• Published 27th Mar 2013
  • 5,120 Views, 332 Comments

Refracted Love - Silentpegasus

Princess Cadence comes across a crystal unicorn colt and sends him to live with Twilight. What happenes when a member of the CMC take an interest in him

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Chapter 4: The Project

Chapter 4

The Project

It had been a week since Geode’s first day. The colt sat in his desk as the maroon mare discussed literature that seemed more trouble then it’s worth. He took notes and put his things away as the lunch bell rang. He got to his hooves and made his way towards the door. “May I speak to you for a moment in private Geode?” The colt waited until the last pony left before trotting up to the mare's desk.

“Is there something wrong? Did I do bad on a test or something?” He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

“No, your grades are good. Best in the class might I add.” The colt nodded. “It’s just that I haven’t seen you talk to any of the other children.” Geode rolled his eyes.

“Oh that.”

“Yes, that. Why don’t you?”

“Look Ms. Cherilee, I just prefer to be by myself.” He said with a shrug.

“Why? Everypony needs friends.” She said with a grin.

“That’s debatable.” He said in a flat tone. “I’ve survived this long without friends and I’ve turned out alright.” He said with a shrug.

“I still don’t understand why a colt your age-”

“Keep in mind I’m over a thousand years old.” He said in a stern tone.

“I know but-”

“No offense Ms. Cherilee, but it’s none of your concern. My grades are good and that’s all that matters while I’m here. Right?” The mare was dumbfounded at the colts’ words. The mare let out a sigh and waved him off. Geode nodded and levitated his lunch and bag over to his side as he walked out the door. The mare rubbed her head with her hooves as she tried to process the information. She let out a deep breath as she thought of a plan.

Lunch went relatively fast. Geode went off by himself and cracked open his copy of Daring Do. Across the way the Cute Mark Crusaders were in a paper ball fight with Pip and his pirate crew. Geode glanced over and watched the battle unfold. What the CMC lacked in numbers they made up for in determination. The pirates gained the upper hoof for a second but soon found themselves at the mercy of the fillies. Geode looked down at his book and let out a saddened sigh. Quit dreaming. I’ve been down that road before and it never ends well. He snapped out of the trance as he heard the school bell ring.

Geode and the other children came back inside and took their seats as Cherilee stood up in front of the class. “Alright class listen up. I will be breaking you all into two pony teams to work on a project.” The class let out a collective groan. “Now now. This is a fun project. All I want you and your partner to do is to find out more about one another.” Geode let out a grunt. “Just so everypony is on the same page, this assignment is worth ten precent of your final grade and you each represent half of the final score. So if one of you only contributes then you both of you will only receive half credit.” The ponies looked at one another in confusion and fear.

The mare then pulled out two hats with slips of paper inside of it. “I’ve taken the liberty of writing all of your names down and putting them in a hat.” She said as she held up the two black top hats. “Half of your names are in this hat and the other half is in this one.” She said as she pointed to the head accessories.

She reached her hoof inside and withdrew a slip of paper. “Scootaloo you will be working with....” Scootaloo was bitting her hooves in anticipation. “Pipsqueak.” Scootaloo let out a sigh of relief as did the young colt. Thankfully Tiara and Spoon were paired together, which was load off of everypony’s mind.

“Sweetie Belle your partner is.....Rumble.” Sweetie Belle felt her cheeks flare up as the colt gave her a friendly nod. “Applebloom your partner is...” Cherilee reached her hoof down into the hat and picked up the slip she was waiting to use. “Geode.” Both ponies face hoofed at the announcement. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo gave her a small pat on the back of reassurance. “That’s all the names. The project is due on Monday.” She said as the bell rang. The ponies collected their belongings and trotted out the door. Applebloom waited for the other ponies to leave and trotted up to the teacher.

“Um. Ms. Cherilee can ah ask you something?” She asked in a nervous tone.

“Sure. What is it?”

“Can you switch mah partner with someone a bit more.....social?” She asked in a low tone.

“Sorry Applebloom, but Everypony has a partner.”

“But he’s just so...different then everypony else. He told me he doesn’t want any friends.”

“I noticed and it’s why I think you may be able to help him with that.” She said with a warm smile.

“Me?” The filly said in confusion.

“You’re one of the nicest fillies I know and I think you might be able to get Geode to come out of his shell. Don’t forget that he’s from a different country and from a different era.” She said in a sweet tone. “He’s still getting used to things around here.” Applebloom smiled and let out a sigh.

“This ain’t gonna be easy.” She said with a low groan.

“Things worth getting in life usually aren’t easy. Who knows? You might get a Cutie Mark out of it.” Cherilee smiled as the filly’s eyes widened and a massive smile grew across her face.


“Only one way to find out.” The filly let out a laugh and charged out the door after her two friends.

Geode let out a grunt as he entered the library. The colt made his way upstairs and set his bag to the side. “Me and my big mouth. I should’ve seen this coming.” He said as he face hoofed. The colt got to his hooves and exited his room with his map in his bag. As he opened the door he was confronted by a yellow filly with a blank expression on her face. “What?”

“You know darn well. We gotta work on this project.” She said with a sigh. Geode rolled his eyes and tried to side step the filly, only to be met with a yellow hoof colliding with his chest and forcing him to the ground. The small filly was now standing over his body and was pressing her forehead against his. “Look here ya varmint. Ah don’t like it either, but we gotta do this. AJ will tan my hide if I fail this thing and I bet Twilight will be mighty cross with ya as well.” Geode’s eyes shrank at the thought of the element of magic loosing it.

“Fine. You made your point. Mind getting off me?”

“What’s going on here?” The two foals looked up to see Spike looking at them with a raised eyebrow.

“Howdy Spike.” She said as she got off the colt.

“What were you two doing?”

“Just getting my point across.” Applebloom said as Geode got to his hooves

“Ms. Cherilee assigned us as partners for a project. Applebloom and I were just on our way out to discuss it.” Geode said in a flat tone. Spike shrugged and went about his business. The colt looked at the filly who had a raised eyebrow. “So where should we go?”

“Club house I reckon.”

“You know I’m not a member right?” He said as the two made their way through town.

“Ah know that. Ah just figured it be more fun instead of the library.”

“I have no complaint.” He said with a shrug. Applebloom then noticed the purple crystal hanging around the colt’s neck.

“What’s that from?” She asked as she pointed to the necklace.

“This? It belonged to my mom. I’ve had it with me for as long as I can remember.” He said as he looked at it.

“Can I see it?”

“No. Sorry but this is really special to me.”

“It’s fine. Same thing with my bow.” She said as she pointed to the red bow that held back her red mane. “It was my moms’.” Geode gulped and let out a sigh.

“How long have you tried to get your Cutie Mark?” He asked trying to change the subject.

“Forever. We’ve tried everything from planting to zip lining.” She said with a groan.

“What’s zip lining?” He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

“What? Where have you been?”

“In an empire for the last thousand years. Cut me some slack.” He said as he dead panned.

“Oh, sorry ah forgot. What about you?”

“I stopped trying.” He said in a low tone. The filly looked at him in shock.

“Why? It’s your special talent.”

“I've just accepted the possibility that I might be a blank flank forever and that’s fine by me.” He said in a bold tone.

“B-but you’ll never find your special talent if you don’t try.”

“I don’t care. What’s gonna happen if I don’t? I can survive on my brains and wits.”

“That’s another thing, how’d you get so smart?”

“When you’re trapped in the same place for a thousand years you need to keep busy or you’ll go crazy. I spent most of my time reading books.” He said with a shrug.

“What was it like?” The colt sighed.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” He said in a low tone. The filly nodded as the two arrived at the club house. They opened the door to see the other two crusaders with their partners. The gave them a nod. Applebloom and the colt sat off on the corner of the club in two bean bag chairs. The two withdrew a small note pad and quill. “Okay let’s get this over with.” He said as he sat back.

“Okay then. What’s your favorite movie?” Applebloom asked.

“What’s a movie?” The ponies looked at him in surprise.

“Are ye soft in the head?” The pirate pony asked.

“Hey, I’ve been in the same place for over a thousand years. Sorry if I’m not up to date on all the latest trends.” He said in a rough tone.

“A movie is like a book only instead of reading it you can see ponies act it out.” Sweetie Belle said with a smile.

“Like a play?” He asked.

“Yeah only like twenty percent cooler.” Scootaloo added.

“Sounds interesting.” He commented. Rumble then perked his head up.

“Theres that new Daring Do movie playing in town. We could go and see that!” The blue colt said with a grin.

“They made a movie out of that book?” Geode said in surprise.

“Eeyup. I heard it got good reviews. Wanna go?” Applebloom asked.

“Sure. I just need some bits from Twilight.” He said as he got to his hooves.

“Same here. We’ll meet you there.” Sweetie Belle added. The ponies left the club house and went back into town. Geode walked into the library to see Twilight sitting at her desk behind a wall of papers.

“Hey Geode what’s up?” She said with a smile.

“Applebloom and a few other kids are going to go see a.....dang it what’s it called again? A Movie?”

“Really? Which one?”

“The new Daring Do. Which is why I’m here, can I have some bits?”

“Sure just give me a second.” She said as she got to her hooves. The lavender mare trotted over to the counter and retrieved a small bit bag. “So who are you going with?”

“Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Ruble and Pipsqueak. It’s for a project.”

“What project?”

“Ms. Cherilee split us up into groups and we gotta write about our partner. One of the questions asked was ‘what my favorite movie’ was and since I’ve never seen one before I figured I’d check that off the list.” The mare gave him a nod and handed him the bits.

“Have fun.” She said as the colt walked out the door. As he walked through the street he was joined by Rumble and Pipsqueak, each carrying their own bits. The three colts nodded and made their way to the center of town.

“So matey, how ye be liking our fair town?” The pirate asked.

“Why do you talk like that?”

“Makes me sound a bit more intimidating.” The colt said in a more refined accent. Geode shook his head and let out a sigh.

“To answer your question, it’s a nice change from the empire. A lot more....rustic.” He said with a small nod. The colts were soon joined by the three fillies in front of the movie house. “So this is the movie place?”

“Eeyup. Lets get inside and find some seats.” Applebloom said as the group walked inside the building. The colt saw that a teenage pony was operating the concessions counter behind a cash register.

“Welcome to Ponyville Matinee. How can I help you?”

“We’d like six tickets to the new Daring Do movie.” Applebloom said as she put her bits on the table. The stallion looked at the white filly with a raised eyebrow.

“Sorry miss, but this movie is a bit too violent for you.” Sweetie Belle let out a groan. Geode approached the counter and waved for the stallion to come closer.

“Maybe you can over look it just this once.” He said as he reached into his cloak and withdrew a medium sized Emerald. The stallion looked to his sides twice and gave the colt the six tickets as Geode handed him the gem. “Pleasure doing business with you.”

“You as well sir. Enjoy the movie.” Geode nodded and handed out the tickets to his companions who looked at him in surprise.

“That was the finest haggling me eyes ever saw!” The pirate pony said with a grin.

“What haggling? I just made the stallion a better offer. C’mon, let’s get going.” He said with a smirk. The ponies made their way down the hall and into the theatre. As Geode took his seats he noticed that Sweetie Belle and Rumble were walking out of the theatre. “Where are you two going?”

“To get some popcorn and soda.” Sweetie Belle answered.

“Want anything?” Rumble asked.

“What’s popcorn?” The ponies looked at him in confusion. Applebloom face hoofed and let out a sigh.

“Just get him a small popcorn and a soda.” The farmer filly said as she handed them each a few bits. The two nodded and left the group of ponies sitting in their seats; the orange Pegasus filly was sitting next to the pirate Earth pony and Applebloom was sitting next to the crimson unicorn. Sweetie Belle and Rumble returned with the assortment of snacks. Applebloom handed him the small paper box filled with the odd food. Geode took one of the kernels in his mouth and bit down.

“Wow! This is great!” He exclaimed.

“Shhh! It’s starting!” Applebloom said as the lights dimmed. The colt’s eyes boggled at the large screen projecting the tan Pegasus mare. Halfway into the flick Applebloom had finished her popcorn and reached her hoof into Geode’s own bucket. The colt was too mesmerized by the action movie to care. As Daring stepped on a slate of stone the floor suddenly opened to reveal a pit of spikes and snakes. The yellow filly let out a gasp and grabbed the colts hoof. Geode snapped out of the trance and saw a small blush creep across her face.

The filly let go of his hoof and watched the remainder of the movie in silence. The screen faded to black and the lights brightened. Geode rubbed his eyes as they readjusted themselves to the light. The group of foals trotted out of the theatre with smiles on their faces. “So how’d you like the movie?” Scootaloo asked as she looked at the crimson colt.

“Awesome!” He said with a smile.

“Aye, a fine time was had by all!” The pirate yelled. The group of ponies were then approached by three Pegasus stallions. One was brown while the other two were mustard yellow and grey.

“Alright kids let make this quick. Hand over your bits.” The grey one said as he held out his hoof.

“Why would we do that?” Scootaloo said as she narrowed her gaze.

“Give them up or else!” The stallion said as he cracked his hooves.

“No!” Applebloom yelled. The grey Pegasus swung at her only to be blocked by a red hoof. Geode squeezed on the stallions hoof and started to push it back towards the Pegasus who had a confused look on his face.

“What the?” He said as the clot threw his hoof up and delivered a quick jab to the stallions chest. The stallion staggered back and gave rough cough.

“You gonna let that little shrimp push ya around End zone?” The brown Pegasus said as he pointed at the red colt. The grey stallion charged at the colt with anger in his eyes. The colt quickly dodged him and followed up with a kick to the stallions jaw sending him to the ground. The other stallions looked in disbelief at the colt who got in a defensive stance.

The two stallions charged forward. Geode quickly avoided the attack and landed on the yellow stallions back. The colt delivered a quick strike to the spot between the stallions wings causing him to slump to the ground. He jumped off the Pegasus’s back just as the brown stallion swung at him. Geode felt the stallions hoof collide with his face.

The foals looked in surprise as the colt didn’t budge from his standing position. The brown Pegasus looked in shock at the colt’s unbruised face. Geode grabbed the stallions head and head butted him. The Pegasus stumbled backwards and tripped over his unconscious yellow companion. Geode let out a sigh and looked back at the foals who’s mouths were agate.

“THAT WAS AWESOME!” Scootaloo exclaimed. The other foals soon crowded around him with smiles on their faces. “How did you do that?”

“When you live on your own you have to learn how to defend yourself.” He then heard a groan escape one of the stallions mouths. “Look, let’s just get out of her. When these guys wake up they’re gonna be angry.” The colt said as he turned around.

“Wait what about the project?” Applebloom asked.

“We’ll meet up tomorrow at the clubhouse around ten. Okay?” The filly nodded as the red colt trotted away from the group. The two colts did the same leaving the fillies to walk home with each other.

Geode entered the library and let out a sigh. The purple mare was in the kitchen along with the dragon. Twilight smiled at the colt and waved him over to the table where his place was set. “So how was the movie Geode?” Twilight asked.

“It was amazing. Guess I missed more than I thought while I was in the empire.” He said as he ate the food.

“You saw the new Daring Do movie with the CMC right?” Spike asked.

“Yeah why?”

“That movie is PG-13 and Sweetie Belle is only twelve. How’d you get her in?”

“I can be very persuasive.” He said as he withdrew an emerald. Twilight’s jaw dropped.

“You bribed him?”

“I only offered him a proposition and he accepted.” He said with a smug grin. Twilight frowned a the colt.

“You know that bribing is wrong right?”

“Hey my rule is do what you need to do in order to achieve your goals.” He said with a shrug.

“It’s wrong!” Twilight stammered. Geode shrugged and let out a sigh.

“Look Twilight I had to do a lot of things in the empire to survive. I’m not proud of it, but it happened.” He said as he got to his hooves and walked away from the table.

“Where did you even get that jewel?”

“I dug it up. What do you think I do in my spare time?” He said as he ascended the stairs and trotted into his room. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw there was a small crack where he had head butted the stallion. He walked over to his bag and pulled out a small vial filled with a brown substance. He dumped the vial on the injured area and the crack started to disappear. The colt let out a sigh of relief and laid down to rest.