• Published 6th Mar 2024
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The guardians of harmony: The return of the Dark lord - Savant 123

The equestrian girls or the rainbooms as their are sometime call have face many challenges and enemies in the past. But now their will face they biggest challenge yet will their win or will the world be doom to chaos and darkness?

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Chapter 9:A nightmarish sleep

Opening of the guardians of harmony :

Play she ra princess of power theme song

The intro starts with the other , sombra , queen chrysalis, Tirek and lord Norlock looking at the pool in the center of the dark chamber.

~ We're on the edge of greatness ~

The camera then zoom into the pool to show sunset was on the school roof staring at the sunset . She then turn her head to stare at the camera before her geodes glow a bright red light covering the screen.

~ turning darkness into light ~

After the bright light disappear it shows scenes from previous equestrian girls adventure such as the first equestrian girls movie, rainbows rock, Friendship games, legend of everfree, mirror magic , forgotten friendship , rollercoaster of friendship ,spring breakdown, sunset backstage past and holiday unwrapped.

~ We're right beside you ~

All the guardians of harmony are now on a battlefield and in front them was an army of reapers

~ Ready to Fight! ~

Everyone then pony up and turn into their superhero forms

~ (fight, fight, fight fight) ~

Both sides quickly charge into one another.

~ We're gonna win in the end! ~

Pinkie rises out of a tide, blasting reapers with water while rainbow dash blast them with lighting shocking them.

~ We must be strong, And we must be brave ~

Applejack is capturing and tying up reapers with vines. While rarity is using her magic to open up holes in the ground that cause many of them to fall in.

~(we must be brave) ~

Fluttershy is using her power to make a tornado that caught many of the reapers while twilight is using her telekinesis to pick up a few of the reapers and toss them in the air.

~ We're gonna find every bit of strength that we have ~

Sunset is using her magic to make a fire shockwaves that took out many of the reapers

The scene shifts to the main chamber of Grogar lair where his egg form floats in the air and beneath it was the other, queen chrysalis, lord norlock, Tirek and sombra , vindicator ,cinch, Adagio dazzling,Sonata dusk and Aria blaze . Behind all of them was a dark background where the red eyes of the monsters that serve Grogar glow with malice. The egg form of Grogar suddenly glow covering the entire screen.

~ and never let go ~

The scene then shifted to the guardians of harmony battering against the other and Grogar top subordinates.

~ (Oh ah Oh) ~

The other and sunset fire a magical beam towards one another resulted in a blight flash that cover the entire screen.

~ We must be STRONG! ~

The scene ends with a final shot of the guardians of harmony sitting down at the base of the school statue with wallflower Trixie and Flash sentry standing nearby.
Sunset Shimmer was on her bed, writing in her journal to tell Princess Twilight about her and her friends victory against Norlock.

"Wow, it sounds like you guys have been through a lot,” Twilight wrote to sunset.

“I know, right, but so far we have been winning our fights one after another,“ Sunset wrote to Twilight.

“I just wish there was a way for me to help,” Twilight wrote. ”But I have many duties now that I am the princess of equestria.”

“I know,“ Sunset wrote. “But we are doing good so far, and we have star swirl, discord, and black light to help us. I am sure we can get through this.”

“I know you will." Twilight wrote, ”But promise me you will call me if you need help.”

“I will,” Sunset said. ”Anyhow, good night, Twilight.”

“You too, sunset, good night,” Twilight wrote. Sunset closed her book and put it on the nightstand next to her. After that, she switched off the lamp next to her, laid down on her pillow, and went to sleep.

Unknown to her and everyone in the city, however, a figure is seen standing on a building somewhere in the city. The figure wore a black robe that covered its entire body. It’s entire face was covered in darkness, leaving its red, glowing eyes. Its hands, which are left exposed, were pale white with long claws like nails.

“Now for Canterlot City to experience a night they will never forget, so say Dream Reaper." The figure now known as the Dream Reaper said as he raised a hand in the air, and immediately black smoke came out of it and rose into the air. It spread throughout the city and went through the windows of houses, apartments, and any other forms of residence. The smoke then heads to the rooms where the residents of those places sleep and enters through their foreheads.
Sunset was woken up from her sleep by a loud noise. She looked around and saw nothing. After turning on her lamp, she looked around her room and immediately heard the noise again. She heard it come from outside her room, so she left her room to search for the sound of the noise. As she left her room, she heard the noise coming from her bathroom. She went in and turned on the light. She looked around and saw nothing. As she was about to leave, she stopped when she noticed something was wrong. Her reflection in the mirror above her sink was wrong, as it was of her in her old bully attire, which consists of her old black leather jacket, a dark pink shirt with her cutie mark, an orange skirt with pink and light yellow lines, and black and pink boots.

The reflection smirked the familiar evil smirk she used to do before jumping out of the mirror and onto the floor. Sunset backed away in fear as her copy began walking towards her.

“How is this possible?“ Sunset said as she backed away.

“What wrong? Don’t like to see yourself.“ Her copy said in a mocking voice she used to use. ”Or do you prefer this look?”

Immediately after she said that, fire started covering her double form, and once the fire was gone, in place of her double was a familiar demon that had haunted her sleep since the fall formal.

“Hello, sunset, did you miss me?" The demon smirked as she began walking closer to sunset. Sunset backed away in fear as the demon got closer.

Sunset ended up tripping and landing on the floor as she walked backward. The demon continues to get closer, and Sunset uses her arms to move backwards while she is still on the floor.

“You can’t be here." Sunset said, “You can’t be real.”

"Oh, I am real." The demon said, laughing, “Did you actually think I was gone? I never left you, and I will never leave.”

“No,"Sunset said in fear as she moved backwards until her back hit the wall of her bathroom.

“Yes,“ the demon said. ”I am you, sunset, and you are me. As long as you live, I will continue to exist.”

Sunset closed her eyes as the demon stood over her.
Twilight woke up from her sleep after hearing something that woke her up from her sleep. She looked around in her room and saw nothing.

"Hello, anyone there?“ Twilight asks. When no one answered, she shrugged her shoulders. "I must be hearing things.”

“I don’t think you were hearing things.“ A voice said something, causing Twilight to turn her head and see the source of the voice, which was midnight sparkle.

“Hello Twilight, “Midnight said as she smirked evilly.

"Ahhhh!” Twilight screams as she falls out of bed and lands on the floor. Midnight got on the bed and stood on it as she looked down on her with an evil smile.

"No, not again,"Twilight said. "You are not here. This is just a nightmare.”

“It is a nightmare, alright, “Midnight said. ”It is a nightmare; you won’t be waking up.” Midnight's hand grabs Twilight by the collar of her shirt. She then pulled her up, and the two were now at eye level.

"No,” Twilight said in fear.
Pinkie Pie found herself in a strange city. Everyone and everything was gray and dull, and all the people she saw were walking in a robotic manner, as if there were more robots than people. But what caught her attention was the dull look on their faces.

“It looks like someone needs some laughter,” Pinkie said as she decided to do what she did best and try to cheer up the people around her.

"Hey, why the long face?” Pinkie said as she approached one of the people walking in an attempt to cheer him up. But the person just walked away, ignoring her. She then walked to another person.

"Want hear a joke? "she asks, but he just simply walks past her. She tries again and again, but everyone just ignores all her attempts to talk to them or to make them laugh.

“Man, talk about a tough crowd,” Pinkie said in a cheerful voice, but inside she was bothered by the fact that none of her attempts worked. She then saw a stand selling muffins.

“Maybe some food might help me think,” Pinkie said as she approached the stand and bought a muffin. She bit into it and instantly regretted it, as the muffin didn’t have any taste.

“This is awful,“ Pinkie said as her hair deflated and became flat. ”This place is awful; the people are dull and won’t laugh, and the food doesn’t have taste.”
Rarity found herself in the boutique. She looked around in confusion.

“How did I get here?” Rarity said in confusion. The front door opened, and a person came in.

“Hoity toity,” Rarity said in shock.

“Greetings, I am here because I heard of a fashion designer,“ Hoity said. ”Are you the fashion designer I heard about?”

“Yes, I am,” Rarity said as she went to the back of the store and showed him her latest work.

"What do you think?” Rarity said.

“It is awful,“ Hoity said, shocking rarity.

“ Well, what about this?” Rarity said as she escorted him to the back of the store to show him all the dresses and clothes she makes.

“It is all awful,“ Hoity said. ”You are without a doubt the worst fashion designer I have ever seen.”

“But,” Rarity said.

“But nothing,“ Hoity said as he began walking away.

“Come back, please,“ Rarity said, but Hoity just walked away, ignoring her. Rarity lay on the ground with tears in her eyes.
Fluttershy found herself in a destroyed and burned-down forest.

“Where am I?“ she said in a fearful voice. As she walks, she steps on a newspaper. She looked down and picked up the newspaper. She read what was on the front page and immediately dropped the newspaper on the ground.

“No,” Fluttershy said as she looked down at the newspaper, which had the words All animals in the world are gone on the front page.

Fluttershy lay on the ground with tears in her eyes.

“I am the best,” Rainbow Dash said as she tried to outrun her opponent, but no matter how hard she tried, she was unable to. She fell to the ground, exhausted. She had been trying to beat her opponent in all matters of competition, such as badminton, ping pong, bowling, and now a race, but no matter which competition they compete in, she still loses.

“So much for being the best,” her opponent said as she ran off, leaving her behind.
Applejack stood outside her family farm and looked in horror as her family farm was shut down forever.

“It's gone,” Applejack said as she cried, seeing her family farm gone.
“Stop, please,” Trixie said as she stood on a stage dressed in her magician outfit. The audience in front of her keeps throwing tomatoes at her. She had been trying to entertain the audience with her tricks. However, all the tricks she tries to do end up backfiring, resulting in the crowd getting angry to the point where they are now throwing tomatoes at her.

“Why did you have so many tomatoes?“ Trixie whined as more tomatoes were thrown at her.

“Boo,” “you the worst." “Get off the stage." “My grandmother can do better tricks than you.”
“Why won’t anyone notice me?” Wallflower cries as people ignore her, and every time she tries to touch someone, her hands go through them. “Please someone notice me.”

Suddenly, someone walked through her. She looked at the person in shock before despair hit the girl as realizations hit her. People are not just not noticing her; they literally can’t see, hear,or even touch her. She had become completely invisible to the world.
“Aaaahhhhh!” Flash screamed as he was running through a hallway, being chased by a group of demonic clowns.
"Yes," Dream Reaper said as he watched negative energy fly out of countless buildings and houses. ”Soon the master shall return.”
The demon sunset stood over her human counterpart, and one of her hands was inching closer to her. However, suddenly, sunset grabbed her hand, much to the demon shock. Before she could do anything, Sunset suddenly got up and punched her so hard that the demon was sent flying and hit the bathroom mirror.

"What?"the demon said, confused as she stood up and recovered from the attack.

“You think you can scare me,” Sunset said as she glared at the demon. ”You might be scary, but you forget one small little detail.”

“And what is that.”The demon asked.

"Is that I face my worst fear every day when I look myself in the mirror.” Sunset said as she grabbed the demon by her clothes and rammed her onto the mirror. ”I might have to live with you forever, but that doesn’t mean I will let you out. Besides, there's still one little detail you forget."

“And what is that?” The demon asked.

“I know you are not the real demon,” Sunset said simply. The demon her was confused, but before she could say anything, a clawed hand went through the demon's chest.

“Sorry, but there's only enough room for one demon here, and you are not it.” A familiar demon voice spoke as the demon disappeared.

"I didn’t expect you to help,” Sunset said as she looked at the mirror, which showed the demon her inside it. But unlike the previous one, this one's wrist is chained up.

“I didn’t do it for you.” The demon her said. ”I did it for me since anything that happened to you happened to me. Besides, I wasn’t going to let some imposters run around here.”

Sunset didn’t say anything and just walked out of the bathroom, but stopped when she heard the demon talk again.

“This chain won't hold me forever,“ the demon said as she pulled up the chain to show them to sunset. ”Some day you will slip up, and once you do, I will be out.”

“I know,“ Sunset said without looking back as she walked out of the bathroom and closed the door. A bright light suddenly cover the room.
Sunset shot up from her bed, panting. She switched on her lamp, and immediately she saw negative energies flew out from outside of her window. She quickly got off her bed and went to the window to get a closer look. She saw a large amount of negative energy flying in the air.

“Grogar,“ Sunset said in realization.

"Good that you are awake." A voice spoke from behind her. Sunset quickly turned around and punched the person. However, the person was able to dodge the attack easily by tilting his head slightly.

Sunset calmed down when she saw it was Discord who was already in his fairy form.

“What's going on here?” Sunset asks the ancient fairy.

“One of Grogar monsters is out there causing terror,“ Discord explains. ”Whenever Grogar Send is currently putting everyone in the city in a nightmarish deep sleep that is almost impossible to wake them up from,”

“Well, why aren’t you affected?” Sunset asks.

“Blacklight Base had a magical ward used to block off magical attacks, and because of that, all the agents who were sleeping in Black Light Base weren’t affected, and those that were awake at the time immediately noticed what was going on and woke up everyone.“ Discord said. ”I was sent here to help wake you up, but it seems you already did that. How exactly.”

“I simply wasn’t scared since I already faced my fear,” Sunset said.

“Well, then let go; we need to wake everyone up,” Discord said as he grab sunset and teleported out of the house.

In twilight room, a bright light suddenly appeared, and when it dissipated, it revealed both sunset and discord. Susnet looked around confused for a second before she realized that she was in Twilight room.

“How did we get here?” Sunset said, confused.

“I teleported us here.” Discord said. ”Now let go; we need to wake twilight up.” Discord went to twilight bed. Sunset followed him, and saw Twilight sleeping on her bed. She could instantly tell that Twilight was having a nightmare if the way she was moving in bed was any indication.

“Twilight,“ Sunset said as she shook Twilight in an attempt to wake her up.

“That's not going to work.” Discord said. ”Magic is being used to put her to sleep, and only magic can work her up. As the saying goes, magic must defeat magic.”

“So how are we supposed to do that?“ Sunset asks.

“Simple,“ Discord said. ”All you have to do is use your empathy powers to enter her dream to help her wake up.”

“Right,” Sunset said as she grabbed Twilight's hand and activated her power. There was a bright flash that blinded her for a second. When her vision was clear, she saw she was still in twilight room. However, she also saw midnight sparkle holding twilight up by the collar of her shirt. Sunset quickly jumped on the bed and punched midnight, causing her to fall on the bed and let go of twilight.

“Sunset,” Twilight said, shocked as well as happy to see her friend.

“Twilight, this is just a nightmare. Wake up, “Sunset said as she landed on the ground, pulled Twilight up, and hugged her. “Wake up!” A bright flash suddenly covers the room.
Twilight woke up and saw the smiling face of sunset.

“Sunset,” Twilight said as she got up and hugged sunset. ”Thank you.”

“It’s ok, Twilight,“ Sunset said. ”It was just a nightmare.”

“Well, I hate to break up this touching scene.” Discord said getting both girls attention. He made twilight glasses appear in his hand and put them on twilight.” We need to go and wake up everyone else. We have an evil monster to take care of.”

"What's going on sunset?” Twilight ask.

“There is a monster in the city that is using its powers to make people experience nightmares in their sleep.” Sunset explained. ”We need to go and wake up the rest so we can beat it.”

"Ok.” Twilight nodded.

“Come on, let go,” Discord said as he grabbed both girls and teleported out of the house.
Pinkie sat down in an alleyway somewhere in the city in despair when suddenly a shadow stood over her. She looked up and saw it was sunset.

"Sunset,"Pinkie said as she grabbed her and pulled her up. She quickly shook the girl.

“It's just a nightmare, Pinkie. Wake up,” Sunset said as she shook Pinkie.
Rarity was in her room crying. After her encounter with Hoity Toity,. Suddenly, sunset appeared in front of her and pulled her up.

“Sunset,” Rarity said, confused.

“Wake up, rarity; this is just a nightmare,“ Sunset said, shaking rarity. A bright flash suddenly covered the entire room.
Fluttershy sat on the ground with tears in her eyes when sunset suddenly appeared in front of her and pulled her up. She quickly shook Fluttershy.

"It's just a nightmare. Wake up,” Sunset said as a bright flash suddenly covered the entire area.
“It's just a nightmare,“ Sunset said as she shook rainbow dash as a bright flash suddenly covered the entire area.
“It's just a nightmare,“ Sunset said, shaking Applejack as a bright flash suddenly covered the entire area.
"It's just a nightmare,“ Sunset said as she used her body to shield Trixie from the tomatoes that the crowd was throwing. ”Wake up.” Sunset shakes Trixie to wake her up. A bright flash suddenly covered the entire area.
Wallflower sat on the ground in despair when she felt something touch her shoulder. Surprise She turned and saw that it was sunset.

“Sunset,” Wallflower said in shock. ”You can see me.”

“Wallflower, it’s just a nightmare. Wake up,” Sunset said as she pull wallflower up and shook her to wake her up. A bright flash suddenly covered the entire area.
"Ahhhhh!” Flash screams as he continues to run for his life. As he ran sunset suddenly appeared in front of him, causing him to stop.

"Sunset," Flash said, confused. Sunset immediately ran past flash and fired a magical blast at the demonic clown, causing them to disappear in a flash of light. Sunset then turns to flash and grabs him. She then started shaking him. A bright flash suddenly covered the entire area.
Flash shot up awake from his bed shock. He looked around and saw sunset was standing over him with one of her hands on his hand. He then saw the rest of the guardians of harmony and discord in his room.

“What's going on?” Flash asks. ”Why are you in my room, and why is everyone but Discord in their pajamas?”

“Grogar sent a monster that had the ability to trap people in a nightmare, and currently right now everyone in the city is trapped in a nightmare unless we do something about it.” Sunset said.

“And the reason we are in our pajamas is because Discord teleports us out of our room before we can change.” Rarity said annoyed before turning to the fairy in question. ”Seriously, couldn’t you wait till we change first?”

“Well, excuse me for wanting to save everyone as quickly as I can,” Discord said, annoyed.

“Guys focus,” Twilight said. ”We need to focus on the situation at hand.”

"Right,"both rarity and discord said at the same time.

“Flash, get Gilgamesh since we are going out to fight now.” Sunset said.

“ Right” Flash nodded as he reached and pulled open the drawer next to him, pulling out Gilgamesh. He then put him on his wrist and got off the bed. ” Let go.”

“Right,” Sunset said, "but first, demonic clown, really. What is that all about since I have never seen you afraid of clowns before?”

“Oh,” Flash blushed. ”I watched a horror movie yesterday night about demonic clowns and have had nightmares about clowns since.”

“Anyhow, everyone, let pony up,” Sunset said as she and everyone transformed into their superhero forms. She then turned her attention to discord. ”Do you know where the monster is?”

“Yeah, I do,” Discord said. ”The intelligence department immediately went to work tracking down the monster that was responsible for this attack as soon as they were made aware of it. I will send us there now.” Discord snapped his fingers, and immediately there was a flash of light that covered the room, and everyone disappeared.
In a flash of light, everyone appears on a street somewhere in the city.

“All right, everyone, follow me,” Discord said as he led everyone through the city to where the monster is located. After a few minutes of walking, they reach their destination.

“There it is,“ Discord said as he and everyone stood in front of a tall building. Discord snaps his fingers, and a megaphone appears in his hands. He took a deep breath before screaming in it.

”Hey, ugly.” Scream Discord through the megaphone. Everyone around him closes his ears. "We are right here. Come down and face us, you big chicken.” Discord then makes the megaphone disappear.

“A little warning next time,“ Rainbow said, annoyed like everyone else.

“Sorry,“ Discord said sheepishly.

“So you have somehow overcome my spell." A voice said, and everyone looked up to see dream reaper flying above them. He flew down until he landed in front of them.

“I take it; you must be the monster that Grogar sent." Sunset said.

“I am dream reaper, and I shall be the one to destroy you once and for all.” Dream reaper.

“That is what they all said.” Rainbow Dash said as she and everyone got ready to fight.

"Reapers," Dream reaper said, and immediately a group of reapers appeared in a flash of light.

“Oh, please, we can take these guys on, no problem,“ Rainbow Dash said.

“How about us?“ a voice said, and immediately everyone looked up and saw it was Adagio, who was flying down with the other two dazzling, and not far from them was a large bird-like monster. As soon as they landed, the bird-like monster quickly revealed itself as cinch when she transformed into her human form.

“And don’t forget me." Another familiar voice said, and immediately following that, something large hit the ground, resulting in a large dust cloud being formed. When the cloud disappeared, it revealed it was vindicator who was already in his berserk form.

“Oh great, it’s you guys again,” Sunset said, annoyed. ”Don’t you guys ever quit.”

“Not until I get my revenge, "Cinch said as she turned into her horn demon form.

“That goes double for us,” Adagio said, which was followed by the two dazzling nodding in agreement.

“Well, in that case,” Discord said. ”Take this.”

He fired a large lightning attack that took out all the reapers, and immediately both sides charged at one another.

“Me, Wallflower, and Trixie will handle vindicator” Flash said.

“I will handle the dazzling,“ Discord said.

“Me, Fluttershy, and Applejaoc will handle cinch,“ Rainbow Dash said.

"Then dream reaper is ours to handle,” Sunset said.

Everyone split up to deal with their respective enemies.

“All right, ugly, it’s payback time.” Flash said to vindicator.”I am going to make you pay for what happened last time.”

“Trixie shall also make you pay,” Trixie said.

“Me too.” Wallflower said.

“Do you think you can take me?” Vindicator mocked. ”Well, bring it.”

Flash fired a magical blast from his sword at vindicator, but the attack did nothing. Vindicator responded by firing his nails at them. However, Wallflower was able to form a shadow dorm that protected them from the attack. As soon as vindicator stops firing, the dorm disappears, revealing all three are gone. Vindicator stood confused, and while he stood, the three people he was fighting appeared behind him. Thanks to Trixie, the three were able to get out of the dorm unnoticed. Trixie took advantage of his distracted state to gather as much of her magic as she could and fire a large magical blast at him. However, all this did leave a burn mark on his body that instantly healed. He turned and glared at them. He opened his mouth and was about to fire at them. However, Wallflower formed a large shadow hand that she used to forcefully close his mouth. Immediately, causing the blast to hit the inside of his mouth, which caused him to be blown backwards. He got up and glared at them while his mouth regenerated itself. He charged at them, ready to tear them apart, but Wallflower formed a shadow tentacle from behind him and grabbed him by the leg, causing him to fall to the ground face first. She then used her powers to drag him backwards before lifting him in the air and slamming him hard on the ground. She did this over and over again, and after one final slam, she tossed him on the road. Vindicator got up and lifted a car and tossed it at them. However, Trixie simply grabs Flash and Wallflower and teleports out of the way. The car simply hit the ground. The three then appear at a safe distance.

“I hope whoever owns that car has car insurance,“ Flash said as he looked at the broken car.

“Forget about that look,” Trixie said as she pointed at vindicator who once again charged at the three. Trixie gathered as much energy as she could to create a large magical blast, which she fired at his eyes. Immediately after the blast hit Vindicator, he fell to the ground, clutching his eyes in pain.

Wallflower took this opportunity to use her powers to cause a large number of shadow spikes to come out of the ground and impale him. However, Vindicator just stood back up, breaking the spike off the ground in the process. The spike dissipates, and as soon as they are gone, his body begins to heal up.

“This guy is tougher than he looks,"Flash said as he, Trixie, and Wallflower charged at vindicator.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata surround discord and let out a sonic blast from their mouths. However, Discord simply flew into the air, letting the three hit each other. All three dazzlings were blown off the ground and landed on the ground. Adagio, being the first to recover, flew towards discord and let out another sonic blast from her mouth. Discord simply disappeared before the attack hit him. Discord then appears behind Adagio and snaps his fingers. Instantly, two cinder blocks were tied to her feet, causing her to be dragged into the ground. Both aria and sonata both flew in the air and headed towards discord. Their let out a large scream, and discord simply disappeared. Both look around, trying to find discord.

“Boo,"Discord said, as he appeared in front of the two girls.

"Aaahhhh, "both girls said in shock before their were hit in the face by pies.

“Hahaha,” Disocrd said before disappearing.

“How annoying,“ Aria said as she and Sonata removed the pie tin from their faces, letting it fall on the floor.

“Yum,"Sonata said as she used her tongue to lick the pie on her face. ”Banana cream pie.”

“I hate banana cream pie.” Aria said.

“Then how about pineapple cream pie?” Discord said as he appeared in front of Aria with a pie in his hand.

“Don’t you think about it” Aria said.

“You mean, don’t think about doing this,” Discord said as he slammed the pie on his face before disappearing.

“Lucky!“ Sonata said.

Adagio had just untied the cinder block on her feet and was about to return to the fight, but discord suddenly appeared in front of her, holding another pie.

“Excuse me, Miss Adagio, but do you like strawberry pie?” Discord said.

"No, I do not,” Adagio said.

"Good, because this is chocolate,“ Discord said, slamming the pie into her face before disappearing. Adagio then removed the pie tin from her face.

“Chocolate,“ Sonata said as she flew down, stood next to Adagio, and licked the pie off her face.

"Sonata, stop”Adagio said, pushing Sonata away, annoyed.

“This is getting annoying,“ Aria said as she flew down and stood next to them.

And it’s going to get more annoying.” Discord said as he suddenly appeared in front of them and aimed a water gun at them. He fired, and immediately a large water stream hit all three sirens, causing them to be blasted backward and hit the floor.

“Stop paying around,” Adagio said as she and the other two dazzling stood up.

“Well, if you want me to stop playing,” Discord said as he snapped his fingers, and immediately all three sirens were surrounded by floating boxing gloves.

“This is going to suck,” Adagio said.

“You and your big mouth,” Aria said before all three dazzling were punched by boxing gloves.

Cinch charged at the three girls, ready to tear them to pierces. However, Fluttershy uses her powers to form a large tornado to trap her in it. Cinch spun in the tornado before it dissipated. After it dissipated, Cinch began falling to the ground. However, before she hits it, Applejack forms a vine and grabs her, pulling her hard on the ground before using it to drag her across the ground. She stopped in front of Applejack, who punched her in the face hard. This caused her to be toss in the air and land on her back. Cinch then transformed into a spider-like monster and quickly charged at them again. She fired a large spider web at them. However, rainbow dash simply fires a lightning attack at it, burning it completely. Afterward, she used her super speed to run towards Cinch and rapidly punch her with her lightning-covered fist. Cinch fell to the ground in pain, and Applejack took this opportunity to run towards her and punch her in the face as hard as she could. This caused her to be toss in the air again. However, she was able to turn into a bird-like monster and quickly swoop down at them. Before she could get near, however, Fluttershy used her power to create a large wind currents that blew her away. She landed on the ground again hard.Cinch, then get up and transform into a giant snake monster.

“Don’t you ever quiet?“ Rainbow Dash said annoyed.

"Never,” Cinch said as she charged at them again.

Sunset fires a fireball at dream reaper, who forms a scythe in his hand and swipes at the fireball. He then fires a magical blast from his scythe at sunset who manage to form a shield to block the attack. Dream reaper body is then covered in a dark aura, and then points his scythe towards them, and immediately large black tentacles come out of his back and went directly towards sunset and the rest of the guardians of harmony. However, Twilight manages to use her telekinesis to hold the tentacles in place. Rarity uses this opportunity to form a large diamond boulder, which Pinkie Pie immediately touches. Rarity then sent the boulder towards dream reaper, and as soon as the boulder hit him, he was sent flying away. The dark aura and tentacles disappeared as he was blown back. Dream reaper landed on a bus bench, breaking it in the process. He stood up and slammed his scythe on the ground, and immediately a group of dark monster-like creatures suddenly formed and charged at them.

Twilight then uses her telekinesis to grab many of the creatures and raise them in the air before slamming them at the remaining monster. Both monsters disappear in an explosion of black smoke. Pinkie Pie then tosses many of her explosive goods at dream reaper, who uses his scythe to hit each of them, causing them to explode on impact. As soon as he hits the last explosive goods, he then makes a large black tentacle to come out of the ground and aim towards Pinkie Pie. However, rarity forms a large diamond hand and grabs the tentacle, stopping it in the process. Sunset then teleports next to dream reaper and punches him in the face with a fire-cover fist. This caused him to slide backwards a bit. Dream reaper then swipes his scythe at sunset who manages to dodge the attack. Dream reaper swiped his scythe again, only for sunset to dodge it again and again. He was about to swipe her again, but Twilight caught his scythe in a telekinesis aura. Sunset took this opportunity to blast a magical attack at him. This caused him to be blown backward again. Dream reaper then flew into the air and began firing at each of the girls. They were able to quickly dodge each blast. However, he continues to blast them non-stop. However, rarity managed to form a giant boulder above him. It quickly fell and was about to hit him. However, dream reaper was able to dodge it on time. This fortunately distracted him long enough for Pinkie Pie to form an ice cannon that fired an ice ball at him. However, dream reaper was able to quickly swipe at it before it hit him, thus destroying it instantly. He then charged back to the ground and went towards them, scythe raise.

“This is going to be a lot harder than I thought,“ Sunset said.

Flash was thrown back as vindicator swiped him away. Trixie blasted him with one magical attack after another, only for them to have little effect on him. Vindicator just simply blasted her again. Fortunately, Wallflower was able to form a shadow tentacle and pull her away before the blast hit her.

“Nothing we do is working on this guy.” Trixie said annoyed.

“I got an idea,” Wallflower said. ”Remember how twilight and sunset would combine their magic to create a larger attack? Well, let's do that.”

Trixie nodded, and quickly both girls concentrated their powers, gathered as much energy as they could, and fired a large magical blast at vindicator. The two large attacks combined into a larger attack that hit vindicator. The attack created a large explosion, and once the smoke cleared, there was now a crater, and in the center of it was Vindicator, who was now back to his regular form. His body was now covered with large scars and green blood. His left arm was missing, and they could see the flesh and even the bone that was under his skin. His face was also worse, as half of its skin was gone, revealing the flesh and bones under it.

“Now flash,” Gilgamesh said.

“Right,“ Flash said as his body and sword were covered in gold light, and immediately he quickly traveled down the crater and was in front of vindicator. As soon as he was in front of vindicator he quickly and repeatedly swiped his sword all over his body at such speed that he left afterimages of the attack. Once he was done, the glow on his body and sword stopped, and vindicator fell to the ground. As soon as he touched the ground, his body exploded in a flash of light.

“Finally, that guy is gone,“ Trixie said in relief.

“Well, don’t relax yet since we still have to help the others.” Wallflower said.

“In that case, let go.” Flash said as he began walking out of the crater, and immediately all three ran to help the rest.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were blown back as Discord blasted them with a magical blast. All three hit the ground hard. After they stood up, they started panting. Each of the dazzling was exhausted, and their outfits were a mess. This is the direct opposite of Discord, who looks like he was barely exhausted and looks perfectly fine. Since the start of this fight, Discord has barley taken any of the sirens seriously, as his powers were able to easily counter any attack they tried on him. He had the entire time been toying with the three sirens and is now beginning to grow bored fighting with them.

“You know, this has been fun, but I think it is time for me to stop.” Discord said.

“Don’t you underestimate us,” Adagio said as she, Aria,and Sonata screamed a large sonic blast from their mouths at discord. Discord simply responded by snapping his fingers, and immediately he disappeared. Standing in his place is cinch in her horn demon form. She looked around, confused, before the sonic blast hit her and blew her away. She was blown into the air and landed on the ground hard enough that she left an outline on the road. The dazzling look at what happened shocked shock. However, before they can do anything, discord appears behind them, and blast the three away. The three landed near cinch.

“Thanks for the help,“ Rainbow Dash said as she,Applejack,Fluttershy, Flash, Wallflower, and Trixie quickly stood next to Discord.

“You are welcome,“ Discord said. ”Now I think we should end this. Fluttershy created a tornado and sucked them in.”

"Got it,” Fluttershy said as she created a tornado, and immediately all four were sucked into it.

“Now let us send them away.“ Discord said, “Wallflower, Trixie, why don’t you use your new move?”

"Got it,” Trixie and Wallflower said as they gathered as much of their magic as possible and fired a large magical blast at the tornado. The two large attacks combined into a larger attack and hit the tornado. Immediately after it hit the tornado, a large explosion happened that covered the area in smoke, and immediately flying out of the smoke were four figures that were launched so high into the air that they became twinkles in the sky.

“And the dazzling are blasting off again.” Discord said. ”Well, let's go help the others.”

In the air, Dream reaper fires another blast from his scythe, only for rarity to form a diamond shield to block the attack. He was about to fire again, only for a shadow tentacle to grab his waist and pull him down to the ground. He landed on the ground face first, and as soon as he got up, he was punched in the face by an applejack, which sent him flying into the air and onto the ground. As he got up, rainbow dash, whose body was covered in lightning, was about to ram into him. However, dream reaper was able to form a large tentacle from the ground and have it grab rainbow dash. The tentacle then lift her in the air and toss her aside. He made more tentacle appear and was about to use them to grab the guardians of harmony, but Wallflower formed her own shadow tentacles and had them wrap around the other tentacles. With both tentacles now wrapped up, sunset quickly teleported in front of dream reaper and repeatedly fired a magical blast at him. However, dream reaper used his scythe to hit the attacks before they hit him. This, however, in turn distracted him long enough for Pinkie Pie to appear behind him and quickly touch his scythe.

"What?" dream reaper said in surprise.

“Surprise attack,” Pinkie Pie said as she then jumped away, and immediately after that, the scythe exploded, sending him flying away. He landed on the ground, and immediately, when he got up, he saw in his hand the broken half of his scythe. Before he could do anything else, however, Flash jumped in front of him and swung his sword, sending him flying and hitting the ground hard. Dream reaper tried to get up but found he was having difficulty doing so due to the immense pain caused by the sword wound.

“Let's end this,” Sunset said as she and the rest of the element bearers flew into the air. Each of them blasted sunset with their magic, powering her up. She then blasted the finishing blow at dream reaper.

“ Aaaahhhhh” He scream as the attack hit him, destroying him completely. Once that was done, the guardian of harmony flew down and powered down.

“Glad that is over,“ Twilight said.

“You telling me,” Rainbow said, yawning. ”I am exhausted beyond all belief. What I want to do now is go home and lay in bed.”

“Me too,” Sunset said, exhausted.

“I else well,” Rarity said. ”I still need my beauty sleep.”

"Ah, think there may be a small problem with your plan.” Applejack said.

“And what would that be?” Sunset ask.

“Because it's already morning,” Applejack said, pointing to the rising sun.

“It's already morning,“ Sunset said in shock before another fear hit her. ”Oh no, we have school today.”
In Mr. Cranky Doodle, the teacher was giving a lecture, but he stopped when he saw the main seven asleep.

“It looks like someone is getting detention.” He said.

In Ms. harshwhinny three students are being forced to stand outside of the classroom as punishment for sleeping in class.

“What I would give to be invisible,“ Wallflower said with a yawn, actually wishing for once to be invisible.

“How long do we have to stand here?” Trixie complaint.

“Until the bell rang,“ Flash said. ”Now be quiet, or else Ms. harshwhinny will hear us. You heard what she said one peep from us, and it is off to the discipline teacher office.”

“Ahhh,” Trixie said.
Unknown to everyone, however, is that standing outside of the school was Joe. He was staring at the school, or more specifically, the window that showed the classroom the main seven were in. He then began walking away.

End of chapter 9
End song

Played Shine by Mr. Big

[Instrumentals] The opening fades into the inside of a room and focuses on an accordion-book that was open all the way onto a table.

[I never really feel quite right] The scene then fades to show the beginning of the book, before moving to the left, as it showed the pictures in it. The first of the pictures was of sunset who was on her couch with her pet lizard ray on her shoulder both of who are smiling in front of the camera.

[And I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong] As the camera moved, showing the rest of the photos, it then showed a picture of Rainbow Dash playing football on the school field .The next picture showed Rarity making a dress using sweetie bell as her model must to the young girl displeasure.

[Every time I look at you, you seem so alive] The next picture showed both Pinkie pie and Fluttershy backing a cake in a kitchen. The one after that was of Applejack picking out apples from a tree in her farm with her family.

[Tell me how do you do it, walk me through it] After that, it was a picture of twilight in her lab doing one of her experiments with spike sleeping on his dog bed nearby.The next picture was of wallflower ,Trixie and Derpy taking a group group picture in her garden.

[I'm following every footstep] The next picture was of flash sentry and his band playing on a stage.

[Maybe on your own you take a conscious step] The next picture was of Pinkie and Rainbow dash sneaking up on Luna who was sleeping on her desk. The picture next and under it was of an angry Luna who have a mustache drawn on her face by a marker chasing rainbow and pinkie pie who was laughing and nearby was principal celestia who have an amuse look on her face .

[Do you wanna give it up? All that I want…] The next picture was of sunset in her demon form who was flying in the air and on the ground was princess twilight and the rest of her friends ready to confront her.The photo after that was of sunset in a crater with tears in her eyes.

[Is for you to SHINE~] The photo after that showed princess Twilight pulling sunset out of the crater.

[SHINE~ down on me]The next photo was of sunset hugging wallflower after destroying the memory stone.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] A photo after that showed Discord putting a kick me sign on sunset back with him turning to the camera putting a finger on his lip telling the person who is using the camera to be quiet . The one underneath it was a picture of Bulk biceps running from Fluttershy while she is wearing her alien custom .

[SHINE~] The photo after that was of star swirl and Stygian practicing their magic.

[SHINE~ down on me] The photo after that showed a picture of vindicator battering the guardians of harmony.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] Fading away from that one photo, the scene changed to show the last picture in the book.It was of sunset, Rainbow dash,Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy, Rarity ,Twilight ,Applejack,.Wallflower,Trixie , Flash sentry ,Princess Twilight,Discord ,start swirl and Stygian standing in front of the school statue smiling

[SHINE~] A hand then closes the accordion book.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update but I had a bit of problem while writing this story but let not think about that.

Anyhow for those who did not understand why there were two demons in sunset nightmare. The reason is because the one trying to torment sunset was a fake created by dream reaper while the real one is actually imprisoned inside sunset hence the chains.

Speaking of nightmares I wrote each ones that effect them the most. Twilight nightmare would be midnight, pinkie pie would be not being able to making people happy, rarity having a famous designer cretic calling the outfit she design awful, applejack losing her family farm, Fluttershy living in a world without animals, trixe being call not great, wallflower being completely invisible and finally rainbow dash not being the best. As for flash I couldn’t think up a good fear so I make one up my own.

By the way the fight between Discord and the dazzling was to show how powerful he was. You see the reason for why it was so one sided is because Discord was that powerful. His fight with the other on the other hand was to show how powerful the other is to the point that Discord took him seriously.

By the way this part here is something I got from the Garfield show. I forget which episode it was but it was funny:

“Excuse me, Miss Adagio, but do you like strawberry pie?” Discord said.

"No, I do not,” Adagio said.

"Good, because this is chocolate,“ Discord said

By the way discord mentioned black light base have a magical ward. Fun fact this ward actually prevents the memory stone affecting everyone in black light base. Basically during the time of forgetting friendship he and everyone who was in the base at the time wallflower use the memory stone were unaffected by it. Meaning the entire time he knew that sunset was still good but he didn’t interfere until it look actually bad. Basically discord would have intervened at the last moment before the dead line so sunset was never actually at risk of losing her friends. As discord after discovering what was going on was able to use his powers to find out who was responsible but choose not to interfere until it had become serious. In addition to that even discord was affected their were still thousands of people in black light base and not to mention the data that their keep on sunset, which means no matter what happens that day sunset would still get her friends back.

By the way here another reference to Jackie Chan adventure:

magic must defeat magic is a phrase use often in that show.

Here some character bio:

Dream reaper: Dream reaper is a dream base monster whose powers is that he can make a person fall into a deep sleep where their would face their worst fear. In battle he fought with a scythe that he can use to fire magical blast as well as summon monsters to assist him in battle. In addition to that he can cover his body in a dark aura that he can manipulate to form tentacles that he can use in battle.

Next chapter: A relaxing sleepover.

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