• Published 27th Mar 2013
  • 5,122 Views, 332 Comments

Refracted Love - Silentpegasus

Princess Cadence comes across a crystal unicorn colt and sends him to live with Twilight. What happenes when a member of the CMC take an interest in him

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Chapter 2: Ponyville

Chapter 2


Two days later.

Geode, Cadence and Shinning Armor were making their way through the streets of the Crystal empire towards the train station. The colt was wearing a dark red cloak that covered his head and mane. The two adult ponies were talking amongst themselves as the colt kept quiet and followed them to the train station. As they arrived the colt’s eyes boggled at the large train. One of the cars opened to reveal a lavender unicorn mare with a smile on her face.

Cadence rushed forward, started to chant and make a few gestures with her hooves. The dance ended with the two mares waving their tails in the air. Geode looked up at Shinning Armor with a confused look on his face. “Do they do that every time they see each other?”

“Yeah, they go way back.” He said with a smile.

“Shinning!” The mare said as she hugged the white stallion.

“Hey Twiley.” He said as he returned the gesture. The lavender mare then noticed the crimson colt looking at her with a raised eyebrow. The Pink Alicorn trotted next to the colt and smiled at him.

“Geode this is Twilight Sparkle. She’s going to look after you while you’re in Ponyville okay?” She said in a soft tone.

“Nice to meet you.” She said as she walked over to the colt who took a step back from the mare. Cadence looked down at him and put a hoof on his shoulder and smiled at him.

“Relax, Twilight’s my sister in law and I trust her completely.” She said with a warm smile. The colt gulped and trotted towards the mare. “He’s just a little shy.” Cadence said as she looked at Twilight.

“She doesn’t run an orphanage does she?” He asked in a fear filled tone.

“No, I run the local library.” She said with a smile.

“Really? Awesome!” He said as a massive smile crept across his face.

“You like to read?” She said in surprise.

“Yeah, but this library here is boring, there aren’t many adventure books. Mostly history books which I’ve already read.” Twilight smiled at him as she looked at the colt.

“Looks like you two are going to get along just fine.” Cadence said with a smile. “If theres any problems just send me a message.” The colt trotted up to her and gave her a hug which Cadence gladly returned. Shinning armor stepped forward and gave him a small box.

“Here, so you’ll always have a little piece of home to carry with you.” Geode looked at the stallion in confusion as he handed him the box. The trains whistle blew signaling its departure. “Have a safe trip you two.” He said with a smile. Twilight and the colt entered the train car and took a seat near the window.

Geode waved goodbye and watched as the shinning city escaped his view. He sat back in his seat and opened the box the guard captain had given him. He opened it to reveal a small crystal dagger. Geode looked at the small weapon and grinned. A small piece of paper with writing on it fell onto the floor. The small colt picked it up and read the message.

I figured this would be better than a crystal doll.

~Captain Shinning Armor.

Geode smiled at the gift and withdrew the blade to see that it was made out of an Amethyst and a Garnet. He put the knife back into it’s sheath and rested it on the seat. Twilight looked at the colt with a raised eyebrow. “So Geode, are you able to use any spells?”

“Just some levitation and basic stuff like that.” He said as he looked back at the mare.

“That’s good. Mind if I ask why you want to leave your home?”

“Same reason I gave Princess Cadence, I’ve been in the same place for over one-thousand years. It gets boring after a while and I know that Cadence is too busy to look after me.” He said with a shrug.

“You seem very mature for your age.”

“When you live on the streets you need to grow up quickly.” He said as he sat back on the seat.

“How old are you?”

“Over one-thousand years old.” He said with a weak grin. Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes. “Okay that joke is getting old. If you don’t count that then thirteen. Why?”

“Just curious. I took the liberty of enrolling you in school and the other students are around your age.” She said with a smile. Geode gulped and looked at the mare with nervousness in his eyes.

“Um...Ms. Twilight.” He said ina nervous one.

“You can just call me Twilight.” She said with a smile.

“Okay Twilight, I don’t get along with other colts and fillies.” He said in a nervous tone.

“Why not?”

“I’m just better off on my own. Never really tried to make friends.” He said with a shrug.

“So what did you do all the time?”

“Went to the library and read books.”

“I used to be the same way when I was just a filly.” She said with a giggle. “Don’t worry there are plenty of friendly ponies in Ponyville that would love to be your friend.” The colt nodded and rested his head against the window as he drifted off to sleep.

Geode’s eyes fluttered open as the train came to a halt. He stretched his back and looked out the window to see a small town bustling with ponies of different colors and races. The colt’s eyes boggled at the sight and a smile crept across his face. Twilight smiled and motioned him to follow her. Geode complied and followed the lavender mare off the train station and made their way through town. The two unicorns were then approached by a white unicorn mare with a flowing purple mane.

“Twilight darling, how was your trip?” She asked as she gave the mare a small hug.

“Great, how are you doing?”

“Fabulous!” The mare said in a ‘sing song’ tone. Rarity then noticed the small crimson colt next to her friend. “Who’s this?”

“This is-”

“Don’t tell me you’re an aunt!” Rarity said as she grinned. Twilight looked at the colt who looked back at her in confusion.

“No, this is Geode. He wanted to get out of the Crystal Empire so I’m looking after him while he’s in Ponyville.”

“What about his par-” Twilight shook her head at the mare. “Oh I see.” Geode looked at the white mare in confusion.

“Geode this is Rarity, a very close friend of mine.” She said with a smile.

“Nice to meet you Geode.”

“Likewise.” He said with a weak smile. Rarity looked up at the clock tower and put a hoof to her mouth in surprise.

“I’m terribly sorry Twilight, but I must get to the post office and pick up a bottle of perfume I ordered. Ta-ta!” She said with a wave.

“She seems nice.” The colt said with a smile.

“Rarity is one of the most generous ponies in Ponyville. She has a younger sister about your age.” Geode lowered his head and continued to make his way through the street with the lavender mare leading. The two soon came to a large tree in the center of town. The lavender mare opened the door and the colt’s eyes boggled at the vast amount of books in the mares collection.

“Hey Twilight, how was the Crystal Empire?” Geode looked up the stairs and let out a small yelp as he saw a small purple dragon walking towards them. “Who’s he?”

“Spike this is Geode. Geode this is Spike, my number one assistant.” She said with a smile. The dragon smiled at the colt who had an uneasy look on his face.

“Y-you’re a dragon.”

“Yup, nice to meet ya.” He said as he held out a claw. Geode gulped and hesitantly shook it. “So why are you here again?”

“Geode is going to be staying with us for a while. Could you go get the guest room ready?”

“On it!” Spike said as he zoomed up the stairs. Geode looked at the mare in surprise.

“He’s your assistant?”

“That’s right. Don’t worry, Spike is only a baby dragon and is very friendly.”

“He won’t try to eat me right?”

“No, he’s a vegetarian.” The mare said with a smile. The purple hurried back down stairs with a smile on his face.


“That was quick.” Twilight said in surprise.

“I usually crash in there when you go on one of your crazy study sprints.” Spike said as he rolled his eyes. Twilight blushed and shook her head.

“Follow me.” Twilight said as she started to trot upstairs with the small colt following close behind. She opened the door to reveal a twin sized bed, a desk and a bookshelf stacked with books. “Here ya go. You can read the books whenever you want, this is a library after all.”

“Thanks.” The small colt said with a grin.

“How about a tour of the town? We need to get your school supplies anyway.” Twilight suggested. Geode shrugged and gave a slight nod. “Excellent.” Twilight said as she and the colt made their way out of the library and onto the busy street. Geode kept his hood up and stuck close to the lavender mare. The two entered the quill shop to be greeted by a white earth pony stallion with a black mustache.

“Twilight Sparkle, my number one customer. Don’t tell me you’ve already burned through those quills I sold you yesterday?” He said with a laugh.

“No, I’m here to pick up some quills for my friend here.” She said as she looked at the timid colt.

“I see, how about a starter kit?”

“That would be wonderful.” The stallion bent over behind the counter and withdrew a plastic wrapped set of three quills and an ink well.

“That’ll be five bits.” The mare paid the stallion and exited the store with the small colt following close behind. Geode heard his stomach growl and felt himself blush.

“I haven’t had lunch either.” Twilight said with a smile. The two trotted into a bright pink building and took a seat in a booth. The two opened their menus and skimmed the types of food. “What do you feel like having?” The mare asked as she looked at the colt.

“Um....maybe the hay fries?” He said in confusion.

“Hey Twilight.” The two unicorns looked over to see a bright pink earth pony mare with a bouncy, curly mane. “What can I get....Oh a new pony!” She said as she looked at the colt.

“Geode, this is Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie this is Geode. He just got in town this morning.”

“Nice to meet you. You can call me Pinkie.”

“H-hi.” He said as he gulped.

“So what can I get you two?” The mare asked as she withdrew a pencil and pad.

“I’ll have a dandelion sandwich and Geode wanted the hay fries. Is that right?” The crimson colt nodded.

“Okie dokie lokie! I’ll be right back.” She said as she went back into the kitchen.

“Who and what was that?” Geode asked as he looked at Twilight in confusion.

“That’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. You’ll get used to her eventually.” She said with a grin. “So Geode, how do you like Ponyville so far?”

“It’s okay.” He said with a shrug. “Still to early for me to form an opinion.”

“I can see that it is your first day after all.” She said as their food arrived. Geode looked at the hay fries in confusion. “What’s up?”

“How do you eat these?”

“You just eat them. You’ve never had hay fries before?” The cold shook his head. He picked one up in his hoof and took a small bite. His eyes grew wide at the taste.

“This is awesome!”

“What did you usually eat?”

“What ever I could find. So mostly bread, some crystal berries and rocks.”

“Rocks?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“I can live off the minerals in rocks and gem stones.”

“Like dragons?”

“Yeah, they don’t taste good but they keep me from going hungry.” He said as he took another bite from the food in front of him. The two finished their food and made their way back onto the street.

“So are you looking forward to school tomorrow?”

“I guess. I’m still nervous. I don’t have a good track record when it comes to making friends.”


“I don’t know no one ever talked to me back in the empire. That’s one reason why I wanted to get out and see the world.” He said in a low tone.

“Why wouldn’t the other ponies talk to you?”

“I don’t know. They acted like I had the plague or something.” He said in a low tone.

“Well, I can safely say that Ponyville is not like that at all. The ponies here are very friendly and welcoming.”

“No offense but that pink one seems a little too welcoming.” He said as he raised an eyebrow.

“Relax, that’s only Pinkie everypony else around here is level headed and-” She was cut off as a cyan Pegasus mare landed in front of the two unicorns.

“Hey Twi. What’s up?”

“Morning Rainbow. I was just giving Geode here a tour of Ponyville.” She said as she looked at the red colt.

“Sup dude?” The Pegasus said with a grin.

“Not much.”

“So is he like a foreign exchange student or something?” Rainbow asked.

“Sort of, I’m from the Crystal Empire.”

“Really? Cool.” She said with a grin. “So what are you doing with Twilight?”

“He’s staying with me while he’s in Ponyville.”

“That makes sense.” She said with a shrug. “I gotta get back to work Twilight. See ya later Geode.” The mare said as she took flight.

“Who was that?”

“That was Rainbow Dash. She’s another close friend of mine.”

“You’re friends with everypony in this town aren’t you?” He said with a smug grin on his face.

“Like I said, the ponies here are very welcoming.” She said with a smile. The two made their way back through the small town. The unicorns stopped at a wooden stand that held bright red fruit. Geode looked up to see an orange mare with a brown Stetson hat operating the stand.

“Howdy Twilight.” She said in a southern accent.

“Good afternoon Applejack. How are the sales going?”

“Mighty fine.” Her gaze then shifted to the colt who was staring at the fruit. “Who’s this little guy?”

“This is Geode, he’s from the Crystal Empire.” Twilight said with a smile. Applejack looked at the colt in surprise and grinned.

“Nice to meet you Geode.” The mare said with a smile. Geode gave the farmer a nod Twilight said her goodbyes and the two walked up to a wooden building with a sign out front.

“This is the school house. School starts at eight o’clock and goes to one.”

“Sounds simple enough.” He said with a nod. Twilight noticed that the daylight was starting to disappear.

“It’s getting late. We should probably head back.” The colt nodded and the two made their way back to the library. As they walked inside Geode realized the room was pitch black. The lights flipped on to reveal a large amount of ponies in the library.

“SURPRISE!” The small colt looked at the mob in confusion. Soon a bright pink mare trotted up to them with a smile on her face.

“Are ya surprised?” She asked with a wide grin.

“Yeah, to say the least.” He said with a gulp. The ponies gave a small chuckle and started to socialize with one another. Geode stuck to the corners and managed to avoid any social interactions with the ponies. He silently made his way upstairs and entered his room. As he laid down on the bed the door opened to reveal the lavender mare.

“Hey where’d you go?”

“I appreciate the effort but I’m not a party pony.” He said in a flat tone.

“I used to be like that and-”

“Remember one thing Twilight, I’m not you. I’ve survived this long on my own and I’m doing just fine. The only reason I’m here because I owe Princess Cadence for allowing me to stay the night in the palace.” He said in a flat tone. Twilight looked at the colt in surprise. “Again I appreciate the effort but I’m not that type of pony.” He said as he turned on his side. Twilight felt her jaw drop at the colt’s words. She was about to say something but felt someone tug her tail. She looked down to see Spike with a blank look on his face.

“Let him be Twilight, he’ll come around.” He said as he gave her a reasuring nod.


“Remember your first night here? When I tried to get you to do the same thing?” Twilight was about to protest but found no argument.

“You’re right. Theres a lot for him to take in and it’s only his first day.” She said as she closed the door. Inside the room Geode laid in the bed staring up at the ceiling.

At least I’m finally out of that city. He thought as he felt sleep take hold of him.