• Published 9th Feb 2024
  • 5,081 Views, 469 Comments

Source Code - Nugget27

Source Code, once an indie game developer is transported to Equestria by unknown means.

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A Canterlot Dinner... With Three Hungry Alicorns.

Once the weekend hit, I figured it would be safe for me to finally bring Button home. Despite my earlier reservations about taking the train, since I almost got kidnapped, me and Button were actually lent Celly’s private train car for the ride. Personally, I would rather use Levitate on my hooves and carry Button up to Canterlot while walking on air, but there were a lot of problems such as my stamina and the possibility of dropping Button. Since I really didn’t want to do that, I conceded with getting on the train.

“You know,” Button said. “Fall Break is supposed to start next week,” he said after sitting next to me. We both had paper bags from Hayburger, since I didn’t feel like cooking anything for lunch, and Button apparently really liked the stuff, plus, it was the weekend. Button, like all foals, should deserve some junk food on the weekends. Raising Button won’t be too bad, I did help raise my siblings after all, but this will be a bit different. One, he’s my son and just not just a younger sibling, two, I’m practically on my own in raising him. So while Mom had the experience to help me raise my siblings, Celestia would be too busy being a princess to help raise our child.

I was fine with that; I’ll just have to be careful.

“Huh. Why didn’t you tell me that?”

“Because it starts in October; it lasts about two weeks and it ends a couple days after Nightmare Night… I was hoping that you could help me make a costume for Nightmare Night? I’ve never got to have a costume.”’

I ruffled my kid’s mane. “Kiddo, say what you wanna be for Nightmare Night and I could maybe turn you into it… Though Celestia will yell at me if you come home looking like a Yak. However, we are both willing to either make or buy you a costume… Would you like to be a royal guard? That would be really easy for me to make.”

“I… Can you get me a trench coat, like the outfit you’re wearing?” I was in my typical ‘business pony’ outfit. My trenchcoat, unbuttoned, a white t-shirt, and a black neck tie. I went without a hat since I would sooner be dead than wear a fedora. “I wanna be a cool mage-pony like you are.” I blinked. “I did a bit of reading in the orphanage, you would register as a war-mage, Dad. And you look cool.” I opened my mouth but I couldn’t form any words… My kid, my son, wants to be me for Nightmare Night? I stared at him for a moment before quickly turning around and bringing a hoof to my mouth. “Dad? Is something wrong?”

“No. Nothing’s wrong, Button. Holy shit. I never thought I’d hear my kid wanting to be me…” I chuckled. “Button, since we’ll be going on a camping trip anyways, with the rest of your classmates, we’ll stop by Rarity’s boutique and ask her to commission an outfit just like mine for Nightmare Night, and god be damned, you will be wearing… I guess a miniature version of my business suit… Oh my god… Would you like a fedora?”

“Will you get a matching one?” Button asked… Anything for this foal, anything. I suppose I’ll wear a fedora if my cute little colt wants me to.

“I will. I will.” We both started digging into our meals as soon as the train started moving.

“Sir,” Solar walked in before stopping. “Sir, why do you have a colt?”

“He was my student, and I ended up adopting him. So before you ask, yeah, Celestia agreed, yes, he is Equestria’s newest little prince.”

“...Sir, as your friend, I never would’ve thought you wanted to take care of a foal.”

“Well, I did, and I am. I’m not just taking care of him, Solar. I’m his dad now, and I’m gonna raise him as best I can.” And I may or may not teach him some Irish Folk songs… Or even a few Sea Shanties. My singing voice may be a ‘love it or hate it’ type of thing, but god dammit, I am going to sing some of those songs around the campfire. And also I am going to teach him so many curse words, sayings, and every way to cook a potato that I know of. Mostly mash potatoes and potato fries.

“Well sir, congrats on the foal, I suppose. Did you-”

“Solar, if you make a joke about me giving birth to him, in a crast way, I will kick you in the balls.”


“Solar.” I glared at him.

“What does crast mean?” Button asked.

“It means to be rude, something not appropriate. And while I may be a bit crast at times, I’m going to try and curve it with you until you’re older, Button. And I’m gonna try to expose you to as little of that shit as I can until then.”

“You get on me for almost making a joke, and then you curse in front of your son, Source.”

“Cursing Isn't a terrible thing. It’s just that there’s a time and a place for it. In a casual setting like this, it’s fine. Button, don’t go swearing like a sailor in Ms. Cheerilee’s class, aight? Say ‘fuck’ or ‘shit’ outside of it, away from most of the other foals’ parents as possible, it’s cool.”

“Okay Dad.”

“...I’m just going to go back to my station, sir.” Solar sighed before trotting out-not without falling back into a march-out of the train car. Soon, after we had our food, we just spent most of the ride cuddled together, reading until we both somehow managed to fall asleep while reading it.

We got off the train, and I started making airplane noises the very moment Button was placed on his spot; on my head, resting in my mane, right between my ears. I started galloping, and while Button didn’t know what the heck airplane noises were, he was still having a blast. He was giggling like an idiot, before I got on my hindlegs, neighed like an actual horse and started galloping full speed while making robot noises. “I AM A MECHANICAL PONY!” I shouted as I ran through the crowds.

Everypony was looking at me like an idiot until they saw the tiny, little colt resting on my head and they simply rolled their eyes. A lot of the mares were just standing there, covering their mouths, while their eyes watered at the scene. I skidded to a stop outside of a donut shop, went in, and walked back out. Button was sitting on my head, between my ears, now eating a donut, with a happily little tail wag as I went on a slower trot around town. I was taking my sweet time with getting back to the castle, since Celestia may be wanting us to come home ASAP, but I have a colt on my head.

And I was proudly presenting him to all of Canterlot. I instinctively brought up a shield just in time to stop a crossbow bolt from hitting me or Button in the face. I had put a shitload of enchants and buffs on us both before getting off the train, so the bolt would’ve bounced off anyways… My eyes soon landed on another griffin that was just now coming out of the alleyway. He pulled a knife out and pointed right at me.

“Oh, c’mon man,” I said, I teleported Button under me. “I’m just a simple stallion, enjoying a walk back home with my son. What’s with you griffins wanting to kidnap or kill me?”

“It’s simple, the King wants to use you as a bargaining chip, Source Code. It’s nothing personal, you just chose to date the wrong mare.”

“...You almost shot my son.”

“I was aiming for your head.”

“That had my son on it. You have thirty seconds before I beat your ass, and smear your it on the ground.” I started glaring at the fucker. I threw a scroll in the air, one I always had on standby, before shooting it off to Celestia with DragonFire. Off to the distance it goes! I made sure to keep Button behind me as I raised a shield. Luckily, it didn’t seem like this bird knew what it was.

“Dad, what's going on?” Button asked.

“Hell if I know, dunno why I’d be a useful bargaining chip, but that isn’t my problem.” I glared at the bird. “Just stand back, Celestia’s gonna be a wee bit mad when she gets here, but don’t worry; she won’t be mad at you.” Button nodded, and on queue, DragonFire touched down in between us and the griffin, and the griffin was promptly knocked out. Soon, my guards piled on the dickhead before dragging him off, presumably, to the dungeons. “Howdy, Celly.” The flames died down within a few moments as DragonFire dispersed from her body. It was… The sight of fire just blasting away to reveal the prettiest mare I’ve ever seen… It’s intoxicating, man. I’m the luckiest guy in the world.

“Source, if I had a bit for every time the griffins have sent somebody to foal nap you, I would have two bits. It’s weird that it’s happened twice.” Celly sounds like an evil doctor I used to know.

“Meh. I just had you come and deal with the birdcat because… he almost hit Button with that Bolt. I was going to do something far more regrettable than knock him out. Hence… that’s why you’re here now.”

“Good. I believe I have somepony to question. See you at dinner?” Celestia asked.

“You bet,” we nuzzled and kissed while Button just watched us with eyes as big as dinner plates. Celly went off after her guards before my son opened his mouth.

“Dad, how did you end up scoring her?”

“I’ll tell you what I’ve been telling everypony, Kiddo. I don’t know, and I don’t know why. I’m lucky as balls though.”

“Princess Celestia is scary when she’s angry.”

“That she is. Just thank the stars that she loves me, and will be your adoptive mother, so that shit is almost never directed at us.” Button was quick to agree with that, and I decided to just take to the air, using Levitate on my hooves, and we started heading on over. Surprisingly, I was able to carry Button the whole way up to Celly’s private chambers. We both took a deep breath and I nuzzled my kid.

“How are you holding up, Kid? You almost got shot.”

“I’m doing fine, Dad. You kept me safe, after all.” I started sniffing him over, and probing him, before I was happy with that answer. Thankfully he was fine, so I went to make us lunch.

Celestia decided to wait a little later than usual to start dinner, as in she told me to wait a damn minute, since Luna wanted to stop by for dinner today to just spend the day with me and Celly… And because she knows she has a brand new nephew to spoil the ever living crap out of. I set up the table and Button followed me into the castle’s kitchen to watch me cook. After most of the kitchen staff gushed over how cute my son is, he sat on his haunches, until… He started using Levitate on his hooves to float like I did. He raised himself to my head level and started watching me work.

“Be careful, Button. Your magic isn’t fully developed and your Levitation will be unstable at best. Do you want me to hold you while I cook? I can easily do it.”

“I got it, Dad-” he nearly dropped himself until I caught him with my own magic. “Nevermind.”

“Here,” I set him on my head, and he immediately nuzzled into my mane. “That was a good attempt, kiddo. The fact that you can even do it at all at your age is impressive. You’re gonna be a magical monster when you grow up.”

“But… I don’t wanna be a monster…” My son whispered. Sadly, his head was resting in between my ears so I could easily hear him.

“Button, it’s a form of expression. It means you’re gonna be damned good with magic when you grow up. Celly thinks you’ve got more potential than I do, so who knows? Maybe you’ll beat your old man up if we ever spar when you’re older.”

“But what if I don’t want to hurt you?”

“Hmm. That is a dilemma, because I don’t wanna even think about trying to hurt you.” I was cooking up mozzarella sticks, another thing that Chef Beet was also watching me on… along with various other things, since Luna would be eating with us, I was making a lot of food. Celly ate a lot of food, and Luna was the same, so I was making a lot of sides for them to sample along with the entre; a good mac and cheese. Not that instant shit you’d find in a grocery store, no, I actually made a cheese blend that I melted in the oven, and was slowly cooking over some noodles. Macaroni was a thing in Equestria, so I never got why nopony ever tried to make mac and cheese.

I ended up making mozzarella sticks(and borrowed some marinara sauce that I asked Chef Beet to make; I didn’t know how to make marinara myself). I was kinda half going at it as I went, using a recipe for fried chicken batter on sticks of mozzarella that nopony was using. I made cookies, a mac and cheese with a perfectly crusted top and a side of mashed potatoes. Oh, and some spaghetti, Chef Beet provided me with lasagna, a recipe she made after modifying the one I gave her, and a loaf of bread or two to be shared between the four of us. I held up a mozz-stick after it cooled off a little and held it up to Button.

“What… is this thing?”

“It's basically a breaded cheese stick.” Chef Beet was taking the time to sample what I made, and I luckily already gave her the recipes for everything… A scroll popped up in my face while Button took a bite of the cheese stick. Cadance and Shining were joining too, apparently. Fuck me, Celly! God dammit! Chef Beet started giggling as my eye twitched; she knew that was going to happen. I have to cook for three alicorns now!?

“Don’t worry, Source,” Chef Beef showed me three carts of food. “I prepared some food too for your dinner tonight. I figured I would do you a solid with all those fancy, smancy ‘other worldly’ recipes you’ve given me to try and recreate or to change if you already knew the recipe.

“Yeah… Thanks for helping me with the marinara sauce, Beet. You’re a cool mare-” I was interrupted by Button who made a happy little hum. We both looked down to see him with wide eyes, pulling away the cheese stick, which was held in his magic. There was some nice pulley-cheese action, and snap once he pulled it away enough. He quickly tossed the remains of the cheese stick in his mouth. We both chuckled when Button started hungrily eying the rest of the sticks; I think I found his new favorite food. He’s got better self control than my brothers at least; they would’ve eaten all of that shit in a heartbeat.

“Don’t eat too much, Button. It’s fried food, so it’s not exactly good for you, and we’ve still gotta bring this food back to Celly’s room.”

“I know Dad. I can wait… but that is good though. It’s so much better than what I got in the orphanage…” Button’s eyes started tearing up a little, and I was quick to hug him. God, I love this colt.

Chef Beet and two other cooks helped me push everything to the private dining room we were going to be using for the night. Lo and behold, Luna and Celestia were sitting off to the side on the couch, snuggled up together and idly chatting. Cadance and Shining Armor were in a similar state, but on another couch on the other side from Celly and Lulu. There were four couches, but I think the fourth one was going to go unused. The table was relatively low down to the ground, since you were supposed to be able to eat while laying down; most of the chairs in the castle only had back rests for all the bipedal creatures wandering around it. And usually tables were specifically designed for said creatures, whereas this dining room was designed for comfort for ponies at the forefront. I magicked everything onto the table, before sitting on my own couch.

Button hopped up, to try and snuggle with me, before being whisked away in Luna’s magic.

“Oh. My. Stars!” Luna squeals. “Source, thy child is adorable!” She started nuzzling the very slightly concerned colt with her cheek. “Oh, I am going to steal him every now and then, I hope you don’t mind!”

“I do mind! That’s my son!” I grumbled as I crossed my forelegs. “If you wanna borrow him, cool, but lemme know.”

“Dad,” Button said, his words were slightly muffled by the fact that half of his face was smushed into Luna’s cheek. “Help.”

“Kiddo… Luna loves foals, you are a foal.”

“Oh…” Button nuzzled into Lulu’s cheek. “This is nice, but I wanted to snuggle with you while we ate… No offense, Princess Luna. You seem very nice, but it feels weird to know that I am now technically your nephew.”

“Perish the thought, young Button! I fully get it. You need some time to get acclimated with being royalty now.” Luna plated one more kiss on my kid’s forehead before she gave him back to me. However, Cadance soon had her turn, but had a better time with getting him to open up a bit more. I think she was a foalsitter, and still foals sits in her free time.

“Hello, Button. I’m Cadance, but you can call me Cady. I suppose I am your cousin now?”

“You’re… like three times as old as I am.” Button pointed out.

“I probably am, but I am still your cousin. If you wish to get away from your crazy father, you can come to me and Shiny. Or just me; I wouldn’t mind looking after you every now and then.” Cadance looked me in the eyes, telling me that letting her foalsit my foal was not optional; if I was not available, she was getting dibs on that position. She nuzzled Button, before somehow getting him to play what is essentially patty cake with her for a little bit. Celestia was happy to just sit and watch; she knew way ahead of time to give Button some space while he adjusts to his new life.

“So,” I hummed. “Didn’t you invite Blueblood? I heard Chef Beet talk about that.”

“I did,” Celestia nodded. The door cracked open as Blueblood started walking in.

“Auntie, why did you adopt a common foal?” He shouted before his eyes slowly landed on me.

“What did you just call my son, oh, dear nephew?” I asked. “And if you make him cry, I will castrate you, so choose your words carefully-” Blueblood backed out of the door and closed it. “Yeah, fuck off you dickhead.”

“What’s a dickhead?” Button asked, he was laying on Cadance’s head, between her ears…. HEY! That’s supposed to be our thing, kid! God dammit Cadance, curse you for being a natural with foals. Everypony started staring at me after I realized something important.

“Uh… it’s a saying from where I come from. It’s a way of calling somepony a prick; somepony that acts a bit rude to everypony.” I pointed at the door. “Don’t turn out like Blueblood; I gave him an arse whoopin’ for hitting me unprovoked.”

“...Awe, is Blueblood a ‘dickhead’?” Button asked. Oh my lord, he sounds so cute! And his head tilted! I think everypony was giving me disapproving looks for teaching him how to curse. I nodded. “I was hoping to get his autograph; he’s a really popular duelist. I even heard of him, and I lived in an orphanage and in an earth pony town.”

“Never meet your heroes, Button. They usually turn out to fall flat of your expectations, and also tend to not be the best ponies ever. The exception is Luna and Celly; they’re great. Their nephew’s a little shit, though.”

“I wanna see you fight Blueblood now.” I hummed, before pulling out an Illusion Crystal. This is something I wanted to try. I closed my eyes and thought of the time I fought Blueblood. I could hear silverware move as everypony finally started eating their meals. I focused harder before opening my eyes.

“Holy shit that worked!” It was right when Blueblood and I fought. Hmm. “Hey Celly, can you use your magic and think of this moment? You’d probably have a better view of it than I did.” Celly did as asked, and it… actually worked. With a flick of my horn, it swapped between my point of view and Celestia’s.

“Hot damn!” I laughed. “Oh my lord, I didn’t think I could use Illusions like that, or crystals to do this!”

“It is a pretty niche thing due to how expensive Crystals usually are,” Luna hummed. “I’m surprised you thought of that.”

“It was something I've been thinking about.” I lit my horn again and tried to ‘engrave’ the memory into the Crystal as the scene played out.

“You know,” Shiny chuckled. “The fact that you dragged him by the tail across a field, repeatedly slammed him into the ground, and peppered him with spells is brutal. Pulling on a tail can really screw up a pony’s ability to cast.”

“I know. It’s why I did that. I wouldn’t do that in a spar, or if I wanted to play fairly like I did in the tournament. With Blueblood, I just pissed.”

“...Dad, what the buck?” Button asked. “How’d you do that?”

“Shields don’t stop Levitate, so I could grab Shiny’s tail, pull on it while he’s using a shield, and he’s left wide open.”


“Yeah, it’s a trick the guard keeps secret for a reason. I just found out while fighting Blueblood-”

This is for making Lulu cry! This is for being a bitch! Cry! Cry louder you little shit-” The illusion version of me shouted while Blueblood whimpered and cried while I slapped him. Button just started laughing his ass off, as did everypony who didn’t see this in person. Luna was trying to hide her inner-laughter; she was glaring at me for using that nickname in public without her present. I’m gonna get whacked over the head later! After the illusion stopped, I tried projecting another memory with it, only for it to not work.

“Damn. That’s a business venture.” I chuckled. “I found out how to essentially make DVD’s with crystals, this is awesome?”

“What’s a DVD?” Shining Armor asked.

Celly answered before I could. “It’s a disc with media in it. It’s a form of entertainment in Source’s world. Though, how did you recreate it, Source?”

“Casted an Illusion with my memory, and ‘engraved’ it into the crystal. It should only play that memory. Now imagine selling a memory engraved in a crystal to a few ponies, and as long as it’s charged, it can play any replay plays from anywhere.” I slowly spun the crystal in my magic. “Spells can already be engraved into gems, and Illusion is technically a spell with endless variations; it’s limited by the memory it’s playing, or the illusion it’s casting. So I engraved the exact Runes into it and got this bad boy. Now if I copied it, I could sell it, and ponies would know that I spanked the shit out of Blueblood in front of a bunch of guards. Or I got to a play, and with the permission of the cast, ‘record’ it onto a bunch of crystals and sell it. Pay royalties to the cast, and boom, mo-big-cash-munny!”

“...What does that mean?” Celestia asked. Okay, even Celly doesn’t know that, that’s a good sign nopony else does.

“I can get rich by making these.”


“And it would be a good deal since any unicorn can charge a crystal, but it takes me to be able to create the specific ‘variation’ of Illusion and engrave it onto said Crystal. Thanks to how I use the diagnostic spell, I can do it pretty easily too. I might even be able to at the wedding and record it for Cady and Shining Armor; free of charge, of course.”

“That would be wonderful if you could do that!” Cadance chuckled, her mouth was full of food. She had a cheese stick, a spoonful of mac and cheese, some mashed potatoes, and some green beans… How the fuck was she fitting all of that in her mouth? Celestia and Luna shoveled a whole chunk of lasagna into their mouths while Button, me, and Shining all looked a little bit shocked at what an alicorn can pack away. Button quickly moved over to me, where the cheese sticks were, and started munching away at them before Luna tried to eat them all; she had one and looked like she just tried crack for the first time.

“Source, thou are our personal chef from now on. You shall present me a plate of these everyday, and in exchange, I shall forgive thou for publicly embarrassing us!”

“...No,” I said. I think I just made a mistake; Luna’s left eye is twitching.

I ended up being pinned under Luna, while Button evacuated my couch for Celly’s. I couldn’t do much since Luna was stronger than I was, and an alicorn so I couldn’t really use magic. She started thwacking me with her wings and not so gently nipping my mane. I just laid there and took the punishment. Luckily, Button got to eat all the cheese sticks his little stomach could handle, since Luna was now thoroughly distracted with beating the crap out of me for denying her of her new favorite snack.

“Save me,” I said, looking Celly in the eyes. Celestia slowly lifted Button, who had a cheese stick sticking out of his mouth, up so they were both facing me.

“No, we don’t like you…” She said ominously… In other words, that translated to ‘I have the colt, you’re on your own.’ My eyes widened as I realized that nothing could save me from this onslaught.

After everypony had gone to sleep, I slunk away from the bed, as much as it pained me to slip away from Button. He and Celly needed some one on one time anyways, and I wanted to do some research. I wanted to sneak into the royal archives and see if I can’t get a look at dark magic. Sure, it might corrupt the mind or whatever, but I think I could somehow make use of the properties of dark magic without any of the downsides. Luckily, nopony really questioned me walking into the archives since I’m Celly’s student and consort, so none of the guards asked a single thing about that.

I found a book on dark magic pretty quickly, a spell book. It was for the basics of dark magic, and went onto explain why you straight up shouldn’t use it.

For instance, dark magic really took advantage of your emotions, namely hatred, jealousy, or any other ‘negative’ emotion. I hummed at that; that doesn’t sound too bad. Granted, dark magic is also addictive, can literally transform you, or change you as a pony. It gave Luna power because of her mixture of depression, jealousy and anger, but in turn made her almost kill her sister twice. Somepony named King Sombra, a very, very popular practitioner of dark magic, turned a charming king that even Celestia was crushing over, to somepony that literally enslaved his own subjects…

So what if I did something called a Mace Windu?

No, not get your hand cut off because you’re a dumbass and let it happen. No, Mace did something pretty cool. You see, I am a nerd, so I’ll make it simple. Basically, there are two sides to the Force; good and bad. Bad was addictive and could turn you into a monster… sound familiar? Yeah, that’s like dark magic, and both helped you get stronger, or more advanced in magic, or the force quicker. Mace did a fun thing and made a system to take the bad shit, and turn use it against the big bad guy. It was really cool, too bad Mace got murdered so he could never pass it onto anyone, because everyone he passed it onto also got murdered.

Anyways, ponies seem to really, really heavily shy away from most negative emotions for some reason. Sure, they get mad, they can get jealous, but they don’t embrace it. Rather, they try to be ‘harmonious’ and try to actually cast out those emotions. Instead, ponies choose joy, happiness, and generally just ‘good’ emotions. Then somehow the bad emotions… taint them? Yeah, I guess that’s how I would put it. A pony that fully embraces their darker side becomes… tainted, I guess. I find that to be bullshit. As a human, or once a human, I am more accustomed to certain… feelings.

Animosity, anger, hatred, those are all things humans feel on a daily basis, and usually go to sleep no better or no worse than when they wake up. Usually. Not sure about how Two Toed Johnny, your friendly, psychotic, possibly murderous hill-billy can stop himself from killing a guy and ending up in jail because of it.

This all comes down to a few things; one, emotions do affect magic in spell casting and spell output. For instance, dark magic has a cutting spell, and with enough hatred, can cut through steel pretty easily. A regular cutting spell you nonchalantly use to cut a slice of bread… can really only cut that bread. Essentially, if you want to hurt somepony, that’ll affect how strong your spells are. Obviously, there are ways around this, Twilight didn’t wanna hurt Shining Armor but kicked his ass in the tournament, and Celly holds back but hits like a truck.

I suppose it’s about intention? I’m not sure.

By the end of me reading through the introduction and looking over a few spells, I noticed… some Runes, odd Runes. I managed to recreate them, rework them into Python, and reworked DragonFire into it for fun… Uh… some testing later and I used DragonFire to tackle a dummy, incinerate it, and leave a trail of burnt rock. That is something I can’t do while traveling with DragonFire. I didn’t feel any different either. I got that much strength out of a ‘dark magic’ version of DragonFire and all it took was me thinking of a customer at KFC calling me a slur and ruining my day by insulting me.

So if I were truly pissed off… Oh lord, that could be deadly. I may only use it for defensive magic, like somehow working a shield into a ‘dark shield’ and it can rival Shiny’s shields or something, I don’t know. So far I have a good system going, I think. Once you use some dark magic, it’ll only last as long as you’re casting a spell with it, and will immediately dissipate from your body. That way it should have no chance to corrupt the mind, soul, or whatever it corrupts.

I’ve been up all night and I didn’t sleep.

“Dad, why do you look awful?” Button asked, plopping his rump in a chair while Celestia made pancakes and an extra strong cup of coffee.

I lifted my head off the table and yawned. “I was up all night, doing some studying. I made a small breakthrough in my studying. I won’t say what until I’ve figured it out… But if I get it right, I can rework what is considered a bad thing, into a really good thing.”

“And that is?” Sun Butt walked over, setting a large mug full of coffee in front of me alongside the plate of pancakes.

Luna walked in, and she was glaring up a storm at me. I initially ignored her, since she usually looks grouchy when she’s tired.

“It’s nothing too big-”

“Source, why did I sense dark magic in the guard training ground at twelve in the morning?” Luna asked. Celestia slowly looked at me and Button froze in place.

“I was experimenting with it. I spent… way too long with working it into my own spell system and even made another system to-”

“Source,” Celestia said sternly. “I want you to tell me why you’re studying dark magic, and incorporating it into magic you use on a daily basis.”

“I found a way to use it, without getting corrupted or whatever, if it could corrupt a human’s brain to begin with. I know of a spell that completely disrupts magic. So I’ve tacked it onto Dark DragonFire, a creative name I know, and used it last night. No dark magic remained, but I got the benefits of using my anger in spell casting. You can even scan me if you think I’m lying.” Celestia looked me up and down, before Luna added her two cents.

“Source, take it from me, dark magic is a slippery slope.”

“I know. I saw a spell or two that was entirely fucked up, using surrounding living beings to extend your lifespan. I’m not stupid enough to fuck with that. I’m trying to see if I can’t use aspects of dark magic to bolster my own spell casting. Such as reliance on darker emotions, or any emotions at all. Imagine if I find a way to use dark magic to cast a spell using my love for Celly, or you, or any of my friends to power it, Luna. I haven’t yet, but I bet I could find a way.” I glared at both of them. “I’ll cut you both a deal, if I start acting ‘corrupted’ or any different from the bumbling dumbass you see everyday, I’ll drop dark magic entirely, and if I don’t, you can kick my shit in.”

Celestia got close to me, her horn was lit, while Luna pulled Button away to me, and she glared at me. Her lovely eyes widened when she… “You… No corruption at all? No desire to keep doing dark magic?”

“Not really. As I said, I had a failsafe in mind. Cast the bad magic, a spell that grinds my magic into the dirt stops the formation of bad magic residue. I doubt it would do something to me, humans are horrible, but my point still stands; I’m being careful.”

“...Swear to me, that if you feel any sort of corruption, you will drop this?”

“Every fiber of my being, Celly. I swear of my father’s name, that I’ll drop it if you sense something’s wrong with me.” I kissed her. “I swear. I’ll only use it in dire situations too, when I’ll actually need the extra power to say… save my lovely princess?”

“...Dad, that was cheesy,” Button interjected. Luna walked over and hugged me.

“I know, but look at Celly.” Celly was currently blushing up a storm. I glanced up at Luna, who was resting her head on mine.


“I suppose I shall apologize, for I was about to say you were up to no good. Though clearly you have no ill intent, Source.”

“It’s cool. I’ve read what dark magic can do, and have seen what it can do to ponies. Again, only using the aspects of dark magic, and incorporating them into Python. I’m only experimenting, Luna.”

“I know…” she sighed. “Let us drop this topic for now. I believe we have a camping trip to discuss; I know you’ve been planning one over Button’s fall break. I would like to go.”

After that, breakfast, or Luna’s dinner, commenced with a much more lighthearted conversation about Celly and Luna’s foal hood of going camping, and ended up getting invited along by a somewhat timid Button, and neither mare could really say no those hope filled eyes when he asked. I chuckled at that…

Then my face found itself hitting my pancakes and I passed out from the sheer lack of sleep that I’ve had. On top of my slightly aching horn from all the Rune experimentation, studying, writing with my magic… Then the testing of Dark DragonFire, a more combat suited version of DragonFire. I think I could hear somepony mumbling about ‘he’s bucking worse than your star student is’, but I could be wrong, since I was knocked out.

I also don’t care; pancakes make for a nice pillow.

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