• Published 8th Apr 2013
  • 2,425 Views, 46 Comments

A Return to Sibling Rivalry - dracolord85

Princess Celestia is feeling an urge she has not felt for a long time. The urge to prank her sister. But with Luna and the newly reborn Nightmare Moon allied against her, does she stand a chance?

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Chapter 2: Throwing Down

Disclaimer – I own none of the cannon characters, settings, or locations contained herein. All ownership credit goes to Hasbro/Lauren Faust respectively.

Chapter 2: Throwing Down

Sitting on her throne in the middle of a busy afternoon court, Princess Celestia was the regal picture of patience and understanding as ponies filed in and out to have their petitions and grievances heard before the crown. The afternoon sun shone brightly through the large stained glass windows, the bright, cascading colors creating a majestic and calming atmosphere. Celestia wore an easy smile upon her muzzle as she helped her little ponies with their problems. Yesterday had been a great day after all, she had begun the execution of her plan to be seen in a different light by her subjects. Using her sister and inciting her predictable temper flares had all gone according to plan. It was almost too easy when you had thousands of years of strategic practice and you already knew your opponent.

As the mare before her bowed and stepped away from the throne, Celestia’s overconfidence rose up to bite at her backside. The room developed a sudden chill and became noticeably dimmer despite the strength of the sun just outside the windows. The gathered ponies stepped back in panic as a dark purple spell seal formed and began glowing on the floor not twenty paces from the throne. As the guards before the throne moved forward to determine the threat, the very fabric of reality seemed to tear above the seal. A thin line of pure darkness about twice the height of the average pony ran upwards before expanding into an oval shape. Dark tendrils of energy continually seeped from the edges of the abyssal rift before dissipating in the dim light, giving the whole thing the appearance of a pitch black sea anemone.

Without warning, Luna’s Shadow Sentinels leaped forth from the darkness and quickly subdued the approaching solar guards, earning gasps of shock and frightened whimpers from the court attendees. Once the exit point was secure, Luna herself stepped forth from the dark tunnel and calmly approached the throne. Staring up at her sister with a contemptuous sneer, Luna spread her wings wide in an intimidating fashion, the shadows of the room seeming to deepen as she did.

“Thy reign of terror ends now Celestia, we challenge thee!”

Luna proceeded to withdraw an obsidian dagger from within her starry mane. She twirled it in her dark telekinetic grasp before hurling it towards Celestia, where the blade imbedded itself in the wood beside her head with a loud thump, causing more than a few ponies to faint away in shock. Luna turned and sauntered back towards the dark gate, her sentinels walking backwards to follow, growling and baring their sharpened teeth at anypony that hadn’t passed out yet. Before entering the gate Luna turned to look over her shoulder at her sister.

“For thy consideration dear sister, We eagerly await thy response.”

As Luna’s sentinels backed into the darkness after their mistress, the gate seemingly evaporated and the light and heat returned to normal in the throne room. Smiling serenely, both in genuine amusement and for the sake of the few ponies that hadn’t fainted away, Celestia grasped the handle of the dagger in her magic and pulled it free. The dark blade evaporated with a hiss in the bright aura of her magic and left only the grip, which she pulled a string in the middle of to reveal a scroll. Reading over it for a moment, Celestia laughed aloud and summoned a quill before affixing her official signature to the mysterious document and passing it to a slowly recovering page at the bottom of the throne.

“Please have this copied and posted throughout the public and military areas of the castle if you would my little pony.” Celestia gently ushered the nervous page towards the entrance doors.

The page rushed as quickly as he could to complete his assigned task and within the hour had begun posting the copied document throughout the castle. Needless to say, many ponies gathered around each of the bills that he posted with widely mixed reactions to its contents. Were they really fighting already? Was this all a joke? Was there already ten to one odds in Celestia's favor?

Official Terms of War

May it come to the attention of all that a contest of honor has been initiated between Princess Luna of Equestria and Princess Celestia of Equestria. Herein are the proposed rules of engagement to be adhered to by all members taking part in this contest. Upon review of the terms and conditions below and receiving the signature of each party a formal state of contest shall take effect between the parties.

1. The leader of each party shall have the power to levy whatever backup or support that they deem necessary. No military personnel may be drafted for service of any kind. All members recruited shall be considered fully actionable combatants by the opposing party.

2. Collateral damage is a byproduct of any engagement. That being accepted as fact, it should also be actively minimized by both parties as much as possible. Directly targeting an innocent pony will not be accepted, neither shall the wanton destruction of public or private property be acceptable.

3. There shall be considered nothing sacred in regards to location or time of engagement unless agreed to by both parties for a temporary cessation of combat.

4. Any and all methods of combat shall be found acceptable so long as they do not violate the second rule.

5. A Judge shall be appointed by agreement of both parties and shall remain neutral in the affairs of each. The sole responsibility of the judge shall be to hear rule violation grievances from either party, and to keep records of all enlisted combatants on either side. Judgments awarded are to be considered final and must be adhered to by both parties, failure to do so will be considered forfeiture by the negligent party.

6. Conclusion of this contest can be reached by negotiated treaty between both parties or by the admission of defeat by one party to the other.

Princess Luna of Equestria

Princess Celestia of Equestria

===== Near the center of the Everfree Forest =====

The blue unicorn mare burst forth from the tree line with the deep cackling of a cockatrice not far behind her. She was filthy, cut and scratched in multiple places, and in an otherwise general state of dishevelment. Running on pure adrenaline coursing through her long spent muscles she saw her chance over a nearly destroyed rope and plank bridge spanning a misty gorge. The bridge swayed and groaned agonizingly as she dashed across it at a full tilt gallop. With a heart stopping snap as the cockatrice applied its weight to the bridge the entire structure gave way just as the unicorn made her final desperate leap for the far edge. The unfortunate snake bird chasing her plummeted into the foggy abyss with a sharp squawk as the mare heaved herself over the far ledge and promptly collapsed in a fit of ragged, heavy breathing. She was thankful that the heavy little predator could not truly fly, otherwise she would have been finished. After catching her breath and steadying her fried nerves as much as possible she began to examine her surroundings. The mist before her parted like a stage curtain, revealing a dark, broken down castle. The entire structure practically oozed with sorrow and despair, as though it longed for somepony to return to it and fill it with the life it once held. With no way back now, the mare slowly walked forward past the broken gates, darkness once again claiming her.

Author's Note:

Just a short chapter this time. I felt that what I had planned next didn't really flow well when combined with this section. Also, the Trixie snippets that I close with will happen a few more times before she moves onto the main stage. Next chapters will all be longer, I promise! As always, comments, feedback, and constructive criticism is appreciated. Now onwards to proofing the next chapter!
