• Published 14th Mar 2024
  • 362 Views, 7 Comments

Of Pony Princesses and Floral Friends - SociallyAnxious247

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Chapter 3 - Make or Heartbreak

The day flew past. Twilight walked down to her basement at around 5 pm and used the spell, this time taking some food with her, including cupcakes that Pinkie insisted she gave to her new friend. She appeared in front of the leafless tree, now more familiar with the area.

“Flowey?” she called, wondering if he was even home.


Twilight spun around and saw Flowey planted there. “Hello, Flowey! One of my friends made some cupcakes for you,” she said.

“Oh, okay. You’re here early, huh?” Flowey asked nervously.

“Yeah… I was kinda hoping to have dinner with you tonight,” Twilight said. “Should we go inside? I can get your pot.”


Twilight levitated the flower pot next to Flowey and helped him get in, then carried him inside with her magic. She sat him down on the table, putting the cupcakes next to him.

“How was your day?” Twilight asked as she got food out of her saddlebags and set the table.

“It was good,” Flowey said. “I… talked to Undyne. I just needed a favor from her. Some advice is all. How about you?”

“I had a chat with my sister-in-law.” Twilight levitated some plates onto the table from the cabinets and served some spaghetti that Starlight made. “Coincidentally, I needed advice too. There was a problem that I was having.”

“Is it sorted out now?”

“Oh, yeah. I came to a decision just in time. How much pasta do you want? Star made a lot.”

“I’m not very hungry… I’ll just have a little bit,” Flowey said, looking away. “Um, so… what kind of things do you do for fun?”


“Oh. I should have known.”

They both laughed awkwardly, Twilight being unsure of why there was so much tension in the air. “Yeah, I like books a lot. Did I tell you I used to live in a library?”

“That explains why you smell like books,” Flowey commented mindlessly. He realized what he said immediately after he finished. “It’s hard not to smell you when I’m sleeping with you.”

“You what?” Twilight asked, tilting her head at him.

“Sleeping with you as in sleeping in the same area, of course!” Flowey said quickly, avoiding eye contact and mentally cursing at himself. “Sorry, I… I worded that badly.”

Twilight leaned over, kindness unfaltering, and turned his face towards hers with her hoof. “It’s okay, Flowey. It was a mistake. You don’t have to be embarrassed. Just a slip of the tongue, right?”

“Right.” There was a long moment of silence where they held the look. Finally, Flowey half-closed his eyes in an expression of disapproval. “If you start singing right now, I’m going to scream,” he said dryly.

“I was only thinking about it,” Twilight laughed as she dropped her hoof from his face onto the flower pot, tracing the edges like she had been the night before. Her expression relaxed, a smile spreading onto her face. Eventually, she finished her food and started putting everything away. When she was done, she picked up Flowey and sat in the armchair again.

“Twilight?” Flowey said, turning to the mare. He fidgeted nervously as Twilight turned her head to face him. She was smiling softly.

“Yes, Flowey?” she asked.

Unable to think of anything else to do before making his move, Flowey shot forward and stopped right in front of Twilight’s face. The mare seemed surprised. His head down, eyes shaded but still visible and looking at the fireplace, Flowey spoke. “Can I… do something weird?” He cringed at the way he worded it, but it was the only way he could think of.

“I…” Twilight paused. She nodded slowly, though nervously. “Of course.”

Hearing this, Flowey felt a wave of emotions course through him. They were only partial, his soul not fully healed yet, but he felt them and knew exactly what they meant. There was so much he wanted to do right then. The anticipation welled up inside his soul, the hesitation holding him back breaking under the pressure. But there was still time. He could stop right then, back up laughing, saying it was a joke. He could back out of it just as easily as he walked into it. But something was stopping him from doing anything. His indecision had him stuck in a state of inaction. This was the make or break of his relationship with Twilight. He didn’t know how he would mess it up, but if he did… if she rejected him… he didn’t want to think about the possibility.

He looked up at her briefly, then closed his eyes and pressed his lips to hers with a little more force than he intended. Come to think of it, the sight was probably very silly looking, considering the difference in the sizes of their heads. He pushed the thought away before he could dwell on it.

Twilight, on the other hand, was startled and surprised. She had the immediate urge to pull away, her eyes wide as she would ask what he was doing, what was wrong with him. And then there was the slight emotional ecstasy she was experiencing. She didn’t want to separate, nor did she want to let go of him, because he would be so defeated. He would be heartbroken.

Twilight mentally sighed, giving in to her logic. There was a certain amount of pleasure she was getting from the kiss, but… She remembered her discussion with Cadence earlier. Twilight raised her hoof to Flowey’s cheek, first lightly touching his face as if she wanted to lean into it. But she couldn’t hold it for long, so she pushed him away gently. There was a long pause, neither of them sure what to say.

There was a sort of dread in Flowey’s eyes, as if he knew what she was going to say. It was hard for her to maintain eye contact, her heart dropping at the sadness he wasn’t doing well to hide. She had so wanted to hold the kiss longer, maybe even allow it to progress them farther than friends, but the risk in it could destroy them… even more than this would.

Finally, Twilight opened her mouth. “Wait, Flowey,” she said, some kind of strange pain clear in her voice, “I don’t think… I don’t think this is right.”

“W-what?” Flowey asked hoarsely.

“I understand your feelings for me, but-” Twilight paused again, longer this time, so she could find the words to explain it. “-we just met. I’m sorry, Flowey. I’m not sure I can… reciprocate these feelings. Not yet, at least.”

Flowey didn’t respond, instead turning his head away from her hoof and her face. He nodded silently. His breathing was erratic, Twilight could hear the shakiness in the short gasps he was taking.

“I’m sorry,” Twilight offered desperately. “I really am. But I think… I think I should go. You won’t be able to sleep next to me anymore.” She made a motion to get up, but a vine wrapped itself loosely around one of her front hooves.

“I-it’s fine. Stay.” Flowey looked up at her with tired eyes. “Please stay.”

Twilight looked back at him. The vine on her hoof gave a light tug, constricting just a little bit around her. She moved back into the chair, but hugged Flowey this time. “Okay. I’ll stay,” she whispered. “I’ll stay. I promise.” As she repositioned herself to be both comfortable and hugging the flower at the same time, she spoke again. “Are you sure about this?”

“Yes. Just please don’t go,” Flowey mumbled. “I can’t be alone right now. Please stay with me.”

Twilight backed up a little, the removal of her warmth making Flowey tense up, and put her hoof on Flowey’s cheek again. She realized, with only a little bit of surprise, that he was crying.

Author's Note:

Fade to black...

This one took a lot longer for me to write than I thought it would! I really wanted to capture the scene just right, and I think I like the way it turned out. I have been waiting to write the first kiss scene for this story since... when I decided to do the shipping. There was a lot of external reading that I did in other stories (both on FimFiction and off) just so I could get a feel for how to write a particularly romantic scene, but with a sad twist. And, after this, I think it's pretty obvious I should put the Romance tag on this thing already.

On another, less frustrating note, I actually had a lot of fun writing the in between emotional paragraphs. Honestly, I think I've found my newest favorite kind of writing to do: Rejection scenes! Actually, that's probably not good...

FInally, the next chapter is... very uncertain. I don't know who it will focus on, but I'm hoping I can fit a certain scene in there somewhere. I still have things that need to happen in this universe!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this sadness. I certainly enjoyed writing it! Thank you so much for sticking around and I hope you have a wonderful day!