• Published 6th Dec 2012
  • 1,900 Views, 23 Comments

Earth's Changeling Era - Nightmare Chaser

It has been a year after the defeat of Nightmare Moon and Chase has to deal with another queen.

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Chase's Royal Invitation

The sun shone through the curtains of Chase's room and washed over the eighteen year old's form, making his skin glow. Chase opened his eyes and sat up with a yawn, stretching. With a flick of his wrist and an emerald glow chase's curtains opened and the brilliant rays of the sun brightened up the large room that once belonged to Nightmare Moon. Since her defeat in the previous year, at the hands of him and the Elements, Chase took up residence in her castle. With a smile Chase crawled to the edge of the large 'queen' sized bed.

"Another glorious day," He said, standing up, "I wonder what i should do.."

At that moment a letter appeared before chase in a ball of green fire and landed in his outstretched hand. Chase looked it over and opened it, smiling upon seeing it was from Twilight. He read it over and it asked him if he would like to come to Ponyville for a picnic to which he just opened a portal to equestria, more specifically twilights house, and stepped through. When he stepped through he was met with a very startled unicorn.

"Gah Chase you scared me!" She said breathing heavily causing chase to laugh.

"Sorry Twilight but this is my answer to your letter." He said with a smile and holding up the letter

Twilight saw the letter she sent to him a minute ago and she scratched her head before opening the door and walking to it with Chase and Spike in tow. Chase smiled as he looked in the direction of the castle and grinned at the events of last week, more specifically at night. Who knew Luna was such a prankster and who knew Chase and Luna shared the same distaste for BlueBlood. But as he looked at the castle, Chase noticed something strange about the castle, a barrier surrounded it.

Why is there a magical barrier around the castle, Chase thought as they quickly approached the park, There wouldn't be one if canterlot wasn't in danger so why.....

His thoughts were interrupted as he was tackled to the ground by Pinkie Pie in an embrace. He chuckled as Pinkie acted like she hasn't seen him in years and pushed her off him. He stood and brushed himself off.

"Hehe nice to see you again Pinkie." Chase said with a chuckle.

She giggled and all the girls sat down inviting Chase to join them. He pulled a sandwich from the picnic basket, brought by Rarity, and took a bite of it finding it to be delicious. Chase noticed that Rarity was wearing a sunhat and he just laughed.

"What's so funny Chase?" The white, fashionista unicorn asked with a smile.

"What's with the sun hat Rarity, worried that your gonna ruin your mane in this beautiful weather?" He said with a mocking cackle and he wiggled his fingers going ooooooooooo.

Rarity stuck her tongue at chase and they all laughed. Chase took another bite of his sandwich just as Spike burped up a letter from the princess. Chase never really understood, nor did he want too, how Spike could do that. Twilight looked over the letter just as a letter appeared before Chase. He opened it and saw it was an invitation to a wedding of some sort being hosted at Canterlot.

"Uh did anypony else get an invitation to a wedding between," he looks at the invitation closely, "Princess Miamore Cadenza and Shining Armor?" Chase asked.

Twilight's face pales and her eyes widen. "Did you say Shining Armor?"

"Uh.... Yeah i did." he said, looking at Twilight confused "why do you ask Twilight, is he somepony you know?"

All the remaning ponies, Chase, and spike look at twilight and she just sighs. She told them that Shining Armor is her older brother and the captain of the royal guard.

"Hmm, I think I may have met him one of the times I was at the castle," Chase said looking at the castle in the distance. "I do remember a unicorn stallion tackling me to the ground not knowing who I am." He grinned as he played that day in his head.

"Well he was and is my big brother best friend."

Oh god if she starts singing i'm gonna.. chase thought and sure enough Twilight started to sing, Oh for the love of....

As twilight sang he received another letter from Celestia that asked him to come to Canterlot immediately. He saw that the girls were caught up in the song so he snapped his fingers and appeared in the throne room of the castle in front of Celestia.

"You called oh princess of the sun?" he said bowing to Celestia.

"Why yes I have Chase," she said asking him to rise to which he did before she continued, "Canterlot is being threatened by an unknown outside force."

"So that's what the barrier's for." Chase said looking out one of the many windows of the throne room, "But why would anypony, besides discord or Nightmare Moon, threaten Canterlot? That's like trying to declare war on Equestria."

"I don't know but I will not let it come to that which is why I ask you to help with security for the wedding." Celestia said and looked at chase with her usual demeanor.

Hmm, this feels like a lot of work, chase thought crossing his arms and looking at the floor, Here I am being asked by one of the very rulers of Equestria to help with security for a royal wedding, as well as attend it, because some outside force is threatening Canterlot and everypony that lives in it.

"How can I refuse a chance to help the world of my friends," Chase said looking up at Celestia with a big grin, "You got yourself a security officer Celestia."

"Thank you Chase," She smiled and held up a hoof for chase who shook it happily, "But please don't mention the threat to Canterlot to Twilight or she'll be a nervous wreck."

Chase promised her not to mention anything to Twilight about the threat making her smile. With a bow he snapped his fingers again and appeared before the girls who all gasped at his sudden appearance.

"Gah, again Chase?" Twilight said hitting chase in the arm as he laughed.

"Where were you anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked, "You suddenly disappeared until now."

"Well I was summoned to Canterlot by Celestia and was asked to help with security for the wedding." He said with a grin.

"What?!" They all exclaimed and chase laughed hysterically.

"You heard me," He said, wiping a tear from his eye, "Due to the nature of the wedding, it being between a princess and the captain of the royal guard, Celestia has had to increase the security detail and because of my achievement thanks to you six she has asked me to help with the security."

He was bombarded with questions but shrugged them off as they decided to call it a day. Chase helped cleaned up the picnic and brought the basket to Rarity's boutique. He was about to head off but was stopped by Rarity.

"Chase i have a question for you." She said digging at the ground.

"Ask away Rarity." Chase said with a curious look.

"Would you let me make you a tuxedo for the wedding?" she asked her eyes pleading as they grew.

"Hmm well i don't have one of my own and i can't borrow one form anyone off hand," Chase said grinning, "Ah what the hell, go for it Rarity."

The fashionista squeeled in delight before dragging into her boutique for his measurements. He stood completely still with his arms up and let Rarity take his measurements as they chatted away. After about thirty minutes of measuring and asking for any custom details done on his tux Rarity proclaimed that she would have his tux done in three or four days. Satisfied, Chase opened a portal home and said goodbye before stepping through. He looked at the clock of his massive living room and saw that it was four thirty in the afternoon.

Wow time flies when your having fun. Chase thought with a chuckle.

He walked to the kitchen for some lunch but stopped when he heard hissing to his left. He turned to the source and saw a little black and greenish-blue insect looking pony. It's glowing jade eyes stared at the human and it's wings buzzed. Chase looked at the little thing in confusion before it stepped into the shadows and in it's place walked out Nightmare Moon.

"What in the fu....." he started but was cut off when Nightmare lunged at him, hissing like the little monster did. He dodged to his left and Nightmare Moon crashed into the wall. Chase wasted no time and jumped on the evil mare, wrapping his arms around her neck. She struggled to get Chase off her but was unable to as Chase kept an iron grip around the evil mare's neck. With a quick and forceful jerk Chase broke Nightmare Moon's neck causing her to stop moving and slump to the floor the last of her breath leaving her lungs.

Chase looked triumphant but was given a shock as Nightmare moon changed into the little insect pony he saw a minute ago. He knelt by it and poked it a couple of times before checking for a pulse. He put two fingers to the creatures neck but felt no heartbeat.

"Poor thing but what the hell was that thing?" Chase asked the empty hall.

Chase decided to give whatever this thing was a proper burial and levitated it into the air. He walked down the hall to one of the many doors leading to the backyard and opened the large doors. He walked around the massive yard before finding a suitable place to bury the creature. With a simple gesture a shovel appeared and he started digging. After twenty minutes of digging Chase felt satisfied with the hole before putting the insect pony into it. Within ten minutes he filled and packed the dirt onto the unmarked grave and stood there for awhile before he turned to head inside.

I better inform Celestia of this, He thought, hunger forgotten and replaced by concern, Maybe this is the outside force that is threatening Canterlot. She needs to see this ASAP.

He entered his room and went for his desk. He grabbed a pen and paper and immediately started writing.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I need you to come to my world immediately. I was attacked by some unknown creature that could change it's form but i managed to kill it by severing it's spine but I need you to see this thing for yourself because I think it may be part of the outside force that is threatening Canterlot. So please if you can I need you here.


Chase Welcher

With a snap of his fingers he sent the letter to Celestia. Within ten minutes Chase saw a portal open and Celestia walked through with a worried look plaguing her face.

"Show me this creature Chase." she said and Chase nodded.

Chase quickly lead the alabaster alicorn princess to the backyard where he dug up the unmarked grave and pulled out the creature. He layed it before Celestia who looked at it with horror.

"A c-c-changling," she said and looked up at chase, "B-but what's it doing here?"

"I don't know Celestia," He said and put the changling back into it's grave, "All i know is it was here, it tried to kill me so I killed it."

Celestia looked at the grave then to chase with concern. Chase just grinned at her.

"Well I don't have any evidence but I think this 'Changling' may be part of the outside force that threatens Canterlot but i'm unsure." he said scratching his head.

Celestia nervously chuckled before shrugging it off. "I doubt it, why would the changlings' be so bold as to threaten Canterlot." she chuckled again as she and chase walked back inside.

What Chase and Celestia didn't know was that the changling wouldn't be the first or the last they see or face, whether it be in Equestria or...... Earth.

To be Continued....