• Published 16th Feb 2013
  • 4,844 Views, 154 Comments

Changing Colours - Darksonickiller

Rainbow Dash has been acting strange ever since the Royal Wedding.

  • ...

Redemption-Crystal vs Chrysalis

Everypony was nearly frozen with fear, shock, and sadness at the murder they had just witnessed. Applejack was completely distraught crying and screaming Rainbow's name but the pegasus didn't so much as twitch. Rarity and Fluttershy tried their best to calm AJ, but they were almost as upset as she was. Pinkie's hair had gone completely flat and dull, and Twilight was in shock. Not just because her best friend was killed right in front of her, but almost immediately afterwards the elements had turned to stone.

"No if the elements are dead, that means Rainbow is..." Twilight couldn't finish her sentence as she fell to her haunches and started crying as did her other friends. Luna just stood their glaring daggers into queen.

The queen laughed evilly."Now she will never corrupt you with her lies ever again." She laughed again staring at her daughter.

"Mother! How could you!" Crystal screamed tears running down her black face. "She was trying to help our kind, she showed us compassion and love that nopony else would even after you made your followers torture and rape her!" She screamed at her mother again.

"You're wrong, child. They are tricking you! All they want is to destroy us!" Chrysalis shouted back at her daughter.

"No Mother. You are the one that is wrong!" The changeling princess replied loudly sending a bolt of magic from her horn at her mother.

Chrysalis never expected it and had no time to react to the sudden attack. Taking a bolt of magic to face, she stumbled backward. Freeing Crystal from her magical grasp before regaining her hoofing. The ponies and Chrysalis were shocked at her sudden attack. Once freed from her mother's grasp she immediately stood in a protective stance in front of Rainbow's still body.

"YOU DARE ATTACK YOUR MOTHER AND QUEEN, CHILD!" The changeling queen said with intense anger coating her voice

"You maybe be my mother but you are no longer my queen!" The queen's daughter said with great intensity and passion. "I will stop you and save our race from this fate you have sentenced them to!" She shot another bolt of magic at her mother.

This time she saw it coming and dodged easily before taking to the air and firing back at her daughter knocking her off her hooves only for her to get right up.

"HOW DARE YOU SHOW SUCH INSOLENCE TOWARD YOUR QUEEN!" The changeling spoke thoroughly enraged by her daughter's actions and words. "I DO NOT WONT TO HURT YOU, BUT I WILL DO WHAT IS BEST FOR MY HIVE!"

"You do not know what is best for our hive any more mother!'' Crystal lunged at her mother in the air who again dodged with relative ease.

"WHY MUST YOU FIGHT ME CRYSTAL? YOU WONT WIN!" The queen said swatting her rushing daughter out of the air who again got right back up.

"Because I want to bring peace between our hive and the ponies and other species something you could never do!" She shouted firing multiple beams of magic at her former queen who then avoided them all.
Crystal knew that even in her weakened state her mother was much stronger and more than a match for her but she refused to give up.

"FOOLISH CHILD!! THE PONIES WILL NEVER ACCEPT PEACE WITH OUR KIND THEY HATE US!" Chrysalis shouted back shooting several bolts of magic at her daughter which she barely managed to avoid them.

"You made them hate us and you never even considered peace!" The smaller changeling said dodging magical bolts from her mother.
"And because of that our race is dying!" She continued her heated battle with her mother.

The five ponies and the princess watched helplessly as the two changelings battle each other. Their emotions were running wild as they watched the battle and the motionless pegasus lying only feet away from them a pool of blood under her body. Applejack had broken down sobbing loudly covering her freckled face with her stetson. Her friends tried their best to comfort her knowing she had stronger feelings for the rainbow mane pegasus.
At this point nopony knew what to do, they felt helpless. Rainbow was gone, citizens were under attack, Ponyville was burning and two powerful changelings were locked in a fierce battle in the canter of town. Nopony knew what to make of the dire situation unfolding in front of them, all hope seemed lost.

"Twilight, what are we going to go?" Rarity asked feeling helpless.

"I-I don't Rarity. I just don't know." The lavender unicorn said sadly staring Rainbow's unmoving body.

"Surely there has to be something we can do darling." The fashionista questioned following the unicorn's gaze to her fallen friend.

"As long as where are in this force field we are as helpless as little fillies." Twilight answered wiping tears from her eyes as she watched the battle unfold.

"I will protect my race and the ponies from you mother!" Crystal said striking her mother with her magic but was shocked when she brushed it off like it was nothing.

"HOW DARE YOU PROTECT THE ONES WHO SHUNNED US!" The queen shouted knocking her daughter out of the air with her magic.

"You forced them to shun by striking fear in there hearts!" Crystal shouted getting back to her hooves. "Look into your heart mother it is not to late to change."

"I HAVE NO HEART!" Chrysalis said darkly landing on the ground firing a continuous beam of magic at her daughter.
Crystal reacted swiftly and fired an identical beam back at her mother. The two beams collided in mid air creating a mini shockwave as they tried pushing each other in opposite directions. Both changelings fought back against the other but Chrysalis was quickly overpowering the younger shapeshifter pushing her back toward the six imprisoned ponies, but she dug hooves into the ground and refused to give up.

"Why does thou fight for us?" Luna asked the battling changeling in front of her. "I do not understand your actions."

"YES!! TELL ME WHY YOU PROTECT THESE WEAKLINGS!" The queen commanded of her daughter, putting more power into her beam pushing Crystal closer to the ponies.

"Because Rainbow showed me that we were wrong and that we could change for the better." The changeling princess answered. "She died believing that and I will fight for what she and I both believed in!" She yelled with great passion struggling put as much as magic as possible in her beam to combat her mother.
The six ponies were shocked at her answer and the stone elements started to glow including the one around the dead pegasus' neck. Twilight noticed this immediately.

"YOU WILL NOT WIN, DAUGHTER!" Chrysalis yelled at her child increasing her power.

"I. WILL. NOT. GIVE. UP!" She struggled against her mother's power.
The elements glowed brighter.

"RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!" The changeling queen hollered.

"I WILL AVENGE HER!" Crystal shouted back.

The elements glowed brighter still.

"GIVE UP!" Chrysalis demanded.

"Never!" Crystal refused.

And brighter.

"SHE CORRUPTED YOU CRYSTAL!" The queen continued her verbal battle.

"No mother it was YOU that corrupted me!"She yelled back at her mother.
And brighter.

"She saved me and our race from you!" She yelled at her mother again as loud as she could.
The six brightly glowing stone elements came together. The stone shell surrounding them burst into pieces revealing six golden elements glowing with a golden aura. What shocked everypony the most is when Crystal started glowing. The same colour as the elements and her green beam turned golden as well.

"Luna what happening with the elements and Crystal?" Twilight said completely stunned by the turn of events.

"The elements are giving her power they believe she is pure of heart." Luna answered just as stunned.
Crystal could feel powerful magic flowing through and quickly used it to her advantage. Chrysalis quickly realized something was wrong when her daughter started pushing her back and she could not stop her.

"W-WHAT IS THIS TRICKERY?! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!" The queen screamed, her magic still being pushed back.

"This is the power of love and friendship mother!" She said confidentially pushing her magic to the max. Quickly overwhelming her mother. "I'm sorry it had to be this way but you have to go!"
Crystal's golden beam of magic over took her mother's body in golden light and cracks of light started appearing all over the queen's body getting wider and longer.

"NO NO NOOOOOOO!" Chrysalis screamed the cracks continued to get worse as the golden light got brighter and brighter. "DAMN YOU DAAAAMN YOOOUU!"
With one last burst of magic Chrysalis' body exploded into dust with a blinding flash of light. When everypony could see again Queen Chrysalis was no more and Crystal was standing victorious and she ordered the changelings to stop their attack which they did and everything was calm for the moment. Rainbow Dash still laid motionless on ground.

Author's Note:

Darksonickiller: Here you go bronies and pegisisters part 2 of 3... or maybe 4 of the conclusion of Changeling Colours: Redemption, Crystal Vs. Crysalis enjoy and tell me what you think