• Published 13th Jan 2012
  • 10,103 Views, 223 Comments

My Little Pony: Flesh and Steel - Gyvon

Crossover between FIM and Transformers, starring my original transformer character.

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Intermission: Dark Schemes


Dark Schemes

LOCATION: Dragon's Lair
TIME: Early Afternoon

In the mountains to the northwest of Ponyville, stood Galvatron. He stood on the very doorstep of the black dragon's lair, the perfect vantage point to watch the battle below, and what he saw gave him pause. "So, at least one of the Autobot's managed to follow me." stated the Decepticon leader. Another walked over to Galvatron. "My Lord, will this hinder the mission?" he asked. Galvatron shook his head. "No, Cyclonus, it will not affect the mission. At least not in any significant manner."

As the pegasi appeared on the horizon, Galvatron turned away from the scene, Cyclonus close on his heels. As they approached the lair's entrance, Cyclonus offhandedly said "Good thing that creature was preoccupied when we showed up." Galvatron nodded, "Indeed." They approached another of the Decepticons, this one busy scanning the dragon's horde. "Report, Thundercracker. Have you confirmed my suspicions?" Thundercracker looked up as his leader approached. "Lord Galvatron, this world is saturated with energon." as he spoke, he held up a handful of gems. "It's all locked up in natural gemstone deposits, but they appear to be common enough." To drive the point home, Thundercracker dug into the living stone walls of the cave, and pulled out yet another handful of gems.

"Very good." he said, and turned to his lieutenant. "Signal the others. We move the new army in as soon as possible." said Galvatron. Cyclonus saluted and headed back out. Unwavering loyalty, such a rare quality for a Decepticon, thought Galvatron. When he was gone from view, Galvatron headed deeper into the cavern, with Thundercracker following close behind. "My Lord, do we really need those... abominations?" asked Thundercracker. In response, Galvatron backhanded him, knocking him to the ground. He loathed the sniveling worm. He reminded Galvatron too much of the treacherous Starscream. At least Starscream had something resembling a spine he mused.

"You dare question MY plans?" demanded Galvatron. Thundercracker quickly got to his knees. "No, Lord Galvatron, I do not!" he pleaded. "It's just, the inhabitants of this world are as insects to us. We could easily crush them beneath our heels without your... creations." Galvatron shook his head. "You were not on Earth, so I will forgive your ignorance this time." he said with a growl. "They are insects, yes, but if I learned anything from Earth, it's that insects can sting." As Thundercracker got back to his feet, Galvatron turned away and headed even further into the cavern. This would make a fine base, he thought to himself as he surveyed the many splits and turns in the natural cave formation.

Galvatron had lied to Optimus. The notes destroyed on the Mars base were not the only copies. No, Galvatron had managed to memorize their contents. While the initial experiment was a catastrophic failure, it did set the groundwork for another project.

The Earth Campaign had cost him dearly. Many of his soldiers were either dead or had defected, leaving only a handful of loyal troops and dwindling resources. But he also still had the hatchlings, and with what he had learned on Mars, an army was created. An army that merged machine and flesh in harmony. Each of Galvatron's new soldier would require only a tenth of the resources his Decepticons needed.

And his army would be arriving soon. His Predacon army "This has been a fine start to a new era, yeeeeess."