• Published 6th Dec 2012
  • 1,899 Views, 23 Comments

Earth's Changeling Era - Nightmare Chaser

It has been a year after the defeat of Nightmare Moon and Chase has to deal with another queen.

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The Royal Wedding: Escape, Confrontation, and the Changling Invasion

Chase woke with a headache and the taste of something organic in his mouth. He shook his head and looked around which was hard since it was dark. He was about to summon a light ball but saw a familiar purple glow come from next to him. He turned and was relieved to see that it was Twilight and that she was ok. She saw chase and hugged him.

"Chase, oh thank Celestia it's you," she said before she looks around, "Where are we anyways?"

"Looks like some kind of crystal cavern." Chase said and looked around.

The two looked around the cavern and saw the beautiful crystals that surrounded them. Chase was about to say something but heard maniacal cackling come from all around them. Chase looks around and sees the fake's face in one of the crystals causing him to yelp and fall on his ass.

"You." Chase said with malice and venom in his voice. "Where are we you bitch?"

"Do you like it?" she asked in a mocking tone.

"Hell no but you still haven't answered my question." Chase growled.

"Well you two are in the old crystal caverns that run under Canterlot," 'Cadence' said with a smirk, "These caves haven't been explored in so long it is the perfect place to keep meddlers like you until I can fulfill my plans."

Twilight had enough of hearing her and blasted the crystal 'Cadence' was reflected in, destroying it. 'Cadence' appeared in another crystal, cackling, before Chase destroyed it with an emerald blast. Chase and Twilight did this for a good five minutes until both of them destroyed a patch of crystals that opened a way out of their current prison and shed some natural light into the dome. Chase shielded his eyes from the light momentarily before he looked and saw a much more scraggly Cadence.

Hmmm is this the same Cadence that trapped us here or..... Chase thought and his eyes widened as he looked into the pink alicorns' eyes.

Twilight immediately took action and lunged at the pink alicorn but was stopped by Chase.

"Chase why did you stop me," She asked looking back at Chase with anger, "She trapped us in here."

"This isn't that impostor Twilight," Chase said with a calm demeanor, "This is the real Mi Amore Cadenza."

"And how can you be so sure Chase?" Twilight asked.

Chase looked at Cadence and nodded at her. She seemed to understand and, a little weakly, did the little dance and chant she taught Twilight when she was a filly. Twilight's eyes widened as she shook her rump and she smiled wide. Both mares hugged happily and Chase chuckled a single tear of joy rolling down his cheek.

"Oh it's been so long Twilight," Cadence said with a smile, "My how you've grown from the young filly I used to foalsit."

"Cadence..." Twilight said and looked back at Chase. "How did you know this was the real Cadence?"

Chase laughed as he wiped the tear from his cheek. "Well ask yourself this, Why would that impostor be down here with us if she wanted to keep us from meddling with her plans," Chase started and walked over to Cadence, "Besides," He looked at the Princess. "This Cadence has a kind look in her eyes unlike the monster that's walking around wearing the mask of a pony."

Cadence smiled at the human and hugged him, thanking him.

"No need now I want to ask you something." He said, wanting to clear and confirm his suspicions.

"Oh ok what do you need to ask?" she said a little nervous.

"What is that thing up there that is disguised as you? Is it a....." He trailed off but Cadence seemed to understand what he was asking.

"Yes it's a changeling." She said.

"Damnit then I was right, the changelings' are invading Canterlot," he growled.

"Why did you ask?" Twilight asked curious.

"Because the changeling impersonating Cadence is...." he hesitated.

"Is who?" both mares asked.

He looked at both of them before growling. "Their queen, Chrysalis." He said causing both mares to gasp. "But right now we can't worry about that because our number one priority is to get the hell out of here and stop Chrysalis from marrying Shining Armor."

With there plan set, Chase, Cadence, and Twilight set out to find a way to escape the crystal caverns. They ran through the caverns scanning it for any sign of an exit. Twilight saw a twinkle of light and smiled.

"This way guys." she said and ran off in that direction with both Chase and Cadence following close behind.

Chase looked worried as they ran for the exit. He kept hoping that they would be able to get to Shining Armor before Chrysalis put her plan into action and commenced the invasion. At one point Cadence stopped and sat on her haunches.

"We'll never get out of here," She said, tears starting to well up in her eyes. "I've been trapped here for weeks and I haven't found a way out yet. How are we going to escape now?"

Chase sighed and knelt next to the crying pink alicorn. "Listen Cadence," Chase said, putting a caring arm around her shoulders, "The reason we're going to escape now is because you have a friend and a soon to be sister-in-law who are going to do everything in their power, which is a lot by the way, to get you out of here and save your wedding."

Cadence looked at the determined human and nodded. She stood and, with a new drive adding heat to her fire, she dashed off in the direction of the light. Chase and Twilight followed closely to the princess with the same determination and grinned when they came to the exit.

"See Cadence," Chase said with a smirk, "Told you we'd find the exit and what the buck?"

Chase's confusion was met by three mares dressed as bridesmaids and he realized that they were the bridesmaids.

"Huh well what do you know guess she found a more productive way to use them." Chase said putting his hands on his hips.

The three brainwashed bridesmaids slowly approached the three saying 'You're not going anywhere' in unison. With a sigh and a snap of his fingers, Chase knocked all three of them out with a simple sleep spell. They collapsed to the floor and started snoring lightly. Chase grinned and looked at the two mares. With a nod all three of them escaped. Cadence smiled at her first rays of sunshine in weeks.

"Rejoice in freedom later princess," Chase said, "Right now we have a wedding to stop."

With a nod, Cadence, Chase, and Twilight ran in the direction of the castle and wedding. Chase looked up and saw a dark cloud above the barrier. Upon closer inspection he saw that it was a swarm of changelings continually bashing the barrier causing cracks.

Damnit this isn't good. Chase thought.

"Double Time Girls We Need To Get There NOW!" Chase said speeding up his pace.

Twilight and Cadence did the same and they saw the castle in view within five minutes. Chase grinned as they sped into the courtyard.

"So what's the plan?" Twilight asked as she ran next to Chase.

"Bust down the door, reveal Chrysalis, and kick some changeling ass." Chase said.

They ran down the hallway and saw the large doors that lead into the wedding. Chase heard the faint sound of Celestia asking if anypony had any reason why the couple should not be wed. Chase sped to the doors like a cheetah, leaped into the air and kicked open the doors gaining gasps from his friends, Celestia, 'Cadence', and everypony in the room as he landed gracefully.

"We have an objection Celestia." Chase said as Twilight entered the room.

"And that would be what exactly?" Celestia asked.

"That's not the real Mi Amore Cadenza." Twilight said and glared at the disguised queen.

She was about to say something against their allegations when Cadence walked into the room, another round of gasps sounding out.

"T-Two Mi Amore Cadenza's," AppleJack stuttered, "How can there be two of them?"

"Because," Chase said, his hands glowing their usual emerald glow, "That Cadence is a changeling, a creature that disguises itself as a loved one to feed off your love. And this changeling is special because," Chase pointed a finger at her. "That is their queen, isn't that right Chrysalis?"

All eyes turned to the 'bride' who started to laugh. She looked to the human with her eyes lingering over him before she started to change. Her form went from the alicorn princess to a changeling much taller than any normal changeling, with a long green mane and tail with a jagged horn sticking out of her head and what looked like a crown sticking from her mane.

"HA," Chase exclaimed, "Knew it from the very beginning you son of a bitch."

"Well your too late now because my changelings are already almost through with this fools barrier." She said with a chuckle. "And your added precautions won't do a thing because I already disabled them."

"Oh crap." Chase said as Celestia clashed horns with Chrysalis.

"I will not let you feed off the love of my subjects." She said.

She jumped into the air and shot a beam of golden aura at Chrysalis who countered with her own magic, both beams clashing in between. It seemed that Celestia would win as her aura started to inch to the changeling queen but with sudden strength she blasted Celestia's horn and sent her sprawling on the floor.

"Oh crap" Chase said as Chrysalis laughed.

"Apparently Shining's love is strong if I can beat Celestia" she laughed at her accomplishment.

Chase stood before Chrysalis, his hands glowing emerald as he glared at the queen. The girls walked up next to him.

"Girls, get the Elements of Harmony while I deal with this bitch." Chase said as he cracked his knuckles.

They nodded and ran out of the room leaving Chase and Chrysalis engaged in a standoff. Both of them were waiting for the other to slip up and make the first move. Chase decided to do so and charged at the changeling queen with the intention to kill. He got in front of her faster than she could react and swung his right fist up at her face. Three unexpected things happened at once. Shining's barrier shattered, changelings started to swarm the streets of Canterlot, and Chase was swarmed by changelings before he could strike her.

"RRRGH Fight Me Like A True Ruler," he yelled as he was dragged away from Chrysalis by the changelings, thrashing against them, "Fight Me Damnit!"

Chrysalis only laughed as he was slammed into the wall and restrained by some organic slime that kept him in place. A flood of curse words flowed from his mouth as he struggled against the slime. He witnessed as the changelings picked up the unconcious princess and put her in a cocoon made of the same slime that restrained him to the wall. He thought they were going to do the same with Cadence but instead they only restrained her hooves.

"Cadence why don't you do anything? She's going to destroy Canterlot and drain Shining to a husk of a loveless stallion." he asked.

"I," she began and hung her head "I can't she's too powerful for me. I can't defeat her."

Chase looked at the pink alicorn, who had a single tear run down her cheek. He continued to struggle against the organic restraints hoping to beat down some of the changelings before the girls got back with the elements. No sooner had he thought it that the doors opened with changelings 'escorting' the girls back into the room. He saw this and just looked shocked.

"Guess there were more than I thought." he said and hung his head in defeat.

He heard hooves clopping to him and he looked up to see Fluttershy stand before him with a sad look on her face and tears decorating her eyes. Chase has always thought that Fluttershy was a cute mare with the way she act and her personality but he loved her kind heart and her willingness to help him and her friends. He had started to develope feelings for her as the year passed. He has on more than one occasion tried to admit her feelings for her but backed out at the last possible minute. Since he was in a situation where he had nothing to loose he decided to tell Fluttershy how he felt.

"Don't cry Fluttershy," he said to the timid yellow pegasus putting on his best and bravest smile. "We'll figure out a way to get out of this."

"R-Really?" she asked wiping the tears with her hoof.

He nodded. "Besides I don't like seeing the mare I love cry, it just breaks my heart when you do."

Fluttershy looked at Chase with wide eyes at his confession. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it. She herself had developed feelings for Chase before and after the battle against Nightmare Moon but she had been afraid that if she said anything he'd reject her. But upon hearing that he shared the same feelings for her, her heart fluttered and she smiled at Chase.

"A-And I love you too Chase," she said, tears of joy forming. "I've loved you since I first met you."

Chase smiled at Fluttershy and did an inward sigh of relief upon hearing this.

"Oh that's great to hear," he said with enthusiasm, "I'd hug you but as you can see i'm kinda tied up."

"Oh well that doesn't mean I can't hug you." she said.

She floated up to him and wrapped her hooves around him and nuzzled his chest. Chase put his head on hers, feeling her mane against his face. Fluttershy felt Chase's heart race in excitement at her hug and she sighed in happiness at it. Chase looked up and saw the girls d'awing at the sight. Fluttershy broke the hug and looked Chase in the eye when a cackle came from Chrysalis.

"Isn't that cute, two fools in love." she said with a fake smile.

Chase glared and growled at Chrysalis his eyes giving off a faint glow of his aura. Chrysalis just laughed and walked to the open balcony singing. Chase saw Twilight sneak to Cadence and free her from the slime causing him to mentally face palm. With a thought and the emerald glow of his hands he freed himself from the slime just as Cadence freed Shining from the spell of the changeling. He shook his head and looked at his wife-to-be. Chase was relieved to see the real Shining Armor instead of a brainwashed idiot. Chrysalis turned but only cackled telling them that it was useless now.

"Uh actually there is one way." Chase said knowingly with a grin.

"And what would that be," Chrysalis asked, smirking, "You?"

Chase shook his head and looked at the couple who touched their horns together and unleashed the force of their combined magic, the magic of their love. Chase turned back to Chrysalis and said bye or in his words 'seeya later chryssy' before she and all her changelings were sent flying out of Canterlot by a wave of strong magic. Chase brushed himself off before turning to the couple.

"And that is why I say love is the strongest kind of emotion." Chase said with a smile before he walked to the cocoon that held Celestia.

He cut Celestia down and got her out of the cocoon. She coughed and looked up at the human. Chase smiled and helped her to her hooves.

"Thank you Chase for freeing me." Celestia said nodding to Chase.

"No problem Celestia." Chase said brushing some slime off her coat.

Chase felt something tug at his shirt. He turned and saw the mare of his dreams look up at him with a smile and tears of joy. He kneeled and hugged Fluttershy. Chase broke the hug just as Shining Armor and Cadence approached him.

"I want to thank you and Twilight for saving my wife and the wedding," He said and held up a hoof, "And I want to apologize for not believing the both of you."

"Oh think nothing of it Shining." Chase said and shook his hoof. "She had everypony, even Celestia, fooled by her facade. But hey this just means that you can do the wedding the way you want it."

Shining and Cadence smiled at him.

"Well we still need extra security and a best mare." shining said looking at Chase and Twilight who agreed.

The wedding went off without a hitch the second time and this time Chase and Twilight got to attend. Chase stood next to Fluttershy and smiled as Celestia declared Cadence and Shining a married couple. He clapped with enthusiasm as they kissed and leaned down giving Fluttershy a kiss of her own to which she returned it. They moved the wedding to the reception where the couple had their first dance.

"So I guess you and Fluttershy are gonna be a couple sugar cube." Applejack said.

"I guess so." he said with a smile as ponies started to accompany the newly wedded couple on the dance floor.

He felt Fluttershy pull on his arm and pulled him to the dance floor. Once on the dance floor, Fluttershy stood on her hind legs and wrapped her forelegs around Chase's stomach. Chase put his hands on Fluttershy's back and slowly started to dance with her, the two of them an odd pair on the dance floor but they didn't really care what anypony said because they were in love.

"I love you Fluttershy," Chase said happy to finally get those words out of his mouth after so long. "I want to be your special somepony if you'll have me."

"Yes Chase," Fluttershy said looking up at him, "You can be my special somepony."

They both smiled just as Pinkie stood at the turn tables and shouted 'Let's Get This Party Started' before bringing up Vinyl who brought out a record and turned up the jams. Chase smiled and picked up Fluttershy, holding her close as he spun her around before putting his forehead to hers. The night ended with Cadence and Shining Armor entering a carriage and heading off to their honeymoon. With that the royal wedding ended with a happy note. Shining Armor and Cadence were wedded, Twilight gained a new member of her family that she loved, and Chase and Fluttershy finally admitted their feelings to each other. Little did Chase know that he would face the changelings again but this time more than Canterlot would be at stake. Much more.

To Be Continued.....

Author's Note:

The Royal wedding is finished so now it's time for the fight on earth. hope you all enjoy.