Shimmering Night

by PinkiePieFox

First published

To everypony, the night sky is a beautiful sight to behold. On one night however, Star Shadow saw only sorrow in the sky.

To everypony, the night sky is a beautiful sight to behold. On one night however, Star Shadow saw only sorrow in the sky. On a lonely night such as this will the stars move deeper towards sorrow or will something change its direction ?

(I plan on this only being a few chapters long. This is my frist story i've wrote in a very long time. And my first Fan Fiction ever. So please do enjoy it! Also, I love feedback. As I am new at this and very rusty anything positive will help greatly. Thank You!)

Chapter 1 - A Shimmering Night

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The night was shimmering. The stars shined and flickered all throughout the night’s sky. Even knowing the sky was beautiful beyond compare, and the stars shimmered like diamonds upon a black canvas, it felt, oddly sad to Star Shadow, as he looked up into the violet sky.

Star Shadow always loved the night sky, and once the Princess of the night had returned he had found a new respect for it. On that night, all those many months ago, the night sky had changed; it had become something far more beautiful than he had ever laid eyes upon, though tonight, he felt as if the stars were telling him a story; A long sad story of loneliness, and sorrow.

Star Shadow was a violet adult unicorn with a black and navy blue mane, with a matching tail. His eyes were hazel, and he had a cutie mark of a four-pointed star. He had earned his mark while star gazing one night, years ago.

/||~~·~~Star Shadow Age Eight~~·~~||\

He loved the stars shimmering brilliance they had always fascinated him. That night he was going on a field trip with his class to a local park, just outside of Trottingham. The only location safe enough for a bunch of school fillies and colts to have a campout, and still be able to see the night sky so close to the city. The sky was clear, only a few clouds, but because they were so close to the city there was very few stars that could be seen through the cities glow.

Even knowing this Star Shadow was happy, he had the chance to see the night sky. To see the stars. As he gazed upon the few visible flickers of light within the night, the sparkling brilliance entranced him. He smiled into the night as a star shimmered brighter and then the skies above them light up. Throughout the night sky, the stars appeared suddenly cutting through the light of the nearby city.

It was amazing. All of the ponies gasped at the sight of it.

“Star!” Cried out a voice from behind him, But he just kept watching as the stars shimmered brightly within the night.

“STAR!” Cried the same voice as before though louder, caught Star Shadows attention.

He turned to his friend Two Scoops who was an earth pony with a tan coat with a white and orange mane and tail. Two Scoops was pointing at his flank. He looked back to find his Cutie Mark branded upon him. The cutie mark was of a four-pointed star. “A star for stargazing.” he thought to himself, smiling as he leapt for joy and rushing over to tell every pony the good news.

/||~~·~~Star Shadow Present Time~~·~~||\

As Star watched the night sky; the full moon shining brightly overhead, it was close to midnight where he was in PonyVille. His eyes made to water and he closed them taking a breath. The skies story touched him, a story of a lonely mare who was lost in darkness and locked within the moon. “Luna” he felt for her. He turned away from the moon closing his eyes in thought, as he did his magic flowed through him; his horn gained a blue and white aura. He did not know what he was doing, he only thought that maybe his feelings would reach the moon goddess; to tell her that it was all right -- tell her she was not alone.

As he did this, a shimmer appeared within the night sky; a shimmering blue and white star right next the moon. Star Shadow looked at the star smiling for the longest time. “Luna really does know how to make the most beautiful of nights.” He thought to himself; and then he felt a pressure in his horn and the star within the sky flickered out.

Star Shadow stood there for a long moment. He blinked, as he looked from the moon, back to where the star was previously. He sit down upon his haunches tilting his head to the left. “Is she not going to bring it back?” he wandered to himself letting out a long breath he was holding.

He closed his eyes and thought of Luna again. His horn light up with the same blue and white aura and the star in the sky reappeared. He opened his eyes and gave the star a quizzical look.

“Did I? No…” He trails off and reaches up to his head in discomfort as the star once again flickers out, though the star had stayed within the sky a bit longer that time.

Star Shadow rubbed his head for a bit, trying to fight off an oncoming migraine, just sitting before looking back up. Sure enough, the star had once again vanished, and he narrowed his eyes at the empty spot next to the moon. He took a deep breath closing his eyes and concentrating deeply on his magic. “A test, a test. That is what I need to do. Just a test.” Within his mind, he envisioned the stars; the sky within his mind was perfect down to every detail. His horn charged with power he could feel it flowing through him. In addition, within his mind he began to move the stars, not all of them thou, just a few. It gave him great strain as the stars, one right after another zoomed to the moon and spun around it in a clockwise direction. Then they stopped. He envisioned a shape within his mind, as sweat flowed from his brow; his head throbbed in pain blinding his mind and casting everything into darkness.

The wind blew through the Canterlot city streets, blowing right up and across Luna’s balcony sending a shiver through the night goddesses. “Tis far too cold to be summer” The night Alicorn thought to herself as she peered into her sky. She frowned at it. The stars though beautiful to all who seen them; they would not see, nor understand the story they tell. Luna sighed looking down at her hooves. She had no one to speak to though the long lonely nights. Well, there was the Night Guard, but they would not treat her as they would treat one another, they would treat her as a Princess with the “Your Highness, and the bowing, how he loathed the bowing.”

Moreover, as she was wallowing away in her self-pity she felt it. Her ear twitched and he looked up to her sky. A single star appeared within the sky… A bright and shimmering, blue and White star positioned right next to the moon. “What does thou think it’s doing?” She asked the star and with a flare of her horn, the star flickered and then disappeared. She sat there. “Pity, twas a marvelous star.” The Princess of the night said to herself sighing yet again. Then the star flickered back into life once more. She stared at the star for a long moment before turning away from the baloney and walking back into her room. Then, she opened her bedroom door walking right past the lunar guard and straight into the room right across the hall.

“Luna, What? HEY! LUNA PUT ME DOWN!” Came a confrontation of words from the room across from Lunas own. The Night Guard give eachother a quizzical before standing back at attention once more.

“We shall in just a moment dear sister.” She stated simply as she walked back into the hall levitating Celestia in a blue aura, her main and tail frazzled from her awakening in the middle of the night.

Luna paused while looking at the Night Guard and pointing at them with a hoof. “This never happened….” The Guards just nodded as Luna made her way back into her bedroom shutting the door behind her. She made her way out to the balcony.

“LUNA! NO IT’S COLD-d-d!” An Icy chill blasted over Celestia’s nice warm body causing her to shiver uncontrollably and instantly wake up. “Luna… I swear to me… If you did this as some sort of prank, I will send you back to the moon…..”

“This is not a,” Luna lifts her hooves into the air and flexes them downwards as if quoting the word. “Prank” dear sister, we have a problem with my night sky…"

Celestia looks at her sister. “And, what pray tell is the problem?”

Luna looks back at the sky. “That star there.” She points with a hoof at it. “The one next to the moon. We did not place that star. Infact, we removed it entirely and it reappeared once more.” She pauses looking back to Celestia with concern written on her face. “We had hopes that you could will it away for us.”

Celestia shivered in the cold. “Luna… If I do this… Can I return to bed?”

Luna smiled “But of course dear sister.”

Celestia let out an exasperated sigh and light her horn. A golden glow shimmered around her horn and then the star flickered and once again vanished from sight.

“There” She proclaimed, looking back to her sister, but Luna was not looking back towards her. She was staring at the night sky. Focused upon the emptiness next to the moon. “Luna?”

Luna let out a sigh of her own and faced her sister “It would se-” Luna trailed off wiping her head back around to the night sky narrowing her eyes at the emptiness next to the moon once more. However, the star never reappeared. Instead, her eyes grew larger as several of her already created stars begin to move swiftly across the night sky,

Celestia took note of this and looked back at Luna seeing that her horn was not alight before looking back to the sky once more. By this point, the stars were rotating around the moon clockwise before coming to a stop, and then shifting slowly until they formed shape around the moon. Silence. No one spoke. The wind even stopped suddenly. There was not a sound heard throughout the whole of Equestria for a full ten seconds. That was until Celestia spoke up. “Luna? What just happened?”

“We, Are unsure dear sister.”

For the next half hour the sisters tried, and failed to remove the stars from around the moon. The stars however remained stubbornly in place sparkling and shimmering beautifully as the moon made its way across the night sky. As it did so, the stars followed with it remaining firmly around the moon as it traveled. Celestia sighed. “Sister, I am in the need of rest. Let us leave the stars for another night.”

“But-” Luna looked at her sister. Who was tired and worn from the late night abrupt awakening. “Indeed sister. Please return to your room and get some rest. I’m sorry for waking you.” Luna frowned slightly shifting back to her night looking sullen.

Celestia looked at Luna and moved forwards giving her sister a hug, which caused Luna to pause for a moment before smiling and nuzzling into her sister’s neck. “Thank you sister.”

Smiling, Celestia turned from her sister and made her way back into her own room to return to peaceful sleep. Luna however was, well, she did not truly know how she felt. The night went on as such; the Moon lowered down across the sky and then after a long night Luna turned back into her room for a good days rest.

/||~~·~~The Next Day~~·~~||\

“Hey… HEY! Star, Wake up!” Star Shadow groaned as a hoof poked into his side. His head throbbed and he slowly placed a hoof upon his face.

“Scoops. I swear to Luna, I will throw you off my balcony if you do not stop poking me; and what have I told you about coming into my room?” He groaned.

“Oh thank Celestia.” Scoops said, there was a moment’s pause. “Well… I was worried because you were not up yet. You are always up before me, and also; we are not in your room, we are on your balcony.” Scoops paused for a moment before continuing. “Which is a very strange place for you to sleep, I know you like the stars and all but this is going a little far don’t you think?”

Star Shadow bolted upright which only caused his head to spin making him fall back down on his side. His head, it felt as if another pony was smashing cast iron pans together inside of his skull.

“Man, are you all right? Here.” Two Scoops helped Star Shadow to his hooves and they made their way back into Stars room where Scoops lay him back down into the bed. “You don’t look so good man. Maybe you should take the day off.

“No!” Star closed his eyes in pain. “No… I just need a moment.” He groaned. “And some coffee-”

“Black as night, I’m on it! Be right back!” Two Scoops left the room, and after a bit he returned with a tray upon his back and a hot cup-o’- joe sitting atop of it. Star Shadow tried to lift it with is magic, but stopped as the pain picked back up once more within his head. He instead sat up, took the cup in his hooves, and took a long slow draw from the mug.

“Feeling better?” Scoops Asked.

“Y-yea…” Star said taking another gulp from his mug before sitting it down on the nightstand. “I think I’ll be alright. I just need to get rid of this dizzy spell…”

“Star, I think you’re sick.” Two Scoops said with a concerned look.

“No, No I’ll be fine, I just.” He sit up a little too fast causing him to be nauseated. “Trash can, Trash-” He leaned over the bed and lost it; lucky for him Two Scoops was there or else it would have been one Tartarus of a mess to clean up. Scoops had already moved the trashcan to the bedside and was now patting his friend on the back.

“Yeah… You’ll be just fine…” Scoops said sarcastically as Star wretched again.

Chapter 2 - The Day After

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Two hours went by before Star Shadow had gotten over his sick spell. His head still hurt but he was not falling over or anything anymore so that was a good thing. He even went to the Doctors and they give him a clean bill of health saying the only thing he had wrong with him was magic fatigue. He had no idea why he would have that, he had forgotten all about the night before just remembering how he thought the night sky was somehow sadder than normal. The doctors however gave him some medicine that would allow him to regain some of his magical reserves until he achieved his full strength back and released so that he could go to work. He had the doctors give him a slip for his boss before leaving.

“Dude I've never seen you so beat, what did you do last night, move the stars?” Two Scoops laughed at his own joke, but Star Shadow only sighed shaking his head.

“I can’t remember what happened last night. I only remember looking at the sky and thinking it felt sad, and then waking up this morning with you jabbing me in the ribs; which still kind of hurts by the way.” He looked at Scoops who was eyeing several mares at the ice cream shop. They were all on about Hearts and Hooves day, it was only a few weeks away after all, he had also half heard, not really listening, something about the stars?

Star Shadow just shook his head and entered into the shop leaving Scoops behind with his ogling. When he finally snapped out of his filly entrancement Scoops made his way into the shop as well.


This caused both of them to flinch though Stars flinch was because the screech made his head pound once more.

“Oh, hey boss. There is a good explanation for that… You see…” Two Scoops interrupted.

“I don’t care if the moon was crashing down into the very heart of Ponyville; you best be on time tomorrow else you're FIRED!” Yelled a rather angry looking stallion with a large gut. He was a white unicorn with a twisted ice cream in a cone for a Cutie Mark and wore a white paper hat on his head of golden hair..

“Calm down Soft, we where at the hospital.” Star Shadow walked up hoofed the boss his slip from the doctor. Soft Serve ripped it away from the stallion and looked it over eyeing them both.

“Fine. Get behind the counter, Scoops deal the ice cream and Star; make some cones the rush starts in under an hour.” Soft Serve huffed turning away from the two and making his way out of the room into the back.

“He can be such a pain sometimes…”

“Yeah Scoops I know… But it’s only if we slip up at work.” Star put a hoof to his head with a groan before turning. “Let’s get to work…”

Soft Serve was right, right on the hour an entire herd of ponies entered the ice cream parlor. Two Scoops was doing tricks, pony would order, and he would grab a cone or a paper bowl and begin serving ice cream. He flipped the scoops though the air rolling the ice cream into balls, flipping the scoops end over end with the ice cream still in the scoop, turning and catching it behind his back before flicking it up launching the ice cream ball up over his head and into the waiting cup or cone nearby. It was impressive and the waiting ponies all stomped their hooves at the show.

Scoops served the ice cream and took another order. Star sighed finishing up with making waffle cones and begin taking orders to help things move along. After two hours of this Star wore himself out, while Scoops was still flipping the scoops around like some crazed juggler pony.

“Where do you get the energy?” Star complained at his friend who was now balancing a scoop on his muzzle.

Two Scoops flipped the scoop up and placed it back into a nearby trough of warm water. “I’m a work pony; you should know that -- Also earth ponies have a much better stamina than most.”

Star Shadow huffed at this.

“U-Um… H-Hello…. “Came a squeaky voice from the other side of the counter. Star and Scoops leaned their heads over to spot a green filly, no older than six with a light green mane with a dark green coat and no cutie mark, the small child was looking rather sad.

“Oh, Hello!” Scoops hollered out causing the filly to flinch. Star placed a hoof on his friends muzzle and pushed his head back behind the counter.

Sorry about my friend, he gets a little… hyper at work; how might I help you young lady? Star said calmly while looking at the child.

“Um. I.” She trailed off looking down at her hooves where there appeared to be ice cream sticking to them though there was no sign on any on her face or anywhere else.

“Hmm… You know darlin… Today I’m running a special little green filly gets a free ice cream first come first serve.” Star Shadow smiled at the filly.

“R-really?” She sniffed looking up at him with tears in her eyes while wiping her nose with the back of her hoof.

“Yes…” He nodded firmly… “So, what type of flavor would you like?”

“VANILLA!” She cried aloud happily; now smiling and hopping in place.

“Okay!” He turned to scoops. “One Vanilla ice cream if you will Scoops!”

Scoops moved around grabbing the scoop up and flipping it into the air before diving it down into the bin where the Vanilla lay within. He whipped around the scoop turning the ice cream within into a sweet smooth orb of sugary goodness. After just a moment, and two tricks later, the ice cream was, placed upon the counter. Star Shadow lifted it with his magic, which was still a little shaky but handed it to the little filly gently. She took it in her hoof and smiled!

“THANK YOU!” She trotted away happily, holding the ice cream cup in her teeth with a single hoof under the bottom to make sure it did't fall… “Look mom that nice stallion gave me a free ice cream! He said, it was give a green filly an ice cream day and it could only be gave to one! And I got it!” she cried out happily. Her mother looked over at Scoops and smiled mouthing a thank you to him. He tilted his hat to them.

“You know Star… They think I did that…”

Star Shadow sighed and placed some bits within the register before speaking. “It’s fine.” A small whimper sounded from behind them and they turned to see Soft Serve using his hat to wipe away his tears…

“That was the nicest thing I’ve ever seen… I was going to be all mad at you for giving away ice cream but since you paid for it…” Soft Serve wrapped his forelegs around Star Shadow and it felt as if his spine was going to snap, Soft was amazingly strong for a Unicorn, this also did not make his head feel any better either, as it began to pound once more as the correlation was cut off from the rest of his body.

It was a long day, and by the time they had clocked out from work the sun was already on its way down, they went and picked up some take out: hay burgers with hay fries; and made their way back to the apartment they share. They ate their food and made their way to bed, well Two Scoops did, Star Shadow always liked to spend a few hours gazing at the night sky before heading in for the night.

It was a good night. It was not too cold as it was the night before, and the night sky was clear of clouds tonight. He gazed upon the stars in the sky just watching them shimmer; they had not changed much from the night before, but they were still beautiful all the same.

As the moon rose into the sky above him, now coming into view from behind where his home, the light casts out all over Ponyville, bathing the land in a blue glow. Star took a deep breath looking out across the land as the moon's rays brightens it. He looked up at the moon, and after a moment, his eyes widened.

The moon, hanging gracefully within the night sky; a heart created from the stars themselves encasing its splendor.

Chapter 3 - Nightmares and Dreamscapes

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Shimmering Night - Chapter 3 Version 2

“I-It’s still there?” The Heart of stars remained around the moon, he sat there on his haunches, stunned and unmoving for a long time. And then he snapped out of it… He got up and made his way to Scoops' room, walked up to him and poked him with his hoof… “Scoops, Scoops wake up!”

Scoops stirred awake and looked at Star Shadow with squinted eyes. “What's up star?” Said Scoops groggily while looking at the clock. It was little past midnight.

“Get up, I need you on the balcony…” He grabbed his friend with his hoof and pulled him out of his bed…

Scoops still showed signs of being tired, as he followed star dragging his sluggish body, and just when he thought he had caught up. He stopped in mid-motion, releasing a yawn that brought tears to his eyes. After they made their way to the balcony, Star pulled his friend close; grabbed his head with his foreleg then lifted his head to the moon and said, “Can you see that?”

Scoops blinked a few times until his eyes adjusts to the moonlight. Then his eyes grew wider, “Whoa… What is that?” It took him a while to realize what was he looking at, then Scoops exclaimed aloud in awe of the sight before him, “The Princess really outdid herself!”

Star looked at him and then back at the moon. He said nothing as he stared blankly into the night sky. Star Shadow thought to himself, “So Scoops can see it too, it was not just a dream then? That night really happened?”

Two Scoops let out another long yawn, “Well, Star, it’s a nice sight but I’m going back to-” Scoops let out another yawn before he could finish what he was saying as he made his way back into his bedroom.

For the next three days all there was to talk about was the Heart that surrounded the moon. Everypony was ecstatic about it, chatting excitedly about how sweet it was. While this was all good news, Star Shadow was not even as remotely excited as the rest of Ponyville.

He let out a yawn, showing his exhaustion while he worked, “I feel so tired!” He moaned with his head laying on the counter at the ice cream shop. It’s been two days since the appearance of the heart, Star Shadow felt weak, and tired since that night; his magic was much weaker than normal. The doctors said he would be fine in a few days, but that did not help him now.

High up in the Canterlot Castle; the royal sisters sat upon their thrones. Luna let out a yawn, she was supposed to be in bed several hours earlier; sleep wanted to take hold of her. But her sister had insisted for her to stay up a while longer, she was inclined to oblige.

After several hours of waiting, the nobles are finally assembled in the throne room, presenting their complaints to the crown, but a few showed their gratitude to the sisters, mostly to Luna, who they believed have placed the heart around the moon. Such a loving gesture to ponykind.

Luna had heard it all; from the letters sent night and day for her, to the nobles thanking her for something she had not done at all, she was feeling down. She did feel happy that ponies were happy with her stars. However, she could not accept it because it was not she who made the heart-shaped stars. And over the past few days she had wondered about who had moved them in the first place. It weighed heavily on her mind.


Luna snapped out of her trance and looked toward her sister, “Yes sister?”

Celestia looked at her with a slight frown before she continued speaking, “I have been calling to you for a while now. Is something bothering you?”

Luna sighed, lowering her head slightly. “We worry sister. Who moved the stars? It was not you or I and...” she trailed off for a moment. “And its shape, I do not think that the heart was put there just for the celebration. We are not sure, but we feel as if it means more; we feel as if we are hollow, yet full and warm simultaneously.” She looked up to her sister who just looked at her with calm, but somewhat sad eyes.

Celestia had known how much this affected her sister. It was strange for stars to move because moving the stars is not an easy task; a thousand years ago when Celestia had taken over the job after sending her sister to the moon. It drained the Sun Goddess’ magic every night until she strengthened her relationship with the night sky.

Celestia looked at her sister, concerned, before speaking up with a sly smile, “Lulu, your we is showing.”

Luna blushed. “Perhaps we- I am just tired, my dreams have been strange as of late.” Luna bowed her head closing her eyes. She felt a warm feeling around her as Celestia wrapped her large left wing over Luna’s body and pulled her close.

“Luna, you should not worry. I am sure things will come to light when the time is right. And within the next few days we will have enough power to move the stars back into place. It troubles me however, all the power that was used in placing them around the moon. But it does not seem to be malicious in intent. I had, Twilight look through all the star magics as I am sure you have as well, and there is no known magic where stars are placed around the moon in the a shape of a heart.”

Luna nodded slowly and Celestia nuzzled her sibling.

“Do not fret Luna. Just enjoy it for the time it is here. And who knows, perhaps some unicorns got together to show how much they respect and love you and decided to show you how much by moving the very stars themselves.”

Luna’s lips curled up at this and she looked at her sister before nuzzling her back. “Yes sister we suppose this is nice had the ponies done this for us.”

/||~~·~~Two Nights Prior - Star S. POV~~·~~||\

That night, after Two Scoops went back to his bed, Star Shadow too went back to his room. He was still weak from his lack of magic and just overall tired. But that night sleep was slow to overtake him.

Star tossed and turned while grumbling to himself, beating his pillows. He had done everything he could think of in order to get comfortable, but could never find a comfortable position that allowed him to drift into slumber. It was not until the wee hours of the morning, when the sky was just starting to shift from its dark navy blue color when he had finally managed sleep.

His dreams were pretty normal he had to admit. He walked through a field at night, the stars shining brightly overhead, and the fireflies were glowing over the flowers within the field. As he kept walking the planet seemed to vanish completely around him flowing into shadows and allowing him to travel through the endless blanket of darkness and stars.

Through most of his life he had dreams like the one he was having. Odd dreams where he would walk through space, walk around the stars themselves. His dreams always made him the most happy, as he had always loved the stars and to be this close, even if it was but a dream, it made him warm inside. Though tonight's dream had but a few speckles of light within the darkness. There was only a few hundred stars compared to the thousand that normally populated his dreams. Most of the stars were a white color, normal by star standards. But there was a few that were different as always, some of them were yellow, while one of them was a deep shade of crimson. The crimson star however, seemed to pollute others around it, and one of the other stars near it seemed slightly pink in color.

After a while there was a light; the moon had appeared within the endless night, shining brightly through the darkness. He looked at the moon and smiled, and then his look became one of inquiry as a figure appeared slowly from the moon. It was a large, dark figure that flapped its wings making its way closer to the crimson star. As it neared the star, Star Shadow saw the figure turn into Princess Luna.

Luna looked sullen as she approached the star and looked inside; her horn lit up with a magical dark blue aura. She leaned forwards touching the crimson star with her horn, soon after vanishing completely.

Star Shadow moved up to the star and took a closer look. He blinked for only a moment, looking around the endless darkness before lighting his own horn, at the same time, keeping himself in mind. “This has got to be the weirdest dream I’ve ever had,” he said as he touched his horn to the star.

There was a rush and a feeling of falling but just as suddenly as the feeling had appeared it was gone. Starshadow was now standing within the center of a endless orchard of trees. It was still dark and the moon was out, still shining brightly within all of its glory.

“AHHHHHH!!!! ‘elp ‘ELP!”

Star Shadow nearly jumped out of his skin as he turned around. A small yellow filly was running as fast as she could through the trees, she had a tattered pink bow in her mane, and it seemed as if she was being chased by, Apples? Yes, Apples…. With TEETH?!

Star had no idea what to make of this, and that is when an apple fell down from out of a nearby tree and chomped down on his leg. He let out a squeal, tossing the apple off and stomping it into the dirt, smashing it into orange apple butter.

“Well, thats weird.” He mused to himself, as he looked back towards where the filly had been running, but she was nowhere to be seen.

“OW!” Star flenched as another pain hit him, but this one was the yellow filly running into his side. She wrapped her little hooves around his barrel with a death grip, crying her eyes out, and pleading for help as she shoved her face deeper into his chest. Star shadow sat still, wrapping his forehooves around the filly feeling her shiver with fear.

“Don’t worry. I won't let anything happen to you…” Star said to the filly whom relaxed some with a sniffle, looking up at him as she did so.

“AAaapplleeee blooooommmmm…..” The filly squeaked and dove closer into stars fur.

Star looked up to spot the apples all around the orchard gathering together. They tumbled about on the ground through the grass, until they were all a single mass. The collection of evil apples shifted, changing into the shape of a pony with a large stetson on its head, all completely made out of the demonic fruit.

“You did not do as I told you. You have failed the apple family! And because of this, you will never get your cutie mark! The beast rose up, splitting open a monstrous muzzle lined with large sharp teeth, that looked like the seeds of apples.

Star stared at the beast before him, holding the filly close, but he did not appear nearly as frightened as the filly. In fact, he just laughed at the monster, causing it to freeze in place.

He just smiled and lit up his horn, looking back at the monster with a stern face, before speaking again, loud and clear. “ENOUGH!” The nightmare shrieked before turning into a stack of glass jars sitting in the middle of the field, the jars appeared to be filled with apple butter.

Star leaned down nuzzling the filly… “Its okay now…” He had a calm smile on his face as he sat the filly back down. “Nothing is going to get you now.”

The filly looked up still shaking, but she managed to look around and saw that the monster was indeed gone. Star smiled at her, while messing her mane with his hoof.

Star Shadow stood, walking over to the jars and with use of his aura, he took up a jar and opened it. Using his magic he took some of the contents out and ate it. “Its not bad. You want some?” He asked the filly

“Y-yeah ‘ure.” She moved closer, sitting down near Star as he opened another jar and handed it to her.

“So, how was a cute little filly like you being chased by a mean apple monster in the first place?” Star asked the filly while with one fluid motion he used a stick to fish out and eat some apple butter from the jar

The filly paused for a moment.

Star looked at the filly. “Whats your name?” he asked, with a smile on his face. He was hoping that this would help the young filly to open up to him.

The filly looked over at him before speaking three simple words. “ ‘m Apple Bloom.” Star smiled at the earth pony as she continued on. “ And that apple monster was my sister.” Apple Bloom sniffed.

Star looked down at her. “Your sister?”

Apple Bloom nodded her head. “Ya’ See, I was suppose to do my chores today, and count the apple blossoms and help cross poll’nate any of them that has yet been got to by bees. But instead I went out crusading with my friends so that I could try to earn my cutie mark. ‘n when I returned home, AJ was so mad at me for not even starting my chores. And now she don’ love me.” Apple bloom sniffed back some tears.

“I don’t believe that for one second…” He said causing the filly to look up. “I’m sure your sister loves you, and always will. Maybe you just have to show her that you can be trusted with your chores. Go out and get them done, surprise her.” And as he said this there was a rush of wind through the area ,and Star felt that feeling of dropping again. The dream around him began fading into darkness, as the dream began to vanish around him, there was another voice from within the dream, but he couldn't quite make it out.

He woke bolt upright with a gasp, as he did this Two Scoops, whom was standing over him at the side of his bed, yelped as their heads collided and Scoops was pushed onto the floor by Stars abrupt awakening. As he lay on his back he realized he was still in his bed.

Two Scoops sat up looking at Star, a hoof rubbing his sore head. “I was worried about you dude. You alright?”

Star Shadow moaned, placing his hooves on his face in an effort to fight off the massive headache he was having from his bout with sleep deprivation, and now the pain from having his head smashed into his roommates, his days could be better.

Chapter 4 - Lunar Distress

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“ENOUGH!” A booming voice called out within the dream of the filly known as Apple Bloom. A rushing wind filled the area as the Princess of the Night began her descent. As she swooped down, the nightmare near the filly faded away leaving Apple Bloom sitting alone within the orchards.

Apple Bloom looked over at Luna her face smeared with Apple Butter, a mostly full jar still in her hooves. The little yellow earth pony smiled wide at Luna as she landed and trotted towards her.

Luna stopped near the filly before speaking “Fear not little one, the Princess of the Night will.”

“Um, Princess?” the filly looked up at Luna a little confused.

Luna paused, looking down at the filly which had sauce smeared across her face. “Yes little one?” she spoke out calmly.

“Ah thought you were already here, we were sitting here talking just a moment ago; and then ya up an’ vanished only to come out of the moon.” The filly stated simply as she licked her lips.

Luna just stood firmly, looking quite perplexed. “I- We were not here my little pony. We had only just arrived.”

“Hmmm.” Apple Bloom looked at the Princess, a hoof tapping her chin. “Now that I look at ya, you do look different. Less glowly…” said Apple Bloom

“Less, Glowly?” Luna seemed taken aback. This filly was visited by somepony within her dreams? That was not her? Is such a thing possible? Luna thought to herself of who it might be. “Sister.” she whispered to herself.

“Eeyep!”, the filly chortled only hearing Luna’s replay of “Less, glowy”, “Kin’a white an’ well... Glowy.” The filly nodded resolutely.

“Hmm.” Taking in the sight before her and making a mental note to have a talk with her sister. Luna lowered herself to her haunches and shuffled closer to the filly, “What are you eating?” Luna asked softly.

Apple Bloom’s ears perked up as she turned her head towards Princess Luna, peeking out from behind a jar she had her muzzle buried deep within, using her tongue to get at its contents. She spoke but it came out in a series of inaudible mumbles from within the jar.

Luna smiled holding back a giggle. “Perhaps without the jar?” she said softly. Apple Bloom blushed and, lowering her head, she pulled the jar from her face.

“Ah-Ah said ah’m eaten Apple Butter.” The filly paused and picked up another jar, “Would ya like some Princess?” she asked as she held it out towards the Night Goddess.

Luna took the jar within her magical aura bringing it to herself as the filly went back to eating from her own jar. “Pray tell.” Luna spoke up. “Why are thou eating apple butter, in the middle of the nigh- a bad dream?” The Princess still had trouble saying the word Nightmare aloud, it brought up both horrifying and sad memories for her; but she pressed onwards waving a hoof around at the dark and shadow filled dream that lay all around them.

Apple Bloom looked at Luna and got ready to speak, but paused removing the jar from her muzzle and licking her lips before speaking. “Well, this glowing pony showed up, and they helped me beat my evil apple sister.” she paused. “It was my sister but she was made of evil apples.” Apple Bloom waved her hoof at Luna as if to make her point.

“I see.” Luna nodded while taking the jar and opening it, using her magic to fish out some of its contents. Though it did nothing for the body, it was mentally pleasing all the same. “So what happened next?”

“Okay. Well, the evil apple monster sister of mine was chasing me aroun’ and then I bumped into the glowing pony. An’ the glowing pony helped me beat my monster sister; which turned into Apple Butter!” Apple Bloom said cheerfully as she licked her hooves.

Luna did a double take looking back down at the jar that had once been a living nightmare. She almost looked horrified that the filly was eating the thing she feared most. And to greater extent she had just eat some of it too!

“Oh and we sat here and talked, an’ I told it all about how I didn’t start my chores and that my sister didn’t love me.” The filly frowned. “But Glowin’ Pony told me that there was no way my sister didn’t love me and that if I worked really hard on my chores she was sure that she would be proud of me.” she grinned at Luna.

“Interesting…” Luna spoke aloud while at the same time thinking to herself. Well, my sister did well in helping the filly but she should have told me first before entering into the dreamscape. It is like entering into someone else’s work space and moving all of their files around. Luna looked back to the little filly and gave a soft smile before speaking in a soothing voice. “Thank you Apple Bloom.” She patted the filly on the head with her hoof before sliding it down the side of her face. “But I’m afraid it’s time to go, for it is morning now and it is time for all good little fillies to wake up and go to school.”

Apple Bloom whined loudly as she pouted up at Luna; smears of apple butter on her cheeks and face. Luna giggled at this as she stood, “Well, maybe a little longer.” Apple Bloom smiled at this as Luna leaped into the air and soon swirled around and vanished into the moon.

*Later that Morning*

Luna stepped out of her room from across the hall straight across to a large white door with the symbol of a sun emblazoned upon its surface, not paying mind to the guards in the slightest. She reaches up a hoof and raps three times upon its surface.

“Who is it?” Came a smooth, calm song voice from the other side.

“Ti’s us sister! Open thy door, we wish to speak with thee. Now!” Luna all but screamed with anger in her voice.

The same voice came forth from the room, though poorly disguised to sound foreign. “Oh, no. Celestia no here. Only maid, for wishy, washy. No speak.”

“We did not say Celestia!” Luna Deadpanned.

“Ooh.” chimed the same voice.

Luna beat her hoof forcefully upon the surface of the door causing the door to groan in resistance.

The sound of a sigh comes from within the solar princess’s room as the handle glowed with golden magic and opened allowing Luna entry. Luna marched into the room in a huff stopping before her sister who was now lying upon her bed, looking at her sister with a mischievous smile.

“Thou hath explaining to do sister!” Luna said in a grumpy voice and with a stern face that only caused Celestia to giggle.

“I promise Lulu your teeth will turn back to their normal pearly white within a day or two.”

“Enough! Thou said thou wou-” Luna paused.”What hast thou done to our toothpaste?” Luna’s face a look of concern that quickly shifted back to rage, if looks could kill; we might be down on one solar deity. “No! We will not be distracted! You said the Dreamscape was mine because you wished not to deal with it. And we agreed that it was best that I used it considering ponies prominently sleep during the waning hours.”

At this Celestia looked perplexed to say the least. “Yes sister, why are you mad? Do you not want to help our ponies with their dreams?” Celestia asked concern in her voice.

“NO! I mean, yes. I mean.” Luna sighed looking a little deflated. “Sister, we only wish that you would tell us if you were going to enter into the dreamscape to help others.” Luna had her head bowed down feeling slightly ashamed of the way she had acted.

Celestia looked at her sister for a moment watching her reaction before speaking in a more serious tone. “Luna, I have not been inside the dreamscape since your return.” Celestia looked at Luna with a frown.

Luna looked up at her. “B-But we were told by a filly within a nightmare that a glowing, Alicorn figure came in and saved her from the nightmare.” Luna looked utterly deflated now as she crossed the room and collapsed down upon Celestia’s bed picking up a pillow within her magic and forcing it over her head. There was a ripping sound as her horn pierced through it causing Celestia to cringe. That had been her favourite pillow. Then came the muffled screams and sobbing.

Celestia let out a long sigh fluttering out a long feathery wing and draping it over the back of her sister pulling her in closer to her side.

After a bit Luna calmed down but whines could still be heard through the now dead pillow upon her head, fluffy feathers sticking out from around Luna’s horn as she sniffles; shifting slightly. “Why is all of this happening to me?” She said with a sad whine. “First the stars do not listen to us. And now, now some pony is even stealing my dream jo-o-o-b…”

A flood of new tears flowed from her eyes as she tucked herself closer to her sister. Celestia nuzzled her softly on the neck trying to calm her sister down. She knew perfectly well that if somepony had abruptly stolen complete control over her sun that she too would be quite livid.

“Luna, look at me.” Celestia spoke to her causing Luna to look towards her sister, her eyes bloodshot from crying so hard and for so long. It was later in the morning and Celestia would have to move some of her prior arrangements around but for her sister she would do anything.

Celestia let out a soft sigh. “You can get through this. Be strong as I know you are.” Celestia smiled at her sister. “We will figure this out. I already have ponies looking into the star matter; and I’m sure they would be more than happy to also look into the dream matter as well.” Celestia placed her hoof over Luna’s muzzle before she could retort. “They will not enter into the Dreamscape; they will however keep you under surveillance and also use scrying magic to -”

Celestia stopped speaking and looking up as a flow of wispy smoke floated into her bedroom from the window. It flowed around twisted inwards on itself before letting out a loud pop and turning into a scroll which Celestia took a hold of in her own magic. She looked back to her sister.

Luna nodded to her sister understanding that Scrolls from Twilight Sparkle could be important.

Celestia smiled and nuzzled her sister. “It will take just a moment.” She says as she unrolls the scroll and scans over it with her eyes.

Dear Princess Celestia.

Today at approximately 0500 hours a very powerful energy surge was picked up from somewhere in Ponyville. My equipment has been fried and thus I could not pinpoint the precise location.

I’m not quite sure what made the surge as there does not appear to be any damage to the town or the surrounding area. What I have learned though is that this has been going on for months now, almost every night since I have come to Ponyville. I have checked back over my older readings while I was doing other experiments. Some of the experiments that I have done have had odd readings that I never understood before. But now I completely understand what happened.

From my readings it would appear that several high level unicorns have been performing some sort of spell every night for the past few years. With your permission I’d like to start an investigation into what could be happening in Ponyville.

Sincerely, Princess Twilight Sparkle

“What does it say?” Luna asked with a sniffle as Celestia rolled up the letter.

“Twilight says that there could be a group of Unicorns doing this. She wants to perform a full investigation in Ponyville to be sure.” Celestia smiled at her little sister. “Luna, there is nothing to worry about. We will get to the bottom of this and find who is behind all of this.”

Luna laid her head down on the holy pillow as her eyes droop slightly. ”We” she yawns. “Hope so sis…” She trailed off and started snoring as the moon goddess finally slipped off to sleep. Worn from fatigue and stress along with being up far longer than she should have at this point Luna flowed into a near dreamless slumber.

Celestia used her magic to pull the covers up over her sister as she gently slipped out of the bed, allowing her sister to sleep here tonight. She paused at the door turning back to the bed, lamenting the loss of her most favourite sleeping companion and speaking under her breath. “I will miss you squishy.” as she backed out of the room slowly shutting the door.

Chapter 5 - Hard Luck Shadow

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After leaving her room Celestia paused between the two guards and took on a more serious look, “Silver lance, Gleaming Shield.”

“Yes your highness!” The guards responded in unison.

“I have a job for the both of you”, Celestia walked forward turning to face the two guard.” Silver Lance, I need you to gather the Guard. Gleaming Shield, you will remain here protecting my sister. She is resting within my room make sure nopony bothers her; I will be in the throne room.” Celestia turned and trotted down the hall.

The two guards looked at one another before Silver Lance took off down the hallway at a gallop, disappearing around the corner heading in the direction of the castle barracks.

Within an hour later Celestia was sitting in the throne room. Several rows of guards clad both in celestial and lunar armour filled the room in front of her. All of them wore a stoic expression, saying nothing as they awaited their princess’s command.

“Guards”, the guard looked up at their Solar Goddess. “I have an extremely important assignment for a select few of you. I will need ten Unicorns, one Earth Pony and both five Pegasi and Thestrals for this mission.”

“U-um you're highness?” One of the guards from within the crowd spoke up causing Celestia to look towards them.

“Yes, my little pony?” Celestia asked.

“Well, forgive me your highness. We would do anything you ask of us, but I must ask, what it is we are being deployed to do?” The guard asked resolutely.

Celestias gaze hardened as she stared at the guard for a long moment, he began to sweat under her gaze. “The guard will go to Ponyville, and be part of a select group working under Princess Twilight Sparkle in an effort to find a possible shadow organization that is believed to be there, and take them into custody.”

After this the guard stood in thought for a long moment. Several of the guards stepped forwards from the crowd walking up to the front of before the throne where Celestia sat. As they stood before her they puffed out their chests and held themselves tall. After a short while ten Unicorns, five Pegasi and Thestrals, and an Earth Pony stood before the princess.

/||~~·~~POV Star Shadow~~·~~||\

It was barely eleven AM and it had already been the longest day of Star Shadows life. Aside from still having a sore head from cracking it against his earth pony friend’s face when he awoke this morning, they had also run out of coffee. This usually never happens, as Star always makes sure the apartment has it well in stock. So they had tea instead, Cobs Breakfast Tea. It was a dark morning tea that Star just barely tolerated in place of his black coffee.

When star sat down at the table, however his mug cracked splitting it right down the middle and spilling the entire contents of the scalding tea into his lap, a stark contrast to the cold shower. It just so happened to be the only setting this morning as the thermostat had apparently taken this time to brake.

As Star Shadow and Two Scoops were heading off to work, Star Shadow was pooped on by no less then three birds. He stepped into a mud puddle while trying to clean off the bird goo with the water from a nearby fountain and got hit by a pocket book from a rather attractive mare who Two Scoops decided to try his chances, slapped her flank, and started hitting on her. When they got to work Star Shadow found that the string on his apron had snapped.

Scoops point it out, “That’s bad luck man.” Star looked at him with an unamused, tired expression but said nothing.

“He he, sorry”, Scoops apologized with a sheepish look.

Star Shadow sighed and shook his head. If this was not bad enough the freezers were on the fritz melting half the ice cream stock over night which caused Soft Serve to be in a rather foul mood. “It’s not your fault man. It’s just one of those days.”

“You’ve been having a lot of ‘Them Days’ lately.” Scoops pointed out.

“Don’t remind me.” Star Shadow said with a hoof on his temple, rubbing down a migraine.

“I really think you should put some ice on that.” Scoops said.

“I’ll be fine.” Star replied as he took some bits for a small soft serve ice cream from a young colt and placed them in the register. The shop’s bell chimed as the door swung open.

“Oh-ho.” Scoops spoke to Stars’ left in little more than a whisper. Star looked to him before turning his gaze to the door. It was his boss’s, boss.

Up to a point Soft Serve had owned his own ice cream parlour but recently he had been bought out by one earth pony stallion known as Filthy Rich; a light brown earth pony with a dark black mane, he wore a suit collar around his neck and had a bright red tie with a bit sign embroidered upon it, his cutie mark was that of three money bags. He was a nice enough stallion if you had some semblance of power or you had something that he wanted. This was mainly why Soft sold the parlour to Rich; the act he put on up until then was that of a nice and kind owner, but once he had bought Soft out he transformed into a tyrannical dictator.

And oh look, he even brought his demon spawn along, also known as Diamond Tiara. She was a pure concentrated nasty, that decided to take the form of a pink Earth Pony filly with a purple and white mane; and as her name suggests, she wore a diamond tiara which matched her cutie mark perfectly. Two Scoops once said that it would take all the sugar in the wide world of Equestria to take the bitter out of her, Star Shadow didn’t even think that would have been enough. She was rotten to the core and the only way to fix her would be a good limber switch; and even then he thought it to be a long shot.

“Daddy! I want an ice cream!” The spawn of evil screamed at her charlatan of a father.

“Of Course darling, get anything you like. But no more than two flavours.” he replied resolutely as he spotted Soft Serve and went to speak business with him.

Star put on a weak smile as the filly walked up to the counter. “Hey!” The Filly cried out in an annoyingly high and mighty tone. “I want Chocolate, Cherry Swirl and Marzipan Madness!” the filly demanded. Star looked at her sighing inside, This little filly- No, she was too vile for that word; this monster before me has some nerve asking for three different flavours when her father told her she could only have two.

“I’m pretty sure you're father said you could only have two flavours.” Star replied with as much kindness he could muster. “And considering he is my boss’, boss I’m inclined to agree with him.” Star Shadow felt sick saying that but stood firm.

The demon in filly form only glared at Star Shadow; Star Shadow stared right back at the creature before him, standing firm. Two Scoops was glancing back and forth between the two unsure what to do in this moment before the filly leaned in close looking him dead in the eyes.

“Look. Daddy owns this place, and I get what I want! And I want what I asked for, if you’re prompt about it I’ll be sure persuade daddy into getting you a pay raise.” The filly leered at Star Shadow.

Star Shadow turned to Two Scoops before saying. “One scoop Chocolate, one scoop Cherry Swirl.”

Two Scoops gulped and went to work obtaining the order. Star Shadow gave a smug smile, Diamond Tiara on the over hoof looked livid.

Two Scoops handed the ice cream over to Star Shadow who handed it to Diamond Tiara. She stood there holding her ice cream in one hoof, she looked at them both and then promptly lifted her ice cream up and smacked in on the top of her head bowl side down.

Two Scoops and Star Shadow looked confused until what happened next. The spawn of Hades herself sat down and begin wailing like a banshee! “DAAAAADDDDYYYYYYYY!!!!” She screamed out causing everypony within the shop to look around at her. Her father and Soft Serve walked out from the back room and she dashed over to them rapping her forelegs around her fathers left foreleg.

“Oh darling what happened?” Filthy Rich asked his daughter who faked a sniffle and pointed at Star Shadow.

“H-he smashed my ice cream on my head because I asked for three flavours instead of two and he heard you say that I could only have two and, and...” Then the horrid creature began again with a new flood of obviously fake sobs.

Filthy Rich stomped right up to Star Shadow and Two Scoops. “I demand you apologize to my daughter!” Filthy Rich demanded; his face stern.

Star Shadow looked at him his left eye twitched in annoyance, perhaps it was his rage getting the better of him or perhaps it was the stress of the day; but Star Shadow didn’t think quite long enough before replying. “No!” Star Shadow shouted, and continued in the heat of the moment “I would not apologize to that spoiled little spawn of Hades even if I had done what she claims!” Two Scoops mumbled something but it went completely ignored. “Not even if Princess Celestia herself had demanded it from me would I EVE-!”

“YOURE FIRED!” Filthy Rich screamed out right in Star Shadows face. Riches face turned a deep shade of crimson as he leered at his employee.

Star Shadow’s left eye twitched again as he removed his apron throwing it at Riches face and marching out the front door of the shop. He had made it halfway to the village square before slowing to a stop breathing heavily, the moments of what happened finally catching up to him. “Horse Apples”, he whispered under his breath as he sat on his haunches and bowed his head. As everything that had just happened came into perspective and he let out a deep sigh. “I just got fired.”

Star Shadow stood up and walked off towards nearby street. “What was I thinking? Yelling at the owner? I didn’t say anything that didn’t need to be said?” he sighed. “Yes you did Star, you don’t insult the boss’s daughter. And you forgot rule number one; never argue with the boss.”

After what felt like forever Star found himself at a near by park. He walked in watching as some other ponies were playing in a sandbox nearby. A few older colts were playing Frisbee. He sat down under a secluded Oak tree and watched them play, his mind zoning in and out as he sat there within the shade. He was on the verge of falling asleep when he heard some new voices, one of them was oddly familiar with two others that were not.

“Hey, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo wait up!” Came the high pitched, cracking voice of another filly.

Star Shadow sat there for long moment, his eyes closed, waiting for his mind to catch up with him. He looked up and his eyes snapping wide open as he looked straight at three little fillies talking avidly with one another. A orange Pegasus with a purple mane who buzzed her wings frantically trying to lift herself but only managing an inch off of the ground, a small white Unicorn with a purple and white mane, and an orange Earth Pony filly with red mane and tail and an oversized red ribbon sticking out from behind her head.

He sat motionless staring blankly for a moment before saying the most intelligent thing he could think of at the time. “Dream Filly?” Okay, maybe it was not the most intelligent. But give him a break, he’s had a hard day.

The three fillies stopped what they were doing and gave the stallion strange looks. The orange filly spoke first, “Uh, What?”

Star Shadow shook his head before reaffirming his mind. “I mean, Apple Bloom, right?”

Apple Bloom stepped forwards looking at the stallion tilting her head to the side. “Do ah know you mister?”

Star stammered for a moment. “I, uh, I know…. Your sister! She told me a bit about you.” He smiled at her as he thought to himself. “It was a Dream right? It had to be. I’m positive I’ve not seen this filly before. Have I?” Snapping back out of his thoughts he decided to find out. “She said you skipped your chores the other day, you're not doing that again today are ya?”

Apple Bloom just shook her head and smiled, “Ee’nope! Got’ em all done this morning! After talking with the Glowing Pony in my dreams last night, ah made sure to get’ em done.” Apple Bloom gave a large grin as she said this.

Scootaloo interjected, “That ‘Glowing Pony’ was just the Princess and you know it!”

“Nu-uh Scoots!”, Apple Bloom stomped her hoof on the ground. “The princess came after the glowin’ pony vanished! And she said that she’d just arrived. An’ the Princess wouldn't lie!”

Star Shadow was a little shocked to say the least. As he got back up to his hooves, “Well I’m very happy that you took the incentive and abided by this pony’s advice. Just have nicer, not so evil apple dreams from now on.” He said with a point of his hoof before turning and trotting off, thoughts swirling through his head. As he trotted down the path with his face scrunched in thought, he passed two almost identical, large white stallions walking side by side into the park.

Apple Bloom made to speak as Star Shadow left but stopped. “That was weird.”

“You’re telling me.” Scootaloo piped in.

“No. Ah mean, you two are the only two ah told about my dream.” She glanced back at the stallion leaving the park.” How’d he know that I had a dream about evil apples?

As she said this the two white stallions lit their horns and a flood of magical energy flowed over the park. The energy from their horns concentrated slightly denser underneath a nearby Oak tree.

“HEY! Stop!”

Star Shadow, wondering who could be calling him, turned in the direction of the voice and found that it was Two Scoops running after him. “Hey Scoops, What's up?”, he replied.

Scoops slowed to a stop clutching a stitch in his side and breathing heavily. “W-what's up? Dude, you just got fired! I thought you were gonna do something reckless again. Just so you-”, Scoops paused to catch his breath. “Just so you know, being reckless is in my job description right? Not yours, I don't appreciate you trying to take away my title.”, he grins.

“Oh right, I had almost forgot.” Star stated, putting a hoof on his friends shoulder. “But it’s alright.”

Scoops looked at Star with a raised eyebrow. “Dude-” Star raised a hoof silencing Scoops before he could continue.

“Scoops, honestly, did you really think I wanted to work in an ice cream parlour my entire life? It’s not exactly my destiny you know.” He flicked his head back to his flank before looking back at Scoop. “Besides, I think I figured something out and I need to get going. You don't mind letting me borrow some bits do you?”

Two Scoops just laughed “I guess you’re right, and sure, what’s a few bits between friends how much do ya need?”

“Magical signature confirmed.” A solid white Unicorn watched from the distance, with a stark expression as Star and Scoops walked their separate ways, “Target has been spotted, should we intercept?”

A mare’s voice replied as if from the very air itself, “Negative. Keep watch, but do not engage. We want everypony involved.”

“Yes Princess Twilight; understood.”

Chapter 6 - The Broken Party

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Two Scoops just laughed, “I guess you’re right, and sure, what’s a few bits between friends. How much do ya need?”

“Enough for a ticket to Canterlot. After that, I think I have the bits to make it from there.” Star looked at his friend, who was giving him a strange look. “What?”

“I’ve never known you for one to just pick up and leave, and you're going to Canterlot? Are you trying to find yourself or something?” Scoops asked

Star Shadow just laughed and shook his head. “Lets just say there is a very important mare I have to see.”

Before Star Shadow even got the words out of his mouth, Two Scoops wrapped his arm over his shoulder, pulling him close and peaking out in a loud voice. “Well, why didn’t you say so? Geez man honestly, for awhile there I thought you were batting for the other team.” Scoops laughed, and Star could feel nothing but embarrassment.

“S-scoops… Just….” He sighed. “I’ve got to go.”

“Oh, Of course!” Scoops nodded lowering his leg from the back of Star's neck and hoofing over a pouch of bits.

Star Shadow took the pouch and looked at Scoops. “You pack around this many bits with you wherever you go?”

Scoops looked at him shifting his head to the side. “Don't you?”

Star Shadow sighed and thought to himself. You know, you think spending most of your life living with somepony you would learn everything about them, but nope! As Star finished his thought he said allowed. “Thanks Scoops, I’ll be sure to pay you back…”

“Nah man don’t worry about it I’ve got more bits than I know what to do with, I’m related to Berry, from Jim & Berries ice cream so, yeah no need.” Scoops said smiling. “Well have fun on your trip man!”

Two Scoops left Star Shadow standing there in the middle of the square, completely stunned. “Jim & Berries? I reiterate! You live most of your life with somepony and you think you know at least something about them!” It took a bit for the shock to wear off but Star Shadow shook his head and pocketed the bitbag that he obtained form Scoops. Within the last ten minutes he had went from believing Two Scoops to be a perverted slob, though admittedly good friend to quite possibly the the second richest pony in town. Star closes his eyes and shook his head as two white unicorn stallions grouped up with two pegasi and started trotting in the direction of the Ice Cream shop.

Star Shadow went home grabbing up a sports bag that he once used in his college days. Oh yes he went to college, Celestia's school for Gifted unicorns, yes indeed but he only made it for half a year. He took some clothing and stuffed it into the bag, he would not have bothered but he was going to Canterlot, just about everypony there wore some sort of garb. He also grabbed his toothbrush, some soap and a few other odds and ends before making a quick dandelion sandwich and heading out the door. The entire time took around twenty minutes to complete.

And he was off down the streets of ponyville headed to the trainstation. He did not see anything strange to him, and neither did any other pony for that matter, but the fact remained that there was a few more white ponies then there should have been near the train stations entrance. He trotted inside to the ticket booth and got a ticket to Canterlot.

“The Canterlot train will be arriving at Six sharp.” The ticket mare said to Star.

He give his thanks and walked away, he found a clock nearby that stated it was five fifty, ten minutes and he would be on a train to Canterlot. Or so he thought, infact it was not until seven PM when the train to Canterlot finely rolled into the station. By this time Star Shadow had passed out and only just barely managed to get on the train. And once the doors closed he let out a sigh of relief and reaching down to adjust his bag when he found it not there… He looked up as the train was pulling away looking at his book bag sitting on the bench he had been sitting at before he rushed to get to the train. He facehooved letting out a groan and collapsing back into a nearby seat.

He was lucky he held onto his ticket instead of putting it in his bag, and he still had a few bits left that he got from Scoops. “Well, I’ll just have to make do I guess.” he said to himself resenting this day he was having.

After the train personnel had left him to himself he decided to take a nap the rest of the way to canterlot, and considering the day he was having he was long overdue for one.

Back in Ponyville Two Scoops had thrown a party, and everypony was invited, including the bubbly pink party mare Pinkie Pie! Wubs provided by the famous DJ-Pon3 and by nine o’clock the party was in full swing. The ponies where dancing to the wubs, jumping and bumping into one another, the food tables had been devoured completely, not a single oat cookie remained and the punch was indeed spiked! But it did not matter everypony was well over the age requirements for such things.

A few couples where even making out in Star Shadows bed, Scoops made a mental note to clean Star's room before starting anywhere else… He made another note to use bleach, just in case.

Scoops made his way to the DJ booth on the way other ponies were congratulating him on such an awesome party he had thrown, upon reaching the booth he walked up to DJ-Pon3 and she nodded to him.

He took up the mic as the song ended. “MARES AND GENTLECOLTS!!!! ARE WE HAVING FUN!” The crowd of ponies all cheered, though the crowd there were some rather burly stallions among the guests. “YEAH! And you know what day it is tomorrow? The day of Love Birds? HEARTS AND HOOVES DAY!!!!!” There was another round of cheering and hoof stomping on the floor. “Luna's moon is bright tonight! Her stars are shining bright around the moon! Let the night of love continue. Let's get this party roaring once more and LET THE MAGIC FLOW FRE--"

But he did not get to finish his speech as he was tacked by a large white earth pony slamming him to the floor and pinning him down. There were then pegasi who burst through the windows and earth ponies and unicorns bursting in through the front and back doors.

“You are all surrounded! Please remain calm and nopony will be harmed! On order of the crown you are all to be taken into custody!” A large Unicorn in golden armor stated loudly a Thestral stepping up next to him as guards filed into the room hoof cuffing the ponies in the apartment.

Two Scoops grunted as the earth pony pinned him down to the floor. “What the buck man… Ahhh… That hurts…” Scoops said as the large white pony on top of him forces Scoops head to the floor.

“You are under arrest, whatever you say or do can be used against you in the court of law.” Ect ect.

Scoops just rolled his eyes and didn’t even struggle. He let out a huff through his nose as he watched Princess Twilight enter the apartment door several long minutes later. She looked around spotting Pinkie Pie all shackled sitting on the floor with her mane limply hanging to the floor as if she had done something wrong.

Twilight pointed at Pinkie Pie and said somethings to the guards and he spoke back but she put her hoof down literally slamming it into the floor and the guard shifted back from her and nodded before pointing at Pinkie Pie. two other guards went over and unshackled Pinkie Pie and she walked up to Twilight and wrapped her hooves around her sobbing into her shoulder.

Scoops could not help but feel sorry for Pinkie Pie… What has she, or for that matter anypony here done to deserve any of this? Scoops thought to himself as he was hauled up and carried away within one of the unicorn guards magic aura.

Back on the Train to Canterlot Star Shadow sits for a long time, not even a book to read considering he inconvently forgotten his bag back at the Ponyville station, he decided to lay on his seat just feeling the relaxing feeling of the train moving along rattling slightly but after a while lulling him gently off into sleep.

Everything was dark, slowly the sound of the train was a distant memory to him as he drifted deeper into the darkness. Slowly small lights begin to appear floating forwards and around him. The stars shimmering in the darkness. Some of the stars where yellow in color but a great deal many of them were a bright shining white.

The Moon was out among the stars tonight. Star Shadow seemed to just drift along though the void of stars, he slowed to a stop spotting a pink star nearby. He looked at it and thought about entering it like he had done the night before but the star slowly fades from pink and back into a yellow and then white star before his very eyes.

The star shines brighter and from within a large dark figure emerges from it. The Princess of the Night appears, folding her wings back down to her sides as she looks out at the stars. As she does her eyes fall upon me. She pulls back her wings flaring out.

-POV Luna-

“Such a tiring night.” Luna thought to herself as she flew up into the moon from the ponies dream she had just helped and emerging back into the Dreamscape realm. She took a deep breath through her nose and folded her wings next to her sides as she turned her head looking at the stars. As she gazed out among the stars her eyes fall upon something, no not a something a SOMEPONY? Lunas body shivers suddenly sending chills through her body her wings flare out on reflex in fear as no pony is suppose to be in the Dreamscape but her. But here was a-a brightly glowing white pony.

Luna only takes a second to clear her mind once more stepping forwards. “Who art thou!” She shouts loudly at the pony before her. “What does thou want? Why is thou in my Dreamscape?!”

The glowing pony before her cringes back from the princess bowing its head. “I-i’m sorry.” The glowing pony stammered out. “I dont know what a Dreamscape is. This is always the dream I have had, since I was very small.”

Luna was taken aback by this, She lowered her wings once more to her sides looking at the pony. “You did not answer my other questions, who are thee? What is thine name?”

The glowing pony raises its head looking at the princess. “I am Star Shadow, and--” There is another flow of light, a bright flash and the glowing pony known as Star Shadow was gone, leaving Luna alone within the stars, the stars that have gotten fewer, and fewer in just a few moments within the Dreamscape as they spoke.

Star Shadow woke with a start as the train rattled along the tracks. The sun was just now peeking up over the horizon when he woke in a cold sweet. Star sit up placing his hooves on his face and breathed to calm himself. “What had I just dreamed? Was that real too?”

He looks out of the trains window out into the distance, as the train rounded a bend the sun shined upon the mountain showing a pristine view of Canterlot hanging high upon the mountain within all its glory. “Don’t worry Princess, I’m coming, and I’ll explain what I can when I get there.”

As this thought rolled though Star Shadow's mind the sun raised a little higher and the train blowed its whistle shooting steam into the air as they neared their destination.