• Published 2nd Dec 2012
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Xenophilia: Further tales. - TheQuietMan

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10: Till now I always got by on my own - by PhucknuckL and TheQuietMan.

Till now I always got by on my own - by PhucknuckL and TheQuietMan.
Chapter published 16th Nov 2014


Lyra Heartstrings was many things. She was strong, brave, loyal, witty, and - to the few ponies that knew her well - annoyingly enigmatic.

But one thing that she generally wasn’t, was apprehensive.

Today though, today was a different story. A very different story indeed.

Thinking back, she was having a hard time remembering when she’d last felt this... Nervous? Hesitant? Plain old scared out of her wits?

There had been her final few weeks, years ago now, back at the Royal Guard Training Academy... those had been pretty hairy. Yeah, especially that final week-long, live-casting training exercise- that had been nothing short of seven full days of abject apprehension punctuated with short bursts of ‘terrified’ and topped off with liberal sprinkles of ‘please, don’t let me get zapped!”.

That week however had been a walk in the park compared to today. No, no amount of training could ever hope to prepare her for where she was at right now...

...her first solo date with Bellerophon Michaelides.

As the sole member of his species anywhere on the entire planet, the only one of his kind that Equestria had ever known - with no clue as to where he’d come from or how he’d even arrived - he had quickly become a source of fascination for several ponies... and unfortunately an object of fear and concern for many more.

Due to her status as a ‘plain-shod’ guardsmare - and one that was already intimately familiar with the town of Ponyville no less - Lyra had supposedly been assigned the task of conducting surreptitious observation of Lero almost from the moment that Princess Celestia had first been alerted to his presence.

However, unknown to anypony else - quite literally anypony else - Lyra had ‘volunteered’ herself for the job without ever having being asked to do so.

First she had ‘told’ Mayor Mare - though ‘heavily implied to’ would be more accurate - that instructions had been passed down to her from her superiors back at HQ to perform ‘low-key information gathering’, just as a precautionary measure of course.

Then she had informed her commander over in Canterlot that she had received a ‘personal’ request from Ponyville’s Mayor to remain in town - strictly in an unofficial capacity and completely off the books - just in case.

And such was the trust and freedom she enjoyed from both parties that neither one had questioned her words in the slightest, with official paperwork - signed in triplicate no less - to support her new posting arriving from the big city just a few days later.

So from that day on Lyra had stayed in town: watching, observing, studying, conversing, smiling, laughing, hoping, wanting, and ever so slowly falling in...

She couldn't pinpoint when exactly it had happened, but at some point down the line the innocent fascination she had had with the tall, friendly, mostly fur-less ape-looking thing had developed into feeling of deep, honest, true affection.

She could however recall with crystal clarity the moment somepony managed to make her admit her feelings aloud.


A small part of Lyra resented the common perception held by many ponies that meditation had to be conducted alone somewhere - preferably under a tree, with eyes closed and body held rigid whilst one sat as still as a statue, with rear legs crossed and forehooves held outwards whilst chanting ‘oooom’ or some other silly nonsense.

True, she was alone, and she was under a tree, and her eyes were closed... but she was far from sitting still, in fact she wasn't even sitting at all.

Her body undulated with a sublime grace that many professional dancers would have given their rear right hooves for, the soft morning sun dappling through the grove gently caressing her sinuous coat as she completed each of her motions.

“All is ephemera. All fades away.”

Stance to stance, position to position, form to form- each movement was flowing seamlessly from one to the next, each pose held with both fluid precision and utmost professionalism

"Take the brush, write upon the stone. Ink shall fade, stone shall crumble.

Each returns to the source.”

But try as she might to clear her mind her thoughts seemed to be constantly drawn back to the human. He was completely, blissfully unaware of the status he held, but Lero was the living embodiment of Lyra's highest aspiration in life: balance.

“Climb the hill, circle the hill, every path returns to the foot.”

On the whole a quadrupedal existence had little use in pursuing the contemplation of the notion and nature of balance. In situations that required one hoof to be otherwise engaged in holding or carrying, the three remaining appendages would make for a fairly stable platform.

Added to this a pony’s natural and instinctive use of grasping magic that ran almost unnoticed though their hooves, and that their own magical field that continuously affected their centre of gravity, nopony past a year of age would put even a moment’s thought into how the nature of balance affected their day to day life.

“Return to the centre, pass through and return again.”

Beyond normal movement, most ponies could manage only a few seconds unsupported on their hind legs. Grandmasters of many martial arts, as well as scant hoof-full of the most dedicated of athletes, could attain a duration of up to an hour- but this took years of training, immense concentration and finely honed muscle control.

There were rumours floating around certain musical circles that a certain well-known Canterlot cellist-slash-violinist had once managed to perform upright for the better part of an hour, completely unaided. If these rumours were true then Lyra wanted to meet her musical hero now more than ever before.

“River flows to the sea and all is one.

Light burns stone to dust and all is one.”

While The Still Way had taught her that pride in one’s self was a thing to be tempered - that too much could lead to one’s downfall more swiftly than a badly placed hoof ever could - Lyra allowed herself a small feeling of pride in the fact that she could make the task look practically effortless.

Throwing herself wholeheartedly into her training as she had, she had long ago ceased having to consciously control her body in order to remain perpendicular to the ground. To her it felt as natural as breathing- her body flowing instinctively through the forms, allowing her to clear her mind and live solely in the moment.

The mental, physical and spiritual self in perfect harmony.

“Each returns to the centre of all.

Today I forge a new path so that I might once again return.”




Or at least that’s how it should have been.

Today though... today her mind was anything but clear; instead insisting on filling itself up with wistful images of Lero, vision upon vision of him just being... him.

There was the way he walked- forever falling, with a gait that few creatures on Equestria could ever hope to emulate.

And the way that he could pivot himself about on just one foot, or how he could reach his arms out far from his body in such a way that logic said - screamed almost - that he should surely tumble from that nigh-on alicorn-head-high distance down to the floor.

Then there was the way he lowered himself to a pony’s eye level- folding his considerable height down to match that of his conversational partner, balancing his entire body on naught but the tips of his feet, casually draping his long arms on his knees. Some ponies were extremely uncomfortable when he did this, seeing the action as a predator ready to pounce, Lyra's eyes saw it as something else entirely- a purely harmonious demonstration of the pinnacle of perfect, wondrous, instinctual balance.

And dammit, the fantasies she envisioned involving those long muscular arms did nothing to quell the burgeoning desire within her; the deep, dark longing she could feel wrapping its tendrils around her heart; the insistent, burning heat that slowly crept its way along her...

...yeah, time for a cold shower.

Her morning meditative ritual complete - though it had left her feeling rather frustrated and, to be honest, a little flushed - Lyra was meandering back towards Ponyville, all alone and ruminating over her inner turmoil, when she was chanced upon by Fluttershy.

A briefly awkward silence followed salutations, to be expected whenever dealing with the shy pegasus. Lyra knew not to push the nervous mare for anything more than she was happy to give- instead just giving her time to say what she wanted to say, when she wanted to say it.

Fluttershy was a remarkably perceptive mare, far greater than ponies ever gave her credit for. One of the few benefits to being a wallflower was that, when your mouth is closed, your eyes are open, even when one of them was usually hidden away behind a curtain of pink.

Chronically diffident though she may have been, Fluttershy was also selflessly compassionate- she had noticed Lyra's pensive state immediately and politely queried her about it. Proving once again that it’s always the quiet ones that have to watched out for, it didn’t take long for results of her deductive reasoning to be confirmed.

“Lyra, what’s wrong? You look, um, sad.”

“I’m a little down, yeah.”

“Is that why you’re out here? I like to come here to think, sometimes.”

Fluttershy looked up at the sky and then turned her eyes toward the Everfree Forest.

“It seems all the more peaceful, somehow.”

Lyra didn’t respond, preferring to let the warming sun stroke her body and the cooling breeze stir her coat. They stood like that for some time, not speaking, simply being. Lyra let her thoughts flow and Fluttershy did whatever a Fluttershy might do, until she broke the silence.

“Is it about Lero?”

Lyra’s eyes snapped open. The other mare was watching her intently, almost fiercely, at least as far as could be said for Fluttershy. The combination of adorable shyness and worrying intensity gave Lyra little room to avoid the question. She nodded, barely, and closed her eyes again.

“You mean you-”

“Probably before Rainbow Dash.But I don’t think he noticed. I was waiting to see how things shook out.”

“Oh. Oh m-my, that’s-”

“Life. It’s simply how things are. I’m not going to fight fate.”

So, that was it. That was the first time she had acknowledged her feelings, and ironically it had taken a pony that didn’t like to speak out loud to make her say it.

To admit to the world something that she couldn't deny any more.

To confirm that special feeling- that illusive, wonderful, nauseating, terrifying something she hadn’t felt since she’d been a silly, headstrong, emotional teenager.

She’d fallen... she’d fallen hard and there was nothing she could do about it

She was in love.


"Is something the matter, Lyra? You've been staring at your dessert for the last few minutes now."

Lero's hand reached across the table and lightly grasped Lyra's hoof, his thumb tracing small circles on her frog, the intimate connection dragging the unicorn from her introspection.

Blinking, Lyra turned her head to hide the blush, pretending that she was just looking around the restaurant. It was closed, cushions and chairs stacked neatly on tables, blinds pulled down... they were the only ones around.

Thanks to a special deal* that Lero had struck with Crispy and Sky Gem in exchange for introducing the restaurant's most popular new dish, and a promised free massage for Sky Gem, they had exclusive use of the establishment for the entire night.

All around the rest of the room the lights had been lowered, with just a dozen or so small candles placed on the nearest tables lending the restaurant a close and intimate atmosphere.

Lero had used the kitchen to cook up the dish he had taught to Crispy- whole wheat Fettuccine with Alfredo sauce. The pasta had been succulent; the sauce, mouthwatering; the cheese topping, divine, the company...


"It's nothing, just thinking back."

Lyra turned back to her slowly melting sundae. Keeping her head down, she raised just her eyes, smiling as she surreptitiously - or so she believed - studied the human's face. She had always been good at reading his emotions, a trait that Rainbow Dash had been rather envious of back when she had been unable to do the same.

His eyes radiated nervousness.

Lyra's smile faltered a little, realising that she was the cause of his discomfort.

"Fingers, honestly, it's nothing. I was just remembering the time when I first conceded that I had feelings for you."

Lero's cheeks softened a little and developed a slight shade of crimson but his eyes remained hard.

"You're not having second thoughts about us are you?"

Lero's free hand reached forward and gently moved Lyra's ice cream to the side, then encircled her other hoof and brought the two together. He ran his hands up to her fetlocks and gently caressed the front of her forelegs with his thumbs. He took a deep breath and lowered his gaze as he slowly exhaled.

"Lyra, I'm deeply sorry if I'm failing to be the stallion you need me to be. I'm trying, I really am, I genuinely care for you, but please understand that the whole polygamy thing is still a difficult concept for me to-"

A soft golden glow appeared under his nose and Lero felt his lips being held shut by a pair of phantom fingers. He raised his head to look at Lyra. The corresponding glow surrounded her horn, her eyes were vitreous but she looked like she was about to burst out laughing.

"You, Sir, are an idiot."


"Uh uh uh, now shut up for a minute and let me say something."

Lyra tilted her head slightly and lifted the corner of her mouth into a smirk.

"Just nod."

Lero gave a few rapid nods. The gentle touch holding his lips together subsided though Lyra's horn remained active.

"Lero, please. I've been courting your herd for almost two months now, and I've been watching you for far longer than you know."

Lero's eyes widened and his jaw twitched but said nothing.

"Relax, it wasn't a stalker thing. It was my job, remember?"

Lyra's expression softened.

"In that time I have observed nearly every type of social interaction you've had here in Ponyville. I am well aware of your deficiencies when it comes to equestrian culture."

A soft glow enveloped the handle of spoon sticking out of her Ice-cream. Without breaking eye contact, Lyra levitated the well-loaded spoon towards her own mouth, poked her tongue just once into the creamy mixture, then floated the spoon back across the table. Lero opened his mouth to accept the sugary treat as Lyra guided the spoon in, the human’s mouth and eyes closing simultaneously as the spoon ever so slowly slid its way back out from between his lips.

Sweet Celestia, that's hot!.

A small drip landed on Lero's beard. Lyra used the spoon's edge to gently collect it before floating it back across the table where she removed the last of the ice-cream with one thorough, and tantalisingly slow, flick of her tongue.

Sweet Jesus, that's hot!

As Lyra dropped the spoon back into the Ice-cream she felt a warm hand release her forehoof, her eyebrow twitching as she watched it disappear under the table. The unicorn unashamedly flashed a cheesy grin as Lero wriggled in his seat and made a slight adjustment to the front of his jeans.

Well, that lightened the mood. Perhaps tonight will be ‘The Night’ after all.

Lyra's earlier apprehension was dissipating fast as she arrived at the conclusion that poor Lero was just as nervous of screwing this up as she was. The polite yet reserved conversation that had accompanied dinner hadn't been from disinterest- no, it was fear that had been holding his tongue.

"Lero, I completely understand your discomfort. Before I started courting your herd I considered myself rather hoofloose and fancy free, never taking any of my previous... let's just call them trysts, seriously."

Although her smile remained, a dark semblance flashed behind Lyra's eyes.

"Apart from one instance with some upper-crust Canterlot weasel."

Lyra practically spat the words onto the table. As quickly as it had appeared, the look was gone.

"Which I’m sure I will tell you about in the future, but now is not that time."

Lero's hand returned to Lyra's pastern, giving it a comforting squeeze.

“Let’s just say that I wasn’t always the best marefriend in the world. Sometimes I was hurt, other times I did the hurting. Some relationships I wish had lasted longer, others I’m just glad are over. It took me a long time, and a lot of help, to realise that something had to change... and a long longer to realise that that something was me. So, over time I created a skin around myself, hid the old me away, shut her away from the world. I...”

Okay, Lyra. You’re a big girl, keep it together.

“But now, with you, I’m...”

It was there, on the tip of her tongue, just out of reach. She’d practiced this moment over and over again; she had so many words she wanted to say, but right now they all just felt... hollow. Forgetting her speeches, ignoring her plans, she instead resigned herself to just speak from the heart.

“You make me feel like I don’t have to hide anymore. That to keep on hiding everything away isn't right. I want to know all about you, Lero. Everything there is to know; I want to know the good and the bad, I want to know what makes you you, I want to know who you really are... in here.”

Letting Lero’s fingers rest on just one of her pasterns, she lifted her other forehoof across the table, pushing it gently against the human’s chest. She could feel the human’s heart beating deep in his core. It beat so fast, so much faster than a pony’s, pounding away there under her hoof. She was glad that Lero couldn't feel her heartbeat in return- right then it must have been thundering like a freight train.

“And if I don’t offer you the same... then what kind of marefriend would I be?”

Her hoof drifting back across the table, she let it rest, folding it back behind its twin as her eyes fell, looking away.

“I’d be no better than I was before.”

Come on, Lyra. Tonight’s about maring up and being pony you know you can be. Do it!

“And you... you make me want to be better than that.”

This is it. All or nothing!

“So, there it is. I want to give you me, all of me. Both the good and the bad, it’s yours... if you want it?”

Eyes still averted, she couldn't bare to look at him, to see his eyes. What if he rejected her? What if he didn't want to know the old Lyra... the bad Lyra? Could she really blame him?

“I’m sorry. That was probably a bit much, wasn’t it? I... erm... yeah.”

Warm fingers slid, curling tighter around her wrist, soft fingertips pressing against her fur. She was sure he would be able to feel her own heartbeat under the skin, her pulse racing as she allowed herself to hope.

“No. No, Lyra. That wasn’t too much. Not at all.”

Fingers rubbing against her ergot, tracing little circles in the fur; Lero used his other hand to lift Lyra’s chin, bringing her gaze back to his own.

"We all have our histories Lyra. Hey, according to Princess Celestia, I'm extremely fortunate to not remember a big chunk of of mine."

Lyra winced and averted her gaze. She knew Lero didn't like to be reminded that the portion of his life spent between worlds must contain some horrific memories.

"I'm sorry I brought it up."

Lero reached for her chin again, bringing their eyes back into contact.

"Lyra look at me... you've no need to be sorry, you didn't bring anything up, I did. It was just a poorly chosen example that we both have proverbial skeletons in our closets.”

Lyra looked into his eyes- those adorable, delightfully expressive, little eyes.

“You are what you are, and that’s all that you are. And what you are, is a mare that I would very much like to know all about.“

Head held still, afraid she could break whatever spell she was under just by moving, Lyra could feel Lero’s thumb as it ran across her cheek, moving along her muzzle, running back down towards her chin.

“All of you. Everything.”

With just a few words... how could he be so...?

Lero was startled when Lyra quickly withdraw her hooves from his grasp and moved away from the table. He was about to say something when the completely unmistakable look Lyra was giving him froze the words at the back of his throat.

Eyes half lidded, she sensuously stalked her way around the table. For just a moment her horn was enveloped by a bright glow as Lero's chair was pulled away from the table, ending up facing the oncoming unicorn. Anxiety crippled his motor skills as his brain struggled with the sensation of a complete predator/prey role reversal.

Without a word Lyra slowly stood on her hind legs, wrapped her fore legs around his neck and pushed her forehead against Lero's, her horn resting against the top of his head as she gazed into his eyes. Lero bit his bottom lip as Lyra's breath mixed with his own. Her voice emerged as a husky growl

"Let's step this night up a notch shall we?"

Without waiting for a reply she licked her lips and pushed them hard against his.

This wasn't the first time they had kissed; they had been dating for two months after all and had kissed multiple times. But this, this was different. This was the first time they had kissed without either Rainbow Dash or Twilight by their side.

She had never kissed him with so much feverous passion. She was intoxicating, and so similar, yet so different, to both of his other mares. Rainbow kissed with a wild passion, eager and hungry like an uncontrolled flame, while Twilight's kisses were more demure but with a breathless titillation that radiated from the unicorn like she was doing something incredibly naughty.

Lyra's kiss flummoxed him for a split second because he was reminded of all things... His Grandmother... NOT THE KISSING... that would be gross- but a taste he would always associate with her. Her and the all too infrequent visits, and the feeling of being young and safe and cared for that came with it.

The minty unicorn’s kiss was scorchingly hot, yet icily refreshing at the same time. Lero felt rather asinine for failing to come up with a less cliched analogy to use for Lyra but the sensation reminded him of strong peppermint candy. The kind grandparents would dig out each Christmas - offered around in the exact same bowl every year - the kind of sweet that made you want to suck your breath through your teeth even as the fire rolled around inside your cheeks.

All of this flashed through Lero's brain in less than a heartbeat- which, considering his current pulse rate, made for a extremely fleeting conceptualisation.

Hands moving of their own accord, Lero’s arms encircled Lyra's barrel, pulling her into his chest. Lyra's tongue delved into his mouth, running along his teeth in what seemed like a desperate attempt to liberate the words that had earlier frozen in their mouths.

As hands slid down Lyra's back and cupped her light green flanks, she moaned into his mouth as Lero grunted and lifted the unicorn into his lap. The human was suddenly quite grateful that he had taken those few seconds to adjust his jeans as Lyra's hind legs wrapped around his hips.

Lyra mewled uncontrollably as Lero ran his fingernails up her back, raking them through her mane. Breaking the kiss, Lyra arched her neck when Lero found the sweet spot-

Ohhh, that feels sooooo good.

-and gave a little tug. Biting down on her bottom lip, Lyra drew a sharp breath as she felt the sharp teeth of a predator nibble along the length of her neck.

"Oh, Fingers!"

"Oh, Horny!"

Human and unicorn simultaneously halted their ministrations and looked into each others eyes, acutely aware of the double entendre that their respective nicknames suddenly represented. Neither would ever agree to who had started it but both of them almost immediately broke down into fits of laughter.

Forelimbs wrapped around each other for support, tears streamed into mane and hair alike as all the tension that had tainted the evening so far evaporated, leaving behind nothing but aching ribs and, in Lero's case, a short lived bout of hiccups which set them both off again.

Once the giggles had finally subsided the two herdmates just remained as they were; hugging each other, Lyra’s head resting on Lero's shoulder as he gently ran his fingers through her mane. The gesture had transcended from erotically sensual to a purely comforting gesture as they just enjoyed the warmth and closeness of the moment.

Eventually the unicorn’s attention was drawn to her Clàrsach which she had brought with her and had left in the corner by the door.

"As much as I would love to sit here and luxuriate in your arms all night, there is something I want to play for you."

After an affectionate squeeze, Lero reluctantly released his hold on Lyra, the mare placing a rather chaste kiss on his cheek before pushing herself off of his lap.

"You just stay right where you are."

She nuzzled her face into his hip and ran the rest of her body along his leg as she trotted off towards her instrument, turning her head just in time to catch Lero shamefully staring at her retreating flanks. She grinned, poking her tongue out at him as he suddenly found their discarded desserts extremely interesting. With a flirtatious flick of her tail she turned her attention back towards her harp.

“Back when we were practicing that piece you sang for Rainbow, I starting thinking about what you’d said, about how all your music was made by... well, yourselves, I guess. All our lives, we ponies can feel the music of harmony in everything that we see, or do, or feel. We’re touched by it from the day we’re born- it’s there, just like the air we breath, the food we eat, the sun and the moon. Even our greatest lyricists and musicians have never known anything else... which makes me feel a bit like we’ve had it so incredibly easy all this time.”

Channeling her magic, Lyra's horn was encased in a golden glow as she picked up her clàrsach and hovered it over to a small performance space that she had earlier cleared in the middle of the room.

“A lot of ponies might think that you’re missing out on something. Hey, maybe you do too. But me... I don’t think so. You, and every human like you, you’ve had to work hard for your music, and that makes it special... so much more special than anything we’ve ever had.”

Lifting a chair from atop one of the nearby tables, Lyra carried it over to where her harp was waiting, carefully placing the piece of furniture behind her pride and joy.

“So, I wanted to make something for you... no music of harmony, no assistance or magic or... anything.”

Lyra laughed lightly as she hopped up onto the chair, sitting human style, letting her hind legs dangle below her. Levitating her instrument, she let it rest on her gaskins.

“And boy, was it harder than I thought it’d be. But, I’m done, it’s ready. No idea how though. I’m not even sure where some of the words really came from if I’m going to be totally honest about it. Maybe She-”

Lyra waved a hoof vaguely towards the sky.

“-helped me out with a few lines, I don’t know. Part of me’s hoping she did, another part’s hoping she didn’t.”

An elevated spotlight that was usually pointed at the specials board blinked to life as it swiveled around to point instead at the musician; the sharp, radiant light glinting from her golden harp.

Girl, stop procrastinating and just do it!

“So, yeah, here goes.”

Closing her eyes and, with an exaggerated flourish, Lyra plucked free a few notes with her hooves alone. Note after note danced around the room as the unicorn utilised not her horn, but nothing more than low level magic that ran through her limbs.

After a few moments, Lero was in awe as Lyra's horn lit up and the number of notes increased, expanding the performance into a calming and peaceful opus that rolled around the room, touching on tables and chairs and candles and curtains as it span its wonderful web of sound.

Standing up, Lero span his chair so he could straddle it, placing both arms across the back and leaned forward to rest his chin on them. He had only heard her sing a few times before, most recently a jaunty little show-tune-esque number that he and Bon Bon had caught her singing just a few weeks ago. Liquid pooled in his eyes, though he didn’t care one bit, as Lyra wove her angelic voice into the melody.

I will come for you at nighttime

I will raise you from your sleep

I will kiss you in four places

As I go running along your street

I will squeeze the life out of you

You will make me laugh and make me cry

And we will never forget it

You will make me call your name

And I'll shout it to the blue summer sky

And we may never meet again

So shed your skin and let's get started

And you will throw your arms around me

Yeah, you will throw your arms around me

I dreamed of you at nighttime

And I watched you in my sleep

I met you in high places

I touched your head and touched your feet

So if you disappear out of view

You know I will never say goodbye

And if I ever forget it

You will make me call your name

And I'll shout it to the blue summer sky

And we may never meet again

So shed your skin and let's get started

And you will throw your arms around me

Yeah, you will throw your arms around me

Letting her words fade, Lyra continued for another verse using the strings alone, then let the music fade away as well.

As she slowly opened her eyes, lost as she had been in the music, she was startled to find Lero had abandoned his chair and was sitting cross legged on the floor less than a body length in front of her. She blinked at him, waiting for him to say something.

For a good few moments he didn’t say a thing just watched her, his eyes never leaving hers.

As seconds ticked by Lyra started to sag until Lero reached out, placing a single hand on her Clàrsach before dragging it away from Lyra and towards himself.

She sat, transfixed on her chair, as he unfolded himself in that way he did, swung his legs around and shuffled towards her on his knees. Reaching her - close enough that she could feel the heat from his body against her chest - he sat himself upright, resting the seat of his pants on his heels as he took one of her hooves in his hands.

"Lyra, that is the most beautiful thing anyone, pony or human, has ever done for me. I am truly, deeply touched."

Lero's eyes shifted focus as he struggled to find the words he wanted to say.

"When Rainbow Dash first raised the equestrian practice of polygamy, I was certain that that would be one of the hardest cultural difference I would be expected to adapt to, should I choose to-”

His allready pink face tinged a little redder as he remembered his first ‘au naturel’ visit to the spa.

“-not including public nudity of course."

One of Lero's hands unconsciously moved to stroke the blue feather braided into his hair.

"When I first fell in love with Rainbow, we were happy, just the two of us. I never realised it would even be an issue until she made me aware that Twilight Sparkle wanted to court us. Both of us."

Lero's jaw worked as if chewing on something.

"I approached the whole two girlfriends, sorry, marefriends scene with an open mind but also severe trepidation."

He shifted a little in place.

"Then I grew to care for Twilight very deeply, I finally accepted that I can love another without diminishing the love I felt for the one I already had."

Lero averted his gaze as he gently stroked Lyra's hoof. He took a deep breath, straightening his thighs to bring his face level with hers. His hand moved from Dash's feather to cup the side of Lyra's face, gently stroking her ear with his thumb as he looked deep into her eyes.

"Then two months ago a pony I considered one of my very best friends presented me with a neighponese peace blossom."

Lero's thumb abandoned her ear to wipe the tear that was rolling down her cheek.

"You were... No... You are a great friend to me, and I have been seriously evaluating myself and my capacity for love ever since."

Lero swallowed twice in a vain attempt to keep his own tears at bay.

"Up until this night and, to be honest, most of tonight, I still had uncertainties as to whether I could love a third mare with as much loyalty and commitment as I have for Rainbow and Twilight."

Lero gave up all attempts at hiding his tears and just settled for letting them flow freely down his face.

"Lyra Heartstrings, I love you. There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that I have room in my heart for all three of you. If you feel you can love me in return, I wou-”

The rest of whatever the human was trying to say was lost as he suddenly found himself flat on his back, and blinded by a spotlight, as a sobbing green unicorn pinned him to the floor, hugging him so tightly that she nearly strangled him in the process.

Thighs screaming in protest at the uncomfortable position until he rocked himself from side to side and flicked his lower legs out straight, Lero tried desperately to disentangle Lyra's forelegs so he could take a breath.

"Lyra... Can't... Breathe... Lyra..."

In a last ditch effort to get through to the deranged ‘gonna-kill-me-with-her-love’ unicorn he slapped the floor like a wrestler tapping out. Flinging her hooves wide Lyra rained completely uncoordinated and sloppy kisses over every inch of his face.

"You big doofus, I have been in love with you for ages."

Playfully she punched him in the shoulder before hugging him again, though much more gently this time..

"I have been playing that song every night, trying to pluck up the courage to play it for you."

Lero squinted up at her under the harsh glare from the spotlight.

"Bonnie couldn't take it anymore and told me if I didn't suck it up and just play it for you she was going to use my favourite harp as a toffee slicer."

Putting a hoof on either side of Lero's head, the unicorn stared into his eyes. Her voice emerged as barely a whisper.

"I've known you for a long time, I know you had some reservations about me joining your herd and I completely understood why."

Lyra placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"We've had some pretty frank discussions as friends before I started courting you remember?"

She placed another soft kiss on his left cheek.

"A lot of those little chats were about adapting to polygamy."

A kiss for the right cheek.

"I believed with all my heart, that you would eventually let another mare into yours. If only I could pluck up the courage to ask if it could be me."

Lyra kissed him passionately on the lips, pressing the length of her body against his. Feeling his body respond to her, the growing heat building up in both of them, she broke the kiss, effortlessly dodged Lero's grasping hands as he tried to hug the evasive mare. A sly smile crept across her lips as she gazed upon the flushed human beneath her.

"Now, as much as I'd love to continue this here and now, there’s cleaning work to do."

She gestured towards the table next to theirs, stacked with the dirty dishes of their two pre-dessert courses.

Lifting the back of a hand to his forehead, Lero sighed dramatically.

“Aaah. A stallion’s work is never done.”

“Well, we’d best get started then. I’ll wash, you dry.”

Beneath her, Lero laughed, the rhythmical movement rubbing the human’s shirt against her teats in just the right way to...

Oh Sweet Celestia... Buck the cleaning!

“No, it’s okay. Crispy said I could leave it for when the morning staff arrive, said it was part of our deal. I just gotta put out the candles and lock up.”

Oh really?

Carefully pulling herself up onto her hooves, Lyra lit her horn as her clàrsach floated inches above the still prone and clearly confused Lero. Opening the front door with her magic, she let her instrument float out into the darkness.

"Well then, I'm going to quickly drop this off at home, let Bonnie know not to wait up, and pay her the twenty bits I suppose I now owe her."

Rolling onto his hands and knees, Lero watched as Lyra stopped in the doorway and gave him a large, and rather dirty, grin.

"Be a good boy, get this place locked up, and be back at your house in say, ooooh, ten minutes? With Rainbow and Twilight if they're keen-"

Lyra flicked her tail side to side, suggestively wiggling her eyebrows at him,

That’s it, girl. Screw subtly!

"-and I'll make sure I have some far more enjoyable ‘stallion work’ for you to do."

Without another word Lyra practically skipped out of the restaurant and into the night.

As the door closed behind her with just the jingle of its little bell a clearly flabbergasted - and more than a little frustrated - Lero was left alone, still down on his hands and knees, trying to comprehend what exactly had just happened.

Adjusting the front of his jeans yet again, Lero looked up at the clock on the wall.

"Ten minutes, eh?"

Lero mentally calculated the time needed to complete the required tasks and get back home.

"I think i can manage that."

Omake/Easter Egg/Deleted Scene/Extra Bit At The End:

Lero makes spaghetti... or something.

A few weeks earlier, Lero had just finished replacing a particularly stubborn bit of pipe and had been washing his hands in the now-working sink while watching Crispy make hay spaghetti.

Lero had casually remarked that Rainbow dash had been impressed with the pasta he could make out of just, flour, eggs and salt. Crispy had insisted Lero make the dish for him at once. Lero whipped up the pasta in minutes.

The whole kitchen staff had been utterly mesmerized, stopping what ever tasks they had been doing just to watch Lero's hands and fingers manipulate and knead the dough. Slightly uncomfortable with the amount of scrutiny he was under he hung the finished noodles over the pasta rack-

"Leave them for a few hours before you cook them and they will be perfect."

-and beat a hasty retreat.

Later that day Crispy had cooked up the pasta for all the restaurant staff to sample. They had all been thoroughly impressed with the taste that came from the three simple ingredients. Crispy immediately declared they would be on the menu by the next day. They were an instant hit with every pony that tried them. Patrons loved them but Crispy was silently indignant, for despite using precisely the same ingredients, not one pony in the kitchen could get the noodles as good as Lero did that day.

When Lero had stopped in for lunch one day with Rainbow and Twilight, Crispy had approached Lero to ask if there was any secret they had missed when he was making them. Lero smiled, leaned his elbows on the table and interlaced his fingers under his chin.

"Oh, there's no real secret that you kneed to know, it’s more a ‘rule of thumb’ thing"

Lero pushed his arms forward, inverted his hands and loudly cracked his knuckles. He tapped his index finger on his chin.

"I can't quite put-my-finger-on-it but there must be a way I handled the dough in a way that none of you can."

Rainbow burst out laughing, Twilight hid behind her menu emitting an extremely undignified snort and poor Crispy left the table utterly confused as to what the hay just happened.

Author's Note:

Author's Note: PhuckncukL

I'm sorry but there is not enough Lyra love in the Xenoverse.

This chapter came about after hearing Throw your arms around me on the radio and I had an epiphany that it would be just the kind of song Lero would inspire in Lyra. (I read the line about shedding skin as referring to removing his clothes)

A read a comment a few weeks ago, that got a lot of likes, that readers loved the stories that revisit the earlier periods of Lero's time in Equestria and fill in a few of the gaps. There had only been a few examples detailing how Lyra came to be in the herd but they were few and far between. This is just my humble interpretation of how Lero would deal with having another mare in his life.

You have mates


Author's Note: TheQuietMan

Wahooo. Collaboration time again! Or, as Mister Torgue would say: COLLABORATION EXPLOSION!! WIDDLY-WIDDLY-WIDDLY-WEEEOOOWN!

**ahem** Yeah. I love these things. Can you tell?

So, a big up for PhucknuckL, cos he’s so much fun to work with. Another for Archonix, cos he let us pinch bits of The Weak Lyre without so much as batting an eyelid. And another for a guy called Mark Seymour for writing ‘You will throw your arms around me’. While I’m at it, how about another for the guys and gals in the forum who wanted more Lyra?

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