• Published 9th Feb 2024
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Source Code - Nugget27

Source Code, once an indie game developer is transported to Equestria by unknown means.

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Unicorn College Convention pt. 1

So, I had the whole week to prepare myself for the magic school meet up or whatever. Apparently there were plenty of unicorn universities. One was all the way in Prance, which was kinda cool. There were schools for every major city in Equestria, so that meant… Canterlot had Celestia’s School For Gifted Unicorns, along with Canterlot’s Community College for Unicorns, Manehattan, Philadelphia, Stalliongrad, Trottingham, Minneapolis, Bales, Hoofington, Vanhoover. Fuck even some of the smaller towns, that have a decent amount of unicorns living in them, have their own universities. There were at least two unicorn universities(not the actual names for them, but alliteration seems fun), whereas Canterlot had at least three according to Celly.

For instance, Celly registers as a separate educator from her own school, since she tends to take personal students from time to time, even though Twilight did take regular classes in her school for gifted unicorns. Meanwhile, she still received a majority of her magic teaching from Celestia herself than any of the professors in her school. Basically, since Twilight exclusively learnt magic from Celestia, it meant she technically wasn’t a ‘magic student’ of Celestia’s School For Gifted Unicorns.

The Royal Guard has its own unicorn university that is primarily focused on combat magic.

Since I was also Celestia’s personal student(not star pupil, that still belonged to Twilight), that meant I was supposed to come along. So I spent most of the week coming up with a design for my own booth, since there were three parts for the event. One part per day. The first was the introduction of everypony going, students, professors, what they learn or teach, what they do to try and advance magic. There was going to be a whole section during the first day where I was to go on stage and get introduced to the magical community at large. Then I got to go to my own booth, greet ponies at it, and hear old farts suck their own magical dicks.

While it was meant for unicorns, it was a public event, so it being held in Ponyville was a chance for the ponies to do… something, I suppose. I dunno what a town that’s predominantly earth ponies would get out of a ‘fancy’ unicorn meet up, but whatever. They could sell food. Pinkie makes a mean chocolate cake and the Apples just make good food.

The second event involved a magical show, which was more like a competition. There were two brackets, students and teachers, so two separate winners(Celestia was not allowed to compete since she wasn’t a unicorn). Twilight did exceptionally well, in fact, whenever she did partake in the meetup, she won this. The problem that Twilight mainly had wasn’t power or application… for the most part. Twilight goes so by the books that it’s ridiculous. She could easily perform any spell you ask her to perform, but then she probably won’t do anything special with the spell, just use it like you’re supposed to. This could lead to her not being incredibly predictable, and since she had to pull her punches, ended up losing in the third event quite often. Trixie Lulamoon often won this competition(she’s from the Neigh Orleans Unicorn University) often won the second competition, but coincidentally never partook in any competitions that Twilight happened to take part in.

Since Trixe was still in Ponyville, apparently, she probably will compete this year with Twilight.

The third and final competition was combat, Twilight did well purely based on how fucking much of a cheat code Twilight is. She’s strong, quick at casting, and has damn near every spell in existence nailed down, including combat spells. The only reason why she loses, is again, her textbook application of those spells and her sheer lack of combat experience. Shining Armor took part sometimes, and often ended up flooring most of the competition(he usually wins too). I doubt I would win any of the competitions, but I think I could do well purely based on Python’s spells, and Python Plus(it’s a better name than Python Script in my humble opinion which is law). From what I can understand, nopony’s made a new magical system since Star Swirl the Bearded, so that may just win me the second competition on its own.

This whole thing will make me scared and concerned about a lot of things. Especially ponies. I’m terrible at dealing with ponies.

I sat down in the carriage next to Celestia while I checked over my saddlebags. “This is gonna suck.”

“It won’t be all too bad. I’m certain that you’ll enjoy yourself,” Celestia nudged me with a wing. “Again, if you hate what you see, you are free to go spend the next three days anywhere else, so long as it’s in Ponyville. However, all I ask is that you stick around long enough for your introduction to the convention. Can you do that for me?” Celly asked, nuzzling my cheek. The look she’s giving me is simple, it was a big eyed, adorable little head tilt. It was the look that Celestia gave me whenever she wanted me to do something for, because I would end up doing it for her if she gave me the look. It was kinda sad, but not very sad, and a little pitiful looking.

Given how big Celly is, it’s a shock that she can make that face and get away with it.

“I’ll try to make it through the whole event, Celly. Jesus christ, why did you have to figure out that that look is my weakness?”

“Well, you decided to say it was adorable one time,” Celestia giggled, while giving me an even cuter look. She even tilted her head just a little, like a German Shepherd would. “Well? Am I adorable?”

“Fuck you,” I grumbled, before I grabbed both her cheeks with my hooves, before kissing her. Celestia ‘oh’d and ‘eep’d. I swear, I could hear the sweat rolling off of our guards. They had to do their best to not acknowledge that their Princess was being kissed right on the lips behind them while they began to pull her chariot out of the carriage bay. Celestia, while I was kissing her, sat there, wide eyed, before she leaned into the kiss and closed her eyes. By the time we were done, we were well in the air and halfway to Ponyville. “As I said, fuck you,” I whispered, before kissing her cheek and letting her go.

“You best make do on that when we get back home from this event. I doubt the motel that we will be staying at will appreciate the noise that would ensue if you were to fulfill that offer in Ponyville.” Celestia bobbed her eyebrows. “I have been a little stressed recently, and I assume that you can assist with relieving me of that stress?”

“Oh, I will.” I whispered, before I pulled back to look at the view. This was the first time I’ve actually rode in a sky chariot, and it… was actually pretty cool. Sure, it was scary since the only thing keeping me in the chariot was an enchantment, and a seatbelt-less cushion that was also only held in the chariot by the same enchantment. It really wasn’t too discernible from when me and Celestia had our first date at a tiny little cafe on the edge of the shopping plate of Canterlot… Mmm, I wanna take her out on another date soon. Maybe for a honeymoon we both enjoy a nice, long week in a log cabin together.

Painted hills, colored skies, Canterlot becoming more and more distant, while Ponyville becomes closer and closer with each passing minute. Celly and I shared one more, very short kiss to get it all out of our systems, so that the majority of Ponyville, and the Scholars, wouldn’t think we’re dating… yet. I plan on kissing Celestia on stage after I’m introduced.

The flight to Ponyville didn’t take that long, as just a train ride to Ponyville, from Canterlot, was about an hour, two if there was a delay or something blocking the caves that the tracks go up through. A chariot often only took about ten to twenty minutes at the longest. Since me and Celly spent about half of that kissing, we landed in Ponyville pretty quickly in front of town hall. The majority of the convention would be held out in a random field outside of Ponyville(I could even see tents from the chariot before it landed). However, it was a usual courtesy for Celestia to stop and visit the local government’s leader.

It was also where Twilight and her friends were supposed to be meeting us at.

Lo and behold, Twilight was walking up to the town hall, with her friends, explaining the magical convention. Rainbow rubbed it off as egghead stuff, Rarity actually seemed a little interested, Apple Jack didn’t seem to particularly care, but wanted to support Twilight, Fluttershy was… trying to hide behind Rainbow Dash, away from all the unfamiliar unicorns that were flooding in from the train station. Promptly after we landed, Luna popped out of fucking nowhere, because I guess it would make sense for the Crown, besides Celly, to make an appearance.

“You know,” Celestia mused as she looked at me, before her eyes started wandering down to what I was wearing. “I don’t know why you insisted on buying a trench coat. What is wrong with going without it?”

“Trench coats look cool, and I always wanted one, but never knew where to get one. I found this bad boy at some boutique, and I think I look cool.”

“Well, you do look handsome in it, and I suppose you do look rather ‘cool’ while wearing a trench coat. Perhaps I shall buy myself a matching pair? It is a known thing for couples to have matching outfits where you come from, is it not?”

“It is a thing that some couples love to do. Seeing you in a trench coat would be a sight to see. I bet you’d look adorable with a fedora.” The look on her face told me she was now considering buying a fedora.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight and her friends stopped to bow.

“What’s with the trench coat?” Apple Jack asked me shortly after bowing to Luna and Celestia. Luna said a few words to Celestia, licked my cheek once, before flying off to likely go book herself a motel room on the opposite side from where me and Celly were going to book one; just in case Celly and I start having fun.

“...I’m not gonna explain it every time, so let’s just say the… colt that’s inside of me thought trench coats were cool, so I bought one on impulse.”

“That thing is… atrocious,” Rarity shuttered. My trench coat was a nice, sleek black coat that rested on my back, and draped down my hindlegs, covering my tail, and came to a stop just above my hind-hooves. “It…”

“It’s perfectly fine, Rarity. I like it, and that is really all that matters when it comes to clothes, ain’t it? Aside from comfort, of course. Style is subjective after all.”

“I suppose, but I’m saying that the quality of that thing is horrible. How much was it?”

“Thirty bits.”

“...I could’ve made you a higher quality trench coat for half that, dear. You look fine,” Rarity drew that last bit out while looking me over. “If that one ever tears, or wears out, you are more than welcome to stop by the Carousel Boutique; I will happily make you a new one, perhaps even provide you with a fedora?”

“That… would be pretty cool. I’ll have to take you up on that offer whenever I end up wearing out this coat. For now, it’s fine.” Rarity seemed to be perfectly happy with that, so we dropped the topic.

“So,” I said to Twilight, I sat on my rump and chuckled. “Ready to… well, you likely won’t get your arse handed to you, you’re way too strong for that. Uh, ready to watch me eat shit on the third day?”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine, Source. It’s all for fun anyways, even if the university that wins the third event gets some extra promotion from having the best trained unicorns for combat.”

“Ah, street cred for kicking butt. Well, I hope to win the second day’s event purely using Python; it’s basically done at this point, so I bought a few copies to sell. I even sent you a copy a week ago. You got it, right?”

“Yup! Spike burped it up. I must say, having your notes formatted into a textbook is way better than using your journal. Even… if I can’t get much use out of it, the fact that you made a new system of magic, and you’re developing another, that is incredible!”

“Good thing that the second system totally isn’t the third one I’ve developed.” Twilight caught that really quickly and gave me a ‘explain it now, bitch’ look. “I initially tailored Python just for me, before I realized how much it could benefit weaker unicorns if I were to teach them how to use Python. Python Plus is a variant of Python exclusively for me, more complicated equations, entire spells fitted into one Rune, which is why the equations are more complicated, and spell casting with Python Plus is so optimized that it stuck me in the top half of the Guard’s unicorns… Or rather, I would've been if I were actually in the guard, but the point. Python Plus is something I can’t really format it into a textbook because only I know how to do the equations, and the Runes.”

“...Dang, that is very impressive. Though DragonFire alone may be enough for you to win the second day. After all, nopony before has even tried to figure out how dragon fire actually works, and then you find a way to consistently make dragon fire with a spell. And it’s flashy.”

"And totally wicked!” Rainbow chimed in.

“Eh, first we gotta get settled in, and the first event’s gonna start which, to me, sounds like a bunch of old farts getting ready to ride their own hot-haydogs into outer space with how much they’ll probably be bragging about their accomplishments.” Twilight and Celestia snorted, whereas the rest of the girls looked mildly confused by that.

We both stepped into our motel room, which was apparently the fanciest one the owners could offer, which wasn’t much since it was a motel room, but I suppose it was kinda nice. It was nicer than the motel room I managed to get with the stipend check I was supposed to get, until I got a job and moved into Celestia’s chambers after we started dating… I may need to change that, but Celestia doesn’t seem to mind that I’m still sleeping in her bed, and probably prefers it. I suppose it is normal for people, and ponies, to move into their significant other’s home. The motel room… was actually just a carbon copy of my motel room back home.

Except the carpet was a mixture of random shades of blue, which then meshed into an unpleasant shade of blue.

“Well,” I said. “This isn’t too shabby, given that the owner insisted on giving us this room for free.”

“It is rather nice for a motel room. Though I personally would rather have been able to pay for it-”

“Again, if the owner didn’t damn near force you to take the room for free.” We both sighed, before I unhooked my saddlebags and set them aside. “The first event is essentially just a meet and greet, right?” Celestia nodded. “Darn. Well,” I took my trench coat off and laid it on the bed that I knew that neither of us would be using; we were going to definitely get overdosed on snuggles later. “Might as well get this shit over with, eh?”

“Oh please, it cannot be that bad. I’m sure you’ll even meet a few ponies that you’ll become close friends with.

We ended up splitting upon getting to the first event. It literally was just a meet and greet until everypony finally showed up. So I ended up wandering around the ‘convention’ for a lack of a better word, as well, held out in the middle of a field since there wasn’t anywhere else to have it. Ponies all around were setting up tents for their school, probably to promote it. Some of the locals were actually setting up concession stands, or had already had a few set up. I had ended up putting my trench coat back on, in order to keep a low profile while I walked around the sea of tents. While I was apparently a big deal to all these scholars, nopony knew what I looked like due to a lack of photographic proof of what I looked like. I felt bored. Honestly, I would rather try to make a copy of Doom Eternal run on a Raspberry Pi, at least I could make some bootleg of Doom that might vaguely look like the real thing.

Somepony tapped my shoulder… and lo and behold, it was Trixie.

“Trixie knew she would find you here!”

“Ah Trixie, how’s life going?” I said with a grin. Trixie nuzzled up into my side.

“Trixie has been seeing some more success when it comes to her show business, thanks to DragonFire! Even some ponies from Ponyville were impressed! Trixie hopes to win this year's second event, but she is doubtful with you and Twilight Sparkle being here… Though Trixie does have a trick up her sleeve,” she slowly levitated up an Amulet. I quickly ran a diagnostic spell over it before my eyes widened. “What, is something wrong?”

“That thing is about ready to burst from dark magic, Trixie. Why the hell do you have that?”

“Trixie thought it would help her contend with some of the more… magically gifted unicorns in Equestria. You have your system of magic to help you, but Trixie has nothing.”

“You have a copy of a journal that has everything you need to know about Python; you don’t need that amulet. Feck, I did a lot of research, I kinda have to given my position, that amulet can make you do some fucked up shit, Trixie. Sure, it’ll help you ‘compete’ but it’s not wise to use that in front of Celestia, who’s also here, or various other unicorns who will know what’s going on. Absolute power corrupts absolutely; standing over everyone else that you beat into submission ain’t how you should go about. It’s all for fun anyways, so why worry about being the absolute best?”

“I… Trixie believes you are right, but it-” I grabbed the amulet, spun it around enough time, and promptly launched it into space after spinning it enough time and using a momentum spell to make it actually fly into space. It whistled on the way up, and everypony looked at us. “I suppose that solves the problem. How are you certain that it won’t land in the hooves of somepony else?”

“I put a tracking spell on it. It’s on its way to another planet, a planet where nothing should be alive, but I wouldn’t be surprised if something was alive. If anything does find it, the amulet simply won’t even work anyways. I also put another spell on it to have it detonate,” Trixie gave me an odd look. “It’s gonna blow up in about five minutes, and if it doesn’t breach the atmosphere, then it’ll be blown up before it even touches the ground. In other words, it’s probably fine if the amulet gets found; it’ll be blown to shit anyways.”

“That doesn’t sound good. Magic just… doesn’t disappear,” Trixie whispered.

“Well, in outer space, where there shouldn’t be anything with a pulse, let alone complex thoughts, that doesn’t matter. And the amulet will probably fly into the Sun; I made sure that it would at least… I think it would, I’m not smart enough to just do stuff like that… I should’ve just asked Celly about it; she would’ve known what to do with it.

“Well Trixie, hope ya enjoy the rest of the convention, don’t eat too much of those haydogs, it’ll go right to your stomach. Gotta keep looking nice and lovely so you can keep getting a shit load of fanmail, eh?” I asked, giving Trixie a sly smile while her face slowly became thoroughly red. Ah, Trixie would be pretty cute too, and she is right now, if she didn’t initially act like a bit of a cunt, but it was all apparently an act, since Trixie was at least acting like a decent pony right now.

“Trixie will take your advice; even if Trixie could kill for a haydog right about now.”

“Hey, just don’t eat too many of those things. I heard of a dude that did, and his stomach exploded and killed him. Anything can kill you if you get too much of it.”

“You are right… enjoy the meetup, Source. Trixie believes she will be seeing you on stage for both the magic show, and the magical duels?”

“Probably.” We both bumped hooves, and Trixie started on her way towards the nearest concession stand to go munch down on some haydogs. She bought sixteen of them, before wandering off to a nearby picnic table to eat them. I simply sat for a moment, before realizing that Trixie just pounded down sixteen haydogs and was going for more… so much for watching how many of those things she ate. Oh well, I’m not one to judge Trixie’s eating habits. I barely ate anything anyways, so maybe I should grab something to eat… Apple Jack’s family should be selling some of their goods… I would love an apple pie right about now.

I quickly found the Apple Family’s concession stand because of the smell of cinnamon, apples, and just good food. And because Twilight and her friends were there, Twilight was being chastised by a stallion, probably from another school in Canterlot, while looking mildly uncomfortable.

“Howdy,” I greeted Big Mac who was actually running the stand with Apple Bloom, who adorably, was wearing a big, stereotypical chef hat, even though all she was supposed to do was stand and hold a sign. While I could tell that she wanted to go hangout with her friends, who were glued to Rarity for the evening, she was an Apple at heart, and the Apples love selling their goods first and foremost.

Big Mac seemed to mainly be handling the cooking and the selling part of the concession stand.

“Howdy,” the big stallion reached over and we bumped hooves. “What can Ah get for ye, Source?”

“I see you guys took my idea on the apple pies,” I nodded to the apple pies that almost looked like any apple pie from a fast food place. Instead of it being full pies, it was more like apple pie logs. In other words, it was more like a hot pocket, and was definitely better for ponies just looking to buy a snack rather than buy a whole ass pie.

“We did, it’s been selling a lot! Fuck, they sell more than the whole pies do!” Apple Bloom jumped up and down. “They’re really addictive, so I can get why. Did you want an apple pie?”

“Eh, yeah, that’s why I seeked this place out first and foremost. You Apples sure do know how to cook with your namesakes, eh?”

“That we do,” Big Mac nodded. “Here’s a couple on the house; we don’t charge friends of the family.”

“And I insist on supporting my friends’ business, lemme pay for you-”

“Your bits ain’t good here, Source! How many bucking times do we gotta tell you about this?” Apple Bloom asked. She gave me big ol’ puppy eyes. “Please just let us give you these for free!”

“Why are you apples so insistent on-”

“You literally worked for our farm, for free without pay, once,” Big Mac pointed out. “Yer a good friend anyways, and you gave us the idea for these ‘apple logs’ as we’ve been callin’ them.”

“...God dammit guys,” I chuckled, before jerking my head. “C’mere, Big Mac, I gotta give you a hug. Same with you, Apple Bloom.” I gave them both a nice, big hug, and Big Mac handed over the apple pie sliders. “Next time I’m in town, you are letting me buy you a drink, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom, you’re going to let me take you to a candy shop before me, your brother, and your sister get drunk. I don’t think I should be escorting a sweet, little filly anywhere while hungover.” Apple Bloom was fine with that, even if I'm sure she's probably has had alcohol before.

“We’re lookin’ forward to yer next visit to Ponyville, partner,” Big Mac said with a grin, before nodding towards Twilight and her friends. “Go spend the ‘meetup’ with them, alright?”

“I was probably going to. Nice talkin’ to ya, Bloom, keep being adorable; a colt likes a cute filly after all-”

“Ah ain’t lookin’ for colts,” Apple Bloom said with a blush. “Though… there is this one colt in Ms. Cheerilee’s class…”

“D’aw, you’ll have to tell me all about him. I’ll probably stick in town for a day or three after the event, so I’m sure you can.”

“Ah, will. See you, Uncle Source!” I raised an eyebrow at that. “Yer an honorary uncle to me.” You know what? I could be happy with being unlawfully adopted by the Apples. I picked the filly up, nuzzled her, before going off to join Twilight’s group of friends.

I walked up to the lavender unicorn that was starting to look more and more uncomfortable with talking to the stallion that she was chatting with. As I got closer, I could guess why.

“-And you smell nice.”

“Hey man, you don’t know how to flirt. Leave my… marefriend alone before I slap the shit out of you.” Twilight and the rest of her friends flinched, until I looked Twi in the eye. “Roll with it,” I whispered.

“...M-marefriend? Princess Celestia’s star pupil has a coltfriend?”

“Eeyup! We’ve been happily dating for weeks!” Twilight said she was obviously lying, but unless you were Apple Jack, or Celestia or Luna, most ponies kinda sucked at telling if somepony was lying to them. To really seal it though, I nuzzled Twilight’s cheek, and immediately went to grooming her ears. I know that was basically the ultimate sign of affection for ponies, so I knew it would probably get this nerd to back off. “See? We’re happily dating.” The poor fella actually looked a little down by that, before walking off. As soon as I knew the guy was out of earshot, I backed off of Twilight and took a deep breath.

“Okay, I know for a fact,” I pointed at Celestia, who was off in the distance, and watching us. “Celestia took a photo of that to tease us with. Judging from the shit eating grin that’s nicely concealed behind those magenta eyes of hers. But at least you aren’t being flirted on by a really nerdy stallion?”

“He… was obviously trying to get me to sleep with him. It’s weird… aren’t you supposed to get to know ponies before that stuff?”

“Mmm, probably. It’s how you have more fun while doing that sorta thing at least. I can kinda get why, you’re a pretty mare that’s got a lot of street cred, and you’re fucking Twilight motherfucking Sparkle; your existence must’ve sent ripples throughout these eggheads when you were first taken as Celestia’s prodigy. And admittedly, if I were half the stallions here, who are around your age, I would love to just have the chance to flirt with you. You’re one of them, but happen to be attractive.” Twilight blushed at that. “And you’re god damn smart; I’m sure a stallion would also love that in a mare.”

“Are you trying to hit on me now?” Twilight asked, dropping the shocked look, and was trying to be a bit more of a teasing one.

“Meh, Celly’s the only mare for me, Twi, you know this. I’m just taking it from that guy’s perspective, but he really shoulda noticed that you weren’t very comfortable with that at all and backed off.”

“Well… I also didn’t just tell him I wasn’t interested. I didn’t want to be rude…”

“Wow, if I tried the same thing when we first met, you would’ve brushed me off and walked away.”

“...I’ve learnt a thing or two about friendship, and being friendly, Source.” Twilight looked around her group of friends. “Is everypony done eating?”

“Yeah!” the girls chorused.

“Okay, the ‘introduction’ bit should be starting soon,” I pointed out, before scarfing down the last of my apple log. “C’mon Twi, we gotta get in position with Celly so that we can all be called on stage at the same time.” I waved to the girls. “See y’all after we’re introduced.”

“Ladies and gentlecolts,” Celestia had begun her speech which basically consisted of… “Thanks for coming out here, and thank you for inviting me this year once more.” It was a nice, kinda long speech. After she was done, she immediately stepped off the stage to go reunite with me and Twilight while the first few university professors and their subsequent students started going up on stage. The first was from Celestia’s School For Gifted Unicorns, which had somepony named Minuette, who was mostly here because she actually lived in Ponyville. So I’m assuming they asked her to come along to save the trouble of having to get somepony else out of Canterlot.

Minuette, was a light blue unicorn with a darker blue mane and tail, with streaks of a shade of blue more akinned to her coat, going through it. Adorning her flanks was an hourglass. From the way she was standing, I could tell she was a bit of an airhead, but was probably pretty smart, and probably good with magic if she graduated from Celly’s school with pretty solid grades, and her magic repertoire is apparently pretty decent... The professor that was present was some old, gray, friendly looking unicorn that was named Atomic Slice. The two waved at the crowd, introduced themselves, and headed off stage for the next school.

The next school was named ‘The Royal Guard’s Combat School For Gifted Unicorns’. It was a school exclusive to the guard and aimed to teach its stronger unicorns how to actually defend themselves, and because it’s a guard oriented school, how to defend other ponies from small scale to large scale threats, something a stronger unicorn can handle. Shining Armor was there, as apparently a former graduate, which made sense since he was fucking hard to fight, since his sheilds, I swear to god, barely have any weak points in them. Like I could go at it all day, and unless I used a specific spell in Python(that I luckily shortened down to a few Runes and made a very basic spell equation for), I couldn’t get through a shield that Shining set up. With that very specific spell, however, I made it specifically to blend well with other offensive spells such as a Stun or a Knockout spell. So fighting him got easier, until you get into the more physical side of things. Since Shining Armor was a captain, he also registered as a teacher due to the nature of how the Guard’s school is set up. However, an actual teacher did show up, and he was only a rank or two above Shiny.

I could see Rarity in the crowd; she wanted to try and flirt with Shiny judging by the look she’s giving him. Given how I saw Cadance’s shoed hooves poking out from under the curtain, that wasn’t going to be a thing that happened. Not without it getting weird, or if Cadance and Shiny actually like Rarity, can get really frisky in their motel room right after… or Twilight’s Library, because I’m assuming that they would take any chance, with them being Twilight’s old foalsitter and BBBFF(big brother best friend forever) respectively, to stay with Twilight over the course of the next three days.

Hell, I’m surprised that she didn’t immediately introduce them to her friends. Maybe she just didn’t get the chance to? They did only just meet up around the time that the event was supposed to begin, so I guess Twi didn’t instantly know that her brother and Cadance were coming by. As soon as Twilight figured out Cadance was around the back of the stage, immediately went around the back and did a cute little greeting dance with her.

Most of the professors and students were a complete blur for me, since Luna actually took over for Celestia when introducing the subsequent unicorns. “Now, ladies and gentle colts.” I could tell that Luna was struggling to not revert to her more archaic way of speaking. “Last, but not least, is my sister, Princess Celestia and her star pupil, Twilight Sparkle!” To be flashy, both Twilight and Celestia teleported on stage, Celestia had her beautiful wings that I totally didn’t stare at the whole time, held high as the two walked to the front of the stage and introduced themselves.

“Now, some of you may have heard of the recent news, of me taking a second star pupil, and while he may not be as magically gifted as my faithful little student, Twilight Sparkle, he has made leaps and bounds recently in magical discovery. His understanding of magic theory, and his impressive spell repertoire stood out to me. Introducing my latest student, Source Code!” Princess Celestia stepped back, and I suddenly combusted. You see, I was just sitting in the crowd like an idiot, so when I suddenly combusted, everypony was shocked at first. In fact everypony started screaming and were seconds away from panicking.

Then I appeared right next to Princess Celestia, and nuzzled into her side. Celly promptly sat down and draped a wing over me. “Howdy, everypony,” I waved. “As you all saw, I just burnt to a crisp a few seconds ago. With the help of Twilight’s assistant, Spike, I figured out how to use DragonFire, and found out how to use it as a means of transporting myself. It’s something that’s a part of something that I have been developing for the last year that I’ve been Tia’s student; it’s something called…” I paused. “Python. I've spent most of this year developing Python; it’s its own magical system that's built off the very, very basic Rune based spells that already exist. However it consists of my own Runes that I’ve brute forced into existence, and a ton of equations. Unfortunately, you have to be exact; you can’t make a single mistake when it comes to the casting of Python, or stumble over Runes while casting, but the results from using Python is Huge.

“I am probably the weakest unicorn here, or at least the weakest unicorn that’s going to any university. However, Python lets me contend in the Royal Guard, against their tougher unicorns, and even beat a fair amount of them. Twilight Sparkle is beyond powerful, and I can actually hold out against her for a good amount of time too because of Python. Granted, if you’re already pretty damn strong with magic, Python isn’t really something you should default to. If you already have a good grasp of magic, Python may be a waste of time, and it’s only really useful if you aren’t that strong with magic.

“However, I suppose I’ll have to wait to show you all just how effective Python is for what I’ve built it for. Casting Optimization for Strength; every single spell in Python is absurdly easy, and thus means you can pour more power into any given spell casted. Twilight can’t make use of it, mostly because it will backfire, and it will probably knock her out…”

“Why’d you make it if stronger unicorns can’t use Python?” One of the professors asked. He was from Baltimare, and he had a scowl that seemed to be permanently etched into his face. “If none of us can use it, then what’s the point?”

“I said I was weak. I made it for us ‘weak’ unicorns. If one of y’all suddenly went wild and wanted to murder me, Python is meant to purely help me hold out for help, or get away from the problem, while also just having its own variants of everyday spells like Levitate, to make precision greater, or to literally travel faster with DragonFire. Even Twilight can use DragonFire without it backfiring because I developed certain spells, that don’t exist anywhere else, to be easy to cast and have little drawbacks. Twi, can you be a dear and showcase your application of DragonFire?”

Twilight did as asked, lighting herself on fire, and promptly flying around the sky with DragonFire before promptly landing next to me.

“See? Python has a reason to exist, but it’s not the end all, be all of the spell systems.” Another pony raised their hoof. I motioned for them to continue.

“Why are you leaning into Princess Celestia like that? She’s your teacher and Princess, not your mother!”

I snickered, before slowly kissing Celestia on the cheek. Celestia giggled, blushed, before promptly kissing me on the mouth. “I didn’t expect you to be so… forward with saying we were dating,” Celestia whispered in my ear. “To say that I am pleasantly surprised, is an understatement!”

“So, anymore questions?” I asked.

Everypony in the crowd was broken.

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