• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 5,307 Views, 84 Comments

Somepony Special. - Meow Mix

2nd person story. You x scootaloo

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Chapter 1 - A new friend.

Somepony Special.

Chapter 1

You wake up in cold, but comfortable morning. You rub your eyes as you take a peak of the coming day that awaits you. “err.. What time is it” Looking at your clock you notice that it's way too early to get up. This always happens to you...you wake up early and can never get back to sleep which has turned into a routine for you. You give in and get out of your comfy bed, still very drowsy.

You make yourself to the kitchen, knowing that your parents are at work. You make yourself some toast and pour yourself some orange juice. You never really had breakfast due to never being hungry in the mornings, but today you felt like eating something crunchy.

After your 'not so bad' breakfast you wondered what to do. You looked out of your window and saw that it was going to be a good day. You notice that it was going to be a windy kind of day. You love the wind. It always felt nice when it flowed through you mane. Suddenly something into the street takes you off thought into the street. First you hear a small humming noise coming from the edge of your street. It got louder and louder till you found what made the noise. You see a filly Pegasus just above the dirt road and seemed like she was coming closer and closer to your street. After a few minutes you realized that she had stopped just a few meters from you house. You took this time to know who she was She had a purple silk mane and an orange smooth coat. Above her main was a blue helmet. Then it hit you that she appeared to be riding a scooter. You noticed that her wings were controlling on how fast she was going. She stopped and started to look into nothing. Like she was daydreaming. Then her wings started to flap making her scooter go faster and faster as she flapped even more. Than she was gone. After what seemed 30 seconds of looking out of the window that ended up into 15 minutes staring at a Pegasus you had never met before. After a few minutes you felt a bit stuffed being in your house. So you decided to go for a quiet smoothing walk.

After locking your house you walk down your street where you saw the Pegasus earlier. You still wonder if you will ever see her again. After a few minutes of walking you found yourself walking up a high hill. You weren't the most athletic pony around but you were pretty fit. Once you were at the top of the hill you thought to yourself ‘what a nice day’. You were walking down a hill where you could easily see the center of Ponyville. It was a good site to see. You really liked watching over town. You also really loved high places. It always made you feel like you were flying. Of course you were a Pegasus but you had always had trouble trying to fly, you didn't know what the problem was. Your parents always say to never give up. But you have been trying to fly for a few months and always end up either lifting yourself a few inches from the ground or face planting on the hard ground.

You decided that it was time to head home. The sun was beginning to set. Your parents still wouldn't be home for quite some time. So you took this time to watch the sunset. Every week you always walked for the whole day you'd just come out to watch the sunset. You always thought it was beautiful. This was one of your favorite things to do. You realized it was time to head home. As it was starting to get dark, But it was still light enough to get yourself home. During your way home you noticed the lack of other ponies today. It seemed a bit strange that there weren't as much ponies as usual. You didn't mind really. In fact you actually liked being on your own sometimes. Though you didn't mind some company now and then. Then you started to hear the same humming noise that you heard earlier. That could only mean one thing. When you were about to look back. You hear a voice.

“Watch out!”
You didn't have time to look back as you were hit by incoming object.
You, now head face to the ground, slowly trying to get back your vision, When your vision was back to normal, you slowly tried to get onto your hooves, You were able to, but with a hint of pain, you rubbed your eyes and looked up, Your eyes met a set of two grayish purple eyes. You felt like you could get lost in them forever.
”Hey! Sorry about that, I was trying to do a new trick on my scooter, are you ok?” She said with a bit of worry.
You came back into reality and noticed you were staring at the Pegasus, upon the action both of you blushed a little.
”I… I’m ok, I've had worse..” You said a bit nervously but giving a little chuckle followed by the Pegasus. ”But are you alright?”
“Yeah I…I’m o... ” she stopped till she realized something. “Hey wait! I haven't see you in town, you must be new.” She said in a high excited tone.
“Yeah I moved here a few days ago” You said.
“Well it was nice to meet you. I have to get home before my parents start to wonder where I am.” She said as she got on her scooter. As she was about to leave, She looked at you. “By the way, I didn't get your name”
You said your name in a sort of quiet tone.
“Hey that’s a pretty cool name. Well my name is Scootaloo. See ya later” she said with a smile. Then her wings were beginning to flap, and then she was off riding into the distance,
“Bye!” You yelled out.
You then realized how dark it was. Your parents must have been wondering where you were too.
You started to walk in a fast pace back to your humble home.

This is my first chapter so constructive criticism is helpful, sorry this is short, If you want more then i will make these chapters much longer !