• Published 23rd Dec 2016
  • 29,912 Views, 1,244 Comments

Guardian - Thule117

In the name of the holy Seraphim, in the name of the Light, in the name of Equestria. I am fire. . .I am steel. . .I am death. . .I am DOOM!

  • ...

Is This Love?

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, Thule117 here, and right off the bat I must apologize for how long this chapter took me. Between the chaos of the holiday's and a small bout of what I think is seasonal depression, I have not been writing nearly as much as I would like. So anyway, I'm sorry that you all had to wait so long, and express my greatest gratitude for you all sticking with me. I also wish to extend a thank you to both my parents, for their invaluable assistance in editing this chapter (it would have taken several more days to finish without their help). Thank's Mom and Dad, you're awesome!

Now, this chapter features a grand total of three songs, all of which I recommend listening to, either before or during, reading them in the chapter. First is Neverneverland by Jay smith. Next is the song from a personal favorite band 3 Doors Down, , the song: She is Love. And finally, the song Blue Sky Blue by Pete Murray. I hope you all enjoy these songs as much as I do.

Oh, and I believe I also promised you a few more humorous pictures last time, didn't I? Well, here they are. Continuing with my theme of "Guy's Bronies Might be Ok with Celestia and Luna Marrying" here are the next few contestants I came up with starting with a very obvious one. . .

Hope you all enjoyed those, and hope you enjoy the following chapter even more. Thank you all so much for continuing to read my work. I love hearing from all of you, and hope you can forgive me taking so long with this. Now, on with the chapter. . .

Addendum: Due to concerns about the song lyrics in the chapter I have been forced to remove them. Links were placed to allow viewing of the original text, but I was informed that this too is against the rules. If you still want to see the original story contact me with your email and I will send it to you. Hopefully one day I can restore the chapter to what it was.

Derran stared at the shelves of books, old and new, before him with an air of faint reverence. Knowledge in all its forms held power, or so he believed. And to him the weight of that power was often palpable in any place dedicated to the storage, or creation, of the written word. The spiced smell of old paper and cedar seemed almost bewitching, as Derran traced his fingers across the spines of the books before him.

"The Art of Ancient Saddle Arabia? No, surely lady Twilight has already read it. Everlasting Eternity of the Immortal Lovelorn Heart? Surely not. Musings of a Horseshoe Salespony?" Idly, Derran flipped through the first few pages of the final book before shaking his head. Normally he would dissuade anypony from judging a book based on the cover, but this last book was just as boring and tedious as the title implied, and Derran reflected that regardless of how gifted the author may have been at selling horseshoes, his literary talents fell short to the point of being embarrassing. "This, may be a bit more difficult than I originally had anticipated."

Glancing between the meticulously organized shelves, Derran noted the mare on whom his thoughts dwelled. She was sitting a short distance away in an overstuffed purple armchair and reading to her niece from a picture book titled The Adventures of Sorel the Mage. Usually Derran would have simply noted that the pair were safe and happy before resuming his search. But this time-- for a reason he could not have defined-- he felt compelled to keep his gaze firmly on the two alicorns.

"GRRR! Said the bugbear queen to Sorel," Twilight read aloud. "'I WILL EAT YOU ALL UP!' But Sorel was very brave, as she knew she needed the honey from the bugbear hive to save the village. Still, how could she know what spell to use on such a powerful foe?" Derran watched as Flurry Heart smiled and pointed her hoof at something in the book from her position in Twilight's lap.

"That's right sweetie, Sorel chose the webbing spell to tangle up the bugbear Queen's wings and legs. What a smart little foal you are! You really do take after your auntie Twilight don't you?" she stated proudly, as she gave Flurry an affectionate nuzzle, causing her to giggle happily.

Derran smiled at the exchange, continuing to watch and listen as Twilight concluded the story. "And so, Sorel headed back to the village with as much of the honey as she could carry, curing the townsponies of the shadow pox. They all had a big feast to celebrate, sang songs and danced the night away. Finally, Sorel the Mage said her goodbyes, and headed down the road to her next adventure!"

Flurry laughed and clapped her hooves at the conclusion of the story, and Derran chuckled. Yet even so, his eyes remained glued to Twilight. Derran couldn't have said precisely why he suddenly found Twilight so enrapturing, he only knew that something deep inside him was demanding he keep his gaze where it was. Derran only realized he'd been staring when the sound of somepony clearing her throat at his side brought him back to reality with an almost jarring abruptness. Erasing any sign of surprise from his features, Derran turned to regard the pony who had disturbed him with a polite smile.

The pony before him was rather. . . odd. She had a perfectly straight purple mane, with bangs as level as a knife edge, and a coat of slate grey. She wore a simple dress of viridian, its long neck folded outward, and held with a black belt at the waist. A pair of brown saddle bags marked with what looked like a rock hung across her back. However, it was her expression that drew one's attention. It was so neutral, it was almost like looking at a statue. Her mouth was a straight line that gave no hint of either a smile or frown. Her jade green, half-lidded eyes were devoid of emotion, and stared at Derran as if he wasn't even there. All in all, Derran had seen corpses more animate than this pony seemed to be.

"You're Derran Grandel, right,?" the pony asked in a deadpan monotone that sounded almost mechanical. Derran nodded.

"I am indeed, milady. Is there something I can help you with,?" he replied, wondering what business this strange pony could possibly have with him.

"Here," she said, her tone still seemingly devoid of feeling, as she presented a small stack of papers with a pen clipped to it. "This is from my sister Pinkie," the pony explained to Derran's well-concealed surprise. Derran had met Pinky for less than a minute, but her contrast with this pony was so stark you'd had to have been blind, deaf, and dumb not to notice. While Pinkie was a barely contained ball of positive energy, this pony could almost have been a slab of granite, for all the emotion she displayed.

Glancing down at the papers the pony had handed him, Derran arched an eyebrow in mild confusion. It appeared to be a questionnaire of some type, but the information it sought seemed . . . strange, to say the least. Instead of asking things like medical history, or political inclination, the first question was: What's your favorite flavor of cupcake? Derran returned his gaze to the pony, an expression of mild puzzlement on his face.

"Apologies my Lady, but, what is all this?" The pony didn't even blink as she replied.

"My sister is the town's party planner; she throws a welcome party for every new arrival in Ponyville. This is to make sure she knows what you like," she explained, her expression never shifting an inch. Derran nodded slowly.

"That is most kind of her, but please tell lady Pinkamina that she needn't go through such trouble on my behalf." Derran might have imagined it, but for a second the pony's facial features seemed to display a hint of mirth. But it was gone before he could be certain.

"My sister's already half-done with the preparations, and trust me, it's easier to just go along with it. Once Pinkie starts planning a party, I doubt even you could stop her." Derran chuckled, and despite the pony's odd mannerisms, he found himself warming to her.

"Forgive me, I do not believe I caught your name," Derran remarked apologetically, as he began filling out the papers, using the back of a hardcover book for a writing surface.

"I'm Maud," she said, glancing away in a manner that was strangely graceful, yet somehow contrived to be mechanical at the same time. In addition, now that Derran listened, he found he could almost make out the faintest of emotional inflections in Maud's voice. In this case it sounded like. . . embarrassment? However, if the emotion had indeed been present, it was gone as swiftly as it appeared.

"Well, lady Maud, it is a pleasure to meet you," Derran stated warmly.

"It's nice to meet you too." Maud replied, still averting her gaze slightly. They stood in silence together for a minute or so before Derran finished and handed the papers back.

"Here you go, milady. Is there anything else you require?" After flipping through the papers, Maud shook her head.

"No, that's everything," she stated, her monotone voice seemingly containing the merest phantasm of gratitude, that nonetheless defied verification. "Thanks." She said, placing the papers in her saddlebags, but as Maud turned to leave Derran was struck by a thought.

"Lady Maud, if I may beg a moment of your time, perhaps you could help me with something?" Pausing, Maud turned around in a single mechanical, yet still oddly graceful, movement. Saying nothing, she simply waited for the Doom Slayer to explain.

"You see, I am trying to find a gift suitable for lady Twilight," He said in a hushed tone, so as not to be overheard by anypony. "She has been most kind to me and I wish to show my gratitude. However, while I know her general preferences in literature, I must confess ignorance as to what she has, and has not, read. As you undoubtedly have known lady Twilight far longer than I, any insight you could offer would be most appreciated." Cocking her head to one side, Maud considered the question, though her expression remained as unshifting as ever.

"I don't think I can help you-- I know Twilight primarily through my sister, we're friendly with each other, but aren't all that close." Derran nodded, hiding his disappointment as he responded.

"I see. . . well, thank you for your time milady, and do offer your sister my warmest regards, as well as my appreciation for the party." Maud nodded, before once more turning to go. However, before she moved, she glanced over her shoulder.

"You shouldn't worry too much about the gift. I think as long as it's from you, it will mean a lot to her." Once again Derran thought he caught a faint glimmer of emotion-- perhaps a hint of impish mirth-- in Maud's words. However, as before, he was uncertain of it as Maud disappeared from view.

For a moment, Derran stared at the space Maud had vacated, before turning back to look at Twilight. She had begun another story, no doubt one in a more humorous vein, as she and Flurry were currently giggling together uncontrollably. It was then that Derran felt a strange sensation well up from deep within-- a sort of muted ache that he was at a loss to identify or understand. The sensation passed quickly, and while the feeling was too brief to fully process, it had felt strangely. . . familiar.

Shaking his head, Derran refocused himself on the task at hand with a renewed vigor. Staring down the the aisles of books, his gaze fell upon one of a particularly old cast. The title was simply The Hero, written by somepony named Solaria Flaremane. Flipping through the yellowed pages, it became clear that the book was, in fact, an action romance novel about a hero who conquered his own inner monsters and faced an ultimate evil to protect the mare he loved. It was well written, and Derran rather liked the premise. However he wasn't certain how Twilight would find it, as it seemed more to his taste than her's. Still, he recalled that Twilight did keep a small collection of action novels in a similar (If slightly less serious) vein. Besides, Derran had never once heard Twilight describe disliking any kind of book.

In the end, Derran decided to hedge his bets by grabbing a newly published book on the history of Starswirl the Bearded. Chuckling, as he recalled how Twilight would talk endlessly about the ancient unicorn mage. Heading to the front counter, Derran took advantage of Twilight and Flurry's distraction to have the salespony wrap the books in gift paper, and place them within a bag. His mission completed, Derran then returned to hiding among the shelves so he could keep an eye on Twilight while he waited for her to finish.

Derran could, of course, have joined Twilight directly. But for some reason he was at a loss to articulate, he didn't want her to know he was watching. Looking at her now, Twilight seemed so full of life and joy, it almost seemed to radiate outward from her like the heat of a bonfire. Her smile was positively incandescent, and as she laughed with Flurry, it seemed so pure as to put all the choirs of heaven to shame.

"Beautiful. . ." Derran whispered, so low he himself almost didn't hear it. However hear it he did, and just like that, the spell was broken, and the Doom Slayer was abruptly jolted out of his strange reverie. Not that it had been a lie-- Twilight was indeed beautiful, but to voice such a thought so abruptly seemed. . . improper. Derran shook his head trying to understand what his comment's motivation had been. However, try as he might, it was as if an impenetrable fog had shrouded his emotional memory of the last few minutes.

"Perhaps I ought to consider sleeping at night once in awhile, a simple reset of my mental faculties could do wonders," he mumbled to himself as he banished his confusion with a simple effort of will. Regardless, it wasn't as if he had done anything untoward. Twilight was a seraphim, her beauty both within and without was nigh immaculate, her beauty deserved appreciation. So why did he have a niggling doubt that there might be more to it than that?

Shaking his head Derran crushed his doubt, dismissing it wholly from his mind. His purpose in this outing was to serve lady Twilight and miss Flurry Heart, not debate his emotional state with himself.

"Hey Derran, why are you hiding back there? Come out and join us," Twilight called, and Derran cursed that he had been noticed for an instant, before recalling his affirmation of purpose not three seconds prior. Derran put on a smile, even as he obliterated his wild musings, and replaced them with the iron discipline that he had used to conduct himself for over a millenia. He would think on his increasingly odd behavior later, but for now, the Seraphim called, and faithfully he would answer.

Twilight watched Derran from a bench as he chased Flurry Heart around the Ponyville town park. She had originally been running around with them, but had all but collapsed onto the bench after less than thirty minutes. Twilight had always tried to keep herself in shape, but between the indefatigable warrior and the energetic toddler, Twilight found it amazing she had kept up as long as she had. Now, as she got her breath back, her lungs burning as she wiped trickles of sweat from her brow, Twilight found herself marveling at how perfect the day had been. Shopping, dining, talking, laughing together, and having fun with Flurry. . . it had been a day as close to true perfection as it was possible to get.

However, the joy Twilight felt was marred by the fact that she still had only one answer to the question she had been pondering in the back of her head since they set out: Why did she care for Derran? Twilight had always been a "Rules" pony. She liked things to be logical and ordered, to be able to rationally explain things scientifically. So when Rarity had suggested approaching her crush on Derran with the question of "Why did she find him attractive?" she had latched onto it. She originally thought to use a list she had made of Derran's most positive character traits to quantify her feelings; however, reading it over, she had been less than pleased.

The list was filled with traits that were at best superficial, and at worst stalker-ish. For example, she had devoted an entire four bullet points to how wonderful Derran's hair must smell. Twilight knew she loved Derran. She loved his nobility, his gentle nature, his strength of character, and unflinching sense of duty. He was strong in a way that Twilight envied at times. He was always sure of himself, never showing hesitation or doubt, and standing as an immovable pillar of calm even in the most tempestuous situation.

Twilight sighed; she wished she could have that kind of confidence. So often in her life Twilight felt doubt, second guessing herself, or obsessing over tiny, largely inconsequential, details. Derran never seemed to doubt. He always acted with the calm control of somepony who knew he would succeed. Twilight on the other hoof was always unsure of herself, and often her confidence seemed more a product of manic obsession than true belief in her abilities. That's not to say she wasn't able to get things done, or that she was a bad leader, but it had always been a struggle. Twilight admired Derran's surety of purpose, and his calm in the face of any and all adversity.

Twilight sighed again as she saw Derran capture Flurry Heart in a gentle game of pseudo tag. Flurry was giggling and lightly struggling as Derran laughed aloud. Twilight smiled at the scene, even as her heart ached with want. Twilight wished she could simply add nobility, honorable nature, confidence, and kindness to her list and call it done, but she couldn't. Twilight needed to understand why Derran uniquely appealed to her. With a disappointed sigh, Twilight resigned herself to the fact that she hadn't a clue how to answer that question.

Twilight stared up at the clear blue sky that was just beginning to transition to the oranges and purples of sunset, as if hoping an answer to her dilemma might be writ in the heavens. A pair of pegasi mares hovered above the park on their way home, and as she watched, one pointed downward. Twilight didn't need to follow the extended hoof to know to whom the mare was calling attention.

The pair whispered to each other before staring earthward with dreamy-eyed smiles. Following their gaze, Twilight watched as Derran cradled a finally exhausted Flurry Heart in his arms. Twilight felt her heart melt as she watched Derran stride forward and bend his head down to gaze gently at the yawning alicorn as she closed her eyes, a happy smile on her cherubic features. How it was possible for such a mighty warrior to look so gentle, Twilight could scarcely comprehend.

"Lady Twilight," Derran greeted softly, moving with a studied grace so as not to disturb his sleeping charge. "I believe it is time we head back to the castle, if we are to put Miss Flurry to bed and be ready for dinner on a sensible timescale." Twilight could only nod her agreement. Cadence and her brother had insisted that tonight's dinner would be their treat, and had reserved a table for themselves, Twilight, Spike, and Derran at the fanciest restaurant in Ponyville. They had initially asked Starlight to join them as well, but she had opted to remain behind to look after Flurry Heart. She had insisted that she had some studying to do anyway.

For a moment Twilight did not speak as she stared up at the towering figure of Derran Grandel. In that instant, with the sun just over his shoulder, his face half hidden in shadow, Derran looked strangely ancient, like a statue from a past age. Standing unmoving, he seemed so much older, though his face remained as youthful as ever. To Twilight it felt as though he stood apart from all other living things. He stood as one who had seen the passing of centuries, yet stood eternally immune to their ravages. Derran seemed as if he had always been there, and that he always would be there. Twilight found it strangely comforting. Her list could wait for now. All she wanted was to savor spending time with the stallion who had so changed her life.

Returning to the castle, Twilight and Derran dropped off Flurry Heart, and spent an hour to shower and dress before joining the rest of their group. The quintet of Spike, Twilight, Cadence, Shining Armor, and Derran Grandel then set out for the restaurant. The sun had set, but enough light still remained to dim the stars slightly as the moon began to peek over the horizon. Throughout Ponyville, buildings were lit from within by the refulgent glow of candles and magically powered lamps. As the group walked through the still-busy streets, the hum of the Ponyville's nightlife created a pleasant background noise.

Walking side by side, the Doom Slayer and Cadence had at some point wandered ahead of their main group. Derran suspected this was more by design than accident. Cadence was undoubtedly setting the pace, and it seemed likely she had wanted to talk to him alone.

"So, did you three have fun?" Cadence asked Derran with a smile, as they headed down the road toward the restaurant. Derran nodded, favoring Cadence with his habitual gentle grin.

"We did indeed, Lady Cadenza. It has been a long time since I was able to so thoroughly enjoyed myself," he responded.

"Did Flurry behave herself?" Cadence asked conversationally, and Derran nodded.

"She was a bit fussy at times, but overall I have seldom met so clever, or well behaved, a child. You and Lord Shining have much to be proud of," he said, his tone faintly wistful. Cadence let out a laugh.

"She's usually a real hooffull. I can't count the number of times she's covered me and her father in mashed peas, or made us chase after her when it was time for bed. You're a true natural with children," she remarked. Derran simply grinned, taking the compliment in stride.

"The secret to keeping children close is to tell them to seek the horizon, and the the secret to keeping them still, is to tell them to run," Derran stated with a chuckle. Cadence glanced up at the Doom Slayer with an upraised eyebrow. "Old Kemedian proverb," he explained. "Essentially, children shall always do the opposite of what their elders tell them." Cadence nodded.

"Any other words of wisdom for new parents?" Cadence asked with a smirk.

Derran paused, and for an instant Cadence saw a strange look flit across his face. For a single instant, Cadence saw a look of infinite pain and regret appear on the Doom Slayer's features. However, Derran's voice betrayed nothing as he replied.

"Treasure every waking moment you spend with your child, and even should it require all else to be cast into oblivion... protect her."

Cadence mulled over the strange advice for a moment before opening her mouth to ask a question, but it died on her lips as they reached their destination. The restaurant was an imposing clapboard-sided, white building, with large paired hooded windows, and a towering cupola dominating the center. An extensive porch with white milled railings extended across one side of the building, and the steeply pitched gable roof was accentuated with decorative panels and fan brackets. The overall layout put one in mind of a large Victorian manor house that had been carefully converted to an upscale restaurant. A ornate sign in front of the building proclaimed it as The Golden Crown Inn.

"Wow, how did you even know about this place, Cadence?" Twilight asked in an impressed voice, as she, Shining, and Spike caught up with Derran and her sister-in-law.

"A friend in the Crystal Empire recommended it," Cadence replied with a smile. "He said the food was to die for and that they had live music every night. What do you think?" she asked.

"I think you're trying too hard to impress us, honey." Shining commented, with a light laugh. Cadence shot her husband a look of feigned irritation.

"Guess this explains why we all had to dress up, huh?" Spike whispered to Twilight, who nodded her agreement, privately wishing she had chosen a nicer dress. She was wearing a simple jet black dress gown embroidered with purple lilies that matched her coat. Meanwhile Spike, and Shining, had chosen a white and black tux respectively. While Cadence had worn a sea green dress trimmed in gold, and stitched with designs in the shape of roses and vines. Derran had simply gone with the dressy shirt, cravat, vest, jacket, dress pant ensemble he had worn the previous day, freshly laundered, and with a Lovers' Blessing flower he had taken from the vase in his room pinned to his lapel.

An earth pony stallion with a grey coat and perfectly parted black mane, wearing an immaculate tuxedo, and sporting a pencil-thin mustache glanced up at them as they approached. His expression swiftly went from bored to open-mouthed astonishment upon recognizing the group before him. Seeing the Princess of Friendship arrive for dinner would have been surprising enough in itself, but add to that the royal family of the Crystal Empire, and the imposing figure of the Doom Slayer, and it was enough to stun even the best trained professional into a gawking silence.

"We have a reservation at seven, Cadence party of five?" Cadence prompted with a smile. To his credit, the maitre'd rallied exceptionally well, glancing at the reservation list with only a minimum of stumbling.

"Ah, yes of course, right this way your highness's," he replied in a tone of heavily restrained excitement, grabbing five menus and motioning them inside. As they entered the building, Derran noticed the impression of a multi-room structure as seen from the outside, was actually a clever ruse. The interior was almost entirely one room, broken only by support beams of lacquered oak, carved into the shapes of large ponies standing on their back legs, forelegs raised as if in rapturous celebration to meet the ceiling. Lush red carpeting covered the floor, from wall to paneled oak wall. The windows were flanked by golden curtains stitched with vine-like scrollwork in silver thread. Dotting the room were circular tables covered in dark purple silk table cloths, with white cloth napkins and perfectly polished silver, and lit at the center by a brightly flickering arrangement of candles. All the tables were placed in a semi-circle around a modest stage covered by black, crushed velvet curtains. Derran marveled that the entire structure seemed larger on the inside than it appeared outside, and suspected that magic might have been used to expand the interior. All told, it was quite a pleasant place.

Most of the tables were packed with ponies, talking, laughing and eating, but as they caught sight of the newest party being led to their table, a hush rippled outward, the din of conversation being replaced by excited whispers. Slowing his pace, Derran fell into step beside Twilight who seemed slightly embarrassed at all the stares being thrown their way. As they reached the table, ignoring the stares and whispers, Derran swiftly pulled out a chair for Twilight. Blushing at the gesture, Twilight took the offered seat, taking comfort in Derran's staunch refusal to acknowledge the gawking of the ponies around them.

"Thank you Derran," she stated softly, as her crush gently pushed the chair in.

"My pleasure, Lady Twilight," he responded with a slight bow, before taking his own seat right next to Twilight. After they were all comfortably seated, the maitre'd clapped his hooves, and several ponies in near-identical tuxedo attire, appeared almost from thin air, to place menus and glasses of ice water in front of each of them, before once again disappearing.

"Would you like to hear a list of tonight's specials, your majesties?" the maitre'd inquired, his eyes flicking between the assembled royals and Derran.

"Yes, thank you," Cadence replied cheerfully. As the pony began rattling off the various dishes on special that evening, Derran was only half listening as he scanned the room. Glancing around while pretending to look at his menu, Derran calculated escape routes, possible points of attack, likely spots for an ambush, and countless other hypothetical dangers. Had anypony been able to read Derran's thoughts at that moment, they would likely have accused him of being paranoid. However, he told himself, paranoia had nothing to do with it; it was simply a reflexive response, ingrained by countless battles, and centuries of being under constant threat. Derran didn't notice that the waiter had finished his spiel until Cadence asked him a question.

"What about you Derran?" She asked with a smile.

"Jasmine tea would be lovely," he responded, taking an educated guess at the question, based on the reappeared waiters staring at him expectantly.

"Excellent choice, sir," the maitre'd replied, confirming Derran's instincts had been correct. As the wait's ponies dispersed, Derran suppressed a thought in the back of his head that this would be a perfect opportunity for an enemy to poison the Princesses. "This is not some back ally den of vipers, Derran, get a hold on your imagination." Derran mentally admonished himself, yet even so, it did little good. How could he be sure that the cooks hadn't been compromised? A reservation had been made, which meant there had been time for a clever infiltrator to make the necessary arrangements for an attack. With Ladies Twilight and Cadence present, this would have been a golden opportunity for any enemy of the Seraphs to slay both with little effort. Derran felt his hands tighten into fists at the thought, as he let out a deep breath.

"Derran? Is something wrong?" Twilight asked, noticing Derran's odd behavior. Derran glanced down into Twilight's eyes, noting the concern within them, as he felt his sudden attack of paranoia abate slightly. If an enemy such as the one he imagined truly did exist, then they would have carried out their attack long before now. However, despite this realisation, Derran's fists remained tightly clenched, until Twilight placed her hoof on his arm. Derran couldn't have said why, but suddenly he felt completely at ease. Almost without thinking about it, he relaxed his fists, and took Twilight's hoof in his hand. A small voice in the back of his mind asked what he thought he was doing, but he ignored it in favor of the pleasant calm that now settled over him as he regarded Twilight's two lovely violet orbs.

"No milady, just. . . just wondering if I made enough food for Lady Flurry Heart's dinner," he said with a smile. For a time (how long neither could have said) the Princess and Doom Slayer simply stared into one another's eyes. The spell was broken only when somepony nearby loudly cleared their throat. Snapping out of the reverie, Twilight and Derran's hand and hoof parted as though receiving a mutual electric shock. Twilight fumbled to pick up her menu and bury her face in it, while Derran suddenly sat ramrod straight, staring ahead with an expression of fierce concentration. Meanwhile, Cadence suppressed a devilish smile. However, as the Princess of the Crystal Empire opened her mouth to speak, the waiters and maitre'd returned with their drinks.

"Are you ready to order?" asked the maitre'd. Hiding her annoyance at the interruption, Cadence shook her head.

"I think we all could use a few minutes, actually," she replied, with a warm smile.

"Of course, Your Majesty, in the meantime allow me to fetch you some hors d'oeuvres, complements of the house," the maitre'd replied eagerly.

"Thank you, that's very generous of you," Cadence stated happily, even as she restrained her desire to question Derran and her sister in law. Nodding, the maitre'd and his entourage of waitstaff departed. However, Cadence once more found herself interrupted.

"So Derran, how do you like modern Equestria? I'm guessing it's changed a lot in the last thousand years," Shining Armor asked, not noticing his wife's faint expression of petulant disappointment. Derran nodded.

"It has indeed, Equestria has come far since the age I was last here. The old city of Bridledown did not survive the ceaseless march of time, but Ponyville is just as, if not more, magnificent than the town I knew so long ago," Derran remarked with a smile.

"Bridledown?" Shining asked, confused at the name.

"The original capital of Equestria," Twilight chimed in helpfully. "It was built around the Castle of the Two Sisters over a thousand years ago, but was later abandoned, and fell to ruin," she explained enthusiastically. Shining nodded.

"Wow!" Shining exclaimed, impressed. "So you really saw Equestria way back then? Just how old are you?" Derran stroked his chin as he thought about his answer.

"I would say about twelve hundred thirty seven years old or so, granted I am not certain how accurate that is. Time tends to blur when you have lived as long as I have," He explained. Shining let out a low whistle.

" Whoa, that's amazing-- so that means you're nearly the same age as Celestia and Luna. Do all humans live that long?" asked Spike, to which Derran shook his head.

"No, a typical human life rarely lasts longer than a century. I am. . . an aberration in that regard," Derran explained, before deciding to change the subject. "Lady Cadence, you said this restaurant provided live musical entertainment--correct?" Cadence nodded.

"Yes, my friend in the Crystal Empire said they were actually quite famous for it. Every night they have a local band from Ponyville play here, though sometimes they get bands from out of town. I'm surprised they haven't started yet."

Catching the attention of a nearby waiter, Cadence motioned him over. The stallion was rather young, with a sandy coat and white mane, wearing a tuxedo that was just a bit too large for him, and clearly nervous at having been singled out by one of the most powerful ponies in Equestria.

"W-what can I do for you mam-I mean, Your Majesty?" he stuttered.

"I was just wondering if the music was going to start soon? I've heard a lot about the performances here, and I was really looking forward to it," Cadence explained gently, giving the slightly flustered waiter her most beneficent smile. Reassured by Cadence's calm words and sweet expression, the waiter seemed to grow a little more sure of himself.

"Well, I don't really know myself, Your Majesty. Gimme a sec and I'll check with the manager," he replied, to which Cadence nodded and gave another smile.

"Thank you very much, Mr. . ."

"Maple Scone" He replied.

"Mr. Maple Scone," Cadence repeated in a motherly tone, making the waiter smile proudly as he left to find the manager.

"So Twilight, what did you, Derran, and Flurry do while Cadence and I were relaxing?" Shining asked, as Cadence turned back to face them. As Twilight began regaling Shining, Spike and her sister-in-law with the tale of the day's events, Derran watched the waiter walk away. Again he felt a faint flare of paranoia as a voice in his head stated that the waiter had been acting far too nervous to be legitimate. As he watched, the waiter approached a large, slightly rotund, pony dressed in the garb of a chef. The pony initially looked annoyed until Maple Scone started speaking to him. Derran frowned as the chef (who he could only assume to be the restaurant manager) appeared first annoyed and then worried. Glancing over at Cadence's table, the chef regarded the assembled ponies, and Derran watched as the manager's expression became one of fear.

"Please excuse me everypony," Derran stated apologetically, as he rose to his feet.

"What's up, Derran?" Spike asked, glancing at him from around his menu.

"Nothing of any great concern, Master Spike, I just need to verify something," he replied with a reassuring smile, even as he kept one eye on the waiter and manager.

"But we're just about to order," protested Twilight. Derran paused for a moment, before glancing down at Twilight.

"Then might I trouble you to order something for me, my Lady?" he asked gently. Twilight's confusion over Derran's actions was instantly replaced with a sudden feeling of elation. In many of the books Twilight had read while doing her relationship research, ponies ordering for one another was regarded as a highly romantic gesture. The thought that Derran, of all ponies, would ask her to do such a thing made her all but melt.

"Are. . . are you sure?" Twilight asked, struggling not to let her emotions run away with her.

"Indeed, I have every confidence that whatever selection you make will be perfect," Derran stated with every sign of sincerity. Feeling the blood rushing to her face Twilight buried her face in her menu again.

"A-alright then," Twilight replied, her voice sounding far higher than normal.

"Thank you Lady Twilight." Derran stated, before turning and heading toward the manager on the other side of the restaurant. However he made it only three quarters of the way when a faintly familiar voice hailed him.

"Hey, Derran, what's up?!" The exuberant voice, instantly directed the attention of everypony in the immediate vicinity to the alien warrior, who cursed under his breath. He had been hoping to reach his destination with a minimum of notice. However, recovering swiftly, Derran subtly adjusted his course to make it appear as if the table the voice had come from had been his intended destination all along.

"Lady Pinkamena, Lady Maud, I thought I might have seen you earlier," he greeted jovially, seeking to further sell the illusion that none of this was unexpected. "Do you often eat here?" he asked, stopping at their table and flashing them a winning smile.

"No, but my sister insisted we celebrate." Maude replied, in the same odd, deadpan monotone that Derran recalled from earlier that day.

"Oh?" Derran replied with only slightly feigned interest. Truth be told, he was mildly curious as to why they were here. This restaurant didn't really seem to fit what little he knew of Pinkie's demeanor.

"Yep!" Pinkie replied excitedly. "Today is the one-month anniversary of Maud's move to Ponyville!" She practically shouted, pulling a party horn seemingly from thin air and giving it an enthusiastic blow, much to the consternation of the nearby tables.

"Ah, well I just wanted to say a quick hello on behalf of myself and Lady Twilight, so I shall wish you a pleasant evening," Derran stated warmly, hoping to end the conversation without too much trouble.

"Oki doki loki," Pinkie stated happily.

"Don't be a stranger," Maud added, and again Derran heard that phantasm of emotion in her voice that from anypony else he would have labeled enthusiasm. Giving a warm smile and a polite bow, Derran made to turn around, pretending to stop and glance at the manager as though seeing him for the first time. Walking swiftly toward the pony in chef's garb, Derran put on his most personable smile. As he drew closer he noted the pony had a yellow coat, curly orange mane, and cutie mark depicting sliced carrots being added to a pot of what Derran could only assume was stew.

"Excuse me, my good stallion," Derran greeted happily. "Might you be the owner of this fine establishment?" he asked, as if he had no idea. The stallion in question froze for an almost imperceptible instant at finding Derran addressing him directly, a reaction that served to ratchet up the Doom Slayer's paranoia another few notches.

"Yes sir, Mister Grandel," replied the pony, clearly struggling not to stare at Derran's imposing form. Deciding to cut right to the heart of the matter, Derran spoke in a tone of simple curiosity.

"Is everything alright? You seem nervous," he inquired. The effect was immediate. The orange maned pony looked petrified for an instant, and Derran tensed, half expecting the pony to yell out an order to attack. Instead, the pony let out a heavy sigh, before looking shamefacedly down at the floor.

"I suppose it was foolish to try to get anything past the hero of Ponyville," he admitted, and Derran's eyes narrowed as he prepared for a battle. "I'm sorry, but I don't think there will be any music tonight," the pony explained. Derran instantly did a double take.

"Forgive me but, what?" Derran asked, his expression becoming one of confusion. The pony cringed at Derran's tone of faint annoyance.

"Well, the lead vocalist of the band we had scheduled for tonight came down with a nasty case of red fever, and had to go home; she just left. I'm so sorry, I know your party was looking forward to hearing them play." The pony bowed his head as Derran struggled to wipe the look of confusion from his face.

"What?" He blurted out again without thinking, as his paranoia gave way to a combination of embarrassment and shame. The pony before him glanced warily up from his bow, confusion etched on his face.

"Isn't that why you're here?" he asked uncertainly. Marshaling his thoughts, Derran forced himself to give a warm smile.

"Actually, I just wanted to extend my Ladies' thanks for the free hors d'oeuvres," he lied, mentally berating himself for being a paranoid idiot. "But seeing as you have brought this matter to my attention, I suppose it behooves me to help you remedy it," Derran said, as his mind, well practiced in making plans on the fly, conjured a method that might both amend his misjudgment of this stallion's character, while giving Twilight, Cadence, Spike, and Shining Armor an evening they would not soon forget.

"Really? How?" the manager asked curiously. Derran smiled.

"Tell me. . ." He said, glancing at the currently unoccupied stage. "Is the band in question still here?"

Twilight glanced up and down the menu trying to decide what Derran would like, and feeling an ever rising panic as she reviewed her choices. "Charred asparagus with whipped herbed red potatoes, and grilled portabello mushrooms? Minestrone soup with zucchini pancakes covered in herbed cheddar sauce? Baked eggplant stuffed with daisies and violets, with a side of hay fries? Rigatoni and red sauce, with roasted peppers and scallions? Why do there have to be so many choices?!" However Twilight's frenzied mental debate was suddenly interrupted by Cadence audibly clearing her throat.

"You know, I always wondered what kind of pony you would fall in love with," she stated conversationally, a sly smile adorning her features. Twilight instantly froze, her mind seizing up, and her menu falling from her disrupted levitation aura with a faint thud. For several seconds, Twilight was incapable of movement or speech, as her eyes darted to the positions formerly occupied by her brother and number one assistant. "Don't worry-- Spike, and Shining went to the restroom, it's just us girls now," Cadence stated in answer to Twilight's unspoken question.

"How did you. . .," Twilight trailed off. Cadence responded by giving her sister a smug look before flicking her eyes at her own flank. "Right," Twilight responded in a deadpan tone, recalling the crystal heart cutie mark hidden by her sister-in-law's dress.

"Honestly though, Twilight, you aren't exactly subtle about it. I've seen avalanches that were more discreet. So when did you tell him? And don't skimp on the details, I want to hear everything," Cadence stated with a salacious grin. Twilight, however, suddenly looked oddly depressed.

"I. . . I haven't," She replied lamely.

"Haven't what?" Cadence asked, her tone becoming one of mild confusion.

"I haven't told him how I feel." Twilight responded, a hint of bitterness creeping into her voice. Cadence gave her sister-in-law a look of faint disbelief.

"Why not? It's obvious you love him, and I get the impression he might like you, so why-"

"Because I don't know why!" Twilight all but yelled. "I love him so much it hurts! But every time I try to explain why, all I can come up with is stupid generic reasons!" Twilight stated, her bitterness and frustration dripping from every word. Cadence was taken aback momentarily by her sister-in-law's angry declaration.

"Explain," she stated, her voice becoming one of motherly concern. Twilight hesitated for a moment, before describing the advice Rarity had given her, and her struggle to quantify her feelings. Cadence absorbed the information in silence.

"And so, as it stands I only have one reason why he appeals to me alone, and I can't go into a relationship with just that!" Twilight concluded, her misery plain to behold. Cadence gave Twilight an appraising look.

"Tell me, Twilight, what are some of these 'generic' reasons you like Derran?" she asked calmly. Twilight didn't even need to think about it as she replied.

"He's kind, thoughtful, hard working; he's humble and never sees himself as above anypony. He's confident, he never breaks his word, and he's incredibly smart. And when somepony needs help, he's the first to step forward. Whenever I'm around him, I feel more confident; when he's at my side, I know I can handle whatever life throws at me. He's great with kids, he loves to read, and. . . and whenever I'm with him, I feel. . . I don't know. . . complete. Like a part of me I never knew was missing has come back to me."

Twilight's words were passionate, and Cadence could feel the conviction in every syllable. However, the instant the list ended Twilight's expression fell, and her tone became dejected. "But that's what everypony likes about him. . ." She trailed off miserably, placing her head despondently on the table in front of her. However, to her unconcealed surprise, Cadence simply shrugged.

"So?" she asked, causing Twilight to look up at her in confusion. "Honestly, Twilight, I think those are all excellent reasons to start a relationship." Cadence stated confidently.

"But Rarity--" Twilight began, only for Cadence to cut her off.

"I'm positive Rarity would agree with me. She never told you the reasons you liked him couldn't be universal did she?" Cadence asked.

"Well. . . no, but--"

"Twilight, trust me when I say you're overthinking this," Cadence stated, cutting Twilight off once more. "Do you think all the reasons I love Shining are exclusive only to me? I would bet anything that a lot of the reasons I love Shining as my husband, are the same reasons you love him as your big brother. Does that mean I'm not allowed to love him for those reasons?" Cadance demanded.

"Of course not." Twilight replied instantly.

"Well, there you go then," Cadence declared. "Twilight, it's obvious to me that you have more than just some simple crush on this stallion. Take my word for it, you definitely love him, and based on what you just told me, it's for plenty of good reasons. Now to be fair, I can't say for certain what Derran's feelings for you are. I get the feeling that he likes you, but at the same time I'm not quite sure. Maybe it has to do with him being a human, but he is insanely hard to read. Regardless, you'll never know if you don't try," Cadence stated, placing a sisterly hoof on Twilight's shoulder. However, before Twilight could formulate a response, a familiar voice interrupted.

"We're back! Did we miss anything?" Shining Armor asked cheerily, as he and Spike took their respective seats.

"Just some private girl talk between sisters-in-law," Cadence replied with a surreptitious wink at Twilight, who responded with a grateful smile.

"Great, so are you two ready to order? I am starving," Shining replied with a grin.

"I second that," Spike added.

"Yes, I think we're ready. Twilight?" Cadence asked, with a glance at her sister in law.

"Yeah, I think I'm ready, and I'm pretty sure I know what to get for Derran," Twilight responded with a nod, feeling as if a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders by her conversation with Cadence.

"Say, where is Derran? I'd have thought he'd be back by now?" Shining asked, glancing around in an attempt to locate their alien companion. Twilight, Spike, and Cadence also tried to determine Derran's whereabouts but were forced to give up when the waiter arrived to take their order and present them with the plate of complementary hors d'oeuvres. Placing their orders and exclaiming there gratitude for the artfully sliced vegetables with whipped cheese and pepper dip, the group looked around again for their missing friend.

"Huh, I wonder where--," Spike began, only to be interrupted by the maitre'd speaking into a microphone on the stage.

"Fillies, and gentlecolts," he began, with a showpony's smile. "First, we wish to thank you for your patience in waiting for this evening's entertainment. Second, I am sorry to say that due to unavoidable complications, we are only going to be able to put on a show of two songs." This was greeted with sounds of confusion, and one or two shouts of anger; however, the maitre'd was unmoved, continuing to smile as if he heard none of it. "I understand that some of you may find this less than ideal, but it was necessary to accommodate the brief time our vocalist has." At this admission, Twilight and Spike looked at one another with disbelieving expressions.

"You don't think. . .," Spike trailed off as the maitre'd gestured with a hoof at the parting curtains.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, please join me in welcoming. . . The Soulmares, and guest vocalist. . . DERRAN GRANDEL!" he declared, as the enormous black velvet curtain whisked aside to reveal Derran and the band, to the stunned amazement of all present. Ponies glanced at one another in wide eyed confusion, and Twilight heard a number of ponies asking in hushed tones if Derran was even able to sing. Twilight already knew the answer to that question, but found herself struggling to imagine what song Derran could possibly know that would fit this situation. Striding up to the mic, Derran spoke into it with the same calm tone Twilight knew so well.

"Good evening everypony. I must apologize that I can grant only a brief performance. But as I am here with friends, I am afraid it is all the time I can spare, and I humbly ask your understanding," he explained with an apologetic bow. "Now, before we get started, I would like to thank Lady Pinkamina Diane Pie for so generously providing us with the sheet music for tonight's songs." A polite smattering of applause greeted this pronouncement as the band finished a few tiny adjustments on their instruments. "Now then, this first song is called: Neverneverland."

The song began with one of the band ponies beginning to pluck out a simple tune on his guitar, with a drummer and pianist adding in their sounds shortly after. The melody alone was filled with emotion, evoking thoughts of romance, and strength, yet at the same time it felt gentle and old fashioned. Then Derran began to sing, and the ponies assembled felt their breath taken away.


With his head lightly bobbing and foot tapping to the song's rhythm, Derran looked out at the audience through half-lidded eyes. He was hunched over slightly with one hand thrust into his pocket while the other held the mic. His body language matched the song's tone perfectly, conveying a sort of exhausted hope that unfailingly reflected the emotions the song inspired. As the shock of hearing Derran sing for the first time wore off, the ponies found their bodies swaying to the music, their eyes closed as they lost themselves in visions of long roads traveled, love won and lost, and a life lived in search of an impossibility, yet filled with hope. As Derran sang, Twilight felt her heart swell and fall with the music; to her it was as beautiful as anything she had ever heard filling her alternatingly with a sad longing and unbridled passion.

The song ended to raucous cheers and thunderous applause, as Derran and the band members waved and bowed their thanks. Pinky Pie was, per usual, the loudest, screaming her head off in approval, while waving a large blue pennant saying "Go Derran" in blocky white letters, and her face painted as if she were a hoofball fan. Twilight meanwhile, surreptitiously swallowed the drool that had accumulated in her mouth and shifted uncomfortably in her seat, while simultaneously blushing and praying Derran would choose a slightly less. . . stimulating, song for his second performance. As the applause died away, Derran motioned for quiet as he once again addressed the room.

"I am glad you all enjoyed that and even more grateful that I was able to avoid irrevocably embarrassing myself publicly," he said with a wry grin, the audience responding with smiles and light laughter. "Now, I would like to dedicate this next song to Lady Mi Amore Cadenza and Lord Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire, in honor of their visit. The song is entitled She is Love. Please enjoy."

The song opened with the gentle notes of the electric guitarist, but this time the rhythm was smoother and more melodic. The sound was almost tragic at first, low and sorrowful, and indeed so too was the first line or two of the lyrics.

She is love

Twilight, and indeed all those present, were blown away by the sudden, yet seamless, shift in tone. The lyrics and sound suddenly transitioned from beaten down and tragic to one of the most hope-filled and inspiring songs anypony present had ever heard. Twilight felt her heart swell with joy, even as she felt her eyes rim with tears. Holding the mic, Derran enhanced the effect of the song with simple gestures of his hands and arms, subtle movements that gave a visual narrative of the emotions the lyrics were supposed to convey. Even the expressions on Derran's face were part of the performance. As with his gestures, the effect was subtle, but nonetheless enhanced the effect of the words in a way that few could have explained. A gentle smile here, a prolonged closing of the eyes there, and even a longing glance on occasion. What's more, the song itself was a perfect choice-- it could almost have been written specifically for Cadence. And Twilight wondered if somehow Derran had written it himself at some point that evening.

As the song faded, Cadence struggled to maintain her composure, even as Shining wiped a profusion of tears from his face with a napkin. As a princess she was used to ponies giving her special consideration, even as she wished they would just treat her like anypony else. She had been presented with piles of gems, paintings of herself that displayed her as far more flawless than she knew she was, and endless other trinkets and baubles from nobility seeking her favor. None even came close to moving her as much as this one song. Like so many other things, the song idealized her actions, yet seemed to do so in such a way as to encourage, rather than praise. Hearing the lyrics made her feel like she wanted to live up to them, making her want to be a better leader, wife, and mother. It was easily one of the most wonderful gifts she had ever received.

As the last notes of the song died away, the ponies cheered and applauded so loudly that the entire structure shook. Even the waitstaff had paused in their duties to applaud and whistle, many displaying tear-stained faces that nevertheless shone with bright smiles. Derran bowed, before gesturing to the band behind him with a grateful smile.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, a round of applause for our truly stellar entertainers this evening, the Soulmares!" he declared enthusiastically, stepping aside so that the four ponies manning the instruments could take center stage. Another cacophony of cheers and applause greeted the four musicians as they took their bows. As they did, Derran smiled, gesturing to each pony in turn. "On drums, Master Beatmane! On acoustic and electric guitar, Lady Rhythm Hoof! On Bass guitar, Master Heart Tone! And last, but far from least, Lady Soul Chime on piano and synthesizer!" Each introduction was met with another round of stomping applause and cheering approval, as the entertainers each took an individual bow, grateful that Derran was taking the time to highlight their contribution. However, as they turned away from the cheering crowd to thank him, he was already walking away. . .

Twilight watched as Derran strode off the stage, winding his way slowly back toward their table. As he went, he was continuously followed by ponies stomping their hooves in applause or whistling their appreciation for his vocal performance, to which he responded with a polite nod or wave. At one point he was delayed briefly by Pinky Pie who exchanged a few quick words with him, the whole while looking as excited a foal on hearth's warming eve. As they finished, Pinky shot back to her table in a magenta blur of motion, as Derran shook his head and continued on. Finally taking his seat, Derran glanced over at Twilight and the others with a self deprecating smile.

"Apologies, everypony, I know I should not have kept you waiting like that. Please forgive me," he declared sincerely. Twilight opened her mouth to reply, but Shining beat her to it.

"Forget that! Derran, that was AMAZING! Where in Equestria did you learn to sing like that?!" he demanded, giving Derran an incredulous expression. For an instant Twilight thought she saw something approximating discomfort cross Derran's face, but it was gone before she could be certain.

"Oh, here and there," he said evasively. Then Cadence chimed in.

"I'm kind of curious myself, Derran. Twilight and Spike told us about that marching song you sang for them the other day. But there's no way you could have gotten that good without at least a little formal training," she stated, looking at Derran expectantly. Derran stayed quiet for a moment, as if internally debating what to say. Finally, he spoke.

"My wife. . . she was the reason," he said, his tone hesitant. Instantly, the whole table was silenced. Then after a long uncomfortable pause, Cadence finally spoke in a voice filled with sympathy.

"I. . . I'm sorry Derran, I didn't mean to. . .I had no idea-," she began, but Derran cut her off with a raised hand.

"It is alright milady, you did not know," he said. Placing her hoof on Derran's arm, Twilight gave him a concerned look.

"You don't need to tell us," she said softly. Derran turned to favor Twilight with a grateful smile, and she blushed faintly as he placed his hand over her hoof in gratitude, before replying.

"It is alright Lady Twilight, I will be fine." He turned to address the rest of the table. "My wife and I lived in a small town just outside of the capital of my home country Khemed, called Stalhime. Not long after we moved there, Kira discovered the local tavern had a karaoke night every weekend. After we attended one night, she fell in love with it. Unfortunately, back then I was an absolutely abysmal singer. Kira, however, was an undiscovered prodigy; her voice was the talk of the town for months after her first performance. And I daresay that much of the weekend traffic at the tavern was entirely her doing," Derran explained, actually managing to chuckle slightly at the memory.

"So how did you get so good then?" Spike asked, slightly confused, and to his surprise, Derran actually laughed.

"Well, to put it bluntly, Kira forced me to learn," he said with a smile. Twilight looked at Derran in mild shock at the idea of anypony forcing him to do anything. "She downloaded copies of every song she could get her hands on and made me sing along to them every day as I worked in the fields using my oracle."

"What's an oracle?" Spike asked, mildly confused.

"It was a common piece of magetech used for communication and entertainment, one such function being the storage of recorded visual and auditory information," Derran explained, and Twilight had to suppress a sudden desire to write down what he was saying, while Spike nodded. "Every evening after dinner, Kira had me sing for her, and then would offer me advice on how I could improve my performance. It took quite a bit of time, but eventually I was able to sing well enough to keep from embarrassing myself every Saturday. And after a few years of intense, and constant practice, I became almost Kira's equal." Derran gave a wistful smile as he looked over at the stage. "Even after more than eleven hundred years, it seems I still have all those songs etched indelibly into my mind. . ." Twilight started to nod, before suddenly being struck by a thought.

"Hold on. If those songs were from your world. . . where did you get the sheet music from?" she asked in confusion. Derran chuckled, as he responded.

"Simple, I asked Lady Pinkamena," he declared, as if that explained everything.

"But. . . where did she get them?" Spike asked, even more flummoxed than Twilight. Derran shrugged.

"Weirds are not bound by conventions such as space or time; for them, all things are possible as long as they believe them to be so. I am no expert, but if I had to hazard a guess, I would say she likely pulled them from another reality where they existed." Twilight stared at Derran in shock.

"Can she even DO that?!" she asked, her mind boggling at the sheer magnitude of such an act. Derran nodded.

"Indeed, though I sincerely doubt she is aware of it. The powers of weirds tend to work on an unconscious level. What they can do is generally limited only by their perception of possibility. When I asked her for the music I left out the part about it being from a world that no longer exists, and so, because she believed it could be found, she found it." Twilight felt her her mind begin to overflow with questions, however she was forestalled from asking them by Cadence.

"Well, Derran, regardless of the how's and why's, that was an incredible performance. Thank you, Shining and I will remember this night for the rest of our lives." Derran shook his head, opening his mouth he prepared to explain the truth: that the performance had been what amounted to an unofficial apology to the restaurant owner for Derran letting his paranoia get the better of him.

However, before he could begin, he was forestalled by the arrival of their meal. A moment later, as he stared at the artfully prepared summer squash ravioli with pomodoro sauce that Twilight had ordered for him, he decided to stay quiet. Derran was not a man to forgive his own sins lightly. He believed, had always believed, that a man must bear his misdeeds until those he had wronged released him from them. However, as he glanced at the smiling faces around him, he decided he could break that rule, this one time. . .

The remainder of the night was defined by good food and pleasant conversation, ending with delicious coffee and a wondrous berry tart with whipped cream. The walk home was equally pleasant, with Derran, Cadence, Shining and Twilight continuing to talk animatedly. Spike had nodded off at some point after desert and now was happily curled up on Twilight's back as they closed on the castle. However, on opening the door, they were struck with the full force of the chaos within.

Starlight Glimmer stood in the middle of the vast entryway with a shell-shocked expression, as though she had just survived a hurricane. Strewn about her were countless bits of detritus, including everything from sheaves of paper, and a number of (mercifully unsoiled) diapers, to a half dozen errant teacups. Wall hangings and paintings had either been pulled down or now hung crookedly on their hooks. Baby powder and mashed fruit paste were plastered to the walls, floors, and ceilings as if fired from a cannon. And above it all, a hyperactive and diaperless Flurry Heart flew around in circles at speeds that would have made Rainbow Dash dizzy, squealing excitedly at the top of her lungs. For several seconds, Derran and the others stared in shock at the devastation visited on the castle interior, before their eyes focused on Starlight's emotionally and physically exhausted form.

"Lady Starlight, what in the name of the holy seraphs happened here?" Derran asked, his tone surprisingly calm, given the state of the room they were in. Starlight looked at Derran with confused and desperate eyes.

"I have no idea!" she answered miserably. "Everything was fine until I fed her dinner, then she just went wild!" Starlight explained, her tone one of faint despondence, as if afraid she would be accused of lying.

"What did you feed her?!" Twilight demanded,more in shock than anger, as she surveyed the damage. "Raw espresso?!" Starlight opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off by Derran chuckling. All those present stared at Derran in confusion, as a bemused smile appeared on his face.

"Perhaps not espresso, but the baby food equivalent. I suspect that Lady Starlight gave miss Flurry the remains of the chocolate bar I bought her earlier today, is that correct?" he asked calmly, smiling at Starlight. Starlight gave Derran an expression of shocked surprise before nodding.

"Yeah, she was being such a good girl that I gave her what was left as a treat. But it was only half a bar!" Derran shook his head, the smile never leaving his face.

"Rookie error," he said, his grin widening, though his eyes were sympathetic, and Starlight relaxed. "A half a chocolate bar might not seem that much to you or me, but it is more than enough sugar and caffeine to give a baby an instant supercharged high. That is why you must only ever give them small pieces at intervals, so they can burn off the additional energy at a steady rate. Give them too much too fast, and you will find yourself with a mountain of trouble in a very small package," he explained.

"So, how do we stop it?" asked Cadence, making a mental note to contact Derran in the future whenever she had questions about parenting. Derran looked at the circling Flurry speculatively.

"How long since you gave her the chocolate?" he asked, glancing at a rapidly recovering Starlight. The knowledge that Derran had a plan did wonders for her frazzled state of mind.

"About two hours ago," she replied, and Derran nodded.

"That should be about enough, the candle that burns twice as bright, burns three times as quickly. All we need to do is get her to hold still for a bit."

"Oh, is that all?" Starlight declared sarcastically, her mind focused by a distinct stab of irritation. After all, what did Derran think she had been doing? Ignoring Starlight's annoyed tone, Derran nodded.

"Indeed, once Flurry's body has a chance to realize how much energy she has expended, it should begin to shut down." Starlight arched a mildly disbelieving eyebrow.

"And how do you suggest we do that, oh wise one?" she asked, sarcasm practically dripping from her words. Starlight knew she was being rude, but given how insane the last two hours of her life had been, she just didn't give a buck. Derran smiled.

"One more performance should do it." Derran stated softly, though it was unclear whether he was addressing Starlight or himself. Taking a deep breath, Derran began a song, one which he never believed he would need again...

Blue Sky Blue

As Derran sang the ancient song, Flurry fell silent and stopped her gyrations. Hovering in place, she was held as if hypnotized before beginning to slowly float down to earth, and she wasn't the only one to be spellbound. Even without needing to be told, the assembled ponies could feel this song was special. From the way Derran sang it, to the words within it, they could tell that this song meant more to Derran than mere words could explain. This song was not meant for an audience, nor meant for mere entertainment; this was a song to be heard only by those few who held a special place in Derran's heart. Never to be requested on a whim, this song was one only to be sung in the presence of those who Derran had chosen to gift it... and it was beautiful.

Those assembled did not realize they had been crying until the song's last note had faded into silence. More than once, ponies had been moved to tears by the emotions conjured by the songs Derran had sung. But this was different, this was not "moved to tears," this was ponies truly weeping. Yet... had they been asked, none could have said what was so sad about the song. It was not a mournful song by any stretch, if anything it was wonderfully sweet-- but somehow, all save Flurry Heart and the sleeping Spike, found themselves fighting tooth and nail to avoid breaking down sobbing. Cadence continually wiped her face clean with the back of her hoof. Yet despite her best efforts, she could not stem the steady trickle of liquid from her eyes, even as Derran presented her exhausted daughter to her.

"You all head off to bed. . . I shall take care of the clean up," he said softly. Cadence nodded.

"Thank you. . . for sharing that, and. . . thank you," she replied, unable to complete her thought, and with a voice heavy with emotion. Derran nodded, as the assembled ponies headed silently to bed, unable to think of any words to express how they felt. Only one turned back. . .

"Derran?" Twilight asked, not certain what she wanted to say, but intent on saying it anyway.

"Milady?" Derran responded, trying to avoid showing how his last performance of the night had left him feeling. Twilight hesitated.

"That song. . ." She trailed off, and Derran nodded. It was all the confirmation Twilight needed, as she turned to head upstairs. Now was not the time to say what she wanted to say. Not now, not after that. . . not after Derran had sung his long dead daughter's favorite lullaby. . .