• Published 8th Apr 2013
  • 2,425 Views, 46 Comments

A Return to Sibling Rivalry - dracolord85

Princess Celestia is feeling an urge she has not felt for a long time. The urge to prank her sister. But with Luna and the newly reborn Nightmare Moon allied against her, does she stand a chance?

  • ...

Chapter 6: Rise of the Dark Apprentice

Disclaimer – I own none of the cannon characters, settings, or locations contained herein. All ownership credit goes to Hasbro/Lauren Faust respectively.

Chapter 6: Rise of the Dark Apprentice

Another day had passed and the sun now settled behind the western horizon, casting its final display of dazzling color across the land. Sitting upon a high balcony, the royal sisters attended to their duty, though tonight Nightmare Moon had insisted on joining them. As the glow of Celestia's horn faded when she was assured the sun was safely down for the evening a look of apprehension flickered across Nightmare's face. No sooner had Luna stepped forward to begin the moon's journey than the resurrected Nightmare nudged the lunar Princess, interrupting her.

"Luna? I was wondering, um, if you wouldn't mind, if I could ask a favor?" The normally quite forceful filly was looking decidedly bashful as she gained the attention of both Princesses.

"Speak thy heart my dear friend, this behavior is most unusual." Luna encouraged her friend, as Celestia watched without comment.

"Umm. I was wondering if I could try raising the moon tonight." Nightmare's draconic gaze stared hopefully up at Luna.

"Nightmare, you know you don't have the magical capacity in that body to guide the moon." Celestia explained with a sad smile at the now downcast filly.

"I must agree with Tia upon this matter Nightmare." Luna shared her sister’s look at the cringing Nightmare.

"However, it shall not hurt anything for thou to try. Thy magic is stronger than average, and should anything go wrong I shall step in and correct it." Luna raised Nightmare's lowered chin with a hoof until they met eye to eye.

"...If you are sure Luna." Celestia stepped backwards and sat on her haunches as Nightmare stepped eagerly forward.

Nightmare steadied her nerves as she pulled the memory of her time when Luna and her were as one to the forefront. The knowledge of how to raise the moon was forever ingrained in her memory and she dug deep into her magic reserves as she visualized the spell in her mind. More and more magic pumped into the spell as she sat motionless, sweat would have been forming across her brow had she been capable of it. She sensed the initial stages of the spell completing as she felt the moon behind the eastern horizon. But she also felt her magical reserves quickly dwindling, although she gamely tried to press on. Once the spell approached one quarter completion, she had used the last of her available magic and collapsed forward, the spell falling apart and the moon remaining behind the horizon.

“Steady thyself Nightmare, Terra did not tell us what would occur should thou expend all of thy magical energy. Let us not aim to find out the difficult way either.” Luna consoled the downed filly.

“But I can still feel the magic within me, I didn’t use it all, it just stopped!” The frustrated Nightmare flicked her silver mane.
“Perhaps then, it is a sort of safety feature that Terra put in place to prevent you from doing it accidentally.” Celestia mused.

Nightmare slowly stood, and without a word trudged indoors. Both sibling alicorns turned to face each other with the same look of concern etched on their faces. Anger had been expected, perhaps flat denial of her limitations, but not a silent admission of defeat. It had been strange that she had made a request such as attempting to move the moon, and although the outcome of her attempt had been predictable, its after effect had not been expected in the least.

"Luna, has Nightmare been having any difficulties adjusting to her body or dealing with its limits?" Celestia cautiously asked her sister, afraid of taking the wrong tone.

"Neigh.Least ways, not in my presence. I suspect that she may have developed this fixation based on our shared memories. Perhaps if she were not limited in her power she may have been able to move the moon on her own." Luna slowly sorted out her suspicions over the odd behavior of her friend.

"Keep an eye on her sister. If you suspect that she needs any help finding her way then I will help however I can." Celestia craned her neck down to briefly nuzzle her little sister, who returned the gesture with a smile.

"I appreciate thy help sister, thou shalt be the first to know if help is needed. Now I must be away, sleep well Tia." Luna turned away after quickly raising the moon and followed after Nightmare towards the Hall of the Night.

Neither sister caught the dark filly sulking just around the corner. She looked sullenly back at the mark adorning her flank. A full moon resting on a bed of clouds stared back at her. Nightmare just shook her head slowly and began the trek back to the Hall of the Night, mumbling glumly to herself.

"Stupid cutie mark. What the hay is that even supposed mean anyway?"

===== Trixie's Quarter's =====

Nightmare and Luna stood outside the door to showmare's room. They had knocked and called out to her to begin the night but had so far received no response. Seemingly back in form, Nightmare was quickly becoming impatient with being ignored by the unicorn and was loudly vocalizing her opinion. Much as Luna was becoming annoyed with her friend's antics, she was glad to see her back to her old self instead of continuing to mope over her earlier failure with the moon.

"We have wasted enough time here. Let's just bust in there and snatch her up already. If you don't then I will!" Nightmare threatened while loudly knocking a fore hoof against the door again.

"Hmm. I suppose we may have exhausted the time for patience. Calm thyself, and we shall go in and fetch her." Luna lit her horn and undid the latch on the door.

Stepping into the guest accommodation, they were greeted with mountains of books on magical theory and advanced illusion weaving. All of the books had been cleared of traps, since most were from the old castle library. Moving in further, they began to hear loud snoring noises coming from behind a lectern. Closing the distance, the two alicorns caught sight of Luna's apprentice slumped on the back of the lectern, face buried in a thick tome that had been inadvertently converted into her pillow. Nightmare grinned and crept closer, prepared to wake Trixie with a mighty slap to her flank but was stopped just as she raised a hoof. Luna whisked her backward with her magic and explained her alternate wake up plan.

"Neigh Nightmare. I shall enter her dream and issue our wake up instead. Then she shall learn that sleep cannot be used to avoid our tutelage."

"Hmm, maybe that would be better. A bit of despair will build character!" Nightmare grinned again and stood by.

Luna channeled her magic and a slight aura surrounded the sleeping unicorn. Nightmare waited for the spell to complete and was surprised as she looked back up to Luna's face. A look of great effort being applied was etched upon her muzzle as a slight bead of sweat formed on her brow, Nightmare could feel Luna channeling far more power than normal as she attempted to cross through the dream barrier. Confused, Nightmare could only watch as Luna finally grunted with the extra effort and successfully broke through as the aura surrounding Trixie faded away. A minute passed by, when suddenly Trixie jolted upright with a deep gasp and a look of panic on her muzzle.

"No! Trixie is awake! Don't use the feathers!" The still panicky mare tried to move but stumbled and fell on limbs that were not quite awake yet.

“Then thou shalt make the effort to wake in a timely manner my lazy apprentice. Hast thou forgotten the examination and lecture scheduled for this very evening?” Luna spoke in monotone as she recovered her waking senses.

“N-no Princess, I didn’t forget. I was up most of the afternoon studying anything I could get my hooves on to prepare. I guess I almost overslept though, sorry for making you for waking me up.” Trixie studied her fore hooves with rapt attention.

“Let us tarry no longer then, come.” Luna stood and bade the other two to follow her to the training grounds.

The training grounds Luna had selected were actually in the courtyard of the old castle, back in the Everfree Forest. This was one of few places where they could train and conspire that had the perfect blend of free space, relative shelter, and lack of anypony potentially spying for Celestia loitering about. They typically took Luna’s chariot to the site, since neither Trixie nor Nightmare could fly. Luna herself has taken to flying alongside the chariot during the journey, since the narrow vehicle was never meant to hold that many ponies, plus it gave her the chance to stretch her wings a bit. Once they landed, and the two Shadow Sentinels were sent to skulk about the grounds as they typically did, while the mares remained in the courtyard for Trixie’s test.

"We shall delay no further, let the examination begin." Luna stated as she sat upon a cushion procured from the chariot.

Trixie stood at attention before the alicorn and adopted her most serious face. All of the knowledge she had gained in the admittedly short time under the study of the Princess being brought to the forefront of her mind. As long as she was able to maintain her position as the personal apprentice to Princess Luna then she just may have a chance of exacting her vengeance on the wretched little town of ponyville, and all of the haters that dwelled in it! Nopony could stand before the might of somepony who was taught specifically by a Princess after all.

"What are the alignments and what do they mean to ponies?" Luna let forth her first question, keeping it vague.

"There are three alignments Princess, Light, Dark, and Neutral. Everypony is in tune with one alignment and it determines many things from the range of their talents to their personality." Trixie stated confidently.

"Correct. Concerning the field of magic, what do they entail?"

"A pony of Light alignment bears great raw power but can have difficulty learning to wield it effectively. Neutral alignment bearers are in balance with the forces within themselves while they seek to create that same balance around them. Dark alignment is evidenced by the subtle manipulation of perceptions and redirection of external forces." Trixie was inwardly jumping for joy as she found her smooth answers flowing forth.

"Correct again. Most illusionists are of Dark alignment, bending the perceptions of those around them to craft the scene they wish to set. Why is this a problem?"

"It becomes a problem because of the suspicion other ponies develop about what is real and what is not when in the presence of a talented illusionist."

"Go on, what is the easiest way to counter a common illusion?" Luna prompted, waving a hoof at the smaller mare.

"Umm, well, most common illusions are based on one sense, so those that are suspicious quickly figure out that things don't make sense. Most unicorns can undo a common illusion with a burst of magic though?" Trixie finished uncertainly.

"Indeed. It would appear that the basics are within thy grasp Ms. Lulamoon. Now for something more difficult, some application theory." Luna said as she lit her horn.

Dark fire spread from Luna and engulfed the area around her, effectively obscuring her from view. Once the blaze faded, five separate Luna's appeared in a line, all identical. She had cast a duplication spell, one which caused Nightmare to grin from the sidelines she watched from. The Luna's all nodded in unison and spoke to the showmare in unison.

"Determine which of these is the real me to pass this exercise, thou shalt have but three attempts."

"Oh, Trixie was waiting for this! Watch in awe as she banishes the fakes!" Trixie reared up and channeled her magic into a wave that slammed into the five Princesses.

None of the Princesses even flinched as the magic hit them simultaneously, simply blinking back at the unicorn who was just a bit perturbed now.

"Um, right. Trixie knew that wouldn't work! But she does know that mirroring spells can't create copies that have actual presence! I will reveal the true Princess by exposing her shadow! Watch in awe!" Trixie felt confident as a triumphant tone entered her voice.

Rearing up, Trixie struck a dramatic pose as her horn flared with magic. Once she had gathered enough power a brilliant light flare spell shot upwards with a multitude of smaller fireworks spells. As the flare slowly drifted back downwards, Trixie's heart fell. Each of the copies of the Princess had a proper shadow in the bright light. She had guessed wrong, this was no simple mirroring illusion. To drive home that point, each of the Luna copies began moving around and acting individually once the flare had fizzled out. Mirror copies weren't supposed to be able to act individually!

"A nice show, but an incorrect technique. That is two down by the by, one left." One Luna looked towards the formerly confident mare.

Trixie was stunned into disbelief. Here she was with but one chance left and the Princess had played a dirty trick by using her alicorn magic to bend the rules against her! There must be something she could do to find the real Luna, there had to be a way to weed her out from the fakes. Trixie began to breath heavily as the thought of impending failure closed in on her, until she suddenly froze on the spot and her breathing stopped. Revelation and inspiration had struck, almost painfully, within her mind at once. The answer was far more simple than she had guessed, at least she hoped it was. With her final chance on the line, Trixie sat on her haunches and bowed her head. Magic began gathering into her horn and was relayed to her eyes, which were bright blue as she opened them and looked up again.

"Most interesting, what art thou attempting my little pony?" A Luna asked as the others adopted looks of confusion.

Trixie did not respond, the magic she was directing required too much focus. Her eyes now saw the light of the area on different spectrums, which she cycled through while gazing at the group of Princesses. She began to doubt herself more as each copy appeared to have their own mass, heat signiture, and even bone structure! She was about to give in as her eyes drifted upwards slightly and salvation presented itself to her. The moon overhead was glowing as usual, but there seemed to be a barely visible beam of moonlight that shone down upon only one Princess while seeming to radiate out to the others. Almost disbelieving her own enhanced vision, Trixie walked forward slowly, the eyes of the Princesses on her as she approached them. She slowly reached out a hoof and placed it on the chest plate of the Princess before her as the spell faded from her eyes.

"Princess?" Trixie mumbled hopefully.

"Thou art correct, well done indeed." Luna nodded as she swept the smaller mare into a grand hug, her clones fading like a mirage around her.

"The key to unraveling a well crafted illusion is to maintain a calm mind. Thy bravado and grandstanding would have seen thee fail this test, yet once thy ego was put to the side, and the looming threat of failure focused thy mind, the answer did present itself. Not always do the fastest or strongest win the day, those with a sharp wit, a keen eye, and the drive to succeed can outperform even the mightiest of foes."

Nightmare joined the other two as Trixie was released from Luna's grasp. The showmare simply sat in stunned silence as she was still attempting to process the fact that she had chosen correctly. Luna and Nightmare smiled at each other, both reaching the same conclusion. Trixie Lulamoon had exactly what they were looking for in an apprentice. Though rough around the edges and in need of a great many hours of practice and refinement, she had all of the potential worthy of their teaching. First though, there was the small matter of removing the tracking bracelet that Luna had attached to Trixie's ankle.

"Ms. Lulamoon, there is but one final thing to do." Trixie was shaken from her reverie as Luna approached her, horn aglow with magic.

Thinking this to be another part of her test, Trixie braced herself, but was surprised as Luna's magic flowed toward her. Quickly surrounding her and lifting her slightly from the floor, the lunar magic focused on her ankle as the bracelet was dissolved into nothingness before she was set gently back down. Next, Luna flared her magic into greater strength as a singular beam of pure moonlight radiated from the orb in the sky overhead, falling just before the Princess. Magic and moonlight coalesced before the Night Princess, taking the form of a black ring. The ring itself was quite simple, with no jewels or any other adornments save for a series of runes that ran along the entire face. Luna smiled as she relaxed her magic and levitated the band before Trixie.

"Thou art now a free mare Trixie Lulamoon, the threat of incarceration is now null. However, we would ask that thou stay with us. Accept this ring as a symbol of our covenant to each other, for thou art exactly what we seek."

"Eep! Um, well, that is..." Trixie was now blushing intensely as her voice trailed off, her eyes refusing to meet Luna's.

"Speak clearly Ms. Lulamoon, we cannot comprehend thy mumbling!"

"Um, you see, I think you are a really great pony Princess. And I'm flattered that you think of me that way, but, um... I like stallions..." Trixie struggled out her explanation, which only garnered a blank look from the Princess.


"Oh yeah. I probably should have told you earlier." Nightmare commented as she lay sprawled on her side, head supported by a fore hoof while she disinterestedly studied the other hoof.

"Told me what exactly? What am I missing here?" Luna slowly turned to the smaller alicorn.

"In this day and age, giving a horn ring to a unicorn isn't a symbol of accepting somepony as an apprentice." Nightmare lazily offered.

"Then what is... Wait... Thou cannot mean..." Luna trailed off as she examined the situation, as well as the blushing mare before her.

"Yeah, it's become a sign of proposing marriage to your special somepony." Nightmare finally dropped the other horseshoe and looked at Luna with a mischievous grin, causing Luna's face to go crimson as well.

“Wait, you mean the Princess isn’t asking me to marry her?” Trixie finally looked up from the floor to stare accusingly at Nightmare.

"NO! THAT IS CERTAINLY NOT THE CASE!" Luna bellowed in vehement denial.

"Hahaha! Calm down Luna! Listen up Trixie, when Luna and I were around a thousand years ago things were a bit different. When a teacher or master of the arts took an apprentice or understudy, they gave that pony a ring or hoof band to show the world that the student was training under them. Luna is offering you the position of apprenticeship for all the world to see. She doesn't want to marry you, probably, not yet anyway." Nightmare finished with a smirk at both of the flustered ponies.

"Nightmare! Mind thy tongue!" Luna hissed at her alter ego.

"Oh, well, if that's the reason for the ring then my answer is yes Princess. I would be honored to be your student!" Trixie shook her head clear of errant thoughts and sat before the Princess with her head bowed.

"Hmph. Very well then. Ms. Lulamoon, from this moment forth, thou art mine apprentice in the art of magic. Carry thyself with the dignity and bearing that would honorably represent thy master, for this ring shall announce to all who see it that thou art chosen by royalty." Luna gave her official declaration as Trixie kept her head bowed.

Slowly, the black ring was settled onto the base of Trixie's horn. Once in place, the ring tightened to a snug fit of its own accord. The runes along the band dimly pulsed in sequence with a silvery light. Rising at the Princess's direction Trixie stood tall and proud, now officially the personal student of the powerful and mysterious Night Princess.

"Now, we should inform thee of something. The metric by which thy progress shall be judged shall be thy continuous improvement in the aid thou provide in my ongoing struggle against mine elder sister." Luna nodded to the smaller mare.

"WAIT! WHAT!?" Trixie shrieked as parts of her mane began to fray out of place.

===== After daybreak at Canterlot Castle =====

Trixie and Luna strode through the brightening halls at a leisurely pace. Trixie had once again donned her full body cloak, obscuring her identity. As the two ponies chatted idly, Luna suddenly stopped at a doorway and nodded to her apprentice.

"Wait here. I shall return shortly after retrieving something."

Trixie nodded her wordless acceptance and stood by once Luna had gone beyond the doorway and closed it again behind herself. To all appearances this area of the castle was completely free of other ponies, quite mysteriously so actually. She had stood for not even a minute before there was a sudden explosion of golden light before her, which faded to reveal the ruler of the day, Princess Celestia, grinning down at the cloaked mare.

"Well well well. It would seem I finally get to meet my sister's special friend! Oh no, my little pony, hehehe, there is no escape." Celestia giggled as Trixie broke away in a dead sprint down the hall.

To Trixie's credit she was actually able to make several turns before the solar diarch caught up with her. Of course, the dead end she had wound up in also didn't help to facilitate her escape at all. Celestia slowed to an almost predatory gait as the cloaked pony before her was backed up against the wall. There was no escape, and nopony to interrupt either.

"Now, why don't we get a good look at the face under these robes. Hmm? WHAT THE BU-" The Princess's leering face became one of horror as she removed the hood of the mystery pony.


A massive light flare spell went off as soon as the devilishly grinning face of the blue mare was revealed. Celestia fell backwards with a shriek as she was instantly blinded and disoriented, the world now swimming around in a bright haze, sounds became distorted and muffled. This allowed the second phase to begin as Trixie quickly bound the much larger mares' limbs with a magical lasso, the alicorn's disorientation not allowing her to easily snap the hold. The door beside them opened, from which Luna trotted calmly, a large case of makeup held in her telekinetic grasp. The next few moments were a blur of movement and alarmed shrieking. Once her senses had begun to return to her, Celestia broke the hold that held her down and leapt to her hooves, but not before Luna banished the makeup case.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" Celestia bellowed while she caught her breath.

"Sister, allow me to introduce my new student, Ms. Trixie Lulamoon." Luna gestured grandly at the now fully revealed Trixie, who was still grinning at her successful involvement in the scheme.

"Personal student? Wait why does that name sound so familiar? I know I've he-"

"My goodness sister, would thou observe the time! Don't you have a breakfast meeting with the griffon ambassador? Thou should not be late for such a thing, let me assist thy timeliness."

Luna's horn flared with dark magic before her sister had a chance to respond. Celestia was engulfed in dark fire and swiftly teleported to the smaller private dining room. The master and student were left alone in the hallway as Trixie looked up hopefully at the Night Princess.

"Thou hast performed admirably my student, well done indeed!" Luna beamed at the smaller pony.

"Thank you Master. How long do you think it will take your sister to notice her new style?"

"Not long I am sure, the griffon ambassador is rather blunt as I am told. We will certainly know regardless of when the reveal takes place. Now let us be away for a day's rest, tomorrow night thy training continues!"

===== In the private dining room =====

Dark fire burst forth from Celestia's seat as the Sun Princess materialized from the flames. The griffon ambassador sat at his seat, slightly aghast at what he saw before him. Settling himself into a neutral look, the large griffon leveled a bored stare at Celestia as she regained her wits.

"Princess. I am glad you could join me this morning, but I must ask. Did you apply your own makeup this morning or did you just make your royal stylist mad recently?" The large lion-eagle snarked with a slightly raised brow.

Mortified, Celestia wordlessly summoned a mirror before herself. What stared back was no less than epically horrific. Her eyelids were caked in heavy purple gunk, the eyelashes heavy with what must have been an entire tube of mascara each. Her lips were practically dripping with deep red lipstick, and her cheeks were smeared haphazardly in bright pink blush. The topper on the metaphorical cake though was the random series of small, heart shaped hair clips placed in her mane. She looked like a teenage filly after she got her first makeup kit. Rage boiled in her mind as she slowly started trembling in her seat, the ambassador cocking his head slightly before being assaulted with the resulting outrage.

===== The Hall of the Night =====

Trixie had stopped at the door to her room as the princess continued to her own chambers. She went wide eyed as she felt the very stones beneath her tremble before a very angry and very distinctive voice was heard as much as felt.


Said Night Princess did not even turn to look at her student as the sound wave finally passed them by.

"See? I did tell thou we would know." Luna remarked before continuing onwards.

Author's Note:

Chapter 6 up and out! The official reveal of Trixie to Celestia, much to her dismay! Must take a moment to thank y'all for the comments and favorites so far, means I must be doing something at least halfway right! Now off to start up the next chapter!
