• Published 13th Jan 2012
  • 10,109 Views, 223 Comments

My Little Pony: Flesh and Steel - Gyvon

Crossover between FIM and Transformers, starring my original transformer character.

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Chapter 7: Call to Post.

Chapter 7

Call to Post

(authors note: Map of race course located her. It's a big image: http://i.imgur.com/p3xdF.png

LOCATION: Ponyville
TIME: Afternoon.

After a hearty lunch, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Gyvon took a stroll around the track and met another last minute entrant, a wall-eyed Pegasus named Derpy, who had the same idea. Gyvon took careful note of the tight turns that'll be required where the track goes through the town. The fifty-foot ceiling would mean that he was likely to crash through a building if he wasn't careful. The first turn in particular would push his airframe to it's limit, and there was no chance in hell that he'd reach his top speed.

Outside the town, however, was a completely different story. The straightaway near Fluttershy's cottage and gentle bend around Sweet Apple Acres would mean he could open the throttle all the way. Thrust vectoring would allow Gyvon to keep the hammer down all the way out towards Snowy Rock. After that, there was one more straight before turning back into town, A dogleg around the Town Hall, and then they'd be across the finish line.

It was almost sundown when they finished their tour around the track. They stopped at the Library entrance. "Well, think you can make it?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Yeah, I think so." said Gyvon confidently. "It's no San Marino, but it's still gonna be a challenge." Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement. "No idea what a 'San Marino' is, but this course is tough. Those turns are gonna kill my speed." Gyvon couldn't help but smile. He'd been worried that the Pegasus would have the clear advantage through the corners. Now, it seemed to be more of an even match. "Well, I gotta dash. It's dinner time" said Rainbow Dash, before flying off in a blur.

"That reminds me. I've got a question for you." said Twilight as they stepped into the Library. The smell of fresh baked bread suggested that dinner was almost ready. "If you're a machine, why do you need food?" Gyvon chuckled. "Technically, I don't." he said. "I actually need energon." he said, taking a step towards the bowl, where they had left it earlier. "I can, however, survive on regular food for years as long as I don't overexert myself. Jetfire went centuries without a proper source of energon." he stated as he grabbed a gem and broke it in half. "Besides..." he tossed half of the gem into his mouth and screwed his face up in a look of disgust, nearly gagging as he swallowed. "... energon tastes like olives." he finished with a cough. Both Twilight and Gyvon laughed as they went to check on dinner.

TIME: Late Morning.

At least I'm not the only nervous one here today. thought Gyvon as he looked around. The officials had corralled all twenty racers in the town hall before the race. He was currently in his combat form, and it seemed to be intimidating some of his competitors, though a cheerful smile on his part helped ease some of the tension. Both Twilight and Rarity were there helping him get ready. Rarity applied the placard to his tail fin, and Twilight used a spell to blend it with his airframe, so that it wouldn't mess with his aerodynamic profile too much.

"Honestly, dear, why did you insist on such a drab color? Don't you know black is out this season?" asked Rarity. Gyvon groused at the question. "I didn't pick the color. Besides, it helps me blend in at night." He said. After they were done with their job, Gyvon ran a few last minute flight checks. Ailerons, rudder, thrust vector control, all came back positive.

Rainbow Dash cantered up to him. "Nervous?" she asked. Gyvon nodded. "A little. Haven't done an actual race before." Just then, one of the officials called for everypony to head out for the opening ceremony. "Well, good luck." they both said to each other. Rarity and Twilight both headed for the grandstands while the racers made for the starting grid.

LOCATION: Town Center
TIME: Noon

The crowd cheered with furor as the racers came out of the town hall. There appeared to be more spectators this time around than there were for the first race, and they all were trying to shout over each other. Many were holding up banners of their favorite racers. Some even had hastily painted banners for Gyvon.

The racers each stopped on their designated spots and faced the grandstands, Gyvon's being in the back row next to Derpy while Rainbow Dash's was near the front, and Coltrip climbed up into his stand. "Good afternoon, race fans. How about we try this again?" he said into the megaphone. "Due to a few racers dropping out after the dragon attack, we are proud to welcome a very special guest flier. Please give a round of applause to the hero, Gyvon!" The crowd erupted in cheers and Gyvon waved in response. I could get used to this he thought. Coltrip held his hoof up for silence. "Also joining us today from her personal sky-box, our illustrious ruler, Princess Celestia!" The cheers were even louder this time. From where he was standing, Gyvon could see Celestia. That's a skybox, alright he mused seeing that it was made of clouds.

When the crowd had quieted down, Coltrip once again spoke into the loudspeaker. "Racers, on your marks!" They all turned as one, facing down the track. The starting tree flashed red. "Get set!" The tree flashed yellow, and the Pegasi spread their wings. Gyvon brought his engines up to speed, nearly deafening the attendees. Coltrip tried shouting into the megaphone again, but couldn't make himself heard over the whining engines. It didn't matter. As soon as the tree flashed green, the racers were off.

The Pegasi got an early lead on Gyvon, but it wouldn't last. Before the stunned spectators eyes, he jumped into the air and transformed into a form they hadn't seen before. This one sleek, streamlined, predatory. He flew off at great speed, and caught up to the trailing Pegasi before the mansion turn. Applejack was the first pony to recover from the shock. "Huh. Didn't know he could do that." she said.

SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT! was the only thought going through Gyvon's mind as he made the first turn as collision alarms went off. He had forgotten to turn them off before taking flight. The tight turns around this section of the track required his undivided attention or he'd crash into a building. It wasn't until he crossed the bridge out of town that he could turn the collision alarms off.

By that time, he had managed to actually gain a couple positions on the slower racers. He increased throttle a little and passed three more. The left turn in front of Fluttershy's required a little braking, but afterwards he gunned it. Gyvon broke the sound barrier around halfway down the long straight, shaking a few apples off the trees and passing five more stunned Pegasi in the process.

Rainbow Dash was up near the barn fighting for the lead when she heard the sonic boom. She couldn't see who had caused it, but she had a pretty good guess. As she made the turn for Snowy Rock and accelerated, breaking the sound barrier herself.

Further back, Gyvon had made it up to seventh place as he rounded Apple Corner. He slowed down slightly to make the turn, but quickly got back on the throttle. He could see the leaders now, with Rainbow Dash in first place rounding around Snowy Rock. The tricky part was coming up as he braked hard for the sharp turn. He banked hard left, wings pointing straight up and down, and entered the turn at 0.7 mach.

He barely made it. The forward-swept wings and thrust vectoring helped, but he came in too fast and almost went off the course and over the crowd gathered along the sidelines. In doing so, he lost ground on the leaders. There was no avoiding it. He fully expected to win this race in the straightaways. All Gyvon could do was minimize the losses.

After the Rock, there was a short straight before making a right turn back into town. After making the right turn he slowed to 0.3 mach. Luckily, the Pegasi were forced to slow down as well for the tight right turn and the dog-leg loop towards the finish line.

As they crossed the line, Rainbow Dash was in the lead, followed by five Pegasi, and Gyvon fighting for 6th with Derpy Try as he might, he couldn't get past her. He was forced to slow down at the Mansion turn and got a good look at the bubbles on the mare's flank as the more agile pony pulled away.

After making the Library Loop and the turn towards Fluttershy's, he passed three more Pegasi and caught up to Derpy, now in second place. Man, bubble-butt's faster than she looks, he thought as he pulled up to her. Gyvon finally came along side as he made the turn down the Long Straight. He tried to pass, but the mare bit his tail fin and grabbed on as he started to pull ahead. "Oh, you did NOT just do what I think you did!" yelled Gyvon. He firewall'd his engines and went into a series of aileron rolls, trying to shake Derpy off him.

Up ahead, Rainbow Dash heard the commotion, looked back and saw... "What the hay does Derpy think she's doing?" The spectacle distracted Rainbow Dash long enough for her to miss the next turn and she went off course. She finally noticed her mistake and got back on the track, but not before Gyvon and Derpy had managed to close the gap as they reached the barn.

"Hey Dash!" called Gyvon. "Could you give me a hand with bubble-butt over here?" Rainbow Dash had to stifle a laugh as she looked back and saw that Derpy was still holding on by the skin of her teeth. "No way! Derpy's your problem" she said as she made the turn for Snowy Rock.

As Gyvon made the same turn, he got a crazy idea. He climbed to 50-feet, pitched down, and transformed with a flip, catapulting the grey mare forward. Without missing a beat, he transformed back and accelerated. He managed to pass Derpy, who was still a little dazed, as he rounded the Rock. This time his line was perfect and and he actually gained ground on Rainbow Dash.

The race went on with little change. Rainbow Dash and Gyvon battled for the lead, with Derpy not far behind. After seventy laps, half of the field had dropped out of the race, unable to go on any further. The five hundred mile race was proving to be a much tougher test of endurance than anypony had thought it would be. At lap eighty, Gyvon managed to pull alongside Rainbow Dash and managed to complete the pass at Everfree Curve, but it wouldn't last. Rainbow Dash retook the lead at Apple Corner and extended it at Snowy Rock.

This would go on for the next seventeen laps. Gyvon would have the clear advantage in the straights, while Rainbow Dash would pull ahead in the curves. On lap ninety-seven, however, Gyvon surprised everypony when he started to hold more speed in the corners. He was taking a dangerous risk, especially on the Mansion Turn. One mistake would send him careening through a building or off the track, but he managed to take the lead after exiting the town, and held it all the way to the finish line. Rainbow Dash, however, was always right behind him and retook the lead on the next lap.

As Gyvon firewall'd his engines on the Long Straight, he passed Rainbow Dash once again, and alarms began going off. He had pushed himself too hard, too long, and at too low an altitude, and his engines were in danger of overheating. After a few mental calculations, Gyvon came to the only conclusion possible. I can't win this. If he pushed his engines any further, they'd explode, leaving him crippled and far away from possible repair. Dejected, he throttled back, giving Rainbow Dash the lead through the Barn Corridor. Guess I'll have to settle for silver, he thought. Derpy was still right on his tail, but he could keep ahead without damaging himself.

The final laps were spectacular in how uneventful they were. The crowd could tell that Gyvon was holding back. Some were wondering if he was throwing the race. More observant ponies pointed out how his engines were glowing red and concluded that he had gone as far as he could.

Rainbow Dash took the checkered flag, followed closely by Gyvon and Derpy. Gyvon transformed back into his combat form and landed as Rainbow Dash took her victory lap. He was panting hard and vents opened up along his back. He looked over to the stands to see Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack rushing over to him with a bucket of water. Gyvon grabbed the bucket and drank deeply, spilling some. Steam began forming where the water landed on him. "You alright there, sugarcube?" asked Applejack. Gyvon nodded as he set the bucket down. "I'll... be fine. Just need... too cool down a bit." he said, clearly out of breath. "Thanks for asking, A. J."

Rainbow Dash finished her victory lap and landed next to Gyvon. "HEY! What's the big idea? Why did you let me win?" she asked. She started pushing Gyvon's chest with her front hooves before anyone could stop her. "YAAAAH!" she yelped and jumped high into the air. She landed and quickly placed her singed front hooves into another bucket of water.

"Yeah, forgot to warn you about that." Gyvon said. "I almost overheated out there. Gimme a few minutes to chill." Fluttershy rushed over to the medical tent and returned with a burn salve. "Oh, you should be more careful, Rainbow Dash." she said as she tended the blue Pegasus's wound. "Eh, I'll be fine. Injured my pride more than anything." replied Rainbow Dash.

Gyvon, having finished cooling down, reverted back to human form and looked around. "Hey, where's Pinkie Pie?" he asked. Twilight looked up at him. "Oh, she's at Sugarcube Corner. Since we had the big victory celebration the other day, we're holding a smaller one over there." She looked over to Rainbow Dash, who was being led off to the Winner's Circle. "We'll head over there after she gets crowned." Gyvon nodded, smiling. "That sounds like a good idea."