• Published 16th Feb 2013
  • 4,844 Views, 154 Comments

Changing Colours - Darksonickiller

Rainbow Dash has been acting strange ever since the Royal Wedding.

  • ...

Rebirth And Regret

Rebirth and Regret

Crystal Stood in the middle of Ponyville just having destroyed her mother and stopped the changeling invasion. She felt relieved having defeated her and avenging her newest friend. She turned around to see the sadden expressions on the faces of the ponies still trapped inside her mother's force field. She lower her horn to field and dispersed it.
As soon as the force field disappeared Applejack immediately rush full speed to Rainbow Dash's body. Once she arrived she held the pegasus close and started sobbing again.

"Please Rainbow say somethin', anything at all please." She pleaded with the rainbow mane mare.
She didn't respond, Applejack's sobs got louder and more frequent as she held her best friend close to her body not caring about the blood leaking all over her orange fur. She looked into the pegasus' eyes, they were dull and void of life she was just staring off into space. Her chest didn't rise her heart didn't beat. Applejack knew the love of her life she would never get to confess to was gone forever but that didn't stop her from holding Rainbow's head close to her chest and crying her name over and over again.
The farm pony felt herself being hugged by four other mares as her friends did their very best to comfort each other mourning the lost of their rainbow mane pegasus and the element of loyalty.

"A-Ah never got to tell her how I felt about her." AJ sobbed harder. " And now ah never will." Her body was racked with sobs so her friends held her closer.

"It's not fair she didn't deserve this." AJ held the cyan pony tighter. "Oh Rainbow why you."

"Nopony deserved what she went through." Twilight said her face soaked with tears. "Nopony should ever be tortured like she was."

"She was a great pony" Pinkie sniffled tears streaming down her face, her mane and tail hanging straight against her body.

"Yes she was." Crystal said walking up to the grieving mares along with Luna. "I know it probably doesn't mean much but I would like to apologize on behalf of my race for everything we have done including Rainbow's death."
For a few tense moments everypony was silent, the changeling princess stood there waiting for their reactions but the reactions she got she never expected.

"Ah forgive you Crystal." Applejack managed to say between her sobs.

"I do to." Twilight said.

"Me to." Pinkie added.

"As do I." Rarity said.

"I forgive you to" Fluttershy said quietly.
Crystal was stunned, she could not believe how fast these ponies gave her their forgiveness. After everything that had happened today and over the last couple weeks from ponynapping an element wielder to imprisoning their princess of the sun they did not even hesitate to give her their forgiveness. She was completely bewildered.

"You forgave me so quickly even after all the hurt I have caused you" Crystal stop to take a breath. "I don't understand, why?"

"It's simple." Twilight said whipping tears from her eyes only for them to be replaced with fresh ones. "If Rainbow believed in you then why should we?"
The mares all nodded in agreement as did Princess Luna. Crystal was overwhelmed with emotions as tears of joy started running down her face again.

"Thank you so much all of you." The changeling said whipping her face free off tears then turned to Luna. "My mother's magic should have worn off your sister should be back to normal by now."

"Thank you Crystal and thank you for protecting Ponyville." Luna replied her cosmic mane following in the gentle breeze.

The two princess turned back to the group of crying mares. Applejack was still clenching Rainbow close to herself refusing to her let go.

"Applejack?" Crystal asked bending down to eye level with weeping apple farmer.

"Yes?" AJ said look up at the changeling, her eyes were bloodshot.

"I can never make what happened today right but I want to try by telling you something." Crystal said in her most comforting voice. "I read your mind that's how I knew you had strong feelings for her." She paused. "I read her mine as well and I want you to know that her feelings for you were just as strong as yours."

"Really, do you really mean that?" The cowpony's face lit up as bit.

"Yes I do, she loved you as much as you loved her." The changeling said softly bringing her face a little closer to the orange pony. " And because of my mother's and I's actions you will never be able to express your love for each and for that I'm truly sorry."

For the second today Crystal was bewildered as Applejack gently laid the deceased pegasus on the ground then turned to her and embraced her in a warm hug and for the third time today tears ran down her cheeks. These ponies were so quick to give forgiveness and share their love even in the face of tragedy. It was all so new to her didn't quite know how to react so she did the only thing she could think of. She hugged back.
She felt another pair of hooves hug her.

And another.

And another.

And another.

Soon five pairs of hooves were hugging her and for the first time in a very long time is felt happiness. These ponies were so kind she could not help but cry.

"I-I'm so sorry for everything I have done." Crystal said tears streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry I never meant for any of this to happen, I just want to save my race."

"Crystal, you said your race was dying is that true?" Twilight asked with concern releasing the changeling from her hug as did the others.

"Yes my mother was not able to supply us with a sufficient amounts of love because of her evil ways." She answered sadly. "Now the changelings in Cantorlot and the ones here in Ponyville is all that is left of of us."
Twilight thought for a moment. "That's only a couple hundred!" The unicorn said shocked at Crystal's statement and whipping away fresh tears.

"Yes that is correct, Twilight." The changeling replied whipping tears of her own. " I only wish I could have saved them and not have caused all this chaos and destruction."

"It's not your fault Crystal." Twilight said glancing at Rainbow, the dear friend she had just lost. "Just live among us in pony form like Rainbow said and share our love." Twilight said with a slight smile.

"That would be wonderful but I don't think the rest of your kind is as accepting of us as you are." Crystal said glancing around the town seeing all the scared looks the townsponies were giving her and the rest of the changelings scattered about.

Twilight was trying to think of a solution to this problem wanting to help the changeling since she had slain her own mother to save them and Ponyville . She glanced around seeing all the scared face of the townsfolk, the crying fillies and colts, and the Changelings standing around them thought most of the ponies had ran away form them after they stopped attacking but a few brave ponies still lingered around. As she continued to glance at some of the changelings closer to her she began to notice something disturbing. The changelings were all scrawny and weak looking.

"They are dying." The unicorn said stunned at her discovery.

"Twilight!" Rarity said in surprise gaining her friend's attention. "The elements!"

The lavender unicorn quickly followed the white mare's gaze to where the elements were. They elements had levitate about thirty feet in the air and they were still glowing bright gold but what took everypony and changeling by surprise was the cracks that had formed in them much like they had in the evil changeling queen when she was defeated.

"Luna what's going on with the elements?" The studious mare asked with concern.

"With Rainbow Dash gone." Luna said looking sadly at the fallen pegasus who's side Applejack had returned to. "The element of loyalty can not hold its magic and neither can the other elements so they must be discharging it by releasing their physical form." Luna explain.

"You mean they are going to explode?" Twilight asked still soaking in Luna's explanation.

"Yes." Luna answered staring intently at the cracking elements.
Just moments after the night princess answered and before the stupefied unicorn could respond the elements shot into air and then one by one they burst like fireworks bathing the town in a golden snow fall of magic. One after the other the elements detonated showering the town magic until only the element of loyalty remained. As the golden magic rained down something unexpected happened, the changelings started to glow with a golden aura.

"Crystal what's happening to you?" Twilight asked the glowing changeling not having the slightest clue what was going on.

"I-I don't know." Crystal said looking over her glowing body. She was just as confused as everypony else. "I feel all warm inside."

"Luna do you know what's happening?" Twilight asked the blue alicorn who looked just as confused as she did.

"I have not a clue Twilight." The princess of the night said shifting her gaze between the glowing changelings and last remaining element.

The element of loyalty started glowing brighter and brighter so much thought you couldn't look at. Then finally as did the rest of the elements it exploded. A sonic rainboom rippled across the sky with blinding prismatic light. Crystal was enveloped in golden light so bright the ponies had to look away or cover their eyes. When the light finally subsided what they saw in front of them left and completely and utterly speechless.

Standing there was beautiful black alicorn with a green mane and tail.

Author's Note:

Darksonickiller: Ok folks here's is another chapter of Changeling Colours I should be writing one more chapter for this story two if your are lucky. Give me some feed back on how I'm doing so far