• Published 1st Feb 2012
  • 16,367 Views, 851 Comments

Monster - BlackWing

A human with a rather unique ability is hunted, till he find himself in a land different to his own.

  • ...

Bonds (13)


Once again alone in his cell, Nightshade felt a familiar, annoying presence, and heard a voice. "Awwwwwwww."

"Damnit Lyra." He said quietly so the guards wouldn't hear him. "How long have you been there?"

"The whole time, and I have to say, you make a cute couple." She said teasingly.

"How are you in my mind? Are you asleep? It's the middle of the day." He asked in his thoughts, somewhat annoyed that she was bothering him during the day.

"Actually, since you kept blocking me out, I borrowed some books from the library about telepathy. I'm meditating right now, and I was able to contact you since you weren't blocking me out." She explained.

"Ahh, right." He had completely forgotten to put up his mental barrier, not expecting any visitors. "Well, since you're here, want me to tell you something about Earth?" That got her attention, and she began to get excited.

"On Earth, when you walk in on two people having a heart to heart, you LEAVE. It's impolite to eavesdrop." He thought at her, with an angry tone.

"Oh come on, you two are adorable. Hey, wait I....." She was cut off, his mind blocked off again.

Nightshade sat in his cell for another hour, bored. At least he didn't have to listen to Lyra though. He figured it might take a while for the princess to get around to him, since she probably had other responsibilities to deal with, and he wasn't going anywhere. When the time finally came, the guards lowered the barrier, put on a pair of magic cuffs with the dual purpose of restricting movement, as well as preventing magic. (Not that he had any mind you, can never be too careful) He let them cuff him willingly, not wanting to make things any worse for himself than they already were by resisting. Besides, they hadn't checked his pockets, and unknown to them, he had a bobby pin, and knew how to pick locks. Since there wasn't very much crime in Equestria, lock picking was an unheard of skill.

They brought him to to throne room, hands bound behind his back. Princess Celestia was finally ready to see him. He entered the throne room, and the guards left them as instructed, closing the doors behind them. For a while, the sun princess just looked at him intently, and he returned her gaze. Then, Nightshade felt a familiar feeling in his mind, albeit this time it was much stronger that Lyra.

"Great, the princess is a telepath too." He thought to himself. Having a sudden feeling of disdain for the magnificent form in front of him. Slightly upset at not being able to break into his mind, Celestia was the first to speak.

"What is your name?" She said in a soft, yet demanding tone.

"You know, even though I already know who you are, it is highly impolite to demand someone's name before offering an introduction of your own." He decided to make himself seem as civilized as possible, showing that even a monster can have manners, but also not be a pushover. He decided on being a mild 'Classhole'. "And it is also impolite to peek into the minds of others, especially when they have made it clear that you are not welcome."

At this, the princess was surprised, and tensed up a bit.

"How?" She asked. "Are you a telepath also?"

"No, but I have had more than enough experience dealing with them, in the form of a very annoying psychic stalker." He explained.

"Very well, I apologize for my manners. I am Princess Celestia. I rule Equestria, along with my sister Luna, whom I believe you have already met." She said in a regal tone.

"Indeed, quite charming. As for myself, I had another name, but that is a thing of the past. Nowadays I go by Nightshade." He said with a bow. The bow was important, as not only did it keep with his civilized facade, but it allowed him to sneak his bobby pin from his pocket.

Being quite surprised at the level of civility he was showing, she became quite sure that he was mocking her. After all, this was a creature that had been living in the Everfree forest, not some aristocrat.

"You know, just because I'm a princess, does not mean that you have to speak like I am. I happen to hate formalities." She was desperately trying to bring the conversation down a notch, as she really did hate such things. Being a princess for over a thousand years, such talk was exceedingly boring.

"Alright then princess." He said.

"Please, just Celestia." She returned.

"Celestia." He continued. "Let's just cut to the chase then shall we? The sooner we get this out of the way, the better."

"Very well. What are you?" She asked.

"I am a monster." He said plainly. Clearly annoyed at his lack of specifics, she decided to push a little.

"What is your species?" Nightshade had been dreading this question, but decided to answer it the best he could.

"Unknown. My parents were both human, as is the rest of the dominant species where I am from. I however, am not." His answer brought out a mixed reaction in Celestia, one of curiosity, as well as one of sadness, as if remembering something from the past.

"What do you mean by that?" She lost her regal tone.

"My parents were both regular humans, and did regular human things. I am different than they are. They do things that I do not, and I do several things that they are unable to. I do not act the same way that they do, and I do not think the same way humans think. Therefore, I am not human." He reasoned.

Feeling that she was getting nowhere, as this human was speaking philosophically, she decided to change her question.

"What are you doing in Equestria?" She asked.

"Living my life." He said in the same, simple tone. "As for how I got here, I am not sure. One moment, I was being hunted, the next, I found myself in what's known as the Everfree forest."

Celestia was stunned. Hunted? Why would he be hunted? And by what? She finally got some answers, but all it did was bring up more questions. This 'Nightshade' was a complete enigma.

"What was hunting you, wild animals?" She asked.

"No, the humans were. As I am different than they are, able to do things they can't, they wanted my power for themselves. They would abuse it and use it to hurt others, which is something I would not allow. If I would not give them what they wanted, then they would kill me and take it." He said in a sad tone. "There are very few who, given this power, would use it responsibly."

Nightshade paused to give her a little time to process what he was saying, before continuing. "As for those who wanted it, since I wouldn't give it willingly, they decided that they would kill me in order to examine me more closely. By that, I mean cut me up and put me under a microscope."

Celestia was even more stunned than previously. Killing somepony just because they wouldn't give you what was theirs was unheard of. It went against her entire being, everything that Equestria represents. And running scientific tests like that was considered illegal. They didn't need them, they could just examine them with magic.

"So, I ran, I fought back, I did whatever I could to escape. To justify hunting me down for their own greed, the called me a monster. Throughout history, they have done similar things." Nightshade began Celestia's crash course in human culture.

"One of the few types of humans I respect are the Native Americans. They live in harmony with the land, and teach others to do the same. When settlers from another continent came, they would have starved to death if not for the generosity of the natives. In return for their hospitality? They forced them off their land and killed any who resisted, claiming them to be evil. They tried the same thing with me, but because of my powers, they failed." Nightshade was getting angry now.

The princess was appalled. It was completely beyond her as to how any species could treat their own kind that way. To her, it would be like if the unicorns wiped out the pegasi because they were jealous of their ability to fly. It didn't make any sense.

"Surely humans are not all like this?" Celestia was praying to whoever gods pray to that the entire species was not like this. Nightshade explained that there were good humans, like Gandhi and several others, as well as Jesus from the bible, who in Equestria, would be considered the equivalent of mythology. She was shocked to hear how humans treated those who tried to do good, especially given their abilities.

"And what this power you possess?" After a long time lost in thought, trying to process the human history and mythos she had been told, she finally regained her bearings and got to the important part.

"My power is that I can see and manipulate the forces of life. I am able to transfer stamina, health, and even years from one to another, as well as determine someones physical state. Through this, I can pass my own exhaustion, injury, and age related degradation onto others, or take it from others onto myself." There was no point in hiding it anymore. He had been caught, and there was no longer any point in holding something back.

"So, the injury on Rainbow Dash?" She asked quizzically.

"The very same as the one she inflicted on me. I cannot pass an injury onto another If I do not have an injury in the first place. While I can pass it to anyone, I prefer to punish the offender, taking the literal route of 'do unto others, as you would have them do unto you, a concept that has long been ignored."

"And what of Gilda, the griffin you you assaulted while in Ponyville?" She began the interrogation.

"Gilda, was attacking a group of children, and not just a random act of bullying. I have lived in the forest long enough to tell, just from looking in somethings eyes, what they are feeling. Gilda's eyes said murder. That and she was in the process of bringing her talons down on some innocent kids. The injuries she received may have been severe, but they were necessary, and from what I have heard, are already healing nicely." Nightshade hated Gilda, and spoke with spite in his voice, something Celestia picked up on.

"True, eyewitness reports did state that she was attacking three fillies. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, before you intervened. Now that I've confirmed this, it seems your actions were justified." Nightshade was a little relieved to hear that he wasn't a criminal, but he wasn't out of the woods yet.

"That brings the next question, what were you doing in Ponyville? You live in the forest do you not? Why come to town when you had never done so before?" The sun godess asked.

"That's exactly why. I'd never been to the town before, but was aware of it's presence. I originally avoided it because the first time I saw it, all the buildings were upside down, and there were rainclouds pouring chocolate all over the place. I figured if the place was that crazy, I didn't want anything to do with it." He lied. "Since it was, 'Nightmare Night' as it's called, I became interested in the commotion, and went to check it out, sticking to the shadows, hoping not to be seen, when I saw it happen."

The princess could tell that he was hiding something, but his story didn't have any contradictions. He wasn't about to tell her that he had adopted Scootaloo, and that's the reason why he was there. He didn't want to put her in the spotlight. He just wanted her to have a normal life. She didn't call him on it though.

"I know of humans. When I was still but a child, humans lived in this world. My mother and father were the rulers of a far off land, before Equestria was founded. They were a force of chaos and destruction. Many of the old legends stem from truth. Discord, the spirit of disharmony, fed off their chaos, and used to to plunge the world into never ending strife. My parents located an alternate dimension, and sent every last human there, causing Discord's power to weaken. He killed my parents, then fled for a time to recover his strength. He returned, but Luna and myself had found the Elements of Harmony and used them to seal him away in stone." The princess said. Remembering her parents seemed painful to her, but she continued her story nonetheless.

"After you arrived, Discord escaped, and began causing chaos all over again. He was the one that changed Ponyvlle from what it is now, into what you saw when you arrived. In fact, I believe your arrival may be the cause of his escape. Humans are naturally prone to chaos, and with you present, he was able to draw on your power to free himself." the princess explained.

Not good. Telling by the look in her eyes, as well as by the way the conversation was going, he knew what was going to happen next. This was the part where she'd get rid of him in order to prevent Discord from escaping once more, in order to avenge her parents and keep Equestria safe. Knowing she was a telepath, he lowered his mental barricade, thought that at her, then raised it again. Then he began picking the lock on his handcuffs.

Seemingly getting his message, Celestia responded. "Good, so you understand my situation. You have done nothing wrong, and have actually done us a service by rescuing those three and allowing us to arrest Gilda, but unfortunately, you cannot be allowed to remain here. If Discord escapes again, all of Equestria will be endangered, and I cannot allow that to happen. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'll have to send you back to your own world." She said sullenly.

Nightshade had already picked the lock on his cuffs. It wasn't a magical lock, just a regular one. Only the handcuffs were enchanted, and the enchantment was to prevent magic in the first place. Keeping his hands behind his back, he opened the cuffs, and readied them, but she wasn't close enough yet. He wanted to buy more time.

"You know that I'm being hunted, but you don't know to what extent they will go to. They have found a way to prevent me from using my powers on them, and they have weapons I cannot overcome without them. To send me back would be a death sentence." Maybe he could still talk his way out of this. Celestia stepped towards him.

"I know that it will be difficult, but you have survived there before, and I believe you will be able to do so again." She stepped right next to him, and placed her horn on his head. "You know why you must go, I only hope you can forgive me for what I am about to do." Celestia said as she closed her eyes, and her horn began to glow.

"And you know why I can't go back, and I only hope you can forgive me for what I am about to do." He said. Quickly bringing the cuffs forwards, and closing them around Celestia's front legs. Her horn stopped glowing, and she had a look of absolute horror on her face.

"How is this possible?" She shrieked as she fell over. The cuffs were meant for small ponies, not one the size of Celestia. He front legs were too close together to support her properly. Holding up the bobby pin, then slipping it back into his pocket he said.

"Never underestimate a monster." He laughed. Then looked for an exit. The doors were locked, and there were guards on the other side. But there were a great many stained glass windows. Spotting one that bore Celestia's image, he thought making his exit through it would be the perfect way to add insult to injury. Taking a running start, he jumped through the window, shattering it. Celestia could only look as the human escaped, and thought he must be crazy... or stupid.

Crashing through the window, Nightshade didn't realize where he was, because he had been unconscious when he was brought there. The palace was on the cliff side, over 2 miles from the window he jumped through to the ground.


All of Canterlot turned their heads, looking for the source of whoever was brutish enough to use such a curse word, and at such volume.

Yeah, take that Celestia. Jumping out of the window wasn't a very good idea, but hey, he just handcuffed the ruler of an entire country, he wasn't thinking clearly, he was just trying to escape. Besides that he couldn't see through the stained glass, so how was he to know there was a 2 mile drop? I know I went a little religious in this chapter, but it's not something I intend to do often. I mean, really, Christianity IS a big part of humanity, and given that you can't really mention the good of humanity without mentioning it. I'm not giving the finger to anyone who has a different faith, and I'm not trying to convert you, I'm not one of those "asshole christians" you see on the T.V, who have opinions and beliefs that are freaking insane. I just added it to advance the story. Also, I personally love the "Classhole" thing, since Celestia herself is a kind of classhole, being that she trolls her loyal subjects,(kind of an asshole move but hey, she's the princess, she's probably bored) and does it in a high class way. Just try to imagine the look on her face when she got cuffed and couldn't stand up. It's hilarious.

Well damn, a two mile fall? There's no way he's gonna survive this right? Deus Ex Machina[ (God from a machine. Having a divinity descend from above to solve a previously unsolvable problem) Except instead of a god, Nightshades going to use some quick thinking and do a bit of experimentation with his powers. Hopefully it will turn out. Find out in the next chapter of Monster.

Ps, I had about 5/6 different ways to write this, and while I was writing the comment saying that it would take a long time for me to come out with the next chapter because I couldn't decide, I suddenly thought of this whole thing, and liked it better than any of the others. That's right, I thought up every detail of this entire chapter in about 30 seconds. I'm that good. When I die, I'm having my brain kept alive artificially in a tank so I can think of stuff. Lol think tank. Or not. Also, I've started putting numbers in the chapter titles, that way I can keep track.