• Published 14th Mar 2024
  • 362 Views, 7 Comments

Of Pony Princesses and Floral Friends - SociallyAnxious247

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Chapter 2 - Dating Advice, Part One

Twilight appeared back in her basement. She looked around. The lights were still on, everything just the way she left it, except the door was very slightly open. Spike probably came down yesterday to see if she was back yet.

“Spike! I’m home!” she called, both trying to get Spike’s attention and practicing her Royal Canterlot Voice.

There was the soft pitter-patter of Spike running down the stairs, almost drowned out by the clops of hooves against the stairs. The door was pushed open to reveal Starlight and Spike. The latter rushed to Twilight.

“Twilight! You were gone for so long,” he said, hugging Twilight. “What happened? We were worried.”

“Sorry, guys,” Twilight chuckled. She patted Spike on the head idly while saying, “I just made a new friend. He was very lonely, so I stayed the day with him yesterday.”

“He?” Starlight asked with a smirk.

Twilight blushed. “It’s not like that! I mean, we’re just friends,” she said, pouting. “I had to stay the night with him because he has nightmares. Apparently, it calms him down if there’s someone next to him. I’m… going to go back tonight, hopefully.”

Starlight nodded as if she understood, but the smirk remained. “Well, what are you doing now?” she asked.

“I’m going to write a letter first,” Twilight said. “Then, I’ll do all my paperwork and practice magic. I’ll try to go back to the other world before dinner time so I can eat with him. Have you already had breakfast?”

“Not yet,” Starlight said. “I’m going to make pancakes.”

“Then I will write my letter now,” Twilight nodded. “Please call me when breakfast is ready.” With that, she left for her study.

A couple minutes later, Twilight was sitting in her study, writing the letter she was talking about with Starlight.
“Dear Cadence,” Twilight said out loud, “I think we should talk. I did something a couple of days ago and I need you to tell me what’s wrong. It’s about friendship. Can we meet today? With love, Twilight.” She re-read the letter, then sealed it and sent it off with her magic.

She then turned her attention to the stack of paperwork on her desk, sighing.

Meanwhile, Flowey popped out of the ground in Waterfall, in front of Undyne and Alphys’ house. He raised a long vine and rang the doorbell. Undyne came to the door.

“Hey, Flowey,” Undyne said. “What’s up?”

“I need advice,” Flowey mumbled. “Can we talk for a little bit?”

“Sure. You want something to drink?” Undyne asked, letting the flower in. She put a flower pot in front of him so he didn’t break the floorboards. “I’ve got some tea.”

“No thank you.”

Undyne placed Flowey, now in his flower pot, on the table and sat down in front of him. “So, what’s up?”

“I need to know I can trust you,” Flowey said in a low voice. “I’m telling you this in confidence. Nothing leaves this room.”

“Got it.”

“Your wife… She’s admittedly a lot like Twilight,” Flowey started, already cringing at everything he was saying. “How… how did you confess your feelings to her?”

Undyne spit her tea out in surprise, covering her mouth so she didn’t spray Flowey with it. “What?” she asked shakily.

“How did you tell Alphys you love her?” Flowey asked again. “Just answer the question. What did you say to her?”

“Are you asking me for dating advice?” Undyne said incredulously as she dried her hand on the pant leg of her sweatpants.

“No. I’m asking you for confession advice,” Flowey growled, breaking eye contact to look at the floor, his face flushing. “Answer the question.”

Undyne laughed loudly, covering her eyes. “Oh my god. No way,” she said, gasping for breath in between laughs. “What makes you think you’re going to like my answer? You already know what I’m gonna say, don’t you?”

“I… don’t know,” Flowey admitted. “You have experience with people like Twilight. I just thought… you might help me.”

“Okay, listen,” Undyne said, suddenly serious as she leaned over the table and looked him in the eyes. “You have a lady problem. Obviously, you have a unique situation here. The big problem with your relationship being more than friends is that she lives in an entirely different world. Just because Alphys and Princess Twilight are both nerds doesn’t mean I’ll have the best advice for you, but I’ll try.” She leaned back in her chair, looking at the ceiling as she thought.

“You want my honest advice?” she asked finally.


“Just tell her,” Undyne said. “Stop being afraid. Tell her you love her.”

“I have done that at least twice in the past twelve hours,” Flowey deadpanned. “She said it back, but… I don’t think she understood what I meant.”

“Then make her understand!” Undyne yelled, her classic fighting energy coming back to her. “Beat it into her skull if you have to!”

“…How?” Flowey said.

“I dunno, kiss her.”

“I did that this morning.”

“Wait, what?”

“Granted, it was on the cheek, but still.”

“Oh my god,” Undyne said, her single uncovered eye sparkling. “You actually kissed her? What did she say?”

“She just… smiled at me.” Flowey closed his eyes and remembered the moment. “I don’t think my message came across.”

“A kiss on the cheek didn’t work,” Undyne said thoughtfully. “Well, then amp it up! Kiss her on the mouth! Or the neck. Or the nose. Or the forehead, though that one might come across as more of a caretaker thing than a lover.”

“I’m not gonna kiss her on the neck! That’s so…” Flowey blushed at the thought of kissing Twilight on the neck. He could almost hear her voice asking him what he was doing. It would probably seem like something out of an anime. He shook his head. “…suggestive.”

“Then the mouth,” Undyne said proudly.

“What?! N-no! That’s intrusive!”

“Then be cute and kiss her on the nose.”


“Dude! Stop making excuses for yourself and take some initiative already!” Undyne yelled. “Don’t force her to make the first move on you! She’s too sweet for something like that! Just. Kiss. Her.”

“C-can I at least ask for permission first?” Flowey asked nervously. “It seems wrong to just do that. I want her to be okay with it.”

“See, now we’re getting somewhere,” Undyne said. “But asking first kinda… ruins it.”

“Okay… what if I get really close like I’m about to kiss her, then ask her permission before actually doing it?” Flowey offered.

“You know what?” Undyne said, leaning forward and putting a hand on the flower pot as if it was Flowey’s shoulder. “That’ll probably work. When are you talking to her next?”

“She said she’ll try to be back tonight to help me sleep,” Flowey said. “I can talk to her then.”

“That sounds like you have a plan!”

After accepting some tea and finishing it, Flowey decided it was time for him to go. “Thank you for your help, Undyne,” he said. “Can you put me outside please? I’ll be heading home now.”

“No problem!” Undyne put the pot outside and transferred Flowey to the ground. “Go get ‘em, tiger!”

Flowey nodded and burrowed into the ground, now heading back home.

Author's Note:

Okay, I know I said this chapter would be focused on Twilight, but there were some Flowey shenanigans I had to cover first. This is a two part chapter, however, and the next part will show how Twilight is doing in more detail.

(Not Flowey imagining kissing Twilight on the neck and Twilight going "E-Eh?!" like they do in anime-)