• Published 8th Apr 2013
  • 2,425 Views, 46 Comments

A Return to Sibling Rivalry - dracolord85

Princess Celestia is feeling an urge she has not felt for a long time. The urge to prank her sister. But with Luna and the newly reborn Nightmare Moon allied against her, does she stand a chance?

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Chapter 5: Celestia's Strike - Sweet Dreams

Disclaimer – I own none of the cannon characters, settings, or locations contained herein. All ownership credit goes to Hasbro/Lauren Faust respectively.

Chapter 5: Celestia's Attack - Sweet Dreams

Dawn over Canterlot brought forth the changing of the diarchy. The moon sunk below the western horizon as the sun crested the skyline in the east. Both immortal sisters stood upon a large balcony with their horns lit as they guided their celestial charges in their eternal dance. The sun cast its warming rays on the land in an explosion of bright colors, bringing a smile to the elder's muzzle as she gazed out on the land. The younger sister however, sat with a small frown as the burning rays of the obnoxiously bright bag of gas assaulted her sensitive eyes. She turned and stood upon her hooves as she prepared to make her way to the royal dining hall to enjoy her dinner before she started to wrap up for the day. She was interrupted however before she even made it to the balcony doors.

"Oh Luna. I meant to ask you what was going on in your hall the other night. I could have sworn that you returned from your little outing with Nightmare a bit too quickly. Is everything alright?" Celestia halted her sister's retreat with her question.

"But of course dear sister. We merely wished to take a short flight out before we settled for the day, nothing unusual whatsoever to report." Luna brushed her sister off with her short denial.

"Hmm. Are you sure everything is okay? When I went to see you after you returned your guards had been posted outside of your hall and told me I was denied access by your orders."

"Aye dearest sister, we simply wished to retire for the day without distraction, nothing unusual." Luna remarked as she opened the balcony doors and made her way into the castle.

“Really? And who was the third pony on your chariot then, hmmm? A special somepony I should know about?” Celestia had trotted ahead of her sister and blocked her path with an outstretched wing.

“Old age hath degraded the quality of thy eyes I suspect.” Luna narrowed her eyes at her sister and sidestepped her wing with a slight blush.

“Oh isn’t it just adorable that my little sister has found a special somepony!” Celestia squee’d, “I will just have to do something sweet for the two of you!” She said with mischief in her eyes.

A sense of dread filled Luna as she trotted ahead of her sister. She had to deny all knowledge of her new student, Trixie Lulamoon. The potential payout of her skills could easily eclipse any short term suffering she had to endure to keep her student a secret for a bit longer. Just the thought of the reveal and the look on Celestia’s face would be well worth it, probably, hopefully. But Celestia had already begun to form a plan, and it was going to be messy after it was all said and done.

===== Later that day =====

Cadence and Shining Armor trotted into the main dining hall side by side, chatting about the events of their day so far. Whenever possible, the couple liked to sneak away for a short while and enjoy a snack as well as each other’s company. Today they sought out the fresh doughnuts that were typically delivered by the local legendary doughnut maker himself, Doughnut Joe. However, as they entered there was no scent of freshly baked anything, and nopony at all at any of the tables. Confused by this unusual sight, Shining Armor poked his head into the kitchen to find it all but deserted as well. He spotted one young prep chef peeling potatoes in the rear of the kitchens and approached her for an explanation.

“Excuse me ma’am, but do you know where everypony went? I was looking for a quick bite to eat but nopony is here.”

“Oh! Captain Armor! I’m sorry, but Princess Celestia has called most of the cook staff away on a special assignment.” The young mare bowed briefly to the Captain.

“Hmm, that’s a bit odd.” Shining mused while rubbing his chin in thought.

“If you don’t mind waiting I can fix something up for you!” The former potato peeler was giddy with the prospect of showing her skills.

“Okay then, something quick for Princess Cadence and I, if you wouldn’t mind.” Shining Armor smiled and nodded to the enthusiastic young mare.

Shinning trotted back out into the dining hall and explained the situation to Cadence, who developed a frown after hearing him. There could only be one reason that something so unusual would happen without a large party being planned, and she knew of none in the near future.

"Something tells me that auntie Celestia is going to do something to her sister in their little game." Cadence explained to her coltfriend.

"What reason could she have to employ all of the cooks though?" Shinning wondered aloud.

"I am not sure I want to know. Whatever her reason I am sure that it will only escalate their silly little feud." Cadence shook her head as she sighed in resignation.

"Speaking of their contest, how is that going on your end?"

"Nothing really bad so far actually. Neither has approached me to complain of rule violations. Although, auntie Luna did say that she had an official member of her team to report to me at the end of the week."

"Would you like me to be there for that?"

"Oh aren't you just the most helpful thing? Of course I want you to be there." Cadence smiled and nuzzled shinning briefly.

They both turned their attention to the young prep chef trotting towards them with a freshly made stack of doughnuts and a bright smile on her face. Thanking her and offering quick compliments that sent the young cook off with a skip in her step, the couple turned their conversation elsewhere. As they enjoyed their treat along with each other's company the afternoon slowly wore on.

===== In a shadowy war room under the castle =====

Several beings sat around a large rectangular table. The room was completely dark save for the blue glow of the magical projection emanating from the table top, though that did nothing to illuminate the figures surrounding it. Once all had settled in their places the one at the head of the table spoke forth.

“Welcome to you all, let’s begin since the hour grows late. You have all been brought here because you are the best of the best at what you do; the leaders of your respective trades, and the perfect candidates for what I have in mind.”

“And what iz zis plan you have in mind?” A gray and black male griffon with a long, thin moustache leaned forward to be illuminated by the table light.

“Just a guess here Gustave, but I’m thinking it has something to do with the floor plans laid out on the table?” A lanky yellow stallion with a dark orange mane and wearing a white and red food service cap leaned forward to study the castle floor plan.

“You are correct Mr. Cake, before you are the plans for the Hall of the Night, and more specifically, the personal chambers of Princess Luna. That is the site of our mission, should you choose to accept it.” The still shadowed figure at the table head confirmed.

“And what would the payout be for this mission?” A female mule leaned forward to gaze at the floor plans.

"I am glad you asked Ms. Mild. I am aware that there is an ongoing and fierce rivalry between all that are gathered here in this room. Should this mission be successful I will organize a competition to determine once and for all who is the very best among you."

"Now that sounds like something I can get behind, count me in." A light tan unicorn stallion leaned into the light and tossed his messy brown mane, an angular food service hat somehow staying affixed.

"Excellent Mr. Joe, and welcome aboard. What of the rest of you?"

The remaining attendants took a moment to glance at each other furtively before they nodded their assent at the still shadow cloaked figure. Finally the last figure leaned forward into the light to reveal Princess Celestia. The shadows of the room and the ghostly blue glow of the table combined to give her face a menacing visage. She slowly brought her forelegs above the table and leaned on her elbows, gold shod hooves tapping lightly together as a wide smile split her face from behind them.

"Wonderful my little ponies, simply wonderful. Now, we must be swift if we are to finish our plan before my sister retires after sunrise. Here is my idea..." The princess thus began to lay out her idea to Equestria's top chefs bakers.

Once the details had been worked out, the assembled bakers all set out to gather their supplies from the royal kitchen. With fire in their hearts and their reputations as the best on the line they would not fail their princess, even if what they were about to attempt had never been heard of before. Being the true masters of the art that they were however, they each relished the challenge offered to them.

===== Shortly before sunrise =====

Luna's chariot touched down on the castle grounds and was swiftly pulled into the main hangar by her two Sentinels. The three figures that rode upon the now crowded chariot disembarked after it came to a stop. More accurately, two jumped down while the third simply slumped out and collapsed in a pile. The deep robes that all three wore prevented their identification until Luna dispersed hers into a cloud of bats, lead by her pet Ivan the Adorable, whom she waved off as he went to play with his friends. Nightmare threw her hood back as she and Luna approached the downed pony.

"Trixie can't do this! Why were we doing military drills instead of learning magic? And why does this have to happen in the middle of the night? Trixie has no energy left to get up anymore!"

"There is always a lesson to be learned Ms. Lulamoon, and this week’s lesson is that the best mages are balanced in both body and mind. Furthermore, this will get thee accustomed to the nocturnal life that I lead, and that thou shalt need to adhere to while under my instruction." Luna stated impassively.

“If you’ve got the energy left to complain then you’ve got energy left to drain Trixie.” Nightmare scowled at the collapsed showmare.

“Now get on your hooves! We are going to do magical calisthenics while Luna wraps her day up!” Nightmare bellowed as Trixie slowly stood and began plodding towards the castle.

Luna and Nightmare stood back for a moment to converse privately. Once Trixie was far enough ahead, she bade her Sentinels to accompany her student back to the Hall of the Night. Until Luna was ready to reveal her, she must be protected from discovery by Celestia, even though her sister already suspected something anyway.

"What dost thou think of Ms. Lulamoon's progress Nightmare?" Luna questioned her cohort.

"From every scan we have performed, and her whiney yet proficient adaptation to what we have subjected her to already, I would say that the Lulamoon bloodline is as strong or stronger than it was a thousand years ago. Once we begin honing her illusion magic and teaching her the art of the shadows she will be a fine young mage of great potential."

"I concur with thy assessment. Next week we shall begin her magical instruction and see first hoof what potential she truly holds." Luna nodded slowly as Trixie turned a corner and disappeared from view.

"What do we do about Celestia? What does she suspect?" Nightmare peered up at Luna.

"She portends that I have taken a lover and am secreting them from her view. I believe the act I have given in her presence thus far has solidified this belief and lead her away from suspecting I have taken on an apprentice."

"Let's just hope it stays that way. I should be off now. Trixie won't improve unless we keep pushing her further at this point." Nightmare gave Luna a smile before trotting off to catch up with Trixie.

"And as for me, I believe a quick meal is in order before moonset tonight." Luna spoke to herself before turning towards the royal kitchens.

===== Shortly after the new dawn =====

A grumbling moon princess made her way towards her chambers. How was it that every single cook, chef, and wait-pony had been gone from the kitchens? Deeply disappointed with the celery stalks she had found, Luna resolved to reprimand the royal kitchen staff for leaving the night shift completely empty. She really could have gone for a simple cookie before shutting down for the day. Maybe that rotten sister of hers had already cleaned them out.

As she approached her chambers, she did not notice the distinct lack of Shadow Sentinels at the entrance. Her mind was preoccupied with the thought of requisitioning a pudding all for herself for tomorrow night; she could practically smell the sweetness already! Once inside, Luna noticed with some curiosity that her balcony windows were open and a cool breeze flowed through them. Shutting them with her magic and drawing the blackout curtains, Luna removed her regalia and shoes, setting them aside. Her horn flaring again, she pulled out the bench before her mirror and levitated her mane brush towards herself. Just as she sat down, everything went straight to Tartarus.

With a squawk of alarm, Luna fell to the floor as her chair gave out under her weight. Looking beneath herself she saw her entire backside coated in what appeared to be blueberry jam and the mangled debris of the doughnuts that once held said jam. Her chair had been swapped with a confection that appeared just like the real thing! Only her sister would use baked goods as such. With a disgusted grumble she directed her magic to teleport the mess back to the royal kitchens. Now in need of a shower to cleanse herself, she moved towards her lavish bathroom, but her suffering was not to end so simply.

As her left fore hoof made contact with a large rug laid out in the center of her room she suddenly lost balance as her hoof went straight through the rug. Flaring her wings to avoid falling she was too late to avoid going through with a screech of surprise. As she disappeared under the pie crust shaped as a rug, the vat of tapioca pudding below swallowed her entirely. The wobbly surface stilled after she submerged and remained as such for a moment, until she violently breached its surface in an explosion of pudding. Hauling her dripping and sticky body from the morass, she sprawled on the floor, panting for breath. After a time, she was able to regain her senses and stood up to continue towards the bathroom, now in very desperate need of a shower.

Crossing the threshold into the bathroom that was nearly as large as her bed chambers she immediately lost balance and began scrambling her hooves as they lost grip on the tiled flooring. Finally losing it after a moment of panic she slid forward on the floor that was apparently covered in a fine sheen of butter and face planted on the floor. With a pained groan, the lunar alicorn slowly stood, and with a careful shuffling motion that only resulted in falling on her rump a few times, she made her way to the spacious shower stall. Upon entering she turned and caught the entire floor in her magic as she applied a heating spell. As the butter melted she gathered it up in a sphere and sent it slowly down the drain of her shower.

Revenge would be hers, just as soon as she was clean, she swore to the stars above that her sister would pay for this. Still grumbling curses toward her sister under her breath, she cranked the warm water handle of her shower. Closing her eyes once the warm water began pelting her, she sighed in contentment that it was finally over, all was calm right up until she noticed the smell of chocolate filling her senses. Against her better judgment, she opened her eyes and saw that her shower was not dispensing warm water, but warm chocolate milk instead. She simply continued to stand under the stream of warm milk with a blank look of absolute incomprehension. Finally understanding just how thoroughly her sister had planned ahead of her, Luna shut the chocolate rain down and gathered a bottle of soap in her magic before shaking as much of the mess from herself as she could.

Stepping to the balcony, Luna spotted a group of clouds that had not yet been destroyed by the Canterlot weather patrol. With a flash of her horn and a dark burst she teleported herself to standing on one of the clouds. A small glob of soap formed in her magic as she gathered the remaining clouds into a swirling mass. Combining the two into a maelstrom of soapy water, she stood still and passed the soapy storm slowly over her entire body. Once she was finally clean, the night princess cast a venomous glare at her sister's tower only to see the white alicorn herself standing on her balcony, staring back. Celestia raised a large banner and affixed it to the mantle above her balcony door before waving to her sister and trotting back inside. Focusing her eyes across the distance, Luna's fury exploded by geometric proportions as she read the single word on the banner.


Author's Note:

Here we go, Celestia is stepping up her game! How will Luna top this?

As always, comments, questions and constructive criticisms are greatly appreciated. Now, off to build the next chapter!
