• Published 6th Dec 2012
  • 1,899 Views, 23 Comments

Earth's Changeling Era - Nightmare Chaser

It has been a year after the defeat of Nightmare Moon and Chase has to deal with another queen.

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Changeling War: The Search For Chrysalis

Chase and his friends walked into the castle from the back garden. Chase was swearing under his breath as he lead his friends through the dark halls, the green blood on his body dried. His special somepony walked up next to him and nuzzled his hand causing him to look at her. Fluttershy smiled up at him and he couldn't help but do the same.

"I am so glad you're okay Chase," she said with relief clear in her voice, "I was so worried that the changelings hurt you."

Chase smiled and stroked his love's mane. She sighed and leaned into his hand. "Flutters you've known me for a year and a half," he said with a smile as he continued to stroke her mane, "I am strong and will let nothing hurt me, my friends, family or the one I love."

She smiles and hugs him causing the others to D'aw. He pulled back from the hug and looked deep into Fluttershy's eyes. He stood up and cracked his knuckles.

"Now that we have that out of the way let's go kick some changeling flank and find that bitch of a queen."

With nods of agreements from the others he turns and strode to the front doors. Stopping before the doors, Chase could hear the sound of changelings flying from some kind of portal and a grin spread over his face from ear to ear. Alright let's do this. "LEEEEEROOOOOOY JEEEENKINS!!!!" He shouted as he kicked the door open and rushed outside into the changeling swarm with his friends behind him. The changelings turned to them in surprise before charging to meet them.


Chrysalis landed in the center of Chase's town and looked around, intrigued by the sights she saw. She was unaware of a group of children nearby who saw her land and grew curious about her. They slowly approached her wonder of what she was dancing through their little heads. Chrysalis turned to them as they got close and the children took a step back in surprise. Chrysalis gave a false smile to the children and beckoned them over with a hoof. They walked over to the changeling with caution. Chrysalis sensed their caution and immediately thought that the reason for their caution was the presence that once existed in this world. She decided to lure them into a false security in order for her to feed on their love.

"There is no need to be afraid little ones," Chrysalis said with a smile on her muzzle, "I will not hurt you."

The children saw the smile and somehow found warmth in it, walking to Chrysalis and standing before her. They looked her over fascinated by her appearance and love flowed from them, feeding Chrysalis. She cackled under her breath as she felt the love of the children and was excited at the amount of love she was receiving. Soon the parents of the children approached, were alerted about Chrysalis, and called their kids over to them annoying Chrysalis. The parents glared at Chrysalis, only giving her an excuse to use her brainwashing magic. With a grin and a green glow of her horn, Chrysalis cast her spell on the parents and children.


With a sigh and a crick of his neck, Chase was exhausted as he and his friends were victorious in pushing back the remaining changelings, preventing them from invading the world, and closing the portal.He looked at the girls and the couple, covered in bruises and minor cuts, before checking on Fluttershy.

"You ok hun?" He asked looking over Fluttershy.

"I'm alright Chase," Fluttershy said kindly, smiling up at him, "So don't worry sweetie."

He sighed in relief before looking in the direction of his hometown, a sense of dread lingering over him. He had a feeling that the vengeful queen was there, draining the people of his town.

"What's wrong Chase?" Twilight asked, noticing where he was looking.

"I think I know where Chrysalis is gonna start draining love from." Chase said in a voice barely audible to the group and in a tone of both anger and fear.

Twilight opened her mouth to ask where when Chase turned to them. He looked absolutely furious and he mumbled under his breath as his eyes said what his words didn't.

"She's in your hometown isn't she?" Cadence asked, recieving a nod from Chase.

A chorus of gasps rang out from the other ponies and Chase swallowed bile that was rising in his throat. Fluttershy nuzzled his hand and looked up at him worried. He knelt down and kissed her on the cheek smiling as best as he could. Fluttershy knew he was trying to act strong for her but inside she knew Chase was filled with worry for his family and what Chrysalis may do to them if she ever found out they were his family. She kissed her boyfriend and silently reassured him they would do everything they could to find and stop the changeling before she did too much damage to the earth and its populace. With a smile Chase stood up and cracked his knuckles before turning in the direction of his hometown.

"We're comin' for you Chryssy," Chase said as he and the group of eight ponies headed for the town, "And when i find you I'm finishing what you started in Cantorlot. So let's finish this war as soon as it was started."

As the group head for the town Shining Armor walked beside Chase and saw the look of a man on a war path on his face, his eyes glowing emerald in anger. Shining understood all to well why he was like this since it was Chrysalis they were dealing with. He shook his head at the memories, or rather what he could remember, of the time the changeling was disguised as Cadence.

"Shaking off the bad memories Shining Armor?" Chase asked, not taking his eyes from the path they were taking.

"Yeah or what i can remember of her when she was acting like Cadence." He said smiling akwardly.

"I know all to well what it's like to try to shake off memories of a bad experience," Chase said, looking back at the castle that was growing smaller with every step, "But some experiences are harder to forget than others especially if you spent years with it."

Shining Armor nodded knowing all to well what he was talking about. The tale of Nightmare Moon taking over Earth and how Chase, his little sister Twilight, and the others took it back with the Elements of Harmony became well known in Cantorlot. He couldnt blame Chase for the way he was acting right now. He was also sure that his wife felt the same way and his hypothosis was correct when Cadence walked up next to them both.

"Don't worry to much Chase," Cadence said smiling, "With all nine of us there is no way Chrysalis will be able to take over Earth."

Chase looked at Cadence and chuckled.

"I'll make sure she doesnt Cadence," Chase said, "I'll make damned sure that she and the changelings that are still here see why I will not allow anymore evil to take over the world, there's enough of that on earth as it is and it doesn't need anymore."

Cadence and Shining Armor smile before pulling back a bit. Fluttershy walked right up next to him. In her mind she was paniced and scared beyond belief but she tried her best to be brave for Chase so she could help him save his world again. She felt his hand on her head and smiled as they reached the outskirts of his town.

"Well that's..... new." Chase said when he saw a group of people waiting for them.

He looked at them closely and was surprised to see that their eyes were like Shining's when he was under Chrysalis's spell. He facepalmed and clenched his fists, his eyes glowing emerald in anger as he saw that his parents and his brother were among the group.


A cackle was heard from the town and the crowd parted, revealing the changeling queen with a smug look decorating her face. Chase growled at her and resisted the urge to rush foreward to break her neck.

"Well well if it isnt the hairless ape who foiled my plans to feed my subjects," Chrysalis said, glaring at him and then shifted her gaze to Cadence and Twilight, "and Twilight and Cadence what a surprise to see all of you here."

"This is where I used to live you damned bug." Chase growled at her.

"Oh is it," Chrysalis said in mock surprise before laughing, "I didn't know that I was just going to the nearest town."

Chase growled at Chrysalis and did something very very stupid.

To Be Contiued.......

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, I've had things happen and i haven't had the chance to work on anything on this site. But after a long hiatus im back and i have a new means of typing this and my other stories, wether they be current ones or future ones.