the princesses refused, they had comforted him. Offering sweet words and gentle embraces, to sooth his tormented mind and soul. Only after many hours at the princesses side, listening to their kind whispers and assurances, did Derran finally pull himself somewhat together.

Now, as he stood before the castle doors, beyond which lay the courtyard where his brothers awaited him. . . . Derran wanted more than anything to run, to hide, to do anything to escape having to see the faces of his comrades. The wrongs he had done them were beyond counting. Sin piled upon sin, in an unending tower of betrayal. A monument, to the dark path he had dragged them down. Still, he refused to move, he had hidden already from his responsibilities once, allowing the Doom Slayer to take control, because he was too much of a coward to stand up and lead his brothers, out of fear of failing them as he had his family. He would not hide this time, come what may, he would face this trial, and accept the consequences. However, despite his resolve, as he stood there before that gate, he could not summon the strength to open it.

That was when he felt something take hold of his hand. The object was hard, yet somehow at the same time soft, it possessed no fingers. Yet impossibly, it gripped his hand as assuredly as any human appendage. Even as he stood there, Derran felt the object somehow apply pressure to his entire hand, in a gentle, reassuring squeeze.

"Thy brothers will understand. . . we are certain they will forgive thee." The voice of Luna declared softly. Derran sighed, as he felt the tension within his chest disperse, and the phantom weight upon his shoulders lessen slightly. His fear turning suddenly into a weary resignation.

"You are kind Lady Luna, but. . . I am not entirely certain I wish them to." Derran declared, his voice heavy with a nearly palpable sorrow. Suddenly, he felt his opposite hand taken by another of the strange objects, that was so like a hand, even while making it clear it was not.

"Thou wish to make things right, thy brothers will see this. . . they are quite perceptive." Celestia stated confidently. Derran took some measure of further reassurance from her certainty.

"Whatever may come, know that we will be by thy side, Derran Grandel." Luna declared, smiling up into Derran's unreadable expression. For a brief instant, Derran returned Luna's smile.

"Till whatever may come then. . . ." He declared softly, as he gently released the princesses hooves, and opened the door. . . .


Michael stared at the still closed doors of the castle with a steady gaze. They had been waiting nearly twenty minutes since arriving, and every moment that passed made the tension in the air that much stronger. Legion and pony alike stood in the courtyard, none saying a word, as they awaited the answers they sought. The Legion may have appeared grim and disciplined, but to those who knew what to look for, the strain they were feeling was about as wall concealed as a flare in a pitched black room. The ponies for their part, were more visibly concerned, some chewed on their lower lips, while others ears were flattened against the top of their heads, and all among them wore expressions of deep worry. However, just as the tension became beyond even the Legion's ability to bear, the door began to open. The action could not have taken more than a moment or two, yet to the assembled crowd, it seemed as if it took eons. Inevitably though, the ornate double doors of the castle swung outward, and revealed the three figures within to the eyes of the onlookers.

Audible exhalations of relief could be heard from pony and human alike, as the two princesses walked out, alive and unhurt. However this relief was short lived, as the figure of the Doom Slayer moved to stand between them. Striding forward at an unhurried pace, the Doom Slayer wore an expression as stern and unforgiving as any the Legion, or Equestrians, had ever seen. Many, on seeing his dark expression, felt their hearts sink, as it seemed for an instant that the princesses had failed. However, such feelings were ended with a single glance at Michael, and the nine Legion commanders. . . to a man, they were smiling.

It was Michael who noticed it first. The grins on the princesses faces, the slight enthusiasm in their step, and the looks of kind reassurance they surreptitiously gave the Doom Slayer. As for the Doom Slayer himself, all Michael needed, was to look into his lord's eyes, eyes, that now were the bright shimmering blue of pure arctic ice. Yet even had this physical change been absent, Michael could hardly have failed to notice the stark transformation in the nature of his lord's gaze. Where once there was naught to be seen but barely controlled hatred and contempt, now there was a steely resolve, mixed with a sadness and regret, that Michael had not seen on his master's face for decades. Even without the Doom Slayer speaking a word, Michael knew, without a doubt, that he was bearing witness to yet another miracle. His lord, his true lord, whom but a short time ago he had nearly given up for lost. . . had returned.

A whispered murmur of wonder rippled out through the assembled crowd, as the rank and file took note of what their commanders already knew. With wide and uncertain eyes, the assembled members of the Legion turned to one another in shock, wondering if they should dare believe what so many had deemed an impossibility? For a time, the whispers of the Legion grew slightly in volume, disbelief and awe in every voice, and on every face. Until at last, the Doom Slayer raised his hand for quiet, and all present instantly lapsed into silence. After a moment's hesitation, that lasted just long enough for him to exchange a nod with a gently smiling princess Luna, the Doom Slayer took a deep breath, and spoke. His tone was strong and sure, in a way that the Legion had not heard in over twenty years. Yet it still held a strong undercurrent of anger, though not, it seemed, directed toward any of them.

"The traitor. . ." The Doom Slayer began, his voice echoing to every corner of the castle courtyard. "of all the myriad types of sinner, he is perhaps among the most contemptible." The Doom Slayer paused to take a breath, allowing his audience a brief moment to process his words before continuing. "It is perhaps at times understandable, or even noble, to defy one's country, cause, or commander, if they no longer serve the common good. Rebellion against a tyrant cannot ever truly be called treason, if done for noble purpose." Here the Doom Slayer paused, the Legion hanging on his every word. "However, the true traitor has no claim to such nobility. He does not turn against his fellows to uphold an ideal greater than himself, he does it solely to serve his own selfish wants and desires." Here the Doom Slayer's gaze became like steel as he looked out over the crowd, spitting out his words with a venom that, to their shock, the Legion and the ponies beside them, realized could only be born of self loathing. "He betrays for coin! He betrays for power! He betrays for pleasures of the flesh! He may even. . . betray for revenge." Here the Doom Slayer's tone softened for an instant, his voice becoming sorrowful, before once more becoming stern and unyielding, as he continued to speak. "Regardless of the why however, the traitor seeks to improve his own lot, or further his own design, through the sacrifice of those whom gifted him with that most sacred of bonds. . . trust." Here the Doom Slayer's eyes flashed, his gaze seeming to dare anyone to contradict him. "Abhor the traitor my brothers! For he is an example of all that is wretched and detestable within the souls of men!" This proclamation resounded like a distant clap of thunder, as the Doom Slayer's formerly stern expression softened once more into one of regret.

"And it is with shame my brothers, that I must tell you. . . there is a traitor among us now." The eyes of the Legion widened, each brother turning to the other, wondering for an instant if their lord was referring to Musashi, or perhaps Kados, but before any could ask, the Doom Slayer resumed his speech. "This traitor, was one all of us trusted, he was perhaps never the most noble of individuals, but we all believed that at the very least, he would do his best to look out for us. It is with a shame I cannot even begin to describe brothers, that I must tell you. . . we were mistaken. This traitor, used us, he lied to us, and sent good men to die simply to satisfy his own lust for vengeance! Would that this monstrosity of a man had been slain on the field of battle, or been taken by the enemy to be tortured and devoured! It would have been no less a fate than he deserved! However, battle after battle, day after day, he somehow evaded justice, while poisoning those around him ever more thoroughly with his hateful, blasphemous dogma!" Questioning murmurs broke out as the Doom Slayer paused for breath, only to be silenced once more by a raised hand.

"This traitor, became ever more twisted, in mind, body, and soul, till he was little different than the demons he slew. So abominable did he become, that when we arrived here, at the very gates of Heaven itself, and were greeted by no less than the Light's firstborn children, the Seraphim, he could not even see them for what they were! This traitor, this monster, did not merely content himself with simple slander, or refusal of belief, NO!" Here the Doom Slayer's eyes filled with the fires of righteous wrath, as he spoke in a voice filled with indignant fury. "They offered him food and drink from their table, and he attempted to repay their hospitality with a blade! They restored his youth, giving him a chance to re-live the years he had lost, and when they lay helpless as a result, he turned his back on their plight!" The Doom Slayer took another breath, his body shaking with rage. "Then. . ." He continued, his voice a low growl. "the Seraphim offered this thrice dammed, son of a back ally harlot, a home. . . . Not merely for himself, but for every one of his brothers as well. And how did he repay this kindness?" The Doom Slayer let the question hang in the air like a headsman's axe, before continuing in a tone of damming finality. "He refused! Instead, doing all he could to drag his brothers back to Hell to die!" The Legion at this point was stunned into silence, scarcely able to believe this was the same Doom Slayer they had known not twenty four hours ago, but he wasn't quite done. Straightening up slightly, the Doom Slayer's expression became one of supreme disgust.

"However my brothers, the traitor's worst sin, his greatest and most vile blasphemy by far, occurred just last night. . . when the Seraphs, attempted a final, desperate effort to save him from damnation, and he repaid them with a second attempt at murder. . . ." Here the Doom Slayer turned to look squarely at the crowd before him, before raising his hand and pointing it at brother Kados, easily recognizable by his bruised jaw. "Brother Kados!" The Doom Slayer cried out, his voice taking on a parade ground snap. Directing every member of the Legion's attention to him.

"Sir?" Kados replied, nervousness and disbelief warring within him for an instant.

"You, I am certain, would recognize the traitor of whom I speak! After all, was it not he, who in a fit of rage, struck you in a cowardly and unprovoked attack?!" Kados stood stunned, uncertainty and bewilderment writ large upon his face.

"Ah, ah uh. . . ahm not sure ah understand mah Lord. . . ." The Doom Slayer arched an eyebrow.

"What is there to understand brother? You were attacked yesterday, struck by one of your brothers, correct?" Kados's face did a couple of contortions as he struggled to think of how to respond.

"W-well, ah mean. . . technically tha's true, but mah Lord-" The Doom Slayer cut Kados off before he could say more, his expression one of unyielding command.

"And can you point him out brother? The one who assaulted you?" At this point, Kados, unable to speak, simply nodded. "Good, then I ask you tell us his name brother, that he may face his just punishment." Turning to look at Michael, Kados gave him a desperately confused look. Michael simply set his face, and gave a slight nod. Taking a deep breath, Kados spoke, his tone one of sadness and resignation.

"It. . . it was you mah Lord. . ." Here Kados's tone suddenly became a bit fiercer, as he stared at the Doom Slayer with a stern expression. "but. . . but mah Lord, I wanna go on record as sayin tha' ah don hold no grudge against ya. Ya'll might of had a bad spell, but. . . I jus' can't agree with this! Y'all made a few mistakes, but that don' make y'all no traitor!" The Doom Slayer nodded, his expression becoming one of tired resignation.

"Thank you brother Kados, I. . . appreciate your candor, and your kindness." Kados opened his mouth to answer, but once more the Doom Slayer cut him off with a raised hand. "However, my actions cannot simply be excused, no member of the Legion is above our laws. Attacking you was but one of my transgressions, and no matter my state of mind at the time, I must bear the responsibility for them all." Here the Doom Slayer turned to look squarely at his second in command. "Brother Michael Santius, step forward!" Separating from the other commanders, Michael moved to stand before his lord, bowing his head in respect.

"Yes my Lord?" Michael asked, a faint trace of concern in his voice. Without a word, the Doom Slayer undid the demonhide scabbard containing Unmaker from his belt, and presented it to Michael. Michael just had time to register his shock at the gesture, before his lord began speaking again.

"From the beginning brother, you have stood as an example to all within the Legion. There is no man here that I trust more, or in whose abilities I have greater faith. When I met you, you were but a pampered child, yet now you stand head and shoulders above us all. You are the best of us, in mind, body, and spirit, the greatest of the Legion. . . and the only one worthy, to receive the title of Doom Slayer!" Michael stared into his lord's face, utterly speechless. His eyes widening in disbelief, and no small amount of horror.

"My Lord you cannot be-" The Doom Slayer cut him off as though he had not heard.

"I bequeath to you the Hellbane Unmaker, the symbol of your new office. May none ever doubt your right to wield it!" For a long time, no one spoke. Everyone staring in shock at Michael, as he in turn stared in shock at the sword. Finally however, Michael reached out. . . and pushed the sword away.

"I refuse!" He declared, his face set as if in stone. The Doom Slayer looked confused for a moment, before glaring down at him.

"You cannot refuse, the Legion must have a leader, a Doom Slayer . . . and I have chosen you." The Doom Slayer declared, as he once more presented the sword to his lieutenant. "Now take up your sword, Doom Slayer." Michael firmly shook his head.

"That is not my sword." He declared firmly. "There is only one man worthy to wield that blade. Just as there is only one man worthy to be the Doom Slayer. . . ." Before the Doom Slayer could say another word, Michael fell to one knee, his right arm across his chest, fist placed squarely over his heart, in the legion salute. "And he is a man I remain proud to serve." No sooner had Michael knelt, then the entire Legion followed suit. Falling to one knee, they bowed their heads, placing their right arms across their chests, so the fists were positioned over their hearts. The Doom Slayer stared in shock at the scene before him, unable to believe his eyes, as not one of his brothers remained standing.

"Brothers please I-" The Doom Slayer began, only for Kados to cut him off.

"Like ah said mah Lord, y'all didn't betray us, ye just. . . lost yer way a bit. And what matter's most ta us, is that ya finally found yer way back." He declared. The Doom Slayer shook, as tears appeared in his eyes. Trembling as he struggled to put the emotions he was feeling into words.

"My brothers I. . . I am. . . I am so sorry. . . I. . . ." The Doom Slayer found himself unable to finish, as he realized that no words in all the languages of men, could ever express either his sorrow, or his gratitude.

"We know my Lord. . . you do not have to say it." Michael declared softly. The Doom Slayer nodded, just barely managing to pull himself together, turning away to hide the silent tears still flowing freely across his face. Taking a deep breath, he rallied himself.

"Very well my brothers. . . I have heard your words, and I accept your judgment. Hearken then now to your new orders, and the realization of our new purpose." Here the Doom Slayer looked into the eyes of Celestia and Luna, his face filled with gratitude, as his eyes shone with a zealous reverence. "My ladies I. . . where do I even begin? After all you have done for myself and my brothers, there is no possible way we could repay you. Not even if given a thousand times a thousand lifetimes. . . . I now see the truth I was blind to before. . . you are indeed, the holy Seraphim of legend. The ancient first children of the Light, and the ones who will guide mankind to purity and wisdom. Would that I could offer you a boon even half as wondrous as those you have given my brothers and myself. Sadly, all I can offer is a promise. . . ." Here The Doom Slayer knelt before the Princesses, who's expressions had long ago turned to ones of shock. Presenting his sword to them, he bowed his head in an unmistakable gesture of fealty. "I, Derran Grandel, the Doom Slayer, Lord and High Commander of the Doom Legion, hereby swear myself and my brothers, to the eternal service of the Seraphim, your kingdom, and the holy Light." The Doom Slayer's voice, though calm, was filled with a near fanatical fervor as he spoke. While the princesses expressions became increasingly bewildered and concerned with every word they heard. "We shall be both your invincible shield, and your almighty sword! Your wish, shall be our commandment! Your whim, shall be our edict! And your order, shall be our law! We shall be your holy guardians, from now until our bones are dust." Here the Doom Slayer rose to his feet, turning to his brothers as he raised his fist to the sky, his voice a booming roar, as he called out. "ALL HAIL THE SERAPHIM!!" Before the stunned expressions of the princesses, over ten thousand voices echoed the Doom Slayer's shout, the sound shaking both the castle, and surrounding town, to their foundations. Every voice filled with a devotion and determination, that only the unquestioningly faithful can manage.


Celestia and Luna stared at each other for a moment, too shocked to say or do anything. Both knew from the mind reading spell what the Seraphim were, and both knew with absolute certainty, that they were most definitely not Seraphim. Clearing her throat, Celestia attempted to let Derran down gently. While his words were undeniably flattering, neither she, nor Luna, could allow so outlandish an idea to go unchallenged.

"We appreciate thine and thy brothers offer, Lord Grandel, but thou needn't go so far. Our sister and ourselves are no divine beings, and we do not require any service or repayment, least of all for helping those in need." Here Celestia offered a kindly smile. "Even if we were to accept, the only order we could think to give, would be that thou live thy lives happily, however thou might wish to." Luna nodded her agreement.

"Our sister is quite correct, the only thing we have ever truly desired from thee, is thy friendship. We require nothing more than that." For a moment, the two sisters thought it had worked. Until Derran turned to give them a look that was nothing short of worshipful.

"And that, my ladies, is why we must serve you. Never in the actions nor tales, of men, demons, or gods, have I seen or heard of the selflessness, humility, and kindness, you have demonstrated with your every word and action. Make no mistake, you are Seraphim. . . and it is only to you alone, that I will ever bend my knee." Rising to his feet, Derran Grandel, A.K.A the Doom Slayer, re-sheathed his sword, fastening his scabbard back into place, before giving the princesses a gentle smile. "Now then my ladies. . . what would you have your Guardians do?"

Twilight and the others stared at Derran and the princesses, as the images within the silver mists of the proiectura anima dissolved into nothingness. It took some time before anypony felt ready to speak, as they struggled to process these latest revelations.

"Wow. . . just. . . wow." Rainbow Dash declared, at a complete loss for words.

"I. . . honestly don't even know where to begin." Shining Armor commented, staring at Celestia, Luna, and Derran with a slightly shell shocked expression.

"No kidding." Spike agreed. Twilight let out a slightly exasperated sigh.

"Well, I guess if nothing else this explains why I can't get Derran to accept that alicorns aren't goddesses." She declared, clearly slightly annoyed. Celestia nodded.

"And that was before he and his brothers found out we control the sun and the moon." Celestia stated with a roll of her eyes. Luna nodded.

"Apparently, on D'nur, the day and night, as well as the seasons and weather, are controlled entirely by naturally occurring forces, as opposed to magic. So it did not help our case, when Derran and the Legion found out that Celestia and I can move objects the size of stars on a whim." Luna explained, before glaring at Celestia. "Though if somepony hadn't insisted on showing off raising the sun to Derran, we perhaps could have convinced him." Celestia responded to this by puffing out her cheeks in an indignant pout.

"As I recall, it was you dear sister, who took him on a tour of the dream realm prior to that. Not to mention, you were the one who convinced him to stay with us at the castle, so it was inevitable he'd find out sooner or later." She declared pointedly. Luna swiftly directed another annoyed glare at her sister.

"I did not hear you complaining when you were stuffing your face with his cooking." She shot back. Celestia blushed.

"Well. . . who knew a career soldier would be such a gifted chef." She replied with an embarrassed giggle.

"Sounds like you both have a lot of wonderful memories from back then." Fluttershy interjected, cutting off Celestia before she could say more.

"Indeed lady Fluttershy, the memories I have of that time are among my most treasured." Everypony turned as Derran opened his eyes, a small smile adorning his features as he elaborated. "After my brothers and I swore our oath, and burned all our weapons and armor we-" Derran found himself interrupted as Rainbow Dash spoke.

"Wait! What?! You burned all that sick looking gear?!" She demanded, sounding scandalized. Derran nodded.

"With the exception of the Hellbanes, every weapon and scrap of armor we had was made of demonic flesh and bone. My brothers and I decided that, even if already dead, demons had no place in this realm. So the instant we were able to acquire proper clothing, I ordered the Elder Guard to create a magical bonfire that would reduce our gear to harmless cinder. Only the Hellbanes were spared, as, even if we knew of a way to destroy them, they were artifacts dedicated to the destruction of evil, and thus we felt it prudent to retain them." Rainbow Dash nodded, but still looked slightly crestfallen.

"But. . . you looked so metal!" She declared in a disappointed tone. Derran let out a laugh at that.

"Remind me to someday tell you the story of how the Praetor Suit was made lady Dash, I have a feeling you will enjoy it. Now where was I? Ah, yes. Over a period of months my brothers and I slowly integrated ourselves into your world. Staying in Bridledown we were welcomed as fellow Equestrians, I cannot even describe how wonderful that time was. To perform tasks that didn't involve killing, to have conversations where we could truly feel at ease, to be able to genuinely smile." Derran sighed happily as he recalled the memories. "We of course, never forgot our oath, whenever there was a threat to the Seraphs or Equestria, we would act upon it. I even assigned the Lion Guard and Dragon Guard to act as lady Celestia and Luna's personal military forces. Renaming them the Solar, and Lunar, Guard's respectively." Shining Armor suddenly looked slightly put out.

"Wow. . . suddenly I feel really inadequate." He deadpanned. Derran chuckled.

"To be fair my Lord, Equestria has stood strong for over one thousand years without my brothers and I, so clearly you are doing something right." Shining smiled, feeling a bit better at the praise. "Regardless, apart from the occasional wild beast attack, my brothers and I seldom had need to fight. That gave us plenty of time for other pursuits, to reawaken old skills, to forge new bonds, even. . . to once again find love." Here Celestia, Luna, and Twilight blushed, as Derran favored them each with a loving smile.

"Oooh, do tell us about that darling!" Rarity interjected giddily, her eyes shining with excitement. "No doubt it was a truly epic romance, filled with drama and passion!" Derran's face reddened to match his three marefriends as he cleared his throat.

"Well, I am not quite sure if I would put it in exactly those terms. It was actually a bit of a surprise to me initially." Derran explained. Celestia smiled happily.

"Derran, Luna and I, became pretty much inseparable. At first we just wanted to make sure Derran's mind could heal fully, but. . . ." Luna giggled as her sister trailed off.

"He was always there when we needed him most. He listened to our every word, and he would do anything to keep us safe. What choice did we have but to fall in love with him?" She inquired with a wide grin. Celestia nodded.

"Derran was the first pony to let me be me." Celestia declared. "Whenever the princess life got me to the point where I was a hairsbreadth from screaming, Derran would find a way to let me blow off steam. He would sneak me out of the castle so we could have fun, or help give my counselors and advisors the runaround, whenever he knew I needed some me time." Celestia explained. Luna smiled as she related a few memories of her own.

"Derran was always there every morning after I finished my duties, with a pot of tea, and a breakfast made especially for me. When I was stressed, he would read me to sleep, or sing to me, or give me a massage with those wonderful fingers of his." Luna's expression became one of momentary rapture at her mention of the massages, while everypony else worked to hide a faint twinge of embarrassment. After a moment however, she continued. "Even when he was obviously busy or tired, he made time for me, and did everything he could, to let me know I was appreciated." Rarity beamed at that, while everypony else responded with wide grins. Twilight smiled warmly as she recalled the various times Derran had given her advice, helped her have fun, or acted to lighten her workload. While Cadance hugged her husband and wiped a tear from her eye. Celestia chuckled.

"We actually both confessed our feelings to Derran at the same time. Things got a bit. . . intense, between Luna and I, until Derran explained he could never favor one of us over the other." Luna let out another slightly coquettish giggle at that statement.

"That was when we both realized, that Derran was simply too magnificent a stallion for any one of us to keep him all to ourselves. Wouldn't you agree Twilight?" Luna asked, her tone a mischievous purr that instantly turned Twilight's face bright red, causing everypony present to chuckle. Clearing his throat, Derran did his best to hide the blush on his own face as he picked up the story.

"At any rate, we dated for about four months in secret, before the. . . Discord incident, happened." Derran explained, his hands tightening into fists. Celestia and Luna's expressions became frowns for a moment, as they also recalled what had happened. "After that, our relationship went public in a most explosive manner. Fortunately though, the furor died down reasonably quickly." Here Shining Armor gave Derran a puzzled look.

"Well, aside from that, it sounds Like you and your brothers were really happy here. So. . . what happened?" Instantly Derran's expression darkened, and to all those around him, it suddenly seemed as though the surrounding temperature had suddenly dropped several degrees. Derran's face was like a cold unfeeling mask, his voice suddenly filled with a tone of long simmering fury.

"The same thing that happens to every incautious commander. . . our enemies found us." Everypony present stared at Derran with suddenly worried expressions, as he elaborated. "All in all, my brothers and I received about nine months of freedom from our war. Nine months of pure bliss in this land of Equestria, which we came to know as the gates of heaven itself. Nine months without nightmares, without madness, without the need to sleep with one eye open. Nine months, in this land that had become our new home. . . nine months, of hoping our enemies had forgotten us." Once more settling himself under the shadow of the massive circular stone marker at the center of the field, Derran closed his eyes, the silvery tendrils of the soul projection spell pulsing faintly with light. "The day that all ended, was one of infamy beyond measure for the Legion." He explained, his expression like frozen granite. "Just as we catalogued the miracles of the Seraphim, so to did we chronicle one of the darkest days in Legion history. That day, in which our past came for us, was a day such, that even now I can hardly stem the rage I feel for it. Among the Legion, that event came to be called, 'The Day of Wrath'." Derran declared, his hands gripping his knees in anger as the proiectura anima once more took him into it's depths. . .

"Lord Doom Slayer. Please, won't thou attend our sister and ourselves at the table?" Setting down the reports he had been helping the princesses sift through, Derran looked up at Celestia and Luna. Currently, the pair were seated at a table on the balcony of the south west tower. From that vantage they were afforded a magnificent view of Bridledown, as well as the crystal clear blue sky and green rolling hills beyond it. Sitting on a pair of cushions, the two princesses sipped tea from an exquisitely decorated china tea set, and nibbled daintily at hot blueberry scones taken from a plate between them on the table. Currently the table was set for three, but the third invitee was absent.

"Milady, you know you needn't call me by my title. To you I need only ever be Derran, and to have you of all beings refer to me as 'Lord' is honestly rather disturbing." Celestia rolled her eyes good naturedly at the irony of her and her sister's newly designated consort, demurring at being called by a title far less grand, than those he and his brothers heaped upon her and Luna. "Truth be told," Derran continued. "I would happily answer to 'subject', or even 'servant', would it but please you." Celestia grinned.

"And what if we were to refer to thee as something along the line of say. . . concubine?" She asked with a sensual purr.

"Oooh," Luna declared playfully, clapping her forehooves together excitedly. "we rather like that idea sister!" She declared, giving Derran a look that even he couldn't help but feel a slight thrill at. He would be the first to admit that, initially at least, he had had some, reservations, about physical intimacy with a species other than his own. However that had swiftly faded after his and the princesses first few dates. Now he no longer even made much physical distinction between humans and any of the sapient species of Equestria. Now, as far as Derran was concerned, the only thing you needed for a relationship was to be in love, sentient, and of proper age. What's more, once you spent a little time with them, you began to notice that the ponies of Equestria were a lot more physically similar to humans than you might think. Suddenly, Luna's eyes narrowed, and a devious smirk came to her lips. "Perhaps we should invent a new title for our love? How doth: Royal Chief Attendant of Rutting and Romance, strike thee sister?" Celestia placed her teacup on it's saucer with her magic, matching her sister's grin as she did so.

"Now there is an interesting idea. . . ." She drawled. Derran, doing his level best not to blush, gave a slightly embarrassed smile as he cleared his throat.

"How about, whenever we are alone together, we all simply address each other as: Beloved? Would that be an acceptable compromise?" He offered. Luna and Celestia pretended to mull it over for a bit before nodding.

"We suppose 'beloved' is an acceptable term of endearment." Celestia declared, with feigned resignation. "Since thou all but refuse, to call us Celly and Lulu." She stated airily, referring to the last set of pet names she and Luna had come up with, and that Derran almost never used. "Now, put thy labors aside for a moment and come join us. . . beloved." Derran Chuckled as he put away his work and rose to his feet.

"As my beloveds command." He stated with an elaborate bow. Joining the princesses at the table, Derran poured himself a cup of Dragonleaf tea, and reached for a scone. However, halfway through the gesture, he suddenly froze, the teacup halfway to his lips. Without explanation, Derran placed the tea haphazardly aside, spilling nearly all of it in his haste. Swiftly rising to his feet, he did not even seem to notice the scalding liquid covering his hand, walking toward the tower balcony as if in a trance.

The Princesses stared at him in mute shock, as he placed his hands on the balcony railing, glaring silently out at the horizon. "Something. . . is wrong." He finally declared, his voice a low growl. For an instant, Celestia and Luna looked at Derran in confusion, unable to imagine what he could possibly be talking about, then. . . they felt it. It was as if suddenly the air was filled with a static charge, the smell of ozone mixing sickeningly with a faint smell of sulfur and spilled blood. A feeling that they could only think of as a 'greasy wind', seemed to flow over them. The princesses shuddered, their coats standing on end, as pure revulsion overtook them. A faint hissing that seemed to come from everywhere at once filled the air, like a nest of poison serpents lurking just beyond their sight.

"Derran?!" Luna began, trying to keep her fear under control. "What is this?!" Derran did not respond, his gaze fixed on the hills in the distance, the ones that had once hidden the old Legion camp from view.

"It can't be!" He whispered under his breath, his tone seeming to waver between fear and rage. "They can't have found it!" Celestia, fearing more for Derran than the unpleasant shift in atmosphere, placed her hoof gently on his shoulder. Derran didn't appear to notice, his gaze unwavering, as Celestia opened her mouth to speak. However the words died in her throat, as a sound like none she had ever heard, struck them all like a physical blow. It was as if every horrific monster ever seen, heard of, read about or imagined, had inexplicably appeared beyond the hills, and screamed or roared in pure fury at the top of its lungs. The sound was beyond awful, seeming to claw at the very sanity of any unfortunate enough to hear it. The sound nearly overwhelmed Celestia, inexplicably filling her senses with phantom sensations, in her mouth she suddenly tasted blood, while on her coat and in her mane, she felt the scuttling legs and probing feelers of a swarm of invisible centipedes, spiders, and roaches, while the smell of rotting meat flooded her nostrils.

Nearly falling over, Celestia channeled her magic, intending to surround herself, Luna, and Derran, in a sound dampening spell. To her surprise however, the instant she tapped her magic, the phantom sensations vanished. The sound persisted, yet, now seemed less intense, and far less frightening. However, Celestia had little time to consider this turn of events, as she noted a new horror revealing itself. Even as Celestia watched, the sky beyond the balcony seemed to inexplicably darken, as if filled with a thin smoke. The sun dimmed until it was but a hazy disc of sickly yellow, in a sky that had become an ugly bruise-like purple, shot through with red. However, all this was but a minor sideshow to the sight that had just appeared atop the distant hills.

Celestia did not need to ask to know what they were, even this far away, she had seen these horrors enough times in Derran's memories to know them intimately. There were thousands of them, tens of thousands! Cresting the hill, legions of hell knights stomped forward, alongside the waddling bulk of an equal number of mancubi, and dozens of formations of hell razers, each at least eight hundred strong. Hundreds of barons of hell moved through the press, urging the unholy army forward with roars and gestures. A veritable carpet of seething imps and undead, flowed around their larger kin like an obscene river. Some of the hell knights herded masses of roaring and snapping pinkys forward with goads and chains of black iron, as above it all, the sky teemed with drooling cacodemons, shrieking lost souls, and sedately hovering summoners. Even these were just the demons Celestia could recognize, many within the hoard were completely unknown to her, or unrecognizable among their fellows. Celestia's eyes widened as she took in the army before her, spreading out across the land like an unending flood of darkness.

Celestia felt her blood freeze in her veins, as she watched the hoard approach Bridledown. Marching at a slow steady gait, it was clear they were in no hurry. Happy to let the terror build as they approached. Down in the town, Celestia saw her little ponies running for the castle, no doubt hoping she and Luna had some kind of plan or answer. She had neither, nor did Luna, who was as frozen as she was, watching the approach of what was likely the end of their world. In contrast however, Derran's brothers ran in the opposite direction of the ponies, gathering at the town's edge, to stare in disbelief at the enemy they had thought never to see again. Celestia saw them, as one by one they fell to their knees, overcome with sorrow and anguish. . . she didn't need to be close, to know they were blaming themselves. Despite everything, tears wet Celestia's eyes as she thought how cruel this all seemed. Hadn't these stallions and mares suffered enough, hadn't the multiverse, suffered enough?

"Derran?!" The startled sound of Luna's voice broke Celestia from her sorrow, directing her attention to his figure hunched over the railing of the balcony. Celestia's eyes widened, her mouth opening in a startled exclamation, her voice frozen by her shock. From head to toe, Derran Grandel. . . was engulfed in black fire.


Derran stared out at the demonic hoard with a numb shock. "How?" He thought. "How did they find the portal?!" After Derran had been freed from the Doom Slayer's control, and declared the Legion would remain in Equestria, he had taken every possible precaution against this scenario. Khamun had assured him that their best defense was simply how unlikely it was that the demons would even find the portal. Khamun and Magnus had told him that in addition to being insanely rare in general, naturally occurring transdimensional space-time distortions were extremely hard to find, unless you knew exactly where to look, and what to look for. Still, Derran had taken no chances, they couldn't permanently erase the space-time distortion without trapping at least some of their number in Hell, but they could seal and ward it. The entire Elder Guard had spent months enchanting the dormant portal, and its surroundings, with every kind of aegis, ward, concealment spell, and seal know to D'nuriean magic. Even then, Derran had ordered a permanent force field be created at the distortion nexus, preventing anyone or anything from so much as getting near it. He had even had them place a number of insanely powerful trap spells inside the shield. Derran and the Legion had done everything they could think of to protect their new home, but it hadn't mattered. They. . . had failed.

Derran felt as if his very soul was being crushed, as he leaned heavily on the balcony railing. He had failed. . . just like he failed to protect his home. . . just like he had failed to protect his people. . . just like he failed to protect his family. Despair overwhelmed Derran, as his grip tightened upon the railing. Images of his family ran through his head, their faces. . . their voices. . . and finally, their mangled bodies. As if in a dream, he stood before their corpses, surrounded by a void of black nothingness. Then, a moment later, more corpses appeared. Like a great flood, they poured out of the void in an immense roiling tide, piling beneath Derran's feet until he stood atop a mountain of the dead.

To his horror, Derran realized that he recognized their faces. There was one of his brothers, who died creating an opening for him to kill the fifth lord of hell. There was an assassin who had tried to murder him in the days before the Legion's formal creation, alongside a boy who, overwhelmed by demons during an ambush, Derran had blown up with a grenade. And there, was an elderly woman Derran had slain after the horrors of Hell drove her mad. On and on they came, the corpses Derran had created, the deaths he had caused. A child and mother he had left to the demons when they had fallen behind, a man he had executed for stealing rations, a brother who died completing what Derran knew was a suicide mission. Finally, the flow stopped, and Derran's heart froze to stillness with it, as he saw the nature of the newest corpses surrounding him. They were ponies, all residents of Bridledown, and there at Derran's feet. . . were Celestia and Luna. Their bodies covered in blood, and their faces twisted into expressions of pure agony. Then, in a flash, Derran was back in Equestria, staring once again at the hoard of advancing Demons.

That was when Derran felt it. . . rage, rage like none he had ever encountered in all his long and terrible history with the emotion. In his veins, it was as if his blood had become magma, in his lungs, his every breath was as fire, and in his heart, the uncaged fury of a volcano exploded outward. Derran's world was eclipsed by crimson. He did not see the black fire that covered his body, nor his eyes become pools of blazing red light. He did not feel the stone railing he was holding become dust in his grip, nor the bone shattering impact of the ground as he leapt nearly eighty feet from the castle tower. He did not hear the inhuman roars coming from his throat, nor the sound of over ten thousand voices echoing his cry of hate. Within his mind, Derran felt the Doom Slayer's chains shatter as he took control, but he did not care. Only one thought dominated Derran's blazing mind. "Never again!"


Celestia and Luna stared in horror at the events unfolding before them. Derran, his body alight with the same unholy flames that covered the monstrosity that had possessed the Doom Slayer, let out a roar so powerful, it actually caused the stones around him to crack. With a movement so fast it was almost invisible, Derran leapt into the air, his form trailing wisps of ethereal flame and smoke. As the stone railing before him disintegrated in the face of a strength that no mortal should posses. As the princesses watched, Derran struck the ground with the force of a comet, the earth fissuring beneath him in an expanding ring of cracks. Not wasting a moment, he became a blur of black fire and unholy sound, as he made a beeline for the edge of town.

"Sister. . . ." Luna trailed off, the words catching in her throat as she saw the area Derran was heading towards. However there was no need for Luna to explain. Celestia was all too aware of what her sister was looking at. There, at the very edge of Bridledown, were the warriors of the Legion, who at the sound of their lord's enraged cries, and the sight of the demonic horde before them, underwent a terrifying transformation. Gripping their heads in agony, the members of the Legion doubled over. . . as brilliant red flames erupted from their bodies. Staggering for an instant, the men slowly raised their heads, directing their gaze to the demonic host a mere half mile away. Expressions of shock and horror suddenly changed, twisting in ways the human face was never meant for, to express a wrath so terrible, even the Darkness itself would cower from it. Fingers curled as if flexing claws, clothes tightened as muscles bulged, veins distended, and eyes became pools of bloody red light. And then, from a place deep within the darkest pits of the human soul, came a roar. . . and for that one instant. . . every creature capable of it, in Equestria and beyond. . . trembled in fear.

The charge that followed that roar, was as sudden as it was terrifying. Surging forward, the soldiers of the Legion moved like beasts from the primeval dawn of time. Slightly hunched, they charged forward with the bloodcrazed madness of wounded animals, their hands slashing through the air before them, or held wide as though ready to rend and tear. The wrathful violence within them simply too great to allow for tactics or proper battle form. Roaring and screaming, they moved at a speed no normal human could ever hope to match, their bodies a blur of acceleration and wrath.

Moving through the blazing cacophonous hoard of his brothers. Derran's black flamed form eclipsed them all as an expression of sheer hate. The flames around him billowing and twisting, till to the eyes of the princesses, it seemed as if they formed a shape. For just an instant, Celestia and Luna would have sworn to seeing a suggestion of great black wings, and a halo of fire so dark that the blackness around it seemed grey in comparison. Yet just as the image appeared, it was torn away, as the midnight shrouded figure of Derran reached the front of the press of his brothers, to meet up with the only other figure who's flames were of a different color than red.

Michael Santius, if Derran was a storm of violence, then he was undoubtedly the storm's eye. Like his lord, his fury was that of a level that thoroughly transcended anything that could be called human. However, where Derran burned with the fury of a blazing whirlwind, disintegrating all it touched, Michael was like a blizzard. Surrounded in an aura of ghostly white flames, his anger was like a frozen wasteland, cold, unfeeling, and brutal. His expression, usually calm and smiling, was a mask of righteous fury, his eyes blazing pools of golden light that seemed to proclaim judgement upon all who saw them. Michael alone did not roar or howl, he didn't need to, his icy gaze was far more frighting than any scream or war cry.

However, despite this display of inhuman fury, Celestia and Luna still felt their hearts seize, as they saw the force arrayed against their new friends and beloved. Even a cursory glance, was enough to tell the princesses that the Legion was outnumbered by at minimum, five to one. To say nothing of the fact that the humans were utterly bereft of armor or weapons. This charge was suicidal, and the demons seemed to know it, as the smarter among them roared out what seemed to be a challenge, others appearing to jeer, and even laugh. One baron, gave an arrogant swagger as he charged a massive ball of balefire, and lobbed it at the charging Legion. Celestia could almost feel the expression on the creature's face shift, as the ball of blazing green death arced a quarter mile through the air, toward the uneven line of the Legion charge. . . only to be swatted aside as if nothing more than an errant fly.

Soundtrack: Prophecy of Ragnarok by Brothers of Metal

Suddenly seeming far less certain of things, the baron let out a bellowing roar that was swiftly echoed by the other barons around it. The roar was undoubtedly some kind of signal, as every imp, cacodemon, baron, hell razer, and other demon with the ability to engage at range, filled the air with every form of destructive energy at their disposal. For nearly half a minute, the Legion was rendered invisible by flares and beams of hellfire, explosive detonations of psychically charged plasma balls, and erupting blasts of balefire and hellish bio-napalm. Smoke and ash obscured everything, the plants upon the ground instantly reduced to cinder and sparks, as the very earth was turned to molten glass and slag. A moment later, the barons ended the vicious bombardment with another series of roars. For an instant after the fusillade tapered off, there was silence, and Celestia and Luna's hearts seized. . . until the Legion exploded out of the flames and smoke. Their clothing had turned to disintegrating rags, and their shoes were burned away by the melted ground, but the flesh beneath that clothing was untouched. To the demon's horror, the Legion, had not even slowed down.

One of the barons, now clearly afraid, tried desperately to restart the bombardment. As those demons unfortunate enough to be part of the front line, broke in a panic, killing each other in a frantic attempt to escape. However by that point, it was far too late. . . .

The Legion charge struck the demonic army with so much force, that the demons at the front line seemed to explode. Urged on by their insensate fury, the Legion did not slow down so much as a single step, until their charge had punched halfway through the demonic ranks. Those demons in their way, were either thrown aside as though nothing more than rag dolls, or trampled into paste beneath the humans unshod feet. Then, as their momentum ebbed, the individual members of the Legion went to work. However, this was no carefully planned assault, there was no strategy here, and no discipline, only rage. Yet, it seemed to the princesses, that rage alone, was more than enough.

Celestia and Luna tried from their vantage to keep track of what was happening, but there was simply to much going on for even them to follow everything, as the individual members of the Legion dispersed to wage individual battles. Tearing their way through the demonic formation from within, or spreading out from the back, to push forward against the rapidly disintegrating front line of the monstrous hoard. To Celestia and Luna, it was almost like watching a burning brand thrust into a pile of tinder, the flame spreading out from its source, to turn all in its path to ashes.

In one area the princesses saw a group of hell razers set upon by two members of the newly renamed Lunar Guard. Outnumbered fifty to one, it should have been an easy fight for the demons, instead it was a massacre. Every blow from the first Lunar Guardsman's fists smashed through the demonic bodies like they were made of wet paper. One hell razer's torso exploded in a cloud of viscera from a strike to the sternum, its remains carrying enough force from the blow, for its bones to actually embed themselves in the monsters behind it as gory shrapnel.

Another pair of the unfortunate demonic infantry, were grabbed by the wrists of their left hands, and used as flails by the second guardsmen. Roaring like a wounded beast, the guardsmen sent the hell razers surrounding him flying through the air in twos and threes, as bloody broken messes. When the force of his attacks inevitably reduced his improvised weapons to nothing more than a pair of bloody arms, he simply grabbed another set and began again.

In another part of the battlefield, a member of Celestia's newly christened Solar Guard, waded into combat with a group of hell knights. With a single punch, he burst the head of the first like an oversized pimple, before catching the arm of a second in mid swing, and twisting the limb clean off. Lunging forward, the guardsmen grabbed another of the hell knights by punching his fingers through the flesh of its throat, and hooking them on its upper sternum like it was a coat collar. Pulling the hell knight forward, the solar guardsmen then used the jagged bone of the severed arm he held, as a sword. Ramming it right through the unfortunate creatures gut, in a spray of blood.

A few hundred feet from that, several Shimmer Guardsmen grabbed imps and hell razers by the point where their necks met their torsos, and simply ripped them in half like pieces of paper. While off to their left, a solitary guardsman the princesses knew from the Elder Guard, ripped a boulder from the ground with magic in a spray of dirt and debris, and began laying about with it with psychotic abandon. Guiding it with his left hand, the boulder crushed demons into paste by the dozen, while he simultaneously blasted burning holes through demonic bodies, with beams of blazing energy from his right hand, howling in savage fury the whole time.

In every corner of the battlefield, the Legion were simply obliterating the demon army. Using their now godlike strength and berserk rage to fullest effect. Fighting as individuals instead of a unit, they should have been easy prey, but whatever dark magic was now empowering them, made them simply too powerful to be overcome.

Desperately attempting to rally their army, a group of barons of hell banded together, attempting to bring enough power to bear to kill at least a few of their enemy. Celestia and Luna saw their mistake long before they did, as they all simultaneously charged Musashi Yamato. One of the barons roared, bringing its massive fist down on Musashi's head, only to strike nothing but earth, as the Lunar Guard's commander was swallowed by a pool of black energy. The baron just had time to look confused, before its horned skull exploded from a vicious flying kick. Musashi bursting out of another pool of darkness that appeared directly over the creatures head.

Musashi had told Celestia and Luna of this technique during one of their conversations with him. The ancient spell his homeland of Shido considered the cornerstone of almost every martial style in their country: Shadow Slip. A short range personal teleport spell, designed to give a superior degree of maneuverability to their soldiers. Like the Null spell it was taught to every soldier in Shido, unlike the Null Spell however, it was virtually unknown outside of that land, and took years to fully master. It was a credit to his skill, that even in this state of unthinkable fury, Musashi was an artist with the technique.

As the distant princesses watched, Musashi teleported in mid kick from his first dead opponent to the next, appearing in mid air near the small of its back and punching its spine out through its stomach. Before falling into another portal, and appearing to jump out of a second, shooting up from the feet of a third baron and splitting its skull in two with his flattened hand. The remaining barons, unable to predict Musashi's movements, or match his now ludicrous strength, were dead in less than ten seconds. As with a hateful roaring scream, Musashi charged off to find more victims.

At the opposite end of the battlefield, complete carnage reigned, as Khamun vented every ounce of his mystical wrath upon his foes. Levitating through the air, he seemed almost serene, despite being surrounded by cacodemons, spraying him futily with blasts of psychic plasma, that simply exploded ineffectively against the crimson fires pouring from his floating form. Then, raising his hand, Khamun made a slashing motion in the air with it, before mouthing the first coherent word any of the Legion had spoke since this all began. . . "Die!". Had either of the princesses been able to hear him, they would have shuddered at how the gentle voice of their friend, had now become a twisted inhuman snarl. As all around him, the cacodemons were suddenly sent hurtling towards the ground, with enough force to turn them, and everything directly beneath them, to paste.

Cutting his levitation and descending to the ground, Khamun hit with a shock wave of energy, that reduced every foe within thirty feet of him to dust in the space of an instant. Raising his hands to the sky, they began to glow with a flaring green and black radiance, an orb of similarly colored coruscating energy appearing above his head. With a scream of pure hate, Khamun clenched his hands into fists to bring them crashing down on the earth before him. In a flash, the area in front of the Elder Guard Commander seemed to explode, as dozens of tendrils of black and green lightning tore through the demonic ranks. The bolts, each thicker than a man's arm, blew apart everything they touched. Demons exploded like living bombs, while the ground beneath them fountained hundreds of feet into the air, with enough force that even the smallest stone fragment became deadly shrapnel. Those demons not instantly turned to a cloud of shredded skin and vaporized blood, were summarily torn asunder by bits of rock or shattered bone moving at hypersonic speed. The lightning blasts continued until the area before Khamun was turned into a semi-molten wasteland of gouged and broken earth. As he used a magically assisted leap to send himself hurtling toward the next closest crowd of foes, about a hundred feet away, the princesses turned to the next fight.

Continuing to watch the battle with a sort of horrified detachment, the princesses gaze focused on another familiar figure. On a rise about four hundred feet from Khamun, Leonidas fought. In his hands, he wielded what appeared to be a large sapling, pulled straight from the ground. Using the root bulb as a crude hammer, he struck the demons around him so hard and fast that it appeared as if he was surrounded by a billowing cloud of bloody mist. Finally however, the tree, unable to handle the immense strain of its new function, splintered into uselessness.

Leonidas seemed almost unaware of his weapon's destruction, as he struck an oncoming hell knight in the chest with a fist full of splinters, the creature's body exploding as if hit by a freight train. Roaring and snarling, the seething demonic hoard around Leonidas surged forward, burying him in an avalanche of flesh and muscle. For an instant, it seemed as if he might actually have been overpowered, until the mound of bodies exploded outward in a dull flash of red light, sending demon corpses and body parts sailing through the air in an expanding nova. The space around him cleared, Leonidas was revealed as a figure flaring with scarlet fire, his head thrown back in a bestial roar that echoed across the battlefield. Lowering his shoulder, Leonidas charged forward into the thickest mass of the enemy, smashing them aside as if no more than leaves hovering in the wind. Jumping into the air, the energy coming from his body flared again, as he struck the ground with his fist. With a thunderous crack, the earth shattered, a blast of red energy exploding outward, as it tore every demon within ten feet into chunks. As the demonic swarm struggled to flee, Leonidas charged again, his usual disciplined persona reduced to that of a rabid animal, as his blazing fists turned his foes into unrecognizable piles of gore.

To the princesses eyes, only one among the Legion fought with any true control. Michael, his body alight with flames of pure white energy, fought with a grace and fury that could scarcely be imagined. His arms, hands held flat and stiff, had become as blades. Jumping in where the enemy was most plentiful, he was a whirlwind of death, and as he fought, he spoke. His voice at once beautiful and powerful, rang out across the battlefield, seeming to extol his brothers to greater heights of wrath.

"AND LO DID I SEE AMONG THE LANDS OF PARADISE A GREAT PLAGUE OF EVIL!! AND IT'S NAME WAS DEMON!!" He roared, splitting a mancubus open like an overripe orange, in a fountain of blood and acid bile. "A DARK CORRUPTION SEEKING TO STRIKE DOWN ALL THAT IS PURE!!" He continued, cutting the legs out from under a baron of hell before spinning and decapitating it, as smoothly and elegantly as plucking a flower. His voice somehow carrying despite the roars and screams that threatened to drown it out. "YET LO AS RUIN DID SURROUND MY SOUL WITH DESPAIR!! THE LIGHT DID SHINE UPON ME!!" Michael's fervor was palpable, his voice filled with zealous rapture as he dismembered a hell knight, its limbs arcing gently through the air as he impaled its torso with his arm. Whirling around, he sent the limbless chunk of meat flying from his hand to crush a group of imps, as he continued to speak. "AND LO DID I HEAR THE VOICE OF WISDOM!!" He declared, leaping ten feet in the air to effortlessly bisect a cacodemon. "LO DID I BEHOLD THE FACE OF TRUE BEAUTY!!" He shouted, as he pirouetted on one foot to send a mass of hell razers flying in a cloud of severed limbs. "LO DID I KNOW THE NAME OF HOPE FOR THE SOULS OF MEN!!" Michal's voice echoed like thunder, another mancubus sliced nearly in half with the flat of his hand. "LO DID I KNOW THE NAME OF SERAPH!! AND THUS SHALL I KNOW FEAR NEVERMORE!!" Leaping high into the air Michael's golden eyes blazed with righteous fury, as he aimed for a massive group of frantically backpedaling demons. His arms held out like blades, his voice was a roaring crescendo as he descended, the demons screaming in terror as he proclaimed the end of his prayer like the judgment of heaven itself. "AMEN!!"

Pulling their gaze from the awe inspiring spectacle of Michael's battle to glance at the larger conflict, the princesses were shocked to discover that the fights they had seen thus far, were by a large stretch the most disciplined. If such a thing as discipline could even be said to exist, amid such unbridled insanity and chaos. Driven beyond all reason by hatred, the majority of the Legion were nearly indistinguishable from the monsters they were slaughtering. The red aura around them seemed to do more than simply increase their strength, speed, and durability, it made their every body part into a devastating weapon. Fingers functioned as claws, arms and legs like swords and spears, while heads became like battering rams. Punches and kicks either obliterated foes entirely, or sent them flying through the air with every bone in their bodies broken, and every organ turned to paste. Swipes of curled fingers split open demonic torsos, or amputated limbs. While any beast unfortunate enough to get inside a Legion member's guard, was grabbed and torn into pieces, or crushed into pulp by a bear hug.

The remaining demons, by now having realized that the only hope they had for survival was victory, fought with a suicidal desperation. Yet any blow that hit, no matter how strong, had no more effect than to maybe knock the target back a pace. Energy and hellfire blasts were completely ignored, the aura around the Legion shedding projectiles that would have turned boulders to vapor, like they were no more than a spring rain. Blows that should have crushed men like bugs, were swatted aside like flies, or caught in mid air, and used as levers to hurl attackers away with the force of wrecking balls. Realizing that their strength alone was no longer enough, the demons tried to bury their foes in their numbers, much like they had tried to do with Leonidas, and to largely the same result. However, even motivated by such desperation, there was one figure the demons genuinely seemed unwilling to attack, his aura of ebon fire making him easy to distinguish amid the chaos.

Through the insanity of the battle, Derran Grandel, the Doom Slayer, charged ahead like a spear thrust into the enemy ranks. His movements were unlike those of his brothers, as he moved as a blur through the heart of his foes, his course straight as an arrow. The air seemed to shimmer around him, as the earth beneath his feet cracked like glass. The demons seeming to instinctively part before him, often moving before they even saw him, their monstrous faces twisted in terror. Those who were too slow, were struck down with quick, vicious blows, that caused them to burst into red mist. Demonic bones and flesh atomizing at the touch of his dark aura, regardless of their size. Indeed, the demons terror of him was so great, that they would flee even if the only other path was into the reach of his brothers. The princesses had little understanding of the demonic mindset, but they shuddered when they considered what actions Derran might have preformed, to inspire this level of fear in such vile monstrosities. The mere fact that the demons considered death at the hands of Derran's brothers better than death at his, spoke volumes.

Despite clearly being afflicted by the same wrathful madness as his comrades, Derran moved with purpose. His steps guiding him swiftly and unerringly, toward a point over the hills, well beyond the princesses sight. Acting almost without thought, Celestia cast a simple scrying spell, allowing her and Luna to see what was happening. As Derran and the Legion, began pushing the invasion back, mere minutes after it began. The spell resolved into a large shimmering disc, floating before them at eye level. Within it, the princesses saw things as if looking from about a hundred feet above the rise Derran had just vanished over. It was the work of an instant, to determine where their beloved was heading.

Standing before a large gate of swirling black and red energy, stood a creature seemingly born of madness. It was at least thirty feet tall, its shape basically humanoid. Bulging with muscles, the creature's skin was bright crimson, black distended veins standing out along the biceps of four arms, easily as thick as fully grown oak trees. Attached to the arms was a torso roughly the size of a small house, supported by two massive pillars of flesh that functioned as the beast's legs, each so large it would take three full grown men, with hands joined, to surround it. Sprouting from its back, the monstrosity had six pairs of many jointed tendrils that reminded one of the legs of an insect, each tipped with a razor sharp spike of polished bone, that cascaded down its back like an obscene cloak. However, worst of all, was its head, a gigantic vertical slit of a mouth, filled with shark-like teeth, split the creature's face in two. Six bloodshot yellow eyes on either side of the mouth, looked out at the world through pupils like a cat's. The monster was dressed in baroque armor of iron. Scorched black, and streaked with rust the color of blood, the armor was forged to resemble screaming faces, whose mouths and eyes were lit by greenish balefire. In its four fists, each easily big enough to crush a carriage in its palm, the beast held swords half the length of its body, made of the same dark iron as its armor, and alight with flaring scarlet hellfire, as unholy runes, glowed dark bloody red along their hilts and blades. Last but not least, the creature wore a grotesque crown on its head. Made of a circlet of polished bronze, it was permanently affixed to the beast's head with giant spiked nails of black iron, ebon blood weeping from where they penetrated its skull, while jagged hellish runes carved into the nail heads, pulsed with the same filthy green light as its armor.

Even from this vast distance, and without actual line of sight, Celestia and Luna could feel the brutish aura of power this monster exuded. Even had Derran never described it, the princesses could not fail to know what this creature was. This was the creature the Legion had been hunting when they had initially arrived in Equestria, the second of the nine supreme Lords of Hell, the monstrosity known as 'Gorevashek', the Executioner of Mercy. . . .


Gorevashek, was not a creature given to feeling wonder. His existence had, and always would be, defined by three things: battle, pain, and death. Wonder, was an emotion for mortal minds and other weaklings. A general did not wonder at the purpose of his enemy, anymore than a sword wondered about the nature of the creature it cut. A warrior did not wonder at the architecture of the village he was burning, nor a torturer the dress of the victim he was breaking. Yet, despite these truths, and his best efforts, Gorevashek, the Executioner of Mercy, the Scourge of the Bloody Pit, the Breaker of the Righteous, the greatest military commander Hell had ever produced, now felt just that emotion.

He had done everything right, he had gathered his forces in numbers great enough to completely overwhelm the enemy, even on the off chance they held a fortified position. He had carefully supervised the preparation and execution of the ritual that had blasted open the gate to his foe, and obliterated the worst of the traps and wards meant to slow intruders. He had swiftly and efficiently assembled his forces in good order, before the enemy had time to react, and he had struck with that greatest of tactical advantages: complete and total surprise. He had done everything right, yet still he stood here, wondering. . . wondering how it was that in the space of a few minutes, his superior force, and flawless strategy, was now teetering on the verge of defeat.

Many were the times Gorevashek's armies had faced the so-called 'Doom Legion'. Though he himself had never fought them directly. True, he had never secured a true victory over them, a fact that never failed to make his bile rise, however, never in his history of fighting them had he had a setback this severe. Gorevashek was not like other lesser demons, he had never bought into the mythos surrounding this group of mortal warriors. The idea that they were somehow favored by the hated forces of creation, or, even more absurd, favored by the Dark One himself, was laughable, if not blasphemous. It was undeniable that their skill in battle was quite impressive, and their leader was undoubtedly strong, by mortal standards anyway. Yet in the end, they were all still just mortals, that they had slain six of the Lords of Hell, revealed only that those Lords had grown weak and complacent, nothing more. . . or so Gorevashek had thought. What was happening now, was utterly beyond anything the second Lord of Hell could have imagined, let alone prepared for. Even as he watched, his force of fifty thousand strong demons was being cut down by at least half, in the space of less than ten minutes.

Yet nonetheless, Gorevashek would not be denied, even if he lost every soldier at his command, he would be victorious if he could do but one thing. . . kill the Doom Slayer. What did it matter if he lost this army? He was Gorevashek, his physical power was second to none! His skin was an armor that had never been breached, turning aside blades, bullets, and spells without fail! His strength was such that he had once split a mountain in two with a single swing of his swords! Let the other Lords of Hell waste time seeking power through magic and clever tricks, Gorevashek needed no such crutches for power, he was power!

Letting out a roar of fury, Gorevashek called fourth the ability that had made him the premiere general of the Dark One's chosen. Rippling out from Gorevashek, an aura of flaring green energy flowed across the bodies of his soldiers, granting them a portion of his strength and endurance. Instantly his soldiers began to rally, where once the Legion soldiers could simply obliterate demons with single punches, they now found their quarry shaking off all but the most terrible of blows. The demons shook the sky with their roaring shrieks as they struck back. Yet found, that despite their new boost in power, their claws, fists, and arcane blasts of flame and death, still slid off the Legion Soldiers skin to no visible effect. The battle, once close to becoming a rout, had transformed into a near stalemate, red and green battle lines surging against each other in a grinding bid for dominance.

The battle stable for the time being, Gorevashek now turned his gaze to the true fight. Moving through the second Lord of Hell's army like a ship through the sea, a figure cloaked in flames of purest darkness, made his way unerringly toward Gorevashek's towering form like an ebon comet. At last, it was time for two kings of battle to meet. Roaring his challenge, Gorevashek raised his swords. . . . and charged.

In battle, it is said that there are three kinds of warrior, that a general must always treat with utmost care. The first is the warrior who has nothing left to lose. For he fights without thought for his own safety, as for him there is nothing left but vengeance, and thus will fight with the power of three men. The second, is the warrior who fights for god, for such fanatics not only lack fear of death, but see it as their divine duty to destroy as many foes as possible before they succumb, and thus they fight with the strength of five men. Most terrible of all however, is the warrior who fights to protect hearth and home. Assured that his failure will mean the death of all he knows and loves, even the weakest peasant will be driven to fight without fear, he will seek the death of any he considers an enemy with mindless aggression, and will display an almost inhuman immunity to pain of any kind, thus shall he fight with a strength equal to ten men. Few generals or scholars of battle, ever dared to consider the scenario of a warrior, or army, fighting under all three of these conditions, but all agreed with the musings of the great general of Shido, Naga Lupercal, who wrote:

"Should I have ever had to face a foe who met all three of these conditions, even should I have possessed a thousand to one advantage, I would retreat or surrender. For were I to do battle against such a foe, even should I win, my army would be a ruin such that even a child could defeat me. Pity the fool who dares such a fight, for he shall know an enemy of such power, that neither the mightiest hero, nor the most vicious monster, can hope to conquer them."

Gorevashek had never read the writings of Naga Lupercal. If he had, he might have been less surprised, when his right ankle exploded. . . .


In times to come, neither Derran nor the Doom Slayer, would find themselves able to completely recall their battle with the second Lord of Hell. Memories of the fight were mere flashes, every moment of which were drowned in a haze of red and black. They could not even rightly say which of them was in control during the fight, as what few memories they could remember clearly, seemed divided between the two of them. It was the Doom Slayer who recalled reaching Gorevashek, and almost effortlessly evading the swing of the sword clutched in his upper right hand, and the stab from the one in his lower right. However, it was Derran who recalled jumping, and throwing the punch at the point where Gorevashek's clawed foot joined to his leg. The force of the blow turning armor and bone into jagged fragments, and flesh into bloody vapor.

The massive limb, no longer able to support the incredible weight bearing down on it, collapsed, sending the supposedly invulnerable second Lord of Hell to his hands and knees, for the first time in eons. The Doom Slayer recalled his momentum carrying him to the ground behind Gorevashek where he rolled twice, twisting his body around so he was once more facing his foe. Now on all fours, the Doom Slayer slid to a halt. His hands and feet gouging a series of trenches into the earth as the remaining force of his charge bled off.

Rising to his feet, he saw Gorevashek twist himself around, to clumsily swipe at him with his lower right hand sword. Acting on pure wrathful instinct, the Doom Slayer turned, and threw his whole body into a punch aimed at the edge of the sword blade. The sword in question, a gigantic mass of enchanted demonic iron, distilled from the blood of a billion demons and mortals, was broken in two, with a sound like a bell the size of a mountain being shattered. An explosion of unholy magic blasted the Doom Slayer eighty feet through the air, before he struck a large boulder jutting out of the ground, that was subsequently smashed into gravel.

Derran remembered rising to his feet and shaking off the slight ringing in his ears, as he charged back into the fray. Gorevashek, taking advantage of the brief respite, had turned himself around fully, leaning forward, the strange multi-jointed tendrils covering his back bent over his shoulders to strike at Derran, in a lightning fast barrage of razor sharp bone spikes. Derran, roaring like an enraged beast, struck out with his fists, smashing aside the attacks with inhuman swiftness as he ran forward. However, despite his incredible speed, Derran could not stop all of the strikes, and though the attacks were unable to penetrate the black flames surrounding his body, they did drive him back on his heels. Gorevashek, doing his best to press his meager advantage, crawled forward on his lower hands and knees, using his upper set of arms to add his swords to the barrage. Derran however, suddenly jerked his body forward, wrapping his arms around all twelve of the stabbing tendrils. With a roar of absolute fury, Derran crushed the appendages he had manage to capture beneath each arm, with a force great enough to turn diamonds into powder. Crying out in pain, Gorevashek involuntarily snapped his upper body backward, as each of the dozen tendrils was severed in a spray of blood. With a clear path forward, Derran charged toward Gorevashek, as he frantically swung the swords in his upper hands at Derran from either side.

Gorevashek expected Derran to either duck under, or jump over, his blades, and indeed he might have, had the Doom Slayer not taken the helm. Instead, Gorevashek's eyes widened in utter disbelief as two swords, nearly fifteen feet in length, heavy enough that five barons of hell would struggle to lift them, sharp enough to cut through the armor of demons and angels alike, and powered by strength great enough to split a mountain in twain, was stopped dead, by the palms of the Doom Slayer. Struggling to comprehend the utter impossibility before him, Gorevashek hesitated for just an instant, more than enough for the Doom Slayer to act. Releasing the blade in his right hand, the Doom Slayer brought his fist down, with all his inhuman might, onto the one in his left, just behind where he gripped it. With an almighty crack, the blade was broken in two. Once more the energies contained within the enchanted weapons exploded violently outward. However, this time the Doom Slayer was ready for it. Bracing himself, he managed to remain upright as he held on to a massive fragment of the demonic weapon with an unyielding grip. Unexpectedly, Derran now found himself in control, but it hardly mattered, he knew exactly what to do. . . .

Gripping the sword fragment in both hands by the broken end, Derran spun in place, as Gorevashek struggled to get his guard up. Derran rotated over and over, the blade piece in his hands whistling through the air, as it picked up ever greater speed. Slowly, the blade began to burn with the same black flame surrounding Derran's body, as if he was passing a portion of his newfound power into it. Then, with an almighty heave, he released the blade like a discus. Gorevashek, unable to stand, with one sword reduced to half its length and another destroyed entirely, raised his last two blades to defend himself, instinctively moving them to protect his head. For just a moment, Gorevashek thought his opponent had missed, he felt no impact on his remaining swords, nor anywhere else. Glaring out at Derran from behind his swords, he moved to counterattack. Only to find his lower body. . . would no longer obey him.


As he fell, Gorevashek, in a frozen instant of horrified clarity, saw the truth. As he took note of the piece of metal embedded, almost to its full length, in his gut. Gorevashek had instinctively protected the most vulnerable point he had, his head and face, but his finely honed battle instincts had betrayed him. His opponent, by sheer brutal cunning, took advantage of his ingrained responses, and instead threw the blade into his unguarded stomach. Ordinarily, this would have been a fools errand, against one such as Gorevashek. However, whatever dark transformation the Doom Slayer had undergone, had somehow imbued the blade with the strength and speed to punch through the second Lord of Hell's ensorcelled armor, slice through his supposed impenetrable hide, and sever his spine. Gorevashek, The Executioner of Mercy, who had never once failed in battle, who had never once been defeated, who's invulnerable body was the envy of all demonkind. . . had lost.

Panicking, Gorevashek struggled to prop himself up, only to freeze as he saw the Doom Slayer standing right before his eyes. As he met the Slayer's gaze, Gorevashek felt terror like none he had ever imagined or experienced. His head alone was easily twice this warrior's height, yet the second Lord of Hell felt as small and helpless as a child. Barely able to think, and too terrified to move, Gorevashek, in a voice more pathetic than he would ever have believed himself capable. involuntarily asked for the very thing he had been named for never granting.


Raising his burning fist, the Doom Slayer exuded a malevolence so terrible, that all the world seemed shrouded in darkness. As he replied:

"No. . . ."

Gorvashek, for just an instant before the Doom Slayer's strike sent his vile soul screaming into the void, wondered if perhaps, just perhaps, the unthinkable had come to pass? If indeed, against all logic and sense, this mortal actually had the favor of the Dark One. For who but the creator of Hell himself, could inspire such dread? Or command such fury? The last thought Gorevashek ever had, was that if such a thing be possible, then the time of endings. . . the time of the final battle. . . were soon to come. It was a shame, Gorevashek thought, he would not be there to see it. . . .


Celestia and Luna watched as the battle ended. With the death of their leader, the Demons no longer enjoyed the protection he had granted them. The aura of green flame shielding them, flickering out the instant their Lord breathed his last. The Demon's numbers availed them nothing, as the Legion once more vented the full measure of their wrath upon their hated foes. Taking position in front of the portal, Derran slaughtered any demon who dared attempt escape. While his brothers ruthlessly crushed all resistance, and ran down any foe attempting to flee into the Equestrian countryside.

Scarcely one half hour after the battle began, the demonic host was completely destroyed. Their foe's now gone, Khamun, Magnus, and every other mage of any skill among the Legion, all but threw themselves at the unholy disc connecting Equestria to the depths of Hell. Chanting in savage tones, distorted by their undimmed hate, they wove sigils in the air with a vicious effort as they worked to close the gate. After several minutes of this, the gateway began to shimmer and waver as if merely a mirage, as Khamun stepped forward. His face twisted by rage, the commander of the Elder Guard, thrust his hands forward, a beam of blue and green energy blasting into the exact center of the gate. Little by little, the hole between dimensions shrank, till it was little more than a window. Then suddenly. . . it stopped. Khamun, his eyes blazing with unholy light, intoned his chant with ever greater rage, thrusting his hands forward as if wishing to strangle the life out of the gate with his bare hands. However the portal stayed open, seeming to struggle against the spell.

Up to this point, the princesses had been too overwhelmed to do more than watch what was happening. Despite all they had done in their centuries long lives, neither had ever participated in a true war. They had occasionally dueled with magic, and even knew a few martial arts. However, never once had they seen, let alone participated in, such pure wanton slaughter. The nature of ponies, and indeed most races in Equestria, was not to engage in violence, and the idea of killing or causing permanent harm was anathema. The princesses would defend themselves and their subjects if needed, but they had no true instinct for battle. Thus, it was with some shame, that they only now thought to offer aid.

Teleporting to the sight of the gate, Celestia and Luna linked themselves to Khamun and the Legion's combined spell. The coruscating beam of energy blazed with blue and gold, the light from it intensifying to be nearly blinding. For a brief moment, Celestia and Luna felt the gate fight against their efforts, as they began forcing it back into its natural semi-benign state. However, the resistance amounted to little more than a fleeting moment of hesitance, as the combined power of the princesses and the Elder Guard, crushed the gateway to the size of a pinprick, the distortion in reality stabilizing. Then, finally, at long last, the Gate slammed shut with a flash of blinding red light, and an echoing boom of imploding air.

Sitting down, the princesses disconnected themselves from Khamun, and breathed a sigh of relief as the sky returned to its usual dazzling blue, and the vile whispers that had scratched at the edge of hearing, abruptly vanished. Looking to one another, Celestia and Luna managed a faint smile. Around them, the corpses of demons carpeted the ground for thousands of feet in every direction. Piles of the demonic dead creating artificial hills a dozen or more feet high in places. The stench of blood and brimstone overpowered the princesses senses, to the point it felt like they could taste it, and the few clouds directly above them, had begun to clump together unbidden into a storm, despite their not being a pegasus in sight. Yet despite everything, the princesses smiled, for they knew that they had, thanks to the Legion, achieved a feat that few, if any, other universes had, they had survived an invasion by Hell itself.

Yet as they turned to thank their saviors, the princesses faces fell into expressions of shock. There the Legion stood, over ten thousand warriors, scattered across the field of battle. All stood covered in the blood of their enemies, most naked, or with only scraps of scorched, red stained cloth, clinging stubbornly to their bodies. Their faces were still contorted with rage, even as their eyes were closed. Before them all stood Derran, his hands at his sides, fists clenched, and eyes rolled into the back of his head, to reveal a gaze of bloodshot white, staring at the empty space the gateway had occupied. Approaching him, the princesses could almost feel his still simmering anger, as he stood completely still, he and his brothers, seeming little more than a forest of statues.

"Beloved. . . ?" Luna asked, her voice scarcely above a whisper, as she reached out her hoof to touch his hand, only to gasp in shock. Derran Grandel, and every one of his brothers. . . were completely unconscious.

"Sister. . . ." Celestia trailed off, her voice at once worried and relieved. Blinking, Luna finally noticed it. The flames that had surrounded Derran and his brothers. That had given them the strength and invulnerability of demigods. That had allowed a mere ten thousand mortals, to overcome fifty thousand of the most terrible monsters ever brought into existence, and that had allowed them to save the entire world. . . were gone.

A Sound of Thunder

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Three days. . . . It had been three days since the battle the Legion had named 'The Day of Wrath'. . . . Three days since the Legion had given all they had to defend Equestria from demonic invasion. . . and only 3 hours, since Derran and his brothers, had explained their contingency plan to Celestia and Luna. . . . Now, Celestia lay in her bed, unable to stop crying, as she recalled the conversation.

"There has to be another way." Celestia protested, struggling to keep her voice from sounding desperate, as she looked into the grim faces of Derran and his fellow commanders. Luna nodded, her expression and tone making no effort to conceal how frantic she was to avoid this idea.

"Our sister is correct, this plan is-" Derran cut her off before she could continue.

"The only one that has even a remote chance of succeeding." He declared firmly, his expression like a block of stone. Luna fell silent as she looked to her sister for support. However, much as she wanted to contradict him, Celestia knew Derran was likely correct, and so could only hide her feelings, behind the mask of the dutiful princess.

"Tell us of it again." Celestia demanded. She had already heard it twice, trying to find some flaw or alternative that would give her a concrete reason to veto the idea, so far, she had found nothing. Derran likely knew what she was trying to do, but offered no comment. He already knew her search was in vain.

"As you wish milady." He said, his tone and words clinical and without emotion. "The plan is broken down into several phases. Phase one has already begun, with the use of the data crystals provided by Lord Khamun, we will create the weapons and armor necessary to bring the Legion back up to full fighting strength. Thanks to the addition of Equestrian magic, the weapons and armor are projected to be several times more powerful than versions utilizing only D'nurian magetech. Phase one also includes the addition of creating hidden supply caches sufficient for, should it ever prove necessary, the waging of war across Equestria. Additionally, we will begin the establishment of a number of concealed defensive locations for the protection of critical personnel, and as many civilians as can be accommodated given our limited timetable for fabrication." Derran's explanation was accompanied by a vague gesture toward the innumerable maps and charts on the table in front of them, indicating potential locations for the caches and fortresses. According to Derran, the Legion had been planning for this day almost since they had arrived here, all the while praying it would never come. It was now clear however, that that particular prayer, was destined to go unanswered.

With a nod from Celestia, Derran continued. "At the same time, a unit of six warriors from the Legion, chosen by me personally, will be dispatched to attack Hell. This squad, will have a fourfold mission. Their primary objective, will be to discover a way to stop, and or hinder, the creation of the so called 'World Eater Portals'. Which intelligence from our prior campaign in Hell, leads us to believe are vulnerable to sabotage. Their secondary objective, is to hunt down and kill the last two Lords of Hell, decapitating the enemy leadership for the foreseeable future. For their tertiary objective, this team will wage a guerrilla warfare campaign aimed at keeping Hell's attention squarely on them, and insuring they do not attempt to find the rest of the Legion. Ideally, we wish to project the illusion that the remaining members of the Legion are all dead, or at minimum, not the most pertinent threat. However, this team's final and most vital function, will be to permanently repair the natural spacetime distortion allowing the easy creation of portals, artificial and natural, between Hell and Equestri-" Suddenly Luna slammed a hoof on the table, scattering papers and charts in all directions.

"AND TRAPPING THEM THERE!!" She shouted, tears flowing from her eyes. "And do not dare to pretend that thou will not be among them!" Derran gave Luna a seemingly unfeeling look, his tone deathly calm as he replied.

"Yes, I will be team leader. As High Commander of the Legion I am honor bound to-" Luna interrupted with another shout.

"TO TARTARUS WITH THY HONOR!!" She screamed out, putting the full weight of the royal voice into it. Derran's fellow commanders visibly flinched at Luna's angry declaration, though they stayed silent. The concept of honor was everything in the Legion, and to break from it was impossible. In Hell, where nothing held value, a warrior's words and deeds were all he had. Honor and duty, were the only things that had held the Legion together for all the years they had lived in that blasphemous realm. From the least of them, to the greatest, these things were sacrosanct, and to even imply they could be abandoned, treaded dangerously close to insult. However, even if they were to ignore her station, none of those assembled could have found it in themselves to censure the night princess. All understood how hard this was for Luna, and knew full well what they were asking her and Celestia to sacrifice. Quieting down, Luna's tone was heartrending as she continued. "Thou art. . . thou art the only stallion we have ever loved. . . could ever love!" Derran struggled not to show how he truly felt as he responded, his tone as emotionless as he could make it.

"You will find another. I am not so unique that I cannot be replaced." Luna's eyes widened in shock at Derran's seemingly heartless words, tears streaming from them as she struggled to reply.

"Replaced. . . ?" She echoed, sounding as fragile as glass. However Derran continued before she could say more. Though he did not show it, every word of what he said next, was as a dagger into his very soul.

"I am a soldier, a mortal, and a sinner, I am unworthy of you. Our love was a dream. . . and one day, you will thank me for waking you from it." Derran spoke mechanically, as though simply reciting a statistic, or summarizing a legal document. Only his fellow commanders and Celestia, could detect the all but unnoticeable tremble in his voice. Luna however, simply stared at Derran, her eyes filled with a pain beyond the power of poet, painter, or playwright to describe. Then, suddenly, her expression seemed to darken, a vicious aura of anger and sadness coloring her words.

"Thou art our only love. . . and we would as soon break this world, as surrender thee!" She hissed, her tone as caustic as acid.

Even Derran seemed surprised at how cold and hateful Luna sounded. Her voice faintly distorted, and seemingly not quite her own. A moment later though, the darkness passed, as she turned and ran sobbing from the room. Derran let out a deep breath, just barely resisting the urge to chase after her. Celestia stared at him, sadness in the eyes of her otherwise immutable expression. She desperately wanted to say something comforting, to tell Derran she understood, and that he had done the right thing. Instead, she simply motioned him to continue, too busy fighting back her own tears to say what she wanted. Nodding, Derran resumed the briefing.

"Phase two of the plan will begin after the fabrication and construction outlined in Phase One are complete, and after the team of volunteers has been dispatched, and the portal . . . permanently sealed." The slight pause just before the words 'Permanently sealed' was the only visible sign of emotion Derran displayed. Clearing his throat, he continued in an almost monotone voice. "In Phase Two, the Legion and various volunteers from Equestria, will construct stasis pods for every soldier we have. These pods will each be sufficient to hold one Legion warrior in full armor and kit, including weapons and ammunition. The pods will then be placed in ten predetermined locations around Equestria, divided up into groups according to Guard affiliation. Each of these locations picked to insure, that no matter where in Equestria a threat might arise, the Legion will be able to respond as swiftly as possible. Additionally, each Guard will be equipped with a single use teleportation device, sufficient to allow the Guard in question, to move themselves anywhere on the planet where there is demonic energy. I must stress however, that these devices, in addition to being extremely hard to manufacture, are highly experimental, thus they will only be used as a last resort. Phase Two will conclude with the stasis pods being placed deep beneath the ground. Once this happens, they will be utterly impossible to find, or access, unless activated.

As to the activation, it will need to be performed at an as yet unchosen site, where what we have dubbed: 'The Keystone', will be constructed and hidden. Activation must be preformed by either ladies Celestia and Luna, or by an individual or individuals, designated by them via a simple enchantment. Additionally, in the event of either ladies Celestia or Luna's. . . expiration, the activation enchantment will be bestowed upon a randomly selected pony in Equestria, whom the enchantment will automatically make aware of its presence and function." Taking a breath, Derran let it out slowly, despite his best efforts, it was clear to those around him, that he was having a far harder time with this than he was showing.

"And. . . Phase Three?" Celestia asked, still praying to find a flaw she knew didn't exist. Derran took another deep breath as he replied.

"Phase Three, is the final and most vital piece of the operation, and once enacted, will be out of the Legion's hands. In Phase Three, any and all evidence of the Legion's existence, is to be destroyed. Everything from letters and notes, to songs and stories mentioning humans, the Legion, Hell, or anything else related to us, will need to be utterly erased. Additionally, by royal decree, mention of the Legion's existence, even in passing, will be completely forbidden. This will ensure that no one, Equestrian or otherwise, will learn of Hell's existence. Without this knowledge, no individual will be able to open a portal to Hell, or communicate with its masters in any way. Ignorance of the threat will be Equestria's salvation. You cannot open a door, if you do not know the door is there in the first place." As Derran finished, Celestia ran the plan over and over in her head, examining it from every angle, as before however, she found no flaws. Turning to Derran, she struggled to keep her voice steady, and her tears contained, as she gave the order that tore her heart in two.

"Very well then, we give our approval. . . let it be done."

Only now, in the safety and solitude of her private chamber, did Celestia let free her tears. "what have I done?!" The question repeated in her mind over and over, like a mobius strip of sorrow and condemnation. However, no matter how many times Celestia tried to justify her decision on Derran and the Legion's plan, the same horrible answer to her silent queries returned. "You sentenced the stallion you love, to die!" Celestia wanted to believe differently, wanted to believe that somehow, Derran and the five brothers who went with him, would survive a second time. However, she inevitably concluded, that not even the most delusional of ponies would believe so obvious a lie.

Celestia had tried to force herself to swallow every excuse she could think of. "He and his brothers are the finest soldiers in the multiverse! Surely with their new equipment they could prevail?" This excuse, was easily the most feeble. Their new weapons and armor would be good, but no armor wrought by mortal hooves or hands, was good enough to balance such uneven scales. "Perhaps the mission will be over faster than we think?! They could return to Equestria in a week for all we know!" That idea stood up to barely more scrutiny than the first. The last two Lords of Hell were the first, and the ninth. The ninth Lord was rumored to be more powerful than the other eight combined. Of all the Lords, it was said only the ninth alone, had any true right to the label of 'God'. The Legion had intended to face him last, only because it was believed that, even all together, victory would require the death of every one of them to achieve. On the opposite end of things, the first Lord of Hell had survived both the Legion, and the depredations of other ambitious demons, by hiding, and it was very good at it. The Legion had no idea what the First Lord even looked like. They only knew that the creature had some form of psychic power, that allowed it to control other weak willed demons, and even that much was more speculation than fact. Even if Derran's team managed to find and kill them, the mission would likely take every moment of their renewed lives. Finally, there was the excuse Celestia had clung to, as her last faint shred of hope. "What of the power they used three days ago?! Surely with such might on their side, nothing could stand against them?!" This argument would have been a good one, had Celestia not been an Alicorn.

Alicorn's, like Celestia and Luna, had an inherent connection to all kinds of magic, even those they had never encountered before. It was what had allowed them to join their power to Khamun's to close the portal without needing to know exactly how the spell he was casting functioned. It was also what allowed them to see that the strange power the Legion had accessed on The Day of Wrath, was completely and utterly, spent. Only in Derran and Michael could they find even a trace of the power to analyze, and even within them, the power was equivalent to rapidly dying embers, buried in the ashes of a now deceased bonfire.

So weak were these traces, that merely the use of a simple scanning spell, had nearly extinguished them entirely. All they had learned, was that it had once been an enormously powerful form of dark magic. Khamun and Magnus had stated it was nearly identical to the ambient mystical energy of Hell. They speculated that the energy had accumulated in the bodies of the Legion over the thirty years they spent in that dark dimension, concentrating it until they experienced a state of despair and rage, great enough, to unleash it all at once. Resulting in them temporarily being imbued with power comparable to that of the Lords of Hell themselves. Why they had never been able to access the energy before now, and why it had never harmed them in any way, despite its nature and origin, Khamun and Magnus could only guess at. They also had no idea why Derran and Michael's power had manifested as such dramatically different colors than every other member of the Legion. Speculating it must be something unique to them, that no magic or science they knew, could identify. Regardless however, the bottom line remained the same for them, as it did the rest of the Legion. They had used up the power, and there was no way to restore it.

Celestia, in the end, was forced to concede, that even if Derran and his team accomplished their mission, they would never return to Equestria. Even if they somehow survived, once the distortion of space that had brought them here was gone, it was gone for good. Even had Celestia known another method to open a portal to Hell, she knew it would cost her far more than she would ever be willing to pay. . . even for the truest love of her eternal life. So she threw herself onto her bed, and cried. Burying her face in a pillow, Celestia wept unashamedly. Until finally, sleep stole her tears from her, and she began to dream. . . .


Death. . . Celestia was surrounded by it. In every breath, with every step, and in every molecule of her being. Death saturated every aspect of Celestia within and without. All around her, corpses in their trillions, were piled high as the tallest mountain peaks. Though she was strangely unable to make out their faces, Celestia could easily identify the bodies as pony, griffin, changeling, dragon, and all the other many races that populated Equestria and the lands beyond. Breaking up the abhorrent foothills and mountains, trickles of blood from the nigh infinite number of corpses, joined together to form great rivers of red gore. That, in the distance, Celestia could see flowing into an unholy ocean of dark crimson.

Celestia moved through this world of horror with wide unblinking eyes. Her fear and sorrow muted, as can only happen in a dream. Pulled with urgent purpose toward a place she could not know, by some inexorable force she could never name. Overhead, the sky was an endless sea of churning black clouds that blotted out almost all light, creating an impression of an eternal dusk. Through the darkness Celestia walked, her hooves moving almost of their own volition, and with an ever increasing speed she could not account for. It felt to her as if leagues flew by in the space of an instant, the vile landscape blurring around her as she moved. Finally, and with an abruptness that would have been quite jarring in the waking world, Celestia stopped. . . .

She had come to a sort of clearing. The mountains of dead parting to reveal cracked grey earth, utterly devoid of life. The area was roughly circular, the landscape seeming to shift like a mirage, and though Celestia was unable to speak to the exact size of the area, it was obviously massive. Strewn about the wasteland clearing, was yet another horror to add to an ever growing list. Human skeletons, thousands of them. . . all in the remains of ornate, hauntingly familiar armor. Were scattered upon the unhallowed earth. Weapons of a design Celestia knew all too well, laying broken and forgotten beside them. Celestia did not need to be a tactician, to see these stallions had died in battle. Their armor and bones bearing the obvious marks of claws, teeth, and hellfire burns. Celestia did not wonder at the scene she was looking upon, as its nature was all too clear. These, were the bodies of the Doom Legion, and this world of death. . . this was Equestria.

Celestia felt silent tears flowing down her cheeks, bowing her head as a sense of grief and rage assailed her, even through the forced ennui of the dreamworld. Had she been in the waking realm, Celestia had no doubt her mind would be in ruins. As it was, she could easily imagine herself thrashing wildly in her bed, her screams echoing throughout the castle. Standing amid the nightmare landscape, Celestia was feeling ever more like a prisoner in her own body. Desperately wishing to react to the unholy visions around her, yet constrained by the damnable forced calm of her sleeping mind. For a moment, she wondered where Luna was. Surely her sister would swoop in at any moment to save her from this torture? Only then did Celestia recall Luna storming out of the meeting earlier. She had likely cried herself to sleep, as Celestia had, or was simply too upset to preform her duties. Celestia was on her own, trapped in a state of emotional imprisonment, As the endless ruin of all she once held dear, was paraded before her. In that state, it took several moments for Celestia to notice, that she was no longer alone.

The figure appeared before her with neither warning nor introduction. Through a heavy robe of pure black silk, all Celestia could see of it, was its generally humanoid outline. With a motion of its arm the figure beckoned to Celestia, its face lost in the shadows of the hood around its head. Celestia wanted to demand the figure's name and purpose, but was unable to do more than raise her head. Before, as though tugged by invisible strings, she fell into step behind the hooded being. Moving through the wasteland clearing that was the only grave the Legion would ever receive, time and distance once more seemed to blur. Had Celestia and her strange guide been traveling for a few moments, or a few days? It was beyond the power of any to say for sure. Regardless, they eventually reached their destination, and Celestia's eyes widened.

There, amid the silent horror of this land of carnage and death, was something that was at once beautiful, and soul crushing. Above, the roiling clouds swirled around a single, perfect circle of open sky. Through which a pillar of pure white light, illuminated a sight that, even though she could not express it, turned Celestia's heart to ash. Bordered by the heavenly beam, was a small hillock, covered in green grass and flowers. There, surrounded by daffodils, violets, and daisies, was the body of Derran Grandel. He lay as if merely sleeping, his sword clasped to his breast, the armor of enchanted steel he wore unmarred, and his helm laying beside his head. He might have been peaceful in his repose, had his face not been twisted by an unspeakable grief. Tears, looking as though shed mere moments ago, lined his face, as a pained grimace forever marred his otherwise handsome features.

Suddenly, as though a switch had been flicked, the invisible dam holding back Celestia's emotions, broke. Feeling as though her heart were being ripped from her chest, Celestia threw herself atop her beloved. Grief, and self loathing, surged within her, as she babbled out incoherent apologies and pleas for him to wake, between sobs of absolute agony. How long she lay there upon the body of her love, Celestia could not have said, only breaking from her misery, when she felt a faint weight upon her shoulder. Whirling around, Celestia was seized by an anger unlike anything she had ever felt before.

"YOU!!" Celestia roared, her voice like a thunderclap, as her mane flared and billowed around her like a multicolored solar flare. "Declare thyself!! Why hast thou brought us here!?" The figure did not speak, nor did it move, utterly unconcerned with Celestia's fury and grief, it stood as if made of stone. "ANSWER US!!" Celestia bellowed, her mane and tale blazing with light in response to her anger. Yet still, the figure did not speak, instead simply gesturing with one shrouded arm, to something behind Celestia. For a moment, Celestia continued glaring at the figure, uncertain if she should turn her back on it. Finally, with a suspicious frown, Celestia slowly turned, to see what the hooded being was gesturing at.

The scene was much the same as before, Derran lying there upon the last living remnant of a now dead world, his expression still twisted with grief, as he held tightly to his weapon. However, he was no longer alone. Assembled around him, were three ponies. Two mares and a stallion, one a unicorn, one a pegasus, and the last, an earth pony. Celestia had no idea who these ponies were, but their presence was nearly overwhelming. . . .

The unicorn, a mare, had a mane that was like an ethereal white mist, within which could be seen glowing golden arcane symbols of innumerable types, appearing and disappearing at random. Her coat was a deep purple, that shimmered with a strange energy, and her cutie mark was that of a complex hexagrammic magic circle, done in gold and silver. The pegasus Stallion was lean and muscular, his coat a swirling grey that shifted constantly from purist white, to almost black, as though his coat was a living reflection of all the clouds in the sky. His mane was a brilliant blue, that crackled with faint sparks of electricity, and his cutie mark was an image of a constantly swirling hurricane. The earth pony mare had a deep green mane that was like a tangled mass of vines, and as Celestia watched in awe, flowers blossomed upon it, before falling off and disappearing, only to be replaced by fresh ones. Her coat was a deep red, that seemed to faintly glow, as if every hair was a volcanic cinder. Her cutie mark was a volcano, a beautiful rose blooming out of its crater. Each of these ponies, a study in grace and power, had but one unifying trait. Their eyes, that appeared as little more than pools of blazing rainbow light.

The three ponies gazed down at Derran with gentle smiles, tinged with sadness. As though they already knew exactly who he was, and the hardships he had endured. Then suddenly, the earth pony mare raised her hoof, placing it on Derran's chest.

"With my strength." She intoned, her voice as beautiful as a forest in spring, while still carrying the power of an erupting volcano. Next was the pegasus, repeating the earth pony mare's gesture, he lay his hoof next to hers.

"With my speed." He declared, his voice as delicate as a gentle breeze, yet carrying the low rumble of distant thunder. Next was the unicorn, who's hoof joined her fellows, the gesture reverent and unhurried.

"With my magic." She declared, her voice echoing as though coming from every direction at once.

After a moment, the three ponies turned to look expectantly at Celestia. Celestia hesitated for a moment, a thousand nameless fears entering her mind. Then suddenly, her thoughts quieted, as she felt a sensation she could not explain. Somehow, she knew, that this was a turning point in something momentous. Whether for good or ill was yet to be determined, but without question, if she turned away now, the monstrous portents she had witnessed on her way here were not merely a possibility, they were an inevitability. Taking a deep breath, Celestia stepped forward, and placed her hoof with the others.

"With my life." The words were spoken before Celestia even realized she was saying them, and with the completion of the last syllable, Derran's eyes snapped open, and the world exploded in light. . . .

With a gasp, Celestia found herself sitting bolt upright in bed, her eyes wide with fear and wonder. As along with the memory of her strange dream, knowledge. . . ancient and powerful, swirled in her mind. It was the middle of the night, but she hardly cared. Stumbling out of her bedroom, she cursed yet again, the old law that forbid her sharing a room with Derran and Luna before they were wed. Somehow, through a method she would never understand, Celestia found her sister in the castle library, secreted away in their hidden reading alcove. Celestia only vaguely able to recall that this was where Luna always hid when she was feeling low. Bursting in, Celestia began to babble out what had happened like a madpony.

Describing her dream to Luna took nearly an hour, thanks to her near delirious state, but eventually, Celestia laid it all out. Luna however, eyed her skeptically. Had Celestia been in a more rational state, she might also have noticed her sister's gaze was also a fair bit colder than usual.

"So sister, is there a point to all this? We apologize if our sorrow at the loss of our one true love has prevented thee from getting a good night sleep but-" Luna's acidic comment was interrupted, as Celestia grabbed hold of both her shoulders and shook her.

"Dost thou not understand sister?!!" Celestia declared, almost shouting. "WE CAN DO IT!! HOPE IS NOT LOST!!" Luna, her anger now completely overwhelmed by concern for her sister's sanity. Used her magic to gently, but firmly, remove Celestia's hooves from her shoulders. Reflecting that perhaps Celestia was taking Derran's loss harder than she originally thought, Luna adopted a far more gentle tone.

"Sister, we understand that thou have had a trying night, how about we prepare thee some warm milk and-" Once more Celestia interrupted, smiling like a complete lunatic as she replied.

"Oh Luna you silly, there is no time for warm milk! We must get everything ready! Because our dream showed us how to do it! OUR DREAM SHOWED US HOW TO SAVE DERRAN!!" Luna's eyes widened in shock, all concern gone as she stared at Celestia with rapt attention.

"Tell us everything. . . ."


Derran stared out over the assembly of his brothers, their neat ranks the very definition of military discipline. It had been nearly four weeks since he had been given leave to proceed with his plan by Lady Celestia, and since then he had seen precious little of her or Lady Luna. Luna. . . Derran's heart ached when he thought of the last words he had spoken to her. How many times had he awoken in the middle of the night, seized by the urge to go to her? To tell her he hadn't meant a single one of those heartless words. To tell her she and Celestia meant more to him than anything else in all the infinite realms of creation. Only to stop himself just in time, and repeat those same cold words he had spoken to her, like some kind of vile mantra. "Our love was an illusion, I am the Seraph's servant, not their beloved. I was a dalliance, a fling, and that is all I shall ever be." Nearly every night since the meeting, Derran had awoken and told himself this, hoping that given enough time. . . he might believe it.

Now however he refocused himself firmly on the present, the Seraphim sisters had requested that the entire Legion assemble just outside of Bridledown. Not far from the location of the arcane forges the Elder Guard had constructed, with the help of the most brilliant unicorn mages in Equestria, to craft the weapons and armor the Legion would need for their final, and most important, mission. Progress had been excellent so far, already six suits of armor and sets of weapons had been fashioned for Derran and his team. The suits were undergoing final testing now, soon, they would be fully operational, soon, everything would be ready, and Derran and his brothers would leave the gates of heaven behind . . . forever.

Glancing farther afield, Derran saw the beginning of the area that the Legion had begun referring to as "The Blight". The area where the battle of the Day of Wrath had taken place. The last of the demonic corpses had been burned in mystical fire long ago, and every effort had been made to purify the area. Alas, it seemed that not even the power of the Legion and seraphs combined, could completely erase the taint of the demons. The area was, for the most part, now a stretch of barren earth. Yet to the observant eye, it was clear something was wrong. The few plants that had begun regrowing, were doing so with unnatural speed and vigor. Too, their appearance was ever so slightly twisted, their shadows lengthened, their colors dark and foreboding, and, according to those ponies brave, or foolish enough to try, their taste was vile and bitter. Additionally, the strange plants appeared highly resistant to earth pony magic, and thus all efforts to guide their growth were met with failure. The area affected was small thus far, but the Elder Guard, as well as the unicorn magi studying the phenomena, had stated that the area was expanding at an exponential rate. Even the clouds above had been affected, parts of them hardening in a way that was wholly unnatural, and defying the efforts of even the best trained pegusi to corral them.

Efforts were underway to create a ward to shield the populated areas of Equestria from the corruption, and Khamun and Magnus had stated that the Blight's potential for growth, while quite large, was not infinite. Still, the knowledge that, even if only in some small way, the demons had marred this holy realm, was yet another weight on Derran's mind. Shaking his head and letting out a deep breath, Derran ordered his thoughts and saluted, as Celestia and Luna came into view. A moment later, the gesture was repeated by every one of his brothers.


Luna tried her best to hold on to the dutiful expression she wore. She felt drained, emotionally and physically. The last four weeks had been spent in feverish preparation for this day, yet she could feel no joy at its coming. Celestia of course, seemed unaffected as always, her kind if weary smile, and aura of beneficence, showing not the slightest blemish. "How surprised thy subjects would be to learn of the poisonous viper behind thy facade!" Luna thought bitterly, before immediately feeling guilty. She was certain her sister was simply hiding her pain, the visage of strength Celestia wore, undoubtedly concealing a hurt no less grievous than Luna's own. Yet still, Luna could not quite extinguish the faint flame of resentment burning in her heart.

When Celestia had stated she had a way to "Save" Derran and his brothers, Luna's heart had leapt. Yet, on hearing the details, she soon realized that the salvation her sister spoke of, in her half awake delirium, was not at all what Luna had envisioned. It would not erase the need for the Legion's plan, nor would it spare Derran from having to go to his all but certain death. Still, Luna could not deny that it would vastly increase the chances that Derran and his brothers would succeed in their mission. Additionally, while Derran's departure could not be prevented, there was at least now a chance, vanishingly small though it was, that he might find a way back to them. Even Celestia had admitted that the odds were infinitesimal, if even they existed at all. Yet, like a drowning pony biting at straws, Luna would take a forlorn hope, over none at all.

Thus she found herself here, wearing a look of duty and reassurance, as she and her sister presented themselves before the Legion. Even if she had no desire to put on a front for her sister, Luna would do it for them. She needed to be strong for her friends. . . it was the least she owed them. Glancing over at Derran, Luna hoped to see some flicker of the affection they had shared for one another, but to her dismay, all she saw, was the same emotionless expression from four weeks ago. "Derran. . . could thou. . . could thou have truly meant what thou said?" she wondered, a sharp pain in her heart, as Celestia began to speak to the assembled Legion.

"Friends. . ." She began, her steady tone and gentle gaze as unwavering as ever. "we cannot even begin to describe either our gratitude, or our sorrow, at this moment." Celestia paused to take a deep breath, seemingly deciding what to say next. "We wanted so very much for thy journey to be over. Our desire was, that thou should never have to take up arms again. That thy days would be spent in friendship and joy alongside our little ponies. . . ." Here Celestia trailed off for a moment, her mask slipping slightly, as what might have been a tear was hastily hidden from view. "We. . . we are so sorry for this. Thou have already lost so much, and now thou suffer for our sake. Thou give what none have the right to ask, and thou do so freely. . . ." Celestia paused again, appearing to steel herself. "With all our heart, we wish we could find a way to spare thee from this injustice of fate." Here Celestia lowered her head in sorrow, her voice seeming to crack ever so slightly as she continued. "In the short period of thy time with us, thou have become as much a part of our world as if thou had been born here. Thou hath become our friends, our family, and even. . . even our loves." Here Celestia, in a gesture unseen even by Luna, glanced at Derran with a look of true heartbreak in her eyes. Before straightening up, and staring out at ten thousand faces filled with sympathy.

Though she hid it well, those expressions stabbed at Celestia's heart more than anything else. Even as they lost everything, the Legion cared only for the pain of those around them. What cruel trick was this? That such noble beings be denied their rightful rest? Celestia only barely managed to avoid breaking down. She could not stop what needed to be done, but she could make certain that the Legion would survive, and maybe, someday. . . return home. Her expression determined, Celestia continued. "We have called you here today, because four weeks ago, while in the depths of slumber, we received what we can only describe as a vision." Here a murmur went up from the Legion, that Celestia swiftly silenced with an upraised hoof. "Upon waking, we received knowledge of a spell, one of immense power. Of its effects we know little, despite much research. We know only that it was meant for all of you, and feel it is likely tied to the primal power of Equestria. With all our heart, we believe this spell was meant to help thee through this unspeakable trial." Celestia struggled not to shy away from the stares of the Legion, she knew she was asking them to take a lot of this on just her word. Yet, gazing into the eyes of the humans before her, Celestia could find not even a shred of doubt in any of them. It was in that moment. . . that Celestia's mask finally shattered. Tears streaming from her eyes, as she saw reflected over ten thousand times, naught but purest trust, love, and loyalty. As her mask fell away, Celestia gave voice to her truest feelings.

"How pathetic am I. . ." She asked, tears flowing freely, so overcome with emotion that even her use of the royal 'We' was discarded. "I told thee that thou would have a new home. . . that thou would have thy lives to live again. . . that thy days of battle would be no more!" Celestia choked back a sob as she continued, her voice heavy with self loathing. "Yet now. . . now I stand powerless as I rip all that I promised away from thee! With nothing more than pretty words, and a spell from a dream, to offer in exchange!!" Celestia hung her head once more, gritting her teeth in frustration and anger. "You are fellow Equestrians! As truly as any other of my subjects! Yet it is you alone who must give their lives and homes!! What ruler would allow her ponies to suffer so?!" She cried out, the pain in her voice so intense that even Luna could not doubt her sincerity. "I. . ." She continued, her inwardly directed fury nearly stealing her voice. "am no better. . . than the vile king who opened that portal to Hell in the-"

"NO!" The shout was so powerful, it seemed almost to freeze time. All the world falling to silence, as Derran Grandel stepped forward. "I will not allow such vile slander to be placed upon your name Lady Celestia! Not even by you yourself!" Derran's anger was palpable, as he glared down at Celestia with a gaze that felt as if it pierced her very soul. "To even mention that wretch in the same breath as you or Lady Luna is nothing less than heresy, and I will not stand for it!" Taking a breath, and with his features softening ever so slightly, Derran stood before Celestia, as she looked upon him with an expression of shame. "You ask what manner of leader would ask this of her subjects?" He inquired, letting the question hang in the air, as he looked out at his assembled brothers. "With respect my Lady, that is not the question that ought be asked. . . ." Raising his hand, Derran pointed at one of his brothers at random, his voice becoming one of command as he spoke. "Brother Sathrek! What question would you suppose to ask here?!" Stepping forward at attention, and offering a swift salute, Sathrek's reply came without even a moment of hesitation.

"What man, who finds his home and family under threat, would refuse the call to arms?" Sathrek's reply was utterly devoid of uncertainty, as Derran nodded approvingly.

"Indeed brother. . . what man, who sees the enemy at his door. . . who sees his neighbor's home ablaze. . . who sees his family and friends uncertain and scared. . . what man would not take action?" Derran turned to look once more at Celestia. "Even had we not sworn to defend this land, even were you not the Light's holy children, even had we but fists and rocks to fight with. . . it would change nothing." Taking a breath, Derran looked out over the heads of his brothers, gazing toward the horizon. Gesturing in the direction of the distant and pristine landscape beyond the Blight, Derran continued. "For however long or brief a time, this land is our home. . . and we will defend it, with our lives-no. . . with our very souls!" Derran regarded Celestia with an odd, faraway look in his eyes. "You did not force this choice upon us my Lady. . . for there was no choice to make. Country? King? Glory? These are things that men choose to fight for. . . but home? Family? Friends? These are things men must fight for." Celestia's heart ached, as she stared into Derran's eyes, fighting back new tears as she nodded, her voice a broken whisper as she replied.

"I. . . I do not know if this spell will save you. . . I want to believe it will, but I do not know!" Derran seemed almost serene as he replied.

"I am afraid no spell can offer me salvation." He declared calmly. Both Celestia and Luna did a double take, Derran continuing as if he had not noticed. "Whatever this spell you speak of does, it cannot possibly save me, nor my brothers." Tears once more began to flow from Celestia's eyes, as Luna's expression became like stone. "It cannot save us. . . because we have already been saved." Celestia and Luna's expressions turned to ones of slight confusion, as Derran continued. "When darkness enveloped us. . . when all hope had long been lost. . . when the icy fingers of death itself scratched at our heels. It was not your magic that saved us, not truly. . . it was you." Stepping back, Derran fell to one knee, head bowed and an arm across his chest, with his clenched fist over his heart. Then, before the eyes of the two princesses, the entire Legion mirrored Derran's movements, the gesture so smooth it was as if they had practiced it a thousand times before. Till Celestia and Luna looked out over a veritable sea of abject veneration. "When your faith in yourself wavers, know that ours shall always be true. Yours is the word of the seraphim, the word of the Light itself, If you say this spell will aid us, then it will. Bestow your blessing my Ladies, and know that no matter the outcome, our faith shall not waver." As Derran finished, Celestia glanced at Luna. For a moment, Luna simply stood there, as though digesting Derran's words, before finally giving a nod. Turning back to Derran and the Legion, Celestia took a deep breath.

"Then. . . let us begin." Her reply was stoic, but inside Celestia's mind, was a maelstrom of emotion. So many things running through her head she wanted to say to Derran. That she loved him, that she would have happily traded her life to spare him the horror he would soon be thrown to, that she deserved neither his faith nor his loyalty, that he should tell Luna the truth of his cruel words from before, and, perhaps most selfish of all. . . that she did not wish him to go. That last realization was the hardest, Celestia wanted to scream out to Derran, to beg him not to leave her, to speak of the family she and Luna wished to create with him. . . but she could not. Silencing her mind, Celestia once more played the role expected of her as a leader. . . as she and Luna lit their horns.

Instantly, the atmosphere changed, a feeling like a static charge filled the air, as the gentle morning breeze grew in strength and intensity to a full blown wind. Celestia and Luna's horns grew steadily brighter, as they sought to tap the very depths of their magical power. Overhead, storm clouds began to form, announcing themselves with great peals of thunder and brilliant flashes of lightning. Beneath the Legion's feet the earth began to tremble, grass and plants suddenly growing with unnatural speed to gently wrap around their legs, like vines clinging to ancient trees. The charge in the air grew greater, till an aura of beautiful violet energy formed around every member of the Legion. Through it all, Celestia and Luna's horns glowed with ever greater intensity. Celestia's golden magic field flared as if alive, becoming so bright that to look at it directly, was to risk ones eyes. Luna's energy began to resemble nothing so much as a blue and purple nebula, flares of light, as bright as stars in the night sky being born within it before dying just as swiftly. Overhead, the fully formed storm roared, lightning striking the ground around and between the soldiers of the Legion, as the earth's tremble became a full blown shaking. The aura of violet energy around the Legion began to shimmer and change, becoming a rainbow of hues, its light growing ever brighter. The eyes of the Legion became as pools of blue light, flickering like a flame. Their veins were clearly visible beneath their skin, illuminated as though pure electricity ran through them. Massive phantom tendrils emerged from their backs, their color a brilliant searing white, save for Michael and Derran, who bore gold, and deep ebon black respectively.

Celestia and Luna channeled still more power into the spell, drawing from reserves they never knew they had, energy flowing from them like a river from a breached dam. Above the Legion's heads, appeared a massive circle of magic, drawn in lines of glowing fiery red, electric blue, and sunset purple. Runes not even Celestia and Luna could translate appeared between the lines, as they roared the completion phrase for the spell, their voices drowning out even the thunder overhead.


All at once, two beams of purist gold and darkest blue, connected Celestia and Luna to the circle overhead, while a bolt of lightning as thick as a redwood struck the exact center. From the circle, a beam of power descended, to bathe every member of the Legion in brilliant white light. As the world vanished in the actinic glare, a single tear fell from Celestia's eye. Speaking in a voice too quiet to be heard, she let out a prayer to she knew not whom.

"This. . . is all I can do. Please, please, let it be enough!"

As the glare faded, Celestia and Luna felt their energy plummet. Stumbling, they only just managed to keep their hooves, staying conscious by dint of sheer will. They were determined to see what had happened. Little by little, the shapes of the men resolved themselves, as kneeling outlines amid a rapidly fading etheric mist. A feeling of immense power, beyond anything they had ever encountered in any being save themselves, washed over Celestia and Luna. As Slowly, the figures in the mist stood, and before the princesses awestruck faces, the fog parted. . . and the Legion was revealed.

Their clothes were shredded to near the point of disintegration. Eldritch lightning crawled across their forms, as wisps of ethereal flame clung to their bodies. However, beneath those ribbons of cloth, was a sight to steal the breath. Whatever minor physical weakness's that once could be spotted on the bodies of the Legion, were now utterly gone. Their corporeal forms now at a level that no athlete, soldier, or bodybuilder, could ever approach in a thousand lifetimes. They stood tall, even the faintest sign of fatigue having utterly vanished, as though sleep and exhaustion were something they had left behind.

Derran stepped forward, taking a breath, his eyes flickered from Celestia to Luna and then back, his head shifting slightly, as if his already razor sharp senses were providing him with more information than even he was accustomed to. Flexing his right hand and lower arm, Derran seemed almost afraid, as he stared at his now flawless limb.

"Did. . . it work? Please. . . tell us it worked." Luna all but begged through her exaustion. Derran did not reply, staring at them in silence for a moment, as if in some form of trance. Suddenly he turned and walked a short distance away, to an errant boulder sticking out of the ground. For a moment, he stared at the piece of granite, his expression becoming one of intense concentration. Then, before either princess could speak so much as a single word, Derran pulled back his fist, and struck the boulder with every ounce of his strength. The chunk of protruding rock was approximately the size of Derran himself, and at least a foot thick. Even for one as strong as Derran, it should have shattered his hand and arm beyond repair. Instead. . . Derran's fist went straight through. The boulder exploding into dust and fragments, as though it were but cheap plaster struck by a cannon ball. Turning back, Derran gave a small smile, as he displayed his completely uninjured hand.

"Yes my Ladies. . . I believe it did." Finally, with an exhausted smile and a grateful sigh, Celestia and Luna at last gave into their bodies demands, and collapsed. Unconscious as they were, they did not see Derran sprint a distance of over fifteen feet, his body little more than a blur of movement, to easily catch them before they hit the ground. Nor did they see, as he and Michael each lifted one of them as if they weighed no more than a feather, and carry them without so much as an errant breath to their bedchambers, just under a mile and a half away. . . .


Derran stared at himself in the full length mirror before him. His new armor fit him well. Done in the ancient style of the Night Sentinels order, it belied its antiquarian appearance by being one of the strongest and most versatile designs of powered armor ever created. Utilizing a fusion of Equestrian magic and D'nurian mage tech, it made even his old suit of Mega Armor look like a child's toy.

Appearing outwardly as nothing so much as a suit of full plate from the distant past, the symbol of the Doom Slayer upon the right breast its sole ornamentation. The Mk 3 Angelus Armor, Night Sentinel pattern, was a true marvel. The outer shell was composed of a new formula of magesteel, that was stronger than the armor of a tank, while still being light as a feather. The shell was mounted on a full-body suit of adaptive self repairing, enchanted nano fiber, that was stretched over a flexible skeleton of strength enhancing fiber bundles, granting a farther boost to the wearer's now demigod-like strength and speed. The armor was also enchanted to resist and repel all forms of damage and environmental strain, including extreme heat, cold, and even magic, radiation, and acid.

Turning from the mirror, Derran picked up his helmet off a nearby table. He gave a weak smile as he considered for the hundredth time, how much its design reminded him of a bucket. His smile soon faded however, as he stared into the thin, black crescent visor. The helmet, much like the armor it went to, was far more impressive than it's appearance suggested. The internal systems providing everything from the ability to see in complete darkness, ultraviolet, and infrared, to allowing its wearer to view a constantly updating three dimensional map, of everything up to nearly a half mile in every direction.

Together, the helmet, armor, and Derran's newly minted blast rifle, blast pistol, and hard-light energy sword, represented the greatest weapons Equestria, and humanity, had ever produced.

"Humanity. . . ." Derran trailed off as he held up the hand he had, not so long ago, used to shatter a boulder into pieces. It had not taken long after receiving the Seraphim's blessing, for the Legion to realize that it had done far more than enhance their strength and speed. Derran had not slept in over a week, yet still felt as rested and alert as if he had gotten a full night's rest. He had not eaten, nor drank, anything in nearly three days, yet felt no more hungry or thirsty than if he had dined an hour or two ago. Additionally, the last time he had rested, he had gone to sleep after cutting his hand rather badly while examining his new sword, only to awake and find the wound gone. Only a nearly invisible white line, indicating it had ever even existed at all. "Am I still human?" Derran wondered aloud.

Shaking his head, Derran dismissed that line of thinking. He had lost his humanity long before he had ever even met the Seraphs. Besides, after living in the society of the Seraphim and their children, he had come to realize how little humanity humans actually possessed. Magnetically locking his helmet to his waist, Derran glanced around the room that had been his home for nearly a year. Before his eyes, he replayed the memories of the nine months he had spent in blissful joy with Celestia and Luna.

There were the three chairs by the window where they had drank tea, and read stories of romance and adventure to each other. . . the large couch in front of the fire, where they had held one another close as Celestia and Luna formed images of beauty and wonder in the flames using their magic. . . the bed, where they had fallen asleep in each others arms. . . . Narrowing his gaze, Derran dismissed the memories, crushing them down into his subconscious with a vicious finality. The memories meant nothing, the pain in his heart. . . meant nothing.

"It was a dream. . . ." Derran intoned, refusing to acknowledge the tears his body desperately wanted to unleash. "It is time to wake up." He growled, as he reminded himself of his duty, of his true purpose.

"My Lord?" Turning, Derran met the gaze of Michael Santius as he stood in the door frame. Though his voice was steady, Michael could not fully conceal the sorrow in his eyes, as he continued. "They are waiting." Derran nodded, slowly turning to face his oldest and most loyal friend and comrade. Looking past his lord's shoulder, the sadness in Michael's eyes grew still greater. "Do you. . . require a bit more time?" Derran hesitated a moment, on the verge of saying yes, but then thought better of it. There was nothing left for him in this room, save ghosts and pain, delaying the inevitable would not change that.

"No brother. . . I am finished." Derran replied, as he moved past Michael and out into the hall. Falling in behind his lord, Michael was surprised when he abruptly stopped.

"Brother Santius. . . Michael?" Michael's eyes widened slightly at his lord's use of his first name. As a rule, Derran only called him that when it was particularly important.

"Yes my Lord?" Michael replied, his tone and expression neutral.

"There is something I wish to ask of you. . . something personal." Michael stayed silent, waiting for his lord to continue.

"I am leaving Unmaker here." Derran declared, still keeping his back to his lieutenant. Michael nodded, despite the ache he felt in his heart at doing so. He of course had objections, many of them in fact, but none that he could describe as anything other than selfish. Still, he couldn't help the words that came next.

"I do not suppose there is any way I could make you reconsider?" Derran kept his back turned as he replied, his tone stern.

"There is not, we cannot afford the loss of any of the Hellbanes, and to be blunt. . . we both know this mission is not the kind you return from." Michael struggled to keep his voice steady as he replied, still attempting to protest, despite his conviction not to.

"But my Lord, the Seraphs-" Derran cut him off with a raised hand as he continued.

"I know when I first asked you to take up my mantel, you refused. That is why I am not asking this time. You, Michael Santius, are, in the event the Legion is awakened and I am not there, hereby ordered to assume command of the Legion as the new Doom Slayer. Do you understand?" Michael hesitated, a sick feeling in his gut staying his words, as he finally internalized the reality of things. His mentor, and dearest friend, the man who had shaped him from a child of privilege into a leader of armies. Who, despite tragedy, horror, and madness, had been his guiding light through thirty years of unending warfare and death, was leaving him behind.

"I. . . " Michael began, before Derran interrupted.

"Do you understand!" Derran barked, silencing Michael's unspoken objection. Swallowing, Michael tasted ashes in his mouth as he replied.

"Yes, my Lord. . . I understand." Taking a deep breath, Derran nodded to himself.

"Good, then here is my request. . . my last request." Michael stiffened, despite knowing all of this was coming, it still felt like a punch to the gut.

"I am listening my Lord." He stated, only barely managing to keep his voice steady. Turning to face Michael, Derran stared into his eyes, and Michael nearly gasped. He had never, in all the years they had fought together, seen his lord look so. . . vulnerable. His expression looked utterly exhausted, in a way Michael couldn't even begin to describe, and within the icy blue orbs that were his eyes, was a nameless look of fear he would never have imagined the Doom Slayer capable of.

"When I am gone, and should you awaken. . . please brother. . . promise me. . . promise me, that you will keep Luna and Celestia safe." Michael took a deep breath before nodding.

"On my life. . . and with my soul." Michael replied. Derran nodded, the look of vulnerability his face had held, vanishing beneath the expression of the unflinching soldier. Turning away once more, Derran resumed walking.

"Then let us be about this." He declared, his voice a cold whisper.


The ponies of the town of Bridledown waited, and watched. From sidewalks, from atop carts and piled boxes, and from rooftops. Normally, on a day such as today, shops would be open, streets would be bustling, and a smile would adorn every face. . . but not today. Today the shops were empty, the windows of every home dark, and signs reading "Closed" were hung on the door of every business. The sidewalks were full, but the streets themselves were barren, devoid of any form of life. As if even the birds and insects could sense what was happening, and were keeping a respectful distance. From the sidewalks, lined with unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies, no smiles came. Only looks of sorrow, and silent tears.

Many of those present held single red roses or pale white lilies, clutched to their chests with one hoof, some carried entire bouquets. Others had hung banners displaying the symbol of the two sisters alongside symbols of the ancient kingdoms of D'nur. Those ponies who had come in clothes, had all dressed in black, the mares wearing dark dresses and gossamer veils, while the stallions were done up in black frock coats worn over black waistcoats. The sky above was dark grey, the pegasus weather teams having decided that for this day, even the sky itself should wear the colors of mourning. Many of those assembled had been waiting since before sunrise, having got up extra early to insure everything was ready.

This day had been dreaded, ever since the princesses had explained the Legion's plans, and why they were necessary. Before the Day of Wrath, there might have been those who doubted the implementing of such measures, but not now. The events of that terrible day, had shown all of Equestria the horrors beyond the veil of what they knew as reality. The citizens of Bridledown, would never again be able to doubt the existence of absolute evil. Of monsters that gazed across the cosmos with hateful eyes, and that dreamed of the ruin of existence itself. However, just as they now knew the true face of evil, so did they know that there existed champions to fight it.

The Legion. . . in the world's hour of greatest need, they had stood as a shield against the darkness. In the face of hopeless odds, these soldiers from another world, had not hesitated to place themselves between their new home, and the abominations spawned in the heart of damnation. It should have been reassuring, a moment of heroic triumph. In a just and fair multiverse, no more should have been required of the saviors of Equestria. However, as the ponies of Bridledown now knew, the infinite realms beyond their own, had little interest in justice or fairness. And so, today, the ponies stood and watched in misery, as what little the Legion had left to give, was offered up in the name of their salvation.

It began with the doleful tolling of the town bell. Usually used to ring in festivals, weddings, or other happy tidings, now it sounded a cry of sorrow. On the tenth toll, one for each Guard of the Legion, a procession emerged from the gates of the castle. First to emerge were Celestia and Luna. Like the ponies who lined the street, the princesses were dressed in funerary attire. Each having discarded their royal regalia in favor of dresses of ebon black, and veils of midnight lace, that did little to hide their pained expressions. Flanking them, were two members of the Legion, each bearing a flag.

Moving in lockstep with the princesses, the soldier at Luna's side was resplendent in heavy golden armor, emblazoned with the symbol of the sun, his helm bearing a T-shaped visor, and with a decorative crest created with plumes of stiff bristles, enchanted to resemble the shifting colors of Celestia's mane. The flag the golden warrior carried was emblazoned with the symbol of the two sisters, below which was written: 月をたたえ. Though none of the ponies could read the symbols, they knew it meant: 'Praise the Moon', in the ancient language of Shido. Conversely, the soldier at Celestia's side was dressed in armor of midnight black, and of a design featuring overlapping plates on the shoulders, thighs, and helmet. The helmet visor was in the shape of a monstrous snarling face, and the chest plate proudly displayed a crescent moon, in beautiful mother of pearl. The flag he bore also depicted the symbol of the united princesses, but beneath it were the words: Ave Solis, or 'Hail the Sun' in the language of Izulos. The juxtaposition of Celestia and Luna's personal warriors, was intended to send a message of unity, that Celestia and Luna each worked in conjunction, neither more or less important than the other. However, as the princesses passed their subjects, it felt as if the only thing currently uniting the princesses, was their grief.

Next to come were the flags of the ten Guards of the Legion, each held by an armored warrior of the Guard to which the flag belonged. Past the assemblage of ponies was paraded the hammer and anvil of the Iron Guard, the Ouroboros of the Elder Guard, the eye and hand of the Shimmer Guard, the burning spear of the Zulu Guard, the thunderbird of the Ghost Guard, the wolf's head of the Glacier Guard, the sea serpent of the Scarlet Guard, and the sign of the Armageddon Guard, who's flag bore the personal rune of the Doom Slayer. Only the Solar and Lunar Guard flags were immediately familiar to the crowd, as they had each discarded their original heraldry, in favor of their mistresses cutie marks.

However, in truth, all this pageantry was lost on the ponies, as the figures of the ones they had truly come to see, resolved themselves. In total, there were six of them, each clad in identical Night Sentinal pattern armor, polished to a mirror finish, their helmets held under one arm as they marched forward.

Derran, better aware than any, of the suicidal nature of the task his team would face, had declared he would only accept volunteers to accompany him. Yet, the instant the call had gone out, every member of the Legion, bar none, had come running to put forth their names. In the end, at the suggestion of Michael, the decision had been made by lottery. 'Let the Light choose its champions,' he had declared. Derran had agreed, but only under the condition that the commanders and lieutenants of the Legion, withdraw their names. They were already forfeiting one commander, he would not allow the loss of a second.

It had taken nearly two days to organize the choosing. Each Legion member putting their name on a piece of paper, that was then placed in a massive pocket of swirling air created with magic. When finally all the names had been put forth, Derran had plucked the chosen five from the vortex one by one, and read them aloud.

First to be chosen was Jack Cawl, a member of the Scarlet Guard, who had once fought and bested three hell knights while waist deep in a river of blood. Next was Kawi Brightriver, of the Ghost Guard, and Yomi Kiagawa of the Lunar Guard. Alone on a scouting mission, Kawi had made his name known by managing to kill over one hundred demons, using nothing but a bow, a quiver of fifty arrows, and a demon bone hunting ax. Yomi, meanwhile, was famed for having taken down two barons of hell at once, with only a dagger. After them came Beroghar Firefist of the Glacier Guard, who was renowned for being the man who killed one of the bodyguards of the fifth Lord of Hell, using nothing but bare fists. Finally was Unaka Kasawa, of the Zulu Guard, who had personally put out the eye of the eighth Lord of Hell with a single spear throw, while at the same time locked in close combat with a mancubus.

These were the deeds these men were famous for in the Legion, but the ponies of Bridledown knew them for other reasons. Jack had become known as something of a handymare, and many in the town had stories of how he had fixed something they had thought hopelessly broken, for next to nothing. In his spare time, Kawi had taught groups of foals basic survival skills, and even occasionally took them out on camping trips, after which they talked their parents and friends ears off with details of what he had taught them. Yomi was beloved for his skill at cooking, and had single hoofedly transformed a failing restaurant into a local sensation, by making various dishes from his homeland. Beroghar was a lovable bear of a stallion, who always had a story to tell, and a laugh that never failed to make ponies smile, he also made the most incredible wood carvings anypony had ever seen. Unaka had a knack for writing poetry, and his verse and smile had captured the attention of many a young mare. To the residents of Bridledown, these men were not warriors of legend, nor even saviors of the land, they were friends, neighbors, family. As they moved past the ponies who knew them best, the sound of tears being shed became an ever present refrain.

Slowly, the grim procession marched through the streets and out of the town, the ponies on the streets falling in behind as they passed. No human, nor pony, spoke a word, as they headed toward the Blight, where waited the rest of the Legion. Standing at attention, the soldiers of the Legion stood side by side in two great blocks of five thousand strong, each separated into further blocks of one thousand by Guard affiliation, and parted into groups of five hundred on either side of the path. Creating a corridor leading to the processions ultimate destination, a raised wooden platform. . . where the portal to Hell would be opened.

Dressed in black mourning attire, few of the Legion soldiers yet bore armor or weapons. As even after many weeks of work through day and night, they had only managed to produce about one hundred or so suits of armor, and about twice that number of various weapons. It was a minor miracle they even had that many, given the designs of everything had to be redone from the ground up, to account for the Legion's now superhuman strength and speed. Still, even devoid of the armor and trappings of warriors, none could deny the nearly overwhelming presence exuded by every one of them. As the procession passed by the individually assembled Guards, their members, in perfect sync, brought their arms up to place their fists over their hearts in the Legion salute.

As the procession ascended the simple wooden steps to the top of the platform, they were greeted by Michael Santius and the nine remaining Legion commanders, dressed in the traditional funerary garb for each of their lost homelands. Each offered a quick bow to the princesses, however Celestia and Luna barely acknowledged the gesture as they approached. Parting from their flag carriers to stand alongside Michael in front of the other Commanders, the princesses took up position, before observing the rest of the group take their places. Next to come were the Legion standard bearers. Splitting into two groups with almost unearthly precision, they stood along the edges of the platform facing out toward the crowd, their flags held out before them at a perfect forty five degree angle. Last to come, were the six chosen warriors. Filing past Derran in silence, Jack, Kawi, Yomi, Beroghar, and Unaka formed a line before the princesses, Michael, and their Commanders. Then, as if following some invisible cue, both they and Derran, fell to one knee, bowing their heads and placing their fists over their hearts in the Legion salute, before rising and turning to face the crowd.

Both pony and Legion fixed their gazes on Derran, as he moved to stand in front of his team, expecting him to give a speech, to have some words to assuage the sorrow of those he was soon to leave behind. Derran had many times throughout his tenure as the high commander of the Legion, given innumerable such speeches. Whether to inspire before a battle, commemorate a victory, or morn a fallen comrade, he had always managed to find the words necessary to stir the hearts of those around him. Yet. . . as he stood there, the crowd before him waiting expectantly, all that could be heard, was silence. . . .


Derran, at first, could not have said what was wrong. What it was about the scene before him that felt so utterly and inescapably alien. Everything thus far had gone exactly as intended. Reinforcing the idea of this being a permanent parting, and thus allowing the ponies they were leaving behind to properly grieve and move on with life, had been Derran's own idea, and he could hardly have wished it to go better. Ponies were all expressing their sorrow, many weeping openly, and all others were struggling to put on a brave face. Their grief was clear, and Derran had not even started the goodbye speech he had written, and spent a week fine tuning, for exactly this moment. Everything was going according to plan. . . so why did the sight before him seize his throat, and cause his words to turn to dust on his lips? Then, quite suddenly, it dawned on him. The source of his disquiet laid bare in the form of a revelation as vile as it was damming. This. . . was not Equestria. . . this. . . was not his new home.

The Equestria Derran loved was not a place of misery or grief, filled with the cries of the forlorn and heartbroken! It was not a place of dark skies, dower dress, and quiet misery, and it most certainly was not a place for tragic partings! Yet. . . in his effort to help the ponies accept the loss of their new friends and family. . . that is precisely what Derran had made it. As this horrid realization traveled through Derran's mind, he felt an indescribable self loathing well up within him. How he could have, even in ignorance, committed such a blasphemy he would never be able to say. He had taken something beautiful and pure, and twisted it, forced it into a shape it was never meant to hold. Already Equestria and the citizens of Bridledown were near the edge of despair, and in his callousness, he may yet have pushed them over the brink.

Derran had lived long without hope, and only after it was returned, did he understand, how unforgivably cruel a fate that was. . . . The ponies needed to see this sacrifice for what it was, a noble act of faith, a temporary pain that would serve a greater good. It was with no small degree of horror, that Derran realized his idiocy might have endangered the entire plan. Only if the ponies had hope, would they keep the secret of the Legion willingly. Despair would undoubtedly, whether as a result of grief inspired rebellion or altruistic desire to honor the Legion's sacrifice, cause them to break the vow of secrecy. Only hope could persuade them to keep faith with the idea that this dark moment, would be worth the pain.

In his heart, Derran felt his misery turn to an iron resolve, as he realized what must be done. Long had he been a symbol for the Legion. As the Doom Slayer he was a symbol of fear, a symbol of fury, a symbol of victory and the resilience of mankind. . . but never one of hope. He had never sought to be such a symbol, nor the right to claim to be such. He was not like the seraphim, he was a monster, a beast, a sinner beyond redemption, a force of vengeance and destruction. Hope had been only an illusion to him, for the Doom Slayer knew only rage and malice. Even now, he could feel his sorrow and rage, boiling just below the surface. Rage at fate for its cruelty, at the demons for despoiling this holy place with their presence, and at himself, for even now. . . refusing to apologize to Luna. The Doom Slayer was not a hero, the path he walked could never allow him to be such a thing. However. . . today, if only this once. . . if only for the seraphim and their children, whom had given him so much, despite all that he was. . . if only for them, today he would, for just a moment, play the hero. Today, the Doom Slayer, would bring hope. . . .

"My brothers. . . tell me. . . do you remember, on the day we defeated Etzarak. . . the song we sang?" The question was greeted with curious expressions from his brothers, as he continued speaking. "We had just finished collapsing his tower, only to see a demon host in the hundreds of thousands on the horizon. We were weaker back then, and civilian militia outnumbered soldiers three to one. To be free of our pursuers, we would need to break through them. Morale was high among the soldiers, but many of the militia were still afraid. So many demons, far more than we had ever encountered before, and while back then we had far more men in our ranks, we still were outnumbered." Derran paused as his brothers nodded, some even smiling faintly, as Derran continued to recall the memory. "We had bloodied the enemy in a way they could scarcely imagine. One of the Lords of Hell, a supposed living god, lay dead at the feet of mortals." More smiles appeared, as the somber mood gave way to a flicker of pride. "Hell sought to punish us, and sent a punitive force to overwhelm us. The militia were afraid. Many ready to break and run, certain our end had come. . . and then. . . then our brothers in the Glacier Guard began to sing. That song, an ancient marching hymn from Odinia, it put fire in the hearts of militia and soldier alike! As rain against stone did the last vestiges of our fear flow off of us! We charged into battle, the song on the lips of every man, woman, and child within the newly christened Legion!" A smattering of cheers were heard, as Derran's gaze and words were filled with a fierce and powerful energy. "We fought! Our ferocity a thing to behold! For every one man we lost, the enemy lost ten! With spell and blade we carved our way through the enemy ranks!! And even as our brothers and sisters died, they sang the song! Roaring it to the sky! Daring all the Lords of Hell to try to silence us! Screaming out to all of existence that the last sons and daughters of D'nur would not! Now or ever! GO SILENTLY INTO THAT GOOD NIGHT!! " This declaration was met with loud cheers and enthusiastic shouts of approval. "My brothers! Today we depart the Gates of Heaven, and I see fear and sorrow upon the face of all those we leave behind! The shadows of the unknown nip at their hooves, and threatens to steal the smiles from those we love!" A deafening roar of anger and outrage greeted this pronouncement, as Derra raised his voice still higher. "Sing with me my brothers! Sing with all your heart and soul!! Sing till the heavens shake and the earth trembles! Till the Darkness itself recoils in terror!! Sing my brothers, and let this world know, let all worlds know, that hope: IS NOT! YET! LOST!!" A roar of assent greeted this pronouncement, as Derran began the song. . . .

Song: Die With Honor by Manowar

As the song's lyrics washed over them, the ponies of Equestria stood in awe. Never in their lives had they heard a song of such power or conviction. As the rest of the Legion lent their voices to the chorus, the feeling only grew greater. As the song went on, ponies felt their spirits lift, as an aura of might and conviction blazed out from the Legion to envelop them, and for a moment, everything changed. For that one instant, the ponies felt as the Legion did, and sorrow and pain were made irrelevant, in the face of an overwhelming pride. And in that pride, the ponies found their hope.

As the song went on, ponies and legion alike sang out, their voices shattering the early morning quiet in its entirety. Derran, standing atop the platform raised his fist to the sky, the clouds above him parting as though afraid of the thunderous voices beneath. A pillar of purest sunlight broke through to shine on Derran, and then rapidly expanded to encompass the entire Legion, and their pony allies. The song growing ever greater in volume as, unnoticed by all but a few, a strange shimmer, like waves of heat, began forming around the Legion warriors. As if in response to the soaring emotions, and echoing hoof stomps, the shimmer expanded, to a form that, in a certain light, made it seem as if all within the Legion, bore translucent feathered wings. Yet few were those who noticed, as the assembled crowd screamed their fury to the heavens.

Fearless hearts!
Filled with pride!
Into glory we shall rise!

As the song ended, the ponies hearts blazed with a certainty that they could not account for. They would, now and always, shed tears for those they lost this day, but no more would they despair. One day, long in the future, the Legion would return. On Equestria's darkest day, when generations of future ponies cried out in fear and terror. When finally the day came when an evil arose that Equestria could not defeat alone. When all the world cried out for a savior, the Legion would return. In fire and glory, they would rise, and all that was evil in this world and beyond. . . would know their wrath. This the ponies knew with absolute certainty, and as the song ended, they joined the Legion, roaring their defiance to the uncaring multiverse. . . .



Celestia stared at the now open portal that swirled before her. At the center of several circles of glowing D'nurian runes of warding, it was of a different cast than the one created by the demons. Being only a foot taller than Derran himself, and having the appearance of an ovoid tear containing a swirl of red and black energy. The border was a line of blue lightning and green floating runes, that crackled and pulsed faintly. The opening itself had been surprisingly simple, taking only a few minutes of her, Luna, Khamun, and Magnus channeling their magic into the location of the spacetime distortion. After nearly a week of the Elder Guard, and scores of unicorn magi casting spells of warding, concealment, and protection, Celestia had expected it to take longer.

The sealing would be nearly as simple, once on the other side, Derran need only utilize a specially prepared 'Sealing Crystal' and the portal would close. The distortion fixed, and the fabric of reality healed over, like a mere paper cut. After that, the creation of a portal would be impossible without the proper rituals, and even then, only from outside of Hell. Not even the Legion had ever uncovered the exact nature of the rituals Hell gave to its unwitting cats paws in other realities. Though what little they did know, suggested that opening even a small portal, required the sacrifice of dozens, if not hundreds, of souls in order to accomplish.

As she watched, the six armored figures of Derran and his team assembled before the open portal. Derran alone going unhelmeted, the rune encrusted jade sphere that was the sealing crystal, tucked under one arm. He would go last, as a matter of security, the others establishing a beachhead to guard him as he activated the crystal. As Celestia watched, the first pair of warriors entered. Jack and Beroghar, each offering a salute to Celestia and Luna, before hefting their weapons, and entering the portal. A faint snapping noise accompanied their disappearance, as the next pair repeated the gesture. Yomi and Unaka were next to go, followed by Kawi, till finally, only Derran remained. However, as he moved into position, and prepared to enter, Celestia spoke.

"Derran. . ." Pausing in mid-stride, Derran looked at her with a blank expression. Every fiber within Celestia's being once more screamed at her to beg Derran not to go, to plead with him to send somepony else, however, as ever, she knew she could not. So she contented herself with giving him a last sign of her and Luna's affection. A hope that, even if it could never be fulfilled, she could not leave unsaid. "If. . . when, the day of thy return comes, thou shall stand with us and our sister not as our Guardian or beloved. . . but as our king!" For a moment, Derran's expression registered surprise, as his gaze flicked between Celestia and a frantically nodding Luna.

"We shall never surrender our dream!" Luna declared, her voice trembling slightly with a faint note of desperation, as tears flowed freely from her eyes.

A brief look of uncertainty passed across Derran's face, before turning to a sad smile, as he gave Luna a nod. It had been foolish for him to believe he could drive Luna away. She was the seraphim of the night, dreams were her domain. If she wished to cling to this one, who was he to gainsay her? Still, he knew time would inevitably do, what his coldness and distance, could not, and one day she would realize the truth. Fastening his helmet in place, Derran struggled not to say the words he knew Luna wished to hear. Derran would let her keep her dream, but he would not feed a delusion, even if he desperately wanted too. The Doom Slayer must live in reality, must confront the harsh cruelties of the truth. He would never return to this land. . . he would die in Hell. Stepping forward, he resisted the urge to look back over his shoulder as the portal swallowed him up. Praying to the Light that when Luna finally realized the truth, that her beautiful heart, would not remain broken.

Yet even as Derran had that thought, and the Legion and ponies roared their goodbyes, Luna felt something deep within her being shift. She hid it as best she could, determined to believe in the vision she held in her head, of her beloved's return. However, even as she did so, a feeling of immense loneliness and anger assailed her, and, as she looked at Celestia, to see her face set, and her expression cold as she struggled to stay strong. A terrible venomous thought from the darkest reaches of Luna's mind, seemed to hiss in her ear. "Ignorant foal. . . he will never return. And now, thanks to Celestia. . . you will be alone forever." Luna forced the thought down, recognizing it for the lie it was. She was not alone, she had her sister, her subjects, and one day, Derran would return. Yet still, even as the thought receded, Luna could not help but wonder. . . .


The demons snarled and snapped at each other as they crawled up the hill. Primitive in thought, but advanced in cunning, the large group of imps, pinkys, and gargoyles had been drawn to the area by a scent that made their mouths water. Mortal souls, tinged lightly with sorrow, yet filled with duty, hope, and the faint, spicy, underlying aroma of guilt, and sin. Scrabbling to the summit of the hill, composed in equal parts living flesh and bone dust, the demons glared down the other side at a strange assembly. Six heavily armed humans, gathered around a swirling vortex of red and black energy, through which wafted the utterly irresistible scent of unsullied innocence and purity. The smell instantly sent the group of demons charging down the hill, clouds of bone ash and dust billowing around them as they advanced toward the six mortals at a frenzied pace. Only to suddenly stop dead, twenty meters from the closest of them.

A chill of something the demons could not quite recognize suffused their bodies, as they stared at these six mortals. Deep within them, a sense of faint familiarity surfaced, as they noted the shining armor the figures were garbed in. By all rights the Demons should have been charging forward without any thought, save that of tasting mortal flesh and souls once again, yet something stayed their advance. Halting them as surely as a wall of iron.

Facing out in a semicircle, five of the mortals stood with weapons ready, as the sixth faced the portal. In his hands he held a sphere of green stone, etched with countless runes that glowed with a faint golden radiance. Raising it up to the portal, he spoke in an ancient long dead tongue, what the demons instinctively recognized as a powerful rite of sealing. The space around him seemed to warp, as a beam of golden light connected the orb to the dead center of the portal. Before the cadre of lesser demons could so much as take a breath, there was a blinding flash of light, and a sound like a volcano exploding. A powerful inward rush of air sent the demons sprawling onto the ground, screeches of rage and pain echoing through the air. Only the humans in their armor of silver, seemed unaffected, standing tall, like monoliths erected at the dawn of time. Then, as the demons picked themselves up, the final human warrior turned. . . and the demons froze.

His appearance was no different to that of his fellows, save for two things, the symbol upon his armor that all demon kind had come to know, and the aura surrounding him. A brutal malevolent fury seemed to explode out from him, filling the air with the scent of hatred and bloodlust. Yet it was different from how the stories of demons told it to be. Now, the scent was sharper, purer, focused, no longer the scent of a mere wrathful beast, but the scent of a just, righteous anger. Too, was the overpowering scent of something that no demon had smelled on a mortal in eons. To mortals, had they the ability to detect it, it would have smelled like lavender, roses, and honey. To the demons, it was as burning hair and rubber, and filled them with unremitting horror. The Doom Slayer had long been the only mortal Hell had ever feared, but now, suffused in the scent of holy energy, it was clear. . . he was mortal, no longer. And as the Demons trembled beneath his gaze, Hell itself. . . trembled with them.


Soundtrack: At Doom's Gate by Mick Gordon

Derran stood with his back to the gathered demons, the sealing orb, its purpose served, now crumbled to dust in his hand. His heart a maelstrom, as he stared at the point where the portal once stood. In that moment, he felt despair threaten to consume him. For an instant, his limbs became as lead, his heart as dust, and his soul, as a ragged scrap of cloth amid the storm concealed within him. The last time he had known such pain, had been on D'nur, when he had seen his beloved child, breath her last. This time however, when the pain came, Derran was ready for it. Steeling himself, he forced his emotions down into the depths of his mind. He felt no sorrow, for his was a holy mission. He felt no loss, for his duty was all he required. Fortifying his mind, he forced the painful memories of who and what he had just left behind into a box. . . and then hurled that box into the depths of his subconscious. A sword had no need of love, a shield no need of memories. He was a Guardian, a holy servant to the seraphim. The seraphim. . . no matter what his heart may have told him, loved him as a queen her knight, and nothing more. To serve was his only love. . . as it should be.

Turning, Derran looked out over the broken landscape of Hell, stretching out into the infinite. Then, gathered before him and his brothers, he saw the demons. A sense of righteous rage assailed Derran as, beneath his helm, his eyes flickered from blue, to red. As slowly, he stalked forward, seeming to the demons to grow larger with every step, as he joined his brothers

"Orders my Lord?" Asked Beroghar, his voice a cold rumbling growl through his helm's speakers. Pulling free his hardlight sword, Derran activated it. The burning golden blade flashing into existence with a flare of brilliant white light, and a sound like a knife being drawn across stone. Clenching the blade in both hands, Derran answered in a voice that seemed to shake the world around him with unrestrained fury. The Demons, overwhelmed by sheer undiluted terror, turning and making to run. . . as the Doom Slayer gave his order.

"Rip. . . and. . . TEAR!!"

As the final scene of Derran's memories faded into silver mist, Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, surrounded by her friends and family. . . stared in shock at Derran Grandel. In her mind, she felt an inexplicable numbness, as she tried to collate all the information she had just received. Turning mechanically to her left and right, she tried to gauge the reactions of her friends and family, only to find them all in a similar stupor. In the back of her mind, Twilight felt like she should be saying or doing something, but couldn't even begin to imagine what. Finally, Celestia spoke.

"Now you know." She stated, wiping a tear from her eye. "Twelve hundred years ago, Derran and his brothers saved Equestria from extinction. Then sealed themselves away, and wiped their existence from history, to insure we would never need to fear Hell's evil again." Twilight continued to gape, as she stared at Derran's seated form. Before her eyes filled with tears.

"You, gave up everything. . . for us?" Derran's eyes opened, as Celestia and Luna dismissed the spell. The silvery mists of the proiectura anima dissipating almost instantly into nothing. Moving to stand, Derran gave a weak smile.

"I. . . ." Derran began, only to trail off as he staggered forward, his expression blank as he fell to one knee.

"DERRAN!!" The shout was echoed by all those present, as Twilight, Celestia, and Luna rushed forward. Only for Derran to suddenly hold up a hand.

"Relax. . . he ain't dead yet." The voice that emanated from Derran's hunched over form, stopped all three princesses cold. "Dumbass never did know when to take a break." Twilight's eyes widened, as she took an unconscious step back. The voice was far deeper than Derran's, and despite obviously trying to be reassuring, it was cold and cruel, with a sarcastic edge, that made every word seem filled with spite.

"Derran?" Spike asked in a shaking voice, hiding himself as best he could behind Twilight's hind leg. There was a dark and sinister chuckle that made the ponies manes stand on end.

"Sorry, but the boss ain't home right now. . ." Slowly raising his head, Derran fixed Spike with a crimson eyed gaze that rent his remaining courage completely asunder. "can I take a message?" He asked, a vicious grin adorning his features. Letting out a yelp of fear, Spike tried to hide himself beneath Twilight's tail, as the alicorn fixed Derran, or rather, the being now controlling Derran's body, with a stern look.

"I wondered if I'd get a chance to speak with you. . . Doom Slayer." She stated, her tone calm and even, as she gave the kneeling figure a gentle smile. At Twilight's expression, the Doom Slayer's own smile vanished, replaced with a look of annoyance.

"Speaking with me isn't something you should look forward too." He declared coldly. At that moment, Rainbow Dash ran forward to give the Doom Slayer an enraged glare.

"What did you do with Derran?!!" She demanded angrily. Fixing Rainbow with his gaze, the Doom Slayer gave her a look of pure wrath. Instantly Rainbow felt her courage falter, a shiver of icy fear running through her, as she looked into quite possibly the most terrifying pair of eyes in existence. Yet, even so, she held her ground.

"Well would you look at the pair on you. . . ." The Doom Slayer mocked, a distorted smile appearing on his borrowed face.

"I'm not scared of you!" Rainbow declared angrily. Suddenly the smile fell from the Doom Slayer's face, to be replaced by a look of supreme rage.

"WELL YOU SHOULD BE!!!" He roared, sending Rainbow back a step with the sheer force of his fury, before suddenly becoming calm again. "But relax, my goody two shoes of a jailer just got a little overtired. Moron hid how much that little fairy dust slideshow was taking out of him, cause he wanted there to be no more secrets between you and him." The Doom Slayer scoffed. "And as per usual, I'm the one who has to save his worthless ass from face planting into the dirt." Rainbow, a look of indignant anger on her face, opened her mouth to reply, only for Twilight to step in.

"Thank you for your assistance, Doom Slayer." She said, her tone completely sincere. The Doom Slayer gave her a nasty, if calculating, look.

"Stop." He stated, his tone low and threatening.

"Stop what?" Twilight asked innocently.

"Stop trying to make friends with me." The Doom Slayer's tone was cold as ice, even as Twilight gave him a genuinely kind look.

"Why do you want me to do that?" For a moment, it looked like the Doom Slayer was going to explode again, his eyes bulging with restrained fury. Taking a deep breath, the Doom Slayer spoke with a voice dripping with condescension.

"Look, star butt, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. . . I am not here to be your friend! That's what that other idiot is for. Let me explain what it is I do. . . . When someone, or something, threatens you, I kill it! I pull out its guts, I wrap its intestines around its throat, and I pull till the squealing stops. Then I find out where the thing that tried to hurt you's friends are, everybody and everything it has in its life that offered it support, be it military, physical, or emotional, and I kill them. I ram my fist up their ass, grab whatever passes for their tongue, and pull it out their sphincter. Finally, I find their family, cousins, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers, and even children if I feel it necessary, and I kill them. I peel off their skin, roll them in salt, then drown them in a vat of fucking acid WHILE THEY BEG FOR THEIR LIGHT FORSAKEN LIVES!!" Pausing to take a breath after his rant, the Doom Slayer fixed Twilight with another enraged glare. "Do. You. Understand?!" Twilight simply gave a sad smile.

"If that's all you are. . . then why do you sound so scared?" The Doom Slayer's eyes widened for a nearly imperceptible second, before once more narrowing with rage.

"Excuse me?" He growled, looking like he was suppressing an urge to rip out Twilight's throat.

"I could hear it in your voice." Twilight explained. "Its faint, but there's a slight tremor, one that indicates fear." The Doom Slayer let out a growl.

"Stop pretending like you fucking know me!!" He snarled. Now Cadence stepped forward.

"But she does know you." The Princess of Love declared. "After all, you can't love somepony without knowing them."

"She loves Derran Grandel candy ass! And in case you haven't been paying attention, I'm not him!" Cadence just smiled.

"After all I've seen, I'm not so sure I believe that?" She replied smoothly. The Doom Slayer opened his mouth to reply, but suddenly stopped short. Tilting his head, it almost seemed as if he was listening to something, before taking a deep breath.

"There is a difference." He declared, his voice almost calm. His bluster and fury muted as he realized neither princess was intimidated by it. "I know you Seraphim like to have faith in everybody and everypony, but trust me, I'm not the kind of guy you wanna have in your social circle, even assuming Derran would let you." Here, the Doom Slayer let out a weary sigh, speaking in a tone that sounded almost regretful. "There's gonna be a day when you realize, that some beings are beyond redemption. When that day comes. . . I don't want it to hurt you anymore than I know it's already going to." Letting out another sigh, the Doom Slayer shook his head. "Look, I ain't got much time left to talk, and I doubt we'll ever speak again anytime soon, if ever. So I'm warning you, even if you're too naive to listen: I'm a lost cause." Twilight just gave another serene smile.

"I believe lost causes, are the causes most worth fighting for." She declared. Behind the Doom Slayer, Celestia nodded.

"We kept faith in you and Derran for twelve hundred years, we don't intend to give up now."

"Indeed." Luna chimed in. "I can assure you from personal experience, that nopony is beyond redemption." The Doom Slayer shook his head, his expression becoming something that, on another being, would have been called sad.

"You're wrong." He declared simply. "Redemption is for guy's that wanna stop being monsters, and I learned a long time ago that if I wanna keep anyone safe. . . I never can." Before anyone could reply, the Doom Slayer briefly tensed, his eyelids fluttering, as his head drooped, hiding his eyes from view as his body went limp. Just before the Doom Slayer would have fallen, he took a staggering step forward. Raising his head, he revealed a gaze that had reverted back to a familiar icy blue.

"Derran?" Twilight asked. Picking himself up, Derran Grandel nodded. For the first time since anypony present had known him, Derran looked his age. Dark circles adorned his bloodshot eyes, and he moved with slight stops and starts, as if he could not quite get his limbs to obey. He appeared slightly hunched over, and everything about his posture spoke of an immense exhaustion, both emotional and physical.

"What. . . what did he say to you?!" Derran demanded, his eyes narrowed in anger, even as his body swayed unsteadily. Twilight hesitated for a moment before finally replying.

"Mostly. . . that we should stay away from him." She explained in a slightly sad voice. Derran, finally managing to steady himself, gave Twilight a look that was deadly serious.

"Sound advice, surprisingly, but I can see the sympathy in your eyes, and hear it in your voice, so allow me to provide some additional clarity. Never, under any circumstances, allow yourself to feel empathy for that wretch." Derran's voice was calm as he spoke, but there was no mistaking the faint undertone of spite as he continued. "The Doom Slayer may not wish you harm, but a leashed monster is still a monster. Even if I were to allow for the idea of his intentions being noble, that intent would be invariably warped by the mere fact of what he is. You cannot trust anything he says at face value." Twilight gave Derran a searching look.

"Even if you both say almost exactly the same thing?" She inquired. Derran paused for a moment, but simply shook his head.

"He has lived within me for over a thousand years my Lady, that his words reflect my own is no surprise. However it changes nothing. To reiterate, a necessary evil, is still evil, and should be treated as such." He declared, his tone carefully controlled.

"But. . . ." Twilight trailed off as she saw Celestia and Luna give a sad shake of their heads, clearly, this was not the first time Derran had had this conversation. Letting out a sigh, Twilight decided to let the matter drop, as Celestia stepped forward to stand with Luna next to Derran and Twilight. Her tone gentle as she spoke.

"It is nearly time for me to lower the sun. I propose we all head back to the castle for now." Luna nodded her agreement as she adopted a lighthearted tone.

"Indeed, besides, I don't know about anypony else, but I am feeling rather peckish." Instantly, as if to highlight Luna's statement, Applejack's stomach gave a loud growl. As everypony turned to look at her, the farm pony gave a chuckle, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

"He he, sorry bout that everypony. The Princess is right though, I was so busy with that yarn about yer past, I plum forgot about how hungry I was." Pinkie nodded.

"Yeah, I thought about using my emergency cake, but I wasn't sure if 'listening to a story so hard you forgot about lunch', qualified as an emergency. So I decided I better wait till the end of the story so I could ask everypony else what they thought." Turning to look at Derran and the others, Pinkie's expression became expectant. "So, do you guys think 'listening to a story so hard you forgot lunch' qualifies for using emergency cake?" With a slight chuckle, Twilight left Pinkie's question unanswered, as she turned to give Derran a smile.

"Well Derran. . . what do you say? Ready to go home?" At Twilight's question, Derran seemed to pause. Home. . . all at once it struck him how much weight that word carried. This was it. . . this was the end of the mission. He had slain the last of the Lords of Hell, he had disabled the Well of Souls, and the Crucible was now completely out of Hell's reach. Finally. . . after over twelve hundred years, after what seemed an eternity of blood, pain, and sorrow, finally, the last mission of the Doom Slayer was complete, and he. . . he was home. Looking at the smiling faces of Twilight and the others, Derran felt tears trickle their way slowly down his face. Smiling, he nodded, his mind feeling genuinely at peace for the first time in centuries as he replied.

"Yes, my Lady. . . I believe I am."

As Derran exited the Everfree forest he could not help but smile. It was hard to describe in words, but something fundamental had changed between him and the chatting group of ponies surrounding him. With the revelation of Derran's past, the bond between them had been fundamentally altered. At first, Derran had feared that seeing all his sins laid bare would drive his new friends from him, instead, it had only brought them closer. Everything, from conversations to simple physical gestures had become more personal. A sense of warmth and complete trust permeated everything. There was no tension, or sense that ponies were hiding how they felt. In one fell swoop, Derran had lost all his friends, and in their place, had gained a family. Which made it all the more terrible. . . when three panting and panic faced fillies, ran up to him.

Babbling at a speed that made them completely incoherent, and gesturing wildly with their hooves, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, looked like they had just come from an all day marathon. Their mane's plastered to their heads, and covered in dust, burrs, and even a few twigs and leaves, the girls were clearly running on pure adrenaline. Instantly, Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash ran forward.

"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity cried out, shocked at her sister's disheveled appearance. "What in Equestria is the matter?!"

"Apple Bloom, ya'll gotta slow down, ah can't understand a word yer sayin!"

"Deep breaths Scootaloo, you need to-"

"FLURRY HEART AND DERPY!!" All three fillies shouted the names at the exact same time, before turning to look at Derran with tears in their eyes. "YOU HAVE TO SAVE THEM!!!" For an instant, time seemed to stand still, as Derran stepped forward. His expression was unreadable, as he spoke in a voice that somehow was at once reassuring, and terrifying.

"Tell me what happened." Somehow, the intensity of Derran's words seemed to steady the three fillies, as they finally managed to take a breath and calm down. Then, in as detailed a manner as possible, the three explained what had happened. . . .

In a secluded area just far enough from Ponyville for the hills to hide it, Derran Grandel found Derpy Hooves sitting calmly on a patch of long grass. As instructed, he had waited until midnight, the moon overhead illuminating the scene with its pale silvery light. Derran did not speak as he approached, even his footsteps seeming eerily silent, as he and the ponies with him moved unerringly toward the grey pegasus. With the exception of Spike, Rarity and Starlight, who had volunteered to watch over the exhausted Crusaders at Sweet Apple Acres, it was the same gathering as before. Directly at Derran's sides were Twilight, Cadence, and Shining Armor, all three of whom bore expressions of carefully concealed worry, bordering on panic. Derran however, showed little emotion, his expression cold and unfeeling as he approached the designated meeting spot.

As he got closer, Derran was able to make out the details of Derpy's appearance, and only an effort of extreme will prevented him from rushing to her side. She had clearly been in a fight,. Her mane and tail were sticking out at odd angles, and in some places, bald spots showed where her hair had been torn out. Her body was covered in cuts, bruises, and scratches, her lower lip had been split, and one eye was swollen almost completely shut. Worst of all however, was that one of her legs had been badly broken, bent almost perpendicular just below the knee. Only Derpy's wings had been left untouched, no doubt so she could fly back to deliver her message. Currently however, Derpy seemed unaware of the condition of her body. Sitting there completely at ease, she seemed to feel no pain, her eyes glowing a poisonous green, that pulsed faintly in sympathy with a strange amulet around her neck. As Derran approached, an unnatural and cruel smile spread across her face.

"So. . . finally I get to meet the great hero of Ponyville. . . ." The voice that came from Derpy's mouth was unmistakably female, however it was deep, vicious, and dripping with a venomous sarcasm.

"WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER YOU MONSTER?!!" Shining Armor roared, only prevented from charging at Derpy by Cadence's steady hoof barring the way. A laugh filled with sadistic mirth emanated from Derpy, or rather, from the puppeteer controlling her.

"What? No hello Shiny? And here I thought we were close? Did you not enjoy the time you spent as my colttoy way back when?" Once again, Cadence restrained her husband, though the glare she directed at Derpy was nothing short of murderous.

"Where is Flurry Heart?" The question was uttered with a coldness so intense, that Shining and Cadence felt their anger washed away by an instinctive fear, as Derran Grandel stepped between them and the possessed pegasus. Derpy let out an almost fillyish titter.

"Oh come now. . . don't you think you should at least let me introduce myself first?" Derran's expression did not move an inch, yet it felt as if all the wrath of armageddon itself, spilled from his gaze.

"You are Chrysalis, former Queen of the changelings. I ask you again, where is Flurry Heart?" Chrysalis, through her puppet, put on a bored expression.

"Ugh, you really aren't going to let me enjoy this are you? Not to worry, Shiny and Cadence's little bundle of joy is perfectly safe here with me." As before, Derran's expression did not shift.

"And what proof do I have that you speak truly?" He demanded, his voice as cold and unmoving as a glacier. Chrysalis giggled.

"None, except of course, my word." Instantly Chrysalis began laughing uproariously, as though she had just told the funniest joke in the world. Still, Derran did not react, his expression and body language seemingly locked in a state of frigid stasis.

"What do you want in exchange for Flurry Heart's safe return?" He asked, his tone as steady and unemotional as stone covered in ice. Instantly Chrysalis stopped laughing to smile at Derran, the expression looking nothing less than unholy when portrayed by Derpy's face.

"Nothing much. . . I just want you to play a little game with me." She stated, her tone filled with all the false innocence of a cat toying with a cornered mouse. "The game is simple, all you need to do is win a little. . . let's call it a contest of champions. You, and you alone, just need to cross through an arena I've prepared for you in the Everfree Forest, while the challengers I've arranged for you try to stop you. If you can reach Flurry Heart without dying, then you get to walk away with her, and I swear to never again bother Equestria. If you lose however. . ." The smile on Derpy's face widened grotesquely. "then I keep Flurry heart, and raise her as my own. You see, I just recently came across an ancient changeling spell that I've been dying to try out. Apparently, it has the power to irreversibly imprint the mental characteristics of the caster on another subject. Once the spell is performed, Flurry Heart will effectively be another version of me!" Chrysalis suddenly began howling with laughter. "Can't you just imagine it?! In a decade or two I'll return with her to Equestria, my hive restored, and beaming with parental pride, as she rips Cadence and Shining's throats out with her bare teeth!!" Derran continued to glare unfeelingly at Derpy Hooves, however the expressions of everypony else turned from enraged, to ashen. Suddenly Celestia stepped forward to stand at Derran's side, her eyes like twin pools of fire, the heat emanating from her body turning the dew on the grass to steam in mere moments.

"Even for you Chrysalis, this is a new low!" Celestia declared, her voice echoing faintly. Turning Derpy's head to look at Celestia, Chrysalis simply smirked.

"Why Celestia, whatever do you mean?" She asked, her tone a mocking parody of sincerity. "All I want to do is make you watch as the love of your life dies in front of you, and then twist your grand niece into a weapon to help me take over your kingdom, is that so wrong?" Celestia's mane flared to a blinding radiance, the grass wilting beneath her hooves as she struggled to control her temper. Only the feeling of Derran's hand being placed on her shoulder, kept her from trying something drastic.

"When and where?" Derran asked, his tone still utterly devoid of any identifiable emotion.

"Tomorrow at dawn, I'll set up a beacon to guide you to the right spot. . . do avoid being late." Derran seemed almost not to hear, as he moved to stand right in front of Derpy.

"A final question." Derran demanded, and for the first time, a tremble of anger could be heard in his otherwise flat tone. A sickly sweet smile appeared on Derpy's face.

"Why not. . . a last request perhaps?" Looking Down into Derpy's glowing green eyes, Derran's voice was like the hammer of judgement itself.

"What happened to lady Derpy?" The smile on Chrysalis's stolen features grew.

"Aww, how sweet! Your worried about your little frie-"

"Answer the question." Derran demanded, his tone sending a shudder down even Celestia's spine. Chrysalis smirked.

"Well. . . when I tried to take the brat from her, she somehow broke free from my control for a bit. No idea how she managed it, but she really did not want to give the kid up. Kept saying something about how she'd never let me take her, and that she promised you she'd look after her and blah blah blah. Anyway, she had the audacity to disobey her queen and buck two of my drones into unconsciousness, so I had my subjects, teach her a lesson." In that moment, every living creature within miles, froze.

All across the land, a feeling of indescribable dread filled the air. Birds and mice awoke in their nests to glance frantically around, every fight or flight instinct in their bodies screaming at them to run. Predators stalking through the night, halted in their tracks and whimpered, as pure terror assailed them from every direction, and swiftly sent them running back to their burrows and caves. Those few ponies in Ponyville not still awake and waiting for word on Flurry Heart's kidnapping, sat bolt upright in bed with a frightened gasp. Their blood running colder than if the reaper himself had just walked past them. The ponies still awake, rushed inside their homes, locking their doors and windows with trembling hooves. Nocreature knew where exactly the wave of terror had come from, but all hoped with all their hearts to never find out. Meanwhile, at the epicenter, Derran Grandel stood, looming over the possessed body of Derpy hooves, his voice like the kiss of death itself.

"I know who you are. . . allow me to explain to you, who I am. . . ." As Derran began to speak, it seemed as if the darkness around him deepened, the shadows almost seeming to flicker at his words. "I am a being who has survived armageddon. With blade and bullet, have I butchered the guilty and cast down their works into dust and ash. I have laid waste to armies, and slain would-be kings and tyrant lords alike. I have ground castles down, stone by stone, till only powder remained, and broken the weapons and armor of the Darkness's greatest champions beneath my heel! I have devoured the flesh of monsters, and impaled their kin upon spears made from their very bones!" Derran's voice seemed to distort, as his eyes shifted to an unholy red. "I am a creature, who has slain armies, and made false gods tremble on their thrones! I am the hell walker! The forsaken champion! The bane of all that dares worship the might of evil! I am heaven's wrathful answer to the sins of men, and the depredations of monsters! I. . . am the Doom Slayer!" Here Derran ever so gently reached out, to take hold of the amulet around Derpy's neck, his voice becoming a whisper. "And you. . . have no idea, what you have done!" Many miles away, Chrysalis recoiled, her head exploding in pain, as Derran crushed the amulet, an artifact magically reinforced to be tougher than a diamond, into a fine powder. . . .

Reaching out his empty hand, Derran stopped Derpy from falling as she slumped forward. The poisonous green light fading from her eyes, as they filled with tears. Clinging to consciousness through her pain and exhaustion via an inequine level of willpower, she looked into Derran's eyes. Through delirium and agony, she spoke, her voice raw.

"I tried mister Derran. . . ." She gasped out, shame and sorrow in every word. "I tried so hard. . . but there were just so many! I. . . I couldn't. . . ." Tears filled her eyes as she painfully shook her head. "I'm sorry. . . that poor filly. . . have to. . . save. . . her. . . ." Unable to hold on any longer, Derpy's will gave out, and she slipped into unconsciousness. . . as Derran gathered her up in his arms. He did not turn around as he spoke, his tone once more emotionless and cold, as he delicately cradled Derpy's limp body.

"Lady Fluttershy, lady Pinkamena?" The pair said nothing, but Derran knew they were listening. "Go to lady Derpy's home. Find her daughter Dinky, take her to lady Fluttershy's cottage and have her stay there for the night. Keep her safe, keep her happy. Tell Dinky her mother is not feeling well, but give my personal assurance that she will recover, and that she will see her mother again as soon as it can be managed."

"Of course." Fluttershy agreed.

"No problem." Pinkie replied, an almost unnatural note of seriousness entering her voice. Derran gave no indication he heard them, as they headed off to follow his instructions.

"Lady Cadence, Lord shining Armor?" Derran asked, his tone softening just a hair.

"Yes?" Cadence asked, doing a commendable job of keeping her cool, despite clearly being close to a breakdown. Shining however, seemed completely unable to reply, staring blankly at the ground as Derran spoke.

"I believe it would be best if Ladies Luna and Celestia, were to escort you back to the castle. I know it will be difficult, but for now I need you to stay put, and avoid doing anything rash." Cadence nodded numbly, as Celestia and Luna moved to her and Shining Armor's sides, to wrap a wing around each of them, in a gesture of sympathy and mutual comfort. As they Left, Derran, still facing away from everypony, gave the next set of orders.

"Lady Applejack, Lady Twilight?"

"Watchyer need Derran?" Applejack asked, her voice sounding more than a little hollow.

"I need you two to head into town and reassure the populace. Difficult as it will be, you must explain what has happened, but urge everypony to remain calm."

"How?" Twilight asked, her voice sounding virtually lifeless. Derran still did not move as he replied.

"Tell the truth, tell them that Flurry Heart was kidnapped, and that at dawns first light. . . I will bring her home!" Twilight and Applejack nodded, each taking a deep breath as they prepared to put on a brave face for their fellow ponies. As they headed out, Rainbow Dash looked to Derran.

"What do you need me to do?" She asked, her tone shaken, but determined. Derran still did not move as he answered.

"You shall remain with me, lady Dash. In the event I must pass on further instructions, you will act as my messenger." Rainbow nodded.

"You got it." Derran did not reply, nor did he move. After several moments of waiting, Rainbow spoke again.

"Derran. . . are you ok?" For several more moments, Rainbow's only answer was silence. Then, Derran spoke. . . and Rainbow felt a shudder run through her. As Derran's voice trembled with an utterly terrifying level of barely restrained rage.

"A seraphim, a child, whom I am sworn to guard with my life and soul, was taken from her home and family by a psychopathic madmare. In my arms, I cradle the beaten and broken body of a single mother, and a dear friend, who was injured trying to protect the child it was my responsibility to look after! In a house not far from here, a young filly huddles scared and alone, wondering at the fate of the mother who lies injured in my arms! In the castle, a father and mother, must sit on their hooves as their child lies in mortal peril!! And all of this, all of it, because I couldn't resist the urge to turn a simple explanation of the past, into a Light dammed field trip!!" As Derran turned to face her, Rainbow Dash felt herself become pinned to the ground with abject terror, at the sight of his face.

Derran's eyes had become literal pools of bloody red light, his face's every vein bulging out and lit from within, as if his very blood had turned to fire! For an instant, small phantom flames of ebon black flitted across Derran's skin and armor. His breath steamed from his mouth, as though his very saliva had begun to boil, and when he spoke, Rainbow Dash could swear she heard a sound like distant thunder, accompanying every word.

"I am alive lady Dash. . . but I am far from 'ok'!"

Wrath of God

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In the most secluded room of the castle of friendship, far from the eyes and ears of others, Derran Grandel sat in his armor. Before him was a table, upon which lay the tools he had gathered, a large needle, a mirror, a pot of ink, and, most importantly. . . a picture of Flurry Heart. In silence, he stared at the photo, committing to memory every detail of the foremost victim of his failure, as he removed one of his gauntlets.

He had in truth, only heard about the two ancient rituals of the Night Sentinels order he was about to preform in books and stories. Never before had he actually enacted them. The rituals in question possessed no magic, or other practical benefit, but rather were one of the few definitively known traditions of the mysterious Night Sentinel warriors. Performing them now, was the only thing Derran could think of to help restrain himself from acting violently rash. His outward calm, was in truth, a well hidden lie, as he struggled with every ounce of his will to hold back the ocean of rage churning within him. Only the thought of what might happen to Flurry if he acted out of turn, allowed him to keep control. That, and a will stronger even than the armor he was clad in, was all that prevented him from tearing the Everfree up by its roots till he found Flurry, and broke Chrysalis in two. . . .

The first ritual, was the 'Ritual of Penance', said to be performed by Night Sentinels who had failed in their duties or otherwise sinned. The ritual provided the condemned an opportunity to absolve themselves of their crimes, by vowing to perform a deed aimed at righting the wrong they had done. Upon success, the warrior would be granted absolution. However, should they fail, the warrior would be required, in accordance with the ritual's tenets, to take their own lives. Considering Derran had failed in his most fundamental duty to the seraphs, he couldn't imagine a more appropriate gesture.

The second, was the 'Ritual of Retribution'. In which the warrior in question, inscribed upon their armor the sins of an enemy to be punished, or wrongs to be righted. The inscriptions, once placed upon the warrior's armor, could not be removed until either the wrongdoer was destroyed, the crime undone, or, in exceedingly rare cases, a pardon for the crime issued. Once the ritual had been performed, the warrior was honor bound to never cease pursuing the sinners he had vowed to punish, until either the last inscription was removed from their armor, or they fell in pursuit of justice. Chrysalis's crimes were innumerable, and those were just the ones Derran knew of. Yet come the morrow he swore, that they would all be avenged. He would record them all at a stroke, and would punish them at a stroke. . . it was the only outcome he would allow. . . .

Picking up the needle from the table, Derran stared at it dispassionately for a moment. With an unflinching expression he used it to prick the tip of his index finger, before squeezing out several drops of his blood into the ink pot. As soon as he felt he had added enough blood to the ink, Derran used the blood still flowing from his finger to carefully paint the sigil of the Doom Slayer, his sigil, on his forehead with the needle, as well as writing the word for 'repentance' on each cheek in one of the long dead languages of D'nur. Under his breath, Derran intoned the ancient chant of the first sentinel ritual.

"For by his mark shall the sinner be named. For by his blood shall the sinner be known. For by his deeds shall the sinner be cleansed, amen."

The ritual of penance done, Derran set the needle aside, he then stood, and began removing the outer plates of his powered down armor and placing them on the table, finishing with his helmet. Sitting down again, Derran took up the needle once more, using the fingers of his free hand, he made a simple sign over the pot of ink. Instantly, the ink began glowing with an unsettling red light, as Derran dipped the needle into the pot, and spoke the vow of the ritual of retribution.

"With my blood I write my vow, and with my soul I swear its truth. By my sword shall the victims of evil see justice done. As the sin is written, so shall it be avenged, with the Light as my witness, amen."

As he finished the simple chant, Derran touched the tip of the glowing needle to the first of the armor plates before him, and in the runes of ancient D'nur, began to write. . . .

Celestia took a deep breath as she left Shining Armor and Cadence's room. She, Luna, and Twilight, having managed to convince the pair to get some rest. Walking down the stairs and corridors that would take her to the room Derran had sequestered himself in, Celestia thought back to the incident that had occurred barely an hour before. After Derran and Rainbow Dash had returned from the hospital. . . .

"Why?! Why won't you wake them?!!" Shining Armor Demanded, glaring at Derran, as Celestia and Luna stood at the armored warrior's side. Derran shook his head sadly, his tone sympathetic as he replied.

"Lord Shining, please understand, the Legion was sealed away to guard against threats of a genuinely world ending nature. As bad as things are, they are not yet-"

"Not yet what?!! Important enough?!!" Shining snarled, Cadence moving to his side and trying her best to calm him.

"Shining, I'm sure that's not what Derran meant." She stated, wrapping her hoof around her husband. However, despite her words, the expression she gave Derran was one of uncertainty. Derran nodded, in understanding as much as gratitude.

"I assure you my Lord, I would never classify the kidnapping of a child, least of all a seraphim child, as anything other than a dire emergency. However, neither I, nor Ladies Celestia and Luna, can in good conscience, sanction so drastic a step as awakening my brothers." Continuing to glare at Derran, Shining Armor shook himself free from his wife's embrace.

"Why though?!!" He demanded. "With the Legion behind you, the battle would be over before it even began!!" Shining declared, his voice frantic. Derran shook his head.

"Aside from the gravity of awakening a weapon capable of killing entire worlds, there is the inevitable reality of how my brothers would react. When the Legion was sealed away, many of my brothers were forced to leave behind not just their new lives, but also their new families. Many had developed romantic and familial bonds every bit as strong as those I share with Ladies Luna, Celestia, and Twilight. However, unlike myself, my brothers families and lovers were not seraphim. When they said goodbye, they knew it was to be forever. If we were to awaken them now, even for a situation as terrible as this, it would be to spit in the face of that unimaginable sacrifice." Shining sneered at Derran, his expression approaching hateful.

"So I was right! You care about your pride more than you care about Flurry Heart's safety!!" At that Luna stepped forward.

"That is enough former captain! I understand your displeasure, and I share your worry, but Derran would never place pride before the life of even a single Equestrian!" Shining turned his increasingly enraged gaze toward Luna, but before he could reply, Derran spoke again.

"My Lord, I give you my word, I am more than up to this task. To me Flurry Heart is as close as if she was-" Shining's head snapped back to fix Derran with a look of unbridled rage. His sense of desperation and helplessness finally reaching a crescendo, as he shouted in a voice filled with poisonous wrath.


For several moments, in the castle of friendship foyer, the absolute silence of the grave drowned out all other sound. Shining Armor's hoof flew to his mouth, his eyes wide in shock. Celestia, Luna, Rainbow Dash, and even Cadence, stared at him in mute horror, scarcely able to believe what they had just heard. Shining himself struggled to form words, shaken to his core, more by the fact that he could say something so heartless, than that he had said it to Derran.

"Derran-I. . . I'm so sorry. . . I didn't mean. . . ." Shining expected an outburst of rage, maybe even for Derran to strike him. It would have been a more than fair reaction, given what he had just said. What he got instead, was somehow even worse.

Derran's expression displayed not even a hint of anger, rather, his gaze was one of unimaginable pain and sorrow, that made Shining instantly feel like just as much of a monster as Chrysalis. Before he could say anything however, Luna and Rainbow Dash snapped out of their mutual disbelief, wearing twin expressions of nigh inexpressible outrage as they opened their mouths. . . only for Derran to stop them with an upraised hand.

"You are correct my Lord. . ." Derran began, his voice hesitant and filled with a heavily suppressed agony, that broke the hearts of the ponies surrounding him. "my daughter is dead. . . . She has been for over twelve hundred years. And the blame for that, rests entirely upon me." Shining opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but unable to find the words. "It is a parent's job, more than any other, to protect their children from harm. . . and I failed in that task." Here Derran placed his hand on Shining Armor's shoulder, his expression suddenly as stern and immutable as if cast from iron. "I have known first hand, the pain of a child's loss. I have felt the agony of standing and watching helplessly, as the thing every parent cherishes most in the world is ripped away from them."

Suddenly, Shining Armor felt every hair of his coat and mane stand on end, as an aura of power, more ancient and monstrous than any he could ever recall feeling, washed over him. Derran's words became slow and deliberate, every one like the peal of a great and terrible bell, as the shadows around his body seemed to flicker. "And that is why, I will not, now or ever, allow you or any other parent, to feel that pain." Instantly, Shining felt his anger and fear evaporate, unable to deny the immense power of Derran's words, as his tone became like the rumble of a volcano on the verge of eruption. "I will bring your daughter home, alive and unhurt. . . and I will allow nothing to stop me." With that, Derran had stood, turning and walking toward the stairs with slow and measured steps. "I must gather a few items, then I will go to the north tower, and prepare for the coming battle. . . ."

At the time, Celestia had let Derran go without comment, not wishing to add to his burden, nor to Shining Armor and Cadence's stress. Unfortunately, she could afford to wait only so long. She knew the news she bore would be. . . unwelcome. And in truth, despite her extreme distaste for killing, a not insignificant part of Celestia wanted very much to keep silent. Unfortunately, the curse and blessing of prophecy left her little choice in the matter. So she consoled herself by recalling all the times in recent memory that forgiveness and mercy had ultimately ended up saving Equestria. Unfortunately, this was scant comfort when she recalled the event's of just a few hours prior.

"Princess Celestia?" Celestia winced slightly at the sound of a voice that normally filled her with nothing but joy and pride, she had hoped to run this errand alone.

"Ah, Twilight, something I can assist you with?" Celestia asked with a weary smile, erasing the stress from her voice with the ease of centuries of practice. Twilight's expression fell, as she began walking alongside her former instructor.

"I wanted to check in on Derran. I. . . I heard about what happened with Shining Armor." Celestia nodded.

"Shining Armor's words were uncalled for, but understandable. However I am certain Derran knows he did not mean them." Twilight nodded.

"I know. . . out of everypony here, Derran knows better than any of us how Shining and Cadence feel right now." Celestia nodded her agreement.

"How is Cadence? My niece puts on a strong front, but I can tell she is close to her limit." Twilight stayed quiet for a moment before giving a weak smile.

"Honestly, I think she's feeling better. She said Derran's words to Shining were actually really reassuring." Twilight's face fell. "But I can tell she's still scared." Again, Celestia nodded.

"As any parent would be. However I am glad to hear Derran's words were a comfort." Twilight managed a small laugh.

"Well, Derran does make a pretty convincing case for not worrying in these kind of situations." Celestia couldn't help but smile at that.

"That he does. . . ." After walking together in silence for a bit, Celestia cleared her throat. "How are the Crusaders and little Dinky?" Twilight sighed.

"I received a letter from Spike saying Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo are all doing fine, they went to sleep as soon as they were tucked in. Starlight is on her way back, but Spike and Rarity decided to stay with the Crusaders at Sweet Apple Acres. Spike figured I'd want an update once they woke up, and Rarity didn't want to leave Sweetie Belle's side. I checked in on Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, and they told me Dinky was also resting. Apparently, she was really scared at first, but when they told her Derran Grandel was taking care of her mother, she calmed down. Apparently she's a big fan of his. Oh, and Applejack headed home to check on Apple Bloom." Celestia nodded quietly.

"And. . . Derpy Hooves?" Twilight sighed, her expression falling.

"Still unconscious, the doctors said that thankfully her injuries looked a lot worse than they were. Given time she'll make a full recovery, but she was exhausted to the point of near death, and the pain and mental trauma. . . ." Twilight trailed off, her expression becoming angry. "Is it wrong that I'm almost looking forward to tomorrow?" Celestia kept silent, giving Twilight a sympathetic look as she vented. "I know I shouldn't want Chrysalis to die, but she's really crossed a line this time!!" Celestia winced at the sheer hatred in her former student's voice. "I. . . I don't think I can forgive this." Twilight declared, letting out a shaky breath. "There was a time when I thought maybe, just maybe I could get Chrysalis to change, but now. . ." Twilight took a deep breath, an expression of anger and shame on her face. "now I just want her gone. . . for good!" Celestia nodded.

"There is no shame in being angry Twilight. Nopony can argue Chrysalis's crimes are anything less than abominable, and I confess there is a part of me too that wishes she would disappear." Here Celestia took a deep breath, before letting it out slowly. "However. . . despite all that she has done, I still believe she can be saved." Twilight gave her former mentor a look of disbelief.

"How can you after all the terrible things she's done?!" Celestia smiled, her expression tired.

"Part of the reason is why I'm going to speak with Derran right now. But mostly. . ." Here Celestia stopped to look Twilight in the eye, her expression faraway, yet kind and loving."because once upon a time, despite all logic and sense, I fell in love with the stallion who tried to murder me. . . ."

As the sun was coaxed above the horizon by its sovereign, a massive gathering took place at the base of the castle of friendship. Young and old, mare and stallion, pegasus, unicorn, and earth pony, all gathered before the castle gates. Each and every one had heard what had happened, and all had come to lend their support. However, many faces showed the strain of uncertainty. Derran, for all his power, was going into battle with one of the strongest, and arguably the most cunning and dangerous, foes of Equestria. Of all the evils of the land, only Chrysalis had come close to victory more than once in recent memory, and had escaped every time. She was ruthless, cunning, and fiendishly clever. Every battle she had ever engaged in had been fought on her terms, and was only thwarted by the barest of margins. On her most recent attempt for example, she had managed to capture all the princesses and the council of friendship, without anypony even noticing. Only her own arrogance, and some very quick thinking by a number of unlikely heroes, had averted catastrophe. So for as many faces at the gathering that showed hope, there were just as many who showed doubt.

"Do you think he can do it?"

"Shouldn't the princesses get involved?"

"Why is he doing this alone?"

Near the castle gate, three fillies grit their teeth in frustration at the snippets of conversation. The cutie mark crusaders, along with Rarity, Applejack, and Spike, had forced themselves awake despite their exhaustion. Determined to be there for Derran, and it grated on them that so many residents of Ponyville were questioning him. Rarity had a sour expression, as she did her best to ignore the whispered commentary. As Spike very distinctly counted backward from ten, and Applejack simply glared at the crowd. Deep in their hearts, they understood why ponies were concerned, but their exhaustion, combined with what they now knew of Derran's hidden past, made every comment seem like a personal slight.

"He's just one pony."

"Is the friendship council really not gonna help him?"

"Aren't the princesses at least going to call out the royal guard?"

Suddenly, an unpleasant and extremely obnoxious voice raised itself above the others. Dripping with arrogance and condescension, it spoke in an almost bored tone.

"Are we really going to allow this to happen?" The voice drawled loudly, as the crowd parted around the speaker, to reveal a middle aged mare with a violet mane, pink coat, oddly upturned nose, and a diamond ring for a cutie mark. Ignoring the angry expressions of Rarity, Applejack, Spike and the Crusaders, Spoiled Rich continued. "I know this. . . human, has something of a reputation for heroism around Ponyville." She declared, gesturing with her hoof dismissively, as she continued in a tone that easily communicated how little that mattered to her. "But are we really prepared to hand over the fate of a child, to an alien who only arrived here a few weeks ago?" Several ponies shuffled uncomfortably, as though privately agreeing, but unwilling to say it. "All four of the current reigning princesses and the elements of harmony are here. Yet they are standing aside and allowing this alien to solve the problem? I can't be the only one who thinks that's a bad idea?" A few hesitant nods followed that pronouncement, as Spoiled Rich gave the crowd a superior look. "At times like this we need to look after our own, with proven Equstrian hero's, not. . . foreign influences." The crusaders, Spike, Applejack and Rarity, felt their bodies tremble in anger, but before they could speak, a small voice rang out.

"Your wrong!!" As one, the crowd turned to stare at the speaker. A small unicorn filly, slightly younger than even the crusaders, stood in the path leading up to the castle. With a bright blond mane and lavender coat, her brilliant golden eyes were narrowed in determination. Standing flanked by both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, she continued. "My mamma always said that mister Grandel was a hero!! He's kind and strong, and he loves Equestria more than anypony else in the whole wide world!!" Dinky Hooves declared, with all the determination her small body could muster. "He will get Flurry back to her mommy and daddy!!" Spoiled glared in annoyance at the little filly who had dared to interrupt her. Opening her mouth, she was cut off before she could speak by another voice.

"The filly's right!!" Declared a loud, slightly gruff female voice, that sounded used to barking orders. "Have you all forgotten the work he put in to fix this town?! After clearing debris for days on end, he fought a hundred timber wolves, worked through the night, and got the lumber so we could rebuild!! All without pay too, cause the only thing he wanted was for you ponies to sleep with a proper roof over your heads!!" Muscling through the crowd, Sawdust moved to stand next to Dinky, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, along with what appeared to be the entire workforce of the Ponyville sawmill. Spoiled again opened her mouth, only to again be interrupted.

"My wife, daughter and I, would have been burned to a crisp in the dragon attack if not for Derran!!" Declared a stallion with grey mane and tan coat, a hammer and nail on his flank. "Derran Grandel saved your lives, rebuilt your homes, and didn't ask for a dang thing in return!! Then this happens and suddenly he isn't good enough?!" Joining with Sawdust and her crew, Brown Stone was joined by his daughter, wife, and his construction crew. Spoiled scowled as cheers and declarations of 'Their right!' were emitted by the crowd, once again attempting to speak, only to once more be cut off.

"If it hadn't been for Mr. Grandel, my shop and the half dozen next to it might still be in ruins!" Declared Chipotle Pepper, his mustache bristling as he pointed an accusing hoof at Spoiled Rich. "And I know for a fact Spoiled, that your husband Filthy, would have lost half his revenue here in Ponyville if Derran hadn't been here!! Derran Grandel may be only one stallion, but he says he can handle this, and after all he's done, he's earned a little faith!!" Spoiled looked genuinely taken aback by that, as she realized that the crowd had now fully turned on her. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed even her own husband and daughter looking at her with mild disapproval. She was however, saved from having to respond, as the doors to the castle, opened. . . .

As if a switch had been flipped, the crowd instantly became silent, as a wave of something like electricity seemed to flow out of the open door. Instantly, all eyes in the crowd snapped to the castle entrance, the strange feeling coming from the air making it impossible to look away. First to emerge were Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight. Slowly, and with grim expressions, the princesses assembled before the silent crowd. Like statues they stood, each with fires of dark determination dancing in their eyes. In all of Ponyville, none could ever recall seeing a single one of their sovereigns with such an expression, and it seemed as if the very air chilled in their presence. Yet, this was as nothing, compared to what followed them. . . .

Soundtrack: Pacific Rim by Ramin Djawadi

The electric feeling in the air suddenly spiked, as the hairs of every mane and coat stood on end. A feeling of ruinous terror dancing on the end of every pony's synapses, as within the darkness of the castle entryway, something stirred. Walking forward, its presence alone seemed to set the very air to trembling, as it emerged fully into the daylight. Gasps of shock, and whimpers of fear, escaped innumerable lips, as they beheld a figure who seemed as a colossus from ancient myth.

Across nearly every inch of his armor were inscribed countless runes and symbols. Glowing an angry ephemeral red, the strange script could not be understood by anypony in this world, yet all who looked upon it, felt an unaccountable dread gnawing at their souls. He came with his rune covered helmet locked to his hip. His terrifyingly grim expression seeming as though carved from living rock at the dawn of time, and radiating a cold fury, that made every creature before him feel an uncontrollable shiver run through them. On his forehead painted in blood, was his personal insignia, while upon each cheek, was written a single word, that chilled the marrow of all who read its flowing gothic script lettering: Repentia. Most terrible of all however, were his eyes, their beautiful icy blue, seeming almost to glow with an unsettling ghostly radiance, that made ponies feel as if he could see into their very hearts, to judge every wrong they had ever done.

Ponies instinctively moved back, as he descended the steps from the castle entrance, the princesses parting to let him pass. This. . . this was not the Derran Grandel they knew. This was not the kindly smiling soul who lifted the spirits of ponies with a gentle word, hard work, and good humor. Nor was he the heroic champion, who stood for all that was good and right in the world. This was someone the citizens of Ponyville had never met, had never heard speak, and had never known existed.

This stallion was a leader of armies, a judger of souls, and a punisher of sins. Under his gaze, kingdoms fell, continents were laid to waste, and entire worlds burned. This was not a hero, this being did not save the day, nor rescue the fair damsel. He was the one who came when the day was long past salvation, when all hope was lost, and only vengeance remained. . . . He was punishment. . . he was destruction. . . and he was wrath.

This, though nopony save the princesses and his closest friends knew it, this was the Derran from the ancient past, come back from the lost history of a long dead world. And in his presence, all doubt. . . evaporated. That Chrysalis would lose was no longer a question of if, merely of when. Even Spoiled Rich, despite all her arrogance, could find no room to question this truth. After all. . . what sane mortal, was fool enough to question death?

As Derran stood upon the lower landing of the stair to the castle, Starlight Glimmer, Shining Armor and Rainbow Dash moved past him, to stand behind the princesses, but scarcely anypony noticed, their eyes glued to Derran, as they waited with baited breath for him to speak or act. However it seemed almost as if he did not even notice them, as he trained his gaze upon the distant Everfree, where dark storm clouds had begun to gather. As if summoned by the forest itself, to herald Derran's arrival.

For a time, there was no movement, no sound, and no thought, as all the world stood frozen, waiting for what would happen next. Then, all at once, the spell was broken. As far off in the distance of the Everfree Forest, a towering pillar of sickly green light, pierced the sky with it's unholy radiance.

As one, the princesses unfurled their wings, taking to the sky in flawless synchronicity, before hurtling toward the pillar of vile light with a single snap of their feathered appendages. Beneath them, the crowd parted, as with a slow deliberate motion, Derran donned his helmet. Then, for an instant, he paused. . . before turning to look directly at Dinky Hooves and the Crusaders, whom had moved to stand at her side. In that second the fillies felt a jolt of terror, until the rune covered helm gave an almost imperceptible nod. Instantly, the fillies fear vanished, as they each gave a small smile, and returned the gesture. Dinky and the Crusaders, didn't need words to know what the Doom Slayer was telling them, as he exploded into motion. It was an acknowledgment of their bravery, and a promise, that he would make things right.

In a blur of movement, Derran followed the departing alicorns with long loping strides, that seemed to shake the very ground beneath him. As he passed, Shining Armor, Starlight Glimmer, the council of friendship, and Spike atop Rarity's back, were each pulled into Derran's wake as surely as if compelled by magic. With Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Starlight, Shining Armor, and Applejack galloping forward on hoof, while Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash took to the air.

With the princesses leading the way, the procession moved toward the edge of the Everfree at breakneck speed, silent, save for the flap of their wings and the pounding of their hooves and feet. In scarcely a minute or two, the forest loomed before them, its thick tangled mass of elder trees blocking them like a verdigris wall. However their stride did not even slow, as with unshiftingly dark expressions, Celestia and Luna lit their horns to blast the trees from Derran's path. With the combined heat of the sun and the gravity of a singularity, even the largest and most ancient of trees, was instantly reduced to dust, leaving only smoking ground, and cracked pebbles, behind.

Several miles from the base of the crackling green pillar, Stormfang watched Chrysalis uneasily, as she cackled and giggled to herself, her jagged horn glowing as she maintained the spell. His former bluster and confidence replaced by a distinct unease. Chrysalis had become increasingly unstable in the weeks since getting her hooves on the Alicorn Amulet. She often could be heard having conversations with herself, rarely slept, and the other night, when the Changeling Eye had been destroyed, she had simply started laughing as if it was the funniest joke ever told, despite the scorch mark on her horn. Additionally, she seemed far less cautious, seeming utterly convinced of their coming victory, and while at one time Stormfang might have found that in turns either refreshing or irritating, now he found it deeply disturbing.

Still, it was impossible to argue with the results. Chrysalis's newfound arcane might, was on an entirely different level from what it had been, and she had used it to excellent effect. Enchanting her small army of several hundred changelings to be faster, stronger, and completely immune to fear. Additionally, with the help of Stormfang's compatriots, she had augmented their forces with a multitude of enthralled beasts from the Everfree and beyond, and of course, said compatriots of Stormfang were also waiting in the wings if needed. So why did he feel worried?

Letting out a deep breath, Stormfang forced himself to remember who he was. He was a dragon, a member of the most powerful race on the planet. Once he was done here, and the treasure of Equestria was in his claws, he could challenge Ember for the title of Dragon Lord. Then he could get things back to the way they should be. As Dragon Lord, he would see to it that all of this ridiculous 'Friendship' nonsense was stamped out for good. Chrysalis had promised a steady stream of ponies and gems as food once she had taken control, and in the meantime he would make a proper example of Ember. He still couldn't decide if he should kill her, or force her to be his queen, she was quite good looking after all. . . .

Suddenly, Stormfang was broken from his thoughts, as a shiver of abject terror tore through him like an electric charge. Whipping his head around, Stormfang looked out over the forest toward Ponyville, a distant speck beyond the near endless Everfree. With one claw, he clutched at his throat, his pupil's dilating, as his heart began to pound in his chest. He hadn't felt this feeling in a very long time, not since he had tried to challenge an Ursa Major in his younger days. That ill advised attempt to prove his power had nearly gotten him killed, and though he would never admit it, he still occasionally woke in a cold sweat, remembering the great beast looming over him. He could never forget that terror, the feeling of utter helplessness as he stared into eyes filled with primal wrath.

Struggling to get his shaking claws under control, Stormfang's gaze shifted from the Everfree, to the still dementedly grinning Chrysalis. How had she not felt what he just had?! That overpowering sense that death itself had just fixed him with its gaze. . . and smiled. Chrysalis began laughing to herself, oblivious to Stormfang's discomfort, as the dragon shook his head. Sighting a sudden flash of actinic light at the point where the Everfree bordered Ponyville, Stormfang felt his mouth go dry. Under his breath, he, almost involuntarily, muttered the same thing one of his now deceased cronies had said, as they had entered the lair of the ursa all those centuries ago.

"I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant. . . ."

Moving forward with silent purpose, Derran went over lady Celestia's most recent command in his head. Even now, he felt his bile rise as he thought of it. He understood the necessity, but that did little to reassure him. Almost without thinking, Derran retrieved the photo of Flurry Heart from his extradimensional armory. It was a fairly recent photo, Flurry being held by lady Cadence and lord Shining, both of whom looked exhausted and dirty, but positively glowing with happiness. Swaddled in a pink blanket, Flurry Heart's front hooves were stretched toward the camera, an expression of laughter on her face. An almost insurmountable rage coursed through Derran, as he thought of how scared she must be now, but he forced himself to remain calm.

+They all deserve to die.+ The Slayer declared, an unholy fury filling every word as they echoed in Derran's mind. +Chrysalis, the changelings, and every other living thing that had so much as a fucking INKLING of this!! Deserves to die choking on its own fucking blood!+ Outwardly, Derran gave no sign that he had heard anything, as he sent the photo back to the armory with a faint snap of displaced air. Inwardly however, he nodded.

"You will find no argument from me, yet still. . . our orders stand." The Slayer scoffed, the closest he would ever come to an agreement.

+So that's it then?! Orders are orders and we can go fuck ourselves?!+ Derran gave an inward sigh.

"You know it is not that simple." The Slayer simply growled in response. "However. . . ."

+Yeah?+ Derran struggled not to let his emotions show on his face, as he spoke inside his head.

"In our absence, it seems the evils within the holy land have grown bold. Our ladies have, through heroism beyond measure, staved off the darkness. By herself, Lady Celestia has kept the peace for over a thousand years, with love, grace, and understanding. While more recently, Lady Twilight and her friends have preserved that peace with the power of their bonds of friendship."

+Your point?!+ Within his head, Derran's tone darkened.

"I believe it is time we reminded the evils of this land, of the alternative to accepting miladies salvation. . . ." Inside his mind, Derran felt the Slayer smile.

+So. . . you want to send a message.+ Inwardly, Derran shook his head.

"No. . . I want you to send a message, as only you can. Remind this world that those who squander the Seraphim's mercy. . . shall reap their malediction."

+You sure you trust me enough to give me that much leeway?+ The Slayer asked, the sensation of a grin growing. Derran nodded within his mind.

"Consider this an opportunity to earn a bit of grace yourself. Just never forget that Flurry Heart comes first, nor that the hand upon your leash has merely been loosened, not removed." The Slayer nodded.

+No need to crack the whip on this, ain't no kids gonna die on my watch. And when I'm through. . . all the world will have the fear of the Light in 'em." Derran nodded, his expression becoming infinitely cold beneath his helmet, as the cage of his will, strained against his ever growing rage.

"Amen. . . ."

The Everfree forest was one of the most dangerous locations in Equestria, perhaps the world. While the edges could be traversed with at least some modicum of safety, the interior was, by and large, a deathtrap. The deeper one went, the darker and more tangled it grew, and the more ferocious and deadly the wildlife became. Manticors, timberwolves, hydras, maulwurfs, bugbears, forest tatzlwurms, chimeras, and other far darker creatures, could all be found in abundance within the deepest parts of the Everfree.

Ponies didn't dare traverse these harsh depths, where the oldest trees of the forest grew. Those few who had tried and lived, told stories of whispering trees, and monsters too terrible to name, too they spoke of voices in the night, ancient and evil, screaming in rage and pain. To some it was as if a great phantom battle was being waged all around them, and some would swear that when the ethereal echoes were at their loudest, a faint smell of blood could be detected in the air.

The creatures of the Everfree however, had long ago grown used to the sounds and smells of their dark and haunted home. Used to the perpetual gloom caused by the thick interwoven branches of the ancient trees blotting out the sun, and used to the muted ghostly whispers, just on the edge of hearing. The creatures of the Everfree did not scare easily, the nature of their home, combined with their own considerable power, having made them nigh immune to the emotion of fear. . . or so they thought.

For on a day that would live in infamy among the beasts of the Everfree, all that changed. As above the branches of their home, the clouds of a storm grew darker, a feeling like none the creatures of the Everfree had ever felt, reverberated through the air. As one, all living things in the forest, directed their gazes toward the same singular point. Fur stood on end, scales itched, eyes widened, and ears and antennae flattened against the tops of heads. None of them knew what it was that lay in the direction of their gaze, nor how it was they could track it as it moved. The distance was too great for them to see or hear what had so captured their attention, but all knew it was there. . . and all could feel its hate.

Waves of murderous fury pulsed from its location like an unholy beacon, washing over the creatures of the Everfree like a tidal wave of malice. Instantly, the whispers in the depths of the forest went silent, as for the first time in twelve hundred years, the ghosts of the Everfree felt the presence of their killer. Though the living beasts and ponies of Equestria may have forgotten, the forest never had. As the creatures of the Everfree stood frozen in fear, the trees trembled, and the whispers of the forest began, for the first time, to speak coherent words. In ghostly wails filled with horror and despair, the Everfree spoke a name, chanting it over and over, just barely above the threshold of inaudibility. . . .

Doom Slayer. . . Doom Slayer. . . Doom Slayer. . . .

The creatures of the forest either did not know, or did not understand the name, but as they listened, they felt an all consuming terror bleed into their very souls. Amid screeches, roars, and whimpers of indescribable fear, the beasts of the Everfree turned and ran. Some fled to burrows, collapsing the entrances behind them, the risk of suffocation becoming a minor concern in the face of possible discovery. Some ran or flew to nests, curling up in the center to cover their eyes with paws and wings, as they begged the universe not to be found. Some, having no fixed home, simply ran, not stopping until they collapsed, almost dead with exhaustion. Those beasts that could speak, in moments of brief coherence between bouts of panic induced madness, gibbered out a single sentence. Ignorant of its meaning, yet unable to stop repeating it, as fear tore their remaining sanity to shreds.

"He is coming. . . ."

Oblivious to the events surrounding her, Queen Chrysalis giggled endlessly to herself. She felt light as a feather, and giddy as a school filly. Soon she would have the perfect revenge of which she'd always dreamed! She could see it now, the despairing faces of Celestia and Luna, the horrified tear filled eyes of Twilight and Cadence, the broken expression of Shining Armor!! At times Chrysalis could almost hear the sweet sound of them begging her for mercy, as her loyal puppets tore that. . . whatever it was, to pieces!

Humming joyously to herself, Chrysalis dreamed of the future. She'd have Celestia and Luna caged of course. Maybe suspended in her throne room for decoration? Their horns cut off, their wings plucked, and their tails and manes shaved! Twilight and her friends could be hobbled with magic, and set up in the barracks to. . . entertain her soldiers, although only after she was done torturing them personally. Chrysalis wondered if she should kill Twilight's little dragon pet right away, or if she should hold him over Twilight's head for awhile, forcing her to degrade and humiliate herself to save him, before ultimately killing him anyway.

Starlight Glimmer would be stripped of her magic, and kept alive as Chrysalis's punching bag. Chrysalis was certain she could find a way to make her durable enough to be used as such, perhaps she'd look into a way to make her immortal, so she could suffer till the end of time? Oh and finally, most deliciously, was Cadence and Shining Armor, Chrysalis had the perfect torment all planned out for them. Chrysalis would use magic to trap Cadence in crystal in her royal bedchamber, alive, and fully aware of her surroundings. There she would be forced to watch as her husband, his magic sealed, and his body restrained, was used as Chrysalis's personal toy. How much despair would she feel as Chrysalis not only turned her daughter into a weapon, but her husband into a tool for stress relief and breeding?!

Cackling madly, Chrysalis turned to glance at the force bubble holding her hostage. Within the floating translucent green sphere, Flurry Heart lay curled up under the effects of a sleep spell. Chrysalis considered leaving her awake, but had come to understand the little alicorn foal had an immense amount of magical power, just barely held in check by the other princesses use of a 'Fledgling's Forbearance' enchantment. Thus, better she sleep for now, until proper precautions could be taken. Chrysalis wasn't about to risk her victory being lost due to some alicorn brat's mystically enhanced temper tantrum. As she turned back to look at the point at which her beacon was guiding her enemies to arrive, she happened to catch sight of Stormfang. His back pressed flat against the sheer rock cliff behind their chosen vantage. With his pupils dilated, and his chest heaving, Stormfang looked like he was about one good scare away from a stroke.

"What in the wastes is the matter with you?" Chrysalis demanded. At the sound of her voice, Stormfang jumped as if hit with an electric shock. Glancing around wildly for a moment, he seemed on the verge of crying out, before shaking his head.

"N-nothing, just. . . did you. . . did you feel anything just now?" Chrysalis glared at her supposed partner with a look of contempt, before turning away.

"No. Now quit cringing like a whipped dog and make yourself presentable. Our guests have arrived. . . ."

Gazing out across the five mile wide forested canyon they had chosen as the battlefield, Stormfang saw it was true. As the princesses lit upon the edge of a large rocky outcropping at the top of a hill, that abruptly dropped off into a cliff descending into the canyon. Though they were little more than distant specs, Stormfang could swear he saw their icy expressions, as they were joined by eight other ponies and one young dragon. Feeling his blood burn at the sight of the traitor who had handed Ember the throne, Stormfang opened his mouth to say something disparaging, only for the words to die in his throat, as the crowd of ponies parted.

Slowly, and with measured determined steps, a figure crested the hill. On two legs he stood, his arms ending in five fingers clenched into fists. Dressed in armor born from a nightmare, thunder from the storm clouds gathering above the forest seemed almost to announce his coming, as lightning just barely illuminated the shadowed features behind his helmet. In that moment, Stormfang felt his heart stop. As, even separated by a distance of over five miles, two terrible eyes of blazing red, somehow pinned his back to the cliff once again. A whimper of fear so low even he barely heard it, escaped from Stormfang's lips, as images of fangs the size of redwoods, and claws that could rend mountains asunder, danced in his mind. Only barely holding on to his increasingly ephemeral courage, Stormfang conceded that there was no going back.

The Doom Slayer. . . had arrived.

Twilight stared across the forested canyon separating her from both her niece and Chrysalis with a cold, but controlled, expression. Briefly entertaining the idea of teleporting across and taking on Chrysalis herself, and only resisting due to the implicit understanding, that the Queen of the changelings, would never leave herself open to so obvious an attack. As the massive pillar of gangrenous green light that had guided them all here faded, Twilight saw it replaced by a flat plane of energy the size and shape of a billboard, and bordered by sparks of green lightning. For a moment the massive screen of energy was simply a blank translucent green canvas, then with a single flash of emerald light, Chrysalis's face appeared in it. Smiling obscenely, Chrysalis gestured to the frame her magnified image appeared in.

"Like it?" She asked with a smirk. "Just a simple image projection spell I learned with a little help from this." Here Chrysalis held up the triangular pendent around her neck. Instantly, Twilight's eyes widened in horror.

"The Alicorn Amulet!" She gasped, the vile artifact all too easy to recognize. Chrysalis laughed, enjoying the expression on Twilight's face.

"Indeed." She bragged. "I figured, if this little trinket could turn a disgraced two bit stage magician into an unstoppable sorceress, then just imagine what it could do for me?" Chrysalis chuckled. "Turns out my guess was right on the money. I am now more powerful than I have ever been! Strong enough that I imagine I could even face all four of you princesses at once!" Here the changeling's smile became truly twisted. "But. . . why just kill you? When I can break you?!" Chrysalis hissed, her expression becoming utterly deranged, as insanity danced in her eyes. An instant later however, she took a deep breath, as her expression softened into a look of idle smugness. "Originally I intended to have Shining Armor play this little game with me." Chrysalis chuckled. "But when I learned that you Celestia and Luna had a lover in common. . . how could I not give him the right of first refusal? Well. . . except for the 'Refusal' part." Letting out a hysterical laugh that even other lunatics would have called insane, it took Chrysalis a moment to compose herself. "At any rate, allow me to explain the rules of the game. Derran here has. . . let's say an hour, to cross my little arena and rescue Flurry Heart." Zooming out the projection, Chrysalis gestured to the bubble of force containing the sleeping foal, swathed in a blanket, before continuing. "If he runs out of time, or if he dies, I leave with Flurry and turn her into my successor. However, if your precious colttoy over there manages to reach me before the time runs out, I will leave Equestria for good and never return." Twilight bristled.

"And we're supposed to believe that?! Why should we think you would ever keep your word?!" She demanded. Chrysalis smirked.

"Because you don't have a choice. If your beloved Derran doesn't play, then I walk away with Flurry regardless. Really, you should be grateful I'm giving you this chance at all." She replied, before devolving temporarily into another unsettling fit of laughter. "Incidentally, I should mention that should you, or anypony else, try to help Derran, or interfere in any way, he will lose automatically."

"Monster!!" Cadence snarled, unable to hide her anger any longer, even as her worried gaze kept flicking to the orb containing her daughter. Chrysalis frowned.

"Watch your tongue princess! The eyes of all of Equestria are on you right now." Suddenly, hundreds of screens identical to the one showing Chrysalis appeared, each displaying the staring and worried faces of ponies from what seemed to be every town, city, and hamlet in Equestria. "I've placed these little projections throughout every corner of your kingdom, and even beyond!" Here several dozen more screens appeared, showing parts of the Dragonlands, Yakyakistan, the New Changeling Kingdom, and even Griffonstone. Here the changeling queen adopted a look of mocking concern. "I'd hate for you to say something that would hurt your stellar reputation, as a simpering weakling who can't even protect her own daughter." Blue arcane fire blazed in Cadence's eyes and enveloped her horn, crystals harder than diamonds and with edges as sharp as razors, sprouting up unbidden around her hooves. As she snarled through gritted teeth, in a tone cold enough to give Derran a run for his money.

"Why don't you come over here and say that you overgrown bug!" Chrysalis simply smirked in the face of Cadence's rage.

"Not today I'm afraid. Maybe once I've had a chance to teach your daughter the finer points of matricide." She chuckled, before turning to Derran.

"So. . . Doom Slayer, anything to say before we begin?" Derran, simply turned to Celestia, his voice like the crashing of rocks down the side of a mountain.

"Orders my Lady?" Celestia glared into the eyes of Chrysalis's projection, her gaze emotionless, save for a flicker of what, for just an instant, Chrysalis could have sworn looked like, pity.

"Retrieve Flurry Heart, and place Chrysalis under arrest. . . by whatever means you deem necessary." Walking to the edge of the cliff that dropped down into the canyon, Derran turned to glare at the projection hovering overhead. In a voice that was suddenly deeper and more rasping than before, and filled with a hate that seemed to shake the very air around him, the armored figure replied.

"As you command."

Stepping off the cliff and into open air, the Doom Slayer plummeted to the ground nearly a hundred feet below. Barely noticing the neon green energy dome that sprung up to seal off the entire canyon, snapping shut just as his feet touched the ground. Falling to one knee to absorb the impact of his landing, the Doom Slayer slowly rose to his feet. Beneath his helmet, his eyes shifted to a bloody red, as the mind of Derran Grandel faded into his subconscious, only a faint tugging at the Doom Slayer's thoughts indicating he was still there at all. Cracking his knuckles and neck, the Doom Slayer gave an unholy smile beneath his helmet, as he felt white hot rage burn through his body. "Finally. . . no more holding back." He thought, as the battle began. . . .

Soundtrack: True Believer by Beast in Black

Chrysalis watched the shimmering scrying screen she had conjured with a bemused expression. It seemed that the game was going to end far sooner than she thought. As out of the underbrush charged two of her soldiers in the guise of a pair of manticores. At over two tons each, a single manticore was strong enough to snap full grown trees in half, had claws that could carve through solid stone like paper, possessed a bite that could pierce dragon scales, and, as if just to add insult to grievous injury, a stinger loaded with poison that could fell a hydra with a single prick.

Charging at the Doom Slayer's armored figure, the pair of changelings eyes glowed green, as the enchantments Chrysalis had laid upon them, boosted the already immense strength of their transformations even further. "How boring, I was hoping to drag this out a little more than-" Chrysalis's thoughts came to a screeching halt, as within the plane of green hued energy before her, a scene of impossibility played out.

Running forward in a blur of motion, the Doom Slayer positioned himself between and in front of the two charging beasts. Unable to halt their momentum or change direction, the pair of faux manticores continued barreling forward. As the Doom Slayer raised both his hands, before slamming his palms down onto the foreheads of the creatures, just before they would have trampled him. Fingers gifted with strength enough to crush diamond into powder, punched deep into the skulls and grey matter of the transformed changelings. The Doom Slayer leaned forward, his legs braced against the impact, as he forced the heads of his foes down. Pushed back by the inertia of over five tons of monstrous muscle, bone, and chitin, the Doom Slayer's feet dug deep furrows in the mossy earth, but like an indestructible wall, he refused to yield.

As their necks snapped under the strain of their sudden deceleration, and what was left of their brains synapses short circuited, the changelings somehow managed to flick their scorpion-like tails forward. Intent on taking their killer with them. Only for stingers as hard as steel, to shatter like glass against the Doom Slayer's armored chest. However, just as the pair of manticore's corpses finally slid to a halt, an enraged bellow was heard. A third changeling burst out from the forest, this one wearing the appearance of a seven foot tall gorilla-like creature, covered in shaggy blue and white fur. An eastern yeti, a species considered even more savage than their crystal mountain counterparts. Closing on the figure of the Doom Slayer in mere seconds and shoving aside the corpses of its comrades to stand before him. It was soon followed by a second copy of the same beast, this one roaring in a blind rage as it barreled along behind its predecessor. Had Chrysalis blinked, she'd have never seen what happened next.

As the first yeti reared back on its hind legs, raising its fists in the air, determined to avenge its fallen kin, the Doom Slayer struck. In an explosion of blood and gore, the armored warrior punched his fist straight through the rearing yeti's exposed belly, his clenched hand emerging out its back in a spray of ropy intestines, pulverized vertebra, and black changeling blood. Before the second yeti could so much as register the death of its clone, there was a flash of red light in the hand sticking out its duplicate's back, along with a faint snap. The poor creature had a brief chance to stare directly down two massive black barrels, before it was blown off its feet and back into the bushes. Its face, skull, and brain, reduced to ebon vapor, by a point blank blast from a super shotgun.

Not pausing for even a moment, the Doom Slayer sent his weapon back where it came from in a flash of red light, as the transformed changeling on his arm returned to its true form. Gurgling blood, the drone pawed pathetically at the limb impaling it, as if trying to beg for mercy. Without so much as a pause, the Doom Slayer snapped his arm out to the side, the force of the movement sending the pitiful creature flying into the trunk of a tree, with a sickening wet crunch. The Slayer running off before the light could even fade from his dying enemy's glowing compound eyes.

Chrysalis, stared at the carnage left by the armored warrior with an unblinking stare. The haze of insanity created by the alicorn amulet, blocking out the true implications of the scene, and replacing it with the reassuring idea, that at least things wouldn't be as boring as she had feared. However, buried deep in Chrysalis's mind, far beyond the reach of the amulet's madness, a spark of worry reverberated through her subconscious, illuminating a terrible reality her conscious mind was not currently able to process. That she had made a grave miscalculation. . . .

The Doom Slayer moved through the trees using every bit of his inhuman speed. From within his helmet he saw a waypoint on his visor display, counting down the meters as he moved toward his goal, the inbuilt magetech computer system providing the only directions his fury would allow. Charging in a straight line, the Doom Slayer tried to cover as much ground as possible before the enemy could attempt to block his path. He managed to cover nearly a quarter of a mile, before he was waylaid by nearly a dozen silhouettes of various sizes, emerging from the forest shadows. Not even attempting to slow down, the Doom Slayer summoned a pair of heavy assault rifles. Activating the micro missiles, he sent twin screaming streams of miniaturized explosive warheads into the ranks of his enemies. Most were instantly reduced to chunks of bloody meat, however, two or three managed to evade the unguided barrage, by dint of immeasurable good luck.

One, a creature that looked like a giant snake topped by the upper body of a bull, an ophiotaurus if memory served, reared up before the Slayer, bearing its fangs, and determined to block his path. As to its side, a pair of what were best described as large dogs, the bigger one, with shaggy fur and possessing two mismatched heads with razor sharp teeth, while the smaller appeared somewhat humanoid and bulky with muscle, scrambled to get in position to flank him. The Doom Slayer, now too close for bullets or missiles, called out his chainsaw. Ducking low, he continued to run forward with apparent abandon. However, the instant he got close enough, the Slayer set his stance, allowing himself to slide along the loose earth into the midst of his would-be ambushers, his weapon held low and at arm's length.

In a move that was almost elegant, the Doom Slayer spun in place while leaping high into the air, using his jump boots to send himself over the ophiotaurus's head with ease. His feet striking the ground at almost the exact moment that the trio of beasts collapsed, in a bloody pile of dismembered limbs, and horizontally bisected torsos.

Unfortunately, despite the Doom Slayer's insane speed, his foes had delayed him enough that some of his faster assailants had managed to get into position to attack. One just barely missing catching him in its claws, before falling in behind his sprinting form in an effort to chase him down. Jumping up, the Doom Slayer allowed his momentum to carry him feet first into a large tree. Dismissing his chainsaw, the Slayer used the tree as a springboard to send himself hurtling back into the goat and tiger faces, of what turned out to be a chimera. Using his boots to adjust his trajectory, the Slayer flew over the creature's heads and body at breakneck speed. Grabbing the large snake that served as the creature's tail, Derran twisted his body, using his new handhold to halt his momentum, before landing firmly on his feet with his back to his foe.

The chimera roared in pain, the bones of its tail and third head, now pulverized from use as an improvised arresting wire. Stumbling to the ground with a bellow of agony, the beast was pulled off balance by its opponent's landing. Not even bothering to look back at the creature, the Doom Slayer simply fired a shot from his super shotgun in the general direction of its remaining heads. The spray of jagged tungsten pellets turning the back of the creature's two mismatched skulls into a bloody mulch, as he confronted his next group of opponents. Thirty feet away, a large grey skinned humanoid, likely some breed of ogre or troll, emerged from the bushes with surprising speed for its size and bulk. Beside it, and towering over it, was a large creature resembling a massive twenty foot tall winged lion, crossed with a purple furred pony, and wearing an odd golden headdress that reminded the Slayer of those worn in Pharos back on D'nur. . . a sphinx.

Rushing forward without so much as a pause, the Doom Slayer used a low hanging branch to flip himself into the air, before using a second branch to propel himself straight at the head of the sphinx with an almighty heave. Using a burst of momentum from his jump boots, the Slayer came level with its forehead, his lightning fast approach too quick to dodge. Pulling back his fist, the Slayer threw a mid air haymaker, straight between the wide glowing eyes of the unfortunate beast. A crack like a giant tree being snapped in two was heard, as an unstoppable armored fist, broke through a skull the thickness and strength of a sheet of tank armor. The head of the sphinx snapped backward, as the Slayer collided with it hard enough to dislocate its neck. Yanking his blood covered limb free of the elbow deep hole he had put in the great beast's head, the Doom Slayer tucked his feet up against his chest and kicked off of the sedately falling corpse. Directly toward his next opponent.

Below him, the ogre, an eight foot tall mass of muscle and bone, stared dumbly at the descending armored human with beady, glowing green eyes. With a savage grin, the monster raised a grey skinned arm covered in coarse black hair resembling steel wire. Cocking back its fist in preparation to strike the Doom Slayer as he fell. Yet before the ogre could finish his attack, and just as the back of his target's waist came to eye level, the Slayer bent his right leg as if in preparation for a side kick. Activating only the jump boot on his right foot, the Doom Slayer was spun around in midair at blinding speed. Using the immense momentum generated by his angled boot, the Slayer's right leg snapped out into a flawless aerial roundhouse kick, straight into the side of the ogre's misshapen face. The creature, barely aware of its pulverized jaw, had a brief instant to wonder why it was suddenly able to see its own back, before it fell unceremoniously to the ground. The Slayer landing lightly on his feet, before once more running toward his goal, in a blur of green and blood soaked red.

From the top of the rocky outcropping directly opposite of the Doom Slayer's goal, a group of ponies and one dragon, stared in a mixture of awe and horror, as he engaged in his brutal work. Their reactions were varied. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Spike, though they did not look away, appeared in turns both sad, and slightly ill. While Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and even Rarity, all wore expressions of grim satisfaction, no doubt thinking of what had happened to Derpy Hooves, and how easily it could have happened to their own sisters. Cadence and Shining Armor appeared both relieved and unsettled, even as they threw worried glances in the direction of the opposite end of the canyon. Starlight watched Derran with an expression of forced calm, that did very little to hide how tense she was. As for Twilight, she kept her eyes glued to the screen hovering overhead, with a look of worry and frustration. Only Celestia and Luna seemed unaffected, their expressions dark and inscrutable, as they watched.

"I knew Derran was strong, but this is. . . ." Shining couldn't even finish the thought as he shook his head. Logically, he knew Derran's martial power was incredible, viewing his memories had been more than proof of that. However, seeing it with his own eyes, void of the disconnect created by time and spellcraft, was an altogether different experience.

As the small group watched, Derran Dodged the claws of a swooping roc, spinning down into a crouch before summoning his gauss cannon. The giant bird having a single moment to register its attack had missed, before a steel flechette moving at hypersonic speeds, tore its right wing from its body in a puff of vaporized black blood, that spoke to its true nature. Rolling backward, Derran jumped to one side, sliding across the ground on his back, as a duo of bugbears attempted to impale him with their stingers. Summoning a pair of plasma rifles, Derran proceeded to turn most of their chests, and several of their arms, into vapor, amid a veritable storm of pulsing orbs of deadly blue-white energy. Dismissing his weapons and snapping his body into a handstand that transitioned into a backward flip, Derran landed on his feet. Throwing a grenade over his shoulder as he once again took off towards Flurry Heart and Chrysalis. A trio of pursuing changelings flitting through the trees in their true forms, firing bolts of green energy from their horns, and blind to the innocuous metallic object on the ground. Were torn to ribbons by an explosion of burning hot shrapnel, as their bolts sparked, unnoticed, off the Slayer's armored back.

"There is no mightier warrior in all the multiverse." Luna declared, responding to Shining Armor's comment, her tone neutral, as if simply stating a fact. Shining nodded, not taking his eyes from the fight. "If this is all Chrysalis brought to oppose him, then she has no hope of victory." Twilight, taking her eyes from the screen, glared through the green shield separating them from the arena, her gaze focused on Chrysalis's barely visible form in the distance.

"Chrysalis is a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them." Twilight declared grimly. "No way this is all she has." Luna nodded, her eyes never straying from the screen above them.

"It will not be enough." She declared calmly, watching as Derran snapped the neck of a cockatrice that he had grabbed out of the air, before using its corpse as a club to cave in a changeling's skull mid-transformation. Twilight shot one more look at Chrysalis's distant figure, and the orb containing Flurry Heart. Despite everything, she still couldn't help but give voice to a degree of worry.

"I hope you're right."

Stormfang stared at the screen before him with an ever increasing feeling of panic. This. . . this was impossible! Derran Grandel, by any sane measure, was a weakling. Every report Chrysalis had shared with him confirmed this. Derran cooked and waited on that purple princess like a mere servant. He sang songs and played with foals, he attended meaningless parties, and even spoke in the overly flowery way of cowards too concerned with feelings to be blunt! He didn't take what he wanted by force, he didn't assert his dominance and demand submission from creatures lesser than him, and he went out of his way to prop up other weaklings instead of leaving them to sort out their own problems! In short, Derran Grandel acted like a pony, and clearly any evidence implying he was some kind of warrior, was either fake or exaggerated. Yet now. . . now this creature, this supposed weakling, was burning through the army Stormfang had helped build, like lava through dry grass!

Now almost a fourth of the way across the arena, the armored beast's path was littered with broken and burning vegetation, cratered earth, and mutilated corpses. As Stormfang watched, Derran was blocked by the hulking body of one of the hydras Chrysalis had ensorcelled to obey her, the beast crashing out of a grove of massive oak trees, turning the immense plants to kindling with its passage. Any other creature might have paused at the sight of a multi-headed beast twenty times its own size, and two hundred times its bulk, but the Doom Slayer didn't even slow down. Before the hydra could even attempt an attack, Derran, or the Doom Slayer, or whatever it called itself, summoned a large pipe-like weapon and pointed it at the hydra's chest as he ran straight toward it. Several elongated projectiles, each trailing fire, shot out from the end of the weapon in quick succession.

The first punched straight through the hydra's chest, blowing it open in a cloud of fire and pulverized meat. Remnants of what was once its rib cage bent outward like a venus flytrap, as its ruined lungs, heart, and digestive tract, slid out onto the ground. The second projectile blasted the creature's two center-most heads sky high, an expression of horrified surprise permanently frozen on their scaly features. While the last shot rent the poor monster's back asunder, sending out a spray of bloody mist, that painted the trees directly behind the corpse a sickening shade of crimson.

As if to make a mockery of the creature he had just slain, the Doom Slayer ran through its now halved body like it was a path through a garden, organs turning to mush beneath his boots. However, it seemed a moment later as if fate had not yet abandoned Stormfang, as a four clawed hand shot out from the trees to grab Derran around his chest and hoist him into the air, one arm pinned to his side by a single massive digit. Bringing the Doom Slayer helm to face, with one of the rarer creatures Stormfang and his dragons had managed to corral for this little venture. . . a cyclops. Thirty five feet tall, it was covered in shaggy dark gray fur, its body topped by a goat-like head and curling gold and black banded horns, set above a single massive eye with a pupil like an hourglass turned on its side. the monstrous beast had briefly bragged about being an original descendant of Arimaspi: the terror of Griffonstone, before Chrysalis got her mind controlling hooks into it. Now, as it held the Doom Slayer in its massive fist, Stormfang dared to hope the fight was at an end. . . until Derran simply raised the explosive spewing weapon in his free hand, and blew the cyclops's single, giant eye, out the back of its skull.

Still, to Stormfang's desperate mind, it seemed there might still be some hope, as the Doom Slayer was now trapped from the chest down, in the giant creature's death grip. Yet as the pair fell, he sent his weapon away in a flash of red, and summoned a small metallic object, just barely managing to wedge it between two of the cyclops's massive claws as they fell. The subsequent detonation, blew off one of the appendages wrapped around the Doom Slayer, allowing him to get free just before he struck the ground. However, unable to control his landing, the armored form of the Slayer, that now seemed the living incarnation of every nightmare Stormfang had ever had, fell heavily on his back.

Seemingly vulnerable and unable to react, the Slayer was promptly dog piled by dozens of brainwashed beasts and changelings that had converged on the area. For several seconds, the figure of the Doom Slayer was lost, amid a seething mass of rending claws, biting fangs, and stomping hooves. Until a pair of explosions sent the myriad attackers hurtling away, most in more pieces than they started with. Rising up with blood and viscera covering his now scorched and scratched armor, Derran dismissed the giant pipe gun once more, and summoned a massive weapon that appeared to be comprised of a cylindrical mass of rotating steel tubes. Then, as the hoard around the Doom Slayer recovered, bolstered by further reinforcements charging from the trees, Stormfang felt his mouth go dry, and his eyes widen in horror. As the new weapon held firmly in both the Slayer's hands, unfolded into three rotating parts at the touch of a button. With a sound like a bolt of cloth the size of a city being torn in two, three streams of white hot metal lanced into the ranks of the oncoming beasts. . . .

Stormfang felt himself become violently ill, as Derran sent a storm of lead scything through the rallying mass of monsters that had somehow survived accosting him. The smaller of them were simply cut in half, immense gouts of blood, mulched organs, and sundered flesh, spraying across the ground. While those of larger size were rapidly torn apart piece by piece. Chunks blown out of them till it looked vaguely like they had been chewed on a few times by an unimaginably large and vicious dog. Using the fallen cyclops as cover to guard his rear, the Doom Slayer systematically reduced the enemy ground forces, and much of the surrounding vegetation, to little more than shredded cabbage. As Stormfang watched, dozens of beasts and changelings, compelled by Chrysalis's mind control, were systematically mowed down without hesitation or mercy. Finally however, the suicidal charge ended, and the Slayer dismissed his weapon, before resuming his seemingly unstoppable advance. Shaking like a leaf in a hurricane, Stormfang turned to a frowning Chrysalis, with an expression that was nothing short of hysterical. Before he could make a sound however, the changeling queen spoke.

"Signal your dragons." She stated, her tone curt and unfeeling. Stormfang opened and shut his mouth a few times in shock, as he stared goggle-eyed at Chrysalis.

"ARE YOU INSANE?!" He finally roared, rage momentarily eclipsing his fear. "That. . . that. . . that, THING has slaughtered every creature that's gotten near it! There's no way in Tartarus I'm sending-" Stormfang was cut off as his body was surrounded by a glowing green aura, and slammed into the cliff beneath him hard enough to crack his scales. Despite a significant size difference between them, Stormfang cowered as Chrysalis loomed over him. Speaking slowly and precisely, the changeling queen's eyes burned with equal parts rage and madness.

"You are as much a part of this as I am. If the Doom Slayer reaches us, it is all over, and last I heard, Celestia only specified she wanted me alive." Stormfang felt his guts turn to water, as he realized the truth of Chrysalis's words. Still, he was unwilling to give up without a fight.

"You could teleport us!" He practically begged, his pride evaporating before the overwhelming needs of survival. "We have the brat! Who cares about the rest?!" Chrysalis glared down at him.

"No. . . I still have some cards to play, and even if I didn't, I refuse to run away with my tail between my legs again! Twice, those weakling princesses and their friends have humiliated and defeated me! And that, IS THREE TIMES TOO MANY!!" She roared, practically spitting acid in her rage. "I spent every waking moment since the loss of my hive preparing for this day, manipulating events, scraping for the resources and soldiers I would need, and kowtowing to POSTURING IMBECILES LIKE YOU!!" Taking a deep shuddering breath, Chrysalis's voice regained its composure, though her eyes still burned with mania. "This day. . . this is my day! Today I will destroy the princesses, and make them watch as I rip away everything they love! So even if it takes sacrificing every one of you pathetic mewling weaklings! Even if I have to burn my entire hive to the ground! EVEN IF THE ENTIRE WORLD IS MADE INTO A WASTELAND!! THIS DAY IS GOING TO BE MY DAY! THIS DAY IS GOING TO BE PERFECT!!" Again Chrysalis steadied herself with a deep breath, her tone becoming almost sweet. "So my dear Stormfang. . . you will signal your dragons, or I will kill you right here and now." As the green glow surrounding his body faded, Stormfang rose shakily to his feet, and did the only thing he could, he reared back, and spit the biggest fireball he was capable of, straight into the air. Sending the rough sphere of flame arching high above the rumbling clouds. In his heart, he knew he had just signed the death warrants of his fellow dragons. But as he turned back to watch the Doom Slayer continue to rip what remained of their forces to bits, as he hurtled toward them like a bat out of Tartarus. Stormfang realized, that in the choice of them or him, he'd choose them every time. . . .

Across Equestria and beyond, they watched. Ponies, dragons, griffons, yaks, changelings, and other less well know residents of the land, stood in awe and horror, as a battle like none seen in twelve hundred years, played out before their eyes. The Doom Slayer. . . that is what Chrysalis had called him, and it fit him to a terrifying tee, for he was as war incarnate. Yet, for some reason, despite all they were seeing, the ponies and their allies could not truly feel afraid of the strange creature.

By all rights they should have, such terrible capacity for violence was utterly beyond their ability to comprehend, let alone condone. This 'Doom Slayer' showed no interest in preserving life, showed no hesitation or capacity for mercy, and destroyed his enemies with the brutal skill of a trained killer. He was, by all appearances, anathema to all the ponies of Equestria and their allies cherished. Yet, somehow, they felt no fear, no anger, no sense of disgust for his actions.

Perhaps it was because their princesses clearly trusted, and even apparently commanded the loyalty of, this creature. Perhaps it was because the creature was fighting to save an innocent foal. Maybe it was because of his opponents well deserved reputation as a villain. Yet despite the brutality and rage on display, the ponies of Equestria saw no true evil in his actions. Nopony could claim to care for the violence or loss of life they beheld, nor did any see it as good or just, they simply saw necessity. Chrysalis had stepped over the fine line that divided mere criminals, from true monsters. To fight a monster required a different breed of hero, one who shied from the light of sun and moon alike, even as he bowed to them. A hero who could tread the path no Equestrian ever could, a champion who could be the darkness to the princesses light. And In that moment, that is what the ponies saw. Not the hero they deserved, or even the one they wanted. . . but the hero they needed . . . and they were not the only ones. . . .

In the Dragonlands, Ember saw the incarnation of all that dragons respected. Power, ferocity, and the indomitable will to take fate into one's own claws. Too did she see the source of this power, it was born of rage yes, but that rage, was drawn from friendship. There did she see the might only love and kindness could inspire, the pure righteous wrath of one who fought not for themselves, but for their friends and comrades. In that moment, Ember saw the true path to strength, and she wept, for she would never again see such beauty. . . .

In Yakyakistan, Prince Rutherford, for the first time in an age, bowed his head. Always had the yaks been a proud civilization. A race of warriors, who had earned the right to survival by prying it from the merciless jaws of the frozen north. The yaks had always believed in honor, in pride, and in striving for perfection in all they did. The yaks saw, in this strange biped, the apex of a true warrior. Of one who stood in defense of the honor of all he called friend or kin, and who fought unceasingly against the odds, conquering adversity with sheer will. What was a yak. . . what was a warrior to do? Except bow, in respect to his senior.

In Griffonstone, Gilda stared at the projection hovering overhead with unblinking eyes, as did all her fellow griffons. For decades, ever since the loss of the Idol of Boreas, the griffon kingdoms had been without their pride, and their once great civilization, was now little more than a ruin. Gilda had done her best to restore it through teaching friendship, but it had been slow going. Many times she had to contend with the question of 'How could friendship, possibly restore what they had lost?', a question that until now, she had struggled to answer. This warrior changed everything, he was filled with pride, the savagery of his actions did nothing to diminish that. Pride radiated from his body as if he was a second sun. Pride in his home, in his service, and most of all, in his family and friends. That pride in his friends and loved ones, drove him on, bringing with it a strength that could shatter civilizations, or perhaps, in others, allow them to be rebuilt. This is what every griffon who looked upon him saw, and it resonated with something long forgotten within their souls. In that moment, all of griffon kind saw the path to regaining their long lost glory. . . . And Gilda, despite all that was happening, felt her beak quirk into a small smile.

In the new Kingdom of the Changelings, King Thorax and his subjects watched in awe. Deep in his heart, Thorax had always feared that one day Chrysalis would return. Feared that she would eventually find a way to overpower Equestria, and then come for him and his fellow defectors. Many times he had woken from nightmares featuring Chrysalis destroying all he held dear, despite Princess Luna's valiant efforts to keep them in check. Now however, he saw the truth. Chrysalis might be able to inspire fear, but this creature? He was fear. Chrysalis could posture and threaten all she wanted, could weave spells that turned seas to desert, and mountains to rubble, and she would never be half as scary as this strange armored beast. More than that, it was clear that however brutal his methods, this being sought to preserve the ideals the ponies, and friends, of Equestria stood for at all costs. As he watched the battle, Thorax had a feeling that after today, he'd never have nightmares about Chrysalis again. . . .

The Doom Slayer nimbly dodged out of the way of a charging manticore, grabbing onto its mane as it passed with one hand, and blowing off its stinger with a well aimed explosive projectile from his shotgun with the other. Pulling himself atop the now frantically thrashing creature, the Slayer dismissed his shotgun to summon his pistol, dispatching his unwilling mount with three shots to the base of its skull. Rolling off the creature's twitching corpse and onto his feet as it fell to the ground, the Doom Slayer was immediately assailed from his left side by a creature that looked for all the world, like a crocodile made of rock and stone. Its mouth opened wide enough for the Slayer to easily see its rows of jagged teeth, and the back of its pale pink throat. Reacting with an instinct born of fury, and honed by endless battle, the Slayer slammed his booted left foot down on the creature's lower jaw, shattering teeth and cracking bone, while at the same time catching its upper jaw in his left hand. In a welter of blood, fragments of rocky hide, and broken teeth. the Slayer tore the beasts upper jaw free. Before spinning on his heel and bringing it down on the skull of a charging changeling, that had taken the form of a red furred wild boar the size of a tiger. The force of the blow driving the razor sharp teeth studding the improvised club, deep into the changeling's brain.

Moving on from the now spastically twitching body of the once more pony shaped insect, the Slayer wove between the trees in an attempt to delay his pursuers, as he moved toward his goal at a dead run. Unfortunately, just as he thought himself free of the bulk of the enemy, the ground beneath his feet exploded upward, as a new monster tried its luck. The force of the below ground strike sent the Doom Slayer flying a good forty feet into the air in a fountain of displaced rock and soil. At the apex of his flight, the Slayer felt a sensation similar to if he was floating, time seeming to slow, as he turned gently in midair, surrounded by fist sized clods of earth and bits of broken trees. In that momentary pause, free of gravity's grip, and granted a near flawless aerial view, the Slayer's superbly honed senses took in the state of the battlefield in an instant.

He was almost halfway to his goal, less than twenty or so minutes having passed since the battle's start. Enemy force numbers seemed to have been reduced by a solid third, if not more, with most of the remainder too far away to effectively reach him in time. Below him was the creature that had put him here, a purple furred mole-like beast the size of a two story house, and with massive claws and teeth that looked well suited to carving through rock and earth. Some distance off to the left, but still too close for comfort, was a long moving line of bent and broken trees, indicating some other large monster was heading toward the skirmish. Most likely to help the giant mole, which the Slayer suddenly recalled from his other half's reading, was called a Maulwurf. The slightly winding line of bent trees he had noted, seemed to imply the coming enemy backup was some kind of large serpent or worm-like beast, in excess of eighty to one hundred feet long. As if that weren't enough, out of the corner of his eye, the Doom Slayer saw a large ball of flame blast out from the cliff beyond the force field. Where Chrysalis and Flurry Heart waited. If the opening of the top of the toxic green barrier overhead was any indication, it was likely a signal of some kind, for further reinforcements from the air.

All this information passed through the Slayer's mind, less as a detailed tactical assessment, than as a series of emotional pulses, that triggered an almost instinctive response. As a result, his reaction appeared for all the world like the steps of a dance he had practiced and rehearsed for his entire life. As if he was merely following a memorized routine, so familiar it no longer even required conscious thought. First, he summoned his gauss cannon, charging the siege mode attachment as he angled his jump boots to send him toward the emerging head of his second oncoming assailant, a forest Tatzlwurm, a slightly smaller and faster, but no less vicious, version of its wasteland cousin. Before the awed faces of all of Equestria, a beam of blue white energy the width of a tree trunk punched a smouldering hole the size of a grown stallion, into the top of the Maulwurf's head. Coring out its entire body in a beam of focused plasma. However those expressions of awe, swiftly turned to horror, as the recoil of the shot, along with a burst from his boots, sent the Slayer flying straight into the gaping three part mouth of the Tatzlwurm, as it roared it's arrival.

The world seemed to stand still, as the massive worm's maw snapped shut. As it swallowed its prey, the green tinged eyes surrounding its head, almost seemed to register confusion at its unanticipated meal. Seconds ticked by, as ponies, yaks, changelings, dragons, and griffons, held their breath in desperate anticipation. Hoping to the heavens that things were not what they appeared. That hope was answered, as the Tatzlwurm suddenly began writhing in agony, its roars of pain echoing across the land. As in a gout of purple blood, and with the sound of a revving chainsaw, the Doom Slayer burst out of a bloody hole he had carved in the worm's leathery moss colored hide. Big as it was however, the worm managed to cling to life, twisting its body around, intent on biting its killer in half, only to suddenly scream in rage and pain. As a pair of detonating grenades blasted two more gaping holes in its throat, ending forever its bid for revenge, in twin blasts of shredded flesh and violet mist.

Covered in purple blood, and ignoring the final twisting death throes of the beast behind him, the Doom Slayer scanned the now revealed sky overhead. Without the top of Chrysalis's shield, rain began to pour down onto the battlefield, the clouds overhead finally unleashing their pent-up fury. Dirt turned to mud and fire to steam, as flashes of lightning illuminated the new threat bearing down on the dispassionately watching Slayer.

Scores of dragons flew down from their hiding place above the clouds, blasting massive streams of flame from their mouths in a bellicose declaration of their arrival. Even through the rain, it did not take the newly arrived drakes long to sight their target, standing as he was next to the corpse of one of the only natural predators their kind had. Flying in tight formation, the draconic reinforcements zeroed in on their target, with whoops of joy and excitement at finally seeing action. After spending so long above the clouds, and blind to the fight below, this was the moment they had been waiting for. However, despite appearances, these were no juvenile drakes operating on little more than rage and base savagery, like Garble and his group. Stormfang had only recruited the cream of the crop, elder dragons, the smallest of which was the size of some of the largest houses in Ponyville. These dragons had lived for centuries, had gathered massive hoards, and like Stormfang, they too, had no intention of giving up the old ways on the say so of some weakling hatchling with big ideas.

As they hurtled toward their target, the flocks of dragons saw him summon a pair of odd tube shaped objects to each hand in a flash of red light, likely weapons. It hardly mattered, whatever they were, it would not be enough to overcome the fury of a full army of elder dragons. As the pitifully small figure began to fire the strange devices, this prophecy seemed to confirm itself. The so called 'Doom Slayer' appeared to be firing wildly into the air, filling the sky with strange projectiles propelled by small tongues of flame. Numerous as they were, and fast compared to most ground based creatures, the projectiles were nevertheless easily dodged. To the dragons, this was nothing more than the panicked resistance of cornered prey, as they lazily rolled and swerved out of the path of his attack. Then, the Doom Slayer pressed a small red button just above the handles of his weapons, and all Tartarus broke loose. . . .

As the Doom Slayer watched in dark satisfaction, his fusillade of rockets detonated all at once, within the tightly packed formations of his foes. Clouds of expanding shrapnel tore through wings and scales with ease, while powerful blast waves shattered bones and turned organs into a bloody slurry. Some dragons died instantly, brains or spines pierced by white hot metal, or hearts and lungs burst by the pressure wave. Others fell from the sky with agonized screams on their scaled lips, feebly trying to flap the shredded remains of wings, as they fell to their deaths. Some could not even scream, as they were knocked unconscious by the blasts, plummeting to earth and dying in eerie silence. An unfortunate few, stunned by the detonation of the ablative explosive charge, were unable to dodge the primary rockets bearing down on them, and could only stare in disbelief at the oncoming projectiles, an instant before being blown into blood soaked chunks.

Confusion reigned among the now frantic fire breathers still maintaining formation. As a second, smaller wave of rockets reached them. Slamming into and clawing at one another in panic, a fair number of dragons either died together instantly, or were pulled to the earth locked in the embrace of their deceased comrades. As a second wave of explosions swiftly erased all remaining hope and semblance of coherent flight maneuvers. Now spread out more widely, the remaining dragons, many of them injured, took horrified stock of their numbers. With wide eyes and terrified stares, they realized that in the space of less than a minute, the seemingly helpless creature below them, had reduced a flight of over one hundred dragons, to a mere handful. The few survivors still able to think through the shock and terror, wondering just what sort of unholy, primal monstrosity, Stormfang had picked a fight with. . . .

Chrysalis was fuming. This day. . . this was not how it was supposed to go. Already she had used up her first contingency, and now was about to activate the second. Off to the side, her now utterly useless ally, was currently curled up on the ground whimpering, as his fellows on the battlefield either clawed uselessly at her now restored mystical barrier, or hovered in place too frightened to move. It seemed that if Chrysalis wanted this done right, she would need to do it herself.

Closing her eyes, Chrysalis called upon every ounce of the amulet's power available to her, as she reached out with her mind. Ignoring the pitiful sounds of the terrified dragon at her side, Chrysalis felt the probing tendrils of her thoughts, finally make contact with the true reason she had chosen this particular part of the Everfree for her arena. This would be no easy task, that much was instantly clear. The mind of the slumbering titan laying beneath the canyon, might have been primitive, but it was also ancient, vast, and awash with mystical power. Seizing and controlling this entity properly, would require all of Chrysalis's focus. She would be unable to maintain the shield over the arena, and would have to temporarily relinquish control of the various brainwashed beasts currently fighting in her name. Nevertheless, it would all be worth it, to control the mightiest monster Equestria had to offer.

Drawing in all the power and focus currently devoted to the shield, mind control, and every other nonessential spell, Chrysalis refocused her efforts. Only sparing a modicum of power for the notable exception of her little projection enchantment. After all, if this demonstration of power didn't prove how futile resistance against her was, then nothing would. With a deep breath, Chrysalis prepared to act. Forging her mind into a blade with her magic, Chrysalis stabbed it deep into the consciousness of the sleeping leviathan, that had lain undisturbed for centuries beneath the trees of the Everfree. The very creature who's tossing and turning had created the canyon that now served as Chrysalis's arena. The beast's mind tried to fight back, but in its slumber, its mind was sluggish, unprepared to contend with the full might of a master changeling mage. Still, the struggle was fierce, as a mind of primal ferocity struggled against Chrysalis's focused psychic onslaught.

However, in the end, the numbness of hundreds of years of slumber, combined with Chrysalis's flawless technique, and boosted mystical power, made the winner clear. Chrysalis's mind reeled, as she assumed direct control of the elder beast. Feeling its godlike physical might as if it were her own, as she fully possessed it. The sluggishness of its long slumber receded, as limbs the size of multiple city blocks flexed in response to Chrysalis's will. She smiled, as beneath the earth, two glowing green eyes the size of lakes, snapped open. . . .

Protected from the heavy rain of the storm overhead, by a simple water repelling shield. Twilight and her friends first inkling of trouble came as the glowing green barrier around the arena suddenly flickered, before winking out of existence entirely. At first thinking Chrysalis might be calling more dragons, Twilight tore her gaze from the screen showing Derran's running form. Scanning the clouds, and trying to catch a glimpse of anything that might be coming.

"What the hay?" Applejack remarked from behind her. "I thought them critters were on Chrysalis's side?" Looking back to the projection spell, Twilight saw what Applejack was referring to, as across the battlefield, the various monsters enchanted by Chrysalis stopped moving, the green light fading from their eyes. Some shook their heads in confusion, before bolting back into the forest, while others looked around as if trying to understand where they were, and how they had got there.

"Do you think Chrysalis gave up?" Pinkie Pie asked. Twilight shook her head.

"No, Chrysalis has put way to much effort into this to just give up. She's got something planned." She declared, her eyes glancing around suspiciously.

"What do you think she's up too Twilight?" Fluttershy asked, glad that the enslaved animals were free, but worried about what might come next. Twilight shook her head.

"I'm not sure, but it will probably-" Twilight was violently interrupted as the ground beneath her hooves quaked, as if the planet had been struck by an unimaginably large hammer. Stumbling like a newborn giraffe, Twilight struggled not to fall, just barely managing it, before reaching out with a wing, to steady Fluttershy as she too nearly fell.

"What in tarnation was that?!" Applejack demanded, straightening up and adjusting her now skewed hat. Twilight opened her mouth to reply, only to be cut off, by a sound like the sky itself being torn in two. All other sound was completely erased, as Twilight and her friends covered their ears with their hooves. The sound reverberating painfully through their bodies like a physical blow, as even their cries of pain were drowned out. The sound seemed to go on forever, till an orb of glowing golden energy enveloped Twilight, her friends, and the hill they stood upon.

"Thank Celestia!" Twilight declared gratefully, as the sound was suddenly muffled to a far more tolerable level.

"You are quite welcome Twilight." Celestia responded grimly, the glow from her horn vanishing as the spell became self sustaining. "However I fear that the worst is yet to come." She declared, pointing a hoof down at the center of the canyon. Turning, Twilight's eyes widened in horror, as the floor of the canyon began to split open, the earth beneath her hooves shaking, even through Celestia's barrier, as if the planet itself was afraid.

Fissures as wide as rivers, spread out from the center of the canyon, as it began to bulge upward. The ground shaking with the force of an earthquake, as another blast of sound cracked the stones of the canyon walls. As the fissures spread, the ground started to fall away into the depths of the earth, as the great cavern hidden beneath the canyon, began to collapse. However it wasn't until a massive furred paw the size of half of Ponyville, and with claws as long as her castle was tall, burst from beneath the ground, that Twilight understood. Visibly paling, Twilight watched in mute horror, as a head nearly the size of all of Canterlot, exploded from the collapsing ground. Jaws with fangs the size of three redwood trees stacked on top of each other, opening. . . as the ursa major, let out another roar like a volcanic eruption. . . .

It took every ounce of speed and agility the Doom Slayer possessed, to keep ahead of the ground collapsing beneath his feet. Dodging around trees, boulders, and the occasional changeling zealot trying to push him back. Several times he almost wasn't fast enough, and had to rely on his jump boots, and more luck than he usually cared to, to avoid being swallowed up by the abyss. So focused was he on avoiding falling, that he barely had time to dodge, when a massive hunk of rock thrown from seemingly out of nowhere, nearly crushed him beneath it. The roar that sounded behind him, was like a massive bomb going off, and caused several nearby trees to splinter from the shock wave alone. Finally managing to move past the lip of the collapsing cavern and get to solid ground, the Slayer turned in an attempt to ascertain just what in the blue hell was going on?

The creature that had pulled itself about a quarter of the way out of the massive hidden cave that was its lair, was big. No, not just big, it was colossal, its full size making it easily as tall as some mountains. Covered in shaggy translucent purple fur, that gave it the appearance of a ghost. From what the Doom Slayer could see through the rain and falling debris, it apparently had roughly the same dimensions as a bear. Clearly magical in nature, the entity had what looked to be massive glowing motes of energy reminiscent of stars, suspended in its phantasmal body. As a paw big enough to wipe a small town off the map with a single swipe rose into the air, the Slayer had to dodge as falling trees, and clumps of earth and stone the size of houses, hurtled down around him.

Summoning his rocket launcher once more, the Slayer went about blasting some of the smaller meteoric objects out of the air, as he continued to move out of the way of the raining chunks of canyon floor. His fury built within him, as he realized that the delay this creature was causing could potentially cost him Flurry Heart! This thing was standing between him and a foal in danger! This thing was daring to defy the seraphs! THIS THING MUST DIE!! Glancing around as the creature hauled more of its immeasurable bulk above ground, the Doom Slayer sought a plan to accomplish his mission. He needed an advantage, something to turn the tide before time ran out, and as he narrowly dodged out of the way of another boulder, he saw his answer, tangled in the boughs of a gigantic, and miraculously still standing, maple tree. . . .

The world watched in horror, as the god-beast rose from the shattered ground. Bigger than could be believed, and with power enough to level an entire mountain range, the ursa major was the stuff of legends and nightmares. Rising from its cavern, it threw all around it into insignificance, despite being only halfway out of the earth. To some, it seemed as if the wrath of nature itself, had risen to join the fight. Despair clutched at the hearts of everycreature watching the battle. Up to now the Doom Slayer had been winning easily, but this. . . this wasn't a fight anycreature could win.

"DERRAN!!" Twilight shouted, charging her horn as she prepared to leap to her beloved's defense, rules or not. Cadence seemed of a similar mind, as her own horn blazed with mystical power. However, the voice of Princess Luna, froze them in their tracks.

"Stay thy hooves!" She declared, her voice firm and commanding. "Derran does not require your assistance." Twilight, Cadence, and the others, turned to stare at the princess of the night in horrified disbelief.

"With all due respect Princess Luna. . ." Twilight began through gritted teeth, just before she exploded. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR BUCKING MIND?!! THAT IS AN URSA MAJOR!! THE LITERAL MOST POWERFUL MAGICAL BEAST EVER DOCUMENTED!! DERRAN CAN'T FIGHT THAT THING ON HIS OWN!!" Luna simply gave Twilight an impassive look.

"I assure you he can." The words were delivered with such absolute conviction, that Twilight felt all her impetus to act vanish. In her mind, Twilight's logical side rebelled against Luna's words. Nopony, not even the princesses themselves, had ever even tried to fight an ursa major, as far as she was aware. Mostly because the enigmatic beasts were largely peaceful, surviving primarily on ambient magic gathered from starlight, with a single meal able to sustain them for decades, if not centuries. Despite that however, in efforts to construct their lairs, they had been known to rip open mountains, or even create massive trenches and canyons with ease. Additionally, they were strong enough, and durable enough, to survive their mountain sized lairs collapsing on them without even waking up. Ignoring millions of tons of rock and earth falling on them, as if it was nothing more annoying than a blanket being placed over their slumbering bodies. The idea that Derran could fight, let alone defeat such a creature, was utter madness! Yet as she looked into Luna and Celestia's faces, she couldn't help but feel calmed. It was then, that Celestia spoke, her tone sounding strangely far away.

"Throughout his and his brother's long war, Derran gained many titles, though he rarely ever uses or mentions them." Celestia stated, her tone eerily serene. "Doom Slayer was merely the first, and one of the few he will actually answer to. In Bridledown he eventually came to be called 'The Guardian of Equestria'. However, after the battle of the Day of Wrath, he gained another title. One whispered by the few ponies who saw him fight on that day." Her own tension easing, Cadence glanced from the still emerging ursa to her aunt, wondering where she was going with this.

"What title was that?" She asked. Feeling a sudden chill, as Celestia answered.

"They called him. . . God Breaker."

The Doom Slayer didn't hesitate, moving toward his goal with the ferocious abandon that had ever been his signature. Already his target had pulled itself from the tree. Flapping its wings in desperation to take off, it was oblivious as the Slayer closed in. . . .

As he lifted off the ground, Obsidian the dragon felt the terror and adrenaline in his body spike, as he saw the ursa major rise almost fully from its cavern. Bellowing its earth shattering roar to the heavens, and with its colossal eyes glowing brilliant green, it moved as if seeking to claw down the sky itself. Consumed by fear, and blinded by the instinct to fly as far and as fast as he could away from here. The first inkling Obsidian got that something was wrong, was when he felt something roughly grab his horns, and the sensation of a metallic object being pressed to the side of his head. A voice more terrible even than the roaring of the ursa, suddenly growled in Obsidian's ear.


Obsidian, not having any desire to argue, did as he was told. Around them, the shadow of the ursa's paw was thrown into stark relief by a flash of lightning. Rock and bits of earth thundered down around Obsidian and his rider, sloughing off the massive body of the ursa as it rose to its full height. No longer shielded by Chrysalis's barrier, rain pored down in great torrents, all but blinding the dragon, as strikes of lightning arced across the body of the titanic monster overhead. Suddenly Obsidian felt his head jerked to the right by his horns, and he turned by reflex to avoid a falling rock that would have smashed him from the sky. Before he could even consider what was happening, his head was jerked left, then right, then down, each movement forcing him to dodge out of the path of falling debris. Deciding that obedience was preferable to death, Obsidian submitted to the will of his passenger. In his mind, he swore that if he lived through this, he was going to find the area on the planet exactly opposite from Equestria, and live there for the rest of his life.

Bring on the Thunder by Cyberhound

Most creatures in Equestria and beyond, had long ceased to believe in the idea of miracles. After all, any miraculous happenings in a world so filled with magic, were typically easily explainable. Yet now, as they watched the Doom Slayer, only the word miracle, seemed sufficient to describe what they were seeing.

On the back of his commandeered dragon mount, the Doom Slayer wove expertly through the veritable landslide of shattered rocks, broken trees, and cascading earth falling from his mountain sized foe's body. Guiding the head of his steed with one hand, and blasting rocks out of the way with the other, he seemed to embody the great stories of the ancient knights of old, even while being infinitely more terrible. He seemed enshrouded in a dark and brutal majesty, as he flew through the air, lightning striking down around him, thunder and the roars of the ursa heralding his ascent.

Some of the few remaining dragons still in the air, perhaps driven mad by fear, or maybe realizing a foe this terrible would hunt them to the ends of the earth if he lived. Seemed to decide their only guarantee of survival, lay in the Slayer's death, and charged at him with a crazed zeal. Most were blasted from the air by streams of micro missiles and fifty caliber slugs from the Slayer's heavy machine gun. A few lucky ones however, got close enough to rake the back of their former compatriot and his rider with dragon fire. Flames that could turn most creatures to ash in seconds, scarcely seemed noticed by the Slayer as he flew in an ascending spiral around the ursa.

One dragon, in a near suicidal gambit, attempted to rip the Slayer from his perch with a head on flyby. However, the Doom Slayer, instead of trying to swerve out of the way, or shoot his oncoming opponent down, simply urged his mount faster. Seconds from when the oncoming Dragon's head would have struck him, the Slayer leapt into the air. His boots flaring as he twisted his body around, combining a flip with an aileron roll, to land, facing forward, directly atop the head of his erstwhile would-be killer. It was a move even Rainbow Dash would have struggled to perform, yet the Slayer executed it flawlessly.

Before countless eyes filled with equal parts fear and wonder, the Doom Slayer took hold of the horns of his new mount, pulling him into a turn. The dragon in question seemed to consider attempting to throw him off, until out of the corner of his eye, he saw the dragon the Slayer had just vacated, lose its head in a cloud of blood and shrapnel. As the grenades the fearsome warrior had wedged under its horns just before jumping, detonated. Cowed, and with the scales on its face turning a shade paler, it seemed to decide that its best hope for survival, was cooperation. As the possessed ursa major, finally made its move.

Turning its head, in a gesture that seemed almost sedate from a distance, the ursa's eyes narrowed, as it locked on to its opponent. Roaring with primal rage, it raised its right paw to the sky, the limb becoming partially obscured as it broke through the roiling clouds above. Lightning danced across the ursa's arm and body, as its raised limb was struck dozens of times, electricity sufficient to power all of Manehatten for a decade, causing it no more discomfort than static cling, as it swung its arm down. For a moment, the ending of the Slayer seemed a forgone conclusion, as an avalanche of translucent fur, muscle,and claws, hurtled down with the fury of a meteor strike. However, impossibly, the ursa seemed to have misjudged its swing, the attack missing its target by what seemed a hairsbreadth.

With a planet shattering crash, the ursa's paw struck the earth, pulverizing trees into sawdust, boulders into powder, and changelings into mist. The walls of the canyon cracked like eggshells, and in Ponyville, several houses, and even Twilight's castle, swayed ominously, as the ground shuddered in protest. For a moment, the Ursa stood frozen, as if stunned by its own power, while in the air, the Doom Slayer and his mount managed to regain control, after being nearly torn from the sky by the violent wake of the ursa's near miss. Both combatants soon rallied however, and the battle resumed. . . .

Chrysalis was euphoric, never in her life had she felt so mighty. Between the magic of the amulet, and possession of the ursa, she felt delirious with power. With little more than a wave of her hoof, she had all but obliterated the forest between her and the form of her true body. Granted that awakened her to the need to be more careful about her aim. Considering that if she hadn't taken the time to create a triple reinforced force field around the cliff where her real body now stood, she'd probably be dead. It was also true that, not being quite used to a form of such prodigious size, she had been a little clumsy, and allowed her target to escape her first attack. However that was of little concern, as she now had a full grasp on her movements, used as she was to controlling innumerable bodies besides her own. The Doom Slayer would not escape a second time, and once he was dead, Equestria would bow not just to its new queen, but to its new GOD!!

Pulling back her paw, Chrysalis looked around for her target, feeling a trifle annoyed when she couldn't spot him instantly. How hard could it possibly be to locate a biped, dressed in armor covered in glowing red runes, riding around on a dragon? Turning her head to the left, Chrysalis smirked inside her borrowed head, as she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. "Come out come out wherever you are. . . ." She thought as she suddenly jerked her head in the direction of the movement. There he was, holding that odd tube shaped weapon again, the one that fired explosives. The massive muzzle of the ursa pulled into a grin, as Chrysalis once more raised her paw. It was only then that she noticed the dozens of tiny specks trailing fire, hurtling toward her. "What in Equestria is that supposed to do?" Chrysalis wondered, just before her right eye exploded in pain. . . .

Blast the dragon, could honestly say that out of the fifteen hundred years worth of days that he had lived, this was easily both the worst, and the most terrifying. One minute he had been riding high on the idea of revolting against the upstart Dragonlord Ember, and the promise of plundering Equestria for every last gem and bit it held. The next, he was facing off against the second most horrific monster he had ever seen in his life, while the first most horrific monster he had ever seen in his life, rode him like a common draft animal through a raging thunder storm! If he tried to run, the Doom Slayer would kill him, and if he didn't run, the ursa major or the lightning would kill him. Blast had no way out, and his only real hope of survival was that the clearly suicidal biped on his back, was able to kill the biggest meanest monster ever heard of by dragon kind, and then felt charitable enough to forgive him his part in all this! Yes. . . this was definitely the worst day Blast had ever had.

Near tears, Blast prayed, promising the universe that if he lived, he would never hurt another living creature again. He'd swear off meat, and donate his hoard to the needy, he'd live the life of a hermit far away from any other living soul, he'd be an exemplar of pacifism, if only the universe would let him live through this! Atop his head, the Doom Slayer guided him into the ursa's blind spot, summoning the weapon that had slaughtered Blast's brother and sister drakes to his free hand. A twitch of a giant eye, told Blast they had been just a hair to slow. As the ursa's massive head began turning, and the Doom Slayer began firing off flaming projectiles as fast as he could, in rapid fire bursts of three. Blast knew it was hopeless, the attack was like a mosquito taking on a manticore, the ursa wouldn't even notice. At least, that's what he thought, until the ursa's turning head placed an immense glowing eye, directly in the path of the Slayer's attack. . . .

The beast's head jerked back in pain, as its paws reflexively went to its face, a roar of surprise and pain temporarily drowning out the sound of the storm overhead. As Blast's mouth fell open, in awe of the Slayer's strategy. Knowing even a single particle of sand can hurt you if you get it in your eye. The Doom Slayer had attacked the one point on his titanic foe that would be effective regardless of the size difference. Suddenly, Blast felt an urgent tugging on his horns, coaxing him into a near vertical climb. Moving swiftly to obey, Blast saw the ursa start to flail blindly around with one of its colossal paws, clearly enraged, as the other instinctively moved to cover its injured eye. Rocketing skyward as fast as his wings would take him, Blast began to wonder, if maybe he should be directing his prayers to the thing on his back. . . .

The Doom Slayer felt his rage burning within him. Like liquid fire it blazed in his veins, and seared his flesh. It focused him, sharpened his senses, made him faster, stronger, and utterly unafraid. So the thing beneath him was huge, so what?! All that meant is that it had huge guts, just waiting to be spilled out on the ground! Let the universe throw what it wanted at him, it never held back before, he'd slay it all, burn it to ash, and stomp that ash into the bloodied, uncaring, dirt! The universe could hurl all it had at him! Could take his life, his hope, his very soul if it wanted. . . but it wouldn't get Flurry Heart. Nor would it get Twilight, or Celestia, or Luna, or the Crusaders, or Derpy or any of them!! The universe wanted to fuck with him?! It could do that all it wanted! Could tear him down to his atoms, and burn his soul to cinder if it felt like it!!! But if it ever tried to hurt his home?! His family?! His friends?! Beneath his helm, the Doom Slayer's face became a twisted mask of pure hate, as a brief flare of black flame flickered across his armor. A whisper upon his lips, as his vision went completely red.

"Rip and tear. . . ."

As the dragon beneath him carried the Doom Slayer toward the churning thunder clouds above, the rain pelted down on him as if to keep him from his goal. Lightning forked down on either side of him, his expression becoming a manic grin. He knew what the beast beneath him was doing right now, could see it as clear as day, even without looking. Even as they pierced the clouds and all the world became a grey fog, the Slayer could see, as it forced itself to ignore its pain. See it as it whirled around in place trying to figure out where he'd gone. Could see the faint widening of its one good eye, as it figured it out, and looked skyward. He saw it all, and he was ready. . . .

"Rip and tear. . . until it is done." He whispered, as he traded his rocket launcher for his super shotgun, leveled it at the head of the dragon beneath him. . . and pulled the trigger. Regardless of anything else, the dragon beneath him had taken part in Flurry Heart's foalnapping, the attack on Derpy Hooves, and Chrysalis's assault on the holy land. For such heresy. . . there could never be forgiveness.

In a movement that was almost languid, the Doom Slayer dismissed his weapon. Leaning back as far as he could, his arms held out wide, the Slayer allowed the pull of gravity to separate him from the corpse of his enemy turned transportation. With a slight twirl, the Doom Slayer found himself diving back down the way he had come, as he dismissed his shotgun. A good two thousand plus feet separated him from his target, as he felt himself accelerating. Breaking through the clouds, the enemy loomed large before him, as time seemed to slow down. The Doom Slayer was suddenly able to see every drop of rain surrounding him, as a bolt of lightning crawled lazily down from the clouds to pass a few hundred feet in front of him, as he hurtled through the air.

The ursa turned, one glowing green eye shut tight, while the second stared upward, filled with wrath. It's paws slowly came up, swiping at the sky, as if cursing the heavens for its coming fate. The strikes were clumsy, the lack of depth perception making them inaccurate. Slowly, the Doom Slayer brought his arms forward, as his mind traveled briefly to the past. Deep in the UAC Mars base, that is where he found one of the most powerful non-magical projectile weapons ever developed by man. Designed by Samuel Hayden himself, in preparation for an invasion he foolishly thought only a possibility, most of the details about the prototype were hidden. Hayden, eternally arrogant, had never imagined anyone besides him would know about the limiter on his masterpiece of the death dealing arts. Or maybe he didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to disable it. After all, an unregulated BFG shot could easily turn several city blocks into little more than dust and beaded glass. More to the point, what operator of the weapon could possibly survive the kickback of the shot, its power easily enough to send an armored vehicle flying? Now that the Slayer thought about it, another thing Hayden likely didn't think anyone would ever figure out about the BFG. . . was the existence of the second prototype.

Two flashes of red light presaged the arrival of a pair of weapons half the size of a man's torso, into the Slayer's hands. At a mental command, and with a brief thought of thanks to VEGA, the praetor suit transmitted the limiter disabling code to the two weapons. Codes Hayden would have sworn on his artificial life, only he had, and all the while, the Doom Slayer fell. Jaws big enough to swallow Twilight's castle whole opened, in preparation for a roar that would send the Slayer flying. Claws and teeth like jagged sea stacks, shone bone white in the phosphor flash of the lightning. As single burning green eye the size of a small seaside bay, made contact with two burning red ones.

In that moment, despite being under Chrysalis's control, despite a difference in size that was like comparing a guppy to a blue whale, and despite the loss of one of its eyes, the ursa major, mightiest beast to ever walk the land. . . flinched. And then, with the simultaneous pull of twin triggers, all the world vanished, in a flash of green. . . .

For a few seconds, for miles in every direction, a second sun of neon emerald scoured all darkness from the land. For hundreds of miles beyond that, the viridian glow could be seen clearly, with even the Crystal empire noting a slight shift in the color of the clouds. At the epicenter, raindrops became steam, stone became slag, wood became ash, and flesh became vapor. Trees were uprooted, boulders hurled around like pebbles, and clouds blasted into nonexistence. The earth shook with force enough to collapse buildings, and the already abused walls of the canyon crumbled into scree. Any creature looking directly at the light was struck temporarily blind, the actinic green flare completely overloading their photoreceptors.

On one side of the canyon, Chrysalis abruptly struggled to rise from the spot where her true body had fallen. Her head feeling as though it had been split with an axe, her every nerve ending alive with searing pain. For a moment Chrysalis was unable to so much as blink, the agony making even breathing a struggle. Then, as the pain slowly ebbed, and she blinked away afterimages from her vision, Chrysalis looked out across the canyon. Not even the corruption of the amulet, could shield her mind from what she beheld. . . .

The ursa major was. . . gone. Not injured, not dead, gone, as if it had never been. In its place, was the remains of the massive hole it had crawled out of. The edges were molten, still glowing a bright reddish orange, drops of freshly made magma dripping into the depths. The area immediately around the hole, was now little more than cooling glass, devoid of moisture or life. The few trees remaining in the canyon, were bent away from the sight of the blast, trunks turned partially to charcoal, and with branches stripped of leaves. Overhead, a hole several miles wide had been punched through the clouds, showing a shining sun, and azure skies. Finally, drifting through the air like a white snow, was a cloud of ashes. The only visible remains of the titan, that had dared to stand against the Doom Slayer.

Chrysalis felt her sanity return with a horrific suddenness, as she saw a figure moving through the rapidly settling ashen cloud. The front of his armor was scorched black, and several rents in the outer plates had not yet self repaired, but other than that, he appeared no worse for wear. Walking forward with a slow and steady gait, he held a double barreled weapon in both hands. The runes on his armor had been burned off, along with the blood and gore of his many kills, and the damp of the rain that had been pouring earlier. Halting, the figure fixed his gaze on Chrysalis's distant form, wisps of smoke and steam trailing off his armor, as he slowly raised one hand. . . to point directly at her. The message was simple, and terrifyingly clear.

You're next.

Chrysalis felt all the arrogance, confidence, and certainty of a hundred human lifetimes, scoured away in the space of an instant. This thing, this Doom Slayer, was no warrior, no mere champion or guardian. . . he was a god! It all suddenly made sense! What other kind of creature would Celestia and Luna deign to marry?! What other being could ensnare the hearts and minds of ponies so easily?! What other being could face an army such as she had created, and make them look like newly hatched grubs trying to take treasure from a dragon?! Chrysalis felt her body start to shake as her mind began to unravel. She hadn't challenged some long lost warrior from another dimension to an unwinnable duel! She had spat in the face of the Equestrian God of War! HAD SHE LOST HER MIND?!!

Chrysalis took a deep trembling breath as she forced herself to calm down. She was being irrational, the Doom Slayer was powerful, no question of that, but he wasn't a god. She couldn't beat him on her own, but. . . she still had one final gamble. Her penultimate fail safe, the last contingency in the event something like this happened. True, it meant she would likely lose any claim to Equestria for the time being, but she could fix that another century. What mattered now was staying alive, as she was now entirely certain that the Slayer had no intention of letting her live. She still had the amulet, and she had her wits, that was all she needed. . . .

Chrysalis closed her eyes and focused once more. The irony of the place the creature she needed to summon was located in, was that while it was extremely difficult to get out of under your own power. Escaping with the help of somepony on the outside, provided they had enough magic, was comparatively easy. Chrysalis needed to work quickly, the Doom Slayer was already more than halfway across the arena and moving fast. Additionally, thanks to both her attacks while possessing the ursa, and the Slayer's own subsequent counter attack, the area between them was relatively devoid of trees. No time to make this pretty, only to make it work.

On the floor of the canyon before her, a line of scintillating green energy formed in mid air. With an appearance like the lid of a single sinister eye opening, and with the application of enough magic to cut a mountain in half, Chrysalis turned the line into an ovoid portal of swirling black and green energy. Keeping it open was a struggle after the backlash of being forcibly returned to her own body, even with the amulet. After all, the place the portal led to, was made to prevent anycreature from escaping. Struggling against ancient wards and a weak null-magic field, Chrysalis just managed to devote enough of her mind to reaching through the portal, and pulling the individual she needed through.

The creature in question, was diminished to the point of looking sickly. He was incredibly thin, his bones easily visible beneath his coat, and his body all but devoid of muscle or fat. From the waist down he appeared as a pony, or perhaps a bull. An equine body, covered in black fur, with four legs ending in cloven hooves. However, above that, he looked closer to a minotaur. His humanoid chest covered in the same black fur as his lower body, transitioning sharply to dark red when it reached his skeletal arms. His long wizened face was an odd combination of bull and, now that the creatures of Equestria had one to make the comparison, human features, covered in red and black fur. A gray beard adorned his chin, while a very short crest of similar color sat atop his head between two small horns, surrounded by a drab black mane of shaggy hair. His cheeks were hollow, and his black and yellow eyes squinted out at the world as if not used to the light. Chrysalis wasted no time on introductions.


Tirek's eyes widened in shock at the unexpected power now coursing through his body. Whatever this magic was that Chrysalis was feeding him, it was immeasurably powerful. Drinking deeply, he savored the taste, the magic was not just changeling magic, though there was a fare amount of that in there, adding a pleasant tangy aftertaste. However the rest of it he could honestly never recall sampling. It was thick and salty, tasting faintly like a mixture of ashes and blood. As its might flowed through his body, restoring his lost strength, Tirek suddenly felt the world disappear around him. As a vision played out before him. Around him the world shimmered oddly, as he saw Celestia, Luna, and more of the strange biped that Chrysalis wanted dead.

They were in the middle of a field, overrun with twisted looking plants and trees growing with unnatural speed, and clearly threatening a nearby town that looked suspiciously like Bridledown, from his arrival in Equestria just over one thousand years ago. In the center of a circle of chanting bipeds, sat the amulet chrysalis was wearing, placed atop a stone block, covered in glowing blue runes. As Tirek watched, wisps of bloody red mist were drawn out of the surrounding plants, the air, and even the ground, to be sucked up by the amulet as it pulsed with an evil scarlet light. As the ceremony continued, the plants sprouting in the field slowed in their growth.

"The artifact shall be cursed forevermore my ladies." Spoke one of the bipeds, a short bald one with a tattooed head, and a distinct Saddle Arabian sounding accent. "The energy within it is trapped, but its power is still immense. Hide it well, and do not allow any to wear it, for I shudder to think what might happen. I would destroy it now, but for the fact that it shall act as a sponge, absorbing the corrupting magic of Hell from the land. Though it may take millennia, it shall remove this stain upon the heavens, and then shall be destroyed. In time, this cursed forest, created by the blood of demons, shall be forever free of Hell's taint. . . ." Then, just as swiftly as it came, the vision vanished. Tirek smiled, as he felt his body changing, he might not know what in Tartarus 'Hell' or 'Demons' were, but one thing was for sure, if they had this much power, he wouldn't mind meeting them. . . .

The Doom Slayer halted, watching the creature before him transform. He knew this beast, or at least, he knew of him. Tirek, the monster that had attempted to steal the magic of Equestria, held Twilight's friends, his family hostage, and dared to lay his filthy hands upon Celestia and Luna! The Doom Slayer knew exactly who he was, and he felt his mind blaze with pure, searing, sanity shattering, hate.

Tirek's body expanded and enlarged as he glutted upon the magic Chrysalis was all but forcing down his throat. He grew taller and wider, his arms ballooning outward as his muscles grew. The tiny nubs of his horns lengthened, curving outward, then inward over his head. Time seemed to reverse, as the long lines on his face vanished, and his skeletal chest was replaced with the six pack abs and pecs of a bodybuilder beneath his fur. However, the transformation soon took a darker turn, as Tirek suddenly doubled over. Claws like chips of volcanic glass erupted from the ends of his fingers, as two humps appeared on his back, before a pair of gigantic black, bat wings, exploded out from them. His crest and tail changed to resemble blazing red flames, rings of similar fire encircling his wrists and ankles. Finally, his horns became ribbed and covered with sharp thorn-like growths, as a crown of black fire appeared above his head. Then, at last, the stream of magic from Chrysalis tapered off, and Tirek turned to stare at the Doom Slayer. The centaur's lips parted in a smile that revealed razor sharp triangular teeth, like those of a shark. Flexing one arm, and examining his new claws, he turned to look back at Chrysalis, his eyes glowing pools of red light.

"So. . . " He drawled, his voice echoing oddly. "that. . . creature, over there, is Celestia, Luna, and Twilight's lover?" Chrysalis nodded, struggling to stand after transferring the now useless amulet's magic, along with a sizable portion of her own. Tirek smiled. "And you want me to kill him?" He asked. Again, Chrysalis nodded, her eyes alight with a feverish mania. Tirek shrugged as he snapped his fingers. Instantly, a reddish glowing disc appeared about one hundred feet over the Doom Slayer's head, before a sizzling red beam of pure annihilating energy, thicker than a full grown tree, engulfed him. "Done." Tirek declared, as the beam continued to pour down from the sky, the ground beneath it turning slowly molten. "Now if you will excuse me. . . I have some princesses to exterminate." However, he didn't get more than a single step, before he was halted by a pulse of sheer hate, so intense it was like being struck by wrecking ball. His eyes widening in shock as he looked at the base of the beam. "Impossible. . . ." He whispered, as a barely perceptible note of worry entered his voice.

Back in Ponyville, Sweetie Belle buried her face in Apple Bloom's chest. While she and Scootaloo stared with tears in their eyes, at the pillar of energy that had erased their newest friend. It seemed impossible, he had fought through everything Chrysalis had thrown at him, even when she cheated, he came through, and then with just a snap of his fingers, Tirek had made all that meaningless! Ponies around the Crusaders gasped, and covered their mouths with their hooves. As the beam continued to pour energy down onto the spot Derran had been, even though he seemed to have already been vaporized.

"It can't be. . . ." Scootaloo said, her voice trembling. "He can't go down like this!" Apple Bloom stood numb, as she stared at the massive screen of magic displaying the fight to Ponyville. She wanted to agree, but the image before her wouldn't allow it. At their side, Dinky Hooves fought her tears, as she struggled to remember what her mother had said about Derran when she asked what he was like.

"Well. . . he's kinda scary looking. But whenever I talk to him, I get this feeling I can't explain. I think. . . I think he came here to help protect us. I think. . . even if he'd never say it, that he's a hero."

"Heroes never die. . . ." The words spilled from Dinky's mouth before she even realized what she was saying. The Crusaders looked at Dinky, expressions of confusion on their faces.

"What?" Applebloom asked, blinking through her tears. Dinky just kept staring at the screen.

" It's something I read once: Heroes never die." She declared firmly, as the Crusaders turned to look back at the screen, as Dinky raised her hoof to point at it. "And mister Derran. . . is a hero!" The Crusader's eyes opened wide, as they saw what Dinky was pointing at. Around them, ponies jaws fell open, as the bottom of the pillar began to lift from the ground.

Soundtrack: Heroooo by Jonathan Young

Little by little, the lethal energies of the spell were pushed up, off of the partially melted ground. Slowly, a crouching figure resolved itself beneath the blazing beam, and bit by bit, he began to rise. More and more of the figure's smoldering armor was revealed as he struggled against the beam. However, the taller he stood, the easier it seemed to become. As his well muscled legs straightened, his wide armored chest was revealed. Arms enhanced by ancient magic, and moved by an indomitable will of iron, pushed back against the dark power Tirek had unleashed, until the full figure was revealed. Ponies, dragons, griffons, changelings, and yaks the world over, stood in silent awe at the sight before them. There stood the Doom Slayer, his body whole, and his armor smoking. Staring ahead, he glared into the shocked face of Tirek. One hand stood empty at his side, but the other was held defiantly aloft, and gripped within it, was a sword unlike any the world had ever seen. Forged of black steel, it was bigger than a long sword, but smaller than a claymore, and along a raised part of the fuller leading to the hilt, seven runes blazed with a pure golden light, as the weapon drank deeply of Tirek's dark magic.

Across Equestria and beyond, a roaring cheer shook the land. As back in Ponyville, four little fillies whooped and shouted with tears of joy in their eyes.

"GO GET EM' DERRAN!!" As if in answer to the fillies demand's, the armored figure switched his sword stance to a two handed grip, set his shoulder, and charged.

The Doom Slayer ran out from under the beam of unholy magic at top speed. Only his finely honed instincts allowing him to intercept his foe's next attack. Dozens of sphere's of coruscating energy, fired from Tirek's palms, hurtled toward him almost too fast for the eye to follow. However, with his reflexes now at their maximum, and with his greatest weapon once more in hand, the Slayer looked at them almost as if they were in slow motion. With flawless strikes born of a lifetime mastering the art of death, the orbs were slashed from the air in a blur of black steel and gold energy. Unmaker greedily devoured the corrupted magic, glowing ever brighter as it did so.

Unmaker. . . Celestia had returned it after explaining Derran was to take Chrysalis alive. Apparently, she had stored it in a small pocket dimension, the entrance of which always followed her around, the closest thing to a keepsake of him she could allow herself. For nearly twelve hundred years the mighty sword had lain dormant, awaiting the return of its master. Now that the two were reunited, all the evil in the multiverse. . . had cause to despair.

The Doom Slayer dodged to the side, as a spike of rock exploded out of the ground at his feet, only just managing to evade it. Moving in a random zigzag pattern, Derran made good use of his jump boots and superior reflexes, as the ground beneath his feet became a minefield. Pushing off the side of one spike with a booted foot, Derran spun in midair, as he struck down a flurry of beams of blazing red energy. Hitting the ground running, the Slayer moved like a blur, as he struck the ground with his blade. Stabbing it deep, he pulled it through the earth as he ran, letting it absorbed the magic Tirek was attempting to impale him with. The blade cleaved stone and soil as easily as air, and the enraged Doom Slayer bore down on his foe at top speed.

Calling on the elements themselves, Tirek hurled blasts of lightning down from the clouds above, mixing dark magic with the very fury of nature. Bolt after crimson bolt struck the armored figure, scorching his armor, and threatening to burn him from the inside out, but he did not slow. Tanking each agonizing strike with the relentlessness of a berserk titan, the Slayer simply ignored the pain, as his sword devoured the energy arcing over his body. With his blade glowing like the fury of a star on the verge of going supernova, the Doom Slayer charged on, every step bringing him closer to his hated foe.

Tirek, ignoring the tiny terrified voice in the back of his head screaming at him to run, grunted in annoyance. He needed something to slow down this creature, so he could think of a spell to kill him. With a simple motion of energy, the earth about one hundred feet ahead of the Slayer, exploded upward into a wall of rock six feet thick, fifty feet tall and nearly three miles long. However, just as he thought of a spell that might help, an explosion of blazing green light, rendered a fifty foot chunk of the wall down to its component atoms, the Doom Slayer having not even slowed down a single step. Now more than a little concerned, Tirek began casting a spell. He couldn't recall how he knew it, or even how it worked, but a dark impulse from deep inside him, assured him it was the proper one. His hands and arms glowing with an evil black and red energy, as he directed his attention to the countless wrathful souls of the Slayer's recent victims, still yet to pass on.

Like a swarm of locusts, motes of dark dust-like energy coalesced into shapes both foreign and familiar. As the Doom Slayer ran on, a mass of figures appeared before him. Dark energy transformed into flesh and blood in mere moments, as the dead of Chrysalis's devastated army were called back to horrific life. With eyes like pools of black mist, the shambling beasts surged forward, accompanied by an unearthly choir of tormented roars, screeches, and howls. The Slayer plowed into the midst of his enemies in a cloud of dark, flashing steel, sheathed in gold. With every swing of his almighty blade a reconstituted and reanimated body, exploded into ash.

A mass of changelings, their horns blasting hellish energy, was sliced into confetti before disintegrating. A dragon lowered its head to belch corrupted black fire, only for the Slayer to jump over its attack and land atop its head. Plunging his sword into the undead beast's skull, the armored warrior simply continued running, dragging his glowing blade through bone and tendon as his body became a blur, just barely managing to stay ahead of the beast's discorporating body. As he reached the base of the Dragon's tail, the Doom Slayer made a mighty leap, somersaulting in mid air to bring the heel of his left foot down on the skull of a roaring manticore in a vertical spinning axe kick. The manticore's skull cracked like an eggshell, as its head hit the ground with enough force to crater the earth, and still, the Doom Slayer ran.

Blowing a gaping hole in the chest of a leaping yeti amid a cloud of viscera and splintered bone fragments, the Slayer spun violently on his heel. Whirling his sword about him with vicious abandon, he reduced a crowd of monsters to a cloud of dismembered body parts, that in turn were reduced to ash an instant later. Spraying an arc of blazing plasma from the rifle that had replaced the super shotgun in his left hand, the Doom Slayer scattered the beasts before him amid unearthly howls of pain. However, one foe, a revived, and now maimed chimera, survived. Letting out an ethereal roar, the charred remains of its goat head dangled uselessly as it leapt. Running and ducking beneath the creature, the Doom Slayer simply stabbed upward, continuing his charge amid a deluge of entrails, mid dissolution.

The descending claw of a maulwurf was severed in a spray of dark red droplets and burning sparks, as an advancing dragon opened its mouth just in time to swallow a rocket, that obliterated everything beyond its skull. As the maulwurf turned into a cloud of faintly smouldering ash, the earth began to rumble, and at last the Doom Slayer stopped. Turning for just an instant, he pointed his blazing sword at the mountainous mass that was the reviving ursa major. The light of his sword dimmed, as two of the glowing runes upon the blade went out. A bolt of lightning, so bright and pure it seemed to throw the world into x-ray, blasted down from above the clouds to strike the pulsing swarm of black particulates, turning them instantly into naught but glowing sparks on the wind, amid an almighty peal of thunder. Swiftly spinning to resume his charge, the Doom Slayer brought his sword down on the head of a charging bugbear. For an instant before the beast became dust, the two halves of its head were on display, as if an illustration in an anatomy textbook. As the Doom Slayer once more resumed his charge.

Tirek stared at the figure advancing on him with an ever increasing panic. Desperate, he focused, filling the air around the Slayer with discs of burning red, discharging blazing beams of disintegrating energy from them in a barrage of death. As the blasts converged on the Slayer from all angles, Tirek's heart leapt, only for the beams to suddenly stop short. A barely visible shimmering dome of energy surrounded the Slayer, as he stood with his sword in an angled down guard position. For some time, Tirek stared, as the Slayer remained immobile. Then, suddenly, the demonically infused centaur gave a slightly unhinged grin, as he started laughing.

"YOU CAN'T MOVE WITH THAT SHIELD UP, CAN YOU?!!" He hooted in glee, his expression becoming truly deranged as the remains of the undead hoard he had conjured surrounded the Slayer. This was too rich, all Tirek had to do was wait it out, if the Slayer attacked or moved, he'd be fried by the beams or torn apart by the hoard, and if he didn't then Tirek could either escape or. . . . Tirek smiled as he telekineticly plucked two massive boulder's from out of the earth behind him. "TIME TO DECIDE HERO! YOU?! OR PONYVILLE?!" He declared, as he charged the boulders with a mass of dark magic. Instantly the boulders glowed with a sinister red light, as black lightning crawled over their surfaces. Even if he didn't get a direct hit with his improvised artillery strike, the detonation of the boulders would still level the town. Tirek let out a peal of bellowing laughter. "SO CLOSE!! AND YET SO FAR!!" He roared. He wasn't kidding, less than a quarter mile separated the two dueling gods, but now it was over. . . or so Tirek thought. The only indication he had that the Doom Slayer was about to move, was that another two runes on his sword darkened.

Of all the Hellbane's, Unmaker had always been considered the mightiest. Not because it could cut through anything, or because it could create unbreakable shields, any of the ten could do that. No, its generic abilities, while impressive, had never been what made it special, nor was that what made any of the Hellbane's special. Each Hellbane, regardless of form, had a unique ability, powered by letting it devour evil energy. Justice, the Hellbane born by Derran's brother Musashi, for example, could call down a bolt of divine lightning to smite a single being of evil. The attack was utterly unavoidable, the bolt finding its target even if they teleported, or shifted into another dimension, for none could escape heaven's wrath, and it always killed the target, no matter what their defense. Each Hellbane had a similarly unique ability, from the power to absolutely forbid a group of foes from being violent, to the ability to summon an unstoppable army of sacred ghosts. Unmaker, the mightiest of all the ten Hellbane's, in addition to its own sacred nova, had the unique property of allowing its user access to the powers of all the Hellbane's, including Temperance, a Hellbane with the ability. . . to stop time itself.

To Tirek, it at first seemed that the Doom Slayer had simply teleported, the beams of energy suddenly crashing together in a massive detonation that sent mud and dirt flying in every direction. Then an instant later, the hoard of monsters Tirek had ripped from the great beyond, all at once, fell into pieces. Before Tirek's horror struck gaze, the army of monsters seemed to evaporate, their body's cracking and crumbling into ash, to be scattered by the wind. And there, standing as if he had been there the entire time, and now scarcely two hundred feet from Tirek's uncomprehending expression, was the Doom Slayer. Tirek allowed the boulders at his side to fall, their glow dying, and the magic draining out of them, as he simply stared. Suddenly, a rush of terror and hate like nothing Tirek had ever known, surged through him. Gathering every ounce of magic he could, he compressed the power between his hands before, with a roar of equal parts fury and fear, he unleashed everything he had all at once, with a roar that was half rage, and half panic.


The beam of energy had easily enough power to cut the moon itself in half. It should have turned the Doom Slayer, the princesses, the council of friendship, and the mountain range beyond the forest into little more than molten glass. Instead, the Doom Slayer raised his sword before him in both hands, the tip pointed skyward as if he was swearing a vow to the heavens above, as the beam made contact. Staring at the scene before him, Tirek was paralyzed with terror. There stood the Doom Slayer, bathed in the blazing black and red light of the beam, the sword before him devouring the energy as fast as Tirek could fire it, his feet set as he pressed forward against the force of the attack.

"WHAT ARE YOU?!" Tirek roared in panic, his mind disintegrating under the strain of a horror he never would have believed he could feel. Then, to Tirek's disbelief, the Slayer began to move. Slowly at first, but with steadily increasing speed, the Doom Slayer advanced, and as he did, he answered.

"I am fire. . ." He intoned, his voice somehow crystal clear above the din of the crackling beam, and chaos of Tirek's thoughts. His voice a low rumble, like the aftershocks of an earthquake, or the shudder of a mountain before it erupts into a volcano.

"Stop. . . ." Tirek whimpered, his mind cracking as he witnessed the Slayer striding toward him. His every footfall like a blast of thunder as he powered through the beam.

"I am steel. . ." He continued, the muddy rain soaked ground beneath him boiling from the beam's power, the very earth seeming to tremble like a frightened foal.

"Get away. . ." Tirek whispered, tears appearing in his eyes as the Doom Slayer rushed forward, picking up speed, the beam bursting around him till he was like the nucleus of a comet.

"I am death. . ." Tirek forced what little extra power he had into the beam, as he screamed.

"STAY BACK!!" As if in slow motion, the armored figure leapt free of the beam, the blast roaring past him and into the sky, as Tirek's shaking hands futilely attempted to keep it on target. His eyes becoming wild, and filled with fear induced madness. The beam cutting out as Tirek threw up his hands, in a pitiful attempt to shield himself from harm before turning to flee. . . only to freeze as he saw the Slayer's descending form.

In that instant, the world became static, as if suspended in crystal. Backed by the light of the shining sun, as it burned through a perfectly circular hole in the clouds, the Doom Slayer's appearance changed. Perhaps it was simply a fear induced hallucination, but for that ever so brief moment, the armored figure underwent a devastating transformation in the eyes of his foe. Feathered wings of black fire eclipsed the sky, sprouting from behind the shoulders of a figure robed in white, that seemed the size of a mountain! From a face obscured in the depths of a gold trimmed hood, surrounded by a halo of black fire, two burning red eyes stared down in judgment, laying bare Tirek's mind, body, and spirit, to the titanic creature's enraged gaze! In the figure's hands, he raised a sword that blazed with righteous golden flame, surrounding a core of ebon black, so bright it turned even the blackest night into day, yet so dark it seemed to blot out the sun itself! Tirek's mind and body convulsed, as he screamed out in fear for the corrupted remains of his very soul.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" In that moment, Tirek felt his heart stop beating, as that terrible sword hurtled down, along with a final, thunderous declaration, as he and the Slayer were consumed, in a blinding golden light. . . .


Across Equestria and beyond, silence reigned. Millions of eyes glued to massive screens that were now bordered by a warm auric glow. The view had been zoomed out, showing the devastated remains of a canyon containing the splintered remnants of a section of forest. Only a few isolated groups of the hardiest trees had survived, singed, and with most of their leaves gone. Near the center of the canyon, a gaping hole yawned wide, its melted edges at last cooled. On one side, atop a hill that abruptly turned to a rocky cliff falling away into the canyon, stood a small group of ponies and one dragon, while on the other, was a massive cloud of opaque mist.

So great was the detonation of the Doom Slayer's final strike, that all the moisture in his general vicinity had been instantly turned to vapor. The mists rolled and swirled, concealing the outcome of the fight, and all the world held its breath. One minute slipped by. . . then two. . . then three, the tension and worry growing greater with every fallen kernel of sand from the hourglass. Griffons, yaks, dragons, changelings, and ponies alike, clutched at their hearts and each other, wondering what would be revealed as the mist began to thin. Then, from atop the cliff opposite the mist, a sky blue pegasus hoof shot forward.


Carolus Rex by Sabaton

From the mist, a figure emerged. On two legs he walked, clad in armor of a ferocious and terrifying design. With his helmet removed, long black hair spilled over his armored shoulders like an ebon waterfall. Strong noble features were set in a stern frown, as if daring the world to try to stand in his way. Two eyes of icy blue, seemed almost to glow in his head, like ghostly sapphires, a look of terrible purpose burning in his gaze. In one hand, he held a sword of black steel at his side, relaxed, but ready for use. And in the crook of his opposite arm. . . a small foal, smiled happily up at him.

Across Equestria and beyond, a cheer went up, the earth shaking, as the myriad races of Equestria rejoiced. In Canterlot, Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lys cheered and stomped as they tearfully hugged each other, the streets of their city shaking with the thunderous screams of joy of every pony within it. In Manehatten, the buildings seemed to sway around a Filly with a caramel coat and variegated pink mane, as she joined in with her fellows shouting joyously to the heavens. In Appleoosa, Breyburn removed his hat and cried tears of joy, as ponies around him whooped and hollered, throwing their own hats and bonnets high into the air.

All across the land there was celebration. In the Dragonlands, Ember and every one of her subjects roared fire towards the sky, as a great chant shook the volcanoes of their mountainous home.

"DOOM SLAYER! DOOM SLAYER! DOOM SLAYER!!" The shout echoed, by a thousand times a thousand roaring draconic throats.

In Griffonstone, the populace cheered, sang, and hugged, completely forgetting themselves in a moment of euphoric joy. Gilda, overcome in a moment of high emotion, grabbed the griffon next to her and planted a giant kiss on their cheek. Grandpa Gruff normally would have been driven into conniptions by such an unwanted display of affection, but barely noticed as he screeched and shook his wizened claw at the clouds in joy.

In Yakyakistan, prince Rutherford and his fellow Yaks, roared loud enough to trigger avalanches, as they descended into an absolute orgy of celebratory smashing. Boxes, buildings, rocks, pots, anything and everything they could lay hoof upon. They were determined, that the new 'world's best warrior', would not find them wanting in their celebration of his heroism. That day would be passed down in legend for generations, as the single greatest day of smashing in Yak history, and the eyes of those telling the tale would shed a tear, for never again would its glory be equaled.

In the New Changeling Kingdom, the cheers were so loud they could be heard clear in the crystal empire. Changelings hugging each other and crying in abject joy and relief. At long last, their greatest fear was no more! Overcome with happiness, some changelings lost control of their transformation ability, rolling around laughing and cheering and crying, as they randomly changed shape.

However, it was in Ponyville that the cheers were loudest, and the tears of joy flowed freest. Pony's screaming out the name of their almighty champion. Derran Grandel, the Guardian of Equestria! And of course, none cheered more loudly than the four fillies in front of Twilight's castle.

Finally, in Ponyville General Hospital, a grey and blond pegasus, though ignorant of the events and celebration around her, smiled in her sleep. None, including the mare herself, would ever know it, but as she smiled, her mouth moved. In a whisper so faint none could hear, she spoke words she would never remember, about happenings she could never have known about.

"I knew he could do it. . . ."

Meanwhile, as if unaware of the raucous faces in the screens overhead, the Doom Slayer walked on. He moved forward at a slow and steady gait, his head held high, and his gaze set. Overhead, the clouds began to break apart, pillars of heavenly light shining down on the canyon and surrounding forest through the overcast sky. It seemed, as if even nature itself, was bowing in deference to this almighty Guardian. It was then that the world, finally noticed the figure, stumbling out of the mist behind him.

Her blue-green seaweed-like mane and tail, were a drab and frazzled mess. The arrogance and poise with which she once conducted herself was gone, replaced by the bowlegged gait of a drunkard. Her crown was missing, lost she knew not where. Her head was bowed as if by a great weight, moving fitfully this way and that, as if unable to process where she truly was. Her wings hung limp, almost to the point of dragging through the dirt, as she bumbled furtively forward. Only when her hair parted, and the crowd saw into Chrysalis's eyes, did they understand. . . . The mind of Chrysalis, former Queen of the changelings, was gone. . . .

One look into her eyes was more than sufficient to tell the tale. Dull and lifeless, Chrysalis's eyes stared ahead blankly and without comprehension. The light of consciousness had fled from her gaze, the things she had witnessed scouring her memory and personality from her mind. She followed the Doom Slayer like a furtive lost puppy, the lights on, but with nobody home. True to his word, the Slayer had not killed Chrysalis. . . he had broken her. Inflicting upon her the very fate she had intended for her enemies.

Even so, the cheers continued, as the Doom Slayer crossed the great chasm that once held the ursa major. A bridge of golden light provided by Celestia to allow his passage, even as she maintained the projection spell she had liberated from Chrysalis, to let Equestria see both its oldest, and newest, hero. Onward he went, never slowing or speeding up, as he moved inexorably toward his goal. It was only at the point where he had almost reached the cliff that he halted. As out of the ruin that was once the forest canyon, they came.

Most were beasts, bears, boars, a tiger, one or two trembling timberwolves, and even a hydra. A few changelings also showed up, remnants of Chrysalis's army. The Slayer simply stared at them, his eyes as cold as an eternal winter. He seemed a giant, being waylaid by ants, and they flinched as his icy gaze swept over them. Then, one by one, in slow careful movements, the creatures before the Slayer lowered their heads to the ground, in an unmistakable gesture, of submission.

The Slayer did not speak or nod at this display, nor offered command or censure, he simply continued forward. The beasts around him shaking in terror as he passed, their gaze firmly upon the ground in a display of cowed abasement. As he neared the cliff, a stairway composed of blue mist and motes of stars appeared. Leading him up to the loved ones, who had arrived with him here, what now seemed a lifetime ago. As he climbed the stairs, the crowd went quiet. Finally, he and the unaware Chrysalis arrived at the top. Stabbing the tip of his sword into the earth, the Doom Slayer leaned upon it, as he fell to one knee before Cadence and Shining Armor. With his head bowed, he slowly, and with infinite care, extended his arm, offering up the giggling bundle that was Flurry Heart. Slowly, with tears in their eyes, and shaking hooves, Cadence and Shining, took their daughter back, holding Flurry as close and tight as they dared. As the pair stared speechlessly at the being in front of them. There were truly, no words.

"By your word. . . and in your name." Derran intoned, his voice sounding older than the stars in the sky as he placed his right fist over his heart. Shining Armor, clutching his wife and foal, stared with Cadence at the bowing warrior. Then suddenly, they, and everypony else present, including a beaming Celestia and Luna, moved forward, to lock Derran in a vice-like embrace. Tears filling their eyes, as they greeted one who in turns, was now their lover, their brother, and above all, their friend. However, before he or anypony else could say a word, the voice of Celestia boomed out, as she released her embrace and turned to face the crowded screens above the cliff.

"PONIES OF EQUESTRIA!! ALLIES FROM LANDS DISTANT AND NEAR!! I PRESENT TO YOU, THE ONCE AND FUTURE KING OF EQUESTRIA!! DERRAN GRANDEL!!" Before Derran could even wipe the suddenly bewildered look from his face, Celestia and Luna, followed swiftly by a thousand watt grinning Twilight, moved to stand at his side. Rising from where he had been kneeling, Derran whirled around in the direction of the princesses, an angry rebuke upon his lips. That died the instant he finally became aware, of the hundreds of magic screens showing every corner of Equestria, each one filled with smiling and cheering faces.

Nudged none to subtly by Celestia, she whispered in his ear. "Go on my King, address your subjects." Derran at that moment, and for the first time he could recall in his life, genuinely hated Celestia. Trapped by her words, and unwilling to disappoint the obviously happy crowd, Derran settled for simply glaring at her out of the corner of his eye, as he stepped forward. Celestia simply smirked at him, and it did not help when the Doom Slayer, as he faded back into Derran's subconscious, gave out a parting shot.

+All you boss. I gave you your message, now you just gotta put the ol' 'Guardian of Equestria' spin on it!+ Had Derran had the ability, he would have thrown the Doom Slayer from the cliff in front of him, and bidden him a pleasant flight. Unfortunately, neither the universe at large, nor even the Light itself, was quite that accommodating. Concluding that, for the moment at least, there was nothing to be done but play along, Derran took a deep breath. If nothing else, he was going to do his best to make sure that no more would-be-tyrants would cause trouble for his ladies. So, in a booming voice, subtly enhanced by a spell from Twilight, Derran began.

"Children of the Seraphs! My name is Derran Grandel, and twelve hundred years ago, I swore a vow to Ladies Celestia and Luna! A vow that I would protect them, serve them, and ensure that the paradise known as Equestria, need never fear for its safety. . . . And it is because of that promise, that I must now offer you, my deepest apologies." At that, the many smiles in the projections above, turned to looks of confusion, as Derran took a knee, bowing his head before going on. "When Discord returned from the exile to which I sent him, and rained chaos upon the land. I was not there. When Sombra, a thousand torments upon his soul, enslaved the Crystal Empire, and then ripped it from reality for a thousand years. I was not there!" As he continued, Derran's voice trembled with self loathing, as tears appeared in his eyes. "When my beloved Luna, she who's kindness and beauty put the stars and moon to shame, weakened by loneliness and heartbreak was possessed by the vile wraith that is Nightmare Moon. I! WAS! NOT! THERE!" With a deep breath, Derran suddenly calmed, as he raised his head, and slowly got to his feet. "So many times did great champions rise to defend you, yet I, your Guardian, the one who swore most fervently to do so, was not among them. I was not there when you needed me. But. . . I am here now." He intoned.

"I cannot change the past, I cannot undo my failures, all I can do. . . is atone for them." Pulling his sword from the earth, Derran raised it and pointed it at the screens before him. "I speak now to all in this land and beyond, hear me! And listen well!" Across the world, every creature who could see Derran felt a chill, as he fixed them with a look of pure steel. "Equestria is a land of peace, of love, of friendship, and equality. If you come with kindness in your heart, if you seek companionship and safety, and to make a new life, then know you shall be welcomed. If you come in peace, regardless of the where or why, the seraphim and their children shall embrace you with open hooves, and loving hearts. However. . . ." Suddenly Derran's tone darkened, his voice like a rumble of distant thunder, as a look that froze the hearts of all who saw it, appeared on his face, instantly turning their blood to ice. "If you come seeking plunder. . . if you come bringing conflict and hatred, with greed and malice in your hearts. . . then you shall find me waiting!" For just an instant, Derran's eyes turned a bloody red, as waves of pure wrath flowed from his armored form, sending every creature who could see him cowering, as he finished. His voice a threatening hiss, as the shadows around him seemed to flicker like candle flames.

"And may the Light have mercy upon your souls. . . for I will not!"

The Uncrowned King

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Seldom in history, recent or distant, had Canterlot, capitol city of Equestria, been this crowded. From all across the land, tens of thousands of visitors had come, so many that the city scarcely had room for them all, the roads and alleys filled to bursting with the jubilant throngs. Parks, streets, and even the royal gardens, had needed to be converted to makeshift hotels, through the use of a combination of tents and magic, to accommodate the seemingly endless stream of guests flowing into the city. From Manehatten to the Dragonlands, from Fillydelphia to Griffonstone, and from Appaloosa to Yakyakistan, countless dignitaries and celebrants had come, all seeking to pay respect to the soon to be crowned: King of Equestria.

Across the city, the streets reverberated with the sounds of celebration. Noble and commoner alike, rubbing shoulders in hopes of catching a glimpse of the princesses long lost betrothed. The Breaker of Beasts, The Conqueror of the Ursa, The Protector of the Kingdom, The Hero of Heroes. Titles such as these, and rumors without end, swirled through the air like pollen on the wind. One popular rumor, claimed the long lost king had the power to destroy a mountain with a flick of his finger. Another, swore that he had stopped a volcano erupting by simply glaring at it. Still others, brazenly declared that he had once pulled the stars from the heavens and turned them into sheets for princess Luna's bed, and made a pillow of woven sunlight for Celestia to lay her head upon. At times, it almost seemed the ponies of Canterlot were trying to outdo each other, as to who could tell the most wild tale of their new lord.

Nor was it just ponies. The dragons claimed that Ember intended to request she be allowed to join Derran and the princesses' herd, in hopes of hatching a clutch of dragon demigods. The griffons said that Derran was the living reincarnation of the Idol of Boreas, come back to lead the world to glory. While the yaks had proudly proclaimed he was the avatar of one of their war gods from ancient times, and that prince Rutherford had come to humbly request the honor of being his equerry. The changelings had declared that as the one who had finally ended Chrysalis's reign of terror, King Thorax had come to offer Derran his entire kingdom as reward. These and many other tall tales, spread like wildfire, each more ridiculous than the last, and all told with the firm conviction of those who don't care if they're right or not.

From the white marble spires of the palace, to the alabaster walls and purple tiled roofs of the noble estates, banners and pennants hung flapping in the breeze. Each one prominently displaying the runic insignia of the Doom Slayer, alongside the princesses cutiemarks. While in the sky adjacent to the lofty mountainside capital, hovered the majestic pegusus city of Cloudsdale, the entire floating metropolis having been flown to the capital, so that its residents might properly honor Equestria's newest leader. Rainbows lit up the sky with color, as the Wonderbolts wrote the Doom Slayer's sigil across the infinite blue in contrails of dark cloud, that sparked with lightning. All this and more, in preparation for the guest of honor's arrival. Beyond the clouds, the atmosphere was shot through by a daytime aurora of unprecedented majesty, courtesy of the Crystal Empire's Crystal Heart. The joy and happiness of the ponies there, having kept their kingdom's mystical treasure blazing for over a week since Derran's victory.

In the main plaza where the king was to arrive, the mood was one of feverish excitement, as the finishing touches were placed upon the location. The main thoroughfare leading to the palace from the plaza had been completely cleared, save for the wide sidewalks packed with ponies, dragons, changelings, griffons, and yaks. A brilliant red carpet, covered the white quartz cobblestone street leading from the plaza to the castle's marble steps. The steps further leading up to a second elevated plaza in front of the castle gates, where, overlooking the entire city, stood a platform upon which were positioned five magnificent thrones. The thrones, four of pure white marble and one of onyx, were each carved with the cutiemarks of one of the princesses, inlaid with gold, moonstone, and crystal. Save for the onyx one in the center, which bore the sign of the Slayer, the symbol resplendent in blazing ruby. Already, the princesses, the friendship council, and the leaders of various foreign lands and species, stood assembled, dressed in their finest formal wear. Smiles adorned every face, as the princesses took their seats, in preparation for the start of the festivities.

Nearby, off to the side atop a raised podium, Shining Armor waited. Fishing out his engraved golden pocket watch, a wedding gift from his parents, he again checked the time. After glancing at it for a few moments, Shining returned it to his military dress uniform's pocket, going over for the umpteenth time, the lyrics of the song that would accompany Derran's entrance. Shining had asked for the duty of musical herald specifically. Perhaps it was some degree of lingering guilt for what he had said to Derran the night before he faced Chrysalis, despite Derran insisting all was forgiven. But he couldn't help but feel he needed to do something, anything, to thank his dear friend, and soon to be king. Derran Grandel. . . in a moment when Chrysalis had almost taken everything from Shining Armor and Cadence, Derran had charged headlong into danger to take it all back on their behalf. As far as Shining was concerned, a song was the least of what he owed so wondrous a champion.

Looking over to the position of the five thrones, Shining saw Cadence smile at him, as she held a giggling and squirming Flurry heart. With her mane done up in traditional Crystal Empire fashion, her braids and curls shimmering with woven in gemstones, Cadence almost seemed to glow with joy. The effect was further magnified by the glittering blue dress she wore, the hem, collar and sleeves, adorned with countless colorful crystals. Smiling back, Shining took a deep breath as he looked out in the direction of the plaza, where Derran would soon touch down.

In the brief time Shining had glanced away, the crowd had grown still larger. Ponies even having taken position on the rooftops and balconies lining the street of the so-called 'Royal Mile'. The crowd only increasing further, as bleachers made of cloud, were pushed into position above the rooftops, pegusai, changelings, dragons, and griffons, rapidly filling the enchanted seats to capacity. Further down, the royal Canterlot guard took positions, flanking the brilliant red carpet lining the streets. With spears held high they wore grim and serious expressions, but Shining, having once been their commanding officer, could see how nervous they were, and he didn't blame them.

Derran's actions had made it painfully clear, that the EUP Guard was, at best, obsolete, and at worst, glorified window dressing. Knowing that a single stallion, had utterly crushed an army they wouldn't have even been able to so much as slow down, had not been good for moral. Granted, had they, or the rest of Equestria for that matter, known about the army of literal super soldiers sleeping beneath their hooves, it probably would have been a lot worse. However, it had been decided that that particular part of Derran's story, was not yet ready for public consumption, despite the citizenry having been told pretty much everything else, in a number of royal press releases. Still, despite their private concerns, the guards did their duty, and Shining doubted they had much to worry about in any case. Derran wasn't the type to throw ponies out on the street on a whim.

As the streets and sky filled with onlookers, Shining turned his gaze to the various foreign dignitaries standing alongside the princesses thrones. From the Dragonlands had come Ember, who had actually been here since a day or two after Derran's victory. She had come accompanied by hundreds of Dragons, who had then knelt before Derran and the princesses and begged their forgiveness. However, Derran and the Equestrian royals were quick to establish that Ember had nothing to apologize for. The few remaining changeling survivors of Chrysalis's army, having nowhere left to go, and thoroughly terrified of Equestria's Guardian, had surrendered unconditionally to the princesses. Afterwards, they had been all too happy to explain, in excruciating detail, the alliance Stormfang and his followers had made. As for Stormfang himself, his body was found atop the cliff where he and Chrysalis had observed the fight, his head taken off at the shoulders, his face frozen forever, in an expression of fear induced lunacy. For her part, Ember herself still looked a little nervous, standing with Spike and Thorax next to Twilight's throne, but was smiling nonetheless.

Other leaders of note were Prince Rutherford, who had come at the head of a contingent of nearly one thousand ceremonially armed and armored yak warriors, as well as numerous members of yak nobility, artists, musicians, cooks, craftsyaks, and a large cohort of other civilians, who wished to personally pay homage to Derran and the princesses. As for the griffons, lacking a true formal government or leader, they had swiftly elected a frazzled, and thoroughly terrified of the idea, Gilda, as their new queen. Mostly on the grounds of: she was friends with two members of the Council of Friendship, who had declared she was responsible for spreading friendship to griffonkind. Therefore: this was her problem. Gilda had spent most of her initial time in Canterlot in a state of shell shock, before begging Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie to help her find a way to get fired. She had been less than pleased to find out that one cannot simply 'fire' royalty. She had then despairingly floated the idea of starting a war with Equestria, so Derran could just end her misery. And her mood was not helped when Dash and Pinkie had then started addressing her as: 'Her Royal Supreme Majesty Grand Pooh-bah Gilda the First'. Eventually she ended up chasing a laughing Pinky and Rainbow around Canterlot, screeching oaths of vengeance, till Grandpa Gruff dragged her off to get ready for the ceremony.

Then there was Thorax, leader of the New Changeling Kingdom. Honestly, out of all the others, Thorax seemed the most excited to be here. The entire hive had turned out with him, each singing, sometimes literally, the praises of the one who had taken down Chrysalis for good. Granted she was still alive, but locked up in Tartarus, with her magic completely suppressed, and her mind shattered, she was hardly a threat. Several of the best doctors from across Equestria had been called in to review her condition. They had stated that while it was possible she might recover, the odds were exceedingly low. As it stood, her mind was only barely able to function on the most basic level. Chrysalis was only just capable of feeding herself, and a group of nurses and guards had to be assigned to Tartarus to care for her.

Fluttershy, ever the compassionate one, had suggested that maybe she could take care of Chrysalis, but Derran had been adamant in his opposition. Chrysalis, invalid or not, was a being to whom deception was like breathing, and Fluttershy was ill prepared to deal with her, if she were to regain her senses. Even if the odds were massively against it, the possibility of her recovering remained. Derran declared that he refused to allow the former changeling monarch even the tiniest chance of escape, maintaining that, if-and-when, Chrysalis ever awoke, it would be in chains. On arriving and hearing of his former queen's condition, Thorax had, in a surprisingly cold manner for him, backed Derran to the hilt, as had all of the princesses save Twilight. Twilight had endorsed Fluttershy's idea, more out of loyalty to her friend than because she believed it would work, citing Fluttershy's success with Discord. However Derran and the assembled royals had not been moved. Chrysalis, despite having ample opportunity, had never once shown remorse for her actions, and there was little reason to think that had changed. Not to mention that, unlike Discord, she had attacked with intent to kill. There was a difference, Derran had said, between being merciful, and being a fool, and Twilight had, if slightly reluctantly, agreed.

That line of thought swiftly brought Shining Armor's gaze to his sister, who was positively beaming, in a simple but stylish yellow dress, trimmed in white lace. She had maintained that she still intended to date Derran for at least a year or so, before deciding if she would join him, Luna, and Celestia at the alter. But at this point, Shining was starting to wonder why she was even bothering. Much though his brotherly instincts rebelled against the idea, Shining really couldn't think of a finer stallion than Derran to stand at his sister's side. Add to that the fact that Shining was at least ninety five percent sure Twilight had had a crush on Celestia when she was younger, and that she and Luna got on quite well, and Shining seriously couldn't imagine why she didn't just say 'I do' right now. Still, that was Twilight for you, she never went into anything without a plan and careful study if she could help it. Besides, Shining would be lying if he said a part of him wasn't very relieved, that his sister wasn't rushing her and Derran's relationship. Inevitable outcome or not, a solid year of making sure was hardly a bad idea.

It was at that moment, Shining's attention was redirected to his surroundings, the town bell striking the hour, as excited whispers and pointed hooves, drew attention to the sky. At long last the hour had come, and all had to admit, it did not disappoint. An awed hush fell over the crowd, as the ceremony began. Amid the clouds, and escorted by a phalanx of pegusai in gold and onyx armor, polished to a mirror finish, came a massive flying carriage. Pulled by ten pegusai, five of the rare bat winged variety favored by Luna, and five of the more common feather winged variety, the carriage was a work of art. Made of lacquered and polished ebony wood, it moved through the sky on enchanted wheels of iron and oak, the wood stained a glossy black, with spokes of shining gold, wrapped in silver wire made to look like vines and leaves. On the carriage's sides, was an inlaid golden filigree, resembling branches of oak and olive, artfully circling the crimson rune of the Doom Slayer. On the back of the conveyance, was a beautifully rendered outline of two ponies rearing up and supporting a crown with their outstretched forehooves, the crown made to look as if it was crafted of flames of scarlet, gold, and obsidian. In front of the carriage, just behind the ponies pulling it, and wrought of purest gold and silver, were statues of ponies balancing on their back hooves, as they threw their forehooves wide to the sky in celebration. Their metallic manes like fire, and their expressions rapturous. The top of the carriage was decorated with yet more gold and silver, in the shape of flickering flames, that seemed to ring the top of the conveyance in fire, while in the exact center of the roof, was a raised decoration in the shape of a shining golden crown, set with four massive rubies that seemed almost to catch fire, as the sun was reflected within them.

Ponies, griffons, dragons, yaks, and changelings, let out expressions of awe, as the carriage descended in a long gentle slope from the sky. The guards alighting first, swiftly securing the area and getting in formation around the plaza. The carriage landing as smoothly as a falling feather. With a nod of her head, Celestia signaled Shining Armor and the band to begin. Instantly, drums and trumpets rang out across the city, swiftly followed by a synthesizer and electric guitar. The sounds blending into the tune of a D'nurean song, chosen by Celestia and Luna personally for the occasion. Taking a deep breath, the prince of the Crystal Empire, began to sing in a magically magnified voice, as the door to the carriage opened. . . .

Song: Heart of Steel by Beast in Black

He exited the carriage with an undeniable grace, smoothly straightening up to gaze out at the crowds, the massed throngs, awestruck from his appearance alone. He wore a military dress uniform, consisting of an immaculately pressed double breasted black coat. Fastened by golden buttons and trimmed in golden thread, the shoulders were decorated with buckled epaulets of black, gold, and crimson. The large folded cuffs of the sleeves were held secure by golden cuff links set with rubies. Meanwhile, the wide lapels of the coat folded outward to show a bit of the scarlet dress shirt beneath, with a high black collar embroidered with more gold thread.

At the waist, the coat was fastened by a charcoal gray leather belt, decorated with golden punch holes along the center, and a large decorative buckle, shaped like a diamond on its side. The buckle, on closer inspection, was revealed as having been inlaid with onyx, and edged with gold, with a polished and flawlessly cut marquise ruby in the center. From one of the belt loops, hung several decorative braids of scarlet thread that hung along the figure's left side, connected to another belt loop in the back. Beneath the coat, which extended down to his thighs, he wore pants the same deep black color as the rest of his outfit, terminating in polished black leather dress boots, trimmed in scarlet fabric. Across the figure's shoulders, and attached to the epaulets of his coat, was a great black cape, lined in scarlet silk, the Doom Slayer symbol stitched upon the back in vermilion thread. Worn in a decorative lopsided fashion, the cape hid the figure's right arm entirely, granting him an air of dramatic mystery, as he straightened to his full height. Hair like an ebon waterfall flowed down his shoulders, as eyes like chips of ice swept over the staring crowd. With his face set, and his head held high, Derran Grandel, the soon to be king, stood tall. His appearance instantly setting the crowd into a frenzy of cheering.

From out of the carriage behind him, came the five figures of his escort, all of whom Derran had personally selected to accompany him. Wearing tabards of blue trimmed in gold, and bearing an ancient D'nurian symbol for courage, a twin headed eagle with its wings swept wide, done in golden silk, were Dinky hooves, the Cutiemark Crusaders, and, with one front leg in a cast, Derpy Hooves. Derran waited as the four fillies assembled alongside him, two on his left, and two on his right, as Derpy took position in front of him. He had initially been concerned that Derpy's injury would prevent her from walking the full distance with him, but with a bit of levitation magic, and approval from her doctor, she, her daughter, and the crusaders, were now set to take the position of honor guard. With a salute, and a faint bow to the crowd from Derran, they began to move.

Striding forth with a measured pace, nocreature could deny Derran's immense presence. Power flowed from his every pore, his back straight, his expression stern, and his eyes burning with purpose. As he passed, the guards assigned to keep the crowd contained, stood a bit straighter, a few breaking out in a cold sweat, as his aura swept over them. Behind the guards, the crowds smiled and bowed their heads in respect, as flower petals, supplied by innumerable hovering pegusai, began raining down from above like multicolored snow. A pair of the pegusai at one point, flying down to place a circlet of woven flowers atop Derran's head. Derran pausing for a moment to gingerly touch his hand to the decorative circlet in surprise, before offering a gentle smile and a nod of thanks, as the two smiling pegusai retreated back into the air.

As he walked forward, Derran seemed to become almost a force of nature, Shining Armor's thundering song heralding his every step. At his side, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Dinky, smiled and stared around in awe for a moment, only to recall they were supposed to be an official escort, and forced themselves to look serious for a few moments, before again glancing around in wonder. Derpy, through it all, just kept smiling and walking, merely glad that so many other creatures were celebrating her heroic friend.

Derpy had, when he came to her in the hospital, wondered why Derran had asked for her to accompany him on his coronation day, saying surely there were plenty of other ponies who deserved the invitation more. Derran had swiftly declared that there were not. Citing that, despite having almost no hope of success, Derpy had attempted to save Flurry Heart, in spite of being mind controlled, and surrounded by the enemy. Fighting tooth and hoof against impossible odds, without any combat training or experience, Derran stated that she had shown more courage and honor in five minutes, than most humans showed in their entire lives. Derpy had been a bit confused by that, explaining she couldn't imagine anypony doing less for a foal in danger. It was at that moment, Derpy had been surprised by Derran wrapping her in a gentle hug, sounding as if he was holding back tears as he spoke.

"You speak of deserving, yet it is I, who stands unworthy of so courageous and noble a friend as you. It is only right that you walk before me in this ceremony, for yours is the will and power of a true hero."

As they continued forward, Derpy turned to look over her shoulder at Derran, and gave him a cheerful smile. For just an instant, the stern facade of the conquering lord melted, and Derran offered his treasured friend a smile and a wink, before his expression became once more like beaten iron. Derpy continued to smile, turning to look ahead once more as the procession moved forward. Shining Armor's singing continuing to shake all of Canterlot with its refrain, as the group drew ever closer to the princesses, and Derran's waiting throne.

Up the path they went, ponies, changelings, griffons, yaks, and dragons, all bowing to the king as he passed, every face split by impossibly wide grins. The world of the audience became a cyclone of sound, color, and emotion. As ever on went Shining armor's song. Finally, as Derran at last reached the foot of the stair to the plaza before the palace, the crowd, no longer able to contain their elation at this moment, joined in the chorus of the song, as it reached its finale. . . .

In a mayhem of demons and fire
In the rage of the howling storm
One and all to the final trial
In the hope of a brand new dawn
For the heart, for the pride and for vengeance
In a nightmare of dark and screams
Holding on to the promise and their quest
Unified through the last ordeal
Unified in the fortune's wheel
Unified for a golden dream
With a heart of steel!

Roaring it loud enough to shake the very foundations of the mountain Canterlot sat upon, as the king ascended toward his rightful throne. The song's conclusion was accompanied by an eruption of fireworks, so intense that even the daylight could not dim them, and a cheer so loud, it actually caused windows across the city to crack, and set the crowd's ears to ringing. As at last, the king and his procession arrived at the plaza, and stood before the thrones. Derpy, Dinky, and the Crusaders, parted from Derran with a quick bow, as he fell to one knee before the princesses. His fist over his heart, and his cape billowing in the breeze, as Derran bowed his head, and offered his fealty.

The princesses beamed, and none more so than Celestia and Luna. Finally, after twelve hundred years of waiting, twelve hundred years of hoping, twelve hundred years of fearing, twelve hundred years of sorrow, guilt, anger, and nightmares, their king would be crowned! True, he wouldn't be the 'official' king till their wedding, but it was the gesture that mattered. Ponies, and others across the land, would now at last be able to properly honor the stallion, who had offered so much in their defense. And Celestia and Luna? They would at last have their beloved at their side, and this time, he wasn't going anywhere. The only true regret the princesses had, was that the rest of the Legion could not celebrate with them. One day, the princesses swore that they would find a way to free Equestria's most loyal protectors from their self imposed exile, without destroying their honor. But tragically, that day, would not be today. Nevertheless, the princesses smiled, as Derran stood, and took his seat upon his onyx throne.

This was it, the moment everycreature had been waiting for. As Derran sat, gazing out over the crowd, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew into the air above him. Between them, held perfectly level, was the crown of the king. Made of magically altered onyx stone and mother of pearl, the crown was both simple and magnificent. Half the crown was as the night sky, a beautiful pitched black that glittered from within, as if hundreds of minute stars and galaxies were trapped inside the stone. The other half was like muted sunlight, glowing with a pure white light, as a rainbow of colors crawled across its surface. The two halves of the crown were joined in front as a seamless piece, swirling together into the double teardrop symbol of ancient Equestria. And in the exact center of that symbol, was the blazing red rune of the Doom Slayer, wrought in magically sculpted Ruby. Hovering in the air on either side of Derran, Rainbow and Fluttershy slowly descended, and inch by inch, the crown was lowered. The speed was agonizing, the crowd all but holding its breath, as it came down to the final two inches. Then, suddenly, held breaths, became stunned gasps. As, without a hint of warning, Derran reached up with two fingers. . . and stopped the crown, scarcely an inch from being placed on his head. While with the other hand, he resolutely stopped Fluttershy's hoof from removing the simple crown of flowers he already wore.

Before anycreature could speak, Derran had risen from his throne, the crown in hand, as he looked out over the crowd with a weary smile. Removing the ring of flowers from his head, he stared at it intently. Woven of simple daisies and buttercups, it seemed a poor substitute for the magnificent crown of stars and sunlight in his other hand. Yet Derran held it up, presenting it to the crowd as if it were the true adornment of the king.

"A crown. . ." Derran began, displaying the chain of daisies for all to see. "not of gold, silver, or gems, but no less meaningful for what it represents." A murmur went up from the crowd, confusion on every face. "A crown represents not power, nor wealth or status. . . it represents responsibility." The crowd now watched Derran with rapt attention, eager to see what he was getting at. "Part of responsibility, is knowing when you are unequal to a task. To look past ego, pride, and desire, see oneself in a light of pure honesty, and accept the truth of what you behold. And that is why. . . I must refuse the honor of being king." A gasp of shock reverberated across the crowd, as dozens of hushed conversations broke out. Derran raised his hand, and instantly silence returned. "A leader of nations, must ever be able to keep themselves above things like pride, and petty ego. To weigh every decision with care and forethought, unbound by the idea of personal gain. To act for the good of the many. . . over the few. This is a task that, to my shame, I have yet to truly master." This declaration was met with looks of sadness and disappointment, as Derran continued. "I can be your Guardian, I can be my beloved ladies husband, and I can be a friend and ally to all children of the Seraphim, but. . . I cannot be your king." At that, pandemonium erupted from the crowd, thousands of voices shouting out in protest or pleas to reconsider. Most were unintelligible, but one caught Derran's attention.

"Please Lord Derran! We need our king!" At that, Derran once more raised his hand, the simple gesture working again to instantly quiet the crowd. Derran's expression became stern, as he fixed those before him with a calculating glare.

"Why?" He asked simply. For a moment, ponies looked at each other in confusion, and Derran continued as if he had never expected an answer. "What need have you, any of you, for a king?" Shuffling uncertainly, the crowd seemed momentarily wronghoofed. "For over five hundred years, Ladies Celestia and Luna, guided this land to peace and prosperity with wisdom and kindness. After Lady Luna's banishment, and despite suffering endlessly from the loss of her beloved sister and greatest confidant, Lady Celestia led this land through a further one thousand years of peace and prosperity. Lady Twilight and the Friendship Council, even before Lady Twilight received her crown, thwarted countless threats to the safety and security of this realm. While Lady Cadence and Lord Shining Armor, defeated the first changeling invasion, and were instrumental in the ultimate destruction of the vile tyrant Sombra." Here Derran gestured at the still occupied thrones behind him. "You say you need a King, yet you live in a land already led by goddesses and heroes! I tell you now, you do not, nor have you ever, needed a king!" Derran's gaze once more swept over the crowd, taking in the expressions of sorrow, disappointment, and a few, of guilt. Then, suddenly, a pair of elegantly dressed and smiling nobles, stepped out from the crowd. Derran's gaze narrowed, as he saw Fancy Pants and Fleur De' Lys move forward, drawing the attention of everycreature in view. With a strange twinkle in their eyes, the pair suddenly began to chant. . . .

"Hail! Hail! The Uncrowned King! Hail! Hail! The Uncrowned King!" Swiftly, the crowd behind the pair of noble's began to echo the chant. Looks of disappointment instantly replaced with the beginnings of smiles.

"Hail! Hail! The Uncrowned King!!" Opening his mouth, Derran tried to think of a way to shut down the chant, but it was too late, the words spreading like wildfire. All those assembled, whooping and cheering, as the volume of the chant steadily increased.

"HAIL! HAIL! THE UNCROWNED KING!!" Glancing behind him, Derran saw the foreign dignitaries, the Friendship Council, and even the princesses, take up the chant, each wearing a massive grin. The chant continued to spread, until from end to end, the capitol rang with the sound.

"HAIL! HAIL! THE UNCROWNED KING!!!" Derran, glancing around wildly, felt the entire city shake, as the crowd roared out the chant. It took a good ten minutes for the sound to die down, as Derran glared at Fleur De' Lys. He had a feeling this little scheme was her idea, as she cheekily winked at him.

"You can refuse the crown my friend." Fancy Pants declared. "Give us all the reason in the world why you're unworthy, or that we don't need you. But at the end of the day, I think we're all in agreement, that you are our king." Derran put on his sternest expression, as he glared at the Canterlot Noble.

"With respect, Lord Fancy Pants, the matter is decided, I refuse the crown." At that point, Fleur De' Lys let out a delicate laugh, as for the first time, Derran heard her speak to him aloud. Her voice completely at ease, and with a faint trace of an accent.

"Then, we shall all simply have to hound you until you accept." She declared. Derran opened his mouth to reply, but was just a hair too slow.

"Well said my little pony." Came the voice of Celestia, as she levitated the crown of the king away, while replacing the crown of flowers back on Derran's head. "After all. . . we have an eternity to convince you." Turning back to glare at Celestia's smirking face, Derran wanted to be angry, truly he did, but for once, the man some had called 'too angry to die', just couldn't manage it. Letting out a deep laugh, Derran shook his head.

"My father's blessed spirit is no doubt laughing himself to a second death right now." Derran muttered under his breath, as he chuckled to himself.

"Well my love, if you are quite done trying to be a stick in the mud, perhaps you would like to start the festivities?" Asked a grinning Luna. Letting out a long suffering, but now insincere, sigh, Derran met Luna's grin with one of his own.

"And may I ask how you would like me to do that milady?" He asked, as if he didn't already know. Luna arched an eyebrow playfully.

"The way Equestrian's always have. . . with a song." Derran let out another chuckle.

"As you wish, my beloved." He stated, as he turned back to face the crowd, taking the crown of flowers from atop his skull. Twirling it around his finger a few times before tossing it perfectly onto Rainbow Dash's head, and ignoring her falsely indignant shout of protest. Looking over his shoulder, Derran shot Celestia and Luna a look that made the pair instantly blush. "You know my Ladies. . ." Derran began, his voice containing an odd hint of mischief. "it has been an awfully long time since I sang, our song." At that, Celestia and Luna's faces lit up, their mouths splitting into wide grins, as Derran then turned his attention to Twilight. "Mayhap after today, this song will belong to one more, if. . . she deem it worthy?" He declared with a smirk, that made Twilight instantly feel like her face had caught fire. "Lady Pinkamina, if you would be so kind?" Derran asked, directing his gaze to the pink party pony.

"You got it DG!" She declared happily, seeming to wink out of existence, before reappearing a moment later. "Ready as confetti teddy!" She stated proudly. Rainbow nodded, unable to contain her own enthusiasm as she spoke.

"Aww yeah! Bring this house down!!" Derran nodded as an electric guitar began to play. . . .

Song: Into the Night by Santana, (feat. Chad Kroeger)

As the song began, everycreature found themselves instantly enchanted. The lyrics bringing blushes and grins to the faces of all, as Derran's voice rang out. Then, as the chorus began, Derran whipped around to face the princesses, beckoning Celestia, Luna, and Twilight off their thrones. Moving as smoothly as if under a compulsion, the princesses walked forward, deliriously happy expressions on their faces, as they began to dance at Derran's side. Swaying and moving around one another, it didn't take long for the Uncrowned King and the princesses to inspire others.

Stomping hooves and clapping claws, every creature in the city of Canterlot began to dance. Grabbing hold of whomever was near, they allowed themselves to fall under the song's spell, as they moved to the beat. Across every face, blazing grins could be seen, as the myriad assembled species, moved to the scream of the guitar, the rattle of drums, and the sound of Derran's voice. Ember took hold of Thorax's hoof with her claw, and pulled him into her orbit. Pinky snatched up Prince Rutherford in a veritable earthquake of movement, as Rainbow and Gilda twirled in the air. Fluttershy was reluctant, till Discord, dressed in his finest zoot suit, took her hoof. Applejack somehow ended up with a laughing Fleur De Lis, while Rarity put a furiously blushing Spike through his paces like she was queen of the dance floor. Cadence all but yanked Shining Armor from his podium, practically glowing with energy, as she felt a veritable tsunami of love and joy wash over her. Flurry, meanwhile, had fled her mother's grasp, and was currently leading the Crusaders and Dinky through what could best be described as a clumsy 'mid air tango' with her magic.

Through it all however, the true show remained with Derran, Celestia, Luna, and Twilight. Seeming as if a single entity, the princesses twirled and slid past Derran with a fluid grace. As he sang, Derran went to each princess in turn, looking them in the eye, as he caressed each of their faces with a hand, a smile of purest love and devotion on his face, as his voice rolled over them. With movements both precise and teasing, Celestia, Luna, and Twilight's dancing was every bit as enrapturing as Derran's song. The combination of the two elements was so enthralling, that any who looked at them directly, were struck dumb with awe. Grinning like madponies, Derran and the princesses auras of power and grace, seemed to blend together, commanding the attention of everycreature present as they took to the sky. Nocreature could say who's magic was responsible, but with flaring wings and stomping hooves, the princesses and Derran, levitated into the air. Moving as if still on solid ground, Derran and the three royals seemed so consumed with one another, that it was doubtful they even realized what was happening. Then finally, as the song wound down, the four figures began to slowly float back to earth, to the stunned, but joyous, expressions of everycreature present. And, when at last the song ended, so thunderous was the applause, that it seemed as if the city would tumble from the side of the mountain. . . .

Derran, Celestia and Luna, laughed as none of the three had done in nearly twelve hundred years. After bidding an exhausted, but insanely happy, Twilight, goodnight, and giving her an accompanying trio of goodnight kisses, on a furiously blushing cheek, Derran Luna and Celestia had stayed up to talk. The energy of the partying and feasting still going on beyond the castle walls, keeping them awake and alert, despite countless dances, games, and stomachs filled with indulgent food. It was well past midnight when finally they had headed toward Celestia and Luna's chambers, yet still, none of the three felt the least bit tired. Celestia and Luna sighed happily, as they leaned into Derran, and he for his part, held them close, every step of the way.

"It all still feels like a dream. . . ." Derran mused. "I still feel afraid that at any moment I will wake, and find I am still back in Hell, or on Mars." Luna draped a wing over her love's shoulder, using it to hold him still closer.

"Do not fear my beloved. I can personally assure you, that this, is no dream." Celestia nodded.

"Indeed, though, I must confess to similar feelings. After so long, to have you back is a dream come true." She declared, as she nuzzled Derran's cheek, while wrapping her own wing around him. Taking a deep breath, Derran let out a sigh.

"I. . . I should never have left you alone. My departure was perhaps justified, but I could have at least left Michael to-" Luna swiftly shifted her wing, to press one of her primary feathers against Derran's lips, as dexterously as if it were a finger.

"Shh, enough of that. You are finally home, no more self recrimination, or blaming yourself for what you could not possibly foresee." Leaning into the comforting softness of Luna's wing, Derran felt tears flow from his eyes, his voice shaking with emotion.

"I missed you both so much. Even as I buried the memories of our love to focus on my mission, the pain of your loss never truly left me. It was as if there was a constant emptiness in my heart, that I was unable to understand or fill. In truth, a part of me came to fear moments of quiet, for it was when that maddening emptiness most pained me. If ever I were to lose you again, I fear I could not survive it." He declared, his voice choking, as he struggled to maintain his composure. Celestia smiled, as she wiped Derran's tears away with a hoof.

"Then it's a good thing we have no intention of letting you go again." She declared. Derran chuckled, as he finally managed to regain control of himself.

"Not even the Light itself could persuade me to leave your sides my beloveds. Unto the end of time, I am yours and Lady Twilight's." Luna sighed happily as Celestia nuzzled Derran again. For several minutes, they moved through the halls in loving silence, before Celestia spoke.

"By the way, we like your new look." Celestia stated with a chuckle, as she leaned her head against Derran's shoulder. Derran couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Ah yes, my hair." Derran declared with a self deprecating smile. "Twelve hundred years without a barber will do that."

"It is quite alluring. It makes you look wild and untamed. . . like a ferocious but noble beast of legend." Luna purred, a hint of something less than innocent in her voice. "Or perhaps a strong and handsome drifter, who rolls into the life of an unsuspecting mare with gentle hooves, a heart of gold, and words of honey." Celestia nodded.

"Indeed, though I admit, I myself never had any complaints about that crewcut you used to have. I found it made you look tough and authoritative, and I've always had a bit of a thing for authority." Here Celestia lowered her voice. "A princess sometimes grows tired of being treated like a flower, and craves something a bit more. . . rough." Celestia whispered, her lips scant inches from Derran's ear. Unconsciously swallowing, Derran tried to ignore the slight burn on his cheeks, as they arrived at Celestia's room. Standing in front of the door, several seconds passed before Derran spoke.

"Are you not going to go inside milady?" Derran asked, suddenly very aware of the two mares on either side of him, each pressing their bodies to his, as they brushed his neck, back, and arms, with their unnaturally soft wings. Celestia gave an innocent smile.

"Well I would, but I am a bit. . . worried." Derran stood stalk still, has pulse rising, as he felt Celestia's breath on his neck. "With what happened with Chrysalis, Luna and I thought it might be best to have a little. . . sisterly sleepover." Derran cleared his throat uneasily as he replied.

"And. . . why should that worry you?" He asked.

"We are but two helpless princesses." Luna replied, her tone like silk. "Even together, we are surely no match for whatever monsters may lurk in the darkness of my sisters boudoir." She whispered. "We require a strong knight to protect us." Derran briefly had to struggle not to laugh. If there was one adjective that had no place describing beings capable of rendering a planet into monotomic ash with a flick of their horns, it was: 'helpless'. However, all humor was driven from him, as he asked a very pertinent question.

"And what does Lady Twilight think?" He asked, his voice taking on an ever-so-slight note of steel. Celestia smiled warmly, as she took a temporary time out from their little pseudo roll-play.

"Do not worry, Luna, Twilight and I, all had a nice long talk about this a few days ago. Twilight isn't comfortable yet joining us in the bedroom, but she doesn't mind if we want to. . . blow off some steam, so to speak. We offered to wait until she felt ready, but she said that after twelve hundred years of self imposed chastity, she wouldn't feel right making us wait any longer." Derran arched an eyebrow in surprise at that, as Luna nodded.

"We asked if she'd like to join us tonight, but she said it was too soon for her. Between us three, I feel she might be a bit scared of not measuring up." Derran nodded, only half listening as he replied.

"Have neither of you really taken another to bed since our last time?" He asked, slightly incredulous. Celestia shrugged.

"I considered it once or twice, but if I'm honest, doing so felt like it would be an admission that you weren't coming back, and in the end, I could just never bring myself to go through with it. So I just got used to taking care of my desires myself." She replied.

"It was much the same for me." Luna stated, her tone becoming somber. "Even after I was freed of Nightmare Moon, I couldn't bring myself to concede that you might be dead. Even with one thousand years of suppressed urges hitting me at once, I just couldn't bring myself to. . . replace you." Those words, hit Derran like a dagger to the heart. His own cruel declarations from twelve hundred years in the past, coming back to haunt him. Shaking off the effect with a degree of effort, Derran let out a sigh.

"I would not have minded you know. . . . Even had you known I was still alive, it would not have made me love you any less had you indulged yourselves. You had every right to enjoy intimacy in my absence, a right to. . . move on. I care for you both more than I can describe, I would never seek to deny you such comfort." Celestia smiled, giving Derran a chaste kiss on the cheek.

"You didn't deny us, we made the choice for ourselves." She stated, her voice soothing. "Neither of us regrets our decision." Luna nodded.

"We knew you would have wanted us to move on, it is not your fault that we refused." She declared confidently. Derran gave a slow nod.

"As long as you are happy, that is all that matters to me." He stated, his voice heavy with emotion. Celestia and Luna, both gave Derran a loving smile.

"We know." Celestia declared, her tone warm, before turning playful again a second later. "Now that we've gotten all that out of the way, my loyal knight. . . ." Here Celestia put on a seductive smirk, as she opened the door to her bedroom, swaying her hips enticingly as she entered, before glancing over her shoulder with a devilish smile. " Are you ready to. . . serve your princesses?" Derran grinned, as Luna moved to stand by her sister, licking her lips provocatively. Suddenly acutely aware of how long he himself had gone without the pleasures of the flesh, Derran felt a blazing heat circulate throughout his body, walking into the room as he replied.

"Well. . . I do live to serve." Before, with a smirk, quietly closing, and locking, the door. . . .

Sargent John Kline, blinked sweat out of his eyes beneath his helmet, as he struggled to keep hold of his nerves. Nothing in his nearly ten years serving in the marines, nor his three serving in UN Task Force Bravo, had prepared him for anything like this. He had fought in battles all across the globe, from skirmishes against insurgents in the war torn badlands of North Korea and China, to hunting down drug cartels in the United Republics of India. He'd even fought in South America once, against a hidden compound of armed to the teeth Neo-Nazis. John had seen men blown to pieces by mines, cut down by gunfire, and even evaporated by plasma. He remembered desperately trying to hold the guts of one of his best friends inside his shredded torso, while he spent his final moments screaming and crying desperately for his mother. He'd seen the bodies of children piled and burned by terrorists, and the brutalized corpses of sex slaves tortured to death by sick bastards with a fetish for homicide. None of that, prepared him for what he was seeing now. The UAC Mars facility. . . was a true Hell.

Blood and bodies were everywhere. Those few still recognizable as human, appearing in varying states of evisceration and dismemberment. While the rest. . . John couldn't even describe them. 'Monsters', was the best he could do. As no creatures such as these, held any place in a sane world. Small sinewy horrors with sharp fangs and sharper claws, pink skinned dinosaur-like monstrosities with teeth like daggers. Repugnantly obese cyclops's whose corpses were surrounded by pools of corrosive ichor. Beasts with horned heads and fiery red skin, that were as tall as a two story building, and endless other unholy creatures too vile to tell of, littered the metal corridors and chambers of the massive UAC complex. In some places the blood had pooled deep enough to get to ankle height, while in others, corridors had become nearly blocked by piles of limbs and organs. The stench of rotting meat and sulfur was so strong, it managed to penetrate even the sealed tactical suits of John and his team, as they struggled through a self contained living nightmare.

"What in god's name happened here?" Asked Corporal Stiener, trying and failing to keep his voice steady, as he adjusted his grip on his heavy assault rifle.

"Fucked if I know." Replied Private Ramirez. "This is some real Nightmare on Elm Street shit." He declared, staring at the mutilated body, of what might once have been a member of the UAC's private security.

"Scans say there's no life signs of any kind in the entire base, or at least, the parts I can access. UAC really didn't want anyone unauthorized tapping into their net, even malfunctioning six ways to Sunday, the firewalls are insane." Specialist Yin reported, her voice clipped and efficient, though her team knew her well enough to recognize the tremor of controlled fear in her voice.

"I can't believe the brass back on Earth didn't know about any of this! I mean seriously! What the fuck are these things?! Aliens?!" Demanded Private Second Class Axel, checking his plasma rifle for what must have been the fifth time.

"Stow it all of you." John commanded, adding enough snap to his voice to make it clear he wasn't asking. "We were sent here to do a job, and that's exactly what we're going to do." Around him, his team gave various answering affirmatives, their helmets hiding their still uneasy expressions. "Stiener, you and Ramirez head further in and secure our rout to the facility command center. Stay together, heads on a swivel, don't be stupid, don't be a hero." Stiener and Ramirez nodded as they immediately headed to carry out their orders. "Yin, can you access the security cameras? Maybe the facility comms?" Yin shook her head.

"Sorry sir, all locked by executive override. I'd need to find someone with clearance to bypass it. All I was able to pull up is a local map, and some picture files that I'm still trying to decrypt." John sighed.

"Then I guess we're going in without eyes." He declared, hefting his own assault rifle. "Everyone, get ready to move the instant Stiener and Ramirez report in.

"Hey sir, you notice that a lot of these. . . whatever the fuck they are, died from gunshot wounds?" Axel remarked, pointing to the nearest corpse of some eight foot ebon skinned brute, that seemed to have had its head and one arm blown off. John tried to ignore the churning in his stomach, as he glanced at the creature.

"Likely UAC security teams, they would have tried to hold this area in the event of an emergency." He stated, as he turned his gaze away from the monster, and the aura of lingering terror that seemed to roll off of it like an invisible fog. Axel however, just huffed and pointed at something.

"Then how do you explain that?" He asked. Reluctantly following his subordinate's finger, John felt his eyes widen as he saw what was being indicated. It was the open door near the corpse, designed to slide up into the ceiling, it appeared to have been forced open, if the sparks periodically coming from it were any indication. To John's shock, there were two sets of five indentations in the bottom of the door.

"Are those. . ." John began. Axel nodded.

"Spacing and size are about perfect for human fingers. And take a look at that monster's arm." For a second time, John tracked his gaze to the unsettling, eight foot creature's corpse. Nearby, was the remains of the arm John had thought had been taken off by a shotgun or grenade, now looking a bit closer, he felt his eyes widen once again, as he noted a series of odd marks. "I've seen men strangled enough times to know what the bruising from fingers looks like. And I've seen enough limbs taken off to know the difference between one that's been blown off, vs one that's been torn. Whoever, or whatever, killed that thing, ripped its arm clean off with one hand, then forced open a security blast door held shut with enough power to cut a human body clean in half. I don't care how tough these UAC merc's are, no human alive should be capable of that." John shook his head, not liking what he was hearing. Fortunately, he was saved from having to respond by the crackle of his comm.

"Sir, we just reached the entrance to the command center. Dear god. . . this place is a slaughterhouse, bodies everywhere. I don't know what these things were fighting, but it ripped them to shreds." Stiener's voice trembled slightly as he continued. "The entrance is sealed, big door, triple reinforced titanium/hardened steel alloy, and carbon nanofilament reinforcement. Only way through something like this, is a key, or a nuke." John tried to avoid thinking about how shaken Stiener sounded. The Corporal was a veteran, and had seen nearly as much as John himself had, if he was spooked, it meant shit was well and truly fucked up ahead. Then again, it might not just be the bodies. Ever since entering the facility, John had felt. . . wrong. It was like this whole place was unclean somehow, like the feeling you get when you faintly smell a chemical you know is toxic, in an enclosed space. The sensation clinging to his body like a film of oil against his skin, never abating, no matter how hard he tried to ignore it.

John tried not to wonder how much his superiors actually knew about this situation. The mission had been billed as rescue and recovery, and had been cobbled together quickly, before the UAC could officially object. Technically falling under United Nations jurisdiction, John wasn't fool enough to think for a moment this was a goodwill mission. His superiors had made it very clear, that he was to get copies of any and all data stored in the UAC Mars base, rescue of base personnel, if at all possible, would just be a bonus. John knew full well what his bosses were really after, the answer to the world's greatest mystery, the source and harvesting process, of Argent Energy, the world's single source of electricity.

"Yin! Axel! pack it in! We're moving out! Yin, get your hacking tools out, got a door I need opened, and I'd rather not have to blow half the facility to do it." Axel hurried to cover the corridor leading to Stiener and Ramirez, but Yin stayed put, staring at the tablet in her hand and furiously typing away. After a moment or two, John moved to Yin's side. "Earth to Specialist Yin. I believe your direct superior just gave you an order." He declared, his tone even. Yin had a habit of tuning out the world when she was focusing on something interesting. But for every time Yin's bouts of tunnel vision had been a distraction, John could count two, where her attention to detail had saved all their lives. As a result, he was willing to overlook her various eccentricities, even when they occasionally bordered on insubordination.

"One moment sir, I think. . . there! I managed to decrypt those photos and. . . who. . . who is that?!" Yin asked, her tone making it unclear if she was talking to the room or her sargent. Looking over Yin's shoulder, John stared at the tablet, and instantly, felt a faint chill run through his body. The image was slightly blurred, but there was no mistaking what it depicted. A man, approximately six feet tall, and covered from head to toe in a suit of sealed armor, was shown in the process of ripping off the head of a cybernetically augmented monster, resembling a giant flayed human skeleton, with nothing more than his bare hands. John swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry as he replied.

"I have no idea. . . ." Yin seemed just as unnerved, as she tried to calculate the kind of muscular force required to decapitate such a creature in so brutal a manner.

"His armor has no ident tags, no IFF signal, no allegiance markings of any kind, and the design is like nothing produced by any known manufacturer or country. At least, according to the little scan data I could pull from the image." Yin remarked, clearly unsettled by a lack of anything concrete in the recording.

"Black ops maybe?" John offered. Yin shook her head.

"No, there's a designation label for him attached to the picture. That means he's in the system. I can't decode the label, but the UAC definitely knew this guy." John nodded slowly as he glared at the image.

"Make a ghost copy of everything you find, then send it over to my personal tablet, usual decryption key." Yin glanced up at him, clearly uneasy.

"Sir. . . isn't that against protocol? You could get arrested if it's found." John nodded. 'Ghost Copy' was a slang term for a secret copy of data, hidden in the code of other programs or images, and requiring a special one-time-use decoding software or 'Key' to read.

"I'm aware, but I want a backup in the event things go sideways. Call it the paranoia of an old wardog." Yin nodded as her fingers flew across her tablet.

"Done sir." Yin declared. "Ghost copy is being written in real time, anything we find, you'll have a backup of." John nodded gratefully, smiling behind his helmet.

"Thanks Yin, now let's move." Nodding, Yin rose to her feet, dismissing the unnerving image, and placing her tablet back in her bag. John followed behind her, trying not to wonder what kind of soldier was strong enough, and crazy enough, to attack monsters with nothing but his fists.

The entrance to the command center was even worse than Stiener had described. The ground was littered with so many corpses, that the cratered and pitted tile floor was barely visible. The large open room in front of the entrance, was at least as big as two barns stacked next to each other. Three of the walls broken by openings into large hallways, all clogged by debris and corpses, save for the one John and his team had come down. The fourth wall was centered around a circular armored door, big enough for three men to walk through side by side, and that looked like the entrance to a massive bank vault. Two destroyed high caliber auto turrets, were positioned on either side of it. Stiener and Ramirez stood stock still, amid the charnel ruin before the door, helmets tilted toward the ceiling. Though their expressions were hidden, John could feel the fear coming off the pair, as they gazed upward. Ramirez unconsciously crossed himself, as he clutched at the crucifix his team members knew was hidden beneath his armored chestplate.

"The hell is the matter with you two?" Axel demanded. "You look like you've seen. . . a. . . ." Axel trailed off as he glanced upward. "What in the fuck?!" He whispered, as John and Yin glanced skyward, Yin letting out an involuntary gasp. Above their heads, dripping blood down onto the floor, was an elaborate symbol, made from half melted human limbs and bodies, nailed to the ceiling with bits of broken metal beams. Yin, her voice trembling, identified the symbol by reflex.

"A pentagram. . . used by various pagan religions as a symbol of protection, or, if inverted, as this one appears to be, as a sign representing-"

"The Devil." Ramirez whispered. Yin, seemingly unphased by the interruption, simply nodded.

"Yes." She replied. John said nothing, as he stared at the bodies making up the grizzly symbol. Bringing up the zoom function of his helmet's tactical display, he examined the corpses. Appearing almost like wax, they seemed unnaturally melded together. The few visible heads were stretched and distorted, but there was no mistaking their expressions of agony and terror. Additionally, it appeared that someone had taken an inordinate amount of time and care, to carve a series of strange twisting runes onto the corpses flesh.

"What do those symbols mean?" John asked, his voice muted by a fear he was trying hard not to express. Yin swallowed as she ran a scan.

"No known matches in any terrestrial language. Your guess is as good as mine." She replied.

"We. . . we shouldn't be here." Ramirez whispered, his voice filled with a barely controlled fear. "This, is an unholy place." Axel gave a humorless laugh.

"Most soldiers just call that Tuesday." Ramirez's helmet snapped to look at Axel, clearly angry. But John interrupted before he could say anything.

"Alright that's enough both of you! Like I said, we have a job to do! Yin, get that door open, I don't care how! The rest of you, cover the hallways, scans say we're alone, but I want us ready in case they're proven wrong!" As his team hurried off to carry out their orders, John pointedly focused on not looking at either the symbol overhead, or the bodies surrounding him. When he got home, he was going to have a long talk with his brother, even if he was a newly minted member of the upper command chain, his little bro was in good with some of the top brass back home in the states. Whatever had happened here, and despite it being way above his pay grade, it was clear the UAC had a lot to answer for. Ignoring an unpleasant squelching sound, as he stepped on the entrails of some corpulent abomination he didn't care to look at directly, John moved to watch Yin's back himself. As she pulled out her gear and interfaced with the door's locking mechanism, John struggled to ignore the steadily growing unease pooling in his gut.

Something horrifying had been unleashed here, something beyond his ability to quantify or understand. He could have easily passed off the monsters surrounding him as aliens, or genetically engineered beasts. Yet John somehow instinctively knew, that would just be a comforting lie. Whatever had happened here, it clearly went beyond a simple lab accident, or unethical experimentation. Something truly unnatural had happened on this base, something that spoke to an instinctive dread in John's soul. As he pondered, he couldn't help but consider Ramirez's assessment. In his heart, John couldn't escape the feeling, that he and his team should indeed: not be there.

"Hmm, odd. . . ." Yin muttered to herself. Instantly John was broken out of his dark pondering.

"What is it?" He asked, hoping it wasn't a delay. Increasingly, he wanted more and more to simply run back to the ship, and nuke this place from orbit, orders be damned. Yin's response was heavy with suspicion.

"Someone overrode the encryption on this door, and effectively rewrote it. It's still locked, but now any hacker who knows even the basics could force it open. It's as if whoever did it, wanted to make sure it could be opened." Instantly, John felt a flare of paranoia.

"A trap?" He asked. Yin shook her head.

"I don't think so, it's a bit too obvious for that. It's more like someone wanted the door to be locked to anyone who wasn't. . ." Yin trailed off.

"Wasn't what?" John asked, trying not to feel a slight stab of unease.

"Human." Yin breathed out, clearly not liking the implications. "Also, there's one more thing. Our briefing said there was supposed to be an advanced AI on site, but I can't find a trace of it. Supposedly, it ran nearly everything in the facility, but as near as I can tell, the systems have all been switched to manual."

"Let me guess, via executive override?" Yin nodded.

"Yes, which implies that either the AI went rogue, or it was destroyed. Honestly the systems are such a mess, it could take days to narrow it down." John shook his head.

"Just get us inside, Yin." He declared, as he hefted his weapon and opened his comm to the rest of the team. "Stiener, you and Ramirez guard our exit! Axel! With me!" Taking position on either side of the massive circle of reinforced metal, John and Axel checked weapons as Stiener and Ramirez took positions crouched behind Yin, facing out and into the room. "Once Yin gets the door open, Axel and I will do a sweep and clear. Once we give the ok, Yin, I want you to come in behind us and plug into the main command system, download everything. If we find any civilians, Axel and I guard Yin, while Ramirez and Steiner escort them to evac. We clear?" John demanded.

"SIR!" Declared his team. John nodded.

"Yin, whenever you're ready." Yin nodded as she typed in a command.

"Door opening in three. . . two. . . one. . . now!" A sound of pneumatics, and the hiss of metal sliding across metal, accompanied the door shifting backwards slightly, before rolling away in two pieces into the wall on either side, at a brisk but unhurried, pace. Patiently, John and Axel waited until the nearly ten foot thick, multi-part door, was entirely out of the way, before swiftly moving inside. Weapons pointed down, but ready for use, John and Axel advanced up along a tube-like, ten foot wide metal corridor, lit from above by stark white LED strips. Several mutilated human bodies, lay inert on the floor of the blood spattered hall, John did his best to ignore them, as he and Axel advanced at speed. At the end, a second, but no less formidable looking security door, barred their path. Once more flanking the door, John opened his comm to call Yin, only for the door to open on its own.

"I didn't do that." Yin immediately declared, her voice tight with concern. "Someone opened the door from the inside." John gave a quick acknowledgement over the comm, as he nodded to Axel.

"UNITED NATIONS TASK FORCE BRAVO!!" John shouted. "WE ARE HERE TO EVACUATE YOU!!" Only dead silence answered. John jerked two fingers toward the door, and Axel nodded as he moved through the opening. A second later, John heard the stunned voice of his subordinate.

"Holy shit! Sir, you better take a look at this!" Moving through the door, John scanned the room, only to stop his gaze dead, when he saw its single occupant. John, almost too stunned to think, managed to activate his comms.

"Yin, patch me through to earth. Priority Alpha communication." He growled. Yin knew better than to question her CO when he used that tone. Setting up the connection without a word, as John stared at the being in front of him.

He was badly damaged, missing an arm and a leg, that appeared to have been torn out at the socket. The front of what now passed for his seven foot tall body, was blackened and rent open by what seemed to be explosive shrapnel. Exposed wires and damaged circuitry, showed through holes in his chest. While his metallic head, lolled uncertainly against the bank of barely functional computers he had hooked himself up to. The glowing strip of light that served as a substitute for his face, pulsed faintly, as John's radio crackled to life.

"This is UN station Omega One, go ahead Bravo." John swallowed, almost unable to speak through his shock.

There would be a time, in the not so distant future, when John Kline would come to curse the words he spoke next. Had he but known what those words would cost, not just him and his team personally, but all of creation. Had he had even an inkling of the horrors the being before him, both had, and would, inflict on the multiverse. Had he suspected, even for the merest instant, the evil he was about to unleash. John Kline, loyal defender of his country. . . beloved brother, son, team leader. . . and loving father and husband. Would have happily killed himself and his team, without a second thought. Tragically, John Kline was no soothsayer, no fortuneteller, no diviner of the inscrutable nature of fate. At that moment, all John Kline was, was a man with good intentions. It was those intentions, and the words they inspired, that would pave a path to Hell like none before it. . . .

"This is UN Taskforce Bravo, Sargent John Kline! We found him. . . we found Samual Hayden!"

Soundtrack: Next Bullet by Blacktop Mojo




My two former editors, who's hard work helped make this story more amazing than even I thought it could be.



My dear Friend Mike, who listens to my crazy rants and still stays my friend.

My friend Kate, who was literally the first friend I ever made, and who despite having a life filled with more crazy than Pinkie Pie and Discord combined, still makes time for me.

My Parents, who love and support me.

My sisters, who remind me that my insanity is in fact: all natural.

All my wonderful readers who offered encouragement, advice, and endless motivation to keep going.

ID Software, makers of DOOM, who birthed the only lord and savior we will ever need.

The MLP fandom, for being the best fandom in the world!

And of course, the endlessly talented creators of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, may you walk always in the Light's grace.