• Published 1st Feb 2012
  • 16,375 Views, 851 Comments

Monster - BlackWing

A human with a rather unique ability is hunted, till he find himself in a land different to his own.

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Lyra's Own Monster (28)

Lyra's Own Monster

It was the middle of Summer, almost time for the Summer Sun Celebration. And what do you during the summer? GO TO THE BEACH. Trying to set up plans to go to the beach after the celebration didn't pan out, as everyone was really busy, even Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash with their advertising business. In the end, it was just Nightshade and Fluttershy who were going to go, so they moved the trip up a little. They found a quiet spot on the Fillydelphia beach, where nopony else was. They had arrived there after only 20 minutes travel, since he decided to show Fluttershy what life was like faster than sound. She had her eyes closed the whole time, and held him tightly, but thought it was great fun. As it turns out, it takes more energy to break the barrier than it does to simply maintain the speed, and once he was moving fast enough it wasn't too taxing anymore. It had actually gotten easier since the mating season fiasco, and he didn't have to use as much energy to get there or maintain it.

They spent the evening walking quietly along the beach, listening to the sounds of the ocean. He let her listen to his iPod again. Her favorite song was Beyond the Sea, as it could be happy or sad, all depending on the tone and speed in which it was sung.

"Fluttershy, although you tried to keep it a secret from me so I wouldn't worry about getting you something, but I found out anyway." Nightshade said, taking his dream catcher out from his shirt. "I didn't know what I could get you, so I thought I'd give you something personal of mine. It's my dream catcher. It's a silly little superstitious thing, but it's said to keep the wearer safe from evil spirits that haunt dreams. I made it myself, but I don't need it any more. As long as I'm with you, my dreams will never be anything but pleasant. So, I want you to have it. Happy Birthday." He said, placing it around her neck.

"Oh, it's beautiful." Fluttershy didn't know what to say. They stared deeply into each others eyes, as they had so many times before, and kissed on the beach. Then, they headed home.

"Finally!" Lyra laughed maniacally, although it was now Nightmare instead. "You're finally mine! Your jealousy has given you to me! Worry not, foolish little pony, you will get what you desired, and I shall get what I desire, Revenge! This world shall be dark as a cloudy night once I do away with those worthless sisters. Neither the sun nor the moon shall shine! All shall be in misery. All shall wither and die!"

Nightshade finally asked Fluttershy to move in with him. Scootaloo was fine with it, after all, Fluttershy was very nice, and if she made her dad happy, then she was A-Okay. They still slept in separate bedrooms though. They weren't THAT far along in their relationship. Arrangements had been made to turn Fluttershy's cottage into a proper animal hospital, clearing out the unneeded furniture to make more room for sick animals and equipment needed to heal them. Since Nightshade could simply heal their wounds, it was more focused on treatment of poison and disease, and so was stocked with various potions from Zecora, whom Nightshade had been working for again.

All was good with the world. Fluttershy would wake in the morning to the smell of the forest mixed with maple syrup drifting in on the warm summer breeze. Nightshade would awaken and the two would prepare breakfast for themselves and Scootaloo, who would fly up to Rainbow's cloud home, (which she had moved right above Nightshade's own, so she herself could wake to the smell of sweet thickened tree sap), and they would head off to work.

"I just wish things could stay like this forever." Nightshade remarked, and Fluttershy agreed. Unfortunately, as Murphy's Law would have it, they would not. Falling asleep one night, an intruder found their way into the house. Mere locks were no match for Lyra's magic, bolstered by Nightmare's power. Using a sleeping spell on the hapless human, she picked him up, and walked out, not making a single sound.

"Wake up sleepy head." The Lyra and Nightmare combination said.

"What the... Fluttershy?" He asked wearily. The sleeping spell hadn't wore off completely.

"No you dolt." She said.

"What... Lyra? Where the hell am I?" He demanded.

"I am not Lyra, I am...... Nightmare Song. Do you remember us?" She said.

"Wait, so, Lyra, and Nightmare... Damnit Lyra, what have you gotten yourself into?!" Nighthshade finally got a good look at her. She was taller, and her coat was no longer teal, it was darker. Her horn was longer, and she had a flowing black aura.

"Little Lyra was so obsessed over you human that she went made with envy. Seeing you and that pathetic yellow one together made her sick. With a little bit of venom on my part that is. She gave in completely. She only wanted you to love her, and when you did not return her affection, she fell into delicious despair. Her pain has made me strong! And now, you are mine forever! You will never again see the outside world! You will stay with little Lyra till you DIE!" The twisted unicorn said.

Nightshade had finally woken up fully, to find that he was caged.

"Like a monster." He thought.

"Now my love, you just wait here. I have a pair of princesses to kill. Once they're out of the way, I'll get rid of those blasted elements of harmony, and then it will just be you an me, forever." Nightmare Song whispered lustfully, before flying off into the night. (Nightmare had given Lyra feathered wings of midnight black. She wasn't an alicorn like the princesses, Nightmare just added them because it sucked not being able to fly.)

Of course, Nightmare had underestimated Nightshade, who always had a bobby pin. He spent 10 minutes, desperately trying to pick the lock, until his bobby pin broke.

"SHIT! I don't have time for this!" He was sweating. Once the princesses were gone, she'd be heading after the bearers of the elements. "Fluttershy."

He started to panic. He hadn't panicked in years. He was about to give in to hopelessness when he had an idea.

"No way, it can't be that simple, that easy." It was. The bars were meant to hold a pony, not a human, and so were spaced widely. He simply turned himself sideways, and slipped through them. "No time to beat myself up, gotta get to Twilight."

He found that he was in a motel on the edge of town. He ran as fast as he could without using his powers, and reached the library. He pounded on the door until Twilight came and opened it.

"For Celestia's sake it's the middle of the... Nightshade? What bring's you here at this hour?" She said groggily.

"Nightmare. Lyra. Get friends. Gather elements. GO!" He said, panting. Twilight was going to ask what it was all about, but from the look in his eyes she could sense the urgency. Instead of running, she used a walking on clouds spell, then teleported right on top of Rainbow Dash. The pegasus was the fastest, and could gather everyone the quickest.

Spike had woken up from the noise, and looked at the ragged Nightshade in the doorway.

"Big bro? What's going on?" He asked, still half asleep.

"Letter, princess, NOW!" He said, finally starting to catch his breath.

Princess Celestia, (Or Luna),

Nightmare is back. It possessed Lyra and is headed straight for you. It intends to kill you, then the bearers of the elements. Twilight is getting her friends together as I'm writing this letter. I'll send another when we're ready. We'll need you to teleport all 7 of us to you in Canterlot. Please be safe.


Spike sent it off in a puff of smoke. 5 minutes later, Twilight and friends arrived.

"Oh no, is it true? Is Nightmare Moon back?" Applejack said.

"Yeah, except it's Nightmare Song now. It's not possessing Luna, It's got Lyra instead. She kidnapped me earlier tonight. All the times she was acting weird, getting into accidents? That was her and Nightmare, trying to get her in danger so I'd come and save her. She though if she played the damsel in distress I'd be her knight and come save her, then I'd fall in love with her. It didn't work, so she kidnapped me. Now she's in more trouble than ever."

"What do ya mean?" Asked Twilight. "We can just use the elements to drive it out of her, like with Princess Luna."

"I got a look at her new form. Nightmare changed her body to be more like the princesses. More like an immortal, that way it can house Nightmare properly. Luna was already an immortal when she was possessed, so when Nightmare was driven from her, he left her weakened, but she was fine. Lyra isn't. If she isn't changed back BEFORE Nightmare leaves her, her life spark won't be strong enough to sustain her new body. In short, it'll be just like when I sap a plant to the point that it can no longer live."

"You mean, if we force Nightmare out of her, it'll kill her?" Rarity said in shock.

"Yes. Unless Nightmare leaves of it's own free will, changing her back to normal before exiting, Lyra will die. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening, not after it worked so hard, poisoning her mind. What I do wonder though, is why her? She's not particularly powerful. Why would Nightmare pick her?" Nightshade swallowed hard. He didn't like Lyra, but he didn't want her to die.

"I don't know sugarcube." Applejack tried to comfort him, seeing as how he was so shaken up. "But Nightmare ain't givin us any options."

"If it comes down to it, we'll have to use the elements to destroy Nightmare, even if it means losing Lyra." Twilight said, taking command.

"That's the thing though. It won't destroy Nightmare, just drive it from it's host. If they could have destroyed it, they would have done so already. The only way the elements can destroy Nightmare, is if it's not in a body, otherwise, it'll just use it's host as a shield and escape. Then it'll come back again and again."

"How cowardly!" Said Rarity.

"It's the spirit of hatred and misery, it isn't going to play fair." Nightshade said nonchalantly. "Spike, now that we're all prepared, send the letter. Nightmare's probably going to be there already, when we get in, it's going to be a mad dash to the elements. I'll try and drive it out of Lyra, then you get ready to hit it." He ordered. Spike sent the letter.

"How are you going to drive it out?" Dash asked.

"By kicking Nightmare's ass!"

Well, here we are. Almost to the finale! What's going to happen next? Only I know, and you all have to wait to tomorrow to find out! Bwahahahaha!


Twilight: I can't believe Lyra did that!

Dash: I knew she was acting weird!

Nightmare: You little foals! You cannot defeat me!

BlackWing: Get the hell out of my blog!