• Published 14th Mar 2024
  • 356 Views, 7 Comments

Of Pony Princesses and Floral Friends - SociallyAnxious247

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Chapter 3 - Stargazing

Soon, they were in a sort of wetland. Twilight used a spell to dry herself off from the melting snow, then looked around. “Well, it’s going to be a wet walk, isn’t it? I can summon a shield for us so we don’t get wet,” she said, pawing at the ground with one of her hooves. It came back muddy. “Rarity would despise it here,” she added with a laugh.

Flowey pointed out the right way to go, showing Twilight around the cave system and teaching her how to solve each of the puzzles. It wasn’t long before they got to an area where it was fully raining. Twilight summoned a shield like she said and walked out into the rain.

“I like the rain,” Twilight said idly. “It calms me down when I’m stressed. And it's a nice ambience for reading.”

“You really like your books, huh?” Flowey asked, leaning on the back of Twilight’s neck to rest his stem. “Heh. My mom had lots of books when I was growing up. Mostly cookbooks and fun fact books, but some of them had decent stories too. Chara loved puzzle books.”

Twilight thought hard for a minute. She really should’ve asked Sunset to tell her about all of the routes before coming here. “Who is Chara?” she asked sheepishly.

“She used to be my sister, before…” Flowey trailed off, looking at the ground. “Before we died. Ah, don’t worry about it. It all worked out in the end, right? Haha…”

“Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize,” Twilight said. “Um, do you want to talk about it?”

“Not really,” Flowey mumbled, pressing the back of his head onto Twilight’s neck and trying to bury himself in her navy mane. “Let’s just get to Castleview. It’s really cool.”

“Right.” Twilight trotted a little faster, hoping to get to this cool place before Flowey got any more depressed. Eventually, she just started galloping, holding Flowey and his flower pot on her back with her magic.

Twilight saw an opening in the cave ahead. It got much larger quickly, she figured. “Are we almost there?” she asked, turning to look at Flowey.

“Mmhmm, just a little further. It’s right up here,” Flowey nodded. The cave widened into a full cavern and he turned Twilight’s head to the left. The mare gasped.

“Oh my goodness,” Twilight said. “It’s so pretty.” She allowed herself to fall back onto her haunches and admire the view, ignoring the puddles under her. The shield above them flickered temporarily, but it recovered from Twilight’s surprise and continued protecting them from the pouring rain.

From what she could see, it was a large cavern with some kind of chasm into abyssal depths. In the distance, there were rocks jutting out from the darkness, a castle standing proud upon the mini mountain. She could distantly hear the sound of rain falling into a lake echoing from the chasm. But the thing that tied it all together was the ceiling. Blue twinkling gems were growing from the naturally contoured top of the cave, creating a star-like effect.

An unfamiliar voice to Twilight’s right said, “Hey A- Flowey. Did you make a new friend?”

“Yeah, this is Twilight,” Flowey replied, catching himself with his vines before he hit the ground. “She’s a princess from a different world. Twilight, this is my sister, Chara.”

The princess looked up and saw a bipedal creature floating several inches off the ground, smiling at her and glowing dimly in an ethereal manner much like Celestia and Luna’s manes. Her voice was feminine but somewhat scratchy at the same time, making it sound more androgynous than she thought.

“Greetings, Princess Twilight,” Chara said. “I am Chara, the Princess of the Monsters.”

Twilight opened and closed her mouth in confusion, then whispered to Flowey, “I thought you said she died?”

Chara laughed, the sound echoing slightly either from the cave walls or her incorporeal existence. “I did,” she answered, “but a friend of mine brought me back using a thing we call determination. The will to live, as it were. Of course, I am not the same as I was. I am now a ghost, without a physical body to inhabit. My old one is… decayed. Or in a state of decay, rather.”

“Oh. Um, sorry, I… I don’t really know what to say,” Twilight mumbled sheepishly. “Are you a human? I’ve only ever heard of Frisk.”

“Yes,” Chara said simply. “But, if you do not mind me asking, what are you? I have never seen a monster quite like you.”

“That’s because I’m not a monster,” Twilight said. “I’m not just from a different world, I’m from an entirely different multiverse. I am a pony.”

“I see,” Chara nodded. “Well, it is nice to meet you, princess. You know, I think Frisk would like to meet you sometime.”

“Is she here with you?” Flowey asked, raising a vine to get the ghost’s attention.

“No, I am here by myself.” Chara looked at the distant castle on the rocks, a strange look of recognition on her face, as if the castle was a long lost friend. “I just wanted to see the rain again. It is… nice, even if I cannot feel it anymore.” Her entire body seemed to glow a little brighter, casting a dim red light over the wet rocks around her. The smile on her face widened slightly, her eyes suddenly misty. Flowey had the same expression of recognition on his features as he stared into the distance.

“Uh, anyway,” the flower said, shaking his head, “we should get going. There’s a lot that I wanted to show Twi before she has to go home.”

“Okay,” Chara nodded as she snapped out of the trance as well. “Have fun, I suppose. See you later. I will try to stop by Home later today.”

Flowey nodded, Twilight picking him and his flower pot up with her magic and setting them on her back. “Next on the list,” Twilight said, reading the notebook again, “is… the trash zone. Which way?”

Flowey waved to Chara, then pointed down the cave to show Twilight the way. “There’s a shortcut through some caves that I know about,” Flowey said proudly. “I’ll show you.”

Author's Note:

This one's way short, so sorry about that! The sacrifices we make to break stories up into coherent groups, right? Anyways, on with the other notes.

Special thanks to the person who commented on Snow Day first! They brought to my attention the plot hole of how Twilight knows about Undertale. Currently, the theory is that all of this is taking place after Equestria Girls. We're going to say Sunset is staying/living in the human realm and they have Undertale there. I hope that makes sense to everyone who actually knows and remembers all the details of EQG!

Finally, the reason Flowey and Chara are so emotional over Castleview will be explained shortly (maybe in the next chapter, I don't know). It's a personal headcanon of mine, so be warned.

(And, yes, Chara did almost call Flowey "Asriel". It's a hard habit to break.)