• Published 6th Mar 2024
  • 534 Views, 35 Comments

The guardians of harmony: The return of the Dark lord - Savant 123

The equestrian girls or the rainbooms as their are sometime call have face many challenges and enemies in the past. But now their will face they biggest challenge yet will their win or will the world be doom to chaos and darkness?

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Chapter 7: The artifact of an ancient hero.

Opening of the guardians of harmony :

Play she ra princess of power theme song

The intro starts with the other , sombra , queen chrysalis, Tirek and lord Norlock looking at the pool in the center of the dark chamber.

~ We're on the edge of greatness ~

The camera then zoom into the pool to show sunset was on the school roof staring at the sunset . She then turn her head to stare at the camera before her geodes glow a bright red light covering the screen.

~ turning darkness into light ~

After the bright light disappear it shows scenes from previous equestrian girls adventure such as the first equestrian girls movie, rainbows rock, Friendship games, legend of everfree, mirror magic , forgotten friendship , rollercoaster of friendship ,spring breakdown, sunset backstage past and holiday unwrapped.

~ We're right beside you ~

All the guardians of harmony are now on a battlefield and in front them was an army of reapers

~ Ready to Fight! ~

Everyone then pony up and turn into their superhero forms

~ (fight, fight, fight fight) ~

Both sides quickly charge into one another.

~ We're gonna win in the end! ~

Pinkie rises out of a tide, blasting reapers with water while rainbow dash blast them with lighting shocking them.

~ We must be strong, And we must be brave ~

Applejack is capturing and tying up reapers with vines. While rarity is using her magic to open up holes in the ground that cause many of them to fall in.

~(we must be brave) ~

Fluttershy is using her power to make a tornado that caught many of the reapers while twilight is using her telekinesis to pick up a few of the reapers and toss them in the air.

~ We're gonna find every bit of strength that we have ~

Sunset is using her magic to make a fire shockwaves that took out many of the reapers

The scene shifts to the main chamber of Grogar lair where his egg form floats in the air and beneath it was the other, queen chrysalis, lord norlock, Tirek and sombra , vindicator ,cinch, Adagio dazzling,Sonata dusk and Aria blaze . Behind all of them was a dark background where the red eyes of the monsters that serve Grogar glow with malice. The egg form of Grogar suddenly glow covering the entire screen.

~ and never let go ~

The scene then shifted to the guardians of harmony battering against the other and Grogar top subordinates.

~ (Oh ah Oh) ~

The other and sunset fire a magical beam towards one another resulted in a blight flash that cover the entire screen.

~ We must be STRONG! ~

The scene ends with a final shot of the guardians of harmony sitting down at the base of the school statue with wallflower Trixie and a silhouette figure standing nearby.

At an archaeological dig site, several archeologists are seen digging until one of them hits something on the ground with his shovel, making him stop.

“Hey, I found something,“ he said, catching everyone's attention. He dug the ground some more to reveal the item, which turned out to be a shield of some kind. He lifts the shield up and examines it.

“What is this?” He asked as the shield glowed a faint light.
In Canterlot High, Rainbow Dash is currently taking a test with the rest of her classmates. However, she is having a hard time answering the questions on the paper, which is the direct opposite of her egghead friend Twilight, who had finished 10 minutes ago and is rechecking her answer for the fifteenth time.

“Stupid algebra,“ Rainbow thought as she tried her best to answer the questions.

“Alright, class, pencil down," Miss Cheerilee said to everyone, and immediately everyone put their pencils down. “Now everyone, please put your paper on the table.” She instructed, and immediately everyone got up and put their papers on the table before leaving the classroom and heading towards the cafeteria for lunch.

“Oh man, I'm definitely going to fail,“ Rainbow said in despair as she placed a hand on her face.

“Settle down, sugarcube; it's not the end of the world,” Applejack, who was sitting next to her at the lunch table, said. He put a hand on her. “Yeah, turn that frown upside down,“ Pinkie said, trying to cheer up her friend.

“I agree, darling; there's always next time,“ Rarity said as she was painting her nails.

“You guys don’t understand.“ Rainbow said, “My grades are getting bad, and according to principal Celestia, if I don’t improve them, I will be sent to summer school.“ The rainbow haired girl whined.

“Maybe you didn’t do as badly as you think,” Fluttershy said, hoping to cheer her friend up.

“Oh, I am pretty sure I did bad,“ Rainbow said, “and with my luck with the test, I will be going to summer and school, and then goodbye summer holidays.”

“Well, you wouldn’t be doing as badly if you actually paid attention in class,“ Sunset pointed out as she ate a piece of her salad.

“Well, it isn’t my fault classes are so boring,“ Rainbow defended, causing sunset to roll her eyes.

The former unicorn then realizes that Twilight has been mostly silent the entire time. She then turned her head and saw a twilight looking at her phone.

"What are you looking at, Twi?” sunset asked, gaining her attention. The girl looks at the sunset and shows the former unicorn her phone, which shows a news article about a new exhibit being put in the museum.

“I am reading the news article on a new exhibit that is being placed in the museum,“ Twilight said. ”Apparently some archeologists found an old shield at the dig site.”

“Boring,“ Rainbow said.

“Well, you won’t think it’s boring when you find out what it really is." A voice said from behind her, causing everyone to run and see it was discord.

"What do you mean by that?“ Rainbow asks.

“Follow me, and you will know why,” Discord said.
All the guardians of harmony, which also include their newest members, Trixie and Wallflower, are in the janitor closet with discord, and in front of them is the holographic screen that shows Star Swirl himself.

“Guardians of Harmony, recently, a group of archeologists unearthed an artifact,“ Star Swirl said before the screen changed to show a shield before changing back to show Star Swirl.

“Yeah, we know we were just discussing it,“ Rainbow said. "What makes this shield so important anywhere?”

“This shield belongs to Flash Magnus, the previous user of the element of loyalty.“ Star Swirl revealed shocking everyone but discord. “This shield was lost during the final battle against Grogar, but now it seems it has finally been found. You need to get this shield immediately before anyone else.”

“Wait, why?” Sunset asks.

“It is because...” Star Swirl said, but was interrupted by Pinkie.

“Ohh, ohh, I know,“ she said. ”It contains great power, and if grogar forces or anyone with evil intentions gets their hands on it, they can use it to do whatever bad things they want.”

There was a pause before Star Swirl talked again. ”Well, yes, how did you know that?”

“Just a hunch,” Pinkie said with a goofy smile.

“Oh right, I forgot your file did say something about you being able to somehow accurately guess something correctly,“ Star Swirl said. ”Anyhow, as Pinkie said, you must get to the shield before anyone else can. This mission is of the utmost importance, hence why discord will be coming along with you, as there is no doubt that when Grogar discovers the shield has been found, he will send his most powerful subordinate to retrieve it, hence why you need all the help you can get.”

“Their one problem,“ Wallflower said. ”How are we supposed to get out? We're still in the middle of school.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I got that cover.“ Discord said as he then used his magic to make a large box appear in his arms, ”You might want to put this on though.” Sunset opened the box and pulled out a gas mask. She and everyone then looked in the box and saw that it was full of gas masks.

“Gas mask” Sunset askconfused. "Why do we need this?”

“Trust me, you'll need them, "Discord said with a mischievous smile.
The school is covered with green gas as the school front door is covered with yellow tape, and people in hazmat suits are currently surrounding the building.

“I can’t believe you did that,” Twilight said, slack-jawed.

“Hey, it got us out early, didn’t it?” Discord said with a shrug.

“Yeah, but now school is canceled for a week,” Twilight said.

“Even better, no school for a week,“ Rainbow said as she, Pinkie Pie, and Trixie cheered.

“Anyhow, that is not important right now. We got an artifact to retrieve,“ Discord said as he and everyone went to his van to drive to the museum and retrieve the artifact before Grogar forces or anyone else could.
In the underground chamber that serves as Grogar Lair, the others had just sensed a great power suddenly appear, and after using his powers to track the source, he finally found it.

“The shield of Flash Magnus,” the other said as he stared at the pool in the center of the chamber. Surrounding him were grogar top subordinates and their newest recruit, the dazzling and cinch.

"What is so special about this shield?” Adagio said, staring at the pool.

“This shield belongs to the previous user of the elements of loyalty, Flash Magnus,“ Queen Chrysalis said. ” And despite what you might think, it contains great power.”

“For realsiers,“ Sonata asks.

“Yes, for you see, this shield was said to have been created in the great forge, a place of incredible powers,” Tirek said. ”It is due to that that the shield can grant incredible powers to its users. However, only those it deems worthy can use it.”

“However, we don’t need to use it directly; just drain it of its power,“ Sombra said, ” and once we drain it of its power, we can give the drain powers to the master to help speed up his recovery.”

“Retrieving this shield is a task too important to leave it to any monster,“ the other said. ” Hence why Sombra and I shall personally retrieve the shield.”
In an abandoned warehouse, a certain scientist can be seen on his computer monitor.

“Incredible, according to the monitor, an unknown powerful energy has been detected in the city museum,“ Toxzon said.

“Then we should retrieve it,“ Fishy said from inside the barrel. “With your genius mind, we can harness this unknown power and use it to terrorize this world.”

“Yes, you are right, fishy, we should,“ Toxzon said.
Discord had just parked his van in the museum parking lot.

“Ok, so what is the plan for retrieving the shield?“ Sunset asks Discord.

“It's really simple,” Discord said as he snapped his fingers, and immediately everyone and even his clothes turned into black suits and ties, with them wearing black sunglasses. ”We just marched to the person in charge of the museum, showed him my blacklight badge, and demanded he give the shield or face government repercussions.”

“Will that work?” Trixie asks.

“It works countless times before, and worst comes to worst, I can just hypnotize him into willingly giving the shield,“ Discord said. “Now let go.”

Everyone quickly left the van and went into the museum. However, during their walk through the museum, discord suddenly stopped.

"Why did you stop?” Applejack asks.

“I sense something awful is here." Discord said in a serious voice, “We need to get to the shield now.”

Immediately, he started running as fast as he could, and everyone else followed him. They eventually reach the exhibit where the shield is being kept. What they saw when they reached there was the other and Sombra, who were next to the glass case where the shield was being kept.

“Well, what we have here: discord and the guardians of harmony.“ The other said as his and Sombra's attention was on them.

“You know this guy's discord,” Sunset asks.

“Yes, I do,“ Discord said in a serious voice. “These two are Grogar's top subordinate, Sombra, and the other.”

“The other what?” Pinkie asks, confused.

“The one in the robe is just simply called the other.“ Discord said, “He is a powerful dark wizard, and Grogar second in command.”

“We just came here to retrieve the shield.“ The other said, “But since you are here, we will not only take the shield but also destroyed you as well.”

“I like to see you try,” Sunset said as she and her friends turned into their superhero forms along with Discord who turn into his true fairy form.

“You seem to outnumber us." The other said, “So let's fix that, shall we?” He then tapped his staff on the ground, and immediately, in a flash of light, a large number of reapers appeared.

“This guys again,“ Applejack said.

“Oh, please, we can take this guys done easily,“ Rainbow boasted.

“But what about this one’s?” The other said, ”Berserker,caster, and viper.“

Immediately after, he said that three black smokes came out of his staff and landed on the ground, and once the smoke cleared up, three figures stood in their place.

The first was a large, bald, muscular, blue-skinned man with broad shoulders and red eyes, wearing only black pants and boots, with a giant sword that was as big as a person strapped to his back. This person is Berserk.

The next was a tall and slender blue-skinned woman with red eyes and long hair that was tied in a ponytail. She was wearing black leather armor, long black cloves, and black thigh-high boots. This person is viper.

The last one looks like a man wearing a cloak that covers his entire body. He wore black gloves on both of his hands and a black mask that covered his entire face. This person is caster.

“Who the heck are these guys?“ Applejack said.

“Dark warriors,“ Discord said, "This are evil dark warriors that were created by the other to do his bidding.”

"Well, we can take these guys down,“ Rainbow said.

However, immediately after she said that, the celling of the museum burst open, and everyone looked up and saw it was Toxzon on his toxic cloud, and floating near him were a large number of floating robots. He and the robots flew in and floated above the ground, not far from them. He pointed a small device at the shield, and immediately the device beeped.

“So this is where the energy source is from,“ Toxzon said before turning his attention to the guardians of harmony. “Well, look at this; not only do I get these powerful items, but I also get a chance to get my revenge.”

“Who the heck are you?” Sombra demanded.

“I am Dr. Xander, but you may call me Toxzon." Toxzon introduced himself as “the greatest mind to ever exist, and I will be taking that shield.”

“As if we will let you,“ Sombra said.

“Oh, is that a challenge?” Toxzon said this as he and everyone got ready to fight each other.

“Well, it seems we found ourselves in a three-way fight,” Discord said as everyone stood and got into a battle stance and waited for one of them to make a move. They stood for a few seconds before Toxzon robots fired at the reapers, taking out many of them in the process. This signal for the battle began as everyone began charging at each other’s.

The reapers fired an energy blast at the robots, destroying many of them in the process, while the robots did the same and fired at the reapers, destroying many of them in the process.

Berserker rushed into a group of robots and cut down many of them with his large sword. The robots fired at him, but he was able to tank the attack as if it were nothing. Viper then jumped from behind him and toss as many daggers as she could at the robots, destroying them, and finally,caster created a tornado that sucked out the remaining robots, destroying them in the process.

Toxzon blasts a reaper, destroying it in the process, before turning his attention to the other reapers and firing missiles at them, destroying them in the process. He then turned and saw the last reapers charging at him. He simply made a blade appear out of his gauntlet and plunged it into its chest when it was near enough, killing it in the process. He retracted his bow, and the reaper fell to the ground before disappearing. He was suddenly blasted at his side, causing him to recoil a bit. He turned and saw it was Trixie, wallflower, and Rainbow dash. Both sides glare at each other before charging.

Applejack was fighting against Berserker, who swung his large sword at him, but she was able to dodge it on time and immediately punch him in the face, causing him to slide backwards a bit. His sword then glows blue, and he swings it, creating an energy slash that aims towards her. She jumps and rolls on the ground to avoid the attack before standing up and using her magic to make vines cover the area where he is. However, he simply used his sword to easily cut his way out.

“Berserker thought this would be fun, but berserker found this boring,“ Berserker said.

“Boring, hun,” Applejack said, making large carnivore plants appear. "How is this for boring?” She made the plant attack Berserker, who rushed towards the plant and cut them with ease. One plant managed to devour him, but he just used his sword to cut through it and jump back onto the ground. Both sides stand still and stare at each other before running toward each other.

Rarity was facing viper, who threw countless daggers at her. However, it is rare for manga to form a diamond shield and block the attack. Viper then charges at rarity with daggers on both hands. However, rarity simply uses her powers to open a hole in front of her path. Unfortunately, Viper just jumped over it before continuing her charge at rarity, who keeps making stone spikes on the ground in order to hit her. However, she was able to avoid them by jumping above them or going around them. She was close to rarity, but at the last minute, she was able to make a diamond platform under her and use it to float in the air. Viper, just jump high and land on the platform. She tries to stab her with her daggers, but rarity manages to form a shield to block them. She then maneuvered the shield platform to tilt, causing Viper to fall off the platform and onto the ground. Rarity then jumped to the ground near Viper once she made the platform reach close to the ground, formed diamond boxing gloves in her hand, and punched her in the face as she was getting up, causing her to fly backwards and land on the ground. Viper immediately stood up and held her daggers up, and immediately the daggers glowed blue and turned into katanas. Rarity then makes the diamond boxing gloves disappear before making a diamond shield and sword appear on her hands. Both charge each other, exchange sword strikes with one another, dodge, and, in rarity case, block any attacks.

“Not bad,“ Viper said to rarity. ”Not only beautiful, but skillful.”

“Well, thank you, darling,“ Rarity said, flattered by the compliment.

“I promise that when I kill you, I will leave your face unharmed,“ Viper said. ” And what more? I will collect your head and keep it as a trophy.”

“Ok, now things just got dark.” Rarity said as she and Viper continued to fight.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were fighting against Caster. Fluttershy fires a wind blast at him, but caster just forms a magic shield and fires a lightning attack at them. Pinkie Pie was able to form an ice shield to block the attack. She then forms an ice cannon and fires an ice ball at him. But casters just float up and fly in the air. Pinkie then put her hands down and let out a jet stream of water that propelled in the air and headed toward Castor. Once she was near him, she stopped the jet stream of water and fired a large steam of water into him, causing him to fall into the ground straight to Fluttershy, who blasted large wind currents towards him, blowing him into the dinosaur exhibit. The dinosaur bones fall onto him.

“Have enough, “Pinkie said as she stood next to Fluttershy. Caster simply blows the bones away and fires a large fireball at them. Fluttershy quickly blew the fireball back at him, which exploded at him on impact. Caster was blown backwards and landed hard on the ground. He stood up and fired a lightning blast at them. But both girls were able to dodge the attack. After dodging the attack, both girls charge at caster, whose hands are glowing as magic fills his hand. He then charged at them.

Both sunset and twilight fought Sombra, who pulled out his sword from its sheath, and immediately the sword glowed green as he fired a magic blast at them. But sunset, grab twilight and teleport behind Sombra, and both girls fire a magical blast behind him, causing him to be blasted forward and land on the ground. He got up and turned to them. His body turned into a shadowy smoke and flowed towards them. Once it was in front of them, he reformed himself and swung his sword at them, but both girls managed to jump away on time. Sombra's sword glows green again, and he swipes his sword, creating an energy slash that heads towards them. Both girls fired at the slash, and both attacks impacted each other, causing a small explosion to happen. Twilight then covers Sombra in a magical aura and lifts him in the air before slamming him on the ground over and over again before stopping after slamming him one last time. As he was getting up, Sunset teleported in front of him and punched him in the face with a flame-covered fist, causing him to be thrown into the air. But he managed to regain his balance and land on his feet on the floor. Sombra's sword was then covered in green flames as he pointed and blasted a stream of fire at them. Both girls quickly run to avoid the flame, but he simply moves his sword, causing the flame to follow them. Sunset teleports next to Twilight and grabs her and teleports to a safe distance away from the fire. Sombra stops the flame, turns into a shadowy smoke, and flows towards them. When the smoke is above them, it reforms into sombra. He raises his sword as he falls and is about to hit them with the sword, but Sunset manages to form a magic shield and block the attack. Sombra jumped back, and after that sunset let down the shield.

“Impressive," Sombra complimented them. ”You are good, but I am better.“ He then plunged his sword into the ground, and black crystals began sprouting and headed towards them. Both twilight and sunset manage to jump out of the way on time. This didn’t stop Sombra, as he just plunged his sword into the ground again, and the crystal sprouted again, heading towards them. Sunset grabs Twilight and both teleport in front of Sombra, and immediately both fire a magical bolt that blows him back.

Both Discord and the other are battering with one another. Both fired a magical blast at one another, and instantly both blasts collided in the air. Both put as much energy as they could into the blast in an attempt to overpower the others. Eventually, the blast exploded, blowing both sides onto the ground. Discord being the first to recover Stood up and fired a magical blast at the other, who managed to form a shield around himself. He drops the shield and blasts the ground, which summons a giant snake that charges at discord. The fairy just snapped his fingers, causing it to disappear. Discord then disappeared in a cloud of smoke, appeared in front of his opponent, and blasted him with a magical blast, blowing him back. The other managed to regain his bearing, quickly caught himself in a magical aura, and placed himself on the ground. Discord immediately saw something behind him and snapped his fingers, and immediately the museum stanchions that were behind him quickly rose in the air and wrapped themselves around the other. However, he simply disappeared in a cloud of smoke, letting the stanchions fall to the ground. He reappeared in front of it and tapped his staff into the ground, and immediately a large wave of fire appeared, heading towards discord. Discord responded by snapping his fingers, and a large wave of water appeared, which headed towards the fire. Immediately, both sides collided and cancelled each other out. The other then taps his staff on the ground again, and immediately large numbers of arcane circles appear in the air. All the circles immediately fired a magic blast towards Discord, who managed to disappear on time before they hit him. He reappeared in the air and fired at the other, who formed a fire shield to block the attack, and immediately after that, the shield launched itself towards him as it took the form of a dragon. Discord fired back a lightning attack that also took the form of a dragon. The attack goes through the fire dragon, causing it to dissipate and head towards the other. The other disappeared before the attack hit him and appeared in a different location of the museum.

“Hey, what's going on in here?" A security guard said as he walked into the room and immediately left the second he saw what was going on, ”I am not getting paid enough for this.”

Trixie blasted Toxzon with a magical blast that caused him to slide backwards on the ground. This was followed immediately by Wallflower, who fired a shadow ball at him. Toxzon, however, was able to dodge the attack on time and immediately fire a slimedattack at them. Wallflower was quick to form a giant shadow fan and blow the slime back at him, blinding him. Rainbow Dash quickly took advantage of this and used her super speed to run towards him and rapidly punch him with her lightning cover fist. With one final punch, she sent him into the air, where he landed next to the shield exhibit.

“One down,“ Rainbow boasts before turning her attention to the others fights. ”I will help Fluttershy and Pinkie while you both help the others.” She then used her superspeed to rush towards the two girls.

“Trixie shall help Applejack,” Trixie said.

“I will help rarity,“ Wallflower said. Immediately, both girls helped fight in their respective battles.

Applejack was currently holding back the Berserk sword from hitting her but found it a bit difficult since it turns out Berserker was as strong as her, much to her surprise. Suddenly, a magic blast hit him on his side, causing him to turn and see that it was Trixie who hit him. This ends up distracting him long enough for Applejack to move out of the way and punch him as hard as she can, sending him flying in the air. He landed on the ground hard. Berserk stood up and saw both Applejack and Trixie standing side by side. He tried to charge at them, only for Applejack to make a vine wrap his leg from behind, causing him to fall. She then lifted him into the air and slammed him on the ground over and over again.

Both Viper and Rarity were still exchanging sword blows. Rarity swiped her sword, only for Viper to jump back and fall on a trip wire set up by Wallflower. Viper quickly stood up and was immediately punched in the face. She looked around and saw no one. She was then punched in the face again and again by an unseemly foe. While she was being hit, rarity took this opportunity to form a diamond ball and toss it at Viper. The ball hit her in the stomach, causing her to be toss backwards.

"Thank you for the help, Wallflower,“ Rarity said, and as if being summoned, Wallflower appeared next to her.

“You welcome,“ Wallflower said.

Both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were hiding in an ice dorm as caster repeatedly blasted fireball after fireball at it. Each attack wears it down, causing Pinkie to use her magic to repair it over and over again. While he was distracted, Rainbow dashed, covering her entire body in lightning, and used her super-speed ram towards him, causing him to be thrown backwards. Seeing this pinkie open a hole in the dorm, and quickly both exited it. Pinkie then forms an ice canon and fires an ice ball at caster, blowing him backwards. It so happened at this time that Applejack, using the vines toss berserk and rarity, using her powers to make a giant fist come out of the ground to hit Viper, sending her flying in the air.

All three dark warriors hit each other, causing them to fall to the ground in a pile.

“It’s about time we end this,” Rainbow Dash said as she and her friends regrouped. ”Fluttershy forms a tornado and sucks all three of them, and Pinkie Pie fills it with water while I electrocute it.”

Fluttershy and Pinkie nodded, and immediately Fluttershy formed a tornado that sucked all three warriors, while Pinkie filled it with water and a rainbow dash blasted it, electrocuting the dark warriors inside. Rarity then forms a giant diamond boulder.

“Pinkie, if you please.“ Rarity said, and Pinkie nodded and put a hand on it. Immediately after that, Rarity used her magic to have it toss in the tornado, where it flew in and hit all three dark warriors, causing an explosion to happen, which caused not only the tornado to dissipate but all three dark warriors to be blasted into the air where they broke through the celling, and not a minute later they burst through the celling again and fell onto the floor, where they poof in a cloud of black smoke upon impact.

“Now let's help the rest of our friends,“ Rarity said as all went to help twilight and sunset.

Sombra was able to fire another magical blast at sunset. She formed a magical shield to block the attack, and Twilight fired a magic blast at him. Only for Sombra to block the attack with his sword. He was about to fire at Twilight, but Pinkie suddenly appeared next to him and touched his sword and jumped away as the sword suddenly exploded, blasting him away, and at the same time, Discord just blew the other away. Both the other and Sombra ended up hitting one another. Both got up and saw the guardians of harmony and discord in front of them. Sombra made another sword appear in his hands, and Grogar held his staff to get ready to cast another spell. Meanwhile, the guardians of harmony and discord got into a fighting stance and were getting ready to fight. However, before anyone could do anything, the sound of glass breaking caught everyone's attention. Their turn and they saw that Toxzon had just broken the glass case and taken the shield. He then forms a toxic cloud and rides it out of the hole he made earlier.

“The shield,“ the other said as he made a magical aura surround him and Sombra, and the two flew after him.

“We need to go after them." Discord then snapped his finger, and everyone was suddenly in Discord van. He started the van and drove after them.

“Um, discord, not to be rude,“ Applejack said. ”But I don’t think this van is fast enough.”

“Don’t worry, I installed turbos.“ Discord clicked a button on the panel, and turbos came out of the back of the van, and immediately the van started going fast.

“ Aaaaaahhhhhhhh” Everyone but Pinkie yelled as the sudden speed surprised them.

"Wohoooooooooo!" Cheer, pinkie.
Toxzon maneuvers himself to avoid the magical blast that the other and Sombra fire at him. At the same time, Toxzon fires back a laser blast at them. Only for the other to maneuver out of the way of the blast or form a shield to block the attack. Sombra then disappeared in a shadowy smoke and flew towards him. The smoke appears in front of Toxzon, who reforms himself and instantly blasts him. The blast sent Toxzon to fall from the air and land in the park lake. Sombra, as he fell, turned into a shadow of smoke and flew to the ground, where he reformed himself. The other flew next to him as Toxzon got out of the lake. He uses telekinesis to lift a tree and toss it at them. The other fired a magical blast at it, destroying it. Toxzon then fired missiles at them. However, Sombra just put his sword on the ground and a large crystal cake out in front of them to take the attack. After the crystals were destroyed by the missiles, the other fired a magical blast from his staff that hit the shield on his hand, and immediately the shield was pulled out of his hands and into the other hands.

“Hey, that’s mine,” Toxzon said as he was about to fire at them, but Sombra instantly covered his sword with green energy, resulting in an energy slash that flew toward Toxzon. It exploded upon impact, sending him flying into the lake. After falling into the lake, he came out flying on his toxic cloud. He flew toward them, bringing the blade out of his gauntlet. Once he was near them, he jumped off the cloud and was aiming to stab Sombra. However, the other fires an energy blast from his staff, which causes him to be caught in a magical aura.

“Enough of this,” the other said as he made a gesture with his hand, which sent Toxzon flying into the air.

"Aahhhhhhh!" he screamed as he became a twinkle in the star.

“Finally, we have the shield.” The other said this as he held the shield in front of him. However, his celebration was cut short when a blue blur flew by him and the shield was gone. “The shield.”

Rainbow appears near the park entrance, where all her friends are waiting for her.

“I got the shield,“ Rainbow said as she showed them the shield.

“Good, let's get out of here before they get here,“ Discord said, but as soon as he said that, the other and Sombra appeared in a cloud of smoke.

“They got here,"Discord said.

"It's time we end this, “the other said.

”I call upon the great power of darkness,“ he said as dark clouds began circling him. "Grant me the powers to destroy the champion of light and spread darkness.” As soon as he was done, the dark cloud covered his entire body, and light came out of it. Once that was done, the other now stood as a large, muscular man in his early 40s. He wore a dark cape, black pants, and boots. He then punched in their direction, and immediately a flame-shaped fist was launched in their direction. Discord quickly intercepted it with a magical blast, destroying it.

The other foot was suddenly covered in fire, and he jumped high in the air and landed on the ground in front of them, letting out a flame shockwave. Rarity forms a diamond dorm, which shields them from the attack. After the dome dissipated, it was revealed that Pinkie had formed two ice cannons. She put her hands on them,and the ice cannon fired at them. The other grabbed the ice ball, and Sombra blocked the one aiming at him. However, both blow up upon impact, blasting them back. Both of them instantly got up. Sombra fires a magical blast at them, only for them to dodge out of the way in time.

Discord fires a magical blast at Sombra, only for him to use his sword to block the attack. The other fires a lightning blast at Discord, only for him to dodge it with ease. The other slammed his fist onto the ground, creating a large shockwave that blew them away. This caused rainbow to let go of the shield and let it fly into the sky.

“The shield,“ Discord said as he disappeared and reappear next to the shield to try to grab it, but Sombra blasts him away from behind. He then turns into a shadowy smoke, which flies behind the shield as it flies into the air and reforms itself. He was about to grab it, but Applejack jumped and grabbed him by the waist, making him fall to the ground. Pinkie jumped next to the shield and was about to grab it, but the other caught her with a magic aura and pulled her away from it. Sunset jumps and grabs the shield. Sombra, after pushing Applejack off, ran towards her with his sword raised. Sunset quickly threw the shield over him and onto Fluttershy. The other quickly charged towards her, only for Rainbow, who used her super speed to grab Fluttershy and bring her out of the way. However, when she used her super speed to pull her away, she accidentally let go of the shield, leaving it where Fluttershy was. The other grabbed the shield. However, Pinkie grabs the shield from behind him and tosses it to rarity, who tosses it to Applejack, who uses her super strength to push Sombra away, before throwing it to Rainbow Dash, who tosses it to Sunset when Sombra charges at her.

"Ok, does anyone feel a strange case of deja vu because I do?" Sunset said, as she couldn’t help but feel this situation was somehow familiar. She then tosses it to discord before teleporting away when Sombra slashes his sword at her.

"Yeah, it almost feels like someone is creating a scene from our previous adventure just to make a call back,” Pinkie said as the other jumps a high jump to reach Discord, but not only does he dodge it, but he also throws the shield to Twilight. Only for Sombra to push her away. He was about to grab the shield, only for someone to jump in front of him and grab it. The person quickly ran until he was at a safe distance.This person is none other than Flash Sentry.

“Flash, what are you doing here?” Sunset asks in shock, like all her friends.

“I was nearby when I heard all the commotion and came and checked it out,” Flash said. ”Then I saw you guys throwing this shield around, and I know enough from experience that whenever this is, it should not be given to those two guys.”

“Give us the shield, boy." The other demanded.

“I don’t know what this is, but I know I should not give it to you,” Flash said as he held the shield.

“Then die.“ The other said as he blasted a fire attack that took the form of a dragon at him. Flash quickly put the shield in front of him to block the attack, just when the attack hit him.

“Flash!“ Sunset and all her friends scream. However, their scream was cut short when the fire dissipated, leaving a blight light.

“What?" Twilight said, confused like everyone else.
Flash opened his eyes and found himself in an unknown place with a white background. He looked around confused before a bright light appeared in front of him, blinding him for a second before the light dissipated, and in front of him was a golden lion.

“Greetings, young one, “the lion said.

“Who are you, and where am I?“ asked Flash.

“My name is Gilgamesh, the great lion of light." The lion, now known as Gilgamesh, said. ”And as for where you are, we are in the mindscape the world between the living and the spiritual.”

“Why am I here?” Flash asks the lion.

“It’s because I sense what is in your heart and deem you worthy to use my powers,“ Gilgamesh said.

“Wait, what do you mean worthy?“ Flash asks.

“I can sense in you a pure heart,” Gilgamesh said. ”You have a strong desire to protect those around you, even if it means putting your life on the line.”

“Yes, that is correct,“ Flash said. ”I always want to help my friend Sunset and the others but have never gotten the means to do it.” Flash thought back to the incident on the beach, where he was powerless to do anything to help Trixie and Wallflower when vindicator used them as hostages against the guardians of harmony.

“Then you are worthy to use my powers,“ Gilgamesh said. ”But then again, I should have expected it since you are the direct descendant of my previous user.”

“Wait, what do you mean by that?“ Flash asks.

“I can sense that you are the direct descendant of my previous user, Flash Magnus,” Gilgamesh revealed. “And like you, he had a strong desire to protect those around you. But enough of that. Now is time for you to use my power.”

The lion turned into a mass of bright light and went straight to flash. He covered his entire body in the light, and immediately a bright flash happened, covering the entire background.
In the real world, once the light died down, standing in Flash Place was now a figure dressed in gold armor and a cape. He wore a cold helmet that covered his entire head, and in the area around his eyes was a black visor.

“Flash, is that you?” Twilight asks.

“Yeah, it’s me." Flash said as he examined his body, "Wow, look at me.”

“I know, right, you look cool.” Rainbow Dash said, to which Pinkie nodded.

“What happened?" Wallflower asks.

“The shield must have chosen a new user,” Discord said.

“What now?” Sombra asked the other.

“It's simple; we will kill the new users of the shield and steal the shield from his corpse.” The other said as he charged at flash. However, Applejack intercepts him by punching him with the diamond boxing gloves that Rarity forms around her hands. The force of her punch, along with the strength of the diamond, was able to push him back. Sombra quickly turned into his shadow form and flew towards Flash. He reformed in front of him and swiped him with his sword. But Flash managed to dodge it on time.

"Follow your instinct," the voice of Gilgamesh said from inside Flash head. ”By doing so, you can win this battle.”

Flash did what he told him and did what naturally came toward him. He held out his hand, and a golden sword appeared in his hand in a flash of light. He quickly charged towards Sombra, and both quickly traded blows. Flash jumped away at the last second when Sombra swiped his sword at him. However, Sombra quickly fired a magic blast from his sword at Flash. However, following his instinct, he held out his hand, and a large magical barrier in the form of a shield blocked the attack. After dissipating the shield, Flash pointed his sword at Sombra, and quickly a magical blast came out of it. Sombra was able to dodge it with ease; however, Flash followed this attack with another blast and another. Sombra dodged each attack; however, when he jumped in the air to dodge one of the attacks, Wallflower took that opportunity to form a shadow tentacle that grabbed his leg while he was in the air and pulled, causing him to fall to the ground. Seeing this as his change, Flash quickly jumps towards him and slashes him with enough force to cause him to be thrown back.

“Flash, now you have your chance to use your most powerful attack to end him,” Gilgamesh said. Flash quickly concentrated and immediately gold light cover his sword and body, and when Sombra had just gotten up, Flash was able to quickly travel right in front of him in such a quick manner that he left afterimages. Once he was in front of Sombra, he quickly and repeatedly swiped his sword all over his body at such speed that he left afterimages of the attack. Once he was done, the glow on his body and sword stopped, and Sombra fell to the ground. As soon as he touched the ground, his body turned into shadows before disappearing.

The other person saw this and became distracted. The guardians of harmony took this opportunity to attack him. Wallflower forms a shadow tentacle to grab him by the leg and toss him in the air, where Applejack, who is being held in the air by Twilight aura, punched him down with the diamond boxing gloves Rarity gives her. He fell to the ground on his back. Rainbow Dash quickly took the opportunity to jump on him and rapidly kick him with her lighting-embedded legs. With one last kick, she jumped off of him. Rarity forms a diamond platform, which Pinkie jumps on. Rarity flew the platform over the other, and as soon as Pinkie was over him, she threw as much explosive sugar goods at him as she could. Once she was done, Rarity lowered the platform next to her. Fluttershy then forms a tornado that sucks him in. Both Pinkie and Rainbow Dash blast it with their respective powers, causing the other to be electrocuted. Once the tornado dissipates, he falls to the ground on his back.

"Now is our chance,” Sunset said, and immediately all the elements user flew into the air, blasting their magic at Sunset, powering her up to blast the finishing blow at him.

Sunset fired a large magical blast at him, causing him to scream in pain as the beam hit him before exploding, leaving a large smoke. After that was done, Sunset and her friends flew down to the ground.

“Glad that over,“ Twilight said.

“I don’t think it is over; look." Discord said as he pointed his fingers in the other direction. The smoke cleared, revealing the other. However, he is greatly injured, as he held his left hand in pain. He glared at them all.

“This isn’t over,” he said as he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

“Now it is over,“ Discord said. Now that the threat is over, everyone's attention turns to flash.

“So does this mean I am also part of the team? “ Flash asks. ” Also, how do I take this armor off?”

“Just concentrate and visualize the armor off,” Gilgamesh said.

Flash did as instructed, and instantly the armor glowed a golden color before disappearing, leaving just Flash in his regular clothes.

“Hey, where is the shield?“ Rainbow asks.

“Right here,“ the voice of Gilgamesh said, and an instant flash brought his hand up, and he saw he now had a wristband with the shield now shrunken at the front.

“Hey, who said that?” Twilight asked as she and everyone looked around for the source of the voice. Everyone but discord.

“I believe the voice came from here,” Discord said as he appeared next to Flash, grabbed his hand, and showed everyone his new wristband. ”It's been awhile, Gilgamesh.“

“It is discord,“ Gilgamesh said. ”Greeting everyone, I am Gilgamesh, the great lion of light and the spirit of the shield. It is nice to meet you all.”

“Wow,“ Rainbow said as she and everyone looked at Gilgamesh.

“Wait, how come you didn’t talk till now?“ Twilight asks.

“It's because till now I have been asleep,“ Gilgamesh said. ”It was only until I found someone worthy to use my power that I awoke. And I did it in the form of Flash Sentry, the direct descendant of my previous user, Flash Magnus.”

“Wow, cool,” Pinkie said. ”Flash is also a descendant of someone important like Trixie and Wallflower.”

“So does this mean I am part of the team?” Flash ask.

“I guess so,” Sunset said, "which is good since we will need all the help we can get. So I guess welcome to the team.”

Everyone then congratulates Flash on becoming a new member of the team.

“Well, things are going to get interesting from here on out,” Discord said as he watched everyone welcome Flash to the team.
In the many chambers that are in Grogar Lair, a sarcophagus was in the middle of one of the many chambers. It grew a green light before it opened, and out came an armor figure. This armor figure is none other than Sombra, who, as long as his sarcophagus is still intact, will always come back.

“The new wielder of the shield and the guardians of harmony are more powerful than I thought,“ Sombra said as he got out of the sarcophagus. “But no matter, this just makes them more of a worthy foe for me to fight.”

Even though he had lost, he still couldn’t help but find some form of enjoyment from his battle with the guardians of harmony and flash, as even though Sombra willingly sold his soul to Grogar for power, he was still a warrior in heart, and like all warriors, he enjoys a good fight.

As Sombra walks out of the chamber, he can’t help but smile under his helmet at the thought of fighting the guardians of harmony and Flah again.
End of chapter 7

End song

Played Shine by Mr. Big

[Instrumentals] The opening fades into the inside of a room and focuses on an accordion-book that was open all the way onto a table.

[I never really feel quite right] The scene then fades to show the beginning of the book, before moving to the left, as it showed the pictures in it. The first of the pictures was of sunset who was on her couch with her pet lizard ray on her shoulder both of who are smiling in front of the camera.

[And I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong] As the camera moved, showing the rest of the photos, it then showed a picture of Rainbow Dash playing football on the school field .The next picture showed Rarity making a dress using sweetie bell as her model must to the young girl displeasure.

[Every time I look at you, you seem so alive] The next picture showed both Pinkie pie and Fluttershy backing a cake in a kitchen. The one after that was of Applejack picking out apples from a tree in her farm with her family.

[Tell me how do you do it, walk me through it] After that, it was a picture of twilight in her lab doing one of her experiments with spike sleeping on his dog bed nearby.The next picture was of wallflower ,Trixie and Derpy taking a group group picture in her garden.

[I'm following every footstep] The next picture was of flash sentry and his band playing on a stage.

[Maybe on your own you take a conscious step] The next picture was of Pinkie and Rainbow dash sneaking up on Luna who was sleeping on her desk. The picture next and under it was of an angry Luna who have a mustache drawn on her face by a marker chasing rainbow and pinkie pie who was laughing and nearby was principal celestia who have an amuse look on her face .

[Do you wanna give it up? All that I want…] The next picture was of sunset in her demon form who was flying in the air and on the ground was princess twilight and the rest of her friends ready to confront her.The photo after that was of sunset in a crater with tears in her eyes.

[Is for you to SHINE~] The photo after that showed princess Twilight pulling sunset out of the crater.

[SHINE~ down on me]The next photo was of sunset hugging wallflower after destroying the memory stone.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] A photo after that showed Discord putting a kick me sign on sunset back with him turning to the camera putting a finger on his lip telling the person who is using the camera to be quiet . The one underneath it was a picture of Bulk biceps running from Fluttershy while she is wearing her alien custom .

[SHINE~] The photo after that was of star swirl and Stygian practicing their magic.

[SHINE~ down on me] The photo after that showed a picture of vindicator battering the guardians of harmony.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] Fading away from that one photo, the scene changed to show the last picture in the book.It was of sunset, Rainbow dash,Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy, Rarity ,Twilight ,Applejack,. Wallflower,Trixie ,Princess Twilight,Discord ,start swirl and Stygian standing in front of the school statue smiling

[SHINE~] A hand then closes the accordion book.

Author's Note:

In case you couldn’t tell

The part where

"Ok, does anyone feel a strange case of deja vu because I do?" Sunset said

"Yeah, it almost feels like someone is creating a scene from our previous adventure just to make a call back,” Pinkie said.

This was supposed to be a call back to the first movie where in the climax princess twilight and her friends would throw the crown to each other to prevent sunset ,snipe and snail from getting it. Hence why sunset couldn’t help but feel a sense of deja vu.

Flash sentry transformation is base on power rangers.

The way the other would use a chant in order to become a more powerful version of himself is a reference to mumm ra a thundercat villain who after chanting would turn into a more powerful version of himself.

The dark warriors are base on the dark chi warriors of Jackie Chan adventure.

Please leave a comment on what you think of my story so far.

Here some character bio:
Dark warriors: The dark warriors are powerful dark warriors created by the others to do his bidding. During the time of the Great War their personally fight at the front lines where their inflicted a large amount of casualties.

Each of them have superhuman durability,strength agility and speed which makes them dangerous opponents. What make them truly dangerous is that their can’t be officially kill as each time their defeated or sustain fatal wound their essence would just be send back to the other staff where their would be heal of their injuries and where there would wait stay until summon again.

Berserker is the strongest of the three and the one who have the most durability as he can take powerful attacks and still keep fighting. He also possessed incredible strength. His main weapon is his sword that can cut through almost anything.

Viper is the quickest of the three. She possessed incredible agility and speed as well as reflex. Her main weapons are her daggers which she can turn into katanas.

Caster is the magic user of the group who specialist in using all forms of elemental magic such as fire,ice , water and etc along with some other form of magic. Out of all the three he is the most silent one as he never talks as far as anyone know. Whether he can’t talk or choose not to is unknown.

Next chapter: Night of the vampire.