• Published 2nd Dec 2012
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Xenophilia: Further tales. - TheQuietMan

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72: 'Love' is a doing word.

'Love' is a doing word
Chapter published 06th April 2015


Princess Luna didn’t need an alarm clock. She was thousands of years old, the physical embodiment of a celestial entity, co-ruler of a nation, protector of an entire species, queen of the dream realm... and, mother dammit, she was a big girl and did not need an alarm clock.

This distinct, total and absolute lack of need might even go some way towards explaining why yet another of the sister-forsaken things had just bounced its way off of the wall of her bedchamber and into the waste bin - its crumpled carcass landing with an audible ‘sproing’ atop many, many of its similarly mutilated brethren.

Ten minutes later - maybe fifteen, could be twenty - the alicorn of the night poked her head out from under her bedcovers - bleary eyes and wavering magic searching for her favourite flask. Locating the required item - exactly where she’d left it the morning before, which was exactly where she left it every morning - both she and it disappeared back under the sheets.

Seconds later, a loud ‘sluuuuurp’ was followed by an equally loud ‘aaahhhh’, both noises signifying to any intrepid soul that might be present that the lunar princess had partaken of her first harmony-blessed shot of coffee of the day and it would now be safe to approach the royal bedstead... or at least, not as life-threateningly dangerous as it would have been just five minutes ago.

After a few more slurps, a midnight blue hoof poked its way out from under the bedspread, depositing the now empty flask on a nearby bedside table - almost knocking a battered and well-read proofing copy of The Old Mare and the Sea(1.0) to the floor in the process - before retreating back under the covers.

A few minutes more passed without any sign of movement from the pile of blankets until, reluctantly, Luna pushed the covers aside and rolled out of bed and onto her hooves.

Wandering her way over to the large picture window that dominated one side of her personal chamber, she pulled back the curtains, letting the late evening sun bathe her in its glorious light, leaving her blinking for the split second it took for her eyes to adjust. Unlike her sister, the princess of the night was naturally nocturnal, her eyes more accustomed to the shadows and silver of the night, and it took a just a moment for her to take in the world outside her window.

The sun was low in the sky, though it still being late summer meant that it would not need to be put to rest for a good while yet. All across the city the sun’s rays played across the roof tops as well as the streets below - casting long, lazy shadows, into which the capital’s citizens would disappear, just to reappear again seconds later, as they went about their business.

Yes, it was a lovely evening, but it’d be much better once shift change rolled around and she could really get her horn stuck into it all.

A pair of Lunar Guards flew into view, followed by a second pair, all four making their descent without any undue haste into the courtyard below her tower. Night fall would come soon enough, bringing with it the changing of the guards. For all that her Lunar Guard had a slightly more ‘rough and ready’ reputation that her sister’s Solar Guard, Luna knew that, even though to an outside observer they may have looked like they were in no hurry, every one of them would be exactly where they needed to be, exactly when they needed to be there.(2.0)

Leaving the window, Luna trotted barehoof across the room to the small, low table that held her royal accoutrements. After inspecting each piece intently, using a soft cloth to polish the titanium and platinum to a spellbinding shine wherever it needed it - no matter how much the castle staff insisted otherwise, Luna still insisted on looking after her own vestments - she slipped into her four shimmering horseshoes, hung her glistening torc around her neck, and settled her sparkling tiara into place between her ears.

Taking a good, long look at herself in a large mirror by the door, she liked what she saw. She liked it a lot.

Her ethereal mane billowed around her head regally, her coat shone a bluish black so glossy that it quite possibly pulled the late evening light out of the very air, and her eyes... well, the quite lovely shade of eyeshadow set off the teal of her magnificent irises perfectly.

Yes, she was, sleek, magnificent, stunning, breath-taking, fierce... and not at all like the frumpy, dumpy, slightly podgy, and eminently unremarkable pegasus filly that she’d left behind so many centuries ago. Thank the maker for passive alicorn magic, and the physique that came with it.

Ready to face the evening, Luna opened the door and let herself out of her personal chambers, striding out onto the landing, greeting her door guards in the incredibly regal and reserved manner that the castle had come to expect from their most delicate and demure princess of the night.

“Good evening, boys,“ she boomed. “Once again, one was not accosted whilst one slept. You’ve done a most marvelous job, as always. Hurrah!”

As their princess clapped one of her guards on the back with a forehoof, his twin - literally, Side Wind and Sun Stalker were brothers - across the way rolled his eyes. Their lady and mistress was always like this first thing in the evening. They weren’t sure what exactly was in that flask of coffee that the princess kept by her bed(3.0) but, while it certainly got her out of bed of a night time, it did leave her a touch... exuberant, for the next half an hour or so. Luckily this was usually just long enough to get her down to the royal tea room for breakfast and a nice, soothing camomile.

Either way, once they got her through those doors she was her sister’s problem, not theirs.


With the large double doors to the royal tea room flung wide, Luna strode - or, more accurately, swaggered - into the room.

“Good evening, sister of... oh”

Save for the breakfast table - with its soft cushions, fine china, and a pleasingly well-stocked buffet table sitting slightly off to the side - the room was completely empty.

Prancing across the room, Luna checked the balcony.

No Celestia.

Prancing back again, she had a peek back out into the corridor, the pair of Solar Guards attending the outside of the door watching her intently as she peered from left to right, the pair of Lunar Guards that had accompanied her here trying their best to ignore whatever erratic behavior she might be displaying until the effects of her so-called ‘coffee’ wore off.

Nope, still no Celestia.

She even had a look under the breakfast table... just in case.

No Celestia under there.

“Well, that’s no fun.”

Leaving their lunar diarch to whatever games she was playing, the pair of solar guards discreetly pulled the tea room doors closed. The soft ‘click’ of the door latch brought home to the alicorn of the night that she was well and truly alone. Just her... and a fully laden breakfast buffet.

Too bad, so sad.

“Well, hello, my little darlings,” Luna lowered her head as she stalked her way across the room towards a particularly alluring plate of Prench pastries. “it seems that it’s just you, me, and a very large pot of strawberry conserve. Have at me, you scoundrels!”


The War of the Breakfast Pastries had been hard fought, with numerous bold moves and tactical maneuvers on both sides, but within minutes the victor was blindingly obvious.

“Well fought, Madame Croissant. I salute you,” Luna remarked as she popped the last piece of jam-smothered(4.0) flakey pastry into her mouth. “And you certainly put up a cleaner fight than dastardly Captain Grapefruit over there.”

Glaring across the table, Luna gave a half eaten piece of fruit the stink eye... from the same eye that the aforementioned breakfast item had managed to squirt some of its juice into not five minutes beforehoof.

“Cheater! Just you wait for tomorrow.”


By the time that Luna had read all three of the evening newspapers that had been left out for her - accompanied by not one but two cups of a particularly delightful chamomile blend - there was still no sign of her sister... which was more than a little odd as sunset had been scheduled for exactly nine and half minutes ago.

Folding the third and final newspaper before returning it to its place at the edge of the table, Luna decided to give it the full ten minutes before checking up on her errant sibling.

From under the newspapers, a manila folder called for her attention. She ignored it. She knew what would be in it, but she made a point of not checking through the day’s paperwork until the moon had replaced the sun in the sky, at which point she would be officially ‘on the clock’.

Fifty seven hippopotomi...

Fifty eight hippopotomi...

Fifty nine hippopotomi...

Right, that was ten minutes, surely. Tia was now well and truly behind schedule and Luna wanted to know why.

Closing her eyes, she pushed herself beyond her corporeal form, reaching out towards the heavens. Finding Helios, she let the very edges of their essences touch, reminding him that she was there, enquiring as to his - and her sister's, for essentially they were one and the same - wellbeing.

Through their contact, Luna could feel a wealth of emotions roll over her, washing over her with their jumbled intensity.

First there was recognition, and love - truly, always the first things she felt whenever their embodiments touched. But today, trailing behind them were two other feelings that her sister did not often let slip... surprise and embarrassment. And, even further behind all that, there was the tiniest of hints of several other emotions that the princess of the sun did not easily display. A touch of guilt, a sliver of concern, and a rapidly growing pool of contentment.

The two of them did not communicate with words.. no, it didn't work like that. But Luna knew that her sister was safe, and that she was happy, both of which gave the princess of the night all the answers she needed. Luna pushed back a feeling of concern, coupled with a desire to support, almost instantly accepting a response of reassurance mixed with gratitude in return.

Through their contact, Luna could feel her sister’s aura push - in a non physical sense - control of Helios towards the younger sibling, the elder’s intent clear.

So, whatever it was that had delayed her sister, Celestia was in no danger but tied up enough that she would be appreciative if her sister could lower the sun without her. An unusual request, Luna thought, and one that her sister hardly ever asked of her, but one that she was happy to fulfill.

Wrapping her own aura around Helios, Luna could feel Celestia pull away, leaving control of the sun solely in the younger sibling’s hooves... metaphorically speaking, of course. As she bid her sister’s charge to begin his descent, she could feel a fair few emotions emanating from him, completely disconnected from that of her sister’s physical mind. Primarily it manifested as a crashing wave of amusement, followed up by a smattering of gratification, all topped off with more than a sizable dash of smugness.

As the sun slowly began to move its way down towards the horizon - behind schedule they may be, but there was no need to completely rush it - Luna’s ears picked up the traditional call and response(5.0) from the two pairs of guards just outside of the breakfast room’s door. As per royal protocol, once the sun had commenced its final journey for the day, the ceremonial ‘Changing of the Guards’ had begun.

"Solar Guard, we are ready to relieve you."

"Lunar Guard, we are ready to be relieved."

Usually, whenever Luna had either a sunset or sunrise all to herself, she’d delight in taking the time to craft a spellbinding display guaranteed to make poets weep and painters curse their sorely inadequate palettes. That wasn't to say that her sister was bad at them, per se, but she... she was just so much better. But tonight... well, they unfortunately were already running late as it was and the populous could be so twitchy about these things. That didn’t mean, however, she couldn't take a moment or two to leave her own hoofprints on the event.

Far beyond the planet’s atmosphere, Helios dipped below horizon, the golden hue of the late evening sunset deepening as the sky darkened, shimmering gold and the deepest of pinks making way for the most regal of purples and the darkest of blues to envelop the land. As Selene rose above the rapidly fading horizon, civil twilight made way for nautical twilight, which too made way for the astronomical twilight. One by one, thousands of stars made their presence known, a blanket of brilliant pinpricks covering the heavens, guarding the night, safekeeping those who would sleep far below them, standing ever vigilant until the dawn.

"Solar Guard, we relieve you."

“We stand relieved. Attention all hooves, the Lunar Guard has the door."

As the hoof-falls of the Solar Guard retiring for the night reached her ears, Luna took a moment to just watch the stars. They were looking especially lively tonight. Whatever it was that her sister - and, by association, Helios too - was feeling, it was certainly contagious.


Flipping to the next page of paperwork in her file, Luna levitated her second piece of toast to her lips. Taking an absent minded bite, she floated the almost blackened(6.0) slice of bread back to its plate as she paused in her perusing to double check her current report against the previous.

“Something doesn’t quite add up here,” she muttered to herself, only breaking away from her reading as her sister hurried into the room.

“Dear sister, I apologise for the lateness of my arrival.”

Lifting her (completely unnecessary) reading glasses from her snout, Luna regarded her elder sister as she settled herself down at the opposite side of the breakfast table. Something about Tia’s appearance piqued her interest, and she wasn't sure why. To the uninitiated she looked no different than she would on any other day, but to Luna’s alicorn senses something just seemed... off. The pink of her coat - just a little too pink. The billowing of her ethereal mane - just a little too... billowy.

“Not to worry, sister of mine.” Luna closed her folder, laying her eyeglasses on top of it on the table. “Though, I must admit, I am a little surprised by your - what’s the word that frightens Twilight so? - ah, yes: ‘tardiness’. It is so unlike you to be tardy.”

“Again, my apologies,” Celestia offered as she levitated two slices of gently toasted bread(7.0) from the toast rack. “I was a little... tied up. Could you pass the butter, please.”

“Really?” Luna crossed her forehooves at the ankle, letting them rest on the table as she passed the butter, “I was under the impression that the day court was to be finishing up early today. Did something unexpectedly pop up that required your undivided attention?”

“You could say that, yes.” Celestia returned the butter and reached for the strawberry jam. The jar was empty. This was not good - all that was left was the cranberry. “But not to worry, the matter at hoof has been delicately handled and thoroughly put to bed.. err, laid to rest.”

The usual evening chit chat followed, with Luna attempting to traverse the occasional inroad, verbally poking and prodding, trying to find out what it was that had her sister so unsettled. Celestia, for her part, was a grandmaster of the conversational arts and managed to head each attempt off at the pass.

Luna wasn’t going to let this one go, though. She watched her sister closely for clues - noting the slightly pinker areas around her sibling’s barrel, the way certain patches of her fur are laying against the grain, how some of the feathers on her left wing were ever-so-slightly ruffled, how her crown wasn’t quite straight, the way she occasionally shifted on her pillow, how the smell of lavender on the summer breeze was ever so slightly stronger than usual, how underneath was the subtle hint of....

Luna gasped.

The penny had dropped.

“You’ve been plowed!”

Celestia froze, her back ramrod straight, eyes wide. For a moment she could have been a statue carved from the glossiest of marble, were it not for a blob of jam dropping from her toast and falling to the floor spoiling the illusion,

“I am quite sure I have no idea what you could mean.”

“Don’t deny it.”

The grin that spread across Luna’s lips could only have been seen as being any more predatory if the Nightmare herself had returned and brought her sharp, pointy teeth with her.

“It may have been a while, sister of mine, but you can’t hide these things from me. Your mane, your coat, your...” the princess of the night leant in closer, taking a deep sniff of her sister’s coat, “smell. If anypony should know how sensitive an alicorn’s nose can be it should be you. The extra perfume was a good idea, but not good enough, I’m afraid.”

“Well, I am not sure what business it is of yours,” Celestia took a laughably dainty bite from her toast before placing it back on its plate, “but, yes - a certain somepony, whom I have been courting as of late, and I have recently moved our relationship on to the next level.”

“The next level?” Luna laughed out loud. “What nonsense. Someone’s had a good plucking, and about time too. Well done, Tia. I’m very happy for you. I didn’t think you still had it in you... though apparently you recently have.”

Celestia didn’t scowl very often, but that crude and utterly inappropriate comment certainly deserved one. Not that Luna noticed. No, she was too busy rubbing her forehooves together in glee.

“So, who’s the lucky stallion, then?. And yes, I know it’s a stallion. I know full well what delightfully masculine scents, and... secretions, a particularly virile partner can leave behind, no matter how hard you’ve tried to cover it up. Unlike you, I am no prude when it comes to matters of physical love.”

Celestia's already pink coat was rapidly becoming even pinker, no matter how much its owner wished that it wasn’t. She was well aware of her younger sister’s predilections... she’d crowed about them over the breakfast quite often enough. By mother, Celestia had always thought that she only did it to embarrass her... and now it seemed that she’d been right all along.

Delighting in her sister’s increased levels of unease, Luna reached over the table and cupped her sister’s cheeks in her forehooves. By mother, she loved to tease her sister, especially about anything sexual, and today was like all her Hearths Warming Eves had come at once.

“Ooooh, look at you. Soooo cute when you’re all flustered like this. So, out with it, who is it?”

“I would rather not say,” Celestia said defensively as she gently but firmly pushed her sister away.

”Why?” Luna tented her forehooves on the table and propped her chin on them, putting on the very best ‘innocent’ expression that she could manage. It wasn’t very convincing. “You know I’ll just.. sniff him out, whomever he is, eventually. Why not just tell me now and get it over and done with. Unless of course it’s somepony you shouldn’t be...”

Luna gasped again, pulling back and hiding her mouth behind a raised forehoof in a mock display of shock and horror.

“Oh, no. It’s not Lero, is it? Nibbling from your faithful student’s plate on the sly. So naughty of you. And so bold.”

Dropping her forehoof, Luna poked out her tongue, waiting for her sister to respond. This should be good.

“No, it is not Master Lero. I know better than to tread on your hooves.” Celestia retorted, poking out her own tongue in return. “No, it is just that the stallion is question would rather keep our relationship rather low key for now. He is concerned that it could unduly affect his reputation and standing here in the castle.”

“Oh, so it’s somepony in the castle then? One of the diplomats, maybe?” Luna eyed her sister carefully but found no help there. Her sister had one of the best poker faces in the nation... neigh, the world. “No, you would not go there, for fear of being accused of losing your impartiality. A noble maybe? No, those pompous, grasping foals would never ask to keep something like this quiet. The possible bragging rights alone would blow most of their tiny little minds.”

Luna tapped her chin as her mind ran through the possibilities. They were running short allready.

“So that leaves either the staff or the guards. There’s a number of fine looking attendants in our employ, and I know there’s at least two chefs in the kitchens that are just your type. Hmmmm. No, it’s not a staff member, is it, my sister? No, you’ve always had more of a thing for stallions with backbone, boys with bark, you’re not so far from myself in that respect...”

Try as she might to do otherwise, Celestia was starting to look quite shifty. Heck, by now even her mane was starting to look shifty. Conversely, if Luna’s toothsome grin had gotten any bigger it would have met her ears.

“It’s one of the royal guards, isn’t it?”

Lifting a steaming cup of jasmine tea to her lips, Celestia took a small, unhurried sip.

“No comment.”

That was it... ears and lips met in the grandest unison of the ages. Well, at least since her sister’s grand unison of earlier in the day.

“And that’s all the answer I need, dear sister.” Luna’s expression shifted from one of pure glee to stonefaced professionalism so quickly that, had she not been an alicorn, whiplash could have been a very real problem. “Very well, I can see why he’d be wanting to keep it quiet, especially if he’s...”

Celestia swallowed, and it had nothing to do with a mouthful of hot tea. No, the grin was back. And it had reinforcements

“Oh my! It’s one of your Solar Guards, isn’t it.” If Luna’s eyes had sparkled any harder she’d have needed ruby quartz glasses so she wouldn’t dazzle the masses. “Well, well, well. One of your own bodyguards. Talk about playing close to home. Well, it’s been a few millennia but it wouldn’t be the first time you’ve been caught with your hooves in the cookie jar.”

Putting down her teacup, Celestia cleared her throat - which still ached a little if she was to be one hundred percent honest - and fixed her sister with one of her ‘I’m dead serious’ expressions. She’d admit that maybe... just maybe.. Luna was entitled to indulge in some familial teasing, but she was going to have to nip this line of enquiry in the bud before it got any further out of hoof.

“What I and one of the Royal Guards may, or may not, be doing in our own time is no pony’s concern but our own. And yes, he asked if we could keep our... interactions a private matter for now, a request I am happy to honour.”

Thankfully, Luna nodded her understanding of the present need for tact and diplomacy - and the real stuff, not what she usually took for ‘tact’ - in this case, though the sparkle didn't completely leave her eyes.

“Well, I for one am glad you're finally taking some time to enjoy yourself. I know you have this strange aversion to finding yourself a herd-”

Celestia opened her mouth to speak but Luna held up a hoof.

“-Yes, I know. ‘Our subjects are more important than your needs’, blah-blah-blah. But even so, for the life of me I still don’t see why you didn’t just gather yourself a harem, just as we did in olden days. Yes, I agree, times may have changed, but I still doubt that they’ve changed so much that the nation would begrudge you a stallion or three here or there. The role of royal consort was a highly saught-after position - if one will pardon the pun - once upon a time and I honestly see no reason why it could not be again. If you enjoy this stallion of yours so much, why not re-establish the tradition. I would heartily support you if the nobles were to decide to make a scene...” a pair of forehooves met with an audible ‘crack’. “Actually, especially if the nobles were to make a scene.”

Finishing her last piece of toast, Luna rose from the table, brushing non-existent crumbs from her coat as she gathered up the day’s paperwork and tucked it under a wing.

“Alas, duty calls and I must depart. The national tax bureau have some interesting new proposals regarding the closing of yet more loopholes in the foreign trading laws that they wish to discuss. Those greedy nobles - you’d think they’d be happy with what they already have. Their nests are feathered quite enough without them engaging in these under-hoofed offshore tax avoidance schemes. Oh well. I shall see you in the morning, dear sister, at which time I hope to hear all about your new beau.”

Opening the double doors with her magic, Luna strode past the pair of Lunar Guards standing guard and out into the corridor.

“Captain Shield, let us depart.”

“Yes, ma’am,” came the reply... but not from the particular captain that she had been expecting.

“Captain Hide, what are you doing here? I was under the impression that today was your day off?”

“Last minute trade with Captain Shield, Ma’am.”

Well, this was unusual. In all the years that Captain Shield had served her, he had taken neither any unplanned vacation days nor engaged in any sick leave. In fact, more than a few times over the years she’d had to order him to take a week off here or there or he’d never use up his paid leave.

“Really, why?” Luna asked, actually concerned for her errant captain's welfare. “Is he unwell?”

“No, ma’am, not really. He’s just spending the rest of the day in bed. He’ll be fine by tomorrow. He’s not at all ill, ma’am - he’s just a little...”

As Captain Hide’s eye’s moved from his princess to the the gap between the rapidly closing double doors, his mouth twitched, obviously torn between trying not to laugh and figuring out what he could say without dropping his colleague squarely in the doo-doo.

“Well, out with it,” Luna snapped. To her, the wellbeing of her guards was of paramount importance and she did not like being left out of the loop. No, not one little bit.

“...exhausted, ma’am.”

Luna turned, following Captain Hide’s eyes. The last thing she could see as the doors to the breakfast room slowly but surely sealed themselves shut was the grin on her sister’s face. A grin so large and toothsome that she hadn’t seen its like on her sister’s face in centuries.

Faced with nothing but a pair of pure white doors, her alicorn hearing picking up a soft chuckle from the other side, Luna’s head dropped.

“Mother-dammit, Tia,” she growled, “not again.”

1.0: The only copy in the nation at that point. While publishing house Random Stable had made repeated requests of ever increasing urgency for their proofing manuscript to be returned, the crown had ‘mysteriously’ misplaced(1.1) it at least three times now.

1.1:By this point Random Stable’s fellow - and slightly more pragmatic - publishing house Pangolin Imprint had already given up on the idea of Princess Celestia ever returning their own proofing copy of ‘Charlotte’s Web’ and had instead created a second copy to take its place.

2.0: And she was right. While the Lunar Guard had a reputation for being a lot less rigid than the Solar Guard - to the point where many joked that their motto should be ”Laboris gloria Ludi(2.1) - they took their duty incredibly seriously.

2.1: It was actually “Nox Noctis est Nostri" - The Night is Ours. While their ‘unofficial’ motto was obviously more fun, most agreed that the official version held just the right balance between a statement of fact, a declaration of intent, and an unspoken threat. It didn’t hurt that, when it came to the annual intra-guard-service war games, they had not only beaten(2.2) the Solar Guard hooves down in every category for the last three years, but also the Crystal Guard, the Regular Royals and the Border Patrol. The bottom line was - no one messed with the Lunar Guard.

2.2: Neither the Wonderbolts nor the Shadowbolts were allowed to compete. The Wonderbolts because they were not technically classified as ‘guards’, and the Shadowbolts as they didn't officially exist.

3.0: Previous chemical analysis from Canterlot University had come back with an envelope stuffed full of hazchem stickers and a rather curt report which simply stated: “Extremely Toxic! Do. Not. Touch!”

4.0: Contrary to popular opinion, Luna hated cranberry and had no idea as to why it kept turning up on the breakfast table no matter where she went. Celestia, on the other hoof, knew exactly why the castle staff, and any other places that her sister might visit for that matter, made sure to always have a large pot of her sister’s ‘most favourite of jams’ take pride of place on the breakfast table.

5.0: Upon Luna’s return to power, the Royal Guard had commissioned an archeological expedition to hunt down every book of ancient protocol and ceremonial tradition that could be found. Within less than a week, the long disbanded Lunar Guard had been recreated and fully staffed(5.1), and by the time that the Princess of the Night was ready to resume royal duties every single castle guard was well drilled in over a dozen ceremonial traditions from over a thousand years before.

5.1: A surprising(5.2) number of royal guards - from all three tribes - had requested a transfer to the Lunar Guard. Once the Thestrals had decided to step out of the shadows and rejoin mainstream pony society - most of which volunteering their own services to the Princess of the Night - Luna actually had more guards at her personal disposal than her sister did.

5.2: Well, not that surprising really, once it was taken into consideration just how cute Princess Luna had been immediately after her return.

6.0: As far as Luna was concerned, if the bread hadn’t been on fire at some point then it couldn’t truly be counted as toast.

7.0: Both slices having been barely tickled by the toaster, browned just enough to tip them from being called ‘bread’ to being called ‘toast’... unlike the scarcely recognisable charred and smouldering mess that her sister called breakfast.

Author's Note:

Still got writer's block. Dammit. :twilightangry2:

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