> Somepony Special. > by Meow Mix > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - A new friend. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somepony Special. Chapter 1 You wake up in cold, but comfortable morning. You rub your eyes as you take a peak of the coming day that awaits you. “err.. What time is it” Looking at your clock you notice that it's way too early to get up. This always happens to you...you wake up early and can never get back to sleep which has turned into a routine for you. You give in and get out of your comfy bed, still very drowsy. You make yourself to the kitchen, knowing that your parents are at work. You make yourself some toast and pour yourself some orange juice. You never really had breakfast due to never being hungry in the mornings, but today you felt like eating something crunchy. After your 'not so bad' breakfast you wondered what to do. You looked out of your window and saw that it was going to be a good day. You notice that it was going to be a windy kind of day. You love the wind. It always felt nice when it flowed through you mane. Suddenly something into the street takes you off thought into the street. First you hear a small humming noise coming from the edge of your street. It got louder and louder till you found what made the noise. You see a filly Pegasus just above the dirt road and seemed like she was coming closer and closer to your street. After a few minutes you realized that she had stopped just a few meters from you house. You took this time to know who she was She had a purple silk mane and an orange smooth coat. Above her main was a blue helmet. Then it hit you that she appeared to be riding a scooter. You noticed that her wings were controlling on how fast she was going. She stopped and started to look into nothing. Like she was daydreaming. Then her wings started to flap making her scooter go faster and faster as she flapped even more. Than she was gone. After what seemed 30 seconds of looking out of the window that ended up into 15 minutes staring at a Pegasus you had never met before. After a few minutes you felt a bit stuffed being in your house. So you decided to go for a quiet smoothing walk. After locking your house you walk down your street where you saw the Pegasus earlier. You still wonder if you will ever see her again. After a few minutes of walking you found yourself walking up a high hill. You weren't the most athletic pony around but you were pretty fit. Once you were at the top of the hill you thought to yourself ‘what a nice day’. You were walking down a hill where you could easily see the center of Ponyville. It was a good site to see. You really liked watching over town. You also really loved high places. It always made you feel like you were flying. Of course you were a Pegasus but you had always had trouble trying to fly, you didn't know what the problem was. Your parents always say to never give up. But you have been trying to fly for a few months and always end up either lifting yourself a few inches from the ground or face planting on the hard ground. You decided that it was time to head home. The sun was beginning to set. Your parents still wouldn't be home for quite some time. So you took this time to watch the sunset. Every week you always walked for the whole day you'd just come out to watch the sunset. You always thought it was beautiful. This was one of your favorite things to do. You realized it was time to head home. As it was starting to get dark, But it was still light enough to get yourself home. During your way home you noticed the lack of other ponies today. It seemed a bit strange that there weren't as much ponies as usual. You didn't mind really. In fact you actually liked being on your own sometimes. Though you didn't mind some company now and then. Then you started to hear the same humming noise that you heard earlier. That could only mean one thing. When you were about to look back. You hear a voice. “Watch out!” You didn't have time to look back as you were hit by incoming object. “Ow!” You, now head face to the ground, slowly trying to get back your vision, When your vision was back to normal, you slowly tried to get onto your hooves, You were able to, but with a hint of pain, you rubbed your eyes and looked up, Your eyes met a set of two grayish purple eyes. You felt like you could get lost in them forever. ”Hey! Sorry about that, I was trying to do a new trick on my scooter, are you ok?” She said with a bit of worry. You came back into reality and noticed you were staring at the Pegasus, upon the action both of you blushed a little. ”I… I’m ok, I've had worse..” You said a bit nervously but giving a little chuckle followed by the Pegasus. ”But are you alright?” “Yeah I…I’m o... ” she stopped till she realized something. “Hey wait! I haven't see you in town, you must be new.” She said in a high excited tone. “Yeah I moved here a few days ago” You said. “Well it was nice to meet you. I have to get home before my parents start to wonder where I am.” She said as she got on her scooter. As she was about to leave, She looked at you. “By the way, I didn't get your name” You said your name in a sort of quiet tone. “Hey that’s a pretty cool name. Well my name is Scootaloo. See ya later” she said with a smile. Then her wings were beginning to flap, and then she was off riding into the distance, “Bye!” You yelled out. You then realized how dark it was. Your parents must have been wondering where you were too. You started to walk in a fast pace back to your humble home. This is my first chapter so constructive criticism is helpful, sorry this is short, If you want more then i will make these chapters much longer ! > Chapter 2 - First day of school. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somepony Special Chapter 2. You finally made it back home. You knew that your parents were home from work and were probably worrying about you, upon opening the door you were greeted by your parents. Both of your parents looked worried and happy at the same time. “Where have you been mister? Your mum and i were worried sick” You parents say with some anger. “Well I went for a long work and...” “At 8:00 at night!! ” Your parents yell out making you feel guilty. “Well. I mean that and made a friend...” You say very quietly. Your parents go a bit quiet after that and smile after what they had just heard. You were wondering why they were suddenly smiling and instant change of mood. “You never told that you made a friend! What’s his name?” Your parents say with a bit of excitement. “Umm... Well it’s a 'her'” Your parents were a little bit surprised but yet very happy to hear this. “What’s your little friend’s name?” Your mum said. “Scootaloo” “she sounds nice, and where happy that you are making friends dear, but that doesn't explain why you are late home, we will explain this at dinner.” After your dinner you had cleared things up with your parents. You had explained how you met scootaloo and why you were late so late. Your parents also reminded you that you had school tomorrow. You had completely forgotten about it, in fact. You weren't really looking forward to your first day of school. You decided it was time to hit the hay. Saying goodnight to your mum and dad and then ascending to your comfortable bed. You lay in your bed thinking that you made your first friend, you were really happy about this, before you drift into a deep sleep you think of scootaloo, your first actual friend. You open your eyes to expect to see the beautiful morning light. But instead you find the moon shining through your window. You look at your clock and sighed. It read 2:00am. You turned your head to your window to see the shining night sky. You had always loved the night. You favorite thing about the night was the beautiful glowing stars. But as much as you wanted to stare into the sky. You remembered that you had school in 6 hours. After a few moments of glaring into the night sky. you decided that it was time to go back to sleep. Once your head touched your pillow you fell into a deep sleep. You wake up in a sort of weird way. in fact, you weren't in your bed. You appeared to be on the floor. It seemed that you had fell of your bed in the middle of the night at some stage. After recognizing where you were you got up off the hard floor and looked towards your clock. “7:00 so that mean i got 30 minutes left.” You thought to yourself. School started at 8:00 but getting to school would take a little bit less than four minutes. The next 30 minutes you had were spent having breakfast and also a shower. After you had eaten and cleaned yourself. You noticed that one of your wings started to ache. You didn't know what was wrong and since your parents were at work like usual you didn't know what to do. Then you think back to the way you woke up. But you quickly snapped back into reality as it was 7:41 and you only had 19 minutes to get to school. You were walking in a fast pace as you knew you were going to be late. You were pretty far away from town but it would only be a 15 minute walk to school. You started to think about the filly you met yesterday. After meeting scootaloo you've had a weird feeling whenever you started to think about her. But it wasn't a good or bad feeling. it had been a feeling that you've never felt before and you were curious. Your train of thought was once broken when you saw the pony you were thinking about right in front of you. “Hey!” with a smile saying as if she is glad to see you. “Oh..Um... He-hey scootaloo.” You try to get out if your mouth. “Come on we have to get to class!” You then realized that Your hoof was being pulled by the orange Pegasus who was obviously trying to get to class before you two were late. When you enter the small building that was supposed to be the school. You were greeted by what seemed like the teacher and the class. On the board there was Miss cheerilee written with chalk. You guessed that was the teacher’s name. The ponies all seemed to be fillies there rest were colts. You noticed two particular ponies that were looking at you in a weird way and giggling. Both of them seemed to be blank flanks like you. One was an earth pony with a yellow coat and a red tail and mane. the other with a white coat and a pink and purple mane and tail. “Good morning my little ponies today we have a new student” as Miss cheerilee says your name scootaloo takes a seat next to the two fillies that we're looking at you funny. You assumed that scootaloo was friends with the filles. You look around the room trying to find a place to sit, but all you could see was two seats empty. One next to scootaloo and the other at the back. You were about to head for the seat next to scootaloo but all the ponies was staring at you. Since you were a bit shy around groups of ponies you make a 2nd quick decision and take a seat at the back. You look back at scootaloo she looked quite disappointed about your decision. But you knew it was for the best. It was going to be a long day. School ended at 3:00 and the ponies that were staring at you seemed to die off in the middle of the day. Other than that you had a pretty good day. You walked out of the school yard into the streets of PonyVille and now was heading into the direction of your house. You stop in your path as your hear your name loudly. “HEY WAIT UP!!!” AN: Sorry for the short chapter again, i've been really busy doing school exams, and have had to study heaps, I hope you enjoy this chapter, one my exams are over i will begin to make longer, PROMISE. > Chapter 3 - Teaching her to fly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somepony special Chapter 3 “HEY WAIT UP!!!” You look back into the direction where the familiar voice came from, looking back you see Scootaloo joined with two other fillies, You noticed that they were the same ones that looked at you weirdly when school started. You started to walk to Scootaloo. “I want to meet my two best friends.” Scootaloo said with a bit of cheer. “This is apple bloom” She points a hoof at the yellow earth pony. “Howdy! The Names Apple Bloom.” She said in western accent. You noticed that she was wearing a big pink bow. “And this is Sweetie Belle” “Hi there” Said with a smile, her voice sounded light and a bit squeaky, Since then there has been a little awkward silence. You looked into the sky and thought to yourself there still was a few hours of light in the day until one of Scootaloo's friends broke the silence. “As I would love to hang out with you guys I have to get back to the boutique. My sister Rarity wanted me to be home early” Sweetie Belle says with some disappointment in her voice. “Me too, Ma sister Applejack needs help in bucking trees” apple bloom says. As the two walk in different paths you heard Scootaloo was saying goodbye to her friends. Now it was just you and Scootaloo. It was beginning to become a bit awkward between you two, until you gathered enough courage to break the silence, but as you were about to do it, Scootaloo spoke instead. “So what do you want to do? I’m pretty bored” She said quietly and shyly “Well what do you do when you’re bored?” “Ride my scooter” she said with some confusion “Would you mind if I’ll watch you when you do some tricks?” Her face expression turned from plain to a big smile. “You really want to see me riding my scooter?” “Of course” you answered Scootaloo with a smile. Scootaloo performed a double tail-whip in mid air right in front of you. Her mane flows through the air. Her eyes shimmer in the spring light. The ways her wings flutter in the air so delicately. You watch as Scootaloo rides her scooter and does tricks off a ramp that was actually a plank of wood. You had asked if you could see her show some tricks. You were lying down on a hill where you could get an easy view of Scootaloo performing for you. You looked into the sky and you could see that the day still had a bit of light till Luna's moon ascends. “That was a nice one Scoots!” You said with encouragement. She landed right in front of you and blushed. “Thanks, but it was nothing.” she said with a smile. After a few hours of watching her. You two have gotten to know each other a little bit more. Then she stoped on her scooter and sits down next to you. You were lying down on the silky grass looking into the sky. Scootaloo also laid down next to you as both of you look into the orange skyline. “So... Where have your parents been? Haven't seen them at all.” Scootaloo asked “Well they are always at work and never around during the day. Even in summer!” “Oh? What do they do?” “Well my dad is a royal guard and works only at day. And my mom works at the hospital in town only daily shifts. “That's cool!” she said. “What about your parents” “Well they both work at the flower shop. My parents own it. Nothing exciting compared your parents!” It got a bit cold and you noticed that Scootaloo moved closer to you till the point where your wings were touching. “So where did you move from?” Scootaloo said “I moved from Hoofington,” “Oh. Why'd you move? I heard it was a pretty good place to live.” “Well you see, I was never good at making friends, in fact some ponies used to tease me for not having friends. I was alone and felt like no one really cared about me. My parents did the best for me and moved here to Ponyville. But i had no one. My parents were always at work and I was usually hated by other ponies for no reason.” Suddenly you feel something covering you or in this case hugging you, it was Scootaloo. “You got me” You felt your heart was melting. You actually had someone by your side, someone you can rely on. Someone that you can call... Your friend. You started to get that 'feeling' again but this time it was stronger than ever. After your short embrace her eyes went wide and she quickly retreated and moved a few inches away from you. You faced Scootaloo who was blushing like crazy while at the same time you were too. You both were trying to hide each other’s blush but were failing. After a few minutes of awkward silence, you built enough courage to ask if Scootaloo was ok. “Are you ok Scootaloo?” You said with a bit of concern. “Yea..yeah I'm fine, um hey i have to go now it's getting pretty late,” she got up and jumped onto her scooter. “See you tomorrow” she said with a small smile. “You too bye!” she said very quickly before speeding off. You tried to think what was wrong with Scootaloo. You wondered why she wanted to go so quickly after you two hugged each other. You realized that, it was already dark and you need to get back home right away before your parents get home or else you will get in trouble again and you didn't want that to happen again. You started to walk at a fast pace like last time and hoped that your parents were at least a few minutes late from work, but knowing your luck, it wouldn't happen, You had gotten home just minutes before your parents came home. You hadn't been at home since morning and that was early, you were quite tired and felt like you were going to pass out. But you were also really hungry. After dinner you told your parents how your first day of school was. They were quiet pleased and you also told them that you hanged out with Scootaloo. The one thing that you didn't tell them is that you came home pretty late or else they would be pretty mad at you and might of grounded you, that is one thing that you didn't want. After you talked to your parents you went straight to sleep and passed out onto your bed into a peaceful slumber --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 months later It was a few months since you moved to Ponyville, and so far you have had enjoyed every single moment, You had never been so happy before. You and Scootaloo became very close friends and you always enjoy hanging out with her. But she wasn't just your only friend, Since she introduced you to her friends ‘Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle' You had also became close to them too, But something deep inside you felt something to Scootaloo. It was that weird feeling that you used to get and you didn't know what it was. Was it bad? Or was it good? That was until you had asked your parents. You had asked them that you would get a strange feeling when you either saw the pony or thought about her. They said it was when you cared for the pony and like everything about them. You were surprised but a little bit happy. But you knew that Scootaloo shouldn't know. For all you know it could ruin your friendship. You didn't want to lose the closest friend you had. Since it was the begging of summer, school had finished for you a couple of days ago. You felt happy about not going to school for 5 weeks but you were also down about it, this also meant that you wouldn't be able to see some of your friends. You knew that Apple Bloom was visiting her relatives for the whole summer. And Sweetie Belle was with her parents since her big sister Rarity was going on vacation with some of her friends. This left Scootaloo. Before school ended, you asked what scootaloo was doing. She said that she was doing nothing as usual. Then she asked you if you wanted to hang out with her in the incoming days. You said yes, which made her happy as anything. She also mentioned that she wanted to fly. And you wanted to learn how to fly this summer not matter what. This gave you an idea. Since you knew a little about flying and occasionally lifted yourself off the ground. You could teach Scootaloo what you knew about flying while at the same time try and learn how to fly yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Present day “Hey Scoots!” “Hey!” You greet her with a little nuzzle which she happily nuzzles you playfully. You and Scootaloo gotten close enough to nuzzling each other in a playful way which usually ended up with you playing fight. You noticed whether you two are together, you can catch her staring at you. But when you looked at her, she immediately looking away blushing furiously while making an excuse that she saw something behind you but you never believed her. Other than that. Today was the day that you would teach Scootaloo what you know about flying. She said that she got some tips from her idol Rainbow Dash and said she was going to be taught by her. But she said something about she is hanging out with her friends and going somewhere for the summer. You began by doing some stretches first. Scootaloo did the same but wanted to get into flying straight away “Come on! Can't we just get to the flying!?” she said a bit annoyed “Scootaloo if we want to fly properly then we have to do these exercises” “Come on!” “I'm sorry Scootaloo but if we want to fly properly and safely, then we have to do these exercises” “Fine” she said, sounding defeated. After a few more minutes of stretches Scootaloo grew very impatient and started getting annoyed at you. You could see in Scootaloos eyes some anger at you. You knew Scootaloo could never get angry at you. Even if she said she hate you. She didn’t mean it. She always had a soft spot for you. “I think that's enough exercise for now.” “Does that mean we can start flying now?!” Scootaloo said with annoyance “Yes we can start.” Scootaloo jumped in the air with happiness with her eyes closed and you notice something that she was doing that would make her even happier. “Scootaloo” “Finally!” “Um... Scootaloo” “Like seriously. What do exercises have to do with flying properly? “SCOOTALOO OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK DOWN!” You screamed out to your fullest. Scootaloo finally open her eyes and looked down. Her facial expression was priceless. She was like a filly on her birthday except 10 times more exciting. “IM FLYING! IM ACUALLY FLYING!!!!” She was so happy. Though she was a couple of feet off the ground you knew this was flying. But if she wanted to get higher you knew that she needed to do more exercises and practice more. Suddenly you were knocked onto the ground by a happy and cheerful Scootaloo. She then hugged you tightly. “Thank you so much for helping me!” she says as she ends the embrace. “It's ok Scootaloo. I guess those exercises were helpful weren't they?” “I guess they were aha..” confessing with an embarrassed smile. After a few hours of your practice you tried to at least get off the ground but only successfully face planting into the ground. The more times that you face planted the more rage built into you. On a positive note. Scootaloo was practiced by hovering from tree to tree. You were staring at Scootaloo but she didn't pay attention. You noticed the things that never came to mind and that amazed you. The way her wings move. How the sun reflection rebounds off her beautiful eyes. Just about everything about her amazed you. Then it came to you. Something that you didn't want to happen that could ruin your friendship. You were in love with her. > Computer is fixed! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My computer is finally fixed and I will be posting another chapter soon, i am sorry for the not posting often, i am on holidays now which means more time to write. > Chapter 4 - Strange dream. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somepony special Chapter 4 “Are you alright?” she said sounding a bit worried. “Yeah..I.. I'm ok,” You lie. She looks at you right in the eye. she knew that you were lying. “You sure? You don't look OK” she said. “N..no im fine, just a little tired. I think I'm going to sit down for a few minutes is that alright? ” “of course! I'll just be practicing. tell me if you need anything!” She says with a smile. You were sitting down leaning on a tree. You enjoyed sitting down while watching Scootaloo practice. You knew you needed to practice to but your wings were a bit sore. It was early afternoon and had a few hours of light before it became dark.You thought to yourself. What if Scootaloo had the same feelings towards you? “Maybe scootaloo li..No, she would never like me the same way as i like her.” You began to fall asleep due of tiredness and how comfortable you were. You woke up from what felt like a hour 1 hour sleep. to your surprise, You felt something weigh on your chest and warp around your chest. rubbing your eyes you looked down to see a certain filly hugging you. at first your were surprised but also felt happy that Scootaloo was there. You started to brush your hoof into her hair and got a calm happy sigh from her. she was smiling and obviously enjoying what you were doing to her.Then she mumbled something. “I..I lo..v” then she opened her eyes. Her face went from happy to simply embarrassed. she was blushing like mad. she jumped off of you and looked like she was about to cry. “I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!” “Scootaloo its al..” “I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! Please don't be mad at me!” “Scootal..” Tears started to form up in her eyes. “Im sorry! You j..just...I..um You placed your hoof on her lips. “Scootaloo its fine. trust me.” “a..are you s..sure?” Her voice cracking a little. You pulled her in and hugged her tightly. But when you did this you were expecting her to be a little surprised. instead she accepted it and hugged you tightly. “Of course it is scoots.” After your embrace with scootaloo you had realized that it was getting darker and darker every minute. You decided that it was time to head back to your home. “Hey scoots its getting pretty dark. I'm afraid i have to go..” You said with some hesitation. You wanted to spend more time with her but your needed to get home before your parents got home. “Don't go!” she said In a worried sad tone. once she realized what she said she blushed. “I mean do you have to go now?” “ I'm sorry scoots. but i have to get Home before my parents find out I'm not home. or they will flip out again.” “ OK” Scootaloo said with her head down in disappointment. It hurt you that you had to leave Scootaloo. “so... i will see you tomorrow. Same time?” Scootaloo lifted her head up with a smile on her face “Of course!” her wings fluttering in enjoyment. “Good. Well see you later Scoots!” “ See ya!” she said. You both started to walk in different directions. You could sworn you heard Scootaloo was about to say something but all you could hear was mumbling. On the way home you were think of none other then Scootaloo. You loved her. She was caring and always by your side. you've noticed in the last few weeks shes been staring at your in a weird way. Not a bad way, but a good way. You thought back to the time when you woke up with her on you. why was she sleeping with you? Maybe she did like you in the same way. But you weren't going to jump to conclusions right away. You realized that you were standing right in front of your door, “How long was i thinking for?” You thought to yourself. You quietly opened the door to expect his parents flip out. only to find darkness around the house. You guess your parents were working late tonight. You were really tired and didn't feel hungry. So you decided to go straight to sleep. Walking up stairs and opened your door. You crawled into your soft warm bed and drifted off into a deep slumber. Dream You were walking in what seemed to be an open field of some sort. You were right in the middle of it and you could see a figure but it was two blurry to see what or who it was. You started to walk closer to it. when you got closer you realized it wasn't a "it" anymore, if seemed to be some pony sitting quietly. when you got closer it appeared to be a filly, she seemed to be crying, It was Scootaloo! “Scootaloo! why are you crying?” When you said her name she bounced at you. she was hugging you very tightly and didn't think she was going to let go. She was crying into your shoulder and felt like it was getting trenched then she did something you didn't expected. she kissed you. Reality You woke up being trench in sweet. After looking around you room frantically you realized it was just a dream. It was still night time. You turned your head to your clock and read 4:34 AM. You looked out of your window and saw the sun slowly rising. “What a crazy dream” You said to yourself. You felt happy and sad at the same time, You were happy that you kissed Scootaloo but you were sad because it was only a dream. You gave out a big yawn and placed your head back onto your pillow. You fell back to sleep and gave in into the darkness. > Chapter 5 - Finding her. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 1 week later... “I really need to get some curtains...” You muttered under your breath. Celestia's sun was glistering through your window and shining right on your face. Giving out a yawn you jump out of bed and stretch your half woken body which gives an audio-able "click" sound. Satisfied, You still felt a bit tired, so you decided to take a shower. You smell pretty bad after all. As the water poured on your mane and coat, You had completely forgot about something. It had something to do with your parents. Then you remembered! Mum and dad are on holidays! they planned it out a few days ago and said they would be at Canterlot. Which meant you would be home alone! A smile formed on your face, But that also meant you would be a little lonely for the week which made your smile disappear. But you knew you weren't always gonna be lonely. A certain orange filly would always stop that from happening. After feeling a lot better and refreshed. You head into your kitchen and grab something to eat. Turning to your cup bored you see a note pinned onto it. Gone for 1 week Make sure Everything is clean. Stocked up on food. Love your parents PS: Stay indoors and don't get hurt! At first you were all fine with what your parents said until you got to the bottom. ‘I am not staying indoors for one week’ You thought to yourself. Your parents wouldn't know if you were or not. Since you met Scootaloo you couldn't stand being indoor so much. The only reason you went outdoors so much was because you always wanted to be with her. You had deep feelings for her and it was killing you that she didn't know. You wanted to tell her right away. But something was stopping you from doing so. You weren't really in a hungry mood. So all you ate for breakfast was an apple. After your breakfast you did the first thing that you usually did. Go outside, and whenever you went outside your first goal was to find Scootaloo. But you hadn't seen or talked to Scootaloo for a few days now. When you think of it. You didn't know where she lived or had never met her parents. It was sometimes hard to find her, but usually she found you first. Looking into the sky it still seemed early in the morning. which meant there wouldn't be much ponies around. On your way to town you noticed everything around you looked twice as beautiful as it would look like in the afternoon. The way the sun’s rays hit the leaves and made them glow, the sunrise gave of orange look which made all the surroundings a beautiful site. You snap back into reality when you hear a familiar sound. The same humming noise when you first met her. but this time the noise wasn't getting louder, in fact it was getting much more quiet. You look around the area frantically and you spot Scootaloo. “HEY SCOOTS!” you say loudly. She looks around and spots you. She immediately turns away from your face with a blush and almost hits an incoming tree in front of her. “Scoots! Wait up!” yelling at your highest, but it wasn’t effective , she had disappeared into the deep morning mist. Questions spread across your mind, Why didn't she pay any attention to you? Why did she just ride past you? Doesn’t she want to be friends? Does.. she hate you? ‘No! We are best friends! she couldn't hate me, I haven't done anything to her mad at me’ You think to yourself. You had to find Scootaloo and find out why she was ignoring you, or else it would be in your head, bugging you for the rest of your life. You return to reality and noticed that you've been standing in the same spot with the exact same expression for that last 10 minutes. You decide to walk into the direction where she would usually be riding her scooter, to the town, You have heard many stories of orange filly riding through town, creating chaos among the locals whether she is doing trick ranging from tail whips to 360's, You chuckle to yourself when you thought about this. It was now late morning and it was a nice and sunny day, but the Pegasus ponies were scheduling a thunder storm this afternoon, In fact, this would be your first thunderstorm ever in Ponyville, You looked into the sky and saw a few Pegasus grabbing clouds and combining them together. Continuing your walk, you saw in front of you town’s markets. You had only been a few times here and only, if your parents needed some grocery's when they weren’t working which was rare at times, You also knew that Apple Bloom's sister, Applejack runs an apple store here, You have only met Applejack a few times when you and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were trying to get each other’s cutie marks. Walking through the markets you manage to find your way to the town square, it was busy, but the same was with the markets. Most of the ponies were on their way to work or either shopping before it got more crowded around the markets. But still no sign of Scootaloo. You were not going to give up. Walking around town for 5 hours nonstop, wasn't always the easiest thing, especially, if you were looking for a filly who was avoiding you. Then your tummy makes a sound that you hear whenever you are hungry. Lucky for you, Sugarcube Corner was just in front of you. When you walk into the building you are welcome to a large variety of muffins, sweats, cakes and cookies. You were drooling at the thought of how they would taste. You walked to the counter and you were greeted by a pink earth pony, her hair was a more darker pink shade, her cutie mark represented 3 balloons and she had a big smile on her face. “Hey there! The name’s Pinkie Pie, but you can call me Pinkie what can I get ya?” She said “Umm c..can I get a chocolate muffin please?” “One muffin coming up! That will be 2 bits!” Then you remembered, You have no bits with you, and with no bits you don’t get any muffin. “ I k..kinda don't h..have a..any bits” She looks at you in a weird way, It feels like she is looking into your soul. “Tell you what, I don't do this to every pony, but since you have been looking for Scootaloo all day, you can have the muffin for free” the mare said. The first thing that came to your mind was ‘how did she know?!’ But you expected something like this from her, you have heard a lot of weird stories about her. You were about to ask her, how she knew that, but she was gone and the muffin was left on the counter. But next to the muffin was a note. Here's your muffin! Oh and tell her how you feel, don't bottle-up your feelings and just tell her the truth, you never know. she might have feeling for you too. -Pinkie PS: ENJOY YOUR MUFFIN! You exit the building with your chocolate muffin balanced on your back. You think back to the note, ‘How does she know all this stuff?!’ You felt a bit scared and frightened of what this pony knew, then you heard the humming noise, It broke your day dreaming and you exactly knew who it was, then you saw her, she stopped just a few meters away from you. Scootaloo scanned the area all over the place carefully, when she was about to look where you were standing you jumped behind a dumpster, knowing what would can happen, if you showed yourself to her, ‘That was a close one’ you thought to yourself, then you heard her speak to someone. “Hey pinkie!”Scootaloo said “Hey Scootaloo! What’s up?” “Oh nothing much? Ehh, but i need help Can we discuss this inside?” “Why not? Pinkie Pie is always here to help!” Pinkie said in a enthusiastic tone. “Well, there's this colt and I kinda have a crush on him, he one of my bestfrie...” Their voices were getting quieter and quieter till the point where you could not hear them at all. As they walked into Sugarcube Corner, You heart was beating very, very fast, your cheeks have now heated up and you felt odd. ‘Was she actually talking about you? Maybe your over thinking this, she could have been talking about someone else, but you were her best friend who was a colt. You knew some other colts who were friends with her. One of them was Featherweight, but she wasn't really "close" with him. What about Rumble?’ when you thought about it they were actually pretty close, in fact a few weeks ago you saw them play together, maybe she thought of you as just a friend, tears started to form your eyes. Maybe it wasn't meant to be. > Chapter 6 - Avoiding him > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 Sompony Special Scootaloo's POV Ok before we start, If you don't like the idea of Scootaloo's POV, You don't have to read this chapter, It is just her position of chapter 5, But it does tell what She was feeling. This chapter takes place during chapter 5, Only in scootaloos POV. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Scootaloo woke up in her bed. It was barley sunrise and only the surrounding around her were visible, Her room had a dark purple color representing her mane and tail. She rubbed her eyes to clear the blurriness out, then she jumped out of bed and walked out of her room down to the kitchen. Her parents were still asleep as usual. Scootaloo never got a good nigh sleep, she would go to bed very late and always wake up near 5 to 6 o'clock in the morning. She would sometimes have dreams, some good and some bad, the nightmares would consist of pony's she hates and cares about, and even the one she loves the most. She made her way to table and grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil between her hooves, Dear Mum and Dad Gone out for a early ride, Home in the afternoon Love Scootaloo Then Scootaloo place the note on top of the table and placed a flower vase so it doesn't fly off. Every morning was the same, she woke up, wrote out a note, and leave. Her parents didn't mind at all. Scootaloo used to always stay inside because she had no one to play or see, Her parents used to get worried about her until You came into her life. After she met you, Scootaloo was always out wanting to see you, be with you, and talk to you. But she realized that she was developing feelings for you. Every time she thought of you, butterfly's would appear in her stomach and a blush would appear on her face. Even in her dreams, she had been shy whenever she was around you, avoiding eye contact, and not talking as much, For her this was a bad thing, She thought that it might be risking each other’s friendship and possibly ending it. Scootaloo did not want that. She couldn't even think about what it would be without you, then an idea pop into her head. “I got it!” Said the now excited filly who had a grin of her face. She realized how loud she was, looking around just in case the outburst woke anyone up, “I can ask Pinkie for advise, She knows what would be best!” But her idea had a flaw, Pinkie wouldn't be there until midday.“Scootaloo looked out of the window saw the sun half risen, she opened her front door and locked it on the way out. The summer morning air was flowing through her mane, she loved the feeling of warm wind. Scootaloo was scanning the place for her most prized possession. Her scooter was leaning on a nearby tree, she grabbed it and jumped onto it, Beginning to flutter her wings more vigorously, the scooter was now moving in a fast pace. Scootaloo was now briskly riding through the streets of Ponyville, She decided to slow down just in case ponies would wake up. Thinking to herself ‘This place looked very familiar’. “I have been here often, but wh...” Then it hit her, She was in your street, Even if you weren't there she blushed, “Come on Scootaloo! Why are you feeling like this?!, You Haven't even seen him yet!” Said the now embarrassed filly, “Just act cool and continue on...” Continuing very slowly she saw houses ranging from small to big. Then there was your house, trying to muffle her sound as much as she could without fully stopping was a challenge, She looked at your house windows for a second, “Looks like no one is home” with that in her mind she began to pick up speed and ridden off into the morning mist. Exiting out into the urban streets, Scootaloo gave out a sigh of relief once again. Using her hooves to wipe droplets of sweat mixed with fear and embarrassment was so relaxing. The sun had fully risen and its beautiful rays of light beamed through the leaves whenever Scootaloo passed a tree. She always loved summer, it was her favorite season. “To bad it only lasts once a year...” she said quietly. By now her wings were making a humming noise cause by how fast they were fluttering., “I hope i dont draw any att..” “HEY SCOOTS!” Scootaloo turned her head looking around for whoever called her name, then she faced the least person she expect, You. Now everything for her seemed to freeze, her heart was now beating rapidly and she felt a big blush on her face. At this point she was lost and scared “Ok , he’s staring at me, what to do, what to do!” Without coming up with a solution, her thoughts were broken when she was about to hit a tree. Panic set into her mind, Scootaloo reacts quickly and just able to turn her scooter around, Her wings were now fluttering so fast she could sworn she lifted herself off the ground, “Scoots! Wait up!!!” She heard a voice getting fainter and fainter, now she knew her decision, A tear came from the corner of her eye, knowing that she was far from you, she stopped in a alleyway and leaned her scooter on the wall while she sat and started to sob “I always screw things up! Argh! He probably thinks I’m Avoiding h..him  now and possibly ha..hate me” Scootaloo said between sobs. By now she was a sad, confused and mad at the same time, She had to find Pinkie. Only her advice would answer her problems and possibly bring two confused ponies together. Pinkie was known for love advice, especially helping ponies who have never had any experience with love. But Scootaloo never understood how she knew all this stuff. unfortunately she forgot that Pinkie wouldn't be around until midday. That would be in a few hours from now, then a yawn suddenly escaped Scootaloo’s mouth. “I should rest my ey..” Again she was interrupted by a yawn, this time she lied down against an old rug and drifted into a deep slumber. When Scootaloo woke up, she found herself snuggled up near her scooter. She got up onto her hooves with a bit of difficulty, mostly because how she was sleeping on the dirt her forelegs were aching and felt like she slept for a century. She moved out of the alleyway with her scooter into the streets which now show various ponies. Scootaloo had been resting for a good 5 hours, which was more sleep then she had for a couple of days. She got onto scooter and headed into Sugar Cube Corner. Scootaloo now had vision of Sugar Cube Corner and to her luck Pinkie Pie was just outside of it. when she got closer and closer, she felt like someone else was watching her. Pinkie spotted her and start bouncing to her. Scootaloo was now scanning the area just in case she was being followed. Then Pinkie was standing right in front of her. “Hey Pinkie!”Scootaloo said “Hey Scootaloo! What’s up?” “Oh nothing much? Ehh, but i need help, Can we discuss this inside?” “Why not? Pinkie Pie is always here to help!” Pinkie said in a enthusiastic tone. “Well, there's this colt and I kinda have a crush on him, he one of my best friends an..” “Kinda have a crush? You mean love!” Pinkie said winking at the 'love' part. By now, scootaloo was blushing once again a crimson red and was now backing away, “Wha..what? N..no I mea..me..mean...” “You love him don’t you!” Scootaloo sighted in defeat. “Yes...” “I knew it!” “Wait. How do you know this?!” She said in a serious tone. “I have my ways..” “Tell me after, but right now I need help. I love this colt and I don't know what to do! Whenever I see him I ju..just freeze and get nervous. I want to tell him how I really feel but I'm afraid he will reject m..me and we wi..will never be friend a..again” By now Scootaloo was now on the verge of tears and waiting for a answer from the pink earth pony. “Tell him how you feel, maybe he feel the same for you, maybe not, If you don't tell him eventually you will never find the answer. Just open yourself to him, and if he doesn't feel the same, he’s just another chump who doesn't realize how special you are” Scootaloo lunged into Pinkie and buried her gave into Pinkie’s chest. “Your right! I will tell him. and if he doesn't have the same feelings, I will accept that! But what if he doesn't want to be friend anymore? We are like best friends!” “Trust me, he might not like you the same way, but he will still be your friend. Now go find him, tell him the truth!” With that Scootaloo trotted for the door, “Waiiit. I don’t know where he is? Where am I going to find him?” “Oh right! I saw him a  couple of minutes ago when you arrived! He shouldn't be too far!” “But you haven't even meet h...” She then realized what pinkie was capable of and just ignored that fact. “Thanks you, I don't know what I would do without you!” Scootaloo was about to exit out when she heard a voice again, “Oh and when you do see him, tell him he is welcome for the muffin!” Scootaloo was now more confused of what Pinkie said about a muffin, she exited the building. “Now where is he...” > Chapter 7 - Confession and Truth. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 Sompony Special Confession Maybe it wasn't meant to be. The cold shadow of the dumpster wasn't helping, the thought of Scootaloo loving somepony else some unknown reason was hurting your heart. It was now late afternoon. At this point you didn't know whether to keep on looking for her, or just head back home. Sticking your head out of the side of the dumpster, you see pony's going on with their lives, You walk onto the path which leads to your house, turning your head to Surgarcube Corner. Two figures were visible through the windows. You thought nothing of it and continued on, head hanging low and your mane a little messed up, but as you were trotting out of sight of Sugarcube Corner, your ears caught a voice coming from that direction. You weren't in the mood for talking or even stopping, so you thought nothing of it. About 10 minutes of walking, your house was visible but still very far from where you were looking from. The orange sun was reflecting onto a nearby river and look quite amazing, Carefully trotting down the hill. You made your way onto the edge of the pond and looked into its illuminated color, “wow... I really look like a mess.” Then you thought of the recent events of today. ‘What if scootaloo didn't want to be friend again?’ “Come on! She still wanted to be friends”, but the question was did you want? If she loves somepony else and "got" together with "him" then would your friendship be the same? You knew your friendship would not last, you loved her too much, and the sight of somepony with her would be torcher to you. The river was nothing you had ever seen before. In fact you had never seen it before, sure it was an ordinary river, but this one seemed bit odd, the current seemed to flow at a ease and everything around you was calm. All your stressed thoughts were replaced by a quiet beautiful scenery. Your hooves now inches away from touching the water. You look into it and your reflection shows “wow...I look like a mess”. An idea popped into your head, but you didn't know if it was such a good one. The water splashing against the edge was making it even more tempting. You extent your hoof and dip it into the crystal clear water, “Huh, seems warm”, after testing how cold the water was, you dive headfirst into the river, surprisingly it was not to shallow but not too deep. The liquid that engulfed your body felt amazing, You spread your wings to its fullest, something that your mind and body needed. By now the sun had set and the moon took its place The moon was bigger than usual and a lot more brighter. As you lift yourself back onto dry land, everything seemed so different at night. Maybe it was because you were never allowed to go outside at night, “Its getting pretty late, I’d better head ho..”. You stopped in mid-thought as you heard some sniffing coming near from you. You look around your surroundings only to see a trees that grew tall and strong around the lake’s edge. Swaying through to wind, but there was only one odd thing, an orange figure was lying across looking into the river. It was a filly for sure and you had an idea of who it was, “Scootaloo”. The words that came out of your mouth had a ring to your ears. Luckily for you she hadn't heard you, She looked like she was crying a little, her mane and coat were ruffled up and she looked exhausted. ‘Maybe i should just tell her. Even if she doesn't feel the same....I will get an answer.’ With a deep breath you searched the area around yourself for the best advantage to reach Scootaloo without letting her know you were here. To your prevail a half broken bridge was visible from the distance and Scootaloo seemed to be paying attention to the rivers movement. It seemed that the current was flowing faster than normal which created a rushing noise, so you took this chance to try and sneak behind some trees and branches. As planned, she didn't even twitch or move, two trees were only a few meters away. The bridge was in your sights and now you were closing up to it. But without any warning, a memory of you and Scootaloo played into your mind. Few weeks before... The midday temperature had struck the both of you. There didn't seem too much shade, until Scootaloo spoke up, “Hey look! Shade!” You could easily see the relief in her eyes when the two of you were getting closer and closer, as you two finally got to the tree, her body collapsed onto the ground panting heavily, as she began to calm down. She leaned her head slightly against you earning Scootaloo a little smile on her face and her wings buzzing now and then a little. A few minutes later you began to feel yourself grow tied and slowly started to sleep with your best friend. You suddenly felt something move onto your shoulder, Scootaloo lead onto the tree and began to say something. “Hey u..um can i ask you som..something?” she was obviously now embarrassed but was waiting for your answer. You had also noticed that her hoof was touching yours. You pulled back while at the same time she start to pulling back and looking away from you. “S..sure anything Scoots” With that she turned back to you and took a little breath. Her eyes filled with hope and loss. “D..do you have a..a crush on anyone, I mean..um yere..hehe?” She said. Your brain was now calculating the question and you were trying to think of a way to respond. “N..no” Her face expression turned into a slight happy mood, but was still showing some embarrassment. Minutes passed and you could feel yourself fall back to sleep. Soon everything around you got quieter and quieter until something lays against your stomach, slowly opening your drowsy eyes, the wind was picking up and the leaves were scattering on the ground making a little mess, but looking down a certain filly was lightly leaning against your stomach, she looked so peaceful, so...natural soo.. “huh?! Whoa!” Scootaloo opened her eyes to see you looking down upon her, she immediately jumped back and almost fell onto the ground, luckily for her your held her hoof before she collapsed. Once Scootaloo gained her balance she looked more redder then a tomato. “Oh um... ahhh hey! Look at the time, I have to get home. My parents need me for..umm” You could tell Scootaloo was nervous and lying but you had come to know that she wasn't the best liar. “For....ehh..to..VISITING Granny!! That’s right! Um I have to visit my granny today, Imsorryihavetogoseeya!” Before anything could slip out of your mouth, she was running a fast pace, but as she disappeared into the distance you could slightly hear who muttering “Great excuse Scootaloo...” End of retrospection Carefully stepping onto the wooden plank, you try and carefully make you way across it. Each step onto the weak bridge made a creak each time and a usual crack noise. Out of nowhere the current was beginning to pick up speed, if that wasn’t even bad enough, the wind was also picking up. That didn't scare you, in fact you felt quite confident that you'd make it across unharmed. Scootaloo was visible from your distance, she still seemed to be looking into the lake. After what had seemed like a millennia, you made it across the river. With a few cuts and scratches you were fine, but it was now time, Scootaloo seemed like she was sleeping. Her body lying down on the soft grassy patch, but this wasn't the case, as you heard tiny little sobs coming from her. You slowly made your way behind Scootaloo, thinking of what to do next. What do I do?! Talk to her, hug her, tell her?! I did not plan this through well! Everything in your mind was a mess, you couldn't think probably at all due to nervousness. “I should just told him! He probably thinks I like some pony else. I should of told him at Sugarcube Corner when I had the cha..chance.” Now, she was crying, You could see her tears fall into the river making a ripple every time a tear fell. Scoots was a strong filly who never showed any sad emotion even at the saddest times, but now... she looked weak and helpless. You took a deep breath, and sat next to Scootaloo. By doing this action, her head peaked out of the hooves that were covering her face. Once she knew who it was, her body jumped up a little but eased down. “Hey Scoots....” You said as you voice cracked a little clearly showing how nervous you were, things went quiet after that. She did not leave nor move, she was silent, it was beginning to become awkward and you were wondering if you've done something wrong, “O..oh uhm hey the..there” she said as she wipe her eyes. The ground under her face looked a little damp, which was probably caused by her crying. “Scoots? Are you alright?” “Oh yeah, I’m... I’m alright *sniffle*” “I know you’re not alright, why were you crying?” “Oh me? N..noo *sniffle* I had so..something in my ey..eye and and...” “Scoots, I know your lying, Please te..” You were cut off by a filly bursting into tears and lunging you to the ground, her force was so big that you didn't know if she was going to hurt you or not. But your worries were answered when Scootaloo was nuzzling your chest uncontrollably. “I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I’m *sniffle* SORRY! Please don't leave me, don't leave me please!” At first you didn't understands what she was saying. Her tears were being soaked up by your coat and her head was buried just beneath your neck, but you took this moment to your advantage, “Shhh... it’s ok Scootaloo. I will never leave you” “JUST...STAY WITH ME plea..please! Do..dont l..leave me. You mean s..so much to me, ” “I will. And you mean more to me. But it’s pretty late, we better head to my house and talk about this ok? ” “O..*sniffle* ok” The two of you were walking silently back to yours. Since it was too late for Scootaloo to get home and was too far, it was decided that she would stay the at yours for the night. In the night sky more stars had appeared than usual. They shined bright even through some bypassing clouds that went by, but something else distracted you from everything else that was visible. The moon. Carefully looking by your side, Scootaloo had moved closer to you and for some strange reason she was smiling at the moon, “Um, Hey thanks.. for letting me stay at your to..tonight” she said. Her body gave a little sigh of relief and again, moved closer. You could now feel some of her tail swishing across your tail, her orange colors mixed with yours. “Oh! Sorry there heh...” She said embarrassed. Finally your house comes into view. It stood tall and dark, no lights were turned on. No one home, just pure dark. Her face had a massive grin once your house came into view. Of course Scootaloo had seen your house a few times, but this would be the first time for her to actually come inside. Then something at the back of your head was calling out to you. Then realization kicked in. “I haven't told her yet!” As you and Scoots made it up to your front door, Scoots seemed a bit nervous and a little scared, but her blush gave it away. “Are you ok?” It took a few seconds for your words to get across to her. “Oh no, nothing really at all, well um.. I’ll te..tell you later ok? Um..” As she bite her lip a little while creating a circle pattern with her hoof over and over. Once inside, the whole area was a little dark. The rest was the moonlight shining in from the window. Looking back to the filly, her face seemed to be amazed. Everything was still and quiet, only the sounds of the night could be heard. “Your house is so....BIG!” she said as she faced you surprised. “Yes...I guess it is” A few moments after, Scootaloo seemed to be having a hard time trying to stand up. After all it was pretty late and an idea of her being out all day would be tiring. “I think it’s time we should go to bed heh” “Good idea” she said with a relieved smile. You beaconed her to come along up the stairs. As she did, her tired body was having a hard time trying to even to make it half way. You walk beside her and grabbed her hoof. “Need any help?” “Oh um... Yes, thank you” She said with a sheepish smile As the two of you walked into your room, Scootaloo eyed the bed and immediately jumped onto it and snuggled up with the blankets and pillows, But then she realized what just happened. “Im sorry. Got a little carri..carried away” she said with a sheepish smile. “No, Its ok, You will be sleeping there tonight,” As you grabbed a few blankets and a pillow out of the wardrobe Scootaloo spoke. “Wait. Where will you be sleepi..sleeping?” “On the floor” “Oh...umm really? Yo..You could always sleep w-” “No its perfectly fine! I don’t mind. I have slept many times on the floor” You said. “Can you sleep with me?!” As she said this, her body backed into the blankets where she hid. A few whimper sounds could be heard from within the fabric. You found this cute in a way, but why did she ask this? “I mean I ha..have a… a bad time sleeping on my own at dif.. different places so..soo um” It was time to tell her, without thinking, She was cut of mid-sentence as you jumped up onto the bed and curled around Scootaloo who was still under layers of blankets, it was either now or never. The suspension of hiding your feelings was too hard for you. “Scootaloo I love you! I'm sorry, I couldn't hold it for any longer, I know were too young for this kind of lovey dovey stuff, but I couldn't hold it in anymore! I love you!” Everything was quiet. The surrounding night noises were gone, everything for you felt cold. Scoots came out from the blankets and was just staring at you. At this point, you didn't know if you just ruined your friendship or completely embarrassed yourself. You heart was numb and everything just seemed to be frozen. Until tears started to roll down Scootaloos cheeks. She was crying again, but not in sadness or in fear, but in happiness. A smile grew onto her face and she pounced at you bringing the both of you into a tight hug. “I..*sniffle* I love you too!” She said through the tear, as you two sat there you ended the embrace and planted a kiss onto her lips. Her face was a bright red and she was surprised, but she didn't resist, in fact you could feel her kissing you more passionately. For you time seemed to freeze and felt like you two had been kissing for hours. As you ended the kiss, Scootaloo fell onto the soft bed and beckoned you to join her. Doing so, she nuzzled you furiously, but you weren't complaining. As her body was snuggled up against yours, her head was now resting against your neck. You could feel tiny breaths and her heart beat going through her body and yours. As you were about to fall asleep you said one last thing “I love you” “I love you too!” > Chapter 8 - Sweet Dreams. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 - Sweet Dreams. Somepony Special *crack* You are woken up by the sounds of thunder, lighting and the wind blowing throw the trees. The rain was pelting your windows making a "splatting sound" By your side, Scootaloo was next to you, A smile planted onto her face as was curled into a little ball, her tail covering her head leaning against your body, Her tiny little breaths making her stomach bob up and down ever so slightly, The lightning flashed every now and then through your window, which lighten up every part of the room. A breeze suddenly rushed through your room, Looking over to your door, You hop out of your bed going to investigate. but carefully not to wake the sleeping filly. By now, The storm seemed to be growing stronger, Just looking down the stairs you could already see flashes lighting up the house. Walking down the stairs. There was a strong rush of cold air coming from the kitchen which send shivers down your spine, coming upon the source of air, A window had seemed to be left open, A thought had popped into your head once you saw it. “I never opened this..” Approaching the window, A strong gale of wind almost blew you off balance, This of course wouldn't stop you, Setting your front hooves onto the slippery window, You added some pressure onto the window trying to get it to close. The rain and wind combined together causing it to rush hard onto your face which made things harder, Lightning and thunder could be heard and was visible, “Come on you stupid window, Budge down!” Taking a deep breath You add all of your strength onto the jammed window. Not long before the window was slowing budging down. until it took full speed, *SLAM* Your whole body slamed onto the hard marble floor, From head to tail you were trenched with water, the surroundings also looked a bit trenched with water too, As you turn your head to the window, massive strikes on lightening seemed almost close enough to hit you straight on. A loud bang was followed just after the thunder, Then you hear a scream that echoed through your ears. “ Ahhh!!” It was scootaloo. You gained back your composure and galloped back upstairs to where the scream was made. Every step crying could be heard louder and louder, If that wasn't enough, The rain was more stronger and making a loud splatting sound. Bursting into the bedroom scootaloo was on the sitting up on the bed, She seemed to be hugging a pillow crying into it, Her face buried into it. and seemed to be shaking madly, Your first reaction was to comfort her, But as you took one step into the dark room. she seemed to be repeating the same sentence over and over again.“Come on scoots, It juuust a little st..storm, Nothing to be scared, He wi..will be back sooner or la...AHHH!” Another large strike of lightening had appeared. Its loud bang making your hearing go off for a few seconds, Once you could hear perfectly again, You carefully walk to your bed, The crying from the scared filly had increased. “Scoots its ok im he....” You were interrupted by the filly pulling your whole body into the bed followed up with a tight embrace, this was so fast that you almost scream in fright. *sniffle* whe..where were you?! I was so sc..scared!” She said having a hard time explaining, Her body was still shaking and you felt guilty, tears started to role down your shoulder and back. leaving a damp surface. every second her hug tightening. “Please...never..leave...me...ag..again *sniffle*” your right hoof was slowly flowing through her mane while the other was still around her. A few moments after she gave out a heavy sigh, and ended the embrace, Her tears started to ease down and the shivering was no more. You had never seen Scootaloo Like this, She was a tough brave filly, never had you seen her like this before. “I will never leave you again. I promise.” Then more tears were rolling down your shoulder, Did you do something wrong? did you upset her? Was she angry at y- You were stopped mid thought as she locked her lips with yours. As you returned the kiss but more passionately, her wings started to flutter and every so often. As scootaloo ended the kiss, She turned straight away from you with a huge blush, “I love you too *sniffle*” she said nestling her head into your chest once again. Your front left hoof slowly massaging between her wings, Calming her down every now and then giving a few sighs of relief. “If you don't mind me asking... Why were you so scared? I mean sure the it would be scary being alone by yourself to a place where you had never been before. But it seems like something else is bothering you. Is that true? ”Scootaloo's Body froze and tensed up. You knew something was bothering her and wanted to help, “Yes” She said with a cold tone. “If you don't want to talk about it. I understand” After saying this, Everything was silence, Her heartbeat even seem to freeze to. What seemed like hours, She finally spoke. “I want to tell you.. But can we discuss this tomorrow morning? I..I don't want to talk about it right now..Besides i think w..we should go to sleep, Its pretty late” She said hesitantly, You looked at the clock and it read 2:34 in the morning. Dam! It is pretty late.. Thinking to yourself. You also noticed that the storm had died down just to rain, It sounded calm and peaceful, “Whenever you feel like talking, And i think that a good idea” You say kissing her forehead, Scootaloo gave a warm smile and feel onto the bed, You joined her seconds after and gave her a tight hug. She returned the embrace and closed her eyes. “I love you scoots.” “I love you too.” As the two of you feel into each others arms, Your time with the filly right next to you flashed before your eyes, from the very day scootaloo crashed into you, A friendship formed itself, Over time that friendship turned into something more, Something at that time you didn't quite understand, The moment you were there when scootaloo flew for the first time, That's when the "love" kicked in, A feeling that you have never had before, A feeling that scootaloo could return. A smile was visible on her face, Kissing her check, You could feel yourself drifting to sleep, But not alone, You had somepony by your side, Somepony who cared and loved you. But she wasn't just somepony.... She was Somepony special. The End. > Chapter - Sequel?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok. Soo Instead of writing a more chapters, I MIGHT do a sequel. If more people ask for it. I will consider doing it. I also have other chapters that were never used, Might add them too. (but not part of the story) > Sequel is out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The title says it all. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/90497/changing-hope