• Published 13th Jan 2012
  • 10,109 Views, 223 Comments

My Little Pony: Flesh and Steel - Gyvon

Crossover between FIM and Transformers, starring my original transformer character.

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Chapter 16: Changes

Chapter 16


LOCATION: Canterlot Palace Infirmary
TIME: Mid-Morning

"Well, you're getting better at least, John." said Twilight as the marble clattered down on the table and bounced off a glass of water.

"I know." replied Gyvon, strain showing in his voice. "It's just frustrating. A few days ago I was flinging boulders around like it was nothing. Now I can barely lift a pebble."

"Yeah, but you had a power boost when that happened." said Twilight. "Just be glad you can still do magic at all."

"Speaking of 'power boosts', what happened to the Elements?" asked Gyvon. "I don't mind that the Princess took mine, but that's my 'Matrix of Leadership'. I'd like to know what happened to it."

"They're locked up in the Vault." replied Twilight, taking a sip of water. "Only the Princesses have access to them now." She set her glass down and pushed a marble across the table. "Now, let's try this again."

Grumbling, Gyvon began to concentrate. Soon, a green aura formed around the marble and it floated in the air.

"Good. Now, hold it there for a few minutes." said Twilight. Gyvon struggled to keep his concentration. However, it was broken by a groaning from the other side of the room. As the marble dropped once more, both Twilight and Gyvon turned to see Princess Luna stirring. Slowly, the light-blue Alicorn's eyes opened for the first time since the Battle of Canterlot.

"Princess!" exclaimed Twilight as she rushed over to her bedside.

"Twilight... John...." she said, weakly. "How long have I been asleep."

"A few days." replied Twilight. "We've been worried sick about you."

"And... my sister, where is she?"

"Asleep, I hope." said Gyvon, having just joined them. "She's been running herself ragged these past few days. Although, it still took three Marines to drag her out of here earlier."

"Marines?" asked Luna.

As if in response, the door opened, and in stepped two Marines carrying a third on a stretcher, followed by the Royal Physician and another human, the Corpsman who had first treated Princess Luna.

"Ah, Princess Luna, you're awake." said the Physician, having caught sight of her. He turned to speak with the human next to him. "My apologies, Mr. Jones, but I must attend to the Princess. It shouldn't take too long." The Corpsman nodded and stepped over to where the injured Marine was placed, a few beds across from the Princess."

"And you can put that idiot anywhere." called the Physician to the doorway, where another Marine, this one carrying an unconscious Unicorn stallion over his shoulder, appeared.

"PRINCE BLUEBLOOD!" exclaimed Twilight. The Sergeant carrying him set him down on another empty bed, receiving a piercing glare from Gyvon.

"Alright, what happened?" he asked.

"Corporal Johnson and I were on patrol near Princess Celestia's room." he replied. "We saw this guy trying to force his way in, but the Guards stationed outside were having none of it. We stopped to ask what the problem was when..."

"That prick tossed me into a fucking statue!" interrupted Corporal Johnson, wincing in pain as the Corpsman examined his legs. "I think both my legs are broken!"

"Exactly." continued the Sergeant. "After that, one of the Guards tackled the idiot and I hit him over the head with my rifle."

"You should've shot him." said a voice. Looking for the source, Gyvon saw General Icewing step into the room. "That would've done wonders for his attitude." He then noticed that Princess Luna was awake. He stuttered in embarrassment while the Princess tried unsuccessfully to suppress her laughter.

"Well, Princess..." said the Physician after pulling the IV out, "It looks to me that you're back to good health, although I'd take it easy for the next few days if I were you."

"Thank you, doctor." replied Luna, who stood up on the bed and stretched. "However, if you don't mind, I'd like to take a walk and stretch my legs." She stood up, stretched, and jumped off the bed, landing shakily on her feet. As she made for the door, Gyvon grabbed her crown off a nearby table, placed it on her head, and followed closely behind with Twilight on his heels.

"So, John..." said Luna as they got out of earshot. "Why are human soldiers patrolling the Palace?"

"There have been a few... problems since the battle, Princess." he replied. "Many guards were killed in battle against the Predacons, and even more when Nemesis Prime joined in."

"Still, we should've been able to call up other Guards from reserve units." Luna retorted.

Gyvon shook his head. "That's where the other problems come in." he said with a sigh. "We've gotten word that the Griffon's are mobilizing troops. Princess Celestia's worried that they might try to annex Equestria's northern provinces by force. All reserve Guards have been sent to Stalliongrad, just to let the Griffon's know we've got our eye on them.

"Also, there's still the Decepticon threat." interjected Twilight, to which Gyvon nodded in agreement.

"Try as we might, we can't find hide nor hair of Galvatron, or any of the Predacons. As such, your sister requested assistance from the United States, and we agreed to help."

"I see." replied Luna, understanding dawning on her as the group continued their leisurely stroll.

LOCATION: NEST Temporary Command Center, Canterlot Palace.
TIME: Mid-Morning

"Any word on the treaty, Sir?" asked General Lennox. He was video-conferencing through a miniaturized Space Bridge to Washington. It allowed instantaneous communication between the two worlds without drawing the amounts of energy a full-sized bridge required

"Good news, actually." replied the President. "Congress has decided, for once, not to be a major pain in the ass. They've agreed to Princess Celestia's terms with only a few minor additions. They're ready to put it to a vote once we get the fine details hammered out. Are the Princesses alright?"

"Should be, sir. Celestia just needs some rest, and the doctor says that Luna should be up and about soon."

"Very well. I'm sending over a copy of the treaty. Keep me posted." With that, the President signed off on his end.

Not having anything better to do at the moment, Lennox picked up a radio and switched it to Gyvon's personal frequency. "Status report, John."

"Princess Luna's up and about, General." replied Gyvon after a moment. "We're just taking a stroll around the Palace. Any idea where Optimus is?"

"Big Man should be out in the courtyard. Can't miss him. I'll meet you there." He signed off the radio, turned to a nearby computer, and saw that the President had actually sent over two files. The first was the revised American-Equestrian treaty, which had Congress's suggested changes clearly marked. He printed out a copy, intending to show it to Princess Luna when they met.

As the printer worked, Lennox opened up the other file, and grimaced when he read it's contents. John is not gonna like this.

LOCATION: Canterlot Palace Courtyard
TIME: Late-Morning

"Hello, Princess." rumbled Optimus, kneeling down to get as close to her level as possible. "It is an honor to finally meet you."

"Oh no, the honor is mine." replied Luna. "I must thank you for coming to our rescue. I do not know what would have happened if it were not for your intervention."

"It is best that we never had to find out." he said, before turning to Gyvon. "John, I need to have a word with you. In private." He then transformed into his truck mode, startling both Luna and Twilight, who had not seen the process in such detail before.

"Alright, but make it fast" Gyvon replied as he approached the passenger-side door. In one motion, he opened the door and climbed inside.

"So, what do you need, boss?" he asked as he closed the door.

"I must return to Earth soon." Optimus replied. "The Treaty is progressing smoothly, and I feel that there should be an agreement before the week is out. That said, I need someone to lead the Autobot detachment here."

Gyvon sighed, realizing what Optimus wanted. "And you want me to do it." Looking out the window, he saw that General Lennox had arrived and was speaking with Luna.

"You are known to the local inhabitants, and are on friendly terms with their rulers." replied Optimus. "You are the best suited for the job."

Gyvon thought about Optimus' proposition for a moment. In a way, it was exactly what he wanted. It would mean staying in Equestria, a place he felt at peace. But, he had doubts on his ability to lead.

"Are you sure I'm the best choice, Optimus? I'm just a foot-soldier. I don't think I can do the job well enough." he finally said.

"You are not just a soldier, John." Optimus replied. "You are a Prime, chosen by Primus himself. I can think of none better suited. Besides, you did well enough as a general in the Royal Guards."

Gyvon sighed and bowed his head. Optimus was right, as usual. "Alright, boss. I'll take the job." He looked back up and out the window, and noticed Lennox seemed to be waiting patiently for him to finish his conversation. Not wasting any more time, Gyvon opened the door, jumped out, and walked up to the General.

"There a problem, sir?" he asked.

"Other than my Marine with two broken legs, no." Lennox replied. "Congress is railroading the treaty through, and if Celestia approves their changes, we should have a formal agreement by the end of the week."

"I believe my sister will agree, General." Luna interjected. "Their modifications were more than fair."

"Which brings us to another issue." said Lennox. "One of Congress' mandates is that Equestria becomes public knowledge. We have the Media on their way to Diego Garcia for a press conference. CNN, Fox, Sky News, Al Jazeera, the usual suspects."

"Ah, I see." replied Gyvon. "Who's the poor schlub that's gonna break the news?"

"The same man who made first contact, Lieutenant."

Gyvon took a moment to process what General Lennox had told him, before cursing under his breath.

LOCATION: Decepticon Mountain Base
TIME: Noon.

It had taken the Predacons days to return to their base. The few that managed to make it through the tunnels were back on the day of the battle, while the others had to take various overland routes. When all of the survivors of the battle had returned, one called for an assembly.

"This endeavor has been nothing but a disaster." he said. "Galvatron promised us an easy victory, but has he delivered? No, many of our comrades now lie dead on the field of battle."

"So what would you have us do?" asked one of the Predacons. "Would you have us strike out on our own?"

"Since Galvatron has abandoned us, that is all we can do. Join with me, and I will lead the Predacons to glory!"

"And why should you be the leader?" asked another Predacon. "I, Terrorsaur, am far better suited than you are."

The one who called the meeting simply blasted Terrorsaur, vaporizing him instantly. "Any further objections? No? I thought not."

Another Predacon stepped forward, and bowed. "I live to serve, my lord."

The new Predacon leader smirked. "That has a nice ring to it. Lord Megatron. Yessss."