• Published 1st Feb 2012
  • 16,376 Views, 851 Comments

Monster - BlackWing

A human with a rather unique ability is hunted, till he find himself in a land different to his own.

  • ...

Winter's Mark (22)

Winter Blues

After a whole day of nothing but heartache, having to tell his troubled past to both Applejack and Fluttershy, and dealing with an emotionally confused Lyra, Nightshade was glad to start a new day, and hopefully leave yesterday behind. After having his dream chat with the confused teal unicorn, he didn't sleep the rest of the night, and instead opted to write a manual on survival in the Everfree. He had asked Twilight to check her library for any such articles, and even though her's was the most expansive in Equestria, save for the Royal Canterlot library, (After moving in, she made a point to collect all manner of books, as the Ponyville library had been seriously lacking.) she found none, and he was sure that she would appreciate having it. Writing down practical knowledge, for carnivores and herbivores alike, as the reader may be pony, griffin, or otherwise, cataloguing various species of plants and animals, and how to deal with each specifically, making a note that while useful in other forested areas, not all facts may hold true outside the Everfree.

After writing three chapters, it was morning, and time to collect on his bet with Rainbow Dash. Having Scootaloo fly up and pop the cloud she was sleeping on, causing her a great deal of panic, she flew down to the house groggily.

"Alright, I'm up, what do ya want?" She said wearily, yawning the whole time. "It's like, 10 in the morning."

"I was going to get you up four hours ago, but I figured I'd go easy on you, since it's your first day." Nightshade said with an evil grin. At this, Rainbow's eyes shot wide open. He called this sleeping in? She had no idea what she was in for when she made that bet, because she was sure she'd win.

"Now, let's get started."

Nightshade and Rainbow Dash worked nonstop, lifting the heavy roof supports, and bolting them in place. It was about 4 pm before they took a break. Asking Fluttershy politely to bring some food, as they were both starving, having missed breakfast and lunch. Sitting on one of the now secured supports, Neither of them were even tired.

"I thought having to work was going to be hard, but I haven't even broken a sweat. Neither have you for that matter. This is easy." Said the cocky pegasus.

"Yeah, well, freaky powers 1, exhaustion 0." He said with a smirk.

"You mean this whole time you've been stopping me from getting tired?" She was confused.

"Well, if I didn't you'd probably fall asleep right in the middle of working, and I can't have you dropping anything." He teased. They both had a good laugh, and Fluttershy gently flew up to their perch. All three ate lunch together, then continued working. After two days, all the supports were in place. Nightshade worked on the walls, while Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo once she was home from school, worked on the roof. After two weeks they had it all finished, record timing, but not a surprise since the trio never got tired, and both Nightshade and Scootaloo had experience with construction.

"Well, alright, you're free to go. All that's left is decorating, and I don't think you'd be any good at all that artsy stuff, I know I'm not. Thanks for the help." He told the cyan pony, who was happy to be able to fly free again.

"Oh, and if you see Applebloom, can you tell her to stop by?" She nodded, and was off, leaving a rainbow streak behind her.

"Now just to decorate, and get some furniture." Rarity made a great deal of money with all the new customers she got, after they saw pictures of him wearing her cloak, she decided that she owed some of her success to him. After all, the clothes were great, but the way he wore them is what made them really shine, so she gave him quite a large sum of bits, enough to buy basic things like beds, a table, some chairs, an oven, and various other necessities. Anything else could come after.

"Hey, ya wanted ta see me?" Applebloom had arrived.

"Yep, I had an idea a while back when you drew up those blueprints, well, here's the final product." Nightshade motioned to the house. It was a single story, 2 bathroom, 3 bedroom house with open concept kitchen, dining room, and living room. It was cozy looking, and while the inside seemed rather large for ponies, it was perfect height for humans.

"It's not finished yet though, It needs somepony to do interior decoration, and since neither me nor Scoots is good at that, I was thinking I'd have you do it." He explained.

"But why me?" She asked.

"You have obvious artistic talent, as well as a keen eye for construction, and took into account all the necessities. If you were in my world, you could get a master's degree in architecture, easy. It sure is an amazing and special talent you've got there." He said, putting as much emphasis on 'special talent' as possible. As soon as he said that, the yellow filly's eyes lit up.

"You think that maybe, my cutie mark is in design and decoration?" She asked.

"I'm almost positive it is, which is why I want you to decorate the house, you designed it, it's only proper that you decorate it too. Once you see the entire thing, I'm sure you'll realize that it's what you're meant to do." He said with a smile. Applebloom was excited beyond measure. They walked through the house, and he could almost see her mind working, figuring out what would go best where, how to paint each room, and whatnot. After receiving some bits from her human friend, she headed out to get all the paint and supplies she'd need.

After three days, with Nightshade and Rarity working under Applebloom, (which Rarity wasn't too impressed with, but she did the job anyway, they needed her precision) it was finally done. The mane six and the crusaders all took a tour of the newly decorated house, and complimented Applebloom on her design. She was overjoyed, and sure enough, a hammer and paintbrush appeared on her flank.

"I did it! I got my cutie mark!" She squealed in delight. Applejack was so proud of her. Twilight was confused.

"How did you realize that this was your special talent?" She asked.

"I may have given her a little push in the right direction." He said, Twilight just stared at him.

"Okay, a big push." Now they all were staring at him.

"Okay, so I pretty much told her what her special talent was, and helped her realize it for herself." He said, a little nervous at being glared at by so many ponies.

"So, let me get this straight, after all these years of telling ponies that you can't force it, and it will come on it's own, you just read who she was, discovered her talent, and set up the perfect situation for her to discover it for herself?" Twilight asked.

"Hmm, yep. I guess you can force a cutie mark after all. I mean, it IS her special talent, I just gave her the perfect way to discover it for herself. If it wasn't her special talent, then nothing would have happened." Nightshade said, scratching the back of his head, and giving a big grin.

Twilight groaned. All these years, fillies and colts had been told they had to wait, and that they would discover it naturally, and here was a way to discover it naturally, without the waiting part. Everything she knew about getting a cutie mark had just gone out the window. Nevertheless, she was happy for Applebloom.

"ME NEXT!" Yelled the two remaining crusaders. Of course, now that their friend had hers, the other two wanted their own.

"Whoa now, while I can make it easier, it's not THAT easy. I figured out Applebloom's by chance, although, I'm sure if I spent more time I'd be able to discover yours as well." He backpedaled.

"What about me dad? We spend plenty of time together." Asked Scootaloo.

"Well, that's the thing, you have so many talents, I can't figure out which one is your special talent. You're athletic, you're graceful, you're smart, and good with nature, you could really do anything at this point." Scootaloo looked a little sad.

"You could make potions like Zecora, or you could explore ancient ruins, or take care of animals like Fluttershy. You could be a stunt pony, a daredevil, you could really do anything at this point." With endless paths to choose, she was stuck at the crossroads.

"Tell you what, since this winter all the animals are hibernating, the house it built, and there won't be many jobs that need doing since there will be snow on the ground, I can spend the whole time with the two of you." He said, motioning to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "And figure out what your special talents are, then set you up to realize them yourselves. I already have an idea what yours might be Sweetie Belle, so we'll start with you."

"What will I do in the mean time?" Scootaloo asked, looking a little sad.

"Silly, you're going to be helping me, same with Applebloom. Just because one of you has their cutie mark doesn't mean you aren't friends any more, and it doesn't mean that you can't help your other friends get theirs. Besides, maybe while helping Sweetie Belle out, we'll discover your own." With that, the orange pegasus perked up. It's not like he was going to brush her off, like Rainbow Dash had done so many times in the past, while he helped her friends. It was going to be a team effort.

Every night that passed during this time, Nightshade found he had trouble sleeping. It's not that he wasn't tired, it's that his mind was too active. Thinking of all the things he would do with the crusaders, his plan for starting a sugar shack in the spring, (which he still needed to build, but would not need help doing it.) how he narrowly avoided his house being destroyed when Derpy delivered the furniture, but something else was on his mind. He was still thinking about the dark presence, what had happened to it? Where did Nightmare go? Had Luna destroyed it, like she said she would? Was there nothing to worry about? And what of Lyra, who hadn't spoken to him since the running of the leaves? He hoped that she had just moved on.

"I know he doesn't feel that way about me, but I can't help it!" The teal unicorn sobbed. She had since moved back to Canterlot, and was living with her parents for the time being.

"I brought him here, saved his life! How could he not like me?" She asked the presence.

"It is because he has feelings for another." Said the dark cloud.

"He said that even if he didn't like Fluttershy, he wouldn't like me." She sobbed.

"That does not change the fact that she is in the way." It said, with a sinister voice. "I could help you... remove her from the situation."

"No, I can't do that. Fluttershy says she only sees him as a good friend, and besides, even if she does like him, I can't just get rid of her, i couldn't do that to her, she's always so kind. No, I won't interfere with their relationship. It's me that needs to change. I just need to make him like me more." Lyra reasoned with herself.

"Let me in, allow me to help you. I will make him adore you. He likes the other one because she comforted him when he was in pain, and he feels he needs to protect her. If you are in danger, he will come to your aid, and his feeling towards you will grow." Said the dark specter.

"So, I purposefully get myself in danger? That's, well, dangerous!" She told the invader to her mind.

"If I am with you, there will be no true danger to you, and if he fails, you will survive." It said.

"But then our relationship would be based on a lie!" Lyra was struggling with herself.

"It is the only way."

Come on Lyra don't fall for it! Applebloom finally get's her cutie mark, Rainbow Dash actually does some work, the house is completed. A little bit shorter chapter this time, considering the past three were over 4000 words each. Oh well.

Now that Applebloom has her Cutie mark, how will Nightshade help the other crusaders to get theirs? Will Lyra give in to Nightmare? How will Fluttershy feel now that he and Scootaloo have moved out, even though they are literally just across the road? Find out in the next chapter of 'Monster'


Fluttershy: Oh umm, hi. In case you're wondering, I am a little mad about Lyra. Oh my, I've never felt jealousy before, and we did agree to just be friends, but I can't help but feel mad about what she did, especially since I wanted to be the one to do that. Oh no, no, I have to ask him how he feels about it first, and we want to just take things slow. It's already been two months, he finally opened up about his past. Who knew he lived like that? That must have been terrible. At least I know, and can be there for him. Oh, and I hope nothing goes wrong when spring time comes, everypony get's a little crazy around that time of year.

Applejack: I just hope Nightshade'll be alright. And I hope the writer person won't make us do anything we'll regret...*angry glare at BlackWing*

BlackWing: Hmm, what? How'd you get in my blog AJ? Now all we need is Pinkie Pie and we can have a party.

Pinkie: Did somepony say party! *Fires party cannon*

BlackWing: I was being sarcastic!