• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 5,307 Views, 84 Comments

Somepony Special. - Meow Mix

2nd person story. You x scootaloo

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Chapter 3 - Teaching her to fly

Somepony special

Chapter 3


You look back into the direction where the familiar voice came from, looking back you see Scootaloo joined with two other fillies, You noticed that they were the same ones that looked at you weirdly when school started. You started to walk to Scootaloo.

“I want to meet my two best friends.” Scootaloo said with a bit of cheer.

“This is apple bloom” She points a hoof at the yellow earth pony.

“Howdy! The Names Apple Bloom.” She said in western accent. You noticed that she was wearing a big pink bow.

“And this is Sweetie Belle”

“Hi there” Said with a smile, her voice sounded light and a bit squeaky,

Since then there has been a little awkward silence. You looked into the sky and thought to yourself there still was a few hours of light in the day until one of Scootaloo's friends broke the silence.

“As I would love to hang out with you guys I have to get back to the boutique. My sister Rarity wanted me to be home early”

Sweetie Belle says with some disappointment in her voice.

“Me too, Ma sister Applejack needs help in bucking trees” apple bloom says.

As the two walk in different paths you heard Scootaloo was saying goodbye to her friends. Now it was just you and Scootaloo. It was beginning to become a bit awkward between you two, until you gathered enough courage to break the silence, but as you were about to do it, Scootaloo spoke instead.

“So what do you want to do? I’m pretty bored” She said quietly and shyly

“Well what do you do when you’re bored?”

“Ride my scooter” she said with some confusion

“Would you mind if I’ll watch you when you do some tricks?”

Her face expression turned from plain to a big smile.

“You really want to see me riding my scooter?”

“Of course” you answered Scootaloo with a smile.

Scootaloo performed a double tail-whip in mid air right in front of you. Her mane flows through the air. Her eyes shimmer in the spring light. The ways her wings flutter in the air so delicately.

You watch as Scootaloo rides her scooter and does tricks off a ramp that was actually a plank of wood. You had asked if you could see her show some tricks. You were lying down on a hill where you could get an easy view of Scootaloo performing for you. You looked into the sky and you could see that the day still had a bit of light till Luna's moon ascends.

“That was a nice one Scoots!” You said with encouragement.

She landed right in front of you and blushed.

“Thanks, but it was nothing.” she said with a smile.

After a few hours of watching her. You two have gotten to know each other a little bit more. Then she stoped on her scooter and sits down next to you. You were lying down on the silky grass looking into the sky. Scootaloo also laid down next to you as both of you look into the orange skyline.

“So... Where have your parents been? Haven't seen them at all.” Scootaloo asked

“Well they are always at work and never around during the day. Even in summer!”

“Oh? What do they do?”

“Well my dad is a royal guard and works only at day. And my mom works at the hospital in town only daily shifts.

“That's cool!” she said.

“What about your parents”

“Well they both work at the flower shop. My parents own it. Nothing exciting compared your parents!”

It got a bit cold and you noticed that Scootaloo moved closer to you till the point where your wings were touching.

“So where did you move from?” Scootaloo said

“I moved from Hoofington,”

“Oh. Why'd you move? I heard it was a pretty good place to live.”

“Well you see, I was never good at making friends, in fact some ponies used to tease me for not having friends. I was alone and felt like no one really cared about me. My parents did the best for me and moved here to Ponyville. But i had no one. My parents were always at work and I was usually hated by other ponies for no reason.”

Suddenly you feel something covering you or in this case hugging you, it was Scootaloo.

“You got me”

You felt your heart was melting. You actually had someone by your side, someone you can rely on. Someone that you can call... Your friend. You started to get that 'feeling' again but this time it was stronger than ever. After your short embrace her eyes went wide and she quickly retreated and moved a few inches away from you. You faced Scootaloo who was blushing like crazy while at the same time you were too. You both were trying to hide each other’s blush but were failing. After a few minutes of awkward silence, you built enough courage to ask if Scootaloo was ok.

“Are you ok Scootaloo?” You said with a bit of concern.

“Yea..yeah I'm fine, um hey i have to go now it's getting pretty late,” she got up and jumped onto her scooter.

“See you tomorrow” she said with a small smile.

“You too bye!” she said very quickly before speeding off. You tried to think what was wrong with Scootaloo. You wondered why she wanted to go so quickly after you two hugged each other. You realized that, it was already dark and you need to get back home right away before your parents get home or else you will get in trouble again and you didn't want that to happen again. You started to walk at a fast pace like last time and hoped that your parents were at least a few minutes late from work, but knowing your luck, it wouldn't happen,

You had gotten home just minutes before your parents came home. You hadn't been at home since morning and that was early, you were quite tired and felt like you were going to pass out. But you were also really hungry. After dinner you told your parents how your first day of school was. They were quiet pleased and you also told them that you hanged out with Scootaloo. The one thing that you didn't tell them is that you came home pretty late or else they would be pretty mad at you and might of grounded you, that is one thing that you didn't want. After you talked to your parents you went straight to sleep and passed out onto your bed into a peaceful slumber


2 months later

It was a few months since you moved to Ponyville, and so far you have had enjoyed every single moment, You had never been so happy before. You and Scootaloo became very close friends and you always enjoy hanging out with her. But she wasn't just your only friend, Since she introduced you to her friends ‘Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle' You had also became close to them too, But something deep inside you felt something to Scootaloo. It was that weird feeling that you used to get and you didn't know what it was. Was it bad? Or was it good? That was until you had asked your parents. You had asked them that you would get a strange feeling when you either saw the pony or thought about her. They said it was when you cared for the pony and like everything about them. You were surprised but a little bit happy. But you knew that Scootaloo shouldn't know. For all you know it could ruin your friendship. You didn't want to lose the closest friend you had.

Since it was the begging of summer, school had finished for you a couple of days ago. You felt happy about not going to school for 5 weeks but you were also down about it, this also meant that you wouldn't be able to see some of your friends. You knew that Apple Bloom was visiting her relatives for the whole summer. And Sweetie Belle was with her parents since her big sister Rarity was going on vacation with some of her friends. This left Scootaloo. Before school ended, you asked what scootaloo was doing. She said that she was doing nothing as usual. Then she asked you if you wanted to hang out with her in the incoming days. You said yes, which made her happy as anything. She also mentioned that she wanted to fly. And you wanted to learn how to fly this summer not matter what. This gave you an idea. Since you knew a little about flying and occasionally lifted yourself off the ground. You could teach Scootaloo what you knew about flying while at the same time try and learn how to fly yourself.


Present day

“Hey Scoots!”


You greet her with a little nuzzle which she happily nuzzles you playfully. You and Scootaloo gotten close enough to nuzzling each other in a playful way which usually ended up with you playing fight. You noticed whether you two are together, you can catch her staring at you. But when you looked at her, she immediately looking away blushing furiously while making an excuse that she saw something behind you but you never believed her. Other than that. Today was the day that you would teach Scootaloo what you know about flying. She said that she got some tips from her idol Rainbow Dash and said she was going to be taught by her. But she said something about she is hanging out with her friends and going somewhere for the summer.

You began by doing some stretches first. Scootaloo did the same but wanted to get into flying straight away

“Come on! Can't we just get to the flying!?” she said a bit annoyed

“Scootaloo if we want to fly properly then we have to do these exercises”

“Come on!”

“I'm sorry Scootaloo but if we want to fly properly and safely, then we have to do these exercises”

“Fine” she said, sounding defeated.

After a few more minutes of stretches Scootaloo grew very impatient and started getting annoyed at you. You could see in Scootaloos eyes some anger at you. You knew Scootaloo could never get angry at you. Even if she said she hate you. She didn’t mean it. She always had a soft spot for you.

“I think that's enough exercise for now.”

“Does that mean we can start flying now?!” Scootaloo said with annoyance

“Yes we can start.”

Scootaloo jumped in the air with happiness with her eyes closed and you notice something that she was doing that would make her even happier.



“Um... Scootaloo”

“Like seriously. What do exercises have to do with flying properly?


You screamed out to your fullest. Scootaloo finally open her eyes and looked down. Her facial expression was priceless. She was like a filly on her birthday except 10 times more exciting.


She was so happy. Though she was a couple of feet off the ground you knew this was flying. But if she wanted to get higher you knew that she needed to do more exercises and practice more. Suddenly you were knocked onto the ground by a happy and cheerful Scootaloo. She then hugged you tightly.

“Thank you so much for helping me!” she says as she ends the embrace.

“It's ok Scootaloo. I guess those exercises were helpful weren't they?”

“I guess they were aha..” confessing with an embarrassed smile.

After a few hours of your practice you tried to at least get off the ground but only successfully face planting into the ground. The more times that you face planted the more rage built into you. On a positive note. Scootaloo was practiced by hovering from tree to tree. You were staring at Scootaloo but she didn't pay attention. You noticed the things that never came to mind and that amazed you. The way her wings move. How the sun reflection rebounds off her beautiful eyes. Just about everything about her amazed you. Then it came to you. Something that you didn't want to happen that could ruin your friendship.

You were in love with her.

Author's Note:

AN: Ok so I kind of rushed this chapter so if i get bad feedback from this chapter i will redo it from 2 Months later and onward. Personally i think i could have done better, since my exams end in a few days that means i can concentrate more clearly. Thanks to Nightfall guard for editing for me!. I hope you enjoy!