• Published 2nd Dec 2012
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Xenophilia: Further tales. - TheQuietMan

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52: Out along the edges, always where I burn to be.

Out along the edges, always where I burn to be.

Chapter published 3rd Feb 2013


May 1224 AC

Slipping her sunglasses onto her face, Captain Rainbow Dash of the Royal Equestrian Air Force, Flight instructor at Wonderbolts Academy (and hotly tipped as the next Academy Commandant) trotted across the runway to meet her newest team of recruits.

They were the best of the best; of all the air force inductees only the finest made it into either officer training or the Wonderbolts program. To make it directly into both at the same time was rare, a maximum of twelve cadets a year (usually less) ever managed this double honour and of those not all would make it though to be a Wonderbolts officer.

Of those who withdrew, or were rejected along the way, many returned back to the standard air force training programs – often later joining specialist groups such as VIP escort duty or the Border Patrol - but just as many dropped out entirely and returned to civilian life.

Rainbow eyeballed this year’s ‘dirty dozen’ as she made her way across the runway to where they stood at attention, awaiting her arrival. They’d all made it though the first month of REAF training so she knew they couldn’t have had any problems so far.

She’d repeatedly read over their dossiers, poured over every performance review and test result. She’d contacted flight schools and traveled to see each candidate’s sponsor in person. She knew these ponies, knew each one’s file intimately, especially their strengths and their weaknesses; but they didn’t need to know that

As she closed on the dozen shock still students she could hear Spitfire and Iron Eagle chatting quietly and comparing notes as they followed along behind her. Reaching the limits of the cadet’s earshot all conversation ceased, the three Wonderbolts forcing impassive expressions to their faces, their eyes obscured behind three matching sets of dark - and expensive - aviator sunglasses.

Coming to a stop in front of the parade line, Rainbow stood in silence for a second just watching the cadet’s faces to see what would happen next. While a couple of them let their eyes flick momentarily to take in their recently arrived superiors, most kept their faces impressively static, eyes fixed firmly forward.

Captain Dash took a moment to smooth out the jacket of her service uniform, her many ribbons firmly attached to her chest, her rank insignia catching the sun’s rays making her shoulders glint in the early morning light.

After glancing back to check her two colleagues were ready, she began to slowly pace up and down in front of the assembled inductees. This had to be one of her favourite parts of the job, playing Drill Sergeant Nasty could be so much fun.

“Well lookie what we got here. Betcha'll think you're Wonderbolt material, don't ya?” she barked as she paced.

“Ma'am. Yes ma'am!” All twelve Cadets quickly and clearly responded in unison.

Looking over to Iron Eagle she could see him mark a tick on his clipboard. Satisfied, she continued.

“This….” Rainbow stopped her pacing and pointed a hoof at Spitfire. “Is Flight Commander Spitfire, Captain of the Wonderbolts. This…” She moved her hoof to indicate Iron Eagle. “Is Master Chief Iron Eagle. They are both here to oversee your transfer into my care.”

Resuming her pacing Rainbow carried on, her volume only increasing, “And I, am Captain Rainbow Dash, And for the next three months until you are released back into the delightful Commandant Blaze’s ever loving care…” Coming back to the start of the row she pushed her muzzle just inches from the closest cadets face “You little fillies are all mine!”

Iron Eagle ticked off another box on his clipboard.

To say that at that moment most of the cadets were trying their best not to give away their nerves would be an understatement and at least half of them were just managing a barely passable job of it. In the time Captain Dash had been teaching at the academy she’d built herself quite the fearsome reputation.

But as terrifying as she may be not only did she get results, she was also known for being able to outclass almost any cadet in pretty much any task she set for them. While ‘firm but fair’ was one phrase that had been used to describe her, ‘fierce but fair’ was the phrase you’d hear uttered much more often.

Graduating top of her class of Wonderbolt officers, Captain Dash rivaled Spitfire and her brother as one of the youngest captains of all time, the youngest ever full time flight instructor the academy had ever seen, a decorated hero, the first pony in centuries to perform a sonic rainboom - even then she’d only been a foal first time she’d accomplished the feat. She was the subject of admiration and adulation for many a young pegasus, her image adorning posters loving stuck to the walls of many a youngster’s bedroom, her face plastered across even more merchandise than Spitfire or Soarin.

And added to all that she was the bearer of an element of harmony, married to another, lead-mare in one the most famous herds in the country, a good friend of Princess Luna and to top it all had been up close and personal in the battle against ‘Nightmare Moon’ herself.

To be honest most of these cadets were awestruck just to have her shouting at them, let alone talking to them.

Reaching the end of the line Rainbow lowered her shoulders and spread her wings wide to take on an aggressive stance. “So, you pansies think you got what it takes to be an elite flyer?”

“Ma’am, Yes Ma’am.” Came the unified reply.

“Well then.” Rainbow returned to her well-practiced speech. Spitfire had used something similar on her, Modesty Blaze had used it on Spitfire, now it was these newbies’ turn. “Let me be the first to tell you... You don't! If you had what it took to be an elite flyer, you'd already be a Wonderbolt! You still think you're something special?

“Ma’am, No Ma’am.” Good, they were getting it.

“Well let me tell you something about the Wonderbolts. You think you can just waltz in here and bust a few moves for the crowds and call yourself an elite flyer then you’re sorely mistaken.”

Rainbow knew well and good that every one of these cadets was deadly serious about the Wonderbolts, that they’d give their all, even their lives if necessary, for the cause. Hay, she’d been in their horseshoes herself not so many years ago so she knew what they’d had to do just to get where they were today. But she couldn’t let them know that, they had to feel the need to prove to her that they were totally devoted to the Wonderbolts one hundred percent.

But then, it also helped that somewhere down the years a rumour had started that, as the bearer of the element of loyalty, she could sniff out anypony who wasn’t totally committed – and it didn’t matter what to - from a dozen body-lengths away. A rumour that she’d carefully done nothing to disprove.

“The life of a Wonderbolt is hard and it is dangerous. If you don’t give one hundred percent at all times it will chew you up and blow you out like a bubble. If you mess up, even for a second, somepony could end up seriously hurt... Or worse.”

Rainbow continued pacing down the line, ensuring she made eye contact with every cadet as she did so. Satisfied her message was sinking in she continued, confident the Master Chief was taking notes as she went.

“But it is the best life you will ever know. Every meal will taste like a banquet, every flight will feel like a parade. There is no finer life than that of a Wonderbolt in this mare’s air force.“

A small squeak came from one of the two stallions in the middle of the line up. Rainbow’s head snapped around to take in the pair, the sudden movement making the small braid behind her left ear bounce against her neck.

“You got a cough there, son?”

After a tiny, almost imperceptible, shake of the head from the slightly panicking stallion on the right she moved on. The lad had at least made a noise, even if he hadn’t backed it all the way up; but it was a start.

Reaching the second to last recruit in the row, she fixed the tall white mare with a Fluttershy grade stare, the kind the butter-yellow pegasus saved for use on particularly grumpy creatures like large bears or manticores.

The many shades of blue in the cadet’s striped mane bounced about as the youngster shied back ever so slightly before she recovered quickly and pulled herself back up to her full height. By Celestia, they all looked so damn young these days.

“So who are you?” Rainbow barked. She already knew the answer but the cadet didn’t need to know that.

“Ma’am, Blue Fire, Ma’am.”

“Aha, so you’re the one Coach Snowflake reckons is pretty hot stuff, huh?” Rainbow’s glare hadn’t lessened in the slightest. “So are you pretty hot stuff then? I may have trained with the Coach back in the day but to be honest I‘m not seeing it! You look more like you’d quit after the first day, Is that what you’re gunna do? Are you going to quit on the first day and make my buddy look like some kind of fool?”

“No Ma'am! I'd never quit, Ma'am!” The white mare fired back, Iron Eagle making busy with his clipboard yet again.

“Glad to hear it.“ Rainbow made to move away, waiting for the cadet to release some small part of her tension before pushing herself back into the younger mare’s personal space. “I’ll be watching you.” She stated. No anger, no malice, just a pure statement of fact; even if it was done at quite a volume.

Rainbow knew full well who Blue Fire was; Snowflake had arrived at her door a number of weeks ago to deliver his recommendation personally. While he wasn’t exactly known for his public speaking, the muscular stallion had brought with him one of the most eloquently written letters Rainbow had ever read. And read it she had, with the author – or ‘The Brick’ as he was now more commonly known – waiting patiently for her to finish before he even said a word.

Snowflake may have been rejected from the Royal Equestrian Air Force years before but he’d not let it get him down. After making a name for himself around Ponyville as a highly successful personal trainer he’d returned to his hometown of Cloudsdale where he’d become a coach for the Cloudsdale Flyers, Equestria’s only professional hoofball team made up entirely of pegasi.

The nickname had come from both his flying style and his favoured method of offensive tackle. While he was the first to admit that while in the air he was about as graceful and aerodynamic as a brick, as soon as he made contact the target of his attack was usually left wondering which particularly solid wall it was that they’d mistakenly ploughed into.

Under his tutelage, the Flyers had won the All-Equestria Hoofball Championship an unparalleled three years on the trot, and looked to be in with a shot at making it four. To make their record all the more impressive was the fact that, while the feat would have been incredible even for a mixed team, the Flyers had managed it with no earth ponies for heavy weight attacks and without the magical reach or throw of any unicorns, even when the rules stated that only a small number of their pegasi players could be in the air at any one time.

Blue Fire had been one of his rising stars and had all the makings of great hoofball player though both Snowflake and her parents had believed she could be so much more. For all her skill on the field, it seemed she had quickly become bored of the game, feeling she had so much more to offer than just charging around a field after a ball. Snowflake believed that she required more of a challenge in order to keep pushing herself and, if the impressive figures on her aptitude tests were anything to go by, it looked like the Wonderbolts was just the place for her to excel.

Turning from Blue Fire, Rainbow cast her eye to the last cadet in the row. Where Blue Fire was tall, this young mare was short even for a pegasus, her bright orange fur coupled with her light fuchsia mane and eyes made her look so much like a cross between Scootaloo and Fluttershy’s eldest.

“And you, you don’t even look old enough to be out of kiddy school, let alone flight school. What’s your name?”

The young mare stiffened, it looked like Rainbow had hit a nerve.

“Ma’am, Dodge Charger, Ma’am.” There was more than hint of an Appleosian twang in her voice, something that was almost never heard coming from the mouth of anything but an earth pony. Rainbow was suddenly reminded of Applejack; she really must go see her later this month, they hadn’t had a good meet up for a few weeks now and her farm-pony friend always appreciated an excuse to get away from the stompy-stompy twins.

Dash ran her trained eye over the younger pegasus. Tight flanks, nicely toned flight muscles, a strong confident poise. This girl certainly worked out and her rear legs showed the distinct muscular build that could only come from years of something like apple bucking. But there was more to it than that, something so familiar about the build and the… That was it, this girl was no thoroughbred, she was part earth pony and of that Rainbow was totally sure. After all, she mused, it takes one to know one.

Looking closer she could see the girl may be young, but once up close it was easy to tell she wasn’t as young as she first appeared. So, a part earth pony pegasus, probably raised around earth ponies on an orchard of some kind, a somewhat youthful appearance and an unusual accent. If Rainbow was a betting mare – and she was – she’d wager this filly had a problem with not being taken seriously. Time to test the theory.

“Well then, sweet thang” Rainbow’s accent suddenly dropped into an impressive imitation of AJ’s southern twang, an act that had proved so convincing over the years that even Granny Smith – may the creator keep her spirit – had been fooled a number of times. “What’s some pretty littl' farm girl like y’all doin’ out these parts?”

She deliberately pushed her muzzle right up into the kid’s face. “Why, Ah bet ya could’n even fly ‘round th' perimeter of th' academy without gettin' winded.”

The orange mare’s right eye twitched, just enough for Rainbow to see she’d been right on the money. Behind her she could hear Iron Eagle mark off on his clipboard again.

Wait for it…

“Try me, Ma’am.“ Dodge’s accent strong, her tone flat, but the hint of a challenge in her voice was unmistakable

Dash let a smug smirk spread over her face as she turned her head to catch Spitfire’s eye. The older captain was trying her best not to laugh but the cyan pegasus could see it in her friend’s eyes. Knowing what was going to happen next, the flame-maned captain subtlety reached into her uniform jacket and pulled out a stopwatch.

Rainbow pushed her face back into the young mare’s personal space, watching for any sign of discomfort or fear in the cadet’s eyes. It was there, just a touch, but not enough to stop her from standing up for herself. Rainbow liked this kid; she’d go far. Dash had already decided to put Dodge and Blue Fire together as a team as, from what she could gather from the files and from the look in her eyes. Dodge wanted to prove herself and her competitive streak would be just what Blue Fire needed to make her push herself to her limits so she wouldn’t be left behind.

“What's that there, sugercube?” Rainbow drawled.

“Let me show you what I've got, ma'am.” The kid’s face had tightened up, not a flinch or a glimmer of doubt sneaked though. She had one heck of a set of brass teats on her, that was for sure.

“So y’all are thinkin' ya want ah chance ta prove yourself, that right? Ah chance ta take on ol’ Rainbow Dash?” By now the cowpony accent couldn’t get any thicker. AJ would have been so proud; either that or she’d hoof her old friend upside the head, one or the other.

“Yes ma'am!“ Dodge’s eyes were locked onto the older mare.

“Well then, this here’s yer chance. Twice around the perimeter… All of you, NOW!” Rainbow swung the whistle up from around her neck and gave it a blast possibly loud enough to be heard all the way over in Cloudsdale.

By the time the shrill sound had faded Dodge had already shot away, Blue Fire close on her tail. Captain Dash fixed the remaining cadets with a death glare that held a warning of dire consequences should they not also be in the air within the next three seconds. Taking the hint all ten scrambled to take flight and shot after the pair of mares swiftly making their way into the distance.

Rainbow slowly took off her sunglasses and pulled her whistle over her head, tossing them both to Spitfire as she prepared herself for a sharp take off. While some of these cadets looked like they could possibly give her a run for her money, she was about to show them what it really meant to be the best of the best.

Manes blown back and clipboard fluttering in the sudden gust of wind from Rainbow’s wings, Spitfire and Iron Eagle watched as the instructor took flight, quickly outpacing the slowest half-dozen of her students like they were standing still.

Glancing over the top of her own sunglasses at her stopwatch, Spitfire smiled. By the looks of things they may be looking at a new academy record sometime today, and if any instructor was going to bring it about, it was Rainbow Dash. Iron Eagle tapped her on the shoulder and held his clipboard where she could see it; every box from their little game of ‘Drill Sergeant Cliché’ ticked and accounted for.

Horseapples, it looked like she owed Rainbow ten bits.


Already more than a mile out from their takeoff point and having already passed the first ten cadets, Rainbow was now close on Dodge and Blue Fire’s tails, the two cadets a scant few dozen body lengths ahead of her, both tied neck and neck for the lead. As the gap between all three steadily decreased second by second a wide grin worked it’s way across her face and a jubilant cry escaped from her lips.

“Sweet Celestia, I love this job!”

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