The guardians of harmony: The return of the Dark lord

by Savant 123

First published

The equestrian girls or the rainbooms as their are sometime call have face many challenges and enemies in the past. But now their will face they biggest challenge yet will their win or will the world be doom to chaos and darkness?

The equestrian girls or the rainbooms as their are often call have face many magical threats and problems in the past but now their face their biggest one as an evil greater than their ever face have risen from its long imprisonment. Will the rainbooms be able to stop this new threat and save the world or will this evil succeed and doom the earth to eternal dark and chaos? Find out in this exciting story as secrets are revealed and new enemy and Allie’s appear.

Chapter 1: It has begun

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Canterlot was once a city that was once fairy average in terms of appearance and lifestyle, but that all changes when equestrian magic starts leaking into the city and trouble of the magic kind happens almost literally on a daily basis, from sirens of the ancient past to magically possessing people.

Eventually, however, the residents of the city have grown used to such events. It also helps that the city has seven defenders who will defend the city from such threats. And with these seven defenders defending the city, the residents of this city are able to sleep peacefully and without fear.

However, this would not last as there would soon be a threat that would put the city defenders to their limits. They would soon face a threat unlike any they have ever faced, a threat that would change their lives forever. As in the dark night, in the depths of the everfree forest is a dark cave, and deep within it is a stone door with ancient ruins. The ancient ruins of the door glow before the door burst open, and not long after that, a large creature came out of it.

“Finally free,” the creature said as it left the doors and went through the cave until it found the entrance out of it. "I must find the elements of harmony and destroy them so I can ensure my master's victory." It left the cave and began wandering through the forest with the intent of finding and destroying its targets.
In a dark room, a figure covered in darkness looks at the computer monitor in front of him. His monitor picked up powerful energy readings early, and he was able to track them down to the ever-free forest.

“So it has begun,” the figure said in a serious voice. ”The only thing that can be done now is to watch and hope they are ready.”
Meanwhile, in the school of Canterlot High, the epicenter of the city's magical problems, Seven girls were eating lunch in the cafeteria. These seven girls are known as the Rainbooms or the Equestrian Girls. Currently, right now, they are enjoying their lunch, not knowing of the danger that is ahead of them.

“So is it true that your mother is now the CEO of Sparkle Industry?” Rainbow Dash asks Twilight sparkle.

"Yeah, I want to know too, so I can throw your mother a congratulations on becoming a CEO party,“ Pinkie Pie said.

"Yes, it is true. My grandmother recently retired, so my mother is now the new CEO,” Twilight said.

“So what is it that your family company does again?” Applejack asked before taking a bite out of her apple.

“Well, I am glad you asked."Twilight said, ” Sparkle Industry is a company that researches and develops technology and other such things for the benefit of humanity.“ She said with pride, “It is one of the most advanced research facilities in America, and it is in fact where I got my parts to build my magic tracking device.”

“Wait, you mean that device you use during the friendship games?” Rainbow Dash said in shock. Twilight nodded yes. ” I thought you made it with some parts you found in your garage or something.“

“Of course not. Did you think an advanced device that can track and stick out magic could be made from parts you found in hardware stores?” Twilight scoffs, “The parts needed to make it would need to be very advanced, and in fact, most of my inventions are made from parts that sparkle industry has.”

“Well, I for one can’t wait for our field trip next month to sparkle industry.“ Sunset said eagerly. Since sunset arrived in this world, there were two things that fascinated her the most about the human world, and those were their video games and their technology. She was amazed at the things that humans have developed over the centuries, as the technology they have developed could easily make life easier for anyone back in Equestria.Back in her queen bee days, she even thought of introducing technology from earth to equestria, as it could help improve the quality of life for what she thought would be her future subjects and gain praise and love from them.

"Well, let's just hope nothing happens.“ Rarity said as she ate her salad, ” I mean, with our luck, equestrian magic would probably appear and turn one of the machines evil or cause a giant robot to appear and try to kill us.”

“Fighting a giant robot now, that sounds awesome.“ Rainbow said, ” Like the time we had to fight microchip rogue toaster robot,“ she said as she remembered how fun it was for them to fight.

“ Well, let's just hope nothing happens, as the last thing we need is another rogue killer robot,” Sunset said.

“One time,“ Microchip said in annoyance as he heard the conversation while walking past them. ” I made a rogue killing robot one time, and people never let it go.”

“Welcome to my world." Sunset said, "Trust me when I say I know how you feel since people sometimes keep bringing up the she demon incident.“

Microchip then walks off, annoyed.

“Anyhow,“ Sunset said, getting back to the conversation, “we need to be careful and be on our guide since, with our luck, trouble won’t be far.”

Everyone nodded at her, acknowledging the fact that trouble probably won’t be far with their luck. The remaining lunch time was spent talking about what they were planning to do after school was over until the bell rang. Everyone then left the cafeteria and got ready to get to class. While walking to her class, she saw the janitor discord walking to the janitor room. He saw the sunset and waved at her, which she returned. Discord is quite famous or infamous, depending on who you ask in school. This is because he is known for his pranks on both students and faculty. Despite the numerous complaints, he still remains at the school. When sunset was still the bully, she decided to let him know she was in charge of the school. However, she was not able to find any incriminating or embarrassing secret, so she ended up using pranks and messing with the school to give him more work to show him who was in charge of the school, to which he ended up responding by returning in kind. It continued like this for a while, however sunset eventually stopped when Discord somehow filled her entire locker with pudding, which was enough for her to stop messing with him. Since then, Discord has stopped bothering her, and she has stopped bothering him. However, she still keeps an eye on him, just waiting for him to slip up and show her a weakness she can exploit. However, after the fall formal, she originally thought he would be one of the many people who would try to get back to her for all her misdeeds, but to her surprise, the opposite happened as she found him cleaning the graffiti on her locker and trying to encourage her to accept the rainbooms offer in friendship. It was actually his encouragement that helped her put in the effort to try and show people that she had changed. She was curious why he helped her and thus asked him one day, and his response was simply, “We former troublemakers got to stick together.“ He didn’t elaborate more on that, but since then, she and Discord have become more or less friends.

As soon as Discord walked past sunset and got into the janitor room, he shut the door behind him and locked the door before bringing out a small circular device. He presses the button on it, and instantly a holographic screen appears, showing the mystery figure.

“How are they doing so far?“ The mystery figure asks.

“Good as the creatures haven’t arrived yet, but I will keep an eye on them just to be safe” Discord said.

“Good, keep them safe, and only intervene when it is necessary since they need to do this on their own,“ the figure said, to which Discord nodded.

“You know I don’t like the fact that I cannot intervene until it is necessary."Discord said. ”Are you sure we should not help them?”

“I don’t like this as much as you do, but it must be done,” the figure said. ”They need to overcome this one on their own first, as soon they will be facing more dangerous foes than this one.”

Discord can’t help but nod in acceptance, as the figure was right.

“Just keep an eye on them for now and intervene when it looks like they can’t handle it,“ the figure said, to which Discord nodded before disconnecting the call.

“I just hope they are ready,” Discord said in a concerned voice as he unlocked the door and walked out.
On the roof of Canterlot City, the mystery monster was hopping from building to building; it could be sensed that the element holders were near.

“Soon the element holders shall meet their end, and my master shall rise again." It said as it jumped again until it saw the canterlot school. He senses that the element holders are inside the building.

“So that's where they are right now?“ It said as it smiled wickedly and its red eyes glowed in excitement at the carnage it was about to unleash on the unsuspecting school.
Rainbow Dash is at the school soccer field practicing with the school soccer teams, and as she played, her friends Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy cheered her on. ”Another score for me,“ she said as she kicked the ball past the goalkeeper.

“Good work, Dasher." Pinkie said it happily.

“Yeah, excellent work.” Fluttershy whisper.

“Thank you,“ Rainbow Dash said. ”But then what do you expect from the best?“ she boasts. However, her little celebration was interrupted by a scream. She turned and saw the soccer team looking atop the school building. She decided to look up to see what it was that caused them to scream, and she was shocked to see a large monster on top of it looking down at them.

(Author note :Go to this page if you want to know what the monster look like

As soon as she saw it, the monster jumped from the school roof and into the middle of the field, and after doing that, she let out a fierce roar at them. All the soccer team, having gotten used to monster attacks by now, just started running.

“Not another one.“ One of the players said annoy as he ran to the school.

“It looks like I own spitefire five dollars,“ another said, running into the building after making a bet with the soccer captain on what the next magic mayhem will be. Spitfire bets a monster will attack while the player votes for a person being corrupted by a magical artifact.

Everyone but Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy left, leaving those three to deal with the monster.

“Why does this keep happening?“ Fluttershy said annoy.

“Well, it looks like it's time for us to deal with another monster.” Rainbow Dash said, ” Hey big guy, you may as well surrender because we beat enough monsters to know how this ends.” she boast.

However, to her shock, the monster simply laughed, and then it spoke, and what it said shocked Rainbow and her friends: “Oh, I am pretty sure you have; after all, you are the holders of the elements of harmony.“ It said .

“What, how do you know about the elements?“ Rainbow asks in shock, which is reflected by her friends. They were shocked that this creature knew the elements of harmony since the enemies they faced in the past didn’t even know what the elements were, yet they were alone in wielding them.

“Oh, I know a lot of things.“ The creature said, “If I were a nice guy, I would tell you how I know, but I am not a nice guy.” The creature then jumps high in the air and is about to land where Rainbow and her friends are standing, but all three manage to scatter before he lands on them.

“You might have beaten many formable foes in the past, but it doesn’t matter how many small fry you take down since all their were small fry compared to me.” the creature said. Rainbow, in response, uses her super speed to run towards the monster and rapidly punch all over the monster's body as hard as she can. Thanks to her super speed, she managed to hit it more than a thousand times, and after she was done, she ran away from the monster and went to stand by her friend's side. Even though it has been punched more than a thousand times all over its body, it looks like it has not hurt at all. ” Is that the best you can do because all that just tickles me?“ it mocked.

Pinkie Pie decided to help by bringing out cupcakes from her hair and throwing them at the monster, which had an impact when it hit the monster. She did this repeatedly, bringing out cupcakes from her hair and throwing them at the monster. When she stopped, everyone took a look at the monster. Its body is covered in burns, and there was a bit of scratching on it, but besides that, it looks fine.

"Congratulate! You managed to actually hurt me.” It mocked, “But now is my turn.“ It said as it then fired a magical blast from its mouth towards the three. All of them manage to dodge its attacks; however, the magical blast continues to flee until it hits the goalpost behind them, destroying it completely in a large explosion. ”This might be more difficult than we thought, “Rainbow said, looking at the place where the goal post used to be and then turning back to the monster. Before anyone could do anything else, everyone heard an alarm sound. Everyone looked and saw that it came from the school.
A few minutes early

When the soccer team fled from the field, one of them went to the school hall and went to sound the new alarm for magical magic threats. Principal Celestia introduced the concept of a magical threat alarm as a joke in a staff meeting; however, they eventually set it up when, coincidentally, on that same day when Celestia jokingly brought it up, stray equestrian magic struck the school again by turning the school meatloaf into a living giant monster. So this alarm was set up just in case another incident like that happened again. When the alarm was hit, a red light began flashing throughout the school with a recorded voice repeatedly saying, “Magical threat alert.”

Everyone in the school heard the alarm and quickly fled from their class and whatever location they were currently in.
In Mr. Cranky Doodle class, the teacher saw the light turn red and the repeated warnings. He sighed and looked at the sunset, rarity, and twilight.

“All right, I guess it is that time of the day.“ He said annoy. The three nodded and went out of the classroom, ready to face the latest threat.

When they left the classroom and went into the halls, they encountered Applejack, who had just come out of her classroom after hearing the alarm. “So where are the latest magical problems? she asks them.

“It is on the soccer field,“ one of the football players said, running towards them. “Rainbow Dash,Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy are currently dealing with it.”

All the girls nodded and thanked the soccer player before heading towards the football field, but not before making two quick stops at the janitor closet and sunset locker so Rarity could retrieve the broom that was in the closet, so she can use it as a make a shift bo staff by breaking the top half off, and for sunset to retrieve her fencing sword from her locker.

After that, they ran out to the soccer field to face the latest magical threat. Unknown to them, while they are running through the halls, Discord is watching them from nearby. ”I hope you girls are ready.” He said it in a concerned voice.

When everyone went outside to the school soccer field, they saw Rainbow and the rest fighting the monster. Currently, Rainbow Dash is using her super speed to rapidly throw soccer balls she got from a ball cart at it, while Pinkie continues to throw more explosive cupcakes at it. As for Fluttershy, she is currently hiding behind Rainbow Dash. However, their attacks are barely affecting it at all.

Sunset and the rest run to Rainbow and the rest of their friends.

"Ok, what are we dealing with here?” twilight ask.

“It is a monster that showed up suddenly and attacked us.” Rainbow said as she stopped throwing balls at the monster as she ran out of balls to throw at it. Before adding, "Oh, and get this, it knows the elements of harmony and that we are its holders.“

“ What ?” Everyone said in shock hearing that.

“ Well look at what we have here, the rest of the elements of the harmony .“ It said further shocking everyone.

“ All right buddy who are you really and how do you knows about the elements ?“ Sunset demanded.

The monster look at her for a few minutes before it start taking.” Well since I am about to destroy you, you many as well know the one who going to destroy you name. “ it said” My name is vindicator and how I know about you elements its simple. My master told me and it was my master who sent me to destroy you”.

“Who is you, master?” Sunset asks the monster, now known as the vindicator.

“I would tell you, but you are not going to live long enough to find out.” Vindicator said as he fired a magical blast from its mouth, and the girls scattered, letting the blast hit where they were standing, resulting in a huge explosion that left a crater.

“By the way, quick warning,“Rainbow said. "This guy is tougher than he looks. That is saying something since he looks pretty tough to begin with.”

Everyone nodded before activating their geodes, making them go into what Pinkie Pie called their magical girl transformation. Once that was done, everyone got ready to fight the monster in front of them.

(Author note the superhero outfit their wore is the same one their wore during the music video cheer you on)

Applejack ran towards vindicator and punched him as hard as she could with her super strength, causing him to fly into the air. She then jumps into the air and punches it again, causing him to fall to the ground face first. Vindicator then tries to get up, but Rarity runs towards him, plants her bo staff on the ground, propels herself towards him, and kicks him in the face, making him fall on his back. Rainbow dashes, then jumps onto him and uses her super speed to rapidly kick him all over his face. After that, she jumps off him as Rarity uses a diamond shield to slam him on the face hard. When he got up on his feet, Sunset ran up to him and jumped near his face to hit one of his eyes with her fencing sword, which caused him to scream in pain and move backward in pain as Fluttershy called some birds that attacked him. As he was busy swatting the birds away, he didn’t see Rarity make two diamond shields appear in between him. As the birds flew away, Rarity slammed the two diamond shields together as hard as she could, hitting him between them.

After the diamond disappeared, Rainbow used her super-speed to circle around him and tied his legs together with a hose that was nearby on the field, causing him to fall face-first on the ground. He sat up on the ground and used his large hands to tear the hose apart before standing up to see Applejack in front of him. He tried to claw at her, but she managed to dodge it and grab one of his hands before flipping him over, making him once again land on the ground on his back. Rarity then makes a diamond shield, which Pinkie Pie gets on. Rarity then flew Pinkie over the monster, where she would rain down as much sugar goods as she had on the monster, which exploded on impact..

When that was done,Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, Applejack , and Fluttershy fired a magical blast at Sunset, which powered her up to fire the finishing blast at the monster, causing huge smoke to cover it.

“Glad that’s over.” Rainbow said as everyone mirrored her relief; however, that was short lived when their heard laughter.
Everyone looks at the directions of the laugh and what they see next, which scares them, as when the smoke clears off, it show vindicator. He looks like there are a few wounds, scratches, and a few burn marks on him, but besides that, he looks completely fine.

“That is impossible; that attack always defeated our enemy’s,“ Twilight said in shock, along with everyone seeing the monster still standing.

“It’s like I told you friends early that I am nothing like the small fry you face till now," vindicator said as his body was suddenly covered in a black substance that hardened immediately. The end result was a statue that resembled him. However, after that was done, the back of the statue opened up, and out came vindicator. His injuries were not only healed, but he now looks completely different. Earlier he was just big, but now he can be easily described as enormous, as now he is big enough that at best they can only reach up to his stomach, which is contrary to early, when they were only half his size, his color changed from grey to green, his claws are now longer, and by the looks of things, he has a few spikes coming out of his back. He then put his hands forward and launched his nails towards them. Rarity manages to quickly make a diamond shield appear in front of them to protect them from the attack. Vindicator continues to fire his nails at them, but he eventually stops when he realizes that it has no effect on them, so instead he fires a magical blast from his mouth that explodes on impact on the shield, which ends up destroying it and blowing everyone back.

As everyone got back up after being blown to the ground, Applejack, being the quickest to recover, ran towards the monster and punched him in the face. While this works and she manages to punch him across the ground, she ends up feeling pain from hitting him.

“Ouch, that hurt,“ she said as she rubbed her sore fist.

However, Vindicator got up, and unlike when she punched him before, this time it looks like he was barely hurt at all. ” I feel that a little,” he said as he rubbed his cheeks with one of his hands where he was punching, and with his other hands, he brought his first fingers and thumb closer together to emphasize the point that he was barely hurt.

Rarity ran towards him and hit him with her bo staff, but it just broke on impact. He responded by swatting her away. As Rarity's scream was being flung in the air, she suddenly stopped and saw that a purple aura was surrounding her. She looked down and saw Twilight using her magic to stop her and bring her down safely.

Sunset ran towards him and tried to stab her sword in the eye, but he stopped the sword between her fingers.

"Ah, Ah, Ah,“ he said mockingly. ”I ain’t going to fall for the same trick twice,” he said, then flicked his hands on her, sending her flying towards her friends and hitting them on impact. Rainbow, after getting up and getting angry, used her super speed to kick and punch him as hard as she could, but after a while she stopped due to feeling pain from hitting him. Vindicator then grabs her and throws her away.

“Banzai,“ he hears a voice scream and looks up to see Pinkie trying to body-slam him, but it doesn’t have any effect on him at all. She saw him glare under her and smile sheepishly. “Ah, want to play cards instead of fighting?“ she asks nervously, bringing out a deck of cards from her hair.

Vindicator just responded by grabbing her and throwing her away. “Ahhhh!” she screamed as she hit the ground. After getting up, everyone gathered around her.

“It is about time I end this.“ vindicator said as an energy blast slowly built up in his mouth, and seeing that, Rarity quickly covered them with a diamond dome to protect them from the attack. However, when he blasted his energy, it was a more powerful one than the ones he used earlier, as it not only destroyed the dome but also blasted them off the ground.

When the smoke from the explosion clears, all the rainbooms are on the ground. Sunset, while struggling to get up look around her, saw all her friends on the ground. She looked next to her and saw that Twilight was next to her.

“This guy is not like anything we have ever faced before.“ Sunset said.

“What are we going to do?” Twilight asks as she tries to get up.

“I don’t know,“ Sunset said before hitting the ground in anger. ”Damn it!“ she shouted in anger before looking at the ground. She hated this feeling of being powerless—the feeling of not being able to help and protect her friends.

“If only I had the strength to do something.“ Sunset thought. The geodes might have given her powers, but all it did was give her flight and the ability to look into people's memories, but it didn’t give her anything else. Up until now, when a magical threat happened, she would play her part by using her brains as well as her knowledge of equestrian magic and martial arts skills to deal with the threat. It was also the reason why she started carrying a fence sword to battle. Till now, that seemed to be enough, but this monster has proven otherwise

Sunset thoughts were cut short when she heard screams. She looked up and saw that the monster had kicked Fluttershy over the field.

“Fluttershy!“ Both Sunset and Twilight shouted at the same time. Rainbow quickly ran towards Fluttershy side.Unknown to everyone, however, hiding on top of the school building is Discord, who is watching everything.

"This is getting serious; if this continues, I might need to interfere after all.” Discord said magic flowed through his hands as he got ready to interfere in this fight.

“How pathetic.“ Vindicator said as he fired a magical blast at Pinkie and Applejack, blowing them away, much to everyone's horror.

“No, stop it.“ Sunset begs as Twilight help her up.

“What was that stop?” Vindicator said while laughing, “Do you mean stop doing this?” He then fired another magical blast at Rainbow and Fluttershy.

“No stop,” both twilight and sunset said at the same time..

“You right it about time I stop playing and end this.” He said as he walked over Rarity's prone body and raised his clawed hand, ready to end her life, "Say goodbye.“

“No!!“ Both sunset and twilight said as their run toward vindicator to stop him.

“That’s it; this has gone too far.” Discord said as he raised his hands and aimed them at vindicator. He was about to fire when a bright light caught his attention. This also caught the attention of the vindicator.

Both looked and saw that the light came from twilight and sunset geodes. The two didn’t notice this, as their focus was on saving their friend. However, both raised their hands to reach for their friend. Something unexpected happened as a fireball came out of sunset hands and a magical blast came out of twilight hands. Both flew and combined together to form a large magical attack of fire and magic that hit Vindicator on the face, making him recoil back in pain.

Everyone was shocked to see this; however, this shock didn’t last long as soon as everyone's attention turned to their geodes as they began to glow. Everyone could feel powerful magic flowing into them through the geodes as well as from inside their bodies. As for sunset, she feels strong magic within her body, demanding to be let out. She can tell this is different when she ponys up or when she uses her geodes. On instinct, she pointed her hand at vindicator and let out a magical blast that hit him in the face.

Sunset was shocked that she managed to cast a magical blast and decided to try a theory she suddenly had by using her magic to cast a spell she remembered learning. She cast a magic spell, and above vindicator was a large cloud that fired lightning at him.

“ wow, sunset since when you can do that? “ Rainbow ask in shock like everyone else.

“ I don’t know how but I think somehow my geodes allows me now to use my equestrian magical again which also involve casting spells I know “ Sunset said as she use her magic to lift a bench nearby and hit vindicator.

The geodes on everyone suddenly burst into bright light, and everyone's body was covered in light. They can feel their magic suddenly growing stronger as their bodies heal. When all is said and done, they look at themselves and see that their outfit has changed again to the ones they wore when they first got their geodes at camp everfree.Everyone feels stronger than ever before and feels more powerful magic flow through them.

( Author notes :From now on the magical girl outfit their wore during camp everfree will be the outfit their will wore when their transform)

“Wow!” Rainbow said. “I feel stronger now," she said as she saw her hands emit sparkling electricity. Seeing that an ideal came through to her, she raised her hands towards the vindicator, and a lightning blast came from her hands and blasted vindicator.

“Wow, rainbow, since when can you do that?” Pinkie asked in amazement..

“Since now, apparently.“ Rainbow answer.

“Guys, I think the geodes are giving us new powers, and in my case, new powers and the ability to use my old magic.” Sunset said as she made a magical orb appear in one hand and a fireball in another.

“How do you think that happened?“ Applejack asks, as she finds herself able to make plants grow from the ground.

“Let's figure that out later; for now, let's deal with this guy.” Sunset said as everyone got ready to face the vindicator.

“So you have new powers," vindicator said. “It doesn’t matter though since I will still be taking you down.“ He then fired a magical blast at them, only for Fluttershy to send a powerful wind attack that sent back the attack, blasting him across the fields.

“Wow, nice work, Fluttershy.“ Pinkie said to her friend.

“It was really nothing,“ Fluttershy whisper.

“Oh, my turn,“ Pinkie said, “let's see what power I have now.” She then raised her hands at vindicator, and out came a water blast that hit vindicator. ”Wow, I have water powers. Let me see if I can turn it into ice like the water-benders from Avatar." Pinkie then fires an attack from her hands, but this time she compresses the attack into a water ball and freezes it to solid ice, hitting him in the face. ” Cool.”

“My turn, darling. Let me show this brute what for.” Rarity said as she raised her hands and aimed at vindicator, and a piece of the school field rose from the ground and went and hit him.

“I guess you have control over the earth.” Twilight said.

“Well, let's use our new power to take this guy down.” Sunset said.

"Took the words out of my mouth, sugar cube.“ Applejack said as she got ready to fight along with everyone else.

Rainbow rushed towards Vindicator with her super speed, punching him with her lightning-emit fist, and hitting him more than a thousand times over his body. When she was done, she rushed away from him, and immediately afterwards, Rarity used her powers to make a rock-shaped fist come out of the ground and punch him into the air. While Vindicator was flying up in the air, he saw Applejack above him, surrounded by a twilight magical aura, which helped her remain in the air. Applejack, using her super strength, punched him hard back to the ground

As he falls to the ground, the sunset is ideal. ”Fluttershy, try to make a tornado, and Pinkie, try to fill it with water.” Both girls nodded and combined their powers to make a water tornado, which vindicated falling into it. He spins in the water tornado. “Rainbow fired your lightning attacks on the tornado,“ Sunset said, and Rainbow nodded, understanding what Sunset was trying to do as she fired a lightning bolt on the tornado, shocking vindicator.

When the tornado subsided and Vindicator fell to the ground, Applejack immediately made thorny vines wrap around his legs, lifted him into the air, and hit him on the ground over and over again. After she stops the sunset, turn her attention to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. “Fluttershy, form another tornado, and Pinkie, fill it with as many explosive sugar goods as you can, and I will cover the tornado with fire.“ The two nodded and did what was told as all three girls did their separate parts and created a flaming tornado filled with explosive sugar goods around Vindicator, causing him to be trapped in it. Vindicator screamed in pain from the pain of the fire and from the explosive, flaming goods that exploded on impact when they hit him. When the flaming tornado subsided, he began falling to the ground, and Pinkie, having an idea, used her power to form an ice cannon that fired an ice boulder on him as he fell to the ground, causing him to flow across the field and land on the ground on his back.

“Wow, how did you know you could do that?“ Rainbow asked in amazement.

“Oh, I got that ideal from a video game.“ Pinkie answered simply.

Vindicator got back up on his feet and looked at them in anger. ” How is this possible?“ He said in anger, “How can you be this strong?“ He shouted in fury.

“It’s simply really.“ Sunset said as she and her friends suddenly glowed brightly and flew in the air, “It is because we have something that you do not have.” She and her friends grabbed each other's hands and formed a heart-shaped formation, “and that is the magic of friendship.” She shouted the last bit as a large magical blast, one that is more powerful than the previous one, fires into the air before it goes down and covers vindicator in a rainbow-colored blast.

“Nooooo!” He screamed in terror before an explosion occurred. The rainbooms, after powering down and changing back into their normal clothes, landed on the ground exhausted. Their look at the area where vindicator was was to see a large crater to be the only thing left before going in to get a closer look to see nothing but black ashes left.

“We did it.” Pinkie cheered as she jumped in the air. Everyone likewise smiled, seeing that they managed to pull off a win. They were not the only ones, though as unknown to them Discord was also smiling, seeing that they did it.

“Well, it looks like they are ready after all.“ Discord said, smiling as he brought out a canister in his pocket and disappeared from the area where he was standing.

“But that still leaves a lot of questions, such as who that guy was, who is his master, and how do they know about the elements?“ Sunset said, as everyone was also curious about that.

“Well, you can find that all out sooner than you think.” A voice said as a canister fell to the ground and released a red gas that covered them, and instantly each of them began to slowly fall to the ground and fall into a deep sleep until sunset was the last one left. She instantly released this sleeping gas as she lay on the ground, trying her best to stay awake. She looked up and saw a figure walking towards her, but due to her sleepy state, her vision was blurry.

“Who are you?“ Sunset said as she closed her eyes, as her eyelids had become too heavy for her to keep open anymore and fall into a deep sleep.
Sunset woke up from her sleep, and as she rubbed her eyes to get rid of the sleep, she looked around and saw her friends around her, and not only that, but they were also in a room somewhere with each of them lying on top of beds. Quickly getting out of bed, she went to Rainbow Dash, who was the nearest to her bed. “Rainbow Dash.,“ she said, shaking rainbow to wake her up.

“Five more minutes, mom,” she mumbled. Annoyed Sunset slaps Rainbow Dash awake.

Ow!" she said, now fully awake. “"Hey, what was that for?“ she shouted, looking at sunset.

“Sorry, Dash, but you need to wake up.”

Rainbow then looked around where she was and asked, “Where are we?”

“That's what I want to know since I just woke up here too,” Sunset said. ” Come on, help me wake up the others.“

Rainbow nodded and helped Sunset wake the others up, and after that was done, everyone was in the center of the room.

“Where are we?“ Fluttershy asks in a scared voice.

“I don’t know,“ Sunset said as she looked around. ”The last thing I remember was us being covered in a red fog and us falling asleep.”

"There is no doubt that the fog was sleeping gas.” Twilight said.

“But the question still remains: where are we?“ Applejack said.

“I think I know what happened,“ Pinkie shouted while jumping, gaining everyone's attention. "We got captured by aliens who went to earth to steal our magic and use it to conquer our world and the entire universe.“

Everyone looked at her in silence before sunset broke the silence.

“ Pinkie I don’t think we were captured by aliens,“ Sunset said. ”The last thing I saw before falling asleep was that someone was right in front of us. I couldn’t tell who they were since my eyes became too sleepy to properly see.”

“Well, whatever is going on here, I believe the first thing we should do is get out of here.” Twilight said, to which everyone nodded in agreement.

“Well, then let me help you out of the room.” A voice said as everyone turned to the voice and saw the door open and Discord walk in.

“Discord !” Everyone shouted in shock and confusion.

“In the flesh.” He said he was bowing to them. ”I am sure you girls have questions about what is going on here, but that can wait as you need to follow me to meet an old friend of mine.”

“And why should we follow you?"“ Rainbow Dash asks suspiciously.

“Well, for starters, my friend can answer any question you may have, not only about the monster you face but also about the elements of harmony and equestrian wild magic.”

“What!“ Everyone said it in surprise.

“You confused.I understand, but I promise all will make sense if you follow me.” Discord said as he waited for everyone's answers.

The Rainbooms look at each other before nodding and looking back at Discord.

“All right, we will come with you,” Sunset said on behalf of her friends.

“Excellent,“ Discord said. ”Now let us go.”

“But I am warning you that if you try anything, you will regret it.” Sunset warned him.

“Aha, I will keep that in mind.” Discord said as he turned and walked out of the room, and everyone followed him outside of the room and into a hallway before reaching a door at the end of the hallway.

“This here is where the magic happened.“ He said as he slid a key card onto the door, and the door automatically opened. Everyone walked in and saw they were in a large lobby; however, it was what was in the lobby that got everyone's attention, as they saw many people dressed in lab coats, suits, and ties and what looked like black high-tech armor, with most of them wearing a matching black helmet that had a red visor covering their entire head, walking around. However, the thing that stood out the most was the fact that there are not only humans but also creatures from myths and legends.

There saw what looked like a centaur dressed in a lab coat walking in the lobby, taking to what look like other scientists, a satyr next to an office drinking fountain, taking to a female human and naga, a kitsuna and nekomata driving on a vehicle that is attached to a cage where a manticore is being held. A shadow was over them, and they looked up and saw what looked like a harpy and an elf with bugs like wings flying above them. They saw many more such creatures, such as a snake man, a lizard man,a nymph, a man with a third eye on his forehead, and many more going about their business and interacting with humans.

“Where are we?“ Sunset asks Discord.

“Like I say, you will know everything once you meet my friend.“ He said as he motioned for the rainbooms to follow him, and seeing no choice, they followed him. During the walk, she and her friends can’t help but look around as both humans and non-humans interact with one another.

The group eventually stops at an elevator, which Discord opens and motions for everyone to come inside. Once everyone is inside, he clicks the top button of the elevator, starting it up. After the elevator has reached the top floor, it stops and opens up, allowing everyone to exit it. After exiting it, they see themselves in what looks like a waiting room, and on the front desk is a young teen around sunset and her friends age reading a book. The teen had blue hair and wore a white shirt, which was covered by a brown button vest, green pants, and brown boots.

The teen looked up from his book upon hearing the elevator opening. ”I see that our guests have woken up.”

“Ya, we woke up after you put us to sleep with your dang sleeping gas.“ Applejack said it with a bit of anger in her voice.

“Sorry about that, but we figure it was much easier to bring you here while you sleep, then try convincing you to follow us.” Discord said, shrugging.

“Anyhow, he is expecting you all right now.“ The teen said,.

“As expected,“ Discord said. ”Anyhow, see you around Stygian.” He said as he lead everyone to the double door.

“You too, Discord.” The person now known as Stygian said to discord as he went back to read his book.

After opening the doors, discord led everyone into a dark room.

“Where are we?” rainbow ask.

“I don’t know, but it’s dark, and I don’t like it,” Fluttershy said in a fearful voice.

“Don’t worry, darling, we're all here.” Rarity said she was trying to ease her friend's nerves.

“What's going on here?“ Sunset said, "Why did you bring us here?”

“The reason you are brought here is because you need help dealing with a new threat that you will be soon facing.“ A voice said,.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw a dark figure sitting down on what looked like a desk. “Greetings everyone,“ he said in a friendly tone.

“All right, wise guy, what's going on here, and why did you bring us here?” Rainbow said she was ready to attack the figure.

“Well, in that case, let us start our introduction.” The figure said, ”I already know each of your names, but you don’t know mine, so let me introduce myself.”

The figure snaps his fingers, and the light turns on, revealing a bearded man wearing wizard clothing. “Greetings, I am Star Swirl the Bearded,” the figure reveals.

“Wait, star swirl, as in star swirl, the astronomer,” Twilight exclaimed in surprise.

“Well, I suppose yes, I am,“ Star Swirl said. ”But that is only one aspect of my life; you see, I am also Star Swirl, the grand wizard, like my mirror counterpart.“

The last one caught everyone by surprise.

“Wait, you know about equestria and that world star swirl?” sunset said in surprise.

“That is right, but I am getting ahead of myself, so let me start from the beginning. This will be a long story, and this will answer all your questions, so take a seat and let me tell you everything “Star Swirl said.

He waited until everyone was on the chair before he started his story.

"Now, as you may know, my counterpart created the mirror portal centuries ago, and it was due to this creation that he was able to travel into this world. When he first travels to this world, he discovers that the portal will change the ones who go through it to properly blend with the inhabitants of this world, as when he first arrived here, he took the form of a human. He also discovered that this world has no magic, and anyone who travels to the portal will lose their magic once the mirror changes them. Realizing this fact, he realizes that the mirror portal can be used to get rid of the most dangerous villains in Equestria who are too powerful to capture or contain.“

“So it begins, he would use the mirror as a means to vanquish the most dangerous criminals and villains into this world where they would be stripped of their powers and would not harm anyone again. It all seemed perfect, however, it all started to go wrong, as unknown to him at the time was that even though the mirror portal closes every three years, it would still leak out a small amount of equestrian magic, and due to how the mirror affects anything that goes through them, the equestrian magic that goes through them will also change, and what more, because this world functions on a different principle than that of equestria, the magic will become unpredictable and will cause an unknown effect.”

The last one caught everyone attention.

"Wait, are you saying that?“ sunset said, but was interrupted by star swirl.

“Yes, the portal even close still leaks out equestrian magic, and in fact, magical problems have been happening even before you were born. Up until now, it was only a small, isolated incident that happened every once in a while, nothing too dangerous or major. But two incidents cause it to come out faster and stronger.”

It took a while before they released what he was referring to. “The fall formal and the friendship game.” Sunset said.

Yes," the“ star swirl said. ”Both incidents cause magic to leak here in huge amounts.”

He looks at the sunset. “You bringing that crown here,” then he looks at Twilight. “You damaging the portal and thus allowing magic to leak more quickly and opening those portals. Anyhow, Star Swirl noticed this, and when he went through the mirror to investigate, it so happened that I also noticed this magical problem and decided to investigate it, and it was by change that we met. After meeting with one another, we share our information. It was through our sharing of information that I learned about the other world and equestrian magic, and he learned about the magic that exists in this world.”

"Wait, wait,“ Rainbow Dash said in shock, which was mirrored by all her friends. ”Are you saying that their magic is that natural on earth?“

“Yes.” was his only answer.

“But that doesn’t make sense.“ sunset said. ”I looked everywhere on earth and was unable to find any traces of magic on earth.”

Star swirl just chuckled. ”That's because you were looking at the wrong place, but anywhere back to my story.”

“After meeting one another, we decided to work together to handle this problem. It was during our investigation of this problem that Star Swirl discovered that the leak magic is causing problems by either corrupting people and giving them power to bring out their hearts desires, and the price of their embracing this power is the loss of their morals and minds until they turn into monsters or corrupting objects and turning them into curse objects. What more star swirl also discovers more problems in the form of the dangerous object that he banishes into this world. He thought that the dangerous object, when gone through the mirror, would also change and be stripped of their powers, but the opposite happened. You see, it turns out any magical object gone through will still have their powers, and due to the nature of this world's different principals and the nature of the mirror that change them, when they go through the mirror, the objects not only still have their powers but are now capable of being used by anyone.”

Sunset cannot help but flinch slightly at that last one since she remembered that the reason she brought the twilight crown across the mirror was due to that very same reason.

“Seeing the danger he indirectly unleashed in this world he decided to help me by giving me every information he have on equestrian magic and the mirror, it wasn’t long before I formed a small wizard order to research equestrian magic as well as handle the problem that it causes. Things seem okay at first, as every time equestrian magic or an item occurs, we instantly handle it. But all that changed when a new threat that was banish from equestria appeared. This threat sought to conquer the world. This enemy is Grogar the devour.”

“Grogar !” Sunset said in shock.

“What the heck is a grogar?“ Rainbow ask.

"Grogar is an infamous figure who once ruled equestria. "Sunset Answer.” From the stories I heard when I was still a filly , he used to rule the land that will one day be known as Equestria. He would spread terror and destruction upon the land, and in addition to that, he was also known as the father of monsters since he created vicious monsters and had them spread throughout the land, terrorizing anything that got in their way. However, one day, a unicorn hero known as Gusty the Great managed to steal his bewitching bell and use it to drain him of his power and banished him, freeing equestria from him.”

“Originally, I thought he was just a myth.” Said Sunset. ”However, during my talk with Princess Twilight, she did mention an incident that involved his bell.”

“Yes, and as you said, she did banish him,” Star Swirl said. ”She banished him here like star swirl; she thought being banished through the mirror would render him harmless, especially with his powers being stripped off him. However, through some unknown means, he was able to prevent himself from being changed. After being banished into this world, he set out to restore his powers and gather an army to conquer this world. After a while, he was able to achieve that, as Grogar was able to not only regain his power but also amiss an army that would ravish this world. His attacks would leave land barren, cities and kingdoms destroyed, and countless men, women,women and children dead. Seeing this threat, many kingdoms have joined forces to battle it, and not only the humans but also many magical creatures, including elves,pixies, mermaids, centaurs,satyr and fairies. It was a destructive battle, with both sides suffering heavy losses. I myself led the war with my allies Rockhoof, Mismane,Flash Magnus, Somnambula,Mage Meadowbrook, and my apprentice Stygian. Despite our best effort, we were slowly losing. It seems that all is lost; however, my mirror counterpart helps us turn this battle by giving us a seed that would grow into what you know as the tree of harmony.”

“The Tree of Harmony “sunset said in shock.

“Yes, the tree of harmony.“ said star swirl “After the tree was grown, seven crystal shards grew out of the tree. This shard has become this world's element of harmony.“

Hearing that everyone subconsciously looks at their geodes, realizing that their geodes are those crystal shards.

“After gaining the elements of harmony, we gain the power needed to turn the tide of the war. Eventually, we lead an army to battle Grogar and his remaining forces. The battle was the most difficult we have experienced. Both sides suffered great losses, but through great difficulty, eventually we were able to weaken Grogar just enough to seal him and his forces. However, the cost of the victory was the life of the other harmony user, as they sacrificed their lives to weaken Grogar. Everyone but me and Stygian were the only surviving elements user.”He said the last one in a sad tone. Sunset and her friends look at him with a look of sympathy, knowing that losing your friends is a tragic thing to happen.

“After sealing Grogar and his forces, the elements suddenly flew into parts unknown as we no longer had the need to use them. After our victory against grogar, it was decided that there needed to be an order to help battle against the forces of evil that would endanger the world and innocent lives. This order would later be known as black light. This order would be comprised of humans and nonhumans who would defend innocent lives from threats either from supernatural or mundane origin. Basically, if things go bump at night, we would bump back. The decision to form this order turned out to be the right choice, as we receive a prophecy that Grogar and his forces will one day return, and before his return, there will be new users of the elements of harmony who will put an end to Grogar and his forces once and for all. The prophecy has come true as you are the new elements of harmony.”

“ Us.” Twilight said shock like everyone else.

“That's right.“ Star Swirl said, nodding his head. ”After hearing this prophecy, me and my apprentice Stygian would freeze ourselves in crystal, which would only be undone when the elements of harmony return. It did happen on a certain night.”

“The fall formal.“ Sunset said this in realization.

“Thats right," the star swirl said. “When the elements of harmony were used that night, both me and Stygian Crystal's sleep was undone, and immediately after being reawakened, we went to track the source, which turned out to be unnecessary as, it so happens, we have an agent already nearby.”

Hearing that everyone can’t help but subconsciously turn to discord, who have been leaning against the door the entire time, He smiled and waved at them.

“Discord was originally sent to that school to keep a watch at the portal in case anything happened; however, after discovering you are the new user of the elements of harmony, he was instead tasked with keeping tabs on you to see your progress in using the elements of harmony.”

“That right, I have always been watching you.” Discord said gaining everyone's attention. He then snaps his fingers, and images show up to show them their past adventures, which also show that discord has been in the background.

During the fall formal discord was in the back of the hypnotize zombie horde.

During the battle of the bands discord is one of the audience watching them battle the sirens.

During the friendship games he was sitting down on the audience seat watching them dealing with midnight sparkles.

During camp everfree he in was in the mess hall with the rest hiding from Gaea everfree.

During juniper montage rampage on the mall he was sitting at a bench eating an ice cream watching everything.

During the time sunset was trying to convince the rest of the rain booms that their were friends he was sitting nearby at a beach chair watching them.

During the time their went to Equestrialand he was standing nearby watching sunset and twilight playing the ring toss.

During the time their went on a cruise trip he was sitting down on the buffet table eating his food and watching as rainbow dash is causing trouble.

During the time of the star swirl festival he was one of the audience watching sunset and pinkie pie performing with PostCrush.

"I have been watching you guys to keep tabs on you guys,” he said. ”My mission was to keep tabs on you guys and not intervene unless it looked like too much for you to handle.”

“Anyhow,“ Star Swirl said, gaining everyone's attention, "it looks like the predictions have come true as grogar is now free, as you might have discovered fighting one of his servants.”

“Vindicator.“ Sunset said this in realization.

Star Swirl nodded in confirmation.

“There will be more coming, and let me tell you that Grogar and his forces won’t stop until this world is theirs. I know this is too much to ask since you are kids, but I beg of you to please consider helping us as the fate of the world is at stake.”

Hearing that everyone looked at each other before nodding to one another. Sunset look back at star swirl.

“ Did you even need to ask.”sunset said.

“ Ya ,let show this Varmint whose he messing with.” Applejack said.

“ I am going to show him to beat this guy only more 20% cooler.” rainbow dash said.

“ I will be helping out too as you guys need all the help you can.” Twilight said.

“ I will do my best to save everyone.” Fluttershy said in best determine voice.

“ And we be doing it in fashion .” Rarity said.

“ And we will throw a party when we win.” Pinkie pie said.

Star Swirl simply nodded approvingly.

“Thank you,” he said. “If you are going to win this battle, you will need to train your powers, especially since you unlocked the second stage of your elements.”

“Second stage?” Twilight ask.

"That right second stage.“ He responded back. “The strength of the elements is based on the bond of their users with each other’s elements, which means that the stronger the bond between the user and their fellow element users, the stronger the elements become. This is proven by doing the battle with vindicator, as your friendships were strong enough to evolve your elements to the next level.“

Everyone can’t help but look at their geodes in amazement.

“Now why don’t you go home for now? “Star Swirl said. ”It’s been a long day, so just head home and rest for the day, as your training will be tomorrow after school. Discord, why don’t you escort them out?”

“Sure thing, sir,” he said as he opened the door, letting the rainbooms out before following them and closing the door, leaving Star Swirling alone in the room.

“I just hope we can get them ready in time.” Star Swirl said this in concern for the well-being of the rainbooms.
In the dark of the night, in the crater located on the school soccer field, the ashes that were on the ground were blown away by the wind, revealing a small green finger. It suddenly started moving and got up from the ground, revealing the face of vindicator.

The finger started changing. First, it changes back to its original color before morphing itself until the finger turns itself into vindicator body. Of course, unlike before, this vindicator was smaller. Before, he was huge, but now he is half the size of a full-grown man.

“It is a good thing those fools did not know I can regenerate my entire body from any parts of my body.” He said. ”Of course it will be awhile before I fully regrow my body to its proper size, but until then I should return to my master.” He then leaves the school field to return to his master.
Back at the cave of the everfree forest, where vindicator came from, the ancient door was still open, and beyond the open door was a dark path that led to numerous chambers and hallways.

In the center of this dark place was a large, dark chamber surrounded by numerous entrances . Currently, there is a group of unknown creatures in the room. They wore black cloak that covered their entire body and a metal mask that covered their upper face but left their lower face exposed. However, their lower faces show pale skin with fangs like teeth in their mouths, showing that these figures are not humans. And in the center of this room stood five figures that stood out from the rest of these creatures.

One is a man in full black armor that covers his entire body, leaving his green eyes the only thing exposed. He has what looks like a large sword sheathed at his side and a long red cape. This person was none other than King Sombra, a former king of an era long past. In the past, he once led a mighty army to conquer the land; however, after a great battle, he was defeated, his army and kingdom were destroyed, and he was forced into exile, where he encountered grogar, who, in exchange for his servitude, would be given powers he could never imagine and the change of leading an army greater than the one he used to lead.

Next is a flair old man; his body was covered by a black cloak, leaving his face exposed, revealing a white beard and a nose ring. This man is lord tirek .

Next is a woman who seems to be around the age of thirty. She wore black form-fitting armor and a crown on her head, which had teal-colored hair. But what stood out most was the bug-like wings on her back. This person is Queen Chrysalis.

Next is a man who has skin that is more pale than an albino. His hands had pointed nails on each finger, and he was dressed in a nobleman's attire consisting of a velvet-colored vest with a ruffled dress shirt underneath, which also had matching breeches. In addition to that, he wore a blood-red cape and black leather boots. He His frame was lean yet well muscled, his hair was cropped short, and it was the color of ebony. This is Lord Norlock, a vampire lord.

The last figure was a man in a full black robe; he had a long white beard that was longer than a tirek; his robe had two horns attached on the side of the hood; and one of his hands was a staff that had a blue crystal attached to the top. Despite looking like a flair old man, he let out a fierce aura, which made him intimating despite looking like an old man, which was made even more so by his red eyes. This man is simply known as the other, and he is grogar second in command.

“It seems vindicator failed.” Tirek said as he and everyone stared at the center of the chamber, where the images of the battle between the elements of harmony and vindicator were being played in a circle pool of water in the center of the room.

“Not only that, but the elements of harmony wielders have now unlocked the second phase of their powers,” Sombra said.

“It does not matter if vindicator loses, as the battle has only just begun.” The other said his voice was full of malice. ”And as soon as our master is restored to full strength, this world shall fall into darkness and chaos.”

As soon as he said that, everyone looked up to see a giant red sphere, and in the center of it was a giant red eye. This sphere is none other than Grogar himself, who, after being weakened in his last battle, has been reverted into an egg-like state. However, that won’t last long, as his servants are making plans for his eventual return.
End of chapter 1.

Chapter 2: Attack of metal Bane

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In the underground dark chamber that serves as Grogar and his forces base, the other and Grogar's top subordinate are sent close to the pool in the center of the room.
“Our top priority should be to collect negative energy such as fear, hate, sadness, and despair to nurture our master to full strength.“ The other said to everyone that was present.

“How do you suggest we do that?” Chrysalis ask.

“Simply, we will send a monster to the surface world to terrorize the humans, causing them to produce negative energy for us to use for our master revival.” The other said, ”And I have the right monster for this task.”

He then produced a clay doll from his robe, which he threw into the pool.

“Rise metal bane,“ the other said as he blast the pool with his staff, causing it to glow. ”Rise and do our master bidding.“

Instantly, the pool glowed, and a dark light flew out of it and traveled to the surface world.

In CHS, Sunset had just left her class when she saw flash sentry walking in the hallway.

"Hi flash," she greeted him.

"Hi sunset" He greeted her back. "So crazy day yesterday with that monster, huh?"

"Yeah," Sunset said.

"So equestrian magic is going wild again?" He ask.

"Something like that" was the only reply: " Anywhere got to meet with the girls, so see you around, flash."

Sunset then left to meet the girls in the cafeteria. After reaching the cafeteria, she went and sat at the table where her friends were.

"Well it seems we are all here" Twilight said.

" Yeah now we can officially start the first meeting of the guardians of harmony"Pinkie said happily.

"Guardians of harmony?"ask sunset.

"Yeah, guardians of harmony, "Pinkie said. "If we are going to be a hero team, we need a cool name."

"Guardians of harmony" Sunset said. "That actually has a nice ring to it."
"I agree, it sounds kickass, Rainbow Dash said.

"Anywhere,we are supposed to meet Discord after school to get our training started, so don't be late to the meeting point,"Twilight said.

"Yeah, I can't wait to get started." Rainbow Dash said,"Who knows what else power I now have?"

"Well, I just hope our training do not effects our weekend since I still have plans,"Rarity said.

"Ya, not the only one rare." Applejack said,"I have to help my cousin move her things to her new apartment this week. Man, I still can't get over everything that happened yesterday."

"You are not the only one," Sunset said." Till now, I thought all we had to worry about was wild equestrian magic."

"Well, for now, I suggest we just enjoyed our lunch"Suggest Twilight, to which everyone agrees.
In Canterlot City, on one of the building roofs, there is a group of cloak figures, and leading them was a creature that stood out among them.

This creature wore silver armor that covered its entire body, leaving only its red hands and red eyes exposed. This creature is non other than metal bane.

"So this is Canterlot City," metal bane said. "This city will make the perfect harvest ground for our master."
As soon as he said that, he raised one of his hands, and in a flash of light, a large axe appeared.
After the school ended, sunset and her friends were waiting at the base of the school statue for Discord to arrive.

“Where the heck is he?" Complain about rainbow dash.

“Shimmer down, partner." Said Applejack, "It has only been five minutes.“

“Yeah, five boring minutes,“ said the rainbow-haired girl.

“Well, excuse me for having to maintain my cover as a janitor.“ A familiar voice spoke, causing everyone to look behind them to see Discord standing. “I have to stay back for at least five minutes to get a hard-removed stain on the cafeteria ground.”

“Anywhere, let's go.“

Discord then led everyone to his van in the parking lot. After everyone got in, he started the vehicle and drove everyone around town until they parked in the parking lot of a bar. After getting out, they went into the bar.

The bar itself looked normal, with the only thing standing out being the image of a black sun on the walls. Discord walks to the bartender and shows him his badge, which has the image of the black sun on it. Nodding his head, the bartender let them go to the back, where Discord opened up a part of the wall showing a hand scanner on it. After putting his hand on it to let it scan his hand, the walls opened up, leaving a secret elevator. After that, everyone got inside and waited as the elevator went down. Once the elevator stopped and opened up, we were greeted with a hallway of black lights.

“Wow, this place is still as amazing as the first time we were here,” said Sunset.

“Well, black light is an amazing place,“ says Discord as he leads everyone to the hallways. ”Now let's begin your training.“

Discord led everyone to an elevator, and after clicking one of the buttons, they went to one of the lower floors. After stopping, everyone left the elevator and went into the hallway, where they would walk into the single metal slide door at the end of the hallway. After opening it up, everyone was led into a large, empty white room.

“All right, everyone.“ Discord said, "Let's begin your training.“

“What is this place?“ rarity asks.

“This place is the training room." Discord said, “In this room, you will be faced with a solid hologram of enemies so you can practice your new powers.”

“Cool solid hologram“ Pinkie Pie said, ” like in the movies.”

“Yes, like in the movies,“ Discord said. ”Now before we begin, there are a few things you need to know about your powers.”

Everyone turns their attention to Discord.

“Now that your elements have reached the second stage, they will continue to evolve depending on the strength of the bond you have with one another. This means that with time, your powers will get stronger or you will gain new powers.”

“I am curious about something,“ Sunset said, gaining Discord attention.

“And what would that be,“ he asks, turning his attention to the sunset.

“How did you end up joining Black Light since it’s obvious you're not a regular person with how you can use magic?” Sunset said.

“And you are right, for you see, I am not human; I am actually,“ Discord said when he suddenly spun and his appearance and clothes changed. His white hair has grown longer, reaching his shoulders; his ears are now replaced by elves-like ears; and his clothes have changed from his janitor uniform to a red tunic with one strap, matching pants, and elves-like shoes. ”A fairy.”

“A fairy,“ Sunset said in shock, like everyone else.

“Oh, a fairy!“ Pinkie Pie said, bouncing, ” Do you grant wishes?“

“I am not that kind of fairy,“ Discord said. “Anywhere, we need to start your training now, as we don’t know how long we have before the next attack.“

In Canterlot City, Flash was walking out of sugar cube corners when he heard screaming. He looked and saw people running from cloak cover figures and metal banes.

“Flee for your life, human’s,“ Metal Bane said, "for your end is near.”

As soon as he said that, red circles with arcane symbols on them appeared in the skies, and out came giant axes raining on the ground.

“Ah crap,” Flash said as he ran back inside as the axes covered the streets. Luckily, no one was hit by them, but as people ran from metal bane and his lackeys,unseen by the naked eyes, purple wisp -like substances came out of them, which flew into the air and flowed into the everfree forest, where they eventually reached the cave leading to the chamber housing Grogar. The substances enter the sphere containing Grogar, and with each substance entering the sphere, it glows bright red.

“Yes,” the other smiled seeing this. ” With each negative energy Lord Grogar devours, he becomes stronger."
Back at Black Light Base, as sunset and her friends were training in the training room by fighting against hard holograms of monsters from cyclops, trolls, manticores, etc., the doors opened and an agent of Black Light walked in.

"Sir, there is an attack in the city,” he said. Hearing that, everyone stopped and looked at each other before nodding. Everyone left the room and went into a monitor room where countless agents were working on the different control panels and machines. When they reach the control room, their saw star swirl has already arrived in the room.

“Star swirl, what is the emergency?“ Discord asks.

“Take a look” was his only reply. Everyone looked at the monitor in the room and saw on the screen metal bane attacking the city by swinging his axe, which let out an energy slash that cut through anything that was in front of it. The rainbooms , or in this case, the guardian of harmony, as they now call themselves, saw countless negative energies coming out of the people that were terrorized by metal bane and his lackey.

“What is that coming out of them?” Twilight asks in curiosity, like everyone else.

“Those are negative energies,“ Discord answers. ”Normally, you can’t see them unless you have a high sensitivity to magic or a special magic item, but due to advanced magictech developed by black light, normal people can see them.”

“It seems they are collecting negative energy.“ Star Swirl said, "My guess is to help restore Grogar to full power.“

"Wait, restore him,” Sunset asks.

“During our last battle, Grogar was heavily injured,” Star Swirl said. “Hence why they sent this monster to terrorize the city. There is no doubt they are trying to collect enough negative energy to restore Grogar, and once that happens, we all will be doomed.”

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s kick butt,” Rainbow said eagerly. Before anyone can do anything, Sunset phone suddenly rings. She picked it up and discovered it was Flash, who called her. She answered the call.

“Hi flash,” Sunset said. ”Yes, we know there is a monster attacking the city. We are going to stop it now. Ok bye."

Sunset hung up the phone and immediately Discord escorted them out of the room.

Star Swirl returned his attention to the monitor as soon as discord and the guardians of harmony left.
Back in the city, metal bane laughed in enjoyment as countless humans fled from him, releasing negative energy that would help in his master return. Luckily, so far, there have been no casualties, just proper damage, but unless he stops, that might change soon.

“Hold it right there." A voice yelled.

Metal Bane turned around and saw the guardians of harmony behind him.

“Well, the elements of harmony finally show up,” he said as he held up his axe eagerly, as he couldn’t wait to use it on them.

“Thats guardian of harmony,“ Pinkie said.

“Well, it doesn’t matter what you call." metal bane said, "As on you tombstone will just be written only dead. Reapers attack”

He ordered the cloak figure, now identified as reapers, to attack the guardians of harmony.

“Let's show this varmint whose boss,” Applejack said.

“Took the words out of my mind, darling.“ Rarity said, ” Since it looks like someone needs to teach these brutes some manners,”

“I will try my best,” Fluttershy whispers.

“Guardians of Harmony, “Sunset said, "To battle.”

As soon as sunset said that everyone pony up to their superhero forms and charged into the battlefield.

The reapers attack the guardians of harmony with different forms of weapons, including spears, axes, swords, and Etc, while the guardians fight back with their magic.

Sunset uses her magic to blast a large fireball into two reapers, causing them to explode upon death, leaving only their burn clocks on the ground. She instantly make a magic barrel to shield her when one of the reapers blasted her with a magical blast from its sword. She instantly teleported behind that reaper and hit it in the back with a flame fist, causing it to flew in the air and hit a group of reapers. Sunset then saw she was surrounded by a group of them, and she remembered from her training a new move she developed. She disappeared from the ground and appeared in the sky, and she fell. She raised her first, which was covered in flames, and punched the floor when she landed on the ground, releasing flaming shock waves that hit all the reapers that were surrounding her.

Rainbow Dash was using her superspeed and lightning powers to attack the reapers. With each punch of her lighting-embedded fish, she instantly takes down many of them. She looked and saw a group of ten reapers charging at her, remembering her training she cover her entire body in lighting and zoom past them, and as soon as she did that, all the reapers were hit with a lightning attack, causing them to explode upon death.

Rarity uses a diamond shield to block a magical blast from a reaper before making a diamond hammer appear in her hands and causing it to extend until it hits that reaper. She then makes it disappear, making two boxing diamond gloves appear on her fist, and punches two of the reapers in front of her as hard as she can before making them disappear. She also makes a giant diamond boulder appear and rolls it on the ground to run over a group of reapers.

Pinkie Pie freezes a group of reapers in front of her before running towards a group of reapers where she would jump around them and touch their weapons, and with each touch, their weapons exploded, taking out many of them.

Applejack uses her powers to make vines appear and grabs a group of reapers with them before tossing them away. She then uses her powers to make a carnivore plant monster that attacks the reapers.

Fluttershy uses her powers to make a wind shield around her that protects her from any reapers that get too close to her, making them blow away upon impact, and any magical blast they try gets swept up in the current, which is then forewarded back at them. She then makes large hands made of wind come out of the wind shield and attack the reapers, causing them to be swept away.

Twilight uses her telekinesis to disarm the reapers before blasting them with a magical blast. She grabs a couple reapers in her telekinesis and tosses them into another group of reapers.

Eventually their were able to take out the entire reapers until only metal bang is left.

“All right, buster, it's just you left,” Applejack said. ”So you may as well surrender.“

“Ha, I like to see you try." Metal bane are said as large numbers of circles appear in the sky and large axes fly out of them.

“Everyone to me,“ Rarity said as she quickly made a diamond dome to cover her friends and herself as soon as they were around her.

The axes rain down on the dome, and while the axes are bouncing off the dome, it has become quite clear that they were able to cut pieces of it off, and soon the dome will break.

"What are we going to do?” Fluttershy said in a scared voice. ”We can’t hide forever.“
“I have an idea,“ Sunset said.

From the outside, the dome collapsed on itself to reveal a large hole. The axes still rain on that spot. While Metal Bang was distracted by the disappearances of the guardians of harmony, another hole opened up behind him, and out came Applejack, who jumped out and punched him in the back. It wasn’t long before rarity, using her magic, lifted herself and everyone out of the hole on a diamond platform. Early at sunset, have her use her magic to open up a hole for them to escape through while at the same time making a tunnel for them to use to sneak through and attack metal bang from behind.

Metal Bang stood up, turned, and looked at them with a glare.

“ Cheap shot," he said as he slashed his axe, making an energy slash to come towards them. Everyone managed to dodge it on time.

Rarity then used her magic to toss a diamond spear at him, but it bounced harmlessly off his armor.

“HaHaHaHa” Metal bane laugh ”Nice try, but my armor is unbreakable,“ he boasts.

“Oh yeah.“ Rainbow Dash said, ” How well does it do with lightning?“

She then fires a lightning attack at Metal Bane, but must to everyone shocked it looks like he was unharmed.

“You think I can’t handle a bit of electricity?“

Pinkie Pie then ran towards him and touched his armor, causing it to explode. She then jumped back to her friends. When the smoke clears, metal bane still looks fine.

“Is that all you can do?” he said as he hit his axe on the ground, which created a shockwave attack that hit everyone.

“Dang it,“ Rainbow said. ” We can’t hurt him through that armor of his.”

Sunset then got an idea.

“We can’t hurt him through his armor, but what about from within?” she said as she went and told Rainbow her plan, which got a nod from her as she used her super speed to disappear for a second before appearing again to give Sunset something.

Sunset then looks at metal bane and disappears before appearing in front of him and punching him with a magical cover fist in the chest before disappearing and appearing back to her friends.

“What that supposed to...” He said, but stopped as he felt something bursting out of his armor. He looked around his body and saw that his armor was bursting open like something was coming out. He then looks at sunset.

“What did you do?” he demanded.

“It simply,“ Sunset said, "we can’t hurt you through your armor, but why not from within your armor? So I have Rainbow Dash run and get me a seed, and all I have to do is get close enough to teleport in it inside of you while using a powerful growth spell.”

As she said that mental bane armor burst open as it couldn’t handle the pressure anymore. A giant plant ended up bursting out, causing metal bane to be toss into the air, and landing in front of the guardians of harmony.

He stood up and noticed his armor was gone. “Oh no,” he said.

“Oh yes” Sunset said, "Girls, let's finish this.”

Everyone nodded as their blast sunset with a magical blast empowered her to fire, a powerful magical blast at metal bane, which destroyed him instantly.

After that was done, everyone powered down and returned to their regular form.

“We did it,“ Pinkie said.

“Of course we did it,” Rainbow Dash said.

"I never doubted for a second,“ Rarity said.

Sunset just smiled, knowing that they had won another battle. However, unknown to them, they were being watched. On one of the buildings rooftops nearby, two familiar figures have been watching everything.

“It looks like they have won again,” Wallflower said to Trixie, who had dragged her onto the rooftop when she saw the rainbooms go and fight the monster so they could watch the fight.

"Trixie, are you okay?” Wallflower asks the magician, who was unusually quiet throughout the fight.

“Yes, Trixie is alright. Trixie was simply worried that it would end up like yesterday' monster attack,“ she said. Unknown to the rainbooms, both Trixie and Wallflower have been watching yesterday's battle through the school window, where they witnessed them almost being killed by vindicator. They wanted to help but knew they didn’t have the means to do it. After they managed to pull a win against vindicator, the two girls left the window to think about what they had just witnessed.

This is something that has been on her mind lately. She always hated the fact that she couldn’t help her friends with any of the magical threats. She knew, despite all her boasts, she was just a regular human. She hated the fact that she can’t do more to help as the only time she did do something that was helpful was during the time when wallflower lock both her and sunset in the yearbook room. Even then, she can’t figure out how she managed to get sunset out in the first place or, more importantly, be at the final confrontation.

Wallflower also feels the same, as she was bothered by the fact she couldn’t help her friends but just stood and watched to make sure they were okay. Both wish there was a way to be able to help them more.
“So metal bane has failed,” said the other from inside the chamber , having witnessed the entire battle from the pool in the center of the room. “No matter , there are still more monsters I can use.”
“You girls were great out there,” Star Swirl said to the guardians of harmony.

“Thank you, sir,” Sunset said. “But some credit goes to Discord for helping us unlock our new abilities.“

“Gees, thanks guys,” Discord said.

“Well, today was another victory for us,“ said Star Swirl. “But be warned, Grogar will send more monsters to gather more negative energy, and with each negative energy he collects, he will grow stronger. So I ask you to be prepared, as the battle has only just begun.”

“Don’t worry, “Sunset said, “as long as my friends and I are together, we can handle anything.“

All her friends nodded their heads to that as they agreed with what the sunset said. The battle may have just begun, but they are ready for anything.
End of chapter 2.

Chapter 3: Snowstorm of the yuki onna

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Opening of the guardians of harmony :

Play she ra princess of power theme song

The intro starts with the other , sombra , queen chrysalis, Tirek and lord Norlock looking at the pool in the center of the dark chamber.

~ We're on the edge of greatness ~

The camera then zoom into the pool to show sunset was on the school roof staring at the sunset . She then turn her head to stare at the camera before her geodes glow a bright red light covering the screen.

~ turning darkness into light ~

After the bright light disappear it shows scenes from previous equestrian girls adventure such as the first equestrian girls movie, rainbows rock, Friendship games, legend of everfree, mirror magic , forgotten friendship , rollercoaster of friendship ,spring breakdown, sunset backstage past and holiday unwrapped.

~ We're right beside you ~

All the guardians of harmony are now on a battlefield and in front them was an army of reapers

~ Ready to Fight! ~

Everyone then pony up and turn into their superhero forms

~ (fight, fight, fight fight) ~

Both sides quickly charge into one another.

~ We're gonna win in the end! ~

Pinkie rises out of a tide, blasting reapers with water while rainbow dash blast them with lighting shocking them.

~ We must be strong, And we must be brave ~

Applejack is capturing and tying up reapers with vines. While rarity is using her magic to open up holes in the ground that cause many of them to fall in.

~(we must be brave) ~

Fluttershy is using her power to make a tornado that caught many of the reapers while twilight is using her telekinesis to pick up a few of the reapers and toss them in the air.

~ We're gonna find every bit of strength that we have ~

Sunset is using her magic to make a fire shockwaves that took out many of the reapers

The scene shifts to the main chamber of Grogar lair where his egg form floats in the air and beneath it was the other, queen chrysalis, lord norlock, Tirek and sombra , vindicator and besides them were four dark silhouette. Behind all of them was a dark background where the red eyes of the monsters that serve Grogar glow with malice. The egg form of Grogar suddenly glow covering the entire screen.

~ and never let go ~

The scene then shifted to the guardians of harmony battering against the other and Grogar top subordinates.

~ (Oh ah Oh) ~

The other and sunset fire a magical beam towards one another resulted in a blight flash that cover the entire screen.

~ We must be STRONG! ~

The scene ends with a final shot of the guardians of harmony sitting down at the base of the school statue with three silhouette standing nearby.
In the dark night of canterlot city a large cloud have formed over the city.

“Rest well, humans of Canterlot, because tomorrow you will face a storm that won’t ever let you rest peacefully again." A woman spoke from on top of one of the city buildings. This woman has snow white skin and long blue hair that reaches her neck, and on her hands is a hand fan. She also wore a white kimono, one worn by a Japanese woman. She can be described as beautiful, but the elf-like ears on the side of her head show that this woman is not human.

The alarm clock on sunset nightstand rings loudly, waking her up. She reached with her hands and hit the off button. She then lazily got up from her bed to take a bath and brush her teeth. Once that was done, she got dressed and made herself breakfast, and while she was making breakfast, she turned on the TV. The channel she turned to was the news.

"Last night, a sudden snow storm struck Canterlot City,” the anchorman said. ”Meteorologistsis are still baffled by the sudden change in weather .”

Hearing that sunset, went out of the kitchen to see the news.

“Meteorologists are still researching what caused this phenomenon,“ the news anchor said. ”Stay tuned for updates on channel six news.”

Sunset, then switch off the TV. She went and looked out the window, and sure enough, it was snowing.

“Okay, that is not normal,“ she said when her phone suddenly rang. She picks it up.

“Hello,” she said.

“Sunset is me twilight.“

“Oh, hi twi.“

“Did you see the news?”

“Yeah, I did.”

“Then you know that this is not normal.”

“Yeah, I know. This is either wild equestrian magic or an attack from Grogar.”

“Then get ready since we are meeting at Pinkie Place.”

"I got it.”

Sunset, who is wearing winter clothes, is using her motorcycle to drive to Pinkie House. After parking nearby, she walked on the sidewalk to get to Pinkie House. When she was near Pinkie's house, she heard something, causing her to turn to the side as Pinkie jumped out of the snow wearing winter clothes.

“Surprise attack!“ she shouted as she tried to hit the sunset with a snowball. However, she dodged it with ease.

"Pinkie," sunset said.

“Sorry, sunset,“ Pinkie said.” But I couldn’t help it. It is winter time my favorite time of the year.“

Pinkie then jumps onto the snow and makes a snow angel on it.

“Come on, Pinkie, this isn’t the time to play around." Sunset said to her pink-haired friend.

“Ah, what the rush?” Pinkie said. “It's not like something bad will happen if we have fun for a few minutes.“

As soon as she said that, a snowstorm happened, covering the entire city. Quickly, both Pinkie and Sunset enter the house where everyone else is waiting.

Meanwhile, the woman who caused the snow storm sat on an ice throne at the top of a building, watching as the snow storm covered the city, causing negative energy to be produced from the terrified citizens of the city.

“Yes,“ she said, smiling, “produced more negative energy for the master.“

She laughed.
Everyone was currently in pinkie pie room, drinking hot coco to stay warm. The TV was on, and on the news channel.

“There seems to be a sudden snowstorm,” the news anchor said. ”Residents are advised to stay home or any form of in-door shelter and not to leave under any circumstances until the storm blows over.”

“This is getting serious,“ Twilight said. ”If this continues, the city will freeze over.”

Suddenly, the doorbell started ringing, and someone opened the door.

"Pinkie, your friend Discord is here to see you and your friends,“ Pinkie older sister maud say from the living room.

"Thanks, Maud,” Pinkie said as everyone left the room to go to the living room, where they found Discord sitting down on one of the sofas.

“Ah, good, everyone is here." Discord said as he was happy to see everyone is present.

"Discord, do you know what's going on here?” Twilight asks him.

“It seems that something unknown is creating this snowstorm,“ he said. “The intelligence department has tracked the source to downtown and after sending a drone to the area we recover this image.”

He then brought out a small device that let out a holographic screen showing the woman who was causing the snowstorm.

“Who the heck is that?“ Rainbow Dash asks.

“And where did she get such a lovely outfit?“ Rarity said, causing everyone to look at her dumbfounded.

“What, it is a lovely outfit,“ she defended.

“Really rare,“ Applejack said.

“From the data we collected, we can safely assume that the source of the storm came from her,” Discord said. “If she isn’t stopped, the entire city will freeze to death.”

“Well, then let's stop her,” Sunset said, to which everyone nodded.

Discord then snaps his fingers, opening a portal.

“This portal will lead you to her,” he said.

“Well then, what are we waiting for? Everyone pony up,” Sunset said as she and everyone turned into their superhero forms and went through the portal, which closed instantly as soon as they went through it.
As soon as everyone goes through the portal, they find themselves in the middle of the snowstorm.
“Geez, it's mighty cold here,” Applejack said.

“Come on, everyone, let go,” Sunset said as she led everyone through the snowstorm.
Back to the snow woman, she senses something nearby.

“So the guardians of harmony have arrived to face me,“ she said with a smile. “Well, then let me welcome them.”
As everyone began walking through the snow storm, the snow in front of them suddenly rose and formed into the shape of a giant face of the woman.

“Greetings, guardians of harmony, I am Snow Queen.“

“I take it you are responsible for this,“ Twilight said /accused.

“That's right, I was sent by my master to freeze this city in order to gain negative energy.“

“Well, you better stop,” Rainbow said, ” or we will be kicking you butt from here to next week.“

“I like to see you try.”

As soon as she said that, the giant snow face disappeared, and after that, the snow around them rose from the ground, forming into snow monsters.

Immediately after that everyone starts battling the snow monsters.

Twilight fires a magical blast at a group of snow monsters, destroying them; however, their immediate reforms themselves. Pinkie tries to throw explosives and sugar goods at them, but like before, they just reform or regenerate any broken parts. Rainbow Dash tries to use her super speed to plow through them, but like before, they simply reformed themselves. The snow monsters then fire ice sickles at them. However, everyone managed to dodge on time.

“That it, “Sunset said, annoyed as she blasted a large fireball at them. This attack ends up melting them instantly. She then disappeared and appeared in the air, in the middle of the snow monster. She fell to the ground and punched one of her flame-covered fists onto the ground, releasing a fire shockwaves that took out the remaining snow monsters.

“Great job, sunset,“ Rainbow said.

“Come on, everyone, let’s go.” Twilight said as everyone continued on their journey to downtown..

The snow woman, who has witnessed the entire battle through a magical smoke floating in front of her, just smiled seeing the guardians of harmony on their way to her location.

“Those fools don’t know who they are dealing with,” she laughed. “I will be one to destroy them, and when that happens, my master will reward me greatly.”

The guardians of harmony were making their way to downtown while on their way they had to battle countless snow monsters. While it was true that, with the exception of sunset, the rest couldn’t put them down for good, they could however injured them enough to get past them before their fully regenerate themselves.

“We close,“ sunset said, seeing downtown was nearby. “Everyone get ready.”

Everyone simply nodded as they made their way to their destination. As soon as they reach it, a snow current blows in front of them. It formed into a mini-tornado before leaving revealing the snow queen in front of them.

“So you manage to arrive here,“ she said with a voice full of malice.

“Ya darn right, we manage to arrive,“ Applejack said. ”So you better surrender now before we decide to add black to your blue skin.”

“Ha, I like to see you try," snow queen said as the snow around her flew towards her and covered her entire body before rising into a giant monster that towered over them.

The snow monster was enormous, with its fingers having ice sickles sticking out of them like claws and a giant red orb that served as its eyes. The monster roared and fired the icesickles at them. Everyone managed to dodge it on time. Sunset blasts a fireball at it, leaving a small hole in it that quickly covers up. Rainbow Dash fired a lightning attack on it, which did not do much against it. Rarity used her magic to make a giant rock fist come out of the ground, which hit and destroyed the snow monster's head, only for it to regenerate a new head.

Fluttershy tried to blow away the monster with her wind magic, but while it worked, it didn’t last long as the monster simply reformed itself. It then opens its mouth and fires a freezing breath at them. Rarity was able to quickly form a diamond dome to protect them, and instantly the dome froze and crumbled in them. It was about to hit them, but Twilight and Sunset used their telekinesis to catch them and throw them at the snow monster, and while it did do some damage, the snow monster just heal itself.

“Dang it,” Rainbow said. “Nothing we are doing is working.”

“Maybe what we need to hit is not the monster but the person controlling it,“ Twilight said.

“That might work, "Sunset said. “But how are we going to do that since we don’t know where she is in that thing?”

“I think I might be able to help.“ Fluttershy said softly, “During our training with Discord, I unlocked the ability to sense a person's presence. Maybe I can use it to scan the monster so we can find her.”

“That might work,” Sunset said.

The monster then attacks them with one of its large arms, but everyone manages to get out of the way on time and quickly tries to keep their distance from it.

“Fluttershy, can you sense her presence?“ Rarity asks.

“Hold on, let me try to concentrate,“ Fluttershy said as she closed her eyes and, after a few seconds, opened them. “In the center of the monster is where she is.”

“Got it." Rainbow said, "Applejack, I need a boost, so use your super strength to throw me.”

"Got it partner,“ the cowgirl said as she grabbed Rainbow Dash and spun around before throwing her like she was a shot put ball.

Rainbow quickly used her flight powers to aim at the center of the monster while combining her super speed and lightning powers to cover her entire body, and ram right through the monster chess, bringing out Snow Queen out with her. The monster quickly dispersed and, while landing down the rainbow-haired girl, shocked Snow Queen with her lightning powers and rammed her into the ground before charging her feet with lightning and began stepping over with her super speed. After she manages to do this for more than a thousand times, she makes a large jump, using her face as a launch pad.

As soon as she landed, her friends went to her side as snow queen got up from the ground. She began coughing, with some blue blood coming out of her, before glaring at the guardians of harmony. She then raised the hand that had the hand fan in it and waved it down, bringing out a large wind attack on them. However, Fluttershy managed to blow her own wind attack on it, sending it back to her and blowing her off her feet and across the ground.

“Nice job, Fluttershy,“ Rainbow said to her shy friend.
“It was nothing really .“ The shy girl said she covered her face with her hair.

Snow Queen was on the ground, struggling to get up.

“I won’t be beaten by the likes of you,” she said, gritting her teeth as she touched the ground, causing ice spikes to come out of the ground and have them launch at them. However, Pinkie simply tosses her sugar goods at all of them, blowing them up before they reach them.

“Now it is our turn, darling,“ Rarity said as she made a diamond ball appear and toss it towards her, hitting her in the stomach and causing her to flew off the ground and land across it. Twilight then uses her telekinesis to lift her up and into the air before slamming her to the ground. She did this repeatedly before stopping. As Snow Queen tried to get up, Applejack made vines tangle her hands, tossing her into the air, where she landed on a tornado that Fluttershy created, causing her to spin in it before it subsided, causing her to fall to the ground. However, before she manages to land on the ground, Applejack uses her powers to have a vine wrap around her waist before pulling her onto the ground, where she uses her vines to spin her on the ground. She ends up spinning to Rainbow Dash, who has lightning cover her fist, which she uses her super speed to hit her more than a thousand times. The final punch sent her off the ground and into sunset, who blasted a fireball at her that blew her away, and into Twilight, who blasted her with her magic, sending her the other way, and into Applejack, who used her super strength to punch her, causing her to land on the ground with her face on the snow, where in front of her rarity, who have a big diamond mallet hit her off the ground and into the air like she was a golf ball. Snow Queen landed on the ground on her back. She tried to get up, but her injuries prevented her.

“I think it is about time we end this,” Sunset said as she and everyone flew in the air, and immediately everyone fired a magical blast at Sunset, powering her up to hit the finishing blow at Snow Queen.

“Nooooooooo!” she screamed as the magic beam sunset fire hit her, destroying her completely.

Everyone landed on the ground and powered down, turning back into their regular form. The snowstorm suddenly stopped, and immediately the cloud cleared off, showing the warm sun.

“It looks like another win for the guardians of harmony,“ Rainbow said, and everyone nodded in agreement. Immediately afterward, everyone began making their way home.

However, unknown to them, a figure has been watching them from an alleyway nearby. She glared at them in anger as they walked away, unaware of her presence. She then walked back into the alleyway.

“Someday, one of these days, I will have my revenge on them,” she said as she walked away, pulling down on her winter jacket, thinking of the ways she would have her revenge on them, especially on a certain egghead and fire-haired girl. “Their will all pay,” she thought.

Unknown to her, however, the other is watching her through the pool from Grogar's main chamber.

“She might be quite useful,“ he said.
Back at Pinkie Pie House, the group is currently watching the news.

“In an unexpected turn of events, the snow storm has suddenly stopped, it is now considered safe for residents to come out of their homes,” the news anchor said before the TV switched off.

“So what now?“ Twilight asks.

"Lets have a snowball fight.” Pinkie Pie said to everyone who answered yes or sure, and immediately everyone put on their winter clothes and got out of the house. When they got out, a giant snowball suddenly landed on them, burying them. Everyone digs themselves out to see Discord standing in front of them wearing winter clothes.

“You girls weren’t about to have a snowball fight without me, weren’t you?” he said as he snapped his finger, making a snowball appear on his hand. The guardians of harmony quickly got out of the snow and started throwing snowballs at him and each other. Spending the rest of the day playing in the snow.
End of chapter 3
End song
Played Shine by Mr. Big

[Instrumentals] The opening fades into the inside of a room and focuses on an accordion-book that was open all the way onto a table.

[I never really feel quite right] The scene then fades to show the beginning of the book, before moving to the left, as it showed the pictures in it. The first of the pictures was of sunset who was on her couch with her pet lizard ray on her shoulder both of who are smiling in front of the camera.

[And I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong] As the camera moved, showing the rest of the photos, it then showed a picture of Rainbow Dash playing football on the school field .The next picture showed Rarity making a dress using sweetie bell as her model must to the young girl displeasure.

[Every time I look at you, you seem so alive] The next picture showed both Pinkie pie and Fluttershy backing a cake in a kitchen. The one after that was of Applejack picking out apples from a tree in her farm with her family.

[Tell me how do you do it, walk me through it] After that, it was a picture of twilight in her lab doing one of her experiments with spike sleeping on his dog bed nearby.The next picture was of wallflower ,Trixie and Derpy taking a group group picture in her garden.

[I'm following every footstep] The next picture was of flash sentry and his band playing on a stage.

[Maybe on your own you take a conscious step] The next picture was of Pinkie and Rainbow dash sneaking up on Luna who was sleeping on her desk. The picture next and under it was of an angry Luna who have a mustache drawn on her face by a marker chasing rainbow and pinkie pie who was laughing and nearby was principal celestia who have an amuse look on her face .

[Do you wanna give it up? All that I want…] The next picture was of sunset in her demon form who was flying in the air and on the ground was princess twilight and the rest of her friends ready to confront her.The photo after that was of sunset in a crater with tears in her eyes.

[Is for you to SHINE~] The photo after that showed princess Twilight pulling sunset out of the crater.

[SHINE~ down on me]The next photo was of sunset hugging wallflower after destroying the memory stone.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] A photo after that showed Discord putting a kick me sign on sunset back with him turning to the camera putting a finger on his lip telling the person who is using the camera to be quiet . The one underneath it was a picture of Bulk biceps running from Fluttershy while she is wearing her alien custom .

[SHINE~] The photo after that was of star swirl and Stygian practicing their magic.

[SHINE~ down on me] The photo after that showed a picture of vindicator battering the guardians of harmony.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] Fading away from that one photo, the scene changed to show the last picture in the book.It was of sunset, Rainbow dash,Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy, Rarity ,Twilight ,Applejack,Princess Twilight,Discord ,start swirl and Stygian standing in front of the school statue smiling

[SHINE~] A hand then closes the accordion book.

Chapter 4:A Game of terror

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Opening of the guardians of harmony :

Play she ra princess of power theme song

The intro starts with the other , sombra , queen chrysalis, Tirek and lord Norlock looking at the pool in the center of the dark chamber.

~ We're on the edge of greatness ~

The camera then zoom into the pool to show sunset was on the school roof staring at the sunset . She then turn her head to stare at the camera before her geodes glow a bright red light covering the screen.

~ turning darkness into light ~

After the bright light disappear it shows scenes from previous equestrian girls adventure such as the first equestrian girls movie, rainbows rock, Friendship games, legend of everfree, mirror magic , forgotten friendship , rollercoaster of friendship ,spring breakdown, sunset backstage past and holiday unwrapped.

~ We're right beside you ~

All the guardians of harmony are now on a battlefield and in front them was an army of reapers

~ Ready to Fight! ~

Everyone then pony up and turn into their superhero forms

~ (fight, fight, fight fight) ~

Both sides quickly charge into one another.

~ We're gonna win in the end! ~

Pinkie rises out of a tide, blasting reapers with water while rainbow dash blast them with lighting shocking them.

~ We must be strong, And we must be brave ~

Applejack is capturing and tying up reapers with vines. While rarity is using her magic to open up holes in the ground that cause many of them to fall in.

~(we must be brave) ~

Fluttershy is using her power to make a tornado that caught many of the reapers while twilight is using her telekinesis to pick up a few of the reapers and toss them in the air.

~ We're gonna find every bit of strength that we have ~

Sunset is using her magic to make a fire shockwaves that took out many of the reapers

The scene shifts to the main chamber of Grogar lair where his egg form floats in the air and beneath it was the other, queen chrysalis, lord norlock, Tirek and sombra , vindicator and besides them were four dark silhouette. Behind all of them was a dark background where the red eyes of the monsters that serve Grogar glow with malice. The egg form of Grogar suddenly glow covering the entire screen.

~ and never let go ~

The scene then shifted to the guardians of harmony battering against the other and Grogar top subordinates.

~ (Oh ah Oh) ~

The other and sunset fire a magical beam towards one another resulted in a blight flash that cover the entire screen.

~ We must be STRONG! ~

The scene ends with a final shot of the guardians of harmony sitting down at the base of the school statue with three silhouette standing nearby.
In the dark chamber of Grogar Lair, the other and the top subordinate of Grogar stand close to the center of the room.

“So far, your plans have failed,“ Tirek, who was nearby, said to the others.

“Yes,the guardians of harmony have proven themselves to be a lot stronger than we originally believed,“ Chrysalis said.

“And the monsters we sent so far have failed from vindicator, metal bane, and snow queen,” Sombra said.

“And while Metal Bane and Snow Queen manage to gather much negative energy for the master, it ends up completely pointless as the guardians of harmony end up destroying them, and time passes they will grow stronger and stronger as they unlock new abilities,“ Lord Norlock said.

“I am aware of that; however, I developed a new plan to destroy the guardians of harmony,“ the other said. “I have been observing the humans, and they have developed this device, which they call video games.”

“And how does that have to do with anything?" Sombra asks

“It is simply “the other said” we will use the humans love for games to be their downfall, and I have the perfect monster for the job.”

The other then pulls out a clay doll from his robe before tossing it into the pool and blasting it with a magical blast with his staff, causing it to glow.

“Rise game master,” the other said, “and do our master's bidding.“

Instantly, the pool glowed, and a dark light flew out of it and traveled to the surface world.

The final bell of the school ring signaling the end of the school day.

“ Freedom at last” Rainbow dash said happily as she jumped out of the school door.

“ Over dramatic must don’t you think “ Sunset said as she and the rest of the guardians of harmony walk out of the school entrance.

“ Seriously rainbow you can be such a drama queen sometimes “ Rarity said as a bird poop landed on one of her shoes. “ Oh no bird poop on my shoes. Of all the things that could happen .THIS.IS.THE.WORST.POSSIBLE.THING. “Rarity then make a fainting couch made of diamond appear and land on it.

Everyone around her just roll their eyes.

“ Anywhere what you plan for today since if i recall correctly star swirl give us a break from training today “ Twilight said as she thing back to their conversation with star swirl a few hours ago.


“ You all are progressing well in you training “ star swirl said from the holographic screen that was being projected from a holographic device.

Currently the guardians of harmony and Discord were in the janitor room taking with star swirl.

“ Well what you expect when you working with the best” Rainbow boast to star swirl.

“ Anyhow I believe you earn a day off from training “ star swirl said.

“ You sure we should take the day off” Twilight ask the ancient wizard.

“ Yes I am sure “ star swirl said” it is best for you to rest and unwind for the day so you wouldn’t be overwhelmed with stress “

“Well I could use a break from all that training “ Sunset said as everyone agree with her statement.

Back to the present:

“ Well me and pinkie are going to the arcade for the day” Rainbow said.

“ Yeah I can’t wait to play my favorite dance dance revolution “ Pinkie said.

“ Do you guys have room for one more “ Sunset ask.

“ Sure the more the merrier “ Rainbow said.” What about you guys”

“Well I am going to design my newest dress” rarity said.

“ I need to help in the farm” Applejack said.

“ I got to help in the shelter today” Fluttershy said .

“ And I need to work on my newer experiments “ Twilight said.

Everyone parted ways to their respective destination.

The game house was the most popular arcade in town as it have both old retro games and the newest games. This attracted many young people from young kids and teens. Currently right now sunset and her two friends Rainbow Dash and pinkie pie were enjoying themselves playing one game after another. Both sunset and Rainbow Dash are currently racing with one another in a race car game while pinkie pie was playing the claw games.

However unseen by everyone even by the city defenders a figure dress in a trench coat and hat walk in through the front door. He walk inside and take a look around he could feel three of the guardians of harmony was near but knew it is not time yet to act not until he got everything ready. As he continues to walk through the arcade he snuck of further back in the arcade where their are not many people. Eventually he stop in front of a old arcade game calls galaxy fighters.

He smiled seeing this before placing a hand on it and instantly the screen glow white and out came the villains character of the games . Their were a large humanoid alien bat, humanoid cyborg, a muscular green aliens with four tentacles on his back. All of them eyes glow red before bowing to him.

“Perfect,” the figure said as he went to another arcade machine, did the same thing, and instantly came out the villains of the games, which are a clown with a fire head, a man in a hockey mask and chainsaw, a man wearing a glove that has claws sticking out of it, a bloody clothes man who is holding a bloody axe and is wearing a deer head, and a man wearing an orange prison jumpsuit and white mask, and in one of his hands was a machete.

He then went to another arcade machine to bring out the villains of that game, which consisted of a group of robots and a bald old man wearing a scientist uniform with one of his eyes replaced with a cybernetic eye.He then went to another machine and brought out two ninjas: a lizard-like creature dressed in barbarian clothes, a cyclops, and a demon-like creature dressed in king clothing.

He repeated this process with a few more games, and with each villain he brought out from the games, he felt his power grow stronger and stronger, but as he was about to repeat the process again on another game, a voice interrupted him. He and all the villains turned, and they saw two boys walking on the scene. These two boys are none other than sunset old henchmen, snipe and snail.

“Hey, what's going on?" Snipe said, but was interrupted when he had to dodge a hammer that was thrown at him.

“Wow,” he said as he dodged the thrown hammer. He then turned in front to see all the villains looking at him and his friends with weapons raised.

“I think we should get out of here,” Snipe said to his friend as they ran for their lives.

The figure, knowing it won’t be long before everyone in the arcade is alerted to what is going on, decided to start his attack now.

“Attack,” he ordered the villains as he brought more villains out of the arcade machine.
As sunset , Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were playing another game in the arcade, their along with everyone heard screaming, causing everyone to turn and see Snipe and Snail running.

“Run for your life,” they said as they ran past the entrance, and immediately following them were the video game villains. Their throw, blast,and fire any weapons they have, luckily not hitting anybody but instead hitting some of the machines or the things nearby the people. This caused everyone but the three guardians of harmony to run out of the arcade building.

“Well, it seems our game day just ends,” Rainbow said as she, Sunset,and Pinkie got ready to fight. One of the video game villains, a large armor gorilla, tries to attack Sunset, but Sunset, using her telekinesis, just lifts him in the air and tosses it to the other villains before firing a magical blast at a robot, destroying it. Rainbow uses her super speed while covering her entire body with lighting to run past a group of villains, shocking them and causing them to disappear in a flash of light. Pinkie Pie throws a bunch of sugar goods on a bunch of them, destroying them and causing them to disappear in a flash of light.

Sunset, while dodging a punch from a four-arm sumo wrestler, brings out a phone from her pocket and dials Twilight. After dodging a few more attacks in the form of explosive balls being thrown at her by a flame-headed clown, Twilight angers her phone.

“Hi twilight, “ sunset said. “How are you doing? Oh, we are doing alright except for the fact that we are being attacked by video game characters that came to life.

“Yes, I am serious,“ Sunset said as she formed a magical barrier to block a bomb being thrown by a robot, which was destroyed by rainbow dash immediately after she blasted it with a lightning strike. She then narrowly dodged a chainsaw slash from a man wearing a hockey mask.

“Ok, see you soon,“ Sunset said as she hand up her phone before teleporting from the ground to the air, where she landed on a large cyclops monster, whom she immediately punched with a flame fist, causing it to disappear in a flash of light. She then jumps away from an energy blast being fired from a ray gun that is being used by an alien. Pinkie Pie ran up to it and jumped and touched its gun before jumping away, causing it to explode.

“How did all these villains come out of their games?" Rainbow said as she zapped a shark man dressed in armor while Pinkie Pie was blasting a bat alien and a barbarian with a water blast.

“Oh,oh, oh,” Pinkie Pie said as she raised her hand while dodging a laser blast that was blasted from the cybernetic eye of a scientist.

“Pinkie, this isn’t a classroom; you don’t have to raise your hand,” Sunset said as she formed a barrel to block a fireball attack from a wizard.

“These villains were actually brought to life by today's monster of the week,“ Pinkie said enthusiastically as she fired an ice ball at a cyborg.

“ Well,well” A voice said, catching the guardians' attention. It was their turn to see the trench coat figure. "If it ain’t the guardians of harmony,“ the figure took off the trench coat and hat, revealing a clown whose entire face was covered in white makeup and dressed as a court jester.

“Who the heck are you?” Rainbow said as she fired a lightning blast at a dinosaur man.

"Oh, I know,“ Pinkie said as she threw a cupcake at a zombie. “You must be today's monster of the week.”

“I am game master,“ the clown now known as game master said, “a fitting name since my ability allows me to bring anything from games to life.” He demonstrated this ability by bringing out a race car from one of the arcade machines, which he immediately jumped into.

“Well, you better stop before we beat you up from here to next week,” Sunset said as she fired a magic and fire attack at a rhino monster.

“If you want this to stop, then you got to beat me first,“ he said as he drove out of the arcade machine through the door, bursting it in the process, and immediately most of the villains quickly stopped fighting them and immediately tried to run outside.

“We need to stop them from going out, or their will wreak havoc in the city, “Sunset said.

"I got it " pinkie said as she frozen the entire front part of the building , but this didn’t do much as the villains with fire abilities or weapons or those with super strength break it down , and immediately all the villains left the arcade. Sunset, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie ran out of the arcade to try to fight the villains before they caused further havoc, but sadly, there were only three of them and an unknown number of them, so even if they managed to take out a large number of them, they just simply sneaked past them while they were distracted fighting, and now free from their game, the villains began terrorizing the city, which in turn produced more negative energy for Grogar to devour.
In black light main base, everyone is on high alert as many agents have begun gearing up with magic-tech weapons and armor to help contain the threat and evacuate civilians to safety. This widespread attack on the city means the guardians of harmony will need help dealing with this threat.

Star Swirl himself is leading the attack, as he is now sitting down in a black light vehicle driving by discord.

“Let go and get ready for battle,” Star Swirl said in a microphone from inside the vehicle once everyone was ready, and immediately everyone drove out of the base, ready to help deal with this threat and get civilians to safety..
The three members of the guardians of harmony were still trying their best to deal with the villains, but it was getting more and more obvious that their attempt to contain the villains in one place was in vain, and as sunset was about to fire a magic blast at a group of zombies, a rock fist came sailing and hit them instead. Sunset turned, and saw it was the rest of their friends.

"Took you guys long enough,“ Rainbow said as she fired a lightning attack at a ninja.

“Sorry about that sugar cube,” Applejack said as she used her super strength to lift a four-arm sumo wrestler and throw it onto a group of villains.

“Well, let’s pony up,” Sunset said as everyone turned into their superhero forms. A large green tiger monster tried to jump at them, but before anyone could do anything, it was blasted by a rocket. Everyone turned and saw it was fire from a black light agent. There saw members of the hunter division of black light coming out of vehicles and fighting against the villains, as well as tanks and vehicles with large laser cannons mounted at them firing at the villains. It wasn’t long before they saw star swirls and Discord coming out of one of the vehicles.

“What are you guys doing here?” Rainbow Dash asks.

“We are here to help since this threat is getting more and more out of hand by the passing minutes,” Star Swirl said as he fired a magic blast at a four-arm woman dressed as a ninja. ”Currently, right now, black light agents are all over the city, getting civilians to safety and dealing with any of the video game villains.”

"You guys better go and let us handle this, as our sources have informed us that the monster responsible for this is unleashing more and more villains, whether they are from arcades, game shops, game cafes, or anything else that has video games in it,"Discord said as he fired a magical blast at a squid-like monster. “Our intelligence department has tracked his current route, which is to the mall, and no doubt it is the game stop in the mall.”

“Right,” Twilight said. “Let go, girls.”

Everyone quickly left the area, leaving Discord, star swirl, and the rest of the black light agents to deal with the villains.
Currently, Game Master is still racing around the city, running over private property and almost hitting both cars and pedestrians with his crazy driving as he goes to any areas that have video games in them to bring out more and more of their villains, and with each villain brought to life, his power grows stronger.

He looked back when he heard sirens and saw a group of police cars chasing him. He smiles as he presses a button on his car, which causes it to drop bombs that roll to the police cars, hitting them and causing them to blast off the ground. Luckily, none of the police officers suffered any serious injuries, but many of them would still need medical attention.

"Hahahaha!" Game master laught seeing this. He activated the turbos of his vehicle, causing it to go faster as he broke through the mall entrance, causing many surprise shoppers to run and jump out of the way to avoid being run over by him. Game Master, while driving, threw bombs out of his vehicles, almost hitting many of the shoppers in the process. He eventually reaches the game shop in the mall, which has been cleared out of both employees and customers, as everyone in the shop panics and runs out as soon as they see him coming towards them.

As Game Master got out of his vehicle to get into the shop, he heard someone shout at him.

“Hold it,“ it said, catching his attention as he turned and saw the guardians of harmony getting ready to fight him.

“Ah, the guardians of harmony.“ The game master said as he smiled, “Are you ready to face your doom?”

“The only one doomed here is you." Sunset said, ”As it is, game over for you.”

“Confident, are we?" The game master said, ” But let's see if it is enough to win.“

He then makes a holographic screen appear, and on it, it looks like a weapon selection screen. He then presses on one of the weapons on display, and immediately the weapon, which is a rocket launcher, appears on his hands. He fires it at them, but Fluttershy manages to use her wind power to blow it back at him, only for him to dodge it. He then made the screen appear again and selected a weapon, which was a gatling gun that fired laser blasts at them. Everyone quickly scattered to dodge the attack.

Apaplejack and rarity hid behind a glass stand but were forced to leave it when a couple of bombs landed near them, which exploded, destroying it. Rainbow Dash tries to use her super speed to punch him, but game master selects a weapon that freezes the ground in front of her, causing her to slip past him and hit a vending machine.

Pinkie fired a water stream at him, but he selected a flamethrower weapon and fired at it, causing steam to cover the area and blocking his vision. Once the steam cleared, he saw that Pinkie Pie was gone.

“Surprise attack,“ the pink haired girl said as she appeared next to him and touched his weapon, and back flipped away as the weapon exploded on him, blasting him off the ground and into the air. He stopped, causing him to look down, and saw Twilight catch him using her telekinesis. She then slams him into a mall bench, which breaks on impact. He tries to get up, but Rainbow Dash, having recovered from her slip, uses her super speed to run towards him and rapidly punch him with her lightning cover fist, with the last punch launching him into the air and onto a trash can, spilling its contents on him. Game Master stood up and saw Fluttershy in front of him. She sent a wind attack on him, blowing him off the ground. However, before he fell onto the ground, he selected a jet pack on the screen, causing him to stop mid-air. He then selected a ray gun and fired it at them. All of them manage to dodge the blast, and as he continues to randomly fire, he doesn't notice however sunset teleport above him and punch him with a fire cover fist, forcing him to fall down into Applejack, who punches him, causing him to be tossing in another direction. He landed on the hard ground, destroying his jet pack in the process. The game master stood up and selected a large mallet.

He then slammed it on the ground, creating a shockwave that blew everyone away. He smiled seeing this; however, this didn’t last as Rarity used her powers to make a diamond mallet of her own and a large diamond shield to ride on. She flew to him and jumped off the diamond as soon as she was near him. Both immediately try to hit each other, resulting in both of their weapons colliding and creating small shock waves that blow each other back a bit. Both then run to each other and continue to fight with their respective weapons. Game Master swung his mallet at rarity, who managed to dodge it and try to hit him, but Game Master's back flipped away and landed a bit far from her. However, rarity just simply pointed her weapon at him, which extended to hit him in the stomach, causing him to be blown backwards into an ice cream stand. Game master got up and glared at them.

“ "It is over,” Rainbow Dash said. ”You can’t keep this up forever.“

“In that case, maybe it is time I upgraded myself,“ the game master said as he selected a metal cube.

“Wait, is that the upgrade cube from Doom Warcraft?“ Sunset said as she recognized the cube from her favorite online game.

“Yes, it is,” Game master said as he touched the gem that was on the front side of the cube, causing him to grow bigger and more muscular, with his clothes being replaced with an advanced battle suit. He then points his hand at them and fires a laser beam, causing everyone to scatter to dodge it, and as everyone dodges the blast, their saw game master produces a large weapons that fire a bunch of rockets at them. However, Fluttershy managed to blow them back at him. Game Master quickly uses the suite jet booster to get in the air and avoid all the rockets, only for Rainbow Dash to fly to him. She uses her super speed while covering her body with her lighting power to ram into him, causing him to be pushed across the air, but he stops mid-flight. However, Fluttershy appeared next to him and pressed a wind cover hand on his suit, causing his body to shake and spin across the air as slowly parts of the suit began to come off, such as screws, nut bolts, and eventually entire parts of the suit, until there was nothing left of the suit, leaving him with nothing but his jester outfit. He landed on the ground and got up. He looked at what was in front of him to see pieces of his suit on the ground. He looked down at his body and was shocked to see nothing of his suit remain.

“Oh no,” Game master said in a fearful voice.

“Oh yes,” Sunset said as she and everyone were getting ready to end the fight.

“I am not done yet." Game master said as he made two hand-held ray guns appear on his hands and start shooting at them, but rarity just formed a diamond shield to block the attack while Twilight, using her telekinesis, lifted both guns into the air and crushed them.

Rarity then made the shield disappear as everyone got ready for the final attack.
“Looks like it is game over for you, game master,“ Sunset said as everyone floats into the air, blasting their magic at Sunset, powering her up to blast the finishing blow at him.

"Noooooooooooooo," Game master said as the blast hit him, destroying him completely.
Meanwhile, all over town, the video game villains are slowly disappearing, as with Game Master Death, the magic used to bring the villains out ceases to exist.

“They did it,” Star Swirl said, smiling as he and everyone else watched the video game villains disappear.

“Did you ever have any doubts?“ Discord asked the ancient wizard, despite already knowing what the answer would be.

“No,” Star Swirl said simply.


The guardians of harmony turn back into their regular forms after landing on the ground.

“Glad that is over,” Twilight said.

“I know,“ Sunset said as she stretched her hands. ”I might consider stopping playing video games for a while since, after today, I think I have enough of them to last a lifetime.”

“By the way, good job early, darling,“ Rarity said to her shy friend.

“Ya, that was pretty good just now, sugar cube,” Applejack said, agreeing with her friend.

“Oh, it was nothing,“ the shy girl said, being modest.

“It wasn’t nothing.“ Sunset said, “What you did there was pretty cool.”

“Yeah,“ Rainbow said.

“It seems our training is paying off,“ Twilight said as she adjusted her glasses, “as every day not only are our powers growing stronger, but we are also learning new ways to use them."

"Good," Sunset said in a serious voice, catching everyone's attention. "Since I have the feeling that the battles are going to get tougher from here on out, no doubt Grogar and his forces will be improving themselves in order to gain a win, and we need to be ready."

Everyone just remained silent, hearing that, knowing that she got a point. This silence was eventually broken by twilight.

"Anywhere, there is still time in our day off, so what now?" Twilight asks.

"I am feeling hungry," Rainbow Dash said.

"Me too,"Applejack said.

“I am feeling a little bit hungry,“ Fluttershy said.

"I could also go for something to eat after what we have been through," Sunset said.

"Well, then let go to sugar cube coners." Pinkie Pie said as she started jumping, "I am sure the cakes have some extra snacks for us.”

Everyone gives their answer in the form of yes, sure, or okay before going out of the mall to go to sugar cube corner..
In the dark chamber of Grogar Lair, the other, along with Grogar's top subordinates, were standing near the center of the chamber, having been watching the battle between game master and the guardians of harmony being projected in the pool.

“Another one’s bite the dust and another failure,“ Tirek said. “So must you plan on using the humans entertainment against them?”

“Then it seems that if we are going to win, we need to improve our forces,“ the other said.

“And how are we going to do that?“ Sombra asks.

"I been researching the guardians of harmony and their past adventures prior to our release and discovered potiential recruits,” the other said as he made two magical clouds appear in the air, which opened up a window like portal that allowed everyone to see the people he selected for recruitment.

“These new recruits will gladly join us, especially if it means getting revenge on the guardians of harmony.” The other said as he laughed.
End of chapter 4
End song
Played Shine by Mr. Big

[Instrumentals] The opening fades into the inside of a room and focuses on an accordion-book that was open all the way onto a table.

[I never really feel quite right] The scene then fades to show the beginning of the book, before moving to the left, as it showed the pictures in it. The first of the pictures was of sunset who was on her couch with her pet lizard ray on her shoulder both of who are smiling in front of the camera.

[And I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong] As the camera moved, showing the rest of the photos, it then showed a picture of Rainbow Dash playing football on the school field .The next picture showed Rarity making a dress using sweetie bell as her model must to the young girl displeasure.

[Every time I look at you, you seem so alive] The next picture showed both Pinkie pie and Fluttershy backing a cake in a kitchen. The one after that was of Applejack picking out apples from a tree in her farm with her family.

[Tell me how do you do it, walk me through it] After that, it was a picture of twilight in her lab doing one of her experiments with spike sleeping on his dog bed nearby.The next picture was of wallflower ,Trixie and Derpy taking a group group picture in her garden.

[I'm following every footstep] The next picture was of flash sentry and his band playing on a stage.

[Maybe on your own you take a conscious step] The next picture was of Pinkie and Rainbow dash sneaking up on Luna who was sleeping on her desk. The picture next and under it was of an angry Luna who have a mustache drawn on her face by a marker chasing rainbow and pinkie pie who was laughing and nearby was principal celestia who have an amuse look on her face .

[Do you wanna give it up? All that I want…] The next picture was of sunset in her demon form who was flying in the air and on the ground was princess twilight and the rest of her friends ready to confront her.The photo after that was of sunset in a crater with tears in her eyes.

[Is for you to SHINE~] The photo after that showed princess Twilight pulling sunset out of the crater.

[SHINE~ down on me]The next photo was of sunset hugging wallflower after destroying the memory stone.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] A photo after that showed Discord putting a kick me sign on sunset back with him turning to the camera putting a finger on his lip telling the person who is using the camera to be quiet . The one underneath it was a picture of Bulk biceps running from Fluttershy while she is wearing her alien custom .

[SHINE~] The photo after that was of star swirl and Stygian practicing their magic.

[SHINE~ down on me] The photo after that showed a picture of vindicator battering the guardians of harmony.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] Fading away from that one photo, the scene changed to show the last picture in the book.It was of sunset, Rainbow dash,Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy, Rarity ,Twilight ,Applejack,Princess Twilight,Discord ,start swirl and Stygian standing in front of the school statue smiling

[SHINE~] A hand then closes the accordion book.

Chapter 5: An old enemy return.

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Opening of the guardians of harmony :

Play she ra princess of power theme song

The intro starts with the other , sombra , queen chrysalis, Tirek and lord Norlock looking at the pool in the center of the dark chamber.

~ We're on the edge of greatness ~

The camera then zoom into the pool to show sunset was on the school roof staring at the sunset . She then turn her head to stare at the camera before her geodes glow a bright red light covering the screen.

~ turning darkness into light ~

After the bright light disappear it shows scenes from previous equestrian girls adventure such as the first equestrian girls movie, rainbows rock, Friendship games, legend of everfree, mirror magic , forgotten friendship , rollercoaster of friendship ,spring breakdown, sunset backstage past and holiday unwrapped.

~ We're right beside you ~

All the guardians of harmony are now on a battlefield and in front them was an army of reapers

~ Ready to Fight! ~

Everyone then pony up and turn into their superhero forms

~ (fight, fight, fight fight) ~

Both sides quickly charge into one another.

~ We're gonna win in the end! ~

Pinkie rises out of a tide, blasting reapers with water while rainbow dash blast them with lighting shocking them.

~ We must be strong, And we must be brave ~

Applejack is capturing and tying up reapers with vines. While rarity is using her magic to open up holes in the ground that cause many of them to fall in.

~(we must be brave) ~

Fluttershy is using her power to make a tornado that caught many of the reapers while twilight is using her telekinesis to pick up a few of the reapers and toss them in the air.

~ We're gonna find every bit of strength that we have ~

Sunset is using her magic to make a fire shockwaves that took out many of the reapers

The scene shifts to the main chamber of Grogar lair where his egg form floats in the air and beneath it was the other, queen chrysalis, lord norlock, Tirek and sombra , vindicator and besides them were four dark silhouette. Behind all of them was a dark background where the red eyes of the monsters that serve Grogar glow with malice. The egg form of Grogar suddenly glow covering the entire screen.

~ and never let go ~

The scene then shifted to the guardians of harmony battering against the other and Grogar top subordinates.

~ (Oh ah Oh) ~

The other and sunset fire a magical beam towards one another resulted in a blight flash that cover the entire screen.

~ We must be STRONG! ~

The scene ends with a final shot of the guardians of harmony sitting down at the base of the school statue with three silhouette standing nearby.

In a small one-room apartment, a person is seen lying on her bed, trying to sleep. This person was the same one who witnessed the fight between Snow Queen and the guardians of harmony. She tries to sleep on her bed but can’t as her mind is thinking back to the guardians of harmony, the very girls who she believes are responsible for her current state. After losing her job and being arrested, she was blacklisted, and her reputation has fallen, and it was all their fault it happened. She lost her home and her money and was forced to live in a small, one-room apartment.

As she tries to go to sleep, someone knocks on her door. She ignored it first, but after it was clear that the person wouldn’t stop, she eventually got up and walked towards the door, ready to give the person a piece of her mind. When she opened the door and saw the person, she froze as the person let out an aura of intimation and malice that made her feel like a small mouse in front of a giant predator. This feeling is made worse by his red eyes. She unintentionally looked directly at it and felt more fear. She heard the old saying that the eyes are the window to the soul. Well, when she looked into his eyes, she saw what looked like an all-consuming void that continued to expand and made her feel like her soul was stuck in it.

She backs away from the man in fear. She never once felt this afraid in her entire life. Heck, somehow, this man somehow makes that demon from that faithful day pale in comparison.

“Wh..o, who are you?” The person stammers.

The man just looked at her before saying, “I am known as the other, and I believe we have something in common.“

"And what would it be?" The person said still afraid of the man in front of her.

“The desire to get rid of a certain group of people,“ the other said as he blasted a magical beam from his hand, creating a projection of the guardian of harmony. This gains the person's attention.

“You want revenge on them, and I want them gone, so why not work together?“ the other said.

“And how do you expect me to help?” the person said.

“Oh, I have ways to help give you the means to get rid of them." The other said as he extended his hand towards her, “Just shake my hand, and you will gain the power to take them down.”

The person looked at the hand, unsure of what to do. But after thinking, she realizes she doesn’t have anything else to lose and shakes the other hand.

Immediately, a bright blue light covered the entire apartment.
In another apartment building, three certain figures were on their way to their apartment.

“This is the worst." Aria said, ”No powers, no fame and glory, and now we have to work overtime at a dumb taco restaurant.“

“Ah, it isn’t that bad,” Sonata said as she brought a taco out of a bag and ate it. "At least our employee benefit allows us to get at least one free taco during break and two if we work over time.

"You are the worst,” Aria said to her younger sister, Sonata.

“You are,” Sonata simply said.

"Will you two shut up?” Adagio said it in annoyance. “Being stuck here and losing my power is already terrible enough. I don’t need my situation to be more tortured than it is now.”

“Let's face it, Adagio,” Aria said as she sighed. “We no longer have our powers and are now forced to live in this dump; we have reached rock bottom.”

Adagio didn’t say anything but just continued onward, with her sisters following her. She used the room keys to open the door as she thought about what Aria said, and as much as she hates to admit it, she is right. Without their magic, there is basically nothing.

Adagio opened the door, and she and her sisters saw someone in their apartment. This person is none other than the other.

"Greetings, dazzling,“ the other said. ”I believe we have much to discuss.”
The next morning, Twilight was on her way to school. Right now, she is waiting at a crosswalk with other people. But somebody has walked up rather close to her. She couldn’t tell who this person was as they wore a black trench coat and hat, which covered their entire face, making it difficult for her to see who the person was. Twilight was slightly put off by his closeness. This person appeared to her, but she decided to ignore it as crossings were always pretty crowded. The people crossed the street as soon as the sign lit up. However, even reaching the other side as most of the other people began to split off and head in separate directions, Twilight glanced back to see the same person in the trench coat behind her. Was the person following her? This was the thought that ran through Twilight's head.Feeling a little nervous, she picked up her pace and began fast-walking. But her stalker simply picked up their own pace to keep up and maintain a distance where she was still in sight. Getting really scared, Twilight broke out into a run once she saw the grounds of Canterlot high; even then, the person was still following her. It was only until she entered through the school door that the person seemed to stop. She looked in the person's direction through the glass doors, and the person looked in her direction before walking away, causing her to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hi, Twilight,“ Pinkie Pie said suddenly appearing behind her, causing her to jump as she screamed.

“Wow, you ok there, sugar cube,“ Applejack asks as she and the rest walk towards her. ” Ya all shaker than a chicken riding on a pickup truck on a bumpy road.”

“Sorry,” Twilight said as she tried to catch her breath, ” but someone was following me just now.”

"Really?” sunset asks as she looks through the glass doors. ” I don’t see anything.“

“They stop as soon as I enter through the doors,” said Twilight.

“That sounds very scary,“ said Fluttershy. “What if the person comes back again?”

“If it makes you feel safe, twilight, I can help walk you home,” the sunset offers.

“I am coming too." Rainbow Dash said, ”If this creep tries anything, I will send him in to the hospital emergency room.” She empathized with this by punching one of her hands on an open palm.

“Thanks guys,” Twilight said, smiling and grateful to have great friends like them.

Not far from the school, the person who was following Twilight was standing nearby, looking at the school. This figure is none other than the person who the other recruits.

“So you are the one that we are supposed to work with?“ A voice said causing the person to turn and see three people walking towards her. These people are none other than the dazzlings. What caught the figure's attention was the red pendant that they wore around their neck. She could tell that those pendants were not normal, as they let out powerful magic.

“I do not need to work with a bunch of kids,” the person said as she turned to look back at the school.

“Well, we don’t want to work with you too, but the old man makes it clear that no is not an option,“ Adagio said. ”For now, we need to work together.“

As much as the person does not want to admit it, she is right. ”Fine,“ she said with a resigned look.

“For now, we need to find a way to lure them to a secluded place,” Adagio said.

“And how are we supposed to do that?” Aria asks.

“We could try baiting them with tacos,” Sonata suggested.

“No, we use someone to lure them, and luckily for you, I have been gathering information on them and know three perfect targets,“ Adagio said as she laughed.
The final bell rings, signaling the end of the school day.

“Remember everyone, the field trip to Sparkle Industry is in three days,“ Ms. Cheerilee said to all the students as they began walking out of the classroom.

“I thought we would never get out of there,” Flash said as he stretched his hands.

“I know how you feel, man,“ Sandalwood said to flash.

“Come on, it wasn’t that bad." Microchip said this to his friends.

“Easy for you to say you are a straight A student,” Flash sentry said.

"So, any plans for today?” Microchip asks.

“Not much. I am helping Tree Hugger with a protest today,” said Sandalwood.

“I am going to practice on my guitar, as I just got it back from the repair shop," said Flash Sentry. “What about you?”

“I am going to work on my new invention,“ Microchip said.

“Just make sure it won’t turn rogue and try to kill us again,” Flash said.

“One time, I created a robot that went rogue one time,” Microchip said, annoyed.

Eventually, all three boys went to their lockers to pick up their things and leave the school to go their separate ways.

As Flash was walking on the street, he couldn’t help but feel like someone was following him. He looked behind him, saw no one, and continued walking. But as he walked, he felt it again, causing him to look back again. Freaking out a bit, he began walking faster. However, as soon as he heard what sounded like footsteps following him, he began running faster. He eventually looked back and saw nothing. He slowed down and began walking while keeping his head turned. Eventually, he turned his head forward and began walking. However, as he walked, he didn’t notice someone stretch one of their legs in front of him, causing him to trip and fall down face first . He turned and looked up and saw the last person he expected to see. Adagio dazzled, standing above him and smirking.

“Hello, guitar boy,” she said as her eyes glowed red.
At the garden in the gardening club of Canterlot High Wallflower, Trixie had just finished tending to the garden and was now resting on one of the benches nearby, drinking a bottle of water.

“Thanks for the help,“ Wallflower said to Trixie as she drank her bottle of water.

“But of course, Trixie isn’t just great and powerful but also generous,“ Trixie boasts.

Wallflower just playfully rolls her eyes, having gotten used to Trixie's boastful altitude. She has to admit that it was quite ironic that Trixie has become one of her closest friends. Since not long ago, like sunset, she thought Trixie was a blowhard, but after getting to know Trixie personally, she learned that, like sunset, she misjudged her. After spending time with Trixie, she learned that underneath her show-off and boastful personality, she has a hidden heart of gold.

“Hey Trixie, can I ask you something?“ Wallflower asks her friend.

“Sure, what do you want to know? Trixie asks.

“Well, I just want to know why you had an antagonistic relationship with Sunset before the whole memory stone incident,“ Wallflower asks.

This caused Trixie to sigh before turning to Wallflower. She stared at her for a few seconds before saying, “Can you keep a secret?“

"Sure, I pinkie promise not to tell anyone, and as Pinkie would say, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” wallflower said as she made the motion for a pinkie promise.

“The reason for Trixie to have such rivalry with Sunset is because of jealousy,“ Trixie admitted.

“Jealous? Jealous of what?” wallflower asks in curiosity.

"I'm jealous that she can do magic and comes from a magical world,“ Trixie said. ”You see, I have always had a love for magic since I was little. My love for magic started when I first saw the great mumbo perform on my eighth birthday. I was amazed, but what caught my attention the most was how everyone was giving their attention and adoration to him, and I wanted that. You see, back at my old school, I was not exactly popular or full of confidence, and people always looked past me like I was a nobody, like I was invisible, and my parents, while loving and caring, were always too busy back then with work to spend much time with me. So after watching the great Mumbo perform, I decided to become a magician to get people to finally notice me. It worked since, after I started my magic career, people began to give me attention and adoration, and over time my confidence grew, and eventually I was able to have friends. However, as my confidence grew, so did my love for magic, and I began searching for real magic—not the parlor tricks or slight of hand people do, but real magic. I spend a lot of time and money trying to find even the faintest trance of the real stuff, but to no avail. But on that faithful night in the fall formal, I finally got my chance to see real magic. It was the most scary and exciting moment of my life, and when I learned that sunset was from a magic world and had magic, I became jealous of her, so I became somewhat of a rival to her. But while I was jealous of her, I was actually secretly thankful for her since what she did helped me feel better about myself. You see, when people learn I was looking for real magic, they will make fun of me and call me crazy, which, while I won’t show it, still hurts me deeply, so to finally see real magic helps me a lot since it means my search was not for nothing and that all those people who make fun of me were wrong.” Trixie said as she drank her drink.

Wallflower, just look at Trixie in silence. She just saw another part of Trixie that she doesn’t think she ever shows to another person, and she can tell this was really personal as she had not spoken in the third person, not once throughout her whole story. But what caught her attention the most is how Trixie long ago was once like her, invisible to everyone, but unlike her, she gained the courage to finally get out of her shell by herself, something she was unable to do. This made her realize why they were able to get along so well—because they were the same before. However, this also caused her to wonder if, if she had never found the memory stone and tried to get out of her shell herself instead, would she end up becoming like Trixie herself, a person who is full of confidence. This was the thought that was going through her mind as she wondered if she had just done something sooner and stopped caring about first impressions, would she be able to prevent herself from suffering all those years of loneliness.

However, her thoughts and their quiet moment were interrupted by what sounded like a stick being snapped. Both girls looked around and saw nothing.

“Who’s there?“ Trixie said as she and Wallflower stood up.

“Calm down, it’s probably just another member of the gardening club,” Wallflower said, trying to calm down her friend. "It's probably Derpy again, trying to see if she can grow a muffin tree.” After it was revealed that Wallflower found the memory stone in that location, Derpy wanted to see if she could grow a muffin tree by burying a muffin in the ground. Her reason is that since the magic artifact was in the ground, the ground was probably magic, since the artifact probably filled the ground with magic.

However, when they saw two people walking towards them, they were shocked to see who it was. It was Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.

“What are you two doing here?” Trixie demanded. ”If you are here to cause trouble, think again.“

“Oh, who is going to stop us, you?” Aria mocked.

"Oh, please, without your pendants,you are just regular teenagers,“ Trixie said.

“You mean these pendants?” Sonata said as she and Aria pulled down the collar of their shirt, revealing the pendant they wore around their necks.

“What?“ Trixe's confidence decreased seeing that” those can’t be real.”

"Oh,” Aria said as she and Sonata's eyes glowed red and translucent wings sprouted from their backs, causing them to float in the air. "Just this look fake to you.”

Both girls run in fear seeing that.

“Not so fast,“ Aria said as she stomped her foot on the ground, creating a small shockwave that blew the two away and caused them to land hard on the ground. The two girls try to get up, but before they can, they see a shadow over them. They looked up and saw a figure dressed in a trench coat and hat.

“Who are you?” Wallflower asks. The figure responded by taking off their hat, revealing their face.

“Wait, aren’t you..."Trixie said, but before she could finish what she was saying, the two sirens were floating above them. Their eyes glow red as they smile evilly at the two girls.
Currently, Twilight was walking on her way home with Rainbow Dash and sunset following her. As they walk, all three girls notice a large, obese man following them. They went around a couple of corners and changed a few of their paths, but the man still followed them.

“Twilight, is this the one stalking you?” Rainbow Dash asks as he steps on the man.

“No, the one stalking me was thin and wore a trench coat and hat so that I couldn’t see their face,“ Twilight said.

“Well, it is possible his buddy with the person stalking you earlier,“ Sunset said.

“What should we do?” Twilight asks.

“I can go beat up the guy now,” Rainbow Dash said as she slammed her fist into her palm for emphasis.

“I have a better idea,“ Sunset said as she whispered her plan to her friends.

Immediately, all three girls began running, and the man, seeing this, quickly ran after them. All three girls turn a corner in the street, and the man quickly turns only to see them gone, much to his confusion. He began walking forward, looking around, looking for them. However, when he walks under a tree, rainbow dash and sunset jump out of it and kick him in the back, causing him to fall to the ground face first. He turned around and saw Rainbow Dash and Sunset looking down at him while Twilight was climbing down from the tree.

“All right, buddy, start talking or else.“ Rainbow Dash said as she punched a fist to her palm, "For emphasis, you better tell us why you've been following us.”

However, must to the three girls confusion the man simply laugh.

"What is so funny?” Sunset ask. The man's eyes suddenly turned red, and as he stood up, his body started to grow bigger as it changed. All three girls back up a bit as this happens, and when the transformation was completed, all three girls were shocked to see it was none other than vindicator.

“Vindicator!“ All three girls shouted in surprise.

“Surprise to see me again, girls,” he said mockingly.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash said. ”How are you alive? We killed you.”

“Oh, it’s simply really. I have a powerful regeneration ability that allows me to regrow my entire body, even from something small like a single small finger, with my entire memories and experiences in tact.” Vindicator said.

“Well, in that case, this time we're making sure there's nothing left of you,” Rainbow Dash said as she, Twilight, and Sunset got ready to fight.

“I don’t think you should attack me yet, unless you don’t want to see your friends again.“ Vindicator said as he used his powers to make three pictures appear in the air. The picture slowly fell to the ground, and before it could hit the ground, the three girls grabbed the pictures. What they saw in the picture shocked them. It was the picture of Flash, Trixie, and Wallflower all tied up. ”If you want to see them, bring the rest of the guardians of harmony to the cave at the beach and be there by sunset, or else I will devour them.”

After saying that,vindicator disappeared in a magical flash of light.
It was sunset, and all the guardians of harmony had all gathered up and arrived in front of the cave at the beach. All of them are ready to confront vindicator and rescue their friends.

“As soon as I get my hands on that guy, I am going to burn every part of him until there is nothing for him to regrow from," Rainbow Dash said in anger.

" I know how you feel, Sugar Cube, but ya need to calm down.“ Applejack said, ”Getting angry won’t do anyone any good."

“Yeah, you might pop a blood vessel or get so angry that steam might come out of your ears, which probably would hurt a lot since, after all, steam is very hot, and I am sure it will hurt a lot if it comes out of your ears.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Ignoring what Pinkie Pie said, we do need to keep calm." Rarity said, ”As much as I want to teach this brute a lesson, I prefer to do it in a way that won’t get us kill.”

Hearing that, Rainbow Dash calmed down. "Sorry guys,” Rainbow Dash said.

“It’s ok, dash,“ Fluttershy said as she put a hand on rainbow dash shoulder to comfort her. ”You were just worried for our friend’s safety.“

“Anywhere we need to go in now,“ Sunset said, ” but remember, keep an eye out for traps and surprises since it is obvious that this is all a trap to lure us in.”

"Okay, dokie, Loky," Pinkie Pie said as she saluted.

"Well, let's go in,” Twilight said as everyone began walking towards the cave.

“Let me save you the trouble,“ a familiar voice said. Immediately after they heard the voice, the owner of the voice came out of the cave.

“Vindicator,“ Rarity said as she glared at the monster, “so it is true you are back.“

“You know we shouldn’t be surprised, as the villain always returns,” Pinkie said.

“Where are our friends?“ Sunset demanded angrily.

“They are right here,“ a familiar voice said, and to everyone's surprise, flying out of the cave were the dazzlings holding the tied-up flash, Trixie, and Wallflower. They each dropped the three hostages on the ground.

“Well, long time no see rainbooms,” Adagio said, smirking as she and the other two sirens landed near the vindicator.

“The dazzlings,“ everyone but Twilight said in surprise.

“So those are the sirens you guys have been telling me about,” Twilight said, remembering how her friends told her about the battle of the bands and the sirens.

“How the heck did you guys get your magic back?“ Rainbow said.

"It is simply our new benefactor giving us these new pendants,“ Aria said, showing them the pendants.

“So Grogar recruited you three sea witches,” Applejack said. ”Why am I not surprised?“

“Not just them,” another voice said as a familiar figure walked out of the cave.

“You,” Twilight said as she pointed her fingers at the figure. ”You, the one that was stalking me this morning,“

“Alright, who are you?” Sunset said.

“I thought my voice alone would make you recognize me,” the figure said, removing their head and revealing it to be none other than principal, or in this case, ex-principal Cinch.

“Principal Cinch!” everyone shouted in surprise.

“Wait, shouldn’t it be ex-principal since she got fired?” Pinkie pointed out.

“Yes, I was fired because of you,” Cinch said in anger.

“ Us?” Rainbow dash said.

“After what happened in the friendship game, the school board decided to do some investigating, and after they discovered that I blackmailed Twilight and threatened her to not only participate in the friendship games but also use what they call unfair and unethical methods to win the friendship game, they not only fired me but also had me arrested and blacklisted me from working in any form of education again when the students revealed how I almost supposedly endanger the students of crystal prep and canterlot high,” Cinch said, “and it is all your fault.“

“Our fault,“ Rainbow said. "How is it our fault?“

“It's because of you that not only the reputation that I worked so hard for crystal prep was destroyed, but my reputation was also destroyed,“ Cinch yelled. “Well, it doesn’t matter now since now I can have my revenge.“

Cinch then took off the trench coat, revealing her old principal outfit. Cinch's body was then covered in a dark glow before transforming into a 15-foot-tall monster. The monster that she turned into is a large blue-horned monster, with the lower half of the monster having a large tail instead of legs.

“"Hahahaha!" Sunset laughed, catching everyone's attention.

“And what do you find so funny?” Cinch asks in anger.

Sunset laughs a bit more before stopping. “I am laughing because I can’t believe I actually found someone more petty and immature than my old school bully self.”

"What is that supposed to mean?” Cinch said in an angry tone of voice.

“You see, while I did many awful things in my bully days, I still at least admit that they were of my own doing and that I have no one but myself to blame for when it was time for me to face the consequences for my actions. You, on the other hand, can’t acknowledge that what happened was your own fault and that you have no one else to blame but yourself. That, in my opinion, makes you no different than an immature, overgrown child. Our previous villains in the past were at least mature enough to acknowledge that what they did was of their own doing and that they had no one but themselves to blame when it was time for them to face the consequences. On the other hand, instead of acknowledging that what happened was your own fault, you decided it was easier to blame others while conveniently ignoring the actions that you took that led to what happened to you. In short, you are nothing more than an immature, overgrown brat, one that is more immature than my old bully self, which I should remind everyone was such a brat that because she didn’t get what she wanted, she pulled a temper tantrum that dragged two worlds into the crossfire,“ sunset said to Cinch, who grew angry with each world that came from the girl.

“But I should thank you, though,“ Sunset said, surprising everyone.

“Thank me for what?” Cinch asks, confused.

“For giving me a reason to finally beat you up.” Sunset said, “You see, after what happened in the friendship game, I wanted to do nothing more than beat you up, but I am a better person now and you were a regular human, so it would be cruel to beat you up, especially if I use my magic. But since you are now working with an evil dark lord and are no longer a normal human but a person with magical powers, there is no longer a reason for me to hold back or not use my magical powers on you,” she said before firing a large fireball on Cinch's face, causing her to recoil back. While everyone was distracted by this attack, Twilight used her telekinesis to pull Flash, Trixie, and Wallflower to them. When they get near Rainbow Dash, use her super speed to untie them.

“Go, we will handle this, guys,“ Sunset said.

“But we can’t leave you guys,” Flash said.

“Don’t worry, darling, we are more than capable of handling these ruffians.“ Rarity said, "Now go.”

All three nodded before running off.

“All right, let's take these jerks down,” Sunset said as all the guardians of harmony charged in to attack their enemy.

Both sunset and twilight fought against Cinch, who, after recovering from the previous attacks, jumped towards the two as they ran towards her. As she landed, she punched her left hand towards Sunset, who teleported out of the way and appeared above her. As she falls, she raises her fire cover fist in the air and punches one of her eyes. This caused her to scream as she recoiled backwards, and while she was distracted, both sunset and twilight blasted a fireball attack and a magical attack at Cinch, which combined together to form a large magical attack of fire and magic that hit her in the chest, causing her to be thrown off the ground and into the air, where she landed on the ground on her back. Twilight then uses her telekinesis to lift her up in the air and slam her into the ground over and over again. After she slammed her one last time into the ground, Cinch's body was covered in a dark glow before changing into a giant spider. She spit a spider web at them, but sunset just burned it with a fire attack before it could hit them. Sunset then teleported next to Cinch and uppercut her with a flame fist before teleporting behind her and blasting a magical blast at her, causing her to launch forward to Twilight, who caught her in her telekinesis, and toss her back to Sunset, who used her magic to form a tornado that caught Cinch. She spun around for a bit before being spit out of it. As Cinch was flying into the air, she turned into a bird-like monster and flew towards them. However, Twilight, using her telekinesis, tosses a large boulder at her, which she manages to dodge.However, what she didn’t notice is that the boulder is still in twilight magical aura, and thus Twilight was able to direct it back, causing it to hit her and cause her to fall from the sky and onto the ground. She then turns into a snake-like monster and charges at them.

Meanwhile, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were busy fighting against vindicator. Like during their first battle, Applejack flipped Vindicator onto his back, and while he was on the ground, Rainbow Dash used her super speed to rapidly kick him in the face with lightning embedded feet. With one last kick, she launched herself from his face, and as Vindicator tried to get up, Applejack used her powers to make a vine wrap on one of his legs and drag him all over the beach floor before making the vine toss him in the air and onto the beach floor. Vindicator stood up and fired a magical blast from his mouth at Rainbow Dash, who used her super speed to avoid each blast. As Vindicator was too busy firing at Rainbow, he didn’t notice Applejack was next to him, and as he was about to fire another blast, Applejack used her super speed to forcefully close his mouth, causing the blast to hit the inside of his mouth, which caused him to be blown backwards. He got up, revealing his mouth had been destroyed. His mouth regenerated, and immediately vindicator turned his body into the forms he used during their first battle (the guardian of Harmon would later call it his berserk form). After he was done changing into his other form, he quickly charged at the two.

The dazzlings let out a sonic blast from their mouths at the other three guardians of harmony. But rarity form a diamond dome over them. The dazzlings just scream louder until the dome breaks. However, when the dome broke, there was nothing but a giant hole, causing confusion among the three sirens. Their went to the hole to take a peek, and as they were busy looking down the hole not far from them, a hole opened up, and rarity useing her powers lift her and her friends on a rock platform from the other hole. Fluttershy takes advantage of their distraction by firing a wind attack at them, blowing them into the air where they land on the sandy beach floor. The three sirens stood up and turned back to glare at them. However, immediately when their turn , their saw cupcakes were heading their way, and when it hit them, it exploded, blasting them away again. The three sirens stood up again and at once stomped their feet on the ground , creating a large shockwave attacked, hitting the three girls and blowing them back across the air and onto the sandy floor. The dazzling continue to press the attack by screaming out a sonic blast from their mouth, blowing them away again. The three guardians of harmony stood up as the three sirens landed near them. Both sides glare at each other before both sides charge at each other again.

Cinch, who was in a squid monster form, was being thrown in the air and landed on the sandy floor. She turned back into her first monster form (which Sunset would later call her horn demon form) and charged at them, only for both girls to jump out of the way. Cinch tried to slam her fist at sunset, but she just teleported out of the way. Cinch turned and saw that sunset was standing not far behind her. Cinch charged at sunset, only for her to fall to the ground. She turned and saw her lower half caught and held by twilight magical aura. She then noticed a large shadow over her. She looked up and saw a large cloud over her. The cloud then fired lightning bolt at her. After that was done, she got up and looked in front of her, and she saw that both twilight and sunset standing in front of her in battle stance, ready to continue the fight. Cinch got up and charged at the two girls while screaming furiously. She was furious that even with her new powers, the two girls were beating her back with little problems.

What seems to have slipped cinch mind is that the reason why she was doing poorly in this fight and the reason why the two girls are beating her back is because of the difference in experience. The two girls have been dealing with all forms of magical threats even before they unlock the second stage of their elements, meaning they have gained more than enough experience when it comes to fighting against monsters. Their experience in battle was further improved after their training and their previous battles against Grogar monsters. It is due to this that their skill in combat has not only improved but also their teamwork, as they are able to properly coordinate each other's attacks in battle. In addition to that, their training, along with their previous battles against Grogar monsters, has taught them the different ways they can use their powers against their opponent. Cinch, on the other hand, has never gotten into a real fight before. The only skill she had in a confrontation was her ability to intimidate others to do what she wanted, and even then, that was only when she had authority or some form of power over them; hence, she usually tries to avoid any confrontation where she doesn’t have either, and when she does find herself in such a confrontation, her first instinct is to try and talk her way out, and if that doesn’t work, she flee for her life. Basically, her lack of any real fighting skill or experience means she does not know how to fight, and add to that the fact that she just recently got her powers and thus does not know how to properly use them in a fight beyond just a simple punch as hard as you can. In short, the difference in experience means twilight and sunset are able to handle cinch with little problem.

Meanwhile, Adagio and her two fellow sirens have just landed on the beach floor, having just been thrown by rarity, who have formed a giant mallet and used her powers to make it swat them like a fly. Rarity then makes a giant diamond boulder, which Pinkie Pie touches, and after being touched, Rarity uses her powers to throw it to the dazzlings, who scream a sonic wave at the boulder, making it go back to them. However, Fluttershy, using her quick thinking, sent in a powerful wind blast that sent it back to the dazzling, and as soon as it hit the dazzling, it exploded upon impact, sending them flying into the sky until there were just a twinkle in the sky.

“And the dazzling are blasting off,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Come on guys, let's go help the rest of our friends, “Fluttershy said.

Vindicator has just swiped Applejack away and is currently holding rainbow dash in one of his hands and crushing her. But Rainbow Dash simply covered her entire body in lightning , shocking his hand and making him let go of her. While he was distracted, rarity made a stone fist punch his face, which caused him to fly off the ground and land across the beach on his back. He got up, as all five guardians of harmony reunited and got ready to fight. Before he could do anything, he felt his body start changing, and much of the strength and power he felt earlier were gone.

“Oh no,” he said as he looked around his body.

“Well, look at that,” Rainbow Dash said, smirking. “It seems you can only maintain that form for a short while. Too bad for you, we don’t have a time limit on our powers,“ she said, making electric sparks appear on her hands for emphasis.

Before vindicator could do anything, cinch was thrown towards him, causing him to flew off the ground and land across the sandy beach with cinch on top of him.

“Get off me,“ Vindicator said as he pushed cinch off him.

Both of them got up and saw that all the guardians of harmony were standing in front of them.

“Give it up; you can’t win,” Sunset said.

Vindicator and cinch glare at them before he notices something from the corner of his eyes. It was Flash, Twilight, and Wallflower hiding behind a rock, having been watching the fight the entire time. A wicked idea crossed his mind, and he immediately jumped to the three locations and swipe the rock aside. Before the three of them could do anything, Vindicator grabbed Wallflower and Trixie with his large hands.

“Hey, let go of them,” Flash said as he punched Vindicator to make him let go of the two girls. Unfortunately, the punch was barely felt by him. Vindicator responded by swatting him away.

“Annoying,“ he said as he turned his attention back to the guardians of harmony. ”Don’t move, or else your friends will die.”

“Why ya no good dirty varmint” Applejack said in anger as she was about to run towards him ,. However before she could do that, vindicator started tightening his grip on the the two girls causing her to stop.

“Don’t think about it,” he said.

“Don’t worry about us guys,” Wallflower said.

“Yeah, the great and powerful Trixie can take this bully grip,” Trixe said.

But the guardians of harmony just stood in place, not wanting to get their friends hurt.

“You dirty coward,“ Sunset said in anger to vindicator.

“Insult will get you no way,” Vindicator said as cinch moved towards them and started punching every one of them as hard as she could.

“No,“ Trixie yelled in horror, seeing her friends being beaten up.

“Come on guys, don’t worry about us, "Wallflower pleaded, "just fight back please.”

“Not so tough now, are you?“ Cinch mocked, as all the guardians of harmony are now laying on the ground. Vindicator then blasted a magical attack from his mouth towards the guardians of harmony, causing them to be blasted across the beach.

“No guys." Trixie and Wallflower said at the same time as tears began appearing in their eyes seeing their friends in such a state.

“Quiet you,” vindicator said as he and Cinch, began walking towards the guardian of harmony as they tried to stand up, ” or else I will crush you like insects.”

"What did you say?" Trixie said as she saw wallflower glare the vindicator.

“You heard me,” vindicator said as he tightened his grip on them.

“Stop,“ beg sunset, “you hurting them.“

"Shut up,"Cinch said as she punched sunset across the beach.

“How dare you" Trixie and Wallflower glared at cinch when they saw that before turning to vindicator. ”How dare you hurt our friends”

“Oh, what are you going to do about it?" Vindicator mocked, "You just bugs to someone like me.”

Inside both Trixie and Wallflower, two strong emotions were going through them. These emotions were anger, anger at the fact that these two were hurting their friends, and a strong desire to protect their friends.

“How dare you?" Trixie said as a white aura was beginning to covern her and a black aura were beginning to cover wallflower.

“What the heck?“ Vindicator said in confusion and surprise, seeing this, which is mirrored by everyone around the beach.

“What is going on?” Sunset asks no one in particular.

“How dare you hurt our friends?“ Trixie and Wallflower said as a light and black burst came out of the two, causing vindicator to let go of the two girls as he was blown back. Instantly, everyone's attention was now on the two girls as a light and dark aura covered their entire bodies.

“What the,” sunset said as a flash arrived next to her to help her up. Flash was also confused by what was going on.

When the aura disappears, it reveals that both girls have changed outfit . Wallflower now has long black hair, and she is now wearing a black suit that covers her whole body. Trixie, on the other hand, was dressed in a blue dress with the helm of the skirt reaching her knees, and she is now wearing armor boots. She also wore a blue cape and a matching blue magician hat, like the one she always wore, except this one was blue with yellow stars pattern on it.

“What the heck happened to us?” Wallflower asks as the two examine their new outfits.

“It doesn’t matter if you change outfits since you're still going to die,” Vindicator said as he jumped towards them.

“Look out!“ Twilight said.

“Stay away from us,” Wallflower said as she suddenly felt something inside her. Like some kind of instinct that was telling her what to do. She pointed her hands towards him, and instantly a black orb flew out of her hands and hit Vindicator, causing him to fall to the ground on his back. While everyone was distracted with that cinch, turn into a snake monster and charged towards Trixie.

“Trixie, look out,“ sunset warns the magician.

“What?” Trixie said as she turned behind her and saw cinch above her. ”Stay away,” Trixie said as she disappeared and appeared next to Wallflower.

“What the?” Trixie asked, confused, as Cinch turned her attention to the two girls. But before she can do anything twilight, having gained her bearings, use her telekinesis to drag Cinch by the tail, lift her in the air, and toss her onto vindicator.

“Questions later, fight now,“ sunset said as she and the rest of the guardians of harmony stood along with flash next to Trixie and Wallflower.

Both Vindicator and Cinch stood up and glared at them all. But before the two can do anything, a portal suddenly opens underneath them. The two then fell into the portal, and immediately the portal closed after the two entered it.

“What just happened?“ Twilight said, voicing what was on everyone's mind.
In the city junkyard, the dazzling were just walking out of it, having just recovered from their fall into the junkyard.

“This stinks,” Aria said. Currently, all three of the dazzling clothes have tears on them along with burn marks.

“Stop complaining,“ Adagio said. "At least we still have our pendants this time.”

Unknown to the three, a portal opens up under them, and immediately all three fall down..
In Grogar's main chamber, two portals open up, and out comes Cinch (who is in her human form), vindicatorand the dazzlings. All of them landed on the floor of the chamber.

“Where are we?" Sonata ask, Being the first to revive from the fall, this place is scary.”

“This is the master lair,” Vindicator said.

“Why are we here?” asks Adagio.

“Because you all fail,“ a voice said, causing everyone to turn to its source to see the one who said it was the other.

“What you mean we fail." Cinch said as she got up, “You drag us out of the battle before I can destroy them.”

“Don’t be a fool; the guardians of harmony alone were more than enough to beat you and vindicator, and now, with additional help from those two magic users, their will just win faster,” the other said.

“Wait, what two other magic users?” Adagio asked, but was ignored as the other focused his attention on Cinch, who looked like she was about to blow a fuse.

“See here,” Cinch said. "I demand you send me back now so I can have my revenge on those brats.“

“You don’t give the orders here." The other said, "You may have been something important in the past, but now you are nothing but a lowly servant meant to serve their betters.”

Hearing that cinch, turned back into her horn demon form and charged at the other, ready to tear him apart. The other just stood unfazed as Cinch got closer to him. Cinch's arms were now arms-length towards him, but the other just simply snapped his fingers, and Cinch turned back into her human form, much to her surprise.

“What happened?“ she said in shock as she looked over her body.

“You seem to forget that I was the one you gave you your powers, and thus I have complete control over the forms you took,” the other said as he blasted Cinch with a magical blast, literally twisting her body like a pretzel.

"Ahhhhh!" Cinch screamed in pain as her body was twisted into an unnatural shape.

“Listen here, human,” the other said with his voice full of malice, ”from now on, you will obey me and, by extension, the master himself, and if you ever think of disobeying or betraying either me or the master, you will learn a new definition of pain.” He emphasized this by twisting her body again. "Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes,” said Cinch, in pain. The other, satisfied with this, snapped his fingers again, untwisting her body and returning it to normal.

The other then turned his attention to the dazzlings. ”Do you have any complaints?“ he asked with his voice still full of malice.

“No,“ Adagio quickly replied.

“I don’t have any problems,“ Aria said.

"Me too," Sonata said.

“Good,” the other said, ”now follow me since we have work to do.“ He then started walking further into the chamber with cinch, vindicator, and the dazzlings following him.

In the main base of black light, the guardians of harmony have informed Star Swirl of what happened and brought Trixie and Wallflower with them so that they can examine them and find out what happened to them. After doing a couple of tests on them and taking a few DNA samples, they tell them to wait in Star Swirl office and wait for them. This is why, currently, the guardians of harmony, trixe, and wallflower are sitting down in the Star Swirl office.

“So you guys are now working for a secret organization to stop an ancient evil,” Trixie said as the guardians of harmony finished explaining to them what was going on while they waited for star swirl.

“Yep, pretty much,” Sunset said.

“Wow, and I thought things couldn’t get even more complicated,“ Wallflower said.

“Welcome to our world, darling,“ Rarity said.

The door suddenly opened, and in came star swirl, discord, and Stygian.

“So do you guys know what's going on with them?” Sunset asks.

“Yeah, we want to know why they suddenly glow and go and shoot things from their hands and go poof and appear in different places,” Pinkie Pie said.

Star swirled, clearing his throat before talking. “From our test, we have found the reason why they can do it.”

“So what is it?” Trixie asked, as she and Wallflower wanted to know why.

“The reason for it is because you two are descendants of mages,” Star Swirl said, shocking everyone.

“ What!” Everyone said it in surprise.

“You see, our tests have confirmed that both Trixie and Wallflower are descended from mages, or more specifically, Wallflower is a direct descendant of Stygian while Trixie is a direct descendant of Morgana le Fay,” Star Swirl said, shocking everyone further.

“From the information we have gather, Wallflower has inherited Stygian abilities to manipulate shadows, while Trixe has inherited Morgana magic powers, and in fact, I believe you might have been indirectly using them the entire time.”said star swirl shocking everyone even more

"What do you mean?” wallflower asks.

“Well, after the memory stone incident, we decided to keep a close eye on you." Discord said, “What caught our attention was how you two exhibit unknown abilities. Wallflower, you have the strange ability to just be in the background and not be noticed unless you do something to get people to notice you, and Trixie, you have been exhibiting strange magic, like how you were able to teleport out of a locked room even though you were not supposed to have magic, and let us not forget the incident with the sock where you gave a rainbow dash your lucky sock, which was able to move on its own accord. This new information has finally given us the information we need.”

“Trixe, the reason for why you could teleport out of the lock room is because you have subconsciously been using your dormant magic to teleport out of the room, and the reason for the sock being able to move on its own is because you have subconsciously been infusing it with magic due to you believing that it is lucky you have been indirectly leaving magic residue on it. As for you wallflower, the reason why people used to have difficulty noticing you is because back then you were subconsciously using your powers to disguise your presents from other people. My theory is that since you used to think that you were invisible, you magic has indirectly made you invisible towards others, but after gaining more confidence and believing you were not invisible, it has stopped making you invisible. "Star Swirl explained to everyone.

“Wow,” Trixe said, ” so Trixe has had magic all along.”

“Apparently, it has just been domain until now,” Discord said.

“But why awaken now?” sunset asks.

“It's simple: both of their magic are affected by their emotions,“ Star Swirl said. ”My guess is that seeing you all in trouble causes them to develop a strong sense of desire to help you guys which in turn awaken theri dormant magic.”

“It’s true." Wallflower said, "When I saw how you guys were beating up, I wanted to do nothing more than help you guys.”

“Trixie was the same,” Trixe said.

“Aww, thanks guys,” Sunset said, touched like everyone else.

“So what now?” Wallflower asks.

“Well, for now, you need training so you can better control your powers,” Stygian said. ”I will be teaching Wallflower how to better control her powers while Star Swirl will be training Trixe.“

“So does this mean Trixie and Wallflower are on the team?“ Trixie asked the guardians of harmony.

“Well, if we are going to beat Grogar, we will need all the help we can get." Sunset said, "But I must warn you, it will be dangerous.“

“Dangerous? Trixie, laugh in the face of danger,” Trixie said as she laughed to empathize.

“I know it will be dangerous, but I am still willing to help,“ Wallflower said.

“Well, in that case, welcome on board, honorable members of the guardians of harmony,“ Sunset said happily.

“Oh, this is exciting,“ Pinkie Pie said as she began jumping around. “We now have more members. Oh, maybe I should throw a welcome to the team party.“

Everyone just smiles at Pinkie's antics. Even though Grogar manages to gain new powerful minions that day, the guardians of harmony also gain new allies who will help them in the battle against Grogar. The battle is just getting started, and both starts are getting stronger with time and only time will tell who will emerge victorious in this conflict.
End of chapter 5.

End song

Played Shine by Mr. Big

[Instrumentals] The opening fades into the inside of a room and focuses on an accordion-book that was open all the way onto a table.

[I never really feel quite right] The scene then fades to show the beginning of the book, before moving to the left, as it showed the pictures in it. The first of the pictures was of sunset who was on her couch with her pet lizard ray on her shoulder both of who are smiling in front of the camera.

[And I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong] As the camera moved, showing the rest of the photos, it then showed a picture of Rainbow Dash playing football on the school field .The next picture showed Rarity making a dress using sweetie bell as her model must to the young girl displeasure.

[Every time I look at you, you seem so alive] The next picture showed both Pinkie pie and Fluttershy backing a cake in a kitchen. The one after that was of Applejack picking out apples from a tree in her farm with her family.

[Tell me how do you do it, walk me through it] After that, it was a picture of twilight in her lab doing one of her experiments with spike sleeping on his dog bed nearby.The next picture was of wallflower ,Trixie and Derpy taking a group group picture in her garden.

[I'm following every footstep] The next picture was of flash sentry and his band playing on a stage.

[Maybe on your own you take a conscious step] The next picture was of Pinkie and Rainbow dash sneaking up on Luna who was sleeping on her desk. The picture next and under it was of an angry Luna who have a mustache drawn on her face by a marker chasing rainbow and pinkie pie who was laughing and nearby was principal celestia who have an amuse look on her face .

[Do you wanna give it up? All that I want…] The next picture was of sunset in her demon form who was flying in the air and on the ground was princess twilight and the rest of her friends ready to confront her.The photo after that was of sunset in a crater with tears in her eyes.

[Is for you to SHINE~] The photo after that showed princess Twilight pulling sunset out of the crater.

[SHINE~ down on me]The next photo was of sunset hugging wallflower after destroying the memory stone.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] A photo after that showed Discord putting a kick me sign on sunset back with him turning to the camera putting a finger on his lip telling the person who is using the camera to be quiet . The one underneath it was a picture of Bulk biceps running from Fluttershy while she is wearing her alien custom .

[SHINE~] The photo after that was of star swirl and Stygian practicing their magic.

[SHINE~ down on me] The photo after that showed a picture of vindicator battering the guardians of harmony.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] Fading away from that one photo, the scene changed to show the last picture in the book.It was of sunset, Rainbow dash,Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy, Rarity ,Twilight ,Applejack,Princess Twilight,Discord ,start swirl and Stygian standing in front of the school statue smiling

[SHINE~] A hand then closes the accordion book.

Chapter 6: A toxic trip

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Opening of the guardians of harmony :

Play she ra princess of power theme song

The intro starts with the other , sombra , queen chrysalis, Tirek and lord Norlock looking at the pool in the center of the dark chamber.

~ We're on the edge of greatness ~

The camera then zoom into the pool to show sunset was on the school roof staring at the sunset . She then turn her head to stare at the camera before her geodes glow a bright red light covering the screen.

~ turning darkness into light ~

After the bright light disappear it shows scenes from previous equestrian girls adventure such as the first equestrian girls movie, rainbows rock, Friendship games, legend of everfree, mirror magic , forgotten friendship , rollercoaster of friendship ,spring breakdown, sunset backstage past and holiday unwrapped.

~ We're right beside you ~

All the guardians of harmony are now on a battlefield and in front them was an army of reapers

~ Ready to Fight! ~

Everyone then pony up and turn into their superhero forms

~ (fight, fight, fight fight) ~

Both sides quickly charge into one another.

~ We're gonna win in the end! ~

Pinkie rises out of a tide, blasting reapers with water while rainbow dash blast them with lighting shocking them.

~ We must be strong, And we must be brave ~

Applejack is capturing and tying up reapers with vines. While rarity is using her magic to open up holes in the ground that cause many of them to fall in.

~(we must be brave) ~

Fluttershy is using her power to make a tornado that caught many of the reapers while twilight is using her telekinesis to pick up a few of the reapers and toss them in the air.

~ We're gonna find every bit of strength that we have ~

Sunset is using her magic to make a fire shockwaves that took out many of the reapers

The scene shifts to the main chamber of Grogar lair where his egg form floats in the air and beneath it was the other, queen chrysalis, lord norlock, Tirek and sombra , vindicator ,cinch, Adagio dazzling,Sonata dusk and Aria blaze . Behind all of them was a dark background where the red eyes of the monsters that serve Grogar glow with malice. The egg form of Grogar suddenly glow covering the entire screen.

~ and never let go ~

The scene then shifted to the guardians of harmony battering against the other and Grogar top subordinates.

~ (Oh ah Oh) ~

The other and sunset fire a magical beam towards one another resulted in a blight flash that cover the entire screen.

~ We must be STRONG! ~

The scene ends with a final shot of the guardians of harmony sitting down at the base of the school statue with wallflower Trixie and a silhouette figure standing nearby.

In the dark of the night and in an abandoned sewer plant, a man is seen working on a machine of some kind.

“Everyone call me mad,“ the man said as he used a blowtorch on his machine. ”They all said I was insane, and worst of all, they all laughed at me. Well, we will see who laughs once my masterpiece is finished.” He then closed the hatch of the machine and turned his attention to a table nearby, where on it was a fishbowl that was full of water, and floating inside it was a plastic fish. ”Don’t you think so fishy?“ he asks the plastic fish, which he names fishy.

The plastic fish is an ordinary, inanimate plastic fish, but inside the insane mind of the man, he instead sees a living, sentient fish. “I quite agree,” Fishy said. ”Soon, the world will know the name of Dr. Xander.”

“I knew you saw it my way, fishy,” the man now known as Dr. Xander said before turning his attention to his machine. “Now I just need a few more essential pieces, and when I get them, my machine will be complete, and soon everyone will learn to never laugh at me again.” Dr. Xander laughs a deranged laugh as thoughts of the destruction his machine will cause flash through his deranged mind.
Inside the moving school bus, sunset, and her friends were waiting until the bus reached its destination to sparkle industry.

“I can’t believe we're finally going to the sparkle industry,“ Sunset said happily, as she couldn’t hold back her excitement.

“Wow, their sugar cube, you seem to be more excited than pinkie pie on cake day," Applejac said.

“That is really saying something since you saw what she liked on cake day,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Sorry but I have been waiting for a real long time to be on this trip, and it's finally happening,“ Sunset said.

“Wow, you must really love technology,“ Trixie said, having overheard the conversation.

“Well yeah, I mean, can’t you blame me? From where I came from, we didn’t exactly have much technology,“ Sunset said. ”So I kind of developed a certain love for advanced technology after spending time in this world. I mean, look at the stuff you humans take for granted in your daily lives: video games, air conditioners, airplanes, and hand phones, to name a few. It always amazed me how you humans were able to overcome your lack of magic by inventing technology to overcome them.”

“Well, if you put it right, I suppose it makes sense for you to have a certain love for them,“ Rarity said.

“So how are you training so far?” Twilight asks Trixie and Wallflower.

“It's going great as you should expect from the great and powerful Trixie,“ Trixie boasts, earning a roll from everyone.

“I am also doing great,” Wallflower said. ” I have also been getting along with my ancestor, Stygian. It was kind of weird at first since, as you know, he is supposed to be my ancestor from the distant past, but after a while, we managed to connect. Did you know Stygian also has a love for gardening? That is probably where I got my love for gardening from.” As Wallflower said that , she can’t help but think back to her training with her ancestor, Stygian.


Wallflower was currently in the training room of black light main base. She was meditating on the floor while Stygian stood in front of her.

“Now I want you to focus your mind to control the shadows in order for you to have it do what you want.” Stygian instructed. As Wallflower began to concentrate her mind to control the shadows, “Good, now think of the form you want it to take, like a sword.” Wallflower then starts to visualize that the shadows form a sword, and immediately a sword forms on the ground.

“Good, now open your eyes." Stygian said as Wallflower opened her eyes and saw a shadow sword on the ground.

“Did I do that?” wallflower asks.

“Yes, you did,” Stygian said. "You have been doing remarkable work so far. Then again, I should have expected it since, after all, you are my descendant, and controlling shadows should come naturally to you.”

“ Ah, yeah, thanks,"Wallflower simply said. This caught Stygian's attention, as he could tell something was on her mind.

“Is there something wrong?” Stygian asks Wallflower.

“Sorry, it's just a bit weird, you know,“ Wallflower said. ”Since I not only discovered that I have magical powers but also that my ancestor, from whom I inherited this magic, is alive and training me,”

“I suppose it is too much to take,” Stygian said. ”But I am sure you will get used to it in time.”

“Yeah, I guess I might,” Wallflower said. ”I mean, I did get used to this whole magic thing and the fact that there is a portal that leads to a magical parallel world at the base of our school statue.”

“Anywhere, I think we are done for today." Stygian said, ” You may go home now.”

"Good," wallflower said. ”Since I need to work on my garden.”

“Ah yes, I recall from reading your file that you have a love for gardening,“ Stygian said. ”That's probably another trait you inherited from me.”

"What do you mean?“ Wallflower asked in a curious voice.

"It's that I also have a love for gardening,“ Stygian said. ”There is just something about gardening that always makes me feel better. Especially on stressful days.”

"Really? " Wallflower asked, and the two immediately spent hours talking about gardening, the methods they use, as well as the types of plants they like to grow.

Flashback end:

The school bus just stopped in front of the building, and everyone immediately walked out of it.

“Wow, it looks so huge,“ Pinkie said as she was admiring the tall buildings that dwarfed them all.

“So what will we be seeing on this trip?” Rainbow Dash asks Twilight.

“Well, mom didn’t say must, but she mentioned that we would first get to see the new inventions her company had invented,“ Twilight said.

“Really like what?“ Rarity asked.

"I don’t know, mom didn’t say.” Twilight said as she shrugged her shoulders.

“Maybe they invented a new device that can read other people's minds or a device that can let you teleport, which is good since it means I do not have to worry about going to school or work late. Oh, maybe they have developed a device that can let you travel in time, which is also good since I need to tell my past self not to eat that gum that I found under the park bench,” Pinkie Pie said.

"Seriously, Pinkie, we tell you not to eat that gum, but you never listen," Sunset said to Pinkie Pie. “Like how we tell you not to eat that rotten burger you found in the trash can.”

“Well, everyone always tells me not to eat things that are delicious. Like how my parents tell me not to eat Dino Crunch anymore because I always forget to chew, and my mother will get worried, and my father has to call those nice guys in the white van.” Pinkie Pie simply said.

“Seriously, how do you forget to chew?“ Twilight said.

“It's just Pinkie being Pinkie, "Applejack said. “It's best you not question it.”

“Guys, be quiet. I think it is time for us to go in.” Sunset said, and immediately everyone walked into the building, where they were led down a hall and into a large room where Twilight Mom Twilight Velvet was waiting for them.

“Greetings everyone! I am Twilight Velvet, and let me welcome you to the Sparkle Industry.“ She greeted everyone happily before gesturing for everyone to follow her.

“We in the sparkle industry aim to develop technology that can help improve the lives of humans,“ she said, then gestured for everyone to see the equipment that was displayed in the room.

“One example is our new magnet shoes, which can help construction workers when they have to work in high places.” She said that one of the employees wore the shoes and used them to walk on a metal wall to demonstrate their effectiveness. She then gestured to another piece of equipment being used by another employee. “Another example is our new fire extinguisher device, which has revolutionized firefighters. This device let out a large concentration of cold air that can easily extinguish a large amount of fire with ease.” The employees demonstrate this by switching on a TV that shows a video of a large fire, which they were able to put out with ease through the use of the device.

“Another example is...” velvet was interrupted when an alarm went off into the building. ”What's going on?” She asked, and immediately one of the security guards went into the room.

"Madam, there is a break-in in one of the labs." He said. ”Security is heading towards the lab as we speak.”

Hearing that, Velvet quickly brought out her phone and quickly connected to the security camera in the lab. The camera shows a group of scientists running away from what looks like a man wearing what appears to be high-tech armor. She couldn’t see his face due to the helmet of the armor covering his entire head. The man points one of his hands in one direction and fires a laser beam from it. He then noticed the camera and fired at it.

Velvet then turned her attention to all the students and teachers. "Everyone, it is currently not safe to be here, so please leave the building immediately and get to safety,” she said to everyone who was immediately escorted outside by security—everyone but the guardians of harmony. “Why are you girls still here?”

“We wanted to help mom,” Twilight said.

“Yeah, it is our job to help,“ Rainbow Dash added.

“I appreciate the help, but it is too dangerous,“ Velvet said to them.

“Dangerous, oh please, we have to face many dangerous magical threats, “Rainbow said. ”This will be nothing.”

“She is right, Miss Velvet,“ Sunset said. "We are experienced in handling this kind of thing.”

Velvet stays silent for a while before sighing. ”Alright, girls,“ she said. ”Just be careful.”

“Don’t worry, mom, we will,“ Twilight said. ”Come on, everyone, let's pony up.” Immediately, everyone turned into their superhero forms. ”Let go.“

“Yeah,” Trixie said, and immediately everyone turned to her, finally noticing her and Wallflower for the first time. Like the guardians of harmony, both girls have also transformed into their superhero forms.

"Why are you two still doing here?” Sunset asks.

“We want to help too.” Wallflower said.

“That's mighty sweet of you,” Applejack said. ”But both of you are not as experienced as we are in dealing with magical threats.”

“Come on, we are also members of the team,” Trixie protested.

“Yeah, but you guys only recently started your training while we have more than a year of experience,” Sunset said.

“ But..."Wallflower said, but was cut off by twilight.

“No,” Twilight said in a firm voice that she would normally use on spike. “Look guys, I know you want to help, but now is not the time.” Twilight then looks at the rest of her friends. ”Come on, guys, let go.” Immediately everyone started walking out of the room, but not before sunset. Give one last glance at the two girls.

“Sorry guys,” she said as she followed everyone else

Both girls stood their remain silent for a while before wallflower broke the silent with a sigh.

“ Come on Trixie let go” wallflower said as she grab Trixie arm only for her to pull it away must to wallflower shock.

“ No “ Trixie said in a determine voice “ we not going anywhere “ she then drag wallflower by the hand as she follow the guardians of harmony.
In the lab, the intruder has just broken down a lock door into a vault room. After going into the room, he looks around it until he finds the vault he is looking for. He blew the vault open and retrieved the case that was in it. He opened it and smiled inside his mask, seeing the contents that were in it.

“ plutonium-238” The man said, “The last thing I need to power my device.”

“Hey buddy, come out of there." A voice caught his attention. The intruder walked out of the room and saw the guardians of harmony standing outside.

“Who are you supposed to be?” The man asked.

“Why are you asking us that?” Sunset asks in a confused voice. ”Didn’t you, Master Gorgar, tell you about us?”

“Grogar,” the man said in a confused voice, ”who the heck is that?”

“Wait, so you are not working for Grogar?” rarity asks.

“Ha, the great Dr.Xander, don’t work for nobody,“ the intruder now identified as Dr. Xander said.

“So if you're not working for Grogar, then why are you even here?” Applejack asks.

“I am here to steal the plutonium-238, which is the last piece I need to activate my machine that I will use to threaten this city,” Dr. Xander said as he show them the case . ”And the best part is that no one can stop me, as they don’t even know about my plan.”

"Um, except for us, since we know your plan,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Lies, “Dr. Xander said. ”How can you know my plan?”

“Um, it’s because you literally just told us a second ago,” Twilight pointed out.

“Regardless, you can’t stop me,” Xander said.

“You wanna bet,“ Rainbow said as she used her super speed to punch him back into the vault room. ”Have enough,“ she said in a boastful manner. Immediately after, she said that several missiles were fired out of the room, heading towards everyone. All the guardians of harmony were able to dodge it on time as the missile landed on the areas they were in and exploded on impact. Immediately afterward, Dr. Xander walked out of the room. Even though the mask is covering his face, they can tell he was glaring at them. He then raised one of his hands at them and fired laser beams at them. Rarity was able to instantly form a diamond shield that blocked the attack. After that, rarity dropped the shield, and Pinkie Pie formed an ice cannon and fired an ice ball at him, but Xander was able to dodge it on time. He then pointed his gloves at a nearby table, and immediately the table was covered in a blue aura. He then lifted it and threw it at them. But Applejack jumped and smashed the table before it hit them. Rainbow dashed, then rushed at him using his super speed, but Xander, now expecting that attack, just simply activated an electric shield around him, which Rainbow hit and was immediately shocked by it. While she was still dazed by it, Xander took the opportunity to grab her by the throat and toss her away. But Twilight was able to catch her using her telekinesis and gently drop her on the ground.

Twilight then turns her attention to Xander and fires a magic beam at him. But Xander just activated the booster on his feet and flew into the air. While he was in the air, he fired a missile from his wrist and toward Twilight, but Fluttershy blew it back at him with her wind power. Xander managed to dodge it on time. He then turned and glared at Fluttershy through his mask, who immediately hid behind her hair when she felt him glare at her. Sunset suddenly blasted a fireball at him, only for Xander to fire an ice beam at it, putting the fire out. He then pointed his hand at her and released a fire stream at her, only for Pinkie to intercept the fire with a stream of water, creating a small steam. Xander stopped the fire before firing multiple missiles from his shoulders at them, only for rarity to form a diamond shield that protected them from the attack. After dropping the shield, Applejack jumps into the air and punches Xander out of the air and onto the ground. She stood over his down form on the ground and was about to punch him again, only for Xander to point his hands at her and let out a sound wave attack at her, causing her to scream and close her ears in pain as she back away from him. Twilight suddenly grabbed him with her telekinesis aura and started flinging him around the room, hitting the walls,table , floor, and chairs that were in the room.

Twilight then tosses him across the room and into Applejack, who punches him into the corner of the room. He falls to the ground, only for Fluttershy to blow him across the room, where he lands on a table, breaking it in the process. He got up and saw the guardians of harmony in front of him.

“Who are you people?“ he said angrily.

“We are the guardians of harmony,“ Twilight said. ”And you better give up while you still can.”

“The only one who should give up while they still can is you." Xander said as he toss a small metal ball on the ground next to them. them looked at it in confusion until suddenly the ball exploded, trapping them in an energy field that prevented them from moving.

“What the heck is this?” Rainbow said as she and the others found themselves unable to move.

“It's my own invention,“ Xander said as an energy blade came out of the gauntlet of his suit. ”When it explodes, it will create a stasis field that will prevent anyone who is trapped in it from moving for the next five minutes—just enough time for me to end you once and for all.” He then began walking closer to them with his blade.

Seeing that everyone quickly panics and tries to move,.

“Prepared to meet your end,” Xander said as he raised his hand and positioned his blade to stab them. Everyone closes their eyes, waiting for the worst. But that never came, as a shadow tentacle wrapped around his waist and pulled him into the back of the room, where he was forcefully dropped to the ground. Everyone turned and saw Trixie and Wallflower standing near the entrance of the lab.

“What are you guys doing here?” Sunset asked the two newcomers.

"We are to help you guys, which turns out to be a good thing since it looks like you two need our help after all,” Trixie said as she and Wallflower got ready to help.

“And how are you going to help them when you can’t help yourself?“ Xander said as he fired missiles at the two girls. Both girls quickly jumped out of the way of the missiles, which hit the nearby walls. Both girls quickly got up as they got ready to fight. Xander then aimed one of his hands at her and fired a laser blast at her.

“Oh, oh,“ Trixie said, seeing the blast coming her way. She quickly tried to remember her training, and as soon as she thought of getting to somewhere safe, she disappeared before the beam hit her and appeared on the other side of the room. She looks at herself and her surroundings. Afterward, she tried to put on a confident smile. ”I mean, like, I plan.”.

Xander then fired at her again, but Trixie just disappeared and appeared in another part of the room. Xander fired at her again, but the same thing happened over and over again, as each time he fired at her, she just disappeared and appeared in another part of the room.

“Hold still,” Xander said with his voice full of irritation as he fired at her again, only for her to disappear and appear behind him. Trixie then fires a magic blast from behind him, which sends him across the room and onto the floor. He got up and noticed something. ”Wait, weren’t there two of you?” immediately after he said that something hit him at the back of his head, causing him to fall face first on the ground. It was Wallflower who was armed with a shadow baseball bat. She then immediately started hitting him with the bat over and over again. While she was hitting him, Xander activated his jet booster and rocketed himself out of the path of another bat hit. He immediately righted himself up as soon as he got a safe distance away. After getting up, he turns to Wallflower and fires a laser blast at her, only for Wallflower to hastily put up a shadow shield to block the attack. While he was distracted, Trixie took this opportunity to fire a magical blast at him. Xander quickly noticed this and managed to dodge the attack. He then turned his attention to Trixie and was about to fire at her, only for a shadow tentacle to grab one of his legs and pull him across the floor. When the tentacles let go, he immediately stood up and immediately received a punch to the face

"What?” he said in surprise as he looked around, unable to find the person who punched him. ”Who did that?” as soon as he said that he received another punch and another and another. With each punch, Xander grew irritated as he was punched by an invisible attacker. After receiving another punch, Xander activated an electric shield, shocking the attacker, who turned out to be wallflower. Xander then fired a laser blast at her, blasting her away. Immediately after blasting her away, Trixie teleports near him and blasts him with a magical blast, sending him across the room to Wallflower, who has formed a shadow tentacle and uses it to grab him mid-air and repeatedly slam him on the ground before tossing him away.

After he landed on the ground, he immediately stood up. He was about to fire another shoulder missile at them, only for Applejack to suddenly block his view of them and punch him hard on the face with a diamond boxing glove that was given to her by rarity. The combined hardness of the diamond gloves and Applejack's super strength was strong enough to break his face mask, exposing his face as he flew across the lab and onto the hard floor.

After he got up from the ground, he noticed all the guardians of harmony were now free and getting ready to fight. ”Damn it,” Xander cursed inside his head. "I can’t take them all right now.”

“ This isn’t over yet” Xander said as he run into the vault room. Immediately everyone chase after him and when their get inside the room their saw Xander picking up the case containing the plutonium-23. Before anyone could stop him he throw another small metal ball towards the guardians of harmony.

“ Everyone run it is another stasis ball” Twilight yell as everyone run out of the room and immediately after everyone run out of the room the ball exploded .But instead of releasing a stasis field it instead release a large smoke screen covering the entire lab. Shortly after the smoke screen cover the room Fluttershy blow it away using her wind magic. Everyone then went back into the vault room and saw Xander is gone and that their is a large hole in the room leading outside. Everyone quickly run through the hole and look around outside only to not see him anywhere.

“Dang it, that Valmont has gotten away,” Applejack said as unknown to her, and everyone not far from them was in a manhole with its cover open as Xander had used the sewers as a means of escape.

“Come on, let's go back inside,“ sunset said to everyone, and while they were all walking inside, she turned her attention to Trixie and Wallflower. “By the way, great work just now.”

“Yeah, that was awesome.“ Rainbow praised the two girls, and everyone else nodded in agreement.

“Well, you shouldn’t expect anything less from the great and powerful Trixie,“ Trixie said as she puffed her chest in pride.

“It was really nothing,” Wallflower said in a modest tone.

“It wasn’t nothing, darling,“ Rarity said.

“I quite agree,” Sunset said. ”If it weren’t for you two, we would be dead right now. I guess we were wrong about you not being ready, as it looks like you two are more than ready.”

“So what now?” Fluttershy said.

“For now, we need to regroup and think of our next move since I don’t think this is over yet,” Twilight said. “You heard what he said about activating his machine. Whatever it is, I can say that it is not going to be good.
In the abandoned sewer plan, Xander has just put the plutonium-23 into his machine, powering it up.

“Finally, my masterpiece is complete,“ Xander said. ”Soon everyone will respect and fear the name Dr. Xander. Isn't that right, fishy?”

“That's right,” Fishy said as he laughed evilly.
Back in sparkle industry, the guardians of harmony had just informed Velvet of what happened, and as soon as they mentioned Dr. Xander, she instantly paled. Currently, she and everyone else are looking at the security footage of the fight in her office. She paused the footage at exactly when the face mask broke and zoomed in on Xander's face.

“I can’t believe it." Velvet said, “It’s him.”

“You know him, mom?” Twilight ask.

“Unfortunately, I do,” Velvet said. “Dr. Xander was originally a scientist who worked here but was fired two years ago by your grandmother due to his unethical and dangerous experiments. In addition to his insane and unstable behavior,"

"What do you mean, mom?“ Twilight asks her mother.

“Dr. Xander was originally a scientist who worked in sparkle industry. He was quite brilliant, but his unethical and dangerous experiments made him an unfit scientist, as the experiments he would perform would put his fellow scientists and employees in danger, and his lack of care for their lives also put their safety in danger. One such example was when he performed an experiment that put one of our interns in danger, and he just shrugged it off by saying she was just an intern. In addition to that he had repeatedly shown unstable and insane behavior, as there were reports of him talking to a plastic fish like it was a person and reacting aggressively to the point of attacking anyone if they so much as touched it"Velvet said.

“Wow, this guy sounds like he has a screw loose,"Rainbow said.

“Yeah, what kind of crazy person talks to an inanimate object?“ Pinkie said. Immediately after, she said that everyone just gave her a blank look, given the fact that this is the same girl who has a "pet "stuff alligator she named Gummy.

“Anywhere,“ Velvet said, bringing the conversation back on topic. “Due to this behavior of his, he was eventually fire, and when he was escorted out of the building, he vowed revenge on not only us but everyone who ever mocked him.”

‘Do you know what he is planning to do with the plutonium?“ Sunset asks Velvet.

“I do not know, but whatever plan he has for them would not be good"Velvet said, and immediately after she said that twilight phone rang, which said girl immediately answered.

"Hello,” she said. ”Oh, hi Discord. What?” she said, then turned her attention to her mother. "Mom, turn on the TV and go to the news channel now.”

Velvet did what she was told and turned on the news channel, and what she and the guardians of harmony saw shocked her, as on screen was Dr. Xander still wearing his high-tech armor, only this time his helmet was off, exposing his face on live TV.

“Greetings, people of Canterlot City,“ Xander said. ”I am Dr. Xander, and I have big news for you. You see, for most of my life, I have been mocked by the science community and by pretty much everyone, as they would call me crazy, insane, and unstable. Well, let's see if they can still call me crazy after seeing my newest invention.” He then turned the camera, showing a machine of some kind. ”This is a little device I created that, once activated, will release toxic pollution into the city air, turning it poisonous and deadly to anyone who breathes it.” The camera then turns back to Xander, “Unless I receive 2 billion dollars in 2 hours, that is all.” After that, he cut the transmission.

“Well, at least we now know why he wants those plutoniums,“ Wallflower said.

“We need to stop him,” sunset said.

“Don’t worry, sunset; according to Discord, black light is currently tracking the signal back to its source.” Twilight said. ”They will inform us as soon as they find its source.”

"Good,"Sunset said, ”since we need to stop him before he activates his device and dooms the entire city.”

It took awhile, but the black light was able to track the source to an abandoned sewer plant must to rarity disguise.

“Of all places, it has to be here,” she said as she used her hands to cover her noise and block the smell.

“Be quiet, rarity,” Twilight said. ”We are trying to avoid altering Xander's of our presence.”

Eventually, the guardians of harmony were able to make their way to the room where Xander put his machine.

“In about 45 minutes, my machine will be ready to activate,“ Xander said as the timer on the machine was slowly going down.

“Hold it right there,“ a voice said, catching his attention. He turned and saw, much to his displeasure, the guardian of harmony.

“You girls again,“ he said, annoyed.

"Yeah, us,"Sunset said. "You better give up now or else.“ She said this by punching one of her fists into her palm for emphasis.

“Don’t you have anything better to do?” Xander said as he picked up the suit helmet from the machine control panel and put it on as he got ready to fight. All the guardians of harmony immediately got into a fighting stance, and both sides stood still, waiting for the other to make their move. The tension was thick as both waited for the other to make the first move.

It was Xander who acted first, as he clicked a button on his gauntlet, and immediately a group of robots flew into the room. Each of them hurls their weapons at them, from laser blasts to missiles. But rarity was able to form a diamond shield that protected them from the robot's attack. Immediately after she put down the shield, everyone quickly ran off and fought the robots.

Pinkie threw a bunch of her explosive goods at a group of robots, blowing them into pieces. She then jumped onto a few of them, and after touching them, they immediately exploded. After that, she uses her powers to cover a group of robots in water and freeze them instantly.

Rarity forms a diamond shield and sword and runs towards a group of robots. She uses the diamond sword to cut through the robots with ease, and each time they fire at her, she uses her diamond shield to block the attacks before cutting them with her sword.

Fluttershy uses her wind magic to redirect any attacks the robot throws at her back, destroying them. She then forms a tornado that sucks a group of them into it, and inside the tornado, the robots hit each other, causing them to destroy each other.

Applejack uses her powers to wrap a group of robots and throw them hard onto the ground, walls, and each other, destroying them. She then used her power to fire thorns at a group of them, destroying them instantly.

Rainbow dash was surrounded by a group of robots but she instantly cover the entire area around her with a lightning field that shock and destroyed them. She then cover her fist with lightning and by using her super speed run and hit a,my of,the robots she can destroying them with her lightning cover fist.

Twilight caught a few of the robots in her magic aura and tossed them into another group of robots, destroying them. She then dodged a laser blast from one of the robots. She immediately fired a magic blast at it, destroying it. She then started flying around, dodging blasts from the robots while blasting back at them. An ideal struck her as she flew in the middle of where a group of the robots were. The robots immediately fired at her, only for her to fly upwards, letting their attacks hit each other and destroying themselves instantly.

Sunset caught a robot in her telekinesis aura and used it to shield her from a blast, which destroyed the robot instantly. She then fired a fireball at the robot, destroying it instantly. She then teleported into the back of a robot and punched it with a fire cover fist, destroying it instantly before teleporting to the ground. She would then blast a fireball at one of the robots before teleporting, appearing behind another robot, and attacking it from behind. She did this repeatedly, as after destroying one robot, she would appear behind another and attack it from behind.

Trixie teleported on the back of a robot and got the attention of another. It fired at her, only for her to teleport again before the attack hit her. The attack instead just hit the robot she was on, destroying it instead. Trixe then appears behind the robot that fires at her early and fires a magical blast at it, destroying it. She then teleported on another robot and gained the attention of another so it would fire at her, and like before, she just teleported out of the way before the attack hit her, which caused the blast to just hit the robot she was on early, destroying it in the process. She did this repeatedly, which resulted in many of the robots destroying each other.

Wallflower, who has formed a shadow bow and arrow, was firing at many of the robots she could while avoiding being hit by their attacks, either by dodging the attacks or by forming a shadow shield to block them. Each robot she hit with the shadow arrow would result in shadow spikes bursting out of them. She then forms a group of shadow tentacles, grabs many of the robots she can, and squeezes them hard until they explode.

Eventually, every single robot was destroyed, leaving just Xander left.

“Give it up, Xander,” Sunset said.

“Never,” he said as he blasted a laser beam at them, only for rarity to form a diamond shield, which deflected the beam towards the table where Fishy was on. The beam hit the table, blasting it to pieces and causing the bowl with Fishy still in it to fly into the air and land on the ground next to the railing. The bowl tips over, spilling the contents inside it. Causing Fishy to slip across the floor, on the edge of the floor, near the sewer water.

“Fishy!” Xander shouted, seeing this, as he ran towards Fishy. He quickly jumped into the air and tried to grab it, only for it to fall off the edge and into the sewer water as soon as he landed next to it. Xander quickly crawls onto the floor and on the edge. He saw that Fishy had sunk into the water . “Fishy!” he shouted into the air. He quickly got up.“I am coming fishy,” Xander shouted in a panicked voice as he jumped over the railing and into the sewer water.

Meanwhile, the guardians of harmony were watching everything with a confused expression on their faces. They were silent for a few seconds as everyone tried to process what they just saw. It was eventually broken by sunset.

“What just happened?" Sunset asked in a confused voice.

“I take it that must have been the plastic fish mom told us he talks to,” Twilight said.

"Yikes, if I ever become that crazy, promise me you guys will put me in a straight jacket and a padded cell.” Sunset said.

“Come on guys, we got a doomsday machine to turn off,” Twilight said, leading everyone to the machine. However, as everyone was walking to the machine, Sunset suddenly sensed something and turned and saw a wisp of equestrian magic.

"Guys, look,” Sunset said, gaining everyone's attention. She pointed her finger towards the equestrian magic, and everyone turned and saw it too. The equestrian magic then flew into the exact spot in the sewer where Xander jumped.

“That can’t be good,” Rainbow said, and immediately after she said that, a large light came out of the water, and after that, something big jumped out of the sewer water and landed on the floor.

The figure can be described as big in both size and mass. It wore light green armor that had hoses connected to it. A line of toxins is made on its head, forming a mohawk, and barrels on its back that contain what can be described as toxin.

( Go here to get a better ideal on what he look like

“You hurt, Fishy." The figure pointed at them before gesturing to the plastic fish that was in one of the barrels on his back.

"Xander,” Sunset said as she and everyone realized who this person was.

“What happened to me?” Xander said as he looked at his changed body.

"Dr. Xander,“ Sunset said, gaining his attention, “we can help you return to normal. We just need you to calm down first.”

“And why would I want to change back?“ Xander said. ”The power I feel flowing through me is one I never felt before. It is amazing. I feel stronger. I finally have a powerful body to match my great mind.”

“Xander, you don’t understand that power is too dangerous,“ Twilight said in a pleading tone.

“Oh, I understand all right,“ Xander said as his voice was full of anger. ” I understand you want to take my power away. Well, too bad, you can’t have it.” He then fired toxic slime from his suit gauntlet at them. Everyone managed to dodge it on time before the slime hit them.

“Oh, great, now he can fire slime at us,” rarity said in disguise.

“Xander, you need to stop,” Twilight said.

“No, I do not need to stop,” Xander said. “In fact, what I need is to destroy you and let my machine destroy this pathetic city, and soon everyone shall fear the name Xander.” He then stops for a second and taps a finger on his chin. “You know, Dr. Xander doesn’t sound right, especially with my new body. How about, from now on, you call me Toxzon?”

He then threw a bunch of green slime on the floor, which immediately took the form of slime monsters. "Attack," Dr. Xander, or in this case, Toxzon, orders the monster.

The monsters fire a large stream of slime at them, only for Wallflower to form a large shadow shield to protect them from it.

“Oh great,“ Rarity said in disguise. ”Not only are these monsters made of slime, but they can fire slime at us.”

“Oh man, up rarity "Applejack said.

“In case you forget, I am a lady,“ Rarity said.

“Guys focused,“ Twilight said, getting their attention. ”We only have thirty-five minutes left before the machine is activated, and the entire city is doomed." She said this as she looked at the timer on the machine.

Immediately after Wallflower dropped the shield, Pinkie Pie threw as much of her explosive goods as she could at the slime monsters, destroying all of them instantly. After that, she forms an ice canon and fired an ice boulder at Toxzon.

Toxzon, however, simply makes a toxic cloud of gas and slime on his feet and flies into the air to avoid the attack. He then flew towards them while firing a laser blast at them. But rarity simply forms a diamond shield and deflects the blast at him, causing him to be shot out of the air and onto the ground on his back. Before he could get up, Wallflower formed a shadow tentacle and grabbed him by the leg, lifted him in the air, and slammed him hard on the floor. She repeated this process over and over again before throwing him in the air and causing him to fall in the path of Trixie, who gathers as much energy as she can muster to form a large ball of magic, which she uses to blast him back in the air and onto the ground. He got up and was suddenly punched in the face by rainbow dash lightning fist who had used her super speed to run towards him. She then used her super speed to rapidly punch him with her lightning-covered fists. However, before she could punch him again, Xander grabbed her fist and touched her away. Applejack ran towards him, and Toxzon did the same. Both sides quickly grapple with each other.

“Dang it, this guy is as strong as me,” Applejack said, as she was surprised, like everyone else, to discover he is now as strong as she is. Rarity decided to help by forming a large diamond fist and used her power to have it flow in the air and punch him in the side. He was punched to the other side of the room, where Fluttershy formed a giant tornado, which sucked him in. As he was spinning in the tornado, Pinkie Pie filled it with water, and as soon as she was done with that rainbow dash fired her lightning attack at it, shocking Toxzon, who was still in the tornado.

The tornado subsided, and he began falling to the ground. However, Toxzon manages to regain his bearing and quickly form another toxic cloud to float in the air. While he was in the air, he fired a large number of missiles at them, only for both twilight and sunset, to catch them with their telekinesis and redirect them at him. The missiles hit him, causing him to fall to the ground. He got back up and slammed two fists on the ground, creating a shockwave that blew them back. After he blew them back, he made two blades come out of both gauntlets of his suit and charged at them. Rarity, being the first to recover, formed a diamond sword and shield and charged at him. Both swords hit with one another as their evade and trade blows with one another. Toxzon swung his left blades at rarity, only for her to duck. He swung his right blade downward at her, only for her to position her shield above her, blocking the attack. Immediately after rarity blocked the sword, Sunset teleported in the air and punched him in the face with a flame cover fist, causing him to stagger backwards and into a shadow tripwire that Wallflower set up, tripping him backwards and causing him to fall on his back and on the floor. Rainbow Dash immediately jumps on him and starts rapidly kicking his face with her lighting-embedded feet before jumping off him. Twilight then uses her telekinesis to lift him in the air before slamming him on the ground over and over again.

After she slammed him on the ground one final time, Toxzon immediately got up and, from his gauntlet, released a sound wave attack, which, due to the equestrian magic he now possessed, is now stronger. Rarity quickly forms a diamond barrier in front of them to block the attack, only for the attack to break the diamond barrier and blow them all back. Toxzon took this opportunity to fire another slime attack at them, only for Fluttershy to blow it back at him and on his face. This blinded his vision, allowing Pinkie Pie to throw as much explosive goods as she could at him, causing him to stagger backwards as he used his hands to shield himself from the attack. Both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie then fire their respective elemental attacks on him, which electrocute him. While he was still recovering from the attack, rarity had formed diamond boxing gloves on Applejack hands, and immediately she ran towards Toxzon and quickly hit him in the face over and over again. The combined hardness of the diamond and her super strength was so strong that after punching him one last time, Toxzon fell down on his back, out cold.

“It's over,“ Rainbow Dash said as she raised a fist in the air. "We won.”

“Not yet,” Twilight said, pointing to the machine, which now has two minutes until activation. ”We need to shut it down now.” Twilight quickly ran towards the control panel of the machine, quickly typing on it as fast as she could to switch off the machine. All of her friends were gathering around her, looking at the machine with their faces full of fear, as their hope that Twilight would be successful in deactivating the machine. The timer was slowly going down, with each second going by both Twilight and her friends fear increased.

“Come on,“ Twilight said to herself as she continued to type on the machine, ”and done.” She and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at the timer and saw they were one second away until the machine was activated.

“Cutting a little close their twilight,“ Rainbow dashed said , wiping the sweat off her forehead.

“Yeah, I was,” Twilight said. ”Now all that is left is to turn Xander back to normal, and all this will be over.”

Immediately after, she said that everyone turned around and saw that Toxzon was now gone.

“He's gone,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Yeah, pinkie, we can see that,Sunset said before speaking in a serious tone. “We need to find him quick before he gets too far.”

Immediately, everyone left the room to look for him, but to no avail, as they couldn’t find any traces of him.

After calling Black Light and giving them their reports of what happened in the battle, they immediately sent agents to pick up and dismantle the machine and send the plutonium back to sparkle industry. They also began sending agents and pulling in all their resources to find Toxzon. Star Swirl had told them to go home for the day, as he would inform them of any updates.

Currently, the guardians of harmony are at sugarcube corners, enjoying some food and beverages.

“So to recap, not only do we now have to worry about stray equestrian magic and Grogar and his forces, but now we have to worry about a crazy mad scientist who is infused with equestrian magic.” Sunset spoke as she drank her smoothie.

“Well, our lives just got more complicated,“ Rainbow said as she took a bite of her cake. ”And I thought it couldn’t get more complicated.”

“You and I both dash,” rarity said.

“Well, it doesn’t matter,” Twilight said, gaining everyone's attention as she spoke in a determined voice. “As long as we are together, we can overcome anything from stray equestrian magic to dark ancient evil to mad scientists. No matter what, we will win, as nothing can beat the magic of friendship.”

Hearing that, everyone's spirits were lifted, and they nodded in agreement with her.

“You right, Twilight, as long as we are together, we can’t lose,” Sunset said with her face full of determination. This is reflected by everyone, as they all agree that as long as they are together, they will be able to overcome anything.

In the dark of the night and in a dark alleyway in the city, a figure is seen sitting down. This figure is none other than Toxzon. He sat there unmoved, even when it suddenly started raining. He didn’t make a single attempt to move as his mind thought back to a certain group of heroes that filled his mind with anger.

“Those guardians of harmony might have won this battle, but the war has just started,” he said out loud. ”They, along with everyone else in this world, will feel the wrath of Toxzon.”

“That is correct, my friend,“ Fishy said from inside the barrels. “We will show them all.” He and Toxzon began to laugh evilly as they plotted their next plan of action.
End of chapter 6
End song

Played Shine by Mr. Big

[Instrumentals] The opening fades into the inside of a room and focuses on an accordion-book that was open all the way onto a table.

[I never really feel quite right] The scene then fades to show the beginning of the book, before moving to the left, as it showed the pictures in it. The first of the pictures was of sunset who was on her couch with her pet lizard ray on her shoulder both of who are smiling in front of the camera.

[And I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong] As the camera moved, showing the rest of the photos, it then showed a picture of Rainbow Dash playing football on the school field .The next picture showed Rarity making a dress using sweetie bell as her model must to the young girl displeasure.

[Every time I look at you, you seem so alive] The next picture showed both Pinkie pie and Fluttershy backing a cake in a kitchen. The one after that was of Applejack picking out apples from a tree in her farm with her family.

[Tell me how do you do it, walk me through it] After that, it was a picture of twilight in her lab doing one of her experiments with spike sleeping on his dog bed nearby.The next picture was of wallflower ,Trixie and Derpy taking a group group picture in her garden.

[I'm following every footstep] The next picture was of flash sentry and his band playing on a stage.

[Maybe on your own you take a conscious step] The next picture was of Pinkie and Rainbow dash sneaking up on Luna who was sleeping on her desk. The picture next and under it was of an angry Luna who have a mustache drawn on her face by a marker chasing rainbow and pinkie pie who was laughing and nearby was principal celestia who have an amuse look on her face .

[Do you wanna give it up? All that I want…] The next picture was of sunset in her demon form who was flying in the air and on the ground was princess twilight and the rest of her friends ready to confront her.The photo after that was of sunset in a crater with tears in her eyes.

[Is for you to SHINE~] The photo after that showed princess Twilight pulling sunset out of the crater.

[SHINE~ down on me]The next photo was of sunset hugging wallflower after destroying the memory stone.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] A photo after that showed Discord putting a kick me sign on sunset back with him turning to the camera putting a finger on his lip telling the person who is using the camera to be quiet . The one underneath it was a picture of Bulk biceps running from Fluttershy while she is wearing her alien custom .

[SHINE~] The photo after that was of star swirl and Stygian practicing their magic.

[SHINE~ down on me] The photo after that showed a picture of vindicator battering the guardians of harmony.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] Fading away from that one photo, the scene changed to show the last picture in the book.It was of sunset, Rainbow dash,Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy, Rarity ,Twilight ,Applejack,. Wallflower,Trixie ,Princess Twilight,Discord ,start swirl and Stygian standing in front of the school statue smiling

[SHINE~] A hand then closes the accordion book.

Chapter 7: The artifact of an ancient hero.

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Opening of the guardians of harmony :

Play she ra princess of power theme song

The intro starts with the other , sombra , queen chrysalis, Tirek and lord Norlock looking at the pool in the center of the dark chamber.

~ We're on the edge of greatness ~

The camera then zoom into the pool to show sunset was on the school roof staring at the sunset . She then turn her head to stare at the camera before her geodes glow a bright red light covering the screen.

~ turning darkness into light ~

After the bright light disappear it shows scenes from previous equestrian girls adventure such as the first equestrian girls movie, rainbows rock, Friendship games, legend of everfree, mirror magic , forgotten friendship , rollercoaster of friendship ,spring breakdown, sunset backstage past and holiday unwrapped.

~ We're right beside you ~

All the guardians of harmony are now on a battlefield and in front them was an army of reapers

~ Ready to Fight! ~

Everyone then pony up and turn into their superhero forms

~ (fight, fight, fight fight) ~

Both sides quickly charge into one another.

~ We're gonna win in the end! ~

Pinkie rises out of a tide, blasting reapers with water while rainbow dash blast them with lighting shocking them.

~ We must be strong, And we must be brave ~

Applejack is capturing and tying up reapers with vines. While rarity is using her magic to open up holes in the ground that cause many of them to fall in.

~(we must be brave) ~

Fluttershy is using her power to make a tornado that caught many of the reapers while twilight is using her telekinesis to pick up a few of the reapers and toss them in the air.

~ We're gonna find every bit of strength that we have ~

Sunset is using her magic to make a fire shockwaves that took out many of the reapers

The scene shifts to the main chamber of Grogar lair where his egg form floats in the air and beneath it was the other, queen chrysalis, lord norlock, Tirek and sombra , vindicator ,cinch, Adagio dazzling,Sonata dusk and Aria blaze . Behind all of them was a dark background where the red eyes of the monsters that serve Grogar glow with malice. The egg form of Grogar suddenly glow covering the entire screen.

~ and never let go ~

The scene then shifted to the guardians of harmony battering against the other and Grogar top subordinates.

~ (Oh ah Oh) ~

The other and sunset fire a magical beam towards one another resulted in a blight flash that cover the entire screen.

~ We must be STRONG! ~

The scene ends with a final shot of the guardians of harmony sitting down at the base of the school statue with wallflower Trixie and a silhouette figure standing nearby.

At an archaeological dig site, several archeologists are seen digging until one of them hits something on the ground with his shovel, making him stop.

“Hey, I found something,“ he said, catching everyone's attention. He dug the ground some more to reveal the item, which turned out to be a shield of some kind. He lifts the shield up and examines it.

“What is this?” He asked as the shield glowed a faint light.
In Canterlot High, Rainbow Dash is currently taking a test with the rest of her classmates. However, she is having a hard time answering the questions on the paper, which is the direct opposite of her egghead friend Twilight, who had finished 10 minutes ago and is rechecking her answer for the fifteenth time.

“Stupid algebra,“ Rainbow thought as she tried her best to answer the questions.

“Alright, class, pencil down," Miss Cheerilee said to everyone, and immediately everyone put their pencils down. “Now everyone, please put your paper on the table.” She instructed, and immediately everyone got up and put their papers on the table before leaving the classroom and heading towards the cafeteria for lunch.

“Oh man, I'm definitely going to fail,“ Rainbow said in despair as she placed a hand on her face.

“Settle down, sugarcube; it's not the end of the world,” Applejack, who was sitting next to her at the lunch table, said. He put a hand on her. “Yeah, turn that frown upside down,“ Pinkie said, trying to cheer up her friend.

“I agree, darling; there's always next time,“ Rarity said as she was painting her nails.

“You guys don’t understand.“ Rainbow said, “My grades are getting bad, and according to principal Celestia, if I don’t improve them, I will be sent to summer school.“ The rainbow haired girl whined.

“Maybe you didn’t do as badly as you think,” Fluttershy said, hoping to cheer her friend up.

“Oh, I am pretty sure I did bad,“ Rainbow said, “and with my luck with the test, I will be going to summer and school, and then goodbye summer holidays.”

“Well, you wouldn’t be doing as badly if you actually paid attention in class,“ Sunset pointed out as she ate a piece of her salad.

“Well, it isn’t my fault classes are so boring,“ Rainbow defended, causing sunset to roll her eyes.

The former unicorn then realizes that Twilight has been mostly silent the entire time. She then turned her head and saw a twilight looking at her phone.

"What are you looking at, Twi?” sunset asked, gaining her attention. The girl looks at the sunset and shows the former unicorn her phone, which shows a news article about a new exhibit being put in the museum.

“I am reading the news article on a new exhibit that is being placed in the museum,“ Twilight said. ”Apparently some archeologists found an old shield at the dig site.”

“Boring,“ Rainbow said.

“Well, you won’t think it’s boring when you find out what it really is." A voice said from behind her, causing everyone to run and see it was discord.

"What do you mean by that?“ Rainbow asks.

“Follow me, and you will know why,” Discord said.
All the guardians of harmony, which also include their newest members, Trixie and Wallflower, are in the janitor closet with discord, and in front of them is the holographic screen that shows Star Swirl himself.

“Guardians of Harmony, recently, a group of archeologists unearthed an artifact,“ Star Swirl said before the screen changed to show a shield before changing back to show Star Swirl.

“Yeah, we know we were just discussing it,“ Rainbow said. "What makes this shield so important anywhere?”

“This shield belongs to Flash Magnus, the previous user of the element of loyalty.“ Star Swirl revealed shocking everyone but discord. “This shield was lost during the final battle against Grogar, but now it seems it has finally been found. You need to get this shield immediately before anyone else.”

“Wait, why?” Sunset asks.

“It is because...” Star Swirl said, but was interrupted by Pinkie.

“Ohh, ohh, I know,“ she said. ”It contains great power, and if grogar forces or anyone with evil intentions gets their hands on it, they can use it to do whatever bad things they want.”

There was a pause before Star Swirl talked again. ”Well, yes, how did you know that?”

“Just a hunch,” Pinkie said with a goofy smile.

“Oh right, I forgot your file did say something about you being able to somehow accurately guess something correctly,“ Star Swirl said. ”Anyhow, as Pinkie said, you must get to the shield before anyone else can. This mission is of the utmost importance, hence why discord will be coming along with you, as there is no doubt that when Grogar discovers the shield has been found, he will send his most powerful subordinate to retrieve it, hence why you need all the help you can get.”

“Their one problem,“ Wallflower said. ”How are we supposed to get out? We're still in the middle of school.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I got that cover.“ Discord said as he then used his magic to make a large box appear in his arms, ”You might want to put this on though.” Sunset opened the box and pulled out a gas mask. She and everyone then looked in the box and saw that it was full of gas masks.

“Gas mask” Sunset askconfused. "Why do we need this?”

“Trust me, you'll need them, "Discord said with a mischievous smile.
The school is covered with green gas as the school front door is covered with yellow tape, and people in hazmat suits are currently surrounding the building.

“I can’t believe you did that,” Twilight said, slack-jawed.

“Hey, it got us out early, didn’t it?” Discord said with a shrug.

“Yeah, but now school is canceled for a week,” Twilight said.

“Even better, no school for a week,“ Rainbow said as she, Pinkie Pie, and Trixie cheered.

“Anyhow, that is not important right now. We got an artifact to retrieve,“ Discord said as he and everyone went to his van to drive to the museum and retrieve the artifact before Grogar forces or anyone else could.
In the underground chamber that serves as Grogar Lair, the others had just sensed a great power suddenly appear, and after using his powers to track the source, he finally found it.

“The shield of Flash Magnus,” the other said as he stared at the pool in the center of the chamber. Surrounding him were grogar top subordinates and their newest recruit, the dazzling and cinch.

"What is so special about this shield?” Adagio said, staring at the pool.

“This shield belongs to the previous user of the elements of loyalty, Flash Magnus,“ Queen Chrysalis said. ” And despite what you might think, it contains great power.”

“For realsiers,“ Sonata asks.

“Yes, for you see, this shield was said to have been created in the great forge, a place of incredible powers,” Tirek said. ”It is due to that that the shield can grant incredible powers to its users. However, only those it deems worthy can use it.”

“However, we don’t need to use it directly; just drain it of its power,“ Sombra said, ” and once we drain it of its power, we can give the drain powers to the master to help speed up his recovery.”

“Retrieving this shield is a task too important to leave it to any monster,“ the other said. ” Hence why Sombra and I shall personally retrieve the shield.”
In an abandoned warehouse, a certain scientist can be seen on his computer monitor.

“Incredible, according to the monitor, an unknown powerful energy has been detected in the city museum,“ Toxzon said.

“Then we should retrieve it,“ Fishy said from inside the barrel. “With your genius mind, we can harness this unknown power and use it to terrorize this world.”

“Yes, you are right, fishy, we should,“ Toxzon said.
Discord had just parked his van in the museum parking lot.

“Ok, so what is the plan for retrieving the shield?“ Sunset asks Discord.

“It's really simple,” Discord said as he snapped his fingers, and immediately everyone and even his clothes turned into black suits and ties, with them wearing black sunglasses. ”We just marched to the person in charge of the museum, showed him my blacklight badge, and demanded he give the shield or face government repercussions.”

“Will that work?” Trixie asks.

“It works countless times before, and worst comes to worst, I can just hypnotize him into willingly giving the shield,“ Discord said. “Now let go.”

Everyone quickly left the van and went into the museum. However, during their walk through the museum, discord suddenly stopped.

"Why did you stop?” Applejack asks.

“I sense something awful is here." Discord said in a serious voice, “We need to get to the shield now.”

Immediately, he started running as fast as he could, and everyone else followed him. They eventually reach the exhibit where the shield is being kept. What they saw when they reached there was the other and Sombra, who were next to the glass case where the shield was being kept.

“Well, what we have here: discord and the guardians of harmony.“ The other said as his and Sombra's attention was on them.

“You know this guy's discord,” Sunset asks.

“Yes, I do,“ Discord said in a serious voice. “These two are Grogar's top subordinate, Sombra, and the other.”

“The other what?” Pinkie asks, confused.

“The one in the robe is just simply called the other.“ Discord said, “He is a powerful dark wizard, and Grogar second in command.”

“We just came here to retrieve the shield.“ The other said, “But since you are here, we will not only take the shield but also destroyed you as well.”

“I like to see you try,” Sunset said as she and her friends turned into their superhero forms along with Discord who turn into his true fairy form.

“You seem to outnumber us." The other said, “So let's fix that, shall we?” He then tapped his staff on the ground, and immediately, in a flash of light, a large number of reapers appeared.

“This guys again,“ Applejack said.

“Oh, please, we can take this guys done easily,“ Rainbow boasted.

“But what about this one’s?” The other said, ”Berserker,caster, and viper.“

Immediately after, he said that three black smokes came out of his staff and landed on the ground, and once the smoke cleared up, three figures stood in their place.

The first was a large, bald, muscular, blue-skinned man with broad shoulders and red eyes, wearing only black pants and boots, with a giant sword that was as big as a person strapped to his back. This person is Berserk.

The next was a tall and slender blue-skinned woman with red eyes and long hair that was tied in a ponytail. She was wearing black leather armor, long black cloves, and black thigh-high boots. This person is viper.

The last one looks like a man wearing a cloak that covers his entire body. He wore black gloves on both of his hands and a black mask that covered his entire face. This person is caster.

“Who the heck are these guys?“ Applejack said.

“Dark warriors,“ Discord said, "This are evil dark warriors that were created by the other to do his bidding.”

"Well, we can take these guys down,“ Rainbow said.

However, immediately after she said that, the celling of the museum burst open, and everyone looked up and saw it was Toxzon on his toxic cloud, and floating near him were a large number of floating robots. He and the robots flew in and floated above the ground, not far from them. He pointed a small device at the shield, and immediately the device beeped.

“So this is where the energy source is from,“ Toxzon said before turning his attention to the guardians of harmony. “Well, look at this; not only do I get these powerful items, but I also get a chance to get my revenge.”

“Who the heck are you?” Sombra demanded.

“I am Dr. Xander, but you may call me Toxzon." Toxzon introduced himself as “the greatest mind to ever exist, and I will be taking that shield.”

“As if we will let you,“ Sombra said.

“Oh, is that a challenge?” Toxzon said this as he and everyone got ready to fight each other.

“Well, it seems we found ourselves in a three-way fight,” Discord said as everyone stood and got into a battle stance and waited for one of them to make a move. They stood for a few seconds before Toxzon robots fired at the reapers, taking out many of them in the process. This signal for the battle began as everyone began charging at each other’s.

The reapers fired an energy blast at the robots, destroying many of them in the process, while the robots did the same and fired at the reapers, destroying many of them in the process.

Berserker rushed into a group of robots and cut down many of them with his large sword. The robots fired at him, but he was able to tank the attack as if it were nothing. Viper then jumped from behind him and toss as many daggers as she could at the robots, destroying them, and finally,caster created a tornado that sucked out the remaining robots, destroying them in the process.

Toxzon blasts a reaper, destroying it in the process, before turning his attention to the other reapers and firing missiles at them, destroying them in the process. He then turned and saw the last reapers charging at him. He simply made a blade appear out of his gauntlet and plunged it into its chest when it was near enough, killing it in the process. He retracted his bow, and the reaper fell to the ground before disappearing. He was suddenly blasted at his side, causing him to recoil a bit. He turned and saw it was Trixie, wallflower, and Rainbow dash. Both sides glare at each other before charging.

Applejack was fighting against Berserker, who swung his large sword at him, but she was able to dodge it on time and immediately punch him in the face, causing him to slide backwards a bit. His sword then glows blue, and he swings it, creating an energy slash that aims towards her. She jumps and rolls on the ground to avoid the attack before standing up and using her magic to make vines cover the area where he is. However, he simply used his sword to easily cut his way out.

“Berserker thought this would be fun, but berserker found this boring,“ Berserker said.

“Boring, hun,” Applejack said, making large carnivore plants appear. "How is this for boring?” She made the plant attack Berserker, who rushed towards the plant and cut them with ease. One plant managed to devour him, but he just used his sword to cut through it and jump back onto the ground. Both sides stand still and stare at each other before running toward each other.

Rarity was facing viper, who threw countless daggers at her. However, it is rare for manga to form a diamond shield and block the attack. Viper then charges at rarity with daggers on both hands. However, rarity simply uses her powers to open a hole in front of her path. Unfortunately, Viper just jumped over it before continuing her charge at rarity, who keeps making stone spikes on the ground in order to hit her. However, she was able to avoid them by jumping above them or going around them. She was close to rarity, but at the last minute, she was able to make a diamond platform under her and use it to float in the air. Viper, just jump high and land on the platform. She tries to stab her with her daggers, but rarity manages to form a shield to block them. She then maneuvered the shield platform to tilt, causing Viper to fall off the platform and onto the ground. Rarity then jumped to the ground near Viper once she made the platform reach close to the ground, formed diamond boxing gloves in her hand, and punched her in the face as she was getting up, causing her to fly backwards and land on the ground. Viper immediately stood up and held her daggers up, and immediately the daggers glowed blue and turned into katanas. Rarity then makes the diamond boxing gloves disappear before making a diamond shield and sword appear on her hands. Both charge each other, exchange sword strikes with one another, dodge, and, in rarity case, block any attacks.

“Not bad,“ Viper said to rarity. ”Not only beautiful, but skillful.”

“Well, thank you, darling,“ Rarity said, flattered by the compliment.

“I promise that when I kill you, I will leave your face unharmed,“ Viper said. ” And what more? I will collect your head and keep it as a trophy.”

“Ok, now things just got dark.” Rarity said as she and Viper continued to fight.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were fighting against Caster. Fluttershy fires a wind blast at him, but caster just forms a magic shield and fires a lightning attack at them. Pinkie Pie was able to form an ice shield to block the attack. She then forms an ice cannon and fires an ice ball at him. But casters just float up and fly in the air. Pinkie then put her hands down and let out a jet stream of water that propelled in the air and headed toward Castor. Once she was near him, she stopped the jet stream of water and fired a large steam of water into him, causing him to fall into the ground straight to Fluttershy, who blasted large wind currents towards him, blowing him into the dinosaur exhibit. The dinosaur bones fall onto him.

“Have enough, “Pinkie said as she stood next to Fluttershy. Caster simply blows the bones away and fires a large fireball at them. Fluttershy quickly blew the fireball back at him, which exploded at him on impact. Caster was blown backwards and landed hard on the ground. He stood up and fired a lightning blast at them. But both girls were able to dodge the attack. After dodging the attack, both girls charge at caster, whose hands are glowing as magic fills his hand. He then charged at them.

Both sunset and twilight fought Sombra, who pulled out his sword from its sheath, and immediately the sword glowed green as he fired a magic blast at them. But sunset, grab twilight and teleport behind Sombra, and both girls fire a magical blast behind him, causing him to be blasted forward and land on the ground. He got up and turned to them. His body turned into a shadowy smoke and flowed towards them. Once it was in front of them, he reformed himself and swung his sword at them, but both girls managed to jump away on time. Sombra's sword glows green again, and he swipes his sword, creating an energy slash that heads towards them. Both girls fired at the slash, and both attacks impacted each other, causing a small explosion to happen. Twilight then covers Sombra in a magical aura and lifts him in the air before slamming him on the ground over and over again before stopping after slamming him one last time. As he was getting up, Sunset teleported in front of him and punched him in the face with a flame-covered fist, causing him to be thrown into the air. But he managed to regain his balance and land on his feet on the floor. Sombra's sword was then covered in green flames as he pointed and blasted a stream of fire at them. Both girls quickly run to avoid the flame, but he simply moves his sword, causing the flame to follow them. Sunset teleports next to Twilight and grabs her and teleports to a safe distance away from the fire. Sombra stops the flame, turns into a shadowy smoke, and flows towards them. When the smoke is above them, it reforms into sombra. He raises his sword as he falls and is about to hit them with the sword, but Sunset manages to form a magic shield and block the attack. Sombra jumped back, and after that sunset let down the shield.

“Impressive," Sombra complimented them. ”You are good, but I am better.“ He then plunged his sword into the ground, and black crystals began sprouting and headed towards them. Both twilight and sunset manage to jump out of the way on time. This didn’t stop Sombra, as he just plunged his sword into the ground again, and the crystal sprouted again, heading towards them. Sunset grabs Twilight and both teleport in front of Sombra, and immediately both fire a magical bolt that blows him back.

Both Discord and the other are battering with one another. Both fired a magical blast at one another, and instantly both blasts collided in the air. Both put as much energy as they could into the blast in an attempt to overpower the others. Eventually, the blast exploded, blowing both sides onto the ground. Discord being the first to recover Stood up and fired a magical blast at the other, who managed to form a shield around himself. He drops the shield and blasts the ground, which summons a giant snake that charges at discord. The fairy just snapped his fingers, causing it to disappear. Discord then disappeared in a cloud of smoke, appeared in front of his opponent, and blasted him with a magical blast, blowing him back. The other managed to regain his bearing, quickly caught himself in a magical aura, and placed himself on the ground. Discord immediately saw something behind him and snapped his fingers, and immediately the museum stanchions that were behind him quickly rose in the air and wrapped themselves around the other. However, he simply disappeared in a cloud of smoke, letting the stanchions fall to the ground. He reappeared in front of it and tapped his staff into the ground, and immediately a large wave of fire appeared, heading towards discord. Discord responded by snapping his fingers, and a large wave of water appeared, which headed towards the fire. Immediately, both sides collided and cancelled each other out. The other then taps his staff on the ground again, and immediately large numbers of arcane circles appear in the air. All the circles immediately fired a magic blast towards Discord, who managed to disappear on time before they hit him. He reappeared in the air and fired at the other, who formed a fire shield to block the attack, and immediately after that, the shield launched itself towards him as it took the form of a dragon. Discord fired back a lightning attack that also took the form of a dragon. The attack goes through the fire dragon, causing it to dissipate and head towards the other. The other disappeared before the attack hit him and appeared in a different location of the museum.

“Hey, what's going on in here?" A security guard said as he walked into the room and immediately left the second he saw what was going on, ”I am not getting paid enough for this.”

Trixie blasted Toxzon with a magical blast that caused him to slide backwards on the ground. This was followed immediately by Wallflower, who fired a shadow ball at him. Toxzon, however, was able to dodge the attack on time and immediately fire a slimedattack at them. Wallflower was quick to form a giant shadow fan and blow the slime back at him, blinding him. Rainbow Dash quickly took advantage of this and used her super speed to run towards him and rapidly punch him with her lightning cover fist. With one final punch, she sent him into the air, where he landed next to the shield exhibit.

“One down,“ Rainbow boasts before turning her attention to the others fights. ”I will help Fluttershy and Pinkie while you both help the others.” She then used her superspeed to rush towards the two girls.

“Trixie shall help Applejack,” Trixie said.

“I will help rarity,“ Wallflower said. Immediately, both girls helped fight in their respective battles.

Applejack was currently holding back the Berserk sword from hitting her but found it a bit difficult since it turns out Berserker was as strong as her, much to her surprise. Suddenly, a magic blast hit him on his side, causing him to turn and see that it was Trixie who hit him. This ends up distracting him long enough for Applejack to move out of the way and punch him as hard as she can, sending him flying in the air. He landed on the ground hard. Berserk stood up and saw both Applejack and Trixie standing side by side. He tried to charge at them, only for Applejack to make a vine wrap his leg from behind, causing him to fall. She then lifted him into the air and slammed him on the ground over and over again.

Both Viper and Rarity were still exchanging sword blows. Rarity swiped her sword, only for Viper to jump back and fall on a trip wire set up by Wallflower. Viper quickly stood up and was immediately punched in the face. She looked around and saw no one. She was then punched in the face again and again by an unseemly foe. While she was being hit, rarity took this opportunity to form a diamond ball and toss it at Viper. The ball hit her in the stomach, causing her to be toss backwards.

"Thank you for the help, Wallflower,“ Rarity said, and as if being summoned, Wallflower appeared next to her.

“You welcome,“ Wallflower said.

Both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were hiding in an ice dorm as caster repeatedly blasted fireball after fireball at it. Each attack wears it down, causing Pinkie to use her magic to repair it over and over again. While he was distracted, Rainbow dashed, covering her entire body in lightning, and used her super-speed ram towards him, causing him to be thrown backwards. Seeing this pinkie open a hole in the dorm, and quickly both exited it. Pinkie then forms an ice canon and fires an ice ball at caster, blowing him backwards. It so happened at this time that Applejack, using the vines toss berserk and rarity, using her powers to make a giant fist come out of the ground to hit Viper, sending her flying in the air.

All three dark warriors hit each other, causing them to fall to the ground in a pile.

“It’s about time we end this,” Rainbow Dash said as she and her friends regrouped. ”Fluttershy forms a tornado and sucks all three of them, and Pinkie Pie fills it with water while I electrocute it.”

Fluttershy and Pinkie nodded, and immediately Fluttershy formed a tornado that sucked all three warriors, while Pinkie filled it with water and a rainbow dash blasted it, electrocuting the dark warriors inside. Rarity then forms a giant diamond boulder.

“Pinkie, if you please.“ Rarity said, and Pinkie nodded and put a hand on it. Immediately after that, Rarity used her magic to have it toss in the tornado, where it flew in and hit all three dark warriors, causing an explosion to happen, which caused not only the tornado to dissipate but all three dark warriors to be blasted into the air where they broke through the celling, and not a minute later they burst through the celling again and fell onto the floor, where they poof in a cloud of black smoke upon impact.

“Now let's help the rest of our friends,“ Rarity said as all went to help twilight and sunset.

Sombra was able to fire another magical blast at sunset. She formed a magical shield to block the attack, and Twilight fired a magic blast at him. Only for Sombra to block the attack with his sword. He was about to fire at Twilight, but Pinkie suddenly appeared next to him and touched his sword and jumped away as the sword suddenly exploded, blasting him away, and at the same time, Discord just blew the other away. Both the other and Sombra ended up hitting one another. Both got up and saw the guardians of harmony and discord in front of them. Sombra made another sword appear in his hands, and Grogar held his staff to get ready to cast another spell. Meanwhile, the guardians of harmony and discord got into a fighting stance and were getting ready to fight. However, before anyone could do anything, the sound of glass breaking caught everyone's attention. Their turn and they saw that Toxzon had just broken the glass case and taken the shield. He then forms a toxic cloud and rides it out of the hole he made earlier.

“The shield,“ the other said as he made a magical aura surround him and Sombra, and the two flew after him.

“We need to go after them." Discord then snapped his finger, and everyone was suddenly in Discord van. He started the van and drove after them.

“Um, discord, not to be rude,“ Applejack said. ”But I don’t think this van is fast enough.”

“Don’t worry, I installed turbos.“ Discord clicked a button on the panel, and turbos came out of the back of the van, and immediately the van started going fast.

“ Aaaaaahhhhhhhh” Everyone but Pinkie yelled as the sudden speed surprised them.

"Wohoooooooooo!" Cheer, pinkie.
Toxzon maneuvers himself to avoid the magical blast that the other and Sombra fire at him. At the same time, Toxzon fires back a laser blast at them. Only for the other to maneuver out of the way of the blast or form a shield to block the attack. Sombra then disappeared in a shadowy smoke and flew towards him. The smoke appears in front of Toxzon, who reforms himself and instantly blasts him. The blast sent Toxzon to fall from the air and land in the park lake. Sombra, as he fell, turned into a shadow of smoke and flew to the ground, where he reformed himself. The other flew next to him as Toxzon got out of the lake. He uses telekinesis to lift a tree and toss it at them. The other fired a magical blast at it, destroying it. Toxzon then fired missiles at them. However, Sombra just put his sword on the ground and a large crystal cake out in front of them to take the attack. After the crystals were destroyed by the missiles, the other fired a magical blast from his staff that hit the shield on his hand, and immediately the shield was pulled out of his hands and into the other hands.

“Hey, that’s mine,” Toxzon said as he was about to fire at them, but Sombra instantly covered his sword with green energy, resulting in an energy slash that flew toward Toxzon. It exploded upon impact, sending him flying into the lake. After falling into the lake, he came out flying on his toxic cloud. He flew toward them, bringing the blade out of his gauntlet. Once he was near them, he jumped off the cloud and was aiming to stab Sombra. However, the other fires an energy blast from his staff, which causes him to be caught in a magical aura.

“Enough of this,” the other said as he made a gesture with his hand, which sent Toxzon flying into the air.

"Aahhhhhhh!" he screamed as he became a twinkle in the star.

“Finally, we have the shield.” The other said this as he held the shield in front of him. However, his celebration was cut short when a blue blur flew by him and the shield was gone. “The shield.”

Rainbow appears near the park entrance, where all her friends are waiting for her.

“I got the shield,“ Rainbow said as she showed them the shield.

“Good, let's get out of here before they get here,“ Discord said, but as soon as he said that, the other and Sombra appeared in a cloud of smoke.

“They got here,"Discord said.

"It's time we end this, “the other said.

”I call upon the great power of darkness,“ he said as dark clouds began circling him. "Grant me the powers to destroy the champion of light and spread darkness.” As soon as he was done, the dark cloud covered his entire body, and light came out of it. Once that was done, the other now stood as a large, muscular man in his early 40s. He wore a dark cape, black pants, and boots. He then punched in their direction, and immediately a flame-shaped fist was launched in their direction. Discord quickly intercepted it with a magical blast, destroying it.

The other foot was suddenly covered in fire, and he jumped high in the air and landed on the ground in front of them, letting out a flame shockwave. Rarity forms a diamond dorm, which shields them from the attack. After the dome dissipated, it was revealed that Pinkie had formed two ice cannons. She put her hands on them,and the ice cannon fired at them. The other grabbed the ice ball, and Sombra blocked the one aiming at him. However, both blow up upon impact, blasting them back. Both of them instantly got up. Sombra fires a magical blast at them, only for them to dodge out of the way in time.

Discord fires a magical blast at Sombra, only for him to use his sword to block the attack. The other fires a lightning blast at Discord, only for him to dodge it with ease. The other slammed his fist onto the ground, creating a large shockwave that blew them away. This caused rainbow to let go of the shield and let it fly into the sky.

“The shield,“ Discord said as he disappeared and reappear next to the shield to try to grab it, but Sombra blasts him away from behind. He then turns into a shadowy smoke, which flies behind the shield as it flies into the air and reforms itself. He was about to grab it, but Applejack jumped and grabbed him by the waist, making him fall to the ground. Pinkie jumped next to the shield and was about to grab it, but the other caught her with a magic aura and pulled her away from it. Sunset jumps and grabs the shield. Sombra, after pushing Applejack off, ran towards her with his sword raised. Sunset quickly threw the shield over him and onto Fluttershy. The other quickly charged towards her, only for Rainbow, who used her super speed to grab Fluttershy and bring her out of the way. However, when she used her super speed to pull her away, she accidentally let go of the shield, leaving it where Fluttershy was. The other grabbed the shield. However, Pinkie grabs the shield from behind him and tosses it to rarity, who tosses it to Applejack, who uses her super strength to push Sombra away, before throwing it to Rainbow Dash, who tosses it to Sunset when Sombra charges at her.

"Ok, does anyone feel a strange case of deja vu because I do?" Sunset said, as she couldn’t help but feel this situation was somehow familiar. She then tosses it to discord before teleporting away when Sombra slashes his sword at her.

"Yeah, it almost feels like someone is creating a scene from our previous adventure just to make a call back,” Pinkie said as the other jumps a high jump to reach Discord, but not only does he dodge it, but he also throws the shield to Twilight. Only for Sombra to push her away. He was about to grab the shield, only for someone to jump in front of him and grab it. The person quickly ran until he was at a safe distance.This person is none other than Flash Sentry.

“Flash, what are you doing here?” Sunset asks in shock, like all her friends.

“I was nearby when I heard all the commotion and came and checked it out,” Flash said. ”Then I saw you guys throwing this shield around, and I know enough from experience that whenever this is, it should not be given to those two guys.”

“Give us the shield, boy." The other demanded.

“I don’t know what this is, but I know I should not give it to you,” Flash said as he held the shield.

“Then die.“ The other said as he blasted a fire attack that took the form of a dragon at him. Flash quickly put the shield in front of him to block the attack, just when the attack hit him.

“Flash!“ Sunset and all her friends scream. However, their scream was cut short when the fire dissipated, leaving a blight light.

“What?" Twilight said, confused like everyone else.
Flash opened his eyes and found himself in an unknown place with a white background. He looked around confused before a bright light appeared in front of him, blinding him for a second before the light dissipated, and in front of him was a golden lion.

“Greetings, young one, “the lion said.

“Who are you, and where am I?“ asked Flash.

“My name is Gilgamesh, the great lion of light." The lion, now known as Gilgamesh, said. ”And as for where you are, we are in the mindscape the world between the living and the spiritual.”

“Why am I here?” Flash asks the lion.

“It’s because I sense what is in your heart and deem you worthy to use my powers,“ Gilgamesh said.

“Wait, what do you mean worthy?“ Flash asks.

“I can sense in you a pure heart,” Gilgamesh said. ”You have a strong desire to protect those around you, even if it means putting your life on the line.”

“Yes, that is correct,“ Flash said. ”I always want to help my friend Sunset and the others but have never gotten the means to do it.” Flash thought back to the incident on the beach, where he was powerless to do anything to help Trixie and Wallflower when vindicator used them as hostages against the guardians of harmony.

“Then you are worthy to use my powers,“ Gilgamesh said. ”But then again, I should have expected it since you are the direct descendant of my previous user.”

“Wait, what do you mean by that?“ Flash asks.

“I can sense that you are the direct descendant of my previous user, Flash Magnus,” Gilgamesh revealed. “And like you, he had a strong desire to protect those around you. But enough of that. Now is time for you to use my power.”

The lion turned into a mass of bright light and went straight to flash. He covered his entire body in the light, and immediately a bright flash happened, covering the entire background.
In the real world, once the light died down, standing in Flash Place was now a figure dressed in gold armor and a cape. He wore a cold helmet that covered his entire head, and in the area around his eyes was a black visor.

“Flash, is that you?” Twilight asks.

“Yeah, it’s me." Flash said as he examined his body, "Wow, look at me.”

“I know, right, you look cool.” Rainbow Dash said, to which Pinkie nodded.

“What happened?" Wallflower asks.

“The shield must have chosen a new user,” Discord said.

“What now?” Sombra asked the other.

“It's simple; we will kill the new users of the shield and steal the shield from his corpse.” The other said as he charged at flash. However, Applejack intercepts him by punching him with the diamond boxing gloves that Rarity forms around her hands. The force of her punch, along with the strength of the diamond, was able to push him back. Sombra quickly turned into his shadow form and flew towards Flash. He reformed in front of him and swiped him with his sword. But Flash managed to dodge it on time.

"Follow your instinct," the voice of Gilgamesh said from inside Flash head. ”By doing so, you can win this battle.”

Flash did what he told him and did what naturally came toward him. He held out his hand, and a golden sword appeared in his hand in a flash of light. He quickly charged towards Sombra, and both quickly traded blows. Flash jumped away at the last second when Sombra swiped his sword at him. However, Sombra quickly fired a magic blast from his sword at Flash. However, following his instinct, he held out his hand, and a large magical barrier in the form of a shield blocked the attack. After dissipating the shield, Flash pointed his sword at Sombra, and quickly a magical blast came out of it. Sombra was able to dodge it with ease; however, Flash followed this attack with another blast and another. Sombra dodged each attack; however, when he jumped in the air to dodge one of the attacks, Wallflower took that opportunity to form a shadow tentacle that grabbed his leg while he was in the air and pulled, causing him to fall to the ground. Seeing this as his change, Flash quickly jumps towards him and slashes him with enough force to cause him to be thrown back.

“Flash, now you have your chance to use your most powerful attack to end him,” Gilgamesh said. Flash quickly concentrated and immediately gold light cover his sword and body, and when Sombra had just gotten up, Flash was able to quickly travel right in front of him in such a quick manner that he left afterimages. Once he was in front of Sombra, he quickly and repeatedly swiped his sword all over his body at such speed that he left afterimages of the attack. Once he was done, the glow on his body and sword stopped, and Sombra fell to the ground. As soon as he touched the ground, his body turned into shadows before disappearing.

The other person saw this and became distracted. The guardians of harmony took this opportunity to attack him. Wallflower forms a shadow tentacle to grab him by the leg and toss him in the air, where Applejack, who is being held in the air by Twilight aura, punched him down with the diamond boxing gloves Rarity gives her. He fell to the ground on his back. Rainbow Dash quickly took the opportunity to jump on him and rapidly kick him with her lighting-embedded legs. With one last kick, she jumped off of him. Rarity forms a diamond platform, which Pinkie jumps on. Rarity flew the platform over the other, and as soon as Pinkie was over him, she threw as much explosive sugar goods at him as she could. Once she was done, Rarity lowered the platform next to her. Fluttershy then forms a tornado that sucks him in. Both Pinkie and Rainbow Dash blast it with their respective powers, causing the other to be electrocuted. Once the tornado dissipates, he falls to the ground on his back.

"Now is our chance,” Sunset said, and immediately all the elements user flew into the air, blasting their magic at Sunset, powering her up to blast the finishing blow at him.

Sunset fired a large magical blast at him, causing him to scream in pain as the beam hit him before exploding, leaving a large smoke. After that was done, Sunset and her friends flew down to the ground.

“Glad that over,“ Twilight said.

“I don’t think it is over; look." Discord said as he pointed his fingers in the other direction. The smoke cleared, revealing the other. However, he is greatly injured, as he held his left hand in pain. He glared at them all.

“This isn’t over,” he said as he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

“Now it is over,“ Discord said. Now that the threat is over, everyone's attention turns to flash.

“So does this mean I am also part of the team? “ Flash asks. ” Also, how do I take this armor off?”

“Just concentrate and visualize the armor off,” Gilgamesh said.

Flash did as instructed, and instantly the armor glowed a golden color before disappearing, leaving just Flash in his regular clothes.

“Hey, where is the shield?“ Rainbow asks.

“Right here,“ the voice of Gilgamesh said, and an instant flash brought his hand up, and he saw he now had a wristband with the shield now shrunken at the front.

“Hey, who said that?” Twilight asked as she and everyone looked around for the source of the voice. Everyone but discord.

“I believe the voice came from here,” Discord said as he appeared next to Flash, grabbed his hand, and showed everyone his new wristband. ”It's been awhile, Gilgamesh.“

“It is discord,“ Gilgamesh said. ”Greeting everyone, I am Gilgamesh, the great lion of light and the spirit of the shield. It is nice to meet you all.”

“Wow,“ Rainbow said as she and everyone looked at Gilgamesh.

“Wait, how come you didn’t talk till now?“ Twilight asks.

“It's because till now I have been asleep,“ Gilgamesh said. ”It was only until I found someone worthy to use my power that I awoke. And I did it in the form of Flash Sentry, the direct descendant of my previous user, Flash Magnus.”

“Wow, cool,” Pinkie said. ”Flash is also a descendant of someone important like Trixie and Wallflower.”

“So does this mean I am part of the team?” Flash ask.

“I guess so,” Sunset said, "which is good since we will need all the help we can get. So I guess welcome to the team.”

Everyone then congratulates Flash on becoming a new member of the team.

“Well, things are going to get interesting from here on out,” Discord said as he watched everyone welcome Flash to the team.
In the many chambers that are in Grogar Lair, a sarcophagus was in the middle of one of the many chambers. It grew a green light before it opened, and out came an armor figure. This armor figure is none other than Sombra, who, as long as his sarcophagus is still intact, will always come back.

“The new wielder of the shield and the guardians of harmony are more powerful than I thought,“ Sombra said as he got out of the sarcophagus. “But no matter, this just makes them more of a worthy foe for me to fight.”

Even though he had lost, he still couldn’t help but find some form of enjoyment from his battle with the guardians of harmony and flash, as even though Sombra willingly sold his soul to Grogar for power, he was still a warrior in heart, and like all warriors, he enjoys a good fight.

As Sombra walks out of the chamber, he can’t help but smile under his helmet at the thought of fighting the guardians of harmony and Flah again.
End of chapter 7

End song

Played Shine by Mr. Big

[Instrumentals] The opening fades into the inside of a room and focuses on an accordion-book that was open all the way onto a table.

[I never really feel quite right] The scene then fades to show the beginning of the book, before moving to the left, as it showed the pictures in it. The first of the pictures was of sunset who was on her couch with her pet lizard ray on her shoulder both of who are smiling in front of the camera.

[And I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong] As the camera moved, showing the rest of the photos, it then showed a picture of Rainbow Dash playing football on the school field .The next picture showed Rarity making a dress using sweetie bell as her model must to the young girl displeasure.

[Every time I look at you, you seem so alive] The next picture showed both Pinkie pie and Fluttershy backing a cake in a kitchen. The one after that was of Applejack picking out apples from a tree in her farm with her family.

[Tell me how do you do it, walk me through it] After that, it was a picture of twilight in her lab doing one of her experiments with spike sleeping on his dog bed nearby.The next picture was of wallflower ,Trixie and Derpy taking a group group picture in her garden.

[I'm following every footstep] The next picture was of flash sentry and his band playing on a stage.

[Maybe on your own you take a conscious step] The next picture was of Pinkie and Rainbow dash sneaking up on Luna who was sleeping on her desk. The picture next and under it was of an angry Luna who have a mustache drawn on her face by a marker chasing rainbow and pinkie pie who was laughing and nearby was principal celestia who have an amuse look on her face .

[Do you wanna give it up? All that I want…] The next picture was of sunset in her demon form who was flying in the air and on the ground was princess twilight and the rest of her friends ready to confront her.The photo after that was of sunset in a crater with tears in her eyes.

[Is for you to SHINE~] The photo after that showed princess Twilight pulling sunset out of the crater.

[SHINE~ down on me]The next photo was of sunset hugging wallflower after destroying the memory stone.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] A photo after that showed Discord putting a kick me sign on sunset back with him turning to the camera putting a finger on his lip telling the person who is using the camera to be quiet . The one underneath it was a picture of Bulk biceps running from Fluttershy while she is wearing her alien custom .

[SHINE~] The photo after that was of star swirl and Stygian practicing their magic.

[SHINE~ down on me] The photo after that showed a picture of vindicator battering the guardians of harmony.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] Fading away from that one photo, the scene changed to show the last picture in the book.It was of sunset, Rainbow dash,Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy, Rarity ,Twilight ,Applejack,. Wallflower,Trixie ,Princess Twilight,Discord ,start swirl and Stygian standing in front of the school statue smiling

[SHINE~] A hand then closes the accordion book.

Chapter 8: Night of the vampire

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Opening of the guardians of harmony :

Play she ra princess of power theme song

The intro starts with the other , sombra , queen chrysalis, Tirek and lord Norlock looking at the pool in the center of the dark chamber.

~ We're on the edge of greatness ~

The camera then zoom into the pool to show sunset was on the school roof staring at the sunset . She then turn her head to stare at the camera before her geodes glow a bright red light covering the screen.

~ turning darkness into light ~

After the bright light disappear it shows scenes from previous equestrian girls adventure such as the first equestrian girls movie, rainbows rock, Friendship games, legend of everfree, mirror magic , forgotten friendship , rollercoaster of friendship ,spring breakdown, sunset backstage past and holiday unwrapped.

~ We're right beside you ~

All the guardians of harmony are now on a battlefield and in front them was an army of reapers

~ Ready to Fight! ~

Everyone then pony up and turn into their superhero forms

~ (fight, fight, fight fight) ~

Both sides quickly charge into one another.

~ We're gonna win in the end! ~

Pinkie rises out of a tide, blasting reapers with water while rainbow dash blast them with lighting shocking them.

~ We must be strong, And we must be brave ~

Applejack is capturing and tying up reapers with vines. While rarity is using her magic to open up holes in the ground that cause many of them to fall in.

~(we must be brave) ~

Fluttershy is using her power to make a tornado that caught many of the reapers while twilight is using her telekinesis to pick up a few of the reapers and toss them in the air.

~ We're gonna find every bit of strength that we have ~

Sunset is using her magic to make a fire shockwaves that took out many of the reapers

The scene shifts to the main chamber of Grogar lair where his egg form floats in the air and beneath it was the other, queen chrysalis, lord norlock, Tirek and sombra , vindicator ,cinch, Adagio dazzling,Sonata dusk and Aria blaze . Behind all of them was a dark background where the red eyes of the monsters that serve Grogar glow with malice. The egg form of Grogar suddenly glow covering the entire screen.

~ and never let go ~

The scene then shifted to the guardians of harmony battering against the other and Grogar top subordinates.

~ (Oh ah Oh) ~

The other and sunset fire a magical beam towards one another resulted in a blight flash that cover the entire screen.

~ We must be STRONG! ~

The scene ends with a final shot of the guardians of harmony sitting down at the base of the school statue with wallflower Trixie and Flash sentry standing nearby.

In the dark night of Canterlot City, a woman around the age of thirty was seen walking on the street. However, unknown to her, as she walks, a figure is watching her from the top of a building. The figure's red eyes look at the woman with hunger. It jumps from the building directly above the woman. The woman noticed a shadow over her and looked up and saw the figure above her.

She screamed, but it was cut short as it landed on her.
“Several women and men were found on the street yesterday night unconscious with bite marks on their necks,” the news anchor reported. Sunset was currently in her living room watching the news. She could instantly tell that what happened to the victims was the work of Grogar, or, more accurately, one of his monsters.

Sunset heard her phone ring, and she checked it immediately. She saw it was a message from Discord, who was telling her to meet him and everyone in Star Swirl office at Black Light headquarters. Sunset sends back her response and tells him that she will be there as soon as she can.

After switching off the TV, she went out of her house and opened her front door. She then began the walk to the bus station. She would have taken her motorcycle, but it is in the shop currently.

"Where are you going off to this early?“ A voice said, causing sunset to turn, and saw the voice was from a man around his 30s. He had white hair and beard. His clothes were a brown long coat, a white shirt, and black pants and shoes.

"Oh, hey, Joe,” Sunset said, greeting the man.

Joe was a friend of Sunset who she met before the friendship game. It was weeks before the friendship games started, and Sunset started to feel depressed due to her not knowing what her purpose was since all her life she wanted to become a princess, but since she gave that up, she didn’t know what her purpose was. She managed to keep that a secret from her friends, as she didn’t want to bother them with such things, especially since she believed this was something she must do alone. However, when Joe came into her life, he was able to help Sunset with her problem of finding out what her purpose in life is.


It was the day before the friendship games officially began, and Sunset was sitting down on the park bench in a depressed state, as she just didn’t know what her purpose now was. Longer than she can remember, she believes her purpose was to be a princess and rule equestria, but now that she has stopped trying to be a princess, she doesn’t know what her purpose is now.

Sunset sighed as she looked at the sky and watched the cloud pass her.

“You seem troubled,“ a voice said, causing her to turn and see a man sitting down next to her. He turned his head and looked at sunset. "Sorry, was I bothering you?”

“Um no." Sunset said as she put her head forward and looked up at the sky again. ”Just thinking.”

“As I previously stated, you seem troubled.“ The man said, "Do you want to share your problems since I might be able to help? But it is your decision if you want to.”

Sunset, stay silent for a while before she started talking.

"It is that I don’t know what my purpose is now." Sunset said, ”Long ago, I thought I already knew what it was, but now I know it isn't, and now I am lost. While I am happy for the life I have now, I still feel lost as I don’t know what my purpose is.”

They were silent for a few moments before the man spoke again.

“If you want my honest opinion, I think you should think first about what you really want." The man said, "You said you originally thought you knew what your purpose was but found it wasn’t it. That is only natural, as no one really knows what their purpose in life is. However, while they don’t know what their purpose is, that does not mean they can’t choose it. We all make our choices in life, and it is us who choose what our purpose is. This is something that no one but yourself can decide. So tell me this: What do you think your purpose is?”

Sunset sat in silence for a while before answering, “That's the thing I don’t know.”

“No one ever knows, but they will know when it comes to them,” the man said. ”If you aren’t able to find out what your purpose is, then wait till it comes to you.”

“Wait till it comes to me," Sunset though.

“I hope this helps you,” the man said.

“It did,”Sunset said. She then extended her hand toward the man. ”The name is sunset.”

"Joe," the man said as he shook his hand.

Flashback end:

After the friendship games, Sunset realizes what her purpose is. It was helping people. After she saved twilight from becoming midnight, she realized her purpose was to help people who needed help or who made mistakes in life and needed a helping hand to help them get back up and put on the right path in life. It is why she not only forgives her previous enemies but also helps them set their lives straight.

After the friendship games, she would occasionally run into Joe and have a few conversations with each other. From their conversation, she learned that Joe was not from Canterlot but from out of town. The reason he was in Canterlot was due to business reasons, which he didn't tell, and Sunset respected his privacy enough to not barge into his life. As time went on, sunset began opening up to him, and the two became friends with one another.

“I am going to work." Sunset answered him since she was supposed to keep black light and her being a member of the guardians of harmony a secret.

“To your sushi job,” Joe said with a raised eyebrow. “I thought today was your day off.”

“I had a part-time job,” Sunset said quickly.

“Really” he ask.

“Yeah” Sunset said”Anywhere I need to go now. Bye Joe”

Sunset waved at him before walking off.

“Bye sunset and good luck at your job,” Joe said before he walked away.

“Because you need all the luck you can for what is to come, “Joe said as he walked off in another direction.
Sunset had just enter star swirl office where all her friends,discord and star swirl who was sitting at his desk waiting for her.

“Good you here, "Star Swirl said as soon as sunset entered the room. "Now let us discuss the topic of this meeting.”

He snaps his fingers, and immediately a holographic screen appears, showing images of several men and women in the hospital, unconscious.

“Last night, multiple people were found on the streets unconscious with bite marks in their necks. We sent several agents to infiltrate the hospital. From the information we have gathered, we have concluded that this was the work of a vampire.” Star swirls and snaps his fingers, making the holographic screen disappear.

"Wait, vampire, you mean like Count Dracula? “Rainbow Dash asked.

“Dracula isn’t a real vampire,“ Discord points out. “But yeah, we are dealing with a real vampire.”

“So does this mean you want us to hunt this vampire?“ Rainbow asks. ”Because that sounds awesome.”

“Agree,” Pinkie Pie said. ”Hunting vampires sounds awesome. Maybe I should call myself Pinkie Van Helsing. That sounds cool.”

“Um, hello, pay attention, please,“ Discord said.

“ This is no joke,“ Star Swirl said seriously. ”Vampires are powerful creatures of darkness and should be taken seriously. Hence why you will be assisted by our best vampire hunter team.” Star Swirl, then press the intercom on his desk. ”You may bring them in now.”

Immediately after he said that the door was open,and in came a large, dark-skinned man. He was bald and wore black sunglasses. His attire consists of a black suit and tie.

"Wow, this guy looks cool,” Pinkie Pie said.

“I take it, you the vampire hunter we are working with, Sunset asks.

"Um, that is our accounting." Discord said, ” We ask him to escort the vampire hunters here.”

The man stepped aside, and in came a woman who was around 30. She has mohawk purple hair and also wore a black suit and tie. What made her look so intimidating was her stoic face with a huge scar that ran down over her right eye.

"Greetings, my name is Tempest.“ The woman said, ”And this is my team.”

Immediately after she said that, three other figures walked into the room.

One was a young, man who had spiky white hair, blue eyes, and was very short. He was also dressed similarly to Tempest.

Next was a young man who was around their age. He had brown hair, wore blue glasses, and was dressed similarly to Tempest.

However, it was the last one that got their attention, as the last one was a girl around their age who had long purple and teal hair and was dressed in a similar manner to the rest.

“Starlight.“ Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, rarity, Fluerrshy, Twilight, and Applejack said in shock as the last member of the team is none other than Starlight Glimmer. They weren’t the only ones surprised, as Flash himself was surprised due to him meeting with Starlight once when she first visited Earth.

“Not quite,” Star swirl said. ” This is starlight human counterpart.”

“Why don’t you all introduce yourself?” Discord said.

“Hello, my name is Sunburst,“ the one with glasses said.

“My name is Grubber,“ the short one said.

“And you already know my name due to you meeting my counterpart from the other world, but I will introduce myself for formality. I am starlight glimmer .” Starlight's human counterpart said.

“Agent tempest and her team specialist in dealing with vampires,“ Star Swirl explains. ”Their knowledge and experience will prove valuable in your mission.”

“Wait, so you guys hunt vampires, so what happens if you encounter a good vampire?“ Twilight asks.

“The only good vampire is a dead one.” Tempest said in a serious voice before chuckling. ”No, I am just kidding. If we encounter one, we will try a more peaceful approach by talking with the vampire and trying to come up with a peaceful agreement in which we will provide them with a safe residence and steady supply of food, and in return, the vampire promised not to cause trouble.”

“Do you think we are racist against vampires or something?“ Starlight said. ”Black light works with many forms of supernatural creatures and thus is aware that a person's species does not determine their morals. Heck, we have a few vampires working as agents in black light.”

“Anyhow, to get the topic on hand, you will begin the hunt for the vampire immediately before nightfall, as once night has come, the vampire shall begin the hunt again, and while there haven’t been any casualties yet, that might change soon if we don’t act now.” Star Swirl said.
In an abandoned warehouse located somewhere in the city, a figure is seen hanging above the cell. This figure is none other than Lord Norlock, the vampire lord, and the one responsible for the attack on the victims. He was currently sleeping,but his sleep was interrupted when he sensed something and immediately awoke. He opened his eyes, and a black cloud formed in front of him. The middle of the cloud opens up, showing an image of the other, who is back in their lair.

“Report on your progress, Norlock.“ The other order the vampire lord.

“I attacked multiple victims last night,” Norlock said. ”This will no doubt catch the attention of the guardians of harmony and their allies, and they will no doubt try to find me. And once they do, I will destroy them.”

“Don’t underestimate them, for our foes are more formidable than you think,” the other warns.

“Don’t worry, I will destroy them.” Norlock said.

“You better,“ the other said before the cloud closed up and dissipated.

“Don’t worry, I will defeat them." Norlock said as his eyes glowed red. ”And once I do, I will steal their elements and the shield and use them to take down Grogar and all his followers and rule this pathetic world as its rightful ruler.
The guardians of harmony and tempest and her teammates were in one of the spare rooms in black light to discuss their strategy to find the vampire before it struck again.

“So,” Trixie pulled out her notebook “to recap:Multiple people were attack and had their blood drain by a blood sucking vampire and we need to find it before it struck again. The keen and deductive Trrrixie is on the case!

“Not so fast!” Everyone turned to see Rarity with a fedora on her head“Noir is my gig, sister, and I will not have you tramping in my town.”

“Is that so, sister ?” Trixie sneered, crossing her arms across her chest, “And how, exactly, do you plan to stop me?”

“Elementary, my dear Trixie” replied Pinkie Pie, blowing on a bubble pipe, “You just choose a different mystery subgenre.” She pulled out her deerstalker and placed it firmly on her head. “Now then, ladies,” she chewed on the pipe's mouthpiece, “the game is afoot. I don't know the rules, but I suspect it has something to do with running around without shoes.”

Fluttershy let out a squeal of glee. “That sounds like fun!”

“It would to you” groaned Rainbow Dash, crossing her arms, “I happen to know just how much you , wallflower and Tree Hugger love nature walks.”

Applejack covered her eyes with her hat. “I'mma gonna try not to imagine that image.”

Sunset mirrors her action by covering her eyes. ”Me too.”

“Can we please stay on topic?” yelled Tempest, “This is serious as we only have until sundown to find and stop this vampire before it struck again.”

“Right, sorry,” Trixie and Rarity said at the same time.

“So how are we going to find the vampire?“ Wallflower asks.

“Simply,“ Starlight said as she began pressing a button on her watch, and immediately a holographic model of the city appeared on the table. ”The victims of the vampire attacks were founded here, here, and here.“ She pointed out each area on the area marked red. ”After investigation and analysis, we found that there is a pattern as each attack happens not far from each other. After analyzing the areas where the attack took place, we managed to find what we believe to be the vampire hideout.“ The image zooms into the city to show an abandoned warehouse.

“Currently, right now this is our only lead” Sunburst said. "We are going to investigate this immediately.”

“In this case, let pony up everyone,“ Sunset said as everyone turned into their superhero forms, and immediately after they were done transforming, they followed Tempest and her team to go to the abandoned warehouse and confront the vampire.
The van where everyone is currently in was parked not far from the warehouse, and immediately after it was parked, everyone exited it.

“Grubber, send in a drone and do a perimeter check of the warehouse.” Tempest order the short man.

“Ok, boss,” Grubber said as he clicked on the screen of his watch, causing an energy blast to come out of it and reform into a military drone.

“Wow,” Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie said at the same time, amazed like everyone else.

“That's an amazing piece of tech you got there,“ Twilight said in amazement.

“I agree,” Sunset said.

“Well, what do you expect from a device created by black light?” Grubber said. ”This piece of device, like all black light devices, was created through the use of magic and science. This specific one here is called the U-Watch, which allows its user to store equipment and gear.”

Grubber used his watch to pilot the drone and have it flow to the warehouse. However, unknown to them, when it flew past one of the windows, a bat that was hanging on the cell saw it and immediately flew to the direction of where Lord Norlock is.

The bat flew next to his ear and whispered what it saw. Norlock opened his eyes as he smiled evilly.

“So they are here,” he said.

“From what I can see through the drone, the only entrances in the warehouse are the back door and front door.” Grubber reported as he saw the images from the holographic screen that was projected from his watch, which allowed him to see through the drone. The drone flew back and floated above them.

“All right, let suit up and get ready to fight,“ Tempest said as she and all her teammates clicked on their watches, which resulted in a bright light covering them. Once the light died down, Tempest and her team were wearing hi-tech armor.

“Wow, you guys look awesome,“ Rainbow said.

“Thanks,” Starlight said. ”Now everyone be on your guard, as we don’t know how powerful their vampire is or what tricks it has.”

“Don’t worry, I got garlic,“ Pinkie said as she pulled out a garlic from her hair. ”Let him come, and I will toss this at him.”

“Pinkie, why do you have garlic in your hair?” Wallflower ask.

“Oh, I carry garlic just in case of emergencies,“ Pinkie said.

“What kind of emergency would require garlic?“ Twilight asks.

"I don’t know,” Pinkie said with a shrug.

“Best not question it." Applejack said, ”Just pinkie being pinkie.”

“Um, I hate to break it to you, but garlic doesn’t work on vampires; that's just a myth,“ Starlight said.

“What about a wooden stake through the chest?” Pinkie ask.

“Well, who wouldn’t that kill?” Starlight deadpan.

“The most effective way to deal with a vampire is with silver or holy water.” Sunburst said. ”Hence why we have guns that fire silver bullets that were blessed by a priest.“ He brought out a gun from his gun holster that was on the side of his suit to show them. ”Or in the tempest case, a silver katana that is blessed by a priest.”

Tempest clicked a button on her gauntlet, and immediately after clicking it, a bright light appeared in her hand, which took the form of a katana.

“Wow, that's cool,” Sunset said as she admired the Japanese sword.

“Come on, everyone, let go,” Tempest said as everyone began walking towards the warehouse.
The warehouse door opens, and everyone enters the dark building.

“It's dark in here,“ Fluttershy said, scared to be in the dark.

“Don’t worry, darling, we are here,” Rarity said as she put her hand on the shy girl's shoulder in an attempt to calm her down.

“So you all have arrived?" A voice said something shocking to everyone.

“Who are you? Show yourself.“ Sunset demanded.

“I am Lord Norlock, the vampire lord, and one of the Grogar Top Generals." Norlock said. While he talked, Grubber was able to find and turn on the light switch, blinding everyone for a moment. Once their vision returned, they looked up at where their heard the voice came from and saw Norlock hanging upside down from the cell. “And I shall be the one to destroy you all.”

Norlock jumped from the celling and landed on the ground. Grubber piloted the drone and had it charge and fire lasers at him. However, Norlock just blocked the attack with his hand. He then disappeared in a cloud of black smoke before appearing behind the drone and slashing his hand on it, destroying it. Grubber takes his gun from his holster and shoots at him. However, Norlock was able to dodge the bullets with ease. Starlight and Sunburst quickly fired a magical blast at him. Norlock responded by covering himself with his cape and letting the blast hit him. This resulted in a small explosion that covered him in smoke. Norlock quickly swiped his cape in the air, blowing the smoke away.

“So you guys can use magic.” Sunset ask.

“Yeah, but I am only good at studying magic, not using it,“ Sunburst said. ”That honor goes to Starlight, who is talented in both studying and using magic.”

“It's that the best you can do,” Norlock mocked. Tempest was suddenly behind him and was about to swipe her sword at him. However, Norlock simply sidestepped to avoid the attack, and immediately after avoiding it, he swiped at her. Tempest was able to dodge the attack and try to hit him with the sword. However, the vampire just simply dodged each attack until he had enough and kicked her in the chest, sending her flying and hitting the wall.

Suddenly something punched Norlock, sending him flying and hitting a couple of boxes, which broke upon impact. He got up and saw that it was rainbow dash. The rainbow-haired girl used her super speed to charge towards him again. However, before she could hit him, he disappeared in a cloud of smoke and suddenly appeared behind her. He grabbed her by the back of her shirt and was about to bite her, but Rainbow Dash quickly used her powers to cover her entire body with lighting that ended up shocking the vampire, causing him to let go and step back from her. He suddenly felt himself being caught in a magical aura and turned and saw it was Twilight, who lifted him in the air and slammed him on the ground. She was about to do it again, but he disappeared in a cloud of smoke and appeared in front of her. He swiped at her, but Twilight was able to form a magical barrier that blocked the attack. Applejack was suddenly behind him, grabbing him by the neck and tossing him on the other side of the warehouse. The vampire was able to gain his bearings and quickly land on his feet, unharmed. He launched himself forward towards the two girls, but Fluttershy appeared in front of them and blasted a wind attack that sent him back. However, Norlock simply put his feet on the ground, sliding to a stop. He held one of his hands out and blasted a black magical blast at them. However, rarity was able to form a large diamond shield that blocked the attack. Before Norlock can do anything else, Sunset teleports next to him and punches him with a flame-covered fist, sending him flying to the left side of the warehouse. Norlock quickly did a backflip and landed on the ground safely. Suddenly, a rope wrapped itself around him. He looked at the source of the rope and saw that it came from Grubber Gauntlet.

“Now, boss,” Grubber said. He turned to his side and saw that tempest was in the air, and was about to slash him. However, Norlock simply spun, resulting in Grubber being pulled into the air and hitting Tempest on the side, causing both to be toss in a different direction. Norlock quickly breaks his restraints and fires a magical blast at them. Fortunately, both of them quickly pushed each other out of the way, resulting in the blast hitting the wall and letting sunlight in. Norlock quickly backs away to get as far from the sunlight as possible. Seeing that both Applejack and Rainbow Dash nodded to one another as an ideal struck them. Rainbow quickly used her superspeed to run in a circle around him. This distracted Norlock so much that he didn’t notice Applejack trying to ram him. However, the vampire was able to notice her at the last moment and quickly disappeared in a cloud of smoke, resulting in her hitting a rainbow dash. The two fall into the group. The vampire appeared on the other side of the factory and far away from the hole. As soon as he appears, however, something punches him. He looked around to see nothing, only to receive another punch and another. However, following his instinct, he caught the next punch and stared at the person who punched him, which was Wallflower. He was about to attack her, but Trixie teleported to his side and fired a magical blast at his face, causing him to let go of her as he flew to the other side of the warehouse. He quickly stood up and turned to glare at them. The side of his face was burned, but it quickly healed up. He suddenly hears something being fired, so he turns and sees an ice ball being fired at him. Norlock quickly flew into the air to avoid the attack. However, when he was in the air, he didn’t notice that Flash had jumped into the air and cut his back. The cut instantly healed before he turned and looked down at flash. He blasted a magical blast at him, only for a flash to form a magic shield to block it. Rainbow Dash quickly flew in the air and rammed into him, causing him to fall to the ground, face first. When he tried to get up, Applejack quickly jumped from above and pushed his head onto the ground again. She quickly punched him over and over again, as hard as she could. Norlock quickly disappeared in a cloud of smoke and appeared behind her. He was about to bite his neck, but Applejack was about to react quickly and roundhouse-kick him in the head. However, the vampire was about to quickly put his arms up and block the attack.

He slid on the ground until he managed to stop. Applejack quickly rushed to him and tried to punch him, but he was able to dodge each attack with ease. He tried to attack back, but Applejack was about to block or dodge each attack. Meanwhile, as the two fight, Sunburst aims his gun and tries to shoot at Norlock. However, the two keep moving, making it hard for him to shoot. Applejack tried to punch Norlock, but the vampire disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

“Where the heck did he go?” Sunburst said.

“Try looking behind you,” Norlock said from behind him. Startled, Sunburst quickly turned and tried to shoot him, but Norlock quickly swiped his hand, cutting the gun in half. He was about to attack Sunburst, but Starlight teleported next to him and quickly grabbed him, and teleported out. Immediately after the two teleported away, sunset appeared above him, and she released a fire wave from her hand that burned the area he was in. Norlock simply burst through the flame and was about to grab her, but Twilight used her telekinesis to pull her away to safety. Norlock landed on the ground and immediately caught something that was thrown at him. It was a garlic, and he quickly looked at who threw it at him, which was pinky. Before he could do anything, the garlic exploded, causing him to be blown back. However, before he could hit the ground, he disappeared and reappeared behind Pinkie. He quickly bit her neck and drank a bit of her blood. However, he immediately pulled back and started walking backwards as he coughed and vomited on the ground.

“Too sweet,” Norlock said.

“Wow, I guess Pinkie's habit of eating sweets must have made the blood inedible for vampires,“ Sunset said.

As Norlock coughed, Wallflower took the opportunity to form a shadow tentacle that grabbed him by the leg and tossed him in the air, then into Applejack, who punched him hard until he landed near the hole. When he landed, his hand landed where the sunlight was causing him pain.

" Ahhh," he said as he pulled back his hand. Before he can do anything else, Fluttershy appears not far from him and blows him away through the hole and into the outside sun. Norlock was able to quickly cover himself with his cape to shield himself from the sun.

“It is over,” Tempest said as she and everyone walked out of the warehouse.

“No, it isn’t.“ Norlock raises his hand in the air and fires a magical blast. The blast reached the air and formed a large black cloud that covered the city and the sun.

Norlock stood back up and glared at them. He propelled himself forward toward them. Rarity was able to quickly form a large rock first and launch at him, only for Norlock to break through it with ease. Immediately, rarity forms a diamond dome around them, which Norlock slams into. After recovering from the pain, he quickly punched the dome, and with each punch, the dome cracked and eventually broke down, only to reveal that the dome was empty and there was a large hole. He quickly turned behind and saw sunset and twilight blast their respective attacks at him, which formed a large magic attack of fire and magic. Norlock quickly jumped in the air to avoid the attack. While in the air, Rainbow Dash, using both her super speed and flight powers, slammed him into the ground, where she immediately rapidly punched him with her lightning cover fist. Norlock disappeared in a cloud of smoke during the attack and appeared in the air above them all. He rapidly fired a magical blast at them. Each of them was able to dodge the attack. As he fired, he didn’t notice Applejack had formed a vine, so she grabbed him by the leg and slammed him on the ground. He turned and saw the vine. After slashing it, he got up and saw flash in front of him. Flash's sword was covered in a golden light, and he immediately swiped it, creating a magical slash that was aimed at him. Norlock swiped the air, creating his own magical slash that collided with flash. Both sent a magical slash after another that collided with one another.

“Flash, try to use duplicate,“ the voice of Gilgamesh said in the flash.

"How do I do that?“ Flash asks as he fires another magical slash.

“Just concentrate and imagine that there were more than one of you.” Gilgamesh said, and Flash did as instructed. He closed his eyes, and immediately his body was covered in a blight light, and immediately copies of him began to split from him. The light dissipated from him, and Flash and all his clones tried to attack Norlock. However, the vampire simply dodged each attack with ease and even hit a few of them, causing them to disappear in a flash of light. However, one of them was able to get a lucky shot and was able to slash him from the front. This caused him to be thrown back and land on his back on the floor. He saw Tempest falling from the air with her sword aimed at his chest. Norlock was able to quickly roll out of the way before the sword hit him. He quickly jumped back on his feet and immediately punched another flash sentry copy that tried to hit him from behind, causing him to disappear in a flash of light.

Trixie fired a magical blast at him, but Norlock held his hand out and blocked himself from the blast. He propelled himself towards the magician, but she managed to teleport out of the way, and he instead flew to Applejack, who was behind Trixie, who punched him in the face and sent him flying back. He skidded to a stop and immediately managed to dodge a punch from Starlight, whose hands were covered in magical aura. She tries to punch him, but he manages to dodge each attack. He then swiped her away, causing her to be sent flying; luckily,Sunburst was able to catch her in his arms. He put her down on the ground gently, and the two immediately fired a magical blast at him, but Norlock simply swiped the attack away and was about to fire his own attack at them. However, Pinkie used her powers to fully encase him in ice.

Norlock, however, simply burst out of the ice, turned, and glared at Pinkie. He was about to propel himself towards her but immediately had to dodge as Grubber shot his gun at him. Norlock dodged each attack before disappearing and appearing in front of him. He grabs the short man by the throat and raises him in the air. He was about to pierce his heart with his hands, only for Flash to jump next to him and cut the arm that was holding Grubber.

Grubber fell to the ground, and the arm holding him immediately caught fire before turning into ashes . Norlock staggered backward as he held the stump that was his arm. A fire appeared on the stump and took the form of an arm before disappearing, leaving his arm completely intact. He glared at Flash, and immediately both charged at each other and tried to hit one another. Flash swung his sword at him, and Norlock swung his arms at him. As both fought, an idea suddenly came to sunset.

“Fluttershy, try to fly into the air and use you wind power to blow the cloud away.” Sunset said to Fluttershy, ”If we can clear the sky and get some sunlight here, we might be able to end this.”

“Ok, I will do my best,“ Fluttershy said as she nodded her head and flew into the air and into the center of the cloud. She took a deep breath and quickly released a large amount of her power into the cloud. This caused the clouds to slowly be blown away until all the clouds in the city were blown away.

During their fight, Norlock immediately noticed this, and immediately after that, his body started to burn up as the sun burned his body, causing him incredible pain.

“Aaaaaahhhhhhhh,” Norlock screamed. Flash took this opportunity to slash him with enough force that he was thrown back and landed on the ground. Norlock quickly sat up and used his cape to shield himself as much as he could from the sun. However, before he could do anything else, Grubber shot at him three times with his gun, causing him more pain. As he screamed, he didn’t notice Trixie teleport behind him and grab his cape.

“Now for Trixie's next trick,” Trixie said as she tore the cape off him, exposing him to more sunlight.

"Ahhhhhhhh!” Norlock screamed as he felt more pain. He fell to the ground in pain. Due to him being in pain, he didn’t notice tempest was standing in front of him. She kicked him in the head, causing him to lay on the ground on his back. He screams in pain as he is exposed to more of the sun. Tempest then plunged her sword into his chest, causing him to scream in pain as fire appeared on his body. The fire burned his body until there were nothing but ashes left.

After that was done, tempest made her sword disappear in a flash of light and sight in exhaustion.

“We won!” Rainbow Dash shouted in joy, which is reflected by everyone.

“Good job, Fluttershy,“ Tempest complimented Fluttershy, who had landed on the ground immediately after she cleared the sky.

“It was nothing, really,"Fluttershy said in a modest tone.

“It wasn’t nothing ; you did a really great job,“ Starlight said. ”Not just you but also everyone.”

“I agree,“ Sunburst said.

“Yeah,” Grubber said with a nod.

“All of you did excellent work out today,” Tempest said. ”But be warned: do not get overconfident, as this battle has just begun. We might have hit a critical blow on Grogar, but that doesn’t mean he will stop anytime soon.”

“Don’t worry,“ Sunset said. ”As long as we are all together, we can face anything a grogar throws at us.” All the guardians of harmony nodded their heads to show that they agreed with what sunset said.

“So Lord Norlock is dead." The other said this as he watched the battle that had taken place from the pool in the center of the chamber. "It doesn’t matter anywhere since they helped get rid of that traitor. Did that fool, though I didn’t know his intentions of betraying the master?”

The other knew that Norlock had no real loyalty towards Grogar, as he only joined his master once he realized he could not win against him. However, even though he held no loyalty, his skills and power alone would be reason enough to recruit him among their ranks.

“No matter, this is far from over." The other said: ”And I already have my next monster ready.”

As soon as he said that, a pair of red eyes appeared behind him. The owner of the eyes body was covered in darkness, making it impossible to identify it. But the eyes alone are enough to make it clear that the owner of the eyes is anything but human. The eyes glow with malice as it can’t wait to unleash terror upon the humans and the guardians of harmony.
End of chapter 8

End song

Played Shine by Mr. Big

[Instrumentals] The opening fades into the inside of a room and focuses on an accordion-book that was open all the way onto a table.

[I never really feel quite right] The scene then fades to show the beginning of the book, before moving to the left, as it showed the pictures in it. The first of the pictures was of sunset who was on her couch with her pet lizard ray on her shoulder both of who are smiling in front of the camera.

[And I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong] As the camera moved, showing the rest of the photos, it then showed a picture of Rainbow Dash playing football on the school field .The next picture showed Rarity making a dress using sweetie bell as her model must to the young girl displeasure.

[Every time I look at you, you seem so alive] The next picture showed both Pinkie pie and Fluttershy backing a cake in a kitchen. The one after that was of Applejack picking out apples from a tree in her farm with her family.

[Tell me how do you do it, walk me through it] After that, it was a picture of twilight in her lab doing one of her experiments with spike sleeping on his dog bed nearby.The next picture was of wallflower ,Trixie and Derpy taking a group group picture in her garden.

[I'm following every footstep] The next picture was of flash sentry and his band playing on a stage.

[Maybe on your own you take a conscious step] The next picture was of Pinkie and Rainbow dash sneaking up on Luna who was sleeping on her desk. The picture next and under it was of an angry Luna who have a mustache drawn on her face by a marker chasing rainbow and pinkie pie who was laughing and nearby was principal celestia who have an amuse look on her face .

[Do you wanna give it up? All that I want…] The next picture was of sunset in her demon form who was flying in the air and on the ground was princess twilight and the rest of her friends ready to confront her.The photo after that was of sunset in a crater with tears in her eyes.

[Is for you to SHINE~] The photo after that showed princess Twilight pulling sunset out of the crater.

[SHINE~ down on me]The next photo was of sunset hugging wallflower after destroying the memory stone.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] A photo after that showed Discord putting a kick me sign on sunset back with him turning to the camera putting a finger on his lip telling the person who is using the camera to be quiet . The one underneath it was a picture of Bulk biceps running from Fluttershy while she is wearing her alien custom .

[SHINE~] The photo after that was of star swirl and Stygian practicing their magic.

[SHINE~ down on me] The photo after that showed a picture of vindicator battering the guardians of harmony.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] Fading away from that one photo, the scene changed to show the last picture in the book.It was of sunset, Rainbow dash,Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy, Rarity ,Twilight ,Applejack,.Wallflower,Trixie , Flash sentry ,Princess Twilight,Discord ,start swirl and Stygian standing in front of the school statue smiling

[SHINE~] A hand then closes the accordion book.

Chapter 9:A nightmarish sleep

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Opening of the guardians of harmony :

Play she ra princess of power theme song

The intro starts with the other , sombra , queen chrysalis, Tirek and lord Norlock looking at the pool in the center of the dark chamber.

~ We're on the edge of greatness ~

The camera then zoom into the pool to show sunset was on the school roof staring at the sunset . She then turn her head to stare at the camera before her geodes glow a bright red light covering the screen.

~ turning darkness into light ~

After the bright light disappear it shows scenes from previous equestrian girls adventure such as the first equestrian girls movie, rainbows rock, Friendship games, legend of everfree, mirror magic , forgotten friendship , rollercoaster of friendship ,spring breakdown, sunset backstage past and holiday unwrapped.

~ We're right beside you ~

All the guardians of harmony are now on a battlefield and in front them was an army of reapers

~ Ready to Fight! ~

Everyone then pony up and turn into their superhero forms

~ (fight, fight, fight fight) ~

Both sides quickly charge into one another.

~ We're gonna win in the end! ~

Pinkie rises out of a tide, blasting reapers with water while rainbow dash blast them with lighting shocking them.

~ We must be strong, And we must be brave ~

Applejack is capturing and tying up reapers with vines. While rarity is using her magic to open up holes in the ground that cause many of them to fall in.

~(we must be brave) ~

Fluttershy is using her power to make a tornado that caught many of the reapers while twilight is using her telekinesis to pick up a few of the reapers and toss them in the air.

~ We're gonna find every bit of strength that we have ~

Sunset is using her magic to make a fire shockwaves that took out many of the reapers

The scene shifts to the main chamber of Grogar lair where his egg form floats in the air and beneath it was the other, queen chrysalis, lord norlock, Tirek and sombra , vindicator ,cinch, Adagio dazzling,Sonata dusk and Aria blaze . Behind all of them was a dark background where the red eyes of the monsters that serve Grogar glow with malice. The egg form of Grogar suddenly glow covering the entire screen.

~ and never let go ~

The scene then shifted to the guardians of harmony battering against the other and Grogar top subordinates.

~ (Oh ah Oh) ~

The other and sunset fire a magical beam towards one another resulted in a blight flash that cover the entire screen.

~ We must be STRONG! ~

The scene ends with a final shot of the guardians of harmony sitting down at the base of the school statue with wallflower Trixie and Flash sentry standing nearby.
Sunset Shimmer was on her bed, writing in her journal to tell Princess Twilight about her and her friends victory against Norlock.

"Wow, it sounds like you guys have been through a lot,” Twilight wrote to sunset.

“I know, right, but so far we have been winning our fights one after another,“ Sunset wrote to Twilight.

“I just wish there was a way for me to help,” Twilight wrote. ”But I have many duties now that I am the princess of equestria.”

“I know,“ Sunset wrote. “But we are doing good so far, and we have star swirl, discord, and black light to help us. I am sure we can get through this.”

“I know you will." Twilight wrote, ”But promise me you will call me if you need help.”

“I will,” Sunset said. ”Anyhow, good night, Twilight.”

“You too, sunset, good night,” Twilight wrote. Sunset closed her book and put it on the nightstand next to her. After that, she switched off the lamp next to her, laid down on her pillow, and went to sleep.

Unknown to her and everyone in the city, however, a figure is seen standing on a building somewhere in the city. The figure wore a black robe that covered its entire body. It’s entire face was covered in darkness, leaving its red, glowing eyes. Its hands, which are left exposed, were pale white with long claws like nails.

“Now for Canterlot City to experience a night they will never forget, so say Dream Reaper." The figure now known as the Dream Reaper said as he raised a hand in the air, and immediately black smoke came out of it and rose into the air. It spread throughout the city and went through the windows of houses, apartments, and any other forms of residence. The smoke then heads to the rooms where the residents of those places sleep and enters through their foreheads.
Sunset was woken up from her sleep by a loud noise. She looked around and saw nothing. After turning on her lamp, she looked around her room and immediately heard the noise again. She heard it come from outside her room, so she left her room to search for the sound of the noise. As she left her room, she heard the noise coming from her bathroom. She went in and turned on the light. She looked around and saw nothing. As she was about to leave, she stopped when she noticed something was wrong. Her reflection in the mirror above her sink was wrong, as it was of her in her old bully attire, which consists of her old black leather jacket, a dark pink shirt with her cutie mark, an orange skirt with pink and light yellow lines, and black and pink boots.

The reflection smirked the familiar evil smirk she used to do before jumping out of the mirror and onto the floor. Sunset backed away in fear as her copy began walking towards her.

“How is this possible?“ Sunset said as she backed away.

“What wrong? Don’t like to see yourself.“ Her copy said in a mocking voice she used to use. ”Or do you prefer this look?”

Immediately after she said that, fire started covering her double form, and once the fire was gone, in place of her double was a familiar demon that had haunted her sleep since the fall formal.

“Hello, sunset, did you miss me?" The demon smirked as she began walking closer to sunset. Sunset backed away in fear as the demon got closer.

Sunset ended up tripping and landing on the floor as she walked backward. The demon continues to get closer, and Sunset uses her arms to move backwards while she is still on the floor.

“You can’t be here." Sunset said, “You can’t be real.”

"Oh, I am real." The demon said, laughing, “Did you actually think I was gone? I never left you, and I will never leave.”

“No,"Sunset said in fear as she moved backwards until her back hit the wall of her bathroom.

“Yes,“ the demon said. ”I am you, sunset, and you are me. As long as you live, I will continue to exist.”

Sunset closed her eyes as the demon stood over her.
Twilight woke up from her sleep after hearing something that woke her up from her sleep. She looked around in her room and saw nothing.

"Hello, anyone there?“ Twilight asks. When no one answered, she shrugged her shoulders. "I must be hearing things.”

“I don’t think you were hearing things.“ A voice said something, causing Twilight to turn her head and see the source of the voice, which was midnight sparkle.

“Hello Twilight, “Midnight said as she smirked evilly.

"Ahhhh!” Twilight screams as she falls out of bed and lands on the floor. Midnight got on the bed and stood on it as she looked down on her with an evil smile.

"No, not again,"Twilight said. "You are not here. This is just a nightmare.”

“It is a nightmare, alright, “Midnight said. ”It is a nightmare; you won’t be waking up.” Midnight's hand grabs Twilight by the collar of her shirt. She then pulled her up, and the two were now at eye level.

"No,” Twilight said in fear.
Pinkie Pie found herself in a strange city. Everyone and everything was gray and dull, and all the people she saw were walking in a robotic manner, as if there were more robots than people. But what caught her attention was the dull look on their faces.

“It looks like someone needs some laughter,” Pinkie said as she decided to do what she did best and try to cheer up the people around her.

"Hey, why the long face?” Pinkie said as she approached one of the people walking in an attempt to cheer him up. But the person just walked away, ignoring her. She then walked to another person.

"Want hear a joke? "she asks, but he just simply walks past her. She tries again and again, but everyone just ignores all her attempts to talk to them or to make them laugh.

“Man, talk about a tough crowd,” Pinkie said in a cheerful voice, but inside she was bothered by the fact that none of her attempts worked. She then saw a stand selling muffins.

“Maybe some food might help me think,” Pinkie said as she approached the stand and bought a muffin. She bit into it and instantly regretted it, as the muffin didn’t have any taste.

“This is awful,“ Pinkie said as her hair deflated and became flat. ”This place is awful; the people are dull and won’t laugh, and the food doesn’t have taste.”
Rarity found herself in the boutique. She looked around in confusion.

“How did I get here?” Rarity said in confusion. The front door opened, and a person came in.

“Hoity toity,” Rarity said in shock.

“Greetings, I am here because I heard of a fashion designer,“ Hoity said. ”Are you the fashion designer I heard about?”

“Yes, I am,” Rarity said as she went to the back of the store and showed him her latest work.

"What do you think?” Rarity said.

“It is awful,“ Hoity said, shocking rarity.

“ Well, what about this?” Rarity said as she escorted him to the back of the store to show him all the dresses and clothes she makes.

“It is all awful,“ Hoity said. ”You are without a doubt the worst fashion designer I have ever seen.”

“But,” Rarity said.

“But nothing,“ Hoity said as he began walking away.

“Come back, please,“ Rarity said, but Hoity just walked away, ignoring her. Rarity lay on the ground with tears in her eyes.
Fluttershy found herself in a destroyed and burned-down forest.

“Where am I?“ she said in a fearful voice. As she walks, she steps on a newspaper. She looked down and picked up the newspaper. She read what was on the front page and immediately dropped the newspaper on the ground.

“No,” Fluttershy said as she looked down at the newspaper, which had the words All animals in the world are gone on the front page.

Fluttershy lay on the ground with tears in her eyes.

“I am the best,” Rainbow Dash said as she tried to outrun her opponent, but no matter how hard she tried, she was unable to. She fell to the ground, exhausted. She had been trying to beat her opponent in all matters of competition, such as badminton, ping pong, bowling, and now a race, but no matter which competition they compete in, she still loses.

“So much for being the best,” her opponent said as she ran off, leaving her behind.
Applejack stood outside her family farm and looked in horror as her family farm was shut down forever.

“It's gone,” Applejack said as she cried, seeing her family farm gone.
“Stop, please,” Trixie said as she stood on a stage dressed in her magician outfit. The audience in front of her keeps throwing tomatoes at her. She had been trying to entertain the audience with her tricks. However, all the tricks she tries to do end up backfiring, resulting in the crowd getting angry to the point where they are now throwing tomatoes at her.

“Why did you have so many tomatoes?“ Trixie whined as more tomatoes were thrown at her.

“Boo,” “you the worst." “Get off the stage." “My grandmother can do better tricks than you.”
“Why won’t anyone notice me?” Wallflower cries as people ignore her, and every time she tries to touch someone, her hands go through them. “Please someone notice me.”

Suddenly, someone walked through her. She looked at the person in shock before despair hit the girl as realizations hit her. People are not just not noticing her; they literally can’t see, hear,or even touch her. She had become completely invisible to the world.
“Aaaahhhhh!” Flash screamed as he was running through a hallway, being chased by a group of demonic clowns.
"Yes," Dream Reaper said as he watched negative energy fly out of countless buildings and houses. ”Soon the master shall return.”
The demon sunset stood over her human counterpart, and one of her hands was inching closer to her. However, suddenly, sunset grabbed her hand, much to the demon shock. Before she could do anything, Sunset suddenly got up and punched her so hard that the demon was sent flying and hit the bathroom mirror.

"What?"the demon said, confused as she stood up and recovered from the attack.

“You think you can scare me,” Sunset said as she glared at the demon. ”You might be scary, but you forget one small little detail.”

“And what is that.”The demon asked.

"Is that I face my worst fear every day when I look myself in the mirror.” Sunset said as she grabbed the demon by her clothes and rammed her onto the mirror. ”I might have to live with you forever, but that doesn’t mean I will let you out. Besides, there's still one little detail you forget."

“And what is that?” The demon asked.

“I know you are not the real demon,” Sunset said simply. The demon her was confused, but before she could say anything, a clawed hand went through the demon's chest.

“Sorry, but there's only enough room for one demon here, and you are not it.” A familiar demon voice spoke as the demon disappeared.

"I didn’t expect you to help,” Sunset said as she looked at the mirror, which showed the demon her inside it. But unlike the previous one, this one's wrist is chained up.

“I didn’t do it for you.” The demon her said. ”I did it for me since anything that happened to you happened to me. Besides, I wasn’t going to let some imposters run around here.”

Sunset didn’t say anything and just walked out of the bathroom, but stopped when she heard the demon talk again.

“This chain won't hold me forever,“ the demon said as she pulled up the chain to show them to sunset. ”Some day you will slip up, and once you do, I will be out.”

“I know,“ Sunset said without looking back as she walked out of the bathroom and closed the door. A bright light suddenly cover the room.
Sunset shot up from her bed, panting. She switched on her lamp, and immediately she saw negative energies flew out from outside of her window. She quickly got off her bed and went to the window to get a closer look. She saw a large amount of negative energy flying in the air.

“Grogar,“ Sunset said in realization.

"Good that you are awake." A voice spoke from behind her. Sunset quickly turned around and punched the person. However, the person was able to dodge the attack easily by tilting his head slightly.

Sunset calmed down when she saw it was Discord who was already in his fairy form.

“What's going on here?” Sunset asks the ancient fairy.

“One of Grogar monsters is out there causing terror,“ Discord explains. ”Whenever Grogar Send is currently putting everyone in the city in a nightmarish deep sleep that is almost impossible to wake them up from,”

“Well, why aren’t you affected?” Sunset asks.

“Blacklight Base had a magical ward used to block off magical attacks, and because of that, all the agents who were sleeping in Black Light Base weren’t affected, and those that were awake at the time immediately noticed what was going on and woke up everyone.“ Discord said. ”I was sent here to help wake you up, but it seems you already did that. How exactly.”

“I simply wasn’t scared since I already faced my fear,” Sunset said.

“Well, then let go; we need to wake everyone up,” Discord said as he grab sunset and teleported out of the house.

In twilight room, a bright light suddenly appeared, and when it dissipated, it revealed both sunset and discord. Susnet looked around confused for a second before she realized that she was in Twilight room.

“How did we get here?” Sunset said, confused.

“I teleported us here.” Discord said. ”Now let go; we need to wake twilight up.” Discord went to twilight bed. Sunset followed him, and saw Twilight sleeping on her bed. She could instantly tell that Twilight was having a nightmare if the way she was moving in bed was any indication.

“Twilight,“ Sunset said as she shook Twilight in an attempt to wake her up.

“That's not going to work.” Discord said. ”Magic is being used to put her to sleep, and only magic can work her up. As the saying goes, magic must defeat magic.”

“So how are we supposed to do that?“ Sunset asks.

“Simple,“ Discord said. ”All you have to do is use your empathy powers to enter her dream to help her wake up.”

“Right,” Sunset said as she grabbed Twilight's hand and activated her power. There was a bright flash that blinded her for a second. When her vision was clear, she saw she was still in twilight room. However, she also saw midnight sparkle holding twilight up by the collar of her shirt. Sunset quickly jumped on the bed and punched midnight, causing her to fall on the bed and let go of twilight.

“Sunset,” Twilight said, shocked as well as happy to see her friend.

“Twilight, this is just a nightmare. Wake up, “Sunset said as she landed on the ground, pulled Twilight up, and hugged her. “Wake up!” A bright flash suddenly covers the room.
Twilight woke up and saw the smiling face of sunset.

“Sunset,” Twilight said as she got up and hugged sunset. ”Thank you.”

“It’s ok, Twilight,“ Sunset said. ”It was just a nightmare.”

“Well, I hate to break up this touching scene.” Discord said getting both girls attention. He made twilight glasses appear in his hand and put them on twilight.” We need to go and wake up everyone else. We have an evil monster to take care of.”

"What's going on sunset?” Twilight ask.

“There is a monster in the city that is using its powers to make people experience nightmares in their sleep.” Sunset explained. ”We need to go and wake up the rest so we can beat it.”

"Ok.” Twilight nodded.

“Come on, let go,” Discord said as he grabbed both girls and teleported out of the house.
Pinkie sat down in an alleyway somewhere in the city in despair when suddenly a shadow stood over her. She looked up and saw it was sunset.

"Sunset,"Pinkie said as she grabbed her and pulled her up. She quickly shook the girl.

“It's just a nightmare, Pinkie. Wake up,” Sunset said as she shook Pinkie.
Rarity was in her room crying. After her encounter with Hoity Toity,. Suddenly, sunset appeared in front of her and pulled her up.

“Sunset,” Rarity said, confused.

“Wake up, rarity; this is just a nightmare,“ Sunset said, shaking rarity. A bright flash suddenly covered the entire room.
Fluttershy sat on the ground with tears in her eyes when sunset suddenly appeared in front of her and pulled her up. She quickly shook Fluttershy.

"It's just a nightmare. Wake up,” Sunset said as a bright flash suddenly covered the entire area.
“It's just a nightmare,“ Sunset said as she shook rainbow dash as a bright flash suddenly covered the entire area.
“It's just a nightmare,“ Sunset said, shaking Applejack as a bright flash suddenly covered the entire area.
"It's just a nightmare,“ Sunset said as she used her body to shield Trixie from the tomatoes that the crowd was throwing. ”Wake up.” Sunset shakes Trixie to wake her up. A bright flash suddenly covered the entire area.
Wallflower sat on the ground in despair when she felt something touch her shoulder. Surprise She turned and saw that it was sunset.

“Sunset,” Wallflower said in shock. ”You can see me.”

“Wallflower, it’s just a nightmare. Wake up,” Sunset said as she pull wallflower up and shook her to wake her up. A bright flash suddenly covered the entire area.
"Ahhhhh!” Flash screams as he continues to run for his life. As he ran sunset suddenly appeared in front of him, causing him to stop.

"Sunset," Flash said, confused. Sunset immediately ran past flash and fired a magical blast at the demonic clown, causing them to disappear in a flash of light. Sunset then turns to flash and grabs him. She then started shaking him. A bright flash suddenly covered the entire area.
Flash shot up awake from his bed shock. He looked around and saw sunset was standing over him with one of her hands on his hand. He then saw the rest of the guardians of harmony and discord in his room.

“What's going on?” Flash asks. ”Why are you in my room, and why is everyone but Discord in their pajamas?”

“Grogar sent a monster that had the ability to trap people in a nightmare, and currently right now everyone in the city is trapped in a nightmare unless we do something about it.” Sunset said.

“And the reason we are in our pajamas is because Discord teleports us out of our room before we can change.” Rarity said annoyed before turning to the fairy in question. ”Seriously, couldn’t you wait till we change first?”

“Well, excuse me for wanting to save everyone as quickly as I can,” Discord said, annoyed.

“Guys focus,” Twilight said. ”We need to focus on the situation at hand.”

"Right,"both rarity and discord said at the same time.

“Flash, get Gilgamesh since we are going out to fight now.” Sunset said.

“ Right” Flash nodded as he reached and pulled open the drawer next to him, pulling out Gilgamesh. He then put him on his wrist and got off the bed. ” Let go.”

“Right,” Sunset said, "but first, demonic clown, really. What is that all about since I have never seen you afraid of clowns before?”

“Oh,” Flash blushed. ”I watched a horror movie yesterday night about demonic clowns and have had nightmares about clowns since.”

“Anyhow, everyone, let pony up,” Sunset said as she and everyone transformed into their superhero forms. She then turned her attention to discord. ”Do you know where the monster is?”

“Yeah, I do,” Discord said. ”The intelligence department immediately went to work tracking down the monster that was responsible for this attack as soon as they were made aware of it. I will send us there now.” Discord snapped his fingers, and immediately there was a flash of light that covered the room, and everyone disappeared.
In a flash of light, everyone appears on a street somewhere in the city.

“All right, everyone, follow me,” Discord said as he led everyone through the city to where the monster is located. After a few minutes of walking, they reach their destination.

“There it is,“ Discord said as he and everyone stood in front of a tall building. Discord snaps his fingers, and a megaphone appears in his hands. He took a deep breath before screaming in it.

”Hey, ugly.” Scream Discord through the megaphone. Everyone around him closes his ears. "We are right here. Come down and face us, you big chicken.” Discord then makes the megaphone disappear.

“A little warning next time,“ Rainbow said, annoyed like everyone else.

“Sorry,“ Discord said sheepishly.

“So you have somehow overcome my spell." A voice said, and everyone looked up to see dream reaper flying above them. He flew down until he landed in front of them.

“I take it; you must be the monster that Grogar sent." Sunset said.

“I am dream reaper, and I shall be the one to destroy you once and for all.” Dream reaper.

“That is what they all said.” Rainbow Dash said as she and everyone got ready to fight.

"Reapers," Dream reaper said, and immediately a group of reapers appeared in a flash of light.

“Oh, please, we can take these guys on, no problem,“ Rainbow Dash said.

“How about us?“ a voice said, and immediately everyone looked up and saw it was Adagio, who was flying down with the other two dazzling, and not far from them was a large bird-like monster. As soon as they landed, the bird-like monster quickly revealed itself as cinch when she transformed into her human form.

“And don’t forget me." Another familiar voice said, and immediately following that, something large hit the ground, resulting in a large dust cloud being formed. When the cloud disappeared, it revealed it was vindicator who was already in his berserk form.

“Oh great, it’s you guys again,” Sunset said, annoyed. ”Don’t you guys ever quit.”

“Not until I get my revenge, "Cinch said as she turned into her horn demon form.

“That goes double for us,” Adagio said, which was followed by the two dazzling nodding in agreement.

“Well, in that case,” Discord said. ”Take this.”

He fired a large lightning attack that took out all the reapers, and immediately both sides charged at one another.

“Me, Wallflower, and Trixie will handle vindicator” Flash said.

“I will handle the dazzling,“ Discord said.

“Me, Fluttershy, and Applejaoc will handle cinch,“ Rainbow Dash said.

"Then dream reaper is ours to handle,” Sunset said.

Everyone split up to deal with their respective enemies.

“All right, ugly, it’s payback time.” Flash said to vindicator.”I am going to make you pay for what happened last time.”

“Trixie shall also make you pay,” Trixie said.

“Me too.” Wallflower said.

“Do you think you can take me?” Vindicator mocked. ”Well, bring it.”

Flash fired a magical blast from his sword at vindicator, but the attack did nothing. Vindicator responded by firing his nails at them. However, Wallflower was able to form a shadow dorm that protected them from the attack. As soon as vindicator stops firing, the dorm disappears, revealing all three are gone. Vindicator stood confused, and while he stood, the three people he was fighting appeared behind him. Thanks to Trixie, the three were able to get out of the dorm unnoticed. Trixie took advantage of his distracted state to gather as much of her magic as she could and fire a large magical blast at him. However, all this did leave a burn mark on his body that instantly healed. He turned and glared at them. He opened his mouth and was about to fire at them. However, Wallflower formed a large shadow hand that she used to forcefully close his mouth. Immediately, causing the blast to hit the inside of his mouth, which caused him to be blown backwards. He got up and glared at them while his mouth regenerated itself. He charged at them, ready to tear them apart, but Wallflower formed a shadow tentacle from behind him and grabbed him by the leg, causing him to fall to the ground face first. She then used her powers to drag him backwards before lifting him in the air and slamming him hard on the ground. She did this over and over again, and after one final slam, she tossed him on the road. Vindicator got up and lifted a car and tossed it at them. However, Trixie simply grabs Flash and Wallflower and teleports out of the way. The car simply hit the ground. The three then appear at a safe distance.

“I hope whoever owns that car has car insurance,“ Flash said as he looked at the broken car.

“Forget about that look,” Trixie said as she pointed at vindicator who once again charged at the three. Trixie gathered as much energy as she could to create a large magical blast, which she fired at his eyes. Immediately after the blast hit Vindicator, he fell to the ground, clutching his eyes in pain.

Wallflower took this opportunity to use her powers to cause a large number of shadow spikes to come out of the ground and impale him. However, Vindicator just stood back up, breaking the spike off the ground in the process. The spike dissipates, and as soon as they are gone, his body begins to heal up.

“This guy is tougher than he looks,"Flash said as he, Trixie, and Wallflower charged at vindicator.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata surround discord and let out a sonic blast from their mouths. However, Discord simply flew into the air, letting the three hit each other. All three dazzlings were blown off the ground and landed on the ground. Adagio, being the first to recover, flew towards discord and let out another sonic blast from her mouth. Discord simply disappeared before the attack hit him. Discord then appears behind Adagio and snaps his fingers. Instantly, two cinder blocks were tied to her feet, causing her to be dragged into the ground. Both aria and sonata both flew in the air and headed towards discord. Their let out a large scream, and discord simply disappeared. Both look around, trying to find discord.

“Boo,"Discord said, as he appeared in front of the two girls.

"Aaahhhh, "both girls said in shock before their were hit in the face by pies.

“Hahaha,” Disocrd said before disappearing.

“How annoying,“ Aria said as she and Sonata removed the pie tin from their faces, letting it fall on the floor.

“Yum,"Sonata said as she used her tongue to lick the pie on her face. ”Banana cream pie.”

“I hate banana cream pie.” Aria said.

“Then how about pineapple cream pie?” Discord said as he appeared in front of Aria with a pie in his hand.

“Don’t you think about it” Aria said.

“You mean, don’t think about doing this,” Discord said as he slammed the pie on his face before disappearing.

“Lucky!“ Sonata said.

Adagio had just untied the cinder block on her feet and was about to return to the fight, but discord suddenly appeared in front of her, holding another pie.

“Excuse me, Miss Adagio, but do you like strawberry pie?” Discord said.

"No, I do not,” Adagio said.

"Good, because this is chocolate,“ Discord said, slamming the pie into her face before disappearing. Adagio then removed the pie tin from her face.

“Chocolate,“ Sonata said as she flew down, stood next to Adagio, and licked the pie off her face.

"Sonata, stop”Adagio said, pushing Sonata away, annoyed.

“This is getting annoying,“ Aria said as she flew down and stood next to them.

And it’s going to get more annoying.” Discord said as he suddenly appeared in front of them and aimed a water gun at them. He fired, and immediately a large water stream hit all three sirens, causing them to be blasted backward and hit the floor.

“Stop paying around,” Adagio said as she and the other two dazzling stood up.

“Well, if you want me to stop playing,” Discord said as he snapped his fingers, and immediately all three sirens were surrounded by floating boxing gloves.

“This is going to suck,” Adagio said.

“You and your big mouth,” Aria said before all three dazzling were punched by boxing gloves.

Cinch charged at the three girls, ready to tear them to pierces. However, Fluttershy uses her powers to form a large tornado to trap her in it. Cinch spun in the tornado before it dissipated. After it dissipated, Cinch began falling to the ground. However, before she hits it, Applejack forms a vine and grabs her, pulling her hard on the ground before using it to drag her across the ground. She stopped in front of Applejack, who punched her in the face hard. This caused her to be toss in the air and land on her back. Cinch then transformed into a spider-like monster and quickly charged at them again. She fired a large spider web at them. However, rainbow dash simply fires a lightning attack at it, burning it completely. Afterward, she used her super speed to run towards Cinch and rapidly punch her with her lightning-covered fist. Cinch fell to the ground in pain, and Applejack took this opportunity to run towards her and punch her in the face as hard as she could. This caused her to be toss in the air again. However, she was able to turn into a bird-like monster and quickly swoop down at them. Before she could get near, however, Fluttershy used her power to create a large wind currents that blew her away. She landed on the ground again hard.Cinch, then get up and transform into a giant snake monster.

“Don’t you ever quiet?“ Rainbow Dash said annoyed.

"Never,” Cinch said as she charged at them again.

Sunset fires a fireball at dream reaper, who forms a scythe in his hand and swipes at the fireball. He then fires a magical blast from his scythe at sunset who manage to form a shield to block the attack. Dream reaper body is then covered in a dark aura, and then points his scythe towards them, and immediately large black tentacles come out of his back and went directly towards sunset and the rest of the guardians of harmony. However, Twilight manages to use her telekinesis to hold the tentacles in place. Rarity uses this opportunity to form a large diamond boulder, which Pinkie Pie immediately touches. Rarity then sent the boulder towards dream reaper, and as soon as the boulder hit him, he was sent flying away. The dark aura and tentacles disappeared as he was blown back. Dream reaper landed on a bus bench, breaking it in the process. He stood up and slammed his scythe on the ground, and immediately a group of dark monster-like creatures suddenly formed and charged at them.

Twilight then uses her telekinesis to grab many of the creatures and raise them in the air before slamming them at the remaining monster. Both monsters disappear in an explosion of black smoke. Pinkie Pie then tosses many of her explosive goods at dream reaper, who uses his scythe to hit each of them, causing them to explode on impact. As soon as he hits the last explosive goods, he then makes a large black tentacle to come out of the ground and aim towards Pinkie Pie. However, rarity forms a large diamond hand and grabs the tentacle, stopping it in the process. Sunset then teleports next to dream reaper and punches him in the face with a fire-cover fist. This caused him to slide backwards a bit. Dream reaper then swipes his scythe at sunset who manages to dodge the attack. Dream reaper swiped his scythe again, only for sunset to dodge it again and again. He was about to swipe her again, but Twilight caught his scythe in a telekinesis aura. Sunset took this opportunity to blast a magical attack at him. This caused him to be blown backward again. Dream reaper then flew into the air and began firing at each of the girls. They were able to quickly dodge each blast. However, he continues to blast them non-stop. However, rarity managed to form a giant boulder above him. It quickly fell and was about to hit him. However, dream reaper was able to dodge it on time. This fortunately distracted him long enough for Pinkie Pie to form an ice cannon that fired an ice ball at him. However, dream reaper was able to quickly swipe at it before it hit him, thus destroying it instantly. He then charged back to the ground and went towards them, scythe raise.

“This is going to be a lot harder than I thought,“ Sunset said.

Flash was thrown back as vindicator swiped him away. Trixie blasted him with one magical attack after another, only for them to have little effect on him. Vindicator just simply blasted her again. Fortunately, Wallflower was able to form a shadow tentacle and pull her away before the blast hit her.

“Nothing we do is working on this guy.” Trixie said annoyed.

“I got an idea,” Wallflower said. ”Remember how twilight and sunset would combine their magic to create a larger attack? Well, let's do that.”

Trixie nodded, and quickly both girls concentrated their powers, gathered as much energy as they could, and fired a large magical blast at vindicator. The two large attacks combined into a larger attack that hit vindicator. The attack created a large explosion, and once the smoke cleared, there was now a crater, and in the center of it was Vindicator, who was now back to his regular form. His body was now covered with large scars and green blood. His left arm was missing, and they could see the flesh and even the bone that was under his skin. His face was also worse, as half of its skin was gone, revealing the flesh and bones under it.

“Now flash,” Gilgamesh said.

“Right,“ Flash said as his body and sword were covered in gold light, and immediately he quickly traveled down the crater and was in front of vindicator. As soon as he was in front of vindicator he quickly and repeatedly swiped his sword all over his body at such speed that he left afterimages of the attack. Once he was done, the glow on his body and sword stopped, and vindicator fell to the ground. As soon as he touched the ground, his body exploded in a flash of light.

“Finally, that guy is gone,“ Trixie said in relief.

“Well, don’t relax yet since we still have to help the others.” Wallflower said.

“In that case, let go.” Flash said as he began walking out of the crater, and immediately all three ran to help the rest.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were blown back as Discord blasted them with a magical blast. All three hit the ground hard. After they stood up, they started panting. Each of the dazzling was exhausted, and their outfits were a mess. This is the direct opposite of Discord, who looks like he was barely exhausted and looks perfectly fine. Since the start of this fight, Discord has barley taken any of the sirens seriously, as his powers were able to easily counter any attack they tried on him. He had the entire time been toying with the three sirens and is now beginning to grow bored fighting with them.

“You know, this has been fun, but I think it is time for me to stop.” Discord said.

“Don’t you underestimate us,” Adagio said as she, Aria,and Sonata screamed a large sonic blast from their mouths at discord. Discord simply responded by snapping his fingers, and immediately he disappeared. Standing in his place is cinch in her horn demon form. She looked around, confused, before the sonic blast hit her and blew her away. She was blown into the air and landed on the ground hard enough that she left an outline on the road. The dazzling look at what happened shocked shock. However, before they can do anything, discord appears behind them, and blast the three away. The three landed near cinch.

“Thanks for the help,“ Rainbow Dash said as she,Applejack,Fluttershy, Flash, Wallflower, and Trixie quickly stood next to Discord.

“You are welcome,“ Discord said. ”Now I think we should end this. Fluttershy created a tornado and sucked them in.”

"Got it,” Fluttershy said as she created a tornado, and immediately all four were sucked into it.

“Now let us send them away.“ Discord said, “Wallflower, Trixie, why don’t you use your new move?”

"Got it,” Trixie and Wallflower said as they gathered as much of their magic as possible and fired a large magical blast at the tornado. The two large attacks combined into a larger attack and hit the tornado. Immediately after it hit the tornado, a large explosion happened that covered the area in smoke, and immediately flying out of the smoke were four figures that were launched so high into the air that they became twinkles in the sky.

“And the dazzling are blasting off again.” Discord said. ”Well, let's go help the others.”

In the air, Dream reaper fires another blast from his scythe, only for rarity to form a diamond shield to block the attack. He was about to fire again, only for a shadow tentacle to grab his waist and pull him down to the ground. He landed on the ground face first, and as soon as he got up, he was punched in the face by an applejack, which sent him flying into the air and onto the ground. As he got up, rainbow dash, whose body was covered in lightning, was about to ram into him. However, dream reaper was able to form a large tentacle from the ground and have it grab rainbow dash. The tentacle then lift her in the air and toss her aside. He made more tentacle appear and was about to use them to grab the guardians of harmony, but Wallflower formed her own shadow tentacles and had them wrap around the other tentacles. With both tentacles now wrapped up, sunset quickly teleported in front of dream reaper and repeatedly fired a magical blast at him. However, dream reaper used his scythe to hit the attacks before they hit him. This, however, in turn distracted him long enough for Pinkie Pie to appear behind him and quickly touch his scythe.

"What?" dream reaper said in surprise.

“Surprise attack,” Pinkie Pie said as she then jumped away, and immediately after that, the scythe exploded, sending him flying away. He landed on the ground, and immediately, when he got up, he saw in his hand the broken half of his scythe. Before he could do anything else, however, Flash jumped in front of him and swung his sword, sending him flying and hitting the ground hard. Dream reaper tried to get up but found he was having difficulty doing so due to the immense pain caused by the sword wound.

“Let's end this,” Sunset said as she and the rest of the element bearers flew into the air. Each of them blasted sunset with their magic, powering her up. She then blasted the finishing blow at dream reaper.

“ Aaaahhhhh” He scream as the attack hit him, destroying him completely. Once that was done, the guardian of harmony flew down and powered down.

“Glad that is over,“ Twilight said.

“You telling me,” Rainbow said, yawning. ”I am exhausted beyond all belief. What I want to do now is go home and lay in bed.”

“Me too,” Sunset said, exhausted.

“I else well,” Rarity said. ”I still need my beauty sleep.”

"Ah, think there may be a small problem with your plan.” Applejack said.

“And what would that be?” Sunset ask.

“Because it's already morning,” Applejack said, pointing to the rising sun.

“It's already morning,“ Sunset said in shock before another fear hit her. ”Oh no, we have school today.”
In Mr. Cranky Doodle, the teacher was giving a lecture, but he stopped when he saw the main seven asleep.

“It looks like someone is getting detention.” He said.

In Ms. harshwhinny three students are being forced to stand outside of the classroom as punishment for sleeping in class.

“What I would give to be invisible,“ Wallflower said with a yawn, actually wishing for once to be invisible.

“How long do we have to stand here?” Trixie complaint.

“Until the bell rang,“ Flash said. ”Now be quiet, or else Ms. harshwhinny will hear us. You heard what she said one peep from us, and it is off to the discipline teacher office.”

“Ahhh,” Trixie said.
Unknown to everyone, however, is that standing outside of the school was Joe. He was staring at the school, or more specifically, the window that showed the classroom the main seven were in. He then began walking away.

End of chapter 9
End song

Played Shine by Mr. Big

[Instrumentals] The opening fades into the inside of a room and focuses on an accordion-book that was open all the way onto a table.

[I never really feel quite right] The scene then fades to show the beginning of the book, before moving to the left, as it showed the pictures in it. The first of the pictures was of sunset who was on her couch with her pet lizard ray on her shoulder both of who are smiling in front of the camera.

[And I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong] As the camera moved, showing the rest of the photos, it then showed a picture of Rainbow Dash playing football on the school field .The next picture showed Rarity making a dress using sweetie bell as her model must to the young girl displeasure.

[Every time I look at you, you seem so alive] The next picture showed both Pinkie pie and Fluttershy backing a cake in a kitchen. The one after that was of Applejack picking out apples from a tree in her farm with her family.

[Tell me how do you do it, walk me through it] After that, it was a picture of twilight in her lab doing one of her experiments with spike sleeping on his dog bed nearby.The next picture was of wallflower ,Trixie and Derpy taking a group group picture in her garden.

[I'm following every footstep] The next picture was of flash sentry and his band playing on a stage.

[Maybe on your own you take a conscious step] The next picture was of Pinkie and Rainbow dash sneaking up on Luna who was sleeping on her desk. The picture next and under it was of an angry Luna who have a mustache drawn on her face by a marker chasing rainbow and pinkie pie who was laughing and nearby was principal celestia who have an amuse look on her face .

[Do you wanna give it up? All that I want…] The next picture was of sunset in her demon form who was flying in the air and on the ground was princess twilight and the rest of her friends ready to confront her.The photo after that was of sunset in a crater with tears in her eyes.

[Is for you to SHINE~] The photo after that showed princess Twilight pulling sunset out of the crater.

[SHINE~ down on me]The next photo was of sunset hugging wallflower after destroying the memory stone.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] A photo after that showed Discord putting a kick me sign on sunset back with him turning to the camera putting a finger on his lip telling the person who is using the camera to be quiet . The one underneath it was a picture of Bulk biceps running from Fluttershy while she is wearing her alien custom .

[SHINE~] The photo after that was of star swirl and Stygian practicing their magic.

[SHINE~ down on me] The photo after that showed a picture of vindicator battering the guardians of harmony.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] Fading away from that one photo, the scene changed to show the last picture in the book.It was of sunset, Rainbow dash,Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy, Rarity ,Twilight ,Applejack,.Wallflower,Trixie , Flash sentry ,Princess Twilight,Discord ,start swirl and Stygian standing in front of the school statue smiling

[SHINE~] A hand then closes the accordion book.

Chapter 10 : A relaxing sleepover

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Opening of the guardians of harmony :

Play she ra princess of power theme song

The intro starts with the other , sombra , queen chrysalis, Tirek and lord Norlock looking at the pool in the center of the dark chamber.

~ We're on the edge of greatness ~

The camera then zoom into the pool to show sunset was on the school roof staring at the sunset . She then turn her head to stare at the camera before her geodes glow a bright red light covering the screen.

~ turning darkness into light ~

After the bright light disappear it shows scenes from previous equestrian girls adventure such as the first equestrian girls movie, rainbows rock, Friendship games, legend of everfree, mirror magic , forgotten friendship , rollercoaster of friendship ,spring breakdown, sunset backstage past and holiday unwrapped.

~ We're right beside you ~

All the guardians of harmony are now on a battlefield and in front them was an army of reapers

~ Ready to Fight! ~

Everyone then pony up and turn into their superhero forms

~ (fight, fight, fight fight) ~

Both sides quickly charge into one another.

~ We're gonna win in the end! ~

Pinkie rises out of a tide, blasting reapers with water while rainbow dash blast them with lighting shocking them.

~ We must be strong, And we must be brave ~

Applejack is capturing and tying up reapers with vines. While rarity is using her magic to open up holes in the ground that cause many of them to fall in.

~(we must be brave) ~

Fluttershy is using her power to make a tornado that caught many of the reapers while twilight is using her telekinesis to pick up a few of the reapers and toss them in the air.

~ We're gonna find every bit of strength that we have ~

Sunset is using her magic to make a fire shockwaves that took out many of the reapers

The scene shifts to the main chamber of Grogar lair where his egg form floats in the air and beneath it was the other, queen chrysalis, lord norlock, Tirek and sombra , vindicator ,cinch, Adagio dazzling,Sonata dusk and Aria blaze . Behind all of them was a dark background where the red eyes of the monsters that serve Grogar glow with malice. The egg form of Grogar suddenly glow covering the entire screen.

~ and never let go ~

The scene then shifted to the guardians of harmony battering against the other and Grogar top subordinates.

~ (Oh ah Oh) ~

The other and sunset fire a magical beam towards one another resulted in a blight flash that cover the entire screen.

~ We must be STRONG! ~

The scene ends with a final shot of the guardians of harmony sitting down at the base of the school statue with wallflower Trixie and Flash sentry standing nearby.
The final school bell rang, and everyone, even the guardians of harmony, left the school through the front door.

“Man, that was tiring.” Rainbow Dash said.

“For once, I agree with you.” Sunset said.

“Anyhow, don’t forget about the sleepover tonight at sunset place.” Twilight said before turning to flash. ”Girls only.”

“I know,” Flash said, annoyed.

“Well, I, for one, can’t wait for my first sleepover,“ Wallflower said excitedly.

“Oh, look at the time.” Pinkie said, looking at her watch. ”It's time for me to go around the city and spread smiles on everyone's faces. I think I should stop at the park first and try to find children who are in desperate need of a smile.” Pinkie then went to her van, which she called the party wagon, which was parked not far from the school.

“Pinkie, didn’t we have this talk last time?” Twilight said. ”Don’t you remember the last time you went around the city promising children that if they followed you to your van, you would give them free candy and a fun time. It took my brother a long time to convince the parents of the child that it was a misunderstanding and not to press charges.”

“Don’t worry, I learned my lesson from last time.” Pinkie said. "Which is why I buy a crown outfit so people will know I am just trying to make them smile."pinkie said as she went into her van and started it up. She then drove off.

“Maybe you should call your brother in advance, just in case.” Sunset said.

“Agreed.” Twilight said as she pulled out her phone and began dialing her brother's number.

“Anyhow, I am going home now and getting my place tidied up.” Sunset said as she began walking home, and it wasn’t long before everyone began making the long walk to their respective homes.
Later that night, at sunset, she opened the door to her house and saw all her friends already standing outside her door.

“Oh good, you guys are here.” Sunset said happily as she led everyone to her room.

“Finally, a night of simple relaxation,“ Rarity said.

“I know how you feel,” Rainbow Dash said. ”Fighting monsters is good and all, but it’s nice to finally relax for once.”

"So, what are we going to do?” Wallflower asks everyone. ”This is my first sleepover, and I have no idea what to do.”

“Well, first we can change into our pajamas,“ Sunset said. ”Then we can play some video games I selected for this sleepover.”

“Cool video games,“ Rainbow Dash said happily.
Unknown to everyone, however, is that they were not the only ones enjoying themselves, as walking on the street of the city was a woman in her thirties. She had teal-colored hair and wore a green shirt, a black jacket, black pants, and black boots. This look was completed by the black sunglasses she wore. This woman is none other than Queen Chrysalis herself, who had used her magic to hide her bug wings. The reason for her trip into the city was because she was beginning to grow bored staying at Grogar underground base and decided to finally have some fun in the city.

As Chrysalis walks, she can’t help but look at how everything has changed since her imprisonment. Tall buildings that reach the heavens, fast vehicles that surpass horse carriages, and people walking on the street who pay more attention to those devices that, if she recalls correctly, are call phones than where they are going. As she walks, she eventually notices an establishment that catches her attention. It was two stores big and had flashing neon signs on it that said Axel Bar. In front of it were a group of vehicles, which, if she remembers correctly, are called motorcycles park in front of it.Curious, she went inside it.

When she went inside, she saw many types of people drinking what she could observe to be alcohol. If the fact that some of the people she sees are already drunk is any indication, there was also loud music being played. From what Chrysalis can gather, the establishment she just entered is a tavern of some kind. She went to the counter and sat on the chair that was available.

“What can I get you?” The bartender, who is a middle-aged man, asks her.

“Give me your best drink,” Chrysalis said. The man nodded and poured her a cup before handling the drink for her. After that, he left to attend to another customer. As Chrysalis sat to drink her drink, she couldn’t help but be reminded of her past and how, when she was still a changeling drone, she would go to tavern in order to gain information that she could use to her advantage.

It was moments like this that caused her to be reminded of how she used to be another changeling drone for the changeling hive. However, unlike the rest of her siblings and mother, who were content with simply living in the dark world, the changelings home dimensions, she wanted more in life. Hence why, she would often sneak off into the human world. It was during one of her frequent trips to the human world that she discovered that by eating strong emotions such as love, she was able to grow stronger. After this discovery, she went back home and told her mother about her discovery. She tries to convince her and the rest of her siblings to attack the human world and capture the humans so that they can be used as cattle from which they can harvest love and grow stronger. However, her mother and the rest of her siblings didn’t want to do what they considered unnecessary, as they were able to survive as they are now. Furious, she left, but not before stealing the royal jelly and a few Changeling eggs. After eating the royal jelly, she was able to become a changeling queen and start her own hives in the human world. After she managed to produce her changeling armies, she began her assault on the human world by attacking kingdoms, cities,towns, and villages and kidnapping the humans that live there in order to use them as cattle from which they were able to harvest love from.However, that all changes when two of her soldiers thorax and pharynx discover that they can simply devour the love they have for each other. They were able to convince the rest of her hive to do the same thing and have them simply eat the love they have for each other. Afterward, they wanted to be more peaceful and live in harmony with humans.

Chrysalis was so furious with this sudden change that she accidentally let it out that she lied to them about needing love to survive. This caused her hive to be furious that she had lied to them for all these years that their turn on her. With no choice, she had to flee. Since then, she has been on the run,as there is a huge bounty on her head, meaning she is constantly hunted. This wouldn’t be a problem, since she has the ability to change her appearance. However, after Thorax formed a peace treaty with the human kingdoms, they were able to help the human magic user develop methods to reveal disguised changelings. It is due to that she had to hide in a seclusion area such as a forest or cave, with the only time she went out of hiding was to feed, and even then it was in small villages.

It seems her dreams of conquering the human world are over. However, that all changes when the other manages to find and approach her. He then introduced his master to her. His master made an offer that she would be crazy to refuse. Which was to join him and lead his army, and in return she would receive unimaginable powers. Seeing she had nothing left to lose, she accepted his deal, and since then, she has become one of Grogar top generals. When the war officially started, she personally fought on the frontlines of the battlefield and battled against all kinds of creatures who dared to challenge her, whether they were centaurs,elves, harpies, humans, fairies, or her former changeling soldiers who sided with the humans in the conflict.

As Chrysalis was done reminiscing about her past, she couldn’t help but look at her reflection in her cup. It has been so long since she saw her true form. When she first entered the human world, she changed her form to closely resemble the humans, and when she first began her invasion of the human world, she decided to combine both her human form and her true form together. Hence, she resembled a human with bug wings. She had been using this form for so long that it became her default form.

She sighed before calling the bartender's attention again.

"More, "she demanded from the bartender.
“And final move!” Sunset cheers as she clicks a button on her game control, which causes her character to use its finishing move on rainbow character. She watched in joy as she saw rainbow dash character's health bar go down. ”Yes, I win.”

All her friends, with the exception of Rainbow Dash, cheered at sunset victory.

“And another point for sunset,” Pinkie Pie said as she tallied another point for sunset on a whiteboard.

“I almost won.” Rainbow said. Fluttershy, walk next to Rainbow Dash, and give her a reassuring smile.

“Don’t worry, Dash, you will get her next time.” Fluttershy said. The doorbell suddenly rang, gaining everyone's attention.

“Oh, that must be the pizza,” Sunset said.

“Trixie shall get it.” Trixie said as she went downstairs and to the front door of the house. She opened it and was shocked to see that the delivery guy was Flash Sentry.

“Oh, hi Trixie.” Flash greeted. ”I got the pizzas you guys ordered right here.” He handed Trixie three boxes of pizza.

“All right here, your payment,“ Trixe said, handing over the money to pay for the pizza. ”And here is an extra tip for you.”

Trixie then handed Flash extra money.

“Thanks, Trixie, that’s...” Flash said, but was interrupted by Trixie closing the door on him. She then went back upstairs to sunset room.

“All right, everyone, Trixie got the pizzas,“ Trixie said as she put the three pizza boxes on the table. They instantly opened the boxes and began to take a slice from the boxes.

“Thanks for ordering the vegetarian pizza sunset,” Fluttershy said.

“It was no problem,” Sunset said.

“So, what are we doing next?” Wallflower asked as she took a bite of her pizza.

“We can play twister.” Pinkie one said as she brought out a twister game board from her hair. Everyone quickly shoots down the ideal.

“No, thank you, darling,” Rarity said.

"Ah, agree with rarity,“ Applejack said. “The last time we played Twister, we got tangled up.”

“So many limbs.” Twilight said as she shuddered at the memory.

“And don't forget, my back was hurt for a week.” Sunset said.

“Ahhhh,” Pinkie Pie said. ”Then what can we do?”

“We can watch some movies.” Sunset said as she brought out a DVD cover with the Word Camp bloodbath on it. ”I got the new movie, Camp Bloodbath.”

“You mean that new horror movie about a monster that terrorized a group of campers? The one that has been marked as the most scary movie of the year.” Rainbow Dash said happily and unknownly to her, and everyone Fluttershy had a scare look on her face at seeing the cover.

“The same one,” Sunset said.

“ Score.” Rainbow dash said happily as she raised her fist to the air. However, this process accidentally caused the pizza in her hands to slip and hit the closet. This caused it to open and its contents to fall out.

“Oops,” Rainbow Dash said, embarrassed.

“Seriously, rainbow dash.” Rarity said. ”You have no class sometimes.”

“Here, let me help you.” Rainbow Dash said as she began to pick up the items off the floor. Sunset did the same and began picking up the objects on the ground. The first object she picked up was an open book. She looked down and saw that the book showed a picture of her winning her first fall formal. This caused sunset to freeze up when she saw the picture. Twilight, curious about why sunset stopped, went and stood next to her to take a peek and immediately understood why.

“You first fall formal,” Twilight said.

"Yeah,"Sunset said in a sad tone as the memory of how she used to be appeared in her mind.

“Come on, sunset, you are no longer that person.” Twilight said this in an attempt to reassure her.

“Yeah, I agree.” Wallflower said in an attempt to cheer sunset up. ”You no longer that person sunset.”

“Besides, you did some good during your queen bee day,“ Rainbow Dash said. ”Such as getting rid of the old queen bee, who was much worse than you were.”

"What do you mean?” Twilight asks, confused.

“Oh, right, you weren’t there." Rainbow said. “Before sunset came along, there was this girl named Breaking Dawn who was even worse than sunset.”

“That is something I agree with." Sunset said. “When I do something, it is because it was part of a much bigger picture, but when she does something, it was simply because she considers it was fun.”

“She was a psychopath, I tell you, Twilight,“ Rainbow said. “She got her kicks from causing people pain.”

"Yikes, that's bad," Twilight asks.

“You have no ideal,” Trixie said.

“It’s why no one cares when Sunset manages to get her and her gang kicked out.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Kick out,” Twilight asks in confusion.

“Yeah, when I first transferred to the school, I quickly did the research on the hierarchy that the students set up and realized that Breaking Dawn and her gang were the school rulers. This, in turn, makes them my biggest obstacle to gaining control of the school. Hence, I decided to try to get rid of them. I did this by secretly following them and collecting the information I needed to overthrow them. It was easy since I didn’t need to make false evidence since they were already doing incriminating things themselves. From shoplifting, stealing car batteries, underage drinking, and attacking people and stealing their money and possessions, after I gather enough evidence of them doing such things, I present them to vice principal Luna, who expelled them and got them sent to Juve.”

“When words got out that sunset was behind them being expelled, she was unanimously voted as the princess of the fall formal.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Wait, sunset actually won the first fall formal fair and square,” Twilight said in shock.

“Yeah, apparently everyone in school saw me as a hero for getting rid of Breaking Dawn and her gang.” Sunset said. ”It is actually how I gain snipe and snail as my minions, as they saw me as their hero for getting rid of breaking Dawn and her gang. Of course, the image of me being a hero was pretty much ruined when I began terrorizing the school, strangely thought snipe and snail remain loyal towards me even after I began my reign of terror .”

“Well, that image everyone has of you being a hero was fixed when you saved the school and the world from the dazzling,” Rainbow Dash said. ”After everything you did to show everyone you changed, there is no way they will not see you as a hero and a good person.

“I agree,” Wallflower said. "You have come a long way from the mean girl you were in the past.”

“Trixie agrees." Trixie said, nodding. Sunset looked around the room and saw everyone give her an encouraging and sincere smile.

“Thanks guys.” Sunset said.

“Now why don’t we clean this mess up?” Twilight said as she and everyone helped pick up the mess and put it in the closet. ”By the way, whatever happen to breaking Dawn and her gang.”

“Not sure.” Sunset said. ”I heard they got out of Juve, but for some reason they never tried to get revenge on me for what I did to them.”

“Well, let's just hope we don’t encounter those brutes." Rarity said. ”Trust me, darling, those brutes are not someone you want to deal with.”
Chrysalis had just drunk her ten drinks and was now getting bored. She was about to leave the bar when she heard a commotion was happening. She turned and saw three male teenagers talking to three teenage girls of similar ages. Normally she wouldn’t care, but there was something about the three girls that caught her attention. So she decided to see what was going on. She also decided to take a closer look at them.

One of the teenage girls had long yellow hair that stopped above her neck. She wore a white shirt along with a black leather jacket, which matched the black leather pants she was wearing, and in addition to that, she wore black boots. On her face, there was a scar on her left cheek. But what stood out the most was the red visor she wore on her eyes.

The next one has long red hair, with the one on the front having grown so long that it covers the right eye of her face. She wore a black shirt and a black biker jacket, which was zips up to the top. She wore blue trousers along with black shoes and gloves. What caught Chrysalis's eye, however, was the look in her eyes. In her eyes was bloodlust, the kind she saw in many battles among Harding warriors who had a strong desire for carnage and death.

The last one had spiky blue hair, and like her two companions, she wore a black jacket that was open, which exposed the blue shirt she was wearing. She also wore blue pants and black boots.

The three males were talking to the females, who, Chrysalis can tell, were getting annoyed. Eventually, the one with the red visor said something that seemed to anger one of the male teens. He went and tried to attack her. However, she just responded by flipping the table and immediately catching the fist with ease. She then swiped her legs at his feet, causing him to fall to the ground. She then stomps at his stomach hard. The other two male teens try to attack her, but the girl companions decide to help. The one with red hair stomps on one of the male feet, causing him to scream in pain. She then punched him in the stomach, causing him to go backward in pain. She then pulled him back by the shirt and punched him hard in the face. This resulted in him having a bloody nose. He tried to punch her, but she just dodged the attack with ease. She then grabs him by the arm, and then while his hand is still immobilized, she kicks his arm in the middle, causing a bone crack to be hard and the boy to scream in pain. She then pulled out a knife from her pocket and stabbed him in the stomach. The boy fell to the ground in pain. The last male tried to punch the blue-haired girl, but she just dodged each attack with ease before kicking him in the shin. This caused him to scream in pain. She then grabbed him by the shirt and, with ease, tossed him in the air, where he landed on the table where a group of bikers were sitting. The table broke immediately, which resulted in their drinks being spilled. Angered, the bikers turn to the girl and quickly charge at them.

However, despite being outnumbered by six to three and being bigger and more muscular, the three girls show no fear. All three charged in and attacked the bikers, managing to take them out with ease. As their fight chrysalis notice, the three girls fight with a mixture of martial arts and street fighting. Their skills were versatile and quick, and they were able to change between them on the fly. What more can she see in their eyes and could immediately tell that these three enjoy hurting people, with the red hair being the one to enjoy the most. After the fight was over, the three flipped the table back to normal before sitting down.

Chrysalis smiled upon seeing this.

“These three might be useful.” Chrysalis thought before walking towards the three. She grabbed a spare chair and dragged it with her. When she was in front of them, she sat in the chair. The three girls immediately stared at her when she was in front of them.

“Who the fuck are you?” The one with the visor said.

“The name is Chrysalis, and I like to say I was impressed with what you three did.” Chrysalis said. ”You three have impressive fighting skills.”

“Tell us something we don’t know,“ the red-haired one said.

“Anyhow, after seeing all that, I deem you the kind of people I need for a job I am doing. You see, me and my associates are doing a big job, and we need more people with skills such as the ones you three possess.”

“And what job is this?” The one with the visor said.

“Let's just say all you have to do is crush some skulls, if you know what I mean.” Chrysalis said.

“And what’s in it for us?” The red hair one asks.

“Let's just say if you join us, you will receive something greater than you can imagine.” Chrysalis said.

The three looked at each other before the one with the visor spoke.

“All right, you got my interest.” She spoke.

“Great,” Chrysalis said. ”Now may I know the name of my newest employees?”

“The name is breaking dawn.” The one with the visor said.

“My name is Widow, "the one with red hair said before pointing to the blue-haired one. ”And that one is jumper.”

The blue-haired one just nodded.

"She is not much of a talker, is she?“ Chrysalis said as she realized that Jumper had not talked during the whole conversation. She just shook it off and continued with the conversation. ”Well, then shall we all go?”

Chrysalis gets up and immediately leads all three to the back door of the bar. After going through the back door, they enter an alleyway. Chrysalis suddenly turned to the three, her eyes glowing. Immediately, she floated into the air.

“What the fuck?” Breaking Dawn said in shock. Before she and her companions could do anything, Chrysalis body was covered in a black smoke, which immediately surrounded and covered them. When the smoke cleared out, Chrysalis and the three girls were gone.
“Wow, that was a pretty good movie.” Sunset said as she turned off the TV and went to remove the DVD from the DVD player and put it in the DVD cover.

“That was actually pretty good.” Fluttershy said as she actually enjoyed the movie. She then turned her attention to Rainbow Dash. "What do you think of the movie Rainbow Dash?”

“It was great,” Rainbow Dash said as she put on a strained smile on her face. Unlike Fluttershy and everyone else who enjoyed the movie, Rainbow Dash had become shaken in fear after watching the movie.

“Well, it’s getting late, so I think we should go to bed.” Twilight said after checking the time.

“Ah man, do we have to?” Rainbow Dash complained.

“It’s getting late, rainbow dash.” Twilight said.

“I agree with Twilight,“ Sunset said as she yawned.

“Me too, darling,“ Rarity said. ”A lady such as myself needs her beauty sleep.”

“ Fine.” Rainbow Dash said.

Everyone then got their sleeping bags and put them on the floor. They then went into their sleeping bed and got ready to sleep.

"So, how was your first sleepover?“ Sunset asks Wallflower.

“It was great,“ Wallflower said, smiling.

"It is great that you like it.” Sunset said as she closed her eyes. It wasn’t long before she and everyone went to sleep.
In one of the many chambers that were in Grogar underground lair, there were three large cocoons hanging on the celling. The cocoon slowly cracked open, and immediately three large humanoid bug-like creatures fell from the celling and landed on the ground.

“What just happened?” Breaking Dawn said as she got up. She looked down and saw her visor on the ground. She picked it up and put it on before noticing the two humanoid bugs between her.

“What the fuck?” Breaking Dawn said as she jumped further away from them. "What in the hell are you freaks?"

“I should be asking you that myself.” Widow said as she looked at the creature in front of her.

“Wait a minute, that voice.” Breaking Dawn said as she realized the voice. ”Widow, is that you?”

“Breaking Dawn." widow said in shock before turning to jumper.”That means you are jumper.”

“What the fuck happened to us?” Breaking dawn said.

“Oh good, you three are awake.” A voice caught the three girls attention. They turned, and they saw it was Queen Chrysalis, who was now wearing her armor and crown, and in addition to that, she now had her bug wings out.

“What did you do to us?” Breaking dawn demanded.

“ just giving you your payment,“ Chrysalis said. ”I promise to give you something greater than you can imagine, and that something is power.”

“ Power.” Widow ask confused.

“Yes, power,” Chrysalis said. ”I transform you three into a more superior being. You now possess powers that surpass those of regular humans. Observe.”

Chrysalis pointed her hand to the floor, and immediately a magical blast came out of it and hit the floor, leaving a hole in it.

“Wow,” Breaking Dawn and widow said in amazement, and while Jumper said nothing, she had a look of amazement on her face.

“And that is just one of the many things you and your girls can do now.” Chrysalis said. ”Which is good since you and you girls will need all the powers you get to take down your targets.”

“Which is who exactly?” Breaking dawn, ask curious.

“A certain group of people has been causing me and my associates trouble.” Chrysalis said. ”Which is why I need you three to get rid of them, if you know what I mean. I am sure that with your skills and your new powers, you won't have any problems. Here, let me show you the ones I want you three to get rid of.”

Chrysalis said as she blasted a magical blast on the ground, and immediately a small image of the guardians of harmony appeared on the floor.

“Sunset shimmer,“ Breaking Dawn said in shock when she saw the image.

“You know her,” Chrysalis said in shock.

“Yeah, we do.” Breaking dawn said in anger.

“I take it you aren’t friends,“ Chrysalis said as she noticed the anger in her voice.

“Yeah, and we also have a score to settle with her.” Dawn said in anger.

“Good, because she and her friends are the ones I want you to get rid of." Chrysalis said.

“So not only do we have our payment early but also a bonus.” Breaking Dawn said as she smiled evilly, which was mirrored by her two companions. ”When do we start?”
End of chapter 10

End song

Played Shine by Mr. Big

[Instrumentals] The opening fades into the inside of a room and focuses on an accordion-book that was open all the way onto a table.

[I never really feel quite right] The scene then fades to show the beginning of the book, before moving to the left, as it showed the pictures in it. The first of the pictures was of sunset who was on her couch with her pet lizard ray on her shoulder both of who are smiling in front of the camera.

[And I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong] As the camera moved, showing the rest of the photos, it then showed a picture of Rainbow Dash playing football on the school field .The next picture showed Rarity making a dress using sweetie bell as her model must to the young girl displeasure.

[Every time I look at you, you seem so alive] The next picture showed both Pinkie pie and Fluttershy backing a cake in a kitchen. The one after that was of Applejack picking out apples from a tree in her farm with her family.

[Tell me how do you do it, walk me through it] After that, it was a picture of twilight in her lab doing one of her experiments with spike sleeping on his dog bed nearby.The next picture was of wallflower ,Trixie and Derpy taking a group group picture in her garden.

[I'm following every footstep] The next picture was of flash sentry and his band playing on a stage.

[Maybe on your own you take a conscious step] The next picture was of Pinkie and Rainbow dash sneaking up on Luna who was sleeping on her desk. The picture next and under it was of an angry Luna who have a mustache drawn on her face by a marker chasing rainbow and pinkie pie who was laughing and nearby was principal celestia who have an amuse look on her face .

[Do you wanna give it up? All that I want…] The next picture was of sunset in her demon form who was flying in the air and on the ground was princess twilight and the rest of her friends ready to confront her.The photo after that was of sunset in a crater with tears in her eyes.

[Is for you to SHINE~] The photo after that showed princess Twilight pulling sunset out of the crater.

[SHINE~ down on me]The next photo was of sunset hugging wallflower after destroying the memory stone.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] A photo after that showed Discord putting a kick me sign on sunset back with him turning to the camera putting a finger on his lip telling the person who is using the camera to be quiet . The one underneath it was a picture of Bulk biceps running from Fluttershy while she is wearing her alien custom .

[SHINE~] The photo after that was of star swirl and Stygian practicing their magic.

[SHINE~ down on me] The photo after that showed a picture of vindicator battering the guardians of harmony.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] Fading away from that one photo, the scene changed to show the last picture in the book.It was of sunset, Rainbow dash,Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy, Rarity ,Twilight ,Applejack,.Wallflower,Trixie , Flash sentry ,Princess Twilight,Discord ,start swirl and Stygian standing in front of the school statue smiling

[SHINE~] A hand then closes the accordion book.

Chapter 11: The changelings attack

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Opening of the guardians of harmony :

Play she ra princess of power theme song

The intro starts with the other , sombra , queen chrysalis, Tirek and lord Norlock looking at the pool in the center of the dark chamber.

~ We're on the edge of greatness ~

The camera then zoom into the pool to show sunset was on the school roof staring at the sunset . She then turn her head to stare at the camera before her geodes glow a bright red light covering the screen.

~ turning darkness into light ~

After the bright light disappear it shows scenes from previous equestrian girls adventure such as the first equestrian girls movie, rainbows rock, Friendship games, legend of everfree, mirror magic , forgotten friendship , rollercoaster of friendship ,spring breakdown, sunset backstage past and holiday unwrapped.

~ We're right beside you ~

All the guardians of harmony are now on a battlefield and in front them was an army of reapers

~ Ready to Fight! ~

Everyone then pony up and turn into their superhero forms

~ (fight, fight, fight fight) ~

Both sides quickly charge into one another.

~ We're gonna win in the end! ~

Pinkie rises out of a tide, blasting reapers with water while rainbow dash blast them with lighting shocking them.

~ We must be strong, And we must be brave ~

Applejack is capturing and tying up reapers with vines. While rarity is using her magic to open up holes in the ground that cause many of them to fall in.

~(we must be brave) ~

Fluttershy is using her power to make a tornado that caught many of the reapers while twilight is using her telekinesis to pick up a few of the reapers and toss them in the air.

~ We're gonna find every bit of strength that we have ~

Sunset is using her magic to make a fire shockwaves that took out many of the reapers

The scene shifts to the main chamber of Grogar lair where his egg form floats in the air and beneath it was the other, queen chrysalis, lord norlock, Tirek and sombra , vindicator ,cinch, Adagio dazzling,Sonata dusk and Aria blaze . Behind all of them was a dark background where the red eyes of the monsters that serve Grogar glow with malice. The egg form of Grogar suddenly glow covering the entire screen.

~ and never let go ~

The scene then shifted to the guardians of harmony battering against the other and Grogar top subordinates.

~ (Oh ah Oh) ~

The other and sunset fire a magical beam towards one another resulted in a blight flash that cover the entire screen.

~ We must be STRONG! ~

The scene ends with a final shot of the guardians of harmony sitting down at the base of the school statue with wallflower Trixie and Flash sentry standing nearby.
“Is there any way for us to avoid summer school?” Rainbow ask principal Celestia. She and Pinkie Pie are currently sitting down in front of Principal Celestia in her office. It turns out she wasn’t the only one who had bad grades. Pinkie Pie's grades are also slipping enough that she might also be sent to summer school.

“Yeah, I have many parties to plan during the summer, and I can’t do any of them from school.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Well, there is one way.” Celestia said gaining both girls attention. “In two weeks, there is a science fair. The prize for first place would also be extra credit. Earning it will be enough for you two to gain enough credit to avoid summer school.”

“All right.” Rainbow dash said as she pumped her fist into the air. After their talk with Celestia, both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were heading to class. ”So all we have to do is come up with a cool project that will blow the competition away.”

“So what is the plan?” Pinkie pie, ask.

“I don’t know.” Rainbow Dash said. “Let's ask twilight or sunset for help. Maybe they know what to do.”

“Are you sure they will help?" I mean, they're also taking part in the science fair.” Pinkie pie, ask.

“Of course they will help,” Rainbow Dash said confidentially. ”If we are lucky, they might let us take some credit for their project.”
“Sorry, we can’t help you.” Twilight said bluntly. She and Sunset were in the lab at her home working on their project when Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie walked into the room and asked for help.

“But why?” Pinkie Pie said.

“It's a competition, and we have to present our own project.” Sunset said.

"What are we supposed to do.” Rainbow whine.

“Hit the library, that's what,” Sunset said.

“ Books” Rainbow groaned. ”The only books i read are daring do.”

“Well, in that case, have a nice summer in school.” Twilight said as she and Sunset went back to do their project.

“Fine,“ Rainbow Dash said as she and Pinkie made their way to the town library.
In one of the many chambers of grogar underground lair, a reaper head was thrown onto the ground. After hitting the ground, it exploded along with its body.

“What a workout,“ Breaking Dawn said as she and her two gang started stretching their bodies. Around them were the cloaks of countless reapers. Indicating the three had massacred an entire group of them.

"Excellent," Chrysalis said as she looked over the three girls.

“So now that we are done with training, can we go and crack some actual skulls?” Widow said. ”Preferably a certain red-haired girl skull.”

“Yes, I believe you three are ready.” Chrysalis said. After that, the three went to a mirror that was nearby. The mirror shows, in full detail, their current bug forms. The three girls now have black-like exoskeletons covering their bodies. Their entire eyes are now green; they have insects like wings on their backs; their hands now have long, sharp claws; and in addition to that, all their hairs are now green. Their looks are almost identical, to the point that if it weren’t for their different hair styles and the fact visor on Dawn worn on her face, it would be impossible to tell them apart.

The three girls concentrate, and immediately a green flame covers them, and when it disappears, it shows the three girls in their human form. They smiled upon seeing this. Afterward, the three began making their way out of the chambers and into the outside world.

Unknown to them, the dazzling have been watching them the entire time from one of the entrances of the chamber.

“So what do you think, Adagio?" Aria asks Adagio.

“I think it is completely idiotic that they think those three will do better than us.” Adagio said.

“But what if they succeed in destroying the rainbooms?” Sonata said. ”We could get replaced.”

There was a small hint of panic in her voice as she said that. However, Adagio just rolls her eyes.

“Oh, please, we have been in this game longer than those wannabes.” Adagio said. ”If we can’t do it, then there have equally bad of a change in beating those rainbooms.”

All three then left the chamber.
It was the evening, and both Twilight and Sunset were in sugar cube corner, helping themselves to some milkshakes. They were currently trying to relax after a hard day of work of working on their project.

“Ahhh, that was a good milk shake,” Sunset said as she took a final sip of her drink.

“Anyhow, we still have work to do.” Twilight said. ”We can work on the design at your home.”

"Sure, twi” sunset said. The two girls left the shop and began the long walk to Sunset House. After a while, the two were finally in front of Sunset House.

“Hi sunset” A voice that sunset was familiar with said, causing her and Twilight to turn, and she saw Joe behind them holding a cup of coffee.

“Hey, Joe,” Sunset said, greeting the man.

“You know this guy's sunset.” Twilight asked, eyeing the man.

"Yeah,"Sunset said. ”Joe is an old friend of mine.”

"So, are you going to introduce me to your girlfriend, Sunset?" Joe said in a teasing tone.

“We are not dating.” Both sunset and twilight said it at the same time while blushing.

“Really?“ Joe said, raising an eyebrow. "You two seem to have good chemistry with one another."

"We are just friends,“ Twilight insisted . “Anyway, my name is Twilight. Nice to meet you, Joe. Twilight walks to Joe and offers a hand to shake.

“Likewise,“ said Joe as he shook her hand. After they shake hands, he turns his attention to sunset.”So what are you two doing?”

“Just working on our science fair project,“ Sunset said.

"Yeah, we are currently working on the design of our project,“ Twilight said.

“Then I wish you two the best of luck.” Joe said as he waved bye and began walking away.

"Bye, Joe.” Both girls said as their also wave goodbye.

“He was nice.” Twilight said.

“Yeah, he was twi.” Sunset said. ”Now let go; we have work to do.”

Both girls then went inside Sunset House.
On the street, as Joe walked, he saw Breaking Dawn and her two gangs walk past him. As he continued to walk, he took a moment to turn and look at the three before putting his attention forward. He took a sip of his drink as he continued to walk away.

“Good luck, sunset,” Joe said.
“And done,” Sunset said as she and Twilight had just finished typing on her laptop.

“Everything seems alright,“ Twilight said as she examined what their type on the laptop.

“It's more than alright, Twi,” Sunset said. ”It’s perfect.” Sunset then saw the time on the clock on the wall. ”It’s getting late. I think it’s best you go home.”

“Yeah, I think you are right.” Twilight said as she packed her things and got ready for the walk home.

“Let me walk you home, twi.” Sunset said. The two then left Sunset House and locked the door. Before the two can leave, however, a voice gains their attention.

“Well, look who it is.” The voice said, and the two girls turned and saw that in front of them were breaking Dawn and her gang.

“Breaking Dawn." Sunset said in shock, as she had never thought she would see Dawn and her two gangs again.

“So that is breaking dawn,” Twilight said in shock.

“Yeah, she is.” Sunset said before looking at the two girls next to Dawn. ”And that is jumper and widow.”

Sunset said as she pointed to the respective girls.

“What are you doing here?” Sunset said as she walked in front and blocked their view of twilight.

“Pay back that what ” Widow said, and immediately after, she said that she and the other two girls bodies were covered in green fire and immediately changed to their true form.

“ What.” Sunset said in shock. Twilight, who looks over sunset shoulder, was also shocked to see that.

“ Like our new form.” Dawn said. ”Our new boss gives us these new powers as payment for our services.”

“What have you done?” Sunset said. ”You basically sold your soul to the devil.”

“Do you think we care?” Widow said. ”With our new powers, we are now stronger than when we were humans."

“But enough with that,“ Dawn said. ”We still have a job to do. Which is getting rid of you and your friends.”

Immediately after, she said that one of dawn hands turned into a blade, and she flew towards them. Sunset quickly grabbed Twilight and immediately teleported her and Twilight to safety. Dawn landed in the place they were. She and her gang quickly look around, trying to find them.
Twilight and sunset appeared in her room. After letting go of twilight sunset instantly reached into her pocket, and she brought her phone out and dialed on it.

“Come on, rainbow dash, pick it up.” Sunset mutters as she places the phone next to her ear.
In rainbow dash room, both Pinkie Pie and the rainbow hair girl were currently brainstorming all possible projects they could use to win the science fair. All the ideas they came up with were written on a whiteboard. However, a majority of them were crossed out for one reason or another.

“For the last time, Pinkie, no.” Rainbow Dash said to the pink-haired girl.

“But why?” The party girl whined.

“Because doing a cannon that fires cakes is not science.” Rainbow Dash said.

“How about a cake-making robot?” Pinkie suggested. Rainbow opened her mouth to speak, but stopped and closed her mouth as she put a finger on her chin in though.

“That actually sounds like it might work.” Rainbow Dash said. Suddenly rainbow phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and answered it.

“ Hello.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Hey, rainbow,” Sunset said.

“Oh, hey sunset.” Rainbow Dash said. ”How is it going?”

“Oh, just fine.” Sunset spoke calmly before switching into a higher voice. ”Except for the fact that me and twilight are currently being attacked.”

“ What.” Rainbow dash said in shock.

“You heard me.” Sunset said. ”Come to my house now before...”

Whatever sunset was about to say was interrupted by what sounded like glass breaking and screams. The phone then went quiet.

“Sunset,” Rainbow Dash said in concern.

“Dashie, what is wrong?” Pinkie asks in concern.

“ Trouble.” Rainbow Dash said. ”Something is attacking sunset and twilight. No doubt another monster.”

“I better call the rest.” Pinkie said as she brought a phone from her hair and began dyeing the phone to call the others for help.
Back at sunset house, there was a broken window where sunset room is. Their was what sounded like a fight was happening, and a few bright lights flashed from the window. It went like that for a little while before three figures were thrown through the window and landed on the ground in a heap. The three got up as floating out of the window cover in a magical aura were twilight and sunset. Both used their telekinesis to float each other down and gently land on the ground in front of them. Both of them had a few scratches on their clothes and skin, with some blood even dripping from their cheeks, foreheads, arms, and legs. Their know can’t keep this up forever as breaking dawn,widow and Jumper have proven to be extremely skilled fighters. It was only through their teamwork and quick thinking that they were able to survive this long. However, they know that won’t last long as they are being worn down. Their only hope to win this fight is to hold on long enough for help to arrive.

Both sides stood as they stared each other down. They waited for the others to make the first move, knowing that the first move could decide the outcome of the fight. They stood for a few more seconds until widow decided to make the first move and flap her wings, and charge at the two girls. Both Sunset and Twilight quickly blasted a fire and a magical attack respectively at her. However, she was able to maneuver her body and dodge the attack. She turned both of her arms into swords and was about to stab them. However, they were able to form a shield that blocked the attack.

This, however, did nothing to stop widow as she continued to stab the shield in an attempt to break it. It wasn’t long before both Dawn and jumper joined in as their turn both they hands into blades and began stabbing the shield in an attempt to break it.

“Twilight, we need to concentrate and expand the shield to push them away.” Sunset said.

“ Right.” Twilight said as she nodded. Both concentrate, and the shield expands and pushes the three girls away. The three girls landed on the group in a heap. Seeing their opening, the two girls use their telekinesis to lift the three girls into the air and slam them on the ground over and over again. After the final slam, they use their telekinesis to push them to the wall of the building in front of them. The three landed on the ground again. Jumper, being the first to recover, got up and glared at them. She fired a magical blast from her hand. The attack was about to hit them, but the two girls were able to dodge on time. However, the blast continues to fly until it hit sunset house front door. The attack caused it to be destroyed.

“My door.” Sunset nearly yelled in shock.

“Forget about the door,“ Twilight said, gaining sunset attention. ”We have bigger problems right now.”

The two girls turn their attention back to the three human-turned-Changelings. The three changelings flew into the air, and Dawn quickly turned both her hands into a mass of tentacles and launched at them. Both twilight and sunset quickly blast a large fire attack and a magical attack, respectively, that combine into a larger attack. The attack hit the tentacles, causing an explosion and resulting in many of the tentacles being destroyed or caught on fire. She recoiled back, and immediately all the remaining tentacles were pulled back and turned back into her arms. Dawn looked at her arms and saw that they were covered in scars, with some even bleeding in some parts. Small green flames appear on her hands, and the wounds disappear. She turned her attention to the two girls and glared at them.

“I am going to gut you two open like a fish.” Dawn said in anger.

“What is your problem?” Sunset said angrily.

"Yours is my problem.” Dawn said. “Because of what you did, our parents disowned us and cut me out of my inheritance.”

“ Inheritance?” Twilight ask confused.

“Dawn is actually from a rich family.” Sunset said. ”Apparently, her father was filthy rich business partner. It’s also how she got out of trouble most of the time since she would pull on her father connections and money to help her. Of course, I later learned her family wasn’t aware of what she had been doing and only learned of her behavior after they were expelled from school.”

“Wait, so you want revenge because sunset got you cut off from your inheritance?” Twilight ask.

“That is right,” Dawn said.

“But why do you wait till now to get revenge?“ Twilight asks, confused.

“Because due to me now being disowned I can’t no longer rely on my father's connection to help me, meaning I need to keep my antics down or be sent to jail.” Dawn said. ”But now with this power our new boss gives us, we don’t have to worry about any authorities destroying our fun, and what more we can finally get payback on the bitch that ruin our lives.”

“Sunset didn’t ruin your lives,“ Twilight said, defending her friend. ”You did that to yourself. Even if sunset hadn’t exposed you and presented the evidence to Luna, you would still have eventually been expelled. You ruin your own life.”

“Twilight is right.” Sunset said. ”You did this to yourself. You choose to be a group of delinquents. I didn’t do anything but show the evidence to Luna. You are the one who did the crime, and as the saying goes, don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.”

“Shut up.” Dawn said as she ,widow and jumper fire a magical blast at sunset and twilight. However, sunset, grab twilight and teleport to a safe distance away. However, this didn’t stop them, as their fire again at them. Both quickly form a shield to protect themselves from the attack. The three changelings quickly flew over them and repeatedly fired at them. While the shield was able to withstand the attack, it couldn’t keep it up forever as small cracks began to form on the shield. Eventually, the shield managed to break enough to leave a big hole. The three fire at them again. However, the two gather as much of their energy as possible and fire a large fire and magical blast at the three girls. The fire and magical blast combined to form into a larger attack. The three changelings were able to, however, manage to dodge the attack. The attack just simply flew above in the air harmlessly. The three changelings then charge again at the two girls. Twilight, however, was quick enough to use her telekinesis to grab Widow and Jumper and slam the two against each other, with Dawn in the middle.

The three fall to the ground with a slam. Seeing her opportunity, sunset fires a large fireball at the three girls. The attack hit them, causing all three to be blast back. They landed on the ground in a heap. However, before they could take a breath, the three got up again and charged at them. Their fire magical blast after magical blast as they flew towards them. Sunset and twilight quickly form a magical shield to protect them. However, like before, this didn’t stop them as they flew over them and fired at the shield over and over again. Having enough, the three turned all their hands into large mallets, flew next to the shield, and began slamming on it. This created the desired results as their shield began to crack faster. Eventually, after one final hit, the shield cracked. The three were able to hit the two girls again. But before they could, three veins wrapped around the three changelings and pulled them away. They landed on the ground in a heap.

“It looks like we arrived on time.” A voice that sounded like rainbow dash spoke, and the two girls turned and saw the rest of the guardians of harmony behind them. They quickly ran and stood with the two girls.

"So, what are we dealing with here?” Flash asks.

"It is breaking dawn and her two gangs,” Sunset said, shocking everyone.

“What? ” Rarity said. Everyone turned and saw the three changelings standing up.

“Well, it seems the gang is all here.” Dawn said as she grinned evilly. She and her two gangs stood up and smiled evilly at them.

“Everyone pony up now,” Sunset said, and immediately everyone turned into their superhero forms.

“Let’s end this, “Widow said, and immediately all three flew into the air, and immediately all three hands turned into a mass of tentacles that quickly went towards them. Applejack quickly formed vines and had them tangled with some of the tentacles. Wallflower did the same and formed a group of shadow tentacles, and have them tangle with as many tentacles as possible. The remaining free tentacles try to grab them, but Flash, Sunset, Twilight, and Trixie fire at them, causing them to recoiled back in pain. Then Wallflower and Applejack pulled the tentacles, causing all three to land on the ground. They then pull on the tentacles, dragging them onto the ground. After they stopped dragging them, they let go of the tentacles, letting them fall to the ground. While they were still recovering, Fluttershy used her powers to trap the three in a tornado, and Pinkie Pie filled it with water, while Rainbow Dash used her powers to shock them while they were in it.

After the tornado subsided, the three landed on the ground in a heap. Seeing their chance, both sunset and twilight fire a large magical attack that combines into a larger magical attack. However, before it can hit them, they manage to recover on time, fly into the air, and avoid the attack. As soon as they were in the air, they turned their hands back to normal and were about to fire at them. However, before they could fire, Rainbow Dash flew into the air and used her super speed to ram Dawn from the air and slam her onto the ground. She then used her super speed to repeatedly punch all over her body. Both widow and jumper were about to fly down and help her. However, before they could both twilight and sunset, grab them in their telekinesis aura and slam them on the ground. Applejack then quickly grabs the two by the hair, lifts them into the air, and slams them on the ground over and over again. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was still hitting dawn, but she had to jump as a blade was suddenly swung at her. She managed to avoid it at the last minute, but she still managed to get a bit of a tear in her shirt. She also saw a bit of blood leaking from the tear. Her attention was then back at dawn, whose body was covered with small green flames. When the flame subsided, she adjusted her visor, quickly turned her other arms into a blade, and charged at her. Rainbow Dash was able to easily dodge each swing of her blade; however, while she was busy being distracted by the blade being swung on her, she didn’t notice Dawn turning one of her feet into a tentacle, which she used to wrap around one of her legs and pull. This caused rainbow dash to fall on her back.

Dawn took the opportunity to try to stab her. However, before the blade can reach her chest, a black tentacle wraps around it and pulls her forward. She was pulled over rainbow dash and landed on the ground. Afterward, she was dragged over the ground until the tentacle let go. Dawn then got up and saw wallflower. Glaring at her, she quickly flew forward and was about to stab her with both blades, but a diamond shield was formed at the last minute, protecting her from the blade. She was about to try to stab the diamond shield, but before she could try, Applejack was suddenly behind her and quickly used widow and jumper to slam her on both sides of her. She then pulled them back and did this again and again. However, when she was about to do it again, Dawn turned one of her arms into a mass of tentacles and quickly grabbed her arms, legs, and torso and lifted her into the air. This sudden action caused her to let go of widow and jumper. Both of them landed on the ground in a heap. Dawn slams Applejack on the ground and lifts her in the air to do it again and again. Before she can do it again, flash jump and cut the tentacles, causing applejack to land on the ground. Applejack, get up and look at Flash.

“Thanks, flash.” Applejack, thank him.

"You are welcome," Flash said.

Dawn pulled back the tentacles and reformed them into her arms. She, along with widow and jumper, glare at the two. Before the three changelings could do anything else, something punched all three of them. They look around, only to see nothing.

“What the fuck?” widow asks, confused like her two friends. Suddenly, they were punched again and again.

“Who the fuck is doing this?” Dawn asked as she was punched in the stomach. Furious Dawn and her two friends began randomly punching around until they managed to hit something. That something was Wallflower, who was punched hard enough that she was sent flying and rolling on the ground. Both Applejack and Flash quickly went to her side and helped her up.

“You ok?” Flash, ask Wallflower.

“I live,” Wallflower said.

“I am going to kill you three.” Dawn said as she and her two companions turned their arms into blades. They were about to charged at them again, but rarity intervened by forming a two-diamond shield on their left and right and using her powers to have them move forward, causing all three of them to be squished in the middle of it. She then moved them back and did this again and again. However, when she was about to hit them for the 20-time dawn and her two companions managed to fly in the air on time before the diamond squish them again.

When the three reach a safe distance, they immediately fire at everyone they see. Everyone of them was able to dodge the blast. However, they keep on coming. However as their fire their didn’t notice rainbow dash fly above them and use her lighting powers to blast all three to the ground. They landed on the ground in a heap. As the three tried to get up, Pinkie saw an opportunity to form an ice cannon and fire an ice boulder at the three. The attack hit them and sent them flying, where they hit a diamond wall that rarity form in front of them. This caused them to be squished in between the wall and the boulder. The boulder fell down, and all three landed on top of it. As they tried to get up, the boulder suddenly exploded, sending all three flying in the air and landing on the street. The force was hard enough that it left a crack in the street. The three got up and looked at them with a look of hate.

“Give up,” Flash said as he pointed his sword at them. “You can’t win.”

“This is far from over.” Dawn said as she, widow and jumper used their wings to fly in the air and charge at them. However, Applejack jumps in the middle and punches Dawn; Rainbow Dash punches widow with a lightning cover fist; and Twilight uses her telekinesis to push jumper back. All three changelings were pushed backward and slid to the ground. As the three got up, Dawn immediately noticed something missing. She looked in front of her and saw her visor not far from her. She was about to get up and get her visor, but sunset teleported in front of it, and step on it.

“My visor,“ Dawn said in anger as she glared at sunset. “You bitch.”

"It's time we end this.” Rainbow Dash said.

"Agreed,"Sunset said. Dawn and her two friends tried to get up but were caught in a telekinesis grip by both sunset and twilight. Rarity then makes a giant ball of diamonds, and Pinkie Pie touches it. Immediately after that rarity, use her power to send it flying towards them. The boulder hit the three and sent them flying, with them still on the boulder. As soon as they were high in the sky, the boulder exploded, causing them to be blown high into the sky until they became a twinkle in the sky.

“Well, great, that is over.” Rainbow said.

“Yeah, it is good. You guys come when you can.” Sunset said. ”You guys really save our necks there.”

“It was no problem,“ Rarity said.

“Anyhow, I don’t think this is over.” Twilight said catching everyone's attention. ”I think it is best we report what happens to black light.”

Everyone nodded in agreement when they heard that.
Dawn, Jumper, and Widow screamed as they fell from the sky and landed in the everfree forest. All three stayed on the ground for a little while before their got up.

“That bitch,” Dawn said as she got up. “I am going to tear sunset head off for destroying my visor.”

"You are not the only one.” Widow said with jumper nodding in agreement. ”I want revenge as much as you do.”

“Well, it seems you guys didn’t do as well as I thought you would.” A voice said causing all three to turned and saw chrysalis leaning on a tree nearby. ”It seems I overestimated your skills in dealing with them.”

“Hey, it isn’t our fault,“ Dawn said. ”We were winning against Sunset and her little girlfriend until the rest of her fucking friends interrupted us.”

“I suppose you do have a point,” Chrysalis said. ”The guardians of harmony did outnumber you. Well, I guess I cannot really blame you for falling this time. Well, that is a problem I am planning to fix sooner rather than later. Anywhere, let go.”

Chrysalis began walking away, and it wasn’t long before the other three began following her.
End of chapter 11

End song

Played Shine by Mr. Big

[Instrumentals] The opening fades into the inside of a room and focuses on an accordion-book that was open all the way onto a table.

[I never really feel quite right] The scene then fades to show the beginning of the book, before moving to the left, as it showed the pictures in it. The first of the pictures was of sunset who was on her couch with her pet lizard ray on her shoulder both of who are smiling in front of the camera.

[And I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong] As the camera moved, showing the rest of the photos, it then showed a picture of Rainbow Dash playing football on the school field .The next picture showed Rarity making a dress using sweetie bell as her model must to the young girl displeasure.

[Every time I look at you, you seem so alive] The next picture showed both Pinkie pie and Fluttershy backing a cake in a kitchen. The one after that was of Applejack picking out apples from a tree in her farm with her family.

[Tell me how do you do it, walk me through it] After that, it was a picture of twilight in her lab doing one of her experiments with spike sleeping on his dog bed nearby.The next picture was of wallflower ,Trixie and Derpy taking a group group picture in her garden.

[I'm following every footstep] The next picture was of flash sentry and his band playing on a stage.

[Maybe on your own you take a conscious step] The next picture was of Pinkie and Rainbow dash sneaking up on Luna who was sleeping on her desk. The picture next and under it was of an angry Luna who have a mustache drawn on her face by a marker chasing rainbow and pinkie pie who was laughing and nearby was principal celestia who have an amuse look on her face .

[Do you wanna give it up? All that I want…] The next picture was of sunset in her demon form who was flying in the air and on the ground was princess twilight and the rest of her friends ready to confront her.The photo after that was of sunset in a crater with tears in her eyes.

[Is for you to SHINE~] The photo after that showed princess Twilight pulling sunset out of the crater.

[SHINE~ down on me]The next photo was of sunset hugging wallflower after destroying the memory stone.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] A photo after that showed Discord putting a kick me sign on sunset back with him turning to the camera putting a finger on his lip telling the person who is using the camera to be quiet . The one underneath it was a picture of Bulk biceps running from Fluttershy while she is wearing her alien custom .

[SHINE~] The photo after that was of star swirl and Stygian practicing their magic.

[SHINE~ down on me] The photo after that showed a picture of vindicator battering the guardians of harmony.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] Fading away from that one photo, the scene changed to show the last picture in the book.It was of sunset, Rainbow dash,Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy, Rarity ,Twilight ,Applejack,.Wallflower,Trixie , Flash sentry ,Princess Twilight,Discord ,start swirl and Stygian standing in front of the school statue smiling

[SHINE~] A hand then closes the accordion book.

Chapter 12: A war between a king and a queen

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Opening of the guardians of harmony :

Play sword art online op 1 Crossing Field

~I always admit the ways of my cowardly past; I can't help that. And still, I always act afraid I am oblivious, and now it's back to haunt me forever ~

The intro starts with sunset looking at the school statue. Above, transparent images of her past were shown from the time Celestia showed her the mirror, her argument with Celestia, her escape to the human world, her stealing the crown, becoming a demon, and crying in the crater. The scene then changes to twilight as she walks down the school hallway, where transparent images of her past being play: being blackmailed by cinch , sunset shouting at her, and becoming midnight sparkle. The next scene was of sunset in the air, looking at a mirror and putting her hands on it. The mirror shows her pony form doing a similar action to hers. The camera zoomed out to show that sunset was in the human world and her pony form was in equestria, with the mirror separating the two worlds.

~ Countless skies that I've painted surely, this is where my heart finally doesn't fall apart, won't fall apart ~

The scene changes to show a sky with sunset in her pony form, trying to reach it, before being changed to her human form, trying to reach it. It then changes to Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity,Trixie ,wallflower and Flash doing a similar action. The sky then turned black before the scene changed, showing the ancient door used to seal Grogar and his forces breaking open. Then the scene changed to sunset falling to a dark abyss, but she was caught by both the human twilight and princess twilight, who pulled her up where the rest of her friends were waiting for her.

~ Jumping high from my dreams, I'll fly, no matter what the cost. Today, I'll find a way to shake off all the pain. Within my dreams, I'll touch the sky, but I still realize I won't survive the fight without you by my side ~

The scene changes to sunset, and the rest of the guardians of harmony fighting grogar monsters from a group of reapers, vindicator, metal bane, snow queen, ,game master, etc. The scene changes to them fighting Toxzon in an abandoned warehouse. After Twilight dodges an attack from him, she uses her telekinesis to hold him down. Then sunset charged at him with a flame-covered fist. Then the scene shows Principal Celestia and Luna in the hallway of the school, then to the CMC in a movie theater, the human tempest and starlight in black light base, and to Princess Twilight sitting down on the Canterlot throne, surrounded by her friends.

~ You give me light; when I have lost my way, I fall asleep because I always find you in my dreams ~

The scene changes to show sunset on the school roof, looking at the sunrise. Then the scene changes to show discord, star swirl, and Stygian. The next scene changes back to the fight with Toxzon to show Sunset punching him with her flaming fist, causing him to fly into the air and fall to the ground on his back. Afterwards, Twilight, Fluttershy,applejack,rarity , Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Sunset flew into the air, grabbed hands, and fired a large magical blast at Toxzon, creating a large explosion.

~ I wanna always be with you. I'll give you everything I have~

The scene changes to the guardians of harmony,discord ,star swirl, Stygian, and Princess Twilight in sugar cube corners enjoying themselves.

In Miss cheerlie class sunset ,twilight,pinkie pie,rainbow dash, rarity ,Fluttershy and Applejack were listening to the class lecture. However, their lectures were interrupted by a knock on the door, which caused Miss cheerlie to stop her lecture as she went to answer the door. After opening the door, she began talking to what sounded like Principal Celestia.

"What do you think is going on?” Rainbow Dash ask sunset.

“Not sure” sunset said.

Miss cheerlie walked to the front of her class and cleared her throat.

"Class, I would like to announce we now have two new students,” Miss cheerlie said before turning to the class door. ”Now why don’t you two come in and introduce yourself?”

From the open door, two new students came in. One was a teenage boy dressed in a green jacket, a black shirt, and black pants. He has a slight muscular build and long yellow hair that reaches down to his neck. All in all, the teen can be described as handsome. The other one, however, was someone all the users of elements of harmony recognized.

“Starlight,“ Sunset said in shock, which was mirrored by her fellow guardian of harmony as standing next to the teen was Starlight Glimmer, who is now wearing the same outfit her pony counterpart wore when she went through the mirror.

“Greetings everyone, I am Thorax Hive,” the teen introduced himself.

“And I am starlight glimmer,“ Starlight introduced herself.
After class was over, everyone, including Starlight and Thorax, was now in the janitor closet with Discord, and in front of them was the holographic screen, which shows star swirl.

“I see you all meet thorax” Star Swirl said.

“So why is he here exactly?“ Trixie asks.

“It is simple.” Star Swirl said: ”After you reported to me about the attack from yesterday night, I managed to gain videos of the fight that was recorded by the nearby street cameras and immediately knew who was responsible for changing those three girls. Hence, I contacted someone who can help you.”

"So, how can this guy help us?” Trixie ask.

“It is because I have personal experience with the one who is responsible for the transformation of those three girls,“ Thorax said. ”The one who is responsible for their transformation is Chrysalis, the former queen of the Changeling.”

“The former queen of the changeling,“ Twilight said. "What do you mean, former?”

“I mean former since I am the one who replaces her; you see, I am actually the current king of the Changeling,“ Thorax said, much to everyone's confusion.

“I think it is best you introduce the real you to them,” Discord said. ”It is probably more easy to understand if you do.”

"Right," Thorax said, and immediately a green flame covered him, and once it subsided, it revealed Thorax, who looks to be now in his thirties. He is now wearing a green royal robe, which completes the green and yellow clothing he is now wearing, which resembles the kind of clothing one expects to see in medieval times. He is also now wearing a crown on his head, but what stood out the most were the elf ears and bug wings that he now has. ”Greetings everyone! I am Thorax, King of the Changelings.”

“Wait, so I am standing in front of an actual king,” Rarity said in shock. She then brought out a compact mirror from her pocket to look at her reflection. ”Do I look presentable?”

"Seriously, rares you look find already,“ Applejack said.

“Well, excuse me for wanting to make a good first impression,“ Rarity said with a huff.

“Now now their no need for formality.” Thorax said with a chuckle. ”You can just act casual with me. So just call me thorax.”

"Anyhow, I call Thorax here because he has experience dealing with chrysalis,“ Star Swirl said. ”And given how dangerous chrysalis is, you will need all the help you can get.”

“Wait, I understand why Thorax is here since he is needed to help us. But why is Glimmer here?” Rainbow point out.

“It is because I am here to help accompany Thorax and act as his guide during his stay in this city.” Said starlight. ”Besides, you will need all the help you can get in dealing with chrysalis.”

“Anyhow, I think that is all for now, so I suggest you all head to your next class.” Star Swirl said: ”And I advise you all to be careful, as we don’t know when Chrysalis or Dawn and her gang will attack, so you all better keep your guard up.”

Everyone nodded or voiced their agreement after hearing that. After the meeting was called to an end, Thorax returned to his teenage form, and everyone went to their next class.
In one of the many chambers of Grogar underground base, Chrysalis is seen holding a flyer advertising the science fair that is taking place at Canterlot School.

“A science fair,” Chrysalis said as she examined the flyer before turning her attention to the other, who was the one who gave her the flyer. ”Why did you give me this?”

“It's simple,“ the other said. ”Apparently, from what I heard, the guardian of harmony or at least four of their members are apparently planning to enter. I believe such information might be useful to you.”

After saying his piece, the other than began walking out of the chamber, leaving Chrysalis to her though.
It was lunch time, and everyone was in the cafeteria eating their lunch. The guardians of harmony were sitting down on a table, eating their lunch with starlight and thorax.

"So, how was your first day of school?” Twilight asks the two new students.

“It was ok, "said Starlight.

“Not bad. I got to say you humans education had changed greatly from my time.” Thorax said before he took a bite of his burger. ”This is pretty good. What is it called?”

“It is called a hamburger,“ Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, it is pretty good,” Thorax said before he took another bite of his burger.

“So thorax, you said you are Changeling like breaking Dawn and her gang, right?” Twilight said.

“That is correct,“ Thorax said as he swallowed his food. "Why do you ask?”

“Well, I am a bit curious as to why your true form doesn’t look anything like Dawn and her friends,“ Twilight asks.

"Oh, the reason why I looked different from Dawn and her gang is due to a side effect from devouring love, which was freely given." Thorax said. When he saw the confused look on everyone's face, he decided to elaborate more. ”You see, changelings like myself are emotion eaters, which means we devour emotions. The stronger the emotions, the stronger we become. The strongest emotion we ever devour would be love. During Chrysalis reign as the Changeling queen, she had us attack villages, towns, and cities so we could capture the inhabitants and use them as livestock from which we could extract love from. However, that all changes when me and my brother Pharynx discover we can share love with one another.”

"How did you discover that?” Sunset asks.

“It all stared when I tried to leave the Changelings hive.” Thorax said. ”You see, I didn’t like how we were attacking and capturing innocent people to use as livestock, so I decided to try to run away. So one night, I decided to sneak out. However, what I didn’t know was that my brother's pharynx saw me leave. He chased after me in order to bring me back to the hive, which eventually led to a fight breaking out between us as I tried to fight to escape and he tried to fight me in order to bring me back. We were so distracted by our fight that we didn’t notice a group of knights had stumbled upon us until it was too late. They attack us with the intent to kill, and we just barely escape with our lives. However, even though we managed to escape, we sustained too many injuries from both the fights we had with each other and from the knights. We eventually succumb to our wounds and fall unconscious in the middle of the woods. When we came too, we discovered that an old farmer had found us and had taken us to his home to heal us up. When we asked him why he helped us, he just told us that it was the right thing to do. During that time, we were so bedridden that we had to stay in bed for weeks. During that time, our bonds grow stronger, and we discover we can eat the love we have for each other. Due to this discovery, we were able to heal up much faster than anticipated, as we learned that eating love that was freely given is stronger than love that was forcefully taken. It is due to this that we were able to heal faster. After being fully healed, we said our goodbyes to the farmer and went back to the hive to show our fellow Changelings our discovery. After showing them our discovery, we manage to convince all our fellow Changelings that we can simply eat the love we have for each other instead of attacking and stealing love from humans. After eating the love we share for each other, we found ourselves going through a metamorphosis where we transformed from our bug form to this more humanoid form. Afterward, we wanted to seek peace with the humans, as there was no longer a need for us to attack them. However, Chrysalis didn’t like the idea of peace, that she became furious enough to accidentally confess to having lied to us about needing love to survive. This caused all my fellow Changelings to be furious that she had lied to them for all these years that their turn on her, which caused her to flee. After she fled, I was crowned the Changeling King, and afterward, I began trying to make peace with the humans. It took a while since there were many who doubted our desire for peace after everything we did, but once we proved our desire for peace was genuine, when we helped them fight Grogar and his army, we were able to live in harmony with the humans.”

After he finished his story, everyone stayed silent as they tried to process his story.

“Wow, you've been through a lot,” Sunset said, trying to break the silence.

“Yeah, me and my fellow Changelings have.” Thorax said. ”Anywhere I heard this thing you call a science fair coming up, what is a science fair?”

“Oh, a science is an event that is hosted by the school that offers students the opportunity to experience the practices of science and engineering for themselves.” Twilight said. ”In fact, me and Sunset are planning to enter it.”

“Don’t forget us too,“ Rainbow said before gesturing to Pinkie Pie.

“Oh right, you're trying to get extra credit to avoid summer school,“ Applejack said.

“Do you guys even have something to present at the science fair?” Flash asks.

“Off course,“ Rainbow said. ”Me and Pinkie Pie have come up with a project that will blow the competition away.”

"Somehow, I doubted it,” Applejack said.

"What is that supposed to mean?” Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh, nothing, “Applejack said.

The group then continued to eat their lunch until the bell rang and everyone headed to their next class.
After school had ended for the day, everyone had left through the front door of the school.

“So what are your plans for today?” Flash asks.

“Well, me and Twilight are going to her lab to work on our project,“ Sunset said.

“Me and Pinkie Pie are also working on our project.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well, I am planning on showing thorax around the city,“ Starlight said. ”I figure it will help him get a good layout of his new environment.”

“Maybe I should come with you,” Flash said. ”I can show all the good places to hang in the city.”

“Your assistance is appreciated,“ Starling said to flash before turning her attention to everyone. ”What about the rest of you?”

“Trixie is performing at a client birthday party today,” Trixie said.

“Stygian is showing me his garden that he set up in blacklight base,” Wallflower said.

“I am helping in the animal shelter today,” Fluttershy said.

“I have a dress that I need to complete by tomorrow,“ Rarity said.

“I am helping my family sell apples at the market today,” Applejack said.

“Well, in that case, I hope you all have a good time.” Thorax said. Afterward, everyone parted ways for their respective destinations. However, unknown to them while they were walking away, sitting down on one of the light poles, was a small bird. If one were to look closer, they would see, in the place of its eyes, what looked like a camera lens is seen. It looked closer to the guardians of harmony, broadcasting what it saw back to the one who made it.
In an abandoned warehouse, Toxzon was watching through his robot bird that he sent to spy on the guardians of harmony.

“A science fair, “Toxzon said as he heard their conversation.

“Well, in that case, my friend, why don’t we attack them there?" Fishy said. ”Especially with the new weapon you are developing.”

“I quite agree, Fishy,” Toxzon said. "This science fair will be a good place to debut my newest creation. The guardians of harmony won’t know what hit them.”

“Yes, they won’t,“ Fishy said as he laughed, which was followed by Toxzon.
“So what is this call again?” Thorax asks as he holds the ice cream cone in front of him. Currently right now he,Flash and starlight are currently in the mall.

“It is called ice cream. try it." Flash said. ”It’s good.”

Thorax took a lick of it and immediately began taking a huge bite off it and another.

“Um, I think you need to slow down; if not, you might get...” Flash said, but was interrupted by Thorax screaming and putting his hand on his head. ”Brain freeze.”

“It hurts.” Thorax said.

“Yeah, that happened when you ate ice cream too fast,” Flash said as he and Starlight watched Thorax rub his head until the pain stopped.

“Maybe you should tell me that first.” Thorax said as he finished his ice cream. ” So what's next on the agenda?”

“How about something to eat?” Starlight said.

“There is a food court not far from here.” Flash said. ”Come on, let go.”

Immediately after, he said that everyone went to the food court to eat. After picking the food they wanted to eat, they went and looked for an empty table. It took a while, but they managed to find a single empty table. After sitting down and placing their food on the table, they began to eat their food.

“This, whatever this is called, is delicious,“ Thorax said as he took a bite of his taco.

“You don’t come out much, do you?” Flash asks.

“Yeah, I don't, since my position as the Changeling King meant I was always so busy with my duties that I rarely got time to explore human civilization.” Thorax said.

“Oh,” Flash said, "well, while you are here, you should try to enjoy your time here as much as you can before you have to go back.”

"Yeah, I think I will, “Thorax said as he took another bite of his taco. “So what is next? on our agenda: ”

“Well, they is the mall arcade,“ Flash said.

“What is an arcade?“ Thorax asks.

“Oh, you will see once you get there." Flash said.
“Dang it,“ Flash said as Thorax beat him on one of the arcade games. ”How are you so good at this?”

"I'm not sure,” Thorax said. ”I must be really good at gaming, that I previously thought.”

“That or you are really bad with games.” Starlight said to flash. ”Anyway, do you want to go to the prize boots and pick up a prize since I think we already have enough?”

Starlight gestured at the pile of tickets next to her for emphasis.

"Sure, let's see what we can get,” Thorax said as he picked up the ticket and went to the prize booth.

"What would it be, sir?” The person at the prize booth asks them. Thorax looked around at the prizes that were available before stopping when he saw a pair of fuzzy dice. Thorax pointed towards the fuzzy dice.

“That would be 100 tickets, sir,” the attendants at the prize booth said. Thorax gives him the tickets, and after checking to make sure they are the correct amount , the attendants give him the dice.

“Not bad,” Thorax said as he examined the fuzzy dice. He then turned to flash and starlight. "What do you two get?”

“I got this laser pointer,“ Flash said, showing the laser pointer.

“I got this new digital watch,” Starlight said, showing the new watch she had gotten. Thorax saw the time on the digital watch and saw it was already evening.

“It seems it is already getting late.” Thorax said. ”It is best I return home for now.”

“Speaking of home, where are you currently staying?” Flash asks the Changeling king.

“Oh, I am currently staying at Blacklight,“ Thorax said. ”They have many spare bedrooms that are provided to their agents.”

“Cool,“ Flash said. ”Anyhow, I think we should start going home.”

“Agree,” Starlight said, and immediately all three left the mall and bid farewell to each other as they separated.
“These two look promising,“ Chrysalis said as she stood in the main chamber of Grogar Lair, staring at the images that were being played in the pool that was in the center of the chamber.

"What are you watching?“ Widow asked as she, Dawn, and Jumper entered the chamber and stood by Chrysalis to see what she was looking at.

“Potential recruits,” Chrysalis said, pointing to the pool. The three looked into it and saw two boys, who seemed to be around their ages, stealing car batteries from a car parked near a hotel complex. The first teen had black hair that was slicked back. He wore a white shirt, a black leather jacket, and blue pants. The other teen was slightly taller than the first. He had yellow hair and wore a beanie hat. He wore a black shirt, a leather jacket, and pants.

Chrysalis, along with Dawn and her two friends, watch the two boys steal another car battery from a car. Counting the latest one, they gain a total of five batteries. After putting the batteries in two separate bags, they were about to leave, but a security guard from the hotel stopped them. The guard then said something to them, and while Chrysalis and Dawn, along with her two companions, couldn’t hear what was being said, they however could figure out that it was most likely him telling them not to move so he could apprehend them if the way he was approaching them and the look on his face were any indication.

The two boys, however, weren’t fazed, and once the security guard got close, the shorter one jumped and kicked the guard in the face, causing him to be pushed back and land on the floor on his back. The security guard got up while rubbing his noise and charged at the short one and tried to punch him, but the taller one was behind him. He kicked him from behind, causing him to be launch forward and toward the short one, who punched him once he was near. He fell to the ground on his back and immediately the short one jump and stepped on the guard's stomach, causing him pain. The taller one then went to him and kicked him in the face, knocking the guard out. They then grab the bags containing the car battery and run towards their motorcycles. They hung the bag on the handlebars of their motorcycle and put on the helmets that were on the seat before driving away.

“Wait, I think I saw those two before in Axel bar.” Dawn said. ”I believe they are called the Cho brothers.“

“Cho brothers,” Chrysalis said in curiosity.

“Yeah, from what I heard, they are a pair of brothers who work as hired muscle and are willing to work for a huge pay check.” Dawn said. ”And from what I heard, they are quite good.”

“You don’t say.” Chrysalis said as she smiled.
In an abandoned warehouse, the Cho brothers are seen sitting on a table, counting the money they earn from selling the stolen car batteries.

“Look at all the money we make, Danny.” The taller one said to his brother, now known as Danny. ”This is a good haul.”

“I quite agree with you, Albert.” Danny said to his brother. ”Not as much as I would prefer, but still quite a good catch.”

“Then how about a bigger catch?“ A voice spoke, and both brothers turned and saw a woman they had never seen before. This woman is none other than Chrysalis, in the same human disguise and outfit she wore when she first encountered Dawn.

“Who the heck are you?” Albert demanded as he and Danny approached Chrysalis.

“Just someone who is looking for hired muscle,“ Chrysalis said. ”I heard about you two, and you have potential. But sadly, you are wasting it on petty crimes.”

“Well, what do you expect us to do?” Albert said. ”Me and Danny have nothing but each other, and because of that, we are just doing what we can to survive.”

"Yes, I am aware of that, hence why I decided to give you two the opportunity of a lifetime,“ Chrysalis said. ”You see, me and my associates are planning something bigger than you can imagine, and we need skilled people like you two.”

Hearing that both brothers had a look of interest.

“And what is in it for us?” Danny asks.

“How about something greater than money, something that even the rich can’t get with all their money?“ Chrysalis said that both brothers now have their attention on her. ” Power. Real power ,the kind that can make people rich and poor bend to your will.”

Both brothers look at one another, and as if understanding what the others were thinking, they nod their heads before turning to Chrysalis.

“All right, you got our attention, miss...” Danny said.

“Chrysalis,“ said Chrysalis as she smiled. ”And you just made the right decision.”
It had almost been two weeks, and Thorax had integrated well with his new environment and made some new friends during his time at the school. Currently, Thorax and Starlight are at Sugarcube Corner with the guardian of harmony, enjoying themselves.

“So tomorrow is the science fair. I hope you guys got everything ready.” Applejack said as she took a sip of her drink.

“Oh, me and Pinkie are more than ready.” Rainbow said, to which Pinkie nodded.

“What about you two?” Wallflower said to twilight and sunset.

“Oh, we already finished ours two days ago.” Twilight said.

“Yep, me and Twilight can’t wait to add another ribbon to our wall.” Sunset said.

“Well, unfortunately for you, you have to wait until the next science fair since we are winning this one.” Rainbow boast.

“Yeah, I am sure you will,"Starlight said.

"What is that supposed to mean?” Rainbow Dash demanded.

"Nothing," Starlight said.

“Well, this science fair sounds interesting,“ Thorax said. ”I think I might come tomorrow to see it. It might be a good experience.”

“Well, be prepared to watch me and Pinkie win this one.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yeah,“ Pinkie said. ”I even already have a celebratory cake to celebrate our victory.”

“I highly doubted you two could win.” Applejack said.

“Oh, yeah, how about a wager?” Rainbow Dash said gaining applejack attention.

“I am listening,“ Applejack said.

“If I win, you have to be the model for rarity dresses for a month,” Rainbow Dash said.

“And if you lose, then you have to do it for two months,“ Applejack said.

“Deal,” Rainbow Dash said as she and Applejack shook hands.

In the abandoned warehouse that serves as Toxzon Base, said mad scientist is seen with a blowtorch and using it to work on his latest creation. Said creation is covered by a large tarp, which makes it impossible to see what it is.

“And done,” Toxzon said as he put down the blowtorch and closed the hatch.

“And right on time too, as the science fair is tomorrow,“ Fishy said. ”Tomorrow shall mark the debut of your newest invention and the end of the guardian of harmony.”

“I quite agree with you on that, as I can’t wait for tomorrow.” Toxzon said.

"I as well.” Fishy said as he laughed.
“All right, everyone, tomorrow shall be the day we attack the guardian of harmony,“ said Chrysalis as she stood in front of her personal troops. Currently, all her personal troops are comprised of Breaking Dawn, her gang, the Cho brothers, and her latest recruit. All of them were currently in human form as they stood in front of chrysalis.

“Finally, I am getting tired of waiting,“ Dawn said.

"You are not the only ones,” Albert said.

"So, when do we start?” The newest recruit asked. The newest recruit was a male teen around dawn age. He has short red hair, and his clothes consist of a black shirt, brown jacket, and pants.

“An excellent question, Brad.” Chrysalis said to the newest recruit, now known as Brad. ”As you all know, tomorrow Canterlot High School will be hosting what is known as a science fair, and no doubt the guardian of harmony will be there as at least four of their members will be entering, and no doubt the others will be there to give them moral support. We shall attack them then and there.”

“I hope you didn’t plan to start without me.” A voice spoke, causing everyone to turn to see Cinch walking in.

“Cinch, what do you want?” Chrysalis said.

“I want to come along, as I have a score to settle with that school,“ Cinch said.

“Us too," a voice said, and everyone turned to see the dazzling walking in.

“You guys want to join in too.” Dawn said.

“Well, what do you expect? We also have a score to settle with that school.” Aria said.

“And I also have a score to settle with the guardian of harmony.” Another voice said, and everyone turned and saw vindicator walking in as well.

“You too,” Dawn said.

“That's right,“ Vindicator said. ”I finally grew my body to its proper size, and I am now itching for another fight with the guardians of harmony.”

“Well, the more, the merrier,“ Chrysalis said. ”All right, everyone, get ready, as tomorrow we strike.”
In Canterlot High School, many students and teachers, along with a few parents and guardians, are currently in the school gymnasium as the school science fair is taking place in that location. Currently, students are putting their projects on their respective tables and setting them up for when the judges will arrive.

“I can’t wait to show everyone our project.” Rainbow Dash said as Pinkie Pie stood in front of their science fair project. Said project was currently on the ground cover with a large tarp, making it impossible to tell what it was.

“Oh, this will knock their shocks off,” Pinkie Pie said in an excited voice. At the table in front of them were twilight and sunset shimmer, who had placed their projects on the table. Like Pinkie and Rainbow Dash, their project was covered by a tarp, making it impossible to see what was under it.

"What do you think rainbow dash and pinkie pie make?” Twilight asks Sunset.

"I'm not sure, but whatever it is, it is big.” Sunset said.

“Well, it seems ya all are ready,“ Applejack said as she and the rest of the guardians of harmony, Starlight, and Thorax walked next to them.

“ Ya ,ready to win.” Rainbow Dash boasts.

"Somehow, I doubt that,” Applejack said.

“Oh yeah, just wait, as we will win first place.” Rainbow Dash said.
“Well, I believe we give everyone enough time to get set up.” Celestia who was standing on the stage holding a clipboard, said as she observed all the students in front of her. Next to her were Luna and Miss cheerlie both of whom were also holding a clipboard.

“Then this means we can begin examining the students project,“ Luna asks Celestia.

“Yes, we can,“ Celestia said.

“Finally,“ Luna said as she, Celestia, and cheerlie got off the stage and approached the nearest table, which was Microchip. “All right, what do you have here, and will it go crazy and try to kill us again?”

“One time, I created a robot that went rogue one time,” Microchip said, annoyed before muttering something quietly before clearing his throat. “Anywhere, my project is this.” Microchip gestured to his invention, which was on the ground next to him. The invention was a robot wearing a chef's hat. “This little baby here is something I like to call breakfast bot, and as the name suggests, it is a robot that specializes in making breakfast. Allow me to demonstrate.”

Microchip then pulls out a button and clicks on it, activating the robot. The robot then went to the table, where two eggs, a frying pan, an orange, an empty plate, and a glass cup were on it. It grabbed the eggs, broke them, and placed them on the frying pan; afterwards, it grabbed the frying pan with one hand and held it over the other hand. The other hand retracted and out came a small fire, which the robot used to cook the food in the frying pan. After a few minutes, it slides the eggs onto the empty plate before taking the orange and placing it near its chest, which opens up. It place the orange inside, and once in the chest, close up. After a few moments, a faucet then extended out from its chest, and out came what looked like orange juice. It then pulled the faucet back into its chest once it was done.

"Hmm, impressive,“ Celestia said before taking the cup and drinking it. Once she was done, she placed the cup back on the table. ”And the juice is quite good too.”

The three judges then went to another table and another, eventually reaching rainbow dash and pinkie pie tables.

“All right, what do you two have?” Luna said.

“Be prepared to have your socks blown off with our amazing project,“ Rainbow Dash said, and immediately she went and pulled the tarp off to reveal an exercise bike that was attached to a large baking oven.

“So what does this do exactly?“ cheerlie asks.

“Well, it’s simple,“ Rainbow Dash said. ”This here is an oven that doesn’t use electricity but instead uses this exercise bike.” Rainbow gestured to the bike. ”All you have to do is paddle on it, and it will turn on.” Rainbow then sat on the bike and began paddling on it. Immediately after she started paddling, the oven turned on.

“Well, what do you think? It is quite cool, don’t you think?” Pinkie Pie said.

“Well, it is quite unique,“ cheerlie said, trying to be polite.

“Anyhow, I believe we should check on the other students projects." Luna said, and immediately all three judges went to sunset and twilight tables.

“So what do you two make for this year's science fair?” Celestia asked the two.

“Well, why tell you when we can instead show you?” Sunset said as she pulled the tarp, revealing a drone.

“So what does this drone do?” Cheerlie ask.

“This drone has an A.I. that allows it to follow orders. Just watch.” Twilight said. ”Activate.”

The drone activated once it heard twilight command. It then flew into the air.

“It also has many features that can be used. observed." Sunset said. ”Take a photo of me and Twilight.”

The drone flew in front of sunset and twilight and took a picture of the two.

“Not just that, but it can also be used to set up remainder for events, and in addition to that, it has access to the internet, meaning anything you want to know, all you have to do is ask it.” Twilight said. ” Watch. Drone what today is.”

“Today is the day of the science fair.” The drone replied in an artificial voice.

“Now watch this. Drone, what is the capital of France?“ sunset asked.

“The capital of France is Paris.” The drone replied.

“Mind if I try?” Luna asks.

“Sure, go ahead,” Twilight said.

“What is the capital of Canada?” Luna asks.

“The capital of Canada is Ottawa.” The drone said.

"Impressive," Celestia said, to which the other two judges nodded in agreement.

“Well, it seems someone’s here about to lose.” Applejack said as she walked toward rainbow dash and pinkie pie table.

“It isn’t over yet,” Rainbow Dash said. ”They haven’t mentioned the winner yet.”

“Yeah, but it is kind of obvious it won’t be you guys.” Starlight said as she and Thorax walked towards the two.

“We will see.” Rainbow Dash said, to which Pinkie nodded in agreement.

“Their it is,“ Chrysalis said as she and her personal troops, cinch,vindicator and the dazzling stood in front of the entrance of Canterlot High School. Behind them was an army of 100 reapers, all ready for battle. ”Canterlot High School It will be here where our enemies will finally fall.”

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let go.” Dawn said in an eager tone.

“Agree, let's start our assault now,”Chrysalis said before turning to everyone. ”We are going in now, so get ready.” Immediately after saying that, Vindicator turned into his Berserker form, and dawn,widow ,jumper,Danny ,Albert and Brad turned into their Changelings forms. “All right, let’s go.”

Everyone then began walking to the doors of CHS. Unknown to them, however, on the upper floor of the school was Discord, who was watching them walk towards the school entrance.

“Well, that is not good.” Discord said.
On the streets of Canterlot, countless people were running away in fear. The reason for this was because something big was running down the streets. It was big enough that it shook the ground. This something was a giant robot that was piloted by Toxzon.

(Go here if you want to know what the robot looks like: is the third-form one.)

“Look at how they flee from me,"Toxzon said with a laugh.

“That is to be expected, my friend.” Fishy said. ”For you have created a weapon of great destruction.”

“And soon, with the use of this weapon, I will finally destroy the guardians of harmony,“ Toxzon said.

“And once they are destroyed, there will be none left to get in our way.” Fishy said.

“Yes, soon everyone will know of my genius.” Toxzon said as he piloted the robot towards the school. However, unknown to him, as he piloted the robot to the school, he ended up passing a certain bar. The outside security camera of the bar caught the robot walking past it.

“This isn’t good.” Star Swirl said as he sat in his office looking at his computer, which shows the images that were caught by the outside security camera. ”I need to call discord so he can warn the guardians of harmony.”
Back in the gymnasium, Celestia had walked onto the stage to announce the winner of the science fair.

“Attention everyone, attention please,“ Celestia said through a microphone, gaining everyone's attention. ”I like to inform everyone that me and my fellow judges have already finished examining everyone's project, and after much discussion, we have finally made a decision on the winner.”

“Come on, please be us." Rainbow dashed as she crossed her fingers. Pinkie Pie, who was next to her, was doing the same.

“I hate to break it to you guys, but I don’t think it will be you who will win.” Starlight said. Currently, she, Thorax, and the rest of the guardians of harmony are standing next to them.

“You don’t know that,” Rainbow Dash said.

“The winner is…”Celestia said, but was interrupted by a red light flashing throughout the room and a recorded voice repeatedly saying, “Magical threat alert.”

"It's the magical threat alarm,” Luna said. ”That means there is a magical threat going on in the school.”

“Everyone, please remain calm,” Celestia said with the microphone in an attempt to keep everyone calm. ”Please calmly make your way to the exit that leads to the school field and let the professionals deal with it.”

Hearing that everyone, with the exception of the guardians of harmony, starlight, and thorax, began making their way to the exit that led to the school soccer field,.

“Well, it seems trouble has just arrived again at the school.” Sunset said before turning her attention to the rest of her friends. "What do you guys think the trouble is? Wild equestrian magic or grogar.”

“ Grogar” A familiar voice said, and everyone turned and saw that standing in front of them was Discord, who was now in his fairy form.

“I take it; you are the one who activated the alarm.” Flash asked, to which Discord nodded.

“Yep,“ Discord said. "I saw our latest troubles entering through the school front door.”

”So what grogar sent this time.”Wallflower ask.

“Oh, just a certain bug queen and her courts.” Discord said, and immediately after staying, both Thorax and Starlight had a look of realization on their faces.

"Chrysalis," Thorax said.

“Yep, and it’s gets better,“ Discord said in a sarcastic voice. ”Star Swirl, call me early just now and inform me that Toxzon is heading towards the school right now while piloting a giant robot.”

“Oh, great, just what we need.” Sunset said in a sarcastic voice.
“That is new.” Widow said as she and everyone heard the alarm that was being played throughout the school.

“Forget the alarm,“ Chrysalis said as she led everyone through the school hallway. ”We have something more important to attend to right now.” They eventually reach the double door that leads to the gymnasium. “All right, if the flyer that the other gave me is any indication, then the science fair is taking place here, and if the science fair is taking place here, then it means the guardians of harmony are right behind this door. So I hope everyone is ready since we are going in now.”

Chrysalis opened the door and saw that inside the room were the guardians of harmony, all of whom are now in their superhero form,Starlight who now has her hi-tech armor on, Discord, and Thorax, who is now in his true form. It was the last person who got Chrysalis full attention.

“ Thorax.” Chrysalis said in anger, seeing one of the Changelings responsible for her losing her hive.

"Chrysalis," Thorax said, seeing his former queen.

“So you must be Chrysalis,“ Sunset said as she and everyone looked at the former Changeling queen. She then turned her attention to chrysalis new recruits. ”I see you have some new recruits.”

“Well, what do you expect?“ Chrysalis said. ”I need to recruit more help to even the odds given the fact that you managed to win last time due to you outnumbering Dawn and her gang.”

“Wait a minute. Where is vindicator” Discord said as he now noticed someone from the enemy side was missing. Immediately after he said that, something large burst through one of the large windows of the gym and landed on one of the tables, causing the student project that was on it to be destroyed. That something was vindicator.

"Well, now that everyone is here already,. I said we should get this over with." Chrysalis said as she turned her left hand into a sword. ” Charged.” She pointed her hand-turned sword at the guardians of harmony, and they allies, and immediately all the reapers charged at them.

“I guess that is our cue,” Rainbow Dash said as she covered her entire body with lighting and used her super speed to run towards the army of reapers running towards them. As soon as she zips past the first group of reapers, they were instantly shocked by the lightning attack and explode upon death. Fluttershy then uses her power to create a powerful wind current that blows countless reapers away, along with some of the students projected. The reapers exploded once they landed on the ground or tables. A group of reapers charged at Wallflower, but they were instantly caught by the shadow tentacles that Wallflower created. She tosses them aside, and like with Fluttershy attack, they explode on impact once they land on the ground and tables.

“My turn.” Trixie said as she pointed her hands to a group of reapers and immediately caught all of them in a telekinesis aura. She lifted them in the air and slammed them into another group of reapers. Both groups of reapers exploded on impact. She quickly formed a magical shield that blocked a magical blast that was fire from a reaper. She then teleported behind the reaper and fired a magical blast at it from behind, causing it to fly into the air and land on another reaper. Both immediately exploded upon impact.

"Wow, it looks like your training is paying off.” Wallflower said amazed at Trixie's new ability.

"Well, of course. What did you expect from the great and powerful Trixie?” Trixie boasted.

“Well, then let me show you some of the new skills I learn.” Wallflower said, and immediately, from the ground around her, shadow tentacles burst out from the ground around her. At the end of the tentacles were large dragon heads that quickly attacked the reapers. They munch on them, which causes them to explode. After making the shadow dragons disappear, she then concentrated and immediately emerged from the grounds were a group of shadow figures that resembled knights. They were armed with swords and shields.

“ Attack.” Wallflower ordered, and immediately the knights charged to armies of reapers, cutting them down. However, the reapers manage to get a few lucky hits on the knights, causing them to explode in a cloud of black smoke. Even so, the knights are still inflicting a large loss on the reapers numbers.

“Not bad.” Trixie said.

“ Thanks.” Wallflower said. However, while the two were distracted, Chrysalis suddenly flew in front of Wallflower and was about to stab her. However, before she could, a magical blast hit her from the side, causing her to be blown back, where she landed on a table, breaking it and the project that was on it. She got up and turned her hand back to normal before turning in the direction where the blast came from. She saw that the person who fired at her was thorax.

"Thanks,"wallflower said, thanking the Changeling King.

“No problem,“ Thorax said. ”But word of advice: please keep your guard up.”

"Noted," wallflower said.

Chrysalis fired a magical blast at Thorax, who formed a magical shield to block the attack.

“I will handle chrysalis,“ Thorax said. ”The two of you help the rest.”

"Ok,” Wallflower said as both she and Trixie nodded and ran off to help the rest of their friends.

“I am going to end you.” Chrysalis said as she used her wings to charge towards Thorax, who flew into the air, avoiding her attempt to ram him. This wasn’t enough to deter Chrysalis, however, as she simply flew into the air and fired magical blast after magical blast at Thorax, who managed to dodge the attack while firing his own magical attack back at her.

One of the shadow knights had just stabbed another reaper, causing it to explode upon death. However, before it could move to its next opponent, vindicator grabbed it and tear it into two, causing it to explode in a cloud of black smoke. He turned and saw a shadow knight charging at him with its sword raised. Vindicator just responded by slamming his fist at it, causing it to explode. He then turned and saw that Rainbow Dash was using her lighting power to destroy the last group of reapers that were left. He was about to jump at her, but something was thrown into one of his eyes. It exploded upon impact, causing him to scream in pain. He rubbed his eye and turned, and he saw that it was Pinkie Pie who was responsible for the attack.

"You," vindicator said as he fired a magical blast from his mouth at Pinkie Pie. Fortunately, said girl managed to avoid the attack with ease. Vindicator fires another blast and another at Pinkie Pie, who manages to dodge the attack with ease. She then reached into her hair, pulled out a bunch of cupcakes, and tossed them at vindicator face. Vindicator quickly used his arms to cover his face. The cupcakes hit his arms and exploded upon impact. Once he was sure that there wasn’t another explosion attack, he removed his arms from his face and immediately saw that Pinkie Pie was gone. “Where did you go?”

Vindicator looked around for pinkie pie when suddenly a large ice boulder with pinkie pie on it landed on his head. He was pushed to the ground, and immediately after the boulder hit Pinkie, he jumped off it, and after jumping off it, the boulder exploded. Vindicator got up in a daze. After shaking his head clear, he looked in front of him and saw pinkie pie. Vindicator roars and jumps towards the pink-haired girl with his fist raised, trying to slam them at her. However, Pinkie Pie managed to backflip away before the fist slammed down on her. Vindicator then runs towards Pinkie and tries to grab her with his large hands, only for Pinkie Pie to dodge each attempt. She then pulled out a bunch of sugary goods from her hair.

“Eat my explosive goods.” Pinkie said as she tossing them onto vindicator who managed to use his large arms to block the attack. "Now it's time for you to face my new attack. Ice knight.” Immediately after Pinkie Pie said that, she pointed her hands at the ground, and immediately a large stream of water came out and landed on the ground. She then raises her hands into the air, and immediately the water rises up and takes the shape of a knight. Pinkie Pie then used her power to freeze the water. The end result was a giant ice statue of a knight. Pinkie Pie then motions with her hands, and immediately the golem charges at vindicator and punches him hard enough to send him flying. He landed on one of the tables, breaking it and the project that was on it. Vindicator got up, and immediately he and the Ice Knight charged at one another and began grappling with one another. As Pinkie Pie was busy dealing with vindicator a large shadow suddenly covered her. She looked behind her and saw it was cinch who was now in her horn demon form. She was about to punch Pinkie Pie, but before she could, a large diamond hand grabbed her by the wrist and tossed her aside. She landed on a table, causing it and the project on it to break. Cinch got up and saw that the diamond arm was attached to a giant diamond golem. She saw that next to the golem was rarity.

“Pinkie wasn’t the only one who learned some new tricks,“ Rarity said.

“I am going to tear your head off.” Cinch said as she charged at rarity, who controlled the golem to charge at Cinch. The golem punched cinch in the face, causing her to be thrown back again. She landed on the ground, and immediately after getting up, she was able to dodge another punch that was aiming for her face. Cinch, try to punch the golem. However, the golem used its arms to block the attack, and immediately after that, it began punching Cinch again, who managed to dodge and even get in a few hits. It wasn’t long before both began trading punches.

“Prepared for a world of pain, old man.” Albert said as he and Danny stood in front of discord. Danny didn’t say anything but instead just slammed a fist into one of his palms.

“Then, in that case, bring it.” Discord said, "Unless, of course, you just all talk.”

“We show you who is all talk.” Danny said as he and Albert flew into the air and charged at Discord, who just simply snapped his fingers, and instantly two large cinder blocks were suddenly tied to their feet, causing both brothers to be dragged to the ground. Both look at their feet in shock before regaining their bearings and simply use their claws to cut the rope of them.

“Fancy trick,“ Albert said. ”But you are not the only ones with tricks.” Albert fired a magical blast at Discord, who just snapped his fingers, and immediately he disappeared, and in his place was Danny. Danny, who was confused by what happened, didn’t have time to react before the attack hit him, causing him to be blown back. He landed on the ground in a heap.

“Danny,” Albert said as he flew towards his brother's side. Once he was near Danny, he quickly helped him up. ”You ok?”

“Yeah, I am alright,“ Danny said before he and Albert turned to discord. ”You're going to pay for that.”

Both brothers flew towards Discord, who simply snapped his fingers, and immediately two large flying boxing gloves appeared in front of them. The gloves flew towards them and punched them so hard that they were sent flying. They landed on a table, breaking it and the project that was on it.

“This guy is getting annoying,“ Albert said as he and Danny got up.

“And it's going to get more annoying,“ Discord said as he appeared in front of them. ”Unless, of course, you decide to surrender.”

“The only one who should surrender is you.” Albert said as he and Danny charged at discord.

“Why do I even bother?” Discord said annoyed.

“prepared to die.” Aria said as she and Sonata let out a sonic blast from their mouths at Rainbow Dash, who used her super speed to avoid the attack. She then appears behind the two sirens, grabs their shoulders, and immediately shocks both of them with lightning. Both scream in pain, and once rainbow dash let go both sirens fall to the ground in a heap. Their bodies were burned, and there was a bit of smoke coming from them.

“You know, it's kind of funny how easy that was since when we first faced you, it took us everything to finally win. But now, with each fight, you guys become more and more easy to take down.“ Rainbow Dash said. ”It's kind of sad, actually. I almost feel sorry for you. Well, almost being the key word.”

“Then how about facing me?” A voice spoke, and Rainbow turned to the source and saw that the person who said that was one of the new recruits.

“So, who are you supposed to be.”Rainbow Dash asks.

“The name is Brad Loadman,” Brad said, introducing himself to Rainbow Dash. ”And I will be the one collecting your head.” Immediately after he said that, he turned one of his hands into a blade and charged at her. When he was in front of her, he was about to stab her. However, before he could, rainbow dash suddenly disappeared, much to his surprise. He quickly looked around to try and find her. ”Where the heck are you?” As if to answer his question, something fast rammed him on his side. The force was strong enough that he was sent flying and eventually landed on the table, causing it and the project that was on it to break. He turned and saw that the thing that rammed him was rainbow dash. She then suddenly appeared next to him, and before he could react, she grabbed him by the leg and began using her super speed to drag him across the floor.

"Ahhhhhh!” Brad screamed as he was drag.

Both Sonata and Aria, who had recovered enough, began to stand up.

“I feel like burned tacos,“ Sonata said.

“And you going to feel more than that once we are done with you.” A familiar voice said, and both sirens looked up and saw Wallflower and Trixie standing in front of them. ”Since it is time for us to pay you back for what happened last time.”

“As if you two are capable of doing that.” Aria said, and immediately both she and Sonata slammed their feet on the ground, creating a shockwave attack. However, before the attack could hit them, Trixie grabbed Wallflower and teleported out of the way. The shockwave continues to move forward until it hits another table, which so happens to me the table microchip used early to present his robot. This means when the shockwave hit both the table and the robot were launched into the air and broke into pieces once they hit the floor.

Meanwhile, both Trixie and Wallflower appear behind the two sirens. Wallflower used her magic to wrap the two in shadow tentacles, lift them into the air, and slam them on the ground again and again before tossing them aside.

“Hey, wasn’t that microchip robot?” Trixie said, noticing the broken robot.

“I think it was.” Wallflower said.

“Yikes, Trixie hates to be the one to tell him that his robot is broken.” Trixie said.

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that.” A voice said, and immediately the two turned behind and saw widow and jumped behind them. Both of them had turned their hands into blades and were about to stab them, but before they could, a vine wrapped around their legs and pulled them away. The vines drag them on the ground until they stop next to Applejack, who immediately grabs them by the hair and slams them on the ground over and over again before throwing them away and right into Fluttershy, who uses her power to blow them away. The two landed on the ground in a heap. As soon as they try to get up, starlight suddenly appears in front of them and hits them in the face with a magical aura cover fist. The force of the punch was powerful enough to launch them backwards until they hit a table, causing them to break it and the project that was on it. The two got up and saw Applejack, Fluttershy,starlight,Trixie and Wallflower standing in front of them. Both sides glare at one another before charging into one another.

Flash fires a magical blast from his sword at Adagio, who sprouts her wings and flies into the air. She screamed, letting out a sonic blast from her mouth. But Flash quickly forms a magical barrier that protects him from the attack. However, both Aria and Sonata suddenly fly next to her and scream their own sonic blast at flash. The combined attack was enough to destroy the shield, and once the shield was broken, he was blown back. He flew into the air and fell to the ground. As soon as he got up, he saw that the dazzling were now flying above him. They open their mouths, ready to fire another attack. However, before they could, something rammed into the three girls, causing them to launch to the side. Flash followed the directions where the dazzling were launched and saw them land on the ground. He looked closer and saw that what hit them was brad. He tuned to the direction where Brad came from and saw Rainbow Dash, who had her hand held out, indicating she was the one who threw Brad.

“ Thanks.” Flash said.

“No problem, “Rainbow Dash said as she walked next to Flash. ”Now let's deal with these creeps.”

“Agree,” Flash said as the two turned their attention to their opponent, who was getting up. Rainbow Dash fired a lightning attack at them, causing them to scream in pain before falling back on the ground.

“Seriously, those three are getting easier to beat.” Rainbow Dash said.

Both twilight and sunset form a shield to block a magical blast from dawn.

“It is over sunset.” Dawn said as she turned her hands into a mass of tentacles that launched at them. However, before they could hit them, Sunset grabbed Twilight, and the two teleported out of the attack. ”Where the fuck did you two go?” She retracted the tentacles and turned them back to her hand as she looked around for them. Suddenly a magical aura grabbed her and slammed her onto the ground. She got up and glared at them before firing a magical blast at them. Both girls managed to avoid the blast, but it ended up hitting their drone, which was behind them. The attack exploded as soon as it hit the down, destroying it completely.

“Our drone.” Sunset said before turning to dawn. ”Ok, now it is personal.” Sunset then teleports behind to dawn and fires a large magical blast from behind. The blast was so strong that it sent her flying. While in the air, twilight caught her in a telekinesis grip and slammed her onto the ground. She was about to get up, but suddenly Albert and Danny landed on her, and it wasn’t long before jumper,dawn,brad,the dazzling, Vindicator, and Cinch landed on them as well. It wasn’t long before the guardians of harmony, along with discord and starlight, gathered together.

“Hey, where is Thorax?” Sunset said before noticing someone else was missing. ”And where is chrysalis?”

As of to answer her question thorax landed in front of them. His clothes were torn, and he was covered in wounds that they could see green blood coming out of them.

“ Thorax.” Starlight said as she ran to him and helped him up. ”Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I will live.” Thorax said as his wounds were slowly healing up.

“Not for long, you will.” A familiar voice said, and everyone turned to see chrysalis landing in front of them. Her armor was dented and had a few holes in it. She also has a few wounds on her body with green blood dripping from them.

“I think it is best we end this.” Sunset said, and immediately she, twilight,Trixie and Wallflower gathered up as much energy as they could and immediately fired a large magical attack that combines into a larger attack. Chrysalis was able to quickly form a large magical shield that protected her. However, the attack was still so strong that when it hit, it created a large explosion that sent her and everyone that was behind her to be blown back until they hit and broke through the walls and landed on the soccer field where everyone—students, faculty, parents, and guardians—was still at.

“I think it is best we leave this school until the problems are resolved,“ Celestia said as she led everyone off the soccer field and out of the school.

“ Ow.” Vindicator, who was now back in his regular form, said as he got up. It wasn’t long before the others also got up. Chrysalis, who, after getting up, turned her attention to the guardians of harmony and their allies.

“ Surrender.” Sunset said. ”You can’t win.”

“Don’t get cocky.” Chrysalis said as her wounds were healing up. "This is far from over.”

“Actually it is over.” A voice said, and everyone turned to the source of the voice, which was from above them. Once they looked at the sky, they saw a large object falling from the sky. It landed on the ground, creating a large dust clouds. Once the cloud cleared, everyone saw that it was a giant robot piloted by Toxzon. ”Since now that I am here, I am going to kill every last one of you.”

The robot then pointed its hands at everyone, and immediately a bright blue glow appeared on its palm.

“Things had just gotten more complicated,” Sunset said.
End of chapter 12

End song

Play Date a live season 3 ending last promise

[Let's make the last promise with your.My heart full of scars that had never healed] The scene started with sunset in her pony form, standing in a white background. It then showed her and her human separating from one another.

[You picked it up gently. When I was feeling down because everyday was mundane, ] The screen then moved left to right to show the images of rarity, Applejack, rainbow dash, fluttershy, pinkie pie, Twilight sparkle, sunset shimmer, Flash, wallflower, Trixie, star swirl, Discord,tempest, starlight, Grubber, Stygian, sunburst, and thorax.

[You hugged me tightly. Right here, with you. I want to keep watching the stars flowing through the sky at night. Let's make the last promise with you] The screen then split in the middle and began moving again to show principal Celestia, vice principal Luna, the CMC, Granny Smith, the shadowbots, Juniper Montage, Vignette Valencia, K-Lo, Su-Z, Cadence, shining armor, Twilight velvet, and princess Twilight, who was in her human form.

[Even if I disappear from this world]

The screen then split in the middle again and began moving again to show Vindicator, Metal Bane, Snow Queen, Game Master, the other, Queen Chrysalis, Lord Norlock, Tirek and Sombra, Cinch, Adagio dazzling, Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze, the Dark Warriors Caster, Berserker,viper,dawn ,jumper,widow, Danny, Albert, Brad, and Toxzon.

[I don't care if you notice it; I just want to keep it how it is. My feelings, that you noticed, will last forever.]
The scene then changes to show an image of all the guardians of harmony in their superhero forms battering a group of reapers. The scene then changes to a pony sunset looking through the magic mirror, with the reflection on the mirror showing her human form looking back at her. The final scene was of all the guardians of harmony standing in front of the base of the statue.