• Published 16th Feb 2013
  • 4,838 Views, 154 Comments

Changing Colours - Darksonickiller

Rainbow Dash has been acting strange ever since the Royal Wedding.

  • ...

Shards of Loyalty

"Okay...what about....this one?"

"Oh that's too easy! That's Euler's formula for polyhedra. It describes a space's shape or structure regardless of alignment.
It was first described by Descartes, then refined, proved, and published by Leonhard Euler in 1750. It's fundamental to the development of topography, which extends geometry to any continuous surface. An essential tool for engineers and biologists. And topology is used to understand the behavior and function of DNA."

"Wow. Errm.....this one?"

"That defines the standard normal distribution, a bell shaped curve in which the probability of observing a point is greatest near the average, and declines rapidly as one moves away. The initial work was originally by Blaise Pascal, but the distribution came into its own with Bernoulli. The bell curve as we currently comes from Belgian mathematician, Adolphe Quetelet. The equation is the foundation of modern statistics. Also, science and social science would not exist in their current form without it. It is used to determine whether drugs are sufficiently effective relative to negative side effects in clinical trials."

"Rainbow Dash!! You are amazing!!" Twilight squealed.

"Quite impressive darling! I've never heard anypony to describe those equations as good as Twilight dear."

"Thanks...Rarity." Rainbow muttered as she lowered her head.

The six mares sat in the Golden Oaks library. With there injured pegasus friend in the middle. The night princess performed a spell over Ponyville to stop any changelings attacking....for now. And the towns-ponies had hidden inside their houses. In fear of an attack.

"What's the matter Dashie?"

"Nothing." She mumbled her reply.

"Rainbow? What is it? Is it this whole 'egghead' thing? You don't have to worry-"

"No, Twilight. It isn't."

"So, wha is it then?"

Rainbow sighed. Keeping her eyes on the floorboards.

"I don't get it."

"Don't get what, darling?"

"I don't get how you didn't realise that it wasn't me. That the changeling...wasn't me."

Twilight trotted over to her distraught friend.

"I knew. Well, kind of. At the wedding, after you got yourself cleaned up, you yelled at Fluttershy. Saying that she was pathetic and that you didn't want to know her anymore."

Rainbow's head shot up.

"No! Nonono! I would never say that to Fluttershy! She's my closest friend!" She shook her head frantically.

"I know. That's how I knew it wasn't you. But then I was stupid. Instead of telling the girls or Princess Celestia that I believed that you were kidnapped by the changelings, I didn't say anything. I didn't want to believe that it was true. Oh Rainbow!! I'm so sorry!! It's all my fault!! I could have saved you but I didn't!!" Twilight wailed as she hugged the pegasus.

"Twilight. It wasn't your fault, dear." Rarity soothed.

"Yeah! It was those 'orrible changelings!" Applejack stated.

"B-But...if I did something about it, you wouldn't have been so close to death." The unicorn blubbered.

"Yes. But...you did save me."

"How? You nearly died."

"If you didn't find out soon, then I wouldn't be here."

"What do you mean?" Twilight sniffed.

"I was to be executed on that day. But then you brought back here."


Rainbow nodded.

"I didn't know the changelings could be so brutal. Despicable creatures." Rarity spat.

"Me neither."

"Rainbow. What did they do to you?"

The pegasus looked around, at her friends. All of them radiating comforting smiles.

She hesitated before replying.

"...T-They...threw me into a cell, where they chained me up. I was completey restricted of any movement. There they tortured me in any way possible. I never got any food, I rarely got clean water, There was no sunlight and the cell was filthy. Every single day, the beatings became more frequent and more painful." Rainbow paused as she choked on her tears. "They forced me to swallow glass shards. They mutilated me by slicing and breaking my wings. The cut crosses on my cutiemarks." She pointed at the usually bright tri-coloured lighting bolts, that now had two red gashes across them in form of a cross. "I couldn't sleep, they attempted to abacinate me. They chained me to a table and electricated me. They tried drowning me...and....they...they...."

At this point, Rainbow Dash burst into tears.

The girls hugged her and attempted to calm her down.

"Shhh. It's okay, Rainbow. You're with us now." Twilght soothed as she gently stroked her friend's mane. She glanced at Rainbow's wings. Although they were all bandaged up, she could still see how badly damaged they were.

"T-they...they...r-r..." She stuttered, but more tears fell from her rose and red eyes.

"It's okay, sugarcube. They told us tha ya had been..."

"Sexually assulted." Rarity finished.

"Every....every day....and every night....they came...At first, I tried to fight them back....but they were too strong...I felt so weak and helpless....I feel so used...I couldn't sleep. I was too scared...I'm...so...scared." She wailed. "I'm scared."

"At least she's finally asleep. She needs her rest."

"I agree darling, but what I'm worried about is her having night terrors and relapses. She won't be able to sleep very well then." Rarity pointed out.

"Wha are we gonna do?" Applejack asked. "Tha Elements ave been taken."

Twilight's eyes lit up.

"Not all of them though."

"Oh yes. Rainbow's necklace is still here." Fluttershy squeak.

"But isn't it all...smashed-y-doodley?" Pinkie pondered.

"Yes. Yes it is." Twilight hovered over the golden necklace, along with the ruby shards. "But I still don't understand how this broke."

"Can we still use it?"

"I don't know."

Then, everypony's eyes set upon the shards.

They began to glow and sparkle. They hovered slightly in the air. That was before they started to spark.

A bloodcurldling scream was heard from the other room, and the shards smashed to the ground.

"Rainbow!!" The mares ran in to see the pegasus huddled at the far side of the room.

She had her head in her hoofs, and her tears drenched her face. Rainbow's hair stuck to her face.

"Make them go away! Make them stop!! It hurts!! It hurts so much!!" She cried.

Fluttershy quickly trotted over and hugged her friend.

"Shhhh. It's okay, Rainbow. We're here for you." She soothed as the pegasus cried into her shoulder.

"Are ya okay now, Rainbow?"

"Y-Yes. I'm fine. Just...just a....relapse." Rainbow Dash nodded.

"Rainbow Dash. I know you've been through a lot, but I'm going to ask you a couple of questions. Is that okay?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow nodded.
"Ask away."

"Before you woke up, and screamed, what were you dreaming about?"

"...err...being...in the cell....crying...and hoping that you would help me. I knew that you help me, because your my friends. And friends stay loyal to each other no matter what." At that moment, the shards began to glow yet again. But only for a short while. However, the glow was brighter than before. The girls shared a look of confusion as they looked at the shards. Instead of them looking like broken glass, they were shaped as five different objects. A butterfly, a diamond, a balloon, an apple and an eight pointed star. All red and made from the shards.

"I have an idea to get our Elements back."

Author's Note:

...Oh god....I'm so corrupted...what happened to me?!

Oh yeah, life happened.

I watch way way too many horror movies and tv series. I get my inspirtation from books and tv!! Don't blame me it my mind is filled with torture!! TV showed me!!