• Published 27th Mar 2013
  • 5,120 Views, 332 Comments

Refracted Love - Silentpegasus

Princess Cadence comes across a crystal unicorn colt and sends him to live with Twilight. What happenes when a member of the CMC take an interest in him

  • ...

Chapter 5: Differences

Chapter 5


Applebloom was waiting at the front of her club house tapping her hoof against the dirt waiting for the red colt. As she did the fight from yesterday flashed in her mind. How did he fight like that? Why did he defend us and why in the name of Celestia can’t ah get him out of mah head? She groaned at the last part. The yellow filly laid down on her back and stared up at the sky. She closed her eyes for a few minutes and drifted off to sleep.

The filly was awoken by someone nudging her shoulder. Applebloom woke up to see the red colt wearing a deep red cloak staring down at her with a raised eyebrow. Applebloom felt her face turn red as she got to her hooves and looked at the colt. “What in the hay took ya so dang long?” She asked as she noticed that he was covered in dirt.

“Sheesh, sorry for being five minutes late.” He said as he rolled his eyes and brushed himself off.

“Why are ya covered in dirt?”

“I had something to take care of.”


“Personal business.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means it’s personal and none of your business.” He said in a flat tone.

“Can I axe you something?” She said in a nervous filled voice.

“Axe away. Just mind where you’re swinging.” He said as the two walked into the club house.

“How did you beat up those stallions yesterday? They were three times our size and you took them down like they were nothing.” She said as Geode noticed the other four ponies in the club house.

“Aye. It was a fine spectacle. Surprising though.” Pip said as he looked at the colt.

“Oh that? I hit a series of pressure points in their bodies.” The foals looked at him in confusion. “Okay, there are hundreds of pressure points scattered throughout your body. Hitting one in the right place with enough force can seriously injure a pony.” The foals let out a collective ‘oh’ sound.

“How do you know where to hit?” Scootaloo asked.

“Just read a basic book on pony anatomy and they’re in easy spots to remember.” He said as he trotted over to the orange filly. “There’s a small cluster of them on a Pegasus’s back just in between their wings.” He said as he pointed to Scootaloo’s joints. “There are a few located in the jaw and behind the forehead.” The ponies then remembered how he took each of the stallions down.

“So how come you didn’t get hurt when you head butted that stallion?” Rumble asked.

“Everyone always said I was hard headed and I wanted to see if it was true.” He said with a smirk. “I’d also appreciate it if you all kept that little incident to yourselves. I don’t need Twilight giving me an earful about fighting when I get home.”

“Um, I already told Rainbow Dash about it.” Scootaloo said with a small grin.

“I told my big bro about it too.” Rumble said as he raised a hoof.

“I may have mentioned it to Rarity.” *Squee* Sweetie Belle said as she grinned. The colt face hoofed and let out a groan.

“Thanks guys. Now I’m gonna hear it from Twilight when I get back.” He said as he sat down on the wooden floor. Applebloom shrugged and took a seat in a bean bag chair as she withdrew a pencil and paper.

“Alright ya’ll, let’s get to work. This project ain’t gonna do itself.” The ponies nodded and got in their respected groups. “Okay so we’ll check favorite movie off the list. What about favorite book?” Applebloom asked.

“Probably ‘Lord of the Ponies’. One of my all time favorites.” Geode said with a smile.

“Never heard of it.” Scootaloo answered.

“Not surprising. It was written a thousand years ago. My personal copy is autographed by the author, R.J. Colton.” He said with a smile.

“Okay. Here’s a good one; what do you want to be when you grow up?” Geode scratched his chin and shrugged.

“Don’t know. What about you?”

“Well, I’ll find out when I get my Cutie Mark.” The filly said as she looked at her blank flank.

“You think Cutie Marks are that important?”

“Of course they are! They tell us what our special talent is and what we’re meant to do!”

“The only thing in this world that can do that is YOU.” He said as he pointed to the filly. “Your Cutie Mark won’t show until you’ve accepted that and you find something you love to do.” He said as he let out a sigh.

“That’s what everypony keeps telling us and nothing has happened yet!” Scootaloo interjected.

“So you guys are talentless?”

“NO! I fixed up this club house just fine!” Applebloom stammered.

“You fixed this place up?” He said in surprise.

“She sure did. This place was wreck when we first got it.” Sweetie interjected.

“Yeah! She added on a whole second floor.” Scootaloo said as she pointed to a nearby ladder.

“So you’re good at building things?” Geode asked.

“I guess.”

“Maybe that’s-”

“It ain’t. I don’t know why but I know it’s not my special talent.” Applebloom said as she glared at the colt.

“Maybe you’re just being stubborn.”

“Maybe you should shut yer trap and answer the question.” She said in a stern tone. Geode rolled his eyes and raised his hooves as he backed off.

“Fine, forget I mentioned it.” He said as he let out a sigh. “I guess, become stronger.” He said with a shrug.


“I have my own reasons.” Geode spat out.

“Fine. Be all mysterious and what not.” The filly said as she rolled her eyes. “What’s your hobby?”

“Don’t have one.” He said in a flat tone.

“What in the hay do you do after school?”

“Homework. Duh.”

“Till dinner? I doubt it. You probably get it done in ten minutes.” Rumble added.

“Aye, ye not be making much sense lad.” The pirate said as he joined the conversation.

“Is it so surprising that I don’t have a hobby? What about you?” Geode spat back at the yellow filly.

“I hang out with my friends and try to find my Cutie Mark.” She said as the other foals in the room got to their hooves and trotted over to him.

“I don’t have a hobby.” He said in a stern tone.

“Fine. Whatever let’s just get this over with.” She said with a sigh.

“Finally something we agree on. What’s the next question?”

“Why are you such a jerk?” Scootaloo interjected. The colt narrowed his eyes and grunted. “All we’ve done is try to be nice to you and you treat us like dirt.”

“Oh please. The only reason you’re doing this is for the faint hope that you’ll get your Cutie Marks out of it.” The yellow filly gulped. “I heard Cherilee talk to you the other day. In the end Ponies always want something in return.” He said as he got to his hooves.

“Well, yes. That was true at first, but I was trying to be friendly.” Applebloom said in a challenging tone. “Let me ask you this why did you defend us yesterday? You could have easily taken off and left us in the dust. Instead you chose to fight. Why?”

“I’ve run away too many times in my life plus, I wanted to test myself and those stallions provided me with a good opportunity.” He said in a flat tone. The foals looked at him in confusion. “In my experience the closer you are to somepony the only thing they’ll need is a shorter knife for when they stab you in the back.” He said as he walked towards the door.

“Hey where are you going?” Applebloom yelled.

“Out. I need to check on something.” He said as he closed the door behind him. The filly growled and let out a groan of frustration.

“Wow, and ponies say I have issues.” Pip added in his normal sounding voice.

“Seriously what’s up with him?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Don’t know, but I know one way we can find out.” Rumble added.


“We follow him.”

“You sure that’s a good idea?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Why not? He’s hiding something!” Scootaloo added.

“Ah agree with Scootaloo. That colt is up to something.” Applebloom said as she walked out the door with the other foals following close behind. The foals trotted back into town looking for the crimson colt.

“Maybe he went back to the library.” Rumble suggested.

“Good idea. We’ll check there first.” Applebloom said as the group made their way towards the library. The filly opened the door to see the purple dragon with an armful of books and Twilight sitting at her desk with a pair of glassed on her nose and using her magic to hold a quill that was dancing along a piece of paper. The mare looked up and smiled at them.

“Hello girls. Is Geode with you?”

“Nope. Is he here?”

“No, I haven’t seen him since early this morning.”

“How early?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“He left around six in the morning. I was pulling an all night’r and I heard him leave. He said you guys were meeting at the club house to work on the project.”

“We were supposed to meet him at ten o’clock.” Scootaloo added.

“Did he not show up?”

“No, he showed up and then left. Which is why we’re trying to find him.” Rumble added.

“Why did he leave?” Twilight asked in surprise. The foals shrugged as Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack entered the library.

“Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo said with a grin.

“Hey Squirt. What are you guys doing here?” She asked as she looked at the group of foals.

“Looking for Geode. He pulled a disappearing act on us.” Sweetie Belle said with a groan.

“Relax, any colt who could beat up those three jerks can easily handle himself.” Rainbow said with a smirk.

“What are you talking about?” Twilight asked as she trotted up to her friends with a cocked eyebrow.

“You didn’t hear? Jeez Twi, you really need to get out more.” Rainbow said as she rolled her eyes.

“What? Tell me.” The lavender mare said as she looked at her friend in anticipation.

“Scoot told me that Geode completely flattened three stallions last night.” The lavender mare’s jaw dropped.

“Sweetie Belle told me the same thing.” Rarity added.

“Same with Applebloom.” The farmer said as the three looked at the stunned purple Unicorn.

“I told ya ah wasn’t lying!” Applebloom yelled in annoyance. “Look, we’re getting off topic here ah need to find him so that we can get this project done.” She said as she face hoofed.

“Sorry girls like I said, I haven’t seen him all day.” Twilight said with a shrug. “I’ll let you know if I do.”

“Thank Twilight. C’mon y’all we’d better start searching again.” Applebloom said as the group trotted out of the library and back onto the street. “Maybe we’d better split up. We’d cover more ground that way.”

“Good idea. We’ll meet back at the club house in an hour.” Sweetie Belle said with a smile. Applebloom went off on her own and searched the far end of town. After stopping at Sugar Cube corner she looked at the clock tower and saw that her hour was up. The little filly made her way back to the club house she decided to take a detour through the edge of her orchard. As she came to the clearing she looked into the forest to see a crimson mass in the ground.

There he is! She thought as she charged into the thicket. When I get my hooves on him ah’m gonna-. She stopped as she heard some faint sniffling coming from the colt. Is he.....crying? Applebloom’s face when to that of angry to sympathetic. She slowly walked up to the curled up colt and took a moment to look him over. “Geode?” The colt instantly got to his hooves and spun around to see the yellow filly.

“What do you want?” He yelled. Even though he had his hood on Applebloom could see the tears flowing from his eyes.

“Ah-ah just came looking for ya is all.” The colt withdrew two clip boards from his coat and threw them in front of the filly.

“There! The project is done. Now leave me alone!” He yelled. Applebloom looked at the clip boards and then back at the colt who still held the gaze.

“It was about your parent’s wasn’t it?” She asked the colt blinked twice in surprise. The filly slowly drew closer to the colt. “Trust me ah know how it feels to loose somepony close to ya. Both mah folks are gone too.” Geode was stunned as the filly wrapped her hooves around him and held him close. His brain lurched and his head pounded in pain. The colt quickly broke the embrace and backed away.

“We are NOT the same!” He yelled. “What makes you think you know anything about me huh?” Geode bellowed at the filly who took a step back. “You had Applejack and your brother to look after you. I had NO ONE! I had to fend for myself for a thousand years!” He said as the tears flowed. Applebloom felt tears form in her eyes. The colt’s tears made his red fur darker and his eyes were filled with as much rage as sadness. “Just leave me alone!” Geode’s horn flared and vanished in a flash of light.

Applebloom was stunned at the colt’s words. She picked up the clip boards between her teeth and slowly made her way back to the club house. As she entered the wooden structure the other four foals got to their hooves. “There you are!” Scootaloo said. “We were getting worried and-” The orange filly notice that the farmer had a sad look on her face. “You okay Applebloom?” She said as the group crowded around her.

“Y-yeah ah’m fine. It’s getting late, I’ll catch y’all later.” She said as she galloped out the door.

Geode slowly trotted through town with his head covered by his hood and hung it low. As he walked into the library he saw Twilight sitting at her desk with a raised eyebrow. Geode felt her gaze on him. “What?”

“Why didn’t you tell me about the fight?” She asked as she got to her hooves and trotted over to him.

“I didn’t think it concerned you.” He said in a flat tone. Twilight put a hoof on his head and looked him over. “I’m fine!”

“Still, I’m angry you didn’t tell me.” She said as he eyes narrowed.

“Again, I don’t see how it’s any of your business.”

“Look here Geode. I promised Cadence that I’d look after you and-”

“Which is the only reason you’re doing it in the first place. I never asked for this. No pony ever takes MY opinion into account.” The colt spat out. “I was doing fine before Cadence caught me and I don’t need her or your charity.”

“How dare you! I open up my home to you and I even try to understand you and all you do is disrespect me!”

“You think you know me? HA that’s a laugh! I’m not like you Twilight. You were raised in pampered Canterlot while I was scrounging around in the dirt looking for food.” Geode bypassed the stunned mare and made his way upstairs. Twilight groaned and trotted back over to her desk and continued reading.

Applebloom walked up to her sisters bedroom door and knocked on it. It opened a few seconds later to reveal the orange mare with her hair down. “Hey sis, what’s up?”

“Ah gotta tell ya something.” The mare nodded and led the filly inside and closed the door behind her.

“What’s up?”

“It’s about Geode. Ah found him this afternoon crying.”

“Crying? That colt is usually tough as nails.”

“That’s the point. Ah guessed he was crying about his folks being gone so I tried to relate to him. Ya know, to make him feel better.” She said as she sat on the bed.

“Well, ah guess I see the reason in that.”

“Yeah, but then he said that I had you, Big Mac and Granny Smith to look after me. He had no pony to help him, he spent the last thousand years all on his own.” Applejack put a hoof to her mouth in shock. “I guess my problem is....how can I become friends with a pony like that?”

“Ah don’t know sugar cube. I can’t even begin to imagine what he went through.”

“I’m just worried about him is all.” She said with a groan. Applejack bit her lip and let out a sigh.

“Ah don’t know. All we can do is wait and see, he’s still getting used to things around here. I’ll go talk to Twilight, maybe she has some advice.” She said with a smile.

“Thanks sis.” The filly said with a smile. Applejack got to her hooves and walked her sister out the door. The orange mare trotted down stairs and saw her brother reading on the couch.

“I’ll be back later Mac. I gotta ask Twi something.”

“Alright.” he said with a nod. Applejack tipped her hat and made her way out of her home and back into the quiet town.

Twilight sat at the dinner table across from the purple dragon who had a skeptical look on his face. “C’mon Twilight, don’t you think you were a little harsh? So he got in a fight. Big deal. From what the others told me he defended them.”

“Spike, he shouldn’t have done that.”

“What was he supposed to do? Let them take their bit’s and beat him up?” He said with a shrug. The two were interrupted by a knock at the door. Twilight trotted up to the door and let out a sigh.

“Sorry, the library is closed.” She snapped at the noise.

“Twi, it’s Applejack can I come in?” Twilight hastily opened the door hearing her friends voice.”Thank ya kindly. You okay?”

“Sorry about that AJ. Geode and I had a little....argument before.”

“That’s why I’m here. He said a few things to Applebloom and she’s kinda torn up about it.” Twilight’s jaw dropped.

“Did he make fun of her?”

“No, he didn’t do anything like that.” She said as she put a hoof on her friends shoulder. “Applebloom found him crying today and when she offered help he bit her head off and stormed off.”

“He was crying?” The librarian said in surprise. “About what?”

“Applebloom figured it was about his folks. Geode told her that he’s been on his own for over a thousand years.”

“Okay, we already knew that.”

“A thousand years Twilight. Think about that. No pony to talk to for a thousand years is enough to drive anypony to the edge.” Spike interjected. Twilight gave it a thought and let out a sigh.

“I’m not sure what to do. I’ll send Cadence a letter and see if she can dig anything up on him.”

“Good idea.” Applejack said. “I just thought I’d let you know, since you’re looking after him and what not.”

“Thanks for telling me AJ. Want some tea before you go?”

“Nah. I’ll see ya tomorrow.” She said as she smiled and left the large tree. Twilight closed the door behind her and looked back at the dragon who had a quill and paper in his claw.


“Ready.” Spike said as he cracked his wrist.

“Dear Princess Cadence.” The mare started.